#don't google that at work
markfrommichigan · 3 months
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legobiwan · 1 year
Apropos of nothing, here's my personal headcanon in regards to Mario and Luigi's surname.
Now, it's been generally announced and accepted that the brothers' last name is "Mario," shackling them with the somewhat awkward full names of "Mario Mario" and "Luigi Mario." My take on this is that the family's original last name was "Marianetti" (likely coming from the more common "Marinetti"). This name was changed to "Marionetti" when the boys' grandmother came over from Italy. (A common occurrence in record keeping at immigration at the time. Someone probably had bad handwriting and smudged a pencil stroke somewhere. It happened in my family for sure).
In Brooklyn, their father went by the last name "Marionetti," which ended up shortened to just "Mario," as oftentimes he would be addressed by his surname only. (Think, "Hey, Mario! Get over here!" as opposed to "Hey, Marionetti! Get over here!")
So, the boys are born and get their names. (Their father's middle name was Mario, and so our Mario, being the oldest, inherits his father's middle name as his first name. Luigi's name maybe comes from the middle name of some uncle who is long out of the picture).
So we have "Mario Marionetti" and "Luigi Marionetti." Which, their surname being a mouthful, gets shortened to "Mario" more often than not, just like their father. And thus we end up with "Mario Mario" and "Luigi Mario," culminating in the "Mario Brothers."
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starflungwaddledee · 6 days
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at long last i present... a proper starstruck dee reference sheet! 🎀✨ have a peruse and learn a little bit (but not too much!) about this totally normal waddle dee!
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cjjferk · 2 months
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What if Jeeves had worked as a page boy at a private boys' school in his youth?
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royalarchivist · 7 months
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For folks who missed today's QSMP Movie Night or want to rewatch it with the original audio intact, I've uploaded the Movie Night portion of several members' VODs to a public Google Drive. I will keep these files up until Monday, December 4th, so be sure to watch and/or download whatever you need before then!
UPDATE: The lovely folks at @mcyt-archives have added all Movie Night 2 VODs to the QSMP Archivist VOD Masterlist. If you're still having trouble finding an unmuted version of the VOD you want to watch, check out their archive!
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[ As a side note: thank you to everyone who left such kind comments & messages on the previous VOD Archival post. You're all so sweet, it made me feel really happy and appreciated :') ]
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dash-n-step · 4 months
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Hey, @demilypyro, I think there's something wrong with my game, there's this demon girl who keeps going all in and winning
model by @m1lk-ch3rry
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bigautomaton · 3 months
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I hate how fast this came to me and I refuse to render it further
Alternate titles
Hey Alex, wtf man
Me When I Get My Hands On Shredded Mozz At 1:45AM
The Only Clubs I Know Have The John Wick Palette
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hermit-frog · 1 month
has anyone made a // between 1x05 and 2x02?
Daniel disrespects and aggressively violates Louis' boundaries. He mocks Louis' memories and his will to protect them. Understandably, Louis lashes back. Both times, Armand interferes (because he saves Louis from himself). This time Louis even haunts Daniel with a 70s flashback, because as we know, it was a very traumatic moment of Daniel's life. And the fact that he doesn't remember it, makes it even more frightening and upsetting.
I don't think it was about devil's minion, or Alice. Just the most pain inducing moments of Daniel's life. These two keep digging fingers into each other's wounds, almost like s- *gunshot*
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ratwithhands · 1 year
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Some doodle requests of John Ward from insta. The ones submitted, in order, are:
Throws a bagel at him
Exorcising a demon child
Draw him pregnant
On all fours eating a pile of toes
I will perhaps post some other doodles of him because I'm getting back into Faith for the first time in a few years and I got some ideas while I was gone (namely one about a particular game over screen). Anyways see you guys later and sleep tight.
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yaekiss · 2 months
💕𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂 𝑭𝒊𝒄!
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Ever wanted to see you and your blorbo in a Situation? Or maybe you'd like a continuation to a previous fic of mine? You're in luck!!
I'm running a fundraiser event for the non-profit charity Care for Gaza, where you'll be able to submit prompts for each donation you make!
Care for a Fic will be running on my blog with no deadline for now ! Details under the cut ⬇️💕
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This was inspired by the Gotcha for Gaza fundraising events that different fandoms are organising on Twitter (i.e. TGCF Gotcha for Gaza, MDZS Gotcha for Gaza, SVSSS Gotcha for Gaza)
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As always, please have your age stated somewhere on your blog and minors under 18 are not allowed to interact with my content. Ageless blogs/minors will be blocked.
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How to participate?
Make a donation to Care for Gaza either through their GoFundMe or PayPal
Take a screenshot of your proof(s) of donation and amount donated (Please block out your personal information!)
Submit your proof(s) of donation and prompt(s) through this Google Sheet
I'll write out the fic for your prompt ! ^^
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Minimum donation amount per prompt:
SFW - US$5
Mailroom Open! love letters (regardless of SFW/NSFW) - US$8
Multiple prompts can be submitted as long as the total donation cost covers all the prompts!
If I'm unable to fulfill your prompt, I'll DM you through Tumblr and follow up with you from there ^^
*Do look through my info posts for the fandoms I write for and my rules!  *If you've made donation(s) in a different currency, please help to calculate the US$ value, thank you!
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Since I'm unsure exactly how many prompts will be submitted, in order to avoid overwhelming myself, I will mostly be keeping each fic between 800-1500 words!
I'll aim to complete and post up your fic within 2 weeks of submission! If I'm unable to keep up with the submissions, I'll announce the closure of the Google form for a bit to catch up, before opening it back up again soon ><
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Total amount raised: USD$16.61 ! Current donator prompt fics in progress: 0 !
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Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions at all! Thanks for reading through and please do consider donating!!
Remember to do your daily click too!
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bethanydelleman · 7 months
I think I figured out the problem with the Enemies to Lover's trope, it has a bimodal distribution. Let me explain!
Most tropes have a normal distribution:
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I hypothesize that with EtoL, there is very little middle ground. This is a bimodal distribution:
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You either do EtoL well and join the ranks of the immortals, or you crash and burn. I've discussed previously what makes EtoL work, but there seem to be a lot of traps for writers to fall into when it comes to this trope. For example:
the turn being based too heavily on lust (common JAFF trap)
never fully establishing the enemies phase
insufficient apology on one side (almost always the man's) which makes the other's acceptance unsatisfying
the pair have the communication skills of a newborn baby (ei: the misunderstanding could be fixed with a single sentence)
one side is a real asshole but it's excused because of TRAUMA
growth is ignored in favour of acceptance (can work, usually doesn't)
Relationship is clearly toxic, above and beyond the extenuating circumstances/magical premise (The problem isn't that Edward is a vampire, that's part of the premise. The problem is his disregard for Bella's autonomy)
One side gives in because the other is too obsessed with them
Once Upon a Time flew by having Hook feel meaningful remorse for his past actions (the scene with the Little Mermaid got me so good) and establishing begrudging respect between him and Emma, The Mindy Project crashed and burned by not showing sufficient growth in Danny (does he respect her career now or are they just horny?). Parks and Recreation got it by making the leads both good people who just got on each other's nerves because they had different valid approaches. I think Brooklyn 99 is one of those rare mediocre ones, because the enemy stage isn't fully established but the relationship is still satisfying. The Kdrama Alchemy of Souls got it right by having both main characters display an impressive amount of personal growth, while 100 Days My Prince burned because it relied too heavily on obsession and trauma excusing behaviour.
Pride & Prejudice and Much Ado About Nothing show that the beginning dynamic can be completely different, old antagonists vs. first impressions, but the trope can still work if it's done right. The problem is that it's so often done wrong.
So when it's good, it's SO GOOD, when it's bad, it sucks.
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little-pondhead · 8 months
If Pariah Dark is kept in the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, would that mean that Tucker, in some way, has power over it? Because of the whole pharaoh thing? The Sarcophagus is unknown in origin, but what if it came from the deities of Egypt? Could it have been known as something else before falling into the hands of the Observants?
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twilight-deviant · 2 months
Watcher fans sure are entitled and a little insane, ngl. "No one is going to sign up for your service! We're all poor! You've made the worst decision, and you'll be back in no time!" Saying this directly to the creators really reminds you of how low the respect for people you don't personally know has gone. I miss the forth wall between creator and audience.
I get and fully understand not having the money to support them, but... Watcher does have fans with money. A lot of them actually. They have merch sales. Their live tour sells out most venues. They have thousands of supporters on Patreon, where the cheapest tier is $5. They're able to gauge the rough finances of their staunchest supporters; that's how they landed on the subscription price. Yes, this move will reduce their viewership in sheer numbers, but to say all of their fans are broke and none will follow/support is factually incorrect.
It may not be a decision everyone agrees with, but severing the limitations of advertisers and youtube in favor of artistic freedom is a good thing. Yes, even if it comes with a loss of revenue. They understand that risk.
Also, I'm begging people to stop treating this like "another Netflix" or something and instead look at it as, "I am supporting a creator I like, similar to Patreon." They literally said in the video that they don't care if you share accounts. Get five friends, and you'll pay $1/mo.
I hate feeling compelled to rant in favor of their decision because I have my own reservations about whether it's the best move. However, I know it's not a choice they made lightly, and I like to think they understand that they'll need to branch out like crazy to entice subscribers.
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buglaur · 11 months
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she's live
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now you can see what everyones height is in my head because i refuse to download height sliders. look at ass <3
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thephantomlizard · 2 years
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this was inspired by @arzuera by their fic robins egg, this is a re-upload from my other blog because I wanted to make one just for art
anyway here's the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/40364214/chapters/101109468
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sivvan · 10 months
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@userdramas event 10: emotions
↳ seventeen songs + emotions
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