faithdevotion · 2 years
"amigo, welcome! gracias for accepting my invitation." few words were spoken in spanish from andrew. someone could easily think living and running businesses in miami helped him gain understanding of the language, but in truth, he spent most of his time travelling and conducting businesses that involved mostly european & asian associates. josiah moreno had been the exception, and the drug business andrew had with him ran smoothly, with no issues, which gave andrew the perfect chance to invite josiah over to the cherry club. he was filled with pride the moment he stepped in, that was for sure. he took steps towards josiah, gesturing towards a booth that gave them both a front view of the stage. the ladies were in it, finishing their dancing so the main show could start. "you're a vip guest, so tonight everything is on me. including any ladies you may want to request." he spoke loud enough for josiah to hear with the music playing loud across the club and then took a seat, lifting his index finger towards one of the waiters to order drinks for them.
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the girls left the stage and went backstage, with the music volume lowering only for the next tune to play and three girls stepping out on stage, the main star standing in the middle of them, which was polly. clients began cheering and clapping as the first seconds of the song began to play and the three girls swayed their hips in unison to the rhythm. "just in time..." andrew let out, pulling out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, sliding one stick and then offering josiah one in case he needed. "for the best show of the night. the star of this club is in the middle. goes by the alias precious. she's great. clients get crazy every time she walks in." andrew leaned back against the seat, his head turning towards josiah while polly took slow but sensual steps towards the pole, following the beats of the music and rolling her hips forward with some louder beats. her fingers grasped the pole as she twirled around it, hips thrusting with different beats while legs waved and then began alternating between sensual pole moves. @donmoreno
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wellfell · 4 months
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 night sky is a deep black color , a candle had to be carried inside the halls of her father's building . silent at night , empty save for the guard and his dog that politely greeted akina when she passed by him . her free hand pulls the knitted shawl upward along the white expanse of her shoulders , heels click on marble , the woman makes her way through the familiar corridors to reach her father's office . once expected to lead this business , what stopped osamu from imagining his child on top of it all was a small difference between girls and boys — a useless piece of meat , the lack of it turned her into a future housewife rather than his heir . he hopes his next child will be a boy , prays day and night , akina would be delighted if he was disappointed again . the door creaks open to reveal the short woman , her brows draw together ; what's that sound ? it's dark , and moonlight peeks out from behind the clouds just in time to let her see the man hunched over something on her father's desk . she's not startled , despite the confused frown on her youthful features . ❛ . . . sir ? ❜  she's seen him a few times , he came to their house to discuss business and akina was sent to her room because it was man to man conversation that didn't concern her and her mother . ❛ what are you— ❜  her gaze catches what's on the table , and her brows raise ; a safe , her father's safe . something not even akina had the keys for . and what could it be possibly doing under mister moreno’s wandering hands ? / @donmoreno
    *  plotted starter.
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aamusedly · 4 months
@donmoreno from THE DEVIL.
It had been quite a while since the Devil had stepped foot on Mexican soil. It had admittedly been a while since he'd been anywhere outside of New York; that was the nature of complacency in his business. He'd built his castle, and he would waste away in it.
So perhaps he was a bit antsy for movement when Josiah Moreno reached out to cut a deal. An old friend, Devil could call him, though friends were few and far between in this business.
Really, Devil's soft spots were hard to make sense of anyway.
It was perhaps a bit too sunny out to tolerate the belly full of bloody Mary he'd taken down on the plane, but he made due with sunglasses and a too-friendly grin. "Josiah," he beamed. There was no point hiding the horns curling into his hair or the tail that swayed at his ankles-- Josiah knew who he was already.
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"Is it hot out here or is it just you? Tell me you've got a pool."
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divcrse · 4 months
@donmoreno. DAESHIM & JOSIAH.
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DAESHIM. the leader didn't turn his attention away from the other, he kept his gaze solely on the other. ❝ you said you wanted this meeting. so start talking. i didn't come here for nothing. ❞ he stated simply. he was only asked to meet, to talk about things but the other didn't seem to want to talk the minute he arrived. so it seemed as if the other needed a bit of a push.
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renoxvated · 5 months
[ ANGER ]:     sender pins receiver against the wall out of anger. 😟
Roy feels like a dog being picked up by the nape of it's neck, it's not lovingly though, it's the kind of aggression that reminds him of his father. Roy winces, waiting for what comes AFTER. He fucked up, OH GOD did he fuck up, he doesn't know what he expected to happen, supposed a bullet through his skull by now-- wouldn't have been the FIRST time. Roy's usual defense is to spit venom back, to LASH out kicking and fighting and punching because that's all he's ever known, all he's ever been good at. Even now there's a twinkle in his eyes, no a fire there, the wolf behind the dog's clothing that flickers like an EMBER,,, but this is the GODAMNED CARTEL, and he snuffs out that ember with every bit of fight he's got left in him. ❝Fuck, fuck-- I'll make things right,❞ He chokes out, it's less fear and more panic, he should be scared and he is but he's mostly just angry, angry at himself for letting this happen, for even getting involved with the fucking cartel world in the first place. Roy won't beg though, won't let the words come out of his mouth, even though they should, he's too prideful, mostly to a fault. If he dies then he dies, was surprised he'd made it this long. ❝I'll fix this.❞ There was that wolf again, the ember flickering-- what was snuffing out a CANDLE when that fire was the SUN. Roy can't move, maybe because he doesn't want to, maybe because he knows he deserves this, deserves to be a dog on short chain. Roy can feel his back stiffen from the hard wall behind him, the taller man looming over him like a GOD, that won't answer any of his prayers now. His back hurts, his whole body hurts, he waits for the after, waits for what's next-- a fist or lead.
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shelivved · 5 months
“   Of course you have white hair and trauma. ” lmao
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ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴀsᴋs !
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she looks at him curiously , like this was new information to her . well , not the white hair or the trauma , that was not breaking , but that it was a sign of something . " so , is this a new trope that has been unlocked I was not aware of ? or is it more like this . . . " she gestures broadly to herself . " is the new emo ? " no , please tell her , she has been out of the loop for a while now , she needs to know if this is something she should embrace , or move away from . ( // && @donmoreno )
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at0mbombshell · 5 months
she's used to being underestimated and disrespected. it comes with the territory of being a woman in the wasteland in her position. they saw her living in comfort and saw her as soft. but she's far from it. after all, she clawed her way to where she was, taking out those who stood in her way.
frankie can sense the movement from @donmoreno at her side. a hand settles lightly on his arm. a seemingly casual move but one one with meaning. she laughs, blonde head tilting to look up at him. smile light but eyes hard. "it might be time for your guest to be on his way before he says anything else he'll regret, hm?"
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iwritemilfs · 2 years
@donmoreno asked: "you want some painkillers?"
"Well, that depends on whether we're talking fentanyl or ibuprofen, you know what I mean?" she raised an eyebrow questioning, lids already slightly heavy from another drug of choice; tequila.
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"You know, I'm feeling pretty adventurous tonight- so if you have any suggestions, I'm all ears."
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faithdevotion · 2 years
You want me inside you so badly. (for polly 🏃‍♀️💨)
►Filthy Dialogue Starters. [ @donmoreno ]
A cigarette stick rests between slim fingers with manicured nails, after inhaling the smoke twice, the substance in it making her so calm and yet so needy in the sexual aspect. Ocean hues are widened, her brows raised and her heart skipping a beat with surprise at his affirmation; he's bold to let it out, but she's used to his silver tongue, a mix of poison and sour sweetness, depending on who you ask their view on it. Josiah's own presence in a room changes the mood of it, and ever since their first encounter she knew there was more to him than mere looks. Polly wouldn't deny his hazel hues and his own rugged features were attractive, aside from his basic stats such as age and height which were larger than hers; a span of fifteen years between them, noticeable from their life experiences. Even with those differences and his authoritative presence, they don't stop her from releasing a small bubble of laughter, her cheeks painted a deep shade of red from his words.
"And you don't want to be inside me, do you, Don Moreno?" She's of course courageous enough to elicit such words, aware of the possible outcomes it could have, his authoritative nickname rolling off her tongue slowly. Her head slowly hangs to a side, her blonde strands of hair cascading gracefully over the sides of her smooth face and her shoulders. Her expression shifts, her features displaying some slight defying look, with a hint of a smirk on her coloured plump lips. Her gaze rests on his face as she takes steps towards him, her heels clicking against the floor tiles, her hips swaying ever so seductively for him. She cradles on top of him, sitting on his lap as she lifts the cigarette to her lips while leaning her face forward, inhaling some smoke only to release it through them, but in a slow fashion, against his own lips. "If it's a sin to want it, then I'm a sinner, Josiah. And you know I can play that role too well." Polly breathes out in a low, whispering voice, her lips inches away from his.
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boriys-a · 2 years
@donmoreno continued from here
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Killing was, unfortunately, part of the job. Boris had seen a man shot and killed in front of him at a very young age and had seen his mother dead after falling out of a window in her drunken state, but being the cause of someone's death had been especially hard to come to terms with. The first time he'd killed someone, back when Josiah had first allowed Boris to work under him when he'd been left without a home and father, it had haunted him for a while. His way of coping was by telling himself that it had been done in self defense, that he wasn't some sort of awful cold blooded killer.
As Boris listened to the plan being explained to him, he canted his head to the side and bit the inside of his lip in thought. ❝ Okay, yes, is a good plan if we absolutely must take them out. Fast and easy. ❞ However, wherever it was possible, he would rather avoid taking lives. ❝ What about a distraction? I could circle around, make some noise and draw them over. You get into truck when they've left to inspect and come pick me up. If things go wrong and we are in trouble, then we shoot them. ❞ It was three versus two, but he was sure they could handle it.
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rosydreamiing · 2 years
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@donmoreno​ ( cont. from here )
A joke burns at the back of her throat – I should see the other guy, right? – but Aurora doesn’t really dare to ask. She may be blue-eyed, but she ain’t dumb. The fact that Josiah will go home to his mama tonight, injured but alive, means someone else somewhere might not. It’s just the way things are. She uses a couple more pads to clean his wound before covering it with a gauze. Even despite the mess she’ll much rather have him here, bleeding on her flowers, than out on the streets where armed men follow blood like sharks.
She watches him pull out the money and lets out a sigh. Again, not dumb. Still, Aurora knows better than to decline and reaches out to wrap her fingers around the clip. “If you want to buy my silence — “ A pause. Her eyes lock with his, only for a moment. “ — try to stay in one piece, alright?”
The bribe is slipped into her pocket for now – she’ll have plenty of time to stress about it later once he’s left. Coming around from behind the counter Aurora steps over piles of soil and pot shards scattered across the floor, hands resting on her hips. Looks like the shop’s going to be closed for the rest of the day. “So…” the woman looks back at Josiah, and even after everything, gives him a soft smile. “Carnations, is it?”
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disposablelover · 21 days
Get to know the mun!
Tagged by: @myriadxofxmuses
Tagging: @strictlyoc, @eatherlunch, @pxrolee, @amongxthexcrowd, @bruisedconscience, @bastardstandard , @diicktective , @donmoreno , @glorifiiedgore , @queenxfthedxmned , @wildhealed and anyone else who wants to do it!
𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒 / 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: necro
𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍: sagittarius
𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 155 cm
𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒: writing, drawing, reading, gaming,
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑:  depends on the day
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊: slaughterhouse five
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: red wine supernova - chappell roan
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄 / 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖: westworld
𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃: flowers in the attic
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: it can be anything, but honestly having a passionate writing partner helps
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐔𝐑𝐋: it mostly comes from how a lot of my muses (like me, lmao) are bad with relationships and are still looking to be something more than disposable. nothing seriously deep. i haven't changed it since i added more than max to the blog.
𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓: if you want to write/ship/whatever just shoot me a message. i love chatting about muses and characters and would love to throw plots or just simp over characters with you.
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shelivved · 5 months
“   Being overdressed is a myth made up by people who didn’t want you to have fun and be sexy. ”
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ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴀsᴋs !
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" it makes sense when most of the people who make up the population are all bah humbug about most things . " liv does have to agree about that , since a lot of them could be counted as buzzkills . then again , most of the people she interacted with now could be considered to be among the population that's much more dead ; literally . she gives a small snort to herself at her own thought , but then just rolls her eyes . " if people didn't have something to complain about , it's because they don't have breath in their lungs . " she states simply . " furthermore , I appreciate the indirect way you called me sexy , that will always earn you brownie points . " she winks sarcastically over at him . ( // && @donmoreno )
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archxngxl · 2 years
Closed Starter
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Sun rays peaked through the curtains. Angel yawned, eyes squinting as the ray of sun conveniently fell on her eyes. The woman rose, keeping the blanket over her bare chest. Another yawn escaped her. She cast her eyes to the clock. 6:00. Angel was glad that she did not oversleep and be late for work. The woman turned to her partner, the man sleeping next to her. He looked so peaceful like this. Angel placed a kiss to his lips. "Morning..." Her hand was on his cheek, thumb formed circles around his cheek bone. "It's 6 o'clock, sleepyhead. You're gonna be late for work."
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iwritemilfs · 2 years
@donmoreno asked: "what happened?"
Tess took a long drag of the cigarette. Stale. Overall a bit gross to put it bluntly, but she hadn't had a cigarette in who knew how long and beggars couldn't be choosers.
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"It doesn't matter." It didn't. Even if it did, the last thing she wanted to do right now was to open up and spill her life story. And she figured he wouldn't want to hear it anyway.
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renoxvated · 4 months
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ooc: Current Thread Tracker down below, there is an updated Google-Doc on my pinned as well for future access. If you'd like to drop a thread/put it on hold OR write a new one let me know! I don't mind multiple at once either as long as you don't mind the wait. If you would rather write something else with me, I'll never be offended if you wanna drop a thread lol. I can promise you I'm the Most Chill™️ about things. Also if you ever want shorter threads don't hesitate to let me know so I can try to write less LOL. I'm also not gonna be mad if you write less than me, as a heads up. If I'm missing anyone or didn't mark the thread correctly please let me know! For the record if we're mutuals and you send me meme stuff or tag a random starter for me, etc; chances are 100% I'm gonna respond at some point haha, so don't feel daunted by talking to me or including Roy in things. My discord is renoxvated for those that don't have it yet!
I wanted this to double as a plotting call, so if you'd like me to hop into your messages, so we can work out writing something, LIKE this and I will.
Tag: thread ; badabing (FNV CONTENT)
greesemonkeyiggy ; Updated cisnecorazon ; Updated aamusedly (boone) ; Drafts butnobodyhome ; Updated thx-lost-yxars ; Drafts
Tag: thread ; dead on arrival (END GAME / AFTER DLC CONTENT)
ruinouss ; Drafts shathyar (house) ; Updated
Tag:  thread ; into the unknown (FO4 TIME PERIOD)
Colonelmade (now bldrdsh) (jamie) ; Updated
Tag: thread ; back in the saddle again (FALLOUT PRIME TIME PERIOD)
hcartsleeved ; Updated 
walkswastes ; Updated
mettleborn (samuel) ; Updated
Tag: thread ; so i’m back to the velvet underground (MODERN VERSE)
veildrider ; Updated donmoreno ; Updated
Tag: thread ; i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies (LEGION VERSE)
N/A Currently
Tag: thread ; i took my love and i took it down (COMPANION VERSE)
nefariuus (wade)
dead on arrival verse PLOTTING W/ CURRENTLY;
thechipsaredown deadmxney mx-001-e
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