#dont get me wrong I love this map and this flag
thefoolsprocession · 2 months
Replaying GMHS without savestates cause I'm insaayynneee
This is how far I've gotten in pumber thus far. I'm in hell
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cozymochi · 3 years
whats something u hate seeing in fandom. go wild dont hold back tear the bitch apart etc etc!!!
understand this: i hate a lot of stuff in general fandom 😔 pretty much why i hardly follow anybody, and every blog i currently follow will be inactive and i’ll have a non-moving dash before i subject myself to following anybody who rbs blacklisted stuff or interacts with users i want to be as far away from as possible
lately i’ve really REALLY grown to loathe the “OH WOW WE HAVE A CRAZY IDEAAAA! We’ve never managed anything in our lives but let’s gather up a bunch of users to create a HUGE AMBITIOUS FAN PROJECT!!! IT’LL BE SOOO COOL BECAUSE it’S REALLY COOL in our minds!! Spread the word!!! Hype it up!! It’ll be out so soon and be SO BIG AND IMPORTANTTT we’re just so excited— what’s that? You wanna know what it is? Oh we haven’t written it yet” type shit
Like i get it. Big ideas. Doing big things. Everyone wants to do it. Ya wanna make something as grand as what’s in your head or w/e and sheer ambition and zeal pushes you to throw everything at the wall at once. ALREADY WRANGLING UP USERS, Already setting up blogs!! Patreons!! Dont forget that yt channel!! Ads in discord!! HYPE IT UP FELLAS!! It’s gonna be the greatest fan project of all time—!!
all for what? an idea that still hasn’t left the mere conception phase. Just an idea. A promise of something supposedly cool. So many of these godforsaken “projects” are abandoned before they even start all because the people involved usually never have managed a large scale media project before with a bunch of people, dont understand the undertaking they’re going for, or have no idea wtf pre-production is. Ideas are cheap.
So. Freaking. Cheap.
After a while of seeing so many of these “”big projects”” get announced the instant they’re conceived, then within months of utter silence, no progress, no communication, they are cancelled before anything has even begun (oh excuse me, “hiatus” as some will say- u dont wanna disappoint anybody by admitting that it’s dead in the water huh). And im like HMMMM GEE I WONDER WHY!!
And the ones that actually get further along in some way mostly fall into that trap of sucking gullible people dry out of their money, pocketing it, then constantly making promises only to turn around and beg for more fan-content of their vanity project that still hasn’t even come out yet because lo and behold; nobody on board understands pre-production or how management works. Oh wow!! You have a large scale project yet progress is slow cuz you dont have enough recruits? WOW! It’s almost as if this undertaking was severely underestimated and u were weighing this purely on how cool it would be hypothetically and not the workload involved! Most if not all large scale projects (fan or otherwise) are like, 75% under the table pre-production. The rest is the execution itself. So many of these projects die because of all I’ve said, + unexpected turns, or straight up over-ambition
i get it this happens and it’s never going to let up and i can’t stop people from doing stuff like this. Im always gonna see it. But given how often i’ve been attempted to be recruited for these sort of things for a myriad of reasons I can see the red flags instantly and the cracks in the foundation already
just. man. There’s nothing wrong with having something smaller scale. Have your ambition or w/e, it can still be GOOD. But my god if you’ve never attempted something before dont go BALLS IN right away,,, These are tumblr users. Mostly teenagers and young adult hobbyists whose only major interest is what? plushies and cartoons? Not a 100 person team of experienced professionals in their respective fields putting together a production and backed by investors
it’s gonna be a disaster just for the love of god
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yejiroh · 4 years
Heya! So i really really really like your works, so id like to request Tamaki x Reader, where his S/O is very good at like gaming?
She usually plays minecraft and fps games and shes extremely good at it. I’d really like a scenario where they play Valorant, a tactical shooting game just like overwatch and csgo, like usually tamaki plays with like mirio and some of his friends and one of them was busy so mirio decided to invite her to play and ends up carrying the team with an ace or two.      (P.s I dont usually request because i fear that i dont follow the rules properly, but i love love ur works :)  Happy New Year ! )
Authors note:
@plutostones​ Hi, how are ya? I just found this, so sorry for the wait. Also, I tagged you because you put this in as a submission, not an ask, so I didn’t know whether or not you’d get the memo. Anyways, thank you for requesting, and thank you for being a fan of my work-it means a lot.  I don’t play Valorant but from what your describing it sounds like Blitzbergade- which i do play. Sorry in adavance if this is not how the game goes, but i did do some research.
And to everyone wanting to request, the requests are open; just read the rules!
Because this was so late, I made it long.  
Suns Out Guns Out!
-PLATONIC- (kinda)
Word count: 2000+
Staring Tamaki Amajiki, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, and of course, the lovely Y/n L/n!
Three monitors glared at Tamaki, the LED screens too bright for his poorly lit room. Discord, Twitch, and Valorant displayed, his fingers smashing the keyboard loudly, the familiar “clack, clack,clack” ringing in his ears.
It was routine, everyday after school, the five of them: Tamaki, Mirio, Nejire, Yuuyu, and Kirishima would open Valorant, Discord, and Twitch.
“Ah, dammit! Not again!”
“Mirio, calm down; it’s just a game.”
“I just can’t help but to get riled up- sorry.”
“Why are you so mad anyway?”
“This guy- Flippy2252- he keeps killing me every time I get back! And the worst part is, they never run! They just walk in and shoot everyone!”
Tamaki took off his headset, throwing it to the side. Mirio was never one to whine about losing, but having a 22-0  losing streak was pretty rough on anyone’s ego.  Looking at the left monitor, Twitch was going crazy. The live chat was full of onlookers and the 10 players were all at war, angry at Flippy2252 for not letting anyone else get a kill, or Flippy2252 killing people every time with no hesitation.
It was always Flippy2252.
All it took to beat Flippy was an upgrade of armour, right? But neither he, Mirio, Kirshima, nor Nejire had enough credits or was willing to get such an upgrade. They were fine as is. Yuuyu was fine to. Kind of. 
Sighing, Tamaki put the headset back on, holding the attached mic. “Mirio, where’d you go? I knew this game was  hard...let's just call it a night- we have a test tomorrow and the event.”
“Guys, about that, I can’t play tomorrow- I have a cousin coming over .”
Whining, Nejire’s voice piped through the headphones. “Really Kirishima? But tomorrow is what counts!” 
“I know, it’s not manly of me, and I’m sorry guys! But Bakubro said-”
“Bakugou? You’re leaving for your boyfriend, not your family!”
“What? No, He’s NOT my boyfriend! And my cousin IS coming over!”
“Wooow Kiri, I expect this from everyone but you!”
Tamaki looked at the screen, tuning his friends out. The match was over. They had lost.
Rushing up the stairs of the U.A. building, Tamaki and Mirio panted, having overslept and missing the train.
“Wooh! That was a good way to wake yourself up, right, Tamaki?”
“I-I guess. I’m tired now. We should have just not come since we’re this late.”
“Nonsense! We made it on time- hey there’s Y/n!”
Mirio waved a hand out to the person in question, calling out to her.
‘Hey, Y/n! You ready for the test?”
Y/n turned over, making quick eye contact with Tamaki before he covered his face. 
Looking back to Mirio, she gave a sweet smile, putting a fist in the air.
“I actually studied for this one, so heck yeah!” “Good to hear! Hopefully we all get good marks this time, yeah?”
Y/n nodded, looking at her phone-
“Is that a Valorant background?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah! I love that game!”
Mirio smiled. “What a coincidence-”he nudged Tamaki-”We do to! Say, are you any good?”
Y/n chuckled, waving her phone around.”I’d like to say I’m pre-tay good. What about you guys?”
“Well, we’re amazing, don’t get me wrong, there’s just always this one guy who just comes in, kills everyone, and leaves. You can’t even respawn in peace!”
Y/n’s chuckles turned into hollers, knowing exactly who they were talking about.  “Oh god- you mean that Flippy dude? They’re awseome!”
“Yeah, but they don’t give mercy for anything!”
“You’re not supposed to, it’s a gun game. Tell you what, give me your discords and I’ll help you guys. I’ve gotten a couple kills against the dude.”
Was this a blessing? They were just looking for someone! Mirio tooked Y/n’s hand, bowing down, and pretended to wipe a tear away. “M’lady, it would be an honor, for our time in war-”
“We were just looking for another player cause one of ours bailed.” Tamaki muttered, interuppting the poetic Mirio.
Clapping her hands, Y/n smiled again. “Great! Just put your tags in my phone and we can do the event today! Also, good luck on the tests!”
Y/n sat down, her computer moniters clocks all set to count the second. Hand on the mouse, she breathed in, watching, waiting.
5...4...3...2...1- She slammed the keys, logging into everything at once. A beep form one; a Discord call. 
“Hey Y/n! You ready?”
“Yeah. Who else is on the team, other then you and Tamaki?”
“Nejire and Yuuyuu.”
She looked at the moiters, nodding. Okay. There’s 10 seconds into the game, okay? We have 3 hours, 45 minutes, and now...37 seconds until the event is done. We split the prize between who got the most kills or who did the most.”
Just before she ended the call, Y/n quickly added. 
“And I’m Flippy2252.”
Tamaki spit his drink. Y/n was Flippy? No way! Slamming the keys, his avatar ran around the map. Now that he didn’t have to worry about Flippy killing him, he could actuallydo something! 
But the event was Capture The Flag, and he wasn’t too good at that. Running up a ramp, he spotted a red name, quickly shooting. But his sniper was no good.  Flippy-no, Y/n- ran up behind him, gunning down the red in her path. Soon she had the flag, and was running away.
“WOOOAHHH!” Mirio hollered through the headset. “I suddenly feel useless in a good way!”
What the heck?
“Mirio, that doesn’t make sense.”
“This  game is as good as ours!”
Tamaki looked at the Twitch Moniter, smiling.
‘Since when was Flippy on team blue?’
‘Who cares? They’re still kicking ass!’
‘If they’re not on red it’s not even worth watching.’
‘Shut yo bitch ass up, like the fuck you gon do? Its a game the fuck?’
‘Really? Language guys. they can read everything.’
‘they too  focused on the game’
‘Bro chilll you just lke their avatar’
People are weird. Walking into a building, he layed his avatar down. Just one more kill and they’d win the first round, and an Ace at that. 
1 minute left in the event, and Y/n still had the flag.
Tamaki followed, gunning down everyone chassing them and shooting at them. 
Capture the flag had never been so chaotic.
10 seconds in, they just had to get to their home base.
“Run Flippy run!”
A large VICTORY was displayed on theor teams screens, Y/n shreiking with laughter.
“That was so insane!”
“We actually won an event? FINALLY!”
Everyone was sreaming through the headsets, and once again Tamaki took it off, throwing it to the side.
Laying on his bed, he opened his phone, lookjng at a picture of Y/n.
She carried the team, and it was amazing to have won something again. 
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bensonalick · 3 years
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This can be both a touching tribute and also a beautiful spectacle that couples and their guests will remember forever. FOYLE remains tight lipped about the whereabouts of Mrs Green daughter when they ask him. Leading the way for USF, which was ranked 6 in the NCAA DII Power Rankings this week, was two time Harlon Hill candidate Luke Papilion, who completed 22 of 30 passes for 280 yards and two TDs and also rushed for 41 yards on 13 carries with a TD. Her dad, Wilbert Sr., didn't speak of his son's death for months, she said. Dont even bother asking me to try and explain what i meant in this, cuz i really dont know. I have lost four sons in the king’s service, and my fifth serves as his squire. Second, I recall reading about some studies on this somewhere, but that was some years ago, and I don't remember where. “If you would please me, ser, be happy for me,” Daenerys said. Starc sent down two searing yorkers and bowled Adam Milne and Southee. “I was very much afraid of him; he began papuci de casa din pasla to talk of Mme. ONCE YOU HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN THE WRONG HANDS, YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME, FOLKS. Come sunset, as the sea turned black as ink and the swollen sun tinted the sky a deep and bloody red, Victarion came back on deck. He’s shallow, frivolous I don’t defend him, but certain special circumstances make it necessary that he should not give up the countess and some other connexions, but, on the contrary, should go to see them as often as possible. My only complaint is that they don have the thruster units mounted on the shoulders. Whereas the house uses metal, HardiePanel and wood, the garage uses only the first two from that list: the ones that take the least maintenance.. Meera cradled Jojen’s head in her lap. He will do as he calça kickboxing is told. ‘He will never forgive me,’ she said when first we arrived, but perhaps he will see you and love you, and for your sake he will forgive me,’ Mother was very fond of me, and she always used to kiss me when she said this, and she was very much afraid of going to grandfather. Other new colors being introduced in the commercials include orange yellow Jamaican Sun and Old Bark, a light brown whose name pokes fun at the brand's basset hound mascot.
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pizzavorous-wolf · 4 years
Okay I just finished The Last of Us 2 gameplay and have many thoughts also when I read some other opinions from others.
First of all I understand why Joel had to die so early in the game but it was still early for me... I liked him but I dont mind him dying - characters die in stories. I dont even mind the way he died. Not everyone needs to have some dramatic tragic way of dying I find that actually a bit annoying... I like some realism in stories and seriously I dont mind this way. Sometimes it’s just bad timing and being at the wrong place meeting wrong people. Im tired of magical rescues or surviving.. sure there’s place for them but not overusing them.
Im very satisfied with Eli and Dina. Do you guys realise no matter how flawed this game is from your point of view this is huge fucking step? This is first AAA game that has openly protagonist LGBT character and very visible wlw relationship ON SCREEN? And not even limited to one time or just side convo? It’s huge fucking thing.
Now Im just gonna jump right to the ending. At first I couldn’t believe they actually did it and gave us exactly what we wanted but then yeeahh... Look you can never satisfy gamers... its either “oh gosh this ending is bullshit why does everything have to be dark i will pretend it never happened >:/” or “wtf this is not realistic they are just gonna live happy life now? it should have been darker” so yeah Im gonna say there should have been two endings at least. I seriously expected two endings yknow... the whole Abby vs Eli thing was screaming two endings at me. But we got what we got. Im bitter about the ending BUT at the same time I can understand what Naughty Dog was aiming for. They wanted to paint Eli as flawed human just like every single of us is. The whole game is pointing finger at our flaws. Eli was too caught up in her seek for revenge she didnt see the good thing she had. She realised too late the revenge is not the answer and so her fear of ending up alone came true. Seriously do you not know people who realise their mistakes too late? I know plenty. This is very human character.
But at the same time sure - I also would have loved the perfect lovey-dovey rainbow colored ending her living happily with Dina on the farm forever. Yeah that would be nice. But I also like in some way the actual ending. Because it shows Eli’s human nature so well.
Same for Abby. Both hated and loved. I didnt like her at first - when I didnt know her story yet. She lost her father. Who wouldnt seek a revenge? But she only aimed for Joel. No one else. Joel was her goal and the end of it. She also changed her kind of closeted mind about the outsiders (Scars) and I think she opened up to the different way of thinking during convos with Lev. She helped people she used to hunt and kill. She protected them with her life. She betrayed “her” people for them. Is this evil person? Antagonist? Not for me.
Obviously then again who wouldnt seek revenge when her ex boyfriend and his pregnant girlfriend got murdered? She was done with her revenge for father and now this? The vicious circle was burning.
But then... she wanted to kill pregnant Dina because Mel was also pregnant and that didnt stop Eli right? But then... yeah she didnt want to continue that circle. She broke it. But it was only her who did so. Once again to me - a person who breaks the circle of ongoing revenge is not the bad or evil one. She changed. She grew.
Eli did so as well but... a bit late. But thats okay. Because people grow at different speed as well. In that way I really like the game. Im not gonna spit poison at it because I see the writers wanted to show the complexity of human nature and the matter of coincidences... I dont need perfect stories and as I said many gamers still wouldnt be satisfied.
I also have respect for Naughty Dog for designing Abby. Shes very muscular. I can see other AAA game studios are still taking kind of baby steps in showing women as not only the hot perfect eyecandy for straight male gamers. They’re like “uhm... so this woman will be slightly overweight.. and has short not neon colored hair..shes not very feminine.. but dont worry! Shes only side character! She wont get in your way too much! Is it okay with you guys? :( Its okay right?”
But Naughty Dog gives you very visibly muscular woman with no makeup and hardly any feminine features as one of the main characters and you also have to play as her. Nothing subtle about it. No other eye-catching hot women for horny male gamers anywhere. Just women trying to survive living rough life. And looking normal. Abby is ripped and you will be very aware of it all the time. No “forcibly sexy” angles shes treated as any “regular” muscled male character would be.
I find it very refreshing. You only play as woman characters in this game. No macho muscular ruffled middle aged dude running around with rifle. We have already so many games like that. This is such a breath of fresh air at the AAA game industry. It was bold. Naughty Dog was expecting the backslash from those dudebro gamers. There are LGBT flags all over the map too. They give zero shit about being subtle and not hurting the dudebro gamer too much. Theyre so very open and I love that. No matter the other flaws I respect this so so deeply. And I hope they will be the inspiration for other studios to stop tip-toeing and just fully stand up - openly and with no shame.
Naughty Dog you did so well and I appreciate that. That game isnt perfect in all ways but Im seeing all that hard work and you standing up - rebelling againts the set rules - pandering to straight male gamers - yeah you go. I support you all the way.
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criquette-was-here · 6 years
Multiple replies
@aileensims​ said:
Hi Criquette. Thank you for your amazing creations. I was wondering if it was possible to use your Rural Charm road with another terrain replacement? It works like a charm in the hood view, the lot looks fine, but outside the lot I get this: i. imgur. com /FeBHAeW. jpg. Could you please help? Thank you so much. Sorry for another ask. I figured it out :) Thanks anyways
Hi Aileen! I’m glad you’ve figured it out! Still I’d like to mention this great tutorial by @olivemuenda​ though
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquete!! Tell me, when we will can take the dowload of this wonderful world that you is building? *---*             
Hey anon! None of the current neighborhoods will be available for public download unfortunately. But as I’ve said earlier, I’ll be releasing a predecorated ‘hood this year at some point, so fingers crossed I’ll not have any delays on that.
Anonymous said:
Pleeeease!! Convert more tree of the sims 4 to the sims 2, I'm putting inside the lots, on map, and its very beautiful and Cartoon <3 like The sims 4. It is possible?             
Hey nonnie! I’d like to have more trees myself! But I’m not sure I could squeeze it into my schedule. I also don’t own any copy of TS4, so I can’t go extracting this ‘n’ that from it anyways.
Anonymous said:
heyy i was wondering if you have a tutorial on how to make neighborhood terrain retextures, i dont mean with hoos replaced but replacing the actual grass texture from the neighborhood or if you have seen any because everytime i try i end up with a normal texture on the lots and a big ass one on the neighborhood and idk what im doing wrong ://             
Hey anon! Oh, I don’t have any for you to suggest. I mean, I would need to google it too! But I would suggest one thing. It’s called reverse engineering. One of the best ways to learn things is to look inside and to see how it works. So I’d suggest to get a DR that works okay and then open it in SimPE and see what textures goes where. 
Anonymouse said:
Hello criquette!  So I’m not sure if I’m alone in this, but it’s something keeps bothering me. Whenever I’m decorating my neighborhood I like to have a lot of trees. I was recently making a forest with pinewood trees, and I realized how unrealistic the “forest floor” looks. Generally, the ground of any forest or a wooded area is brownish; old leaves, small tree branches, pine needles, pine cones, etc.  So my question is, is there a way to bring something like this to life as a hood deco piece?            
Hi anon! This is something I’d like to have in my game too! I love to paint the terrain brown beneath the trees in lot mode. And I’d love to have something like that on a greater scale for the ‘hood mode. Not sure about such details as pine needles and small branches, but having some brownish hood deco terrain pieces would be nice ***writes it down***
@twofingerswhiskey said:
Hello! I was wondering how you managed to get the coast so smooth and level in your 'hoods, I've tried my best in SC4 and I can't get it right for the life of me with much experimentation!             
Hello Jebediah! Well, the easiest way is to use SC4 god mode terraforming tool that softens the terrain. Once you’ve done landscaping your shoreline, you may want to soften it with this tool. Unfortunately, I can’t give you a walk through at the moment, but it’s under that shovel+tree button – levelling. You can also use some tricks from this post too.
Anonymous said:
Привет, Крикет! Не буду мучить английский язык и напишу на русском ;) Еще два года назад ты выкладывал скрины чудесной закругленной дороги, которую можно расположить на склоне, видимо как дополнение к сельскому шарму. Хотела узнать, стоит ли мне с нетерпением ждать эту дорогу?)            
Привет! Мне кажется это было даже еще раньше! Увы, то была отчасти прото версия сельского шарма. Вернее то были просто куски дороги, созданной специально для конкретного городка и они от какой бы то ни было универсальности, но то что наклонные кусочки были бы прекрасным дополнением к набору из Сельского Шарма – факт. Учитывая, что мои возможности в плане времени на ближайший год-два весьма скудны, я не возьмусь что-либо обещать, но кто знает! Nonnie is asking if there’s a chance there will be sloped road pieces for the Rural Charm, like those she have seen a couple of years ago. I’m saying that though it would be a great addition to the set of decorative road pieces, I can’t promise anything due to lack of time during a year or two. 
@frenneshay said:
Hi Criquette, first thanks for all your awesome contributions to the game! I had a question I hoped you could help answer or direct. Your post about lot skirt textures and beach lots got me wondering how/where the game determines to assign the sand lot skirt texture. I'd love to be able to assign, say, a concrete lot skirt to lots in a "downtown" area of a lush neighborhood. Could there be a new/different way to flag lots (other than 50% beach) so as to assign them different lot skirt textures?      
Hey Frenneshay! Well, basically, the game assigns certain lot skirt texture according to the current neighborhood terrain type. Which means, if you know beforehand that the lot you want to place in your hood might need, say, a concrete lot skirt texture, you can switch the terrain type using the cheat, place the lot down, enter it to make sure the concrete is there and then back to neighborhood mode again to switch it back to the hood’s original terrain type. If you want to switch the lot skirt terrain after the lot was placed, that SimPE and probably Lot Adjuster (not sure if there are tick boxes for that though) is your only option.
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justahalfling · 7 years
Vaishu finally watches... Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
Yes its liveblogging time again! Here goes...
I feel bad for that elephant (i know its CGI but like). bruh that elephant just wants out of the land of crazy humans
oh great Baahu never a moment of not looking good huh... he could do with some depth in his character, but its only the first few min of the movie so I’ll withhold judgment for now
wow Mommy’s boy™
ewwwww bijjaladeva is so gross in the head wtf killing your own wife dude go get therapy for chrissakes
lmao Kattapa fucking rekt yall!!! Someone call the ambulance woo eee woo eee woo eee (sound of an ambulance, if you couldnt tell)
i have to say... rana has a really nice butt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but seriously, need to get me a girl like that
oooh someones has a crush (its me. also baahu)
robust appearance.... lmao
okay the wild boar scene is funny and all but like... why cant the lady win for once why does the guy always have to one up her
i love how much of a loser kumara varma is, he is highly #relatable
boi did you literally get hit by a bull to keep your identity secret so that you can tease her properly. literally what.... straight people are so weird
how is devasena a literal goddess in every scene. how. ((pls be my wife))
i really like this song and i vibe HEAVILY with the aesthetic here. i love the clothes give the costume department an award already
look at bhalla’s content at the whole scheme why do you have to be like this dude. #beadecentdude2k17
look here Sivagami i love you and i would literally die for you but promising a girl’s hand in marriage without her consent is not cool bruh. dont be an accomplice in the crimes of patriarchy and sell out your fellow women like this.
she is literally the “I will not hesitate, bitch.” kinda gal
wow sudden hero kumara varma good for you mah dude
wow them cows though... (better watch out for the BJP lmao dont kill me for that joke)
my boi... he was wearing armor underneath... how XTRA ™ can you get
I love devasena so much my homegirl. MY BAE. even if she likes the guy she is not going to submit to the patriarchy. you go girl
wow they have such great chemistry. its better than avanthika and baahu jr’s chemistry 
i love how she kisses first. yes girl make the first move!!! go get yo man! 
wow that flag breaking is very... omimouse (not a typo thats just the word ominous in vaishu language)
but seriously is that supposed to mean something? im too dense to get it. is it that she has to break off her loyalty to kuntala now
Devasena is just like “you see this right here bitches? this is a no bullshit zone. no bullshit allowed yo”
“agangaram as alangaram” amazing line 10/10
but like that isnt even temerity. its literally standing up for her rights though
dont people write the names of the potential groom? why are you people like this
oh wow the coronation scene is amazing. all the military stuff is cool. and the symbolism of the cheers making stuff come crashing down. good job rajamouli you played this well
what do you mean you’re just a slave. bro if you had to act as wingman you best believe youre family now. stop with that hierarchy bullshit its so uncomfortable for me to see
MOM NO *cries forever*
wow when bhalla was like “a pregnant woman doesnt want riches or possessions... she only wants her husband’s embrace” my gutter brain almost thought he was going to give them a bed or some fertility thing like a creep. but that thing he said already made my creep radar go crazy
you’re literally the worst my dude the worst
deva is such a firecracker holy shit i LOVE HER 
ewww that is so gross. dude i will break your hand. i will break it and set it on fire. i am not joking. 
well you did my job deva so anyways.... ufos more like identified flying fingers amirite... heh heh
but didnt ancient india invent plastic surgery anyways i dont see whats the huge deal here
i cant believe im saying this but devasena would make a much better ruler than sivagami. in fact i personally think she would even be better than baahu. girl’s got her priorities right 
its interesting how baahu has a moon pottu and bhalla has a sun pottu. one would think the positions would have been reversed. maybe they wanted to show that baahu was more nurturing and stuff. but like. its sunlight that grows plants? anyways.
wow no you got it all wrong. “scorned the laws”? dont you know the highest form of patriotism and responsible citizenry is criticism!! what the literal fuck, why are you like this. i loved you so much why would you do this
wow baahu busting out some engineering skills right there. why is this the first time im seeing this. most of the times hes like a big fuck you to physics. but like engineering ex machina i suppose
man hes so tall he has to bend down so the lady can pat his head LMAO idk this is adorable. this reminds me of the time i was scrolling though the baahubali tag and someone called the beefcake that is prabhas a “smol bean”. wtf tumblr
omg bhalla let a guy live. so not cool mah dude
baahu has such a magnificent mane. he has better hair than me what the hell
bhalla is so fucking rude... how can you choke your actual dad... granted he’s the reason why youre like this
wow and treating a disable person like that... why are you literally so vile
why is he suddenly turning on his son... THIS IS HIGHLY SUSPECT
oh my god this is such a tire fire what the heck
man i would have said yes and just run far far away if i was kattapa
its so sad to watch this when you know its all going to end horribly
oh my god “as long as you’re by my side no man has been born yet to kill me” well this line killed me so
cant you follow your moral code instead! is your allegiance to the throne so important! an innocent man cant go through punishment like this its wrong
oh my god this is so sad
also uhm i just realised that baahu has wonder woman bracelets
that was the most dramatic death scene ive ever watched. it gave me the chills.
WOAH bhalla is SO messed up in the head good god
look this is all well and good but you should really wash and disinfect your hands before touching babies... as i always like to say, common sense is not so common
aw baby promise that is so cute
omg he called him grandpa that is so adorable
omg devasena i love you so much 
okay but dont forget your adopted parents too
they dont have weapons! they cant succeed by their will alone! what i would do is create like an elite task force and infiltrate the place. boi you need some strategy. a map of the citadel at least
holy shit devasena is not to be messed with my lady literally carrying a dude’s head
that is so fucked up man the people behind this movie went so hard. they didnt have to but they went so hard
wow that was smurt
okay where is avanthika though dont tell me she stayed home
that is so.... creative...
omg i love the grandpa and grandson duo SO CUTE when he calls him “thatha” man grandparents are wonderful my thatha is so excited for me to get a job and i havent even entered uni yet (okay side tracking here)
is his own classic tyrant statue gonna kill him cause i think it will. im calling it now everyone. poetic justice okay
aw her future daughter in law protecting her 
oh yea the statue didnt kill him sadly
shes stepping on his face omg the symbolism
ripping out his heart omg how grosser can you get
omg is that... a blood abhishekam.... i have no words..
YAASS GAUNTLETS (but seriously... wonder woman)
Avanthika looks gorgeous and aw its his Ma 
thats... baahu thats water pollution you cant do that
wow poetic justice huh
that was... amazing wow
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jessiewre · 5 years
Day 4
Weds 8th Jan 2020
Our breakfast pre-ordered for 7:10am did not go quite as planned and it turned up 20 mins late at 7:30am. Hmm we had a bus to catch and we really did not want to miss it.
Phil casually started chatting to a Belgian guy who’d just finished a 3 month programme for Biodiversity as part of his masters and blah blah blah - to be honest I just started to feel nervous about how late we were getting for our 9am bus.
We booked an Uber on Phil’s phone at 8am but it did not move at all on the map for over 5 minutes. 5 WHOLE MINUTES. Ok so this had some potential for getting pretty stressful.
To cover us, I booked another one on my phone and watched them both keenly, to try and work out which one looked like the winner and which one to cancel. Eventually we kept the first one and thankfully it arrived, despite the fact that the app said it was miles away still. Bloody Uber, can’t live with it can’t live without it.
We made it to the bus station in time and got on a bus to Kabale. Made it, phew.
This bus had the NARROWEST aisle you’ve ever seen. You had to go down it sideways. Not ideal with either bags or any sort of ass. Or both.
There was also very limited space for leg room but the seats were disproportionately large. A weird layout for a bus. But despite it being strange, overall it was fairly comfortable thank gooooodness.
A man came on to tell a prayer to the bus before we left, naturally, Phil gave him a big Amen and we travelled 7 hours to Kabale.
Early on in the journey, the ticket man handed us a menu to pre-order lunch from a place called Gaytors. The menu was kinda smart and we had high hopes. We ordered a vege samosa and the classic Ugandan snack of a rollex (similar to the watch brand in absolutely no way at all).
We eventually pulled into this really smart looking cafe and we spotted the big sign saying ‘Gaytors’. It looked really clean and we were actually pretty excited for a stretch of the legs and some food in this nice place. Yeah, things were going well.
We then saw a man running over to the bus from the cafe carrying a bag. The bus was not even completely still yet when the bus door opened and our ticket man took the bag from the cafe worker like the baton in a relay race. We then sped straight off leaving a trail of dust behind us - our chance to stretch our legs dwindling into oblivion. Also our chance to pee was gone too.
In the 7 hour journey time, the bus stopped ONCE for people to pee. ONCE. I think it was the kind of journey where the bus only stopped if someone specifically requested it. We were not aware of this so Phil went into some sort of classic Phil bus hibernation for most of the ride.
Our first rollex (a chapati with an egg in with onion kinda thing) was pretty tasty though but the samosa was even better.
Phil had organised for a pick up in Kabale through our destination hotel but there was no sign of him on arrival. Just many other people trying to hustle some business. So we pitched up in a cafe called Kadio Motel and bought a beer from the rabbit-in-the-headlights staff who looked like they’d never seen a Muzungu before (that’s us) while we asked to use their phone. After some hanging around and continual refusal to go with other drivers trying to hustle us, our vehicle turned up. It was a minibus that looked fine - until we actually got near to it and realised how many people were inside. We were under the impression we had booked a private vehicle. Imagine the opposite of that.
Well there were 4 adults with 2 children in the back aged about 7 and 1. Rammed.
I took a seat in the middle row where a man was sat with 2 kids and Phil sat in the front, then the driver came over to tell me that actually I was sitting in the wrong seat. Oh sorry mate it wasn’t massively obvious there was another option?!
He told me to move to the front and sit in the middle. I looked at the ‘seat’ he was referring to and it was the middle bit between the driver seat and the passenger seat. It was a bit of car interior with a pillow on it. And no back rest.
The reason it did not have a back rest was because IT WAS NOT A SEAT.
Well, I squashed in like a good lass and so did Phil and we began the uncomfortable 1.5 hour journey, me side-on leaning on Phil, back aching, with 11 other people in a vehicle that was made for 8. Wicked.
I could hardly say no and make someone else sit there could I.
About 20 minutes in, we passed a police vehicle. I heard the driver say a few words under his breath.
Sure enough they flagged us down and pulled us over. We realised the man sat behind Phil (the one sat in the seat I thought I would have originally) was the money man in the bus as he handed the driver a note subtley, ready for the police officer.
The officer clocked me and Phil in the vehicle and raised his eyebrows. Uh oh...
The officer moved round to the drivers side and looked at us
“Hello, how are you”
We did our best impression of comfortable happy people and said ‘Yes we are great! Excited to see the gorillas!’
Then he actually asked us if we were comfortable.
We said ‘Yes! Absolutely! So comfortable, we are fine!’
He looked at us, especially me, with my twisted back and awkward position. It must have been fairly obvious we were not being completely honest. He was having none of it.
‘I dont think you are’ he said (I mean, I definitely was not), then he asked the driver to step out.
Oh gaaaaaddd.
We thought this is it, our driver is getting arrested and we will have to pay lots of money for breaking the law.
But not quite. The officer simply demanded we moved to the seat behind and the man behind Phil moved to the seat in front. So he somehow reconfigured everyone in a way that no one was in the ridiculous middle ‘seat’.
What an absolute legend, he saved me from over an hour of pure awkward discomfort. I was still sat next to a bloke with two children, plus Phil - but it was a definite upgrade.
It was only about 20 minutes later though, that we pulled over in a little village we were passing through and TWO MORE PEOPLE GOT IN. They sat in the FRONT, basically in the space that I’d been in. The pillow thing with no back rest in between the driver and front passenger. The woman ended up sat half on the man in fronts lap and the older man just perched side-on clinging onto the drivers seat headrest to prop himself up. So now there were a total of 15 people in the vehicle that was made for 8.
It was certainly efficient I’ll give em that.
Also just for further context, one woman in the back row (remember, the row with 6 people in?) was breastfeeding and another woman was travel sick and vomited as soon as she got out of the vehicle at her drop off. Lovely.
We arrived at the Ruhija Community Rest Camp hotel and it was in a beautiful setting with lovely rooms overlooking the jungle. Nothing like the bus.
The shower absolutely did not work when hung on the wall and was barely even a trickle when held down off the wall, so washing was interesting. By interesting I mean difficult and not at all interesting.
We had a cute dinner of vegetables in sauce, rice and ‘Irish potatoes’. Phil was buzzin. It didn’t look amazing but was pretty tasty to be honest and definitely filling, so we went to bed full in the quiet of the jungle edge, (sort of) half washed.
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wesonerdy · 8 years
Don’t Think Twice is a steamy novella by Nikky Kaye that follows two best friends as they go from being friends with benefits to more! Take a look here!
  Courtesy of Ardent Prose
Cassie is more than a friend with benefits, and I love helping her overcome her shyness in the bedroom. Now our teaching assistant has his eye on her too and all my primitive instincts are taking over. Maybe I’m being a bit possessive, but what have I got to lose?
I told Will that once should be enough, but he’s determined to make me scream over and over again… I feel truly sexy for the first time in my life, but with a new wager on the line I’d better think twice before falling for my best friend.
This 35,000-word sequel to the hot new adult romance novella Once Should Be Enough can be read as a standalone–but you might want to sit down (on a towel). If you like your romance swift, sharp and sizzling, then Don’t Think Twice!
Amazon Global Add to your Goodreads TBR!
Courtesy of Ardent Prose
“Good job, everyone,” praised Rodney. “Now we’re ready to cool down. Lie down on your mat in corpse pose for Savasana.”
“That won’t be hard,” I muttered.
Cassie chuckled beside me. I flopped onto my back, my arms and legs akimbo. My heart rate slowed with Rodney’s low, musical recommendations to press my spine into the floor and breathe through my eyelids.
Every part of my body felt exhausted but energized at the same time, but he must have been trained in some kind of yoga hypnosis thing, because when I came back to myself, the room was empty and Cassie sat watching me, hugging her knees to her chest.
“You fell asleep.”
“Holy shit.” Really?
“Namaste.” With her palms pressed together at her sternum, she bobbed her chin down and giggled. Little tendrils of damp hair curled around her pink face, the messy dark knot flagging on top of her head. She hadn’t changed yet, her bare arms now wrapped around her bare legs like an unadorned Cassie pretzel—with salt.
“Okay, you win. Yoga is hard,” I admitted.
“Told ya.” As she unfolded herself to kneel on the mat on her hands and knees, I hardened, too.
“You were right, I was wrong.”
She grinned. “It’s just stretching, right?” She rolled her back like an inchworm, arching and curving sinuously, back and forth. I wanted nothing more than to string up a hammock in the small of her back and spend a summer there.
“Ooof!” She straddled me, catching me by surprise.
She landed right over my waist, the damp vee between her legs pressed into the sliver of skin between where my shirt had ridden up and my sweats hung on my hips. Fucking hell, I could feel how hot and wet she was. Her sweat mixed with her unique, musky scent, and it went straight to my cock like some kind of olfactory Viagra. Damn pheromones.
“Where’d everybody go?” I asked, my hands reflexively going to her hips as she shimmied on top of me.
“Last class in here for the night.” She shivered a little as my thumbs traced along the dent of her hips. “We’re all—oh, I love your hands—alone.”
“Do you remember what happened last time we showered together?”
She bit her lower lip and nodded shyly. My dick was rock hard and aching for her. I fought the urge to pull her down on me hard and grind against her, instead forcing my hands down onto the mat.
I wanted her. I wanted to kiss her until she was breathless. I wanted to see just how strong and flexible yoga had made her. I wanted to find out if her nipples tasted salty from sweat and if her clit had plumped up from those tight little shorts. I wanted to fuck her right into corpse pose.
But I wanted her to make the first move. I knew I’d come on too strong before but as sexy as her self-discovery was, I was just the guide, not the explorer. Fuck, I was happy to be that. I would program the GPS and provide a back-up map and guidebook. I’d even hold up a fucking sign like a dorky walking tour group leader in Europe, but she had to decide which sights to see.
“Will?” She leaned over, her hands pressed against the floor on either side of my head. Heat radiated from her skin, shimmering toward me like a desert oasis.
“Wanna get naked with me again?”
  Courtesy of Ardent Prose
Courtesy of Ardent Prose
Courtesy of Ardent Prose
  About the Author
Nikky Kaye is almost my real name. I’m a former Film professor who likes more than her movies to be black and white. Sadly, the world doesn’t work that way. I have worked with movie stars, Ivy League brainiacs, and the United Nations—all of which means that I’m familiar with ass-kissing, power struggles, greed and faking it. In my spare time I parent 5 year-old twin boys, serve on the board of an independent cinema, and run a medical consulting company.
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    SPOTLIGHT: ‘Don’t Think Twice’ by Nikky Kaye Don't Think Twice is a steamy novella by Nikky Kaye that follows two best friends as they go from being friends with benefits to more!
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