#drippin alex scenarios
ghostie-galaxi · 1 year
hihi!! ive never requested on here before so forgive me if this doesn’t make sense, but i was wondering if you might write a drippin reaction (is that the term ? sorry if not (╥﹏╥)), maybe to do with jealousy/etc
i’ve read your reaction to having a crush about a billion times and it always makes me squeal (´ ω `♡) only if you feel like it though !!! luv you!!!
Lol, I also just got a Kingdom reaction with jealously so this shouldn't be a problem lol. And of course, love I love first time requesters and you worded it fine ❤️
(I'm also sorry this too so fucking long)
Drippin when they're jealous
Honestly is probably the only one that's actually upset
Gives you a little bit of the silent treatment afterwards
You're concerned because he won't talk to you and think you did something wrong
You come up to back hug him and apologize if you did something wrong, being really upset
His heart sinks hearing your voice crack when you apologize and gets over himself to explain and work through what's going on
Sassy and whiny probably
You try to talk to him but he rolls his eyes and answers you
You ask him what's up he tells you to figure it out
You come up to him later and tell him he doesn't need to be jealous and start teasing him for it
To which he then gets pouty and probably needs assurance cuddles
Probably looks more mad that he actually is
You think he's really annoyed when he rolls his eyes playfully
You get whiny and ask him what's wrong and he secretly thinks your adorable
He sighs and tells you what's up when he sees you look worried instead
The roles reverse and now he's the whiny one after you start teasing about being jealous
Tries not the act annoyed but his huffed sighs give it away
You take notice and start teasing him about his attitude
Will never admit he was actually jealous even though he's pulling you away somewhere else
You laugh at him as you hold hands and find something else to do
You later shower him in kisses and assure him there's no need for him to be jealous
A cross between 'too shy to tell you' and 'play whines and argues with you'
Starts off with getting quiet with you
Until you notice and ask him what's wrong, to which he shyly whines about you not paying attention to him
You laugh at him and whines about you laughing at him
Until he gets embarrassed and stops, and which you kiss his check and assure him he's the only one for you
Low-key offended
Crossed his arms and refuses to look at you
Might honestly be a little bit annoyed
You bug him about it because it's upsetting you and tell him he doesn't need to be jealous and you only have eyes for him
Gives up and hugs you to apologize for him being a meanie
Probably just teases you more often and makes a couple of witty remarks
You question him about what his is and he playfully rolls his eyes
You make fun of him for being jealous now and he denies it
You're determined to get him to confess and probably start a tickle fight just because
He gives up and admits it and you tell him sorry for making him jealous and has the conversation as to why he was in the first place
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thepixelelf · 3 years
[what it wants it gets] Alex didn't mean for any of this to happen. Really.
He just had a nightmare -- those aren't uncommon most nights. Just a nightmare, where he was trapped in some box slowly filling with icy, black water. He woke up in a cold sweat, about to scream that he was alright, but it was already too late.
Hayoung had filled the white-walled room with darkness, roiling with fearful energy that threatened to burst at any given moment. As soon as Alex opened his mouth to say something, to calm Hayoung down, the door flew off its hinges and slammed into something on the other side of it.
Alex jumped to his feet, running toward the door that was now lying on top of someone -- a guard, judging by their dark, thick-padded garb.
"Are you okay?" He didn't get anything in response -- the guards never spoke anything but orders to him from under their black helmets; he didn't know why he expected something different now. "Shit..." Using all his strength, Alex lifted and slid the reinforced door off the guard. A large gun, still clutched in their hands was revealed, and Alex stumbled backwards, falling on his behind. His eyes widened as the guard moved into a kneeling position and pointed their gun straight at his head. "No, please. I didn't mean to. I just--"
Shadows wrapped around the guard's neck. Tendrils curled around their hands and ripped the gun from them, tossing it down the hall as the guard collapsed.
"No!" Alex screamed. He watched in horror while the guard writhed on the floor, struggling against something they couldn't touch. "Hayoung, stop!"
Alex couldn't remember the last time Hayoung really listened to him.
More guards rounded the corner of the hall, pointing their weapons at Alex, but darkness engulfed them, and within seconds, they too fell.
Significantly weaker than normal, Alex's hold on Hayoung wavered. He didn't know what to do.
So he just ran.
As strong as Hayoung was, Alex was tethered with his shadow, and wherever he went, Hayoung had to follow. The best he could do was get away from anyone he could possibly hurt.
He ran as fast as his untrained feet could take him, and he only stopped when he found a room unlike the rest of the building he'd seen throughout his time there. It wasn't important, he needed to leave, but his eyes caught on the desk. Pictures of Hayoung stared back at him in shades of grey -- he didn't know Hayoung could be captured like that. Without thinking, he swept a bunch of the pictures in his arms, rolling them so they were easier to hold as he ran out.
His weak hold on Hayoung is probably how he made it this far, somewhere in the city, far from the facility he used to know. And yet they still follow. They yell at him to stay still, to stand down, but they don't know he's not the one in control.
Alex bounds up the stairs of some quiet building, not looking back at the multiple footsteps pounding behind him. He pushes open a door at the top, eyes ready to find an escape route, but a body slams into him. He tumbles across the floor, rolling until his hands stop him. They scrape against the rough material beneath him; the least of his worries. Flying out of his grasp, the pictures of Hayoung fall around him.
He's tired. And after running for so long, he's annoyed.
Can't these people see there's nothing they can do? Can't they see his shadow?
"Stand down!" one of the guards yells. They shoot a warning shot into the air.
Hayoung doesn't like that.
And, for once, Alex doesn't try to hold Hayoung back.
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Villains (I'll be one if you crave it) masterlist
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ghostie-galaxi · 2 years
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Followed by these bitches also having a comeback!
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ghostie-galaxi · 2 years
hey! If you have time or feel like it, could you write about how the drippin members would act when they have a crush? or maybe what they would be like as a best friend? thank you!!
Yeah, of course! The MCND reaction I did to this was so fun to do so I'll gladly do this.
Sorry this took a few days to, I kept forgetting about it 😅
Drippin when they have a crush
Somehow manages to stay calm and collected around you
Like he'd be more like and older brother that just looks out for you all the time but also has the gentleman vibes
Like I just picture him constantly brushing hair away from your face, having his arm around you, holding his jacket over you in the rain or sharing an umbrella with you
He's just that comfortable slow build to a relationship
Loves surprising you with flowers before you're even dating
Platonic cuddles and falling asleep ok each other
None of the others are sure why he waited so long to tell you he liked you
He waited for just the right moment to ask you out on a date
And he treated you like a princess the whole night
Gets a little flustered at the end when you kiss him goodnight
Giggly mess all the time
The type to get shy just thinking about you and burry his red face into his pillow
But he's surprisingly not that shy around you
Like he's ok with just coming up to you and talking to you or asking you a question
At one point it gets to him just wanting to be around you and looking for any reason to do so
Mostly just asking if you want to follow him to pick up food
And eventually he'd have the courage to ask you out on a date
Literally can't sleep the night before just thinking about it
Does everything he can to keep you smiling the entire time
Asks if he can kiss your cheek and pulls away after he gets too excited about it
Probably the one to playfully mess with you to cover up the fact that he likes you
But also doesn't let anyone else mess with you
Like he's the first to defend you all the time
Which results in him accidentally calling you pretty or smart when they others might joke that you're dumb
You don't really say anything to him about it but the others also tease him about it constantly
Which results in you eventually asking if there's a reason why he does it
To which he has no choice but to say he likes you
You get super happy but then he teases you and says he's joking, but you know he means it
So now you get a playful relationship where you both casual roast each other
But love each other nonetheless *insert you with your arms around his side and his arm around your shoulders while he roles his eyes*
He's so calm about it you didn't even realize he had a crush on you until someone told you
Even though he's actually too nervous to even be around you and he's really good at hiding it
The others literally start forcing him to be around you or convincing you to be around him
Because he literally just can't do it on his own
Starts warming up to the idea though when you start getting more comfortable around him
Tests the waters one day by holding your hand when you were really close to him
And from that day on he really starts to become putty in your hands
Lays his on you all the time, teases you, cuddles into your side
You're surprised he never asked you sooner to be his girlfriend
But you don't hesitate to say yes when he finally asks
Shy shy shy (yes you are obligated to read that in Sana's voice)
He so nervous to even talk to you
Pretty much just cliche like he stutters so much when he has to talk to you
But he's so happy when you don't think he's weird for it
If it gets out to the others they might be the ones to encourage him to to just try and get more comfortable around you
Or they might just tell you secretly so then you can help him along
I'm imagining like one night if you guys are watching a movie together you go and sit by him and end up leaning your head on him
Explodes into a million shades of red and physically can't move
Finally gets the courage to ask you on a date
Runs away and fanboys after you say yes
Tries to be flirty and fails
Mainly because the other members probably come and mess it up and he gets flustered and forgets what he was trying to say or do
He thinks he messes everything up but secretly you find it cute
He keeps trying in hopes of having at least 1 good interaction with you
But he feels like he messes it up every time
So he's surprised when you're the one to ask him to go do something with you
You both get a day together where he's not dealing with the others messing him up
And he gets to really spend time with you
Finally gets to ask if you'll be his girlfriend even with all the mistakes
You of course say yes and said you thought he was cute when the others would make him flustered when he tried to talk to you
I feel like he would love learning more about you all the time and come to find you being the coolest person ever
So then after that he just wants to try and impress you all the time, no matter what
Secretly hopes you're watching him all the time if you ever see them dancing or even just him playing video games
I would love if he'd be the type to think about you constantly and find things that remind him of you
Probably even buys you things just because of that reason even if you aren't dating
He also gives me friends to lovers scenario vibes
Any late night spending time with you is his favorite, even if it's just video game hang outs and you start slowly falling asleep
Mixes it up one night and decides to go somewhere with you, maybe like a late night diner or something
Walks you back him and probably tells his feelings to you then
You end the night with kissing his cheek before saying goodbye
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ghostie-galaxi · 3 years
just gonna go ahead and put it in your ask box for when you have the time! I'll start off with something easy: drippin as boyfriends?
Ok good, I was going ask you eventually like what you wanted me to do for when I get to Drippin so glad this came up
Drippin as Boyfriends
The savage overprotective one
Like he takes care of you like he does Alex but also just bullies you
Always cuddles and holds you but also will make you suffer
Teases you about the littlest things
Or if you mess with him he'll mess with you back as revenge
Nothing bad though, might usually just end in a tickle war with him
But when he's not chasing after you for making fun of him, he'll go into my mom
Takes care of you, but would also never let you do anything
Like I can see him not even letting you use a knife in the kitchen
Even though y'all are both adults-
Super overprotective and just gives in to your every need
Just wants the best for you though cuz he loves you
The mom boyfriend
Always asks if you've eaten and if not he'll bring you food
Never be afraid to ask him for stuff you need because he'll definitely do it
Especially if you're on your period an you need stuff
If y'all aren't getting a hamster together, what are you doing
He'll act cute for you if you're feeling sad or if he wants something from you
He's adorable so you usually give in
Plus he takes care of you so why wouldn't you take care of him
The sweetest ever, you'll always feel comfortable around him
He seems clumsy so he'll never judge if if you ever make a mistake
Y'all are just couples goals
Plays hard to get even though you already have him
Tsundere Energy
You'll need help with something and he'll act like he doesn't care but still does it anyways
But also still has his normal loving savage side
Has all these sweet gestures to you, like brushes your hair out of your face or helping you when you're doing something with your hands
Either that or he just makes fun of you
But then he feels bad so then he helps
Might not be the one to do big gestures for you but all the little things he does shows he loves you
Like just constantly having his hand around your waist or giving you his jacket if you're cold without you even saying anything
Just tends to notice those little things
He'll also be the one to tell you things and then completely disregard what he said, and you'll be the one to point it out
"I thought you said you didn't-" stuff like that
A cute, caring boyfriend
Ok, I don't want to say he's the one that needs to be taken care of just because in some cases that's a bad thing but I'm putting it here in a good way
He's bad at doing household stuff but at least he's willing to still help out and learn
You'll have to teach him stuff and write it down in case he forgets
Sometimes feels like a burden because he has trouble but you tell him it's fine, especially if no one was around to teach him and at least he's trying
But anyways, loves to be babied by you
Always loves affection which you're e happy to give
In which he'll give to you too
Always helps you cook and it'll be something you'll love going together
You're nickname for him is puppy even though he denies it
Yet when you run your hands through his hair to "pet" him, he just melts in your lap
Other than he needs attention and help, he's still the sweetest person ever
Like he'll feel bad about how much you do for him so he'll always take you everywhere you want and buy you things
He might be a handful but he's will make sure that you know he loves you
He's officially my bias now and I'm glad bc SWEET BABY SUNSHINE
I always do always this I swear-
But anyways, he's so shy and innocent with you
So in love with you that he never wants to mess anything up so he's super slow and caring with you
Once he started to warm up to you though, he'll gradually get more chaotic
Like one minute you'll be watching a movie together, the next he throws popcorn at you
Then immediately apologizes when you try to get back at him
Gets super worried when he can't be with you and always calls or video calls you
He's a sweetheart and I want him sing me to sleep softly
Is also just a softy and constantly cuddles you, anything he does is super soft
Sweet Baby Boy™
Loud af
Literally just never stops talking
You'll have to but the "kiss me to shut me up" girlfriend
But in a nice way at least
Would be a good distraction though if you need to get your mind off things
Chaotic with you though
You both always find fun in everything you do
You could both be doing the littlest things and he'd still find a way to make it entertaining
Also just kills you with his visuals
Sends you pictures all the time when he's in schedules so you can fangirl over him
Honestly just wants to get compliments from you
Can't blame him though, have you seen him?
Also probably very spontaneous with affection, but it just suites his personality
Basically just loud chaos, but you always have fun together
Self-claimed 'Savage Maknae' has a sweet spot for you
Always has to be touching you, even if it's just holding hands or his head on your shoulder
He might be the youngest but he'll still take care of you
Asks you softly if you've eaten or if you're cold or just generally doing ok
I just think it'd be cute to have these little quiet conversations with each other
And just randomly acts cute for you
However still be prepared for roasting each other
He didn't call himself Savage Maknae for nothing, so y'all are gonna have roast wars
In which if you win he'll walk away rolling his eyes jokingly
To which you have to run after him and hug him
Speaking of which he will just randomly hug you when he wants
Just has these spontaneous bursts of affection for you and will always surprise you with something to show he loves you
Pretty much just quiet but fun boyfriend
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ghostie-galaxi · 2 years
I feel bad for sending so many requests 😭😭 but we have to get the obligatory drippin soulmate aus out of the way (I promise I'll stop requesting so much after this LMAO sorry)
Lol I don't mind you requesting so much, I enjoy having a regular person that likes my writing and requests a lot. My masterlist said previously not to worry about sending in multiple requests after another since I'm always willing to write for everyone so you're fine!
Also I feel like there's not a lot of good soulmate AUs so I'm just going to reuse a lot that I've already used but for Drippin specifically, I tired to base then off their superpowers from their Villian MV, and this is once again in the POV as a Foreign reader
Drippin Soulmate! AU
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Your soulmate feels your emotions and feelings
You always felt like you had another person inside your head since you were young but you never knew what it was. When you asked your parents about it, they said it might be your soulmate mark. You were confused, not with the concept of soulmates but on how you were supposed to find them like this.
Your had really depressive thoughts when it came to potentially not ever finding your soulmate, since you didn't know how you'd ever find them like this. They could sense your bad feelings and tried to comfort you, which worked since they had hope you'd find each other.
You got into Kpop and had been drawn to Yunseong for some reason. He did a solo V-Live once, and slightly talked about his soulmate mark, even though they weren't allowed to discuss them. He mentioned feeling their soulmate feel sad recently, and he would feel them and try to comfort them with sympathy and hope, and they always felt better. That sounded and awful lot like what you had been doing as of recent.
You had to find a way to talk to him to see if he really was your soulmate. You've never had a lead like this as to who or where your soulmate was, so if what he said was true you had to try. Your only option at the moment was to try and video fan call and see if you had the chance to talk to him. When you got it and started talking to him, you asked him if his soulmate mark was feeling emotions, he couldn't confirm it but you switched to thinking the most depressive thoughts you could. "Did you feel that?" You both got silent before he smiled, you both were happy to finally confirm that you were most likely each other's soulmate.
The process of meeting each other was hard but you finally managed to have a chance to go to Korea and finally got into an in person fan sign. There was an arrangement made for you to meet up after the fan sign. When you both got a chance to be alone, you tested the emotions again and made sure this was real. You both hugged each other and afterward he told you, "See, you knew I had hope we'd find each other."
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Cuts and marks appear on both your bodies
You didn't know what your mark was until you randomly had bruises on your knees while you were outside, they weren't from you, and you ran over to your parents happily instead of crying like any other kid would.
However though, from that day you felt bad if you ever got hurt and your soulmate had to to endure the pain, any bump from something that hurt you also gave you a twang of guilt whenever you did so. It stopped you from being able to do anything you wanted to do. Any tattoos or piercings you wanted, you couldn't get due to not wanting to put your soulmate through that pain.
One of your friends showed you Kpop and while ago and you finally got a chance to attend a Kpop concert for one of your favorite groups. However, a few weeks before the concert, you had an accident and broke you arm. It hurt so bad and you felt so awful that your soulmate had to go through this as well. But after you got your plaster cast you were still going to the concert.
During the concert, Hyeop accidentally slipped during one of the dances, falling directly on his kneecap. You felt a pain shoot through you when he landed, you falling down slightly. You looked back up at him and he luckily made eye contact with you as he got back up. After the dance was done and then came down to sit at the edge of the stage for their next song. He came right in front of you and noticed your cast.
He had figured it out himself that you possibly were his soulmate, you feel slightly when he fell, and that cast explained the huge pain he felt in his arm the other day. You didn't noticed him get a staffs attention to come down and retrieve you after the concert. You told him when you hurt your arm and said you felt the bruise when he fell. He felt your arm break and figured you might be a candidate for his soulmate. And you, in fact, were soulmates.
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Time freezes when in the same room
You had no idea what your soulmate mark was and this lead you to believe that you didn't have one. You grew to be a generally soft spoken person to avoid any conversations with anyone. Kpop became your comfort as it made you forget about your soulmate situation
There was a group you weren't familiar with that your friend was taking you to, since she didn't have anyone else to go to. Your tried to get to know the group a bit before the concert so you weren't completely clueless.
When you finally arrived at the venue of the concert, the second your foot entered inside, all time froze. You had no idea what happened, but as you looked around, you were the only one that wasn't frozen. You wandered around confused, not knowing what to do.
Meanwhile, the same thing was happening to him. All time froze for him and he didn't know what happened. He walked around backstage in the dressing rooms and didn't find anyone who was moving. Against his better judgement he went out onto the stage, to see if his the fans were frozen too.
You wove in between people on the floor, walking towards the front of the stage. You didn't want to go backstage to find anyone but you saw a movement which caught your eyes. As Changuk ran out on stage you made eye contact. The second you did so everything started playing again. You both took a minute to realize what was happening but soon when the other fans saw him on stage and started cheering for him. You both had a moment of panic and didn't know what to do. He looked towards a staircase at the edge of the stage. You followed his gaze and as quickly as you could, ran up them, him running to you and ducking you backstage, hoping the least amount of people saw. You'd worry about that later as now you were finally happy knowing you had finally found your soulmate after not thinking you had one.
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Number on your wrist shows how far away they are
The time around your wrist counted down everyday, and you couldn't wait to meet your soulmate. You got excited thinking about it but also didn't want to rush it. You started getting into Kpop and noticed a member of a group always worse a think bracelet around his wrist you didn't know what it meant.
After you had discovered them, you hadn't realized it at first but your timer on your wrist has changed from black numbers to red numbers. You looked at it confused but didn't know what to do. The thought of your soulmate being dead popped into your head and you were terrified. But the time was still counting? So, what did that mean?
You had just found a new group, a member had a band around their wrist in every video and you knew companies avoided idols soulmate marks being revealed to not have any dating scandals, and this was the only groups you had looked at in the time being, and the time timer was for when you met, so maybe this meant you knew who your soulmate was before you officially met?
You didn't know what it meant but since the timer was still counting, you didn't try to think too much into it being bad. You let everything happen as it was meant to be and your friend had invited you to come to Korea with them, and as the time to go got closer, the timer on your wrist got closer to zero. When you arrived the days there was more than the days in your timer and you knew you'd meet your soulmate here.
You friend took you to a coffee shop when you were there and you noticed your timer only had a few minutes left on it. As you stood there someone bumped into you from behind. You turned around to look at them and they apologized, and your timer hit zero. You looked down at it and looked back at them. Their eyes widened as they brought their wrist up, their timer covered with a band. You had a moment of realization before the person even brought his mask down to reveal it was in fact, Dongyun was your soulmate. You told him about your timer turning red and now realized that it did most likely meant, you knew about him before he knew about you.
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You meet each other in dreams, but can't share your information inside of it
You were really sick one day when you were young, sleeping on and off throughout the day since you couldn't do anything else. During the day of sleep you were constantly being put back into a weird dream world that was different than any normal dream. It was so realistic and you felt like you'd actually been teleported to a different world. The plain open field you were in seemed to go one for miles, and that's when you spotted him. Both of you were young, and when you tried to talk you couldn't understand each other due to a language barrier. After that day you spent time figuring out what happened, and you figured that was your soulmate mark.
You didn't know how to communicate with him, since for a while you didn't see him in your dreams. Every now and then, you'd try to go and see him, but you still couldn't figure out how to communicate with him. You didn't know what language he spoke, and he didn't seem to know how to tell you what his language was. After not seeing each other for a while was when you got into Kpop, after a while, you stumbled upon his group. You were overjoyed when you finally knew his name. You prepared to see him again, staying up all night when it was convenient and went to see him again. You ran up to him and shouted his name in front of him. His face lit up instantly. You tried to tell him your name but the words made no sound. You weren't able to tell him anything about you, but you knew so much about him.
From that day though after finding him, you started learning Korean, and after some time passed you went to see him again and were able to communicate better. He had also picked up a little bit of English, and you'd both spend time helping each other. You had plans to go to him after highschool was over, and you couldn't wait to see him. You still couldn't tell him anything about yourself and it made you said, but he thought of it as he gets to fall in love with your personality before anything else.
You had been counting the days you got to go to Korea to finally meet up with him. You were anxious and excited and so many other emotions were going through you as you waited for him.
The time finally came when you got to meet up with him and you finally got the say "My name is (Y/N)." And this time the words didn't carry the silence.
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First words on wrist
You had gotten your words on your wrist but they weren't in English, you spent time figuring out what it looked like and found it was Korean, since then you were very determined to learn the language and found Kpop was a good way to help with that.
You had the theory that 'what if your soulmate was an idol' which you kept in the back of your mind since you didn't want to seem delusional. You finally got into a video fan call with one of your favorite groups and we're excited.
You were waiting patiently for the call to start, fixing your hair in the small window of your face when suddenly the screen flashed without warning scaring you. You backed away laughing at what happened. "You scared me, hi." You said, laughing as Junho was smiling at you from the interaction. "You're cute when you're scared." He said to himself. You had a moment of realization that this is what your wrist said.
"Wait, are we soulmates?" You asked him in Korean. His eyes widened before he whipped this sleeve down and started at him. A smile broke out on his face when he realized you really were.
There wasn't much you could do since you had limited time and couldn't share your information. But from that point on you were determined to go to Korea and meet him in person. Throughout the whole process that took, you kept trying to get into video calls and online fan signs, in order to keep touch with him. You finally awaited the day you got to an in person fan sign and got to see him in person. You both secretly shared your personal info and started talking from that day on.
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Drawings appear on both of you
You randomly draw on yourself all the time as a child, but you started noticing drawings on you that you didn't recognize or remember you doing. When you asked about it you were told that this was your soulmate mark. You tried writting 'Hi' on your skin to see if there was an answer, but you were met with a different language you didn't know.
However, after a while when you tried again, there was English and you finally could communicate with each other. You'd both spend so long talking to each other, you knew his was Alex, where he was from, what he was doing, and you could do the same.
When you started to become a better artist you would always draw on your skin, and from the other side he would always watch you. Sometimes though he would draw on the other arm, so you both would have a sleeve with each other's drawings.
He told you about him being a Kpop trainee and you both became a source or comfort during stressful times, you were able to talk to him when he needed somewhere, and you could talk to him too. You both had a weird sense of comfort without even knowing each other in person
You had the idea to ask if you could write down each other's phone numbers or whatever else you could to try and talk normally, and neither of you could believe you didn't think of that sooner. You were finally able to text each other. When his group was final revealed you got to see his face you were happy, and through texting you could also show him what you looked like. Being able to communicate like this didn't stop you though from drawing on you skin, and with having a better sense of communication, you were abel to make arrangements to go to each other in person.
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ghostie-galaxi · 3 years
Drippin x Reader | Villian AU
Do I have 6 things in my drafts right now? Yes. Do I care? No, I will get to them soon and if I don't write this thing right now than I'll loose all motivation 😌❤️
You stared out the window, letting your mind wander as you waited for your friend inside the small diner. He always had a tendency to be late to everything you did together, but it never really bothered you. It was never more than a few minutes anyways and it's not like you always had somewhere to be by a certain time so you let it slide. You knew him, ever since you both graduated high school he’s always been late. You didn't get to see him that often anymore anyways, so any opportunity you had to meet him, you always took the chance knowing he'd be a few minutes late. You both had your own lives now, with you in college and him working day and night, you both knew that you’d end up drifting a little bit apart due to your busy schedules. But you both made sure that you would always stay in touch, even if it meant contacting each other later down the road. You never really questioned why he was always late though, you just figured with his job he was always tired and would oversleep. Or any other usual reasons, losing track of time or forgetting about your plans until the last minute, whatever the reason may be.
The door chimed open, catching your attention as Junho walked in. He looked around for a moment before locking eyes with you and smiling. The same smile you’ve seen so many times already and would never get tired of seeing. You smiled back at him as he walked over and sat down across from you. "Sorry I'm late, I got distracted with something before I came." He laughed. "It's fine, I'm used to it by now. You've literally been late to everything since we graduated,” He laughed as he looked up to meet your eyes. There may or may not have been some other reason why you were so patient with him, and it definitely didn't have anything to do with the fact that you've had a crush on him since you guys were kids. How could you not though? You've grown up together, you went to school with each other, you always shared your interests and achievements with each other, you were always there to have someone to lean on when you were going through something. He understood you and he was there to save and protect you from creepy men when you needed him or come pick you up from parties your other friends dragged you too. By now you were used to his antics, but you never said anything to him about your feelings. He has come to you talking about other girls he's met time and time again and they always end up hurting him. You were there to help him through it and you just figured that if he was into you, he would've told you by now. And now since both of you were busy with your own lives and hardly saw each other now, maybe your crush really was hopeless.
"I figured you would be. Still feel bad that this happens all the time now." He said locking your gaze with his, brushing it off. "It's fine, really. I get that you're busy now and probably have better things to be doing." You said, putting on a smile to hide your sadness. "Hey, don't say that. I always have time for my best friend. I might not always be on time, but I always look for any openings I have to come see you." He placed his hand on top of yours as he spoke, looking at you deeply. His hands was always so warm now, you never remember his hands being this warm, but you also weren’t complaining as it was comforting. You giggled at him again and looked down, avoiding eye contact. Hearing him say best friend for who knows what time hurt more than the last. But you brushed it off for now, just wanting to spend time with him. "You ready to order something? It's on me today, since I was late." He asked. You looked back up and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready. What about you?" "I'll need a minute to look and then we'll order, ok?" "Sounds good to me!" You both sat in silence for a minute as he looked over the menu. You pulled out your phone, waiting and aimlessly scrolling through whatever social media.
He did strike up a bit of a conversation as he looked. He asked you about college and how you were doing, about what you were studying at the moment and if any of your professors pissed you off recently, anything about your life that he might have missed since then. You also asked how he was doing with work and how work was going. You also never really knew what he did. You would ask him and he would just say that he can’t really say because it was some government job that he couldn’t share details about. Only that he was always working long stressful hours and was taking any overtime opportunities he got. It did confuse you but you never wanted to get mad at him and demand answers, since you didn’t want to lose him. You already barely saw each other and you didn’t want to do anything to make him not talk to you for even longer just because of an argument so you never pried. You didn’t want to waste any precious time you had with him over an argument. After a few more minutes he decided what he wanted and called a waitress over. You both ordered and continued to talk about your lives as the waitress brought over your drinks. You continue to talk about your new stories from college and work. You gushed about something you learned recently in your class and got really excited that he was willing to listen to you. You really loved that about him, that you could just spend forever talking about the things you were both passionate about and you would both just support each other no matter what. Yeah, the work might have been stressful but that didn't stop you from enjoying the time you were spending studying something you loved. The waitress brought out your food and you both ate quietly. He playfully joked with you and you jabbed back at him for something as well. Your playful bickering went back and forth until he finally gave up and let you win. You rubbed it in his face until he said you were cute when got worked up. You tried to hide the blush creeping up on your face when he called you cute. He would occasionally playfully flirt with you like that and you loved and hated it equally. It always got your hopes up that somewhere within his words was a hidden message that he was trying to express his feelings for you, but then that next moment there wasn't any hint that he actually had romantic feelings for you. You at least liked the think that you're the only girl he would do that with, but there was no way you were the only one. He’s had to have done it to the other girls he’s liked too. You just wish he actually meant it towards you. The waitress came back to take your empty plates as you stacked them neatly and Junho handed her his card with a wink. That stung a little but you ignored it. Once she brought back his card you continued to talk together and sometime during the conversation, he placed his hand back on top of yours affectionately.
Sirens sounded off in the distance, pulling at your attention. You looked out the windows curiously to see large black police vans come barreling down the streets. Junho whipped his attention towards them before he swore and jumped up from his seat, taking hold of your hand and tearing through the kitchen doors. "Damn it!" There was no time for you to process what was happening as Junho dragged you through the kitchen and out the back door. "What's going on?!" You managed to say as your senses came back to you for a brief moment for you to say something. "No time, just stay close to me!" He didn't look back at you as he shouted. He slowed his pace for moment, your hand slipping from his as he ran through the alleyway. You were so confused and had no time to think. You ran after him through the twisted walls as adrenaline started to pump through you. You could feel your body shaking and your breaths were shallow. Through your blinded confusion though, you caught a glimpse of Junho pulling out some sort of radio and say something into it.
It wasn't long before you hit a dead end with nothing but a closed dumpster and a wall that you could potentially climb over. He stopped before turning to you. "Come here." He motioned to you. You walked closer to him when he suddenly grabbed you by the waist and lifted you on top of the closed lid. Your face was bright red at the sudden action but you couldn't stop and be surprised. You scooted back as he lifted himself on top of the dumpster as well. "Stand up." You shakily got up as he did the same thing again and set you on top of the wall, only he didn't follow. "Stay here until the others come to get you, I'm going to go slow them down." "What do you mean? What the hell's going on?" You were so rushed and confused that you couldn't help but shout at him shakily, your breath heaving. He turned back towards you, grabbing your hand tightly between both of his and looking you dead in the eye. "Look, a lot has happened since highschool, a lot of things I didn't want to tell you. I promise when this is all over I'll tell you everything, but for right now you have to run. I'd never be able to live with myself if you ever got hurt because of me," His usually goofy and lighthearted persona was gone and replaced with a different kind of seriousness you've never seen. On the other side of the wall, a large black van pulled up and one man quickly stepped out. You looked back towards Junho, eyes locking as he sensed your fear and confusion. "Go with them, they'll keep you safe, I promise. I'll see you soon." He told you gently.
Shouting could be heard from around the corner as Junho let go of your hand and ran off. You still had so much more to say but as soon as you saw the S.W.A.T. men round the corner your heart dropped. You panicked and jumped down to the other side roughly landing on your feet and falling forward onto your knees. The man that got out of the car was at your side in an instant, gently holding onto your shoulders making sure you were ok. You looked at him, taking in his sweet face as he helped you stand. His hand found yours as he tried to lead you toward the van, but you couldn’t help but hold back as you heard shouting. You whipped your head back up at the edge of the wall. There was no way Junho could fight armed gunmen hand to hand, what the hell was he thinking?! The man pulled gently on your arm, making you look at him. "What is he doing? He can’t fight them like that, he has no chance," You asked, your expression desperate. The man smiled gently at you, "He'll be fine, I promise." He said before quickly pulling you back towards the van once again. You could do nothing but accept his word as you let yourself be dragged towards the unmarked vehicle. He led you towards the open door and helped you inside. There were 4 other men sitting inside, plus the man driving. The boy infront of you couldn't have looked much younger than you as he slid over and held his hand out to you. You quickly took it despite any hesitation you had and sat next to him as the door shut. "You're Y/N, right?" He asked, looking at you and smiling while the other sat down. His other hand found your wrist as he held you protectively. "Yeah?" He paused before scoffing playfully. "Brace yourself. You don’t want to end up on the floor with him driving." You looked confused but still braced your feet against the floor, only to misjudge the force as the driver floored into reverse and backed out of the alley onto the open road, knocking you into the man beside you.
He put his arm around your shoulders, keeping you steady as he drove away. "I'm Alex, by the way. Junho has told us a lot about you. I know this might be strange but just trust us for now. Junho wouldn’t have left you with us if he didn’t think we could keep you safe." You looked up at him as he smiled. You seemed to calm down a bit as everything settled down for a moment and nodded towards him in acknowledgement. You sat up as he kept one arm around your waist to keep you from moving around too much. Your mind was still racing with questions. You spent a moment processing everything as the others talked amongst themselves. Your best friend, who you've known since you were kids, is being chased down by a police force, and has this group of people that are also most likely being hunted down. He damn well better explain to you what the hell is happening. You stared down at your hands, keeping to yourself as you eavesdropped on the conversation the others were having. It wasn't much other than them discussing what to do next and to head back to base, whatever that meant. They said that Junho would be fine and that he’d catch up to them later that afternoon. You hoped they were right. You still had no idea how they knew that. You’ve known Junho all his life and you really didn't think that his dramatic ass could handle having seven different guns pointed at him. But hey, guess they knew him better than you did. Some best friend he was.
"You doing ok?" Alex asked and you nodded. "Yeah, just need a minute." "Yeah, I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Junho never told you anything?" You shook your head. "No, nothing. I have no idea what's happening or what he did to have S.W.A.T men after him." Alex laughed. "Makes sense, Junho told us he never wanted you involved in order to keep you safe, but he also doesn't want to lose you. He didn’t know how to tell you what was going on, figuring you wouldn’t believe him or would be scared and tell him to stop. Any time he went out he had to make sure no one saw him so he wasn’t followed and end up leading them to you." Well that explains why he was always late, and why you barely saw him anymore. "I'll let him explain to you what's going on, since that should be his job to tell you. But for now, I'll introduce you to the others since I’m assuming you’ll be sticking around for a while," He looked over to the man that walked you inside, "That's Minseo, over there is Hyeop," he gestured to the man with red streaked hair. "Then Changuk," the one with a stoic face, "Then Dongyun," light dirty blonde hair, "and Yunseong is at the wheel," Yunseong overheard his name and winked at you through the rear view mirror, bright blue hair framing his face. Your eyes widened in surprise as a blush dusted your cheeks. You wiped the sweat off your hands on your pants, taking in a deep breath. Even if now wasn’t the best time for questions, you couldn’t shake Junho from your mind. “How do you know he’ll be ok?” Alex turned towards you. “Who, Junho?” “Yes, Junho. That man has been scared by a butterfly landing on his arm, how is he supposed to take on multiple armed men?” Alex seemed conflicted on how to answer your question and turned towards the others. Dongyun was the one to speak up. “Ok look, something really big happened after he came to us after he graduated. Did he not tell you?” You grew frustrated with the amount of things they said you didn’t know about Junho that you ended up snapping at them. “No he didn’t tell me! I don’t know anything about what’s going on! I’ve known this man my entire life, what the hell did he not tell me?!” They grew silent after you spoke and you sighed, leaning back against the car seat defeated.
Something crashed against the van from the outside. Alex immediately pulled you closer to him protectively. Out of fear and reflex, you held onto him. He looked up and yelled at Yunseong. "What the hell was that?" You saw Yunseong turn the steering wheel violently to the right. "The hell do you think it was? There's a S.W.A.T. team trying to kill us!" The van took a sharp right turn. You braced your feet against the floor of the van as Alex held onto you. The adrenaline rush returned and you started shaking again. Alex sensed your fear as he placed his hand on the side of your head. "Don't worry, we're not going to let you get hurt. Junho will kill us if we do." He whispered. Yunseong steered the van sharply through the streets, occasionally getting rammed from the outside, making him lose direction. "I can't shake them, we're going to have to make a run for it. Make your way back to base and regroup there. One of you is going to have to take her with you." Yunseong looked back at you through the mirror. You felt your heart drop as he said that. There was no way you'd be able to keep up with them and you didn't exactly enjoy the idea of being chased by gunmen considering he did just say they were trying to KILL them. "Minseo, you have the best chance of keeping her safe with you. You can handle that, right?" Alex asked. You looked over at Minseo as he nodded. "Good, you all better be ready to move when I say. We don't have much of an opening." You mentally prepared yourself to run. You briefly saw Yunseong turn down another alleyway. Alex relaxed his arms around you as Yunseong neared what seemed to be a four way opening. The others moved towards the door in front of you and the back door. Alex motioned for you to head towards Minseo, who was already crouched by the door along with Hyeop, hand ready to open the door. "You're gonna go with him, ok? I get that you're frustrated and confused about everything right now but please just trust us for now and I promise you’ll get answers?" You looked back at Alex who gave you a reassuring glance. It didn't really help but you also didn't have a choice and just nodded in response. The van came to a screeching halt as you made eye contact with Minseo who gently took your hand from Alex.
"Now!" Yunseong shouted as the van recoiled from the sudden stop. In an instance, all three doors opened at once. Yunseong and Alex ran out the left door, Changuk and Dongyun out the back door, and you, Minseo, and Hyeop out the right door. You ran hand in hand with Minseo straight ahead as the others went their separate directions. Hyeop was on your left as you trailed behind Minseo. You neared the end of the alleyway and Minseo led you to the right. You both turned out onto the open street as Hyeop went the other direction, leaving you both. You continued running with Minseo down the street for some time, no hint of the gunmen following you. You swerved past the pedestrians walking until eventually Minseo slowed down, looking behind you both. "I think we're ok for now." He continued to walk quickly down the street, still looking back behind him. You did so as well, just in case. "We're headed toward that building," He pointed towards the tall federal building in front of you. "That’s where we’ve been meeting up for a while now. We have other locations outside the city but for more convenience we’ve been hiding a whole system under that building. I think Junho told you he worked for some government building, so I guess he wasn’t technically wrong." He told you. You winced a bit at the “not technically wrong” as if him still lying to you was ok. The temptation to ask questions and frustration overwhelmed you. "What are you guys even doing? What are you trying to achieve?" You didn't think he'd answer you, but we're surprised when he did. "It's hard to explain, but there was this group of scientists that engineered this strange power source for the government. We don't know what they planned to do with it but our organization protects this power source from them." He didn't look at you as he spoke, but he still spoke kindly. Which surprised you since you didn’t ask your question nicely making you feel bad for being rude. But then again they know you’re annoyed so maybe they understood. And that explains the S.W.A.T. force that’s after them. You continued to walk with Minseo, him occasionally looking behind you to make sure you're not being followed.
After some time of walking in silence, since you figured it'd be better to save your questions for Junho, he spoke up to you. "You doing ok? We're almost there, I know you must've been through a lot today." You looked up and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." Were you though? What would happen after this? I mean, obviously you'd bother the shit out of Junho for an explanation, but surely no one would think you're involved in this too, right? You really weren’t going to be dragged into this, you had your own life and wishes you wanted to achieve, not be involved in some huge crime scheme. You still had all your college classes and your career ahead of you that you weren’t giving up on so easily. You were snapped out of your thoughts when Minseo looked behind you and quickly dragged you into the next alley way. Your fight or flight kicked in at the sudden change of pace and ran alongside Minseo once again. "They found us, we can't go into the building until they're gone." Minseo said to you quickly. You mentally rolled your eyes as you were once again running down foriegn alleys for a few minutes when suddenly you hit a dead end, with no way up or around. Minseo swore and turned back towards the armed men pacing towards you both.
However, they didn't get far until a huge swarm of crows surrounded them in a black haze. Your eyes widened as you stared at them. You couldn't believe the amount of birds that were coming in around the S.W.A.T. men. You could barely even see them anymore because of how thick the swarm was. You heard a giggle from Minseo and turned to see him looking up and smiling. You followed his gaze to see a stone faced Hyeop on top of the building, watching the swarm of birds. You watched as the men started running back around the corner, the birds chasing them away. Once they were gone, Minseo motioned something to Hyeop before leading you back around to the other exit of the alley way. Was Hyeop…controlling the birds? You already had enough with today, the last thing you wanted to hear was somehow all of them had their own inhuman powers. You could finally see the building right across the street but before you could get to the opening in the alleyway, more armed men appeared. You were about to run back another way when Minseo raised his hand in front of him. You held onto his hand as blue lightning struck the men in front of you, making them all collapse, unconscious. Your body froze from shock. You could hear yourself breathing heavily as you let go of Minseo’s hand. What the hell was that? No human alive should be able to do that and you were not sticking around to find out why they could do that. That could wait until another day. This better not have something to do with that power source he talked about because if scientists were able to create that, you were not being involved with what else they could do. Minseo reached for your hand to pull you out of the alley but you didn't budge. His hand slipped from yours as he turned back around to you. "Come on,we’re right here. You'll be safe-" "What the hell was that?!" You yelled, backing away from him as he reached for your hand again. It took a minute before he realized what happened, and a look of horror appeared on his face. "Look, we can explain-" "Fuck that, I'm not being apart of this! I’ve been through enough today for you to tell me all of you have powers! This can wait until another day, I’m done!" You ran past him and turned right onto the street. "(Y/N), wait!" He called after you, hearing his footsteps as he chased after you. You continued running through the crowd of people making sure to weave in different directions, hoping you would lose him.
After a few minutes you didn't hear him running after you anymore and you started walking home. You didn't know what the hell you were getting involved with but if Junho really wanted to explain things to you, he could come to you. And not bring an army with him. Literally. It was starting to get late as you spent a long walk back to your apartment, giving you time to think. Did all of them have some sort of power?! What was Junho's then? Your mind was still barely processing what happened at the diner let alone what has happened all day. It felt like hours since you got a moment of peace. Which I guess technically it has been since it was starting to get dark and you had been walking for at least an hour. The sun had set below the horizon, leaving nothing but the orange sky above you. You turned down the street that your apartment was on, happy to be almost home. However, the S.W.A.T. man in front of you had other ideas. You looked up and only saw his masked face as his gun was still across his chest. "You're coming with me, got it?" You panicked realizing the situation and ducked into the alley next to you. You slowly walked backwards as three more men followed you back into the alley. How the hell did they find you? You had no clue what to do, but as they raised their guns up to you, you really realized you were actually in danger. You could feel the tears prick the corners of your eyes as you continued to walk backwards until your back hit the wall. You could barely make out your surroundings as the silhouettes of the men stopped in front of you, ready to shoot. "You can either come with us quietly or we will open fire, you hear me?" You were too frozen with fear to do anything except slide down the wall of the alley. Your chest heaved up and down as a single tear started to fall down your cheek, your body once again beginning to panic and tremble. "Alright well, you made your choice." You barely had a second to react as your heart sank and they opened fire. You held your arms to your face as you let out a forced squeak of fear. But after a minute you realized nothing hit you. You carefully looked up to see all the bullets floating in mid air around you. The continued firing stopped, as they realized nothing was hitting you. You looked up surprised at how many there were when a figure caught the corner of your eye. On top of the building you could barely make out Changuk’s face staring blankly at you.
Right as you saw him, a flaming ball jumped down from beside him, and hit the ground in front of you like a meteor. You covered your face again for a moment, the bullets dropping in front of you, before seeing a man through the flames in front of you. As they disappeared you saw the back of Junho's head. The gunmen readied their weapons once again, ready to shoot at him. Before they did anything, you heard Junho's voice. "Cover your eyes, I don't want you to see this." His head was turned slightly back towards you, voice cold and serious as you did what you were told. You covered your eyes with your arm again as a bright flash of light surrounded you. All you heard was screaming and the roaring of fire for a few minutes before everything became dark. You looked back to see Junho crouched on the ground before standing up. He turned around and started walking back towards you, face cold as he stared at you. You grew nervous before his expression melted into a softer, more concerning look. He stood in front of you before crouching down and reaching his hand out to you. He paused before speaking.
"Come with me, I'll explain everything to you."
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ghostie-galaxi · 2 years
Since Drippin is having another comeback Villian related I'm going to start my part 2 of the Drippin x Reader Villain AU, since I wanted to wait until next comeback to see if the storyline progressed so I can use it for later chapters, and I want and reread the first chapter of the AU, and DAMN DID I IMPROVE MY WRITTING FROM WHAT IT USED TO BE? like it's obviously not perfect or anything but I thought it'd be a lot cringyer to that it actually is and it's not and that's makes my really happy. Kinda sucks though that I spent a lot of time on that only for it to not really get a lot of attention since Drippin is a really Nugu group, but hey that's what I'm hear for, writting for smaller groups even though nothing is really going to get seen, but at least someone looking for that group content will be happy. Anyways, I just wanted to talk about my writing and me thinking it's somewhat decent lol.
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ghostie-galaxi · 3 years
Drippin Masterlist
(Requests closed for this group)
Drippin x Reader | Villian AU
Drippin as Boyfriends
Drippin Soulmate AU
Drippin when they have a crush
Drippin when they're jealous
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