#don't mind me wwww
shizuedayo · 1 year
Random thought:
well not really random, I've been thinking about this for quite a while now w I was thinking of what would happen if Seele turns evil and I had this thought 🤔
what if "Seele" sides with the honkai, but still cares for her host? Like, she still very much treasures her but, she's clearly influenced by the honkai thus, she tries to drag Seele to awaken as a herrscher because she'd gain the power to protect herself from doing so? Like "Seele" has this firm belief that the honkai would bring them salvation and she's trying to convert Seele w I know it doesn't make sense because her stigmata's from PE so they would definitely get rid of the whole 'siding with the honkai' thing but personally, I think it's a fun thought
I'm no writer but I was driven to write something about this thought in 5 minutes when I first had this idea back at June w
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and yes, she has two voices in her head now, one which whispers thoughts of destruction and another that doesn't do anything about it and even encourages her to embrace it She's totally sane. dw -w-)b
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zuzu-draws · 2 months
I was thinking about how much Gege emphasizes Yuuji's death from the beginning of the manga.
First with Wasuke's words when he asks his grandson not to die alone like him. Then there's that obsession of Yuuji's to have a dignified death and not die in vain. It's also very curious how just before Sukuna takes over Megumi's body, Yuuji is thinking about how he is ready to die alongside Sukuna when they are executed. Not to mention the words Yuuki tells Choso, about how he should live for Yuuji, because if he dies, Yuuji would be left all alone... And well, Choso is already dead and Yuuji has no one left.
I think it's very likely that he will decide to die together with Sukuna, because you have to remember that despite everything, Yuuji still feels guilty for what happened in Shibuya and maybe he's looking to redeem himself with his sacrifice.
And Gege also overemphasizes that for Sukuna love has no value and that he has always been very lonely. Neither Kashimo, nor Yorozu nor Uraume and neither Gojo have been able to teach him what love is, perhaps it is because the person destined to do so is... Yuuji?
oml reading this made me emotional again, i agree so much!! And yeah, at this point, there really is no one left to answer Sukuna's love confusion but Yuuji ;_; I still wonder how Yuuji's going to do that though.
For Yuuji to truly grasp the situation at hand, for him to "save" Sukuna, he'll have to understand him first. To do that, he'll need to know his past.
The fact that Gege made his domain related to touching the soul and spirit itself,,, is just so wonderful to me. Because this links Yuuji to Sukuna in a very delicate, somewhat sensitive manner, in a manner Sukuna has no defence against. In trying to save Megumi, could Yuuji accidentally sync himself to Sukuna's soul? would that propel him into the memories stored deep within Sukuna's soul, thrown completely off guard? Is Sukuna going to let his memories be read? Or would he even care? Will he use his experiences as a justification for upholding his current ideology against Yuuji? and How would Yuuji react to them being related to each other? Would this solidify Yuuji's belief that in putting down Sukuna, he'll have to perish along with him?
So that they both could get a new start, in another life? Where perhaps the inclusion of one other person could prevent Sukuna's downward spiral into utter destruction?
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That perhaps the love of that person, could save him from the his Loneliness?
This just has too many possibilities and i'm just clutching at my heart at the moment, i sincerely HOPE Gege doesn't fumble this wonderful opportunity to help develop Sukuna as a character further.
Clearly, it makes sense why the first chapter of JJK is titled as "Ryomen Sukuna", this story is about Sukuna and Yuuji, right from the very start.
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perelka-l · 1 year
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Kittie and doggie violence :3c
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bluebunnysart · 2 months
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Fanart of my own fanfiction (Chimera Teto x Android Miku)
Good news! When I woke up and looked at my art again today, I liked it, so here's the uncolored version! I trust you tumblr people, so here you go! You may view. This technically means I've drawn UTAU Teto (here) and SynthV Teto, but I really want to color this and take my time doing so, so here are the lines before it turns into something else hahaha 😂😂😂 Read More for the stuff I wanted to write last night but was too tired to (also the art time lapse)
I showed like two WIPs of different ideas on Twitter but none of them were this LOL (just goes to show how much I wanna draw and see of these two specifically) but the reason I decided to go with this is 'cuz that fanfic I wrote in like one day really got me excited and it made me really want to draw them as I was imagining more stuff about them. Here I'll talk about what I had in mind
I love chimera Teto, especially her majestic wings, and what I drew here is basically inspired by that! Teto's basically the only "living, sentient" thing around Miku so far (I dunno how to approach adding more creatures just yet), which makes Miku extra interested in her. But basically Miku likes Teto's wings and tail too and is very fascinated by them.
I had an idea where Miku is just holding or playing with Teto's tail out of nowhere and complimenting the heck out of her, and that was condensed into this piece. It was too crowded on Miku's side to have Teto's tail there as well, but the reason Teto's embarrassed (tsundere is nice, aint it xD) is 'cuz Miku is indeed praising the heck out of her. Calling her cute and saying how cool her wings are and whatnot.
The dialogue kinda goes like, "Your wings are so cool! And I really like how expressive your tail is! I wonder what I would do with a tail. It's so cute! Actually, now that I think about it, all of you is really cute!!" (Teto, embarrassed: "Stop talking now.") wwww
Miku does have a kinda tail actually! It's the chain on top of her skirt. As an android, I was thinking it works as sort of a battery plug or USB or something. I can show off more of that later (since it's really small here lol) but she can use it to receive electricity and recharge herself, I guess~. (Note to self: make it bigger?)
I haven't shown off much of my art style, but most (normal) characters usually don't have pupils. (See: this Teto, who's a living breathing creature.) As a result, I decided to give Miku pupils (kinda robot-like) to make her seem like more of a robot. She also wears the thing (headphones) over her ears, of course, which I can also use to make her seem more robot-like. There's no green flashing of code in her eyes right now but I might draw that sometime too, after my loads of other ideas...
Teto's wings aren't fragile. They're probably firm, hard, and could even be scaly/rough (up to my own whims or the reader's own preference). Her letting Miku touch her (wings) is probably a huge display of trust/confidence. Teto's wings are strong enough to carry her far distances and even allow her to fly in bad weather, I think. It's up to Teto herself how much energy/desire she has to do things like that though.
This is mentioned in the fic too, but Teto probably folds her wings a lot so they don't get in the way. She's kinda like a bird. I think her silhouette against the sun or moon, with full wingspan, is probably majestic (I'm imagining the Batman symbol for some reason lol). I know some people color Teto's wings as purple, but I specified black in my fic to match her tail. ^^
In order for her wings to breathe, there are probably holes in the back of her outfit to accommodate them, but they're only big enough for the wings (ellipses/ovals probably): she either tears/cuts holes into the shirts she wears for her wings or they already fit her wings so there's no problem. I wonder if Teto made her UTAU outfit herself in this setting. xD (A girl has to pass the time SOMEHOW plus she's probably at least a little bit handy when it comes to clothes and stuff (survival).)
If, while I'm coloring, I need to make adjustments to the seating and lineart and all that, I will, but I figured I'd show off what made me stay up 'til 5 AM last night and then get embarrassed to post 'cuz I thought I wasn't finished yet. I woke up and I liked it, so I'm just gonna put it in this here blog. c:
I don't know how to color, so coloring will be a trip 😂
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luxiem x reader || as fathers
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a/n : YALL LIKE MY LUXIEM HCS MORE THAN MY OTHER ONES SO HERE U GO LMAO 😭 ill feed u guys some more luxiem content before mysta graduates [sobs louder]
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but minus the yelling and stuff
hes just pretty damn strict but like he loves you all the same
if you get an A+ in maths, GOOD JOB, HE'LL TREAT YOU TO ICE CREAM [and maybe a magic show WWWW]
if you get a D-, he'll probably say something along the lines of : " try harder kiddo! you can get a higher mark next time! do you want me to help you study? "
he will definitely show up at all of your events and stuff like that to cheer you on
b a n a n a
omg he would accidentally get banned from ur school games bc he keeps helping you with his witchcraft stuff
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hes the type to bring like the BEST FOOD during those potlucks ur school has
will panic if you bring math homework to him for help AJSHD
if he cant go to ur school events, HE WILL SO FIND A WAY TO GO, EVEN IF IT WAS JUST FOR A MOMENT
ur little sibling would deadass be a dog.
like no shit, this man would want a dog
and that dog is ur sibling
he and his mafia men would be the ones to raise you [FUCKING BONUS POINTS IF ONE OF HIS MEN IS A WOMAN AND SHE IS UR MOTHER FIGURE]
" oh, don't worry kid, you'll get it next time!! if you're ever feeling down, just know your dad thinks that you're pog! "
you dont know how to tell him that saying pog as a [however old he is] man is a little cringe, but you love him for it (IN A FAMILIAL WAY)
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a very chill dad when it comes to homework and grades
unless it was english
if you get a low score in english
but if you get tired of it, he'll let it go
i feel like he'd be the parent who IS your teacher at school
oh boy, you should dread first day if he's your english teacher
" class, i'd like you all to know, im only fucking one of your mothers. " [all jokes LMAO he wouldnt embarrass you like that..... or would he?]
if you get a low score in any subjects or like if you flunk a test, he'll hug you and say:
" don't cry, you've made me proud already. i love you kiddo, and none of those test marks will change that. just tell me if you ever need help okay? i'm always happy to help you with those. "
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the most laidback out of all the luxiem guys about homework
doesn't mind if you flunk it, as long as you did your hardest, it's a pass in his book
he cant physically help you with homework
its a british debuff /j
like he would stare at the pythagorean theorem and go 'uhm....'
there to listen to all the GODDAMN TEA!! like how dare jessica cheat on james like that with ryan??
dude is like the communal dad if any of ur friends dont have a father figure, he'll be there for them too
" oh you flunked your math test? it's alright!! you'll get it next time. they give you too much tests nowadays you guys are all probably burnt out... how about we watch a movie? your mind needs to destress. "
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also that one dad for some reason everyone likes
hes like pretty strict, but its because he wants the best for you
hes the demon you and ur friends would try to summon at sleepovers
" kid, please, i love you and all, but dad needs to fucking rest. please stop summoning me. "
anyways, hes pretty damn smart so hes gotchu covered when it comes to homework help
unless it was history.
history pisses the fuck out of this ancient man.
he will rant about how incorrect the history books are and you'll get nowhere with homework
" oh, darling, it's alright. i'm not disappointed in you and i won't be when it comes to homework. i get it, sometimes it's hard and you don't understand it, but that's when you ask for help, alright? i won't ever shame you for asking me for help. "
a/n : i hope yall r fed this took me 30 minutes to shit out and clean up also i think its obvious whos my favourite in luxiem LMAOO
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2n2n · 1 month
ch. 117
ALRIGHT...... off we go !!! To the set-up chapter.......
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I guess whatever you do to the world, Lemon is still going to be a dog...
Aidairo-sensei are.. so funny... this is so predictable... they love to create a specific food situation and give everyone a discreet idiosyncratic order which will be dictated to us the viewer for our pleasure and knowledge...... they have some sort of interest in this kind of thing..... thank you Demmy's
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she is kawaii
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its nice she has this on her phone and can look at it whenever she wants... (: poor girl... painful but intriguing, right? She must have had to linger and really think about him...
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pooooooooooooooooor Nene-chan.....! Pooooor Nene-chaaaan she's trying to be such a selfless girl again....! Tsk tsk... it's not faaaair you know, you've been through so much, if only you could be selfish! Too noble and pure-hearted to confidently usurp your boy's timeline... too small & unconfident to declare their love's existence as important or essential to Amane's being....
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uhhfgggf nooo don't put them side by siiiiiiide 🫣 IYAAAAAA... the size discrepancy.... Amane's smile & Tsukasa's blank gaze.... KYA... ah Tsukasa you're at perfect pelvis height.... wwww
Surprised to see Akane unwilling to change the world back... genuinely is aligned against the proliferation of kaii, then. All things told, the last world was terribly unsafe for Aoi, of all people.
I'm glad for Teru's unconventional mind.... as a boy made happy by unusual things, that makes sense for him. Happiness isn't something as prescriptive as a list of things accomplished, or an age reached. Surviving doesn't mean flourishing...
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she's quick to diminish her own importance, our Nene-chan...
I think in this world, love is the most important thing of all. I wonder what Yugi-sensei's everyday life was defined by... what did he feel, going home alone each day?
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a nice and painful face from Teru! I like it....
how fragile life is. He's a bit of a control freak in many ways, he really wouldn't like this sort of situation... deferring to some greater force. Wouldn't it feel much safer to craft reality for yourself & those you love... to have a choice and exercise it, and prove that you can.
Really though, why would the Minamoto family need parents HAH, Teru is so happy with his precious little brother & Princess... being the breadwinner... I'm sure.
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I like such an angry Aoi hehaaa... cucked !?!?
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tell the AUDIENCE THAT, NENE-CHAN!! You've got such excellent taste ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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ohhh this poor Aoi of this world haha, she's not ready for this directness at all, is she....! Hahaha... I wonder how easily one could 0 to 60 an Aoi who hasn't been confessed to every single day of her life? It works on her much better right here than it typically did in our reality, doesn't it.... you've made her heart stop.... she used to tease you about that as your goal..... haha. Isn't this Akane so impressive and crazy seeming, you have to be bewitched? Oh Akane's charm point....
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jesus, the gang increases in size then.... I suppose we want to really carry as many people through this arc as we can. That makes me suspect that we'll really pingpong all over between different people's experiences .... since I can't imagine AidaIro-sensei would want to balance so many people in 1 room interacting... I wonder how we'll divide the gangs up in the longrun? Honestly, so long as Nene-chan isn't stuck with someone like Kou, I'll be content.... he's strapped to Mitsuba seemingly, I hope it stays that way for a while...
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so many more questions than answers already....
on this first glance, we would have so much confusion, trying to make sense of this appearance... how would we question if this was the Red House of this world?
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such questions would occur: is the house so dilapidated even without a murder-suicide occurring here? Does that mean Yugi-sensei never occupied it, never inherited it from his family? If not a massive family suicide, why would it be abandoned in such a terrible state? If not cursed & ominous, why would it be avoided, as such a palatial estate? It was a large & well-furnished, well-loved house, in the Yugi's childhood... what situation would cause their parents to allow it to fall into such chaos? Why would nobody take it over? Who owned it, in its final years of occupation? Where did Yugi-sensei live? Did he rent an apartment elsewhere? Why wouldn't it simply be sold?
At what point did Yugi-sensei no longer call this home, in this timeline? Were his parents still alive, as he moved out? How long ago did they die? Did he outlive them, or die before them?
This just doesn't look like the house of a family who lived happily & as long as they could....
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but this might
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changes rapidly in appearance from panel to panel.
So our previous questions are moot.... or are they? Haha....
No longer crawling with ivy and dilapidated, chains gone, shingles fixed, NOW it looks like a place Yugi-sensei could have inherited and lived within in his adult life. So is this as it truly is, haha....? Now this looks like a house maintained by a living & fine family ... with few sudden & unforeseen miseries.
I wonder what our Red House's life was like, in this timeline....
I'm quite fond of the idea of Yugi-sensei living in it, taking it over from his parents when they pass away....
a handsome man in a beautiful house~~
let's see what will happen!
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
hihihihihihiiiiiiiii i was wondering if u had any advice for people trying to get into thejapanese side of fandom. im so monolingual its making me embarassed. also are there any terms/slang tobe aware of. i saw CP/R and started panicking LOL
KJFNJREHGRJ that's understandable. The term CP means something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT in JP fandom I assure you. Here are some slang tips!
CP: this stands for "coupling" and is the Japanese equiv to the word "slash" or "ship". For example, I will use uhh apollo/klavier from ace attorney as an example. You might see something like "CP オドキョ" (CP Odokyo - "klapollo" in Japanese. Apollo = odoroki, Klavier = kyouya). So if you see CP in a Japanese fandom context don't panic lol, culture shock whiplash
w: you may see multiple "w" like wwww or wwwwwww etc. This is the equiv to "lol" in Japanese with more "w" meaning something is funnier. The etymology behind this is it is short for the word 笑う(warau) which means to laugh. You may also see 草 (kusa) however, which by any standard definition is just the word for grass. However, thru a long game of word evolution, people started pointing out that when you type a lot of "w" it kind of looks like blades of grass! (wwwwww) so therefore the word for grass itself became slang to mean "lol".
88: like "w" you may see many 8's in a row like 888888 or 88888888 etc. This is supposed to mean "applause" or imitate a clapping sound, and is used to show you are applauding something. Usually used at the end of videos to signify a "this was awesome!" or "great art piece!" sort of thing. Etymology comes from the fact 8 in japanese is pronounced "hachi". So two 8s in a line would be pronounced "hachi hachi". This is very close to the onomatopoeic sound for clapping, which is "pachi pachi". Thus, 88(etc) = clapping.
いいね (ii ne): Including this just cuz you'll see it a LOT on Japanese content sharing sites. It is simply the equivalent to "like" as in a like button. So on Nico video for example (nico video is a Japanese video platform, sort of like Youtube), their like button is an いいね button. The phrase basically translates to "this is good!"
R-15: This isn't used AS MUCH nowadays from what I've seen, but it is still worth a mention. Sometimes content may be marked "R-15", which is basically synonymous with "R-18" (18 or older). I'm not too sure why the age discrepancy exists to be honest, and like I said this seems to be a much older thing as nowadays every adult-content piece of Japanese media I see is marked R-18 and not R-15, but just keep it in mind whenever you see R-15 that you should actually treat it like an R-18 warning.
グロ(guro)/ゲロ(gero): slang terms for specific types of content. I think it's important to recognize them either in case you want to look for this specific content or you want to look out for it and don't accidentally click on any page with it. "Guro" refers to gore content (or general disturbing/body horror stuff), 80% of the time drawn/animated gore, but it has been used to refer to real life gore content (snuff imagery, real or fake). "Gero" refers to content centered on vomit/vomiting (again, uuuusually drawn but this more so than guro i have seen refer to the real thing, be careful googling if that sort of thing makes u squeamish). These two tags are specifically used to tag content that these concepts (guro for gore, gero for vomit) are the main focus, and so typically are usually (not always, but a lot of the time) fetish tags. It is also important to note "guro" is a shortened word for "grotesque" so in the context outside of Japanese fandom works, the word can take on a less fetishy meaning of just something being "gross" or "scary" (again usually in reference to disturbing imagery).
エッチ(ecchi)/エロ(ero): Okay, some stuff related to R-18 content, cuz again, I think it's important to know for if you want to seek it out or if you want to be on the look out and stay away. Ecchi you may have heard before. If I'm not mistaken, here in the west, it's used to mean "softcore porn" or "sexually provocative material that isn't full-on sex." Like, you know, actin sexy but not showing nips or dick or whatever. But in Japanese it's a bit different. Ecchi, as used as a tag on artwork and such, just straight up refers to porn. Real or drawn, but obvs in fandom it's gonna be drawn. The word itself can be a "cutesy" word for sexy or refer to somebody who is lewd. You've heard of hentai of course, right? Well, in Japanese, this specific kind of hentai is spelled ヘンタイ or sometimes HENTAI. It is based off the word with the same pronunciation, 変態, which means "pervert" or "abnormal". Hentai, unlike ecchi, refers to strictly fictional porn of anime characters, sometimes people cosplaying as anime characters, but it's usually just drawn/animated even outside of a fandom context. There is very little distinction between hentai and ecchi when it comes to drawings specifically, as far as I can tell. I guess the big differences it that "hentai" is definitely the more popular term, and so is going to be used by west and east fandom equally, while "ecchi" is used mostly only in the east fandom. "Hentai" may also have "weirder" porn based on the fact "hentai" as a word can be "abnormal", but that's mostly me basing it off the word itself and I could be totally wrong. Altho the actual wiki page for hentai in Japanese uses a picture of lolicon so maybe I'm right lol. エロ(ero)/エロい(eroi) is short for "erotic" and is used kind of in the same way that we use the word "sexy", like "this is sexy" or "that's hot as fuck", with hot/sexy being replaced with "ero(i)" in Japanese sentences. Sometimes in slang it is spelled as "eloi" since r's and l's are interchangeable in Japanese.
On that note, other terms: ショタ(コン) (shota(con)) and ロリ(コン) (loli(con)) refer to sexual depictions of fictional underage characters ("loli" being female and "shota" being male). エロゲー (eroge) (sometimes just エロゲ) is short for "ero game" which is what it sounds like, basically a porn game. アダルトゲーム(adaruto gemu) is much of the same, it means "adult game". And ギャルゲー (gyaru ge) means "girl game/gal game", which is NOT "game meant for girls" but instead "game with sexy women".
Ok moving out of the Sex Zone
手描き(te kaki): This one is very important if you wanna find animations by people. The word itself means "hand-drawn", but the best way to describe what it means in terms of how it is used is...well, tbh, the best synonym I can think of is "animation meme". In the west, I'm sure you've seen, there are things called "animation memes" which are sort of animation trends multiple people do. It's kiiiiind of like that. Most "te kaki" are re-animating a popular trend (so just like an animation meme) or are re-animates of specific scenes or, much more popularly, music videos that were already animated in the first place (think music videos by Pinnochio-P or Nanawoakari) except the character is traced over and replaced with an OC or some anime guy. It can also refer to completely original animation that isn't based off a preexisting animation. Sometimes you may see 手書きトレス (te kaki toresu) which means "hand-drawn trace" which refers to specifically the second definition I listed, where the character in an animated music video is traced over with a new one. You may see also 手書きMAD (more on that later...) or 手書き and then the series name they're animating. For example, Danganronpa is ダンガンロンパ. So an animated Danganronpa video would be 手書きダンガンロンパ.
MAD: hooo boy. Ok. I am obsessed with MADs, specifically Death Note ones. A "MAD" is purely a spin or remix of an existing work, usually musical in nature. When you look up MADs it will usually be anime clips, or general other video clips, edited to a song. Think like a YouTube Poop Music Video (YTPMV). Look up "ronald mcdonald insanity" on Youtube. This is basically every westerner's first exposure to MADs. Unlike YTPMVs though, MADs can sometimes have other elements that are not purely musical, and that serve to tell a story/joke. Furthermore, while most MADs are humorous in intention, some aren't. And while 90% of MADs are musical-based, some of them are just shitposts. You may see the term 音MAD be used (oto MAD), which means basically the same thing, except 音 means "sound", so you'll up that 90% to 100% and get only music-based MADs. Some MAD communities have their own name, and that is something you need to find out yourself. For example, I know the Death Note MAD community calls their MAD videos "bakayaroid" (バカヤロイド) which is a play on the word "vocaloid" and one of Light's most meme'd lines where he yells "bakayarou!!" (which means "you idiot!" or "you bastard!")
歌ってみた(uttemita): idk if this counts as fandom but it's handy to know. In Japan, covers of songs are not called "covers". They are titled with 歌ってみた, which translates as "I tried to sing [song name]". So if you wanna find covers of a Japanese song you like, pop in the title and copy paste 歌ってみた after it.
In terms of shipping...
Unlike in the west where we don't really differentiate top/bottom dynamics, this is actually pretty important when it comes to tagging ships. Although, I am starting to see less of it. Regardless, it is handy to know. For example, Danganronpa's komahina (komaeda x hinata) would be 狛日 (koma hina). This, however, implies Komaeda is the dominant one in the relationship. If you wanted to find content where Hinata is the dominant one, you'd have to search 日狛 (hina koma). Again, I think it depends what fandom you're in for how important this distinction in. for example, I find it is very prominent in the danganronpa fandom, but not so much in Ace Attorney. Sometimes you will see something like 日狛日 (hina koma hina) or 狛日狛 (koma hina koma), for example, to imply there is no dom/sub dynamic.
A footnote: Japanese humor and expression is vastly different from English humor. This may seem obvious but I need to reiterate it because people sometimes say things they don't know are usually interpreted badly to Japanese artists. For example, acting "rabid" in somebody's replies, jokingly being mean, jokingly making threats, and stuff WE are used to as obvious jokes (stuff like "i think you should explode maybe" or "THIS IS MAKING ME INSANE") CAN EASILY BE SEEN AS HATE COMMENTS. Please please please if you want to compliment a Japanese artist, just say it like you mean it, like "this art is so good i love it!" or "this art was so emotional it made me cry, this is great!". Obviously not every JP artist is the same so some may know you're joking and some may be aware of western hyperbolic speech culture...or whatever you wanna call it. But the point is, I would err on the side of caution and just express you feelings genuinely and honestly.
Also, regardless of your stance on if xyz drawing is "morally good" (aka incest art lolisho art) and regardless of proship/anti stuff, just Don't bring it up with Japanese artists. The terms "proship" and "antiship" mean absolutely nothing over there. The terms "pedophilic art/problematic art/illegal ships" means nothing over there. I have personally seen Japanese artists get harassed off platforms because they had no clue what proship/antiship meant and refused to engage with bullshit shipping politics culture. You will likely just get blocked, or called an アメリカンお気持ちヤクザ (america okimochi yakuza), which means "American feelings yakuza". The definition of which is a person, typically an American (altho any kind of westerner) who weaponizes their feelings of dislike to attack others in a brutally yakuza-ish fashion. Which sums up my feelings on shipping discourse in general honestly. Don't be that dickhead foreigner forcing Japanese artists to answer to western politics. If somebody's art makes you upset/uncomfortable, block and move on.
I THINK THOSE ARE ALL THE BIG ONES....if you need more help just let me know!
EDIT: FORGOT TO ADD....another important word/term is "mob" モブ and no this does not refer to the little dude from mob psycho (usually). you may see detailless gray characters with the word モブ on their face or such like. This basically means "NPC" or "stranger", and is just used as a placeholder for a civilian, otherwise unnamed person/people.
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lia-snow · 1 year
Do you take requests? If yes then please make Isagi x Kaiser! If you aren't comfortable, It's okay to not make the ship ^^ btw I really like your shidou x sae Ship posts, Please make more of them!
I don't usually take requests per se. But I do like to answer asks of which response I can draw something out if I find the idea funny, entertaining, etc.
I like getting asks like "Can you imagine [...] ?" or "What would happen if [...]?. You know? Stuff like that. Doesn't mean I can answer absoutely every ask I get with a drawing, BUT....
I'm making an exception because this was actually my first ask in forever, and I actually don't mind Kaiser x Isagi. Definitely Kaiser wouldn't be my first choice for Isagi, but I'm okay with it. I used to hate Kaiser, but then he said something really funny to Isagi wwww and from there, he's like... the third in line in my list of potential homo partners for Isagi :B lol
Anyway. Here's for you, Anon 😘
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Sorry it took me so long to reply btw orz And thank you so much for your comments!! You'll absolutely keep seeing my Sae x Shidou trash here ww :p <3
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astro-break · 11 months
Thoughts on the 6th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 | Ep. 5
LMFAOOO they look so unimpressed i love it!! even ramuda looks so serious wwww Fling Posse's nail in the coffin of gentaro just straight up reading during the gag and Dice just falling asleep is pure gold
the rivalry is so strong i adore MDC, their comedic potential is off the charts
Ooooo flashback!
eyyy his life is not fair jacket is beautiful its such a hack
awww they're right softies huh.
i assume the narrative will be that they are hypnotized into doing TBH's will or they were unsatisfied with something so bad that they defected
EYYY squirt gun lmfaoooooo
dude his nicotine withdrawal is gonna just get worse www
look at jyuto being a baddass and only reading through skimming
LMFAO they're acting like tourists going to famous places and sightseeing their fill
oh my god they're FP fans and cosplayers
I'm getting second hand embarrassment from them www for once i agree with ramuda they're kinda annoying
LMFAO Bustedddddddddd
oooohhh so they don't have to be directly there to hypnotize people, interesting and opens up a lot more possibilities with who is possibly under their influence
Ramuda angst is always top tier, the existentialism!
OH damnnnn if he is someone who isn't a fake, that would be ruthless.
and here comes the TBH crew
Theres some seriously supernatural stuff going on. or is it because FakePosse have been brainwashed so much that its another illusion that only they are seeing
OH DAMNNNNN clone battle and ofc ramuda is the loser. he don't got much more candy and is on borrowed time
eh i think The Loneliness, Tears, and Hope of a Puppet did it better with their depictions of their trio dynamic. also because this takes place between season 2 and 3, its unclear for anime onlys if Gentaro and Dice know that Ramuda is a clone
Generally i do think that the voice dramas have much better writing than the rushed pacing of the anime
the paper is full of the character 愛 which is the character that Rabuta uses in his name
that gentaro animation of him floating up onto the banister looks a little janky ngl
Dice's 777 underwear wwwww
casual threats is beautiful i adore the stupid MCD and Naughty Busters bickering, they're just kids no matter what amaguni says. they're silly children
OH FUCK THAT WAS SICK, sasara just casually rebuffing samatoki's threat while kuko throws in his own religious. For those who don't know nenbutsu is basically like prayer but its for the intent of being mindful of Buddha, hence the name. to outsiders it sounds more like punishment tbh
oooo flashyyy still makes me wonder if they're all under like some sort of mass hypnosis. TBH crew has only appeared that way twice and all in this episode
gods i miss FP's silly fashion sense. very summery jazz ED with the sax as the main instrument and latin beats. i like the chill trendy vibes going on with it
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velvetbyrne · 2 years
Wishlist for Bungō Stray Dogs in 2023
Hey folks and happy new year! This year is probably going to be pretty big for the fandom in general with the advent of Season 4 and the (hopefully) incoming end for the Decay of the Angel Saga for the Manga. What are some of the things I wish to happen to the series this year?
New Arc?
With the many unfinished plot threads in the Manga, there are a few things I kind of wish to be featured in the manga. Maybe a spotlight on the Clock Tower as the next foe? Considering we know very very little about them, I'd like to see what they're all about.
(The scene with the two Clock Tower Agents left a bitter taste in my mouth)
Though if we're still going to have a focus on Japanese writers, I'd love to see some representation from Haiku poets, especially Masaoka Shiki, Takahama Kyoshi and Kawahigashi Hekigotō since all three of them are from Asagiri's home prefecture of Ehime. I'd love to see them featured but hopefully not to the point where it wrecks SEO wwww.
A healthier fandom! (Please)
I think it's not an understatement to say that the BSD Fandom is often quite toxic. My experience in moderating the Wiki Discord has kind of shown me that a non-zero amount of people don't really care about the story and just want their 'ships' to continuously be featured. I don't really mind about shipping in general but it gets annoying if every time the Gogol's Game POV is not shown people will whine and just get pissed about it. I feel like it shouldn't be a controversial statement to say something like that.
Other than that I also hope for less misinformation regarding the real authors. Stuff like the vandalism of wiki pages should really fucking stop. Especially on Chūya's Wikipedia page, I'm super super tired of checking that page.
Hopefully it gets better.
I really don't have much else to add other than wish people a good 2023, I'll try and post more but work has been absolutely demolishing the amount of free time I have.
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sucrows · 1 year
a continuation of the apples n bananas thing
Let's say yer cravin one apple at this very moment, so ya get up from yer silli little bed n go to yer kitchen.
Ya open yer fridge to look for some apples n there are only two in there.
A red apple, n a green apple.
Which would ya eat?
-fruitnon (if ya don't mind me callin myself that wwww)
oooo okay so this is a thing we're doing now, hell yeah, adding you to the list fruitnon!
anyways, green apples are the best, sour is the best flavor to exist you can't change my mind
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perelka-l · 11 months
I feel bad for Archer. He strikes me as such a young and intelligent person. I get the impression that he experiences his emotions intensely and, for the most part, he hides it well. It’s just that when it comes to Giovanni and Nanu… they’re so much older and experienced by comparison. It’s like a child trying to lie to a parent. Archer simply cannot do it as well as he thinks. The only reason Giovanni and Nanu pretend not to notice is because they want to save him some grace. (1)
They’re also probably talking shit about him for it when he’s not there. Archer just wants to be loved by the only person he feels comfortable accepting that love from. Which for some reason is an old, fucked up mafia boss. Poor guy.
I'm gonna.... Politely disagree in most points xD I'll elaborate. As usual wwww
For starters I don't see Archer as very young. I see him as more early 30s-mid 30s category myself (I'd imagine he joined TR maybe mid-teens, btw, already when it was under Giovanni's reign).
Admittedly, Pokemas surprised me a bit with how young he sounds but also I recently got hit by a headcanon that Archer deliberately takes great care to groom himself and, in effect, looks younger than he really is, because it makes it easier to misjudge him, and that's a hc that I immediately implanted into my head. Plus, tbh, I feel like with every portrayal he looks younger and younger tho (I am unsure if I like it ngl).
With Archer's emotions I am usually struck how sentimental he can be. He emotes in LGPE quite nicely (mostly his anger lol) and his tendency to write letters to express himself is a neat little quirk that I feel like is pretty overlooked. I am 100% sure he did write at least one more letter aside from LGPE one and I... can't find it? At all?? Anywhere? I' sure I didn't imagine that, right???? wtfffff anyway he's a sentimental bitch MOVING ON Anyway, I feel like he could be a type that hides his emotions well (he does look a bity icy imho ...which is hilarious when you consider what Pokemon is his signature) and will express himself when he wants you to know what he feels. Like, for example, that he is fed up with your shit. If he wants you to know, you will know, but if he is more blank, it's hard to say. Though I really like how he hides smirk behind his hand, like he can't quite resist but still tries to be professional :)c
With comparisons to Giovanni and Nanu, I would say he does have some advantages over them as well. Archer is very idealistic and thus, driven and energetic when it comes to his goals. He is not only dedicated to Giovanni, but to Team Rocket as well - he simply believes that what is best for Team Rocket is to be led by Giovanni, and not himself. But all in all he believes firmly in an ideal, which is not something Nanu can say. Just yet another way they contrast with each other (which is something I wrote about in another anon answer).
I also can't help but perceive Archer as a determined perfectionist. That can be seen as contrast to... Giovanni, actually. Gio has more of an approach of well, I failed, I can try again later and differently, no rush tbh. Archer is different, trying to achieve something with nothing but a clear goal in mind, all tunnel vision, and he won't stop until he's clearly proven he can't get there. One could even argue Archer's failure in GSC stems from him trying to force Giovanni's hand from the way Gio approaches things. But that's an interpretation.
To continue a previous thought, I think Archer would even... appreciate being underestimated. He is a bit of a gray eminence, I feel. He has no need to be on the top, although number two fits him very nicely, as it gives him a degree of control, but he still responds to Giovanni, and Giovanni only, a sure wall behind his back (so losing that wall later on was a shock). At that, he is a number two in TR. I really don't think he got there by sheer luck alone, I do think he got this far through proper hard work and maybe on some corpses. Pokemas supplying us that Ariana actively desires to topple him and can't only speaks of his efficiency and reliability (in FRLG (presumably) she even warns player that (presumably) Archer is more powerful than she is, so make with that what you will).
That number two is a sign he's being appreciated for what he is doing. He does what is needed for TR, and this is Giovanni's reward. I don't think he cares about anything but this.
At the same time, I think Nanu wouldn't be foolish enough to underestimate him, for precisely same reasons. Anyone that got far in TR is a potential threat, and I'm gonna throw my hc here but Nanu remembers the time when Giovanni wasn't even in top 2. He is a cop and he is a traumatized man and that is enough for me to believe he wouldn't turn his guard down.
And Giovanni, well. For Archer, Giovanni is literally everything. I would say it goes deeply beyond just a crush - Giovanni is something that he can rely on as a concept, a goal to achieve and something that you can devout yourself to (and that's even how Archer describes him). Which is why I compared him to a wall, a comfortable concept on which you can lean. One could wonder if Archer perceives Giovanni as a man at all, but I like to think the answer is yes. I like a thought that Archer saw Giovanni at his lower (not lowest, that is something not even Nanu witnessed but he knows of) and is aware of some things about him that others never will. And Giovanni is both aware of this and ignores that, because Archer is equally reliable for him as well. There is this one follower that will always be devout, that you can nod at and he will come, eager to do anything you wish, and one that at that proved himself time and time again.
(and yet you left, because you found yourself not enough to lead even him. How the tables turn.)
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oletusfragments · 2 years
WAAAAA I just saw the post! I'm honestly fine w/ anyone receiving the letter and the gift but seeing Naib's reaction has my heart go bbbbbbbb wwwww I am a humble Naib simp and seeing his response made my day wwww, he's so cute haha, ty for answering! (also would it be alright to send my response off anon in the post [or reblog w/ a response]? Ik its not a rp blog only but I want to know the limits before I make an attempt to do so wwwww) - 🍒
I'm so glad you liked them, 🍒!
As for your request, certainly! Go ahead. I don't mind :D
It's not a problem at all but thank you for confirming it to me first! (人*´∀`)。*゚+
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
sorry you sent me 69 and its one of the most depressing vocaloid songs in the world
バイキンナキムシヨワムシ無視無視 (covered in germs, crybaby coward, i don't mind at all)
i like the worldplay of this bit a lot wwww the whole second verse is really nice i like how cheerfully the insults+condemnation is delivered, the vibes are impeccable
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2n2n · 1 year
What is your favorite jibaku shounen hanako-kun couple? What is the couple you hate the most? It's because? Who is your favorite character? And the character you hate the most? And also why? (I know this is not a related question and you don't have to answer if you don't want to😅)
Anything can be asked at any time! If I don't feel like answering something, I'll just delete it, afterall.
Favorite couple? YUGI8! or, Amane x Nene x Tsukasa! As a complete love circle! Which means, Amane x Nene-chan Amane x Tsukasa and Tsukasa x Nene-chan!
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[a collab doodle with my husband drawing Amane] x more here
everything, every way! mwah mwah mwah
Aren't they all three such little goons ... they're all so playful. Everyone here loves to play a little game, roleplay, tinker with toys ... whatever I imagine with the three, at any ages, it's a complete riot ... I want Amane's hands to be full with his otouto and his girlfriend... I want them to rope Amane into all sorts of nonsense ... and of course, Nene-chan needs someone on her side who understands Amane!!! Amane can't act so difficult and avoidant if Tsukasa is there ;) he knows when you are lying... ! The girls need to help eachother not get bullied too much by Amane, wwww..... and getting to see Tsukasa having a nice time with a girl, could heal Amane's heart, eventually (it'll give him a problem somewhere else, but that's fine)... in some ways I think Amane and Nene-chan could really corner Tsukasa, as much as Nene-chan and Tsukasa could corner Amane, or Tsukasa and Amane could corner Nene-chan... literally, the possibilities are endless!!! And Amane will get to dom everyone, good for him :D!
In my heart, I believe it's possible, and beautiful. I even think we will see it happen, some day…. *stares into the stars* I really do…
I don't really think I super "hate" anything in this manga, I enjoy the overall writing and theming enough that I'm engaged when anyone is on the page… though Kou does frustrate me a lot. I've said it many times but I suppose I shall say it all again:
Kou x Mitsuba is, among what shows up regularly in the canon at least, the least fun or cute for me. I think it's Kou's fault though, for also having a crush on Nene-chan… what a meaningless feeling ... on top of that, he apparently values his normal guy friends a lot ... the fact he really thinks of his meaningless friends at all in the Red House really degrades his emotional landscape to me, too .... when you have characters as isolated/one-track minded as Sumire/Hakubo, Aoi/Akane, Amane/Tsukasa and Amane/Nene, even Teru's feelings towards Kou … that makes the overall set-up much less atmospheric ... Kou really is a normal, directionless idiot...
and then his crush on Nene-chan, that degrades whatever Mitsuba is, because it shows Kou can BE complimentary and blushy in a normal way with someone he likes, why ????? He doesn't throw her around the room or scream at her, like he does Mitsuba!!!! So you see, it makes me feel bad for Mitsuba! It feels like Kou has no idea what he's doing or what he feels, AND he's reactive at the drop of a hat, so he'll scream something as if he believes it or as if it means anything, then he won't do a single useful thing…
on top of it all, it's very devastating that he simply didn't remember Mitsuba … even though other classmates of theirs did. That's such a rough "first meeting" for your OTP …………… compared to everything else, EVEN his OWN BROTHER'S feelings for HIM, it's really not romantic at all … Again, it makes me feel bad for Mitsuba…. WHAT A BAD LOVE STORY YOU'RE MAKING, KOU, IF THAT'S WHAT IT IS--!!!! He really makes it all not beautiful at all… !!! Not a single admirable thing about it!!! Tsukasa is doing everything for Mitsuba, too...
Oh I accidentally answered what character I dislike … it is Kou. He is just so stupid … he yells all the time and he is physically violent at the drop of a hat … he for some reason has had no development in his ambitions and still wants to be an exorcist … he just wants to be strong and cool like his big brother. He is very basic normal masculine boy with insecurity about being seen as weak or useless. Compared to someone with a RICH INNER WORLD like Amane, or someone with real lonliness like Mitsuba, he's really frustrating …. he just has friends and family he loves … he is spoiled … yet he has the nerve to insult Mitsuba and blast him with lightning every 3 seconds … he really is mean and shitty … he has no perspective, so sad people like Teru and Mitsuba are without any reassurance .... I have no idea why he is seen as "good nice wholesome boy", he talks extremely rudely, he acts extremely abrasively… he's such a generic shounen protag boy, yelling empty platitudes that don't mean anything. He never has anything beautiful, poignant, or observant to say … I feel like he has the memory of a goldfish....
Kou is most interesting to me when he is finally simply being full bore deplorable, which I feel is closer to his true nature, anyway ... like in Ghost Hotel, he's terrorizing and chopping up and eating Mitsuba ... I like the aquarium thing, because seeing the assault manifest so full-force felt very 'real', for a Kou emotionally explosive moment. I'd like him stop pretending to be a hero, for real ...
But I guess if you wanted to consider non-canon pairings I truly but actually do hate some haha, like, Hanako x Kou (BARF), Kou x Nene-chan (BARF). It's like ... utter nonsense. Truly drivel. Don't you ever let that nasty gangly thing touch any part of my ship …………………..
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codes · 2 years
i'm having fun discussing this too but i don't want to suddenly come off randomly sghfh but////// i read ritsu's meowsketeer story through, and the whole time izumi had his mind only on spending time w knights, and his feelings were genuinely hurt that ritsu was in a really bad mood over a cat when he was gonna leave japan soon (they reconciled, and ritsu apologized and admitted what was really bugging him) but at the airport, when it seemed like only leo would see him off, he gripes that he's too busy for frequent visits leo bluntly states "i think if i called you back, you would come back right away though~" and izumi didn't deny it wwww
heheheh its no worries! im gonna head to bed soon but ive heard about this! i havent read the story yet and i likely wont until i finish the main !! story but this is so annoyingly cute. it makes me sick how important knights is to izumi and how hes so stupidly tricky about his own feelings it makes me so -starts punching the air--
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