#dont ignore it or celabrate it
aesha-101 · 7 months
The fact that white discrimination is an actual thing done by 'anti racists' is wild to me
Less than a week ago i saw people celebrating that a theater performance would be black only.
Only allowing one race to do something is segregation.
That's not a 'huge step against racism', that is racism
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captainfrisbee · 4 years
no strings on me
chapter 1 
There were a lot of people here. Ofcourse I expected people but this is a lot. Tony was trowing another party to celabrate the avengers for bringing down another HYDRA base. Well you know Tony he sees an excuse for a party he takes it with both hands. Im just talking to Sam, A friend Steve made. About sports.  'The thing about heavy weight kickboxers is that every hit can be the one, So you're way more on edge.' I say while taking a sip of my red fernandes in a wine glass.  'Yes but if you want to see a good fight you have to watch the middle weight. They really got that technique.' Sam says.  'Yeah thats true.' I say taking another sip. Fernandes is basicly just licuid sugar but its good.  'That better not be wine in that glass there young lady.' I hear dad say from behind me in his 'dad' voice.  'Don't worry I would never give her that. Its just some kind of red soda.' Nat says joining us.  'Well I'm going to play some pool with some old dudes. See ya.' Sam says clinging his beer bottle against your glass.  'Tony told me to tell you guys he's having a little afterparty in the livingroom for avengers and crew only.' Nat says smiling at your dad for just a second to long. Im not stupid something is going on between those two.  We walk into the livingroom and see the other avengers laughing and eating chinese. I grap a plate and dump some food not there, And sit down on the couch next to thor.  'It's physics!' Tony says. 'Physics.' My dad agrees. Tony graps thors hammer that is standing on the table. 'So if i lift it, i just rule asguard?"  Thor laughs. 'Yeah ofcourse. '  'I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta.' Tony tries to lift the hammer but fails 'I'll be right back.' wearing his armored hand, Stark tries to lift the hammer again and fails. wearing their armored hands, tony and Rhodey both try to lift Thor's hammer. 'Are you even pulling?' 'Are you on my team? 'Just represent. pull!'  My dad stands up next and pulls, He fails and tries to transform into the hulk but fails. Everybody looks at him a bit weird except for Nat she just grins at him. I swear something is going on between them. Dad sits back down again.  I give Steve a little push in the back. "Come on Steve no presure.' I laugh. Steve stands up scruching his shoulders. He graps the hammer and pulls. I dont know if i saw it wrong but I swear I saw it move a bit. Steve pulls again but he can't lift it.  'Nothing.' Thor nervously laughs. I think he saw it move too.  'And?'  'Widow.' dad asks. 'Oh no.' Nat says 'Thats not a question I need answered. 'All deference for the man who wouldn't be king. But it's rigged.' Tony says.  'You bet your ass it is.' Clint replies. 'Oh steve.' hill remarks 'He said a bad lanuage word.  Steve turns Towards Tony. 'Did you tell everybody that?'  But Tony just completely ignores him. 'The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code. "Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints" is, I think, the literal translation?' Thor leans back and laughs. 'Yes, well that's, uh, that's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one.' he gets up and lifts his hammer and flips it. 'You're all not worthy. there's a chorus of disagreement from the others. sudenly there's a loud screeching noise, causing everyone to cover their ears. i let my hands down as it fades. from the background rises a broken robot.  'Worthy... No... How could you be worthy? You're all killers.' Everybody seems confused not knowing whats happening.  'Stark.' Steve says asking for an explination from him. Tony starts saying a lot of stuff i can't hear. im backing off to get away from that robot incase it wants to hurt anybody. Because im not an avenger I cant keep a killer robot from killing me. Suddenly a whole group of robots fly into the room and attac us. I get pushed behind a couch by Nat. She graps my head and holds me down against her. I try to breathe through it. Just nose in mouth out. The guys and Maria are fighting the robots. The fighting dies down.  'That was dramatic! I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to...evolve?' it picks up one of the dismembered robots. 'With these? These puppets? There's only one path to peace: The Avengers' extinction.' Thor throws his hammer at Ultron and smashes him to pieces. after Thor destroys his body, Ultron starts singing 'I had strings, in the labut now I'm free. There are no strings on me, no strings on me.'
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