#dongyun imagines
meme-shua · 2 years
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drippin's dongyun as your boyfriend.
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↝ well he thinks you're the most beautiful and trustworthy person he have ever meet
↝ quality time and physical touch - his love languages
↝ shows off you to his friends, and you shy about it all the time.
↝ he is shy when you take pictures of him, but at the same time he constantly sends you his selcas
↝ if both of you don't agree with something, you don't talk, you avoid each other for a while until you cool down, and after that you will talk about it until you get tired of talking and apologizing
↝ just seems that he can easily jealous, and  he can, i mean he fon't want you to know that he's jealous, so he gonna deny all your suspicions
↝ his favourite place to kiss is your nose. like it's the cutest thing he would do to you
↝ seems like he don't like when you wear his clouthes, but no one knows that he actually likes it
↝ removes your hands when you pinch his cheeks but secretly loves it
↝ the most caring and cutest boyfriend to be honest
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gilthairpins · 2 years
Book 1 Chapter 7: Drunk, Young Boys Walk
Seeing that the spring festival was approaching, everyone is looking forward to it. But my heart is growing more sad. Thinking that after the spring festival and just after the lantern festival the talent selection will begin, it will take less than a month to fill, and I have no hope for this year. But I do hope it will be best be never to come. However, there are few things that follow people’s wishes. No matter how unwilling, I still welcome the 44th year of Kangxi.
During the spring festival, there was a big celebration in the palace. In the past six months, I’ve participated in several royal banquets, large and small. And now I don’t feel the same novelty that I had first felt. In addition to having something else on my mind, I have become quite lazy. When the day comes, I will be at the mercy of Dongyun, waiting to be tidied up. And then to follow Bei’le and my sister into the palace.
My heart was dull and I turned a blind eye to the exquisite and luxurious layout around me. Anyway, if asked to salute, I would, if asked to sit, I would. Following everyone’s moves like a puppet and there was no trouble.
This time was no different than the mid autumn festival banquet. Many mistresses and masters were present and the scene was lively though. That is for the best. No one will pay attention to me. I can be in a daze by myself. But what did the ancients say? ‘Life is not…’ Nine times out of ten, Tenth and Mingyu would be the chief culprits in promoting the realization of this ancient saying.
Tenth caught sight of me, ignoring the fact that Mingyu was eyeing me up and down. And then I had to bear the four scorching gazes. Two of which were fire and two which were ice. The painful taste of the two worlds of fire and ice made me feel like I was sitting on pins and needles. In the end it became unbearable. I lifted my head and glared at Tenth. He looked at me like I had wanted to eat him and finally looked away. Mingyu watched him and finally stopped staring at me. She shot me a distasteful look and looked away.
The world was finally quiet. I sighed and then slipped back into my daze. But after a while I felt someone looking at me. The anger in my heart flavored. Old Ten, aren’t you finished yet? I looked up and glanced around with the most viscous look in my eyes I could imagine, only to lock eyes with the warm and friendly face of Thirteenth. His smile froze on his face as I quickly switched to a big smile and finished in a laugh. My face hurt from that change.
I made a helpless expression not sure if he understood or not. At least he smiled back. He picked up his wine glass in salute and I grabbed mine to toast him as well.
I had just finished and was about to sink back into my daze, but I saw Eighth looking at me with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile, lifting his wine glass to me.
I put down my glass and thought, can I have a good rest now? I glanced around and saw Fourteenth’s thoughtful gaze locked on me. I don’t understand what he is thinking about, and I don’t think to be bothered by it. I grimaced and then smiled at him. Fourteenth caught my grimace and shook his head. I pursed my lips and I also smiled.
After exchanging smiles, I caught sight of Fourth who was sitting next to Fourteenth and seemed to have caught everything. Although he had a light expression on his face, there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes. I thought to myself ‘This is a master who must not be offended, otherwise, I will not know how I die in the future.’ So I smiled sweetly at him and turned my head back.
After returning home, I felt exhausted and sighed in my heart. How could this lawsuit between eyebrows and eyes be fun? What’s more playing with such a group of people like Long Rui?
I went back to my sister’s courtyard and asked the maids to serve and wash quickly. My sister looked at me like I hadn’t seen a bed in three hundred years. I held back a smile as she said, “Don’t go to bed so early tonight, you have to watch the new year!”
I was taken aback when I heard this. I haven’t stayed up until 12/midnight for New Year’s Eve for many years. But since we were in ancient times, we have to follow the ancient rituals, let’s keep it! My sister asked the maids to bring our pre-made fruit cakes and Qiaohui and Dongyun sat with us chatting and awaiting the arrival of the new year. Qiaohui saw I was about to fall asleep, so she found a colored rope and came out to play with me.
The two of us flipped and jumped the same way. Dongyun and my sister were talking and laughing as they watched Qiaohui and me flipping the rope. Suddenly I heard a maid cry “Bei’le is Auspicious!” Dongyun and Qiaohui quickly stood, and my sister and I eyed each other in surprise as we also got up. Before we had time to go and greet Eighth, he had already entered the courtyard. The whole home was busy trying to greet him.
Eighth smiled and had everyone get up. Qiaohui and Dongyun retreated. He saw me and my sister standing there frozen. “Am I not welcome to watch the new year with you?” He sat down.
Eighth laughed and said, “Let’s sit down. It’s rare to observe the new years together.” I sat down silently and took a small snack and ate it.
My sister and Eighth shared a smile and a few words, but in the end that didn’t last too long because elder sister was silent a lot. Gradually a silence descended and I felt heavy headed. I dozed off after a while. Seeing how sleepy I was, she pulled me into her arms. “Shut up for a while. I’ll wake you later.” I leaned against my sister and fell into a doze. I heard Eighth and my sister talking when the topic came up. I had closed my eyes, but my mind became clearer.
My sister said softly, “I have a merciless request. Ruoxi grew up in a military camp and she cannot compare to the princesses of the city. I am afraid she will cause trouble after entering the palace. So I ask for a favor, that the sages in the palace take care of her.
“This is not an unkind request. I would have done this without you asking.” My sister touched my head, petting me. I could feel the hesitation and anxiety in her heart. Sadness.
Eighth saw that she still had something on her mind and said, “If you want to say something, just say it!”
“If Ruoxi is lucky enough to escape the girl draft, Royal Father will have her married. I think that Thirteenth can talk to her, and I will ask him for this favor. The friendship between him and Fourth… well, maybe the crown prince can help him, for the sake of Fourth. In other words, things can be done so long as I am afraid.” The corners of my eyes were wet. My sister always spoke indifferently to Eighth, she refused to say a word. But for me, she would beg him, softly.
Eighth was silent a while, but then smiled and said, “It’s too early to speak of such things.” After a long pause, he noticed my sister’s sad expression and continued, “Do not worry. I would never watch her suffer.”
“Thank you, Bei’le.”
The two of them fell silent again. They were becoming bored when we heard the loud bangs of firecrackers outside. I was taken aback.
Unprepared, I sat up in my sister’s arms quickly. She stroked my head and said, “New Year is here.”
“Yes!” Eighth smiled at me.
I quickly stood up. “Okay! The New Year’s Eve is over, I’m going to bed!” I didn’t wait for them after I finished speaking. I ran into the house and to my bed. I fell asleep with my head covered. When I awoke later, I had realized I had just passed my first new years in ancient times in a mediocre way. I thought about it regretfully, but also felt that it would be a blessing if I could new years like this every year in the future.
Dongyun stood behind me combing my hair. I asked, “Did Bei’le rest here last night?”
Dongyun stilled her hand and sighed, “No, after you returned to your room, he left shortly afterward.” I quietly looked at myself in the mirror and didn’t speak again.
The joy of the spring festival had not dissipated and the lantern festival is coming again. Although I am worried, I have a lot of interest in the lantern festival. The lantern festival is also known as the Shangyuan Lantern Festival. On this day, every household will hang lanterns. At night there will be lion games, a dragon lantern dance, lantern riddle games, and fireworks. Girls who usually seldom go out can travel with their female companions, enjoy lanterns and guess riddles on the night of the lantern festival. It can be said that this is the most anticipated festival for girls. Coupled with the beautiful scene described in ancient poems where the gifted scholar and the beautiful woman meet under the moon, I too am looking forward to this festival.
Before it was dark, I asked Dongyun to tie my hair in a double looped bun, put on a half new light yellow shirt, and urged Qiaohui to change.
Qiaohui smiled at me and said, “My good miss, you need to wait until dark to enjoy the lanterns and guess the riddles.” I ignored her and quickly urged her. Qiaohui was rushed by me, so she had to quickly change her clothes. She grabbed two more cloaks and followed me out. As soon as I had exited the manor, I heard someone call behind me, “Thirteenth sister!” I frowned thinking that this was a nickname only used in the palace and no one would dare call it in person. Who was so crazy? When I turned around I caught sight of Thirteenth wearing the light blue robes scholars often wear. There was someone with him.
The handsome young man walked forward. I saw it was him, very happy. I asked with a smile, “Why such a coincidence?”
He returned my smile, “It’s a coincidence of you want it to be.” I then realized he had been waiting in front of the manor for me, and asked quickly, “How did you know I would be here?”
He laughed and answered, “On such a fun day, would you have just sat in a room?”
We walked side by side with Qiaohui and the servant following. After a while, Thirteenth said, “I invited Miss Lu Wu to watch the lanterns with us. I thought a moment and then asked, “Is that the owner of the courtyard we went to last time? I haven’t thanked her in person yet for the loan of the cloak.”
Thirteenth stopped in his tracks and turned to smile at the boy behind him. “I am right, Bar?” I stopped following him and turned my head in confusion. The young man smiled, took two steps forward and cupped his hands in greeting. “Thirteenth has said that this young miss was not an ordinary person. I still didn’t believe it, but when I saw you today, I realized he was correct.”
I also smiled. “This should be sister Lu Wu! I didn’t know you would be coming today otherwise I would have brought your cloak!” As I was talking I recalled how her room was laid out. I knew that although she lives in this world, she was a proud person. She is afraid others will look down on her, so she didn’t want to meet me directly.
The sky gradually darkened and looking along the street the lights on both sides could not be seen, like a sea of stars. On the streets there are more people, their clothes fragrant and more shadows and endless laughter. I kept looking at it with fresh interest and even walked by a girl that I couldn’t help but stare at. We all laughed and Lu Wu joked, “Guess my mother has never been shopping before.” I sighed and shook my head. “Isn’t it? It’s like being in jail all day!” She was taken aback for a moment but then smiled again.
I’ve never been good at riddles, so I just watched the lanterns. Thirteenth and Lu Wu looked down on those riddles and were not very interested in them. So we just casually walked around.
Thirteenth led us to a restaurant. Xiao Er obviously had met Thirteenth before and quickly looked for him. He arranged for us to sit by a window. “Later, those who wish to dance with the lions and dragons pass underneath. Sit here and watch. It’s clear and not crowded.” The four of us watched the people coming and going. Our conversation and laughter was interrupted by a “Thirteenth is here too?”
We turned to find Fourteenth with several other young men with him. They were busy greeting Thirteenth, while I and Qiaohui greeted Fourteenth. It was a very lively scene. Both Thirteenth and Fourteenth waved us off without waiting for us to speak. “We’re all casual here, there shouldn’t be as many rules.”
We quieted down. Lu Wu stood besides me and looked out of the window. Qiaohui had ducked her head and I looked from Thirteenth to Fourteenth. Both were smiling, but those smiles held completely different meanings. Thirteenth looked indifferent and lazy. Fourteenth smiled elegantly with a trace of coldness to his mouth. He caught me looking at him and stared coldly at me. I ducked my head and pouted.
Standing with Fourteenth, a skinny youth called out, “Isn’t this Miss Lu Wu?” The group was taking another look at her. Lu Wu lowered her head indifferently. I studied her an moment and grabbed her hand under the table. She shot me a sideways look as I smiled at her. I released her hand.
At this time a short and fat boy said with a mocking smile, “It’s really a boy who is not romantic. Thirteenth has a beauty on each side.” Before he finished speaking, Thirteenth got cold. Before he could launch an attack, Fourteenth snorted and asked coldly, “Chachalin, what nonsense are you spouting?”
Chachalin obviously didn’t understand how his flattery had offended Fourteenth. They were thinking rather stupidly failing to figure it out. These are the people who knew me, but it would have been too late to let this group know.
I pursed my lips into another smile. I am a relative to the emperor after all. It is fine if the brothers bully me, but not outsiders. Thirteenth and Fourteenth now stood opposite each other. I raised my head. “Are you appreciating the lanterns of people?” And then everyone took their seats.
The lion danced well, as did the dragon, but Qiaohui and I were the only ones present who really paid any attention. Others were either thoughtful or secretly looking at me. And there were a few who looked at the scenery.
It was time to appreciate and play. The night was getting later, so I had to go back home. Fourteenth said he would escort me back. Thirteenth shrugged and sent Lu Wu off while Fourteenth took me and Qiaohui home. The rest of the group dispersed.
It was cold so Qiaohui put the cloak on me that she had brought. I walked side by side with Fourteenth, we didn’t speak a word until we reached the manor gate. The young man who greeted us at the gate smiled and said, “Miss is back. Mistress Ruolan has sent people several times to ask.” After Fourteenth had him get up, he asked the servant, “Is Mynah here?”
The little servant responded quickly, “He is at his Fujin’s courtyard. Would you like me to report to him?”
Fourteenth began making his way inside. “Tell Mynah I am in his study, waiting.” I wanted to return to my sister, but he stopped me. “Follow me to the study.”
I thought about it a moment and nodded. I sent Qiaohui back to my sister first. And I followed Fourteenth.
We waited in the study for a while. Li Fu lifted the curtain and Eighth entered slowly with a smile. Seeing I was also there, a trace of surprise crossed his face.
Fourteenth didn’t invite me, stood up and opened his mouth. “Mynah, guess who I saw Ruoxi with today?” Eighth kept his smile on his face and glanced at Li Fu, who retreated, closing the study door behind him.
Eighth sat down, “With whom?”
Fourteenth glared at me. “I don’t know when she had become so close with Thirteenth? She was with Thirteenth.” He snorted and continued, “It’s okay, she got along well with a brothel woman. They hung out together!”
When I heard this, I also got angry. Who is he to me? He can take care of my affairs? I shot back, “How about being with Thirteenth? How about being with a brothel girl?” Fourteenth continued to glare at me. “How is it? Have you ever seen a pregnant woman in the forbidden city? A Young Miss is with a girl from a brothel?”
I became more and more angry. I looked at him and sneered twice. “I only know that Luzhu who fell to her death, died in love, was a prostitute. And Liang Hongyu who beat the drums to fight against the gold, was a prostitute. The dead Li Shishi was a prostitute, the general Lin Siniang who desperately rescued King Heng was a prostitute and the generous and tragic Yuan Baoer was a prostitute…” I suddenly realized that Yuan Baoer was from the late Ming Dynasty and fought against Qing soldiers. I stopped talking but stared at Fourteenth still angry.
Fourteenth had obviously not thought his few words would cause me to tear into him at length. He was furious. He couldn’t think how to refute me, so stared at me angrily. He gritted his teeth, “Mynah, listen, she can really read! What sort of books is she reading?”
I glared at him. “I don’t care what books I read. It is Father and my sister. It’s not up to you to say!”
Eighth watched us go at it, staring at each other like a pair of cross eyed chickens and couldn’t help but shake his head and smiled. “Stop glaring and go back first, Fourteenth. Ruoxi’s matter, I will deal with it. Yes.” Fourteenth shot me another glare, looked at Eighth and hesitated to speak. He glared at me again and flung his sleeves and left.
Facing Fourteenth, I didn’t feel fear. But as soon as he left and only Eighth and I remained, I started to get nervous. I rubbed the cloak strap in my hand, not knowing what to do.
Eighth watched me for a while and then said, “The prince’s joke is very interesting. I think not only are you hard working like Thirteenth, but also advocating for the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Don’t stand there.” I was about to sit down when he called me over. “Come here, I have something to say to you.” I became more nervous, but there is nothing I could do. I approached his desk and sat beside him, head lowered.
After I sat down he faced forward and we sat in silence. After a long while he asked suddenly, “Are you afraid?” I was taken aback. I didn’t know what he was referring to and so could only look at him in confusion. He glanced over at me. “The draft, girl. Are you afraid?”
He lowered his head with a frown. After another long pause, he said, more to himself, “I was fifteen years old when I met your sister.” Hearing this, I put aside my worries and listened carefully.
“That year, your father returned to Beijing to report on his work. She came with him. It was spring. The weather was surprisingly good. The sky was blue like washed water, and the fragrance of flowers in the breeze was so refreshing. I went with two boys riding a horse on the outskirts and I saw a girl on a hillside, riding in the distance. You’ve seen Ruolan’s equestrian skills, so you know how beautiful and astonishing it was.”
I recalled my sister’s demeanor on the racetrack and nodded. He continued, “She rode better than on the track that day. And her laughter was like a string of silver bells, floating in the mountains and forests. Full of happiness. Making people who heard it feel full of joy, being happy- you had to laugh.” He fell silent. “I couldn’t believe what I saw. There were many beautiful girls in the palace, but Ruolan was different.”
I thought to myself. My sister at that time was happy and in love, thinking that she and her love could soar above the nine heavens. Her happiness had emanated from the deepest part of her heart and of course would have been different from the girls in the forbidden city, who may have not been able to have that relationship in their lifetime.
He said, “After I went back, I was inquiring about your sister and thinking about asking Royal Father to give her to me. While I was trying to find a way, my mother told me that Royal Father wanted the eldest daughter of Martai family to marry me as my side Fujin. At that time I had never been happier in my life. The day after Royal Father issued the decree, I ran all over the capital to find gifts. It took more than half a year to find the Phoenix blood jade bracelet, thinking of giving it to her on her wedding day.”
I looked down at the jade on my wrist and lifted my arm. “This one? This was for my sister?”
He looked at my wrist and stretched his hand to hold my hand. “I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time. I looked forward to it later, finally on the wedding day. But when I lifted the vail, things were not as I thought. The person I had seen in the hillside two years prior was missing completely. She never rode, never smiled. I kept asking myself what was going on? What had happened? Did I recognize the wrong person? Later I sent people to the northwest to inquire, after many twist and turns, I found out the reason.” He smiled wryly and didn’t continue. I sighed heavily in my heart. Good luck tricks people.
After thinking for a while, my heart suddenly beat wildly. I held my breath and asked nervously, “How did that person die?” He was silent a while more before responding. “The people I had sent alarmed your father and he sent him to the front lines, and then…” He stopped again, lapsing into silence.
I just felt my heart pounding. You didn’t kill Boren, but Boren had died because of you.
I withdrew my hand and tried to remove the bracelet from my wrist to return it to him. He covered my hand and said, “Don’t take it off.”
I lowered my head, staring at it, “This was for my sister.”
He held my hand firmly and said in a low voice, “This is for the person I like.” He raised my hand to his chin and stared into my eyes. “Promise me, never take it off.” I looked into his bottomless black eyes which were filled with a tenderness I had never seen before. There was also a sadness that seemed to overflow. And I couldn’t help but feel moved in my heart mixed with sadness. I nodded slowly. Seeing I had agreed, he couldn’t help but smile slowly.
“Don’t be afraid, I will think of a way. There is always away of getting Royal Father to let me see you.”
I said, “ah” and stared at him in surprise. I shook my head quickly and said “Don’t!”
The smile disappeared from his face and gradually turned blue. He suddenly asked, “Is it true? You want to be Royal Father’s woman?” I was even more panicked in my heart and busy shaking my head. I don’t want to! I don’t want anything! I just wanted to live a good life and find someone who really loves me, cherishes me, and would take care of me. Not just a woman who is admired in spare time. Don’t hand me around, I am a person. I am not a thing. He looked at me a while and closed his eyes suddenly. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes with an angry sigh. “I won’t force you. Do as you please!” He let me go after that, calling Li Fu to send me back. Before I left he said, “After entering the palace, don’t dress like how you had for Old Tenth’s birthday.”
I didn’t understand and stared at him. He stared at the ground and said slowly, “If you don’t want to attract Royal Father’s attention, dress plainly.” Only then did I understand. For a moment I couldn’t tell if it was from happiness or worry, so I made a ‘huh’ and turned to follow Li Fu out.
After returning to my sister’s courtyard, my sister saw my pale face and thought I had been scolded by Eighth, so she came to hug and pet me.
Lowering my face I sighed and let Dongyun take me to bed.
I lay on the bed, unable to sleep. I thought of my sister for a while, I thought about myself for a while. I kept thinking does my sister realize Eighth’s feelings for her? I also feel stupid. In terms of work it’s not difficult to see Eighth’s feelings for me.
For example: the surprise when Eighth saw me for the first time, the disappoint when he learned I couldn’t ride a horse.
Abandoning Fujin to say hello, but Di Fujin has never directly upset the main wife. For another example: my sister isn’t highly favored, and the servants secretly discuss this. The snobbish eunuchs don’t dare slight her regarding food and clothing. The more I think about it, the more I feel that many things are actually the same. Everything is right in front of me but I haven’t thought about it.
But what about me? What am I? My sister’s substitute? Why did I keep the bracelet? Why didn’t I give it back to him?
0 notes
thepixelelf · 3 years
Villains (I'll be one if you crave it)
perhaps some are born to be villains
or, perhaps, villains are made by those who say just that
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[to the beat of silence] - dongyun
[as the storm is warning] - minseo
[no more powerful a weapon] - junho
[and with it my patience] - yunseong
[what stops for no one] - changuk
[what it wants it gets] - alex
[in what ties one to another] - hyeop
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ghostie-galaxi · 2 years
hey! If you have time or feel like it, could you write about how the drippin members would act when they have a crush? or maybe what they would be like as a best friend? thank you!!
Yeah, of course! The MCND reaction I did to this was so fun to do so I'll gladly do this.
Sorry this took a few days to, I kept forgetting about it 😅
Drippin when they have a crush
Somehow manages to stay calm and collected around you
Like he'd be more like and older brother that just looks out for you all the time but also has the gentleman vibes
Like I just picture him constantly brushing hair away from your face, having his arm around you, holding his jacket over you in the rain or sharing an umbrella with you
He's just that comfortable slow build to a relationship
Loves surprising you with flowers before you're even dating
Platonic cuddles and falling asleep ok each other
None of the others are sure why he waited so long to tell you he liked you
He waited for just the right moment to ask you out on a date
And he treated you like a princess the whole night
Gets a little flustered at the end when you kiss him goodnight
Giggly mess all the time
The type to get shy just thinking about you and burry his red face into his pillow
But he's surprisingly not that shy around you
Like he's ok with just coming up to you and talking to you or asking you a question
At one point it gets to him just wanting to be around you and looking for any reason to do so
Mostly just asking if you want to follow him to pick up food
And eventually he'd have the courage to ask you out on a date
Literally can't sleep the night before just thinking about it
Does everything he can to keep you smiling the entire time
Asks if he can kiss your cheek and pulls away after he gets too excited about it
Probably the one to playfully mess with you to cover up the fact that he likes you
But also doesn't let anyone else mess with you
Like he's the first to defend you all the time
Which results in him accidentally calling you pretty or smart when they others might joke that you're dumb
You don't really say anything to him about it but the others also tease him about it constantly
Which results in you eventually asking if there's a reason why he does it
To which he has no choice but to say he likes you
You get super happy but then he teases you and says he's joking, but you know he means it
So now you get a playful relationship where you both casual roast each other
But love each other nonetheless *insert you with your arms around his side and his arm around your shoulders while he roles his eyes*
He's so calm about it you didn't even realize he had a crush on you until someone told you
Even though he's actually too nervous to even be around you and he's really good at hiding it
The others literally start forcing him to be around you or convincing you to be around him
Because he literally just can't do it on his own
Starts warming up to the idea though when you start getting more comfortable around him
Tests the waters one day by holding your hand when you were really close to him
And from that day on he really starts to become putty in your hands
Lays his on you all the time, teases you, cuddles into your side
You're surprised he never asked you sooner to be his girlfriend
But you don't hesitate to say yes when he finally asks
Shy shy shy (yes you are obligated to read that in Sana's voice)
He so nervous to even talk to you
Pretty much just cliche like he stutters so much when he has to talk to you
But he's so happy when you don't think he's weird for it
If it gets out to the others they might be the ones to encourage him to to just try and get more comfortable around you
Or they might just tell you secretly so then you can help him along
I'm imagining like one night if you guys are watching a movie together you go and sit by him and end up leaning your head on him
Explodes into a million shades of red and physically can't move
Finally gets the courage to ask you on a date
Runs away and fanboys after you say yes
Tries to be flirty and fails
Mainly because the other members probably come and mess it up and he gets flustered and forgets what he was trying to say or do
He thinks he messes everything up but secretly you find it cute
He keeps trying in hopes of having at least 1 good interaction with you
But he feels like he messes it up every time
So he's surprised when you're the one to ask him to go do something with you
You both get a day together where he's not dealing with the others messing him up
And he gets to really spend time with you
Finally gets to ask if you'll be his girlfriend even with all the mistakes
You of course say yes and said you thought he was cute when the others would make him flustered when he tried to talk to you
I feel like he would love learning more about you all the time and come to find you being the coolest person ever
So then after that he just wants to try and impress you all the time, no matter what
Secretly hopes you're watching him all the time if you ever see them dancing or even just him playing video games
I would love if he'd be the type to think about you constantly and find things that remind him of you
Probably even buys you things just because of that reason even if you aren't dating
He also gives me friends to lovers scenario vibes
Any late night spending time with you is his favorite, even if it's just video game hang outs and you start slowly falling asleep
Mixes it up one night and decides to go somewhere with you, maybe like a late night diner or something
Walks you back him and probably tells his feelings to you then
You end the night with kissing his cheek before saying goodbye
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crybabybomin · 4 years
Amused - Kim Donghyun
Pairing: Donghyun x reader // Bestfriend!Jibeom x reader
Words: 607
Warnings: none
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Your best friend Jibeom woke you up. You were going to an amusement park. You weren’t looking forward to it to be honest, jibeom decided to tell you last minute he brought 3 other friends too. They were his team mates. You didn’t know them and you were looking forward to spending the day with him since it was ages ago. But you didn’t want to make a fuss since he looked so excited.
He’d wanted you all to meet anyways so he thought this would be the perfect opportunity. They would wait in front of the entrance. So when he could finally find a parking spot, you both exited the car and walked to the front entrance. And you saw three boys standing there. They all looked nice and the smallest looked really cute. They all introduced themselves and you learned their names are Jaehyun, Donghyun and Joochan. You introduced yourself and after that Jibeom started telling something, you didn’t really listen since you stared at Donghyun. “Helloooo.. earth to Y/N” and you immediately snapped out of it. You felt your cheeks getting warm and you hoped that Donghyun didn’t see it.
The five of you bought the tickets and walked through the entrance. An arm held you back and you saw it belonged to Jibeom. “I know you like Donghyun already.” And he grinned. “What how’d you know?” You said and he laughed “c’mon Y/N I might be stupid but I still have eyes.” “Wait did Donghyun see it too?” You asked him “I don’t know but besides that you two would be such a good couple.” The 3 other boys turned around and looked curious about what you were talking about. “oh its just that Y/N told me that Donghyun is cute.” He told them and and you looked at him “YA Jibeom I’m gonna kill you.” And you punched his shoulder. “Not that it’s not true tho, your actually very cute.” You said while looking at Donghyun.
“Joochan, Jaehyun let’s run….. NOW.” And so you were now left alone with Donghyun. You were kind of embarrassed but Donghyun took your hand and started walking. “C’mon lets have a fun day together, the 3 of them are annoying anyways.” You laughed “I don’t know about Joochan and jaehyun but I can vouch for Jibeom.” Donghyun chuckled at your statement. You two started talking and walking around. You found out that you actually have much in common. You both love gaming and get annoyed by Jibeom fast.
The day was almost over and you decided to call Jibeom. You would all meet up at the entrance again so you could leave with Jibeom. But before you were all together again Donghyun stopped you. “hey I just wanted to say I had a really fun day.” You smiled “me too.” “I was wondering if you maybe want to do this again sometimes?” You looked at him “Like a date?” He nodded “but only if you want it to be.” “i would love to go on a date with you Donghyun.” He looked so excited and happy by what you said. It really melted your heart.
“can I have your phone donghyun?” He looked confused but still gave it to you. You went into his contact and put your phone number into his phone. You gave it back and he looked at the contact name “Y/Nnie~ ,thats cute” then you pecked him on the cheek and ran to the meet up place. He looked at you leaving him alone.
“She is so cute omg”
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softwonjunnie · 5 years
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produce x 101 top 31 boyfriend pics!! part two ❤️
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x1masterpeace · 5 years
non-idol boyfriend!au : Dongyoon
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- very ordinary student philologist with brightest smile;
- had a crush on you in the library when you was there with your team and painted a poster for a biology project;
- tried to come often just to see you and even missed a few lessons because of you;
- at some moment he couldn’t take his eyes off you, and you meet your eyes. you winked sweetly, and his heart beat at times stronger;
- after this time library becomes to your little place, and time after time you made his heart beat more often with some innocent signs of attention. but he was still too shy to talk with you;
- and you took the situation into your own hands, realizing that as soon as you finish the project, it will be harder for you to find each other
- in that moment when you asked him to meet somewhere outside the library his eyes sparkled. in this moment you realized that you had a crush on him
- now he’s doing all that he can to see you more often
- like, you are doing your homework together
- or dinners in university’s dining room – you are always texting each other if someone is late
- Dongyoon is not so jealous guy, but he always feel uncomfortable when you talk about some boys from your team;
- and you know about that, lightly banging his nose and tell smth like ‘hey, you’re really think that I look at least one of them knowing that magnificent guy is waiting for me with my favorite donuts?’;
- after that Dongyoon literally melts;
- because of education you don’t see each other so often, but if it does happen, it’s remembered for long time;
- like the moment when Dongyoon sneezed so loud that somebody thought that it was film’s part, and both of you couldn't concentrate on the movie and run away;
- or cafe date where you you organized a marathon of eating ice cream, because of what you lost your voice, but you were immensely happy;
- or that momentous day when you wandered around the shops with various accessories, when he suddenly disappeared. you waited him for 20 minutes, but forgot about all when you saw a small bouquet and cute necklace with metal fox, and after that he officially asked you to be his girlfriend;
- and that moment when in response you almost burst into tears of laughter, pulling from the bag a similar necklace bought a week ago.
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Could you repeat the question?
pairing: Taehyung x reader, oc x Yeonjun (TXT)
premise: a joint interview with your group, BTS, and TXT two months after you met your soulmate.
word count: 2k
[2/2] continuation of Can’t Keep My Hands To Myself
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requested by anon - a picture of your request will be at the bottom of the post! 
“Please don’t tell them.”
“Me? Why would I say anything?”
“You...you have that look.”
Yeonjun whirls around to face Taehyung, who just entered the room. “Do I have a look?”
Taehyung winks at you in greeting, something that nearly makes you swoon and your group members snicker. 
“A look?” He frowns for a moment before giving his dongsaeng a pitiful smile. “Oh yeah, you do. Definitely.” Taehyung smiles at Jiwoo, my band member who is busy sending death glares at her soulmate. “He’s gonna spill it.”
Yeonjun jumps up from his seat at the same time Taehyung settles down beside you, placing his arm on the back of the couch and brushing your hair off to the side. It’s enough to make goosebumps rise on your skin, which of course he notices. 
Oh, how you’d like to wipe that knowing little smirk off his face right now. 
“I can’t believe this! I’m not going to say a thing-”
“Yeonjun, and I’m saying this with love, if you say a single thing about it, I will personally unplug your refrigerator when you least expect it.”
Your attention is pulled away when you feel Taehyung leaning in to whisper something in your ear. “So, do we know what they’re arguing about?”
You can’t help but giggle. “Nope. Jiwoo won’t say anything.”
“Neither will Yeonjun.”
The smitten couple have been teasingly arguing for the entirety of the morning, leaving the rest of us in complete and utter confusion. 
Oh well, I suppose it’ll help make the broadcast a bit more exciting. 
It’s been two months since Jiwoo and I first *ahem* teleported to our soulmates at the MAMA awards. Or rather, since I landed in Taehyung’s lap and Jiwoo was nearly knocked unconscious when Yeonjun was thrown into her at full force. Of course, Jiwoo claims that it was horribly embarrassing, to which I’m always quick to say that she should feel lucky that at least she didn’t end up in a grown man’s lap. For all to see, no less. 
Ari, our other group member, just rolls her eyes and tells us that beggars can’t be choosers. 
Yeah, whatever that means. 
The past two months have been busy, with hardly enough time to spend with my soulmate. Between the busy schedules and BTS and TXT and our own schedule, we’ve had to settle for late-night FaceTimes and the occasional lunch at the Bighit building. I’ve become really good at sneaking in and out of that building in broad daylight - so far I have yet to be discovered. 
Today, however, is an important one. It’s our first official schedule together as soulmates. Naturally, all three groups have come together for the interview/variety show. 
“Alright, time to head on!” A manager shouts into the room, and suddenly there’s a flurry of movement as we all head toward the door. “I need all the soulmates to stick to their own groups, ok? We don’t want to be causing a riot today.”
Right. With a gloomy expression, Taehyung parts from me to head back to his members. Jiwoo and I glue ourselves to Ari’s side, much to her chagrin. “Ready?”
Both you and Jiwoo respond simultaneously. “Nope.”
Ari just sighs, feigning annoyance. Together, the three of you await your cue as one by one, your groups are introduced. 
TXT goes first, the hosts making a big deal out of swooning over Soobin who now has a cult of his own due to his MC abilities. They make a show of handing the microphone over to him, begging him to take it over from there. He politely declines, while the rest of the boys bicker and chat in the background. 
Then your group is called out, and you find yourself walking out before a huge crowd. You didn’t realize that many people could fit in this building, but here they are. And all of them are here for the same reason: to get a look at the soulmate couples that have newly formed. 
And that have been trending on Twitter and Tumblr for two solid months, breaking all kinds of records. 
As BTS is introduced with an almost reverent tone, you understand why you’ve been trending for so long.
It has a lot to do with one of the men walking out right now, smiling at the crowd and waving, graciously bowing his way across the stage. 
Taehyung wears a gray casual suit which has him looking like he just stepped off a photoshoot. Hair perfectly styled and eyes glowing with adoration for the fans that roar and wave, he commands the entire room with a single raise of his eyebrows. 
Your soulmate, ladies and gentlemen. 
Today is the day where you prove to the rest of the world how much of a perfect match you are for this man. The notion is terrifying. 
“Wow!” The host, a jovial man named Donghyun shouts out, exaggerating how amazed he is by the crowd’s reaction to all three groups sharing the same stage. Indeed, it’s a rare sight. “Ok! Should we get started?”
After a few minutes of more introductions, a few cursory questions (he asks Yeonjun what he’s been up to recently and you’re pretty sure Jiwoo manages to telepathically threaten him, because he chooses the most vague answer imaginable), and instructions on how to begin the next activities, you’re off to the races. 
Painting races, that it. 
Donning a frock and eyeing the empty canvas before you, you glare at your opponent across the way. Taehyung, to his credit, refrains from winking at you. He thinks you’re adorable when you’re flustered, but now’s not the time. 
Taehyung blinks up at Donghyun. “Yes?”
“Are you going to let your soulmate win?”
The game is simple: paint the listed object with as much detail as possible in a sixty second period. The others will have to guess what it is. 
Taehyung pouts his lips a bit, glancing over at you with a glint in his eye. “I’ll have to see, I think.”
Donghyun chuckles into the mic, turning to face you. “What about you? If Taehyung-ssi falls behind, will you help him win?”
You wiggle your eyebrows at your soulmate, heart soaring when he delivers a boxy grin. “Oh, of course not. I came to compete, not hold hands.”
The crowd bursts out laughing, and someone yells out, “I’ll hold his hand for you!”
You all dissolve into a fit of laughter at that, your cheeks blushing madly. “Yeah, thanks for the offer,” you say between giggles. Readying your paint brush, you wait for the signal. 
You’ve been given the word ‘Iceland’, which you figure shouldn’t be too hard. 
What you failed to account for was the fact that you’re perhaps the worst painter you know. What should look like a globe looks like a basketball and what should be a cube of ice instead looks like nothing more than a cardboard box. 
In the end, you’re pretty sure you laugh more than you paint. Your team members, consisting of a mix from both teams, look utterly confused at the end product. Eventually it’s Jin - who happens to be on Taehyung’s team - that accidentally calls out the answer. 
The rest of the games pass by in a blur of laughter and covert glances toward Taehyung. He always manages to find a way to make you laugh, even though he remains on the other side of the stage for the most part. You don’t miss all of the fans that look at him dreamily, and you can only hope that they’re happy with your overall performance today. 
At the end, you all squeeze onto a couple of couches. Donghyun makes a fuss over allowing the soulmates to sit together, and you can’t hide your smile as a beet-red Yeonjun sidles down to the couch to sit beside Jiwoo, placing his hands in his lap and trying not to do anything that will go viral. 
Taehyung sits on your right, crossing his arms in a way that pulls on his suit jacket enough to expose the outline of his biceps. You catch your eyes wandering, snapping your attention back to the front where Donghyun reads some questions off of a card. 
“I believe that this was the first time soulmates have met while performing at MAMA, is that correct? What were your first thoughts when you suddenly found yourselves face to face with your soulmate?”
The four of you that now have all the attention riding on your shoulders look to each other for help. Finally, with a racing heart, you answer first.
“I think the obvious answer is that I was shocked,” you smile as knowing chuckles ripple through the room. “But I was also really grateful, because Taehyung was so kind and understanding. The staff were very professional and helped us quickly. Overall, I really can’t imagine it having happened in any other way.”
There’s a few ooh’s and aww’s that greet your ears, but you look down at your lap as you blush. Taehyung slightly nudges your knee with his own, and in that simple movement you feel the comfort that he’s trying to give you. 
“I’d actually been talking to Jiminie earlier about soulmates,” Taehyung pipes up. 
“Oh, yeah! That’s right!” Jimin says, giving his friend a slap on the shoulder. “What are the odds?”
Taehyung flashes a shy smile. “I told him that I felt like I was ready. It can be strangely lonely sometimes, and there are times when I just felt like I was missing something. Now, all I have to do is pick up my phone and my missing piece is on the other side, ready to talk with me.”
Now people are really swooning, you included. You dare to peek over at your soulmate, heart nearly melting when you see that his shy smile is paired with pink cheeks. You wish that you could snuggle up to him right now, but that would definitely not end well. Instead, you lightly nudge his knee with your own, returning the little slice of comfort he provided you earlier. 
“And you two?” Dongyun asks after wiping fake tears away from his eyes. 
Yeonjun chews on his bottom lip, Jiwoo too lost in thought to notice that he has that look again. 
“I, er...” Yeonjun begins, squirming a little in his seat. “I was...really happy.”
Donghyun urges Yeonjun to continue. “Of course you were! What about finding Jiwoo made you so happy?”
Jiwoo looks up in horror, but it’s too late. Yeonjun has already opened his mouth and begun to speak. 
“I was so happy because the first thing she said to me was that she thought I was so hot.”
Radio silence. 
And then-
“Oh-ho!! Yeonjunnie you’re so dead!” Hueningkai laughs, and soon everyone follows suit. Even Donghyun has to throw his hand over his mouth to keep himself from snorting with laughter. 
Jiwoo looks at Yeonjun, who completely avoids her gaze as he stares unblinking at the floor. Then, quietly enough for nobody to hear except for you who sits beside her, she whispers, “Say goodbye to all the perishable items in your fridge.”
In the chaos that ensues, Taehyung discreetly traces circles against your arm and mumbles, “Why didn’t you say that to me when we first met?”
You smack his shoulder. “I should be asking you the same thing!”
Just before everything calms down again, Taehyung leans over to grab the abandoned canvas on the ground. Taking the still-wet paint and dipping his finger into it, he draws something out on it. Nudging you to get your attention, he flashes the canvas for you to see, hiding it from the cameras. 
It’s hard to keep a neutral expression as you see his handiwork. It’s just six words, but they’re enough to have your entire face flushed a moment later. 
I think you’re hotter than Yeonjun ;)
Stifling a laugh, you roll your eyes. “I hope you know I’m keeping that,” you mumble. Taehyung grins.
“Great. We’ll get it framed.”
A few days later, you do. It hangs in the front room of your apartment, for all to see. And for Jiwoo to loathe, as it serves as a constant reminder of her embarrassing first words to her soulmate.
Oh well. In the words of Ari, “Beggars can’t be choosers.”
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chocafe · 5 years
— yunseong as your boyfriend
pairing: boyfriend!yunseong x reader a/n: so like . . . as you all may know . . . i’m a wh*re for the produce franchise. yunseong is currently one of my picks, so i was bound to write something for him! i hope i portrayed him correctly because i tried my best to base this off of what some of his friends/acquaintances have said about him and how he acts like on the show! if anyone watches pdx101 then let me know :-)
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dating yunseong is exactly how you imagined it to be
which is being confused 24/7
due to his facial expressions and word choices, it’s quite difficult for you to figure out how he’s genuinely feeling
“what are you doing?” yunseong’s eyes widen as he finds your arms wrapped around his waist
“what does it look like i’m doing?” you continue to tighten your grip. “i’m hugging you, duh.”
after hearing his single comment, you forthwith your previous action
only to have yunseong snatch your arms, so you could hug him once more. “do it again.”
he’s weird… you both clearly know that
yunseong always wants to hold you hand ! ! !
but the thing is that
he’s always hesitates to hold your hand because of his shyness
if someone was watching you two from afar
and by someone i mean dongyun creepily watching
then they’d notice how yunseong constantly opens and closes his hands, pondering whether or not he should reach out for your hand
adding onto that, not only does he want to hold your hand, but he’s always eager to hug you, cuddle you and … kiss you
speaking of kisses
his kisses are usually super sweet and soft <3 
after each kiss, he tends to cover his face with his hands due to embarrassment
he acts like he hates skinship, but he enjoys every moment of it when it comes to you
“minhee, Let Me Go.”
seems to prefers phone calls compared to text messages
he’d rather hear your voice than to see some words on his led phone screen
sometimes, he doesn’t get the hint that you two are dating (″・ิ_・ิ)っ
“why are you looking at me like that?”
“you’re my boyfriendー how else am i supposed to look at you like?”
“you’re so cute… sorry, i didn’t mean to say that”
“yunseong, we’ve been dating for the past eight months literally what do you mEAN YOU’RE SORRY????”
when it comes to interacting with strangers, yunseong become 100x more timid, so you usually have to speak for the both of you guys on public dates
“one hokkaido milk tea please!” you confidently tell the waitress as she writes down your order onto her notepad
“and for you, sir?” the waitress beams her eyes towards yunseong
as the spotlight shines at him, his pauses only become longer than usual. “um… i’ll… uh..”
“he’ll have the passion fruit tea!” you jump in, saving yunseong from a mini heart attack
tends to space out without even noticing
he could be so mesmerized by your beautiful face that he wouldn’t even notice that he just spent the past two minutes staring at you
“yunseong?” you begin to wave your hand in front of his eyes. “what are you staring at? is there something on my face?”
it takes him a second to realize what just happened
“uh, yeah. there’s something on your face.” he lies out loud because he’s too afraid to admit that he was just appreciating your overall being
despite never hearing “i love you” spill out of yunseong’s mouth
you know he dearly loves you and you don’t have a single doubt about it
he’s too shy to be the first one to say it, so he’s waiting for the day you announce it
amidst of this all, yunseong subtly shows you the different ways he loves you
and you treasure each one of them
on the days when the breeze is much more stronger than what you have imagined it to be
he would lend you his jacket
yes, he’s secretly freezing to Death
but he’d rather see tiny goosebumps rise from his skin than to see you shiver
on the days when droplets of rain fall from the sky
the two of you would share one umbrella
but yunseong makes extra sure that the umbrella is <fully> covering you
he doesn’t mind the rain hitting his shoulder, although, he might catch a cold in the long run
on the days when the sun is glistening and the summer haze hits you two
he’d let you eat all of his ice cream, even though you originally said you didn’t want any to begin with
“you can have it all. it’s waaaay too sweet for me.” he recites a white lie as he sees the way your eyes shine at the sight of the strawberry ice cream
on the nights when the moon seizes into the sky
yunseong whispers “i love you” into your ear as you drift off into an endless cycle of dreams
one day, he’ll overcome his fear and become confident enough to tell you that he loves you
but for now, he’ll proceed to keep it to himself and whisper it whenever he has the chance to
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yunseongz · 4 years
A Brief Summary Theory of Allegory of DRIPPIN
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This thread is under the cut :”) Let’s start~
Allegory of DRIPPIN is a prequel film based on the interviews with production team and entire members of DRIPPIN, about their experiences while preparing for their debut.  Allegory based on the Greek’s word ‘allegoria’ means fables, metaphors and refers to a form in which abstract concepts are expressed using other specific objects rather than directly expressing them.
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The Door [Cha Junho] Junho is dragging the door with seven boxes tied around his waist in a dark place of some old trees and a secret space. He put down the door he was holding in front of the six doors and take out a medallion with the sound of a clock ticking behind out from his arms and put it into a box of light leaking out. He delivers the box and give it to each person in a space behind the door. Junho who appears with a large door and opens another room door to hand over a box, is a glimpse of how he had to return to his trainee status, after disbandment of X1 in order to prepare for a new start.
significant object: the gold medallion (represents the prize he won during his participation in an audition program; the sound of a clock ticking when he brought out the medallion symbolizes the time that he spent with his previous group, X1 is short and precious for him. A medallion is often a realization of something important in the life. Sometimes it refers to a heritage from the past that is being realized now)
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Inside a Box [Kim Dongyun] Dongyun sits on the sofa and holds a box of light leaking out. He sits in a darkened space with two huge stone statues . He tooks out a Pinocchio marionatte from his arms and put it in a box.  Dongyun’s room expresses the loneliness he felt while waiting for other members to join as he is the first member to join the group. The large statue facing him also symbolizes Dongyun, who looks at the figures he yearns to be in the future, Dongyun’s Pinocchio marionette stimulates the imagination of what Dongyun “means”.
significant object: Pinocchio marionatte (represents the imagination of who is Kim Dongyun, he is a trainee that improving his skills by practicing harder and he’s slowly improved day by day that made him as one of the member of DRIPPIN, Dongyun finally achieved his dream to debut as an idol; Pinocchio one of the famous character of the children literature, despite being a wooden puppet, he is prone to mischief, laziness, greed, and foolishness, but he learns to be selfless by giving all his hard-earned money to the agent of the Fairy, who is reportedly quite ill. Pinocchio finally achieves his dream of becoming a real boy.)
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Inside a Box [Kim Minseo] Minseo sits on the sofa and holds a box of light leaking out. He sits in a huge space surrounded by a lot of chairs. He tooks out a telescope out  from his arms and looking out through before he put it in a box. Minseo’s room expressed the moment he felt when he made a fatal mistake on an audition program he starred in immediately after joining Woollim Ent. as trainee. At that time, he feels as if the time had stopped, and his stinging eyes were expressed as empty seats as if they were frozen. In addition, the Red tree behind Minseo symbolizes his inherent dreams, passion and aspirations to rise.
significant object: telescope (represents how Minseo feels when he made a fatal mistake in an audition program.  He was looking out through a telescope that symbolizes he is not strong by heart and will break when faced with trouble. A telescope also represents that they need to become strong by heart and a metaphor that points out something they need to unveil or make clear)
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Inside a Box [Lee Hyeop] Hyeop sits on the sofa and holds a box of light leaking out. He sits in a space full of endless repetitive steps and paper airplanes. He tooks out a broken wing plaster statue from his arms and put it in a box. Hyeop’s darkened room represents memories of his past practice alone and failing to quench his musical thirst. In addition, the endless repetition of stairs and paper airplanes expresses Hyeop’s desire to climb high places with full talent.
significant object: broken wing plaster statue (represents how Hyeop past experiences before he accepted as a trainee in an entertainment.  He dreamed to become and idol but he don’t have a company. An angel with one wing still in tact symbolizes freedom and that no matter what happens, there is still hope. Then, Hyeop accepted as a trainee in an entertainment and able to make his debut. Hyeop able to ‘picking up his broken wing’s and learning to fly again.
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Inside a Box [Alex] Alex sits on the sofa and holds a box of light leaking out. He sits in a darkened space with red, yellow and black colors. He tooks out a crystal ball out and put it in a box.  The combination of red, yellow and black colors in the dark space symbolizes the color of Alex’s national flag, Germany. He sitting on the stairs means Alex’s effort and challenges, which had come up high to become a DRIPPIN member, although he was frustrated and tired because he couldn’t communicate well in Korean. The Solar System Crystal Ball that he brought out expressed concern about the different views he has on himself.
significant object: Solar System Crystal Ball (represents the different views and thoughts that Alex has on himself)
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Inside a Box [Joo Changuk] Changuk sits on the sofa and holds a box of light leaking out. He sits in a muddy brown space which has a rough surface. He tooks out a masquerade mask out and put it in a box. The masquerade mask symbolizes Changuk’s past when he was a trainee that refused to reveal his innermost thoughts even though he was struggling. The rough surface of the space represents Changuk’s frustration with the situation where he wanted to do better than anyone else, but it didn’t go well on his way.
significant object: masquerade mask (represents how Changuk refused to reveal his innermost thoughts even though he was struggling; masquerade mask is used to hide someone identity/ their real feeling)
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Inside a Box [Hwang Yunseong] Yunseong  sits on the sofa and holds a box of light leaking out. He sits in the middle of a colorful field. He tooks out a question mark model  and put it in a box. The wreck seen in Yunseong’s room captures his pressure and anxiety to lead the team as the leader of DRIPPIN. The question mark model symbolize there is something that he need to question whether it is about his past or future.
significant object: question mark model (represents there is something that he need to question whether it is about his past or future. Question mark states old age and insight and wisdom about how he is open to new things and he need to move forward with some decision or action)
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DRIPPIN’s Door [All Members] All seven members of DRIPPIN standing together while holding their box of light respectively in the dark forest. Then, Junho opened the door he brought with and all the remaining members running with him entering the new place that symbolizes they will start a new journey of their life and the clock in the space represents the things that they want will soon to happen and they will acheved their dream. The box of light they previous brought together from their past/dark side are smashed to the ground represent all doubts/things that they worried during their training period are all gone and they are ready for a new beginning.
big thanks to main translated source:  © drippin global : [1] // [2] // [3] // [4] // [5] // [6] // [7]  or you can read the theory that i’ve found on twitter here (seriously op’s theory is so detailed and well understood thumbs up 👍) *added some my own point of view, personal assumption and some info that i’ve found on google, NOT complete only partially discussed, not 100% correct may contain inaccuracies~ by: @yunseongz​
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thepixelelf · 3 years
[to the beat of silence] Dongyun awakens to the first blaring siren, the electronic tone stabbing through his eardrums like a blade of syrup. He never was a light sleeper, but this is the first time he has heard this particular sound.
"Code black. Repeat. Code black." An automated voice echoes in his small room. "All units to the east wing."
So this is how they communicate during emergencies. Dongyun had noted before that each attendant and guard has communication devices attached to their ears, and often he would tap into them only to be bored by the dreary scientific jargon held between observers, or disgusted by the perverted talk between some of the more distasteful guards. He prefers the ones who stay quiet. The ones who simply watch.
Dongyun doesn't care to tap into any communication devices right now, sure that he'd only hear panicked demands and orders. He knows he's in the west wing, anyhow.
There are mere hours until morning, when he'd once again be forcefully woken up, taken from his room -- of which he only has the slightest attachment to -- and poked and prodded and tested and made to do whatever the observers want to see that day. Sure, it's nothing enjoyable, but Dongyun at least deserves a few more hours before he has to go through all that.
Still in bed, he closes his eyes and feels his way through the speaker attached to the ceiling. It's a simple system, copper wires running within the walls of the facility; Dongyun easily follows them to the control center. He can't tell where it is, exactly, but he's there, and he mutes the siren and voice. Even the electronic hum that usually comes from the steel collar around his neck goes quiet. Silence graces his room once again, and he almost smiles.
Sleep is so close to embracing him when he smells smoke.
Screams echo from somewhere outside -- in the west wing.
Dongyun opens his eyes and sits up, swinging his legs off the bed with a frown. He attempts to listen in on the communication devices, but it's all nonsense. Everyone is talking over each other, some giving orders, some asking for them, some simply screaming for the sake of it. Dongyun winces at the ringing it causes in his ears and pulls himself away from the devices before it can get any worse.
Maybe this is more serious than he thought.
He always knew there were more people like him here. Why else would the facility be so large? Have so many cameras?
Dongyun is just Dongyun.
Sure he can do things which the observers and guards apparently can't, but Dongyun knows he isn't what they truly fuss about here. On those nights when he used to tap into the communication devices out of pure boredom and curiosity, he'd hear whispers.
Whispers of shadows; of storms; of fire.
The smell of smoke makes his nose twitch.
He used to dream of escape. When he was younger, everything seemed possible -- worth it -- if he was angry enough, but the one time he tried, he failed, and they stopped feeding him for three days.
That was then.
Now, there's a problem. Code black. All units are in the east wing, and there's a fire nearby.
So Dongyun stands. He walks up to his door, the one he's never opened himself, and he does something he's always known he's been able to do, but never tried for fear of being starved again.
He reaches his mind through the wires of the electronic keypad on the other side of the wall, and the lock retracts with a quiet click.
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Villains (I'll be one if you crave it) masterlist
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yunseongz · 5 years
im feeling too attached to every each of them and tbh it pains me to see them crying like this msnake this literally so cruel but whatever your plans on them just one things i want pls spare them and don’t hurt their feelings.
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i’ve never seen yunseong cried because he hid his emotions well tho he’s getting scolded by trainer in front of his classmates, went down from B to D, he just expressed that he’s frustrated and not even shedding his tears during interview and same goes to chajun tho he’s being criticized by the trainer for not good in expressing his emotions when he’s singing and being called a ‘robot’ he’s not crying at all when interviewed. But both of them have the same weaknesses which is their pure love for their team label mates. Imagine how they feel to see both of their beloved friends are fighting for the last spot and only one can continue their journey to reach the same dream. Changwook and Dongyun really have a close friendship and i can’t help watching their heart being torn apart like that. It must be so hurt and painful :(  
i can’t believe that i lost 3 kids in one night this is cruel :( the most heartbreaking moments ever for me....
Dear Moon Junho, Kim Minseo and Kim Dongyun you did well! hang on there bc you’ll debut too...and remember don’t give up and smiling always ♡
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