#dont add if you get offended easily
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brokenreality--xa · 2 years ago
My other blog
its a *DARK* writing blog. Legit writing as Alastor (demon) He’s a sadist - and torture is a thing. anyways. im still working out the info etc - and should be done this weekend!
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mohgreal · 3 months ago
Mr Greal I need to rant about a SOTE thing I was thinking about last night. Fucking. Why not make it so that Mohg and Miquella were collaborating and both had a genuine, shared view of how to change the world? They both want the best for the disenfranchised races of the Lands Between, right? Miquella has the metamorphosing Albinaurics in the Haligtree, Mohg has his little red Mohglets, stuff like that.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if Blood For The Blood God Big Boy Mohg was who Miquella deemed the most kind or worthy or whatever of the demigods? Raaaaagh I’m just so mad how SOTE bulldozed over these two characters and sapped out anything interesting about them.
cw: me being annoying, (long) sote ranting because this fandom hates me for hating but that never stopped me, if you take this seriously its on you sorry . for some reason i get people feel offended by me openly expressing how i feel about some dlc so im still putting this here You Were Warned ....mr greal will add his personal comments .....
tumblr keeps fucking up my keep readinf STOP im sorry
this is my biggest gripe with sote is how boring they made the existing lore. not even 'bad', just very very boring. it's like i got the most boring reddit fanfiction as canon, which sucks because all the new stuff IS interesting. expect now i don't even care because they sucked the interest i had for the lore by doing so. they could've made radahn more interesting by giving him more lore that isn't just "i love war, golden order, and horsey!". they could've gave mohg more lore and depth. they could've made miquella more interesting and a genuinely new and fresh character with hope for once in a game where it's all bleak and misery.
but they didn't. why.
i don't get it and i never will. im convinced they had a different, or possibly worse — multiple teams work on sote because the way the entire dlc is structured, especially the lore and missing elements (no cutscenes for main bosses or black and white art desc) — really screams too many chefs working on one game (dlc). nightreign existing proves my prior theory ive had since sote came out day one
miquella is, to me, the most boring possible route they could've gone. if you believed the charming theory then it was also predictable for like two years so it's not even as shellshocking as the narrative makes it, because the game expects you (in the sense that based off the existing lore you would have the idea that miquella is morally gray) to know this. the issue is that the only real lore really pointing toward miquella being a charm guy is the bewitching branch. two sentences. you're supposed to get that miquella was Bad All Along because of [one] item description. why micheal zaki???? and yes you could say the other item descs hinted at it, but that's all it is, hinting. its vague and you could easily understand it as miquella being the true goodie people in game think he is.
as for the extreme devotion, i don't see how it's supposed to be seen as bad if you didn't know miquella was a charmer when it makes sense for the lands between to cling to the only piece of hope there is. like i would be worshipping him too when he's supposedly the only real kind demigod trying to make a change??? is this just micheal zaki and georgey marty's way of telling us life is miserable and dont trust incestous blondes? ive seen people defend this by saying its a design choice so the player can feel like miquella is good, then get betrayed like his followers so you can feel it too. but this doesn't work because you would have to be attached or at least like miquella which is basically impossible (unless you were a tumblr miquella stan feeding off dust and scraps) since you haven't meet him?? how can i be betrayed by someone whom i haven't even met? miquella is just childish griffith (im sorry to say that name) marika-ranni morally gray "you tried" badge lumped into one and i really miss how interesting he was before his own dlc. not to mention he only shows up piggybacking on his now boyfriend-brother for like one minute; and that's all he gets in his own dlc . if he was at least his own boss instead of lothric-lorian copy pasted but worse i wouldn't be nearly as disappointed
radahn is still boring to me, which he was before as well, his personlity is basically just the modern irl gymbro to me, which is to say i can't see him without his gym (in radahn's case, war or the golden order)
and mohg getting used as a body bag is so unneeded and just feels forced. i didn't even feel sad. the mohgreal (mr greal as called in the ask™️) didn't get sad at mohg being basically used even beyond death. because it didn't need to happen. you could say that's what makes it tragic, but to me it's just a cheap way of forcing radahn back. radahn's soul isn't what makes him powerful, his powers and body is. so just use mohg instead, miquella already had him charmed, did he not?? radahn's soul isn't going to make mohg magically radahn — except oh wait it magically makes mohg radahn all of a sudden even though that's not how it works!!! we literally saw ranni do this exact same thing (just with her own soul) yet radahn is a magic exception??? this is a blatant retcon and people who pretend sote doesn't have retcons feel like they're gaslighting me because this is just one of a few examples of contradicting lore sote gives you. even if you could magically give me a pile of reason to fill the plotholes, it still feels sour because i never needed to do this in the base game
TLDR: sote made me not care about elden ring, and im now back to being a horror addict im sorry. everyone is allowed to rant to me im very bored
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pvssychicken · 6 months ago
I really didnt want to have to make some shit about this, but im sick and tired of seeing this shit on my feed. And before yall come for me calling me insensitive, id just like to start off by saying that I am somewhere on the autistic spectrum, AND i have ADHD thats so bad that I maxed out on one med, and weve had to add a SECOND medication just to control it.
Im going to be honest, i think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion, i understand that people were offended by it, and I understand why. But getting mad at Nick, especially for saying it towards someone who lets be honest, had AuDHD, is jus unfair. Yes, nick needs to apologize to you guys, and to chris. But the way yall switched up on him so easily is INSANE. You guys immideately call out nick when he does something wrong, but you guys dont even bat an eye when matt or chris do something wrong. Honestly, thats just flat out unfair. You guys need to understand that not everyone knows that people get offended by some things, its possible that he didnt know that that was offensive to say.
At this point, I just think you guys are looking for a reason to switch up on him, because matt has said some INSANE things on stream and nobody blinked an eye.
Anyways, thank you for coming to my ted-talk
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mephone4kisser · 1 year ago
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crumbling inside rn (4)
alternate universe/timeline thingy-dingy (X, 4 and 2)
X - biggest fruit loops lover - autistic - literally an angel - the main thing that stops most of the algebraliens from going insane - too honest sometimes - can make their own choices once it involves something besides four - "i dislike you, but i feel super bad and now your sadness is making me sad" - carries around juice boxes - says something mean, adds a long sentence about his tone - goes to four for almost anything
four - has two tastes. phonk and sodikken - probably has bpd n autism - gets attached way too easily - 30% of the time they're like "leave me alone" and the other 70% of the time he's like "wAIT don't leave me alone im going to nn cry" - wants to bite two's arms off - handles strong emotions by way of physical harm, especially on others - guys he's a demon - makes speech bubble memes when they aren't busy making upset noises and screeching into pillow - "tell me you love me and you need me fifteen times a day or else i'll cry"
two - very mild stutter - neurotypical ass - easily offended (thank the objects) - hates fighting and negativity, and they often try to gloss over it by pretending everything's fine and nothing went wrong (this is kinda proven by the bfdi x ii event but) - 50/50 on the angel/devil scale (it's actually 80/20 but) - sort of naive (they'll agree to stuff super easily you dont even have to be convincing) - makes friendship bracelets - sings "british rappers be like" on repeat (their favourite line is probably "otherwise unknown p might bash man's head straight down like a bop it")
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ithaquasbbg · 1 year ago
hello! could i possibly get a idv matchup?
I go by all pronouns (i just default to they/them), im pansexual with innattentive ADHD (aka ADD) and an anxiety disorder. My MBTI type is INTP-T, and I'm a scorpio - rising taurus. I'm very outgoing and funny with my friend group, however i get anxious and very quiet if im in public without someone else i know being there. i've been told im a perfectonist and that i set high standards for myself, when i dont meet those standards i tend to break down. i have a hard time asking for help in general and tend to bottle up how i feel which has cause people to get angry at me because i do not know how describe how im feeling. i have been told i'm very observant and tend to notice little things in stuff like movie scenes.
im very pale with a lot of freckles everywhere with a curly dark brown wolf cut. i tend to bruise and scratch myself easily as well. i speak english, german, and spanish (english is my mother tongue) !!
my aesthetics in terms of clothing range from 90's-ish to cybercore…. although my usual fit will have silver jewelry. i like going out from time to time to shop or picking up food from local food shops!! on terms of food, i have fast metabolism so im hungry for most of the day…my favorite kind of food is texas bbq!!! I love to cook and read a lot so i tend to stay up late doing just that lmao
Hiiii anon! I’m sorry this took a while, matchups are a little harder for me lol. Ty for the request :)
08 | I match you with….
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Grace | Naiad
….Headcanons below….
|🐟| I feel like she’s somebody who would benefit from having an extroverted partner- somebody who would help her out of her she’ll and become less reclusive!
|🐟| I also feel like she’s probably quite calm and patient in general, so she likely wouldn’t be bothered by your ADHD or anxiety much if at all
|🐟| She seems like the type to be good at comforting others, so if you had a really bad day and were really anxious or feeling defeated by your perfectionism, she’d probably be patient and kind to you as you calm down
|🐟| Speaking of perfectionism, she doesn’t strike me as a perfectionist at all. This could cause some misunderstandings every once in a while, and she takes some time to forgive if it’s a big one, but I don’t think she’d be too offended or bothered
|🐟| She’s probably quite fond of your appearance and the way you dress- it’s unique and makes you easy to remember!
|🐟| Sometimes she’ll trace little designs on your freckles :))
|🐟| She seems like she’d have a fast metabolism as well, and would probably have no problem eating a lot with you
|🐟| Give Grace some time, and she might even make some things with you!
|🐟| I feel like she’d like reading with you, laying her head on your chest and listening to you read it aloud, or reading it herself!
|🐟| Eventually she’ll probably fall asleep, which would probably serve as a reminder that you need to sleep as well.
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jeevaschrist · 2 years ago
Can i uh get a match up for idk black butler? (Im sorry i have trouble deciding) This is the first time i ever ask for one of these so sorry if alot of these r gibberish.
Im 19 / female / and as my friend will like to describe me “concerning at best, a freak at worst” (in a very concerning tone of course)
Im a ambivert and just match the energy with who im with, and add like some crazy in. I dont mind going out and having fun with people i know, but i prefer just hanging out in peace and quiet. I love reading (i will not elaborate) and drawing (I suck) and the occasional writing (will not elaborate). Im like 5’4ish? (Still need to get that check every single time my height just get more and more absurd) i like people who r taller then me becuz i feel safe if i can be entirely embraced and hid away from the world. Im very a little bit clingy when im really close to someone becuz i feel alone alot of the time. The closer i feel to someone the more i want to physically attach myself to them (i will respect boundaries tho) I uh ramble alot and alot of things i say r unhinged and dont go through my mind at all. Im a romantic at heart and incredibly closed off on the surface. I dont get offended easily and dont hold a grudge (unless the insult was aimed at people close to me in which case blood will be spilled) im a good listener and like animal but dislike horror movie (unless im allowed to stick with someone close for the next 48 hours) wow this is long anyway thats it, thx u in advance but feel free to not do it tho!
hi there! xx yes i can <3
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i think i'd definitely match you with grell for this one
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i think your energies match really well tbh! and i think that goes a long way in relationships. as far as clinginess goes i don't know about it with grell. it'll either be a thing where it's 100% embraced or 100% denied. i think it depends on the day or the way grell feels about you. assuming for the sake of your matchup that it's okay, this will make out to be a very good thing for you guys. being away from you would drive grell crazy and grell does not need to be any crazier atm. i think you two would be so cute together and i'd 100% be scared of you two bc grell is insane and i'm thinking all you'd do is add fuel to the fire (not that it's a bad thing and tbh i think grell would like that.) with horror movies, grell would 200% play some just to scare you and make you more attached at the hip. so yea, overall cute and powerful and crazy! thesexlifewouldbegoodtoo
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findyourrp · 1 year ago
Hello! Trying my luck here, haha. ❄️
I’m 18 years old trying to look for a Pokemon m/m roleplay from Paldea. I can play Grusha and will most likely only stick to him ^^
Im trying to look for something domestic and sweet, however we can add any other plots or plan anything else my partner wants!! Im pretty open to anything.
Just, please be aware that I am still in school and get burnt out very easily. I love rping but sometimes I get stuck in a rut where I cant write. So please dont be offended if we go a week or so without talking/no response, I am always thinking about it!!
>no hard-core gore (unless related to injury)
>semi-lit writer here! I usually write 3-6 paragraphs (depending in the scene ^^) (i will write less or more to match my partner)
>we can do smut, but i would love to discuss that before we start jumping into it. Anything related to kinks or stuff like that will be talked over and we can properly agree in things we like!
Other than that, I would love to start a new adventure with you. If interested I will reach out asap!!!! ❄️
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candycannibal · 1 year ago
i often see people get very offended and adamant about the statement "this kind character is boring to me", and i think they're taking it too personally or perhaps even uh, not understanding the statement? a kind character can be boring narratively to a person, that not the same as them saying kindness in real life is boring or easy
and its just an opinion. like i prefer to write messy and mean characters one because i think they add conflict to a story which you know drives a plot and can make interesting dynamics, and two because it gives them somewhere to grow into. a shitty selfish person overcoming there stuff and becoming kinder is way more interesting to me than a kind person... existing? also people becoming worse is more interesting to me as well, thats just what i like idk. it's just a difference in what kind of stories and narratives you enjoy
someone saying they dont like or find kind characters interesting isnt a reason to make a moral judgement on them. it's literally just. an opinion
and yeah, i know kind characters have their own nuances and story arch and growth they can achieve, it just usually doesnt grab me as easily as the other stuff im into
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narcissa-black-supermacy · 2 years ago
also,,,top 5 writing tips for us mortals pls thank u 🙏
jkahsdkjghgdj you're funny
well. i do like my writing ngl. i don't think it's exceptional or above fandom average but i'm happy with it.
the only thing i do feel like i can brag about is my writing speed and capacity. when i do find the time, i can easily put out 2k words in an hour. i did nanowrimo this past november and i reached 150k (edited!) words in 30 days which was....i was really proud.
so take this more as tips for Writing A Lot rather than Writing Well:
Make. A bloody. Outline. so many people get scared of this word or avoid it because they have "the story in their head" and they severely underestimate just how much it helps. an outline does not have to be clean, mine are usually messy. its just a doc with all the ideas thrown in there, sorted by types and chronological order. when i have time to write, i don't stare at a blank doc. i pull up one of the ideas/drafted scenes there and just write it. often times i take pre-made dialogue lines and just build the scene around it, add thoughts, actions, fillers etc. this way i can do up to 800+ words in a 20mins sprint, which you will NEVER achieve when writing in a blank doc.
Write down notes! you will NOT remember the flow of that dialogue in your head by the time you get home. trust me. write down literally EVERY SINGLE THING that comes to your head. random ideas. raw dialogues. random lines/paragraphs that pop up in your head. when you get home, add them to the outline and use that later when you write.
Don't edit while you write. this one is repeated all the time but i did not really get it until I got a typewriter (I use the FreeWrite Traveler typewriter), so to break down this advice more clearly: 1) do NOT go back to edit typos. TURN OFF spellcheck while you write! it is time consuming and you are going to go over this to edit anyway. 2) do NOT look up synonyms. already used "angry" 7 times? not quite the word you're looking for? just write "angry" and put a * next to it so you can look it up later. don't disturb the flow. 3) feeling stuck? don't have a filler between dialogue lines? feel like something is missing? do NOT get stuck on scenes. put a placeholder like [brief angsty internal monologue about x] and move. on.
Just start writing. again, very basic, but works. i don't feel like writing 90% of the times i start. usually, i start by re-typing the last thing i wrote and then i go from there according to the outline.
best advice i've ever heard that changed it for me is Stop writing like it's a movie. You are writing a book, not a script, use that advantage. So, to elaborate: movies can't TELL us things, they have to SHOW. so they heavily rely on facial expressions and visuals. however, the whole point of writing is that you can describe things with words. you can tell the reader that someone looks hurt. offended. that the look in their eyes is pained. tormented. it's a power that we often hesitate to use bc of that whole "show dont tell" bullshit advice - but that is the whole point of writing. use it to your advantage as much as you want.
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wanou-dorm · 2 years ago
More Oni Headcanon
characters from @silent-dragon , @hey-its-cweepy , @fumikomiyasaki mentioned
Forenus and Wolfo would be considered Peak Male ideal among Onigashima’s Oni they’d probably get ask how they do it , We could probably add Kareu but Kareu has a Baby face .
Aiden can Cook be see. As automatic Husband material by every oni
Esca would so popular, for the simple reason that most oni can’t grow facial hair and Most oni like Cats . But he also in the ideal male body
… Oni Wonder how Hoshi hasn’t Broken every bone in Flynn’s Birdy Body . Hoshi has said to easily crack Pumpkin on accident , Hiei been seen lifting cars and Shu …he saved a semi truck driver once by lifting the Truck, they think this is normal
Hoshi has said that Flynn would actually be considered the scum of the Earth if he was an Oni . oni Kinda have an Inherent thing againist some of his Sketchy ways.
Hoshiguma said that If Flynn and Nanos Traits were Translated into an oni ,Nanoy would be the more Desirable one due to his demeanor , and the Scars , oni women like men like Nano in Personailty
he also says that Flynn would weight a bit more than Hoshi Doses as an oni however he’d be “soft” but Nanoya would be even bigger due to muscle .
Flynn would keep the Feathers but he’d be too heavy to Fly with them . They basically be decoration.
Rubina… most Male oni would like her , Same with Gabrielle … and Jessica oh Oceana too , Infact Cho-Hee included here too desirable.
Waffle .. let’s say Morey should keep an Eye on her ,Female Oni’s see a Cute thing and gather Around it .
Dallas would be considered too cute and most would not want to touch Creek but would find her attractive
Oni Get offended by Curse meant to turn peoples into Orges as punishment ,like imagine people treating your whole Race as a punishment . They instead try to help people adapt to how an oni body works.
Oni have High Libido but they wish it was less it’s unknown how they kept it under control most oni due so you wouldn’t know until You get one in bed .
They also use alot of stuff to make food more Filling for themselves Eles Oni would eat all the Time due thier Strange metabolisms. If you have an Oni as a Partner you That weights going to sneak up on you and they Worried when People don’t eat
Dont Bring Sigurd to an Oni gathering they’ll think he’s Rude .
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gascon-en-exil · 3 years ago
as someone who is wlw thought i'd put in my two cents. i dont have any issues with people liking edelgard for being bi, queer people have coopted characters who weren't always intended to be the best rep before and bi women esp tend to get used for the male gaze a lot. I just wish more people actually realized that in the first place.
Though I will say I feel like that even if you removed byleth she still has some fairly romantically coded interactions and endings with dorothea and manuela so i wouldn't say she's just bi for byleth. lindhardt is a much worse offender of it in my opinion. he never even hints he likes guys in any other support, and while bi people who prefer the opposite sex are of course valid, if you dont show the bi part of being bi is it really there?
I also wish people wouldn't use her queerness to automatically make her woke and would bend over backwards to excuse literal imperialism for it. ig it's more telling of the fandom's western us centricness than anything. two of my friends from eastern europe, slovakian and romanian specifically, felt fairly alienated in the fandom because of how uncomfy they felt with edelgard and how many people liked her. one of them is a history student too and she's mostly focused on the romans so she knows her shit about empires
i feel like western fandom is becoming more aware of what to look out for that can be a tad...sus in japanese media, esp given the whole AoT controversy about the author being a japanese nationalist, and while i dont think three houses is really falling into specifically that brand of japanese nationalism, i just think they shot too close to the sun in trying to make a morally complex situation and the fire emblem games being historically reluctant to let women be fully malicious, but i do think it's worth being mindful of japans history as an imperialist power and that the sentiment they were right in that situation still persists in people in the country.
I don't have much to add, although you are right that bi characters need to express actual interest in characters of multiple genders to read as bi, because fictional characters lack any interiority that their writers don't show to the audience.
I think people who try to push Edelgard as progressive either don't know or don't care that FE, like a lot of popular fantasy, has always been quietly reactionary and more interested in character drama than political relevance. I've always considered its queer context - both subtext and text - more of a piece with its other unconventional sexual elements like incest and dragon lolis and teacher/student relationships than a deliberate effort by IS to be progressive. It's just particularly irksome to me because it relies so heavily on the belief that only Avatar S ranks matter to the conversation - which is missing more than half the picture, easily, and leads to terribly discourse-laden conclusions like what you mentioned.
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nikrangdan · 4 years ago
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pairing: classmate!sunghoon x female reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: you felt like park sunghoon was way, WAY out of your league... what happens when the teacher tells him to move seats and sit next to you?
*didnt proofread
becoming friends with park sunghoon was not something you expected to happen this year
throughout high school you had a small group of friends and never really stuck out
so when your teacher told sunghoon to move seats..
the seat happened to be the empty one next to..
guess who *cue the evil laugh*
your first thought was
‘this entire year is just gonna be him completely ignoring my existence or awkward interactions’
now you’ve heard of park sunghoon.... its basically a guarantee at your high school
he has this group of friends and theyre labelled as the popular kids i guess you could say
and the only reason he had to move seats in your two hour long class was because he and his friend jake goof off in class too often and your teacher deemed them “too distracting”
so eventually sunghoon was forced to move all the way across the classroom
right next to you
you were shocked to say the least
obviously he was handsome
too handsome to the point where you questioned how someone as good looking as him went to your school
he sighed and got up from his chair next to jake
but he still had a small smile remaining on his face indicating he wasnt that upset about him having to leave his friend
your heart began to beat quicker automatically as he walked towards your desk
even if you didnt have a crush on him like alot of people did, you still felt nervous around popular students like him for some reason
he ran his hand through his hair and sat down next to you, setting his bookbag on the floor next to him
he didnt look at you, nor acknowledge you
but nonetheless the lecture began again and the class sat in silence
taking notes on their laptops or sleeping
there were around 30 people in your class and your seat was in the middle row next to the window so you often gazed outside from the 2nd floor during class
you glanced to your right and noticed sunghoon slouched back in his seat, twirling around a pencil in his hand while his laptop remained open on his desk
it was just a white screen so he didnt take any notes
you were surpised because you knew he had fairly decent grades
you ignored your thoughts and continued taking your own notes
soon enough the bell rang and sunghoon stood up immediately and walked over to jake
‘yup’ you thought. ‘we are definitely not going to be having a single conversation this year.’
fast forward a couple days!!!!
you were sitting in class next to the boy
as normal
and you still have yet to talk to him.. mainly because you never initiated conversations ESPECIALLY when its a really really cute boy
ur teacher is like
Ok class im assigning a project and ur partner is the person sitting next to u
yay!!!!!! (can u sense the sarcasm)
you sit in silence while everyone in the class starts discussing with their partners
the project is you have to make a presentation on a world issue of your choice
“um...” u start
sunghoon starts pulling out his laptop and binder
“what do you wanna do?”
he doesnt even look you
u didnt know sunghoon and his group of friends very well but u definitely thought they were more... friendly than this
its silent for like 5 seconds
“huh? oh sorry did you say something?”
“uh yeah.. i asked what you wanted to do for the project.”
God u tried so hard not to laugh
you think he noticed because his cheeks turned a really light shade of pink
he looked so innocent
“yeah we have to make a presentation” you lightly chuckled
he was very amusing without even trying
“oh sorry haha.. i zone out easily”
“its okay.. but its due in less than 2 weeks so”
so you two spent the next hour choosing a topic and working on the project
it was kind of awkward for the first 10 minutes but then you warmed up to eachother
u were lucky that he was an extrovert too
(sunghoon is an extrovert for the sake of this story OK)
u were also lucky that he was smart
it was easy for you to talk to him.. he just felt comfortable
contrary to ur prior belief.. sunghoon was actually a really really cool guy
u used to think he was just a guy
now u think hes a really really cool guy
“can you please stop putting penguin clip art on the slides” you giggle
then he puts parrot clip art instead
“do your work!!!!” he was supposed to keep researching but he was trying to balance his pen on his nose
“shhh y/n... im doing something important.”
you roll your eyes
he was always doing something that was Not work
but you found it entertaining
and he’d make dumb little jokes that made you both hide your faces in your arms on top of the desk to hide your laughter
“hey y/n”
“what do you call an old snowman”
“i dunno.. snowgramps”
“no.. water”
you both made eye contact before bursting into laughter and then forcing yourselves to be quiet before u got in trouble
but that made everything funnier so you both were just covering your faces while trying so hard not to make a sound
this was so weird
u have never clicked with someone so fast before it honestly felt exciting
you were talking to sunghoon as if you’d been friends with him since birth
Very Very weird because you had only talked to him an hour ago and now u two are acting like besties ?!?!
jake noticed from across the room too
hes like ‘Why is sunghoon having fun without me🙄🙄’
the bell rings and so far you only have 2 slides
“we didnt get anything done” you note as you pack your bag
“yeah yeah i know. we can work on it more tomorrow”
“right.. see you tomorrow” you’re about to head out until jake walks up
“hey bro” he and sunghoon do some kind of made up handshake before he turns to look at you
now you know jake
everyone knows jake
you used to think he was the sweetest out of all their friend group
and he definitely lives up to that!!!
“hey y/n!” he gives u a smile
AWE hes so adorable
“hi” u reply
you were trying to speed up this conversation though so you could go eat lunch with your friend
“hows the project going?” he asks
“bad. sunghoon doesnt know how to do anything.” you deadpanned jokingly
sunghoon looks at you with an offended look that makes you wanna snort
“hey! you’re the one who doesn’t know how to add text to the slide!”
“what the hell sunghoon?! don’t tell him that, it’s embarrassing!” you give him a dirty look before walking out the classroom door with a smile on your face
days passed and you and sunghoon would only speak during that class but whenever you did it would be a mess
“sunghoon, y/n, quiet down! there is no reason for my classroom to be this loud!” your teacher scolds you two after sunghoon slapped his desk after you accidentally snorted
u two had such a weird relationship
u were almost strangers outside this one class but besties when u were in it
jake noticed too
one time he asked sunghoon during lunch why ur relationship was what it was
“i dont know.. thats just how we are” he answered
but jake kind of suspected sunghoon had a crush on u
*wiggles eyebrows*
it had only been a week but jake was determined to set u up together
“y/n you look cold, heres sunghoons jacket!”
“y/n sunghoon needs help with his homework, can you maybe do something about that..”
“sunghoon, y/n looks sad go give her a hug”
needless to say it worked!!!!
because a week after you presented your 2 weeks worth project
sunghoon asked u on a date
let me recite how it went
u were walking out of class together because jake wasnt there that day
sunghoons bookbag was slung over one shoulder and u were stood next to him with both hands on ur straps
“hey.. do u wanna maybe go grab something to eat with me for dinner..? or something” he quickly asked
“what, like a date?” you joke
“uh.. yeah” he replied looking down at u
u stop in your tracks
No way
“wait what? seriously?” you look up at him with wide eyes
“yes u little munchkin” he pinches your cheeks exaggeratedly and pulls them to make your face sway everywhere
u swat them off so fast
“um.. okay” u answer and ur face heats up
you cant even look him in the eye
like u cant say u DIDNT see this coming but it was still a shock
“awe is y/n blushing” he teases
“go away stupid”
yeah he doesnt go away
ANYWAYS u are the cutest couple ever
everyone wants to be u two so bad!
couple goals literally
jake is so proud of himself honestly
whenever u get into a silly little argument his rebuttal is always
“remind me who got u the best boyfriend ever? thats right, me. dont try me y/n”
and ur like
“ooohhh jakey im so scareddd”
he cannot stand u
but Yeah sunghoon bestest bf ever
takes u on dates whenever u want to
makes u laugh very much
almost too much
and ur parents LOVE him
mhm sunghoon very awesome guy
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kadssp · 3 years ago
im ngl, i just found this page. but ive spent like two hours scrolling on it 💀 my opinion may not be as valid as some older content enjoyers here, but i offer this as a contribution to the ‘afab/amab’ dispute. i truly do understand the want for trans inclusion. it’s hard to find for someone who is trans, but it’s equally as hard to interpret what is acceptable to then trans identifying. there are many factors to work into it, such as if you were to write in an in-transition-currently character, or pre-transitioning character, etc. as author kandi is not trans, it could be very hard for author kandi to interpret the trans perspective of it all. in addition, you all show so much aggression when author kandi tries to avoid offending or hurting someone this way and also staying true to the style kandi prefers. what happens if author does try and gets it wrong? youve only proven that it wont end well, and it’s safer to stick to what kandi DOES know. but!! this does jot mean author kandi is unknowing of anything outside of being cis. kandi is afab (i think so i havent read that anywhere but if it is and im just blind im so sorry if im wrong), and is still female. they know what thats like, they fully can write on that and have it make sense. and i have a final point to touch on- i am a nb afab. do the “good girl’s” not register as well in my mind? no, but it’s not borderline cyber bullying worthy. you can read past it. there are also other options like the gender neutral posts. do those not cater to what you want to read just as well as gender-specified? and if it’s about to horny, then for ffs, if it’s not good enough for you then write your own. author kandi is trying her best to captivate as large of an audience as possible while still staying true to her nature as an author. authors have driven themselves to madness over the tiniest details brought up by scrutiny. but when authors, like kandi, have alternatives to fix what you believe to be the issue, why are you still complaining? your problem has a solution, just stop being a jackass. and like others have said, you CAN and have FULL RIGHTS to be specific in your asks. it’s that easy to just mention a “im a trans reader, is there anyway you could incorporate more feminine/masculine details in this piece of writing youre going out of your way to write for me and a couple hundred other people?”
(im so sorry this is lengthy 💀)
i dont have anything to add to this, you’ve said it perfectly and i couldn’t agree more. thank you for writing this out and explaining it very well, im grateful truly.
yes i am afab and still female. yes i do go with what im most comfortable writing by default, what i can write that i know enough knowledge of and can make sense with. that happens to be afab(fem!reader for those would need it anymore specific) since it’s the easiest for me to understand of course.
however like you said in this, if i did try to portray a trans!reader, what if i did it wrong? what if i was misrepresenting, i feel like that alone would hurt someone more than when im writing something i know how to write easily. im not against writing for trans or anything! even if it‘s difficult im willing to try it because i want my blog to be open and welcoming for everyone. it’s why my second option was gn!reader and that should’ve been enough for you (the ones that got pissed at me) but you focused on one smut fic you read that showed up in the tags, that happened to be an afab fic i wrote that you immediately assumed would be what you’re looking for. and it can be, if you’re willing to read it and replace terms, titles and words used.
so thank you for writing this out. nothing i could add or disagree with. i’ll always try to be a open blog now and in the future, even if my works dont target every audience. anyone is welcome here, and anyone can request as long it specifies what needs to be known for me, the writer.
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kasey-writes-stuff · 4 years ago
Fort building head canons
Fort building
George- He doesn’t like to do it mega often but sometimes he will if he’s feeling extra soft and especially if he’s been streaming extra long that day and knows you’ve missed him a lot
He doesn’t do anything fancy just the basic blankets on the chairs and couches he’ll try and at least do something to keep the blankets up properly but past that he doesn’t do much
He loves cuddling with you in the fort although he would never admit it to anyone
Def likes to be cheeky and tickle you because he knows how much you squirm when tickled and knows you’ll knock the fort down in the process and he finds it funny to be able to tease you about it, you can easily get him back though so it’s all fun and games
He will sometimes gently play with your hair and give you gentle tickles when he’s feeling very soft
Little Drabble to go on with the headcanon!
George had finished streaming for about 5 hours. You convinced him to make a fort with you which he reluctantly agreed to, and so that’s how you ended up here cuddling George while watching the lion king... suddenly you jerked feeling George’s fingers tapping along your sides... “g-george don’t!” You gently glared at him before going back to watching the almost finished movie- he smiled softly “awe but you’re so cute like this baby” you blushed lightly and groaned a bit it wasn’t that you didn’t like this it’s just you didn’t wanna accidentally bring the fort down with your involuntary squirming around... he stopped for a few moments but then smirked as he suddenly began squeezing and digging in... you tried to stop yourself but you just couldn’t you squealed breaking into giggles are you squirmed and thrashed around “EEE GEORGE hahahahahahahhahahaHAHHAHAHA!” He smiled happily enjoying your giggles and blushing face “Yes baby hm? Ticklish? I never would’ve guessed!” He snickered as he continued on- it wasn’t long and inevitably the first blanket came down which then caused a domino effect and so you were left giggling together covered in blankets...
Dream- He takes forts seriously but not too seriously he likes to make sure they’re sturdy and safe but he won’t spend more than an hour and a half on them as he feels it takes away from the true meaning which is just spending time together
He very rarely has his phone on him wanting to truly focus all his attention on you but sometimes he’ll have it with him and sapnap and George will call asking what he’s doing and George pretends to get jealous or else not care but sapnap truly is the drama queen acting so offended that he wasn’t invited especially since he’s literally in the same house as the both of you
Sometimes you guys will let him join other times he gets when you truly wanna be alone and will stop the jokes
Dream finds it so endearing when you fall asleep on his chest and does his best to not move an inch
Tickle fights are a huge occurrence surprisingly he actually doesn’t start most of them you actually do because you just can’t resist making him giggle and laugh and just all around be putty in your hands, on the subject of making him putty in your hands gentle tickles and head scratches also make him putty in your hands so it’s also sometimes common for you to both drift to sleep gently tickling one another
When sapnap is there oh boi even more chaos sap and Dream teaming you, Dream and you teaming sap,sap and you teaming Dream... it’s chaotic but you wouldn’t change a single thing
The fort definitely comes down a lot when those chaotic tickle fights happen but it’s okay it just adds to the fun and then you just wind up cuddling on top of the blankets
Little Drabble
You and Dream were taking a day off form streaming and decided to have a chill day building a fort and cuddling..
“No we need to use this blanket here because it’ll stretch better!” “No we need to use it here because it’ll look better” you rolled your eyes “Dream! The looks don’t matter what matters is the functionality!” He rolled his eyes back “Why should we worry about the functionality of it when it’s gonna come crashing down anyways?” You opened your mouth to retort but then shut it knowing he was right, he pointed a finger at you cheering “Ha! See you know I’m right huh dont cha? Don’t cha don’t cha don’t cha” he smirked as he poked your sides to emphasize the “Don’t chas” you squeaked and jumped with each poke “EEP! Dream! Don’t start a fight you can’t finish-“ you smirk and go for the cheap route squeezing his hips! He squeals and jumps back “EEE ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I WON’T!” You smirk “That’s what I thought, now come on let’s cuddle” he smiled softly as he took your hand the two of you laying in the fort softly cuddling, dreams arms gently wrapped around your waist, hands resting on your stomach as you both slowly drifted off to sleep watching your favorite Disney movie
Sapnap- Please y’all this manz goes all out he looks up fort ideas he buys specific blankets for fort building he buys clothes pins to keep the blankets up he buys little lights to go inside please he looks up fort building plans and everything sure it’s over the top but he likes doing over the top sometimes
And you really enjoy seeing him focus so hard on making it perfect his brow furrowing in concentration
Once you actually finish it though all seriousness is out the window, it’s replaced by softness and playfullness depending on how you both were feeling before building the fort
Tickles were almost always a thing whether they were more playful or relaxing once again it depend on the mood before hand
Little Drabble
You and Sap had just returned from Walmart having bought plenty of snacks and many many items for a fort
Sure it was all over the top but it was all fun and worth it, seeing sap so happy with his creation. He smiled happily as he turned to you “Well I think this might be the best one yet!” You nodded as you gently wrapped your arms around his neck “I think so too baby” he smiled even more as he gently leaned down pressing a quick kiss to your lips before gently taking your hand leading you into the fort, you both got comfy and sap began gently playing with your hair with one hand while his other softly tickled your back.. your hand rested on his thigh lightly tickling it while you searched for a movie.. and so all in all it was a very chill time and wasn’t long before you both fell asleep
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celestialking · 3 years ago
im sorry i didnt now that you wouldn't want it on the blog
but ya i get it sometimes i feel like that to but i just wanna feel like im cared about sometimes yk :/
and yk its not just that, im always left out of everything. im always the one they "forgot to invite/ask to go out". when i do get invited im just ignored, no matter how much i try to join the conversation or add to it im ignored like im not even there. like i could just get up and leave and none of them would notice i was even there in the first place.
It's okay, you couldn't possibly know that that specific one bothers me :) i don't have it mentioned anywhere
You don't have to apologize, it's just for my own safety. Right now I'm perfectly okay with it but there could be just that random day where I'm just a bit not okay and I don't want to risk the chance of scrolling and seeing, you know? Dont apologize for the unknown ♡♡
But I understand how you feel. Have you tried bringing it up to your friends? Maybe they just don't realize. And if they're the type to easily offend maybe explain that you're not blaming them and just simply want to know if there's something you had done to make them act this way or if it's possible they hadn't noticed this was how they were treating you.
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geeky-writes · 3 years ago
I just had to say this to someone and I figured you'd maybe understand my predicament the best.
When I read "Practice run", i really enjoyed reading good things happening to everlark because they prayed and were good god-believing people. I felt happy because at least fictional people are getting good things from god.
Now, i have lived in KSA for 16 years and was surrounded by muslims all around (includes my entire muslim family) there were many opportunities to learn about god and how he loves us and heaven and hell, etc. i tried, i really did and for years i tried following islam but thats where it started.
I rarely remember getting things i prayed or cried to god for. I gave up so much but i prayed and talked to god and learned supplications, read the holy book. But still, it seemed like bad things continued to happen.
I have been one of those kids that have some sort of sickness all the time and its one of the things i prayed about but not only did my diseases cease, i became mentally ill too in my early teens. i became depressed, had BPD and suicidal tendencies. I was always sad or hurt and I prayed to god but i hardly got anything.
I stopped praying about those things but prayed for my gifted memory back but my memory never became better again and takes a turn for the worst every few days later.
I prayed, cried, BEGGED for my cats health, for my health, for my memory, for staying in KSA. I was desperate and cried until my throat was sore and eyes hurt but i didnt get anything... I took part in charity, sat through endless religious talk and lessons, still nothing.
Only a few years ago i finally gained enough courage to leave all things religion behind silently and i feel freer and better. I know i hardly had my prayers answered so why bother trying? why hurt myself? why?
I dont know if i should feel relieved of my religious duties or fear retribution coming for me. I just want the best for me...
Sorry for ranting 😅😅and i hope you got all i was trying to say there...
Hey! Thank you so much for the ask! 💗
One of the reasons why I wrote Practice Run was because I wanted people to see the normal, everyday struggles that people go through, and that being a Christian or believing in God doesn’t necessarily change that. There was a happy ending in the fic because I won’t write a fic without a happy ending, but that doesn’t mean that all problems will have a positive outcome if you pray hard enough.
Prayers are always answered. Sometimes the answer is ‘yes’, sometimes it’s ‘no’, and sometimes it’s ‘not now’. For me, the ‘not now’ answers are always the absolute worst because of my tendencies towards impatience that leads to anxiety. It’s not uncommon for me to get a thought in my head about one of my loved ones that then begins to spiral into some long hypothetical situation that I A: have no control over, and B: may not even happen, all because of a ‘not now’ answer. I tried to demonstrate this ‘not now’ aspect in Practice Run. Peeta didn’t end up getting the job that he thought he wanted, but he eventually got one that was arguably better, and in a place that had a special meaning to Katniss as well. Katniss received a ‘yes’ answer to her prayer when it came to her job, when she thought she might be let go, but she just as easily could’ve received a ‘no’ answer. That doesn’t mean God loved her any less, or was trying to punish her. It just meant that she was where she was supposed to be at the time.
Finally, God doesn’t judge us based on our good works. You won’t “earn” ‘yes’-answered prayers by doing charity work or listening to lectures or sermons. God cares about what’s in our hearts. If our hearts are filled with the joy and peace that comes from knowing that we are cherished beyond all belief, then we can get past even the worst possible obstacles we come across on our journey.
I also want to add here that God is not offended when we question things either. It’s completely normal to question why a prayer was answered ‘no’ or ‘not now’ instead of ‘yes’, and even completely normal to be angry at God from time to time. Children get angry at their parents all the time. It doesn’t mean the parents love them any less.
I do hope this was helpful, and please don’t ever apologise for sending me asks! 💗 I’m happy to try and help!
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