#done taking a break from horror movies getting into slashers now :3
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varilien · 2 years ago
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like it love it need it bad!!
(now available at my shop!)
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warriorsparked · 2 years ago
Get To Know The Mun
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------The Basics!
Name: Owl (or Sam).
Pronouns: He/Him
Zodiac Sign: Libra (Scorpio cusp)
Single/Taken: Married
------Three Facts!
1- I grew up on horror movies and metal musik. Although my library is also full of different genres, metal music and synthwave (tho I'm fussy) are my favourites. 80's music is still some of the best music to this date imo. Watching slashers and thrillers are sort of comfort films to me, in a sense, which might seem odd to some people. But growing up in the 90's as a kid that liked these things, I was very outcasted. Writing Megatron and getting inside his head was a big outlet for me, and he's definitely a comfort character because of all the stuff he's endured. The post-war series I began writing started over 10 years ago. Back then, it was a personal journey for me just as much as it was for him. And now, over 10 years later, I'm rewriting the whole series (or... most of it lol), and looking back has been another wonderful journey, and also the reason I got back into the TF community!
2- I work in healthcare. I've worked in hospitals, clinics and Drs offices. I take legitimately any sample that can be produced by the human body from any part of the human body--yep... I mean any part (swabs, bloods, urines, faeces, histo, semen--ANYTHING), I also do heart checks and BP's, and covid, which let me tell you... working in healthcare during a pandemic is likely one of the hardest things I've ever done. I'm still burnt out and many of us are, so please give your healthcare workers some slack. <3 I've almost finished my studies for training and assessing, so I'm hoping to become a mentor or a teacher/trainer in my field :)
3- I was diagnosed late in life with Autism (severe Aspergers). Although I'd already diagnosed myself (lol, I'm obsessed with psychology and had also diagnosed my sister with BPD when I was like 16 which turned out to be legit), having that professional diagnosis meant a lot for me when it came to understanding myself and my behaviours, especially in my adolescence. It can mean at times that I am very overwhelmed and SLOW here (I'm also still studying, working, learning German and piano, plus I have other hobbies and blogs). Please don't take it personally if I don't always reply in IMs, especially due to time zones, but sometimes I'm just legitimately exhausted mentally and physically. My work is extremely demanding and busy and renders me fatigued. I also have other health stuff going on which renders me tired on a daily basis (:
Platforms Used: DeviantART, hotmail, MSN, RP forums, Skype, Tumblr. I've been around a long time lol.
Plotting / Winging It / Memes: All of the above tbh. I think that memes are a really good way to break the ice, but I definitely love plots as well, and getting to have long term RP partners <3 Srsly, if we're long term, I will likely gush with you about potential ships and stuff lol.
------Muse Preference!
Gender: I've Rped all, but I definitely feel more comfortable with male muses. I relate better with them.
Multi or Single: I've got both, and it entirely depends on how active the muse is. I definitely think single muses are easier to handle, but I've also got muses that had been neglected because signing in onto different profiles was a pain in the arse lol, and their activity was so low I felt like there was barely a point in having their whole blog to themselves, so I moved them all to a multi, and it's been a lot easier for me to manage. But then there's some muses that are just so loud that they gotta be on single ones lol.
Least Favourite Faceclaim(s): Most Game of Thrones actors are very over used, especially in some of the fandoms I'm in.
------Fluff / Angst / Smut!
Fluff: I adore fluff. But with Megatron, it's got to be a long standing relationship. He's not known for breaking down his walls and being comfortable exposing himself. It's going to take a lot of time and patience.
Angst: Look, I am a SUCKER for angst okay. Megatron is OOZING it anyway lol. But yes, angst!
Smut: I've been writing smut for over a decade, I'm very comfortable with it, and I love writing it. But I'm also PICKY with it, because the muses need to have chemistry, and if there's none, then it's not going to happen. Megatron is likely to sleep with MANY people, but there's also gotta be chemistry between the mods as well, because this is something that I do take pretty seriously when involving someone else. Just because I'm hella ace doesn't mean the muse is lol, and if there's chemistry, then heck yeah. I'm pretty open minded.
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Tagged: @blackwldcw ( thank you dear! ) Tagging: If you're not done it yet, then YOU!
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kevinsreviewcatalogue · 2 years ago
Review: Bride of Chucky (1998)
Bride of Chucky (1998)
Rated R for strong horror violence and gore, language, some sexual content and brief drug use
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<Originally posted at https://kevinsreviewcatalogue.blogspot.com/2023/04/review-bride-of-chucky-1998.html>
Score: 3 out of 5
The return of the Child's Play franchise after seven years of dormancy, Bride of Chucky is the point where everybody involved decided to just go and say "fuck it, let's make a straight-up horror-comedy" -- and in doing so, probably guaranteed the series' continued relevance. There had always been a measure of black comedy to the character of Chucky, a doll possessed by the spirit of a serial killer who series creator Don Mancini wrote as a foul-mouthed, trailer-trash thug, but in the prior films, it mostly lurked in the background and concerned the idea of a children's toy saying such terrible things. Here, however, perhaps realizing that it'd be difficult to take the fourth movie in a slasher series about a killer doll seriously, especially after the third movie hit diminishing returns, Mancini and director Ronny Yu opted to put the humor front and center, giving Chucky a similarly twisted romantic partner and doing a story that homaged Natural Born Killers as they went on a road trip. I've seen some fans rank this one next to the original as one of the best movies in the series, and while I had a bit too many problems with the human side of the story to come to the same conclusion, I still highly enjoyed this film and thought that Chucky was as good as he'd ever been.
We start with the film retconning in a romantic partner for Charles Lee Ray when he was still alive, as the beautiful but trashy Tiffany Valentine gets her hands on the remains of the Chucky doll he once possessed, rebuilds it with parts from her own doll collection, and uses a voodoo ritual to bring him back to life. Unfortunately, while Chucky is happy to be alive, he and Tiffany saw their relationship very differently, and when Tiffany breaks up with him over it, Chucky kills her and proceeds to use the same ritual to put her soul into the body of another doll. Now in the same boat together, Chucky and Tiffany head off to Hackensack, New Jersey, Chucky's old hometown where he was buried, thanks to another retcon: apparently, Chucky was wearing a magical amulet called the Heart of Damballa when he died that wound up buried with him, and he needs that amulet to transfer his soul back into a human body, implied to be the real reason why his prior attempts to do so with Andy Barclay failed. Taking a pair of local teenagers, Tiffany's neighbor Jesse and his girlfriend Jade, hostage, Chucky and Tiffany head off to Hackensack planning to transfer their souls into the young couple's bodies and be reborn as human.
I'm gonna get my biggest problem with the film out of the way now: Jesse and Jade are two very dull protagonists. Their actors Nick Stabile and Katherine Heigl give flat, forgettable performances that somehow aren't the worst acting in the movie, and their teen romance storyline, with Jade as the rich girl under the thumb of her cop uncle Warren who has to hide her love for the more working-class Jesse, felt rote and cookie-cutter in the worst way. Don Mancini has readily copped to the fact that this was essentially a Chucky movie done as a Scream movie, an influence that's obvious the moment you look at the font on the poster, and while he's speaking mostly of the film's sense of humor, it's also visible in how the film tries to be a teen drama with Jesse and Jade. The only scene where they're interesting is an unintentional one, where their friend David thinks that they're the real killers and we see their words and actions through his eyes coming across as something that killers might say. Most of the rest of the cast were two-dimensional, from Alexis Arquette as the goth poser Damien to John Ritter basically playing his character from 8 Simple Rules (but this time as a cop) to James Gallanders and Janet Kidder as the horny newlywed couple Russ and Diane who Jesse and Jade (and Chucky and Tiffany) encounter in Niagara Falls, but all of them were more interesting and fun in their limited screen time than the actual protagonists were.
Fortunately, while Jesse and Jade were the heroes, they weren't the main characters here. No, that would be the killer doll Chucky and his new bride Tiffany. The film does make reference to Bride of Frankenstein by having Tiffany watch it on TV early in the film, but the actual dynamic between her and the Chuck feels a lot closer to Mickey and Mallory Knox from Natural Born Killers, minus that film's satirical thrust. They are depicted as the definition of "white trash", Chucky needing no introduction if you've seen any other movie in this series and Tiffany being a flirt who lives in a trailer and, as a human, is never shown in outfits that don't show off Jennifer Tilly's legs, cleavage, and hourglass figure. They're the kind of couple who, if this came out today, would compare themselves to the Joker and Harley Quinn, with an extremely toxic and volatile relationship dynamic in which the two of them are constantly fighting and then making up. We all know people like Chucky and Tiffany in real life (minus the murder), and that's a big part of why it works so well. Brad Dourif gets to use his great Chucky persona in a lot more contexts outside of threatening to kill people in his interactions with Tiffany, who Tilly plays as an almost Jessica Rabbit-like sexpot in ways that can't help but be hilarious when she's making all that sexy talk in the form of a two-foot-tall living doll. Their interactions were hysterical, not only making Chucky the best he'd been in the series so far but giving him an equally entertaining partner to bounce off of. They were undoubtedly a parody of Mickey and Mallory, but even though neither was playing it completely straight, they were still good enough that I could've easily pictured them playing the genuine article, especially with Tiffany's arc over the course of the film of her realizing that Chucky is a terrible partner for her and that she can do so much better.
The body count in this reached into the double digits, and the kills were about as violent as you could get in a time when the MPAA, even pre-Columbine, was under pressure from parents' groups over violence in the media, cutting away from the most explicit bits but frequently showing the bloody aftermath while Ronny Yu's sense of style behind the camera implied the rest. It wasn't a particularly scary film, instead inviting us to take Chucky and Tiffany's perspective as they snickered at the poor suckers they were about to take out, the film seeming to know that what we really came for was the gnarly shit that made the killers look like badasses. It knew, after ten years and at the tail end of the cynical, disaffected '90s, that nobody could take a movie about a killer doll seriously, and it fully leaned into that not just in its sense of humor but also in its action and violence. This was Chucky in franchise mode and fully self-aware about it, a slasher movie from the killer's sick, twisted perspective that not only delivered a thrill ride but regularly turned to the viewer to remark "heh, that was wicked, wasn't it?"
The Bottom Line
So far, Bride of Chucky is just about on par with the second film in my rankings of the series as a whole. Its boring teenage characters let it down and hold it back from greatness, but otherwise, this was exactly the kind of Chucky movie you would've made if it was 1998 and you wanted to bring the series back from the dead: a smarmy horror-comedy romp that anticipates every joke you could make about it, parries it effortlessly, and in doing so makes an inherently ridiculous villain seem cool.
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yanderecandystore · 4 years ago
can we get the bullies with a male slasher s/o?
I swear like-
I swear I already did something like this?? But maybe no??¿? XD
So anyway- Alright boo, let me see what I can do- Sorry but I decided to take liberty and… Make this one be very stupid XD
TW/Tags: killer reader :3 // mentions of death // mentions of h o r n i n e s s // I have no like- Idea how to make this work so- Let's just go with it lol // low-key based on dbd, although I never played the game I know only a bit about it- // REALLY silly :P
Horror Movies Cliches [Yandere!Bully OCS x M!Slasher!Reader - Headcanon]:
🎇 Let me set the stage for a quick sec!🎇
Let's just create a bit of context- Imagine the most over the top horror movie cliche you can think off- Some teens, hanging around a haunted place, everyone is organizing a creepy party while also trying to prank one another. The twins are part of this party because duh- They're popular? Rich? Pretty af? Everyone wants a piece of them tonight, especially you.
Although technically, not in the same way the horny bastards around here want to. While some are trying to impress them, and others try to prank them and humiliate them for at least once in their lives- You're looking for something more, well, important. You were done with being the one left behind, always ridiculed by the twins and their mob of "friends".
You wanted nothing more than sweet revenge tonight, and it didn't matter which rich asshole's blood would be spilled tonight- And even if your plan wasn't exactly foolproof, you were still going to go down and smash their skulls.
With a mask covering your face, gloves to cover your fingerprints and a baseball bat- You were ready for your first hunt tonight. What could ever stop you if not God itself?
Maybe you didn't calculate all possibilities of what could go wrong today, perhaps you should have considered that you weren't the only one bloodlusty in this party.
→ Adrien Coldwell:
Adrien is not really a- Adrien is-
What can I say about Adrien? Adrien is not the best at survival, or trying to survive, or wanting to survive-
Adrien is too lazy for this- He doesn't really put an effort in trying to hide himself, since he is sold 100% that this is just another prank. The only thing stopping you from finding him and smashing his bones is his natural luck which is conveniently protecting himself from being found.
God, this party is boring.
You would probably find Adrien by accident, just- Eating some snacks as all the other participants of the party were already dead. However- You weren't so lucky when you tried killing him right there, he ran away before you could grab him.
Now noticing how real the situation was, he was ready to find any means of communication to call for help, but it seems like all possible means of easy and quick communication has been cut off.
Adrien can either hide and pray for someone to come help him, or try to fight you off and stop you from hunting him. And of course he ain't fucking attacking you, what do you take him for?? Insane?? Dumb?? Nah bitch, he is hiding.
Up until this point, Adrien had no idea you were the one behind the mask. He thought you were a random creep that went insane and decided to take his anger out on some rich people- Which could mean he is half right and half wrong!
But honestly though, you're the last person that he imagined being capable of killing so many people in one night! He didn't even know you were invited to this party, which makes this so unfortunate to him, he could be wearing a cuter outfit if he knew you would be here!
One would assume that after showing their true identities to their victims before their death would cause their victims to become even more frightened and beg for mercy!- In your case though? Nah, that ain't happening.
Adrien is treating this situation with much seriousness as one would imagine he would- With none. Knowing that you're the one killing everyone with a bat is kinda pathetic if not hilarious to him.
After all, it's just "you". What evil can you do? Honestly, you came all the way to this place to make him "pay for his actions"?? Don't you have anything better to do on a Saturday night, honey?
To be fair- He kinda digs the "unhinged maniac" look you have going on, blood suits you so well. Hell! He bet it would suit him just as well too.
Your night was supposed to be one of pure gore and carnage, revenge against those that have harmed you- Yet here you are, being flirted with by Adrien, who is getting a little too into the "killer x victim" dynamic going on.
Ugh, you don't feel in the mood anymore… It feels so wrong when he keeps flirting about it.
In the end, you two have inverted the roles in a way. You were trying to get away from Adrien who was chasing you and making you embarrassed with as much flirting as possible.
Such an unfortunate night.
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
Alexandra would think this is all an elaborate spooky prank, yet she would be lying if she said she didn't find this all…. A bit too much.
No, s-she isn't scared! Just frustrated that this party sucks! It's so immature to just- Try to humiliate her by making her scared! Is such a low move.
Alexandra wouldn't do much effort into hiding since she doesn't think there is any danger nearby. You would have found her very early on, and you can imagine how frustrating it was to see her escaping from your grasp- You have forgotten how athletic Alexandra is, of course she would have ran away faster than you could snatch her.
Now noticing how real the situation was, she was ready to find any means of communication to call for help, but it seems like all possible means of easy and quick communication has been cut off.
Alexandra can either hide and pray for someone to come help her, or try to fight you off and stop you from hunting her. And of course she'll be fighting you- Pfft, what? You think she'll chicken out?? You literally made her break her nail- You psycho!
Up until this point, Alexandra didn't know you were- Well, you! She thought you were some random ass psycho trying to ruin some teens party for some "revenge" bs. So maybe she was half right, and half wrong!
Alexandra would have never ever imagined that you were the killer! Were you even invited to the party?? Why has nobody told her? She could have chosen something more cute for you, damnit!
One would assume that after showing their true identities to their victims before their death would cause their victims to become even more frightened and beg for mercy!- In your case though? Nah, that ain't happening.
Alexandra just laughs it off and treats it like every school day- Belittling you while all's giving mix signals of affection.
She isn't afraid anymore, why would she? You're just a little wimp who thinks that getting a wooden bat and dark clothes makes you scary. Dearest, you have forgotten who is the bigger dog around here-
You wasted your whole night just to make her terrified? Honestly, you need a better hobby- Obsessing over your bully is such a loser move on your part, although she would be lying if she said she doesn't appreciate the fact you care so much about her.
Alexandra was getting a little too interested into this "roleplay" going on- Wanting to be your final girl, after all it didn't sound half as bad. Maybe she has been a little too into those slasher fanfics she has been finding around- But damn, you look almost acceptable while drenched in blood.
Her lack of care or empathy towards those who have been brutally killed, while also drooling over you, reminds you that- Honestly? Fuck this. You should have expected a Coldwell to be a morally fucked up person- Why are you surprised?
You've been trying your best to go back home, but being constantly followed by an overly affectionate Alexandra is just as bad as being humiliated by an overly sadistic Alexandra. You got no rest that day.
Such an unfortunate night.
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theyanderespecialist · 3 years ago
Happy HALLOWEEN 31 Days of Halloween Challenge This challenge goes for I am going to try and do a update across various oneshot headcanons scenarios series the following be Overwatch Scp Creepypasta The various Horror one Walking Dead In these will be able to do many things also some of them will be less yandere and more wholesome. Vote for any number with 1 yandere to each number you want to see choose yanderes from the categories bellow .Scps/staff .Creepypastas .Overwatch Halloween skins/the heroes as everyday people .any horror movie characters or horror game characters and so on .characters from the walking dead Remember be specific on what type of reader slash darling you want with their gender and such and yes their can be platonic and non yandere! Vote and enjoy also will post these and more to my five series 1: Apple picking 2: raking and jumping in leaves 3: picking out pumpkins 4: carving pumpkins 5: corn maze 6: make scary scare crow 7: bobbing for apples 8: put up Halloween decorations 9: make or buy costume 10: make Halloween treats such as anything pumpkin and bloody treats 11: watch scary movies 12: play scary games 13: costume party 14: tell ghost stories 15: go to a haunted house 16: go to real haunted location 17: contact the dead (or try to) 18: Halloween pranks 19: buying candy (even if you will eat it yourself) 20: Halloween Dinner party Now the more so creepy yandere types 21: stalking 22: killing rivals 23: breaking into darling house and stealing her stuff 24: build a shrine to your darling Halloween theme 25: scaring off anyone to close to darling 26: sending love letters to darling 27: decorate darling porch or such with dead rivals 28: taking photos/video 29: buy everything you need to kidnap darling 30: kidnap darling and confess love Normal one 31: Trick or treating
at least one every day of october so in this this is what we are doing for Overwatch
The Halloween SKINS And BONUS 
So vote for what you want headcanons you want for what I put bellow :D vote for as many as you want if you vote on tumblr every individal ask in seperate asks in my ask box 
1: Pumpkin Reaper
2: Dracula Reaper
3: Witch Mercy
4:  Dr. Junkerstein Junkrat
5: Junkerstein Monster Roadhog
6: Monster Hunter Jesse
7: Undead Jesse
8: Dragon Symmetra
9: Spirit Mei
10: Haunted Armor Reinhardt
11: Spider woman Widowmaker
12: cultist Zenyatta
13: Swamp Monster Doomfist
14: Demon Hanzo
15: Demon Genji
16: Werewolf Jesse
17: Slasher Immortal Soldier 76
18: Bride of Frankenstein Sombra
19: Banshee Moira
20: Enchanted Armor Pharah
21: Mummy Ana
22: Gorgon Lucio
23: Wisp Tracer
24: Warlock Ashe
25: Vampire Ashe
26: Demon Orisa
27: Fox Spirit Dva
28: Voodoo Doll Echo
29: Jekel hide sigma
30: Flying dutchman sigma
31: Werewolf winston
32: Skeleton Zenyatta
Those are the ones we are doing if they get votes
if you want a scenario of a hero this part you will like next
A: I make one? (Vote your top halloween skin you want and I will make up a scenario for them with the reader you want.)
B: Trick or Treating with a overwatch hero dressed in their costume (this is non yandere and can be platonic in which you are the hero's daughter or son or child)
C: Kidnapped by a Overwatch monster (yandere)
That is it for the Overwatch one, please vote and if you are on tumblr please put each speicfi vote in seperate asks in my ask box
vote for ANY SCP or Staff memember you want headcanons on and there will also be scenarios in this
1: SCP 001 Scarlet King
2: SCP 014 Statue Man
3: SCP 035 Possessive Mask
4 SCP 049 Plague Doctor
5: SCP 049-J The moron Plague Doctor
6: SCP 073 Cain
7: SCP 076 Able
8: SCP 079 Old AI
9: SCP 096 Shy Guy
10: SCP 106 The Old Man
11: SCP 166 Teenage Succubus (18 years old/Clef Daughter)
12: SCP 173 The Sculpture
13: SCP 542 German Surgeon (You know the one from ww2 who done surgery on himself so much and no looks more or less like Frankenstein?)
14: SCP 682 Big indubitable lizard
15: SCP 939 With Many Voices (Aka the predators that mimic the last person they kill to find more food)
16: SCP 953 Fox Lady Kitsune
17: SCP 993 The Clown (Nope)
18: SCP 1486 Benny the f up baby
19: SCP 1504 Joe Schmo
20: SCP 1678 Unlondon
21: 2030 (Laugh guy XD) LA U GH IS F UN
If you have any SCPS you want me to add as yanderes comment bellow and now onto what doctors you will work with and agents as well
Vote for your top 5
A: Dr. Kondraki
B: Dr. Gears
C: Dr. Jack Bright
D: Dr. Simon Glass
E: Dr. Iceberg
F: Dr. Alto Clef
G: Dr. Agatha Rights
H: Sophia Light
I: Agent Strelnikov
J: The doctor who turned himself into a dog.
K:  Dr. King The one who has apple seeds appear all around him.
These are just a few you can vote on for headcanons feel free to ask for SCPS I have not added!
A: Halloween costume Party with the staff and your yandere is super possessive and possibly kills rivals (Pick the Yandere you want)
yup that is the only one I can think of for halloween for scps wiat!
B: Your yandere breaks out on Halloween night and how they met you and you think their looks are just a costume
for this series for this challenge it is going to be just the slashers and such
so vote for the headcanons you want of the slashers bellow as many as you want
1: Freddy Krueger
2: Jason Voorhees
3: Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface)
4: Michael Myers
5: Hannibal Lecter
6: Pyramid Head
7: Pinhead
8: Norman Bates
9: Candyman
10: Chucky
11: Billy Loomis (Scream)
12: Jack Torrance (The shinning)
13: IT (IT)
now scenarios
A: Being stalk and kidnapped by your yandere(s)
B: Ask m to make a scenario of the yandere you want
-The walking dead
doing what I want 
will be posted seperate 
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 years ago
Hewitts / Pleasant Valley x Fem!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: The Multiverse Theory and the Horror Fandom 
I don't really know what it is, but I enjoyed creating it, so I’m posting it! If I get an idea as to what might happen next, I’ll probably add a part two. 
Its crack
Okay, you are from this universe and you are your Slasher fucker self. But you’re transported from your home, to the universe that the Slashers live in, specifically 2003 Texas Chainsaw Massacre. They capture you of course and decide to keep you.
Now the Hewitt’s have decided to go on a roadtrip and are of course taking you, their hostage, with them.
They end up staying in Pleasant Valley, despite your warnings not to. 
Warnings: Mention of real life people, breaking of the 3rd wall, if you look then there is some hints towards sexual assault cursing. Its comedy though mostly, so its pretty okay
“We’re lost.”
“No, mama, we not lost. We’re just taking the scenic route… “Hoyt transparently bullshits, looking around completely lost at the surroundings that we pass at a 100 km/h. Nothing but wheat fields and cows as far as the eye can see. Georgia is even more boring then Texas had been.
Luda Mae rolls her eyes, not taking any his shit after 6 hours in the car with him just today. God, I’m on her side. Can we stop somewhere just for a little bit? I mean, I don’t have to pee anymore since I held it for so long that the urge went away, but I’d still like to try because now I feel like I’m going to explode at any time. “So, we’re lost.” She announces, leaving no room for argument.
“Definitely lost… “Monty, in the seat beside me in the back seat of Hoyt’s tiny sheriff car, agrees with his sister, also watching the fields go by moodily. Why didn’t we take the goddamn truck, anyway? I would rather be tied to top of that, then squished back here between Thomas and Monty. I mean, there’s not even any doorhandles in the back here! Why did I have to be in the middle? Its not like I’m going to throw myself out the window! Sometimes I think Hoyt’s paranoid. And I hate him. And his ego’s too big.
Of course, Hoyt snaps back at Monty even though what he said was so mellow. It certainly didn’t have the amount of pent up frustration that Luda Mae’s had behind it. “We ain’t lost, goddamn it- Look! There’s a town. We’ll stop there and ask for directions if you really want. Just to make sure we’re going the right way, which I’m sure we are.” I look up from my hands, bruises all over the wrists from Hoyt and the ropes, and cuts all over the fingers from cooking with Luda Mae… and jagged fingernails from before I gave up. When I was still scratching at the walls and floor and Thomas, wanting to escape this mad family.
My fighting spirit isn’t completely crushed, now… but it has been a while since I screamed for help. I’m waiting for the moment, the right moment to try and escape. Of course, I don’t know if that moment will every come… but I still hope. And that’s something.
Now, looking up out the front window to see the town Hoyt’s talking about, I wonder if this will be the place that I’ll escape in.
Then we rush past the sign and I do a double take.
What did that say?!
I glance at Thomas, my designated warden to see what he’s doing now since he had been sleeping for most of today’s trip- yesterday he had stayed awake and alert, but today it seems that he decided I wasn’t about to crawl over anyone and creep through the window so it was cool to nap,- to see he’s alert, and when I look at him he turns to look at me back. I flash him a fake smile and turn to Monty, because he speaks. And he’s on the right side of the car, so he would have seen the sign.
“Hey, what did that sign say?”
“Why are they talking again?” Hoyt pipes up in the front as we get nearer to the town and I start to feel sick in my stomach. I raise my eyebrows at Monty instead of answering Hoyt’s goad.
Monty shrugs, leaning his back on his hand and looking out the window again. “Uh, Pleasant Valley.”
Oh my god.
It cannot be possible that more then one Horror movie exists in this world… right? I’ve been through enough trauma; I do not need to endure Robert Englund’s trademark craziness- oH, or Bill Mosely’s either. Oh god, - and his band of confederate lunatics. Do not do this to me, universe.
My heart’s beating faster then a bullet train as I wait, still as a statue and straight backed, for any more hints that I am where I think I am.
Thomas watches me with a hard stare, alert and suspicious about my odd change in posture and body language. I try to ignore him, which is of course hard, but I make do.
Then we start to pass people in this town, and they’re men in overalls and women in the most era-incorrect costumes I have ever seen. And they’re smiling and waving at us.
And I feel sick, and sink back into my seat so nobody outside can see me through Monty or Thomas, hopefully.
“Hoyt,” I call, quietly for the ‘sheriff’s’ attention. My voice doesn’t lift even to a normal volume, I’m so scared so he either ignores me or really doesn’t hear me. I try to be louder. “Hoyt!”
“Yes, hostage?”  
“I think we’re going the right way as well; I saw sign on the road a few miles back that said so. We should just keep going.”
“What?!” Luda Mae turns in her seat to look at me furrow her eyebrows- she doesn’t believe me one bit. “What are you doing, slouching in the back like that? Sit up!”
“Are we stopping?”
“Uhh… “She turns to look at Hoyt, and he nods. “Looks like it. About time, too. I need to stretch my legs, and we obviously need those damn directions.”
“We do not need the- “Hoyt sighs, exasperated, then furrows his eyebrows as he focuses on something in front of the car. “What the fuck are these wackos all doing out there in the middle of the road? Get outta my way… “
Mow them over, Hoyt! MOW THEM OVER.
Of course, he slows to a crawl and then a stop, and I thank god that the back windows don’t open, lest I feel any more in danger. If they were open, I definitely would have feared scary ghost cannibals would stick in their hands. As it is, cross my arms and let Hoyt do the talking. Of course, I mean. What else could I do?
I can see full frontal the mess that we’re getting into, which once upon a time in a different world -my world. Oh, how I wish I was there right now, - would have been a good sign. Seeing Kane Hodder, Robert Englund and Lin Shaye and the ‘Guts and Glory Jubilee’ banner would be a sign I’m about to have a good night full of horror movie enjoyment and probably fanfiction as well. But now I see it and I wish to never watch that movie again, much like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise.
Hoyt puts his hand on the car door handle next to him. “No, no, no, don’t get outta the car!” I exclaim, quietly and reaching to grab him back but he looks over at me, gives me a ‘I do what I want’ kind of look and then gets out of the car.
“Good afternoon, sheriff! Welcome to our Guts and Glory Jubilee! You’re our honoured guests!”
Oh, dear god.
Hoyt slams his car door shut and Luda and I wince at the sudden noise. “What the hell are you people doing out here in the middle of the road??! Me and my family are tryna get through here.”
“Aw, my bad sheriff! We’re just so tickled to have you with us this fine day!” Buckman doesn’t seem stirred that Hoyt’s clearly southern, and therefore ‘confederate’, like him, as far as he’s concerned which is what I was hoping for, so I decide to blow this whole situation out of water- I have no choice.
And what, in hell’s name, could I possibly lose at this point?
I lean forward in the car, keeping an eye on the scene, to talk to Luda Mae. “Hey, so this may be a bad time to mention this but, uh.” How do I break this news? “Well, I’m from a different universe. That multiverse noise? That’s real. Anyway, more importantly, I’m from a world in which you and your sons, and Monty, are just movie characters. Your movie is called ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’, Thomas is the Texan Chainsaw guy and he is called Leatherface.” Luda’s slowly turning her head to look at me like have 7 eyeballs. I keep talking through, quickly ad feverishly, desperate. “I know it sounds crazy, and you can ask me any question about ya’ll’s passed if you want as proof but just get your son back in this car please. This place also has its own movie, and its even less pretty then what goes on in your house.” I look pleadingly at her, hoping to God, by some miracle she believes me.
“Sit back down!! I’ve been in a car with 3 sweatin’, stinky men for 6 hours now today and I am in no mood for your stories.” She turns back in her seat. “God.”  
“Oh Jesus, you said it… “ I whine, plopping back down in my seat, looking at Hoyt and Buckman who have now met in front of the car and aren’t yelling at each other across the road and immediately assume the fucking confederate mayor is successfully feeding the fucking fraudulent sheriff’s ego, and drop my face into my hands. A few minutes pass, and I stay like this, occasionally making frustrated crying sounds without really crying, and getting annoyed groans and ‘shut up’s from Monty beside me, until a hit to the car jolts me up. “What! What? What’s happening- are they attacking!?”
Everyone who heard, ignores me and I see it’s just Hoyt coming around the car opening Thomas’ side. Oh god, breeze has neve felt so terrifying. “Come on out, family. We’re stayin’ the night! I can’t tolerate settin’ in this car with you people anymore.” On no. No, no, no. STAYING?
Thomas gets out and Luda Mae follows, opening Monty’s door for him and letting him out onto his wheelchair that Thomas gets out of the trunk for him and unfolds. I cross my arms and stay inside. When Hoyt realises this, he leans down to peer inside the car at me and thrusts a thumb to point behind him. Slowly, menacingly he drawls. “Get out of this car.”
Oh, what is he going to do? What could he possibly do that he hasn’t already done to me.
I stubbornly look away. “You said family, I’m not family. I’m not leaving this car, no way. You can’t make me.”
“You wanna bet, sugar?”
He reaches in, wraps a calloused hand around one of my arms and starts pulling me until I topple out of the car, into the dirt. He lets go of me and immediately slams the car door closed again so I don’t slither back in.
“Fuck.” I mutter, glaring up at him from the floor. He locks the car in front of my eyes.
“Now, when you’re feeling more like an adult and not a child, you can come on to our room- that building over there. “ I feel like running after him when he walks off to the building, but before I can get myself out of the dusty, beige dirt, a hand enters my vision and I follow it up and scream on the inside. Mayor George Fucking Buckman.
He smiles so charmingly… you could nearly believe he isn’t depraved. Then I see the eyepatch and I’m reminded. “Would you let me help you up outta the dirt, little miss?”
Mmmm, I guess.
Best to stay on his good side, I think as I take his hand and he hauls me up. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of one of those glares that the whole town like to take part in with him. Noooo thank you. Not for me.
“Thank you.” I say quickly, looking to get out of there and find the Hewitt’s. They’ve all disappeared into the building Hoyt went towards a moment ago now. I brush the dirt off my pants and then clap my hands off of each other to get rid of the dirt that’s on them now, and any remnants of feeling Buckman’s hand, then flash a tight smile in Buckman’s general direction and escape towards the building.
They have to listen to me!
I burst into the place and see Thomas trailing behind the rest of that devil family down a hallway and run down there. “Thomas!” I pant, because that was a long hallway. Where are we now?! The Overlook hotel!?! “Thomas, what kind of warden are you? Please, don’t you ever leave me alone with that man ever again!” Thomas narrows his eyes suspiciously at me above his normal, leather mask -Luda and Hoyt had decided before we left their murder mansion that the human flesh mask would probably not fly in normal society, so he swapped it in for the old one,- then nods in front of him for me to walk there where can watch, and I gladly go there.
___TIME SKIP: A couple hours later___
All day, I have been trying to persuade the Hewitt’s that I’m not from here. I described Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning in explicit detail, including of course the Sheriff Hoyt thing, the Eric/Dean confusion, Bailey, Monty’s legs being chainsawed off… I even recruited some comic book information about Hoyt’s time in the Prisoner of War Camp and Sargent Chow, but they just think I’m a stalker now.
I mean, why the fuck not? Why wouldn’t I stalk these freaks? Truly, being around them has been a joy filled time.
I don’t throw back at my face that I watched their movies religiously, readers. That’s was when I thought they were fictional! (Yeah, I know you’re there reading this. This sure feels like a fanfiction to me, and as a fangirl, I’m an expert.)
So, I’ve decided I have one more option. One more chance to survive.
Hopefully this doesn’t go worse then plan A did.
Through pretending like the rope around my wrists was too tight when Hoyt tied me up by the hands to his bed frame, when really in truth it was a bit loose, I manage to make him think I’m stuck for the night. So, when he falls asleep – I know he’s asleep because he snores like a feral racoon… that also has rabies… (He drools) – I carefully, quietly, I struggle out of the ropes and carefully put them on the floor. Then turn to the window.
We’re on the second level of this building, but the possibility of a broken bone or two will not deter me from getting out of this mess. Especially since Thomas is waiting in the hallway outside this room for any sign of me trying to escape and getting hurt from falling out of a window is much preferred to meeting the business end of his chainsaw.
Not that I’ll be out of danger when I get out… as I’ll still be in Pleasant Valley… but I will have completed Level 1 at least.
Opening the window, I wince and look back at Hoyt to make sure the gentle rubbing sound the window makes against the frame doesn’t wake him, then turn back and immediately get to crawling out. Once I have succeeded in getting onto the ledge I hold on to the gutter - hoping beyond hope that it’s sturdy, - and reclose the blinds and push the window closed as well again. Covering my tracks.
Then I start the perilous journey down the building, which somehow, I succeed in! When I finally drop down on the dirt again and turn around though, I nearly out loud this time. “Miss Shaye! -“I stop myself, making an ‘Oop’ sound. You would think I would stop making these mistakes- I have been tortured and keep prisoner by the Hewitt family. Certainly not the late R. Lee. Ermey or Andrew Bryniarski either. The Hewitt’s. - But alas, I am still making this mistake apparently. “Sorry, you remind me of someone else!” I smile at Granny Boone, who must have been standing there watching the whole time I conquered the hotel building, stands with her hands on her hips and one eyebrow purposely halfway up her forward. She’s waiting for an explanation. “I didn’t want to wake up my family, and its time for the midnight stroll. Couldn’t sleep!”
My heartbeat races in my chest, because I have every confidence that this woman could kill me with her bare hands if she doesn’t like my answer. For a few moments, she makes me wait as she does looks at me suspiciously like Thomas. Oh god, are you going to eat me or not, ghost lady!?
“Oh, well that’s very considerate of you! Could I join you on your walk? I’m in the same boat.”
Oh, for fudges sake.
I smile politely though, and we start walking side by side down the middle of town. Silence hangs between us, but as we walk, I start to think this could work. I was planning on finding Buckman and telling him my story to see if he would believe me and do something because this whole town is supernatural and hard to believe, but I actually think this may have worked out in my favour! Maybe. He’s a sexist, chauvinistic bigot. But at the very least Boone’s a woman like me, with less of a boner for authority so hopefully she’ll at least listen. So… maybe…?
“So… “I start, sounding loud since it’s so quiet out here. “Can we talk? Woman to woman? I don’t know, you just seem trustworthy!” Oh, puke. What am I saying? “Sorry if I’m out of line, but… something crazy’s going on in my life.”
“Oh, trust me. I know crazy.” I side eye her as she smirks ‘mysteriously’. Oh, I know you know crazy, lady. I know. I know it all. You know crazy intimately. “Uh but go on. Sure thing. What kind of good Christian lady would I be if I didn’t bend an ear to our esteemed special guests?”
… Uhuh.
Well, okay! Works for me. “Thank you.” I clap my hands together. “Well. It started a month ago now, I guess… Haven’t really been able to keep up with time. First, I should probably explain the multiverse theory…”
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neurodecadence · 3 years ago
Sorry in advance bc I don't think I've subjected you to this before but Do The Prime Numbers
the only apology I need is for making me remember maths
2 (cause one doesn't count as a prime, right? I never got why though) "what's your favorite horror subgenre?" I love found footage. I know it's cliched and dumb, all that jazz, but I love the whole cinema verite (to sound pretentious) vibes of the whole thing. I know it's fake, I know the undead didn't kill a whole town in southern texas, I know a monster didn't destroy new york, I know there's not an asylum in toronto haunted by the ghosts of patients subjected to satanic abuse (actually considering the history of asylums, you never know on that one) but it FEELS real, like I'm seeing something I'm not supposed to. The low budget only amplifies the joy for me.
3 "you're planning a horror movie marathon with your friends - which movies are you picking?" Grave Encounters (love the genius locii/house of leaves stuff going on there), Halloween (classic), Southbound (great anthology horror, highly recommend), and capping it off with Evidence, so we can all go to bed going "what the FUCK did you just put in front of me"
4 "you can go back in time and watch a horror movie of your choice on its premiere - which movie are you going to see?" Alien, the first one. I'd kill to be there for the chestburster scene for the FIRST TIME EVER, it's not even a question
5 "if you were a character in a horror movie, what kind of movie would it be? what kind of character would you be? what would be your fate?" It's a found footage, and I'm the camera holder's best pal and genre savvy, funny sidekick. I make it through most of the movie, my jokes breaking the tension (even if I do get yelled at in an important character building scene for making light of the situation, where I break down and explain it's cause I'm frightened too). Late in the film it's just me, the camera holder, and their love interest, a chance to escape appears, but the threat is just behind us; someone is going to have to make a final stand to let the others go. The main character say's they'll do it, but I stop them and tell them I won't let them, they need to get out of here. My final lines are "You know me, this is always how I've wanted to go out, keeping my best friend safe and looking like a total badass" As they flee the camera is turned back, showing flashes of light, banging, and me yelling cliches and one liners at the monsters I beat back, until a strangled cry, and then nothing.
7 "answer for real life vs if you were a slasher movie character: a murder has occurred. somebody you knew, though only in passing, got knifed by some psycho killer and the whole town is in shock. the school fool has taken it upon themselves to throw a party in the midst of all of this, "to celebrate life", as they say. - you get an invitation but are you going to the party?"
Fuuuuuuck no, and not just cause I'm not a party kind of gal in the first place (well, maybe a chill drinks and background music kinda shindig). I'm also encouraging people I know to not go, cause it's genuinely pretty disrespectful, might invite some friends so we can share any memories we have and share a quiet evening. In real life, that's about where it ends, probably. In a slasher, we probably get knifed BEFORE the big party, one of us makes it out, runs to the party covered in blood yelling about the killer, causing a panic that only makes things worse when the stabbing starts. You just can't win when you got a Jason type bastard on the loose, can you?
11 "answer for real life vs if you were a slasher movie character: you escaped the killer but your friends are still stuck on their hunting ground, hiding and running for their lives. do you go back for them?"
Hell yeah I do! I'm running that cunt down with my car (which would probably be a prius everyone else made fun of earlier, making it more dramatically and comedically satisfying). IRL, the killer is now pavement jam. In a film, we might have a problem.
13 "you're offered the chance to privately talk to a horror villain of your choice, currently kept secure in a government facility. your safety during the encounter is guaranteed. do you take the offer? and if you do, who do you pick? why?"
No, I can't think of any that could tell me anything I'm, like, desperate to know. Anything worth that effort. Maybe Pinhead, to ask about the cosmology of the world, but he'd probably say some shit that made me go mad and, like, die horribly. Also I don't think I'm smart enough to "get" it.
17 "would you rather have chucky try and transfer his soul into your body or have the sawyer family try and put you on their dinner table?"
Sawyers. You never win VS that bastard doll, but leatherface is still human. Barely, but still.
19 "the asker gets to make up a would-you-rather question of their own."
Apparently the question was "do you wanna see if you can remember the primes, or ignore it and not risk embarrassing yourself" The answer is that I have very little pride or shame left, and I like answering questions too much to ignore it c:
23 "what are some things that give you the total creeps? places, items, even certain times that you try to avoid whenever possible?"
So, okay, it's well known that I'm a brainweird bitch (read: legitimately mentally ill, but trying to be cool about it), but also sometimes I just... See shit. I know logically it's probably visual hallucinations, or memory problems, pareidolia, or a sensible explanation for deja vu. BUT There is SOME shit I have seen that I can't ignore. Houses that don't make sense no matter how I look at them, the moonwatcher, catghosts, and that one thing I will not talk about because I just know in the back of my skull that it doesn't like being noticed. A lot of these are benevolent, or just not paying attention (the catghosts in particular are very chill, if a little bothersome some days), but there are some I will go out of my way to avoid or ignore. Maybe I'm being silly, hell, almost definitely, but I don't care. I don't want to poke at things I don't understand, only to find out it was a sleeping bear.
29 "29. are you dressing up this halloween?"
Shit I don't know if I'll get the chance. If I do.... Oh! I got it! I'm gonna go as my own corpse, being wheeled around in my wheelchair by my pal dressed as an evil spooky nurse! Grim, spooky, kinda funny when I stop playing dead and perk up to go "The punch is fantastic, by the way!", AND I get to have gruesome blood and injuries all over- it's perfect!
31 "make a list: halloween preparation shopping list."
Halloween ain't such a big thing down here in Aotearoa, sadly. I like to make a deal of it, but no one else does. Still, candy for handing out, a mix of some cheap bulk mix kids can get a handful of, and some nicer mini candy bars I can hand out one at a time. Costume supplies, fake cobwebs, and some other lil decorations. I'd love to own a house and go all out for it one year, but for now I can be content with the lil paper skeleton I have hanging in my room.
37 "it's halloween! the clock strikes midnight and at the edge of town, a witch is trying to summon you. what items will she need for the spell to work?"
I mean it's halloween, and it's a witch, so she's already mostly done. Aside from that... A plastic skull, A dvd copy of a crappy horror film, a 2 liter of sugar free coke, a crystal bell, and a chunk of rose quartz. AND a smooch- no way am I passing up that chance!
Thank you for all these questions, I had an absolute blast answering these!
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Fear Street Part 3: 1666 Ending Explained
This article contains Fear Street Part Three: 1666 spoilers.
It never could be as simple as reuniting an ancient skeleton’s hand with its wrist, right? That became obvious last week when the Fear Street trilogy’s ostensible heroine Deena Johnson (Kiana Madeira) attempted to break the curse of Sarah Fier by attaching all missing appendages in the alleged witch’s grave… only to be warped to Shadyside’s early days in 1666.
Now in Fear Street Part Three: 1666, we’ve learned the full unholy breadth of Shadyside’s curse, as well as their sister township Sunnyvale’s good fortune—and it’s dark. Involving a perversion of all that is good(e), the curse that has taken so many beloved characters over the centuries turned out to be more twisted than perhaps anyone expected… but not for Sarah Fier, a victim of superstition and misogynistic zealotry. And in the end, Sarah got the last blood-curdling laugh. Here’s how.
Goode Men, Wicked Slaves
For all those who became suspicious last week of the recurring Goode family, your paranoia has been vindicated: that cop really is the Devil. Or at least he’s in service of the Dark One.
By traveling to 1666, Deena was able to walk around in Sarah Fier’s shoes and get a taste firsthand of what it’s like to be wrongfully accused of witchcraft by a Puritanical community (even if she inaccurately later describes them to be Pilgrims). As it turns out, Sarah was not a witch; she was merely the young woman who’s secret love for Hannah Miller (Olivia Scott Welch) caused a spurned suitor named Solomon Goode (Ashley Zukerman) to take umbrage. And as it so happens, Solomon was the one actually dabbling in the dark arts….
Aye, it was Solomon Goode who spilled his blood on Satan’s stone, beginning the process of offering “one name” and soul for demonic corruption in turn for good fortune for the Family Goode. When Sarah rejects his offer to join his unholy bargain with Black Phillip—and more vexingly takes offense over his severing her hand—Goode accuses Sarah for the black magic that’s bewitched Shadyside: the curse which caused a murderous minister to blind children!
Sarah hangs, but not before offering a curse of her own: She will get back at Goode one day and reverse his damnable curse. In the meantime—and at a cost of more than 300 years of functional blood sacrifices—Goode and his family profit from their deal with Old Nick. From father to son, the mainline of the Goode family tree teaches the dark ways to each successive generation, who every decade or so offers a new name and a new soul. The person selected for damnation then goes on a killing spree, spilling blood that the Devil apparently feeds on. Beelzebub in turn grants the Goode family and their Sunnyvale town ongoing prosperity. Hence why by 1994, Nick Goode (also Zukerman) is a corrupt police sheriff and his brother Matthew Goode is the mayor of Sunnyvale.
Meanwhile, Shadyside persists in squalor until….
Magic Blood?
The most satisfying twist of Fear Street Part Three is that halfway through, it becomes Fear Street: 1994 Part 2! To be honest the accents in the 1666 portion of the film were a little dicey, as was the, uh, lack of Puritanism in a film set amongst Puritans. So best to go back to the era of flannel and overalls!
When Deena returns to the ‘90s, she realizes that Sheriff Goode has offered the soul of her girlfriend Sam Fraser (also Welch) to the Devil so she’d kill Deena and keep the secrets of Sarah Fier’s shallow grave buried. And since they have Sam locked up at Ziggy’s house, that means all the Goode family’s damned minions are soon going to be after them. But our heroes come up with a pretty nifty plan.
Thanks to how they saw Shadyside’s collection of nightmares pursue Sam in Fear Street Part 1, Deena and her brother Josh (Benjamin Flores Jr.) deduce that the ghouls will be strictly after Deena’s blood—which low-key makes me wonder how the monsters have such genetic precision to distinguish Deena’s DNA from that of her brother’s. In any event, they team up with adult Ziggy (Gillian Jacobs) and Martin (Darrell Britt-Gibson) by offering the movie-stealing line of the night:
Josh: Wanna help us kill Sheriff Goode?
Martin: Let me get my coat.
The plan for getting it done is also initially pretty solid. They sneak into the Shadyside mall after hours—which just so happens to be built on the site of the Camp Nightwing massacre, which in turn is above where the Goode family’s Satan’s stone is buried beneath the earth—and have Deena cut her hand, dripping blood into a bucket. Then by combining that blood with green paint, they’re able to create cursed blood trails throughout the mall, with each trail leading into a different department store. When four of Deena’s pursuant boogeymen show up, our Scooby gang locks the monsters into their department stores and waits for Sheriff Goode to arrive and inspect the remains of his handiwork. Instead of mangled bodies, he finds his teenage crush Ziggy, now ready to dump blood on his head like Carrie references never went out of style.
It’s an elaborate plan which was built on the idea of unleashing all the ghouls intended to kill Deena on their own master. However, it might’ve just been simpler to shoot him. Oh well. 
This final flourish of course goes horribly wrong but at least we get the fun sequence where the hapless heroes figure out they can delay the monsters by spraying each in Deena’s green blood, allowing for proxy fights between pseudo-Jason Voorhees and pseudo-Ghostface.
All Goode Things Come to an End
The actual resolution to this centuries-long terror turns out to be pretty simple. Deena follows Goode beneath the mall and to the Satan’s stone, as well as the literal unholy beating heart of the Goode family’s power. While she fails at stabbing the much bigger evil copper, she at least succeeds at running a knife through his power’s beating heart. It’s apparently as easy as that to undo the curse. It also allows the vengeful spirit of Sarah Fier to return from the dead and finally stab a Goode boy in the eye, sending him to Hell and Shadyside’s curse with him.
The plot’s mechanics are simple, but the implications are much more interesting. Because who else follows Nick and Deena toward the mouth of Hell but Sam, still possessed and now conveniently free of her restraints. She also attempts to thwart Deena and nearly kills her, yet Deena is able to make simple eye contact with her one great love and break through, shattering Satan’s grip.
It’s intriguing since, technically, we’ve seen Goode’s curse divide lovers before, with Tommy Slater (McCabe Slye) in Fear Street Part Two: 1978 not even hesitating to swing his axe into girlfriend Cindy’s heart. But then Deena and Sam’s love is strongly hinted at as being of a greater emotional purity. After all, Sam is clearly a descendant of Hannah Miller, the young woman whom Sarah Fier loved and saved from the noose by insisting that she alone was the witch of Shadyside, even bewitching poor Hannah into impure thoughts.
Are Deena and Sam the reincarnations of Sarah and Hannah? It’s possible, if even on a spiritual level since Sarah doesn’t appear to have any direct descendants. In any case, unlike so many slasher movies released between the 1970s and ‘90s, a lesbian romance is prominently featured at the center of this story, and is even the one redemptive light in Shadyside’s darkness.
Read more
The Netflix Fear Street Part 2: 1978 Easter Egg You Might Not Have Spotted
By Rosie Fletcher
Fear Street Part Two: 1978 Breaks Friday the 13th’s Darkest Rule
By David Crow
It also makes a striking juxtaposition next to Nick Goode’s dead body. This man might have been the current beneficiary of his ancestor’s bargain, but he represents something grimmer: the predatory nature of a society’s affluent feeding off the suffering and annual tragedies of their community’s underclasses. Sunnyvale flourished as a home for the wealthy while Shadyside wallowed in blood and trauma.
Kind of cuts deep the longer you think about it.
So… Who Took the Spell Book?
Of course this wouldn’t be an old school horror movie if it didn’t set up a sequel. Fear Street Part Three definitely offers resolution for its current narrative: Nick Goode is dead and exposed in the press as the Sunnyvale serial killer; Josh, meanwhile, may yet have his first girlfriend; and Deena and Sam are together, honoring Sarah Fier, if no one else will.
But beneath the reopened Shadyside Mall, we glimpse the book of black magic that Solomon Goode first used to make his pact, and a pair of hands belonging to an unseen face snatch it. Who stole the book and what are they up to?
Well, it’s worth noting that the Goode family has grown quite a bit in the 300-plus years since Solomon Goode accused Sarah Fier of witchery. Nick Goode appears to be the eldest son in the direct line. He’s the one taught the spells onscreen, and the boy who reads out Thomas Slater’s name—ironically in a bid to wrestle him away from Ziggy. However, just because Nick Goode is the one who damned Tommy and Ryan Torres in the last two Fear Street movies, it does not mean he was working alone.
Despite what Mayor Goode told the press about his brother, he almost certainly knew about his father and forefathers’ good work, as would the rest of the extended family. And here’s the thing…it will be so much harder next time for Deena (or, say, a new generation of millennial Shadysiders in the 2000s) to fight city hall. There’s also the likelihood that there’s more than one curse in that book of spells.
The Fear Street trilogy is over. The Fear Street shared universe may have only just begun. 
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darringauthier · 6 years ago
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No One Lives (2012)
Genre: Horror
Who’s In It: Luke Evans, Adelaide Clemens, Lee Tergesen, Derek Magyar, Beau Knapp
Who Directed It: Ryuhei Kitamura
Plot:  A gang of ruthless highway killers kidnap a wealthy couple traveling cross country only to shockingly discover that things are not what they seem.
Running Time: 86 Minutes
IMDB Score: 6.0
Rotten Tomatoes Score: Critics 47%   Audience 42%
Why I Watched It: I had missed it when it first did the rounds and it was one of those that I had forgotten about then it showed and I decided to give it a go, I do remember it was one of those movies that got very mixed reviews.
How I Watched It: Super Channel Canada
Random Thoughts: It’s funny a lot of the time I either watch a fairly recent movie, like 1-3 years old or a watch old old movies it’s rare to watch a movie from 7 years ago cause usually if I wanted to watch it I would have gotten to it before then but No One Lives slipped away from me and I never really tried to track it down but as is the case if it shows up then I’m like oh yeah I wanted to see that.  
It’s always interesting to watch a film from say 5-10 years ago and see where everyone’s career is now, for Luke Evans this was the time period it looked like he might break out but hasn’t but he’s worked steady and been in some huge films but he’s not a star.  
What I Liked: I liked the set up or more to the point the idea or the hook of the film, now’s a twist and it’s a decent one but it happens early and really without it being known it’s hard to review, now in the plot summary they hint at it.  What I like is that it starts as one kind of movie these bad guys, criminals do something to this couple and kidnap or take a person and then we find out what’s the dynamic really is and that is the best part of the film cause it’s a risky twist.
*Spoilers* I try not to do this but since this twist is in act one I’ll do it and it’s an older film, so the twist is Luke Evans is a serial killer or since he doesn’t like that term he calls himself a psychopath, and yes that tells you a lot about him.  So the girl these bad guys take is a hostage already.
So the whole 3 way dance aspect is cool, we have two different types of bad guys and one women stuck in the middle, and yes she’s had it very rough and she’s really the only have way likable person in the story.
The other thing I will give this film it’s balls to the wall gory, maybe a tad too much, but they go right for the Hard R here and it does kind of play like a slasher film cause the kills are a hi-light for the most part.
What I Didn’t Like: The film feels kind of cheap and rushed and really not that well directed or acted, it seems like they had more of a tone that an idea and the film feels too loose for my tastes.  Don’t get me wrong Kitamura is a decent genre director but this one feels really raw and unpolished and maybe he was going for that.
The acting is a very mixed bag, I like Evans and he’s fine here but badly miscast, he has the look but not the edge for this role, some of the supporting actors are really bad and do take away from the film,  it does give it an exploitation fell to the film or an amateurism  feel depends how you look at it.
The script is the real problem here and I do think they need to have the other set of bad guys be more interesting as characters and have them be more rounded so we got a feel for them.  It’s always hard when there’s no one you care about.  If they had given some of the characters any kind of human elements it would have helped the film.  I also found the gore to be just for gores sake as it was something to take your mind off the plot which I have to say is boring and is a bit draggy for a film that is 86 minutes, they really didn’t have 86 minutes of story to tell.
Final Thoughts: I liked the idea but for me the film wasn’t done well enough for it to work.  If you like gore over story then it’s worth a watch.
Rating: 4/10
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myupostsheadcanons · 6 years ago
More of the Same (Halloween Franchise Edition) :
(i did one for people who were complaining about VLD, suggesting other shows to watch that did things the same or better, might as well do a list for my current obsession)
Halloween 1978:
Christine (John Carpenter and Steven King. Besides the Rockabilly music, the rest of the score is very much like Halloween)  Made in 83, but is set in 78. The visuals are very reminiscent of Halloween as well.
The Thing. John Carpenter’s remake of the classic B-movie.
Friday the 13th (Part 1) Intentionally made to be a Halloween Rip-off. The killer twist was one of the better ones, and likely more of a Psycho reference.
Those that Came Before Halloween:
Psycho. The Grandfather of Slasher Movies. Hitchcock. Has Jamie Lee Curtis’s mom Janet Lee in it.
A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick)
Carrie (more Steven King)
Dual (1971)  (Steven Spielberg)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Black Christmas
The Exorcist
The Omen
Rosemary’s Baby
Halloween 2 (1980):
Came out the same year as “The Empire Strikes Back”.... “Laurie, I am your brother.”
My Bloody Valentine (1981) Another “cash grab” Holiday movie. Has another killer twist ending, much like F13 and Psycho. Decent practical effects and outside of the “love triangle” the rest of the characters are pretty well done in that ‘cheesy and dated’ way.
A Nightmare on Elm Street. Debut of Freddy Kruger, bacon-man dream eater.
Alien (1979). Single location. Soulless killer. Sigourney Weaver.
Halloween 3:
An American Horror Story (TV Show). The Halloween name was going to be an anthology of different movies that were going to be loosely connected to each other. This concept wasn’t liked during an era of Slasher Movies.... HOWEVER, this concept was revived under American Horror Story, as each season is set in a new location with new characters and are loosely based on other seasons.
Halloween 4 & 5 (the “child-in-danger” movies)
The Shinning. A dad turns on his family and attempts to kill them while cooped up in a snowed-in ski and retreat lodge in Colorado. The supernatural and mysterious “shine” allows the young son Danny to see ghosts of the past.
IT (TV and Movies): Children of small town tormented by supernatural alien creature that feeds on fear and in disguise as a “friendly” clown named Pennywise.
The Sixth Sense: Child Psychiatrist trying to help his young patient with a supernatural problem. (If Loomis left a sour taste in your mouth Malcolm is more palatable) 
The Babadook. Mom is driven to her wits-end by the loss of her husband and the demands of a child with special needs. A mysterious creature called “Mr. Babadook” starts stalking the child and begins to torment the mom.
Child’s Play. Little boy gets the doll he always wanted, only for said doll to have been possessed by a murderer by voodoo magik.
The Ring. creepy child drowns in well, wants everybody to keep circulating the tapes. Mom has to save her creepy son from the ghost girl.
Halloween 6
Hereditary. A dark secret was left dangling over a family after the passing of the grandmother. The mother struggles to get over the abuse and trauma she grew up with, and at the same time cope with issues with her own children. The sins of the past return to consume their lives.
Split (more accurately: Unbreakable, Split, and Glass): A man with multiple personality distorter, one of which being a super-powered cannibalistic killer that demands “pure” women to be sacrificed. Secondary plot of one of the victims growing up living with an abusive uncle.... Glass sees a return of the characters from Unbreakable and Split, but they had been captured and institutionalized... Shyamalan twists abound, and why it is in this part of the list.
Jason Goes to Hell (Friday the 13th), made 2-years prior to H6, has a similar gimmick of Jason trying to kill off his family (a sister and niece we previously didn’t know about), bonkers dark magic, and him chasing after a baby.
Halloween: Twenty Years Later (H20)
Halloween (2018).... yes... recommending a different Halloween movie.
Scream. the movie makes a cameo in the background.
Jeepers Creepers. Killer that comes back every 20-something years.
Freddy vs. Jason. Same Late-90′s to early 2000′s problems with making horror-slasher films too camp. (Child’s Play had the same problems with Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky)
The Blair Witch Project (1999), the movie that killed slasher horror until Saw came out 5 years later. Why “shaky cam” took over horror and action movies.
Halloween: Resurrection
Don’t Breathe. The better version of this movie. YA’s break into this guy’s house to rob him. Only to find themselves in a Murder Home.
The Boy. Woman that is escaping from an abusive relationship is hired by an odd family to take care of a doll that they treat like their own lost son.
Unfriended. If you want more of that cyber-horror, and being a bleh movie.
The Gallows. Takes place at a school...
SAW.  why we have Escape Rooms now.
Rob Zombie’s Halloween (1 & 2)
House of A Thousand Corpses
The Devil’s Rejects
My Bloody Valentine (2009)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
Nightmare on Elm Street (remake)
Friday the 13th (remake)
The Blair Witch
Halloween (2018)
The Visit. (when Shyamalan began to be good again) Kids go spend vacation with Grandma and Grandpa, only to discover something is not quite right with them.
Prometheus/Alien: Covenant. Reboot/sequels to the Alien Franchise.
The Prodigy (2019). Child genius turned sociopathic killer.
No Country For Old Men, not a slasher/horror, but Anton Sugur practically qualifies as one.
Widows. Heist action movie of vengeful angry wives.
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nightmareonfilmstreet · 7 years ago
Let’s Try That Again; The 10 Best Horror Movie Remakes
The horror movie remake is a polarizing topic that drives the horror community crazy. You either love remakes, or hate them. Few horror movie re-imaginings have been able to rise above their “remake” branding. Too many fans chalking their existence up to exploiting a film or franchise’s existing fandom, being made purely for profit, being rushed, or re-envisioning iconic characters to a lesser extent.
Despite not being received with open arms, there are a select few remakes that stand above the pack – converting their audiences of naysayers into rabid fans, re-invigorating the franchise they birthed from. Here are our picks for the 10 best horror movie remakes!
  10. Friday the 13th (2009)
Against the advice of locals and police, Clay (Jared Padalecki) scours the eerie woods surrounding Crystal Lake for his missing sister. But the rotting cabins of an abandoned summer camp are not the only things he finds. Hockey-masked killer Jason Voorhees lies in wait for a chance to use his razor-sharp machete on Clay and the group of college students who have come to the forest to party.
  Alright, I may get a lot of flack for putting this one on the list. But I really do love the Friday the 13th remake. It’s over the top, it’s got everything you want in a slasher, and there’s exactly 13 kills. While it doesn’t hold a torch to the original from 1980, this 2009 remake directed by Marcus Nispel ain’t half bad. There’s some really fun kills and a bit of back story about Jason.
  9. Piranha 3D (2010)
Spring break turns gory when an underground tremor releases hundreds of prehistoric, carnivorous fish into Lake Victoria, a popular waterside resort. Local cop Julie Forester (Elisabeth Shue) must join forces with a band of unlikely strangers — though they are badly outnumbered — to destroy the ravenous creatures before everyone becomes fish food.
  Piranha 3D is the perfect summer film! The original was released in 1978 and was titled simply Piranha. In 2010 we got a 3D remake that took the thriller element from the original and added way more boobs. And humor. And blood. Piranha 3D is a cheesy gore-fest. Directed by Alexandre Aja, it has an all-star cast including Richard Dreyfuss, Christopher Lloyd and Jerry O’Connell. A great flick to watch in a group while vacationing at a lake. Just make sure to maybe check there’s not another lake under that lake.. filled with ancient piranhas.
  8. Quarantine (2008)
Reporter Angela (Jennifer Carpenter) and her cameraman Scott (Steve Harris) are doing a story on night-shift firefighters for a reality-TV program. A late-night distress call takes them to a Los Angeles apartment building, where the police are investigating a report of horrific screams. The TV team and emergency workers find an old woman, who suddenly attacks with teeth bared. What’s more, Angela and company find that the building has been sealed by CDC workers. Then the attacks really begin.
  [REC] (2007) is a Spanish found footage film directed by Jaume Balagueró. The film is absolutely terrifying and exactly how found footage should be done. One year later came the American remake Quarantine, directed by John Erick Dowdle. Both films follow the exact same story, so there’s not a lot of surprises watching the American remake. Both films also set up for a bunch of sequels, some of which are really great. The American version stars Jennifer Carpenter in the lead role, who does a great job carrying the story. I won’t say much more because both of these films should be watched with no prior knowledge of the story. The first time I saw the ending was one of the few times I’ve screamed out loud while watching a horror film. I apologized profusely to my neighbors.
  7. Evil Dead (2013)
Mia (Jane Levy), a drug addict, is determined to kick the habit. To that end, she asks her brother, David (Shiloh Fernandez), his girlfriend, Natalie (Elizabeth Blackmore) and their friends Olivia (Jessica Lucas) and Eric (Lou Taylor Pucci) to accompany her to their family’s remote forest cabin to help her through withdrawal. Eric finds a mysterious Book of the Dead at the cabin and reads aloud from it, awakening an ancient demon. All hell breaks loose when the malevolent entity possesses Mia.
  Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead was originally released in 1981. A campy, low-budget film that became an instant cult classic. In 2013, Fede Alverez’s re-imagined the beloved story of Ash and his deadites, creating a darker, more sinister interpretation. One of the biggest changes, was opting for an incredible female lead played by Jan Levy.  The film is deliciously dark, and only embellishes the silly, zany palate of the Evil Dead Franchise.  There’s been a lot of chatter about a sequel being in the works, but nothing concrete.
  6. Willard (2003)
Desperate for companionship, the repressed Willard (Crispin Glover) befriends a group of rats that inhabit his late father’s deteriorating mansion. In these furry creatures, Willard finds temporary refuge from daily abuse at the hands of his bedridden mother (Jackie Burroughs) and his father’s old partner, Frank (R. Lee Ermey). Soon it becomes clear that the brood of rodents is ready and willing to exact a vicious, deadly revenge on anyone who dares to bully their sensitive new master.
  Willard was released in 1973 and the remake came years later to screens in 2003. It stars Crispin Glover in one of his best roles, and a crap tone of rats. Glen Morgan directed this awesome remake and fills it with everything you’d want in a terrifying situation about killer rats. Glover shines on-screen as a total weirdo and carries the film with perfection. If you weren’t scared of rats before, you will be after this flick ends.
  5. The Grudge (2004)
Matthew Williams (William Mapother), his wife, Jennifer (Clea DuVall), and mother, Emma (Grace Zabriskie), are Americans making a new life in Tokyo. Together they move into a house that has been the site of supernatural occurrences in the past, and it isn’t long before their new home begins terrorizing the Williams family as well. The house, as it turns out, is the site of a curse that lingers in a specific place and claims the lives of anyone that comes near.
  An American remake from the Japanese original Ju-On: The Grudge released in 2002. The remake, directed by Takashi Shimizu, the same person who directed the original, is terrifying. Back in the early 2000’s it was harder for North Americans to access J-horror and horror audiences were grateful for an accessible remake. Starring Sarah Michelle Geller in the lead role, she carries the story with grace. There’s so many memorable moments and jump scares. While I do recommend The Grudge, I say go crazy and watch both the original and remake one after the other. Have the pants scared off of you!
  4. The Fly (1986)
  When scientist Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum) completes his teleportation device, he decides to test its abilities on himself. Unbeknownst to him, a housefly slips in during the process, leading to a merger of man and insect. Initially, Brundle appears to have undergone a successful teleportation, but the fly’s cells begin to take over his body. As he becomes increasingly fly-like, Brundle’s girlfriend (Geena Davis) is horrified as the person she once loved deteriorates into a monster.
  Originally released in 1958, it was a long time before The Fly remake came around in 1986. The original movie was adapted from a short story written by George Langelaan. The remake was directed by the always impressive David Cronenberg and starred Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis. Both brought insane performances to this movie which makes it such a great remake. Of course, it is Cronenberg, so…you know…don’t eat while you’re watching it.
  3. Dawn of the Dead (2004)
When her husband is attacked by a zombified neighbor, Ana (Sarah Polley) manages to escape, only to realize her entire Milwaukee neighborhood has been overrun by the walking dead. After being questioned by cautious policeman Kenneth (Ving Rhames), Ana joins him and a small group that gravitates to the local shopping mall as a bastion of safety. Once they convince suspicious security guards that they are not contaminated, the group bands together to fight the undead hordes.
  The original Dawn of the Dead was a fantastic, beautiful, groundbreaking film from Romero, released in 1978. The remake came in 2004, helmed by James Gunn and Zack Snyder. What stands out about this remake is how far they veer from the source material. But it works! The film boasts a strong cast featuring Sarah Polley, Ving Rhames, and Jake Weber, to name a few. There’s also some heart-breaking moments and genuine scares. Oh, and zombies. Lots of those.
  2. The Ring (2002)
It sounds like just another urban legend — a videotape filled with nightmarish images leads to a phone call foretelling the viewer’s death in exactly seven days. Newspaper reporter Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) is skeptical of the story until four teenagers all die mysteriously exactly one week after watching just such a tape. Allowing her investigative curiosity to get the better of her, Rachel tracks down the video and watches it. Now she has just seven days to unravel the mystery.
  Another J-horror American remake. Ringu was first released in 1998 based on the book Ring by Koji Suzuki. In 2002, along came The Ring directed by Gore Verbinski. This was a huge deal for us teenagers in the early 2000’s and made us all terrified of our landlines. The Ring is beautifully shot and colored mystery. It’s a wonderfully done film. It stars Naomi Watts as the mother fighting to save herself and her child, played by David Dorfman.
  1. The Thing (1982)
In remote Antarctica, a group of American research scientists are disturbed at their base camp by a helicopter shooting at a sled dog. When they take in the dog, it brutally attacks both human beings and canines in the camp and they discover that the beast can assume the shape of its victims. A resourceful helicopter pilot (Kurt Russell) and the camp doctor (Richard Dysart) lead the camp crew in a desperate, gory battle against the vicious creature before it picks them all off, one by one.
  You didn’t think I’d make this list without The Thing did you? Come on! Originally titled The Thing from Another World and released in 1951, the remake was done by John Carpenter in 1982. The Thing is probably the one film everyone will agree on. It’s perfection on-screen. Giant, snowy, cold landscapes filled with unbearable tension and fear. An outstanding performance from all involved – but Kurt Russell stands out on top. Amazing practical effects and a terrifying premise, The Thing is the penultimate remake. They actually remade this again in 2011, but let’s not talk about that..
  Those are our picks for the 10 Best Horror Movie Remakes! Are any of your favorites on this list? If not, let us know what your favorite horror remakes are in the comments below, or over in our Facebook Group!
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lushscreamqueen · 3 years ago
Gingerclown a review by Lushscreamqueen
Hello good evening and welcome to what in my humble opinion the worst movie since Lumière brothers played their first film in December 1895. I would have said celluloid but this film was straight to DVD without even the courtesy of a cinema release or at the very least a live streaming event. I have searched but even Netflix won’t touch this stonker of a film. Shot in 2013 this is a first for me, a Hungarian horror film. They call it a comedy but I suspect they mean the monsters are laughable in the um ahh way not the ha ha way. I have seen better acting at Nida auditions. This film was written and directed by Balázs Hatvani who has 6 films to his credit and for the life of me I don’t now why. Starring Erin Hayes in her first film and Ashley Lloyd (Mostly with Balázs but one notable Downton Abbey uncredited) as high school students intruding in an old amusement park inhabited by monsters on a dare, Oh he gets conned into it with a promise of a kiss from Jenny and what virgin won’t break and enter a creepy abandoned amusement park for a good snog. Now you would think with Tim Curry as Ginger Clown even if a bad film is redeemable, but guess again. The monsters are Doctor Who worthy. Ed Wood himself would cringe at the cheesy over done yellow eyeballed rubber puppets dripping with KY. The rubber heads precariously balanced on what I suspect are Hungarian extras in Snuggies. I suspect Lance Henriksen, (Alien 3, Millennium, Tron TMNT) Michael Winslow, (and not one special sound effect??… seriously no one hires him for his acting!!) Brad Dourif (The voice of Chucky) and Sean Young (Rachael from Blade runner, oh how the gorgeous have fallen) providing the voices of the creatures that terrorize them. Gingerclown is set in 1983, a group of high school students led by Biff run into their nerdy classmate Sam (Ashley Lloyd), whom they instantly begin to bull as you do. In order to prove him to Biff and also win the affection of Biffs’ good natured girlfriend, Jenny (Erin Hayes) he agrees to sneak into an old abandoned amusement park to prove his courage, Jenny fights with Biff and flows him. The park was abandoned in the 60’s after kids died… ohhh spooky. Our hero and Heroine are wander through the overgrown darkness, when suddenly the lights come on, the music plays and Ta da…everything is trying to eat their brains.
Needless to say, the film has nothing particularly intelligent to say-- even for a teen slasher film and there are surprising few deaths for a slasher film. I wanted to scream “Kill them all but no such luck. Gingerclown even had Eddie tied up at one point, just to tell a joke. I have no idea how he escape his horrid inevitable doom. Frankly, I'd be ashamed to write anything this wretched and can't see how any writer would take credit for this sort of bilge.
The monsters are appalling, the acting is so overdone and the biggest stars in horror and Sci fi cannot save themselves let alone this film. This is one hour and 23 minutes I will never get back. I prayed for the end of the film or death and raced to see which came first. I kept thinking this cannot get any worse…. And then it does. AND to add insult to injury, no-one in the entire film even looks like a clown! In fairness there was a pretty close Jabba the Hut looking guy with a Gramophone.
Nigel Honeybone would have loved this film. He may even have pissed himself laughing. Lucky I guess he has no bladder, On that note, as the sun slowly rises over the park and my breakfast slowly rises in my throat.... Toodles
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sf-akahana · 7 years ago
Yay I got tagged in a thing!!  Thanks @vanillaslayer <3
Dank A to Z Meme
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
a - age: 21
b - birthplace: Torrance, California 
c - current time: 1:51am (I am currently in a toxic relationship w/ sleep, they always neglect me and honestly I deserve better lol)
d - drink you last had: Water but only because we’re out of soda I’m a bad adult
e - easiest person to talk to: I’m a pretty open person wit all of my friends but there are definitely different friends I would take different problems to.  I’m also the person who is always willing to help others with their problems so lots of people talk to me pretty easily.
f - *current* favourite song: it’s a toss up between a couple different songs, but BTS just dropped a new Japanese album and I’m LIVING for “Don’t Leave Me” it’s so good <3
g - grossest memory: Once when I was like 12 my brother and I were getting ready to go to our martial arts test (which is expensive) and I didn’t feel good and ended up puking, but my mom thought I was faking it to get out of the test and made me clean it out of the carpet.  It wasn’t until I ran to the bathroom in the middle of the test did she realize I was actually sick...but I still finished the test and I still passed so go me.
h - horror yes or horror no: HELL YEAH, I actually get scared pretty easy but I still love horror games and movies and shows like Paranormal Survivor lol.  Although I always stick with psychological horror, stuff like slasher flicks I don’t find very scary I just find them gross and hard to look at.
i - in love?: Nope, not at the moment.  
j - jealous of people?: I don’t tend to be, there are times where I find myself wishing I had what other people have (more emotionally/ life fulfillment wise than material possessions) but I’m not angry at others for having it or wishing to see other’s crash and burn.  I used to feel jealous when my best friend chose to hang out with others friends, but that’s mostly passed.
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again?: Really love at first sight it the most fucking ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard tbh.  Love takes a lot of dedication and the willingness from both parties to stick through hard times and to always try to better themselves.  How could you tell any of that from just a glance?
m - middle name: Jeannette, after my grandmother Janet
n - number of siblings: One younger brother.
o - one wish: My wish is to live a happy and fulfilling life, whatever that ends up looking like for me.  Right now that’s just to continue to work on my art skills and to spend as much times with my friends as I can, but who knows what that will be in the future.
p - person you called last: My Mama <3
q - question you are always (often) asked: “Wow did you draw that?”  Like no, I’m just sitting here with my sketchbook open and a pencil in my hand and this picture just magically appeared.  Jk I actually don’t really mind this kind of question, I like when people take interest in my art.
r - reason to smile: MY CAT SASSY IS THE CUTEST LITTLE SHIT AND I LOVE HER SO MUCH I’m literally watching her sleep rn with her paws held over her face I CAN’T-
s - song you sang last: “Don’t Leave Me” - BTS (I don’t have a problem lol)
t - time you woke up: 4:30pm I have an aweful schedule also it’s spring break
u - underwear color: gray
v - vacation destination: I mean Disneyland is always a good choice but I would also love to visit Japan someday <3  I would also go to Korea but only if a BTS concert was involved because although there are some cool things to do there I’m terrified of the driving conditions
w - worst habit: Procrastination - it’s half the reason I don’t sleep lol
x - x-rays: I haven’t had one since my brother broke my finger when I was 10
y - your favourite food: CKICKEN KATSU CURRY IS MY JAM
z - zodiac sign: Cancer
so I’m supposed to tag 10 people but I seem to be pretty late to this party and most people have probably done it so if you haven’t yet just say I tagged you and I’ll like your post <3
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I Love You, You Pay My Rent: Chapter Four
First Chapter (Prologue)
Previous Chapter (Chapter Three)
Nico had been living with Will for three and a bit weeks and in that time Will had never invited anyone one else round to their home. It was therefore a surprise when he woke up one morning and found a stranger in the kitchen. The stranger was wildly attractive, even with sleep messed hair. He was also shirtless.
Nico stared at the stranger. The stranger stared back.
"What up," the stranger said by way of greeting.
Nico, not always rude but also definitely not a morning person, continued staring blankly in total incomprehension.
Will came out of his room then, thankfully not shirtless because Nico definitely would not have been able to deal with that, but looking incredibly rumpled and not at all with it. Will stopped and looked between Nico and the stranger. For some reason he seemed mildly alarmed. He must have thrown on clothes very quickly because his sweatpants were inside out and his tshirt was back to front. His hair was a complete mess too, more so than usual like he'd been running his hands through -
And finally it dawned on Nico what was going on and he couldn't believe he had been so slow but he at least managed to stop himself blurting oh my god out loud.
"Oh god," Will said.
Nico gave him a look, and Will shook his head frantically looking unbelievably panicked.  The stranger was oblivious as he poured himself a glass of water. Nico was busy freaking out because stranger, male stranger and wait did that mean Will –
He blamed his next words on his jumbled thoughts and lack of ability to think clearly.
"Who is this honey?" he asked.
Will's expression might have been worth it, he looked so confused: for a split second he was the picture of a deer in the headlights. Then he cottoned on to what Nico was doing.
"Oh god," he said again and Nico wasn’t entirely sure if he playing along, commenting on Nico’s plan, or simply still panicking about the situation.
The stranger looked at Nico in some surprise then over to Will. Will closed his eyes. He didn't have to do much acting to seem like he was simultaneously freaked and wanting the ground to swallow him whole. Nico thought that was probably a good thing given Will's acting ability.
"You didn't mention this last night," the stranger commented. He seemed amused more than anything else which was lucky because Nico was belatedly realising this gambit could have gone a whole other way.
"You didn't mention me?" Nico asked and he was actually beginning to enjoy his role.
"I-" Will said but his voice gave out.
"Are you kidding me Will Solace?" Nico demanded. "I thought after your brother’s graduation-"
"Can you stop bringing up my brother’s graduation?" Will snapped and Nico thought he might have to revise his previously formed opinion of Will's acting skills.
The stranger looked between them.
"Maybe it would be better if I -"
"And who are you?" Nico demanded, rounding on the unreasonably attractive person standing in the middle of their kitchen. He realised his own jealously of the stranger - the tall, muscular, beautiful stranger who looked nothing like Nico - might be leaking into his tone. The stranger recoiled slightly, and Nico thought he might have overdone it.
“I’m gonna go,” the stranger said.
He went back into Will’s bedroom. Neither Nico nor Will had moved when he returned with a shirt and shoes on this time. He gave Will a final glance as he left and Nico felt a hot spike of unreasonable jealously in his stomach. When the door shut, Will slid to the floor.
“Oh god,” he said.
“You’ve said that,” Nico commented. But he did take pity on Will, mainly because Will looked like he regretted everything, and went and got him a glass of water. After some thought he also took a box of painkillers out the drawer.  
“I’ve never done that before,” Will said as Nico handed him the water. “That’s not me.”
He sipped the water silently for a minute or two. Nico sat next to him and tried to reconcile his own muddled thoughts.
“Thank you,” Will said eventually. “I don’t know if I could have dealt with that on my own.”
Suddenly he smirked, looking more like himself.
“Though I am sorry about whatever happened at my brother's graduation.”
Nico began laughing and it helped distract him from the spiky feeling in his chest.
“You don’t remember? You left with Dave. I was heartbroken.”
“Dave? I don’t remember Dave.”
“I can’t believe you don’t remember! Honestly it’s Christmas 2013 all over again.”
“Hey, you said we were on a break!”
“Well we sure weren’t on a break with Dave,” Nico yelled. “Not the first time. And not the second time after my father’s funereal!”
“Babe, come on I would never let Dave come between us!” Will protested. “Screw Dave!”
“You did,” Nico retorted. “That was the problem!”
“Well how about that time at your grandmother’s?” Will countered in a dramatic sitcom yell.
“How about you two shut up for once?” Octavian shrieked through the walls.
Will rolled his eyes but started laughing and Nico made a rude gesture in Octavian’s direction, and wondered why such a fancy building had such thin walls.
“You know I didn’t even know his name,” Will said after the laughter had died down leaving a hollow space.
“It’s not the worse thing you could have done,” Nico said, though privately the jealous part of him decided he would rather Will was confessing a murder.
Will shook his head.
“I should have at least known his name.”
“How drunk were you?” Nico teased gently.  
“I don’t know. I don’t even think I was that far gone. I was just –“ he shook his head and shut down in the way he sometimes did. It reminded Nico of the fortune cookie thing, that alluded to some mysterious past.
Will tipped his head back, and though it hit the wall with a sharp thud he didn’t wince. He looked so ragged and torn.  Nico wasn’t sure he liked seeing Will so down.
“Hey at least he was hot right?” he said gently bumping his shoulder against Will’s.
Admitting Will’s one-night stand had been hot was the closest he’d ever come to admitting aloud, or even hinting that he was gay. Jason had found out accidentally, and the only good thing about that was that Nico had never actually had to say the words. It felt strange vocalising even something as innocent as the other guy’s attractiveness - even to Will who had just slept with him - but Will didn’t seem to even register the meaning behind the words, just burst out laughing.
“Are you suggesting I’m shallow?”
“I’m saying you could have done worse.”
Will bit his lip to stop himself laughing and nodded.
“Alright,” he said. “I’ll give you that.”
Nico was pretty sure Will wasn't ready to think about what he'd done and he knew he definitely wasn't ready to think of the implications of what Will had done (because Will was apparently single and not at all straight and-) so he suggested a movie. Nico was going to let Will choose one of the ones of the list since he obviously needed cheering up but Will surprised him by letting him choose. Nico was surprised at the sudden power, and instantly worried that whatever he picked would be an awful disaster. There were a couple of films on there he knew he'd like, but he had no idea what Will enjoyed other than the endless array of Disney movies. He wasn't sure he was ready to bare his soul to Will even if it was only the tiny part of his soul that was in charge of things he liked.
So to circumnavigate all of that he chose a horror movie at random.
"Slasher Killer Blood Revenge of the Darkness: 3?" Will questioned.
"That's not what it says," Nico protested.
"It might as well," Will said. He shrugged. "Whatever, I like a good Slasher Killer Blood film."
Nico raised an eyebrow at him.
"Sure it won't be too scary for you, Disney boy?"
"I'll cope. I guess this is standard for you Death boy?"
"I actually starred in one of these once."
Will laughed.
"No you didn't," he said but he didn't sound one hundred per cent sure.
For the first ten minutes Will was annoyingly calm, which Nico took as a challenge. Usually horror films didn't bother him and it would have been a walk in the park but he'd managed to pick a genuinely frightening psychological thriller. Still he refused to break before Solace.
He tried very hard not to grin in triumph when Will paused the movie but Will just went to get another glass of water. Despite his claims he hadn't drunk all that much the night before, Nico thought he might be just a bit hung over.
Though Will was right behind him, though he could hear him moving about in the kitchen, though all he had to do was turn and he'd see him, the second Nico was left alone on the sofa he began to silently panic.
He jumped when Will asked him if he wanted anything and tried to cover it up be reaching for a cushion.
Neither of them had bothered to open the curtains and the light that tried to sift through the gaps made strange shadows in the corners of the room. Which he was absolutely not concerned about. Not at all. He'd survived hundreds of horror movies that had left Jason, Percy, Leo, even Reyna a wreck.
"Here," Will said handing Nico his coke.
Nico drew his feet up onto the sofa in case there were monsters hiding under it, and took the drink. Will had brought back a thing of m&ms and Nico grabbed a handful as he restarted the film.
He hated that Will seemed so relaxed about everything but then, almost as soon as the movie was playing again, Will jumped. His water went flying, and he bumped into Nico who knocked the m&ms all over the floor. Nico was feeling smug until something on screen leapt out of the shadows and he actually let out a scream that he almost immediately stifled.
Twenty minutes later and Nico was really beginning to regret his choice. He was now sitting close enough to Will to almost be on his lap, though Nico wasn’t sure whether he’d moved closer or Will had. The characters on screen were exploring an abandoned house, like morons, and the music was doing the thing and Nico was trying very hard to maintain his composure because Will was right next to him and –
Will screamed, Nico screamed and somehow they had both grabbed at the other one and Will was so close, his arms around him.
The banging sound that had scared both of them so thoroughly continued and almost at the same time they identified it as the door. Will let go of Nico to run his hands through his hair, laughing nervously and self-depreciatingly. He paused the film, which was actually a relief.
“You’re stronger than you look Neeks,” he commented as he stood to get the door.
Nico managed a small, tight smile and tried to get his heart rate down from the million miles an hour it currently felt like it was doing.
“I’m coming,” Will yelled at the continued banging.
“Five dollars on Octavian complaining about something,” Nico said.
He wrenched open the door, Nico twisted around on the sofa to watch. Instead of Octavian (there went his five dollars) there was a slim guy with curly brown hair. He was kind of like the boy next door version of the model Will had slept with.
Cecil came in, eyes immediately clocking onto Nico with a worryingly huge grin.
“I was coming to check on you,” Cecil said sloping over and hauling himself up to sit on the counter.
“You disappeared last night,” he said helping himself to a banana out of the fruit bowl. “And you haven’t been answering your phone. Lou Ellen thought you were dead.”
“But you weren’t concerned?” Will asked.
“Nah I didn’t think anyone could bring themselves to hurt your pretty face. Who’s that?”
“Nico. Nico this is Cecil. We’re friends. It’s unfortunate but we’ve known each other too long to do anything about that now.”
Cecil looked Nico up and down with the trace of a smirk and then glanced back at Will.
“So you’re not dead?”
“Did you have fun last night?” Cecil asked with an even bigger grin.
Will fixed him with a look, but if anything Cecil’s smile only got bigger.
“You want me to leave you two in peace? Only it’s Kayla’s birthday thing? You remember?”
Will’s eyes got very wide.
“Oh no.”
“We didn’t think it was like you to forget. That’s why Lou put money on you being dead or at least kidnapped. Drew said distracted, I guess she was closest.”
“Oh god, okay wait there, I’ll be like thirty seconds.”
Will dashed off leaving Nico alone with Cecil. Seconds dragged as Cecil gave Nico another once-over but this one far less friendly.
“So,” Cecil said leaning forward and putting his chin in his hands as he stared at Nico.
“You must be pretty interesting to make Will forget his sister’s party?”
Nico wasn’t sure how to respond to that, or the sudden seriousness and intensity of Cecil. He may have been jokey and teasing around Will, but the second Will had vanished it was like a switch had flipped. Now suddenly scrappy, easy going Cecil seemed almost intimidating.
“I’m not –“ Nico began but he wasn’t sure where he was going to go with that so it was almost a relief when Cecil interrupted him.
“Don’t hurt him,” Cecil said in a low voice. “He’s been through enough. Whatever this is don’t  – I have to say that shirt looks a lot better when it’s the right way round.”
Will, who had come out of his bedroom properly dressed and was responsible for Cecil’s abrupt change in manner, paused only to flip Cecil off before grabbing his keys.
“I’ve got to go,” he told Nico. “Kayla’s my sister. I’ve never missed her birthday, I can’t believe -”
“Well you have one, or was it two, drinks last night." Cecil quipped. "That’s anyone else’s equivalent of a bottle. We’ll tell her you were too hungover –“
“You won’t do anything of the sort,” Will threatened as he pulled Cecil off the counter and towards the door.
“I could tell her the truth.”
“I could murder you in a way that would be undetectable by most forensic specialists.” Will suggested cheerily.
“See you Nico,” he said without changing tone.
And then the door shut and Nico was alone.
He wasn’t scared. He totally wasn’t scared. But he did open all the curtains and turn all the lights on to banish the shadows. Then he microwaved some pizza because he couldn’t be bothered to cook, and put on cartoons because they were fun and light and didn’t involve dungeon-demon-shadow-monsters.
If he kept busy he wouldn’t have to think. So, he cleaned up the m&ms and washed up and washed his bed sheets and managed to stay away from thoughts of Will (and demons) until he ran out of chores.
Will was gay.  And apparently, if his willingness to sleep with some random guy was anything to go by, single. That –
That changed things.
Before he’d viewed Will as completely unattainable. He’d been resigned to another drawn out period of secret longing that would ultimately turn into pain as Will decided to get married and ask Nico to be his best man.
Now –
He didn’t know what to think. His chest felt funny, butterflies were multiplying in his stomach. Will was - and that meant there was a chance - but how could Will ever want someone like Nico? Will was beautiful and perfect and gorgeous and kind and -
He was spiralling. He could feel himself spiralling.
He clenched his fists and told himself not to be stupid. He shouldn’t be falling apart over some guy. Especially not Will.
There were other things to think about. Like Cecil’s very distinct personalities and mild threats, like how he had to figure out what to get Reyna for her birthday next week, like the possibility of demi-gorgon-demon-shadows creeping under the door and murdering him while he slept – no not that last one.
Nico was kind of relieved when Will returned because it forced Nico to confront the fact that they were going to be continuing living with each other and so he really couldn’t spend all his time on edge. It was also getting dark and Nico was afraid. He’d never been afraid of the dark before.
“I spent that entire meal terrified someone was going to sneak up behind me and murder me,” Will admitted as he threw himself down onto the sofa next to Nico.
“I was fine,” Nico lied.
“All the lights are on and you’re watching cartoons.”
“So you’re going to refuse to watch the fluffy and light Tangled with me? Because obviously you don’t need it and you hate Disney.”
“I’ll stay to keep you company,” Nico said magnanimously.
Will smiled in response and Nico’s heart fluttered automatically, even though there was something not quite right about it. Will’s smiles were usually bright as the sun, even the small ones, but this time it didn’t quite meet his eyes.
“Did you make it to Kayla’s thing in time?” Nico asked.
“It had already started. But Kayla wasn’t mad,” he paused, gave a rueful smile. “She should have been.”
Will shrugged and Nico thought his mind was somewhere else.
“You want me to put fluffy and light on, or are you going to do it?” Nico asked trying to cheer him along but he thought his own voice was starting to sound kind of hollow. He didn’t like how worried Will looked.
“I’ll do it in a sec,” Will said. “But there’s actually -”
He took a deep breath. Nico was starting to realise why he was so on edge. Will’s uneasiness was familiar because it was the same uneasiness Percy had shown right before he’d admitted he was proposing. Nico couldn’t take any more bad news. He couldn’t think of what Will could possibly want other than maybe kicking him out, maybe the one-night stand was going to move in instead and –
“I need to ask you something. And I need you to hear me out because it’s a really strange request and I know that but –“
Will stopped and bit his lip.
“Okay I know this sounds crazy,” he said. “But Cecil kind of thinks you were the guy I went home with last night -”
“That actually explains a lot,” Nico said.
Will gave a tired little smile.
“Sorry for whatever he did. The point is –“
“I don’t care” Nico blurted out. “That you slept with him or that he’s a guy or that –“
Will was looking at him strangely now.
“That wasn’t what I was going for,” he said and he looked closer to actually laughing now. “But thanks.”
Nico nodded and had to press his lips together to stop anymore outbursts because if he thought he could delay whatever was coming then he’d keep talking until the sun imploded and the universe died.
“Nico I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend for a bit. Please? The other’s all think I slept with you anyway and I swear you’ll never have to meet any of my friends and I’ll keep Cecil away but please can I just tell them we’re dating?”
Will’s words came out in a tumbled rush.
Nico realised he hadn’t responded. He tried to unglue his mouth, remember how to make his tongue work, how he formed words, figure out what he was going to say because how did he respond to that?
“Okay,” he said.
Next Chapter
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all-hallows-scream · 7 years ago
Book Recs for Autumn and Halloween !
So as a lot of you probably know, I love horror stories and Halloween-y books. I read them year round, like many of you probably do also, but when autumn rolls around I think we can all agree we need a few really good books for the season. In no particular order, these are a few of my personal favs!
1. Tithe by Holly Black
This book is one of my all time favorites, and as I’m sure you can tell, is all about faeries. I read this every year around October/September. It’s not necessarily a happy go lucky fairytale story. It’s dark and makes you fear the seelie court as well as wish you could visit it yourself. Black’s writing is absolutely beautiful as well, so that’s always a plus. I recommend every single book she’s ever written they’re all amazing and perfect for Halloween.
2. Slasher Girls & Monster Boys by April Genevieve Tucholke
Okay so technically this isn’t written by Tucholke. This book was compiled by her. SG&MB is a collection of horror short stories by various other authors including Cat Winters, Danielle, Paige,  Megan Shepherd, Kendare Blake, and A.G. Howard. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked every single story in the book. And, to top it all off, they’re all inspired by other works such as The Birds, Alice in Wonderland, and I Know What You Did Last Summer. (”In the Forest Dark and Deep” is based off of Alice in Wonderland and is my personal favorite.)
3. The Diviners by Libba Bray
I have a lot of feelings about this book, and I’m not entirely sure how to put them in words. This book ... y’all ... it’s incredible. It’s set in 1920′s New York and is all about, you guessed it, Diviners. Specifically, a Diviner named Evie who is trying to help solve murders being done by a serial killer who ... uhhh ... happens to be a ghost brought back through a ouija board. Explaining that sounds a little bit cheesy but I swear on my grave this book is well worth the read. However! It is quite long. 578 pages to be exact. But again, so very worth it. And the third book is coming out October 3rd!
4. The Merciless and Survive the Night by Danielle Vega
Now .. truly I didn’t want to have two books by the same author on this list but both of these books are amazing and I couldn’t chose. The Merciless is like .. The Exorcist meets Mean Girls. It was very fun to read and stayed that way until the last few chapters where things started getting very intense and way creepy. Survive the Night is a rave underground gone horribly wrong when people start getting killed by someone or ... something? Both are very good and get very wild towards the end. In a good way, though!
5. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I’ve read this book a million times. However, I haven’t read it in a while so I think that’ll be one of my reads this month! The Night Circus is about a circus that appears without warning and is only open at night. Le Cirque des Rêves ; the circus of dreams. This circus is primarily created by our two main characters who are competing against each other; it’s a duel between the two magicians. That they’re completely unaware of.  Because of this duel, they create beautiful, amazing circus tents that could literally only exist in a dream. I’m horrible at describing this book, so please, read it and you’ll see what I mean! You might not be able to read it all in one sitting though. When I first read it I had to take breaks between chapters to “catch my breath” so to speak!
6. The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
I think we all know what The Exorcist is. Hailed as a classic horror movie by many. Which I truthfully don’t understand because after reading the book, the movie seemed tame. This book scared the hell out of me. It was so incredibly creepy and I loved every second of it. The movie actually skipped one of my favorite book scenes which was a bit disappointing. I could not put the book down though, and honestly got chills a few times. I don’t think I need to explain any further why you should read it this Halloween!
7. Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy
Okay. This book is in fact more of a middle grade book. But the plus side of that is that it’s an easy read, as well as very well written and entertaining. It’s full of magic and kicking ass. The concept sounds silly; a magical skeleton detective with a twelve year old side kick who only just found out she can also do magic. It definitely sounds like a kids book. But it’s so incredibly funny and just good. I did start the series when I was about thirteen, so I might be biased, but I still reread the series to this day and enjoy every second of it! There are, I believe, 10 books in the series as well as four novellas, but reading just the first one is good enough to get your Halloween fix. I don’t even have the last two books. The only problem with this series is that you have to order it from Ireland because I believe only the first two books were released in the U.S.
8. My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
This book is just another demon possession story but it’s very entertaining. It’s set in the 80s and one night after a bad acid trip, Gretchen, Abby’s best friend, seems to get possessed. Things get wild from there as everyone but Abby abandons her, and then the tables turn as the demon seemingly flips a switch and makes Gretchen a perfect student, gaining everyone’s trust and affection,  making them turn their backs on Abby. It’s a wild ride from start to finish and you’ll probably hate everyone in the book at one point, but it’s a great read. And the cover looks like a campy 80s horror movie VHS art!
9. Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin
If you like Edgar Allan Poe, you’ll like this book. It includes steampunk, the plague, clubs, glitter, death ... what more could you ask for? Griffin states that she wanted to know more about the characters of Poe’s short story, and that’s where her story originated. A very good read, whether it’s Halloween or not!
10. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
I read this book a while ago but still stand by the fact that it was a great read. This book is about a boy named Cas who’s purpose on this Earth is to kill the undead aka ghost, demons, etc. When we meet Cas, his goal is to find Anna Dressed in Blood, a notorious ghost, and send her back to where she belongs. The issue is that she kills anyone who enters her house, wrapped up in the rage of her brutal murder. And of course, you probably guessed it, she let’s Cas live. It sounds a little cliche, but it’s a great seasonal read and if you’re looking for something easy to pick up one day, it’s perfect!
I wish I could include more books on this list but unfortunately, many of the ones I wanted to include I haven’t actually finished yet. They’re amazing, but I think before I decide to recommend them to people, I should finish them first! Hopefully next year I’ll have a lot of new books to recommend! Hope you enjoy this list!
What books do you think should be on here?
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vintage1981 · 8 years ago
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#FlashbackFriday to Jess Franco’s Faceless/Gorezone Issue 6
Toward the end of the decade of decadence (aka the 80s) exploitation auteur Jess Franco attempted to break into the commercial horror market. Faceless is the most notable production, with a cast that brings together ex-porn actress (and Jean Rollin regular) Brigitte Lahaie, British genre icon Caroline Munro, German character actor Anton Diffring, Luchino Visconti muse Helmut Berger, and seventies US TV and film superstar, Telly Savalas! Although still a low budget affair, this Rene Chateau production does offer a slick and glamourous look, unlike anything typically seen in a Jess Franco production.
Dr Frank Flamand (Helmut Berger) runs a posh clinic that specialises in expensive beauty treatments and quack "youth-enhancing" therapies for the excessively rich and vain. What his pampered clients do not know though is that many of their treatments are developed at the expense of kidnapped experimental subjects who are kept prisoner in the soundproof padded cells behind a locked door deep within the labyrinthine corridors of the clinic!
When a dissatisfied patient (who was horribly scarred during bungled plastic surgery) attempts to gain revenge by throwing acid in Flamand's face, she instead hits his beautiful sister, Ingrid (Christiane Jean) and badly disfigures her. Flamand vows to restore the beauty of his beloved sister and, together with his ice-cold assistant (and lover) Nathalie (Brigitte Lahaie), organises the kidnapping of coke-addicted model Barbara Hallen (Caroline Munro) with the intention of using her in a new face-transplant operation he intends to develop for his sisters benefit. Barbara is the daughter of wealthy industrialist Terry Hallen (Telly Savalas) and after his daughter's disappearance, Hallen hires American private detective Sam Morgan (Chris Mitchum) to find her. Meanwhile, Flamand and Nathalie consult Dr. Karl Heinz Mozer (Anton Diffring), an ex-Nazi associate of Flamand's mentor Dr Orloff (Howard Vernon), and employ him to help them experiment on more kidnapped victims in their attempts to perfect the complicated operation.
Gorezone Issue 6: Caroline Does Splatter by Steve Swires
Fantasy films’ first lady has been systematically subjected to an onslaught of cinematic indignities — stalked by slashers, menaced by madmen and terrorized by tormentors. Rarely, however, has she been asked to exercise her acting ability; usually, she is merely required to look helpless, scream her lungs out and defer to the heroics of her male co-stars.
Finally, after two decades of dramatic dues-paying in such creatively constrained circumstances, Caroline Munro feels confident enough to test her talent. A veteran of 13 consecutive genre excursions— including Dracula A.D. 1972, Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter, Maniac and The Last Horror Film — she recently ended her involuntary screen hiatus by starring in two new English-language European horror movies, Paul Naschy’s Spanish-lensed The Howl of the Devil and Jess Franco’s French Faceless. Reaching beyond the limitations of her cult status, she also made her first non-genre appearance in 20 years, in the British TV movie Maigret.
Selected by her Slaughter High collaborators Peter Litten and George Dugdale to play the female lead in their proposed big-budget production of Dr. Who: The Movie as well as the title role in their unorthodox multimedia creation Roxscene, Munro grew increasingly restless as both major projects were delayed by a lengthy development process. Anxious to resume her acting career after four years as hostess of the popular British TV game/variety series 3-2-1, she gratefully accepted the unexpected offers of overseas employment.
“The more I’m on camera, the better it is for me,” the British actress reasons, relaxing one morning in her London flat. “As with an athlete or a dancer, an actor must keep training. Since Doctor Who and Roxscene have yet to reach fruition. The Howl of the Devil, Faceless and Maigret gave me an opportunity to get out and do a bit of work. Frankly, I become very bored when I’m not working.”
There were few occasions for boredom on the rugged Spanish locations of The Howl of the Devil (a.k.a. El Aullido del Diablo). Shot in Madrid and the quaint mountain village of Loyzoya— complete with cobbled streets and an 11th-century monastery — during July and August of 1987, the film was written, directed by and stars Paul Naschy. A short, toupeed, barrel-chested John Belushi look-alike whose real name is Jacinto Molina, Naschy has appeared in more than 75 Spanish movies bearing such luridly Anglicized titles as Frankenstein’s Bloody Terror, The Werewolf vs. the Vampire Woman, Count Dracula’s Great Love and Night of the Howling Beast, earning him the crown of Spain’s King of Horror.
Designed as an ambitious showcase for his performing abilities, Howl presents Naschy in 10 different roles, reflecting his affection for the classic Hollywood movie monsters of his youth. A demented retired actor named Hector lives with his young nephew Adrian in an ominous chalet, where he dresses up as Fu Manchu, Rasputin and Bluebeard to torture nubile female victims procured by his loyal manservant Erik, portrayed by Howard Vernon. A horror fan himself, Adrian (played by Naschy’s 12-year-old son, Sergio Molina) fantasizes visits from his favorite celluloid creatures, recreated in elaborate prosthetic makeup by Fernando Florido and embodied by the ubiquitous Naschy: the Frankenstein Monster, the Phantom of the Opera, Quasimodo, Mr. Hyde and — inevitably— Naschy’s best-known character, the melancholy werewolf Waldemar Daninsky. This Happy home life is eventually interrupted by the reappearance of Adrian’s dead father, Hector’s twin brother Alex, a rotting corpse also essayed by the resilient Naschy.
Cast by novice producer Juan Gomez after he spotted her photo in David Quinlan’s book The Illustrated Directory of Film Stars, Munro plays a poor Spanish maid named Carmen, relentlessly pursued by the homicidally horny Hector. Unfamiliar with Naschy or his work, Munro asked her solicitor father to read the clumsily translated screenplay, which was filled with guilt and retribution, sexual repression and religious obsession. “Obviously, he didn’t think it was brilliant,” she admits. “But he said, ‘It’s certainly no worse than some others you’ve done, and it might be an interesting part for you.’ I thought it could be a mistake for me to do it, but because I liked my part, I decided to take a chance. Besides, if my dad thought it was all right, then it must be OK.”
Burdened by an unwanted glamor image as a perennial sex symbol, Munro enthusiastically donned plain-looking clothes, flat shoes and an apron, and pinned back her long dark hair to* convincingly portray her earthy character. Likewise, Munro actually scrubbed floors and even chopped the head off a real dead chicken on camera. “I wasn’t very keen on that,” she concedes. “Paul gave me a whacking great knife — twice the size of Crocodile’ Dundee’s, knife— and said, ‘Cut the head off the chicken.’ I told him, I can’t do that.’ I just cut it gently down the middle. He said, ‘That’s no good. You must look like you’ve done it all your life.’ So I finally did cut the head off. It was a touch of the Tom Savini there.” A popular genre figure in Europe and Japan, Naschy has yet to conquer the more demanding American market, his voice will subsequently be dubbed by an American actor. This unusual production problem created an awkward acting situation for Munro, who performed her part with her normal British accent, at Naschy’s instruction. “It was a bit more difficult than I was used to, but that made it more of a challenge,” she notes. "Most of the master shots were done over Paul’s shoulder, showing me speaking. Some of the time, he was actually speaking Spanish. Because I understand Spanish fairly well and I knew the intention of the scenes, I could tell what he was saying and when it was time for me to speak. “I was nervous at first, because Paul is a foreboding-looking fellow with a great deal of energy. He is very intense in his work, very European in his approach, with extraordinarily piercing eyes. But he was exactly right for his character. Once we began working together, I found him quite easy to get on with.” Naschy even allowed Munro to rewrite her own dialogue. “I’m hopeless at writing,” she maintains. “But the script left something to be desired, because it was translated too literally from Spanish to though three of his films were released here theatrically in the mid- 1970s by Sam Sherman’s Independent-International Pictures and several of his other movies are currently available on home video. To facilitate American distribution, Naschy shot The Howl of the Devil since he doesn’t speak the language, he delivered his dialogue phonetically, and English. Many of the lines were archaic and ungrammatical. So I rewrote my dialogue to make it more conversational. I offered to help rewrite the rest of the dialogue as well, but Paul didn’t want to confuse the other actors.” Adding her creative input in such a manner is a new occurrence for Munro, who previously would passively accept her scenes as written, regardless of any misgivings. “That comes with experience,” she observes. “You learn what you will or won’t do in a scene. There are certain things I won’t do. Generally, there isn’t much substance to the characters in most genre movies, unless you create some for yourself. Now, I feel I’m in a position — at my age — to be thinking more about characterization.” Munro, satisfied with her Spanish sojourn, believes The Howl of the Devil will spotlight a more self-confident side of her acting personality. “I won’t say I enjoyed every minute,” she acknowledges, “but I was certainly kept on my toes. I hope people will see more range from me as an actress than they’ve seen before. I had to extend myself more in the role. I had some initial reservations, but everything felt right while we were making it. There was nothing about my scenes that offended me. Of course, I don’t know how the finished film will turn out, but for my part, I’m really pleased I did it.” Completing her Howl of the Devil role in 12 shooting days over a three-week period, Munro next flew to Geneva, Switzerland to star in the unusual industrial show The New Travels of Marco Polo. While in Geneva, she was contacted by director Jess Franco, offering her a leading role in his latest thriller Faceless. Filmed in and around Paris during November and December of 1987, Faceless (a.k.a. Les Predators de la Nuit) revives the moribund subgenre of surgical atrocity movies initiated in 1959 by Georges Franju’s classic Eyes Without A Face (a.k.a. The Horror Chamber of Dr. Faustus) and imitated by Franco’s own The Awful Dr. Orloff in 1961. The first feature produced by Rene Chateau, France’s leading video distributor, Faceless boasts an impressive international cast including Helmut Berger, Telly Savalas, Anton Diffring, Chris Mitchum and 79-year-old Howard Vernon , reprising his tireless Dr. Orloff persona. Jacques (Lifeforce) Gastineau provides graphic makeup FX. Doubling as screenwriter under the pseudonym “Fred Castle,” Chateau personally chose Munro, having seen her work in Starcrash and Maniac, which he released on video in France. In a resonant bit of casting, she plays jet-set American model Barbara Hallen, whose mysterious disappearance motivates the entire storyline. Kidnapped from a modeling session by actress Brigitte Lahaie (France’s most notorious porno queen in a rare mainstream role), Barbara is brought to a fashionable health farm run by sinister plastic surgeon Doctor Flamand (Berger), who constantly requires fresh blood and organs with which to rejuvenate his chic clientele. 
Aided by ex-Nazi scientist Juan Moser (Diffring), Flamand plans to graft Barbara’s exquisite face onto his horribly disfigured sister, until a savage assault renders her skin unusable. Meanwhile, alarmed by his daughter’s inexplicable absence, New York millionaire Terry Hallen (Savalas) sends Vietnam-veteran-turned-private-detective Morgan (Mitchum) to Paris to discover her whereabouts. As Morgan’s investigation draws him closer to the truth, Flamand and his sadistic henchman Gordon sharpen their chainsaws and drills for the inevitably gruesome final confrontation.
Chiefly confined to a padded cell in an actual clinic undergoing renovation, Munro spends most of her screen time in a short white hospital smock. As her character recovers from her brutal attack, she is repeatedly injected with debilitating drugs, hastening her mental and physical deterioration. Abdicating her reluctant glamor image with a vengeance, Munro had no qualms about appearing progressively more disheveled. “I wanted to look as extreme as I could get,” she insists. “In fact, I encouraged them to make me look worse. It actually helped me as an actress. The worse I looked and felt, the better my performance.
When I was crying, my tears were real. I didn’t need glycerine, because I felt truly degraded. It had to be that way, it was so important to see the change in Barbara— to show the glamorous, confident, attractive woman at the beginning, and the poor, sad, pathetic creature at the end. Otherwise, the film wouldn’t work.”
Responsive to the actress’ concerns. Franco thoughtfully decided to shoot Munro’s unpleasant scenes in reverse order. “That way, I could look forward to feeling clean,” she points out. “It was a good method, because I hated being so dirty. I had grease in my hair. I really looked a mess. But it felt absolutely right for the part. “In fact, I looked almost too convincing,” Munro smiles. “At one point, I was walking down the back stairs at the clinic, wearing only a little white smock. I was made up with a bloody cut on my face. One of the real nurses saw me and exclaimed, ‘Oh, mon Dieu! What happened?’ She thought I had really been injured. Many of the actual patients gave me very funny looks. I should think it put them off going back to that clinic.”
Jess Franco, according to Munro, proved to be a surprisingly careful and considerate filmmaker. “I had never heard of Jess before, but I enjoyed working with him very much,” Munro remarks. “I trusted him and felt confident with him. He speaks very good English. I could ask him questions, and he would help me. He has a great sensitivity with actors. He understood how we felt and gave us encouragement.”
A former model herself, Munro easily mastered the American accent she delivers in Faceless. “It’s better than the American accent I did in Slaughter High,” she comments, “because I’ve had more experience at it. But it’s still quite a soft American accent, since the character has been living and working in Europe, and that has affected the way she speaks. I suppose it’s more of a mid-Atlantic accent. I just hope people won’t assume I’ve been dubbed by an American actress again.”
Finishing her Faceless fright fest after three hectic weeks in France, Munro next appeared in her first TV movie, Maigret. Directed by Paul (Prom Night) Lynch, the film is based on a popular series of mystery novels by Georges Simenon. Munro portrays Carolyn Pace, power hungry secretary to scheming American millionaire Patrick O’Neal.
“I just want to be a working actress,” she says, then pauses to reflect on her future plans. “Frankly, I never thought of myself any other way. I’ve never wanted the huge success that other people have wanted for me. I’m very happy doing smaller films. “Without shouting to the whole world, I can push myself quite far within these roles and not be looked at too critically,” Munro decides. “The success or failure of these movies is not on my shoulders. Each one’s just another acting experience for me. And I find I get better with each new experience; I’m still learning my craft all the time.”
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