#don't need my double (()) when it's solely me talking now do i
mnemosyne-xiv · 2 months
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Hello you. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Sophia Mongrignois, a Forum member, apothecary, and chronicler of fading memories—though most know me by my pen name, Mnemosyne.
"Memories?" I can practically hear you questioning.
Yes, literal memories that have drifted from mere idling in ambient aether to sinking deep within the aetherial sea eventually find their way down into the depths of the Aitiascope. There I can find all manner of memories from a myriad of times and places, each acting as the inspiration for the contents of this blog. It's my hope to spread these memories far and wide, preserving them outside of their ephemeral stints in this world in the hearts of all who stumble upon my work. Though, with as fickle as memories are, my writings are interpretations of what I find meaning I'm not infallible and will make mistakes as I labor to fill in the gaps memories often begin to develop as they deteriorate. Such are the way of things I'm afraid.
But that's enough about me. On to what you're actually here for, the writing! Here are the tags I most often use to keep everything nice and tidy:
Ruby & Mint | Koana x Mnemo Burden of Memory | G'raha x Mnemo Draconic Embers | Estiniboi x Mnemo Sancrosanctity | Urianger x Mnemo
Mnemosyne Musings (future) | Personal entries I wanted to share. Coffee Biscuits (future) | Ryne and Gaia's everyday life as they grow up in a world full of hope for the future despite the uncertainty of it all. Fussy Bun | Erenville's adventures across the star ♡ Servants of a New Dawn (future) | Wuk Lamat and Koana-centric posts! Totally-Not-Scions (future) | Everything concerning our favorite heroes. Ancient Nostalgia (future) | Rare memories recounted from before the Sundering. Fragmented Love (future) | Remia and Zero's warped yet wholesome relationship that this blog was originally centered around. Til Kingdom Come | Centered around two voidsent from before the Flood of Darkness, this story recounts the valiant efforts of a princess and a loyal knight in their vain struggle to forestall the inevitable. ramble ramble ramble | Not writing, fourth wall breaking posts about my personal achievements and thoughts on FFXIV. Would recommend filtering this out if you'd rather be spared my idiocy.
Retired Tags:
Zerem | Remia and Zero's old tag.
Tags will be added and others retired as my attention shifts so be sure to check back here every few months to see what's changed.
That's the end of all I had to say really. Let's pray that this short self-introduction served its purpose in giving you a better idea of who I am. I hope my best attempts at preserving these memories continue to be to your liking and once more, thank you all for supporting my work. I look forward to sharing even more with you in the months to come! ♡
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p.s. my dms are open so don't hesitate to message or tag me! i'm always open for a chat ♡♡♡ p.s.s. don't pay any mind to me slowly overhauling my main blog site, i'm going through a midlfe crisis
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luveline · 1 year
WOULD LOOOVE to see badass reader get jealous over someone flirting with spencer
ty for requesting ♡ —spencer reassures you when he catches the eye of a receptionist at the ocean city precinct. fem!reader, 1.3k
Hotch lives on coffee lately. Any type from any source, he doesn't care what it tastes like so long as it keeps him awake. You're similar, in that even if you hated it, you'd keep it to yourself. 
But you're frowning in disgust at your cup. Eyebrows wrinkled, lips in a fierce line. Hotch sighs and puts his hand on the back of your chair. "Are you alright?" he asks. 
You've never told him otherwise. "Fine. Thank you." 
"There's water in my bag," he offers. You won't meet his eyes. You probably have a headache. "And aspirin." 
For as long as he's known you and worked with you, you've been as you are now, quiet, stern, with little sense of humour at work and not much more outside of it. The only evidence of your soft heart is how you work like a dog, and how you treat your coworker, Spencer. He's your achilles heel, your tender spot in all the tough scarring. Hotch knows there's nothing anyone can do to make you feel better if they aren't him. 
Hotch turns on the spot to look for him. The case you're working on here in Maryland has hit a lul, and exhausted faces peek out from behind their desks at Hotch's looking. He searches for the short mop of brown hair that's required and finds it in an unusual place. 
Spencer has been waylaid by a receptionist. Glimmering eyes, shiny silver fingernails that tap the desk in front of her as she speaks, the receptionist clearly has Spencer hanging on. He takes a step back and she doubles down, her storytelling audible from across the room. 
"You'll have to see it for yourself, Dr. Reid, it's a sight!" 
Hotch looks at you from the corner of his eye. "I see." 
"Don't know what you're talking about," you mutter. You stand and tip your coffee into the bin, letting the cup fall in after it morosely. 
"Why don't you go and help Reid?" Hotch asks. 
"Help Reid what?" you ask. Your tone betrays you —jealousy, sure, that slight crisp to your words that must hurt on the way out, but worse is the weakness as your sentence ends. You're jealous, and it's upsetting you. "I don't think I want to help him with that." 
Derek swings into the sequestered space you've been using to operate and beams at you like he knows exactly what you're thinking. 
"Isn't it surprising how quiet he can be? Years of catching bad guys and he can't say no to a pretty woman," Derek says, giving you a knowing look.
You and Derek have a half-hearted rivalry in that he loves to flirt and you disapprove. Your soft spot extends solely to Spencer no matter how hard Derek tries to sway you, though as you and Spencer have gotten closer, you've softened.
Hotch thinks that Derek's teasing might erase any progress that's been made. 
"Morgan," he says reproachfully. 
Derek makes a who, me? face but quickly gives in. "Why don't you go save him?" he asks you. 
"He doesn't need saving. Spencer is a grown man who can make his own choices," you say quietly. 
Hotch bites his tongue. Thankfully, Derek speaks up, without any teasing. "Spencer's been expected to  know how to do things without any help since he was a kid. I really think he just doesn't know how to walk away." 
You look down at your hands. Hotch has been doing his job for a long time, and he can guess what you're thinking from a misaligned finger. You don't feel like you measure up to the woman at reception. You're insecure about Spencer's affection for you, because you can't understand why he likes you so much to begin with. Hotch has thought it about Haley, Derek of Savannah. It's a very human doubt.
"Spencer tends to stand straight," Hotch says, bringing the lip of his paper cup up. "Right now, he's leaning away." 
It's in as simple terms as he can put it without outright telling you that he really, truly believes that Spencer wouldn't bother with anyone who isn't you. That Spencer loves you in the young, all encompassing way, even though neither of you seems to have realised the depth of it yet. 
Confident, no air of the girl frowning down at her hands, you leave the nook to approach Spencer from behind. 
"Hi," Hotch hears you say, "you okay?" 
Spencer visibly relaxes. "Hey, I'm fine. Uh, Y/N, this is Anabelle. Annabelle, this is my partner, Y/N." 
"Partner?" Derek asks. 
It's news to Hotch. Perhaps news to you, if the way you take his hand is any hint. It's like you've never held it before, and Hotch knows you have, he's seen you linking pinkies under tables. 
You strangle his fingers with yours. Spencer doesn't move an inch.
"She was just telling me about the sightseeing you can do here. Have you ever seen the world's longest worm on a string?" he asks you. 
"Hi, Annabelle," you say, turning to Spencer with poorly masked whiplash. "We're gonna try narrowing the search radius." 
"Oh, right." Spencer lets go of your hand in favour of putting a hand behind your shoulder, saying his thank yous and goodbyes to Annabelle before guiding you back to the makeshift BAU base camp. "What took you so long?" 
"What took me so long?" you ask.
"I thought you liked me!" Spencer says, teasing, his voice pitching higher. "I didn't know how to tell her I've already read the pamphlet she was quoting. She seemed nice though, right?" 
"She seemed nice, Spence," you agree, a little wobbly still but a thousand times less sullen than before. "I– of course I like you, you know I like you. Right?" 
Hotch is proud of Spencer for how remarkably he responds. Spencer puts his body between you and Hotch and Derek where they're standing to offer you the privacy you prefer, dropping his voice to match your tentativeness. "Yeah, I know. I was kidding. I think they'd have to reassess my position on this team if I didn't know that." He grabs your arm, thumb pressing into the crook of your elbow. "Are you okay?"
"I thought maybe she was flirting with you." 
Spencer shrugs uneasily. "Maybe. It wouldn't make a difference to me. Do you know that?" 
Your head dips down. Hotch can't hear what you say, honestly, he doesn't want to know. Eavesdropping on the people he cares about in their unhappy moments isn't something he makes a habit of, but it's hard not to hear Spencer's response. "Don't say that," he murmurs. "That's not true… We'll talk about it later, okay?"
You clear your throat. "Yeah. Whatever you want."
Derek doesn't hide that he's been listening very well, pulling a crime scene document up to his eye line as you and Spencer pull apart. Your eyebrows furrow into a glare, but it's Spencer who says, "What?" 
Hotch bites back a smile. Derek grins and holds his hands up in surrender. 
"Just nice to see you taking care of my favourite girl," he smarms.
"Stop. You're extremely unprofessional," Spencer says, helping you into your seat unnecessarily.
"And you're not?" Derek asks, gesturing to his hand where it lingers behind your shoulders. 
You finally chip in, apparently back to your regular self. "Only one of us was responsible for a unit wide HR mandate about inappropriate behaviour." 
"You cannot keep bringing that up." 
"Why not?" 
Hotch takes a sip of his tepid coffee. He'd rather not get involved. 
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izzysillyhandsy · 1 year
It is finally time for me to try writing about The Scene.
There's so much happening and changing within seconds. I feel that the whole history of Edward and Izzy is played out here, for (from their point of view) the last time.
We start off with Ed waking Izzy up, taking out his pistol (to Izzy's confusion) and then handing it to Izzy.
They are close, Ed is calm and fully in the moment. It is such an intimate moment, the way Ed tilts his head down in line with the pistol, never breaking eye contact.
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And Izzy, who at first was trying to fend Ed off, now looks at him like this:
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What is actually going on here? It seems like a return to something they've done before, like a memory of a tender moment. Of course, this is right after Ed tells Iz about the dream. Maybe it's just the closeness, or the fact that this must be the first moment in forever where Izzy is the sole focus of Ed.
But I feel that there is a story there, something in their past that makes Izzy - what is it - happy? Nostalgic? Regretful? I don't see turned on here, it's much softer than that.
"Good for you." (slightly sneering) "It was good for me." (completely sincere)
You don't need me to tell you this has more than one meaning.
Ed touches Izzy's hand as he stands up, "It was just what the doctor ordered."
The first half ends - these were the good times. Spending time together with weapons aimed at each other :). I think this was when both were young and relatively innocent, when life was exciting and the two of them were best friends, possibly even closer than that.
But now the second half starts.
"Anyway, it wasn't even like that."
Also has a double meaning.
"No, in my dream - I was standing. Just like this."
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Ed turns his back to Izzy, making this an execution instead of an act of intimacy.
Izzy first raises the pistol, laughs brokenly and desperately. It feels like this was also a situation they'd both been in before. The laugh sounds like "No, we're not doing this. Once was enough."
I think a similar scene happened when they were young, and the next bit strengthens this theory for me.
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Izzy puts his hand over half his face, his voice changes and he calls Ed "Eddie" for the first and only time in the show:
"Oh, you're scared, Eddie? To sc- to scared to do it yourself?"
Hornigold also calls Ed "Eddie", and I think Izzy is kind of channeling Hornigold here. Maybe, back on Hornigold's ship, Ed was ordered to execute someone and couldn't. And maybe Izzy had to do it for him. Maybe Izzy had to do lots of traumatizing things for Ed. Maybe the person executed was someone Izzy and/or Ed cared about. And maybe Ed started to resent Izzy for it. The way Ed is spreading his arms out, the way it seems almost staged - it's like Ed is saying "kill me like you killed him".
OR maybe this is how Izzy pep-talked Ed into becoming Blackbeard, which would be much darker (and harder for me as an Izzy apologist). But Izzy telling Stede that Ed's complete breakdown is like 50% his fault may point to events in the past where Izzy thought he had to push Ed into the Kraken-zone to secure their and their crew's survival. Maybe he did this often, especially at the beginning of their Blackbeard fuckery.
What is remarkable though is that Izzy hides his face with his hand, then forces out the words, almost choking on them. This clearly has importance and history - nothing so far in the whole show was forced out so violently - so I am heavily leaning towards a traumatic experience for Ed and Izzy both. It definitely crashes Izzy down from his nostalgia-high real quick.
Now Izzy's voice changes back to his own, but he speaks really fast and without inflection, trying to get everything over with:
"Go on clean up your own fucking mess I'm not doing it I've been doing it all my fucking life."
(without thanks I might add)
"Fuck off."
Izzy's finally, finally had enough.
Ed acknowledges, resignedly, and leaves. I think he expected it to go this way.
Izzy shoots himself. I think Ed also expected this.
Ed says he loved him best he could. It's over. He goes to his own death.
This scene is only a few minutes long, but as I said in the beginning, I think they're reliving their whole relationship here, first the good times (which are quickly devalued - "But it wasn't even like that") and the bad times (I did this for you, but for nothing - "Fuck off").
As Ed says to Frenchie, he's had closure with Izzy. He's shown him what it was like for him. Izzy's also had closure with Ed. From now on, Ed has to carry the weight of his decisions himself.
Both die.
(and then both indestructible fuckers come back)
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deltadarlingf1 · 1 year
On the Reality of Dating a Famous/Wealthy Man:
I was going to post this on Twitter but decided I wanted to a do a long form post. So an explanation of this tweet, which was inspired by the screenshot just below it:
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First a disclaimer: I am not at ALL saying Mick is anything like the men I'm about to talk about (I genuinely doubt it). I'm using this response to him hard-launching his relationship as an example of the mindset I see in a LOT of the young female F1 fans. If you read the gossip blogs, you've seen posts like this and worse, particularly on Charles, Pierre, Danny, and Carlos's gfs.
As I said in my tweet, if these young girls knew what it can be like behind closed doors for the WAGs of the rich and the famous, they probably wouldn't make statements like this.
I see a lot of younger fans here on social media posting their imagines and fan fics, and as someone a bit older than them, it does worry me. I know for most people it's simple fantasy and fun, but when I see things like the above I know there are some younger girls that really just don't get it.
My aim in posting this is that maybe it'll be a bit of a reality check for some of those girls. And I don't mean that in a bullying way, I mean that in a "please don't look at these smiling pretty girls with the closet full of designer, perfect body, and seemingly perfect life and feel bad about yourself" way.
Lastly, how do I know any of what I'm about to talk about? I wish I was just chatting shit, but I have lived through all of what I'm posting below as the daughter of a "man" of wealth. His money came from corporate life, not fame, but when you have as much as my "father" did/does, you rub elbows with the famous. Everything I detail below happened to me, my mother, and the wives of my "father"'s coworkers. I'm now watching history repeat itself as I've moved up the corporate ladder and find myself around millionaires and billionaires on a regular basis.
1. The "Starter Wife" Phenomenon
In wealthy circles there's the concept of a "Starter Wife". This is the woman wealthy/famous men marry because they were high school sweethearts, worked together early on, or they dated before the man had his "come up". Sometimes men marry these women and have kids for the SOLE purpose of having the "Family Man" persona. For famous men, this can be good PR. For wealthy men, this can boost their career.
A lot of these men fucking HATE their wives. By the time they have money, they want the freedom of single life back. They can now afford their "dream woman" and loathe being "stuck" with their current wife because of it. Leading to:
2. Serial Cheating
These men have all the money and resources they need to live a double life. Not to mention built-in time and an alibi: They're on the road all the time for their job, work trips, events, etc. No time unaccounted for because they're always working.
Some of those work trips to wine-and-dine clients include runs to the local strip club, escorts, and in some cases some of those escorts are of INCREDIBLY questionable age (in reality, they are victims of trafficking). Again, I wish I was talking out of my ass, I have seen this shit with my own eyes and wish to the Gods I hadn't. Then there's also:
3. Domestic Violence
This is bad enough when it's a wealthy man whose built that "Family Man" persona to protect himself, but it's even worse when they're famous. No one believes the victims, in some cases the woman is financially stuck and can't just take the kids and run when it happens.
And for some women it hard to leave the man they thought their partner was and, yes, to let the lifestyle go. Speaking of the lifestyle there's:
4. The Loneliness
This is a big one for the F1 girlies I see posting their imagines and fanfics and what not. The fairytale of "he'll make time for me because he loves me and I'd be special. I'd be different."
These men are busy as shit. That Cartier Bracelet you envy on these girls is often a "sorry I missed your birthday". The big bouquet of roses is a "sorry I had to leave our trip early." Yes, we know the joke "well at least I can cry in a Ferrari", but that shit will wear on you more than you can believe. I can't tell you growing up how hurt I was when my performances were missed, major dates were forgotten, or my proud life updates were met with "yeah, uh-huh, hold on I have to take this call."
Of course there are good times, of course there's memories you'll cling to, but when you're out, you often realize how alone you felt in the relationship. Lastly, and most poignant with this F1 WAG nonsense:
5. Keeping Up Appearances
You're no longer your own person in a relationship with these men, you are an extension of them. With famous men, you're a part of their "branding".
You have to look a certain way, act a certain way, talk to the right people, have the right friends. In the corporate-wealth world, that means making your partner look good, playing the part of the trophy wife and perfect mother. Smile in front of those coworkers that you know just spent the last business trip drinking, gambling, and cheating on their wives. Wear the right dress to the corporate dinner to make his coworkers envy him, but don't dress too sexy or he'll grow angry and think you're trying to cheat.
If you're dating someone famous, by the GODS, you better look immaculate in every post. You better be there to support him at his events, but if you're there too often you're "attention-seeking". You better have model good-looks, but if you ARE a model, you're "a jobless loser trying to profit on him". Don't post him on your IG, but if you happen to post that you're in the same city as him, you're "dropping hints". If he posts you, it's only because you "probably begged him to".
It's a maddening dance where you cannot win for losing. And once you break up, enjoy letting the world decide if he should have stayed with you, or if they're relieved that he finally got away from "that selfish bitch".
Do what you will with the above. I just wanted to get it off my chest. But I do hope that maybe, MAYBE, it'll give someone that needs it some perspective.
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snow-and-saltea · 6 months
something about titles for stories that sound utterly generic but it ends up being a masterpiece you binge read for two days straight. i love it so much. go read "my in laws are obsessed with me" on webtoon
rambling under the cut; some spoilers but nonspecific and vague
i fkn love so much the show not tell element in this story, it never feels like i'm being spoonfed information by having five speech bubbles in one panel. characters rarely say what they truly think or feel, atmosphere and mood are set solely by composition and art, some of the most heartbreaking and scared ive felt reading this manhwa had NO speech bubbles at all and there was no fancy effects or sfx you'd normally see in comics. the world goes on normally while you see a character in pain, full body wailing with grief at the ache of heartbreak. i teared up and i didnt even know what her voice sounded like, i didnt know what thoughts were going through her mind or the overwhelming bodily sensation of emotional pain that must've wrecked her. the build up of seeing an adaptable, grounded and sometimes cute and awkward person you've gotten to know over 50 ish chapters, only to then see her doubling over in pain and screaming, soundlessly to my ears. one of the most visceral experiences ive had recently.
i don't even care if i sound like im being biased or gassing this manhwa up btw Who Give A Shit bc not me!! i will talk about the things i like about bc i like them!
i love the mc / fl most of all because of how she's such... a neat vessel to the world. not spoiling it about her backstory and disposition and such, but the way she, on paper, sort of fits into that niche of people who don't know how much they matter to people around them. usually in regression / revenge stories with an insecure low self esteem FL, they start out really defensive, angsty / edgy, and then mellow out as they receive love. but our FL is reasonable, even-tempered and logical - that her emotional "insecurity" in regards to being tethered to people around her is mostly rooted in her own "seeing is believing" mentality and understanding, somewhat sympathetically, why people wouldn't / don't like her, and she doesn't really take it to heart.
what's funny is that even when people are subtly showing adoration and love for her, she doesn't know how to take it to heart, and she gets uncomfortable and awkward about it. not in a usually fluffy "this is so moving that i cant respond sensibly" way, the way most loved FLs usually pass by as a marker to Growth, but because it puts her in an awkward situation and she doesn't know what to do about it. she gets a little embarrassed but doesn't overreact, because she probably doesn't realise the depth of their affection and doesn't attribute it to herself directly, but rather by other people's kindness. multiple times she's been surprised at when someone (who didn't before but has now warmed up to her) responds kindly to her inquiries, and while i understand her surprise, it's still funny and a little sad to me that she was prepared to take it in stride if people STILL didn't like her after all the ways she's benefitted them.
in other words pereshati you're my queen and i love you. literally who would not love her. her ease and understanding at being distrusted makes her ironically easier to trust because she doesn't hold anything against you and understand that you need to form your own judgement, even if it doesn't turn out well for her. literally who is doing it like her. queen
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reidslovely · 1 year
Peter’s eyes are absolutely beautiful 😩😩 Have any frat boy peter headcannons? Maybe him trying to get the reader but she doesn’t like greek life (and him being a cocky asshole)
He has gorgeous puppy dog eyes I can't describe them any other way.
Frat boy peter is...mhm if you could see my face. he and I have a interesting relationship because greek life and I are not besties. But we can say Pete is the actual exception. I mean look at him
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You met Peter in your elective sociology course because out of some type of spite your professor told you to look to your right and you'd see your partner for the whole semester. Any discussion board completed had to have both of your names on it, any project you had both would turn in together. Meaning it felt like you spent every waking moment with this geeky asshole. The first thing he did after your first class together was ask you out.
The absolute audacity of this man because what the fuck? You had traded maybe a total of five sentences to one another the whole class. He was cute, you had to give him that..till he opened his mouth.
"Do you want to like go out with me sometime?" "Like to work on our discussion posts? Or the project one like what do you mean Parker?" "No, no." He laughed throwing his head back holding the door to the lecture hall open for you. "Like I take you to a movie, or a bar or something and we get to know each other. A date, you ever been on one?"
How dare he assume you'd never been on a date? You'd been on several dates since getting to ESU, did you look like someone who never went on dates? For that sole reason you turned down his offer, and you didn't feel like listening to him talk about his dumb frat and whatever stupid four year degree he was completing. (He was probably a business major or something.)
However he was a very good sport about it, shockingly, most frat boys would throw a tantrum like a three year old in the you section of a Walmart but Pete was chill. He nodded and said he understood and when, not if, when you changed your mind the offer would stand. What a cocky asshole.
A few weeks later in the semester is when you finally get to know Peter Parker and not Peter the frat boy. He showed up to the library (30 minutes late) soaking wet and shivering. "Where's your jacket?"
"Harry took it, they're doing rush stuff in the rain he needed it more than me." He says shaking his hair out of the ball cap he was wearing, and what was hidden under the hair shocked you.
Peter's dark brown hair that was there in class Monday morning was now a (unevenly) bleached blonde. "What the fuck did you do to your hair." "I didn't do fucking shit to it." He said a laugh in his chest. "Fell asleep in the den woke up being told to rinse my hair out. The older guys got to me for prank week or whatever." "That's fucked up." "Mhm I put itching powder in their after shave and shampoo after don't worry about me pretty girl. I get even." He smirks. "This is why I hate greek life." "Mhm pays for college what can I say. I wouldn't be here without it." You hadn't considered that as the reason Peter joined greek life. You knew they got benefits but, Peter just fit the stereotype to well. "Really?" You asked. "I'm a poor kid from Queens babe, I missed my SATS and ACTs more than three times. It's a wonder they even accepted me into the biophysics department. Then I wanted to double major with biochem and I basically had to get on my knees and beg the frat to let me in and pay for my degree." He laughed looking at you, playfully tapping your arm. "Didn't hurt that my uncle was an alumni, so I'm a legacy." You stared at him like he had three heads, he seemed so real in that moment. Suddenly he wasn't the asshole you met on your first day assuming you'd want to date him, or he wasn't the jackass you saw playing basketball in the front yard of greek row with girls drooling on him. He seemed like everyone else you knew.
You also stared at him because his hair was distracting. Slamming the book shut you put it into your bag, and stood up. "Come on, blondie." His head snapped up at you, eyes squinting a smirk on his face. "Is this you picking up that date offer." "No this is me fixing your hair because this is an eye sore and I feel truly bad for you." You laughed putting his hat on his head pulling it over his eyes. You stood in the middle of your dorm room that night, clipping a pink princess peach towel around Peter's neck as your re-bleached his hair, and he typed up the last few parts of your first project. Having him explain his bad chemistry jokes to you, which he sneakily replied:
"The one spark I know is positive is between us" You rolled your eyes calling him a cheeseball. It seemed that moment on wherever you were Peter went or vice versa. You found yourself in the bio lab with him a lot, working on discussion posts or doing notes while he worked. You two enjoyed each others company, with no labels. You had taken him up on the offer and didn't even notice until you were walking out of the bar a couple blocks from campus, having gotten drinks with him and his frat friends. Who knew you by name before you even walked in. Peter held your hand as he walked you back towards your dorm, a cigarette in his mouth. "You tell your friends about me Parker?" "Yeah I do. I'm slowly indoctrinating you into the greek life." You rolled your eyes in response, nudging him playfully. He laughed blowing smoke out of the side of his mouth, putting his cigarette out on the brick wall. "But no, I told some of them about you the day we first met." "Really?" "Mhm I thought you were fascinating, I couldn't get a word out to you, you were so smart and pretty. Only thing I knew to do was to ask you out and you said no and I had to tell them the moment I thought I feel in love." He jokes. You stopped in your tracked staring up at him. "You are such a..just kiss me." Peter laughed grabbing your face, pulling you into a soft kiss. Hands stroking your cheeks, as you soaked in every second of the moment you can. "Still hate frat boys?" Peter teases. "Little bit..but you're the exception."
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aeor-is-for-reccing · 6 months
Science Fiction: A Shadowgast Rec List
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This week, we have science fiction! Check under the cut for 7 fics that include a lot of space and other sci-fi tropes, and don't forget to comment and kudos if you like them!
The Schwarzschild Solution by dawl_and_dapple (13650, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
A series of meetings between Caleb and Essek across the galaxy.
Reccer says: Loved the build between them and the picture of the universe they live in
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A Tapestry of Stars by Cinderstorm (127981, Not Rated) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn, Rape/Non-con, Dubcon/Consensual Non Consent, Domestic Abuse, WIP
Caleb and Essek end up in a political arranged marriage - in space!
Reccer says: There's so much politics and intrigue and feelings!
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into the desert of your pitiless faith by burningdarkfire (24913, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek is a newly-arrived ambassador in Rexxentrum, Beauregard is his assigned cultural liaison, and Caleb is the consecuted soul at the back of his mind. Empires and Dynasties do not serve: they consume. (A Memory called Empire AU)
Reccer says: So lyrical, and fascinating - you don't need to be familiar with A Memory Called Empire to read it, but reading this fic might make you want to read the novel, and that's a double win in my opinion.
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calling occupants of interplanetary craft by principessa (1273, General) Reccer's Content Notes: None
Essek Thelyss, the sole Vulcan on the USS Eden Horizon, would quite like to be left to his experiments, and for the rest of the crew to stop calling his intellectual discussions with Commander Widogast 'weird science flirt lunch dates.'
Reccer says: It's a lot of fun!
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you must first invent the universe by renquise (3466, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
The Mighty Nein are getting ready for a big fight. Caleb can't seem to sleep while they wait, so he ends up talking with the ship instead.
Reccer says: Absolutely fascinating world building!!
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such a constellation by Chrome (6362, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Exhausted and disillusioned with Starfleet in the aftermath of the destruction of Romulus and the loss of his friend, Romulan maybe-spy Essek Thelyss, Caleb Widogast retires to his parent's farm in Germany with the intent to view the stars through a telescope from now on. But an unexpected arrival changes everything, and Caleb discovers that the wider universe may not quite be done with him yet.
Reccer says: This is a fabulous fusion that encapsulates the wizards so perfectly in a different story. Worth every second of the read!
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Sufficiently Advanced Magic by SaltCore (5880, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Caleb and Essek met Spock, Captain Kirk and the protagonists of the Locked Tomb series? No? Me neither, but I sure am glad I found out!
Reccer says: For one, the origin story of this fic is uniquely wholesome - it came to be as a result of all three pairs reaching the finale of a shipping tumblr poll, to extend an olive branch and honour the ships' place in their fandoms' hearts. Secondly, it's SO funny. There's humour in every little detail and it gives me a Douglas Adams vibe. The characters' voices in their POVs are distinct and endearing too. I keep returning to it when I need my spirits lifted.
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week, we’ll be back with Established Relationships!
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raindropren · 9 months
!!!!!! Secret Life Episode 9 Spoilers !!!!!!
So she was i think 3rd in last life, Won in double life, I think 4th or 5th in limited life, and now, 2nd in Secret life!!
What the F u c k
I love it so much
It really helps all my headcanons tbh, it makes me so happy.
Also why does pearl always survive longer then her allies/teammates(Unless they win)
and by always i mean like, 2 times? 2 and a half? if u count tilly maybe? i do... 2.5 :]
I really do wish joel or bdubs won, mostly joel because it would've been so good but I deffo think scar deserved this win.
I think it wouldve been kind of funny if in the 1v1 battle between scar and pearl.. pearl won... and it's just, awkward cause she... didn't want that. at all.
She wanted scar to win after bdubs and joel died, she wanted to sacrifice her life to scar in the end because she wanted her allies to win.
I also think shiny duo is a tragedy in the end. I really hope someone makes a fanfic about them in secret life cause they just, they, they just, <3 <3 <3
I love them alot
I'm making a theory that Gem might, win the next life seires.
Shiny duo winning their second season, please please please /hj /lh
I've already really loved the pearl fanfics from this season cause omg but I just, i just <3 <3 can't wait to see more!! aaa :D
if i get the motivation i fucking will make a fic about gem and pearl coming back into hermitcraft. They have very similar vibes in the life series(they're fucking crazy, don't mess with them, but also you'd rather be on their side then not(I haven't watched gems life series so if i'm wrong on this one, oopsie) cause they are more loyal then most) and I think it'd be fun to see them coming back and talking to eachother about the season ngl.
Murder camel my beloved, shiny duo my beloved
I also think(if I get the motivation) i'd want to make a fic with Pearl and Bdubs, in hermitcraft, afterwards.
ooo so many ideas, so many ideas so little time and motivation.
i wanna know what would happen if pearl accidentally won, despite not wanting too, if she hit scar just alittle to hard and now she was alone, as the sole 2 time winner. I think AU!pearl would have a mental fucking breakdown but i also think it'd be a fun concept aaaa
I want a fic about Pearl just after Bdubs and Joel died, just crying. like tears down her cheeks when she meets back up with scar and aaaa <3
All these would be my au obviously cause i'm way to obsessed with it but my au is set in canon, mostly. or at least alittle, i'm trying LOL
I'm proud of scar :]
like, i'm proud of all the winners but, i really do feel like scar deserved this win
I might watch his pov at some point, i can't wait for people to tear the angst from scars episodes, they already have alittle but with him winning, I can't fucking wait, omg <3
I'm just so excited now
i'm nhjgofubkhgfubkjhdfjl eee
I really hope gem and pearl team next season instead of just being temporary allies because they are so fun omg
I really hope there's another season cause god they are so good /nf
I can't get enough of life series pearl in my au
which is why i keep mentioning her, i've basically only watched her pov cause I have a hard time watching others. I wanna watch gem, lizzies(it's ies right? i'm bad with spelling names aa), and now scars. stars above, i love this series
secret is probably my new favorite season, idk why, maybe it's because of shiny duo alittle, but y'know :]
There's so much i wish i wanna talk about
like how Pearl said "Always Watching" to BigB
Or just any moment with Pearl and Scott, I miss their last life dynamic alot /pos /notneg
Cleo and Pearls pupper alliance breaking and Pearl saying she really wanted to be allies with Cleo, like I need fics of that so much guys omg (Big MoonRot fan!! ee)
Anytime Gem, Impulse, and Pearl were in a trio together, like omg, It's Soup Group!!! Guys!!! it's them!!! omg!!!!!!!! guys!!
Pearl walking the Warden around like a pro, i love that so much LOL
there's deffo more, but i've typed way to much LOL i just love this so much, it's insane.
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Ikemen fandom, I want your attention!
There's something I wanted to discuss for a long time now. Do you also feel like it's about time we abolish the term "content creation", especially while talking about the fandom challenges hosted around here?
Now, the Ikemen fandom is a somewhat tight-knit community that offers tons of positivity and support for making fanworks. I'm far from the thought that anyone here means any harm while calling others (and themselves) content creators. The truth is, ever since I was a fandom baby - and I'm not sure if the fact that I'm not a native English speaker plays a role in that - I looked at the term as something that simply combines the many forms of fanworks and has a positive connotation to it. It's making things easier when you want to include everyone. You want to say writers and artists and others but there are so many more forms of art and you don't want someone to feel excluded just because you haven't named their medium. And people here are so talented they rarely ever are just one thing. But sometimes we don't realize when a word can be harmful. If you call it content, that implies that it's been "produced" - and if it's produced, then later it can be "consumed". You can read one such post about this issue here that puts it in words better than I can.
That doesn't mean that if you're using the word content you're necessarily supporting this narrative, it simply means that someone can (rightfully) feel offended by that. Here we're used to seeing it around, and we won't think anything about it. But new people are joining our space all the time. Not to mention that Ikemen Villains is soon to release in English, undoubtedly bringing forth a new fave of fans. I can't tell anyone what to do, but I know I don't want to accidentally offend someone. It's a big deal for me, because I put a lot of passion into what I do here. The challenges are born out of my wish to inspire - firstly myself and then others. But it would be meaningless if I'm doing harm in the very title of one such post.
All of this I could discuss solely in front of myself, deciding on how I'm going to proceed with this, but I wanted to make this a public post in order to bring some awareness and hopefully do something positive for our fandom - in case you simply never looked at it this way when it needs to be, in case it really is as important as it seems to me right now. See it as me giving it advice, please! Not telling you what to do. I'm not judging anyone. I just want my friends to value themselves.
Now then, what do we think about a little change in labeling those challenges? I thought of "creative challenge". A double C instead of a triple C after your challenge's name. Not too big of a change but still an efficient one imo! While the people who create are creatives, the ones who create fanworks.
Let me know what you think of this whole thing, even if anonymously - my asks are open. I can't promise to be around much but I'll get to them eventually!
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kharmii · 3 months
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(Title of the book is Violet Agenda Materials)
Geten: (So-and-So) was wearing cat ears and having fun at the (Setsubun) Spring Festival.
Dabi: I don't care.
(Smoke sputters and sparks out of Dabi)
Geten: The smoke is amazing, Blue Flame?
(Under cut for inappropriate adult material featuring a cat costume with butt plug)
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Geten: A soldier gave me these cat ears because he happened to have an extra pair. I want to see you wearing them.
Dabi: Just so happened, huh. *Emanating smoke*
Geten: *teasing seductively* I want to insult you while laughing behind your back as you imitate the bastard, and I want to attack you until you cry and beg for forgiveness from me, and I want you to die just like that.
Or rather, the room stinks, I'm going to die.
Just imagining Blue Flame feeling miserable in this costume makes me excited.
Dabi: ...This is why those who have not completed compulsory education... (A joke about how they were having a Team Violet meeting that went off track. Also, Geten is naive about sex.)
Geten: A soldier gave this to me because he happened to have it.
Dabi: Just so happened, huh.
Geten: Is it a tail? How do you attach it in this shape? He said he (soldier who gave it to him) would buy the photos for 300,000 yen and the videos for 1,000,000 yen.
Dabi: Hey, leave it to me. I'm good at photography. I'm practicing filming. It's the commander's job to satisfy the soldiers' twisted desires.
Geten: You're the damn cat, so wear it, Blue Flame, I want to see it.'
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Oops...Dabi runs too hot.
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Geten was sleeping normally, and he woke up covered in ice and water.
Meanwhile, Dabi is loving it. He feels cooler than ever.
(Geten runs cold when he sleeps, but he doesn't usually melt unless Dabi is there. Geten is mildly annoyed).
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Geten: *full of fervor* ReDestro! For ReDestro! All for ReDestro!
Dabi: *sarcastically* You had a wonderful life. Poor guy.
Geten: (Unimpressed by his lack of enthusiasm) Don't think that a half-hearted flame will melt this ice.
Dabi: *doubles down in a perky tone to be a smart-ass* You've lived a wonderful life! Oh poor you!
Geten: My palate has become refined from the Meta Liberation Army's high-class cuisine, so I shouldn't be eating so much junk food! *bolts down food*
-But if you can do it, I'll try to cope! I'll accept it every day and every meal!
Dabi: He lived a wonderful life. Poor guy......
(Comic is a play on their first meeting when Geten was sent to kill Dabi, the League of Villains long-ranged attacker. Geten talked about how he never went to school because he was devoted solely to training his meta abilities, and Dabi had replied sarcastically, "What a wonderful life. NOW DIE!!" They had opposite upbringings. Dabi's neglectful douchebag father was a hero who meant well. Geten was raised by a villain father figure who loved him and valued his abilities, and yet he was extremely sheltered, raised in a most appalling manner and taught terrible ideals).
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(Where Geten hears Dabi telling him over and over about how he 'lived a wonderful life' but he doesn't understand he's being sarcastic. He tries to share his happiness with him in an eerily touching way).
Dabi: I've lived a wonderful life. Poor you...
Geten: Blue Flame.... If you want to hear more about me and ReDestro's wonderful story, just say so.
Do you need life counseling? For clothes, go to Detonerat. Support Item Development Department. Just ask for a support item you need. Look, this is the application form. For meals, there is a request box in the cafeteria. This is the request form.
If you have any questions about housing, there is a support person at the Meta Liberation Army Lifestyle Consultation Desk. Tower man is free for executives.
This is about lifelong financial support for executives and a list of professional introductions to tax evasion fraud. If you want to earn money steadily, the job magazine for PLA soldiers is "Destro☆Byte.
Dabi: Don't you try to make me live a wonderful life?
(Dabi and Geten are opposites and also kind of the same. They both are emotionally stunted from living questionable childhoods. Dabi might recognize something wrong with Geten's relationship with ReDestro/MLA but also at the same time, envy him).
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Art credit: hrak (yaoi), Dabi, Apocrypha / Twitterログ15【外荼外】 - pixiv
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nomorefstogive · 1 year
Path To Nowhere Headcanons: Langley
Good Evening ladies, gentlemen, and all things that lie between, and welcome to this newest display of our wanton insanity. While we work on updating our Genshin Impact story, A Guide To Mending Broken Wings, on Ao3, we have decided to have a bit of fun with something that is somewhat novel to us.
That being our attempts at headcanons, this one focusing on the SFW ones as we plan to make a second one to focus solely on the NSFW ones, without managing to make an entire damn fic out of each entry lol. In particular, we will be starting with our headcanons for the sinners of PTN, with all of that said, let us begin!
Ah! We will also be using a Female Chief when we mention the Chief in this fic, we hope this does not bother anyone, but yuri is a passion of ours and fem chief was practically born for being paired with all of the lovely and dangerous ladies of PTN. 
First up, we have the Silver Spider of Dis herself, head of the 9th Agency and wielder of a gun to make Alucard from Hellsing ultimate proud-
SFW Headcanons
1. Like Zealous-Box on Reddit, I believe she is actually a rather nice boss to work under, although I also see her having the mentality of 'These are my agents to bully and not yours' and as such will not tolerate any outside factors weighing down on them. Debt? She'll subtly pay off the one they owe. An issue with their kids' schooling? Welp, that school is under investigation now. And so on.
2. She has trust issues as a result of having been betrayed many times in the past. It's the reason she is so quick to put a 'Mark' on someone, so if they betray her she can put them down as soon as possible, however, it can also serve as a sign of trust to those who have proven themselves to her.
A way of saying 'I always have your back, so long as you don't double cross me,' as she could use the 'Mark' to find them if need be. Of the few people she trusts, the Chief is the newest to a very small circle and as such is under her watch.
3. The Chief is her 'Little Rookie,' and no one else's. She is their superior and she will not tolerate anyone else trying to poach someone who is hers from her.
If someone tries to give the Chief an order, she will tell the chief to ignore it, before she has a nice 'Talk' with the person who tried to order her rookie. Said talk may involve her cane and their skull becoming intimately familiar with one another.
4. She hates the Old Men who run Dis. She finds them to be both incompetent and Corrupt to the point she has many times fantasized about removing them and playing kingmaker to find suitable replacements for them, but the threat of Pharma and others keeps her from going through with said dreams, afterall it is better the Devil you know then the unknown ones. She is loyal to the city, not the suit-clad rats that run it.
5. She sleeps with her pistol under her pillow. She likewise has one on her nightstand, another strapped under the bed, and many more scattered all across her home. She even has her room at Minos, it is less a cell and more a room because the Chief has accepted they are largely running more of a rehabilitation center/halfway home/apartment complex at this point, outfitted with several guns of varying caliber hidden across it.
6. She treats her stay at Minos like a vacation from her superiors, and can often be found napping with her hat pulled down over her face and her cane over her lap, Lady Maria style, or doing any other number of things to help try and relax from all the stupidity she deals with daily.
7. She encountered Suspect R once, the event left her absolutely terrified of the woman to the point of suffering nightmares of the woman and her power for several months afterward, this being what led to her meeting Chameleon, who came to be her counselor.
To this day she is terrified of meeting the woman again, and fears that should that day come she may not be able to muster the courage to actually face her. What makes it all the more traumatic to her, is that R did not even try to fight her, she simply overwhelmed her by virtue of her sheer presence alone, and this has led to Langley fearing the idea of just what the woman is capable of if she actually tries to fight.
8. Like KhandiMahn on Reddit, I think that she does collect cute things, although I personally feel she collects things such as children story books and fairy tales and has a single stuffed animal that has been with her since childhood, where it was her only real friend, that she has kept well maintained all these years.
She cannot sleep well without her stuffed animal and would more than likely have a panic attack should it be destroyed. The Chief earns brownie points with her when they find it laying around in the washroom and patch it up before she finds them fixing it in their office, Langley almost begging them to give it back to her with the chief doing so and agreeing to not tell anyone else while Langley hold her old friend to her chest.
Needless to say, Langley threatens them to keep quiet despite what they have said and heads off to get some actual sleep, the chief smiling at their superiors' antics as she leaves.
9. She is not a morning person, at all. Her subordinates consider the idea of waking her up early to be the equivalent of walking into the Rust without a weapon and with a neon sign strapped to your chest saying 'Eat Me'. She is in fact barely coherent or aware until she has coffee in her, and is in particular quite fond of Summer's coffee, the one that keeps the Chief up for a whole day in the supervision incident, though it barely affects her.
10. She suffered a leg injury that makes her occasionally have issues with her balance while walking, hence her cane. She added all of the gizmos and gadgets it contains later on, and has recently had Summer update some of them. Among them being a taser-like function that packs as much punch as a cattle prod, an option to remove the handle, which is attached to a small pistol, and a needle filled with adrenaline with a separate one being filled with sedative.
11. She cannot stand spicy food and has a not so secret sweet tooth. In particular, she is quite fond of strawberry or blueberry flavored ice cream but also enjoys coffee flavored versions of the frozen treat as well. She has a separate freezer in her home that is filled with nothing but ice cream. Her subordinates know about it but are wise enough to not say anything because she frankly deserves it given all she has to deal with. 
12. She frequently has migraines and as such carries around a pair of ear plugs, a pair of sunglasses, and a bottle of aspirin, as strong as she can obtain it without going on the blackmarket, and has a special room in her home and cell that is outfitted with complete sound proofing and no windows. 
Her subordinates have come to recognize the signs of one beginning to form, and will work to get her out of whatever situation she is in and either back to her home or to somewhere she can ride out the oncoming pain till it passes. 
The Chief encounters her when one is forming and takes her to their office to rise out the pain with them pulling down blackout curtains and giving her a pillow to rest her head on as they go to leave, only for Langley to stop them and ask them to stay with her during it and until it passes. 
13. She is somewhat touch starved, but she has had bad experiences with physical contact from her childhood and from her struggles throughout her life, and as such is somewhat adverse to it. 
That said, once she feels she can trust someone implicitly, of which there are few, she will typically be the one to initiate contact, typically through light brushes against their shoulders or by threading their fingers together.
If she ever reaches the point of allowing for herself to embrace someone, or allow for them to embrace her, then it becomes readily apparent that she is quite clingy and will allow for just how touch starved she is to become apparent as she tries to maintain contact for as long as possible or initiate it whenever it is possible for her to do so.
It will be worse still if she has nothing to do, and she knows the one she is holding has nothing to do, in which case they had best be prepared for a lengthy stay.
14. She has something of a fascination with spiders, often pausing to admire their webs whenevers she gets the chance, or allowing them to scurry across her hand or nest in the corners of her home, she also has a terrarium filled with various breeds from harmless if annoying Jumping Spiders, to lethal Brown Recluse and Black Widow spiders. 
Curiously, even the most hostile breeds of arachnids seem to be somewhat docile in her presence and also seem to display something akin to obedience to the Silver Spider of Dis, perhaps owing to an unknown attribute of her Sinner Power or for other unknown reason. 
She is particularly proud of having managed to get her hands on, and subsequently raise, a Female Goliath Bird Eater that she has named Spook, it is unknown if the Spider is normal or not, as it has lived for almost 10 years past its life expectancy and has shown remarkable intelligence. 
All of that said, the chief most certainly did not appreciate it when Spook landed on her shoulder while visiting Langley, the ensuing scream could be heard well across the Bureau and most of Dis.
15. Her driving is…let us just say it is something that necessitates boeing both soundly buckled in for, and having made sure that your last will and testament is in order, as Langley tends to pay less attention to speed limits and traffic laws, than she does on getting where she needs to go fast.
There are many reasons her agents trip over themselves to drive her somewhere, and most of them are owed in part to the sheer amount of accidents she has caused over the course of her time behind the wheel. 
16. She has a somewhat odd relationship with Tetra and Bai Yi, as she has hired the 2 to do jobs for her, and by extension the 9th Agency, before and while she has had many complaints about Bai Yi’s antics in the past, she cannot help but admit that the 2 are among her most trusted independent contractors for when she needs something done outside of her own jurisdiction. 
She occasionally provides them aid by subtly having charges against them revoked, or by having them bailed out of sticky situations, though she always expects them to repay her in some way once she has done so. 
17. She has something of a rivalry with Eirene, the two often being found playing chess against one another and speaking, though few of those who have managed to find them during these games are able to understand just what it is they are speaking about. 
This rivalry also manifest as Eirene going out of her way to purchase assets the 9th Agency is interested in, be it structures and companies, or hiring individuals they were interested in recruiting and then using them as leverage to force LAngley to play further games with her both at the negotiating table and at the chess board. 
18. She has a fascination with Crache and has her eye on her as a potential recruit for the 9th, her ability to effectively control shadows and to appear out of nowhere having the potential to make for not only a lethal agent but perhaps also someone that, if taught correctly, could become a greater legend than even herself in the fields of espionage. 
For now though, she is content merely monitoring the girls growth and ensuring she continues to develop along the right paths, occasionally she will provide little tests and challenges for the girls ability as well as subtly raising the education level of her tests to see her strive to grow, but outside of that she is keeping her hands off of her for fear of a certain nurse catching wind of her interest.
She despises needles and someone with a gun that shoots them is as such quite a bother for her to deal with. 
19. She once attempted to deal with Nightingale’s work out of curiosity for just what the adjutant has to deal with on a daily basis, she promptly had a small mental breakdown after the first hour, crashed from an overdose of caffeine near the third, had another mental breakdown near the fourth, and upon seeing just how much was left gave up and fled to her cell.
She has since made it clear that no one is to speak ill of the Adjutant, be they Sinner or Agent from the 9th or otherwise, any person who can handle that much bullshit and not lose their minds deserves not only the highest of praise, but also whatever the hell else they want or need, whenever they want or need it. 
20. She has a personal stamp made in the image of a widow like spider with a hypercube on its thorax that she uses to stamp all of her documents with, she once attempted to add a webbing design to it…it did not work like she thought it would and resembled more solid circle of ink than anything else and so she tossed the web and went back to the simpler spider design.
21. Her main gun is called the “Silver widow”, she has several spares with similar names, from a sniper rifle called the “Black Widow”, to a shotgun called the “Brown Recluse”, she has likewise had each of the weapons inscribed with the design of the spider they are named after, her main gun bearing the only custom emblem out of the lot with it being her own spider symbol, a widow like spider with a hypercube in place of an hourglass on the thorax. 
22. She shares a feeling of fond exasperation for the Chief and her usual aids, Hella and Hecate, as while they do get results, their methods tend to be…rather unique and occasionally very entertaining to watch and or hear about, but she is also somewhat wary of the most unlikely of the two Sinners for her own reason. 
She sees the Chief as something of a protege, though it could also be argued she seems to have a borderline romantic interest in them, or perhaps it is the growing bond between them simply showing just how lonely she truly is behind the mask of the leader of the 9th.
Regardless she tends to go out of her way to keep an eye on the eccentric Chief of Minos, occasionally going out of her way to aid them from the shadows or protect them from the various elements of Dis that just seem incapable of grasping just under whose protection they are.
As for Hecate, she finds the quiet and artistic girl to be somewhat pleasant to be around, always silent unless she is spoken to or needs to speak and always sketching she is one of the very few to have encountered Langley while she was having a migraine and not earned a bullet between the eyes as she closed the curtains of the room they were in and gave her a pillow to put her head on. 
When she asked why she helped her, Hecate merely looked at her and tilted her head before saying; “You have been kind to the Chief, and the Chief says I should help people if they are in pain, and you looked like you were in pain. Is that not a good enough reason?”
Langley will deny to her dying breath that she gave the young woman a head pat after she said that, and Hecate herself will be strangely quiet on the subject, though there will be a faint glimmer in her eyes at the memory. 
Since then, she has had something of a soft spot for the young woman, typically it is one shown by making sure she is alright upon returning from a mission or by encouraging her to grow beyond her current state of being, typically by arranging tests for her or challenging her to chess, she can proudly say the young woman is showing progress in her growing education.
As for Hella, one would expect her to despise the feral gremlin of Syndicate, what with her foul tongue, disrespect for authorities, and penchant for causing trouble wherever she goes, but in truth she finds her to be quite entertaining as all it takes to cause a spectacle is to say the right words to wind her up and then point her at something as she watches the fireworks. 
She also harbors a grudging respect for the young girl, as at one point she found herself confronted by Hella in one of the many hallways of Minos, the Syndican casually leaning against a wall as Ninety-Nine leaned against the wall across from her.
She had been intrigued from the moment she saw the oddly calm and composed look in the little gremlin’s eyes as she pushed herself off the wall and walked towards her, stopping in front of her and looking up just enough to meet her eyes as she spoke up in an oddly calm voice.
What followed was something she did not expect, the little B-Rank Sinner meeting the eyes of the Spider of Paradiso, an S-Rank Sinner with a kill count in the hundreds if not thousands, and telling her that she didn’t trust her, nor did she like her authority over the Chief, but she would tolerate them.
But if she betrayed the Chief, if she betrayed them or hurt them in anyway…well Ninety-Nine’s fist striking the hypercube reinforced wall with enough force to cause cracks to spider web across the wall and dust to fall to the ground as she pulled her mutated hand out of the pit she had born through it with one strike finished her sentence. 
The display was met with her aiming her pistol at the younger Syndican fast enough neither could blink before the cold metal was aimed at her forehead, the taller Syndican snarling as her eyes began to burn crimson as her power began to surge, only for Hella to do something that caught them both off guard.
She laughed.
She looked Langley dead in the eye, and she laughed as she lifted up her hand and pulled the gun flush against her forehead, the cold steel meeting her skin in a frigid kiss as she unblinkingly met Langley’s gaze.
“Go ahead, pull the trigger you eight legged Eastside bitch. We both know you don’t have enough bullets or strength to keep me from coming back before you can put Ninety-Nine down, and how long do you think that fancy cane will keep us back huh? Think a taser and a few knives and a little pea shooter are going to stop us for more than what? A few minutes? An hour? Doesn’t fucking matter, eventually one of us will break it, then what? How long will you last with that bad leg of yours? I give you about 10 minutes before one of us breaks it again, and this time you won’t have anyone to save you. So go ahead cow, put one between my eyes, I. Fucking. Dare. You.”
As Hella spoke she had reached her hand up to grip Langley’s wrist and begin to rest her smaller, yet more heavily calloused hand, over hers and begin to push down on the trigger finger after she thumbed the hammer back, never once breaking her gaze as she and Langley kept meeting each others eyes. 
Langley could feel Ninety-Nine’s gaze on her as she moved closer to her sun’s side, her posture telling Langley that the moment she squeezed the trigger, she would be fighting the brute up close and personal and she doubted even a round from her gun would stop her.
And so, she pulled her gun back and gave an amused chuckle to the young woman and her hulking companion. 
She looked down into Hella’s eyes and offered her a simple nod of understanding as she holstered her gun and began to walk away, the pair letting her pass with their peace said, though she soon stopped to call over her shoulder to them.
“I’ve known some of the best FAC soldiers and Agents in my life, and none of them have even half the guts you do brat, I look forward to seeing how you’ll turn out, little girl from Syndicate.”
Since then she has kept a close eye on the little gremlin, all the while wondering just what is truly going on in the head of the little B-Rank that had the guts to stare her down like that, because now that she has seen a glimpse of what lays behind the facade of a brat, she can’t help but wonder just what kind of beast stands beside the Chief. 
23. She is bi-sexual, but prefers either females or feminine or effeminate looking males, she is also one to very much wear the pants in any relationship, though she will have her softer moments, especially after a long day of dealing with the bullshit she deals with and her leg beginning to ache on her.
All she will want after visiting her partner afterwards, is to have her leg massaged while she closes her eyes and gets some sleep as she dreams of the day when she finally snaps and sets her paperwork on fire. 
24. She can be quite protective of those she has grown close to, and even more so in regards to those she considers friends or potential partners. Expect the Spider’s web to be thoroughly wrapped around these individuals as she maintains near constant surveillance of them and those around them.
Any fool going after them will have not only the Spider herself after them, but all of the 9th gunning for them as well, because their boss has earned those few treasured individuals after all the shit she has been through and anyone that tries to take those that make her happy from her, had best start digging their grave, cause whatever gods they worship have washed their hands of them. 
And that is about all for the Headcanon we have for the silver Spider of Paradiso at the moment, we may come up with some more in the future but for now this is where we will be ending this little chapter of this mess. 
Till next time, take care and stay safe everyone.
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godbirdart · 1 year
Heyo, hope you're doing well and healing from surgery continues to go smooth. I'm not sure if this was asked before and hope it's an okay ask. How do you usually allocate your time between doing commissions, personal art, life, and everything in between?
let me start with: i have a very very unhealthy work life. i'm not gonna sugarcoat it, not gonna glorify The Grind™ because What I Do Is Unhealthy. It's an ongoing issue, and in recent months I've been trying to do more to fix it.
I habitually put in 12+ hour days, often five or six days of the week. I will be at my tablet from dawn until dusk. This isn't always spent drawing; it's also emails, website updates, menial administrative things and promoting my work. This is solely because I am a chronic workaholic. Even as I was recovering from this major surgery at the beginning of the month, Physically Unable to do much for the first week, my mind kept fussing over the work I needed to get done when I got back. It's Very difficult for me to relax and simply Do Nothing.
Now, this isn't to say I don't see people or talk with friends. I do, I socialize as much as my introverted self can handle. But my work has very plainly taken over my life to the point that it's eclipsed any personal alone time I could have. Tragically, it's a double-edged sword. I would love to be whisking my matcha and enjoying it in a little sunbeam but alas, bills keep knockin at my door.
That, and I genuinely Do Love working!! I love drawing for people!!
ALL THAT SAID THOUGH, I recently relocated over the summer. My new location offers a lot more opportunity to separate work and personal time with a physical barrier. It's easy to say "oh I can do little a work as a treat" when your tablet is Right There. Now that it's jailed in its own room I've found it a bit easier to say "no, I need a breather today actually" and sit down on my balcony and simply watch the world or play the video games I've been neglecting all year. I'm also making adjustments with my workload to better fit the schedule I need. If I keep chipping at this and taking the breathers I'm supposed to, I should have it all sorted by the end of the year. I have amazing people behind me kicking my ass and swatting me with a broom every time I try to overwork, and I'm grateful to have them to keep me in check while I straighten out my work-life balance. I have so many MXTX books I need to finish I want to read about my blorbos so bad ;;
TLDR: I work too much and am doing my best to get a grip on it. I want to be able to actually take a Real vacation for a month someday.
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highfantasy-soul · 7 months
Moments I loved from NATLA Episode 4 - Into the Dark ❤️️❤️️
Aang and Iroh interacting more - love that they're not friendly to each other, per se, but it builds a foundation that makes their later respect make sense
The Earth Kingdom being harsh with their 'fallen foes' is nice to seed in here as in the animated version (season 1), most of the 'bad' stuff was relegated solely to the Fire Nation
The Earth Kingdom is no pushover and it's nice to see that early
Sokka defending his dad "My dad would have never done what you did" even after he commiserated with the Mechanist about his dad 'not valuing' what Sokka could bring to the table.
Though Sokka is frustrated that his dad doesn't see "him", he knows his dad is an honorable man doing his best and when Sai tries to use him as an example of 'doing the wrong thing just to survive', love that Sokka calls him on it
Like them introducing this now - all old buildings have secret passages - it's just a law
Teo's "its time to fight!" attitude - love it. He's so ready to stop cowering and wants to hit back
Flopsy statues!!!!!
Rolly ball throne? Nice touch
"Bumi? BUMI!!" :D
"You did 🤨" Love how Aang keeps his "I'm just gonna say the truth and I don't care if that's 'not allowed' I'm gonna do it anyways because your social rules are stupid" attitude
Katara's water pouch!!
Love the shake in Jet's voice as he tells Katara "I am nothing like the firebenders"
Katara's assessment is shallow on her part, but the core has a ring of truth - no, freedom fighters aren't the same as their oppressors, but when you start harming your own people to hurt the enemy, then you really have lost sight of what's right and wrong - why you're fighting.
I love Jet, especially this version of him, but yeah, no touchy
And Katara is absolutely right: Jet might have helped her through her block, but her power, that's all hers.
What are you going to do, Zuko?? What choice will you make!!??
Love that we're getting this choice of his here in Omashu
Bumi's puns 😭 kill me now - though very canon accurate
Like the vibe that everyone just has to laugh as to not anger him - there's less of a whimsical madness vibe to Bumi here and a more serious - yeah, this guy is our leader vibe that's quite unsettling
The tonal shift with Bumi did give me pause, but I like how the writers kept the jokes, the games, his eccentricities, but shifted the vibe to make them darker
In the cartoon, whimsy might work, but if you think about it realistically, that leadership style would NOT work during a war - a 100 year war, at that.
Sokka getting into that maraca - you let your little musical heart fly
"What are you doing here?" "We're doin' what we're doin'" :)
Oma and Shu lesbian supremacy!!!
Always get chills when this story is told
Lol Sokka's "There's no such thing as angry spirits." Right before the episode where they're kidnapped by an angry spirit XD
Love the switch up of the rocks not really being the path out - keeping us animated show fans on our toes as to what the lesson will be this time
Everything about the Earth Kingdom soldier's interaction with Iroh - all of it is just so good.
The cartoon glossed over Iroh's warmongering past - but he did do terrible things that hurt so many people. No, 'it was war, I was a soldier' is not an acceptable excuse (we didn’t accept it with Jet, so why the double standard for a ROYAL MILITARY GENERAL??)
The funeral scene
Leaves from the Vine
Zuko offering a soft and kind memory of Liu Ten instead of just talk about him being a soldier
Zuko sitting next to Iroh so he won't be alone!!!!!!!!!
The conversation between Katara and Sokka in the cave where she talks about how Jet helped her and Sokka how Sai helped him - then Katara reminding Sokka that when he was forced into a leadership position for the Southern Water Tribe, he didn't have anyone to help him through that
The concept of us all needing people to help us through our journeys is so important and really comes around at the end of the episode and just through the entire series
Is it bad that all I could think about was how cute it was the entire time it was on screen?
Dallas Liu is so. Freaking. Good. At. His. Stunts!!!!
And the first mention of the theme Zuko struggles with of compassion being weakness!
Sokka's little 'thanks!' as Katara saves him from the badgermole XD
Seriously, all the little touches in Ian Ousley's performance are great
Idk why Sokka assumed the badgermole was a man, that's clearly a dignified lady
The power of sibling love guiding the badgermole was a great alteration from the OG - if they can be controlled through music, they can definitely respond to emotions
Bumi's whole speech here - and his willingness to get crushed - is what brought me around on this portrayal of him
He's right: it's a game where you have to make impossible choices - you have to fight even when you don't want to (a much more poignant message for Aang than 'look at things a different way')
The power of friendship saves the day!!!
"You CAN rely on your friends - and that's the only way I'm going to save the world: with my friends"
"You think like a child" (derogatory) "Is that really so bad?" (genuine)
Bumi made Appa's whistle!!! 😭😭😭😭
One last time Zuko chooses protecting his uncle over capturing the Avatar 🥲
"Everything I need is right here on this boat" 😭😭😭
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
(@whysamwhy123 requested the Hook and Jack flashback party scene from that spooky lighthouse AU and Sam is amazing SO HERE YOU GO, SAM ❤️❤️❤️ i am supposed to be writing other things but my grandfather is not doing great and is being moved to hospice so i am sort of just choosing some joy today)
Honestly, as far as house parties go, it's got to be one of the best Jack has ever been to. It's hard to beat a mom's vacation home purchased solely with the money won in the divorce because dad was caught cheating; making the best of a situation like that and outfitting it with a hillside infinity pool and a sprawling patio around it? Amazing. And letting your college kid throw a rager there while you vacation in Naples with your new surgeon boyfriend? Well. Jack’s a big fan of that lady already.
He's also a biiiig fan of whoever decided that kegs were for losers and set up the full bar out near the fire pit. They hired an actual bartender. He's standing next to the professional DJ. Fuck, Jack loves college.
He does not, however, love that his roommate is here, too, only because they've been trying to get a room switch for months and the RA is dragging his feet so bad. Hook is moody and scowly and speaks in monosyllables at all times, and Jack just doesn't have time for this. Random room match-ups should be illegal.
Jack takes another swig of his drink. He doesn't even know what it is, since he stopped asking three glasses ago, but it's delicious and goes down without burning, and ah shit, there's Hook: leaning over the rail of the patio with all the sparkling Bay lights beyond. Jack's just drunk enough not to turn away.
"Enjoying yourself?" he asks, and Hook startles, surprise flashing before his face settles into annoyance.
"Go away," Hook says.
"Ooh, two words. That's double your usual; well done."
It seems like Hook has also had enough of the extremely well-made drinks to finally start down this path they’ve been trying to avoid since the start of term to prevent casualties, because he shifts to face Jack. He's got that face on, the one Jack already knows means he is sinking his heels down to ready for battle. "Maybe I just don't want to talk to you, so I don't."
"This is a rare miracle," Jack says. His blood is singing. "So many words at one time! Are you exhausted now? Do you need to lay down?"
"You know what? Fuck you."
"Are you offering?" Jack asks, because he can't help it.
Hook leans in, all flushed cheeks and tangled hair desperately in need of a brush, and his stupid fucking rabbit teeth are very white when he grins. "Would you like that, then?"
"I might," Jack says, and oh. Okay. Fuck. He didn't mean to say that. He probably needs to make a joke, walk that back, not tell his roommate that he hates things that he's been keeping close for years and years. "I'm not really sure, you know, it's kind of one of those things..."
Double fuck. Triple fuck. Why is his mouth still moving. What did the bartender put in this drink?
He expects Hook to either laugh or punch him, honestly, and he's very, very surprised when Hook does neither. Instead, his face opens up a little bit, features going slack.
"Something to use against me, right?" Jack says, jittery and anxious. "Just so you can—"
"Wait," Hook says. He holds a hand up, swaying ever so slightly from side to side as he shakes his head. "No. I mean, yes. Uh...me, too."
"You too, what?"
"Um, the whole...maybe...thing."
Jack blinks. "Oh. Really? You're not just fucking with me right now?"
"Uh, no?"
Huh. That's...unexpected, in a way. Jack feels significantly less alone all of a sudden, and it helps a lot that Hook now appears uncomfortably vulnerable. It's not an expression Jack has seen on the other much. "Maybe, huh?"
"Well, it's hard to..." Hook shrugs. Definitely uncomfortable. His hands are shoved so far down in his pockets Jack thinks he might pull his jeans clear off. "...find an opportunity to figure it out."
"Yeah, right? How do you just ask someone that?"
They fall into silence. Someone on the other side of the pool starts up a chant for shots, and the crowd around the bar grows; there are enough people, all in various states of inebriation, that no one is paying attention to the two of them standing off by the railing.
Finally, just as Jack gathers the remnants of his courage and focus and begins, "Do you think we—?" and at the same time Hook sort of shudders and starts, "Could we maybe—?"
They both stop, mid-sentence. Then Jack sets his drink on the railing. "Yeah."
"Okay," Hook agrees.
They meet in the middle. Jack's angle isn't great, but, like, it's not terrible, either. It's kind of a hesitant, fumbling thing at first, and Jack closes his eyes because it's definitely different with Hook's stubble, the squareness of his jaw. It's...it's not bad. He likes the way he can smell Hook's stupidly expensive aftershave, likes when he sinks his fingers into Hook's hair and it's all short in the back. Actually, this...yeah, this works. Hook kisses with the same almost-arrogant confidence he carries around with him all the time, and when he tugs Jack forward, Jack sees no problem with complying. It's not really that much different, kissing a guy, except that it is, and Jack thinks it might be an internal thing tallying all the differences up. Hook parts his lips, and Jack sweeps his tongue in, and they sort of stay like that, in an unexpected sort of exploration, for a minute or two.
Then they break apart. Jack runs his tongue along his own mouth, tasting the remnants of whatever Hook is drinking. They are both quiet.
"But maybe not you," Hook says.
"Oh thank god," Jack replies. "Yes, exactly."
"The rest of it though..." Hook pauses. "Yeah, this...this is a thing."
"Do you think we have to go buy pride flags now?"
Hook considers this. "Surely there's, like, a grace period before you have to do that, right?"
"God, I hope so," Jack says. "You wanna go back home? I feel like I've just had some kind of exhausting emotional revelation and the last half hour of songs have really sucked."
Hook whips his phone out, tapping wildly. "Yeah, let's grab an Uber. I'll order one. You wanna watch a movie or something? Get some take-out?"
"I would kill for fries right now."
They run into their RA the next week in the hall, holding a clipboard and a bunch of papers. He holds the pile up. "I got your roommate change approved, finally. You wanna sign now?"
"What?" Jack asks. "Oh, no, man, we don't need that anymore."
The RA's eyes look like they're going to pop out of his head. "What do you mean you don't need it anymore? You sent me 37 emails about it."
"Well, that was before."
"In a week."
Jack turns to Hook, who shrugs his backpack on. "Can you imagine dealing with a new roommate right now?"
"Nightmare material," Hook says. "Let's go, lunch gets crowded at the Union and I've got Econ at 1."
"Cool, I'm ready."
They leave the RA in the hall having some sort of nervous breakdown, but that seems like a him problem, really.
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koolades-world · 1 month
alright so, quick idea regarding reopening requests! please read more if you're interested in making a requests :) yapping and some probably scuffed math ahead just fyi lol. if you've made one while requests have been closed, please read this too!
i've been thinking about it, and as soon as I get down to a manageable amount, i'd implement this system. right now, i have 77? i think which is a lot but much better than it was before. i believe i started with about 120 something. considering that, i don't think it would go into action until november. if i reopen them in november, if i make a request post everyday and am keeping up with spellbound secrets, i would have 12 requests left, which seems like a good number to reopen on. that's only if i don't go on a reduced posting schedule, and if i solely make posts based on requests. fall term begins in about a week for me, so i'll be getting busier with schoolwork and may not have as much time as i do now. i also love to write things that make me happy, and as well as making posts for holidays, which would mean more requests gone unwritten.
so i'm thinking for the first week of every month, they'll be open. they wouldn't close until midnight of the seventh day or until i hit 30. i hope it never gets to that point, but i figured it would be good to add a cap. this number may change either if i feel like it needs to be raised or lowered. then i'd shut them, work on what i received. rinse and repeat for the next month. it ensure my inbox isn't too full, and that you get your request done in about a month! of course, when we get closer to reopening them, i'll make another post and update my pinned :)
i'm not sure how many other people have been having this problem, but i've been noticing that things i know have been in my inbox aren't there when i haven't touched them, requests will duplicate themselves, or they'll be in an order that they definitely weren't in before. i think it had to do with the fact that i have so many items in my inbox. of course, these issues resolve themselves, but there's no set time for when they'll return to normal. i don't think anything has vanished for good, but i have no way of knowing. i don't want any requests to slip through the cracks. if i accidently do one that was duplicated, it just further delays requests that actually need to be done.
this is the reason i've been deleting requests that have been made while i've had them closed. i hate to sound rude, but it's not too hard to read my pinned post especially when the text for my inbox is "read pinned post" or something along those lines. i even made it simpler to see that requests were closed by not having it under a read more and bolding it. it hasn't been easy to just straight up delete them, but they're just further adding to the number of items in my inbox, which i'm trying to reduce and may be contributing to much earlier requests having issues that i talked about above. i also didn't want to go back on what i said. if i do it for one person, i have to do it for everyone which just isn't fair. if you're one of these people, hey! thanks for reading this. know i'm not mad or upset with you but just ask that you please check if requests are open or not next time :)
just wanted to give a heads up! sorry it's taking so long, but i'm sure you guys understand. if i'm in a good mood and have time, i might double up some days to help cut back on those leftover requests and get them done sooner. thanks for reading! this was way longer than i thought it was going to be haha
have a wonderful day <333
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Happy birthday to my blog !
Exactly ONE YEAR of Madara ultrafixation, and I'm still not tired of him. So let’s recap what we achieve this year and what is coming for in future?
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thank you @elenaditgoia for your lovely illustration🥰
377 of you are following me. I'm so grateful and I have no idea why there is so many of you since I have no talent in drawing, I don’t talk about any top 5 main character from Naruto, I love an old 90 years grumpy guy with unkempt hair and eyes bags, I have ZERO interest in ship, fandom drama makes me sleep... but here you are, thank you so much ! A lot of amazing people from literally the 5 continents with so many talents, I enjoy every conversations in public, in private or anon. Let’s carry on for an other year. We can double that number, let’s reach 800 people for december 2023 !
321 posts I’ve written in a year. Mostly analysis. Solely focus on Madara’s canon, the Warring state Era period, the cultural background, Kishimoto’s possible source of inspirations. You know the most funny part, last year when I started this blog from scratches, I thought that considering the small amount of informations about the founders, I won’t make more that two or three posts, 5 MAXIMUM. How delusional I was...
31K words. 6 chapters. That’s where I am now with my fanfic Madara golden age. It’s a personal pride to have gone so far considering english is not my mother tongue. It still asks me tremendous efforts to be able to convey ideas in my head into a grammatically readable plot. But I’m passionate about it, I love what I did so far, and I want to do even better next year.
43 members in our discords Madara Protection Squad that we've created just a month ago. I didn’t expected people to be so dynamic, fun and creative. If you’re not a member yet, you should come here !
What's coming next?
More fanfictions! I've realised this year that writing story is what I love the most. Madara Golden age is my top priority in 2023. You know by now that it takes me a month or two to write a chapter. It's a slow machine but don't worry I'm hell-bent determinate to finish it. And also I can already announce that I have in mind a trilogy. MGA is the seinen, the second book will be a shojo/romance, the third one a shonen. So I'll be busy writing for some years ahead !
More fanart. I know I talk about it often, but I really want to draw. that's a new challenge because I have no idea where to start but I'm seeing so much beautiful fanart of Madara I'm curious if I'm able to do something. Wish me luck !
Fictional astrology birth chart. You remember I did it first to Madara? I would like to do it for the founders Hashirama and Tobirama and some important Uchiha members like Sasuke, Obito and Itachi.
Less analysis of the canon. I think so far I've analysed in details most of Madara's life and plot holes. I might add some stuff about tiny details now and there but most of what I needed to say are here in my Madarapedia page. So 2023 is less blabla on tumblr, more silent creative content!
More discord events. If you want to chit chat with me in daily basis, you gotta come in the Madara protection squad. It's like entering a pub with other drunk Madara addicts talking about the same stuff over and over again and never being bored. We also have a writing club, where everyone is invited if you need a place to share your fanfic, having some feedback and some advices. And also we will do more stream live in future, btw the next one is for the eve of Madara's birthday the 23rd, don't miss it !
Thank you again for following me and let's thrive an other year together 😘💖
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