#donna chose to keep her memories
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afirewiel · 1 year ago
I've been seeing a lot of discourse about Rose and Tentoo on my dash lately and I thought I'd add my two cents. I have never been a fan of that ending for Rose. "He's Ten but human! He has Ten's memories!" That argument would hold a lot more weight if it weren't for the fact that earlier in the same season there was a clone of Martha who had Martha's memories and yet acted completely differently than Martha, showing that she was in fact not Martha but her own person. In the "Almost People" arc in season 6, we get a copy of Eleven with his memories, who again acts unlike Eleven and is his own person. In one of the new specials, we get copies of Fourteen and Donna, who also have their memories but are not them. So this whole "memories are what make the person" argument in Tentoo's favor just falls flat.
He had Ten's memories and yet still committed genocide. An act Ten was enraged at him for. So clearly they are in disagreement here, so Ten's memories didn't seem to do him any good as he still chose to do something Ten did not approve of. And why would anyone, least of all the Doctor, leave the woman he loves with a man who had just committed genocide!? It makes no sense to me for him to do that. If anything, one would have thought the Doctor would want to keep Rose as far away from Tentoo as possible after that.
"You changed me. You made me better. Now you can change him." Excuse me, Doctor, but it is not Rose's job to change him! She doesn't owe it to you, to him, or to anyone else to make make him better. She made you better by influence, not because she actively went "I can fix him." And expecting her to, is just wrong and that is not the healthy basis for a relationship.
The biggest reason, however, that I don't like this ending is that Rose wasn't given a choice. Ten didn't let her choose between him and Tentoo. He didn't tell her that Tentoo was human and then asked her if she wanted to stay and live her life with Tentoo. Nope. He told she was going to. "But she kissed Tentoo!" Only because he was the one who told her how he felt about her. Ten purposefully avoided answering her. And even after she kissed Tentoo and realized that Tardis was leaving with Ten and Donna in tow, she chased after them and looked heartbroken when she realized they were gone. Even RTD and Billie Piper have said that the ending was a cope out and that Rose wasn't given a choice. That if she had been, she would have chosen to return to the Tardis with Ten and Donna.
Perhaps if we had gotten a spin-off show about Rose and Tentoo's life, I could have warmed up to this ending, but we didn't. Instead all we got was Ten losing her again (this time of his own choosing) and then immediately losing Donna afterward and him being all alone. So yeah, not a happy ending in my book. If you like it, that's fine. I for one just cannot.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year ago
Can you explain the new doctor who stuff to someone who has never watched doctor who before?
Ooh I can try?
The Doctor is a Time Lord, a powerful time-traveling alien. There are other Time Lords but they're not usually around and when they are it's not good. He travels the universe, and time, in the TARDIS, which looks like an old-fashioned British police call box on the outside but is massive on the inside. The Doctor is also kind of bad at controlling where it ends up. Every time the Doctor dies, he regenerates, but keeps all his memories. This happens every time the character is recast. The Doctor's gender is not fixed, the previous regeneration was a woman, but he's mostly been portrayed and written about as a man over the years so I'm using he/him for simplicity. David Tennant is one of my most beloved portrayals of the Doctor since the show was revived in 2005 and he returned for three specials to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the show. In-universe, the Doctor regenerated into the same body he'd had a couple regenerations ago, and he does not yet know why (we'll probably find out in the last special).
The Doctor also travels with friends, called companions. One of the most beloved companions of the revived show is Donna Noble, a loud, abrasive, middle class woman who has trouble holding down temp jobs, and turns out to kind, compassionate, and brilliant. Her relationship with the Doctor is completely platonic. Companions have to be written off the show eventually, and it's often in heart-wrenching ways. Donna was involved in some scifi mumboj-umbo called the metacrisis, which basically gave her a special connection to the Doctor and some Time Lord powers (mostly intelligence). Because her body is human, the power was killing her, so in order to save her life the Doctor wiped her memory of him and all their adventures. Donna met and married a wonderful man and had a child, but the Doctor could never see her again, because if she remembered him she would die. However, Donna also came back to celebrate the 60th anniversary. These specials are were created by Russell T Davies, the writer who revived Doctor Who in 2005 and ran the show until he left at the same time David Tennant did. He's now coming back to run the show again. He has a distinct style that a lot of fans really respond to, although the other two show runners who have been in charge in the meantime have fans as well.
The new Doctor Who stuff:
About 15 years after wiping Donna's memory, the Doctor regenerated back into David Tennant and the TARDIS immediately landed on a street, where he ran into Donna, who fortunately did not immediately recognize him. Donna called for Rose, which freaked him out because Rose was the name of the first companion in the revived Doctor Who, the Doctor's love interest, who was permanently trapped in a parallel universe. Donna knew about this and even met Rose during a big finale. It turns out the Rose Donna was calling for was her daughter. Rose is also trans and chose the name Rose for herself, and Donna got very protective against some transphobic bullies.
There was an alien threat in London (again) and in the course of investigating, the Doctor wound up at Donna's house, where Rose was harboring a deceptively adorable alien called the Meep. In order to save the entire city of London from the adorable but evil Meep, the Doctor was forced to restore Donna's memory so they could use their combined abilities. They succeeded, but Donna passed out, however she quickly recovered. It turns out that when she had a child, some of the Time Lord power stuff got passed down, so it's now shared between her and her daughter. Rose's choice of name as well as some of her hobbies were influenced by subconscious memories of TARDIS adventures. There's a whole little bit about how the Doctor is male (David Tennant's Doctor), female (Donna), and "neither and more," (Rose, who is a nonbinary trans girl). It's incredibly silly and campy and very fun and the whole episode is just very pro-trans which is nice. In the end, Donna and Rose are able to let the Time Lord power go and retain their memories. Donna is not planning to return to traveling with the Doctor, as she now has a family, but she gets in the TARDIS for "one last trip" and spills coffee on the controls, making the TARDIS go haywire and ultimately getting the Doctor and Donna stranded on a spaceship at the edge of the universe.
In the second special they had a very creepy adventure on the spaceship featuring "not things" taking their shape. They finally made it back to Earth at the end, only to find humanity going violently insane, setting up the plot of the third special, which we will see soon! They also got to see Donna's grandfather, Wilf, who was himself a beloved companion. Wilf's actor, Bernard Cribbins, died recently, but he filmed this scene before he died, so fans were really overjoyed and emotional to see him one last time.
The second special also had a scene at the beginning featuring Isaac Newton, who was played by a brown actor, and later had Donna and the Doctor agreeing he was hot and a line confirming the Doctor is not straight. There's been subtext about the Doctor being queer for a very long time, he was kissed by a canonically omnisexual male companion, and the previous Doctor, who was a woman, had ship tease with her female companion, but this line was a bit more direct and overt about a male Doctor liking men than most of what's been included before. These two things, along with the pro-trans stuff in the first special, have the right throwing a tantrum about Doctor Who going "woke" which is just kind of hilarious.
At the end of the last special the Doctor is regenerating into his newest form, played by Ncuti Gatwa. Davies is staying to run the show, but Ncuti Gatwa's Doctor and his companion will be new.
tl;dr: beloved actors and show runner return for specials that have been really good, well-written, good mix of practical and computer effects, and fun pro-trans stuff in the first special, so Doctor Who fans are happy.
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thelittlecoughsomewhere · 1 year ago
So I'm now gonna give you my thoughts. I will try my best to keep it chronologically but we'll see how that's gonna go
so first of all I have my blorbos back and that's FANTASTIC and nothing can take away from that. So even though I have criticisms I want you to know that I loved this episode and these specials will be very dear to me, no matter what happens
I'm not gonna lie, the fourth wall break did not work for me. was goofy
THE NEW INTRO OMG love love love love it
the tone of the episode was a little bit too comedic for me and not sincere enough. The acting of both Tennant and Tate was also a bit too overacted sometimes, almost as if the director had children in mind as target audience. The pacing was too fast, the episode didn't allow the emotional beats too linger.
I loved getting to know Shaun and Rose and hope we will see more of them in the next specials (But I think they won't be in the second special)
Love Shirley, hope we will see more of her. (maybe UNIT spin off) Ruth Madeley is a great actress. (I know her from RTD's Years and Years)
I loved seeing Sylvia again, I absolutely love the redeemed her. She was so fiercely protective of Donna. (good on her for punching the Doctor) And she is a great grandma to Rose, even though she is learning. I love that Rose has a supportive family.
The plot with the meep was fun (Unfortunately I got spoilered and knew that the Meep was a villain in the original comic). The practical and special effects were on FIRE.
The dramatic "Why does it have to be this scene?" + the return of the DoctorDonna + Donna seemingly dying in the Doctor's arms = Good stuff and obviously everything I waited for during this episode. But I am disappointed that Donna didn't confront him with the fact that he went aginst her expressed wishes when he wiped her memories in Journey's end. (maybe this topic will get discussed more seriously in Special 2 but I try to not get my hopes up). I get it, there was no time for a long conversation in the scene where literally all of London was at stake, yet Russel did take the time to let her be angry about the lottery ticket, but he portrays her anger in a comedic way
speaking of the lottery ticket: I think this is the only point of the special I am truly miffed at. I loved the fact that Donna gave the money away because of course she would. And when she said that she knew that people out there where in pain and need and would need it more than her and giving it away felt like the sort of thing "he" would do I took 2 things away from it :
2. I know I'm probably the only one but I thought she meant her dad when she said "him". The lottery ticket is symbolically a present from him and in my personal headcanon Sylvia and Wilf told her some kind of story that tied the lottery ticket to her dad to honour him.
1. the experiences with the Doctor did have a lasting impact and changed her. And this character development from season 4 was not totally eradicated. The Donna we know from season 4 would give away the money of course she would.
But no, DoctorDonna is mad at him because she gave away the money to be like "the Doctor", her subconscious memory loop made her do it. This takes away from Donna's character and from her autonomy. Also it makes the scene too comedic which gives me whiplash when the scene turns tragic
I don't like the fact that the timelord consciousness in Donna was activated by a sequence of words. (Can't explain why, I just didn't enjoy that)
The metacrisis is solved because the metacrisis energy is shared by both Donna and Rose. Neat, I like that. (The idea of solving the metacrisis by having the time lord consciousness be passed on to Donna's child is almost a staple in fix-it-fics, so I guess as a fanfiction reader and writer I feel vindicated). In an earlier post of mine I wrote about the fact that I hated the idea that Donna influenced Rose's name, but I'm fine with the name now because she chose it herself. Having Rose's trans identity be influenced by her time lord heritage surely is a bold choice by Russel. I think he will make a lot of bigots angry but I have also already read posts from some trans people who didn't like this story beat. I personally liked it when I watched it, it felt like everything was fitting into place. But I want to let the story linger for a few days maybe I will change my mind. I will say I like that Russel takes risks with his writing choices.
The scene that made me roll my eyes was when Rose and Donna said "There's a way to get rid of it. Something a male-presnting Timelord will never understand: Just let it go". Come on, this was cringe. This line actually sounded like something Moffat wrote for River Song. The reason this line annoys me isn't even because it presents female-presenting people superior/different to male-presenting people. It annoys me because it's lazy writing. Russel clearly didn't spend a lot of time thinking about the metacrisis problem and working out the mechanisms behind it. I have read dozens of fanfiction that solved the metacrisis in a much more complex and thus more satisfying way
The new Tardis interior is stunning. It's big and spacious with a lot of ramps. IT IS TOTALLY WHEELCHAIR-ACCESSIBLE. It's so clean and sterile and all-white, though which makes it feel less homely. Love the fact that the panels can change colour, hope they do that often.
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hellenlens · 8 months ago
DW The Star Beast - It killed me. It killed me. It killed me.
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I watched the episode “The Star Beast” a long time ago, but only now I am able to write my thoughts on it.
I didn't know if I could handle watching the Tenth Doctor once again without crying, because I absolutely love him, but it’s always so much drama because that Doctor suffered so much. But when the TARDIS landed and he came out - he was really enjoying being this Doctor again and having this face back. He got his swagger on and he was absolutely delighted. He didn’t want to go - and he came back.
What had happened to Donna, was the worst thing that can happen to a companion of Doctor. She had seen the stars and she had saved the world, and she had to forget everything. Now she remembered everything and she is alive and she can keep her memories.
Donna has a transgender child, and as Rose’s stories, Rose inherited this from Doctor through Donna, because he can change his gender, too. It is also a way of being connected. Rose chose her name feeling that it was important. She was making sketches and toys connected to Doctor. She radiates Doctor’s energy, as the actress says.
Donna was haunted by what had been missing. When she was asking herself: “What have I lost?” I was whispering: him him him you lost him and that life and all the adventures you had together.
Subconsciously Donna knew everything. There were several moments in the episode which showed us how Donna was affected by the Doctor’s personality even with her memories suppressed:
- The moment when Doctor needed to use both his hands to move the force shield and he gave her his screwdriver without thinking. And she accepted it without any questions. I bet while she was holding it in her hand she was asking herself if she had seen this thing before.
- Doctor asked her why she had given away all her money. Subconsciously she wanted to be like him. She didn’t even know who she mentioned when she described why she had given away her money. She said “Just felt like the sort of thing he would do”. This is a cool message to all fans of Doctor Who - if you want to be like Doctor, you don’t need to be a Time Lord.
I still think that this energy that was inside her, hidden and suppressed, summoned him to her, just like Amy did to her Doctor.
I held my breath when Doctor started saying the sequence of these words as if he was casting a spell. He had to make her remember, which is the opposite of what he had done the last time he was with her. Can you imagine what it took him to decide to do it - he thought that he was killing her.
DoctorDonna is phenomenal. She doesn’t have any doubts, she doesn’t hesitate. She knows what to do and she is brilliant.
I love the conversation of Doctor and Donna in the new TARDIS. Donna, seeing it again. Doctor, confessing about these fifteen years without her, and that he remembered everything, and that it killed him. And the way he was saying these words - calm, too calm.
Nice moments
- The screwdriver was updated. It is so cool, it can create screens and force fields out of nowhere, but isn’t it too much?
- We saw Wilf. The man who had to keep this secret to keep his granddaughter safe had a chance to see his Doctor again. It was really a touching moment. And Doctor was so happy to meet one more person from his past.
Questionable moments:
- Letting go the regeneration energy and Doctor can’t understand it because he is not a woman? OK I am a woman and I do not understand what it means and anyway Doctor was a woman like 15 minutes ago so he definitely would have.
- The Fifteenth Doctor not wearing the outfit of the Thirteen. I know the reason provided by Russel T. Davies, and I am not satisfied with him not giving any sci-fi explanation to it.
- Was there a time gap between the regeneration and this adventure? Because there weren’t any after-regeneration side-effects (or maybe there weren't any because this is the face Doctor used before).
- In general, this episode was sometimes too sweet for me.
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anotherguiltybystander · 10 months ago
Let her keep her powers
(spoilers for Doctor Who and Renegade Nell)
Is anyone else tired of the superhero trope where a woman has powers and then loses them at the end of her arc? The last two things I watched with a woman who gets superpowers -- the Dr. Who christmas episode with the return of Donna, and Renegade Nell -- both fell prey to a message that once they've served the plot and self-sacrificed, they also go back to being "normal" people. I was particularly annoyed by Donna losing her powers again after the travesty of her losing everything the first time around (her powers, her memories, her relationship with the doctor, adventuring throughout space and time).
I don't see this happening with men in modern superhero stories, unless I'm forgetting them (the most recent show I watched with a superpower male was Knuckles, for instance, and he keeps his powers at the end).
I suspect that the writers of these shows will say that the women lose their powers so that they can go back to living happy easy lives in the status quo (cough cough they're forced to live these lives by losing their powers cough). Aside from that plot being problematically sexist, they're forgetting that women with superpowers can live cozy happy lives after their arc is over in a show. We need more stories in the spirit of Danny Devito's Matilda, where he changed the ending of the original book so that Matilda gets to keep her powers, even though they're triggered by trauma, so that she can enjoy them in her life once she's safe and happy. I need more girls with super powers getting Moby Dick to float off the shelf and into her hands so she can read with her mom in bed. Donna and her kid can keep their time lord abilities and be a good moms and children. Granted, Nell's powers were always borrowed (from a man), but I don't understand why earning them permanently couldn't have been part of the plot. And once again, Renegade Nell doesn't have to go in the liberating direction of the Buffy series finale, giving powers to every girl, but she could at least keep her powers to help her village safe in case of a fire or something.
There are a few exceptions to my hatred of this trope (i.e. Rogue from X-men, whose powers are debilitating to the point that she's constantly sacrificing her happiness to help humanity - she choses to give up her powers to meet her basic human needs). But odds are if this is how your superhero woman's arc ends, it will disappoint.
I know Renegade Nell isn't over yet, so maybe they plan to give her powers again. There's a literal glimmer of hope at the end of the show that suggests she may get her powers back. Fingers crossed.
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months ago
i think about tentoo & rose in this au. and i think about them and there’s no way they stay together. not from that point post-journey’s end onward. there just isn’t. because tentoo might have been the man rose loved once, but he chose not to be, and soon, she really, really won’t be at all. and the thing is: rose doesn’t know how to stop. i mean, we’re talking about the woman who responded to being sent home for her own safety by ripping the tardis open and becoming a goddess. who got trapped in another universe and decided to use herself as the test subject for a dimensional cannon.
and. ‘she doesn’t know how to stop’, that’s a good thing, mostly, when she’s got a goal. that’s what makes her a match for the doctor. but where the alternate s4 leaves her in this au, she doesn’t have one anymore. she just uprooted herself, again, to look after someone she loves who is also a stranger. which, you know, not great to start with, but then. well, then end of time happens here (and i do wonder. isn’t there a horrible sort of irony to it if tentoo is so human that the master can change her, but rose isn’t anymore, hasn’t been since she looked into the tardis, and stays herself.) and with end of time comes the fact that Even just. vanishes. what’s that like, right? to be the one putting up the missing persons posters this time?
Rose fits well into the Noble household, in my mind. maybe not with the utter ease that tentoo slips into their lives, but she’s keeping the same secrets they are. She knows how important Donna is. So what I’m saying is that Wilf, only remaining witness to the whole shebang, would tell her what happened. The Doctor lives, of course he does, but her Doctor is gone, again.
What I’m saying here, I think, is that Rose joins Torchwood. I think she has to, because there’s a goal there, there’s something to work towards, and not for nothing, but there’s Jack there as well and they really deserve to be weird and clingy about each other given him. you know. waiting hundreds of years to meet her again and thinking she was dead for good briefly. and the fact that she made him immortal and didn’t even know. (gwen voice this is my situationship jack and this is jack’s situationship rose) (ianto does not want to comment on this state of affairs)
So she does. For the brief firework of time that Torchwood still exists before being dissolved at the end of Children of Earth. Which I’m shifting down the timeline a little for my own use to happen After end of time. I think Rose needs to be in the middle of that. If only because there’s a scene in the back of my mind where Jack is on his knees, where he begs her, just one life, just his life, bring him back. knowing that she can’t. and he doesn’t hate her for that but he has to beg someone. She probably never forgives herself for it, though. What is the point of you, Bad Wolf, if you can’t bring life? and it’s that experience more than anything that would finally push her to tell Tentoo everything. (Tentoo’s memories are long-gone, swallowed up out of time and held fast in Even’s hands.)
They broke up, at some point. Amicably, as if it could be anything but. This is messier. This hurts more. It’s also honest, so it builds a foundation, a future. I said Rose loved who Tentoo was, but she’d love who she becomes, too, once they clear that air.
This is all just rambling lol. but i think about the position me throwing my silly little oc into the mix left Rose in a lot.
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v1nsmoke · 2 years ago
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prince!vinsmoke sanji x princess!reader
Chapters are out earlier on wattpad, I recommend checking it out!!
made by v1nsmokes
chapter eight
"Lady Y/N, I was fearing you may not make it back in time for the gala! We have two hours left, and you are not even close to ready!" Donna looks at me as soon as I arrive back at the stables with Sanji. She was not mad, just a little bit worried. She sends me to my room to start getting ready while she has a word with the prince. I glance back at Sanji and send a little wave to him as a sign of goodbye.
"Apologies, Miss Donna." Sanji says, holding one of his palms to his chest.
"No need for that, prince Sanji. Was lady Y/N a good company?You should get ready too." The maid, whose name I learned was Donna asks.
"She was indeed a good company, I would love to spend more time with her. The land here is amazing, I wish we had more places like this in our kingdom." I reply, looking at the field behind the main garden.
"Glad to hear that she is finally socializing. She does not interact with guests much, I was suprised when Karl told me that she was spending time with you. I consider this a rare phenomenom. Thank you." She smiles as she explains this to me.
I was a tad taken aback by her words. She doesn't socialize? Is she doing this because she noticed how I'm always left out and wanted to make me feel included? Or does she magically like me more than my brothers? That would be a miracle.
"Have a good time at the gala, prince Sanji!" She bows before me and walks away with small steps, likely heading after Y/N to help her. I was left there, trying to process what Donna said.
I stand in front of my wardrobe, wondering which dress to pick. This time it was going to be a big event, high-rank people, lords, and kings from far away kingdoms all being invited. I knew that I had to look good, not to leave a good impression on the others, but to not anger my mother. And maybe for Sa- what am I even thinking?!
Just then, I hear as the white door creaks open, Donna stepping inside.
"Lady Y/N, sorry to keep you waiting." She slightly bows her head and closes the door.
"Donna! Do not worry. I already picked out a dress while you were not here. What do you think about it?" I question as I take out the dress.
"Perfect choice, lady Y/N! Should I do something with your hair after you put that on?" She steps closer.
"No please, I would like to keep it this way" I tell her, giving a closed-eyed smile.
I get into the dress relatively quickly, still having over an hour until I need to go down to the ballroom. Donna asks if I made any new paintings yet, and I pull out the colorful canvas from under my bed.
"What do you think, Donna?" I turn it towards her, anticipating her answer. She was always honest about my works, and would tell me if something looked off or wrong.
"Hm, amazing, lady Y/N! The background is even better than the last time! Though, the person in your work seems familiar to me" she replies. I look at the painting, forgetting what I made just a day ago. My face turns a slight red colour at the realisation.
"Does the person in the painting happen to be modelled after one of our guests?" Donna lightly smirks as the puts up the question.
"I don't think I even noticed it! But yes..." I look away.
"At least you have a good face memory" she chuckles, covering her mouth with the back of her palm. "You even got the brows right."
My face flushes in slight embarassment, the painting of Sanji still in my hands. Let's just hope he does not find out about this...
I put the painting back under the bed where it was before, hoping it would be a safe hiding space for it.
"He's glad you chose to spend time with him" Donna interrupts my thoughts.
"Oh..." I say under my breath, not knowing what to say to this information. Is this true? Was he really happy? Donna isn't the type to lie, she never does...
"You should slowly get yourself together for the event, we have an estimated time of ten minutes left. These are important people, and I am sure a lot of them are anticipating the opportunity to court you. May I ask you to be more open to the guests, princess? I know that you are less sociative, and I do not want to force you. I just wanted to give you a tip. I'll walk you down to the ballroom, if you wish." She offers, holding up her arm. I take a deep breath as I place my arm on top of hers and nod as a sign that I am ready, and with slow steps, we make our way down.
I stop before the door leading to the stairs of the ballroom.
"I wish you the best of luck, lady Y/N." Donna smiles warmly at me as she puts her hand down and walks away. I watch as she walks further from me, and turn my gaze back to the door in front of me. I could already hear the sound of the guests, knowing that the room was filled with people, people that I have never met before, and will likely have to talk to. I wanted to run away, knowing that once I enter the ballroom, there would be no turning back. This event was much bigger than the ones I was used to, the pressure on me equally rising with it. I never had anybody to talk to during these events, I always felt alone since my sisters, unlike me, went up to strangers, while I was awkwardly standing there.
As I was lost in thought, even considering the option to run away to the other side of the castle, I feel somebody's presence behind me.
"Afraid to go inside, ma chére?"
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created by v1nsmokes, 2023
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abbyandhanako · 1 year ago
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“Aldith and Barret, two of the elite grunts, I don’t actually get to interact with them often and I don’t have a lot of memories interacting with me, I think they know I’m Hugh’s younger sister so that’s probably why….
Barret is not used to being around me and is somewhat hostile to Mark, Aldith got used to it enough and is often nice enough to Mark.
I don’t see them very often at all….Barret does come into the infirmary however….
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Ghetsis, Team Plasma’s boss, he and Abby are in fairly close contact so I see him quite often, He’s known for being extremely ruthless albeit very apathetic…
He’s also a common infirmary patient so that’s another reason why I see him very commonly, He comes for F2440 and hemophilia shots.
His Hydreigon is my Deino’s father, so Frieden was originally his by a Unovan breeding law.
He looks even annoyed when the subject of my Purrloin’s theft is brought up, Abby later told me it’s because the only reason he remembers it is because Donna and Cletus never shut up about it, Can’t say I blame him….
I even overheard him tell Wesker ‘I wish I never met or known you’….
He also does NOT like my brother, Nate or Rosa, he even makes it very clear neither me or Mark are to assist them except when healing Pokémon, They took Mark out of the Frigate and he started freaking out about it.
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Colress, He’s busy most of the time but when I do interact with him, He usually asks me about my brother, Nate or Rosa, He even told me he thought Donna and Cletus’ grudge against me over Frieden and Wesker was ridiculous….I never thought I’d agree with this man…
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Rebecca, one of the grunts that befriended Mark was one of the few grunts other than Abby and T.K to a lesser extent I like interacting with, she’s very kind and loves K-pop music.
She has Deino of her own so she has been an excellent help with Frieden, Even Mark’s mom gets on with her…
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Alicia, T.K and Abby’s friend is also very helpful, She’s a bit headstrong but she means well.
She actually is responsible for keeping me and Donna and Cletus apart, sometimes this doesn’t always work….
She’s also responsible for Mark alongside Beckie if he’s outside the Plasma Frigate, Ghetsis, Zinzolin and Colress only allowed Mark for a time to be accompanied by female grunts and is only to stay in a female only cabin…
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Zinzolin, one of the sages, He’s a cold individual, despite saying he hates snow and ice, He’s got two Cryogonal and a Weavile…which is a bit strange, He gets on very well with Abby, T.K and Mark, He’s also the closest Meili, T.K’s daughter has to an actual grandparent, especially because her actual grandparents are horrible people.
He’s also pretty apathetic towards my brother, Nate and Rosa…
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N, Old Plasma’s de facto leader, He used to be Team Plasma’s King during OG Plasma before the split, Abby told me lots about him, He and Mark get on very well.
He’s also very remorseful for Team Plasma stealing Wesker as part of the organization’s very first liberation, Me and him get on well.
Unlike Ghetsis’ ‘I wish I never known or met you’ to Wesker, N does his best to make it up to him, he even helps me with Frieden too, He was a bit shocked seeing Mark on the Frigate and even more shocked at Ghetsis’ near violent protectiveness of him.
He also told me if once I chose Frieden’s nickname, It cannot be changed, It’s because of the law I mentioned.
He also got dismayed at Donna and Cletus refusing to change their opinion of me at all, especially because of his remorse for what happened to me and Hugh….” - Hana
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over-fen-and-field · 1 year ago
End of year reading round-up! Woo-hoo!
My reading goal for 2023 was to read a book a week – while using very broad definitions of “book” (includes things like plays, novellas, and graphic novels), “read” (audiobooks and radio recordings count, not just written texts), and “week” (sometimes I read multiple short things in a week, sometimes it took me two or three weeks to get through a longer book).  I’m also defining “finished” as when I’m done with the book, but not necessarily when I’ve read every word on every page – I picked and chose chapters a bit from the essay collections, for example, and bounced off a few books halfway through if they just weren't for me or weren't for me at that time. Anything with an asterisk is a reread.  I have these roughly in chronological order of when I finished them, but I tended to be in the middle of several books at once and didn’t keep a good spreadsheet to keep track, so it’s a bit cobbled together from my memory and library records.  Also, please note that just because I read a book, doesn’t mean I agree with or endorse all or even most of the ideas in it.
The Ministry of the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson
Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler
New York 2140 by Kim Stanley Robinson
The Lifecycle of Software Objects by Ted Chiang
Flight Behavior* by Barbara Kingsolver
The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi
The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making* by Catherine M Valente
Deerskin* by Robin McKinley
Holy Silence by J Brent Bill
You Don’t Have to be Wrong for Me to be Right by Brad Hirschfield
A Letter in the Scroll by Jonathan Sacks
Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler
One Nation, Indivisible by Celene Ibrahim and Jennifer Howe Peace
Chalice* by Robin McKinley
Braiding Sweetgrass* by Robin Kimmerer
Dracula* by Bram Stoker
Hamlet* by Shakespeare
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Here All Along by Sarah Hurwitz
This is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared by Alan Lew
The Scientist’s Guide to Writing by Stephen B Heard
Everything is God by Jay Michaelson
The Cooking Gene by Michael W. Twitty
Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
The Poisonwood Bible* by Barbara Kingsolver
The Power of Ritual by Casper ter Kuile
Unsheltered* by Barbara Kingsolver
Pride and Prejudice* by Jane Austen
Cadillac Desert by Marc Reisner
No Cure for Being Human by Kate Bowler
Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I’ve Loved by Kate Bowler
Jane Eyre* by Charlotte Bronte
Praying with Jane Eyre by Vanessa Zoltan
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
Barrel Fever by David Sedaris
When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris
Proverbs of Ashes by Rita Nakashima Brooks and Rebecca Ann Parker
The Splinter in the Sky by Kemi Ashing-Giwa
Staying with the Trouble* by Donna Haraway
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
The Incarnations by Susan Baker
Saving Paradise: How Christianity Traded Love of This World for Crucifixion and Empire by Rebecca Ann Parker and Rita Nakashima Brock
The Anthropocene Reviewed* by John Green
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi
My Promised Land by Ari Shavit
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Enemies and Neighbours: Arabs and Jews in Palestine and Israel by Ian Black
Dragonflight* by Anne McCaffrey
The Masterharper of Pern* by Anne McCaffrey
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood
A Peace to End All Peace by David Fromkin
Dragonsdawn* by Anne McCaffrey
Overall, I’m feeling pretty good about the list!  There are definitely some themes that pop up again and again, but there’s a nice mix of genres, fiction/nonfiction, length, tone, first-time reads and rereads, etc.  I haven’t set a formal goal for this coming year yet, but I’m hoping to get some off-the-beaten-path recommendations from friends for things that I wouldn’t otherwise have heard about – so, if you have any favorites, I’d love to hear about them!
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vatt-world · 1 year ago
A Foggy Day
Ain’t Misbehavin’
All Of Me
All The Things You Are
Almost Like Being In Love
Autumn Leaves
As Time Goes By
Bye Bye Blackbird
Can’t Take That Away
Cheek To Cheek
Choo Choo Cha Boogie
Come Rain Or Come Shine
Days Of Wine And Roses
Don’t Get Around Much
Embraceable You
Fly Me To The Moon
God Bless The Child
I Get A Kick Out Of You In The Mood
I Only Have Eyes For You
I Wish You Love
It Had To Be You
It’s Only A Paper Moon
I’ve Got You Under My Skin
Jump Jive and Wail
Just in Time
Just The Way You Look Tonight
Let’s Fall In Love
Makin’ Whoopee
Moon River
My Funny Valentine
My Romance
Night And Day On a Clear Day
Our Love Is Here To Stay
Over The Rainbow
Route 66
Satin Doll
Someone To Watch Over Me
Stormy Weather
Take The A Train
Teach Me Tonight
The Lady Is A Tramp
The Nearness Of You
The Way You Look Tonight
There Will Never Be Another You
When I fall in Love
You Make Me Feel So Young
A Thousand Years
At Last
All Is Fair in Love
As Time Goes By
Baby I’m Yours
Beautiful In My Eyes
Because You Loved Me
Better Together
Can’t Help Falling In Love
Can’t Make You Love Me
Can’t Take My Eyes off of You
Close To You
Close Your Eyes
Come Away With Me
Crazy Love
Days Like This
Don’t Know Why
Don’t Let Me Be Lonely
Falling Slowly
Feel Like Makin’ Love From This Moment
First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
From This Moment
Get Here
God Only Knows
Grow Old With You
Have I Told You Lately
How Do You Keep the Music
I Chose You
I Could Not Ask For More
I Believe In You and Me
I Hope You Dance
I Loved Her Face
I See The Light
If I Should Fall Behind
I Will Always Love You
I’ll Be There
I’ll Stand By You
In My Life
In My Father’s Eyes
In Your Eyes
Jersey Girl
Love Is
Love You I Do
Into The Mystic Jersey Girl
Let’s Get It On
Lovely Day
Making Memories Of Us
My Baby You
My Wish
Ribbon In The Sky
Sarah Smile
Seven Days
She Keeps Me Warm
So Amazing
Song For Momma
Taking You Home
That’s My Daughter In The Water
The Greatest Love of All
The Luckiest
The Rose
Thinking Outloud
Tiny Dancer
To Make You Feel My Love
True Companion
Unchained Melody
Walk With You
We’ve Only Just Begun
What A Wonderful World
Wonderful Tonight
You And I
You Are So Beautiful
You Don’t Know Me
You Raise Me Up
You Send Me
Your My Best Friend
Your The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me
You’ll Be In My Heart
You’ve Got A Friend In Me
Your Song
Hot Hot Hot
I Shot The Sheriff
Is This Love
Jamaica, Jamaica
Let Them Be Fed
One Love
Red Red Wine
Stir It Up
Three Little Birds
Trenchtown Rock
Don’t Be Cruel
Do You Love Me
Hound Dog
Johnny B. Goode
Jailhouse Rock
Teenager In Love
The Twist
Peppermint Twist Rockin’ Robin
Rock Around The Clock
Roll Over Beethoven
Run Around Sue
Shake, Rattle & Roll
The Wanderer
Why Do Fools Fall In Lov
Build Me Up Buttercup
Barbara Ann
Don’t Be Cruel
Gimme Some Lovin’
God Only Knows
Hound Dog
I Love You More Today
…Than Yesterday
In The Still of The Night
Jailhouse Rock
Johnny B Goode Little Deuce Coup
Ooh Baby Baby
Only You
La Bamba
Mony Mony
Rockin’ Robin
Roll Over Beethoven
Run Around Sue
Sea of Love
Since I Fell For You
Surfer Girl Surfing USA
Sweet Caroline
Teach Me Tonight
Teenager in Love
The Twist
Tutti Fruiti
Twist & Shout
Unchained Melody
Why Do Fools Fall in Love
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
You Belong To Me
Ain’t no Mountain High
Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing
Ain’t Too Proud Too Beg
Can’t Hurry Love
Chain of Fools
Dance To The Music
Dancing In The Streets
For Once In My Life
Get Ready
Hold On I’m Comin’
How Sweet It Is
Let’s Stay Together I Can’t Help Myself
(Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)
I Feel Good
I’ll Be There
I Want You Back
Keeps Me Hanging On
Knock On Wood
Let’s stay Together
My Girl
Midnight Hour
Mustang Sally
Natural Woman
Never Can Say Goodbye
Rescue Me
Respect Same Old Song
Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Sex Machine
Since I Fell for You
Soul Man
Stop In the Name
Sugar Pie Honey Bunch
Tears of A Clown
The Way You Do Things
Until You Come Back to Me
What’s Goin’ On
You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
You’re All I Need to Get By
Ain’t Nobody
Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now
Another Star
Bad Girls
Best of my Love
Boogie Oogie Oogie
Boogie wonderland
Billy Jean
Brick House
Dancing Queen
Dim all the Lights
Disco Inferno
Don’t Leave Me this Way
Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough
Do You Believe in Love
Everybody dance now
(Everybody everybody) Get Down Tonight
Give It To Me Baby
Good Times
Got To Be Real
Hot Stuff
I Will Survive
I’ll Be Around
I’m Every Woman
I Wish
I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Last Dance
Let’s Groove Tonight
Love Train
Oh What A Night
Play That Funky Music
Freak Out Stayin’ Alive
Shake Your Body Down
Shake your Groove Thing
Shining Star
Sing A Song
Sing A Simple Song
Sir Duke
That’s The Way Of The World
Turn the Beat Around
Waiting For Tonight
Wanna Be Startin’ Something
We Are Family
What Is Hip
What You Won’t Do For Love
All Right Now
Bell Bottom Blues
Brown Eyed Girl
China Grove
Communication Breakdown
Day After Day
Do It Again
Glory Days
Honky Tonk Woman
It Keeps You Runnin’
Little Wing
Livin’ On A Prayer
Long Train Running
Message In The Bottle
Minute By Minute
Misty Mountain Hop
On The Edge of Seventeen
White Winged Dove
Purple Haze Reelin’ In the Years
Rock n Roll
Sweet Home Alabama
Takin’ Care of Business
Tempted By The Fruit of Another
Tenth Ave Freezeout
You Shook Me All Night Long
Walk This Way
You Can Call Me Al
Ain’t No Other Man
All About That Bass
Bad Romance
Bang Bang
Beautiful Day
Blurred Lines
Born This Way
Call Me Maybe
Crazy In Love
DJ’s Got Us Falling In Love Again
Don’t Stop The Music
Edge Of Glory
Empire State Of Mind
Feel This Moment
Forget U
Get Lucky
Hips Don’t Lie
How Far Is Heaven
Hot N Cole
I Can’t Feel My Face
I Love It
I Need To Know
I’ve Got A Feeling
Just Dance
Let’s Get Loud
Life is a Highway
Locked Out of Heaven
Makes Me Wonder
Moves Like Jagger
No One
No Place I’d Rather Be
Party Rocker
Raise Your Glass
Shake It Off
Shut Up and Dance
Single Ladies
Stay With Me
Sweet Thing
Sweet Dreams
Teenage Dream
The First Cut Is The Deepest
Thinking Out Loud
Time Of Our Lives
This Is How We Do it
Uptown Funk
Use Somebody
We Found Love (In a Hopeless Place)
Black Orpheus
Che Che Cole
Evil Ways
Girl From Ipanema
La Murga
Oye Como Va
I Need to Know
I Wish You Love
Meditation One Note Samba
Quiet Nights
Shaker Song
Sunshine of my Life
The Look of Love
Watch What Happens
What a Difference a Day Makes
Caught Up In The Rapture
Smooth Operator
Sweet Thing
Sweetest Taboo
That’s Way of World
This Will Be
Til You Come
0 notes
tracyfance · 2 years ago
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Unhappily Single & Ruled By IBS
Donna worked with me after having had a reading with me, she was very unhappily single yet again and now found herself in her 50's & 'alone'.
Relationship Misery
Donna couldn't understand why her relationships kept failing, she put so much time, energy & love into them, she'd done so much for the men she'd dated only for the relationships to end once she'd 'healed' them (see my recent blog on why we recreate patterns in our life that don't serve us).
Donna also had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), the bloating, stomach cramps & the upset tummy which she had 24/7 was making her life hell & was eroding her confidence.
How NLP Techniques Helped Donna
During our sessions I used various NLP techniques, the first one is called 2 Chair Work & involved putting her IBS in a chair & giving it a personality, we then chatted with it to find out why it was here. Based on the information Mr IBS gave us we knew it was trying to keep her safe, it was trying to protect her, it just got a bit lost on how it chose to do that!
Next I used a technique called Timeline Therapy which simply involves taking the mind back in time to the originating point of the IBS, it turned out that as a small child she'd been left with a family friend so her parents could go out for their first night since becoming parents, but instead of explaining this to her, they distracted her & left as soon as she wasn't looking.
The young Donna felt heartbroken at being 'abandoned' by her parents but Donna in 2023 had no recollection of this event in her concious memory because she was so young when it happened.
When she was about 9 years old, her mum & dad divorced & dad moved back to his home country & then when she was 19 her mother died. These events devastated her, understandably, however, they created her future.
These events all left her feeling 'abandoned' but they were very old events, her body was sending her a message that she had old emotions that needed releasing, this was the role of the IBS as this was her emotions being internalised instead of processed.
She Was Recreating The Childhood Abandonment
During the Timeline Therapy Donna realised that because she'd been hurt by being abandoned, her trauma was actually creating behaviour that resulted in any relationship she had, breaking down, by creating these behaviours she was sabotaging the relationships so they'd leave her, just as she knew they would, because after all, didn't her parents leave her more than once? This is a self-fulfilling prophecy! Donna wasn't aware she was doing it, it was all in her subconscious brain which actually drives 95% of our behaviour (sleep, hunger, being hot/cold etc are conscious brain activities).
We used another NLP technique called Reframing to change how she felt about those early experiences, she knew her parents loved her, she knew they'd returned & hadn't abandoned her, but the toddler version of her hadn't known that so she needed reassuring. By reassuring the toddler Donna that all was as it should be, that rippled along her timeline & was released by Donna 2023.
After Releasing The Behaviour She Healthily Plans Her Wedding
Donna now released the behaviour that was sabotaging her relationships and I'm pleased to say that in her last reading I saw a wedding for her and she smiled & told me she was in a relationship & they'd set a date for their wedding.
The even better news though was the fact that her Irritable Bowel Syndrome had cleared up completely and her confidence was already coming back.
That may sound really amazing, however, no miracles were happening here, we simply just cleared a load of outdated emotions. Do you have a health issue that's making your life a nightmare or a behaviour that isn't making you happy?
You don't need to live with it any more, I have the skills to help you transform your life. You can decide right now to get my support & end the suffering.
Talk to me in a free Discovery Call. Book now. 
#IBSlife #IBSfree #healing #healingIBS #healingwithNLP #coachingwithtracyfance #metahealth
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violetren · 1 year ago
Donna: *showing a photo on her phone* And this beautiful light of my life is my daughter Rose.
Mickey, Martha and Jack:
Martha: rOse?! She looks... Lovely. She looks lovely.
Mickey: Yeah for sure, a lovely Rose
Jack: You made a real cute kid...
Mickey, Martha and Jack: *strained smiles*
Donna: Oh give me some credit, she chose her own name you dumbos
Mickey, Martha and Jack: *dawning realisation*
Donna: I had my memory wiped. He didn't scramble my brains. I wasn't some sad pining mess chasing memories for 15 years. I got married! I raised a wonderful child. I gave 166 million pounds to charity, and then worked 20 different jobs to keep our mortgage!
Jack: Oh thank god
Martha: She chose it!
Mickey: 166 million pounds!?
Oh man!! Now that Donna remembers team TARDIS again she can contact Martha and Jack and all the other folks she met- and Rose Noble is going to have SO MANY NEW UNCLES AND AUNTS AND GUARDIANS
(Even if the Rose thing may take some explaining )
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ay0nha · 3 years ago
Girls Just Want To Have Fundamental Rights | Steve Harrington (II)
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Summary: She knew him as ‘King Steve’ and he knew her as the  Feminist who got kicked out of school. She left Hawkins while he stayed,  but what happens when she returns and foggy memories become clear?
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Sinclair!OC (POC)
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: Just know Donna’s hair inspo right now is Whitney Houston in the 80s :)) I had fun writing this one...lmk if you’d like to be tagged/untagged :))
Taglist: @preciousbabypeter @rexorangecouny @misaamaneswifey @timmytime-hufflepuff09 @sailor-peeking @theultimatesleeper  @kersficrecs​
Part I
Hawkins, 1983
"You know you can join me if you'd like," Donna spoke outwardly, only continuing to prepare her joint not bothering to look up to whoever was there, "Beats standing there lurking."
"Only trying to be polite," He came into the blue pool light to stand in front of her. His hands were in his pocket, only taking them out to talk, "I was waiting until you finished to ask to borrow your lighter."
Donna forgot the work in front of her, entirely too amused with the King standing in front of her. Steve "The Hair" Harrington.  It wasn't the name that bothered her. It was just how he carried himself that got to her. He knew how to carry himself well. He learned that long ago and never failed to use it to his advantage.  It took people years to figure out how to do that. Even now, as he approached someone he'd never given the time of day he was still playing his role perfectly.
She thought maybe it was his curse. His spell. Maybe the reason behind why she asked, "Want to share this?"
"I shouldn't," Steve only offered her more politeness; a hand up in feigned excuse. But he looked invested in keeping her company.  
As Donna twisted her grinder, making the bud she put in as fine as she liked, she wondered what was causing Steve to act so... differently. He was usually at the center of the party. Schmoozing his way through the crowd that adored him, kissed the ground he walked on. Yet, he chose to sit idly on the pool chair across from her with unmatched patience.
"Do you know how to roll one?" She asked as she began her process anew, glancing up at him briefly to catch his response. There was no judgment in her tone, knowing he wasn't one who usually indulged in this sort of vice.  He shook his head softly as she said, "That's alright, I'll show you."
As Donna walked him through the various steps, all he could focus on was how expert her hands were. The process was second nature for her.  Steve heard nothing she said while he watched. He'd just flipped back down from the keg stand and now he needed a cigarette to wash it all down. He needed a break from the party. It was what allowed him to let the beer go to his head and get mesmerized at how her  fingers were nimble with the process. It was like muscle memory at this  point.
"Then, once you've got it like this," Her voice was a whisper as she held up the partially rolled paper in front of him, "You just lick it across and you're almost done."
Steve wanted to do it and Donna realized that as she held it out for him carefully. He leaned forward slightly, his hands barely ghosting over hers as if stabilizing himself before gliding his tongue across the paper. He didn't dare look up from his concentration, but he could feel Donna watching his every move.
"You're a natural," She told him warmly, twisting the edge of the paper to seal it off. It hadn't even been lit yet, but Steve's lungs were already feeling tight. She took her time to light it and get it burning to share and once she did she said, "Whenever you're ready." Reaching out with his two fingers, Steve touched her own in the exchange. He almost asked her to hold it for him, but it was too late as he began inhaling an herb new to him.
The burn of smoke filled his lungs and he held it as best he could, trying not to choke. But his body forced him to cough it all out instantly. He knew he would cough, not being used to this, but he hated the way it almost echoed through the open air. Taking the joint from him, Donna took her own drag, experiencing nothing but calmness in her breath.
"I thought you smoked," She laughed lightly keeping the joint between her lips as she started cleaning up her make-shift tray.
"I smoke tobacco," Steve corrected her cooly, watching as she plucked at the ends of her stray spiral curls only to push them back to lean into every word he said, "This stuff-I don't know how you enjoy this."
Donna rolled her eyes at his comment with her signature smirk that he has now become hyper-fixated on in his oncoming daze, "This is usually a little smoother in my opinion."
"And that makes it better somehow?"
"There are some other added benefits to it," She smiled wide feeling the blissful embrace of what she was talking about setting on.   Experimentally she held out the joint for him once again, "Try again. Just breathe in, but very, very slowly."  
Steve hesitated but obeyed her. When he looked at her, he could see the hazy glow from her high in her eyes, wanting to meet her there.  He started to feel the warmth more closely as he drew in another breath. His throat was on fire as the smoke traveled down it and into his lungs.
"Fuck...That's...Terrible," He coughed out in between each word. Pinching the joint in between his middle and pointer fingers he rested the joint back in between her lips, returning the favor.
She laughed taking a hit before blowing out some smoke through her nose, "This is no feat for the weak."
Donna's eyes drooped as she watched Steve in front of her. She started laughing. She rubbed her nose trying to cover it up but soon her giggle turned into a fit. Steve looked at he with awe. He only just noticed how part of her hair was clipped back, her curls not enjoying being tamed slickly on one side. She didn't have bright colors on like everyone at the party. Steve could see she chose things that paired well with the Earth. Colors that paired beautifully with her deep skin color as did the gold jewelry that hit her chest in the rhythm of her happiness.
It only took Steve so long before copying her laughter and it didn't take long before he was asking in between laughs what was so funny.
"Nothing, nothing," She shook her head, trying to shake her thoughts, "I was just thinking."
"That can never be good," He joked with her like he was familiar with her. Like they were friends, "Come on, what is it?"
She had his full and undivided attention. She could see that now clearly.
Her lips twitched in amusement as she finally pushed out her question, "Ever shotgunned before?"
"You’re joking, right?" He beamed widely, his ego was quickly inflating at the idea of impressing her, "Grab an IPA and I can show you."
"Not beer," She shook her head trying to not revive her laughing spell, patting the spot next to her where she sat, "Here, come here I'll show you."
Steve had never moved faster in his life. He was trying to figure out a way to get closer to her and now he was convinced she was reading his mind.
Now that he was closer to Donna, she could make out the pink tinge on his cheeks. No doubt from the smoke. It paired well with the shadows of the pool water that moved in rhythm with the breeze around them on his face. Donna could see now why so many of the cheerleaders had their eyes on him. He was gentle looking with a few freckles littering his face, something that could make just about anyone swoon.
Steve had never been on the other side. He was never one to truly swoon. Yet, as Donna tipped Steve's chin up gently as he followed her guidance eagerly. Her hand stayed there, barely there in the contact as her free hand drew in a deep drag of whatever was left before the joint would become a roach.
Donna smiled down at him and leaned in, gently guiding his mouth open with hers as she exhaled smoke past his waiting lips. She consumed his senses for a moment. All he could feel is one of her hands coming to lay on his chest, the smell of her perfume amongst the smoke, and the faint taste of her lipstick on his lips. Steve breathed in, doing his best to take it everything she offered into his lungs, as rich and intoxicating as the warmth it was attached to.
her lips brushed his for just a moment longer as she spoke softly, "See, just like that."
"Hold on, I don't think I have it yet," His voice just as soft while his hand found her jaw immediately, keeping her from getting too far, "Show me again."
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Out Of The Fire
Summary: After a tough call that leaves the whole station exhausted, Dean searches out Y/n for company. Only problem is, she is less than thrilled to see him in her room.  
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Firefighter!Reader
Word Count: 2.9K+
Warnings: Language, angst, sexism, sexist treatment by a superior
Author’s Note: This was written for @msmarvelouswinchester​ 1K follower challenge. My two prompts were ‘friends with benefits’ and ‘do you want me to leave?’. I had a joy writing this and putting a twist on what you would expect. Please enjoy xo Alex
Check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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“Station 23, engines one and two, ladder one and aid car please respond to 33 West Belmont avenue for a four-alarm fire. Stations 12, 4, and 8 are already on the scene.” 
The dispatcher’s words echoed along with the sirens inside her brain as the engine sped down the empty night road. Anxiety and anticipation bubbled in her stomach with every minute they grew closer to the fire. 
It wasn’t common for a fire chief to call a four-alarm fire, especially in their relatively small town. Most fires only require one or two stations to contain them. On the odd occurrence that it was all hands on deck, every firefighter in the city felt a switch flip in themselves. With so much happening at once, it meant everyone had to be on their game, or it could mean lives lost, but this was what they were trained for, and it’s what she felt called to do, so she would swallow all of that down and prepare herself for a long and dangerous night. 
As the engine rolled on, her knee began to bounce in its place as she watched the engine lights reflecting off the building as they passed. She felt a weight against her leg, halting her movements and her head snapped forward to meet the cadmium irises of her Lieutenant. Dean motioned for her to remove her headset. The firefighter complied, pulling one side from its place on her ear as Dean did the same. 
“You good?” He questioned, covering up the mic that was still by his mouth to keep silence on the radio.
“Yup, ready to go,” Y/n answered with a soft smile. She tried her best to convey her preparedness as the engine barrelled down the road. Dean simply nodded his understanding, and the pair put their headphones back into place. 
The great thing about Dean was he knew when not to push. Since she had met the oldest Winchester sibling back in the fire academy, the pair of them were inseparable. They developed a shorthand quickly, and it felt as though they had known each other their whole lives. So even though he asked, Dean knew the thoughts racing through her mind, and she was thankful that he chose to be a silent shoulder instead of a nagging superior.
Only minutes later, the engine was pulling up to the blazing fire. The flames could be seen before anyone even stepped off their trucks. The inferno licked from every orifice of the warehouse, sending thick heavy plumes of smoke into the night sky. Firefighters, police, and civilians filled the parking lot surrounding them. It was all chaos to the untrained eye, and maybe it was, but to every first responder, it was a well-choreographed dance.
Station 23’s captain, Bobby Singer, led the team to the incident commander for their assignments. As they came up to the command center, Y/n frowned, seeing the unfortunate battalion chief that just happened to be heading up this scene. 
“Winchester, Novak, Lafitte, you guys are on fire control, charlie side. Singer, I need you to head up evacuation.” Chief Shurley spat out his directions without so much as greeting anybody. “Milligan and Walker head over to the first aid tent and talk to Gabe for further instruction. Um…”
Y/n rolled her eyes under her helmet when their Chief pointed towards her and Donna as he tried to remember their names. She felt the mutual shift in Donna’s demeanor as the memory of the other four times he had done this came to mind. 
“Ah yes, Hanscum and Y/L/N, you ladies are on crowd control.” Shurley dismissively waved towards his left. Y/n followed his passing glance, finding the cops holding back the crowd of civilians that had gathered, her eyes quickly finding the one other female firefighter in the city, Jo Harvelle, standing awkwardly near the barricades with nothing to do. 
“Sir, are you sure you don’t need us somewhere else? The cops have the crowd under control.”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“I just feel like our abilities are better served somewhere else,” Y/n protested again, this time earning herself a hardened glare from their battalion chief. 
“Are you questioning my authority on the scene? You do as you are told,” he doubled down on his decision, stepping into Y/n’s space as he attempted to make himself larger. It was a tactic the woman had seen time and time again with him. She didn’t want to say Napoleon complex, but if the shoe fit… 
A fight raged inside her as the man stared her down. On the one hand, she hated the misogynistic way Chuck led this city, and she wanted to dismantle everything he stood for. On the other hand, she wanted to keep her job, and even if he was a tiny little man, this particular instance was rare after all. 
In a last-ditch effort to not let him walk all over her, she cast a pleading glance towards her fellow firefighters, hoping someone would back her up… anyone. Each guy stood there awkwardly, clearly not wanting to get involved. Even as she looked to her Lieutenant, he refused to make eye contact with her. It made her blood boil even more than the fire raging behind them that the one person she could always count on had chosen to leave her hanging and only to save his own ass. 
With a sigh, she turned on her heel, reluctantly backing down this time. She heard Chuck shout at everyone to get moving behind her and the footsteps of Donna catching up to her. 
“You got crowd control too, huh?” Jo frowned as she watched the other two women approach the barricades. 
“Yeah, what else? You know Shurley thinks we are only good for standing around with our heads up our asses or flaunting our breasts to the news outlets so the world can see we are a progressive city.” Y/n ground her teeth together as she turned back towards the warehouse, watching the building burn and feeling utterly helpless to do anything about it. And if there was one thing she hated, it was feeling useless. 
“One of these days, I’m going to show him where he can stick that condescending little tone of his,” Jo sneered, eliciting a chuckle from her coworkers. 
“One day…”
The sun had already begun creeping over the horizon by the time Station 23 pulled their engines back into the barn. The crew was exhausted, sweaty, and reeked of smoke as they slunk towards their living quarters. The whole team was silent as they undressed and hung their gear for later cleaning. 
Y/n was the first to slink off to her private quarters, opting to skip her shower as she barely worked up a sweat standing with the cops all night. The door slammed shut behind her, and she wasted no time stripping down to her sleepwear. 
The first responder dropped her tired body onto the twin bed that was provided for all team members. The cheap comforter scratched against her exposed skin, not that she could be bothered by it, instead choosing to keep her eyes focused on the shadows that the small bedside lamp was casting across the white ceiling. 
Stupidly, she assumed that being back at the station would help to ease some of the anger that was coursing through her veins, and as usual, she was wrong. The silence of her room only served to allow her mind to race through the situation over and over. It wasn’t the first time, and she was sure it wouldn’t be the last. Of course, she knew when she took this job that people would have a problem with her being a woman, but she was tired of being constantly sidelined. Y/n was damn good at her job if you asked anyone in her station. The other idiots in the city couldn’t handle being shown up by a female. It was frustrating as hell, and honestly, she just wanted to put her ax into a wall at the moment. 
As she let a puff of air escape her lips, a creaking of the wooden door to her quarters had her lifting her head towards the sound. She supported her body up on her forearms as the light from the hall poured into her dimly lit room, followed closely by a tall, dark figure. Y/n squinted as her pupils adjusted to the light, and the features of the intruder became clear. 
“Hey,” he smiled, gently shutting the door behind him. The firefighter stood by the door in just a pair of sweats that hung low on his hips. Y/n could tell his hair was wet, the short spikes standing in every direction, even in the low light. He stalked towards her, a grin on his face as he leaned over her. But Y/n put up her hands, stopping his advance just before his lips met her cheek. 
“What are you doing?” She gently pushed him from her, earning a frown from the freshly showered man. The woman knew full well what Dean was searching for when he snuck into her room, seeing as it wouldn’t be the first time it had happened. 
“The whole station is hunkering down for a few hours,” Dean explained, his grin never faltering as he dropped his voice an octave. “Nobody will be missing us.” 
“No, not tonight, Dean,” she grimaced and sat up fully on the bed. Her brows were knit together on the center of her forehead as she looked towards the intruder into her bunker. Dean blinked at her for a moment as his brain processed this unforeseen turn of events. This was a first in the years they have spent together, and frankly, he was confused. 
“Right… yeah, of course. My bad,” The firefighter stuttered out, rubbing one of his palms against his neck as he struggled to protect his wounded ego. “I guess… do you want me to leave?”
“Okay,” Dean drew out the word on his tongue before he half turned to leave. He paused, his hand brushing the metal of the doorknob just slightly before he turned back to his friend. “We are friends, right?”
“Sure, Dean,” Y/n sighed. It was true, after all, and she hated just how hurt his voice sounded as he questioned their relationship. 
“Then do you want to talk about whatever is bothering you? And don’t say you are fine because I know you better than that.” 
“I don’t really think right now is the best time,” she attempted to circumvent his questioning, but Dean wasn’t having it. 
“If something is bothering you, then talk to me, Y/n/n.” The woman rolled her eyes at his words. The anger that had been churning inside her since she was sidelined earlier in the evening finally spilled over. The last thing she wanted right now was to talk to one of the people who had pissed her off. 
“You are, Dean! You are bothering me!” Her words came out in a hushed exclamation. Dean reared back from her outburst. He had sensed she was upset, but this was the last reaction he had expected of her. 
“I’ll be going then-”
“No, you don’t get it,” she cut him off, the words spilling out of her now that the dam had broken. “This job, fighting fires and saving people, it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. I’ve dedicated my life to this job, and I’m damn good at it. So you can imagine how utterly frustrating it is to constantly be treated as a second-class citizen simply because you are a woman.”
“What has that got to do with me?” 
“You didn’t have my back out there. You say we are friends, and yet you let Shurley just toss the other girls and me aside.”
“Since when do you need my help standing up for yourself?” Dean curled a lip at her ranting. 
“Forget it; I knew you wouldn’t understand,” Y/n breathed, the fight inside her waning quickly. 
“Then make me understand.”
“It’s not that simple,”
“Of course, it is,” Dean countered, now equally as riled up as his friend. He wanted to understand this pain that troubled her so deeply, and he wanted to help. 
“I’m done, Dean. I’m done fighting. I’m done wasting my time on a thankless job, and I’m done with someone who doesn’t care about me enough to stand up for me when I’m being mistreated.” Her words bit hard into the dark room, surprising herself just as much as they surprised Dean.
“What are you saying?” Dean’s voice caved as he waited for a response he wasn’t sure he truly wanted. 
“We can’t do this anymore,” she whispered. “I can’t.” 
“That’s selfish, you know,” Dean shook his head at her admittance. “How dare you say I don’t care about you. After everything we’ve been through together, you know me better than that. I’m sorry that I made a mistake, and I’m sorry that Shurley is a dick but do not put this on me.” 
“No, you are scared, and you are making excuses so you can pull away. I know you.”
“What am I scared of, Dean? Please, enlighten me.” Y/n scoffed at the audacity he had to tell her what she was feeling.
“Of this,” he gestured between the two of them. “Of us.”
“What are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about the fact that I love you, and you love me, but you are too stubborn to admit it. And now you are making whatever excuse you can so you don’t have to feel it. You asked for no strings attached, and I gave that to you, but you can’t deny that this has become far more than either of us imagined. I’m in too deep now, and I won’t let you go that easily.” Y/n froze, his words sending ice through her nervous system. She wanted to scream at him to get out, wanted to call him every name in the book for thinking that he could say that to her with such conviction.
“How dare you tell me how I feel, Dean,” she seethed, her hands balling up into fists at her sides. Y/n was pissed, and maybe rightfully so, but maybe it was because there was a part of her that knew he was right. How could she not have fallen in love with Dean Winchester? He was the whole package wrapped up in a handsome bow, and more than that, he understood the want and need to help others. If Y/n was telling the truth, she fell in love with him long before they ever fell into bed together. But their relationship was doomed from the beginning because the life they lived and the jobs they chose meant extraordinary risks every day. Any shift, either one of them could end up not coming home, and so Y/n had to protect her heart because losing her friend was a lot easier than losing the love of her life. 
“Look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong,” Dean challenged. He refused to let her back down now. Everything was on the table, and there were only two ways this would go. He wouldn’t let her off the hook until he had the closure he needed. 
The woman cast her eyes aware from his stare, unable to lie to his face, and Dean just nodded. “That’s what I thought.”
“Are you happy now? You got what you wanted, now leave.” Tears were now brimming in the corners of her eyes as she pushed him back towards the door. Dean grabbed her wrists and pulled her palms from where they landed on his bare chest, pulling her body against his own. She melted into his embrace in an instant, the comfortable familiarity of being in his arms tearing down the walls she had put up around her heart. He pressed his pink lips against the crown of her head as he quietly whispered comforting words against her hair. Y/n took a few deep breaths, inhaling the scent of his body wash, fresh and strong after his post-fire shower. 
“I’m not going anywhere. I know I fucked up, but if you promise to stop pushing me away, I’ll promise to do better,” he assured her as he noticed her breathing beginning to level out. The woman closed her eyes briefly before looking up at him. A twinkle of hope shone in his eyes as he smiled down at her, and there was something about the almost childlike wonder there that had her smiling back up at him. 
“I would love to agree to those terms, but Dean, you know better.”
“All I ask is that you try. Will you try for me?” He pushed a few of her frizzy hairs behind her ear as he awaited her answer. 
“I’ll try, but only for you,” she agreed, knowing that was all she could give to him at that moment. Because even if their life wasn’t perfect and even if she was scared out of her mind about all things that could go wrong, one thing she knew for sure was that he was right. Damn him; he was always right. Y/n was sure that she did, in fact, love the green-eyed firefighter. 
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Forevers: @22sarah08 @440mxs-wife​ @akshi8278​ @anathewierdo​ @atc74​ @austin-winchester67​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @briagallen​ @callmekda​ @dawnie1988​ @deandreamernp​ @deangirl93​ @deanwanddamons​ @drakelover78​ @ellewritesfix05​ @emoryhemsworth​ @foxyjwls007​ @heartsaved​ @hobby27​ @janicho88​ @jarpad24​ @jbsgirl4ever11​ @jensengirl83​ @katbratsupernaturalwhore​ @littlewhiterose​ @lunarmoon8​ @lyarr24​ @maliburenee​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @msmarvelouswinchester​ @polina-93​​ @sexyvixen7​ @siospins​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @spnbaby-67​ @spnwoman​ @squirrelnotsam​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @stoneyggirl​​ @suckmyapplejacks​ @supernatural3002​​ @supraveng​ @tatted-trina6​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @traceyaudette​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @watermelonlipstick​ @waywardbeanie​ @winchest09​ @woodworthti666​
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thefanficmonster · 4 years ago
Just thought about this as a story or headcanons, maybe the lords in re8 have a child, which is the reader and they are somewhere around 7 in the beginning. You can do them all separately, like first part would be Heisenberg, then Dimitrescu, Beneviento, and then Moreau, so the reader would accidentally do something and they are scared that the lord that is their parent would be super mad and they run away and the lords reactions to their child being gone and maybe the reader goes back to the village older, maybe 14 or 15 and the lords are emotional when they finally reunite with the reader. Maybe at first they don't recognize the reader at first, thinking they are just an outsider until they see something that they gave the reader as a birthday present and they recognize them. And it's just full fluff in the end? This has also been bugging my mind for a while 🤣 sorry if this ask was complicated to read
Heyy ~ lovely idea as always hun! I changed it up a bit, hope you don't mind and still enjoy reading it nonetheless 💗
Alcina Dimitrescu
- Being the youngest Dimitrescu, you were expected to be a bit of a spoiled brat since our mother and sisters looked after you like the most precious and rarest gem in this world - Surprisingly though, you were a very well behaved child - A shy, quiet, well-mannered kid that followed their mother's rules like they were the law - But even you weren't immune to that childish curiosity that every kid possesses - So you had to go on and break a rule or two eventually - However, the biggest one you broke, the one that had you sweating nervously, was sneaking down into the basement where the wine your mother and sisters were so proud of was kept - With trembling hands you picked up one of the bottles, the one with the most interesting pattern on the bottle, and began to expect it - That’s when a noise suddenly echoed throughout the basement, causing you to drop the bottle which broke as soon as it the ground, sending the red liquid splashing everywhere - You were mortified - You were only six at the time, you couldn’t think of a strategy to fix the mess you had made - So instead, you chose to run and hide, convinced you’d get in A LOT of trouble when your mother would find out - The place you chose to hide in was a run down part of the courtyard where you were least likely to be spotted by anyone or anything - Your plan started backfiring only about an hour after you settled in your hiding spot - The cold was starting to be painful on your skin but you refused to go back in - Before you knew it you had passed out, deleting any memory of what was to happen afterwards - Upon waking up, you found yourself in your room, changed in a new set of clothes and void of the chill you were suffering from before you lost consciousness - It didn’t take you long to notice your mother sitting in a chair next to the bed, struggling not to drift of to sleep, her face looking like she had aged about ten years in the span of a few hours out of worry   - “Mom?” You spoke up weakly, startling the woman who was on her feet and crouching down closer to you within a second - “Y/N, darling, why’d you do that? You had me worried sick.” Alcina said, her hand gently caressing your hair, none of that sternness she was known for left in her - “I’m sorry, mama. For scaring you and for the wine bottle. I didn’t mean to...” You tried saying but got choked up by your tears - “The wine be damned. Nothing is as important to me as you are sweetie.” She said, planting a soft kiss on your forehead before climbing in bed with you and wrapping her arms around you, her embrace so warm and comforting - You never doubted your mother’s love for you, but that moment only made you more sure in it and made you love her triple the amount you already loved her
Donna Beneviento
- Donna had always been generous with the amount of dolls she allowed you to have and play with - Although, the ones she gave you were not infected with her Cadou and couldn’t move or speak on their own as to not scare you - However, you were still allowed to play and talk with Angie who you were raised to see as a sister - And just like sisters, you and Angie also fought every now and then - But, this one time, she really angered you and with all the strength of a six year old that you possessed you threw her across the room - She hit a wall hard enough to loosen one of her arms and it fell off - That’s when you knew you were practically dead in trouble and ran to hide under your bed - As you were climbing up the stairs though, you could still hear Angie’s screaming and crying from downstairs and Donna could no doubt hear it as well - So as to avoid running into her, instead of hiding upstairs, you went into the basement - Where you had never been in, by the way - Meaning you had no idea what horrors awaited you there - Mannequins, doll parts, terrifying dolls which moved on their own - In your eyes it was a pure nightmare - Seeing the dolls turning their heads to follow your movement, some even raising an arm as if to greet you almost made you scream several times but you didn’t want to give away your hiding spot - And that’s when the laid out mannequin on the table, one you were already terrified of, turned it’s head to look at you, opened its eyes and mouth - The radio on the other table turned on simultaneously, all of it being too much of a scare for you to be able to suppress the scream you let out - That’s when you felt a hand on your shoulder and screamed even louder, even beginning to cry - The hand turned you around and you were suddenly facing your mom who looked scared and concerned, a little paler than usual too - You took no notice of that though, seeing as how you ran right into her, hiding your face in her hip - “I’m sorry mommy! I didn’t mean to hurt Angie! Just please don’t let them scare me anymore!” You cried, your tiny hands balled up in fists, clutching to Donna’s dress as if for dear life - The woman was relieved to see you were safe although still a little confused as to why you had even run down to the basement in the first place - And then she thought a bit more about what you had said - “Oh dear, you thought you were in trouble? Angie’s perfectly fine, Y/N. Her limbs come off loosely all the time. You didn’t even actually hurt her.“ - Seeing that your distress was showing no sign of decreasing, Donna picked you up and proceeded to carry you up to where Angie was so she could apologize for making you feel guilty in the first place
Salvatore Moreau
- Being a young kid, the Reservoir was a rather dangerous place for you to wander around in unsupervised - Usually you’d stick to the safest area, aka the one furthest away from the water, and would only be allowed to see the rest of your dad’s property with him by your side, holding your hand to make sure you wouldn’t fall - But one day, as you were sitting in at the entrance of the Reservoir, in the small body of water by your feet you saw a golden fish - Mesmerized, you foolishly ducked down to try and touch it but it, of course, swam away - Oh but you were far from prepared to let it go - So you chased after it, watching its glimmering skin rush under the surface of the water, going further into the dangerous parts of the property - You were mindless to the fact you were entering a territory that was originally forbidden to you - That is until a wooden board on the dock broke under you, causing you to fall in the water - And being only barely six years old, you didn’t know how to swim so before the panic had even worn off completely, you started screaming for help, praying your father would hear you - And boy were you in luck - A giant fish emerged from the water from underneath you, carrying you on its back to the dock you had fallen from - You scrambled to get to the safe half of it and sat on the ledge - By the time you were able to look around with clear vision instead of the blurred with tears one you had been struggling with seconds prior, the monster fish was gone - And your dad was standing on the dock next to you - “You see no why you aren’t allowed here, child?” - You nod, sniffling and running to hug him, relieved to be in your dad’s safe embrace - Despite the efforts to be stern, Moreau crumbles back to his usual loving and caring self, being the best father in the world in your eyes  - He carried you, piggy-back style back to the safe space of the Reservoir
Karl Heisenberg
- It goes without say that, growing up in a factory as dangerous as Heisenberg’s, there’s certain amount of rules you have to respect for yours and your father’s safety as well as the successfulness of his experiments - But there was no force that was able to keep you away from this one machine that looked far too interesting for you to overlook - You couldn’t help but go up to it every now and then to look at the blinking lights and the tempting colorful buttons - And then there was one day when just looking didn’t satisfy you - So you went on to press a few buttons, in the order of your favorite colors - It didn’t take long for you to realize how poor that decision was - When sparks started flying from the machine was when you finally decided to back away and that satisfying your curiosity wasn’t worth it - But it was already too late  - The whole process had stopped, the conveyer belt of murder machines pausing mid-movement suggesting the whole operation was hindered - “Y/N? What on Earth are you doing?” - Your dad’s voice had never terrified you so much - All excuses and apologies you wanted to say died down in your throat at the sight of your mildly agitated father standing behind you with an unimpressed look on his face - He wasn’t angry by any means but your vision was too blurred by tears for you to be able to see that - “Dad, I’m so sorry!” You cried, running to hug him, back turned to the malfunctioning machine you believed you damaged beyond repair - Wrapping his arms around you, he gave you a quick hug before stepping around you and approaching the machine, fixing it with the press of a few buttons - “Hope that teaches you a valuable lesson not to break the rules kid.” He said with a crooked smile, ruffling your hair while you still stared at machine in disbelief
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awindylife-writes · 4 years ago
After the End (Comes the Beginning)
Relationships: 10th Doctor x reader, Donna x reader (platonic), Donna x Doctor (platonic), Rose x reader (mentioned, platonic)
Summary: Christmas bride rewrite. The Doctor and you cope with the loss of Rose and meet Donna.
Warnings: mentions of the loss of Rose
Genre: angst
You lost her.
You lost Rose and she didn't even get to finish her sentence before you and the Doctor were ripped away.
You were standing in the TARDIS with her last words ringing in your ears. You stared at the wall where she'd stood just a second ago. You were sinking to your knees and you didn't even notice with your vision blurred, too many tears to see through.
Too much pain to get up.
A sob interrupted your quiet litany of "Nononononononononono-" and you hadn't even known you were speaking. You tried to catch your breath but you seemed to have forgotten how to take air in. The only thing that existed was the hole in your chest.
Then the Doctor's teary face appeared in your vison. His hands were gripping your arms. He was calling for you.
"Y/N. Y/N. Y/N." There was desparation in his voice and so much grief  in his eyes that it woke you up.
Because he'd lost Rose too. He loved her too, you three had been best friends and after all that he'd lost he must have been breaking. And if there was one thing you wouldn't stand for now, it was leaving him alone.
"I'm here." You wiped your tears with your palms and looked into his deep brown shattered eyes. "I'm here, Doctor, and l'm not leaving." You tried for a smile as you gently took his face in your hands and wiped his tears with your thumb.
When you saw he'd heard you, you pulled him into your arms. You were clinging to each other and you weren't sure if you were ever going to stop. Ever.
Then you heard a gasp and a shocked squeak. You and the Doctor broke apart enough to look at the strange woman who was now standing in TARDIS. You both stood up out of astonishment to see her better.
"What?" you heard the Doctor's incredoulus voice. You simply stared. If you hadn't been desolate, the sight would have been hilarious.
There was a ginger bride standing in the TARDIS asking, "Who are you?" and there was no clue to explain how she got there.
You found yourself smiling.
"What?" the Doctor breathed again. You thought you might start laughing but then you looked at him. He still had teartracks on his face.
The reality came back like a slap.
"Who are you?" she demanded, and you just
"What?" The Doctor seemed to be caught in a loop so you stepped towards her.
"Hi. My name's Y/N and this is the Doctor. You're standing in the TARDIS."
"You can't do that l wasn't- we're in flight that is- that is physically imposible how did you-" the Doctor was rambling away but the ginger cut him off.
"Tell me where l am," she told you with force. "I demand you tell me RIGHT NOW where am l?"
"Inside the TARDIS," you repeated and she focused on you.
"The what."
"The what?"
"The what???"
"It's called the TARDIS," the Doctor finally joined in.
"That's not even a proper word!"
When the Doctor went to get money from the ATM, you went with him. You'd have stayed with Donna before, before, but not now. You were not letting him out of your sight. Judging by the panicked look in his eyes when he checked if you were following him he felt the same.
You turned him away from the partying crowd, towards the bar. You'd recognized the look in his eyes as he watched the dancing couples, it mirrored how you felt inside.
You hugged him close and he buried his face into your shoulder.
Then you noticed the cameraman.
You screamed at Lance when he said those horrible things about Donna. You made sure she knew she isn't alone. You held her hand.
Then when she was crying in the TARDIS and the Doctor didn't notice, you held her.
When the empress of the Racknoss screamed, you got lost. She screamed in grief, and there was just as much of it in you.
Donna pulled you out of it.
There would be enough time to grieve when this was over, and then you would never get lost again.
"I'll just, go out there and do something," Donna finished with a smile. You exchanged looks with the Doctor.
"Well, you could always..." he began.
"Come with us." You stepped towards her. There was so much hope in you but you tried to keep it at bay. You didn't think you could take much more hurt today.
"No," Donna said in a soft voice. Well, so much for that.
"Okay," the Doctor reacted immediately.
"I can't," Donna told you sadly.
"No, that's fine!"
"No but really though, I mean everything we did today- Do you live your life like that?"
"Not all the time," you tried, but you knew it was no use. It wasn't true.
"I think you do. And I couldn't," Donna shook her head.
"But you've seen it out there," you tried. "It's beautiful."
"And it's terrible. That place was flooding and bruning and they were dying and he stood there like-" Donna turned to the Doctor. "I don't know. A stranger."
"And then you made it snow, I mean you scare me to death!" She turned back to you. "The both of you!"
"Well then," said the Doctor.
But then Donna went on, "Tell you what I will do, though- Christmas dinner."
She was followed by silence.
You couldn't speak, not when you could see Jackie's gentle smile as she passed you your cup. And then you could hear Mickey laugh while you scooped the turkey on your plate. Home, they had been your home, Rose and Jackie and Mickey, all that warmth and joy and ease, because you hadn't had to pretend when they were there. No, every moment was a gi-
"Oh come on." Donna's voice broke you out of the dream. Because that was what it was now, and that was what it would stay - a dream.
"No, no, we couldn't," you tried to decline. You couldn't sit down with a family, and be happy, and let it be Christmas. Not now. The memory of Mickey and Jackie burned, but Rose -
Not without Rose. Not when it felt like half your chest was missing. It had been less than a day.
"We don't do that sort of thing," the Doctor joined in.
"You did it last year, you both said so, and might as well, because mom always cooks enough for twenty," she tried.
"Donna," you said and there was something in your voice that stopped her (grief). "We can't." You let your sorrow show, and you hadn't wanted to do that.
But it was so, so close, just below the surface, everything in you was screaming, still screaming Nononononono ROSE!!!! There had been enough danger and adrenaline to distract you, but now that you were standing there in the snow, you couldn't keep the gnawing pain at bay. You were splintering.
She looked into your eyes, and you knew she understood. "Will I ever see you again?"
The Doctor gave her a soft smile. "If we're lucky."
Then you stepped towards Donna and she hugged you, even though you were both damp from the rain. She lifted her head from your shoulder and adressed the Doctor, "Just... hold onto her." She gave you a tight squeeze. "You need someone to stop you."
"Yeah," his voice was so soft you almost couldn't catch it.
And now it was time to go. You pulled away, but before you let go, you smiled and looked into Donna's brilliant blue eyes. "Thank you." You squeezed her arm so she knew you really meant it.
"And good luck," the Doctor wished Donna as you stepped backwards to join him. "And just... be magnificent."
She chuckled. "I think I will, yeah."
The Doctor opened the TARDIS door for you and you stepped in, but then Donna called out for you to wait and you both turned back. "What?"
"That friend of yours, what was her name?" she asked and you were ashamed you hadn't told her yet.
"Rose," you and the Doctor said in one voice. "Her name was Rose," you repeated and then there was nothing left to say.
You gave Donna a sad smile and turned away. The Doctor closed the door behind you and walked to the concole. You joined him just in time to grab a hold of it when the TARDIS started shaking.
You were off to the stars.
"Do you blame me?" the Doctor said in a tight voice when it was quiet. It was just the two of you again. You'd been hugging, and then he'd pulled away just enough to see your face and ask.
"What?" You had a small idea what he meant, but you didn't want to believe it. He wouldn't meet your eyes.
"Do you blame me for losing Rose?" he clarified, looking down at your joined hands. "I was supposed to keep you safe. I promised l would keep you both safe. And l didn't." His voice broke on the last word. His shoulders were tense, like he was bracing for a hit. You realized he'd braced himself because he thoght you wanted to leave him.
And all you wanted to do was smack him.
"Doctor, listen to me. And listen well," you commanded as you gently tilted his chin to look him in the eye. "Are you listening?" you demanded, and he nervously replied, "Yes."
"Good. What happened to Rose was not your falt. Did you hear me? Not. your. fault. I do not, and will never blame you for her loss."
He stared at you with his big brown eyes, lips slightly parted. He was completely lost, like he couldn't comprehend what you were saying.
"We knew that it was dangerous, we knew what could happen. It was her choice to stay, like it was mine. It could have been me just as easily."
His grip on your arm tightened as he shook his head, whispering "No, nononono," like he couldn't let himself imagine that posibility.
But you went on, "Or it could have been you, or none of us. That's the risk we took, that's the risk we both chose to take, from the moment we started travelling with you."
"It was our choice. Rose's and mine. And you don't get to take it from us, you hear me? You don't get to take her choice away like it was something you decided, like it was something only you did. She loved us and chose us and she was brave. So the consequences came, yes, like every other adventure we had, it's just that this time we don't like them. But they are ours and we'll live with them." There was stinging in your eyes and you didn't fight it. You cupped the Doctor's cheek with your hand. His brown eyes were wide, as if he just now came to understand what you'd said. What you'd meant.
You went on, "I'll grieve, and l'll hurt and so will you. But l'd rather have that time, the memories of Rose, of us together and the pain, than not to have had her at all." Your throat tightened and you had to swallow a few times to be able to speak again. You took a breath and finished, "So remember, Doctor, the choice was hers, and the choice is mine."
He had tears glittering on his cheeks and so did you. You held his gaze until he closed his eyes and hung his head, and then you hugged him.
You held him close and he clung to you even though he was shaking. You both sobbed but still you held each other.
You would hold each other together.
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