markfrommichigan · 6 days
Back at it again, with another basic Midwestern middle-aged nostalgia rabbit hole of music, from my most formative era. The 1990s.
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markfrommichigan · 11 days
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markfrommichigan · 24 days
Mobile game ads lie more than politicians do.
First we see the ad on IG.
Then we see the game's listing on some IG store page, as well as a screenshot that appears to look just like the ad.
Next is the same game on Google Play. The whole Sci-Fi aesthetic is now gone and the game has a Western style look and the art style is different as well.
That's some BS.
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markfrommichigan · 1 month
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Yeah, not every project is gonna be a success. Some films, shows, comics, etc. are just not going to connect with you. And yes, some stuff just sucks and it's perfectly fine to CONSTRUCTIVELY criticize these things. But for crying out loud, some of you folks are clearly just awful people with no empathy, imagination, or open-mindedness.
I'm done giving any credence to people who immediately lash out at things like diversity in storytelling. Write your own shit and see how easy it is. You complain when nothing changes. You complain when it does. It's like nothing is ever gonna make you happy, so just stop watching and find something else.
It's exhausting listening to you dipshits trying to hide your bigotry behind flimsy "hot takes."
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markfrommichigan · 1 month
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(dramatic pause)
[thunder crashes and lightning flashes as the Crypt Keeper chops off Dana Carvey's head.]
(laughs maniacally)
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markfrommichigan · 1 month
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markfrommichigan · 1 month
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My first attempt at curating a playlist. Incredibly basic premise and unironically full of well-known selections. I'm 45.
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markfrommichigan · 2 months
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markfrommichigan · 3 months
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Stephen King video game idea.
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markfrommichigan · 3 months
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I'm telling my kids this was Kevin Feige talking about "Deadpool 3" at CinemaCon.
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markfrommichigan · 3 months
We finished watching "Fallout" last today. Tonight we started watching "Vikings". Now all I can think about is Skyrim.
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markfrommichigan · 3 months
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Middle-aged Existential Movie Night
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markfrommichigan · 3 months
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markfrommichigan · 3 months
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Cell phones bad.
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markfrommichigan · 3 months
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markfrommichigan · 3 months
Nothing kills my faith in humanity faster than the comments section on anything posted online.
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markfrommichigan · 3 months
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Self Port
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