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boysplanetrecaps · 1 year ago
Build Up, Ep 4 Recap: Kick It v The Little Prince
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Welcome back to the project nobody minds waiting two weeks for -- my MNET Build Up Recaps! In the previous one, we finally finished episode 3, seeing that match up between Jay and Wumuti. In this one, we’ll see WEi’s Seokhwa and AB6IX’s Woong take on two trainees. Will the sunbaes beat the hoobaes? Will the hoobaes rebel? Only one way to find out!
After a super brief recap, the episode dives in to the first match of the episode: idols versus trainees. People comment on the flashy outfits idols Seokhwa and Woong are wearing, and wonder if they’ll dance.
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“Idol beauty radiates -- Kang Seokhwa (left) x Jeon Woong team” 
They introduce themselves as “fate,” and I think it’s a pun/meme that would make sense to Korean viewers because it makes everyone else laugh. 
Both Woong and Seokhwa were on team Ditto, and Woong ended up with a low tier ranking even though I think his voice sounded quite nice. 
In comparison to Seokhwa and Woong’s punky idol styling, the trainees Ji Yeonwoo and Jeong Yunseo are dressed simply and cutely. 
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Yeonwoo, left, was low tier in Decalcomanie for forgetting the words, poor kid. 
You might remember Yunseo most for his red outfit in the first episode that made him look like he drove racecars for a living. (It was cute, don’t get me wrong.) You might also remember his bold confidence in his team performance of Beautiful, where unlike his fellow trainee Minseo, he seemed to be completely sure that he’d succeed. I really love his attitude! 
The judges start off by asking the trainees if they’re nervous, and Jaehwan reminds Yeonwoo about his mistake. Yeonwoo says that he’s been having nightmares every night reliving that moment and that it was the worst moment of his life. Poor kid, god, can you imagine? I just want to hug him. Anyway, he promises not to make a mistake again. The other judges yell at Jaehwan for bringing it up.
The two teams trash talk a little -- the trainees say that they have nothing to lose, essentially. The idols say that the trainees are cute, and that they think beating the trainees would be a good story for MNET. Eunkwang rightfully points out, however, that a better story for MNET would be if the idols lose!
Time for a flashback. 
It’s the duet-forming portion of the day, and we see Seokhwa go straight for Woong. Since Woong was in the Low Tier and probably was scared no one would pick him, you can tell he’s really glad to see Seokhwa!  
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“This is the narrative,” reality-savvy Woong interviews. “If you fall and go back up? That’s the narrative.” Yes, but unfortunately, MNET also likes it if you fall and keep falling. They’re sociopaths that way.
This pair up may not have been the best idea, as we’ll see, but it makes a lot of intuitive sense that these two would want to work together. For one thing, they have had similar careers so far. Both WEi and Ab6ix could be considered post-ProduceX101 groups, and they debuted 15 months apart (first AB6IX, then WEi). They would have friends in common, for starters, and given that both groups put out three singles each in 2021 and 2022, they had to be promoting at the same time at least a few times. Woong is Seokhwa’s sunbae since Woong debuted first, but Seokhwa is older, making their relationship a bit more balanced. Also, they obviously solidified their friendship during their preparations for Ditto. Plus, Seokhwa wanted to work with another idol so they could do an idol-style performance, something more dynamic than Ditto. As I said, it all makes sense, especially if you remember that often times the winning group on Boys Planet would be the group that got along better.
Ok, in this next portion I need to talk about Ji Yeonwoo and Jeong Yunseo. I think that if I were reading these recaps, I’d find those names similar enough that I wouldn’t be able to remember who is who and I might have to scroll up and down a lot. So, I’m going to call Yunseo “driver Yunseo.” This is for two reasons: (1) He looked like a racecar driver on the first day. 
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And (2) because he really is a “driver” in this storyline! 
The flashback also shows us poor Yeonwoo, waiting for a duo partner. He voice-overs that after he messed up the lyrics, he felt like he wanted to “hide in a rat hole.” It looks like no one wants to work with him… until driver Yunseo comes over to rescue him, saying, “Let’s go, ‘04s.” Aww, they’re chingoos! (A “chingoo” is someone the same age as you, which makes you feel like you’re friends -- it’s a Korean cultural thing I don’t totally get.) 
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Driver Yunseo thought they’d be a good match, and I think it was smart on his part to pick Yeonwoo too. The two maknae on a show will always get a kind reception, even if they don’t always get the highest scores. 
Driver Yunseo either genuinely wants to cheer up his chingoo or he knows that he has to get Yeonwoo’s confidence up if they are going to have any chance of winning, or both, because he puts his arm around his chingoo’s shoulders, he gives him complicated high-5s, and just generally does everything in his power to pump Yeonwoo up. It’s cute. 
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Driver Yunseo says: “Ji Yeonwoo, Nekkoya (you’re mine!)”
With Driver Yunseo’s infectious confidence beginning to spread to him, Yeonwoo vows to “rebel” and win this time. Driver Yunseo says, “I promise you, I’ll make you a narrative.” Yunseo GETS IT, you guys. I really like this kid. 
Anyway, so, all the guys are sitting on the floor whispering to each other about which duos they want to challenge. Driver Yunseo says, “the team I think we can beat no matter what is Kang Seokhwa’s team.” I hate to say it, but that was pretty smart.
Ok, hear me out, because I really like all four of these guys and wouldn’t want any of them to be sad or anything, but I have noticed that Seokhwa’s voice is a bit weak. It’s a very pretty, sweet, light voice; he has a lot of potential, and a lot of current charm, seeing as he did get a judge’s vote. But he often strains on higher notes, and his belts sound like he’s tensing up his throat a lot. He’s super stable as a performer in WEi and is really well suited for the idol life. I’m just not sure that his vocals are quite to the level this show expects. Sorry, RUi! 
I also think that as outwardly cheerful as Woong is, I think he’s really feeling low. I actually really like the texture of his singing voice, and think the judges were unnecessarily rough on him. Being put in the low tier when he’s a main vocal was probably pretty distressing for him.  Even though *I* know his voice is really nice, it doesn’t seem like anyone on the show really seems to think so. No one is telling him his voice is nice. Only 14 people voted that they’d want to work with him. So with Woong’s confidence and reputation both kind of in the dumpster, he’s also an easy target. 
The trainees correctly deduce that the idols are going to want to do something bouncy and higher energy, maybe with the some dancing, and think that they themselves can win by using their vocal skills and youth to charm the judges. “It’s not a bad picture for us if we try to beat the seniors. Not a bad picture at all,” Driver Yunseo whispers to his chingoo. I’m telling you, Yunseo GETS IT.
So up until now, I’ve been unclear as to how the whole situation with the Rival Choosing Platform Area (RCPA) worked. This time, we actually hear Solar announcing Seokwa and Woong’s names, so they were somehow selected to go down to the RCPA. You’d think that maybe the show could have told us how this all works at any point, but that would have eaten into their instant replay time, so I guess not. 
Seokhwa and Woong invite a challenger.
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And then a few other teams head down to the RCPA, which kind of hurts the idols’ feelings. Do they look like pushovers? They’re challenged by our two trainees, as well as by Team Geonu x Soomin and Team Hong Seongjun x Kim Seohyung. 
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Left to right: Woong, Seokhwa; Kim Seohyung, Hong Seongjun, Geonu, Soomin, Driver Yunseo (hidden), Yeonwoo.
Interesting, those two other teams end up each others’ rivals and are up third in this episode! So we’ll see them in the post after the next one. 
The trainees make their case.
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“I thought it would be an interesting scene, you know, for the viewers, you know, if the idols and trainees go against each other.”
“Especially if we win!”
Seokhwa chooses the trainees, reasoning that they’d be easy to beat. And only later do we find out that Woong had told Seokhwa that the trainees were the one team he wanted to avoid, because it would be disastrous to lose to them! But more on that shortly. 
The trainees decide that to show off their singing skills and youthful appeal, they’ll sing “The Little Prince,” originally performed by Ryeowook from SuperJunior. The song was released in 2016, when Ryeowook was almost 30, but it’s a sweet and youthful-feeling little song about love and friendship inspired by the classic story The Little Prince. 
Sample lyrics:
Making a heart that is like the wind stay with me Is such a hard thing I know But I won’t say anything, I’m just waiting for you The Little Prince told me That gaining someone’s heart Is the hardest thing to do, come to me The Little Prince said to me It might be sad right now But we’re never gonna be apart That you’re going to want to laugh with me
As they head into the performance, poor Yeonwoo talks more about how miserable he was after he made his mistake. The stakes are high! He vows to do better this time. 
Watching the trainees getting ready, Baekho and Seungkwan -- who are signed to the same agency -- talk about how their monthly evaluations as trainees made them more nervous than performing ever did. Boy, do I get that! I’d rather perform 100 times than audition once. 
Before they perform, the trainees do some squats, for some reason (I guess maybe to shake off the nervous energy?) and then steel themselves. It’s time!
Full version without reactions 
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My thoughts:
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Yeonwoo, left, in the s w e a t e r over a collared shirt, and Yunseo, right.
Aww, this was cute. 
Have you ever been watching a competition reality show that involve a creative element, like Top Chef or Project Runway or Glow Up or Bake Off, and a contestant says “I’ve never done this before, but you don’t win by playing it safe!” And you, watching at home, are like, “omg, why are you doing that? If you’ve never worked with leather, if you’ve never cooked lamb, if you’ve never used prosthetics, if you’ve never made caramel, or whatever the hell durned foolish thing you’re going to do for the first time on international TV, why are you doing it now?” And most of the time they end up going home, while someone who made sure to safely land the plane is the one who wins. 
These two landed the plane.
This song isn’t necessarily easy to sing; it has a lot of high notes and requires a lot of vocal agility to make it through the melody and the rhythm, both of which get tricky at times. However, the “concept” or idea behind the song is relatively straight forward and easy for these two to deliver -- a sort of youthful view on love as something that you can hope for if you’re patient. Also, though Ryeowook is a main vocal of SuJu and has a great voice, he’s not someone supernatural like Chen that would be a really, really hard act to follow. 
Yeonwoo and Driver Yunseo both have good, young voices with tons of potential. I think they both could use a bit more training and experience, but they really do both deserve to be on this stage. Both sounded more than a bit nervous, which may have contributed to their breath control issues, but both held strong to the end and I didn’t notice any pitchiness or major tempo mistakes, which is big. 
Of the two voices, I think I like Driver Yunseo’s a little more, as a Yeonwoo is still a bit nasal at times. Yeonwoo also went a tiny bit fast at a few points, and his high notes were a little bit strained. Driver Yunseo’s lower register is really gorgeous, while Yeonwoo’s higher notes are a bit stronger. They made a great duo! I don’t think they’re going to win this show, but I’m glad they’re on it. 
The MNET edit is very retrained. Mostly it’s just the two trainees singing, with occasional shots of the guys backstage looking both proud and hopeful, like this:
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Hyukjin, left, and Jeong Inseong from KNK, who will be going third in episode 5.
And the judges smiling indulgently and/or uncertainly, like this: 
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When they’re done, everyone applauds for the maknae. 
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The judges say things like, “aww, they must have practiced a lot!” 
Backstage, the guys joke about how well the trainees’ did -- “are they our sons? Did we raise them?” -- and also joke a bit about how old they feel in comparison to them. 
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“If we sang The Little Prince, it wouldn’t come out like that!” Hwanhee from Up10tion says. “Old princes would come out if we sang.” Hwanji is like, “hey man, stop talking like that.” They’re only 24/25 years old, so he has a point.
Seokhwa and Woong, waiting in the wings, say, “They did a great job. Much better than in rehearsal.” You can see the worry on their faces. 
The judges vote, and we get the high and low score -- a high of 92 from Seungkwan from Seventeen and a low of 70 from Jaehwan. That’s the lowest “high score” and the lowest “low score” we’ve seen thus far, but it’s not embarrassing or anything.  They look pretty happy!
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Seungkwan is like, wow, Jaehwan, what’s up with the 70? 
And a glowing light comes out of Jaehwan’s eyes and his body begins to slowly levitate as he says, “In place of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen! Not dark, but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Treacherous as the sea! Stronger than the foundations of the earth! ALL SHALL LOVE ME, AND DESPAIR!”
I mean, maybe not literally. 
Seungkwan mentions Yunseo’s early lines, which were in fact quite sweet and lovely. “I think it started off well and went along steadily until the end without bumps.” 
Jaehwan says, “Actually I really liked it. Maybe it was the purity that comes form the vocal tone…? I felt like I was listening to angels’ songs.”
Everyone is like, wtf? You cheered for them and loved them and gave these “angels” a 70? Backstage, one of the guys mutters, “He’s going to hell.”
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Jaehwan continues: “I still thought about it calmly. When I heard the song, I felt endlless possibilities, but when considering the average level of singing ability, I thought that 70 was the appropriate score. It wasn’t bad, though!” 
Eunkwang says, “it was so good, but….” and he points out that Driver Yunseo sort of bounces in a bowlegged way as he sings. That’s exactly the kind of helpful feedback that a good sunbae should point out, says I, and the other judges agree. 
Backstage, Seokhwa and Woong are really nervous now. I think the trainees had had a really bad rehearsal and so the idols were pretty sure they’d have an easy time of it. But now the idea that a pair of debuted idols would lose to trainees who did a kind of straight-forward performance is just really sinking into their heads. 
Woong is worried that maybe people will lose interest in AB6IX if he doesn’t do well on the show. Oh, I doubt that, Woong-ah. It’s a parasocial thing -- people might even like you better if you lose. 
We see a flashback to the rival choosing moment, and this is when we learn that Woong really didn’t want to go up against the trainees, because the optics of losing to them would be awful and the optics of beating them wouldn’t be much better. He had told Seokhwa as much, which Woong finds perplexing.  
Seokhwa either didn’t hear or didn’t think it really mattered, and chose the trainees because he thought it would make them stand out. I think I’m with Woong on this one! Woong interviews, “I can’t get any lower than I am right now. We better win.” 
The idols have a nice cozy rehearsal studio to work in, but no sweaters. 
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Seokhwa reveals that he overheard the trainees talking ant that they’re planning to do a bright, youthful ballad. Seokhwa wants to show that ballad vocals aren’t the only kind of vocals, and maybe doing something more hip, with an R&B vibe, would give them their own lane to drive in. The judges liked their performance skills in Ditto, so they should capitalize on that. That sounds great to me, Seokhwa! 
What about maybe Butter by BTS? That song is catchy af. Or what about Blooming Day or Hey Mama by EXO-CBX? I think both of those songs would sound good as a duet, and both would get the judges on their feet! Ok, sure, with the EXO-CBX songs you’d be following in some amazing vocal footsteps, but I think it would be fine! There’s also a bit of rap to show off here. 
But nope. They want to do “Kick it” by Blackpink. I don’t know why on earth they chose this song!  This is one of those songs where Teddy Park had a lunch date he really wanted to keep, so he just sort of threw some notes in a random order and had Jennie sing with as much swag as humanly possible so that it sounded almost like a melody. 
Also, there's another problem here. See, Woong is a very derivative singer. I really like his voice, as I’ve said before, but if you listen to his vocal check performance and compare it to the original singers’ version, it’s nearly identical, to the smallest detail. I think Woong needs to hear an example of really good singing in order to match it, and he’s not going to get it on this song. Do not get me wrong; the members of Blackpink are all fantastic performers and I always enjoy their vocals. But none of them sings in a way that is likely to draw positive attention on a show like this. Rosé in particular worries me -- she has a gorgeous natural instrument, and the YG singing style is teaching her really bad habits that might hurt her vocal cords long term. In any case, there’s nothing for Woong to appropriately mimic here to pull out an outstanding performance. 
I really get the feeling that they were overwhelmed by the possibility of choosing any song in the whole world. They wanted to do a girls’ song because it would be cool and attention grabbing, and then wanted to do a Blackpink song because Blackpink is so popular, and once they’d made that choice, they sort of randomly chose this song. The choosing was stressful and they wanted to get to the part where they’d already chosen. That happened to me with my fella when we were trying to pick out curtains. Now we have curtains that don’t really match the room. Sigh. 
If they had really wanted to do a girls’ song, I think Impurities by Le Sserafim would have been cool -- it has a beat and you can definitely dance to it, but it’s also kind of smooth and sexy. It has a real tune and real chords and they could have done something cool with it. Or maybe Eleven by IVE. It could have sounded really cool!   (For both of those links, go to speed and set it to 1.25, or if you know how to do custom, 1.15 is perfect. That way it’s at normal speed, just a lower pitch.) 
Anyway, Seokhwa wants to show how cool they can be.
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They rehearse at Woong’s agency, Brandnew Music  (I mean, blur it all you want, MNET, the logo is pretty obvious), practicing as hard as they did when they were trainees. 
Before they start, the judges talk about how with the song they’re doing, they’ll have to really light up the stage and have fun. The judges are hoping for a good performance showcasing singing, dancing, and rap. As the lights go down, Wendy says, “This is what they’re best at. They shouldn’t be so nervous.”
Here is the full version without reactions. 
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My thoughts:
Overall, it’s just sort of curiously lacking something. I watched this on an airplane on my tablet, and wondered if maybe it just felt “off” because of my environment, but then I remembered that I was really impressed by Jay and Bitsaeon in the same circumstance.  
They both seem so nervous, especially Seokhwa, who runs out of air in the middle of lines, and keeps brushing his hair back anxiously. Woong remembers to smile and connect with the camera, but you can almost see him trying to remember the dance steps. Woong is obviously doing a Jennie impression a lot of time, as I expected him to do, and it just doesn’t  sound as good as it does when he just sings as himself. 
As they sort of settle in, it seems like maybe they can relax and pull it out at the end, but then a Terrible Thing happens: Seokhwa’s voice cracks on a high note. 
Oh no. 
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It’s pretty noticeable, and I already know that it will be a lot more noticeable when MNET does a few instant replays. Seokhwa!! Oh no!!! Baby!! 
I really think both of these guys are sweet and lovable, and both have nice singing voices that are well suited to being a main vocalist of an idol group. I think a combination of nerves and bad song choice really brought them down in this case, but they haven’t lost me as a fan. Fighting! 
I almost don’t want to watch the MNET edit. It starts off with lots of appreciative reactions from the judges and other guys, but as the song wears on, we start to see more looks like this from the judges:
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Backstage, sympathetic Bitsaeon mutters, “They worked so hard for this,” and you know he’s thinking, “... and it turned out like this.” 
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Look how miserable Woong looks even *before* Seokhwa’s crack. 
And then the crack happens. 
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We only have to hear it twice, thankfully, and Woong never gives up, to his credit, but there’s no coming back.
When they’re done, the judges applaud politely, if a bit sadly. They’re all vocalists too and they know that cracks can happen, that we’re all just fragile meat bags when you get down to it and are subject to our human failings, but…. Still. This performance wasn’t great, crack or no crack.  
Backstage, the other guys try to be positive, focusing on how much time and effort went into the performance, and how hard they must have practiced. 
Driver Yunseo says, “It was like watching M-Countdown”...
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… but his smile tells us that he thinks that maybe, just maybe, his team has just won. 
“You did a good job,” Woong murmurs to Seokhwa, who can’t bear to hear praise right now.
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Dahee asks, “Are you happy with your performance?” and of course Seokhwa says no, he made a mistake and is very disappointed with himself. He seems to be barely, barely, barely holding back tears, but he is holding them back. Fighting, Seokhwa, fighting! 
The judges give their scores. Jaehwan seems especially unsure how to vote, but finally he locks it in. 
Wendy has given them a sympathetic 80, but Jaehwan has given a 60. (As a reminder, the trainees’ high and low scores were 92 and 70 respectively.) 
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Jaehwan looks genuinely sad about it, but seems to view this judging thing as a responsibility. Backstage, the other trainees say that Jaehwan is so stingy with his points!
Wendy says her favorite part was the rap in verse 2. She asks if they came up with the choreography, and says it’s not easy to do all that, so she gives them credit. Wendy kind of famously has had trouble with dancing in the past, so it makes sense she’d be impressed by dancing. She adds that it would have been better if they had enjoyed it more, which is exactly what I think. She notes that it was probably really tough for them to go up against trainees, and she felt like they deserved the score she gave based on their attempt to show all the elements. 
Jaehwan says he’s “heartbroken” about it because “they’re active singers just like me, and we all perform together on music shows. They’re my colleagues who cheer me up. To be honest it’s very hard for me to rate them. Yet I rated them because I’m sitting here. I expected you to have fun on stage because I know how good you are at performance. I expected you to go crazy on stage, and I just didn’t see that today. So I gave this score because I want to see more confidence from you next time. Fighting!”
VCG chimes in with a good point: because the song was originally intended for women’s voices, changing the pitch made it less exciting. He says, “No matter how excitedly you sing with mens’ voices, it’s never exciting. You need to change your voice or something, but you didn’t. Your tone was the same when you scratched your voice, or for the low tone, or the rap. So it didn’t sound fun.” I think he is right on target with that, and it seems that all the guys listening backstage agree. It didn’t even occur to me before that this could be specifically an issue for when guys sing women’s songs, but it makes so much sense. 
The idols bow 90 degrees and say thank you for the helpful feedback. I wish they could have met with the judges or a mentor in advance of the performance! 
Now it’s time for the winner to be revealed. 
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And of course, the trainees took it, 591 to 505. Ouch -- it wasn't even close.
If you subtract out the highest and lowest scores, and take the average of the point value remaining, the average score of the other five judges for the trainees is 85 -- and the average score for the idols is 73. Aww! 
With Woong’s encouragement, Seokhwa holds it together. 
Yeonwoo says, “I wanted to win, but now that I did, I feel bad.” 
I think that makes Seokhwa and Woong feel ever worse, though I think they’re also a bit touched by the trainee’s kindness. 
Woong vows that even though they’re on the elimination list, they’re going to “build up and show their best.” But backstage, Seokhwa feels awful. He says that he thinks that he ruined round one as well and keep dragging Woong down. 
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Woong interviews later that he was really upset, but just didn’t want to show it in front of Seokhwa, because he’s Seokhwa’s hyung, and it’s a hyung’s job to be strong. Aww! Woong, fighting!
The judges talk about how difficult competition is. Wendy says that it’s hard to show your skills when you’re nervous, and Jaehwan points out that that’s part of your skills, to stay calm under pressure. 
And on that sad note, this segment draws to a close. 
In the next one, we’ll see Bain and Minseo take on Gwangsuk and Sungjung! Should be a good battle. I’ll see you then!
3 notes · View notes
chocafe · 6 years ago
— seungyoun as your boyfriend
pairing: boyfriend!seungyoun x reader a/n: requested + SEUNGYOUN RE-DEBUT PARTY HERE WE COME!
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as you all may already know
seungyoun is such a playful person ! ! !
sometimes, you don’t know if he makes you laugh or if you simply want to punch him in the face because he’s so annoying
since he’s a little rascal, the two of you tend to playfully fight with one another
he can be pretty rough, so sometimes he lets you win in these mini fights (when i say sometimes─ i mean SOMETIMES. most of the times, he likes winning and rubbing it in your face)
when you slightly injure yourself in these little fights, seungyoun’s mood would automatically change and he’d just be like “babe? are you okay? was i too rough? :(“
and you’re over here pulling his hair like “stupid ass bitch NOW you care?”
insert the vid of seungyoun and jimin fighting on ig live while nathan keeps on repeating “theyre not fighting”
absolutely loves to steal your phone and change your wallpaper into ugly pictures of either you or him
one time, seungyoun was going to secretly change your wallpaper
but when he saw that your wallpaper was a picture of you two on your guys first date
he didn’t have the heart to change it
“huh? what are you doing with my phone?” you approach him as he continues to stare at your wallpaper
“i-it’s nothing.” seungyoun hands over your phone as his cheeks begin to redden up. “i just wanted to check the time. that’s all.”
on the days where you get him annoyed
he would edit a photo of you two together and heavily photoshop your face
so it looks NOTHING like you 💀
he’ll then proceed to upload it onto instagram
so everyone can see it and thus he would look like the prettier one in the relationship
instagram @woodz_dnwm: a cute pic of us two from our recent date :)
instagram @you: literally What The FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY FACE I LOOK LIKE MEGAMIND
despite being a little asshole kid, seungyoun actually treats you very well!
you’re always his top and first priority
there’s no #2 or #3 because you occupy all slots
he adores calling you “babe” and “baby”
so for as long as you’re with him, you’re always going to hear these two pet names
as cheesy as it may seem, when seungyoun is filled with your love, he writes mini poems dedicated to you
you both only keep this between the two of you because you know seungyoun would die of embarrassment if anyone else found out about this
cue seungyoun saying “im scared of attention!”
who needs to pay for a taxi when you have seungyoun???
he’s always there to pick you up
and if anything, he genuinely likes driving you around because it gives the two of you extra time to see and talk to one another
“seungyoun, you don’t need to drive me today!”
“okay i’m on my way right now”
“???? i literally just told you not to????”
“i’m here parked in the parking lot where r u”
there’s a small sense of him that wants to show off how good of a driver he is
so you can be like “omfg… my boyfriend is so hot driving”
but the truth is that you don’t even pay attention to him when he’s driving
because you spend half of the time staring at the window or trying to find a song to listen to on the radio
lets you wear his oversized shirts and hoodies
constantly teases you for fun
but once you get angry, he would run over and hug you as he says “babe, i’m just kidding!”
typical dates include going out for a walk around hongdae, finding the tastiest restaurant in the area and even just staying home as the two of you watch netflix or play the nintendo switch
however, the two of you could never have a date at the movie theaters!
the last time you both went, people were angry at you two because seungyoun wouldn’t shut up throughout the ENTIRE movie
he’s super talkative! literally no one (and i mean no one) can make him quiet down!
seungyoun LOVES fashion
thus, he enjoys choosing outfits for you
sometimes, he messes around with you and makes you wear something absolutely hideous in public
when you question his intentions, he just says “it’s fashion, duh!” while trying his best to hold in his laughter
seungyoun LOVES spoiling you
“it’s okay, trust me! i can buy this myself.” you mention as you hand the worker your debit card
“no way!” seungyoun shouts out loud, quickly shuffling through his wallet. “it’s my job, as your boyfriend, to buy you whatever you want.”
it’s like he’s making money just to spend it all on you
he also luvs it when u wear the clothes he buys u like it sends butterflies throughout his stomach
seungyoun LOVES cuddling
he doesn’t mind being the big or little spoon
he’s versatile bby 🤩
every time you two cuddle, it makes seungyoun feel at ease in a sense that he’s closer to your heart
seungyoun LOVES skinship
maybe it’s because he’s older and is more experienced?
but skinship does not scare him unlike the other boys ─ not even one bit
when you’re both in public, he always has his hands on you one way or another
he’s either tightly holding onto your hand 
or he has his arm wrapped around your shoulder or waist
most of the times, seungyoun is the first one to start off the kiss
“why do i have a feeling that you’re about to kiss me?” you chuckle softly as you watch seungyoun slowly lean in, breaking the gap in between you two
“is me kissing you a problem?” seungyoun questions out loud, but he knows the exact answer to it
there’s absolutely nothing wrong with seungyoun kissing you because when it came to him
you loved every moment shared with him (kissing or not kissing)
“not one bit.” the warmth of seungyoun’s lips was pressed against yours as his hand rests steadily on the side of your jaw
it’s odd, you think to yourself
it’s odd how, despite being a perfectly normal person, seungyoun is able to cast a spell on you and make your heart spill out by one single kiss
when the two of you interlock lips with one another, it is as if his lips set off a heat wave, causing you to melt in his embrace
perhaps, this is what many people call love
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milky-mochi · 5 years ago
[10.42am] boyfriend! dongpyo waits outside the door of your classroom, even though his class ended a little later than yours. even as all your friends stream out of the room, his searching eyes still can’t get a hold of you.
“hey i’m really not interested-” his ears perk up as he hears your voice waft from the lockers.
a frown creases his face as you sound subtly panicked in a way only he could decipher. dongpyo shuffles to the lockers, before he’s met with a sight which makes his blood boil.
the most notorious asshole off the football team is leaned over you, one hand on your right, pushing you against the locker. his cocky smile taunts you, who looks small and annoyed at the proximity. 
“come on babe,” he tuts, “you know you could do so much better.”
“excuse me? i don’t see how you’re better for me-”
“i’m hot, he’s not. he looks like a freaking baby. we’d look so much better together, baby. i don’t know why you won’t give me a chance.”
“i’m not interested in you.”
at your words, the boy's face edged on anger. he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist against the locker door. “why won’t you just go out with me-”
“she said she’s not interested. get lost,” dongpyo said as he put himself between you and the jock, increasing the distance that made you so uncomfortable.
“excuse me?” the jock’s anger was on the rise as he treated dongpyo’s words like a blow to his dignity.
“stop asking her out. she already said no. being more of a jerk isn’t going to get you anywhere, so stop making her uncomfortable."
"and besides,” dongpyo hissed as he took your hand and pulled you away, “she only likes one of us.”
a/n: short drabble!! bc there’s so little dongpyo fluff and i love him so much :( i love jealous! dongpyo :(
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x1masterpeace · 6 years ago
i think i should have done it before lolol
but! i’m here in this blog i would write with produce x 101′s top 31 boys (maybe more) BUT i’m not sure i would do it after season’s ending. so you are warned. english is not my first language so you can write me if i make some mistakes blahblahblah i think that’s all thank you!
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verseoks · 5 years ago
Seungyoun : remember what we do if we get caught
Eunsang : if we get caught I’m blind and you don’t speak korean
Seungyoun : perfecto
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adrimarques11 · 6 years ago
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In love with this outfit..
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...and Cho Seungyoun 🙈
(and all x1 members haha)
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asdfghjilysm · 5 years ago
I will always remember the day you kissed my lips
The night sky has never been more beautiful than that night.
pairing: eunsang x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1,822
warnings: none
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Summer holidays were already coming to an end and just tomorrow evening your dad was going to bring you back home from your grandparent's house. You knew you'll miss this time even though you were even more sure you'll come back next year like you always do.
Before moving to the capital, you used to live there. Moving out was a really hard time for you, not only because you were just a weak-hearted middle-schooler, but because of every memory you made with your neighbours and your best friends. You also loved your family, so once your first school year in the new city ended, you asked your mom and dad if you could spend the summer right at your grandparents'. Both they and your grandma and grandpa agreed immediately.
And it became a tradition.
Every year you came back to the place you grew up. And every year you made sure to spend every day as if it was your last. The neighbourhood was pretty calm so when you weren't spending time with your grandparents, you went out with your childhood friends - Yunmi, Junho, Chaewon and Eunsang. You did pretty much everything: sleepovers, karaoke parties, film marathons, long walks, skateboarding, swimming in public pool or lake, eating out, sleeping in tents, weird photoshoots on a basketball pitch or supermarket's parking in the middle of the night and much more. But there was still one thing you really wanted to do, but somehow there was never an opportunity.
"Why don't we go stargazing this night? There's this large hill over there, we could—" you said, laying on Chaewon's huge bed, between her and Yunmi, while Junho and Eunsang were sitting on the floor, next to the three of you, but before you could even end the sentence, one of the girls interrupted you.
"Our classmate is doing a sleepover today... I and Yunmi got invited and we really wanted to go though" she said, a little weakly.
You moved your head up in boys' direction but unfortunately, their faces immediately showed they were invited too, they didn't even have to say it out loud. You let out a sigh and let your head fall back down on the pillow.
So no stargazing this year as well.
Your friends offered you to go with them. At last, some of their classmates were also your classmates back then. But you were too shy, to be honest. You assured them it's okay and that you'll also enjoy spending the last day with your grandparents.
It was already an evening and you were sitting on a soft couch, next to your grandmother. You were watching another episode of her favourite soap opera. However, it wasn't your favourite though. Your head started to feel heavy, and you were just about to drop off when the notification sound rang from your phone's direction. You quickly unlocked it and opened the messaging app.
"Dress up warmly, I'll be at your place in a minute" you read the text a few times and lowered your eyebrows. It surely was the right sender, but you weren't sure if you were the correct person to receive that. You clearly stated you were not going to that sleepover.
"I told you it's okay. I'm staying home this night" you replied. But right when you tapped the "send" button, you heard a car's engine from the outside.
"No you're not."
"Come out quickly."
You looked over the window to see a dark jeep on the driveway. You knew that car.
"Grandma, can I go out this night too?" you asked quickly, a bit embarrassed.
The woman got a little bit shocked at your sudden question but her facial expression immediately changed into a smile.
"Just come back safe and sound" she said. Not only she trusted you, but she knew you have already turned adult recently and that she doesn't really have the right to tell you otherwise. But you didn't use this for your every whim. You loved her too much to lose her trust.
You stood up and kissed her forehead after thanking sincerely. You ran to your room and grabbed a random hoodie, then you ran to the front door, wore your shoes, shouted a "bye-bye", quickly went out and walked to the car.
As the jeep's windows were darkened, you couldn't see who was inside. You grabbed the front door handle and opened it.
"Hi guys" you said, without really looking inside.
But you only heard one voice in answer.
As you finally got into the car, you realised there really was only one person inside, except for you, of course.
"I thought the others are here too and we'll go together to that sleepover. Are they already in her house?" you tried to excuse yourself. There was that obviousness in your voice - it was easy to notice you really didn't want to go there.
"Don't worry, we're not going to that sleepover".
You looked at your friend with confusion written all over your face.
"What do you mean, Eunsang?" you asked, not paying the slightest attention to the road you didn't even realise you know.
"You'll see" he responded and his lips curved into a little smile.
You crossed your hands on your chest and turned over to look outside the windscreen. Sudden realisation hit you like a truck. You knew that old road through the forest too well not to recognize it immediately. And before you could even say anything, the car stopped.
You were now at the top of the hill. Not so far away from the town but far enough to be the only people in the nearest neighbourhood.
"We're here" the boy stated, pulling keys out the ignition switch and opening his door.
You smiled and opened your door as well. The warm wind hit your bare arms. You quickly got out the car and wore the hoodie you were holding in your hands up till now.
You looked around and the excitement left you speechless. It was perfectly dark around and would also be perfectly quiet if not these crickets, hidden in a high grass nearby.
You moved your eyes up to finally face the sky. The weather was perfect. Not a single cloud appeared and the moon was shining delicately. But the moon wasn't the most important. The main reason you were there, were the stars. You felt like they were shining even brighter than usual. The vision of the night sky was so perfect that night, you could also easily notice the whiteness of the Milky Way.
You moved your head from left to right, staring into the space in awe, as you suddenly felt a hand softly wrapping around your wrist.
"Come there" your friend whispered and led you to the back of the car. He opened the trunk and what you saw made your hand immediately shoot up to your mouth.
Inside there was a stack of pillows, blankets, a laptop and lots of snacks. You wondered how was it possible that you hadn't noticed it earlier.
You giggled quietly and threw your arms over boy's neck. He wrapped his around your waist, took you up and threw both of you into the softness of all these pillows.
As you two disentangled yourselves, you picked some small cushions to sit on and blankets to cover your legs, and sat on the edge of the trunk. You laughed as you noticed his feet touching the ground, as yours waggled in the air, a whole dozen centimetres above the grass.
You sat there in complete silence, not moving at all, only shifting your heads from one constellation to another.
After like half an hour, you finally lowered your head and turned over to your friend only to notice he's already looking at you. The moon has now moved to the front of you two, so you could easily see his face and the expression it showed, although you couldn't find the right word in your head to describe it. But it surely was different than usual.
He moved his gaze to your hand as he slowly held it in the warmth of his own palms. Your heartbeat suddenly sped up as his eyes finally met yours again. You already felt what was most probably happening.
You liked Eunsang. A lot. You knew you liked him much more than the others, and much more sincerely. He was the first person that heard about all your problems, and only after he knew, you then told the others. There wasn't a day you two wouldn't text or call each other during a school year. And when you were at your grandparents' place, he was the one you spent most of your time with. No matter where and what time it was. You just felt safe and appreciated around him.
But you never thought he would think the same about you. You often heard as Junho was telling him about girls from their school and he never seemed to ignore his friend's words. You also never felt as if he treated you differently than Yunmi or Chaewon.
But the truth was that you just didn't look at the right moments. You never saw how his eyes sparkled every time you appeared. You never saw his cheeks slightly blushing every time you complimented him. You never saw his smile every time your tiny figure hugged his giant-like body. And what you didn't and couldn't see was how his heart beat ten times faster every time you arrived. Every year he waited for the summer holiday, not to have a school break. But to see you again, and to spend this whole time with you.
And there you were. Right in front of him, with your eyes looking directly into his and heart fiercely hitting your chest.
He took a deep breath and let out these words, that were echoing through his head the whole summer:
"Y/n, I think I love you".
You smiled widely and teary-eyed, but before you even remembered how to speak again, he let your hand to delicately cup your face and slowly leaned forward to place a soft peck on your lips.
It was short but long enough for you to feel the butterflies in your stomach. A whole lot of butterflies. But you liked this feeling. You wished you were forever as happy as you were in that moment. Because you felt the happiest in your whole life so far. And it all thanks to him.
Afterwards, you still stayed close, he was still holding your cheeks and your foreheads were touching. It took both of you a short while to open your eyes. You then placed your hands on top of his and interlaced your fingers.
"Eunsang" you finally responded while looking directly into the warm darkness of his gaze, what made you smile even wider. "I think I love you too".
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choisanzs · 6 years ago
hwangkeum chem
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how to: be soulmates
→ by donghyun and yunseong
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seungwoahs · 5 years ago
[10:32 am] you watched his pencil lightly stroke the paper, creating delicate marks forming the face of the girl across the room.
“why dont you just go up to her? dont you think its a tiny bit creepy that you just watch her every day drawing her?”
“dont be stupid, shes just my muse. nothing more and nothing less.”
glancing at the girl across the room, you gave her a look of envy. she was pretty, she was talented, it was no wonder why your bestfriend seungwoo was practically in love with her.
you let out a sigh, no matter how many times seungwoo tried to ignore it, you knew that seungwoo atleast had some amount of feelings for the girl across the room. his entire sketchbook was filled with her face, his assignments were littered with her name that he would aimlessly write everywhere. whether it was the way she laughed, looked, acted, smiled, seungwoo was hopelessly in love with her and they both knew that.
“and besides, what difference would it make if i do talk to her? shes out of my league, she will never like somebody like me”
“you would never know if you dont try”
you gave him a small smile that he returned, later resuming to his sketch. oh if only he knew.
‘Why spend your time worrying about a girl who will never notice you when im right here in front of you?’
a/n: im resulting to prompt generators since i ran out of ideas so please please please send in requests thank you 🥰
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teyvattery · 6 years ago
X1 When They're Mad at You/ When You Two Fight
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Kim Yohan
Yohan being mad was a rare occurrence, so when he lost his cool and raised his voice at you during one of your misunderstandings, you walked out teary-eyed. He shocks himself as well, thinking he took it too far, and immediately follows you out of the room to apologise and talk to you calmly this time.
Kim Wooseok
He's already not that verbal, wait 'till he's mad. He'd be really really silent, but do a lot of jaw clenching. He'll be giving you the silent treatment, not really responding to whatever you say to him if he could help it, or at least use the fewest of words. He'd also probably leave you on read. If his anger's really intense he would go as far as to not see you for weeks (if you live together then he'd be staying at one of the members' homes). If you were at fault you should immediately apologise or else he would grow further from you, he doesn't like people who had a lot of pride in them, expecting him to apologise when they were the one at fault. If he was the one at fault though, he would probably give you the silent treatment but give him a day (or only hours, depending on the intensity of the fight). He'd eventually apologise and explain his side, also letting you say your side too, and come up with a solution to stop the misunderstanding/fight.
Han Seungwoo
It's probably either because of your difference in opinions or because of your immaturity. Those would be the only things that would make him mad and you don't like it when he's mad, because both of you would really feel bad of yourselves afterwards. Like, really, really bad. You both would be miserable until you two would make up, there would be no other solution because you two are responsible for each others' feelings.
Song Hyeongjun
It's usually just pouty fights, but when he gets really mad, he cries. He would try to throw an argument but then it would come out as gibberish because he'd probably be sobbing so you have no choice but to calm him down first or get out of the room annoyed. He'd try to explain himself as best as he could, and would be really frustrated at himself for crying later because he knew he was really hard to understand. After you two reconciled he would shower you with "sorry"s and hugs, and you have to assure him that you're not mad anymore or else he'll either hate himself or start crying again
Cho Seungyeon
Like Yohan, it was rare to get in a fight with Seungyeon because he was always playful, but when he does get mad, it was bad for you because you two would be so frustrated trying to get your point across each other. Because fighting was unusual for the both of you, you two would get so stressed immediately to the point he'd just say "let's just...drop this" and you would. He'd probably change topics and act like nothing happened, then once you two are relaxed and chill hours later he'd probably bring up the fight again and explain himself, letting you do so for yourself as well. You two would then smile or laugh at yourselves and at each other for being so lamely heated, resulting in even more thinner chances of getting into a fight next time.
Son Dongpyo
It wasn't hard to pick a fight with Dongpyo, you two would be consistently bantering. But when it becomes serious, Dongpyo would be someone you really don't want to be in a feud with. He'd be sarcastic and a bit mouthy, snapping remarks/comebacks at your way as often as he can—if he's really riled up you wouldn't even get the chance to talk. Obviously he wouldn't be discreet when rolling his eyes or huffing at you, especially when mocking the words you've just said or the thing you just did. Sometimes he becomes too much you end up crying and because of this, he'll feel guilty and stop. If it's his fault he'll probably go and apologise to you, saying how he "really didn't want to go that hard on you but he wasn't able to control himself(you understand of course, so you forgive him)". Says the line, "You know that I didnt mean those, right?" more often than you think
Cha Junho
Like Wooseok, he'd be terrifyingly silent throughout. In the middle of the fight, he'll try to speak of his side once but if he gets cut off, he won't bother explaining anymore and just stay silent until you finish and then leave. Will give you the silent treatment, but not to the point where he doesn't come if you text or call him for his help or whatever, or if he lives with you, he'll not go far as to leave the house for his friends'. He'll just ignore you, continue with his life like nothing had happened. This would cause you to get guilty/ticked off because he doesn't show hostility towards you, instead, he acts like he doesn't care. So in the end you'll be approaching him and apologizing, and when he thinks your apology is sincere, he will now explain his side calmly.
Nam Dohyon
(Do you really want to fight this child?)
Dohyon was your typical teenager. You two would probably have a huge fight because of something stupid(probably) and you two would both ignore each other for God knows how long. For him, it's better to ignore you when you two start raising your voices at each other, because one, you two might say words that you'll eventually regret saying later, and two, it's really bothersome and is causing him a lot of stress. Making up with Dohyon is hard and weird because he's really really vague and will come off as someone who'd be better off without you(when in reality, he isn't) because he preferred it if the one who'll apologize first is you. And then, it's weird because it's kind of like an unsaid thing. Like maybe, you'd be ignoring each other for three days and then he just messages you about a meme he saw and then you'll reply and y'all would be ok again like nothing ever happened, which of course, confuses other people a lot
Lee Hangyul
When he's mad, he'll stay silent while you throw your words at him, until maybe he reaches his breaking point and he justs snaps at you loudly, to the point where his voice overpowers yours so you won't be able to continue what you're saying and downright shut up. Because of this, you end up getting terrified to the point where when he scratches his nape irritably, you'll flinch, thinking that he'll hit you. When he notices this, though, he'll feel really bad and maybe apologize later when everything settles down.
Kang Minhee
He'd be mad but will never lose his cool. He's more level-headed than you think. While you two are in an argument, he'd be silent as you lash your side out to him(maybe casually chime in), and after you've had your fill, he'll then now start talking in a monotone about his side. Because of his way of arguing fights with him wouldn't actually last long, no matter how big. It's because it would also be a way for him to discuss the conflict and actually make out a solution. There wouldn't be no crying, hugging, or whatever because nobody got hurt in the first place, no one has said anything too bad about each other.
Lee Eunsang
Would be like Dongpyo, but like, less agressive/ruthless. Sure, he'd be rolling his eyes and visibly showing disinterest in what you're saying if he's feeling really petty. Maybe throw in a few sarcasm here and there but not to the point where he'll make you cry. He'll know when to stop, because he's only like this when he knows he's [right]. If he's in the wrong, then he'll not be too petty, he'll just say "ok sorry" after what you say and it's too brief and hushed you'll think that it's sarcasm, and that would result to misunderstanding and another fight. Making up with him isn't hard, it's either you or him approach each other with a [back]hug later, with words starting with,"I'm sorry baby, I--"
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pyox1 · 6 years ago
[10:29] Seungwoo couldn't help but stare in awe at your figure as you swayed your hips to the beat of the song playing through the speakers. Never could've he imagined his shy girlfriend dancing in such confidence and sexyness. He could only gulp at the growing bulge in his pants.
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chocafe · 6 years ago
— hangyul as your boyfriend
pairing: boyfriend!hangyul x reader a/n: requested + tried my best to make this <somewhat> accurate and sorry if these seemed a little shorter compared to my others!
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let's start this bad boy with a backstory!
you and hangyul began dating before even knowing that you guys were officially dating
if that makes any sense?
the two of you acknowledged each others feelings
would take each other out on dates
hang out 24/7
and even kiss
but the thing was that 
you guys never had a title for one another
. . .
until dongpyo questioned you two out of pure curiosity
“are you and hangyul dating?” dongpyo’s thoughts flew right out of his mouth as he pointed his index finger at you two, who just so happened to be sitting extremely close to one another
“what do you mean?” you threw another question at dongpyo, somewhat trying to avoid this whole situation
“i mean, the two of you are always together─ you both have to be dating at this point.”
hangyul and you brushed off dongpyo’s interrogation
but you couldn’t help but to constantly think about it
what were you and hangyul?
you two sure weren’t friends
because friends simply don’t make out with each other
at the same time
you two weren’t dating because hangyul has never “officially” asked you to be his lover
“hangyul, i have something to ask you.” you pulled onto the sleeve of his shirt, forcing yourself and even hangyul to stop walking
“sure.” he turned around to fully face you. “what is it?”
you sighed heavily as you thought about it once more in your head before proceeding on. “what are we?”
hangyul was taken aback by your sudden question. “i thought you were my girlfriend/boyfriend.”
?? (⊙ヮ⊙) ??
you don’t recall hangyul ever asking you out???
similar to hangyul, you were surprised by his answer. “huh? you’ve never said anything about that, nor have you asked me out before?”
this whole entire time
hangyul thought you both silently (and naturally) came to terms with this
but you’re over here like no?? literally no?? what goes on in your head???
with that being said
hangyul walked closer to you
breaking the gap in between you two
as he reached out to hold onto your hand and asked
“i’m sorry about that. y/n, will you be mine?”
and thats how you two officially started dating ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
you made sure to call dongpyo that following night to tell him about everything that had just happened
maybe both of your guys fault because of the lack of communication
the type of person to take you to go play basketball (since that’s one of his favorite sports)
and then purposely throw the ball at the back of your head
just for some laughs
you: what the fuck?
hangyul: :’)
he is also the type of person to take you to the han river at midnight
as the two of you would just sit in the grass
talking about your worries in life 
while hangyul rests his head on your lap, using it as if it was a pillow
sometimes, when you two go on dates
he brings dohyon along without notifying you
you: hanGYULLL . . . and dohyon?
hangyul: he begged me to bring him
dohyon: hi, y/n! hangyul told me that you guys were going to watch lion king and i also wanted to watch it too so :D
you don’t really mind since dohyon is like your son
or maybe he’s that annoying little brother who says stuff like “mom said that u have to take me too”
whenever the two of you are alone and are watching a show on netflix
hangyul would take his finger and trace imaginary circles against your skin
he does this subconsciously since this is just a tiny habit of his
super clingy, but doesn’t want to admit it ! ! !
he would follow you wherever you go
you’re not allowed to leave without him attached to your hip
he makes fun of dohyon being a baby when he’s also baby #babyception
you both are super close to one another 
so close that hangyul has an extra key to your house (if you live alone)
while you have a key to his place
he always seems to walk in unexpectedly
and would shout out “hello! your boyfriend has arrived!” every single time
“hangyul, it’s one in the morning ─ whAT ARE YOU DOING HERE”
soft kisses ? ? ?
lmao u wish
his kisses are usually rough
and fast paced
he doesn’t give you enough time to breathe
yet, his kisses still makes you beg for more u____u
one of his major weaknesses is that
he has a difficult time expressing his feelings
therefore, you don’t really hear “i love you” / “i like you” / or any other similar phrases
despite being like this
you know that hangyul is deeply in love with you
and you’re in no rush to hear those short words
regrettably, hangyul wishes that he can overcome this obstacle of his
because even he 100% knows that you deserve all of the love in this world
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hellomyangel · 5 years ago
I’m starting up a blog dedicated to X1.
I’ll be taking request, but I cannot gurantee that I will accept it.
-> fluffs, smuts, angst, etc. However, anything mature will be restricted to the hyung line
-> scenarios, imagines or reactions are fine
-> please be specific with your request. ( e.x “Hangyul and female reader having a night drive” vs “Hangyul and female reader driving ) It just makes my life easier and I am able to be more specific
-> anything involving degration. After what happened with Sulli, I decided to stay away from that
-> anything toxic or involving cheating on another member. I understand it’s fiction, but still,,
-> i will not write anything that has the reader under the influence of alcohol or drugs. My exception is if the reader in the story is able to give CLEAR consent. I don’t feel comfortable writing anything where the reader or the member does not give consent.
I’m still trying to figure tumblr out but I’ll have a masterlist up soon and hopefully a scenario up as well, thank you!
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x1masterpeace · 6 years ago
non-idol boyfriend!au : Dongyoon
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- very ordinary student philologist with brightest smile;
- had a crush on you in the library when you was there with your team and painted a poster for a biology project;
- tried to come often just to see you and even missed a few lessons because of you;
- at some moment he couldn’t take his eyes off you, and you meet your eyes. you winked sweetly, and his heart beat at times stronger;
- after this time library becomes to your little place, and time after time you made his heart beat more often with some innocent signs of attention. but he was still too shy to talk with you;
- and you took the situation into your own hands, realizing that as soon as you finish the project, it will be harder for you to find each other
- in that moment when you asked him to meet somewhere outside the library his eyes sparkled. in this moment you realized that you had a crush on him
- now he’s doing all that he can to see you more often
- like, you are doing your homework together
- or dinners in university’s dining room – you are always texting each other if someone is late
- Dongyoon is not so jealous guy, but he always feel uncomfortable when you talk about some boys from your team;
- and you know about that, lightly banging his nose and tell smth like ‘hey, you’re really think that I look at least one of them knowing that magnificent guy is waiting for me with my favorite donuts?’;
- after that Dongyoon literally melts;
- because of education you don’t see each other so often, but if it does happen, it’s remembered for long time;
- like the moment when Dongyoon sneezed so loud that somebody thought that it was film’s part, and both of you couldn't concentrate on the movie and run away;
- or cafe date where you you organized a marathon of eating ice cream, because of what you lost your voice, but you were immensely happy;
- or that momentous day when you wandered around the shops with various accessories, when he suddenly disappeared. you waited him for 20 minutes, but forgot about all when you saw a small bouquet and cute necklace with metal fox, and after that he officially asked you to be his girlfriend;
- and that moment when in response you almost burst into tears of laughter, pulling from the bag a similar necklace bought a week ago.
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deobitchxx · 6 years ago
empty space — part one // yunseong.
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words : 2,005
genre : angst, slight of fluff
summary : it has been years since both of you decided to end everything, but it wasn’t easy for yunseong to assume that you were just a part of his life. all he wished for was a happy ending with you as the main character in his life.
characters : hwang yunseong, slight mention of by9’s members and the other produce x 101’s trainees
“Move on, she’s just another part of your life that happened to come and never stayed. You are not necessarily to remember her and all the memories you both shared.” Leaving a soft comforting pat on Yunseong’s back, Yuvin then poured another shot of the wine.
Yunseong could only tight-lipped while taking another shot of the wines whenever the elders poured into his glasses. It has been years since both of you ended the relationship, why couldn’t Yunseong just live on and forget about you?
Yunseong just happened to be in a family full of chaebols, and of course being spoiled by his parents or relatives was something common for him. However, it was not in the same case for you.
You led an average life, in which you had to share your room with the other siblings. You didn’t come from a well-being family and the fact that you had to share the affections of your parents with other three siblings sickening you up.
The romance between you both bloomed when Yunseong changed his major to arts. Of course, there were a lot of questions going on why the science stream student suddenly changed his major. He went to sit next to a teenage girl, which happened to be empty at the moment.
“You can’t sit there though,” she stated as her left ear was still plugged with the earpod. Yunseong fluttered his eyelashes, “Why? This seat just happened to be the only empty one in this whole classroom.”
“Because it’s mine.”
Yunseong lifted up his head, eyes automatically made a contact with the beautiful ones. “Now would you move away? Class is starting in any minutes soon and I haven’t finished my homework yet.”
Being obedient was not something usual for Yunseong, but this person, who happened to be you, just technically changed everything about him. Sticking the backpack near him, he stood up from the seat.
Both of you thought your interactions would only ended there, but not when things started to go smooth between you both.
“Who is Zhang Lu?”
“Lay Zhang?”
“Zhang Lu.”
“Cao Lu?”
Another heavy sigh could be heard from you, it was totally grieving you to think that you had to sacrifice your time teaching the basics things of arts to him.
Exams are around the corner and here you were, abandoning your time that supposed to revise back all the notes with this science stream student.
“It’s Zhang Lu. Z-H-A-N-G-L-U.” You then added, “He was a Chinese landscape painter during the Ming Dynasty. He painted landscapes and human figures in a free and uninhibited style.”
“Why.. do we have to study about him?” The male one turned to face you, expression totally explained how complicated he was adjusting himself with the art world.
You lifted an eyebrow and tapped the book with your mechanical pencil, “Do you think that we, art stream students only learn how to draw?”
“Isn’t that’s the purpose?”
With a grimace, following up with a low groan, you tapped the book again. Hoping that you would gain the attention you needed from that young man named Yunseong.
“We also study the history of arts and slight philosophy arts. How dare you to underestimate us, yikes.”
“I didn’t underestimate..”
“Yeah yeah, sure you didn’t. Geez.” You decided to call it a day, so you were packing all of the stuff that belonged to you into your backpack as a hand tightly gripped around your wrist, stealing your attention.
“Do.. you perhaps want to grab a coffee?” Yunseong asked, almost inaudible. You furrowed your eyebrows, “What are you talking about?”
“I sa-”
“Can’t you speak louder? I’m having trouble listening to you.”
The entire library went extreme quiet as the other residents took turns facing both of you. Some even had the balls to huss both of you. You apologised to them politely before slapping Yunseong on the arm softly, trying not to make any more sounds.
“You’re being too loud!”
Puffing out his lower lip, he sucked in the oxygen and mumbled, “You’re the one who told me to speak louder..”
“Argh fine fine, let’s just go grab your coffee.”
Well, you thought it would end with both of you ordered the choices of your coffee and go back home— But not for this young man. He insisted you to rest and sit at the cafe shop with him.
“I told you I can pay for it.” Yunseong aggressively shook his head as a no, “I don’t let girls pay whenever they go out with me.”
You snorted and poked the straw into the hole of the cup, taking a sip of your cold coffee. “What a gentleman.”
“All thanks to my mom!” The elder one giggled while sipping his own coffee as well. You just glanced over him and let out a slight giggle.
“However, why did you decide to change your major? We only have two years left to study, it would be hard for you to catch up.”
“I just feel like I should choose my own path.”
“You like arts?”
Yunseong shook his head again in disagreement, “I never take an interest in the arts.”
“Then? Did you really underestimate this beautiful world of arts?” You furrowed your eyebrows, can’t seem to understand his real intention of changing his major to art.
“I just didn’t want to live in my parents’ expectations. I wanted to choose my own path, and I decided to take arts.”
“You can take others like programming—”
“I said, I wanted to take my own path.”
Pursing your lips, you looked away while mumbling, “Geez. How cold,” as you were playing with your straw.
“I heard that.”
“Well, that’s great then! I don’t have to repeat twice,” you plastered a cheeky smile on your face before placing the cup back on the table.
You might sounded annoying to others but to him, you were way better than that or anything related with negative attitudes. He didn’t know how and since when, but one thing for sure was, he got his heads all over you.
He wished a happy ending for both of you, marrying each other and staying at both sides until you both have grown old. Witnessing the toddlers of your children running in the backyard, while both of you were sitting at the swinging chair made of rattan on the porch.
“Just move on, it’s your birthday and you should forget her.” Sejin added, as Jinhyuk nodded and supported him. “What Sejin and Yuvin said was true, just accept the reality. We know you’re better than this.”
No, they didn’t know. The phrase ‘move on’ might seem easy for them to speak it out, but it was not something easy for Yunseong to apply in his daily life.
Every morning he wakes up from his bed, he would expect another message from the ex. He would witness the frames that displayed their pictures whenever he goes to his own bathroom.
He will end his every night with scrolling back all the messages both exchanged. Oh, how cute those messages were, including those sweet emoticons both of you shared. It was so easy back then, in the past, to exchange such messages.
However, in these days, it just seemed so hard for him to send a message to you. Even a letter would asked for million of courages from the latter.
“Oh look, I’ve prepared them for you!”
A group of young women approached them as Yunseong lifted his head to face them. They are beautiful, sexy and elegant. But none.
None can replace the empty space in his heart.
“So is this that young handsome man? The birthday boy?” One of them went closer to Yunseong and sat next to him, hands started to play its roles as she caressed his arms slowly.
He just ignored her and took another sip of his wine, earning a displeasure exchanges from the others. Jungmoo nudged Yuvin on the arm and whispered, “I told you it wouldn’t work!”
It was Yuvin’s idea to celebrate Yunseong’s birthday at the club that he shared with his friend, Kookheon. He thought that at least one of the hostesses might make Yunseong forgets his emo side. At least one—
“Would you like to dance?” The young woman, who introduced herself as Charlotte, insisted to make Yunseong better as hands were still on his arms.
The other members realised the sudden change of expression on Yunseong as they thought he was getting uncomfortable with the atmosphere.
“Sure, why not.” Yunseong turned to his right side, flashing a quick smile to the hostess.
Charlotte sheepishly smiled back to Yunseong and held his wrist, “Then what should we wait for?”
And that was how Yunseong ended up on the dance floor. His body swung to the beats as Charlotte was dancing in-front of him, purposely displayed her back to him as she swung her hips close to his thigh.
After all, Yunseong is a man as well. His hormones would still be the same with other men. Holding Charlotte’s hips, he dragged her closer to his body and whispered to her ears.
“Your hips looks so amazing.”
The corner of her lips raised up, as she turned around to face the latter one and wrapped her arms around Yunseong’s neck. “Oh really? You just saw 10% of my hips.”
“We can see the rest 90% tonight.” Batting his eyes at her, her cheeks were now reddening and it was so obvious that she liked it.
“Sure, why don’t we?” She leaned closer, tip-toed to reach the male’s lips.
Yunseong’s lips formed a quick smirk as his arms were wrapped around her tiny waist, not wanting to let her escaped from his sight. As he leaned down, their lips met each other.
However, it was not like how Yunseong would kiss you. It started off so rough, the hostess was begging for dominance inside his lips, trying to slide her tongue with his.
This Yunseong wasn’t the Yunseong that you dated. As soon as they pulled off to gasp for air while pressing their foreheads together, a sight of yours were in-front of him.
“This is the reason why I hate you.”
His heart skipped a beat, obviously not because of flustered but how the words affected him. He blinked his eyes and rubbed them, hoping to see a clearer vision.
“Baby? Are you alright?”
Another feminie voice could be heard and that voice belonged to Charlotte. “Are you fine? You seemed so off.”
“I— I’m sorry but I must be out of my mind.” Yunseong immediately released all the grip he had on her, causing her to back a little while facing him.
“I— I’ll take my leave first.”
Yunseong’s figure became smaller and smaller until it was officially gone from her sight. She could only smirk with the situation she was stuck in as she muttered under her breath, “He really loves her.”
Well, he really does. Inserting the key into the ignition and twisted them, he didn’t realise how quick he was as his foot aggressively shifting into gear. He didn’t even put on his seatbelts. With his state of almost drunk, he might get into a car accident.
Or the least was getting caught by the police on duty. Despite all of that, he still managed to arrive at the destination without any worries.
“Hello? Y/N? Are you there? Open the door!”
Slamming the door while twisting the doorknob clockwise and anticlockwise, at least he was hoping to get your attention from inside.
His hard efforts never betrayed him as the door knob was twisted clockwise from the inside, as his blurry vision due to the amount of alcohol he had managed to capture your figure.
“I miss-”
“Who’s out there?”
A male suddenly appeared out of nowhere from the back, standing close to you before taking a quick glance over the ‘visitor’ they had.
Just— a visitor.
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choisanzs · 6 years ago
i honestly feel jinhyuk deserved his place and his benefit votes so much, i have so much respect for him for creating such a wonderful stage for turtle ship
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the different stages of realizing that you‘re screwed
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