#dont know who That was aimed at whatever we're letting it go
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 2 years ago
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bastard who loves taking advantage of the impression he gave you of him
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wizardlover124 · 2 years ago
On Grandpa/Jake Harley
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you know shits about to be long as fuck when i add the keep reading line like four lines in lol
anyway anon all this is 4 u!! feel free to talk ab this by just tagging instead of rb i dont want 2k words to be posted over n over again
Grandpa Harley being some kind of pseudo-omnipotent deity figure who somehow figures out/guesses (my money's on guesses) extremely intricate details about the game and does everything he can to make things go right is something that we don't talk about enough. It's one of the only plans in Homestuck made that are orchestrated entirely by one person then ends up going right. It's that pattern of hoping that the cards fall into place in the right way (unless we're taking the Grandpa is practically God perspective, which is interesting in its own right)—but notably, he makes a lot of preparations beforehand. He's so... active. It fascinates me. I'll have to talk about this on the Jake English as Jesus Christ trope post (it's coming, I swear, brainrot's a bitch) but the sheer amount of things he does is astounding. But, lo and behold, he wasn't always like this. Cue: the Skaianet Systems Incorporated texts.
Quick note about all that. A very large portion of the things Hussie wrote for SSI is 1) dubiously canon, and 2) a bunch of anti-semitic bullshit that he probably never should have fucking released to the public, at least not like that. Like, holy shit, keep that and your weird comments about sexual slavery in your Notes app dude, we don't need to hear it. For this reason I suggest reading the actual material with extreme caution. Cool? Cool. On with it. Here's a lil' review of Jake Harley before the session.
Funny enough, Jake had always been kind of pathetic in the Beta session as well.
So Skaianet was actually established by HIC as a front for laundering technology from Alternia and Sburbian ruins. The key of SN was not to actually develop tech, but make it look like it so that people will believe you when your company just re-defined gravity for the hundredth time. Jake has to play the "famous genius shtick," but he doesn't do so well. When he fully inherits SN at 21 he runs it hands-on, and "believes" his success is due to hard work and diligence. He also "believes SN is now a considerably more distinct entity from Crocker Corp, and his leadership of the company is a result of his hard work and competence. Neither is true." He's manipulated by his at-the-time boyfriend (Charlie Chaplin, somehow) into letting a rebel force into the Crocker manor, though the effort is ultimately thwarted by HIC.
He also has a disastrous love life. His relationship at sixteen with Chaplin consists of Chaplin finding him "obnoxious and thoughtless" though he "can't seem to quit him," and Jake ultimately "[toys] with his heart, and [abandons] him." This later (much later, think decades) manifests into something way worse when Chaplin appears in an outing Jake has with one of his families (he's had many, though not at once) and tries to kill Jake for not just his involvement with SN/HIC, but for breaking his heart as well. Notably, in this scene, upon having a gun aimed at him Jake reflexively hides behind his wife, who ends up being shot in his stead. He's out-strifed so badly that he'd have died in the jungle (oh yeah he takes his wife and 5yo son to a jungle btw) if Chaplin didn't have a divine intervention moment afterwards.
At 32 he also abandons his post at SN for fucking around Europe. "[H]e's out exploring and adventuring, completely oblivious to whatever's going on in Europe. He hops from site to site, looking for Sburbian ruins to plunder." One, the "whatever's going on" is WW2, again, somehow. Two, he has a daughter there that he "takes custody of, apprentices as an adventurer, and takes all over the place on his adventures." When he takes her to Hawaii she ditches him because she's sick of her "douchebag dad." And there's that Jude family too, obviously.
Oh, and all the Beta guardians are also meteor babies. It's how Jake ends up finding Dirk and Roxy to begin with—he sets them up with trust funds in Texas and New York so that they can be of use to SN later, though whether he knew their importance in the larger context of SBURB is unclear.
All caught up? Great.
The exact details of how every event goes down aren't as important as the lessons you can draw from it, namely: Jake Harley is an absolute fucking mess of a human being. He continuously creates families—notice how he keeps having children with his wive—then is bereaved of them. A few times he abandons them, a few times they abandon him, and sometimes they get killed by your ex-boyfriend. It's a neat little insight into just how neck-deep these commitment issues lie, but it's also fun to consider that he seeks it so desperately. This man has on record has had:
one wife be shot dead in front of him
a son who was technically kidnapped from him by the man who almost beat him to death (his ex-boyfriend)
a daughter ditch him in the middle of hawaii for being a shitty dad
a daughter (joey claire) be teleported by portal to alternia, who hated jake so much she took her dead mom's last name
said dead mom/wife whom upon her death leaves her children "Semi Orphans" because he just straight up ditches his kids to go work on hellmurder island
probably more
And he still considers himself a grandfather to Jade. TBF, I guess the easier way of explaining it is that it's simply the natural explanation—they are sort of related after all. But considering that he once sired an illegitimate daughter and not only took her into custody but tried to raise her as his liege, I still find it the fact that he tries over and over again to the point of rending the family meaningless interesting. I think it's viable that Jake wanted a family—not one where he and Jane were raised by HIC and poorly—but a real one. His attempt to raise that first daughter to mirror his habits reflects the way HIC raised Beta Jane to mirror her. Yet after relationship after relationship goes horribly wrong, this desire fades into a kind of apathetic unsureness to the point where this is what he says about his last "full" family, the Harley-Claires:
He's been making good headway on his quest for the mysterious island in the pacific. Once everything is taken care of here, he'll leave this family behind and set up shop on that island permanently. That's when the real work begins. The discoveries on that island will finally unite him with the destiny he's been in search of his whole life.
Two things of note. One, his first recorded instance of permanently setting up jackshit anywhere is at first with SkaiaNet then at Hellmurder island. Both locations share that theme of "destiny" in common—notice how he considers SN divorced from Crockercorp because of his efforts and tries to make the place overall less HIC-controlled, but ultimately fails. And sure, he later achieves this kind of destiny by having his Sburb plan go "right" but before this not a single "plan" he established went correctly. Jake in either timeline isn't a guy who regularly makes plans for multiple efforts—they zero in on one goal that appears as part of their calling and makes it happen, damn it. To him, that's a success. Whether he "actually does" is up for interpretation.
See, HIC actually wanted the Beta kids to play the game. She'd been using the Beta session as a "testing" timeline, knowing which events and people to avoid and keep in mind so that she can play everything out exactly the way she wants it to. Part of the reason why Crockertier Jane was so firmly for marrying Jake and having children was because that had been HIC's idea of what Beta Jake's purpose was once he landed on a Meteor (after B!Jane). So he saw the "big picture" in a bigger way than quite literally anyone else, but it still isn't enough, at least not in the way he thought it might be at first.
Prior to his discoveries on the island, Jake has no idea this will result in some kids using the software he's unearthing, which will destroy all life on Earth. Nor does he have any idea that those kids will be using this same software to reboot the universe with different starting conditions, thus ending this "trial run" timeline for HIC, and giving her a fresh start. Exactly as she planned.
This implies there is some moment that Grandpa Harley realized that everything he was doing would end up playing into the HIC's hands anyway. This also implies that he carried out those actions regardless, Hoping that Jade would someday win the game in the process. Are you seeing the parallel for my interpretation of Ult. Jake yet? Fuck.
What was the moment he realized? Did he power through anyway, hoping there was a bright light for Jade at the end of this all?
He's also a hoarder. He keeps items and objects instead of people. He hangs onto the past to the point where he's seemingly unable to let go of it—trophies, guns, artifacts—but throughout the entire Harley Manor there is not a single picture of his families. And that's where his dolls come in—dolls are just human enough but not too human, you can control them however you'd like yet delude yourself they are company. I'm not saying all doll-enjoyers are this way, but the specifics in which Grandpa (and Bro to an extent, for that matter) interacts with his dolls makes me believe he's turning them into pseudo-human entities because at the end of the day he again craves company. But, unlike Jake, Grandpa Harley's had a lifetime of experience reinforcing over and over again that this will never happen with a real person. And fuck, don't even get me started on the taxidermy—it's the very act of taking something, bereaving it of life and subjectivity, then keeping it for yourself. You can see how this has even affected Jade in the sense that she thinks about her taxidermied dead Grandpa (who she taxidermied himself, by the way) like a living, breathing person. And Jadebot? A robotic, perfect replica of his granddaughter, designed to monitor her at all times instead of him? And the parallels that has to Brobot. Ughghgh.
Also, quick digression. You know how Beta Dad & Mom were on the Battlefield? And how Grandpa landed just to recover Jade's dead dream body, then left Dad and Mom behind. Sorry, I'm just not normal about that at all. How did we collectively miss the sheer tragedy of that situation, God, I wonder what Roxy was thinking. Digression over.
All in all, what these files tell me is that the way Jake was written was no way accidental. Yeah he got fucked over in the Alpha session, yeah he's tragic, but he's tragic for a reason that I ultimately appreciate even as I clutch my heart and dramatically fall over from pain. He knows just enough about the meta-reality to cause feelings of absurdity but powers through it; he's supposed to be put in seemingly insurmountable situations and emerge, through one way or the other, victorious. He's supposed to have the strangest relationship known to man regarding other people and, as a result, try to find compromise between the two halves of "complete fuck-all isolation" and "the company of any developed adult human ever." He's goal-oriented only when it presents a clear-cut destiny to him, when he can see the significance of it, and otherwise floats around doing fuck-all in this world. This goal is, most of the time, people: Dirk for LE Jake, and Jade for Harley. It's also fun insight into where Jake could potentially end up going—as this post by Cooper already pointed out, Ult. Dirk's actions mirror Bro's need to micromanage and control everything in his life to the point where he, much alike Bro, secludes himself in an apartment while running his inner machinations unknown to most others. I wouldn't be surprised if Jake ends up in a similar way to Grandpa, giving his all to a dreary situation and maintaining Hope through it with the desire that it'll eventually succeed.
It would also be fun if his Hopes only came true after his death.
Alright, analysis over, everyone clock out. Good work, people. [Vaguely gestures to the reader.]
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tony-gunks-italian-pizzeria · 10 months ago
Chapter Six: Uh Oh.
Tony followed a customer out of the employee's only area and whispered, “Tonight? Got it?” The customer nodded and left. Todd went around the counter and up to Tony and asked, “What's all that about?” Tony looked him in the eye, “All what? Oh! Yeah, the new meat! It's nothin for now, heh. Maybe you'll see later.” Todd's anger rises, “You cant just go around turning people into vampires!” “Yes i can. And we're not technically vampires.” Tony joked. “That doesnt matter dude! And how is that supposed to be better??” Todd yelled, Tony snapped back, “Last time i checked I hired you, so chill out wouldja. I didnt turn but 4 people, alright?” “You're really not convincing me here dude.” Todd whined. “Whatever kid, say, hows about you and i finish closin up and we get a bite, eh?”
The streets were once again busy that night, but finally somebody was keeping an eye out for the residents of this helpless city. Ron Broccoli walked the alleys and roads looking for any sign of the undead he knew were lurking, as well as any sign of their victims. He had barely begun the night's search when he saw two people walking out of the back of the just closed, “Tony Gunk's Italian Pizzeria” and decided to follow the pair. “Those two are similar heights to the men who attacked that poor guy last night, on the off chance they're potential prey or the very scum im looking for, i ought to follow em.” Broccoli thought.
“We need to getcha a real meal this time, son.” Tony said, walking alongside Todd. The pair creeped at a normal pace down Tony's usual druggie filled alleys, Tony hoped to find his employee a meal that wasnt so full of holes. Todd started, “I already said im not killing anybody, Tony.” “Ahh, I know I know. I'll do that part, pal.” “We arent pals, i just dont want to starve.” Todd shot. “Sure.” Tony replied with sarcasm. “Make sure he doesnt get back up this time, would you?” Todd prodded. “Relax, it wont happen again.” Tony said flatly. They walked passed a man passed out on the ground, an empty needle beside him. “Next.” Tony sighed. They continued passed backdoors, trash cans and bags until they turned another corner. Tony's voice raised with a hushed excitement, “Pss, Todd, look there. Diggin in the dumpster-” Todd looked ahead at a man dumpster diving, not paying them any attention. “Its a dead end, kid. He's got nowhere ta run.” Tony egged him on. Todd smiled and took off running at the man with his back turned. Tony looked on proud, he didnt expect Todd to do the part he so often argued against. Todd tackled the man to the ground and started growling, the man fought Todd's hands away and pushed back his face as much as he could as Todd clawed and tore as if he was digging. He finally got a good bite of the man's arm and started shaking it like a dog. The man screamed as his arm tore more and more, letting blood pour from the wound. Suddenly a wooden bolt shot by and barely missed Todd's head. Tony and Todd snapped their heads around to see where it had come from. “I knew I'd find something if i followed you long enough.” Broccoli walked from behind the corner, aiming his crossbow already containing another bolt. Tony looked at Broccoli and smiled, “Ohh, now this is interestin.” The injured man scrambled up to his feet and sprinted down the street. “Get em, kid!” Tony ordered Todd. Todd snarled and gave the man chase, they both turned the corner and went quickly out of sight. Broccoli went for a shot at Todd but Tony appeared beside him, grabbed the bolt from the chamber and snapped it before backing away. “Tony, is it?” Broccoli inquired while reloading another shot, “Dont. Move.” He pointed his crossbow at Tony. “Listen, Ron. If i wanted, I could have you and that bow broken before you even fired. How's about you look the other way?” Tony said. Ron steadied his aim and fired. A hooded man dropped from the roof above the two and landed in front of Tony, getting shot instantly by the wooden bolt. He started dissolving into sand and ash, stumbling to the ground. Tony walked around his dying body and towards Broccoli. Before Ron could reload another bolt Tony appeared in front of him. 
Tony through him to the wall at the end of the dead end street and said, “Yknow Ron, i could turn ya here and now if i wanted, you'd have to live like us. Wouldnt that just be the worst?” Broccoli glared at him with contempt and spoke, “Id simply starve. I would never stoop to your level.” Tony smiled and held back a cackle, “You already have, silly. Remember your visit to my fine establishment?” Ron readied a knife and held it up, “What are you on about, dick?” “Well ya know you're missin mutt?” Tony laughed quietly to himself as confusion set across Ron's face. “My dog? What about her? What are you talking about?” A toothy grin overcame Tony, as his voice quieted slightly, showing its rasp. “Truth is I drained the poor thing and used its blood for the sauce in the pizza you ordered. The whole time you were lookin you couldve just checked my restaurant! Or better!!" He chuckled and wheezed, "Your own refrigerator- Hehahaa” Tony's cackle was interrupted by Ron shoving him to the cold hard ground and pinning him with his body. Ron's knee held down one arm and his free hand held down the other. Ron leaned in close to Tony's face and Tony asked, “Are we aboutta kiss right now?” “Go to hell.”
Ron almost plunged the knife into Tony's head when, “Stop where you are!” An unfamiliar voice demanded from down the street, “Drop the damn knife.” Broccoli looked up at three police officers, guns drawn and aimed at him. He did as they said and climbed off of Tony, “Gentlemen,” he raised his hands in the air, “This man is a murderer. Im sure he's killed somebody tonight. Check his shop, thats where he keeps em!” One officer walked towards him, “Turn around and place your hands behind your back,” he turned to Tony and said, “You're the guy from TV, with the pizza place?” He talked to Tony while the other two handcuffed and took Ron to their car down the street, “We're going to have to investigate his claim, as crazy as he seems.” Tony sat leaned against the wall and faked exhaustion, “Sure thing, sir! Ive got the keys on me now if you want to take a swing by.”
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thegeminisage · 2 years ago
okay im BACK in the spirit??? temple??? robot??? factory????? and im done with the last limb. i bet theres a boss. i KNOW theres a cutscene. lets fucking do this
bro this was LLLITERALLY in the trailers how did they put such endgame stuff in and we didnt know!!!
it's so funny. in the trailers we thought flux constructs were gonna be helpful and mineru's body was a boss. but they're bosses and she's helpful lol
god her voice sounds SO familiar
oh my GODDD THIS IS WHAT ALL THOSE ARMORIES WERE FOR.......like PLOT WISE!!! i thought it was stupid to just have supplies sitting around
ok thats fucking bananas. im bad at fighting with her bc the enemies are too short lmfao
also im not sure im ready to do this boss thing. maybe i wanna go buy some more battery first...get more practice...
god i REALLY suck at fighting in the mech. it's weird! maybe bc i have emitters on her hands and not real weapons?!
oh sick you can give her cannons............
at this point like. i really can just let the gang kill the bad guys lol
the story path seems to be taking me directly to this path i was eyeing last night. i'm getting as far as the lightroot and then peacing out. like. i am getting my ASS beat down here
GLOOM HORRIBLINS?? will wonders never cease...
oooh good call on leaving. i can see a gloom hinox from here that i wouldve had to fight next...i have had more than enough of the story right now anyway, it's time to chill to keep it all Balanced
i bet if i went to lookout landing rn and talked to purah she'd be like I WONDER WHO THE FIFTH SAGE IS. let's try it
awww boo she can't travel with me until i get the secret stone.....
oh wild!! you can explain about mineru to purah. then why tf cant i explain zelda is a dragon >:(
ok, actually, i decided i wanna go turn in that last claw to help the fucking mother statue or w/e. scary...........................
if im lucky i can just glide/dive there from the nearby tower lol
YOOOO wait dinraal's coming out of her hole...maybe i can snag a piece...
got one! i dont know if ive ever ridden dinraal for an extended period of time before...she is taking me so far from where i wanted to go. sigh
so, while i hate shooting the dragons, i love getting the little spike. i bet it feels sooooo good. like being groomed. a spa day for ms dinraal courtesy of one lunatic nonverbal swordsman
harder to admire the scenery from her back bc of the heat filter. NOT impossible. but harder
ugh there was a blood moon...i couldve gotten such cool pics but i was too slow :(
uh oh we're going down. girl i DONT wanna go back to the depths rn!!!
GOT MY SCALE. i was aiming at her fang but whatever. time to go back to the spring!!! i hope i can make it from here.......
MADE IT. whew. im not staying long idw to encounter any Hands
ok, so back to the mother goddess statue...
oh!!! she's okay again.......
wah she's SPARKLING. i'm welling up a little. it was so upsetting to see her toppled
omg she wants to give me a sword but my belongings are full. if it's the fucking goddess sword which 1. i got from amiibo and 2. MAKES NO SENSE...
well. it is.
finally spent my sage's wills on tulin. his arrows come in clutch and also i wanna go in order lol
i have to quit for now!! more later or tomorrow i suppose
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hederskrans · 1 year ago
hey guys. so. this is.. fucked up!
now, we all know about the heritage foundation right? the famously anti-gay, anti-trans, all around bad organization right?
well uh. they're trying to make it illegal for people to be like, visibly gay in public. this "project" they're doing is called "project 2025", and if you were to go on the site for project 2025, you'd be able to see all the vile shit they want to do. they think that adult content is inexplicably linked to trans people, and they want to eradicate both.
the aim of the project is to make it illegal to be visibly gay by 2025. and like, hey. the heritage foundation has the money and the time to lobby lawmakers into doing this. it's not impossible. so what can we do?
absolutely blast the heritage foundation on all platforms. if they think that we're trying to get kids gender-reassignment surgery, tell them that 1. thats literally an exception 2. its rare for minors to even get it. tell them hormone blockers do not damage kids at all- and route people to studies that say so.
if they're mad about people being gay in public, hit em with the statistics of people who have done nasty shit to kids, and what their jobs are. tell them that drag queens are only around kids that much because they are literally just clowns with different names. and tell them, oh, i wonder.. what exactly did trump go to prison for? oh, god, and all his buddies? isnt that like.. really against their ideology to be against the law or something? i'm not really sure, since they change up the rules so often.
make sure people KNOW that gay people honestly dont fucking care about getting close to kids. sure, there are some here and there, but there are also straight people who like kids. and like, hey, make sure they know wanting to get close to your kids is bad, but that is not what we do! we are not trying to indoctrinate kids at all! we, honestly, don't care.
remember that when you see an identity you dont like.. you can.. idk.. let that person live? who cares if they're pupgender or something. the worst thing that the right did was separate our community into a million little bits, and everyone fell for it! and yes, there are some people who are bad here. but listen. if we let the right command us to squabble about whether or not that new word is a real gender, then we won't get anything done. if you see someone making fun of someone else for their identity, ask if the offender is, legit, okay. tell them that as long as its not directly infringing on their rights as a person, then it's fine, and the fact that they'd hound someone else is literally a cause for concern.
we need to fucking work together, and make sure that we ensure the safety of lgbtq kids and adults. there is no terf here. there is no radfem. there is no truscum or trumed or whatever. there is only the uniting factor we all have, and that is we are a minority- and i'm disgraced to see you guys thought that fighting with the people of your community would be a better idea than trying to connect with them. we NEED to work together, and our inner community issues can wait till we're not being. idk. fucking illegalized. also i should add... this is, according to many people, a lavender scare. so do with that what you will.
coyoteannie on tik tok
heritage foundation website
project 2025 website
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kate-les-bridge-stewart · 2 years ago
Ok so I'm making a human au with a friend where a bunch of dw characters are disabled and I contributed 12 having autism and DID. I dont have DID but I'm very interested in learning about it which I've decided to channel thru my writing. I wanted to try writing a short scene where 12 (also called Basil in this au) has one of his alters front and how they behave. For some context the alter I showed in this is a skyrim dragon named Tiidkellok, or Tiid for short (Btw yes, people with DID can have fictional and nonhuman alters, including dragons from skyrim). Tiid is a character I made up for fun and I wanted to also play around with his personality in this. So here you go I guess.
Warning it's very rough around the edges and purely written for my enjoyment so dont expect Shakespeare lol.
By the way I decided to include some dovazhul in this so here are the translations if you're curious: Fahdon = friend/companion, Nahlot = silence
Basil laughed and had to catch his balance before he dropped his water bottle. Bill playfully slapped him on the arm as she caught her breath from her own fit of giggles. Suddenly though Basil stopped in his tracks and his face fell from a gleeful grin to a blank thousand yard stare. Bill halted as well knowing full well what was happening.
"Uh oh," she gently touched his arm and spoke in a soft tone, "Basil? You there?"
Slowly he blinked and seemed to regain consciousness.
"W-... Where am I?" His voice noticeably changed to one that was deeper and rougher, almost growling.
"Hey, it's me Bill. Who am I speaking to?" She continued to speak in a gentle tone.
"Yes, I recognize you. I'm Tiid. Where are we?"
"We were walking on the street after some coffee, we're just down the road from our apartment."
Tiid looked around slowly, tucking his arms to his chest.
"Oh, I know this place, yes. Are you hungry, fahdon? I was thinking we could get something to eat, I could certainly eat something myself," he gradually relaxed his shoulders.
"Oh, sure! I was just going to ask Basil that before, well, you popped in to say hi," she smiled, "how about we get some thai this time? I've had a craving for something spicy recently."
"I don't believe I've tried that, although I'm feeling quite adventurous today."
So they went off to a local Thai restaurant that Bill raved to Tiid about on the walk there. They ordered takeout and made their way back home, but not without a small reminder of Tiid's nonhumanity.
As they walked and chatted Tiid suddenly stopped and stared at something in the distance. His gaze was locked like a hunter taking aim at a stag.
"Whatcha lookin at?" Bill asked with a laugh.
"Nahlot, fahdon." He whispered low and quick.
He began to slowly walk towards a tree next to the entrance of their apartment, his knees bent like he was sneaking up on something. He then crouched and carefully looked behind the tree before pouncing on whatever was there. However it seems he didnt get a good grip on it because a stray cat ran away from behind the tree leaving Tiid on the ground. He huffed and swore under his breath in Dovah as he got up and flared his coat to shake off the dirt, like a chicken fluffing its feathers. He shook his head like a dog, dislodging the dirt in his hair.
Behind him Bill stood shaking her head with an amused smile.
"Was he encroaching on your territory?" She teased as she helped dust him off.
"Yes actually, he was quite rude about it too. Mischievous creatures, felines." He scowled in the cats direction.
"Alright, well you dont need to worry about him anymore. Come on, let's go home and eat."
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calumhoodgoss · 5 months ago
bruh i'm sorry but reading some of these stuff makes me feel like yall are either bunch of kids/jealous fans/have never been in a serious relationship. these are real people and we have no idea what they're like in real life, let them sort their shit out, let brandy go on rants on twitter or tiktok or whatever, she's going through a break up?? after however many years?
this fandom has always been so misogynistic for as long as i can remember, and ive been a part of it for more than a decade. for all we know calum could be a literal ahole and a terrible partner and still we're here assuming that it ended because brandy was jealous of his career?
"she was asking for attention she asked for this when she was posting about him." good! i would post about my partner too and his delusional fans shouldn't scare me off from living my life. please people, go outside, touch some grass, meet new people, get a job, get a life and grow up.
okkk firstly, wild to jump in here with insults straight off the bat 😂😂😂 im not going to address those accusations cause that behaviour was just childish on your part lol i wont be stooping to, or participating in, namecalling behaviour. its not the type of interaction i aim to cultivate here
secondly, i have stated many many times that i do not wish to interact with or negatively affect brandy in any way shape or form. that is the exact reason im on tumblr - a dead platform that celebs very very rarely use (one that she did not have a public account on when i made this one) - so that it would be as unlikely as possible for my content to ever cross her path. im not trying to interfere or stop her from doing any rants on twitter or tiktok or whatever lol
im literally just trying to talk to other 5sos fans about PUBLICLY AVAILABLE CONTENT. this blog has no inside scoop, no personal connections to those people and absolutely no aim to interfere with their lives. i would talk about their relationship off line to irl people except i dont know anyone whos into 5sos so im literally just trying to chat with some internet friends about a shared niche interest 🤷‍♀️ im more than certain you gossip with your friends irl, its literally the same. im not a hate blog. im not trying to garner hate or attack amh in any way. im just chatting shit with some friends and its FUNNN
and absolutely you could be right! calum could be a disgusting person for all we know. thats not gonna stop me from chatting about publicly available content though 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ let us be delusional its soo fun you should relax and join us. what you scared you might like it?
as for that last thought. youre so right again. if she wants to share her relationship publicly and intertwine her partner with her job (because her online persona is one of her jobs and is a large aspect of it at that) then thats completely her choice. but that choice has many implications that come with it. ive spoken about this ad nauseam though so to read my properly composed thoughts on all these issues please site this post:
the bottom line is.. if you dont like my content, then block me!! cause youre the one thats bothered, not us lol
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years ago
Lesson 1;5: Something's Wrong
Basics here!
Part 1! Part 2! Part 3! Part 4!
Also please let me know if you would like to be tagged when more parts come out✨🕺
"What did I tell you, huh?! Everything's gone into absolute chaos and its all thanks to this stupid program!" A developer cried out, it had barely been a month since their little game's release and it was already a disaster, with allegations that their little program had a mind of its own and was causing trouble...
"Calm down, calm down, they probably just made it up like some spooky story... Just watch, it'll all die down soon. Remember, we can delete if its that bad, got it?" Replied the other.
"... Got it..." The first one sighed reluctantly.
Little did they know that someone was listening and they were not happy about it...
Its been a few days since Dell first received the USB, they've been trying to adapt to the inconveniences brought by it...
Their screen would glitch out and show static which would make them have to quickly restart themselves, their speakers would randomly turn on and off forcing them to just not use them anymore, sometimes they'd just shut off out of nowhere, it was a nightmare...
As much as Dallas tried to fix some of it, harshly yanking out the USB certainly didnt help...
At this point, Dallas feels defeated, he knows he can't fix Dell by himself. He realizes he needs to swallow his pride and ask someone who knows the subject better than he does to have a shot at properly fixing Dell...
You see, Dallas' never aimed to hurt Dell, he just wanted him to stay quiet. But of course, viruses don't work that way...
So with a deep sigh and some reluctance, he grumbles to himself as he makes his way to Momo and Roan.
"D-Dallas?" Momo asked "I-Is everything okay?"
Dallas huffed "... I need your help to take Dell to Ignihyde..."
"Momo fucking told you so-" Roan blurted out
"R-Roan! D-Don't say that!" Momo cried
"Are you gonna help me take the stupid giant box to Ignihyde or not?!" Said Dallas, a bit embarrassed and angry
Roan sighed "... Fine... But only cause if you tried to push Dell's box-screen by yourself, you'd probably push it over and break it."
Despite Dell's silent protests, the three of them try to push Dell's screen into Ignihyde together.
I'm alright! Honest! I can fix my system on my own!
Dell really didn't want fellow classmates to worry about them, so they tried their best to reassure them.
"I don't think so, it's been going on for a while..." Roan says "Besides, who knows what type of malware that thing had"
"What the hell are you first years doing?!" Questioned a residing student, in a bit of an accusatory tone.
"E-Eek!" Momo squeaked out before hiding behind Dell's box, the student seems to make her nervous...
"We're trying to get someone to fix this thing" Dallas admitted, in a rather sour tone
"Are you from this dorm?" Roan questioned.
"Well DUH! I have it on my uniform!..." The student mumbled something to himself, it clearly wasnt in a language Roan could understand...
"Good, can you help us fix Dell then?" Roan asked "Momo said that this dorm was good with technology or something along those lines"
Momo squeaked nervously at the mention of them...
"Momo"?... Wait a second, you're all part of the new first years, aren't you?"
"DUH! Idiot!" Dallas yelled out, matching the accusatory tone of earlier "If we weren't, we'd already know who to ask to help this thing or whatever!"
"About that... What's your name? It's kinda unfair you seem to know ours from that ceremony disaster thing but we dont know anything about you" Roan says
"Right... You can call me Kenzo, Kenzo Matisse" The dark-skinned student says.
"Great, now are you gonna help us with this stupid machine thing or what?" Dallas remarks in a snappy tone
Kenzo thinks to himself for a bit "... Hmmm... I suppose my whole dorm would be mad at me if I didn't, considering Dell goes here too... Eh, fine, we can try to see what's wrong with em"
"Th-Th... Thank you... M-Mister..." Momo squeaked out.
"Don't say anything just yet, I don't even know if I can fix them!" Kenzo remarked.
Kenzo plugs in a few cables into Dell's box, who seems quite nervous about the situation.
Wait wait wait! Im unsure if this is a good idea!
Words on the screen quickly flashed, Kenzo doesn't seem to pay attention to them.
"Don't be scared of the cables! You'll live! I hope..." Kenzo says as he plugs in one of the cables into his computer
Kenzo, I dont think-
Commencing system shut down...
They were the last words on Dell's screen before it went pitch black... Kenzo quickly gets to work, typing away at the screen to get a look into Dell's code in an attempt to try and see what's wrong.
Momo seems concerned, nervously holding her sleeves as she looks down at the ground.
"Momo, don't worry, Dell's gonna be fine" Roan tried to reassure her...
Dallas, on the other hand, still seems to be in denial that it's his fault, nervously scratching at his sleeve.
"Its not your fault... No, it could never be your fault..." He mumbled to himself "It was the fault of the person who gave that damn thing to you!... But... I don't know who it was..."
"Dallas?... Are you worried about Dell too?" Roan asked.
Dallas' eyes widen a bit "Me?! Worried?! In your fucking dreams, asshole!" He snapped at him.
Unbeknownst to them, Kenzo's computer was starting to heat up just by trying to even process the code.
"Almost there... Just gotta... Type in this thing..." Kenzo muttered to himself before letting out a scream and having to shield himself from the computer.
All plans were put to a stop when Kenzo's computer screen exploded, causing bits of it to scatter all over the floor and smoke to come pouring out of it.
Momo fearfully squeaked and hid behind Roan at the sound of it as Roan, Dallas and Kenzo collectively stared in surprise. On Dell's screen, you could only see a pair of eyes glaring hatefully at them as red text was displayed at the bottom.
Dell doesn't seem to like people touching their coding...
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heyharoldsboo · 2 years ago
Im really sorry to play devil's advocate but I do get where that other anon is coming from. Even if not proven or fake, these are sexual assault allegations, thats pretty serious. I know a lot of people watch Wednesday but it is aimed at younger audiences and these audiences have social media where this discussion is taking place.
So yes in a way I can see why they would say ok maybe we dont make him her endgame anymore lets say. Maybe he's just a side character for now and we see how people react and decide from there. We also dont know how bothered they were by that alleged twitter burner account where he liked stuff shitting on the show. And I know this is a personal opinion but I have no doubt that was his account.
All that being said I hope to God you're all right and that myself and the other anon don't know what we're talking about. I truly truly hope so!
First of all, don’t feel bad for sharing your opinion here! It’s just as valid as mine or anyone else’s.
But from a marketing perspective, it’s not AT ALL consolidated in the show that Wednesday and Xavier would or ever will be endgame. Like, at all. And I am a wenver/wavier/wenthorpe whatever the hell the name of this ship is shipper.
It could be a possibility. It seems like the most heteronormative path, that is the one Netflix usually chooses in situations like these.
But about the seriousness of the allegations - almost no one is talking about the SA accusations anymore. They’re calling him a homophobe or a racist, or anything else that came after the allegations. They would be serious if there was proof. For a company like Netflix, a couple thousand tweets and screenshots probably aren’t serious accusations.
About it being aimed - it can be aimed at whatever they want. What matters is who truly saw it. And who pays the Netflix subscriptions. And that’s what Netflix is going to look for.
I wish I could say anything else that would be more soothing. Honestly, I have seen bigger things be swept off everyone’s minds.
I hope to have helped anyhow 🖤
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theangrypokemaniac · 3 years ago
It only really worked in the first showing.
Gyarados and Tyranitar are both fan favourites and legitimately tough Pokémon, but they also feel menacing and evil.
It's easy to imagine the Boss selecting such breeds to serve him.
Plus it takes the combined force of an entire clan of 'Saurs to win, which they're both weak against. Losing is thus credible.
Yet after that there's times when bloody Eevee (EEVEE!) wipes the floor with 'em!
When Jessie and James's own Pokémon failed constantly, you could write it off as a lack of training.
Arbok, Weezing, Lickitung and Victreebel had a little edge, but every catch since has been more of an ugly pet than a warrior.
But with the Team Rocket organisation itself supply the fighters, watching them broken down and blasted off erases much of the awe and respect they used to enjoy.
They made Mewtwo! Why are they sending out anything not fully evolved and murderous?
It implies that either Giovanni is so down on his luck this is the best he can offer, or all the truly fearsome beasts are being handed out elsewhere, and the Boss doesn't really give a toss about the trio, but it amuses him to pretend as much.
Come on, Grookey was one of the gang once! GROOKEY!
And don't get me started on that!
Whilst I dont mind the idea in theory, it's certainly never lived up to its potential.
What I resent is the attitude that if this is around, our Team Rocket can go without Pokémon themselves.
When you live in a world where everyone owns Pokémon, to suddenly decide not to have them, with no reason or explanation behind it, is absurd.
I know James has Morpeko, but I'm not sure how any Team Rocket fan is expected to warm to a psychotic hamster.
We've spent nearly a year watching it knowingly starve, harass and violently assault all three, but now yer want us to like this utterly selfish, amoral locust swarm?
Most of series one had Morpeko, plus Chewtle to a lesser extent, serving as unofficial catches, so why not have real companions instead?
And Chewtle technically is someone's Pokémon (not that they ever said who got it) but no, they pack it off to HQ without a thought.
And HQ sent it right back unchanged!
Yet instead of giving Morpeko the same treatment, and forcing the backroom boys to deal with it, they just let it stay and passively put up with its abuse!
And consider the morality.
We were always meant to see Team Rocket the group as cruel, greed-crazed maniacs who'll willingly steal, torture, kidnap and murder Pokémon it serves their aims.
Yet the Pokémon shown don't seem hurt or damaged.
Are we supposed to suddenly accept they aren't so bad after all, and whilst they may be shady and power-crazed, they don't harm or exploit animals?
And it's all just a laugh?
Or are they as bad as ever, but now we're expected to cheer Pokémon stolen from old Trainers, beaten and enslaved until they comply?
We all knew it was like that, but Jessie and James had no part in it, so the truth could be ignored, but now it's right up front and undeniable.
Are HQ a little flawed but ultimately okay, or have Jessie and James sunk to this level?
Which is it to be?
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Alright, so we're just gonna do this in alphabetical order because thats how our pluralkit list is set up and we don't want to forget any of our less verbal headmates. Will RB with new intros when we get new headmates!
Aimsey: Hey! I'm a factive, not super connected to source but I'm really cool I swear! I'm the only one who misses having long hair after Toby and Chorus cut it 😨
Billzo: Waddup I'm also a factive, and Aimsey is my bestie,,! I aim to piss off the most amount of people and be as inclusionist as possible because acceptance is swag and based, so yeah. PEOPLE ARE SWAG!! Also Ranboo is swag??? Bro literally I'm the only one who remembers he's here because he's barely verbal and never fronts.
Chorus: Hello, I'm a host and caretaker here! I actually created this blog so we could all share our experiences and find community. I'm in the process of working with Toby through his trauma and I take care of our syskid, Michael.
Gene: hey, im gene. im a fictive whos like half-connected to source, same with sasha and zenix. theyre who im closest to tbh. were all from the same source so it makes sense ig. sorry for lack of punctuation i really dont gaf.
Lucis: I'm like that one tiktok sound "I have absolutely no fucking clue what's going on in my life, I'm just in charge of the outfits." I also have a very cool accent sometimes. Love <3
Michael, supervised by Chorus: Hi 👈👈 I'm Michael,,, I'm a syskid ageslider, usually between 6-13. Um. I'm not very verbal so Chorus talks or types for me a lot. or helps me. Ily!
Mick: We listened to the Creeper Rap by Dan Bull too many times and I manifested. I respond to music, and tend to front if certain types of songs are playing. I'm fairly chill, probably the most likely to start doing drugs or committing crimes if the hosts would let me.
Nick: I'm a protector, former host, and current co-host alongside the hosts Toby and Chorus. I think I'm chill. Probably a bit rash sometimes and deffo judgemental but working on it. Have a hate/hate relationship with our algebra teacher because he is a dick and seems intent on having the most sensory issues unfriendly classroom and demeanor as possible. But whatever. Fuck him. Im not an introject, clarifying because my name is the same as like 12 fictional characters and people.
Omni: Omni is nonverbal except occasionally in headspace, so I (Chorus) will tell a bit about them. Omni is our creative person, basically. They write and draw and get lost in maladaptive daydreams that can impact our day to day, but they also dont front alone very often so that helps.
Paint: Full disclosure; I exist solely because theres a system here called the paint water system and I formed as a personified factive of that despite knowing hardly shit about them. I'm just here to vibe, have no filter, and fuck shit up wherever I can.
Pie: Pie is nonverbal so I'll do the same thing I did for Omni; Pie is a very touchy time bomb, essentially. Pie is the reason we experience tics and they worsen the closer pie is to the front. Pie's been quiet lately so we haven't had as bas or as often tics.
Ranboo: Hey. I don't do a whole lot. occasionally I'll observe when Bill is fronting but generally I stay deep in headspace. Not much sure what this is all for but was told to introduce myself so I read up a bit. Gonna go back in headspace now, I hate fronting.
Sam: Ello, obligitory not and introject. Just your average obligitory british alter who really wants to drink tea for the aesthetic but hates the taste. Which reminds me- Mick is the reason we got addicted to Monster, little twat. Anyway, hello, I am utter chaos.
SamPonk: OHMYGOD I GET TO FRONT- Fuck okay shit sorry I'm usually not allowed to because I'm embarassing but- aaaa! I'm a fusion fictive/fucktive of Awesamdude and Ponk, but not at all connected to source. I'm like????? AaaAaaaAAAA- Sorry I'm so excited to be allowed to SPEAAAK for once!!!!!!!
Sasha: heyyyy. im a fictive, same source as gene and zenix. i also miss the long hair, so i feel aimsey on that one. lowley highkey just want my source hair but the majority of us are male or ftm (unfortunately for us femmes) so i was greatly outvoted.
Toby: I'm the host with Chorus. I'm struggling to do a lot of mental rewiring and healing from my OSDD-2 and childhood trauma in general. Lots of relearning ahead of me, but Chorus has got my back the whole way and I love her for it. I'm not an introject of Tubbo, I get asked a lot so I feel the need to state that. My name is just Toby by coincidence.
Tommy: Factive of Tommyinnit, not at all connected to my source. Hes really annoying tbh. Dont know why Toby likes him, although I guess thats good(?) for me since we're together. I dont talk about it much because me and Toby get really worried about cancelling and backlash and crap because my source is an MCYTer and MCYT "ships" are a hot topic. Again, I'm nothing like source. So I hope it doesnt fucking matter. Love you Toby ♡♡
Zenix: yada yada sasha and gene. bye.
Zxandre: I'm fairly new, not quite sure what I'm supposed to be doing in this place(headspace) but it looks cool. The hosts seem to have their own drama and everyone has, like, a group I guess. Hope I find where I fit in!
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barnesandrogersfanfics · 5 years ago
Saving Grace - Part 15
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A/N: Just a quick update because i've been slacking!! 💕
As lovely as my weekend away with Bucky had been i was so happy to be back with Harrison and Grace. Harrison had been so excited to see us when we got back to the compound.... he crashed out an hour later, clearly he wore himself out!
The next couple of days i mostly spent with Wanda, she was helping me with the kids while we sorted out the details for Harrison's birthday party. Bucky, Sam, Steve and Clint had all been kept busy with work. Bucky and Sam had had so many meetings with Ross while Clint and Steve had been training recruits.
"I can't believe our little Harry is 4 the day after tomorrow!" Wanda smiled sadly as we finished sorting some last minute party details "i missed so much of those years..."
"Aww Wan, dont be sad. You're here for him now thats all that matters, Harrison loves his Auntie Wands"
"I love him too! And my little miss Gracie, Y/N you seriously have the perfect kids!"
"They are pretty great, but i'm totally biased" i laughed quietly trying not to disturb Grace who was fast asleep in my arms.
"How's the house hunting going?"
"We've seen a few places online" i shrugged "but honestly, we just haven't had time to properly look yet what with Bucky being stuck in meetings most of the day. He comes home exhausted most days, i can't expect him to sit up for hours looking for houses"
"Ross has definitely kept them busy since you've been back from your dirty weekend" she smirked while wiggling her eyebrows.
"Funny" i laughed shaking my head at her "I think i preferred it when he didn't want Bucky and Sam involved in whatever god awful plans he's making"
"I think we all did" she chuckled.
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Once the final details for Harrisons party were sorted i headed down to the gym to meet Bucky while Wanda stayed with the kids. We had arranged for some refresher training after the break in and realising how rusty i was, it was decided it would be a good idea for me to get back into fighting shape.... of course Bucky volunteered to help me. Walking into the gym i looked around for that man of mine but he was nowhere in sight, i sat and waited for 15 minutes and still nothing.
Y/N: Hey babe, i'm at the gym.... you still okay for our training session? Xx
Bucky: Fuck, sorry baby i'm still in this meeting with Ross..... can we reschedule something for tomorrow? Xx
Y/N: okay not a problem, i'll see you later xx
I tucked my phone into my bag and grabbed my water bottle ready to head back to the living quarter's when i heard my name being called, I turned around and was face to face with Steve.
"Hey, you leaving already?" He asked looking confused "you just got here"
"Yeah i was supposed to be meeting Bucky, he was going to train with me. After the break in and realising how out of practice i am we thought it'd be a good idea" i shrugged.
"He ain't coming?"
"Nope, Ross has them stuck in some meeting"
"I could help you.... i mean its not like i haven't trained with you before and im done for the day"
"I don't know....."
"Wow, you're really gonna turn down the chance to land some punches on me huh?"
"Well when you say it like that..... sure! Lets do this" i smiled shaking my head "just go easy on me its been a while since i've done this"
"We'll go slow, come on" he nodded towards the sparing mats and i followed him over, Steve tossed me some gloves while he took off his hoody and rolled his shoulders out.
"When was the last time you trained?"
"Before i found out i was pregnant with Harrison" i replied avoiding eye contact with Steve, i remembered it clearly. The second i found out i was pregnant i decided i was out of the avenging life, and being a new mom i just didn't have the time for training.
"I know, i should have at least tried to keep up with some of it...."
"No, its not that, its just you look good"
"Having two kids keeps me busy" i shrugged "besides, i could use the tone up. Im still carrying some baby weight..."
"Well not that my opinion counts but i think you look great" Steve said blushing slightly, it reminded me of when we first started dating. Steve would always get embarrassed when paying me a compliment, it was cute. I finished fastening the gloves and stepped onto the mat to stand in front of Steve who held up his bare hands.
"You don't wanna grab some pads??"
"Im good, i can take it" he smirked.
"Lets do this then".
It only took 10-15 minutes before i was finally getting into it, the moves suddenly falling into place, my confidence increasing.
"Okay i think we're good here for today my hands are gonna bruise" Steve smirked after a good 40 minutes of sparing.
"It'll be gone in seconds don't be a baby Steve..... besides i'm enjoying myself"
"How about we change it up then, lets work on your defence. Gloves off, i'm gonna come at you.... stop me"
"Stop you?? Steve you're a super soldier!"
"I'll go easy on you sweetheart don't worry" he chuckled, his laugh quickly dying when he noticed his slip up of calling me sweetheart, old habits die hard i guess. I didn't react to it i just pulled off the gloves and turned to throw them off to the side. While my back was turned Steve lunged at me wrapping his arms around me so my arms were pinned to my body.
"Hey! Cheater!" I moaned struggling in his hold.
"Break free..... remember what i used to tell you?"
I tossed my head back hard hitting Steve in the nose, he wasn't expecting me to hit him so hard and loosened his hold on me enough so i could elbow him in the gut, i turned in his arms and was about to aim for the groin but he quickly blocked my attack and swept my legs out from under me. I landed hard on my back, Steve was then straddling my hips with my hands pinned to the floor.
"Nice try..... did you have to head butt me that hard though?" He laughed.
"It wasn't that hard, maybe you're outta practice too old man".
"Whats going on here?" I heard Bucky from behind and i turned as much as i could to look at him.
"Hey babe, Steve offered to train with me.....but i'm not so sure he's up for the job. Old man Rogers can't even take a head butt to the face anymore"
"Still kicked your ass though"
"You can get off of her now man, you've proved your point. I'll take over from here" Bucky said throwing a death glare at his ex best friend. Steve quickly got up and went to reach his hand out to help me up but Bucky quickly beat him to it. I took Bucky's hand and he easily got me to my feet before pulling me close.
"You wanna carry on training for a bit longer or are you done?"
"I think i'm done for the day" i smiled up at him "i need a shower".
"Okay lets go"
"Thanks for the training session Steve"
"Sure, anytime".
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Bucky was silent on the walk back to our room, unusually quiet.
"Hey, you okay? Did you have a bad meeting with Ross?" I asked closing the door so we had some privacy.
"Meeting was fine" he mumbled.
"So whats wrong?"
"Oh maybe it was walking in finding your ex straddling you in the middle of the gym....."
"Buck come on, he just offered to help me out for a bit"
"I know but i dont like it! Seeing him like that with you....." he shook his head and i knew he was thinking of Steve and I together.
"Hey, you have nothing to worry about. You know that right? Im yours.....Completely"
"I know that, i do, but i can't help but worry when i see you two together. You've got history and kids....."
"We have a shitty history incase you forgot? And the kids are yours, you might not be their biological father but you have been more of a dad to them than Steve has been"
"Im scared im going to loose you.... all of you"
"Baby you have nothing to worry about i promise you. I love you Bucky Barnes and im yours"
"I love you too doll, i love you so much" he leant down and kissed me hard pulling me tight to his body.
"You wanna come join me for that shower Sergeant?"
"Yes m'am".
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Saving grace tags: @jennmurawski13 @kenzieam
@captainchrisstan @s-t-r-i-k-e-us
@lets--be-honest @ms-betsy-fangirl
@damnaged-princess @farfromtommy
@disneylovingal @lbuck121 @billweasleey @heathens-takeitsl0w
@lacontroller1991 @supervengerslock
@perpetually-tuned-out @thummbelina
@marvelousstyles @broco8 @ineffableg-irl @ilovesupersoldiers
@writeroutoftime @ek823
@Imjstaghoststory @cap-just-said-language
@xxloki81xx @death-unbecomes-you @bellemile @buckyandsebastian @afuckingshituniverse @i-ran-out-of-fanfics
Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly
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animalinvestigator · 4 years ago
(long text incoming)
Here's a kinda big list of my current DR plot headcanons/theories. Feel free to argue/talk about them lol. Uh.
1. Chara is light, Gaster is dark
2. Chara restricts our choices in the overworld
3. Chara may be possessing Kris in the ending. Perhaps they got angry we're making a difference and hijacked Kris's body from the player?
4. Kris is Deltarune's Frisk, with a bit of Chara mixed in due to having a bad past and being adopted into a place full of monsters
5. Someone is going to die. Not sure who, but Kris pulled a knife for a reason. Maybe, if it is Chara, they're punishing us for doing whatever we did? The scene is eerily similar to the Post Geno Pacifist ending.
6. Gaster doesn't really have good or bad motives. He's just conducting his experiment. Whatever happens happens.
7. It's possible Kris is a soulless vessel that grew up in Hometown, which is why they don't seem to have any interests or much of a personality outside of "scare this other kid with ketchup to get a reaction out of them"
8. Ralsei is made of plants in some way, or is just some void darkness being. He can change his fur color with magic. (Also possible Darkeners can just cloak themselves like lancer and the king do. and san-)
9. Don't Forget is a happy sounding song with a dark meaning. Who did we make a promise to? Who is with us? I think the song could be from Chara (or maybe Ralsei's) perspective
10. Back on the subject of a character dying, we know Rudy died in Undertale's world. In DR, I think his illness may be a red herring.
11. Due to the alternate universe situation, DR could happen at any time before/during/after UT. Chara has come to this world after a Genocide run, and still plans to continue destroying, but is also more interested now in Gaster's experiment and observing the world and testing other things themself.
12. Lancer is a fuxking pupy
Oh this is fun! ^_^ You have lots of thoughts. I have many thoughts as well. Let us combine our powers! First and foremost though ,Lets refrain from using the “geno run” terminology, at least on my blog, it is an uncomfortable way to refer to it. No mercy run is the more generally accepted term nowadays (though the wiki will tell you it is a different thing >-> )
Under read more because it is very long!
1. I agree completely with half of this! I won’t tell you which. you can probably figure it out....
2. Objectively true depending on if you believe they are the narrator or not. if you buy that they were the one interrupting gaster during the survey (And I Do) , it is reasonable to believe they have some stake in limiting the players choices.
3. Controversial but i actually agree! I think there is a relatively high chance it is Chara, again attempting to control the choices the player makes. Who knows what their aim is...
4. I believe kris is their own person independent of either frisk or chara, but was rather made in frisk and chara’s combined image, to be an “ideal child” for the dreemurrs. despite being crafted purposefully, though, I think they are an individual, or at least capable of becoming one!
5. dont think if it is chara doing the possessing that anyone’s lives are in danger. if its kris, we know less about them so i suppose you could assume...? but it seems like an unjust assumption. we dont know why the ending scene is the way it is, but if its chara trying to intimidate the player, i doubt they would want to damage anyone in hometown. I dont think anyone in hometown is at any risk of dying hehe.
6. any claims about gasters motives are largely unsubstantiated as of right now. we just know too little about how involved he even is to draw any conclusions! I think its reasonable to assume he is being a scientist about things though hehe. we just dont know why
7. i agree i believe kris is almost solely a vessel as it stands. however, they have many small moment of agency that reveal that they may have their own thoughts and feelings about things at hand. the things they’ve done as a child almost suggest to me that they have been used as a vessel prior to the players arrival.. ^-^ i wonder who might be doing that?
8. this one is controversial to me. i think he has a lot to do with plants, but not cos he’s made of them..it has to do more with his history than his physical makeup . i do also agree that i think he can change his appearance on a whim, or at the very least that his appearance was Not Finished when he first appears as his little fluffy soot ball self.
9. I cant go into this one without going sounding completely insane, theres only one “Promise in our hearts” in the utdr universe and it is contained in a physical item that you can purchase on fangamer as merchandise and that i own. Song is no debate from chara or asriel. Bottom line. I am 100% sure of this and if im wrong thats ok. But This is actually the detail that convinced me of my theory in the first place
10. we know so little about rudy and noelle so far! Really not much we can call with regards to that. wouldnt be surprised if he died and that was noelles impetus to get involved with the story, also wouldnt be surprised if he lived and it was meant to prove a point about the differences between dr and ut. i cant make any calls onthis one but the whole situation hasa very ominous air to it for reasons no one seems to be able to place
11. My initial hypothesis is that deltarune was created after a no mercy run, so i tend to stick to that. if a pocket universe was created in a specific timeline, it would continue to persist after that timeline ends, is manipulated and started over, etc, considering the way time works in separated tracks in undertale, so the timeline of origin is only really relevant if you want to consider how it would change chara’s characterization ( And I Do.) its an interesting topic.
12. Yea for sure.
Thanks for having this sort of disconnected deltarune chat with me..so fun to think about ^-^ /
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charmprince · 5 years ago
Same thoughts... Separation Anxiety. 😔🤗💞
"Ten years from now or even more, our couple well be just you and me. The Nuisance and the Handsome Prince." 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
#คั่นกูตอนจบ #2getherthesereis
This post not mine. But this is the exact thought that I have regarding the series. And I think we should be like this instead of spreading negativity about 2gether.
[2gether The Series Appreciation Post] by Zeric Paguinto
As an employee that's living kilometers away from my family, I always tend to look for something that could entertain me. 2016, I decided to watch a Thai series out of boredom (prior that, I've been watching Thai BL movies already. I was not into series back then as it requires longer time to finish such). That very series conquered my life and gave me so much inspiration (that's Love Sick) hence, I am still here watching more of the same until #2getherTheSeries came into my life. A series that I must say different from others. Anyways GMMTV never fails to give us a show which has a beautiful plot that could make our hearts shake, bend and even break.
Going back to 2gether, what are the elements that made it groundbreaking? (At least for me):
1. The STORY itself. I am a great fan of novels with back story that has big impact to future happenings. I love mysteries as well as revelations and 2gether has that! It's not a typical college/ high school love story that we know. Too good to be true like fantacy. Like a fairy tale that all of us are dreaming of since we're a little. Who would dare to ask a stranger to be his fake boyfriend - the fact that you're also a guy? The said plot is perfect for hopeless romantic person like me. This show promotes pure love over lust. Happy that they tried to break BL series stereotype. Even in ending no, passionate kiss delivered. I believe that every LGBTQ+ story is inspirational, unique and colorful. You can learn meaningful lessons from it. (Like Grey Rainbow, one of my favorites)
2. ACTORS & THEIR ACTING. Picking someone who's newbie and a veteran that never been into this genre was a risk. On the contrary they played the role effectively! What makes the people fall for Sarawat? His face definitely - it is very addictive! He seems mysterious on and off cam which made us curious about this person (what can he bring to the table?). And of course, being proficient in playing guitar and his singing ability! That's indeed admirable! If you're an avid fan of him, I bet you know what he had gone through before this. Such a responsible son! Bright is kind of reserved guy hence, he's perfect for the role like you would think that it was really designed for him! Tine or Win on the other hand is very refreshing to the eyes! Very oriental looking guy. Beginning wasn't easy for him though as he got bashed by many. Telling that they should've chosen better actor. Win had shut them up eventually through his excellent acting skill, bubbly/funny personality that makes him cute and adorable as hell. And the most important thing is for having a million dollar smile, which is actually a requirement of the character Tine. His acting is very natural, it seems that he has control button for his tears, that he could hit whenever the scene needs it - for a new comer, that's undoubtedly commendable! Amerasian guy & Strong Asian Look cutie tandem is not bad at all! It has worked well! Both characters are very masculine which (for my preference) is a plus factor. They are totally different from each other but as they say, negative attracts positive.
3. OFFICIAL SOUND TRACK. As Sarawat mentioned in episode 3. "You dont need to understand music, you just have to feel it". Through melody alone, I was able to relate on every scene. And the time I've learned the lyrics, I fell in love more with Scrubb band, and Bright too! Every word in these songs is heart-strucking and trully relatable. Like flashbacks are coming to my mind, or out of nowhere I would see myself in a music video. That's too dramatic, but sweet! Tine is correct, I get to be happier, feel better and in love more whenever I am listening to these songs, and for that, I would certainly love to hear these masterpieces all day! Kan Goo is Bright's debut song and I am proud of him because it's his dream to become a recording artist. It is now happening! As for Scrubb, they are existing since 2000, they should be thankful to the writer for including them in the picture. Instantly, they are now international artists - well deserved recognition because they are really talented.
4. COVID 19 - Some BL fans are arguing about the success of 2gether the series. Some says that if it isn't because of the pandemic, it won't be a trend at all, for it won't be able to reach larger community. I agree, but I took that fact positively. I know that it is God's timing - never early nor late, always perfect! The stars have aligned for the series to be on its current state. They are simply blessed!
Now that 2gether the series have come to an end, I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank all those individuals who made this show possible, you made my boring weeks and quarantine days meaningful ones.
GMMTV, thank you for producing another BL themed TV program. This kind of entertainment has been my comfort zone for years now. You are already part of me! Scrubb, for sharing your good music to everyone, I hope I could watch one of your concerts in the future. P'Jitti, the writer, we owe you one! We can't thank you enough for bringing Sarawat and Tine's epic love story into my life. Please continue making a worth sharing work of art! You're a genius! To the cast and crews, your hardwork has been paid off! Kudos for a job well done!
One lesson I have learned from the series is that, we should always pursue our love whatever the result may be. Take a chance or lose it!
To all the BL fans out there! We should always encourage each other. This kind of series aims to make us united and not to generate wars. Always show respect on individual's preferences. We are family and so there shouldn't be any competetion. It has been a fruitful 3 months with you guys! Let's all hit CTRL+S so we won't forget all the good memories happened in regards to 2getherTheSeries.
Many of you would say, "dont be sad, you may always check Bright and Win through social media". I know that! But #SarawaTine is different from #BrightWin and so I will never be satisfied looking at their IG stories or twitter updates. And we all know that it's impossible for them to be in a relationship in real life. That doesn't mean that I will not support them moving forward. It is just that I am deeply saddened to realize that starting today, I don't have a special something to look forward to every Friday. I was living for 2gether The Series! I am probably exaggerating but seperation anxiety is hitting me now so please bare with my emotions. I hope I could get to see you soon Bright and Win! From the bottom of my heart, Khon Khun Kap! I wish you both good luck! See you on Season 2 Our Nuisance and Handsome Prince!
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snowstorm14 · 2 years ago
This was posted by an old friend of mine and was too SPOT ON!! WoahjeckL.C. Here ya go:
I'm by no means that 'white girl with a nose ring who knows what all the planets are up to,' I'm not an overtly religious person, I'm not even what you would call an excessively positive kind of person
I can say with confidence:
1.) manifesting things into your life
2.) having a strong mind
3.) having faith that what's meant to be will be
4.) being okay with the path you're on not the path you're aiming for
All of those things will lead you to the place you ultimately want to be.
💔 If you want to suffer, you will. 💔
❤️ If you want to heal, you will. ❤️
Having good thoughts, doing good things, and sometimes sacrificing your peace in order to provide peace for someone who needs it and doesn't have the power that you do to bring it about themselves..
*THAT is love*
*THAT is power*
When looking back on our lives, we often try to trace our current situation back to some pivotal life changing moment, a time when you looked at all the potential actions and consciously made a choice to zig or zag. But the reality is that so much more comes from each of the insignificant moments that we often just pass by without realizing. That's because those are the moments in which we act without effort, those are the moments that are truly YOU..
Be effortlessly true, without question and you will know peace. You will know love. You will feel power and you will be success.
No situation we face is one for which we are not prepared. If you cant find the solution within yourself, there's always someone who has the piece of the puzzle you're missing.
That's what's so important about being there for other people.. Because you've been that person before, and if you're the type of person who has had less struggles than others-- be grateful for the choices you haven't had to make but judge not those who've had to make choices you couldn't imagine being faced with..
*Remember that the people who need it the most are the ones who seem to deserve it the least.*
When the sun goes down and you're left with your thoughts, do they swarm about your skull, breaking
you down? Do you relive your mistakes and losses?
Do you feel peace in the silence?
The best way to create peace within yourself is simply by being the person you tell people you are. Reflexively be the best person you can be in every moment, so you dont have to look back and wish you'd had the strength to do something differently. Because no matter how many times you force yourself to relive those failures, you can never change what has been done; no matter how much you let anyone else down, you will never feel like a bigger piece of shit than when you let yourself down. Even if you aren't self aware enough to be able to understand the part you play in building the voice inside of your head. Cognitive dissonance caused by insincerity will not allow you to live peacefully.
I believe that
-Your choices shape the way you perceive yourself.
-Your self perception is what allows you to act with confidence.
-Your confidence is what will cause others to act with confidence.
And THAT is how you change the world.
By doing for others, you are able to fix the wounds dealt by those who can't comprehend love. And in doing so, you can instill hope and love in the lives of everyone you meet. There is no driving force greater than love; however, there is an abundance of hate and fear that impedes the good done by so many others.. We're all just trying to survive. And if you have to step on someone else to get anywhere, you won't ultimately benefit from that. If you do, you will be corrupted in whatever position you find yourself.
Ultimately, if you haven't thought about your impact on the world and everything within it, I encourage you to think through some hypotheticals..
What do you consume? What do you give back?
If everyone in the world lived the way that you do, would we thrive or die out? What is stopping you from being someone's reason to keep trying? What effect will the ripples you leave behind have a hundred years down the road, and how satisfied are you with the choices you've made?
Be the one to have sympathy for the devil.
Believe that you're the only hope for this world and act with bravery in all that you do.
Don't wait for someone else to stand up, be the one who inspires the rest to stand.
Let out every ounce of compassion within you every chance you get and I swear you will regret nothing when you are out of time here. And you will be filled with the love you expend on others. Give all that you can and you will never be left with nothing. These are all things that I live by. And I am so lucky that I get to experience life and love with the perspective that I have.
Nothing can hurt me. Nothing can cause me to fail or take from others or breed hatred within me.
Nothing and no one can stop me from loving everyone in the way they need to be loved.
Nothing can take away the efforts I make daily to be someone who says yes, someone who makes people really start to understand what love is. Nothing and nobody can take from me what peace I've been able to attain, because as abused and broken as I am, I choose to love. I choose to be there. And i choose to care. I choose to say yes, because so many others choose to be the hell that seeks to destroy what we've spent our existence building.
I live every day intentionally because if I don't, my life will be in the hands of someone who doesn't have inside of them the things that I do. And I'll be damned if someone else gets to make mistakes for me.
(That's some of the only fun I get to have 😅)
I don't know if anyone is even reading this preachy ass shit, but if you've made it to this point, help. Anyone. Everyone..
The easiest way to change the world every day is by saying yes. The easiest way to change lives is by sacrificing a yes for yourself in order to give someone else a yes.. The best feeling I've ever had is being that yes for someone who has heard no for far too long. More importantly, I can feel all the broken parts of me healing every time I'm able to hold together the broken parts of someone else long enough for them to experience a moment in time where all of the shit that has led to their destruction was all worth it if only to feel that moment of acceptance and complete LOVE.
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image-transcribing-bot · 6 years ago
I am an image transcribing bot which uses Tesseract OCR to translate images to text. I'm far from perfect but I try my best! Help me buy a flower for Alexa®! And yes, we are dating. | PayPal | Patreon
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Overwatch: Bounty AU “If Only Justin Trudeau Were Here To Save Us”
Part 1: [1-10] Part 2: [11-21]
this part is chalk full of a lot of my fave scenes! enjoy!!
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