#dont get me wrong i Love the horror of change the fear of change the lengths gone to to prevent change
actually thinking so much about change that is beautiful not just for what it is but because it Is change. crows feet. laugh lines. top surgery scars. you are not the same and you never will be again and that is beautiful
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fucked up what happened to mike crew.
#i think that and maybe leitner voice debut and the whole dark ritual story arc are some of the only things ive actually really really-#disliked about the podcast#NOT THAT THE LEITNER VOICE DEBUT WAS BAD#i just think that it took away from a lot of the tension that was building however i do love brutal pipe murder#also making the avatars so easy to kill just humanizes them too much to me which i think is the opposite of what was trying to be done#like the put so so so much emphasis on how michael isnt michael anymore he's something else and how jon is slowly losing his humanity#and thats a lot of the horror is losing your humanity#which i understand some avatars are going to be more human than others but yknow#its also a horror podcast#theres something terrifying about living so long being stuck in a not quite human state not being able to go on without feeding your fear#you technically dont have as much autonomy as you think you do and thats terrifying#but that kind of gets lost when you make it so easy to kill some of them#and like didnt jon also...have to go see the flesh to even get bones out of himself like he was having physical issues with?? bleeding??#i dunno#i actually didnt mind gerry's explanation of things#i know some people did but its just as cryptic as any other explanation#like the fears cant really be rationalised whatever you think you know about them is wrong#like he also didnt really know fuck all about anything else jon asked him#you gotta remember he really just wanted to get out of that book as well#“yeah the world changes in terrible ways for YOU. im a book”#“you cant be serious.” “im dead serious”#so realistically with how little gertrude actually told him about any of it and how much he just wanted to get out of the book yknow you#gotta take everything he said with a grain of salt#SORRY FOR RANTING ON MAIN I WAS JUST HAVING THOUGHTS#stickers lore
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deadlykitten-404 · 6 months
!!SPOILERS!! for season 1 finale/specifically episode 77
Okay so this is my first listen through of the magnus archives (i don't usually do horror, my overactive imagination makes it hard for me to sleep, ive been alright as long as i dont listen past 10pm lol, but wolfy really won me over with their fanart so here i am) and i adore Sasha, she's probably my favorite of the main crew
having said that I did get myself spoiled on not-sasha ahead of time while looking at something on the wiki (i think i recognized a name and was looking at something for continuity reasons? i dont remember), either way i noticed the change in sasha immediately at the start of season 2.
well, with context out of the way, ive just reached the episode with the ghost hunter that makes jon realize that something is wrong with her, and i really love the moments when jon's hard exterior breaks for a moment and you can see that he does care for the others. basically the point of this post is for me to yell about how excited i got when he immediately started looking into it, and i genuinely teared up when he couldn't get himself to say that she had been killed (and the finality at the end when he says hes going to figure out how to kill not-them to avenge sasha UGH it was so good i love it when the "emotionless" "cold" characters love their friends its so great)
also on the line of spoiling things i know vaguely about the Fears, but not enough about how they work (i realized what i was getting into and stopped looking into for spoiler reasons) but hearing gertrude mention The Stranger directly was cool i cant wait for jon to learn more about them so I can learn more about them lol
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bunnyb34r · 3 months
Anyways so I saw Twisters today and it was AMAZING! I highly recommend it. It's very fun and if you love weather like me, it was very cool. Was also sad, (I cried a couple times) but that might just be me being an emotional bitch 😅.
I really like the twist (haha) and how it wasn't really like a SUPRISE thing (like it wasn't too hard to see coming, but if you didn't already have the inkling of it, it would be a real "ohhhh" moment) Will not spoil it here though, that is gonna be under a cut. Mostly I mentioned it here for the pun and I thought it was really good plot wise.
The actors were all amazing. I really hated the soundtrack I have to be honest. I mean I don't like pop country really and I find a lot of post 2000 country to be not my cup of tea, so that's probably why. I know a lot of people (allegedly) really liked the soundtrack though so dont like go into it thinking "oh this is gonna be a bad music experience", bc hey you might like it!
Anyway as a kid I always thought the original movie Twister was a horror movie, and this one WAS one for me GSGDGDGDGD I was like so fucking scared for most of it 😭 I have a horrible fear of tornados
I thought that it was a movie ab a tornado forming and like chasing this couple?? Like it would suck back into the sky and they're like "whew we're safe!" And it just spawns from the same storm cell again and again until it kills them 😭😭 idk why I thought that
I also thought that just watching it would summon one 😭 I really don't know why I thought that
I just remember anxiously staring at my grandmas vhs tape and being asked if I wanted to watch that and then crying "no no no!!!" Agsgdgdgdggdgdgdg
Anyway very very good movie, although some parts were sad, it was all in all a fun movie and a really cool action adventure type film. I'd say it lives up to the hype
Spoilers below:
Okay so the parts I cried at were: when the boyfriend got sucked away and how he died protecting her 😭
The flashback when she thinks he's in the bed with her saying "its okay, I got you"
The videotape he made in the barn REALLY made me cry
The part when the tornado hits at the rodeo, the part with the mom and the little girl. I was SURE that little girl was gonna die or that she somehow got sucked up and the mom didn't feel her absence (so fucking glad I was wrong oh my god)
The part where the movie theater roof flies off and the screen gets torn off and people got sucked out, and when Lily was almost sucked out. (My cheeks were CLENCHED)
I loved Avi's character change and how he left that dickhead in the storm (but far enough away from the tornado) to go help
Idk why but I wasn't expecting so much death? Like graphic death, even if you don't see the bodies, just knowing like "theres people in there" as the vehicles are sucked up made me SAD
I'm glad Ben put down the camera and went to help instead of being like "ah yes this will make good for my story!" And taking pics anyway. I liked that he wasn't like soley focused on his job, that he saw the team helping others and went to help
Also liked how the team was not only hugging Kate for stopping the tornado, but Avi as well. Like they just adopted him into the crew and were glad he was alive too.
Oh and the Twist was that Storm Par was the bad team and the Tornado Wranglers were the good guys. That they only sell the merch to be able to pay for supplies and food to be able to help the victims. That they weren't as they seemed to be. I thought that was really nice plot wise.
Anyways idk if I was crying bc of the emotional impact of the movie, or if it was like my fear of tornados and fear of that kind of damage happening to my family, or both. Like maybe it was both and the existing fear being amplified had heightened my emotional state and what everyone else saw as a bummer made me cry idk
Anyways I do wanna see it again sgdgdgdggdgd 9.5/10 (.5 taken off for the irritating soundtrack)
Edit: wait wait wait the dickhead (I dont remember his name, you know who I'm talking ab if you saw it) was in The Tin Man truck, the tin man was missing a heart. That dude was straight up heartless.
Avi and Kate were in the Lion truck, they both needed courage. Avi needed the courage to ditch Riggs and stop helping exploit people's tragedy for sponsor money. Kate needed courage to get back into storm chasing, to let go of her grief (or stop being afraid of it), to try her project again, AND the courage to trust Tyler and let him look at her plan.
Avi and Kate BOTH got their courage; Avi came back to help, Kate all the above.
Can't say the same for the Tin Man lmaoo
But also ... is that calling the Scarecrow brainless? Agfsfddg idr who was on that truck but 👀
AND Dorothy was the start of it all/ arguably brought them all together in the first place
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fufaitazu · 8 months
side order thoughts spoilers belowwww. so dont wead it<3!
OFF THE FUCKKING HOOK AGGHH im the off the hook + their friend 8 guy and this dlc literally just being Off The Hook Jamboree made me sob and throw up. it's a story about MARINA first and foremost she's one of the most precious characters to me in the world so it makes me very very happy to see her at the forefront of the story.
i like that she is gay yes but i also really love that in this world of her own making, something she designed to help heal sanitized octarians (WHICH IS ALSO HUGE TO ME. FORRR THE RECORD!!!!) the main antagonist and who jeopardizes her vision is a pretty on the nose manifestation of her own like Signature Character Flaw, that being that she's terrified of change. i am VERY happy they did not do "heel turn evil marina". i am happy there was no twist villain. it was a story about marina's growth as a person and how she's learned to embrace chaos and that there are parts of living she can't control. that unpredictability and impulse and change can end poorly sure but it can also take her to places she'd never dreamed of seeing before.
acht is funny because i made the fucking dumb fuck mistake of assuming dedf1sh wouldnt ever be canonically relevant beyond their role in octo expansion so id workshopped a number of headcanons about them and how they speak and behave but they're literally at the forefront here as an entirely different character from what i'd been envisioning in my head
WHEN THEY FIRST START INTERACTING WITH PEARL AND MARINA THEY LEGIT GIVE ME THE VIBE OF LIKE. MARINA'S EX WHO CLEARLY THINKS PEARL IS KIND OF ANNOYING BUT PEARL IS OBLIVIOUS TO THE UNDERLYING RESENTMENT. it was really funny to me. i do think acht came around to her by the end of the dlc they can tell marina is much happier with where her life is after leaving octo valley
acht is important in the general Marina Narrative as well as they're like. there to remind marina of what she can still treasure from her past. and pearl is there to continue walking forward with her into a brighter future. it's kind of beautiful i think.
anyway im also glad its not as scary as a lot of people predicted; not because i could not handle that but because after eight escaped kamabo co i dont think she needs any more horror on the level of "we are grinding exceptional members of your kind in to sludge and using that sludge to turn yet more of your kind who DARED to try living a better life into barely-alive shambling bodies."
like dont get me wrong she certainly still takes it personally that something would try to impede marina's attempt to heal sanitized octarians (especially since that thing is a Visible Manifestation Of An Abstract Fear That Is Literally Eating Her Alive At The Start Of The Game) but frankly the events of the main game (i mean its like kamabo co two here we're kidnapping your kind and turning them into something unrecognizable) would be significantly more distressing for her than "i'm helping marina fix her computer and pearl and dedf1sh are here"
i love that she was on tour with off the hook too... they really love her she really loves them...
ok think i got it out of my system i need lunch now
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lilredghost · 1 year
baby bestie because i read chp 14 so late im feeling like its my birthday, that i get chp 15 so early!! can i just quickly take the moment to scream about the dream scene??? all those little tells that maybe this isnt right (inception vibes). this was so brilliant
also obi's downward spiral about if anakin loves him or married himbeacuse he is an alpha IM CRYING WITH HIM OH GOD WHAT IF OBI NEVER CLAIMED HE WAS AN ALPHA AND STILL RULED OBIKIN WOULD NEVER HAVE MET PLS
Obi-Wan has had a hard time keeping his head on straight, this last week. A harder time than usual, anyway.
A side effect of all the stress, perhaps. babygirl change your suppresants pls theyre stressing you out i still dont trust komari she is maham anga's character for a reason
Anakin's hand has settled on his thigh; it grips him tight, bold and claiming, under the table.
Obi-Wan wonders if it will leave bruises.
The fingers creep closer— not further up but further in, ghosting the edge of the scent gland there— and Obi-Wan has to swallow back his arousal, trying to focus on Luminara. oh he's so jealous thisis such a good thing to read in fics but somehow such a red flag irl uk ill read any fic if it says possesive anakin
He feels like he’s back in his wedding finery, wondering why his fiancé won’t look at him.
His husband won’t look at him. i cried then for obi-wan and im crying for now poor baby had all his childhood dreams broken like sugar glass and now he knows anakin may never have married him????? i love it when u put obi-wan thru the horrors
im just gonna very casually read thru the rst of the fic again cause i simply love the writing style in this and i have creative writing hostel championship coming up so. uk. i would really like to write as well as you
(Referring to ch 15 of Their fragrance came from you)
Baby!! I had so much fun with the dream scenes honestly!! I felt so evil writing it but it was so so satisfying (summary of this whole chapter honestly). My aim with those slightly wrong things was that you wouldn't quite be able to tell if it was just Obi-Wan's unreliable narration at work (especially because he often has moments where he's caught up in something and "doesn't quite remember"/"didn't realize" something happened), or if there was actually something wrong! I also thought about having the whole dream sequence in italics, but I wanted the reader to take Obi-Wan's introspection about not being an alpha seriously.
And the repetition of things which happened in the dream, but slightly different… idk what drove me to do that, but I'm soooo happy I did. I think it adds so much flavor in showing how Obi-Wan perceives the world (or how he fears it to be) vs. how it actually is!
Ahhh the concept of Obi-Wan openly being the first omega ruler from the beginning! He would have come out sooo much less depressed 🥺🥺 (But maybe, in some ways, more stern? He has to show that he's not soft just because he's an omega, after all!) I love to think that in an AU like this, Stewjon and Tatooine still needed that mutual help so they went to make an alliance. But since there's no immediate candidate that's obvious for marriage, Tatooine doesn't write anything about marriage in their terms, hoping it will pass under the radar (it does). They settle instead on a sort of cultural exchange where Anakin will come spend some time in Jedha and then later Obi-Wan will go and visit Mos Espa. And hey, two omegas in positions of power… working closely together…. Obi-Wan gets to be Anakin's friend without jumping through all the hoops. Anakin gets to learn all about Obi-Wan's secret dreams of marriage. And then Obi-Wan's heat rolls around, and Anakin offers to help, and-- Well, the rest is history!
"babygirl change your suppresants pls theyre stressing you out i still dont trust komari she is maham anga's character for a reason" ALFKJSDLKFJSKJ THE WAY I CACKLED. She IS maham anga's character for a reason, but not this reason!!
The grade of suppressants Obi-Wan is taking are only meant to be used in the short term (a few years, with medically scheduled heats once or twice a year) in cases where it's not safe for an omega to be having heats. Otherwise, he should be taking regular-strength suppressants (with that same caveat of medically scheduled heats once or twice a year, along with a full detox every five or so years).
But uh. He's been taking them for twenty years. One medical heat a year, to mimic an alpha's biorhythm. No detoxes. It's a wonder his suppressants hadn't failed up until this point already. On top of all that is the new stimulation that he's getting from Anakin, which has his body trying to react like an omega (like Anakin's mate!!) and so it's also actively fighting through the suppressants rn. They're definitely failing, but they're failing slowly enough that he hasn't noticed. ((Also the idea that they'd fail is so inconceivable to him…. he's definitely not a doctor, lol))
I get you on the jealousy honestly I would HATE if someone did that irl but I'm such a fucking sucker for it in fiction. Anakin will cool down about it once he feels more secure, but I feel like it's necessary for his character to go through that development rather than being chill about Luminara from the get-go.
"poor baby had all his childhood dreams broken like sugar glass" LITERALLY 😭😭 I wrote a post a while back about how Obi-Wan didn't want to tell Anakin about his designation yet because he was too afraid of losing him. But now (he thinks) he's lost Anakin already!!
Luckily, Anakin will convince him that he wants to stay. So yes I'm putting Obi-Wan through the horrors, but. Ultimately it's so that he can heal and move on
And I'm so happy you like my writing style, I think it's really grown into itself (and grown on me, too) over the course of the fic! Good luck on your writing competition -- I'm sure you'll do well 💖💖
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edge-lorde · 1 year
for the ask meme: 3 6 and 25 for the clone brothers^^
3. what is your oc's fatal flaw?
for funny clone-- probably fear of change. hes the one most aware of how messed up the horde is, but he won't leave because he'd rather stay where he's comfortable than take action.
shitty clone-- that he truly honestly sincerely believes his lived experience is universal (he knows mentally that its not, but forgets a lot). he doesn't try to be an ass, but its difficult for him to show empathy for others points of view when he doesn't think that other points of view are even real.
mom clone-- believes in the horde? hes willing to make excuses for the horrors the horde has done both to other clones and outsiders because he believes the horde is good.
which ties into the next question...
6. how easily could your oc be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
for mom clone his moral compass is tied to horde philosophy, but he also has his own moral compass. by horde philosophy, things like wearing non-uniform clothes is morally wrong, which obviously he has enough wherewithal to justify doing so post hive mind. pre hive mind, he would have had no problem doing any order he was given to do, like say scrapping a clone that wasnt forming correctly in the tube and starting over. post hive mind he'd have a much harder time justifying that.
conversely, post hive mind, since he genuinely cares about his brothers well being as people, and believes the horde is good, when his brothers come to him with a problem he will first try to help them using the tools the horde gave him. for example, when funny clone tells him he had a dream of his teeth falling out, mom clones first inclination was to check his physical appearance because that is what hes been taught what is most important. but hes also willing to bend the rules when he can see the horde way isnt helping.
so to answer the question, both yes and no? its easy to get him to go against his horde moral compass, and hard to get him to go against his new post hive moral compass, to a point.
for shitty clone-- actually very hard to get him to go against his moral compass. he legitimately thinks what he does is in the right. even in horde settings if he thinks something being done is not correct he's not afraid to voice his opinions and will disobey orders if he thinks he knows better.
funny clone-- extremely easy. lol what moral compass? he knows he works at the puppy kicking factory and goes anyway. nothing in life matters to him now that horde prime is dead.
25. what is your favorite thing about your oc?
shitty clone-- assholes are fun to write and fun to draw. i love putting this beast in situations.
mom clone-- imagining my mom as a 7ft tall buff man lol.
funny clone-- hes a silly boy! i enjoy being able to try to ascribe many things to him serious or very silly. hes the most 'main' point of view character but also a silly side character and isnt the one to drive the plot forward. hes meant to be like the nick carraway to shitty clones jay gatsby, (we'll see how well im actually able to pull that off) but i also want to give him his own arc. even if i dont manage to pull off the execution of a character like how i want him to be, having an oc i think about in story terms like this feels fun to me and makes me more excited to make things.
thanks for the ask!!
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inlovewithcharmers · 1 year
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Never in my life would I have thought to do this to a harry styles fan but they insulted everyone besides Joe Keery in the cast even though Gaten is literally on Broadway rn and they called MY BBG SEASON 3 TRASH- like don't act like seeing Steve harrington in a skirt was the best thing you have gotten to see. PLUS DACRE :((((( NO ONE GIVES HIM ENOUGH CREDIT FOR THIS SHIIIIIITTTTT HES SO TALENTED LIKE HE LITERALLY MADE PART OF HIMSELF CRY WHILE ACTING AS FLAYED BILLY.....
like girl......
Eduardo.....as soon as I seen the musical of everyone getting high I was genuinely scared....but Mike's beef with him is hilarious lmaoooooo.
I also love how they changed Charlie's character into being funny.....At first I was like I don't like how he stalks people like that?- but Steve s1 was an ass more than he was so I forgave him. He did a really great job changing his character a bit.
Finn is so amazing in mystery horror movies and series you don't even know- he can also sing so like WHAT YOU TALKING ABOUT? HES SO SWEET. THE SWEETEST BEAN EVEEERRR. HES THE REASON WHY I EVEN GOT INTO IT SO MUCH. I LOVE HIIIMMMM.
Gaten :)))) The talent My grandparents are so sucked into this show and literally have 7 to see him on Broadway but just don't want to drive💀 like HIS SINGING WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO MISS OUT ON. JAMIE WOULD BE SO PROUD OF HIM BRUH-
You sound like you only know one person that can sing and that's it? You are so wrong for that.
MILLIE DESERVES THE WORLD, SHE HAS A BOOK COMING OUT UNLIKE THE REST OF THEM.....Hell, she's living my dream talking to Winona writer and Henry Cavil. SHE. IS. LITERALLY. BESTIES. WITH. A. HOT. MAN. (Noah taking notes✍️) Not to mention this girl can rap like Ice spice who? No that's eleven spices. HIM AND DAVIDS FATHER DAUGHTER DUO IS SO ICONIC.
NOAH SLAYYYYYED THIS SHOWWW. OMFG WHERE DO I START?- When it was just us old byler stans. This man made us livid in a good way tbh. Finns my favorite ally, and noah not to sound homophobic 🙄 but he's my 3rd or 4th favorite LGBTQ bestie idk man Sadie's just so🦁 Rawr you know what I mean? I CRIED WHEN WILL HAD THAT BREAKDOWN IN SEASON 3 I WAS SOBBING. OUR POOR WILL :(
Jaime omfg. If you say this man is shit, sis we going to fight to the death. Jaime as Jace was a masterpiece. HE FITS THAT KIND OF VIBE SO WELL I LOVE IT. ALSO HE WAS IN TWILIGHT ❤️
SADIE IS FR A GODESS.🛐 She carried 2022 on her back. WAS AMAZING IN FEAR STREET. BREATHED DYLAN O'BRIENS AIR. I WOULD'VE FELT LIKE I WAS DIEING MAN WTH?. Not to mention the fact that her and dacre are my fav 2 duo in the show. I LOVE THEM. YOU INSULT OUR GINGER QUEEN WE RIDE AT DAWN.
Natalie, sure her character in season one was a little annoying and was pretty much a personality copycat to a shameless character, but THE CHEMISTRY OMFG. IF JOE KEERY LOOKED AT ME LIKE THAT- girl bye. WHO CAN EVEN SAY NO TO THAT JAWLINE LIKE DAMN GIRL?- D A M N.
Pryiah is my favorite girl boss d&d player feminist btw so if you mess with her ill literally hunt you down.
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reficu1 · 2 years
hiiii ^^ was wondering if I could have a matchup for genshin?
name: Periwinkle or just Peri but i also go by quin sometimes
sexuality: bi with a preference for guys
gender: non-binary, they/them
likes: music, art, true crime, animals but especially sea creatures, makeup, fashion, the cold, dark psychology, night, horror movies an books, gore, monsters <3, tropical fruits, icecream, sleeping, giving gifts, snow, thunderstorms, nature, and dinosaurs lmao.
dislikes: rules, anyone super serious reminds me of my m o m lmao, people who interrupt others, sports, heat, people touching my sides without warning me first, people not paying attention to me when i talk, people who always hold a pity party for themselves as their whole personality, koalas, and people who think they have it worse than you.
hobbies: singing, poetry, painting, sketching, writing, cooking, crocheting, bike riding while listening to music, swimming, video games like (skyrim, minecraft, botw, subnautica)
personality: INFP-A. a lot of people say i seem intimidating at first glance, i'm very aggressive and tend to be very loud by nature yet not very energetic if that makes sense. i talk too loud basically lmao. im socially awkward and try to make people too comfy too quick and tend to overshare. my mood changes rapidly due to being a borderline. I have a very happy personality tho and laugh at so much its ridiculous yet im diagnosed with multiple mental disorders. im really lazy and hate even standing for more than 5 mins mainly cuz my whole body always hurts tho lmao. im quite introverted and unless i HAVE to i hate going out and meeting new people. i isolate myself a lot if i get even slightly mad or sad. i have a lot of self-destructive habits and just dont work on them lmao. i talk a lot about things i like. i have bad trust and attachment issues yet i dont completely trust anyone due to past issues. a lot of people ik say im someone very trustworthy since i can keep secrets and know how to stay loyal and help people when they need to vent. im very blunt to the point it has ruined relationships. i try to watch my speaking due to having grown up in an environment where if i said anything wrong id be screamed at or beat so i tend not to say a lot of things im thinking despite being blunt. i can barely speak up for myself if someone is mad at me for fear of them hating me or leaving me, to the point if i stand up for myself i start crying and shaking and have to leave the room. i have really bad issues with self-harm. i have a very short attention span and get distracted super easy t the point i can barely read properly lmao. im really hypersexual at times and then sex repulsed at other times. i have an obsessive personality and if i find anything i like i surround myself with it as much as i can and if not, im daydreaming abt it. i have a thing for correcting people abt anything ik a lot about. i have a thing for loving anyone, whether real or fake, that's usually unliked whether its for being weird, scary, or ugly in any form. so basically i love the unloveable cuz i understand them. i cuss a l o t lmao. im very clumsy and jumpy at all times lmao i get hurt a lot, randoms bruises everywhere. i find comfort in my depression so i dont plan on getting better but im not suicidal. im the type of person to be like "huh?" even tho i heard you loud and clear.
insecurities: my body. i'm overweight for my height and have really defined curves so i get oversexualized a lot so i hate my body, plus my scars do n o t help. ive been told my whole life by my grandma and my cousins that im only good for my body so yeah. the way i get obsessed with things and people so easily. the fact im very poor and currently am homeless along with my parents lmao. the way i look for bad in anyone i like becuz i dont want to let myself love ever again. how i dont want to get better at all, i just wanna stew in my shit lmaoooo. the way i eat really unhealthily. how when i would cry as a child my family would say i was being dramatic so now when i need to cry i gaslight myself into thinking im being cringe. the way i try to seem a bit cooler than i am in front of people online. my impulsive lying (im working on it with my therapist tho so i barely do anymore compared to before). My taste in people. my fashion sense cuz of my mom. the way im agnostic now since i grew up religious. my darker interests. my boyish personality. how i cant keep anything around me clean for more than two days.
I hope you have a great night/day ^^
Oh, it's sad how similar we are. I hope that in the future you will get rid of people who make you uncomfortable, or your parents will change their parenting methods. Although the scars on the body and on the nervous system will remain.
I match up for you...
Okay, it was difficult. I chose between two characters whose 7 is dominant in the enneagram, because of this they avoid their problems _(._.)_well...
I wanted to choose Venti, but he has huge problems with responsibility or absence. He is used to drowning out moral pain with optimism, conversations, and a penchant for bad habits. And a pretty sloppy attitude.
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That's why I chose Child. Of course, I don’t know what will happen in the future and whether you want to have a family, so I will talk about his family in Snezhnaya. For the comfort of his family, he will do everything. Just look at his spoiled younger brother<^!^> Of course, the "lie" question bothers me. In his case, it is rather "a lie for the good" and "a wolf in sheep's clothing." The first is for the family so that they do not worry, and the other for his work. I talked earlier about avoiding reality or problems. Tartaglia has a tendency to avoid real issues that only concern his life and injuries. In conversation, he avoids the question by making a joke out of it, so as not to begin to study himself deeply. Since you don't really like touch, I see that his love language is deeds, gifts, money.
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
Villain X Hero Writing Prompt- Today is the Villain's birthday but due to a bad memory accosiated with it (and because the villain is kinda lonely) they dont celebrate. The villain has a battle with the hero with the hero merging victorious, kidnapping the villain. The villain thinks they've been kidnapped for information however the hero made made dinner and got a meaningful gift for the villain. Have fun with this prompt!
I love this concept. Villains being surprised with pleasantries is everything♡ I know I didn't quite get to the present part, but it felt like the right place to cut it off. I also just realized I kinda forgot about the "for information" part, oops. also I'm so sorry this took so long!
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As if their day couldn't suck any more than it already did, the villain had to go and top it off with losing in a fight with the city's hero.
Could this day get *any* worse?
They were handcuffed in the back of the hero's police car, driving through the city, towards the city jail, just like they had so many times before.
The villain had escaped jail multiple times, so this wasn't much more than a large inconvenience for them, at least it would have been, had it happened on *any* other day.
The criminal in question had gone out to avoid sitting at home alone with their thoughts today. Having to sit alone with their thoughts in a jail cell was an even worse option.
Letting out a deep sigh, they flopped back against the seat. Miserable. They just felt miserable. It felt like they couldn't even see colour in the world around them anymore.
"You're much quieter than usual," the hero commented as they drove, "Is something wrong?
"Excuse me‽"
"You're usually more talkative. These drives have never been this quiet before,"
"What do you care?" The villain muttered as they turned to look out the window.
That's when the villain suddenly realized something.
"Wait, we aren't going the right way," the villain blurted out, sitting up straighter suddenly.
The hero in the front seat gave a laugh under their breath, "you only just noticed?"
"This isn't the way to the station or city jail,"
"That would be because we aren't going to the station or city jail,"
The villain felt their throat tighten.
"Where are we going?" The villain asked, trying and failing to sound demanding. There were notes of slight fear. Nerves.
In the rearview mirror, the villain saw the hero glance at them, before their gaze fell back to the road ahead.
They didn't say anything.
"Hero..." the villain tried, "Where are you taking me...?"
"You'll see," was the hummed response.
A feeling of dread settled in their stomach.
Looking out the window, the car was already on the outskirts of the city.
Suddenly the radio was flicked on.
The villain swallowed nervously.
What a day to go out on, of all the 365 to choose from in a year.
After driving for close to half an hour, they were well outside the city and into the surrounding woods, pulling up to what looked like a small cabin.
It wasn't that the villain exactly *blamed* the hero for what they were about to do. Clearly, they'd pushed the other too far, or maybe the hero had finally grown tired of their game of cat and mouse.
This just wasn't how the villain imagined themselves leaving this mortal coil. It was always in a blaze of glory, last stand type of thing.
Still, they couldn't find it in themselves to fight back. Not today. Perhaps it was fate, to be taken out on the same day it all began. Poetic, if not ironic.
The hero got out of the car, straightening themselves and stretching for a moment before turning and opening the back door.
"Are you coming?" The hero asked, before surprisingly taking a step back away from the door so the villain could get out on their own. Not like it mattered, the hero probably knew there was nowhere to run out here now.
"Do I have a choice?" The villain muttered under their breath, looking at the ground.
The hero had the *audacity* to look *surprised* at that. As if they were shocked the villain wasn't jumping with excitement to get this over with.
"Well, I mean... no... I guess... I'd like to think I'm not forcing you but..."
The villain sighed, before swinging their feet out and standing up. Luckily, they'd been cuffed in the front this time, which- now that they thought about it, was also abnormal- but it made it easier to get out of the car on their own.
Still, they felt the hero put a hand under their arm to help steady them -as if polite bedside manner would change anything, only for the villain to shrug them off.
"I'm assuming there's nothing I can say to talk you *out* of doing this, is there?"
"What?" The hero asked in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
"Ya know, pull the whole 'you don't have to do this, I'll be better, I swear' kind of thing?"
"Excuse me-?"
"I mean-" the villain continued. They were rambling now. Maybe the fear was finally fully starting to kick in. The desperation, because they really *didn't* want this. There was no way they'd allow themselves to beg, but- "it would be a lie either way, I guess, despite the fact I probably shouldn't have said that I'm assuming you'd already know anyway, so-"
"Whoa, whoa, slow down," the hero said, placing a hand on the villain's shoulder gently, snapping them out of their spiralling thoughts, "What in the world do you think I brought you out here for?"
The villain rolled their eyes, "At least make it quick, will you? And stop acting oblivious or like I forced your hand. At least own up to what your about to do,"
The other's eyes widened as the final piece clicked into place, "You think-! I'm not gonna kill you-!" They cried in what could have been mistaken for horror.
The criminal furrowed their brows.
"I brought you here to *show* you something, silly!" The hero explained, before stepping forward and unclipping the handcuffs off the villain's wrists.
Said villain's eyes widened, "what‽"
The hero nodded, smiling, "I have a surprise for you,"
"What?!" They asked again.
The hero only nodded excitedly before turning the villain by the shoulders and giving them a gentle push towards the door, "Go on! Look inside!"
The villain glanced at the hero uncertainty before stepping forward toward the cabin.
When they opened the door, they froze on the spot.
It wasn't anything crazy.... the inside looked like any other cabin. Table, chairs, small kitchen and living area with a couch and tv. Warm glowing lights and-
A banner hung from the ceiling that read in large letters "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
The villain spun around so fast they nearly gave themself whiplash, turning to the hero that had sense come up behind them.
They jumped back slightly, words and air catching in their throat as they gawked at the hero like they'd grown 3 more heads.
Said hero laughed lightheartedly, "Surprise!"
It was like that had become the only word in their vocabulary.
"I know it isn't decorated much, but I didn't think you'd like the cliche ribbons and streamers and party hats," they made some jazzhand-like gesture, "I was also going to blindfold you but I didn't think you'd let me do that either,"
The villain could only stare, like their brain couldn't process the words they were hearing.
"I also made dinner, and a cake! Oh! I also have a gift for you too!"
The villain didn't move.
"Oh, and one last thing, I gave up and the fun cliche stuff just for you so I'm gonna make you suck it up and accept a birthday hug,"
"Why..." the villain managed, "why would you..."
"Why not?"
"I don't deserve this, I don't-" their voice cracked.
"Hey," the hero said softly, taking a step forward, "I heard you didn't celebrate, and I couldn't just let that happen. Everyone deserves to have a good birthday,"
The villain couldn't find any words, but the single tear that managed to quickly slip out and down their cheek did all the speaking for them.
The hero gave a small, sympathetic smile before opening their arms.
Nobody moved for a moment, before the villain caved, stepping forward and looking at the ground. They didn't reciprocate, keeping their own arms close to their chest, but allowed the hero to wrap theirs around them.
They'd never realized just how much taller the hero was until they were basically burying their face into the heros collar.
The villain couldn't even bring themselves to care at the moment, because they suddenly felt so safe, which was bizarre, considering how they felt on the way, but here they were.
"I still don't think I deserve this. Especially from you," the villain muttered from where their head was still tucked down against the hero's chest.
"I don't think your qualified for that kind of thinking, considering what you thought you deserved on the way here, which I'm almost offended by, by the way,"
The hero was rewarded with a small laugh.
"So, come on," the hero said before suddenly pulling back. They reached up, gently using their thumb to brush away the tear track on the villains face, "no tears," They reached down, grabbing the villains hand to gently tug them further inside "let's make some better birthday memories,"
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Hidden Powers
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Abuse allegations, Swearing, Mild melancholy
Genre: Humor, SLIGHT Angst, Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic) - Sorry the genres are all over the place
Summary: A misconception or misunderstanding turned rumor threatens to bring down Corpse’s entire career, but luckily, Y/N knows better than to stand aside and let it happen.
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your request and I’m so sorry for the long wait but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the fic if you happen to come across it. Love, Vy ❤
“Fuck this game!“ Y/N yells out in frustration as she is met with the screen informing her of her failure - aka death - for the fifth time in the past hour. “Has anyone ever even passed night four? I’m sure the king of FNAF Markiplier has but I’m also sure he hasn’t done it one a livestream! And my big mouth really had to go ahead and swear not to end this stream until I pass this God forsaken night, ughhh!“
Typically, Y/N’s quite the fearful rat when playing horror games, especially when home alone like right now, but this FNAF game has gradually turned her into a raging gamer instead. Not raging as in kicking ass at the game but as in the game kicking the ass of her sanity. She’s been struggling with this specific night for a while - the better half of her previous stream and an hour into today’s. Well, seeing how little progress she’s making with each try, it’s gonna be way more than an hour into today’s livestream as well. She’ll be lucky if she manages to get past it before hitting the three hour mark or just rage quitting which she’s bound to do eventually if her gameplay keeps going at this rate.
Another try later, she’s once again jumpscared into a failure screen that’s practically mocking her at this point. Throwing her arms above her head, Y/N sighs heavily, the frustration she’s harboring becoming more and more evident in her body language. “You know what, I need a break. Lemme see what you guys are saying in the chat.”
Scrolling through comments upon comments greeting her, sending her compliments and some trolling her with some hateful remarks she comes across a question which makes her brows furrow. That same question is repeated by a few other people but they fly by so quickly she doesn’t manage to catch the people’s usernames.
“A bruise on my arm? Where?“ She says out loud as she inspects both her arms, looking for what her chat had been talking about. That’s when her eyes eyes land on the purple mark on the skin just above her right elbow. She laughs, “Oh this? I know I’m a clumsy person but Corpse is to blame for this one.“
Little does the girl know, her boyfriend, who’s currently in his own apartment instead of camping out at hers, is watching this very stream, laughing his ass off remembering how that bruise came to be.
His laughter is cut short though when he catches glimpse of Y/N’s chat which suddenly floods with concern from her fans - assumptions and allegations of him being an abusive boyfriend starting to pollute the previously cheerful comment section. His stomach turns, for many reasons, each reason making it tighten in a worse and more painful knot. 
The first blow comes from people actually coming up with such a thing. How could they even allow their minds to wander to such a dark and disgusting place where he’d be even remotely an abuser.
The second blow to his heart is delivered by the fact that people believed it. How and why could people believe such an absurd idea?! How low did these people think of him? What kind of piece of shit did he come off as to some people?
And the third is the mental image the idea gives him. It’s such a fucked up scene, he can’t even conjure it up, he can’t mentally picture it. Hell, he could and would never even raise his voice at Y/N. He’d never dare upset her or hurt her feelings let alone hurt her....like that!
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!“ Y/N’s gasp reaches him as though it was meant to fish him out of the downward spiral he started going down with these overwhelmingly dark thoughts, “What’s with this nonsense some of y’all are spewing in the chat?!“ She sounds downright angry and irritated, ready to fight whoever will continue spreading these rumors about her lovely boyfriend whom she absolutely adores. “Guys, I mean, seriously?! Do you have any idea what you’re talking about and WHO you’re talking about? Do we have the same Corpse in mind here? I doubt we do - you have some villainized, abusive version, and I have the loving boyfriend who tried to teach me how to handle a lightsaber so we can have a lightsaber fight and my dumbass used my own weapon against me. Yeah, I was pretty salty Corpse laughed his heart out while I was cringing in pain, but man, you guys take it farther than the farthest.“ Seeing his sweet, kind and non-confrontational girlfriend who always avoids conflict at all costs turn into this protective lioness because someone is talking shit about him is heartwarming and scary at the same time. “Y’all better shut the hole where these fucked up rumors surfaced from before you get one of the most innocent, loving and caring individuals in hot water for the BS you came up with! Copy? You better.“
Corpse has never in his entire life seen the topic of a stream chat change so quickly, the rumor never once getting brought up again.
That’s some serious power right there - power he never knew Y/N possessed because of her cute and soft exterior. Now he knows what kinda beast of a woman he’s dating - one prepared to do anything to protect him, no matter who from. And damn does that make him feel emotional and loved despite the shit that just happened. She can make him forget all the bad within the blink of an eye - that too is another superpower of hers, but this one he’s known about from the very start.
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venusguks · 3 years
— saccharine boy
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pairing : reader x jeon jungkook
summary : the new transfer student is a bit strange…
genre : yandere jk, future smut, angst, dark, obsessive/possessive jk
warnings : this includes DARK themes with heavy topics. i dont support this unhealthy relationship dynamic irl. a huge TW for suicide, suicidal thoughts, tendencies, coaxing, themes. this is pure fiction so please know that if you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts, this may be really really horrible to read :(( yn and jk both say shitty things
part 1 of ??
i loved you before i even knew you
in days fleeting moments, the sun dipped into the ocean, casting a surge of honey waves to engulf the city whole.
it’s vast, golden essence poured through the mid-open windows and into the empty school hallways.
moments before, the laughter of the baseball team dissipated, and those who confessed to the whim of spring filtered emotions had left with tear stained cheeks.
it's empty enough that you can hear your own slip ons click against the floor.
click, click, click.
you walk up the stairs, stopping right in front of the rooftop door.
the rusted knob is cool under your skin, and bracing yourself for the wind, you twist it open.
the wind whisks past you ferociously, as if urging you to turn back. you should've heeded the warning then (how foolish of you not to), but instead, you open your eyes to the tangerine streaks of the sky.
that’s when you see him.
— ❝ hey, do you regret it? ❞
his silhouette wavered beyond the metal railings of the rooftop.
you don’t know why—what had possibly gone through your mind when you spoke. it wasn't your business—you could honestly care less for people like him,
because people like him were the same as you.
despite that, you couldn't stop yourself from screaming, "you're such an attention freak, you know that?! do you really want to be seen that much?"
his head slightly lifted.
would he listen to you? would he care?
because if it were you past that railing right now, you wouldn't stop for anyone.
but doesn’t he see?
if he jumps, right now, right in front of you,
doesn’t he know how much that would break you?
please, the wind swallows your desperation. i’m already broken enough, so please don't make it any worse.
when i muster up the courage like you someday, i need to die without the thought of you jumping in my head.
— ❝ oh, i see… you're scared of me.❞
"there are so many other ways to kill yourself. drowning, the rope—you can jump off literally any other god damned building for all i care—but don't you dare make it this building! don't you dare jump off in front of me."
you saw it, as the wind danced past him, just how lifeless his eyes were
it was as if the sun himself feared him—preferring to quickly drown into the blue abyss rather than be in his mere presence.
"i know this place is terrible—but the janitor is so kind. he's a single father of three children and if you jump, he'd have to break his back scrubbing your blood for hours. he'd come home and put on a happy face despite worrying if his children will turn out like you. so please, for the janitor's sake, deal with haunting this school a different way. your death would affect more people than you’d know, so please.”
he doesn’t move, so hesitantly, as if it would change anything, you quietly add, "ah, he gave me food one time too.”
the boy’s back quivered, and your own trembling heart ached for him—but what you thought was sniffing turned into a loud, hearty laugh
you stood there, dumbfounded as you watched him.
"you're..." he tries to say through his giggles. when he catches his breath, he finally turns to you with the biggest smile.
"you're really stupid."
— ❝ but would it help if i said i've always loved you? ❞
frozen, you can only stand there gaping at him.
"i was just watching the sunset, but your reaction was so funny. you don't know how hard it was not to laugh."
you blink once, twice—then turning your heel, you begin to walk away.
"h-hey! wait!" he called from beyond the railings. "i'm sorry, okay? i was having too much fun—i didn't mean to scare you. please forgive me."
"scare me?" you scoffed. "kill yourself for all i care. it doesn't have anything to do with me."
— ❝ since that day... ❞
you just blurted it out of spite. you knew it was cruel, you didn’t mean it. you were just so angry. how dare he make a fool out of you? make a joke out of this? in your eyes, he was far more cruel.
“fine then.”
you turn back with a vile glare, but your heart stops as he takes a step back.
the boy hums in viscous amusement when he sees the horror in your eyes. in front of the blazing red of the sun, wearing his wide smile, he resembled a demon.
"forgive me, or i'll let go."
"d-don’t be stupid," you scowl, but you could barely feel yourself breathe.
then, just like that, one of his finger tips leave the metal bar—then another, and another.
you don’t know when you started running or how you even got there, but as soon as you hooked your fingers around his collar, you gave everything to pull him back.
"are you crazy?!" you scream, hot tears trickling down your eyes.
his annoying fit of laughter only angered you more.
— ❝ i loved you before i even knew you. ❞
"like i said, forgive me—and i won't try it again," he chimed in a playful tone.
you couldn't tell if he was joking or not.
it scared you, his carelessness.
he scared you.
“okay, okay! i forgive you!” you yell exasperatedly. “god, you—you think this is funny? what the fuck is wrong with you?! you could’ve—just because i—y-you could’ve…r-right in front of me…and i-i…”
"hey, hey..." he chuckles softly, interlocking his fingers with yours through the metal fence.
you refused to look at him, but you could still feel the tingling warmth of his skin. you were close, the bars only stopping at your torso. when you look back at it, you remembered the seeping reality of his beauty.
his voice, his touch, him...
everything he did made you feel so out of control, so vulnerable.
who was he? why did you have to meet him?
"i knew you'd catch me, its fine."
"that's not the point here you suicidal bitch! i mean—what were you thinking? are you out of your mind? i swear to god—if you jumped and i became a suspect of murder, i'd dig up your own grave and kill you again!”
the boy’s eyes widened, shock dancing with his own bemusement. they were the same lifeless brown, but golden specks glimmered in where he looked at you.
finally, he smiles, “you’re horrible.”
you give a viscious glare, but before you can retort something, he continues, his hand trailing up your arm.
"but at the same time, horrible people don’t try to save a horrible person from dying. no, you can’t be horrible,” a cold shiver runs through your body when his fingers brush against your collarbone. “you’re just a sweet girl, aren’t you? an angel who saved me…”
he pulls you closer by your neck, his lips barely touching the shell of your ears. your breath hitches, and your knees suddenly feel weak.
“i’d love to ruin you.”
nothing comes out of your mouth.
all you can hear is your heart thumping against your chest. all you can feel is the unbearable heat blooming on your cheeks, and all you can see is him.
finally, his words settle in.
“get the fuck off me you creep!”
— ❝ you're never leaving me, my love. i won't let you. ❞
a/n : i’m so so so sorry if this triggered some people. this may be poorly written as well as i’ve written this YEARS ago. as you might tell, i was suicidal then and i often incorporated that in writing—its a way to get it off my chest sort of. to have relatable characters is something thats always made me comfortable. honestly rereading it again nothing makes sense LOL but i thought i’d continue it just for fun. i hope whoever has come across this is having a lovely and healing day, stay safe starlights <3
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ppersonna · 4 years
make me - myg | m
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strawberries on a summer evenin'. baby, you're the end of June. i want your belly and that summer feelin', getting washed away in you - watermelon sugar, harry styles
↳ summary- an ordinary sleepover with your best friend turns into anything but ordinary, thanks to your ridiculously loud neighbors above you.
↳ rating- explicit / 18+ / nc17
↳ word count- 4.4k
↳ pairing- yoongi x reader
↳ genre-  pwp lol, smut, fluff, somehow the dirtiest fluff i have ever written bc there’s some depraved shit in here
↳ warnings- penetrative sex, oral sex (m/f receiving), unprotected sex (dont...pls), dirty talk, rough sex, degrading talk, dom/sub undertones, bratty backtalk
↳ a/n- yooooo dawg this... was fun.  i hope you enjoy!!  ive been in my yoongi feels lately uwu. feel free to comment, message, dm, whatever u want babes.  i love you!
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Yoongi thinks if he has to hear your upstairs neighbors fuck for another minute longer he might actually go crazy.
It’s been hours now.  The girl is screaming like a feral cat and the man is doing a terrible impression of a porn star, trying his best to talk dirty but really just calling the howling banshee awful names.  
If only his dick would be as annoyed as his brain.
He knows you’re awake next to him too.  The steady rise and fall of your breathing changed when the bad porn above you began—now it’s faint and too quick to indicate anything but your wakefulness.
“Ohhhhh oppa!” The girl above you screams.
It’s finally what breaks down the silence in your bedroom.  At her wanton sound, you and Yoongi are unable to stop yourselves from bursting into laughter.
Yoongi’s stomach hurts from laughing so hard.  Tears form at the corners of his eyes as you make the bed rumble from the force of your combined laughter.
“God, do they think that sounds hot?” You finally ask after settling down to mere giggles.
Yoongi shrugs and wipes away his tears. “Apparently.  He must like the way she sounds like a dying cat.”
His comment sends you into a spiral of laughter again, and you’re clinging to your chest as it heaves with exertion.
Yoongi is your best friend for a reason.  No one makes you laugh as hard as he does.  No one understands you the way he seems to be able to—it’s almost intuitive the way he can understand your feelings.  
You live for your weekly sleepovers.  You drink wine, watch terrible horror films, gossip about your other friend’s love lives, and fall asleep in your bed together.  It’s never been anything but blissful.
Until recently…
When your heart decided it would beat too fast around him.  When your brain decided to spin and weave stories of romance with your best friend.
Now, you can’t hardly think about anything else around the dirty blonde haired boy.  It’s overwhelming to all of your senses when you see him, feel him near you.  You want to kiss him, to love him, to tear his clothing off.
Which makes lying in your full size bed while the neighbors above you fuck and attempt to act out their wildest fantasies—badly—so much harder than usual.
“God,” Yoongi sighs and tugs the blanket up to his chin. “Does she even like it or do you think she’s faking it?”
You wrinkle your nose in disgust. “Ugh, I know I wouldn’t be into it.”
“You don’t like dirty talk?” He teases with a poke to your stomach.  It makes an eruption of nerves go off in your chest.
“Oh, no I do. But that’s not dirty talk,” you shrug. “He’s just being mean. There’s no sensuality underneath it.”
He hums and lays back down to stare at the ceiling.
“Give me an example,” he asks of you. It makes your cheeks flush red and you’re thankful for the darkness in your room to provide you cover.
“Um, well,” you cough awkwardly. “He’s saying shit like ‘you fuck anything don’t you?’ which, maybe she’s into degradation, but I’m not. Not that extreme.”  Your explanation sounds lame, but you continue anyway. “I prefer to hear things like ‘this slutty little pussy belongs to me’.  Possessive and hot at the same time without being too...uhh...hurtful.”
Yoongi feels his cock rise with piquing interest. There’s a nagging guilt about thinking of his best friend this way, and a tinge of jealousy thinking someone who isn’t him has said that to you.
He feels his throat dry up, and you wring your hands nervously on the blanket. The moaning above you doesn’t stop, and you can hear the telltale sound of flesh slapping on flesh, indicating they’ve commenced into penetration and it makes your body throb with annoyance, and with want.
There’s moments when a louder slap echoes through the room—it’s clear the man is slapping her somewhere—and she whines desperately.  Your core starts building that familiar heat, a slickness gathering you can’t stop. You press your thighs together tight and squirm as subtly as you can. You pray Yoongi doesn’t notice.  
Yoongi, however, does notice.  He breathes a sigh of relief internally knowing he’s not the only being affected by the commotion above. But he doesn’t understand the meaning behind it. For all he knows, you’re just turned on because—well, because it’s sex and it’s loud and who wouldn’t be a little turned on? You’re likely not at all aroused by him, or the thought of him. Right?
Another slap echoes through the room and you can tell by the way the girl gasps that her partner slapped her in the face.
“Damn,” you shiver.  Yoongi turns to peek at you through the darkness.
“You into that?” He asks curiously. “Face slapping?”
It’s hard to swallow for a moment—it feels like you’re trying to down a boulder.
“Uh, yeah,” you whisper. “Yeah, I like pain.”
Yoongi doesn’t reply and it makes you fear you’ve overstepped the line. You’ve gone too far off the ‘best friend’ track and the whole train is about to de-rail.
You’re opening your mouth to apologize for taking it too far when Yoongi finally speaks.
“Fuck it,” he sighs. “You want to fuck louder and establish dominance?”
The world stops turning.  You’re sure that gravity doesn’t exist anymore and the theory of relativity has been proven wrong.
Did Min mother fucking Yoongi, your best friend of over twenty years, just offer to have sex with you to...establish dominance over the neighbors above you attempting to make a cheap porn?
He’s looking at you normally, but there’s a glimmer in his eye that says more.  It says he wants you.  Your stomach twists in on itself.  There’s no way, there is no actual plausible way that the man beside you feels the same way about you as you do.
“You want to have sex with me?”
Yoongi’s cheeks turn pink and he looks away for a minute.
“I also want to date you,” he murmurs.  
If you thought the world ended before, you’re sure this is the fiery explosion that brings a new earth into life with a bang.
The noises from upstairs interrupt the romantic moment with a scream, a guttural howl from the man, and then muffled whispers and sighs.
“What do you say we keep them up all night too?” His mouth turns to a smirk as he awaits your reply.
“Yeah,” you nod as you throw the blankets off you.  “Fuck those guys, lets show them what real kinky sex looks like.”
Yoongi’s eyes turn feral as he works his eyesight down your body.  Your normal sleepwear outfit of a tank top and shorts looks like lingerie to him now and he’s salivating at the way he can see the curve of your breasts, and the press of your hard nipples against the fabric.
You’re throwing yourself onto Yoongi’s body in an instant, pinning him down to the bed and pressing your lips to his.  You waste no time in waiting for him now that you know—now that you’ve heard with your two ears that Min Yoongi not only wants to fuck you, but date you as well.   No use wasting any more time—the time for action is now.
The kiss is hot and Yoongi’s hands falter for a moment in surprise before he’s coming to his senses and tugging at your tank top quickly to pull it off your body.  His hands feel hot on the bare skin of your back, rubbing at your spine and up to your shoulders.  It makes you shiver, and you slide your tongue into his mouth to explore the heat inside.  
His hands navigate forward to cup your breasts, fingers toying with your nipples—pinching and pulling and rolling between the pads of his fingers.  It has you keening into his touch and grinding down on his basketball-shorts-covered cock. 
Yoongi pulls away from you and pulls at a nipple harshly, which makes you gasp out loud.
“It’s real cute how you think you’re in charge right now,” he points out.  “Real fucking cute.  It’s gonna make me almost feel bad for punishing you.”
You’re sure your soul is going to leave your body at hearing your best friend’s sexy baritone voice verbalize your dirtiest fantasies.  If this is how you react now…, may God have mercy on your poor little pussy.
Yoongi thinks he’s possibly never been harder than he is right now.  His best friend, best girl, is sitting atop his boner and he’s twisting your pretty nipples so hard they’ll surely turn purple soon.  You sound so sweet when you whine, and you’re starting to whine louder as he continues the pressure on your tits.
“You thought you could take control, didn’t you?” He asks, slipping further and further into the dominant act.  He loves this, thrives off it.  He didn’t think you’d ever be into it—none of the girls he’s dated before have—and he’s thrilled he doesn’t have to hide this depraved part of himself.
You nod and bite your lip, wincing as he tugs once more on a nipple before letting go.
“Cute,” he sighs.  “But wrong.”
In an instant, he flips you two over and he feels his heart and cock swell at the sight of your sweet eyes widening at the quick change.  
“This feels better, don’t you think?” He asks.  You nod and he shakes his head.  “Answer me, baby doll.  You’re already about to get punished.  You wouldn’t want to make me not let you cum, would you?”
The fear in your eyes increases and you clear your throat to talk.
“No sir, I don’t want that.”  
Yoongi nearly moans.  Hearing you call him sir, being underneath him—it’s his wet dreams come to life.
“Then tell me,” he instructs. “Tell me you need me in charge.”
You’re dying to be a brat, really wanting to pull Yoongi completely out of his shell, show him the full extent of what he can do to you.  Plus, you really wanna give your neighbors a show—a taste of their own medicine, don’t you?
“What if I don’t want to?” You tease.
Yoongi’s grin turns wider and his eyes sparkle with knowing. He’s a through and through brat-tamer, and by the end of the night you’ll be crying for forgiveness.
“Little tease,” he growls as he leans down to latch his mouth on your abused nipple.  
You gasp out loud, and it turns into desperate mewling as his teeth nibble and pull.  You’ll be bruised up for days, surely.  He sucks hard, pulls on it roughly and bites with meaning. You just know your panties are completely soaked.
“Talking back to me, huh? You think that’s going to get you where you want to go tonight, little girl?”
He turns his attention to your other nipple, eyes peering into yours as you struggle to answer with the sizzle of pain in your breast.
“What are you gonna do about it?” You send back with a shake of your hips under him.
The growl he delivers around your nipple and the quick bite makes you yelp.
“I think I should shut that loud mouth of yours up.”
You smile in response and his fingers tug down your shorts.  You lift your hips and allow him to pull the clothing off and you’re left in your slicked up panties.
“Oh yeah?” You retort.  “You gonna shut me up with that fat cock?”
Yoongi visibly shivers. His spine tingles deliciously for minutes after the hair on his neck settles.  He’s dreamed of you like this, under him and begging to be put in your place.  And now, here you are.  And he can’t wait to make it a reality.  He’s even forgotten about the loud neighbors.  It’s now just all about you.
“I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Dirty little slut so horny to get her mouth on my cock.”
Yoongi allows a finger to trail down your clothed slit, and he outwardly groans at how wet you are.  You’re unable to hold back your whimpers of need—he’s so close to where you need him most and where you’ve dreamed of having him.
“You talk a big game for someone who’s drenched before I’ve even done anything,” Yoongi says with a smirk.
Your legs tremble as he pulls your panties to the side to expose your drenched folds. He dips a finger in and touches your clit. You moan in unison—he’s captivated by the heat and slick, you’re feeling air escape your lungs with every swirl of his finger.
“Y-Yoongi,” you whine.  He tsks and pulls his finger out.
“That’s not my name right now.” His hands start to slide your panties down and your stomach leaps with excitement.
“Sir, please.”
“Now you want to be my good girl?” He asks with a chuckle. “Where’s my mouthy little brat who wants my cock to shut her up?”
He leans back on his heels and watches you eye him. You’re nearly bursting at the seams. You’re naked while he remains completely clothed and while you’d normally feel exposed and vulnerable, all you feel is white hot heat. You’re burning for Yoongi, for him to do what you’ve dreamt he could do.
“Why don’t you show me what that sweet mouth can do?”  
He maneuvers to stand at the side of the bed, dick straining against the mesh of his shorts. He waits for you to sit up, which you wordlessly obey.  His cock is now eye level with you, and your mouth feels dry. You’ve dreamt about this dick, about what it looks like and how it would feel in your hand, inside you. The fact that you’re here now, about to find out all your secret fantasies is heady.
Your hand rubs at the straining material, over the thickness of his cock. He feels big, and you give it a squeeze which makes him hiss.
“Still being a tease,” he sighs with faux disappointment. “You’re in a precarious position to be such a little cocktease.  Might need to fuck that right out of you.”
It makes you whimper—his direct threats sounding like smooth promises going straight to your core.
“I’d like to see you try.”
Yoongi growls and grabs a bit of your hair, tugging your head back to look at him in the eyes.
“I think you should shut this fucking mouth up.”  His voice is dark, and his eyes glow with lust.
A grin pulls over your face as you gaze sweetly up at him—his hand still gripped tight in your hair.
“Make me.”
Yoongi is silent for a moment as he stares at you in wonder—his beautiful girl, so rebellious and yet so willing to comply.
“I fucking love you, you little fucking slut.”
Yoongi forces his shorts down and grips your chin, holding it hard in his hand.
“Now choke on my fucking cock.”
You open your mouth complacently and he wastes no time in shoving his entire length down your throat mercilessly.  
It’s hot. It feels like fucking heaven.  Your lips wrap around him and suction and he can feel your gag reflex straining against his tip at the back of your throat.  Yoongi thinks his entire spine is tingling with desire for you and the way you take his cock so well has his toes curling.
You didn’t even get to have a good look at Yoongi’s cock before it was shoved into your throat, but now that it’s there you don’t even need to see it to knows he is fucking thick and long. It stretches your mouth and you know your pussy will be taken to its limit when he finally buries himself inside you where he rightfully belongs.
“Can’t talk back now, can you?” He teases as he begins to fuck your throat. “Mmmm shit—, you suck my cock so fucking good.”
His words are nothing but encouragement for you and you fight back the growing discomfort in your throat and allow him to use it as he pleases.  Tears form in your eyes and slip down your face at the exertion and you soon feel his balls slap at your chin.  You’ve only fantasized of being used like this by Yoongi, and now it’s actually fucking happening.  You’ll be damned if you don’t give him the suck of a lifetime.
Yoongi thinks he’s staring into heaven as he fucks your tight mouth and watches as your eyes fill with tears.  They leak out and he knows you’re loving this just as much as he is by the palpable enthusiasm you accept his cock with.
“Look at my little brat,” he coos mockingly. “Not so big and brave now, are you?  Not with daddy’s cock wrecking your hot mouth.”
He picks up the pace and the sounds turn disgustingly lewd.  It’s a wet, slurping sound as Yoongi forces his cock in and out of your drooling mouth.  Saliva drips onto the bed below you as you take him all, never given a chance to breathe or swallow.  Yoongi takes and you selflessly give. You’d allow the man to split you in half—and you’re actively hoping he does just that tonight.
Suddenly, Yoongi is pulling out of your mouth and leaving you panting and keening for more. He grips his cock with a fist.  He strokes himself roughly and looks down at you.
“Gonna cum, baby girl. Fucking beg for it.”
Your hands grip at his thighs and you’re breathing hard to catch up on the oxygen you were denied.  But it doesn’t stop you from doing exactly as he orders.
“Please, daddy. Please cum on my face.  Let me taste your cum, I want to know what you taste like.  Cum on me.  Mark me, daddy.”
Yoongi whines and increases the speed of his pumps. His mouth falls open as he watches you pout so sweetly and wait so eagerly for his seed on your face. He wants to see your entire body covered in his cum and he plans on ensuring that happens sooner rather than later.
“My eager little bitch. Wants her daddy to mark his territory.”
You nod, tongue sticking out and wagging like a dog for his cum.
“Please, daddy.  Make me messy.”
It seems to be the secret password to Yoongi’s climax. Your desperation, your eager position, the way you beg so sweetly.  It sends him right over the edge and he cries out as his cock pulses white stripes over your pretty face.  
He wishes he could take a picture of the way his cum covers your face.  He’d make it his background photo so he could see it every day, show everyone around him the gorgeous little whore he gets to cum on every night.
“Shit, babygirl,” he groans as he attempts to catch his breath.  “Look at you.”
You smile as your tongue retreats into your mouth and you savor the drops that landed on your tongue.  Your eyes close in bliss as you enjoy the flavor, noting it tastes salty and sweet and you can’t wait to reacquaint yourself with the taste over and over again.
“Lay back,” he orders as he pushes his shorts all the way off.  
In his haste to fuck your throat, he only pushed them halfway.  He slips out of them and pulls his shirt off before he joins you on the bed.
“Let me drink this cunt.”
You whimper in agreement as you press your back in to the pillows and spread open your legs.
“Please, daddy.”
He grins as he lowers himself to lie between your legs.  He blows on it, cool air pushing over your folds chilling you.
“Fuck,” he sighs.  “Greedy little cunt wants it all, hm?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“So compliant for me now,” he whispers as he kisses your thighs. “I like it when you behave.”
He kisses in further, and soon he’s using his fingers to spread apart the folds and pressing the flat of his tongue to your clit and laving it over the aching nub.
“Holy shit,” he groans as he comes up and sucks his tongue back into his mouth.  “Sweetest little pussy.”
You can’t reply, the capability to speak has left you now.  He buries his face back into your cunt and gets to work.  His tongue starts flicking against the bundle of nerves and then dips down to fuck into your channel.  He works his tongue around you and your back arches off the bed and your heels dig into the mattress.  You seek purchase in his hair with your hands, digits gripping at the blonde locks between your thighs.  
Yoongi groans and moans into your cunt, and soon he slips two fingers in to fuck you roughly.
He pulls his lips away and licks his tongue over them to collect the slick that lingers.  His fingers maintain a quick pace and he drinks in the sight of you gasping at the stretch.
“Yeah, look at you take my fucking fingers.  Such a wanton little whore for me.”
He slides another finger in to join, then another, and it makes your cries echo loudly around the room.  He suddenly remembers the neighbors above you and smirks.  He pulls his hands from you, making you keen with desire and desperately beg for more.
“Daddy! Please, I need..” you gasp. “Need you!”
He pulls himself up to join your hips together and rolls his them against each other.  His cock rubs against your soaked pussy and he bites his lip at the feel of it getting slicked up.
“I want you to be nice and loud for me, baby girl,” he demands sweetly in your ear as he licks the shell.  He notes your shiver and smirks, before kissing your ear lightly.  “Tell those mother fuckers upstairs who’s going to take you to Hong Kong.”
“Yes, daddy,” you agree.  
It only takes the consent to leave your lips for Yoongi to spear his cock into you.  He’s not slow or gentle, he pushes it into the hilt immediately.
Yoongi meant to start a pace, to begin fucking into you mercilessly, but he’s frozen inside your tight heat.  You feel so good, so fucking tight and warm and wet for him.  It’s better than heaven, and surely better than any pussy he’s been inside before.  Maybe it’s because it’s you, and no one else.
“Fuck!” He gasps. “Holy shit I could cum right now.”
You whine and move your hips desperately.
“Fuck me daddy! Fuck me hard, please!  Use me like your little cock sleeve.”
Yoongi bites his lip and feels his cock pulse.
“Shit, you’ve got a dirty fucking mouth,” he grits. “Let’s see if you’ve got a dirty little pussy too.”
He sets a pace, desperately wills his cock not to cum yet.  He wants to fuck you senseless, until your eyes roll back in your head.  He’s gonna make sure you get off on his cock before he comes close to his end.
Yoongi grips your chin again, like he did at the beginning as he fucks into you roughly.
“Look at you take my fucking cock so deep,” he bites out.  “Your cunt is so fucking desperate for my fat cock, isn’t it? You need me to fuck some discipline into you.”
You’re nearly screaming now at the force of his thrusts.  He’s pushing all the way into you with each push and his balls smack against your ass deliciously.  You’re babbling, words unable to make sense as he fucks all the brain cells out of you.
“Dumb little cock slut,” he whispers as he leans down to suck a nipple into his mouth and bite at it before releasing it  “Little brat turns into a perfect little fuck hole for me, so fucking good for me.”
“Yes, y-y-yes baby! S-so close!”  
Yoongi’s had you near the verge since his oral, and now with his punishing pace and power in his driving hips, you’re hovering over the edge.
His hand drops down to rub at your clit, a circular motion that has you gasping and screaming his name.
“That’s fucking right,” he breathes. “Tell them, baby.  Tell them who’s got the best fucking cock.  Tell them who fills this pussy up so well.”
You’re eager to comply.
“You, daddy!  Fuck!  You feel so fucking thick in me.  I need your cum, please, please.  Cum on me.”
Yoongi feels his balls tighten impossibly--he knows he’s seconds away from an explosive orgasm.
“Cum on my cock, baby girl.  Let me feel you cream my fucking cock.  Wanna see you all over this fat dick.”
His free hand tugs at a nipple and pulls it punishingly, tugging it so far it pulls the skin around it.  Your screams light up the room, echoing and bouncing off the walls and surely traveling up to your neighbors bedroom.
“Yoongi! Fuck! I’m cumming!” You warn, a millisecond before your world crashes around you.  
Your cunt squeezes his cock so tightly that it causes his hips to stutter in their pace.  It grips him tight, angry like a squeezed fist and Yoongi feels the air get sucked out of his lungs as his climax follows directly after yours.  He didn’t even have a chance to pull out--he’s emptying his load into your womb and whining at the feeling of your pulsating walls milking every single drop greedily.
It’s several minutes later that you’re both caught up to normal breathing and resting beside each other on the bed.  The room is silent, save for little pants and breaths, and Yoongi reaches over to lace his fingers into yours and hold your hand tightly.
“You wanna date me?” He asks sweetly, as if his cum isn’t dripping out of your cunt as he speaks.  
It makes you laugh.  It’s so classically Yoongi that you can’t help but to laugh.  
“Yes, daddy, I want to date you.  I want to date you every single day.”
He pulls you into his embrace and kisses at your forehead.
“Maybe we should send your neighbors some flowers for getting us together,” he teases.
As if on cue, the all too familiar sound of skin slapping against skin and screeching moans comes from upstairs and plays through your apartment like an unwanted jukebox.
“God damn it, our plan backfired.” he grumbles. “I think we turned them on.”
You press your sticky, sweaty body against him and kiss at his lips.  Your hand sneaks down to his cock and grips it again, begging it to come back to life.
“Shall we try again, then?”
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I'm simping hard for Mason and Bailey, so could we get mutual non-con with them? Also maybe with the person forcing the non-con degrading m!Mason and or m!Bailey about forcing them breed f!pc?
Like maybe Leighton wants to watch the hot swim teacher pipe that pretty little thing that wont let him photograph their gentiles, so he threatens Mason's job if they dont fuck in the locker room so he can watch. He knows pc is Mason's favorite, that Mason might actually have caught feelings. He's seen them hanging out outside school.
Or for Bailey, it could be that someone was pissed they couldn't buy you since you were paying your dues, or maybe Bailey just didn't like their vibe. They hold pc and their pissed off caretaker at gun point and make them screw. Bonus on the forced breeding kink, since bailey def doesnt want kids, and I cant imagine any PC wanting to put another kid in his care.
Sorry for the long ask 😅 Your writing is so good and you capture the characters so, so well. It really gets my imagination going.
Dear gods anon this haunted me from the moment I read it you're so smart I love you.
NSFW below (tw for noncon, loss of virginity)
Waking up tied to a chair and gagged isn't exactly how Bailey wants to start his weekend, but here he is.
It had been a simple task. Drop off some money at Quinn's office. That's all.
So when he'd been hit over the head and knocked out, it had been rather unexpected.
He can see a man in a tailored suit looking at him and he immediately recognises who it is.
The guy was with that drug gang Bailey had seen to a couple months ago. Saving you from them, his favourite pretty brat.
Trust you to get in drug trouble over a fucking maths competition.
"You're awake. Good. We can talk about how you owe me," the man says. Yeah cause Bailey could do a lot of talking right now.
The door opens, two henchmen dragging in a girl with a bag over her head.
Bailey knows it's you, can recognise your voice as you whimper in fear.
Someone that had been standing behind Bailey's chair comes forward and starts to pull the caretaker's pants down. He can't fight back, tensing his arms to check how tight the bindings are.
The person covers their hands in some weird clear slime they then proceed to rub on his freed cock. It's cold and tingles.
"This one's your most requested right? Always pays her debts though. It's cause she's a virgin isn't it?" The boss questions as whatever that salve was kicks in, stimulating Bailey till he's hard as a rock.
The bag is ripped from your head, your eyes scrunching up at the light. You look so scared and helpless.
"Well you're about to drive her value right down with your own cock, mate," the boss nods to his men and you're brought forwards, skirt of your school uniform ripped up and pantes cut off with a knife.
You start sobbing and begging as you're picked up and your pussy is angled so that they can push you onto Bailey's cock.
Bailey is still. Staring straight ahead, trying not to let the rage he feels show.
He shudders as your body is pushed onto his cock, having to admit its a nice tight fit. God you would have been worth so much.
You scream, pain from being taken for the first time with so little preparation adding to the stress of the whole situation.
The henchmen holding you lift and drop you onto your caretaker's length at a steady pace. You feel no pleasure in the situation, just deep sorrow and an itching need to run.
But you can only whine out "I'm sorry," to Bailey, unable to look at him in the eyes.
It feels good. You feel good - you feel wonderful and Bailey can't help it when his balls start to feel tighter.
Can't help it when a tingle grows up his spine.
Can't help his hips jolting up the tiniest bit to meet you, needing more friction so he can cum.
"Oh and one last thing. We injected the girl with some hormone treatment to make her more likely to get pregnant. Good luck selling a used up whore then," the boss finally interjects, but its too late.
Oh fuck no.
Bailey is already on the verge as the man speaks, ejaculated deep inside your pussy since the henchmen so kindly push you down when they notice his body spasm.
The men let you go, your arms coming to wrap around Bailey's shoulders as you cry into his neck.
"A few more rounds, I think. Let's get our money's worth," it's only now Bailey sees the camera pointed at the two of you.
"This time the girl will move herself," a gun is brought out and you wrap yourself tighter around Bailey's body, seeking comfort. You're still sat on his cock, that hasn't gotten soft even after his orgasm. Just what was that salve?
He's going to kill them when he gets out of this rope.
He can't belive he's doing this.
Can't believe he has your cunt in his mouth, tongue deep between the folds as he licks away.
He wishes it were under any other circumstances.
Leighton had always rubbed him the wrong way, but Mason loved swimming. Loved teaching, this was his perfect job.
And you were his perfect student.
So kind and understanding, so innocent compared to the horrors he dealt with most classes.
You'd been so shy when you'd caught him swimming naked, but had accepted it without judgement.
You had been lovely to talk to at the pond.
You clung to his hair so tightly as he ate you out, moans echoing through the locker room.
Leighton had threatened his job. Had told him he wanted a video of that good one getting ruined by a handsome man like Mason. Wanted to see the pretty thing impaled on his cock.
And it worked. The threat worked. But at least Mason was the one corrupting you, he reasoned. At least it was someone who genuinely cared for your wellbeing.
You were shaking like a leaf when he had explained the situation, looking between him and the headmaster, off the to the side holding a camera.
"If you don't do it, I'll send every university you apply to personal letters telling them what a whore you are," Leighton added, and you reluctantly let Mason strip your uniform and kiss up your thighs.
"She's wet enough," Leighton calls from behind the camera, admiting the flushed pink dusting your cheeks. Forced, yes, but your were enjoying this, weren't you? What a little harlot.
Mason frees his length from his swimming trunks, never having the chance to change from his last lesson.
Bending your legs up so they're pressed to your chest, he gently kisses your forehead.
"It's going to be okay," another kiss, "just breath nice and steady for me." It's the same soothing tone he used to teach you.
You take in a deep breath as Mason pushes himself in, inch by inch. Both of you try to ignore Leighton moving to get a better angle.
Soon enough, your teacher is balls deep inside of your virgin pussy, the two of you breathing raggedly while staring into each other's eyes.
You both look upset.
"Well fuck her then," the headmaster tuts, and Mason starts to thrust.
Your mouth falls open, an expression so lewd and lovely the teacher wishes he could have seen it in another situation.
Wishes he could have waited for your graduation and asked you out on a proper date.
Not lose himself in your cunt, on camera for the pervert blackmailing you both.
And he does lose himself, can't stop his hips from hammering away at the warm, tight, wet heat that sucks him in like it was made for him.
Mason can't last this long. He brings a hand to start rubbing circles around your clit, eliciting more moans and whimpers.
You're so pretty, so good for him.
"M-mason, sir," you yelp as he hits a nice spot, and his breath catches in his chest.
Leaning in, he takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking and teasing.
Your walls tighten around his shaft, signifying your end coming soon and Mason increases the pressure on your clit.
You milk his cock so perfectly he cums right when you do, filling you up to the brim with seed and aware it was spilling onto the bench below.
He can't bring himself to let you go when he's done, has to keep you covered until Leighton puts that camera away.
"Excellent. Now, try to get used to each other, I won't be satisfied with only one tape."
122 notes · View notes
dreamrecorder · 4 years
Hey, I love love love your stuff! I noticed you had your requests open and I hope this isn't too much to ask and of course if it is you can just ignore it!
But I recently made the decision to finally get a hysterectomy this summer after eight years of struggling with endometriosis and adenomyosis, and even though I know I never want kids anyway it's still kind of been nerve wracking and it's also been making me insecure? Its like... Also a lack of choices for my future? Idk it's a little complicated and I wouldn't blame you for turning this request down, but do you think you could write some zhongli fluff and comfort for me? I just kinda want something to read when I'm feeling nervous and insecure and could use some serotonin. Tysm, love your stuff a lot
Have a great day! Ily
Always You
Zhongli x F!Reader
I honestly dont know if this was fluff enough because i kinda relate about some stuff here ksks- but pls pls pleeease i hope you would enjoy reading this- and if you need to talk to someone- i'll have my ears open ily- it was very brave of you to come up with that tough decision and i am proud uwu you are so so so strong i hope you know that
Bleed*** - menstruation basically but i kept things vague
You came from a very traditional family, whose roots dated back during the early years of Liyue. As such, your family also have equally traditional views on womanhood. One of these is that, it is your duty to bear children for your future husband. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to bring honor to your family.
When you became of the expected age to have bled- you never did. You and your parents waited for months for any signs of your first bleeding- any sign that you can bear children. But you never bleed.
You remember the horror in your mother's face. The disappointment in your father's.
That day, you seethed at yourself for being who you are but you made a decision to keep your head high. A woman has more capabilities than simply bearing children. It was a motivation that kept you going through the years- however there are times when you would gaze upon women smiling on their children,
There was this twist in your heart- prominent realizations that you can never have what they have…
Zhongli became a blooming point in your life. He was gentle and kind, smart and handsome- all qualities that any woman would want. He was so understanding and patient, but you never told him your secret. Yes, you trusted the man- yet you were scared- what would he do when you told him your secret?
Despise you? Leave you? Hate you? Those thoughts only intensified when you see him telling a story to the children that surrounded him one day in the harbor.
It was very subtle, but Zhongli noticed how anxious you behaved these days. You stutter at the simplest questions. You become easily surprised at the smallest unexpected noise. How you also avoided his eyes while you play with the hems of your clothes. Aside from those, he also noticed how you began to put distance between the two of you. At first, he decided not to intervene, for he trusted you that you would tell him your troubles when you are ready. However, when he entered your shared bedroom one night with your eyes glistening with tears- Zhongli knew he should have approached you sooner than have your feelings explode up.
With swift movements, the man went to you. Once close enough, he sat next to you as he gently lift your face for him to see. The way he, wiped your tears away, it made you release a small sob.
"Name, dear, what's wrong? Please tell me. Did I do anything to upset you?" Zhongli spoke with worry lacing his voice as he mulled over any reasons of your distress in his head. But you only shook your head. The man noticed your hesitance, and to resolve that, he simply placed a kiss on your forehead. After which, Zhongli snaked his hand hand to yours so that he could kiss every knuckle. He had hoped that these would ease your tension in your mind.
You needed to tell him the truth, now or never. 
After a few moments, you managed to steady your breathing as you held onto his hand tightly, scared that he would go away.
"I...I cannot bear your children." Was all you said in a whisper- looking away from him, not wanting to see the anger that would surface in his eyes. As for the man, himself- Zhongli was completely confused. He already knew that you didn't want to have kids in the future- and he respected that… After all, the labor of pregnancy will be carried by you- and he respected your views about children- So how did this topic of bearing him children broke you down so much?
"Name, I believe we already spoke about our decision about children. What brought this on? Please, Name, you can tell me anything."
At the question, Zhongli felt your hand grip his tighter. He watched you release a deep breath as you tried to organize your thoughts. With some semblance of calmness in your nerves, you told him you story about not having bled during you teens 'til now.
"I know I don't want kids, Zhongli- b-but…" you voice faded as your insecurities rose, but you felt the comforting touch and gaze your love gave you. A deep sigh and you continued, "But there's also a possibility that our decision might change. Like… I always felt that my choices are limited because of my condition. But you- you just had to choose me and I don't want to limit your life, too. You… you deserve a family, Zhongli."
You spoke the last sentence with your voice cracking. The thought of Zhongli leaving you for a better life- but with all your heart you didn't want to hold him back from having a proper family- A proper wife… Insecurities were rising again- fear, anxiety, loneline-
Your train of thoughts was stopped by the feeling of his lips plant into yours. And all you could do was melt in his arms with tears streaming once more. Both in relief and in sadness. Relief that he would still choose you, and in sadness that you can never be a proper wife he deserves. Once the man pulled away, he looked at you with those very same kind amber eyes that you fell in love with when you met him.
"Name, first of all- I love you, regardless of your condition. Just because you cannot bear me children does not make you any less of a person- Much more make me love you any less. I love you for you being who you are, and that will never change."
As soon as Zhongli had finished his declarations of love, happy tears flowed from your beautiful eyes. When he saw your lips rising into a smile that he adored so much, he whispered, "It will always be you."
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ileaveclawmarks · 2 years
different anon here but I just want to say I genuinely appreciate how unapologetic and confident you are about ur body hair especially as someone who is attracted to women with body hair and as someone who prefers to not shave but feels pressured to due to societal norms and what not idk I guess I'm just wondering how you like got over/ stopped caring about what other people think cause that's what's difficult for me :/
Thats literally everything i want to hear. i love doing this cuz not only is the insane excess body hairy a huge automatic dyke magnet that i dont even have to put any work into, but also because for every 10 people who look at me with revulsion theres always 1 person who thinks … maybe i can also have the confidence to do that. Thats my revolution. okay this ones gonna be long so hit that read more
So. when i was a novice non-shaver going out in public with even just a sliver of hairy leg showing literally gripped me in fear, like panic stricken burning fear. It was insane and pathetic and ridiculous how disabling this terror was over such a stupid arbitrary thing. I used 2 have repetitive nightmares about it, just the sickest dread terror imaginable. LMFAO.
If ur gonna ask how to get over that fear the straight answer is u cant, not fully. This is the product of some serious conditioning and socialization that has been at work since u were born. like it doesnt just go away. Even i havent gotten over it, like sometimes i seriously struggle with it. U can definitely get used to it though. I prefer to not shave and feel that everyday terror over shaving. And ill tell u why, so u can approach it with the same reasoning.
first of all i hated the physical act of shaving, really fckin hated waxing, every hair removal method is either painful, time consuming or expensive. And its worthless anyways because ur stubble is back in by the next morning. Who benefits?? and what are the consequences? I am making my body unnatural, conformist, and alien to me through a tedious and painful process. why do i harm myself in this way? Why put my psyche thru this? why is my body wrong in its natural state? what happens if i DONT shave?
and this is the crux of the matter: NOTHING HAPPENS. Other than the fact that it creates this fear, there is NO consequence to not shaving. In general no one will care and no one will treat you any different. Nothing will change in your daily life. you may likely get stares or rude comments from strangers on occasion but at the end of the day those things dont really matter. They seriously dont matter at all. Let go of the need to be judged correctly by all strangers. These people are fleeting milliseconds of your life. Remember this every time u go out.
and u must go out ... in this case exposure therapy really does work. Theres literally nothing else 2 do but go out unshaved. Just force urself over and over. Just do it. Do it until u dont even realize anymore. The day will come! U wont even notice it until ur looking at the women around u in public and u find it strange to see them hairless. On this day u will revel in ur shavelessness. Thank god u dont look like the prepubescent pedophilic fantasy that the mans world wants u to look like. U will view it with revulsion and horror, the idea of making urself into a little hairless girl to emulate their sick pornography and obsession with fucking literal minors. Never again!!!! This is where the revolution starts!!!
and i will tell u now. Once u finally grow out ur leg hair and theres no stubble or itchiness left it is going to feel so nice. Stroke it nd shit, for real. This is important. Look at it with luv. If you cant do that, look at it with neutrality. GET USED 2 ITS PRESENCE ... this is ur one and only body.
Now, if u can, find urself a group of women or lesbians who also dont shave. Look for urself in them and feel comforted by the fact that u wont b judged here. Get ur mind used to the NORMALCY of body hair. If ur lucky u might have other lesbian or even just alternative friends who find your body hair sexy or are jealous of ur confidence in growing it out. HUGE EGO BOOST! Take it when u can find it. This one helped me a lot because i am a natural attention whore and narcissist.
And besides if ur anything like me in that u fucking hate males with a militant blood boiling violent rage, then u might also remind urself: the struggle you face over your body hair is ABSENT in all the men that you see around you. Absent. Never there and never will be. what gives them the right and not me? They live their lives so mindlessly free of any of this. Dont shave your legs cuz … fuck em, thats why!!! 🗣 Show those sick mfers. Dyke revolution by just walking down the street and being comfortable in ur own skin. Love the strange looks that u get in public. Fuck them!!!
So thats how i mostly stopped caring about being unshaven, kind of a mix of acknowledging how stupid it is to do so as well as a bit of exposure therapy, community, and good old dyke hatred and cynicism. Remember that every time you go out you are showing other women that this is a possibility for them too. I hope this little guide gave u some inspiration for the future. I appreciate how hard it is to stop shaving but honestly once u do stop its even harder to start doing it again. Good luck and i wish u all the strength, drive, confidence and attitude u r going 2 need. And if u ever want to talk more about it im always right here at ileaveclawmarks on tumblr.com ... 🤍🤍🤍
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