#done over the course of 4-5 hours 😊
rubenesque-as-fuck · 2 years
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Fast n' dirty painting I did after work today, based on a goofy picture I saw
123 notes · View notes
okay-j-hannah · 3 months
Part 5: Mieczyslaw
Teen Wolf : Multishot
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word Count: 13k
Warnings: series rewrite, season 1 {aka 2011}, slow burn, friends to lovers, Stiles pining, eventual NSFW, usual teen wolf levels of violence and gore, heart conditions, fainting
Request: This just came from my own head 😊  
A/N: A little more history of the Reader in this one - I honestly love her family's backstory
Part 4: Ollie's Catnip
Part 5: Mieczyslaw {You Are Here}
Part 6: Orange Cream and Peachy Sugar
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The hospital was quiet that evening. You were assigned to the long-term care floor and spent long hours updating patient files and making your rounds. Checking vitals, refilling water bottles, adjusting patients with bed sores, and administering medication at the right times.
It was the perfect distraction. You would be missing the lacrosse game that night, missing the first game with Scott being co-captain and Stiles being first line.
You’d be missing Andrew and his dimpled grin.
Instead of focusing on that the rest of the night, you call Lydia who had texted you an SOS.
“What do you mean you’re done?”
“I mean, he sent me a pathetic text asking for his house key back. The loser is so down in the dumps that he doesn’t think he deserves me, which is right, of course.”
You hold the phone with your shoulder and start typing notes into a patient file, “I’m sorry, Lyds. Breakups suck.”
“He’s become such an asshole recently. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. But good riddance. I needed to climb the social food chain anyway. He’s been lacking in the lacrosse category.”
“Sounds like you’re handling it surprisingly well.”
“I’m completely over him. Only took a few minutes… seconds actually.”
You smile, “Yeah, you barely sound upset over it.”
She can hear your sarcasm, “Did you hear that Allison is still going to the game? Her dad and aunt are going too.”
“That’s weird,” you frown, “I wonder why.” With the Argents being hunters… you wonder how much they know about the number of werewolves in town.
“You’re still on shift tonight?”
“Yes, right where I want to be. The perfect excuse to miss the game.” You upload another patient file and wave to another night nurse leaving for her break. It was just you and one other nurse on the floor – a redhead named Jennifer.
“Anything exciting happening?” she asks in a huff, upset that the attention was no longer on her dilemma.
“Nope, I’m working the long-term floor. Everyone here is mostly in recovery or stuck in their beds. It’s usually pretty quiet at night, which is why there’s less staff.”
“Fascinating,” Lydia says quickly, “Anyway, I’ve got to go. I’m going to sit with Allison and scope out my next boyfriend.” She laughs before adding, “Don’t worry, Andrew is off the table.”
You scoff, “Yeah, thanks. Have fun.” And you slide your phone back into your scrubs pocket.
The next half hour was relatively quiet, just two call buttons going off. The rest of your time was spent making your rounds and completing chores. That is until a pair of sneakers comes walking down the hallway.
“Yeah, I said I can’t find her.”
You stand to confront the foreign male voice that was definitely intruding past visiting hours, only to find Stiles on the phone. He was getting snippy with whoever he was talking to, “Hey, listen here wolfman – the only reason I’m harboring your fugitive ass is because you saved (Y/N)’s life last full moon, got it? I don’t owe you any more favors.”
“What the hell?” you say, catching his attention, “Don’t you have a lacrosse game to get to, hotshot?”
In a few seconds you can see a range of emotions flickering through his face: confusion, happiness, worry, and something in the way he looks at your scrubs. “Hi, (Y/N).”
You walk around the nurses station and fold your arms, “Care to answer my question?”
He gives you a goofy side smile, “You’re talking to me.”
“Yes, Stiles,” you fight the immediate grin that wants to envelop your face. “What are you doing here?”
He leans into the phone for a second, “Uh… is there a Jennifer working here?”
“She’s the on call nurse tonight, why?” you pop a hip, arms still tightly crossed.
“What about Melissa?” he asks, walking down the hall and to a room. He speaks to the phone again, “Yeah, well, he’s not here either.”
“Who are you talking to?” you ask exasperatedly, “Stiles, you can’t be here past visiting hours. Would you please…”
“He’s not here. He’s gone, Derek.”
Your jaw drops, “The fugitive you’re harboring is Derek?”
He looks to you, “Yeah, the rest of the town doesn’t know he’s innocent because it’s actually a psycho Alpha werewolf that’s killing everyone,” he says to you. “You sure Melissa isn’t here?”
You hold your hands up, “I’m not answering anymore of your questions until you tell me what’s going on.”
Suddenly you can hear the frantic voice of Derek over the phone and Stiles has a look of instant terror. It sets you on edge when a mysterious man stands at the corner of the hall; it was as if he had appeared out of thin air.
Half his face is covered in burn scars and after a second thought you realize that it’s Peter Hale – the long-term resident of the floor. Your eyes widen at the sight of him standing without his wheelchair and Stiles takes a few steps in your direction.
“You must be Stiles,” Peter says in an eerily calm tone. He’s barely smiling as he nods in your direction, “Hello, (Y/N). It’s nice to finally be able to speak to you.”
Stiles drops his hand holding the phone, walking back until he feels you near him. He reaches behind him and takes hold of your arm. Your instinct is to press yourself closer into his back, “Is that…?”
“He’s the Alpha,” Stiles mutters, whipping his head to the side at the newcomer.
“Jennifer!” you say, “We have a situation with…”
The redheaded nurse holds her head high, “Shut up!”
Your mouth clamps shut – how many people are in on this? Stiles, in his usual fashion, can’t stay quiet for long.
“You and… him? You’re his… and he’s the…” Stiles is shielding you with his body at this point. “Oh my god, we’re gonna die. We’re gonna die.”
You jab a finger into his spine, silencing him. “This is not how I’m supposed to die.”
But with an elbow to the face, Jennifer falls to the floor and Derek takes her place. You forget momentarily how tall, dark, and handsome he is. Peter speaks again with that same calm, menacing tone.
“That’s not nice. She’s my nurse.”
You start to pull Stiles against you, taking you both behind the nurses station.
“She’s a psychotic bitch helping you kill people.”
Peter makes his way over, “You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?”
A growl ripples from Derek’s throat, fangs appearing from his open mouth. Blue eyes glowing with strange power, he bounds for the attack. You’re paralyzed at seeing the action up close.
“Holy shi…”
Stiles drags you to the floor, doggy-paddling across the tile like a swimmer. You army crawl beside him as Peter and Derek start to throw each other against the hospital walls. Bits of plaster and plastic side railing break away easily.
“Okay,” you say, coughing as you breathe in some plaster dust, “I believe you now. I really believe you.”
“Is that why you haven’t been talking to me or Scott?” Stiles yells over the growling werewolves. “Scott could have easily proven werewolves existed if you just asked him to show himself.”
They continue their sliding movements across the station and to the next hall, the sound of breaking glass loud behind you. “No, I stopped talking to you because I needed a break after hearing the truth. It’s a lot to think about when you realize the whole freaking town has lore in supernatural entities that aren’t just make believe… they’re actual fucking werewolves!” You swipe an arm across the tile and shove his legs out of the way to reach his side. “I needed time to cope with the sudden shift in what I knew to be reality.”
“Understandable,” he pants, tongue sticking out, “I just wish we could’ve helped you cope instead of you just shutting us out.”
“Like I said… I wasn’t really thinking!”
“And of course it was the same night as Scott forcing a kiss on you and trying to kill you in your own home…”
“Shut the hell up, Stilinski! Bigger problems at hand!” The werewolves were moving to a different patient room to continue their fight. You gesture to the end of the hall, “The emergency exit is there. We just have to get there and down the stairs. We can call 911 when we’re outside.”
Stiles agrees, watching you with a different panic, “How’s your heart?”
“If anything happens we’re in a hospital,” you say frankly, “Come on.” You lead the way as the fighting becomes quieter.
Stiles admires you from behind, standing to run the last few feet. You slam into the door and guide the way down the many flights of stairs. Stiles is jumping whole steps and crashing into the walls.
Your lungs start to fight for breath by the time you reach the bottom, Stiles tripping over the last step and falling to his knees beside you.
“Does… Does the Alpha have control…” you pant, holding a stitch in your side, “… over Derek?”
Stiles breathes dramatically, his face scrunching up in a funny way. “I wouldn’t be surprised. He might be forcing Derek onto his side right now with some crazy alpha mind control.”
You stumble toward the exit, shoving it open to a gust of chilly night air. You lean against the hospital wall, hands on your hips. Stiles follows, pulling out his car keys.
“Can you make it to the jeep?”
“If I say no would you carry me?”
He shrugs, pulling a face, “No promises. I could probably swing a piggy-back ride.”
“Yeah, no thanks,” you say, bending down to put your head between your knees. It was routine when you were out of breath and starting to feel lightheaded. Your hands lay flat on the concrete, your mind focusing on how cold and gritty it feels under your fingers. You listen to the crickets and the wind whistling through trees. You smell the honey sweet rain from Stiles.
A large warm hand spreads against your back, rubbing up and down your spine.
You feel the air flood your lungs, “Have you called the police yet?”
“I told them there was a possible break-in and a nurse got knocked out,” he says, “They’ll be here soon.”
You take a few deep breaths, soothed by Stiles’ hand. “I have to wait for the police.” You sit up and Stiles retreats a few feet. The action makes you consider him for a few seconds. “I’m not mad at you or Scott. I just… I needed some distance while I tried to figure things out.”
There’s a bob in Stiles’ throat, “And… have you figured things out?”
You screw up your lips in thought, “I need to talk to Scott first.”
Stiles nods vigorously, hope lighting his eyes. “Yeah, yeah – for sure. Let’s go find him now, I’m sure the lacrosse game is almost over.”
A flash of pity is in your face, “You missed your first game.”
“Yeah, well…” he waves a hand, extending it to help you to your feet. “I had a couple more important things to tackle tonight.”
“Won’t your dad be disappointed?”
“Maybe a little,” he shrugs, walking to the passenger side of the jeep, “But if the pinkeye epidemic continues then I’m still first line for the time being!”
You giggle, sliding into the jeep, “I’ll pray for the conjunctivitis.” With the heater still broken, you’re grateful you chose a long-sleeve undershirt for your scrubs. It took a few minutes for you to call your boss and explain the situation.
The police were on their way, and you were meant to stay to give a witness statement. It would also have been irresponsible to leave your patients in their time of need. Choosing to wait in the jeep was just common sense seeing as there were two werewolves having a row upstairs.
“Do you think Derek is okay?” you look out the window.
Stiles was drumming his fingers against the steering wheel, “He’s fine. Peter will probably try to get him under his control.”
“Then what?”
“He’ll keep trying to get Scott into his pack.” Stiles leans more against the door to get a better look at you. “So we have some catching up to do.”
“Like what?” you smile.
He frowns, picking at his fingers, “I don’t know… like how Jackson broke up with Lydia.”
“Yeah,” you grimace, “Lydia only just told me about the breakup tonight.”
Stiles blows air between his lips, “Jackson always has another agenda. He’s been black mailing Scott because he wants the werewolf bite.”
“You’re kidding,” you say, “How did he find out about the supernatural?”
“I don’t know! He hasn’t been talking to anyone, not even Danny.”
You lean against the door to match Stiles’ stance, “Well, I know Lydia has said he’s never been the same since Scott outperformed him. He’s been slipping ever since.” You rub at your eyes, “He doesn’t talk to me much, and now it’s awkward between him and Lydia.”
“There’s also the news that the Argents know about a second beta werewolf.” At your look of confusion, he continues, “They know there’s an alpha and they know about Derek. They’ve realized that there’s a second werewolf and they’re trying to figure out who it is.”
“They being Allison’s dad and aunt?”
Stiles nods, “They have been scouting ever since – they think it might be a teenager.”
Your head perks up, “Lydia said Allison’s family was going to be at the game tonight. I bet they’re looking for clues as to who could be the other werewolf.”
“Let’s just hope they don’t suspect Scott.”
Stiles continues to pick at his nails, looking at them instead of you. “I’ve also heard that you might be going on a date with a certain potential lacrosse boyfriend…?”
You fight a smile, “Andrew asked me out.”
“And you said?”
“Yes!” you laugh, “I’ve been waiting for him to ask since I started working with Coach on the lacrosse field.” You miss the bitterness in Stiles’ face; he was trying to hide it with his downcast gaze.
A police siren could be heard down the highway. Stiles clears his throat, “Is he going to ask you to the winter formal?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, tickled at the thought, “But that’s still a couple weeks away.”
“Do you want him to?” Stiles finally looks at you, straining to keep the hurt he feels at bay. The tightness of his chest was smothered by the boiling jealousy in his stomach. He hates the way you sound doting on Andrew. And he hates himself for being jealous over something he shouldn’t be mad about.
You made your choice and Andrew is a good guy.
“I’m not sure. He doesn’t know about my heart and a formal dance would be prime time for it to give out.” You take a deep breath, “I’d rather not spoil an evening like that.”
Stiles nods and considers you, “I guess you just need to go with someone that knows how to calm you. That way you don’t need to worry.”
It was suddenly tense for a few seconds while the police cars come closer to the hospital. You put a hand on the door handle and say, “You should probably get out of here so your dad doesn’t overhear why you might not be at the game. Police radios, you know…”
“Right,” Stiles says, “Let me know if anything comes up. I’m going to find Scott and tell him about our newly identified alpha.”
The next few days felt a little less hostile as the friend group settles into a new norm. Jackson is still moseying up to Allison, who is still apologizing on behalf of Scott for the impromptu kissing. You console her in that Scott wasn’t himself that day.
Allison was also venturing into new hobbies to keep her mind off things. She had taken to practicing archery in the woods, sometimes taking you or Lydia with her.
Jackson was talking in angry whispers to Scott and Stiles more often. You know it has something to do with seeking the werewolf curse.
As for yourself, you were working on your science project implanting E.coli in varying meats and cooking them, swabbing each as you go and putting samples in petri dishes. They were currently incubating in the chemistry lab while you walk down the hall with Andrew.
“I’m sorry I missed it,” you say, eyeing the way Andrew held your books for you.
“Hey, now we’re going to state,” he says, “You can come to that game.”
You smile, almost to English, “I’ll bring my pom-poms and megaphone.”
Andrew laughs, handing back your books for class, “I won’t say no to a little cheerleading outfit.” He winks at you and a warm blush envelops both your faces.
“I’ll see you later,” you say.
Walking into class you’re quick to notice Scott and Stiles staring at you (Stiles with a little more of a frown). You choose to sit in front of Scott, taking any opportunity for Allison to be near him.
“(Y/N)…” he starts with hesitance, “Stiles told me you’re talking again.”
You don’t turn around at first, “And?”
He leans forward across the desk, and you can hear his whisper over your shoulder. “I’ve been trying to think of a way to apologize to you this last week and… nothing seems good enough. After you avoided me and everything, I thought I lost my chance.” He sighs and you can feel it in your hair. “(Y/N), I am so so sorry. I’m sorry for attacking you – I’m sorry for forcing a kiss on you – I’m sorry for scaring you – and I’m sorry for trying to kill you.”
Very slowly you pivot in your chair to look at him.
Those puppy-dog eyes were back full force. Those were Scott’s eyes – not the dark, menacing look they had on the full moon. You knew the difference was night and day. The real Scott McCall would never do those things if he was in full control.
“I feel terrible,” he continues, afraid at your persistent silence. “I’m an awful friend and I should have told you the truth sooner. Maybe you would have been more prepared for the full moon like Stiles.”
You blink, “Have you apologized to Allison?”
“Well, I tried…” he scratches at his shaggy head, adding to his puppy-dog look. “She was shooting arrows in the forest with Lydia yesterday… and I needed to return a necklace of hers.”
“You mean you were stalking her?”
“The details are a little foggy,” he says quickly, “I might’ve scared her and she tazed me.”
Stiles snorts from beside Scott and you have to stop yourself from losing your composure. “She’s picked up a few things since breaking up with you.”
“I noticed,” he says lowly. “Anyway, I tried to apologize, and I think it got to her a little. She’s still mad, but I think she might forgive me eventually.”
“I told you,” you say with a slight smile. It gives Scott hope.
“And what about you?” his dark brown eyes are wide with anxiety.
You share a look with Stiles, who shrugs. “I forgive you.”
Scott sighs, his head falling into his arms on the desk. “Thank god. I promise, (Y/N), I didn’t mean to do any of those things. The full moon had me wired and it was like something else was controlling my body.”
“It’s okay, Scott. I did a lot of thinking while taking a break.” You look between Scott and Stiles as the tardy bell rings. “And I don’t think I can be involved with all this werewolf stuff.”
Stiles is nearly out of his chair with how he reacts. “What do you mean?” his desk squeaks terribly against the tile floor.
“I mean, I’d like to still be friends with you guys…”
An awful needle like puncture was screwing its way through Stiles’ chest. Friends.
“… but I don’t really want to be included in any werewolf business or late night investigations or almost being killed – which has happened to me about three times now since starting school.”
“Werewolf business is a very regular part of my life,” Scott says with a disbelieving laugh.
You nod, “I get it, I just mean I’d love to hang out or go to a party sometime, but I can’t be involved with anything else related to the alpha situation.”
Stiles was having trouble swallowing as Scott continues, “Like it or not, (Y/N) – you’re kind of a part of my pack. The pack that the Alpha wants me to get rid of.”
“Then… I’m resigning from the pack,” you shrug half-heartedly.
Stiles’ jaw nearly hits the floor as the teacher snaps at the three of you for talking. There is about three minutes of quiet as the teacher explains the upcoming book report that you’ve already finished on Sense and Sensibility.
After that you receive a group text from both Scott and Stiles.
Stiles: You’re just unfriending the pack?!
(Y/N): Can’t I do that and still be friendly?
Stiles: No
Scott: Of course you can. We just don’t get why
You raise your hand and share what stance you took on the book report requirements. You wrote an analytical piece on the personalities of two sisters: Elenor being all sense and Marianne being all sensibility.
The teacher looks pleased and asks for more volunteers. You’re now covered to keep texting.
(Y/N): Tell you later
Scott: Ok
Stiles: Tell us now
You tuck your phone away and feel it buzz with a few more messages before going quiet. You don’t mean for it to be such a shock. You just knew that the more stress you had the more likely you’d have a fainting episode with your heart condition. That would lead to more heart damage and an end that you want to prolong as much as possible.
Being surrounded by high stress werewolf situations was going to be the death of you.
You are quick to leave the classroom at the bell and the boys weren’t far behind.
“Hey,” Stiles grabs your shoulder, slowing you down. “Explain.”
Scott holds his backpack straps, awkward but less demanding on hearing your explanation.
“It’s not a good idea for me to be around a lot of stress,” you sigh, “You know… because of my heart.”
Both boys purse their lips and share a look. Scott is quiet when he asks, “Because you have a tachee-heart?”
You and Stiles both say, “Tachycardia?” You laugh and continue, “Yes. My heartbeat is already irregular and if I do anything to add to it… it’s bad news bears.”
“Care to expand on what these bad news bears are?” Stiles asks irritably.
“That’s a talk for another day,” you say quickly, leading the way to your next class. “Just know that the more my heart struggles the worse off I’ll be.”
“But we can help you,” Stiles says, pressing into your shoulder as you all walk down the hallway. “We can calm you down if that happens.” I can calm you down.
You sigh, “Not always. It can be random and persistent.” You stop outside the door of your next class. “This isn’t me saying we can’t be friends, just… I want to avoid any werewolfy scenarios that might involve near death and/or general terror.”
You leave Scott and Stiles to contemplate out in the hallway. Shoulders sagging, Scott groans, “This werewolf thing is ruining my life.”
“Yeah, and mine.” Stiles broods at the classroom door, taking a second to realize what he said and turning to the mild anger on Scott’s face. “What? I’m the best friend – I am legally bound to whatever misery you experience.”
“All the new friends I’ve made are literally being pushed away because of this curse,” Scott rubs hard at his face, “And it’s ruined my love life, not to mention my lifespan. Hunters are basically knocking down my front door!”
“Yeah, it’s really putting a damper on my love life too.” Stiles mumbles to himself, “I really thought I had a shot with her.”
Scott shoves his friend, “Even after all her talk about Andrew?”
Stiles scowls, “That’s just a silly crush.”
“And what she feels for you is… what exactly?”
“Hidden feelings that I will unlock one day for her to realize that I am the perfect guy for her…” he licks his lips, wincing, “… despite the clumsiness, sarcasm, and general idiocy.”
Scott laughs, “Yeah, she’s really missing out.”
“Hey!” he rams into Scott as they walk towards their next class. “I really like her, Scott. Like… I like her, like her.”
“I know, Loverboy.”
“She’s all I can think about, and I know I’m just a pathetic friend of hers, but I’m hopeless, Scott! Completely hopeless.”
Scott gives him a look, “Are you sure you’re not stalking her?”
“In a broad sense of the term,” Stiles shrugs, “I’ve never felt this comfortable around a girl before. I’ve never felt this way about any girl.”
“You’ve got it bad,” Scott sighs, “I know the feeling well.”
You walk through the aisles of computers to sit near the back beside a hunched figure. He keeps his head down even as you watch his eyes dart to see who you are. If anything it makes him more shy, his shoulders drawing in as if he were trying to make himself as small as possible.
You sling your backpack onto the ground and ignore the random text Stiles sent you about the history of the male circumcision. He was always sending you the most out-of-pocket things.
“Hey,” you smile at the quiet boy, “My name’s (Y/N)…” He turns his head a little more and you instantly recognize him as one of the benchwarmers on the lacrosse team, “… and you’re Isaac, right?”
His blue eyes seem to warm at your recognition, “Yeah, Isaac Lahey,” he clears his throat, “I uh…”
“You play lacrosse!” your smile widens, “I didn’t realize we had computer science together.”
“Play is a strong word,” he says with a hint of a smile. “I sort of keep to myself.”
You lean on your elbow, considering him as he fidgets under your gaze. “I think the last time we talked was when I was passing out permission slips for that spring retreat Coach was talking about.”
Isaac nods his head, still bowing like he was trying to hide behind his computer screen. “I don’t talk much.”
“You didn’t bring back your permission slip if I remember correctly.”
“No,” he clears his throat again, finding it hard to swallow. “My dad needs me to stay home.”
“Even for just a weekend?” your brows knit.
He licks his lips, “He needs help at work and… I’m the only one around to do it.”
“Shame,” you mutter, “I’d like to have seen you there. Maybe we could’ve roasted marshmallows together and tossed Coach’s whistle in the lake.”
His lips upturn a little more, “You’re going on the retreat?”
“I don’t think the Coach can survive without me,” you stifle a laugh, “Besides I’m the only one who knows anything about the retreat. He probably couldn’t drive a single one of you up there.” You nudge your arm into his, “You should ask your dad again, see if he’ll change his mind.”
Isaac has an emotion you can’t gauge flash across his eyes. “Maybe.” He nods and hides that smile you’re trying to pull out of him. “I wouldn’t mind messing with Coach, though.”
“We could hide his energy drinks or put dye in his toothpaste,” you muse, “Make his teeth blue for a day.”
“Or we could put a squirrel in his cabin,” Isaac says with a little more enthusiasm, “Or maybe we could hide his shaving kit and see what kind of beard he can grow.”
You snort, “I bet it’s as white as an old mans.”
“It’s because all us kids give him gray hairs,” Isaac laughs, smiling wide.
You laugh along, suddenly struck with his change of demeanor. “You have a great smile, Isaac,” you say, “It looks good on you.”
A rush of red fills his cheeks, unable to stop smiling now. He isn’t hunched behind his computer anymore, “Thank you.”
The teacher was about ready to throttle you two for giggling over her talking. You nudge Isaac again with your arm, putting a finger to your lips.
The next day you’re being dropped off at the Argent residence for a ‘family dinner.’ Allison has been complaining about how often her dad talks about meeting you. It was odd not having met them – almost every parent in town knew who you were.
That was the consequence of a small town with two working parents in the emergency fields. Most adults knew that they had to leave at the drop of a dime if your heart was ever in trouble.
Hence the anxiety making your fingers pull on your sleeves.
“(Y/N)!” Allison greets, pulling you into a hug, “I’m so sorry for this,” she whispers.
You whisper back, “Don’t be.” But a flash of fear crosses your face when the door widens to reveal a blue-eyed, middle-aged man. “Mr. Argent?”
“(Y/N),” he extends a hand, eyes never blinking as he probes you, “We finally meet.” He shakes your hand firmly, “My wife and daughter have only had good things to say.”
And my friends have told me about your penchant for shooting arrows at teenage boys. “Nice to meet you.” You follow the family inside and to the dining room. “I hope you don’t mind…”
In your free hand was a small container of peanut butter brownies you had made earlier that day. Chris Argent looks pleased when he inspects the contents, “How wonderful – you didn’t have to.”
“I know,” you say, handing the dessert to Allison to plate. The Argents were able to provide for themselves, plus extra.
Living on the other side of town, the Argent residence was much more lavish than what you were used to. It created a very unfortunate divide between the teenagers. An invisible line that was rarely mentioned, but nonetheless present.
Over in these neighborhoods, Lydia, Allison, and Jackson lived with rich crown moldings, nice cars, high ceilings, and antique furniture. More in the valley, you, Stiles, and Scott lived in modest homes with hand-me-down items and a small growing pile of bills.
With one check you bet the Argents could take away your family’s medical debt.
“Your home is lovely as always,” you say, admiring the chandelier in the dining room. “And dinner smells amazing.”
“Not my doing,” a dirty blonde says with a crisp laugh. A near forced laugh as her less piercing blue eyes meet yours. She assesses you with something a little colder than Chris. “Hello, I’m Kate, and I have no talent for cooking.”
You give a wave across the table, instantly wary of her. Allison pops up beside you, “That’s my aunt I told you about.” She looks to Kate as she sits, “(Y/N) is an amazing cook.”
Kate nods, still scrutinizing you with her gaze. “What else are you good at, (Y/N)?”
“Reading,” you say instantly, sharing a laugh with Allison. “I keep to myself mostly.”
With the table set, the Argent family sits to enjoy the meal. Victoria Argent, whom you’ve met the few times you’ve been out with Allison, sat with her husband.
“So, (Y/N), tell us a little more about yourself,” Chris says, spearing asparagus with his fork. “You’re close with our daughter but we know almost nothing about you.”
You try to swallow your roast chicken quickly as Allison scolds her father. “I told you not to interrogate her,” she leans closer to you, “He doesn’t really have a ‘pleasant conversation’ option in his vernacular.”
“It’s alright,” you say with a wave, grabbing a nice cloth napkin to dab at your mouth. “My parents like to know who I’m friends with too.”
“You know Scott and Jackson, correct?” Kate digs into her chicken with a knife.
“Yes, we’re all friends. I also am a teacher assistant for Coach Finstock, so I see them at lacrosse a lot.”
Chris considers you, “But you weren’t at the last lacrosse game?”
“No, I work at the hospital as a medical assistant and I picked up a shift that night,” you take a sip of your water. How much information was too much information to give?
Kate tilts her head in your direction, “Wasn’t there a break-in at the hospital that night?”
You nod slowly, “Yeah, someone got into an altercation past visiting hours. I don’t know who but when I went to investigate the noise, there was a lot of broken glass and cracks in the walls. Thank goodness none of the patients were harmed.”
Chris takes his time cutting his meal into pieces, “That sounds terrible. What did you do?”
“I called the police, checked on my residents, and ran outside to meet the cops.” You take a small bite of food, “They didn’t find anything besides the damage.”
“Cameras?” Kate questions.
You shake your head, “My co-workers said that they had been damaged as well. Wiped clean or lost… I don’t know exactly.”
Chris seems satisfied for the time being, “Well, I’m glad you got out safely, whatever it was.”
Kate, on the other hand, seems to perk with interest, “I hear you’ve had a run-in with danger a couple times this year.” At your look of confusion, she nods toward your collar. “The attack on the video store, I mean.” She barely moves a centimeter as she stares you down, “Allison told me you had gotten clawed pretty bad.”
You spot the wince in Allison’s brow. “I did get attacked that night,” you wipe at your mouth again. “It was pretty bad for a while, infected and everything. But I’m okay now.”
Kate was persistent, “Must have left a pretty gnarly scar.” Her eyebrows lift as if expecting you to reveal your shoulder. She was scolded by her niece.
“It’s still a little pink, but that’ll go away with time,” you say as nonchalantly as possible. “I’d say it makes me look a little cooler than I am.” You shift the collar of your shirt an inch to reveal the tail end of three massive claw marks, another curling around your arm. It was your turn to gauge the reaction of the Argents.
Chris and Kate share a look and you clear your throat in response. Are you making yourself a possible werewolf suspect?
“And what do you guys do for work?” you say, steering the conversation off yourself. “Allison says that you’re a weapons dealer?”
Chris pours himself more water, “That’s right. We have quite the collection if you’re interested.”
You shake your head quickly, “I’m not really built for that. I enjoy my books and my lazy cat sleeping in my lap as I read.”
He nods, hopefully in a sign of respect. “That’s why Kate is here. She deals in weaponry as well – a very skilled hunter.”
She raises her glass, “The art of the kill. I needed my brother’s expertise on a few pieces for my latest hunt.”
“What do you hunt?” you say innocently.
“Big game predators,” she says, cold eyes locked on you. “Cougars, bears, wolves.”
You almost smirk. These people are hiding in plain sight.
“My mom is a buyer for a store in San Fransico,” Allison steers the conversation even more. “Right, mom?”
Victoria, already done with her meal and leaning back in her chair, replies, “Yes, it’s a charming little boutique. I also teach math at a boarding school for boys on the side.”
You nod, “Why math?”
“Strategy,” she says flatly. “Equations and probabilities. I enjoy the art of stratagem.”
That was slightly off putting as well. Did these people know how to be subtle? How had Allison gone this long without knowing her family history?
“And your parents are…?” Victoria continues.
You smile, “My mom works behind the desk at the police station – taking and directing calls. My dad works at the firehouse.”
“You must hear everything that goes on around here,” Chris smirks.
“Only when I ask,” you say, “And that’s considering nothing wild has happened in Beacon Hills for years…”
Kate leans back in her chair as well, crossing her arms in contemplation. “Have you lived here your whole life?”
“Yes,” you say, pushing your plate away, “Almost since birth.”
“Where did you live before?” Chris asks.
He might be intimidating, but you enjoy talking to him much more than Kate. “My parents lived in Palo Alto when I was born. We had a nice house and my mom worked security at Stanford University. My dad actually met her at the San Francisco Bay. He was a lifeguard before he was a firefighter, and he watched the swimmers at Keller Beach and Berkeley Marina.” You smile a sweet smile, “She kept coming back to those places to see him… even pretended to drown once for a kiss.”
“Must be a fan of The Sandlot,” Allison snickers, enjoying hearing you talk more than her family.
 “So why make the move to Beacon Hills?” Kate asks, arms still tightly wound.
Your smile falls a little, “I was born with a congenital heart defect. The medical bills and surgeries became too much… and we had to downgrade.”
Allison puts a hand on your leg beneath the table. Chris sends a piercing look to his sister and mutters, “I’m sorry, (Y/N) – I didn’t know you were sick.”
“Still am,” you say with mock cheerfulness, holding your water glass with two hands to give yourself something to focus on. “Heart problems are persistent. We try to keep it as discreet as possible.”
He nods, looking at you with a different air of likeness. “It sounds like you have a wonderful family.”
“I do,” you say fast, “Thank you.”
They move on to the brownies you brought as a means to change the subject. Victoria hums her appreciation, “These are delicious, did you put caramel in here too?”
“Caramel is one of the greatest inventions of all time and deserves to be incorporated into as many sweets as possible,” you laugh, “Of course I put caramel in them.”
The table laughs as you eat, feeling a little stripped bare after revealing so much about yourself. As Allison said, it did feel more like an interrogation rather than a pleasant family meal. You were quick to text the boys as you leave the residence.
“My place in ten minutes. I have an Argent update.” You smile as you add, “… and leftover brownies.”
Allison was kind enough to drive you home, apologizing the entire way. “My dad wasn’t as brazen as usual, but my aunt Kate?” she rolls her eyes, “I can’t believe how much she was grilling you.”
“You have a protective family,” you shrug, “So do I.”
“Your parents have a good reason to be extra protective of you,” she retorts, “My family is just nosy and suspicious and… I don’t know, my aunt and dad have been a little tense with each other this visit. They usually get along so well.”
“How much longer is your aunt staying here?” you ask, holding your container of leftover brownies.
Allison knits her brow in thought, “I’m not sure. She says she’s getting ready for another big hunt and just needs supplies and my dad’s advice. But I don’t know… sometimes I feel like she isn’t telling me everything.”
You thank Allison for the ride and the invitation to dinner. You promise to give her an update on your date with Andrew that weekend, and she drives off. Entering your house was a breath of fresh air.
Oliver trots to your side, his furry underbelly swaying side to side before you scoop him up and kiss his head. He purrs instantly.
“How was dinner?” your mom asks, sitting at the dining table with little potted plants in front of her. She was trying to grow herbs from seeds and the lavender was not doing so well.
“It was fine,” you kick off your shoes, “Her family is a little interrogative.”
Tom walks in with his usual cola, no doubt with a few ounces of whiskey poured in. “I knew they were a little tense, especially after that Chris guy shot the mountain lion at parent teacher conferences.”
You scratch under Ollie’s chin, “It was still nice, but I would watch out for that Kate Argent. She scares me a little.” You sit at the table and watch your mom preen the little sprouts of eucalyptus and rosemary. “Oh, I also invited Scott and Stiles over, if that’s okay.”
Tom folds his arms, making them look massive beneath his firehouse flannel. “I thought you liked that Andrew guy.”
“I can like a guy and be friends with other guys, dad,” you snicker, “I’m just going to take my medicine real quick, will you send them up when they get here?”
Your mom waves you off, adding some water to her seedlings, “Leave me one of those brownies, would you?”
A minute later, and having taken all your prescription meds, there’s a howling laugh coming from downstairs. You move to the foot of the stairs to see Stiles beaming and your dad wiping his eyes.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Tom says, “Stilinski here was just telling me about a police fiasco with a red tricycle and a klepto.”
You look puzzled as Stiles scratches at the back of his head, “Yeah, I might’ve stolen some already stolen items from evidence when I was a kid. I was the prime suspect for about three days with all the stuff in my possession.”
“And at five years old,” your dad laughs, downing his drink.
“I really wanted the tricycle!” Stiles retorts, “It was my first bike.”
Tom shakes his head, “Learning to pedal on stolen property.”
Scott pulls on his friend, “It was nice talking to you guys.”
“Of course, sweetie,” your mom says, “Now not too late, you still have school tomorrow.”
Walking up the stairs (Stiles tripping over at least two of the steps) you lead the boys into your room, Oliver already on your bed.
“Hey, buddy…” Stiles gets on his knees and crawls to the edge of the bed, “How’s the fuzz ball?”
Ollie perks his ears and blinks slowly at Stiles, bowing his head for a pet. Though upon Scott’s arrival, the cat sets his ears back and hisses.
“What the…” you mutter, watching your cat growl low in his throat and dart to leave the bedroom. “He’s never acted like that before.”
Scott looks guilty, “Well, I am part dog and… I did break into your house as a werewolf not too long ago.”
Your lips make a thin line, “Right. Cats and dogs don’t always get along.” You walk to your bed, flicking at Stiles’ head as you sit down, “Do you guys want a brownie? They’re leftover from my dinner with the Argents.”
Stiles’ greedy fingers dive for the plastic container while Scott shoves his hands in his pockets. “You had dinner at their house?”
You relay some of the conversation you had. The mysterious penchant for weapons and hunting big game predators. The interrogative questions on the hospital break-in and your involvement with Scott and Jackson. The request to see the claw marks on your shoulder.
“Do they think you might be the second beta too?” Scott asks with a tense line between his eyebrows. Stiles was too busy eating his third brownie.
“Maybe… do they think a scratch could turn you?”
“That’s what Derek said,” Scott swallows hard, “He told us a deep enough alpha scratch might give you the curse. The Argents might have the same theory.” He smacks his forehead, “Which is why they’re suspicious of Jackson. He has those claw marks in his neck from Derek.”
You frown, “And they don’t know they’re from Derek and not the Alpha.”
“But they do know your scars are from the Alpha,” Scott mutters worriedly, “I wouldn’t be surprised if they do a follow-up on you.”
“But after I told them about my heart condition, they seemed to back off. At least Chris did.”
You relay the conversation that you had about your parents meeting in Palo Alto and the move to Beacon Hills because of your heart. You remember the likeness Chris Argent had in his voice as he expressed his apologies for your sickness.
“If you’re sick then you couldn’t have the curse,” Scott mumbles, picking at his chin. “Werewolves heal really fast unless the wound is supernatural too.”
Stiles is licking his fingers when he suddenly blurts, “Do you think if you were a werewolf your heart would be cured?”
You shrug, finding the amount of brownie left on Stiles’ face amusing. “I don’t really want to find out. Anyway, I knew you guys would probably want to know.”
“Still not keen on all this werewolf business?” Stiles asks.
“I’m just trying to protect myself.” You sit on the bed, Stiles on the ground and leaning against the mattress. He’s looking up at you with his brown eyes, fizzing with warmth like cola and whiskey. “It’s not that I don’t want to investigate with you guys. I just worry what it’ll do to my heart.”
You laugh and point at your own face, “You’ve got chocolate all over your mouth.”
Stiles is quick to rub his mouth across his shirt sleeves, “Those brownies were just too damn good.” There was still a smudge at the corner of his lips.
“Maybe if you swallowed between bites…” you move your fingers to his face, lifting his chin to look up at you. He’s frozen as you move your thumb to the corner of his mouth and wipe down and under his bottom lip.
Eyes wide and imploring as they look up at you. He’s all sweet innocence and deeply adoring as you touch his mouth. The brown of his eyes was melting into the sticky sweet sap color, like warm honey in the sunlight.
You pull your hand away and suck the chocolate off the pad of your thumb, “… but thank you for the compliment. I’m not as much of a baker.”
Scott was trying to keep a smile off his face as his hand hovered near his crinkled nose. He was smelling something that was flying off Stiles like a firework set aflame. The poor boy was squirming in his spot on the ground, crossing his legs and keeping his hands over his lap.
“How was Allison?” Scott changes the subject.
You look up, now ignoring the sappy eyes gazing from below. “She was fine – maybe a little embarrassed about her family. It was strange knowing the motive behind her family’s questions but seeing none of it register with her.”
“I have a feeling she’ll find out soon enough.”
“Me too,” you stand, “For now she’s releasing a lot of her stress through archery and training with her aunt.”
Scott shivers, “Scary.”
You nod, walking to the door and hearing Stiles scramble to his feet. “I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow?”
Getting into the jeep was uncomfortable, Stiles pulling at his jeans. Scott was laughing at him before too long, “Dude, you should have seen your face. You really are hopeless.”
Stiles groans, slamming his forehead into the steering wheel, “She touched me and every thought just flew out of my head.”
“I could smell it off you,” Scott grimaces, “Just awful lovey-dovey sex hormones, even without the full moon I could smell it.”
Stiles sat straight, making the jeep wiggle side to side. He had a ruddy red mark on his forehead. “Did you smell anything from (Y/N)?”
Scott clamps his mouth shut before shaking his head. “I could hear her uneven heartbeat, but that’s nothing new.”
In a dramatic turn of events, Stiles slumps in his seat and puts the car in drive. “I need to figure out a way to tell her.”
“Tell her your feelings?” Scott gaps, “What about the possibility of utterly crushing humiliation? Not to mention ruining what friendships we still have.”
“Thanks for adding to the anxiety, Scott,” he grumbles, “I just… I can’t help thinking about how I am with her. I have never been able to just talk about my mom to anyone… but with her it’s easy. I’ve never brought a girl over to my house before… but with (Y/N) it was a no brainer. I’ve never been so equally terrified and comfortable with a girl. And with her heart…”
“You’re like an anchor for her,” Scott says quietly, all teasing aside. “You can calm her.”
Stiles puts one hand over his cropped hair, “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her.”
“You know the difference between you and Andrew Wickstrom, Stiles?”
He snorts, “He’s maybe four inches taller than me, has perfect curly hair, and is way better at lacrosse than I am.”
“He asked (Y/N) out,” Scott says, “You just need to ask her out.”
Friday night was all excitement and butterflies as you walk around a strip mall with Andrew. The white fairy lights turn on when the sun sets, and you’re left walking on cobblestones and eating ice cream.
You were laughing at the ridiculous training regime that Coach was making the boys do in preparation for the state game.
“What is the benefit of running laps to the classroom and out to the field?”
“Coach makes us carry his stuff too and from his office,” Andrew mocks, “He makes it sound like an exercise, but really he just wants us to fetch his granola bars and energy drinks.”
You laugh again, “That sounds about right. How do you feel about the game?”
“Since switching to goalie it’s been hard figuring the plays out. But I think I’ve got the hang of it now.” He offers to throw away your empty ice cream cup and spoon.
The night so far had entailed a dinner at a little café outside the mall before looking in some of the stores for new summertime clothes. Andrew bought an outfit for you, shorts with little revealing tears in them and a strappy top that shows your scars way more than you’re used to.
You love that Andrew doesn’t question you about them.
Next was a stop at an ice cream parlor, taste testing different flavors before picking your favorites. The pair of you now walking around as the moon comes out, the trees adorned with white fairy lights.
You were walking so close to each other that you kept bumping arms. “Next time I want to show you my favorite antique shop downtown. It has some of the coolest things from every time period, and it’s connected to an old bookshop – one of the ones with tall ladders and a second floor just like in…”
“There’s going to be a next time?” Andrew says, sounding a little giddy. He was looking at you with pink dusting his cheeks.
You blush, “Is that alright?”
In reply, Andrew locks your fingers between his. “Very alright.” You stroll down the next street of cool fairy light, squeezing each other’s hands. “What were you saying about the old bookstore before I rudely interrupted you?”
You brush hair behind your ears, “Oh, just that it reminds me of the old bookstore from Beauty and the Beast… the one from her town.”
“You’re a fan of Disney?”
“Always,” you laugh, “With movies like The Princess and the Frog and The Emperor’s New Groove… how could you not be?”
Andrew snickers, “It’s because of Naveen, isn’t it?”
“Ah, Prince Naveen,” you groan, “You got me there.”
“Got to be honest though… Treasure Planet might be the best one yet.”
You pull on his arm, “I haven’t watched that in ages!”
Andrew side eyes you as his dimples come out, “So old antique shop and then movie night?”
You’re giddy at the thought of another date, “Sounds perfect.” You wander the streets just talking and laughing for another half hour before he offers to drive you home.
He holds your hand atop your lap the whole way.
Walking to your door, porchlight on as your parents wait for your return, you thank Andrew for a lovely evening.
“It’s nice after all the chaos the town’s been in the last month.”
He nods, “I had a really nice time with you, (Y/N).” He hands you the shopping bag with your new summer outfit, “I’ll text you a time for the next one.”
You smile wide as he takes a step closer, “I had fun too.” He was leaning down to your height, your chin rising to meet him.
In a quick mind-boggling moment, Andrew presses his lips to yours. He pulls away just an inch to see your reaction before moving further.
At your slight smile he leans in for more, kissing you more firmly and cupping your cheek. A sudden warmth blooms up your chest and into your face – and a beeping comes from your watch.
You break away suddenly, “God, sorry…” you cover the watch face with your hand. “Parents are waiting.”
Andrew licks his lips, all smiles as he says goodbye, “I’ll see you on Monday.”
You slip inside and find your mom pruning a more successful chamomile plant at the dining table, no doubt planning to make tea with it. “Hello, honey…” she smirks, “Had a nice time?”
Checking your watch, you take a deep breath, your chest tight from something a little more than your racing heart. “The best.”
You had no idea that Stiles was burrowed beneath his blankets in bed, his phone lighting up his face is somber blue light. He watches the alert of your heart rate die down and knows in his gut that you probably had an exciting goodnight kiss on your date.
It sticks him with an ache he can’t shake for the rest of the night.
The weekend came with an invitation from Stiles in the most untoward manner. You were working on term projects for history and math when there was a sharp rapping on the window. Turning around you see Stiles waving on the roof.
Already smiling, you go to unlock the window and help him open it, “What are you doing here?”
“I came to ask you something.”
“And your phone is…?”
He shrugs, “More of a boring gesture than this.”
“And not coming to the door…?”
He screws his face up in a comical expression, “Again, this is a more interesting entrance.” And with a graceful slip of the hand, he falls forward through the window and crashes to the ground, “Ow!”
You grimace, hearing the floorboards squeak in the hall, “Shit, Stiles my parents will kill me if they knew you were sneaking up our roof!” In a frantic waving of your hands you shove him under your bed.
He does his now famous doggy-paddling across the hardwood floor.
“(Y/N), sweetie?” your mom calls as she enters your bedroom, “Oh – what was that noise? I thought you must’ve fainted and fell.”
You put your hands behind your back, looking around and finding Ollie still snoozing on the history textbook on your desk. He was so unbothered and not at all helpful. “Um… I dropped my math workbook,” you say quickly, “It’s pretty thick.”
Your mom looks to your hands to see the workbook and raises her eyebrows in question.
Choking on your words you look around and find the evidence on your bed covers, “See! I just picked it up when you walked in.”
Angela shakes her head, “Studying must be getting to you. Maybe you should take a break.”
You nod vigorously and thank your mother, closing your door and finding Stiles already trying to pull himself out from under your bed. His tongue was sticking out as he struggles.
“That was close,” you laugh, sitting on the floor with him, “Who knew you’d be such mischief.”
Stiles snaps his eyes to yours and flounders in his words, “I… you – did you…”
Your knees are inches away as you give him a quizzical look, “What?”
“My m-, my mom used to call me mischief.” His voice was quiet and wondering as he says it. He looks at you with a kind of awe; a freckle of sadness making his eyes glassy.
You suddenly feel warm, maybe from embarrassment – maybe from empathy. You couldn’t imagine a life without your mother. “A very fitting name for someone so mischievous.”
He chuckles, his smile subconscious, “That’s not the only reason she called me that. Um… I uh – my name isn’t actually Stiles.”
“I knew it,” you smirk.
“I actually have a polish name – my grandpa’s name. And it’s really hard to pronounce, so I’d pretty much stop at saying mischief cause that was as close as I could get.”
You raise your eyebrows, all curiosity, “And this name is…?”
He looks shy as he mumbles, “Mieczyslaw.”
He becomes shier as he repeats, “Yeah, Mieczyslaw. You can imagine why a young impressionable child would choose to go by something a little easier.”
You look at him fondly, “I like it. I like learning things about you.” You stand, taking his hand to pull him up, “Now what was the thing you wanted to ask me?”
“I wanted to know if you’d come hangout at my place tonight and meet my dad.”
“I already know your dad, Stiles.”
“Yeah, on a professional basis,” he mocks, “But… but you’ve never seen him without the badge on.”
You agree to come over that night and say you’ll bring a treat, which immediately strikes interest in Stiles. You plan accordingly, cooking all Saturday evening and dishing it in traveling containers. Placing them in a large take-out bag, you drive with your dad to the Stilinski bachelor pad.
You hope your gesture is kindly met.
“(Y/N)!” Stiles says with as much enthusiasm as one seeing someone for the first time in weeks. He’s awkward as he thinks of another way to greet you and is grateful when you go in for a hug. “Something smells delicious.”
You lift the large bag, “I told you I’d bring something.”
He leads you to the kitchen and you see Noah Stilinski looking over case files at the dining table. He looks stressed and wary until he spots you in the doorway.
“Ah, hello (Y/N). It’s nice to see you outside of the station…” he stands up, “… and outside of an ambulance.”
You laugh, going in for a hug that he wasn’t expecting, but loving it nonetheless. He holds you for a second longer as you say, “It’s about time.” He smells of whiskey. You gesture to the food in your bag, “I brought us dinner.”
“Oh my god,” Noah deadpans, “You spoil us.” He frantically tries to shuffle his case files into an orderly fashion, “I’m sorry it’s such a mess.” He moves his full whiskey glass and goes to put the decanter away.
“It’s okay,” you start to help, catching words like ‘murder’ and ‘Hale House.’ Stiles ran for some plates and forks. “There’s not always warning when Stiles makes plans.” You wonder how drunk the sheriff already is – the case must really be getting to him.
Noah chuckles, “You really know my son, then.” He seems awkward without the authority of his badge – like any other suburban dad. “He didn’t tell me you were bringing anything. Wait… did you cook that?” he points to your bag of containers.
“Yeah,” you say, helping Stiles set the table, “My specialty.”
Noah shakes his head, “I haven’t had a homecooked meal in…”
“Years,” Stiles snorts, “(Y/N) is the real deal, dad. Whatever she made will change your life.”
“He eats some chicken and rice and suddenly I’m a three-star Michelin chef.”
Stiles chortles, “Don’t forget those brownies. I’ll never be the same.”
You laugh as the boys sit down and you reveal the dinner you brought. A bowl of spicy Italian sausage, a plate of sliced garlic bread, and a dish of homemade mac and cheese topped with chopped parsley and green onion.
It was very quiet for the first few minutes, you placing a slice of garlic bread on each plate and ladling the cheesy noodles on top like an open-faced slider. You end with placing a few pieces of sausage on the side and passing the plates to the boys.
Stiles still can’t find the words as his dad says, “Did um…” he clears his throat. “Did Stiles tell you…”
You nod, feeling a presence there like nothing you had ever experienced before. “He said it was one of her signature dishes – a favorite of his.” You look to Stiles beside you and notice something glistening in his eyes.
You let them soak in the thoughtfulness of the gesture – what it actually signifies for them – and you start to eat on your own. Though it didn’t bring up any childhood memories of motherly love that it would for Stiles… it was still delicious.
“You’re right,” you say softly, “Like a fancy kids meal.”
Noah starts to chuckle, sniffing as he clears the emotion from his throat. He’s next to start eating his meal and the way he savors each bite is compliment enough. You wait for Stiles to start, very conscious of his quietness.
Stiles was never quiet.
He picks up the garlic bread laden with mac and cheese and takes a bite. He giggles like a schoolboy, “Wow.” He closes his eyes and you feel inclined to put your hand on his. Beneath the table, you wrap your fingers around his against his leg.
You rub your thumb in circles around his knuckles, watching him open his eyes and see tears there. “How is it?”
He sniffs, looking at you with wet eyes, “Like I remember.” He wipes at his face as you smile.
The rest of the meal continues with small talk and fond memories bringing up laughter. The sheriff finishes his whiskey and seems full and tired. Stiles keeps eating until there were no leftovers in sight.
He was now staring at the files of paperwork on the current Derek Hale case. You catch his eye and stand to wash dishes, “You finished, sheriff?”
“Oh no, I’ve got it,” Stiles slips out of his chair and takes the plates from your hands, “You just sit down, I’ll clean up.”
You smile to yourself as the sheriff looks more work wary, leaning on his hand and rubbing at his temples. “You bring out the best in him,” he says quietly, “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him willingly wash a dish before.”
“He’s sweet,” you say. Realizing too late that that was another thing Mrs. Stilinski used to say all the time.
Noah nods, a little red in the cheeks from the alcohol, “He is. She always said so.”
You had a feeling the sheriff didn’t talk about his wife very much. “You seem a little put out.”
“It’s just this case,” he rubs hard at his face, “I’ve been staring at it for weeks and I know they’re all connected, but there’s something missing.”
“What are all connected?” you ask.
He points a finger at you, “I shouldn’t be telling you.”
“You know I’m not going to say anything, sheriff,” you say candidly, “I’m a hermit that makes very good mac and cheese in my spare time.”
He chuckles deep in his throat, quieter the drunker he is. “The thing is… the bus driver that got killed, he was an insurance investigator assigned to the Hale house fire.” He pulls on a paper with his fingertips, sliding it across the table.
You read it sideways as it moves. “’Terminated under suspicion of fraud.’”
“The video store clerk who got his throat slashed, he’s a convicted felon, history of arson. Two others in the woods… they had priors all over their records, including…”
“Arson…” you say to yourself. The true crime fan within you was a little tickled. It sounds like all the victims had something to do with the house fire six years ago. You look over your shoulder to see Stiles standing in the doorway. He had soapy water soaking the front of his shirt.
He puts a finger to his lips and listens.
“There’s just so many questions…” You don’t stop him for fear that he’ll register all that he’s telling you. “If Derek wanted to kill everyone involved with the fire, then why start with his sister? I mean, she had nothing to do with it. And why make it look like some kind of animal did it?”
You shake your head. It must be killing Stiles to know the real reason behind some of these things and not being able to share. He was protecting his dad from the supernatural. Just like how he was trying to protect you from it.
“You know the instances of wild animal reports were up 70% over the past few months? It’s like they’re going crazy and running out of the woods. I don’t know.” He hand a palm to his forehead, already dozing off.
You feel a little guilty as you lean in your chair.
“Hey, sheriff, can I ask you a favor?”
“Anything, sweetheart…”
You smile warmly as Stiles leans his head against the archway. “Would you be willing to call my parents and tell them I’m staying the night? It’s late and I don’t want to worry them. Stiles and I have some work to catch up on… our chemistry project and stuff. Now would be a really good time to get it done.”
The sheriff had a dopey smile on his face as he looks at you. He considers you while Stiles is having a heart attack in the kitchen.
“Sure thing,” he says, fumbling for his phone, “I know your parents worry about you.”
“It’ll sound better coming from you,” you say kindly, “Thank you, sheriff. And thank you for letting me stay.”
He scratches at his head as you stand, already dialing your mom’s number, “Hey, Angela. No, no – she’s fine. We’re taking good care of her… hey, listen. The kids want to work on some projects, and I wanted to offer to let her stay the night.” He rubs at his tired eyes, “Sure, sure… of course. It’s just late and I know Tom is at the firehouse tonight so… yeah, sure thing. We’ve got plenty of room. Yep, thanks Angela. Sure, bye bye.”
You’re walking towards Stiles with a stupid grin on your face, “Let’s go talk.”
“Night dad!” Stiles yells instantly, still in awe that you were able to pull that off.
Noah waves them off, “Don’t stay up too late.”
You pull Stiles’ hand and go upstairs. “I can’t believe that worked.” You find the bathroom but wait for Stiles to show you his room.
“Um… one second,” he holds up a finger and tells you to stay put. He rummages like a madman in his bedroom, knocking things over and slamming things shut. You picture mounds of clothes and old plates of food being shoved into the closet.
He’s breathing heavy when he opens the door again, “Okay, you can come in.” He holds open the door and you walk in to find a queen bed with ruffled blue sheets, a desk on the other side with bulletin boards hanging on the wall. One of the smaller ones had a blanket thrown over it.
You wonder how much decluttering Stiles did because it was still very messy. Papers, sticky notes, and red string were everywhere. “Cozy.”
He looks nervous, playing with his fingers and watching your expression, “I don’t… ha…” he fidgets with his soapy shirt, “I’ve never had a girl in my room before.”
You take a bow, “I’m honored.” You sit on the edge of his bed, “What your dad is investigating…”
“Derek… I know,” he sits at his desk chair. “He’s so close to figuring it all out. He just doesn’t know about the Alpha.”
“Was it bad of me to egg him on while he’s so clearly drunk?”
“No, I would’ve done the same thing.”
“Exactly,” you deadpan, smiling. “If the Alpha is killing people responsible for the fire, then Derek siding with him at the hospital…”
“… is probably because he wants people to pay for the fire as well.”
You rub your legs down to your knees, “And the Alpha just wants to become powerful again in his revenge.”
Stiles was tapping his fingers against the desk, “So was there any other reason why you wanted to stay the night? Because I know for a fact you already finished our chemistry project and it’s incubating in the lab right now.”
“Well, there have been a couple things I wanted to talk to you about.” You sit cross legged on the mattress and say, “Coach has been talking to me about Scott failing his classes.”
“Big surprise,” Stiles scoffs, “The guy thinks he can be some werewolf savior and graduate high school at the same time.”
You wince, “Finstock made a deal with the office. Scott can’t go to the winter formal.”
“Because he’s failing?” Stiles gawks.
“They wanted to kick him off the team, but Coach said… some strange things… and made the dance agreement.” You tilt your head to the side, “Are you still planning on going?”
Stiles spins around in his chair, fumbling over his words, “Um, er – yeah, technically. I was s-still planning on it. Why… might I ask?”
You sigh, “Allison will need someone to ask her out.”
He was caught off guard, “I’m sorry, what? Me ask Allison to the dance.”
“It makes sense!” you say, “With Scott’s savior complex he’s going to want everyone under supervision in case the Alpha decides to take us out one at a time.”
There was a hesitance in the way Stiles kept spinning around in the chair. He seems grumpy, “Why can’t Jackson ask her?”
“You don’t want to go with Allison?’
“Well, I…” he was biting his lips, “I don’t know. Are you going?”
“I think Andrew is going to ask me on our next date.”
Stiles bangs a foot against the desk and nearly slips out of the chair, “A second date? Already?”
You smile, going a little red, “We had a good time and… we may or may not have kissed.”
A horrible sinking feeling enters Stiles’ stomach. His heart clenches painfully and the sudden desire to hurt Wickstrom came on hard and fast. “And… you liked it.”
“It was a nice change of pace from my usual,” you try to hide your smile, “I haven’t been kissed in a while.”
Stiles waves his hands around, “Woah, woah, woah… you’ve been kissed before? I thought you were a hermit that made mac and cheese.”
“And I have the occasional neighbor boy kiss me,” you laugh, “There was Easton from down the street when I was thirteen and then Adam who was visiting from San Fransico over the summer when I was fifteen. Not to mention, nimrod, that Scott kissed me just the other week.”
“Oh my god,” he wipes a hand across his face, “How do you do that?”
“Get people to kiss you?”
You squint your eyes, folding your arms, “Are you telling me you’ve never been kissed?”
Stiles squirms in his chair, swinging it back and forth. “Maybe.”
“Ah, Stiles!” you bounce on his bed, “That’s so sweet.”
He groans, “Don’t tell me it’s sweet. It freaking sucks. All of my friends are getting their jollies off and I am left here in the dust with the driest lips this side of the valley.” His arms hang limp at his sides, “Is it nice?”
You giggle, “It can be. I think it only ever is when you kiss someone you like. It’s just… god, it’s hard to explain.” But Stiles was leaning in like the most attentive student. “There’s something really vulnerable about it, which leaves you wide open to feel anything and everything. You’re scared to death of course, especially with someone you like. But the bliss you feel after doing it is like nothing else.”
Stiles purses his lips, “Is that how the Andrew kiss went?”
That raises his eyebrows, “I thought you really liked him.”
“I do, but I kind of have this new rule since the summer with Adam from San Fransico,” you hold up a hand, “I can’t date seriously. I can’t get too involved with any guy. So I’ll have to tell Andrew to stop eventually if this keeps going well.”
Stiles frowns, a punch to the gut, “Why can’t you date seriously?”
“Personal choice.”
“Because of what?” You smile and he groans, “Let me guess, it’s another story for another day.”
You use a finger gun on him, “Precisely, you’re catching on.” But the smile starts to dip from your face as you look at him. You lick your lips and say, “How about this. If you don’t have your first kiss by junior year… I’ll kiss you.”
The chair creaks as Stiles nearly falls from it, feet kicking out, “What!?”
“I’ll kiss you. We’ll make a kiss pact. I don’t want you getting too far into high school without having been kissed. The first one is always nerve-wracking anyway. It probably won’t be as meaningful as getting surprised with it by someone you really like, but it might be the next best thing.”
Stiles was losing his marbles, little fireworks exploding behind his eyes and falling like sparklers into his chest. “Okay.”
You smile at his goofy expression, “Now, can I borrow those sweats again? And maybe a t-shirt?”
He was still looking at you with sparklers in his eyes, “Huh? Oh yeah, sure.” He went to rummage through his dresser.
A few minutes later you were both in pajamas, having taken turns to use the bathroom to brush your teeth – you just using toothpaste and your finger – and standing in Stiles’ bedroom. You had dark sweats and an oversized shirt. With how broad Stiles’ shoulders were, the shirt hung low on your frame.
His throat was bobbing when he saw you standing there, pillows and blankets on the ground. “You good?”
You yawn, “Yep.” You meet him at the makeshift nest on the ground and nudge him, “Move please.”
“Oh, no this is for me,” he says, “You get the bed.” Standing so close to each other, you have to look up at him.
“I’m the guest, Stiles. You use your bed and I’ll count the dust bunnies under the bed.” You smile at the deep frown on his face.
He shakes his head, “Not gonna happen.”
“Fine,” you say, crawling onto his bed, “We can share.”
He chokes on his spit and starts coughing, “Share the bed?”
“Is that okay?” you look at him innocently.
That look combined with you wearing his clothes was sending him over the edge. His stomach was full of butterflies tickling the tightness in his ribcage. He wasn’t sure what to do with himself. In one night he had a girl in his room, said girl promised to kiss him, and now wanted to share a bed with him.
“Um… I kind of sleep in the middle of the mattress. I don’t want you to wake up to me invading your personal space.”
You laugh, “That’s fine, I can just shove you away.”
He nods, but is lost for words, going to turn off the light while you get comfortable. He’s back in the darkness and hesitates, “Are you su…”
“Get in the bed, Stilinski,” you mumble, already buried in his woodsy honey scented sheets. You feel the mattress dip as he finds his pillow. His knee knocks into your leg, and he apologizes. He shuffles down further and pulls up the blanket, rubbing his arm against yours, and he apologizes again.
“It’s fine, Stiles,” you laugh, “We’re bound to touch being this close.”
He swallows hard, staring at the ceiling as you cuddle further into your pillow, blanket tucked under your chin. “Goodnight,” you mumble.
Stiles bites the inside of his cheek, “Goodnight, (Y/N).” In the dark of his bedroom and the warm, calm presence of you beside him, it gave him a sense of ease. He takes a deep breath and says, “Thank you for the dinner today. It… meant a lot.”
You hum in reply, “You’re welcome.”
The last thing he remembers is turning on his side to face you already asleep. Your mouth was a little open and the pillow was squashing your cheek. Your hair was wild behind you and the shirt you borrowed was low enough that he could see the scar above your heart. You look more beautiful than ever laying there.
He wanted to know what you were holding back. He wanted to know what he had to do to give you the same feelings he was having.
And with thoughts of you looking beautiful in his bed, he fell asleep too.
Hours later you wake groggily to a still dark room. Stiles was standing and pulling his shoes on, phone in his hand. You groan and shift the covers closer to your body.
“Where are you going?” you ask half-asleep.
Stiles freezes at your words, “Uh… werewolf business. You can just stay here…” he walks over to your nearly asleep figure, “I’ll come back later.”
You don’t reply and he thinks you’re already back to sleep. It makes him smile. He bends down to tuck the covers a little tighter around you and… he hesitates, looking at your face. He swallows hard and leans down to place a kiss to your head.
“Sweet dreams.”
Taglist: @assassinsasha23 @tasty-book-fans @lovelybaka @the-fandom-queen @runs-with-sciss0rs @iamaslytherin0 @n3muru @bethsvrse @taylorbrooke-0912 @iloveyou2mia @everrrsincenewyork @gisellesprettylies
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8 Shows To Get To Know Me
Thank you so much for tagging me @smittenskitten 🤍
Shows to get to know me...Hmmm. It didn't say just bls, so... 😊
1. Gilmore Girls....
I have the dvd collection and it was a comfort watch in my darkest hours. Oh how I wished I grew up in Stars Hollow and this house and had a mum like Lorelai.
2. Queer As Folk
My first obsession with queer media. Still have the dvd collection and I will keep it as small treasure till the day I die. I had a big crush on Brian (I mean who didn't?) and I loved the love he had for Justin. The ending was perfect in my eyes. The amount of different topics and issues around daily life, especially in the queer community, they dealt with was something else and I still love it.
3. Be Loved In House: I Do
My comfort watch. It is short and easy to follow. It has so many cute snuggle scenes which can warm up my poor cold heart. It is nothing special and yet a 10/10 watch for me.
4. A Tale Of Thousand Stars
EarthMix, need I say more? I love them and their dynamic and chemistry and of course the story itself is great too! It is the mood the series puts me in, it feels special and I like it. And don't forget the stunningly landscape! Oh and the OST! Beautiful.
5. Moonlight Chicken
It just aired and got into my favorites really quick. This one is a really well done series dealing with important issues and conveys important messages. I love how real it felt and how mature it was. Even the first love was...real. It was atypical for the regular bls out there. And the color coding was something else!
6. It's Okay Not To Be Okay
I cried...a lot. And I loved it. Every single tear I shed was a good investment. The story is so beautiful and the characters are so beautiful...everything about this show is beautiful. And don't get me strated on the smile of our protagonist. I was head over heals the second he smiled for the first time. Beautiful.
7. The Untamed
Episode 33...Do I need to say more? The way I was crying was not normal! The series is soooo good! Insanely good. The charcters are so well written, the story is perfect. I don't know if I can watch it a second time, because the emotional damage was real here! But it left a deep mark in my heart.
8. My School President
This is something personal, because it made me realise things about myself. I will be forever grateful for this show. TinnGun are the sweetest and purest souls on this imagenary planet. I love them and their love. The communication skills were top notch and I enjoyed the music! There was no unnecessary drama and everything was so well executed.
I don't know who else did this already, so just ignore the tag if you have participated or just don't want to 😊
@pose4photoml @vera9 @talays-portkey @jyuubin @lgbtally4ever @gunsatthaphan @negrowhat @bengiyo @benkaaoi @markpakin
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theretirementstory · 4 months
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02/06/2024. 😱 it’s June already! Looking back 5 years when I visited this beautiful old house with Monique, in Rosnay-l’Hopital. Did they really have the red carpet out for us? It was a glorious day, we had had a BBQ in Monique’s garden, a little snooze then a visit to the house.
Fast forward to this day last year and it was the day I came home from hospital after spending 4 weeks in there. I am not ashamed to say I cried, when I saw my town, my house and my garden, it was all that had kept me going those long four weeks.
However, I am home now, the gardener came on Tuesday and cut the grass which has made a big difference to the garden. My cherry tree, which was laden with cherries, have all been snaffled up by the birds while we were waiting for them to ripen. The birds have kindly left the stones and stalks still attached to the branches. Oh well, I guess what you never have, you never miss! The hellebore has another couple of flowers on and the rose bushes are budding so more roses soon.
I was in Paris at the hospital on Monday, a very tiring journey there and back 6.5 hours in total but at least I was only at the hospital for 2.5 hours. Tomorrow I am there again this time for a CT scan and possibly a transfusion or transfusions. I was also in hospital at Troyes for the day on Friday as the results of my blood tests showed my levels to be very very low and two transfusions were needed. As a consequence I have to relax this weekend (whatever that means).
Being unable to drive for two months, as well as being so fatigued that I couldn’t even make it round the supermarket, I have had my neighbour doing the supermarket shopping and Anie went and purchased my fruit and vegetables. It’s wonderful that these people really don’t mind helping me out.
Although I could use the cleaning lady to do my upstairs, I couldn’t cope with her chuntering. Normally her days are Monday and Thursday and it looks as if these are going to be my days for the hospital so it’s no use asking her to come. I will just make do or as Monique has volunteered I may take her up on it. She also volunteered to come and tidy my borders.
I have an English friend (lives in France) coming to visit on Tuesday. I would like to make something to eat but don’t think I have the energy, so it may just be cake and biscuits and a drink.
“The Trainee Solicitor” started his Uni course on Thursday. It seemed to go well. He decided to “let the train take the strain” and although it means leaving home early in the morning it does mean that he can work, eat and drink while travelling. The course is for six weeks the number of days vary week on week but once it’s done, it’s done!
“The Reconnect Navigator” has had a pretty trying week, some weeks can be like that so let’s hope that next week is less “trying”. It was her Grandads birthday yesterday, so it was all round to his house for a party. Let’s hope there are not too many headaches this morning 😊.
My gorgeous grandchildren have had a wonderful break in Buxton, Derbyshire with their Mummy and their Grandad who was over from Canada. They are now spending the weekend with “The Photographer”. They are pretty tired from their adventures, where they saw penguins, wallabies and lots of different animals. “The Photographer” was out on the election canvassing trail on Thursday, he was doing photos for his friend who is standing for Parliamentary MP locally.
“The Jetsetter” has her feet planted on terra firma for a little while longer. A friend was doing a charity bike ride so she and “The Photographer” went to see them finish the ride, of course photographs were involved. Although the week involved a Bank Holiday it appears as if it was a busy week all the same.
I know I seem to be stuck in the 1970’s for a lot of my music but that’s how it goes and then when you realise that these tunes are almost 50 years old it’s a bit scary. Anyway here are two more this week.
The first is by ELO from their 1976 album “A New World Record” it’s “So Fine”.
The second has not been so easy to think of so many songs buzz through my head.
So I am choosing “Stay With Me Till Dawn” by Judie Tzuke from 1979.
Lots to do today, preparing for tomorrow morning’s journey to Paris. The taxi is coming for me at 5:30am, keep your fingers crossed that it is only a short visit to the hospital but somehow I doubt it!
Wishing you all a good week until next week.
The garden looking lush and green.
Prends soin de toi.
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mrsandypants · 2 years
Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications ✨
Oh my goodness how precious is this~! Why thank you sweet pea! Always love an adorable chain post. 😊
Things that make me happy... hmmm. Well... 1) Kpop in general. I'm about as multi as they come but I absolutely love anything regarding my ults. 😊 (Stages / Concerts / Variety Shows / and of course the music itself~!) 2) Discussing dramas with friends / mutuals! It's always a treat when you get the chance to gripe over characters you dislike or squee over your favourites. (Even if opinions differ, so long as everyone is copacetic!) 3) My daily cup of coffee in the morning (and the 5 cups of tea that follow). Pfft. I'm such a sucker for the comfort of a cold beverage though, so more often than not they tend to be iced. What can I say. 😂 4) Freshly baked bread once a week. Like I cannot tell you how excited I get whenever it's finally done. Like the whole household smells of yum and it's just such a treat. Chef's kiss~ 5) Winding down at the end of the day with a game. It's not an every day afair, but if I get a little time to chill with my partner or some friends and play something for an hour or so, it really brightens my day. 😊 Thank you for the ask precious pumpkin~~~
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oraclekleo · 4 months
Kleooooo I did my first official reading last night 😭🥳
And it was actually a deck interview! I had such a hard time I swear... Like, right off the bat I asked "what's your vibe" and got The Star reversed and panicked thinking how the fuck I should interpret that I mean is my deck depressed??? 🙃 and the whole thing took me like an hour and a half for 9 questions?? I wrote everything down on a notebook and it was like 4 pages long 😂 But it was also very fun and interesting 🤭 I still have a long way to go (that came up on the reading too), but it's definitely a good introspection tool! I can definitely say that I respect readers so much more now that I faced my first reading 🛐
Do you have any ideas of other readings I could do to practice?
I also saw you want to do another game, so that reminded me I had yet to thank you for your answer for the last one! I have, indeed, been feeling very Knight of Wands-ish these past few days... Not only on the spicy side, but in general? Like, I've been much more motivated and inspired than usual and I'm actually doing stuff, which is great 🤭
And finally, I was looking through my email inbox because I wanted to gather all the readings I've gotten for future reference, and I found one by you! I'd forgotten you'd done a soulmate reading for me, so even though it was a while ago, I'm working on feedback for that one because I know it must've been a lot of work, since that's not a kind of reading you usually do 🥹
But I can say, I've gotten 4 or 5 soulmate and Future spouse related readings done over the course of 2 years, all by different readers, and it's insane how they all have the same vibe! And there's specific things that keep coming up so yes I'm definitely a believer (and it's why I think your reading is very statistically solid 🕵️‍♀️)
Anyways, hope you have a great afternoon? Evening? And let me know if you want to read my deck interview! I'm open to opinions about the interpretation I gave to the cards 🤓
Aww! Wow! Well done!
Yeah, first readings can be hard and confusing but it genuinely gets better with time. Honestly I have never read reversals. It really depends on how you feel about it. I tried to do reversals but it just instinctively felt somewhat off. Maybe try a reading without them if it feels easier and smoother? Not that you have to, it's just a suggestion. 😊
Deck interview is one of the harder readings for the first time. Like logically you would want to do it first but when you think about it, the questions are pretty hard to interpret for a newbie so I'm proud you pulled through it. I'd love to see the result if you want to share it. You can send in email if it's private or longer.
I would suggest you to do readings where you don't care about the outcome, like where you are open to anything the cards might tell you. If you start with readings like future spouse where you already have some pre-reading idea in your head, it might cloud or confuse the outcome. So pick a tarot spread or question where you are fine with any outcome. That way you can be sure that the answer is unbiased. I personally searched Tarot spreads on Pinterest before, there are so many of them, some really fun to do. So you can give it a go. You can even try any of my spreads if there's some you particularly like.
I'm always happy when my readings sound accurate. And great for you to be more active and taking charge these days. Carry on. It feels good to actually roll the sleeves up and do things, right? 😂
I don't even remember I did a soulmate reading 🤣 I might need to revisit it myself. But no problem. There's no rush.
My afternoon is slowly turning into evening and it's all pretty good. I'm in a sociable mood at the moment, so I might start with some tiny game. I saw I received some suggestions into my inbox, I'm gonna check them out. 😁
Enjoy your time! Have fun with your tarot deck! 💖
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ladyrawthorm · 6 months
What a stream!
Hey guys! How are you all doing? It’s been quite the day over here 😊 but as usual, we will start at the beginning of the week.
My week off of work last week was definitely needed and it was a bit of a shock going back on Tuesday (Monday was a public holiday for Easter) but finishing work and playing Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth was just what I needed to relax., We actually got some story done! We made it into District 5, we got Roman killed and we added a new player to out roster. We were kicking ass. And of course we spent the rest of the stream playing Pokemon with humans which is always a blast. We do need to get back on the tram and take more pictures of questionable men in leotards.
This then brings us onto Horizon Forbidden West. We are playing this live on YouTube as well as Twitch. It seemed like a good idea at the time since we are currently uploading our Horizon Zero Dawn playthrough (There are 2 weeks left I think. Next weeks video has voice over as I spent the first half of the stream completely muted lol). This way I don’t have to do any video editing! We haven’t done much story yet but even the side missions, in true HZD fashion, are fantastic. The story is griping. So far the entire game is so well done. I get to Thursdays and I start getting hyped up for stream on Friday. I might start doing impromptu streams on Thursdays just to play more of it so keep an eye out for those go live notifications!
Rainbow Six Siege was fan fucking tastic today. Up until this point we have been average a level a week since I’m normally only live for about 4 hours and with my awful game play it’s all we can manage XD but not today! Today with the help of Re4PeR, KingSkorca and Jediseeker carrying me through many games, we made it 3 levels which means we finally made it to level 50 and now we can play ranked! So next Sunday we are going on our first adventure through the ranked season. Watch this space for an update on how I feel about that haha.
Ok, so I may be over exaggerating my uselessness in Siege because we did get some good first and second places today!
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There is no other news I’m afraid, the schedule is staying the same for a bit:
Tuesday - Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Maybe Thursday – Horizon Forbidden West
Friday – Horizon Forbidden West
Sunday Rainbow Six Siege!
As always, here are all of the links to all of the things:
ladyrawthorm | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitch | Linktree
Have a wonderful week next week, make good choices and I will see you next week!
Lady Rawthorm
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mubal4 · 2 years
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Javelina Jundred – Race Wrap Up
 Very fitting that it is Halloween, and I am putting this out. The Javelina Jundred, advertised as the biggest ultrarunning party in the desert, is the original, costumed 100-mile trail run. It has traditional been on Halloween weekend and this year, celebrated its 20th anniversary. It is organized and put on by Aravaipa Running and it seems each year it gets better and better. Before we get too much further, I would like to say thank you to Aravaipa – all the staff and volunteers. I’ve had the pleasure of running over a dozen of their races and they consistently exceed expectations. Actually, there is a standard that I’ve been accustomed to participating in their ultras and they don’t disappoint. It could be an incredibly popular, large production like Javelina, where over a thousand runners participate, or one that may have a couple dozen – either way, same level of standards. They are a top-notch organization and take care of this particularly interesting community 😊. I would also like to thank, and congratulate, the other participants, as well as all the crews and spectators. The culture of this sport is infectious and keeps many coming out because of the family type of support. Javelina Jundred brings in a tremendous crowd and as indicated, a lot of people. This is a heavily contested race for several different reasons that I won’t bore the non-ultrarunning community, but there are a number of high-level, elite competitors in this event, sponsored runners and in some instances, professional, gunning for the win. Their crews, their spectators, and those fellow participants, exude the culture of this wacky and insane community. It's pretty special when you are getting passed (it is a looped course so mid-packers, like myself get passed 😊) by the top 5-10 runners in the race and they tell you, “great job,” “keep it up,” “you are doing awesome.” That is special and something that is passed throughout the community. They may be finishing hours and hours in front of most of the field but in common, we are all, in some unique way, suffering together……and yes, we did all pay for this – for the most part!
 This was my second go at Javelina with my first being 4 years ago, 2018. The races I had done, up to that point, were mainly small ones so experiencing it for the first time was, well, I thought it was a bit crazy. All these people, pop-up tents littering the start/finish area, a party at the halfway aid station throughout the night, costumes, and dance music throughout the race. Way different than anything we’ve gone through in other races. We learned a lot from that first time, so we were better prepared, although we thought, this time around. It is difficult to put into perspective without experiencing it firsthand, but this is a production. Yes, definitely for the folks at Aravaipa and all involved with putting the race on but for everyone else involved. The course is about 45 minutes from our house and, as we learned last time, it is in our best interest to get a spot around the start/finish line, Friday morning to have as the crew’s homebase. I got there around 730am and it took quite some time before I had our spot, pop-up tent set, and ready to go for Saturday. One of the shots included is of our tent on Saturday morning before the start – representing Phillies, Eagles, and Penn State. Ironically, there were two other tents, about 10 feet away, one group from Philly, the other from central PA. Small world – running in 100-mile race, in AZ, thousands of people all around and we get situated near one another. Speaking of the Phillies, my wife Robin and I, Friday night settled in to watch them in the World Series and as you know it, the go into extra innings – fortunately pulling out the win in game 1. That just meant I got one less hour of sleep the night before the race. 😊
 On to the race – 3am came early and I went through my routine and headed out to the course. After getting the rest of our spot ready to go and details situation, I had about 30 minutes before start time. I got talking with our neighbors around us, knowing we’d all be spending the next 24-30 hours together so might as well get to know one another. Robin and others were to be coming a bit later to help me out following my first lap and throughout the race. This race is very interesting, and deceptive for a 100 miler. There isn’t a ton of vertical climbing, maybe a total of 4500’. It consists of 5 loops, the first being about 22 miles and other four about 19.5. The major of the race is on the same loop, Pemberton Trail, throughout McDowell Mountain Regional Park in Fountain Hills, AZ. You start out at the lowest part of the course and within the first half, or so, of the loop, you do most of the climbing, which is also the most technical part of the course, and then come back down on the backside. Simply put, by loop 4, maybe even 3, you are not a big fan of the first 10 miles of the course. The other factor is the temperature. You are in the Arizona desert. Yes, it is October and this Saturday, fortunately, the high temp was about 82*. Sounds beautiful, and it is but this course is completely exposed – no shade except for some big cacti you may be able to stand behind a short period of time. So that 82* can feel like 92* easily. On the flip side, the nighttime temps can drop thirty degrees in the early morning, so the swings are vast. I was wearing a light hat and gloves during the wee hours of the morning with two thin layers. There have been times, so I’ve heard, runners had to drop because of hypothermia and heat exhaustion during the same year (not the same runner 😊). Since we lived out here, we were dialed in on that front but in this distance, as they say, anything can and will happen.
 As the race got started, I had a vision of how I would have liked the day to go. I am always grateful to be able to do these races. Having the body and mind to move these distances for that amount of time is a privilege that I don’t take lightly. I also realize that is going to be hard. There will be moments that are going to suck, and I am likely not going to be very happy with myself and my decision to run this race……. but then that gratitude sits in again! It seems in every race, there is something that I experience, a place that I go to that I had not been before, this was no exception. The first loop went by pretty smooth and got through the first 22 miles feeling good and where I expected. I was excited to see Robin and our youngest daughter Alaina, for the first time, and Alaina’s friend KJ – so coming into the start/finish headquarters was a treat. We had a plan to do a sock change every loop and eliminate blisters, which made my first run here, not very ideal 😊! As we were doing some foot care, I noticed a bit of blister being to form on my right, middle toe. No worries, we were prepared, and I taped that up. Didn’t have an issue w/ that for the rest of the race, thankfully. We’ve learned, as I mentioned above, much happens in these races and much….is difficult to prepare for; there are so many unknows (sort of like life, right?). We go into these planning that shit will happen and the best thing to make yourself aware of it, acknowledge it, and then manage it. Whether that is taping a blister or, in most cases, pushing it away. “It’ll pass” was my mantra going into the race and repeated often!
 There are three things that can potentially end your race – stomach going south, blown quads, or blisters. We essentially, almost, had a trifecta in this year’s race. As mentioned, we had a plan going and but unfortunately, others had a different plan for me and, Saturday just wasn’t my day. The blister wasn’t a problem, although during the last 10 miles a few others did surface. The weird and wacky thing is that my stomach went south mid-point of the 2nd loop. This has never happened before, and it was incredibly off. It felt like someone was stabbing me with a knife just below the bellybutton and I was very nauseous. We kept trying different types of food, all kinds, candied ginger and ginger-ale, and warm coke. I think I drank more coke during this race than I did in all other ultras combined. It was baffling. The good thing is my mind left the stomach/nauseous feeling because in loop 3 my quads went south. I may have been delirious or hallucinating after being up for so long, but I thought I heard them say, “two more loops, nope – we are out of here.” 😊 Each time though, the mantra, “it’ll pass,” and each loop I got to see Robin and others that popped by to check in (big thanks to Tracy L., Jenn S. and the kiddos, Brian & Meghan S.). The support by them, and even our “neighbors” was encouraging to keep going. At no point, did I ever have the thought of not finishing the race. I did have to pivot on expectations but what are those? Arbitrary when you boil it down (more on that to come).
 This is the part I have to honor Robin, my wife. The sacrifice, effort, support she provides me, not just in the race, but the work that goes into preparing and follow up…….and she does it without one complaint. As focused as I am in getting this race done, she is as focused in getting me to that finish line; whatever it takes. She drove back and forth to the race site, twice. She left in between loops 2-3 because of Alaina’s homecoming stuff. And then she was out there all day and night with me. Yes, she made friends with the “neighbors” so she was lonely, but she was a one-person support crew, and I can’t say enough about it. Listen, everything in life is better when it is shared with those you love and care about and having a huge crew is always awesome; it’s a great experience. This was the first time, in a 100-mile race, where it was just us two throughout the night. Her at the crew spot by herself and me without a pacer. Those not familiar with the sport may not think much of that but, I don’t know, it think that is pretty special. Her and I figuring it out and making it happen. She was awesome and words here will not express the amount of gratitude and appreciation I have for everything she does for me and our family. Hell, supporting me during this nonsense, taking care of the Homecoming stuff with our youngest, and our eldest, away at college, trying to help celebrate her 19th birthday from afar – Robin was supermom/wife (wink – she usually is anyway 😊). There is much to be said about that – Thank You Robin.
 The quad pain never did let up nor did the nauseous feeling, but it didn’t get any worse, so we were able to manage through it. The fourth was a grinder, knowing that I had to do this one more time and it was getting colder and lonelier. At this point, I was just moving forward as best I could, trying not to fall asleep; it was pure zombie mode. Coming into see Robin for the last time before the final loop was relieving. We knew we had this finished, and this last loop wasn’t going to be ideal. We went through our same routine – foot care, assess the body & more importantly, the mind. She walked me around the headquarters area as she was headed to the car for a few hours of sleep while I finish out loop 5.  Always encouraging, aways faithful and never a doubt in her mind – we parted with a kiss, an “I love you,” and “see you in a few hours.”
 When you let go of expectations, life can become more freeing. This sport can gobble you up and make you mad as you chase down arbitrary times. Letting go allows us to open up and gain a different perspective. I didn’t have the day that I envisioned having; the day I “expected.” I wasn’t my day and as I left Robin on that last loop, I was realizing that didn’t matter. If my arbitrary expectations were met, I would have missed the sunrise pictured in this blog. I will remember that rather than some number. I will remember the conversations I had with so many people on that final lap as we all soaked in that sunrise, the stories of our experience in the race, and in some instances, the stories of our lives. If the day went according to plan – those connections don’t occur. What’s more fulfilling?  Not sure what it was but for the last 5 miles or so running didn’t hurt. My quads were painless, my stomach, no discomfort, I wasn’t nauseous. Sure, I was only 5 miles from finishing a 100-mile race, so I knew it was going to be over soon, but the footsteps were effortless. As I reached the archway, with only a quarter of a mile left, the finish felt much different than the other finishes. Running around the rest of that loop, complete strangers cheering me on and congratulating all the runners coming through, I will be honest, I got emotional. Not something I experienced before, not even when I finished my first 100.
 I didn’t know what this sport was about when I did my first ultramarathon in 2015. As I’ve become more entrenched in it and have grown to love it and learn more about it, it is incredibly addictive. For several years, I’ve wondered what it would be like to have that “ideal day.” Where the race turns out like you envisioned it with no big dark moments or “pain caves.” That “magical” day – where things go according to plan.
 Reflecting on this race, and every race I’ve done to this point, I was chasing something that doesn’t exist. Also, it is something that really isn’t good, at least for me. As you take the journey from the start line, to the finish line in a 100-mile race, you become a different person. The reason is of all that you experience in mile 0 to mile 100. Things are going to be hard, it won’t be ideal, you are not going to want to keep going at times and you are going to think this whole thing sucks. It is supposed to. Being able to bring yourself back from a place you’ve never been before, to keep moving forward, and truly finding out what you can endure – sounds pretty magical to me.
  It isn’t about that one magical day. They are all magical days – you just have to let go of the arbitrary expectations that could our perspective.
0 notes
daveinediting · 2 years
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Well dang. We did it.
First time with horror, though. And that was for sure different.
The starting gun actually goes off at 7pm Friday with all teams, through a random drawing, committing to a Horror sub-genre plus specifically required elements including a character name, line of dialogue, and a prop.
By first thing Saturday morning I have a script to study. By 2pm I have the morning's footage to review and organize and cut. By 630 I have the second, final batch of footage.
Choosing to deal with what I already have on the table I ignore the afternoon's footage (other than confirming its playback from my drives). I don't log it. I don't tag it. 
By the time I do, though, get around to looking at that footage for the first time, it's 11:30. Still Saturday. But just barely.
And by the time I'm done reviewing and tagging and cutting that footage into the film and finessing the whole thing...
It's 4:30 Sunday morning.
Factor in a little time for file export, upload, and emailing the director...
And now it's 4:45 that I'm slipping into bed. Of course now it's fifteen minutes later because I forgot to feed the cat hours earlier and if he's not gonna get to eat...
He's gonna make sure I don’t get any sleep.
So I'm finally in bed for real after feeding the cat at 5 Sunday morning.
Cut to black.
Four hours later, that same morning, I’m up, out and about. Moving pretty okay. Mental faculties seemingly intact. Kimmer ‘n I both take a bit of time for breakfast and lounging in bed. Like it’s a normal Sunday morning. You know?
10:30am I'm back to work on credits, texting with the film’s composer, futzing with the 48hfp required slate, as well as filling out, scanning, and emailing the required project and materials waivers.
Noon, Sunday, the producer and director show up for an afternoon of fixes, tightening, and polishing the film to within an inch of its life.
3pm I'm exporting the file of our film, run into a problem with the title animation, fix the title animation then export the whole thing again. Watched that file with the producer and director. Transferred the file to a flash drive and watched it again from that drive out of sheer, well...
You only get one shot to get this right. So when you do have the time...
You verify everything.
That's just how it goes.
After that, a little socializing and the producer and director are on their way out the door.
Four o'clock.
Sunday afternoon.
Three hours ahead of the deadline.
Of course there's still paperwork and uploading our file to the 48hfp servers, but—
That's not my problem.
My part's done and soon Kimmer 'n I are off to, well, first a car wash for the car but right after that drinks at Tapster, sitting out on the patio with a view of South Lake Union. Basically we're in tees, shorts, and flip-flops.
In October for crying out loud.
After we're back at the apartment for a bit, Linzy comes over and we watch the back half of "Enola" on Netflix because we watched the front half the week before and we all love this movie.
It’s a classic. Plus, the sequel drops on November 4.
Around 10pm Linzy 'n I walk the neighborhood a bit, basking in the gloriously cool air starting to fill the city. 
By the way, last year, after my first experience with the competition, Kimmer 'n I celebrated at Maggie Bluffs over at the marina in Magnolia. This year, July, we celebrated at Cactus in South Lake Union. 
I look forward to that, is all I'm saying. Not just finishing a short film (6-1/2 minutes this time around)... but also, to have a normal Sunday evening after such a stunningly abnormal Saturday night.
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telomeke-bbs · 3 years
This isn’t an analysis of any episode, but rather a list of (several, though not all) Bad Buddy filming locations, the result of some obsessive Internet sleuthing over the past week. It doesn’t really add much more detail to the narrative of the series, but it does give an idea of how challenging the filming process must have been for the Bad Buddy team. (Information cross-referenced from other websites and online maps is current as at 15 March 2022.)
First up is the legendary rooftop: Chana City Residence (829 Pracha Uthit Rd, Bangkok, visible on Google Street View using Google Maps).
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The flat roof of this apartment building was the setting for many scenes that were key to the plot (including PatPran’s blind-date-gone-wrong at Ep.2 [2/4] 4.56; the Epic Rooftop Kiss at Ep.5 [4/4] 11.35; PatPran’s dinner-with-a-view at Ep.8 [2/4] 3.10; Pran pleading with Pat to take up the role of Riam at Ep.7 [4/4] 1.40; and Pat consoling Pran after his confrontation with his mom at Ep.10 [4/4] 12.42).
The corresponding Behind-the-Scenes video (tagged จนกว่าจะพบกันใหม่ครับเพื่อน! on YouTube) shows how all the rooftop filming, heavily delayed by rain, was done in the course of one very long evening that dragged on into the night, before completion in the wee hours of the next morning. Because of the bad weather, some filming was shifted indoors (suggesting that there may have been other key scenes originally slated for the rooftop). It was also the last night of filming, so (almost) everyone in the cast and crew turned up for a group shot. (They were also joined by Nanon’s real-life mom – I think that’s her in the front row, extreme right, in red. How sweet is it that she dropped by too for Nanon's last night of filming Bad Buddy? Makes me love this vivacious lady even more. 😊)
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The rooftop was also the setting for the music video accompanying Pat’s theme (the lightly-spun jazz-pop confection “Secret”, sung by Kacha Nontanun) – the same decorative lights visible in the video are still strung up on the railing at Ep.10 [4/4] 12.22, just before Pran’s rooftop breakdown.
For visual proof of this location: Chana City Residence (at the top part of its façades) has the same rectangular view-framing walls seen at Ep.2 [2/4] 4.56, and the company that installed its satellite dishes (HSTN) has a photograph on its website (https://www.hstn.co.th/en/album/6295/digital-tv-system-chana-city-residence-by-hstn – the fourth photograph in the series) that shows the same rooftop view enjoyed by PatPran at Ep.8 [2/4] 3.10:
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Pat and Pran’s student apartment interiors were filmed inside studio/suite units at the Tinidee Hotel Bangkok Golf Club (heavily disguised with posters, furniture and random clutter to look more like student accommodation). Pran’s apartment is unit 439 (Ep.8 [1I4] 4.39) while Pat and Pa’s apartment is unit 444 (Ep.8 [1I4] 5.39).
For visual proof, check out the Tinidee website at https://tinideebangkok.com/rooms/#twobedrooms.
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The views of its Executive Suite show the same or similar kitchen set-up, bulkheads, moldings, curtains, wall colors, air-conditioning fan coil unit, door paneling, room cardkey slot, and wall-mounted flatscreen TV (with its shelving below). Pran’s dining chairs and sofa, that we see at Ep.2 [1I4] 14.00 and at Ep.4 [1I4] 13.22, are also visible on the Tinidee website – click on the room gallery at the bottom of their homepage.
The high school and university scenes were shot at various locations in and around Rangsit University. (Fun fact: a lot of filming for SOTUS happened on this campus as well.) PatPran’s high school entrance and lobby (Ep.2 [4/4] 8.28; Ep.10 [3I4] 1.18) were represented by the Satit Bilingual School (52/347 Muang Ake, Phahonyothin Road, Lak Hok, Mueang, Pathum Thani 12000), within the Rangsit University campus.
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(above) The Satit Bilingual School, Rangsit campus
For visual proof, check out Google Street View and Google Images for Satit Bilingual School (Bangkok).
The scenes at the back of the Archi Faculty (where Pat goes to pass Pran his USB stick (Ep.5 [1I4] 7.37) and outside the Engineering Canteen (just after Korn rebuffs Pat when he discovered PatPran were an item, Ep.9 [1I4] 10.05) were filmed at the Rangsit University Student Center and Food Court (the white angled struts are quite a campus landmark).
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For visual proof, Google Maps and Google Street View have images of this building.
The various seaside scenes (during the Archi Volunteer Camp of Ep.6, PatPran’s honeymoon at Ep.11 and their graduation photo with Junior and UncleTong at Ep.12 [3I4] 5.17) were filmed in and around the beach district of Hua Hin. (Can’t help thinking they’ll be popular with Bad Buddy fans looking to take graduation photos. 😊)
Sadly, UncleTong’s Zero Waste Village doesn’t actually exist, but was composited from several locations around Hua Hin. Perhaps fittingly, UncleTong himself was played by multi-faceted Renaissance Man Khom Kongkiat Khomsiri, known for wearing many hats in the industry including those of respected director (especially for action movies), screenwriter, producer and (sometime) actor.
The entrance to the Zero Waste Village (Ep.6 [2/4] 1.53, Ep.11 [1I4] 4.28, Ep.11 [4/4] 0.22, Ep.12 [3I4] 5.19) is in reality the Hua Hin Fishing Pier, also known as the Saphan Pla pedestrian promenade (and which becomes the Saphan Pla Night Market on weekends). Google Maps and Street View (plus several Hua Hin tourist websites) show many images of this pier for visual confirmation. The image here is from the video on YouTube posted by Thailand Adventures & Garden “Hua Hin Fish Pier: Best View (of) the Sun Rise in Hua Hin City”.
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Scenes of beach games, meals and drinks during the Archi Volunteer Camp (e.g., Ep.6 [2/4] 3.19, Ep.6 [2/4] 7.56, Ep.6 [3I4] 14.05) were filmed at the Seapine Recreation Center on Suan Son Pradipat Beach. For visual evidence, take a look at The Thairish Sun’s YouTube video “Beach Walk – Khao Takiab to Suan Son” (dated 5 Feb 2022). You can see the same white beach chairs and catering pavilion that made an appearance during camp mealtimes (at timestamp 1.08), and the same view of Khao Takiab Hill that was in the background of many beach games (e.g., at Ep.6 [2/4] 3.50) at timestamp 1.03.
The Zero Waste Village office (Ep.6 [3I4] 11.10), Pat’s room during the Archi Camp (Ep.6 [4/4] 1.08), UncleTong’s outdoor kitchen/dining area (Ep.11 [1I4] 10.16 and Ep.11 [2/4] 2.51) and PatPran’s honeymoon suite (Ep.11 [1I4] 12.09 and Ep.11 [3I4] 2.18) were all set up at the Khao Tao Beach Lodge Old Siam. See https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Hotel-resort/Khao-Tao-Beach-Lodge-2599550960183666 and https://www.facebook.com/khaotaobeachlodge/photos for visual evidence. They even have a couple of photos taken during the filming of Bad Buddy, dated 17 September 2021. 😊
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There is also a close-up video available on YouTube – “Best of Beach Walk - Haad Khao Tao, Hua Hin/Thailand” posted by followhannes.w on 16 Mar 2021 – that shows the lodge looking quite run-down before its yearly repainting (sea air is harsh on buildings). However, the current Facebook postings show that it is very much still in operation as at March 2022, and in lovely condition as well.
Actually, Pat’s room during the Archi Camp of Ep.6 and PatPran’s honeymoon suite in UncleTong’s house were both the same space, just made to look different in Ep.11 with a lower camera angle, the blue mosquito net removed and the interior gussied up with a surfeit of nautical tchotchkes. Visual clues supporting this – the timber walls and framing, curtains, window placement and air-conditioning controls (to the right of the door) were all the same in both set-ups. The room is on the upper level of the double-storey timber building facing the sea, above the eco-village office (see followhannes.w’s YouTube video above at timestamp 5.40). From this we can tell that the scene where Pat stands on the deck outside their suite and sees Pran on the beach (Ep.11 [3I4] 17.39) is editorial artifice – the roof of the lower veranda and the sea almond tree in front of the building would have blocked Pat’s view of Pran, unless he was far away in an unshaded part of the beach (which is not what we see). So Ohm and Nanon must have filmed their bits separately – kudos to their acting for still managing to convey the emotional connection. 👍
The hut where Pat and Pran work with the local fishermen (Ep.11 [2/4] 0.28, 2.07 and 7.59) is located at the bend of Ruamjai Alley nearest the sea, facing the southern breakwater of Khao Tao Beach. (Check out Google Maps for visuals.) The net fishing scene (Ep.11 [2/4] 1.47) was filmed next to the breakwater – you can just make out a bit of Wat Tham Khao Tao in the background. This corner of the beach was also the setting for their beachside bet (Ep.6 [4/4] 4.39) and Pran's walk with Junior's mom (Ep.11 [2/4] 10.20), while the breakwater itself was where they had honeymoon beers and conversation (Ep.11 [3I4] 9.54).
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The beach where Pat and Pran frolic in the sea (Ep.6 [3I4] 4.50) after their market visit and mud-play is referenced as Sai Noi Beach (actually just outside Hua Hin District) in the Behind-the-Scenes video (tagged ขอบคุณทุกคนที่เปียกไปด้วยกัน! on YouTube). As the rocks are similar, the location is likely also the same one for their beach talk at Ep.11 [3I4] 5.44. For visual proof, Google Maps has a Sai Noi beach walk with several 360° panoramic photos.
UncleYod’s Beach Bar (Ep.11 [4/4] 5.20) is actually the Anchor Bar and Restaurant, also at Khao Tao Beach. Google Maps has a 360° view taken by Tanawat Wongpichet that shows the location clearly, and there are also photos on their Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/anchorbarhuahin/photos). There’s a post on the Pantip forum saying that Director Backaof mentioned it was on the island of Ko Sadao, but this is wrong. Or maybe the quote is correct but Director Backaof was just trolling us. Again. 😊
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The hospital where Pat was treated for his gunshot graze was Boonyavej Hospital at 834/1 Phet Kasem Road, Bangkok. Both interior (e.g., Ep.9 [4/4] 10.00) and exterior (e.g., Ep.9 [4/4] 5.30 and 9.56) scenes were shot there (reference: https://www.boonyavej.com and Google Images).
The high school reunion was filmed inside and outside The Halls Bangkok (a convention center at 79/1 Soi Vipawadee Rangsit 64, Vipawadee Rangsit Road, Taladbangkean, Laksi, Bangkok 10210). There is visual confirmation on their Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/thehallsbangkok/photos) and at https://www.centerwedding.com/bangkok/venues/429021.
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Bad Buddy’s interior scenes (e.g., Ep.12 [2/4] 2.18 and 4.11) were shot in the small dining hall with no false ceiling – corroborating details include the same exposed (ceiling-hung) air-conditioning FCU above the stage, with the same (faux?) timber strip flooring, hanging ferns and copper-colored globular pendant lighting. The exterior shot (Ep.12 [2/4] 10.24) is the front entrance, visible on Facebook.
These are all the locations for this post. For other locations discovered after I wrote the above, check out the listing at the end of this write-up. 😊
The location-based shooting can’t have been easy (not that it ever is) – Director Backaof and his production team would have had to pay great attention to detail in order to minimize continuity errors and differentiate scenes/locations in time and space (e.g., when filming in Pat’s room v. PatPran’s honeymoon suite). It would have been especially tough on the actors, requiring them to jump about the different stages of their characters’ emotional journeys, usually out of sequence. For example, at the beach Ohm and Nanon would have had to portray an awkward emotional distance between Pat and Pran for Ep.6, but then also couple-mode intimacy for Ep.11. Likewise, on the rooftop they would have had to incarnate Pat and Pran at very different junctures in their relationship, from childhood frenemies getting re-acquainted (Ep.2 [2/4] 4.56), to hopeful romantics daring a forbidden kiss (Ep.5 [4/4] 11.35), to squabbling rivals competing in a strange courtship bet (Ep.7 [4/4] 1.47), to new boyfriends navigating each other’s boundaries (Ep.8 [2/4] 3.10) and finally to star-crossed Shakespearean lovers finding solace in each other’s arms (Ep.10 [4/4] 12.42) – but with the order of scenes all jumbled up. 🤦‍♂️ (We know this from the Behind-the-Scenes video, tagged จนกว่าจะพบกันใหม่ครับเพื่อน! on YouTube.) It’s testament to how excellent everyone was at their craft (both in front of and behind the camera), that the end product has the seamless fluidity it does. 👍
[Afterpost Edit: here are the links to all the BBS filming location posts:
Part 1 – The legendary rooftop, PatPran’s student apartments, their high school, the white arches behind the Engineering Canteen, the Zero Waste Village and various seaside scenes, their honeymoon suite, the hospital where Pat was treated for his gunshot graze, and the high school reunion.
Part 2 – Pat and Pran’s family homes, the Flagpole Bar, the car park fight location, and the Jae Si Curry House.
Part 3 – Various locations at and around the rugby field, including Pat’s photoshoot with Ink, the rugby bleachers, the iced milk tea (and green tea wave) picnic table, InkPa’s photography picnic, the old bus stop and the new bus stop. Also Khun Noppharnach’s pharmacy.
Part 4 – Pat’s Engineering Faculty (in and around Rangsit University’s College of Engineering).
Part 5 – Pran’s Architecture Faculty (Rangsity University’s School of Architecture).
Part 6 – Various F&B and commercial locations (eateries, shops, malls and a market).
Part 7 – Pat’s post-graduation apartment and Pran’s residence in Singapore.
Part 8 – Various campus locations filmed within Rangsit University’s Digital Multimedia Complex, including the auditorium and the Freshy Day Song Contest.
Part 9 – The LogTech Building and Pran’s architectural office in Singapore.
Part 10 – Locations for the Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy special episodes.
Part 11 – The apartment for rent that Pran went to view in Ep.2, the elevator scene with Pat just after the viewing, and Wai’s apartment.
Part 12 – PatPran’s elementary and high schools, as well as the location of Pa’s near-drowning.
Part 13 – Random locations (Pran searching for his lost earphones, the covered car park where Wai spied on Pat serenading Pran with Nanon's Love Score, the airport car park, the SouthTech U Library, PatPran's rainy day ointment interlude, their motorbike and truck rides in Hua Hin, the approach road to Uncle Yod's bar, the filming location for the music videos Just Friend? and Our Song, and Pran's street address in Singapore).
Will update this list if I can track down the hardware stores – the one remaining location still unidentified! 🤣]
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kaistrex · 3 years
2021 Fic Year in Review
I won't be finishing anything else before the year is up, so I thought it was time for this. No one tagged me but it looked fun so here we go 😂 Edit: Now tagged by @raisesomehale! 🥰
Personal ramblings ahead!
Total number of completed works
Total word count:
161,800+ 😱
Fandoms written in:
Teen Wolf
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
Considering at the beginning of January I didn’t think I’d write a goddamn thing or be involved in fandom at all, a helluva lot more haha. This is the most I've written in a single year ever, easy.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
Where the Real Beasts Are (yep, I’m still banging on about it 😂) because I persevered with it after 4 years of writing and wrote my first 100k+ fic 🤗
The runner-up is Home though. I’m really proud of the plot idea for that fic ^^
Did you take any writing risks this year?
I think signing up for the big bang was a risk, even though I didn’t realise it at the time! I think in my sign up application, I estimated my fic would be in the 20-30k range, but then it grew and grew to 2-3x that length. I realised around the end of June that the daily word count goal I set just wasn’t going to cut it, so I had to double it to 1k a day, and for the month of July, all I did every evening was sit in front of my laptop and slave away. I’m not built for that kind of level of production haha
I ended up getting it finished and self-betaed (a process which took like 10 hours 😂) 30 minutes before it was due to be revealed to everyone on my posting day. It was not a fun time, and I actually kind of grew to resent the fic haha woops~
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
I’d really like to get my Lonely Stiles fic off the ground. I’ve added another plot thread to it that has turned it into a longfic from the long oneshot I’d planned because there was something missing, so it’s well on it’s way to taking shape. I’d really love to be able to write the whole thing and then post it to a schedule because that’s something I’ve never done before.
I did intend to use it for my big bang piece if I sign up again, but now it’s going to be chaptered, I really don’t want to have to post it all at once per the event rules, so... we’ll see!
Most popular story of the year?
Probably Cloaked in Gold? I’ve never had such a strong reception to a fic before which was especially mind-boggling considering I thought I was just sending it out to die because it had to be posted all in one go.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Home. The reception for the fic even now it's finished has been pretty soft (the Secret Santa fic I posted 3 days ago is already on it’s way to eclipsing it via kudos by the end of the week 😂) On the other hand though, in the 5/6 years I’ve been writing Sterek, I’ve never had such incredible comments as I got on that fic which I still think about even now, AND it inspired someone to draw art so I really have nothing to complain about 🥰💖💖💖
Most fun story to write:
Probably Lemon & Ginger or The Hand-me-down. Generally when I write, I'll always hit a section where I think I just want this bit to be dooooonnnne, but both of these were short and mostly written over the course of a day, so they came to me pretty easily. They just felt right 😊
Biggest Disappointment:
I’d completely forgotten about this, but now I’m laughing remembering when I ‘un-privated’ a fic I hate because people had been asking after it and sharing pdfs anyway, thinking I’d just do it quietly and it would be there for the people that wanted it and I wouldn’t have to think about it ever again, only to discover that it sent out a notification to HUNDREDS of my ao3 subscribers. That was... unfortunate to say the least 🤣 Does that count?
Biggest surprise:
The reception to Cloaked in Gold. I was blown away by the response to it. I keep getting comments on it with regularity even now, even though usually once something's posted, comments dry up after a few days.
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molosmojo · 3 years
When travel is life...
“I am giving you a driving certificate, right here, right now, Mohammed Bhai”….
 By the last week of Dec-21, as a family, we had finalised planning our 5-day road trip to Gujarat between 25-Dec-21 and 29-Dec-21 – prior to this, the longest I had driven was to Dandi (~320 KMs) and this time we were travelling directly to Umreth (near Anand) at about 480+ KMs.
 We are early risers as a family and started our journey on 25-Dec-21 at 6AM (IST) – someone had suggested us to have breakfast at this famous joint in Talasari at Jalaram Kathiywadi, ~2.5 hours drive from my place. We did exactly that and enjoyed our Gujju breakfast (Fafda, Dhokla, Khaman, Jalebi…). Post the breakfast, we still had ~6 hours left for our journey to Umreth.
 There was a traffic snarl on the MH-GJ border which took nearly an hour for us to clear a 5KM distance – this meant that our ETA to Umreth changed for 4:30PM to 5:30PM (almost at the time of dusk). We were running at a steady speed to ensure we reach Umreth before the sunset.
 We reached Umreth at 5:15PM or so and our destination was hardly few metres away – we were trusting Google Maps to guide us to the actual destination and kept going with the flow. Until we entered this narrow lane which had shops on either sides and bikes parked outside the shops on both the sides. Add to the vehicular traffic, of course, the street was a busy street full of people – there was no way our car would have gone into that lane. We had gone deep into the lane and had no option to even take a U-turn now.
 There was almost a sense of panic in the car with everyone giving their expert commentary on “what to do” – in between this chaos, we found someone who was from our community (we knew that because of his attire) – we requested him to guide us to the destination and he agreed immediately. He was on a bike and asked us to follow him – we closed Google maps and were now just following this man. He kept going further inside into this narrow lane – my only focus was to keep it straight and do not hit anyone or anything (imagine getting beaten up in a completely unknown city 😊).
 I kept my nerves and followed the man till the end of the road where there was a Police station and a huge area where I could turn my car back inside the compound. Now, I had to drive back the same lane for another kilometre or so. The man stopped every time there was hurdle, cleared it for us and helped us come out of that lane safely (without any incident).
 While parting, we asked this person’s name and exchanged some greetings, and, towards the end, the man said, “I am giving you a driving certificate, right here, right now, Mohammed Bhai”. That one line just helped us forget the last 20 minutes ordeal.
 Our destination was actually on the main road itself but for some reason, Google maps showed us the incorrect way – we wasted 20 minutes and the sun was just setting in when we finally reached our destination in Umreth.
 End-to-end, over the 5-day period, I drove ~1400KMs across 7 cities and we spent some crazy time together, as a family!
 Some learnings from that Day 1 experience:
Despite knowing your     destination, you might lose your way sometimes
Always good to seek help from     someone who has “been there done that” rather than “experts” who might not     give/know a “practical” solution
Keep your focus on the goal,     even if you sometime lose the way – course correct, but reach.
Appreciate someone when they do     good (doesn’t matter big or small)
 What is your travel story?
 BTW: for those who have been reading my blogs over the last one year will know that I had booked my new car in Jan-21 and today, 17-Jan-22 is exactly a year to that date when I had booked my car. Just yesterday, I completed 7777 KMs (since the delivery in Jun-21).
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