#don't get me wrong drawing doodles can be fun but I also wanna do serious stuff too
duskwod-draws · 1 year
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HEY I can draw cool shit too
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Greetings and Salutations, everyone! Allow me to properly introduce myself.
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My name is Zeisty King — aka the random individual behind this silly little blog! I mainly go by just Zeisty, though (seeing as I treat the "King" part as a surname).
My main goal for this blog is to doodle Siffrin from In Stars and Time (as well as other characters sometimes) so I can get used to a new tablet and set up, while also having fun with it!! Hence why I named this blog the way I did and why I don't mind calling the art I post here "messy," especially considering half of them are sketches anyway!
I may make mistakes from time to time and some results may be wonky, but that's okay! It's all a part of the learning process!! And is not limited to forgetting how anatomy works; I put two hands on the wrong way in one post once and I have to accept the fact I did that.
#main blog to gimmick blog — anything from my main blog that I've reblogged to this one! I don't think I'll do it a whole lot, but I just wanted to let you know that happens and that they may contain spoilers when it does.
#not quite a daily — on occasion, doodles that don't count as a daily (but are still silly enough to be shown off on this blog) will be posted here! I don't think I'll do it too much, but don't be surprised if you see any doodles that aren't dailies from time to time.
#personal reblog — anything I've reblogged from myself once, twice or even thrice! I sometimes do it to make sure you haven't missed a post from me, or if I have something else to say about it.
#siffrin gimmick blog asks — as of posting this introduction this week, this is a new one! These are any questions you lovely folks wanna send in through this blog's askbox, and that I've answered.
#siffrin gimmick blog doodles — self explanatory! These are any drawings/doodles I've made for this blog, dailies or otherwise! I aim post here every day, though I sometimes won't on account of my memory or out of respect for certain events. Or if I need a break. I am only one goober, after all.
#siffrin gimmick blog rambles — any thoughts I need to say or anything I need to inform you will be under this tag! They won't contain art, so this one and any others like it are the exceptions.
#siffrin gimmick blog suggestions — got any suggestions for me to draw? Along with the ask tag, this is a new one as of this week! Any ideas you have for me to draw will be slotted under this tag! Be careful not to send in any spoilers, as I refuse to draw them six days of the week.
#siffrin gimmick blogs angsty sundays — this is the only time I'll intentionally post spoilery, angsty and/or serious art! I'll make sure to tag them as such so you can avoid them. I just wanted to give you a little head's up that I'll also reblog spoilers and tag them as well. :3
-My main blog is @electrozeistyking! You can find me reblogging my gimmick blog doodles there, along with any other stuff I drew not meant for this one (and stuff other people made)!! It's not exclusively ISAT stuff though, obviously.
-I swear quite a bit and do not tag them when I do. It'd probably be a hassle for me if I did, so if you're not cool with that, feel free to block this blog! You absolutely don't have to interact if you don't want to. I will tag other serious stuff/triggers, though! (Except this post, seeing as it's the introduction and it's important folks don't miss it. Sorry!)
-I'm not guaranteed to accept every suggestion or answer every ask sent my way. In the case of suggestions, there is a chance I won't be inspired enough to draw it for you; in the case of asks, I might not know what to say. And other possible reasons, if they ever happen to come up.
-I see every ask sent my way, so please try not to send the exact same Ask/Suggestion more than once! I promise I'm either formulating a response, figuring out how to draw your suggestion, or I was forced to delete it (in regards to the following note).
-I don't want this blog to overshadow you, so I'll unfortunately have to force myself to delete your ask if it has nothing to do with this blog in particular or ISAT. That's why I recommend you send it into my main blog instead!
That's it for now! Thanks for reading, and for hanging around this blog with me! :D
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juvederm · 7 months
actually yapping
feel like a lot of my thoughts about not getting enough notes or whatever on a drawings can be dissolved by just accepting that art of the Game (its plot, events, etc) will pop off more than some self indulgent sketch. people will like things they can recognize, which i was aware of but i just thought that my art would reach the fandom people, yk the ones who are not just attached to the story but the characters too. so making recognizable art of the game wouldn't matter bc it would instead be of the characters
but the thing is, making Serious art of the game is tough. it's hard coming up with ideas, and who knows if the process is gonna be fun or extremely grueling. and on top of that, what hasn't been done so far? every idea has been drawn, been brought to life. the game is like 8 years old now. i kinda don't wanna draw more "Mountain. Blood. Snow. Ugly winter outfits" anymore lol. i mean sometimes i do bc i love the game obviously but when i wanna have fun, i'll tend to do other things that kinda combine with my own personal interests. so like fashion for example, i'll take the characters and dress them up. that's me having fun.
i want to think and Know that people understand this concept, but it feels like they don't? maybe they do. i know for a fact my mutuals do, because you are all very supportive of every silly josh doodle i make lol i appreciate it a lot 🤗 you guys are the kind of people i make this art for, the Character Likers. because i myself am someone who will attach to the characters more than like, the story. which isn't to say i just disregard the source material, that's not it at all, but for me regarding UD, imma be honest yall... i do not give a fuck abt the creature lore in the game at all. i don't care abt billy bates and whatnot. it's fine if you do, but me personally ehhh i don't care much abt that part of the story
i really like the characters out of all of this, i like certain dynamics, dialogue, etc. and i love the story too, and especially love when the story involves the characters (which i think the sanitarium segments doesn't really do? it kinda just gives insight on the 1950s mine incident and shjt) but i like the parts of the story relating to the twins. bc those are characters and they kinda haunt the narrative.
speaking of the narrative, it's part of the reason i like josh. he doesn't haunt the narrative but he controls it a lot id say. he's a very captivating character, very compelling. you want a lot out of him, like what's wrong, why is he doing this, why did he say that, blah blah. i honestly love characters that are attractive in this way, even to other characters in the story. so sam and chris for example. i enjoy the dynamic they have with josh because they're worried about him, they're thinking about him, or they want to know if he's okay, what's up with him and all that. he holds their attention like that, and ofc that led to ships and stuff. i feel like ashley's actress said it best when describing josh: "you think he's one way but then he's another"
which is honestly just so fucking true. you think he's dead, then he's not, you think he's okay but then he's not, you think he might live but he doesn't. he's even like that personality wise i'd say, but that's teetering onto like headcanon territory just somewhat. because sam does say "it's hard to tell with him" but that's mostly bc of the incident with the twins, she can't Tell if he's okay or barely hanging on. josh is hard to pin down, he's Complex, as stated in the game
sorry for getting into a little josh analysis there but since he is an important character (in general) to me, i kinda felt the need. because this also goes into my gripes about people not really getting why i draw him the way i do. j know i won't shut up about this, but i just Want everyone to know, bc i feel as though it was part of the reason why i wasn't really interacted with for as long as i've been a part of this fandom. like nobody really understood what i was doing, but it was really just simple fun. i mean, now i've completely given up hope with ever really Connectinf with the fandom, but i just want this off my chest honesrly lol
like i really don't want to keep drawing josh one way. like i said i wanna have fun so that's what i do. i can't really "make an him an oc" because i don't change anything about his story or writing. putting him in a silly outfit doesn't make him eligible for "original characterification" lol. so that's what i mean by i make a lot my art for the fandom people, the ones who like the game for more than its story, people who like making headcanons, people who like writing for the game, etc
and the reason i do it a lot is bc of what i said before. making art of the game is tough, it's a lot of thinking. what Hasn't been done already? not much lol. so i'll just keep sketching the silly stuff and sharing it with cool ppl who kinda get what i'm doing 👍
but i definitely will make art of the game and not just the characters, i'll make art more recognizable to the average player because guess what. that's also what i like. it just takes a long time for me because Serious art has a lot of thinking and planning behind it and is just very time consuming in general. but oh, josh in a skirt? took two minutes and i can just close my ipad and not worry about anything else lol
i hope this made sense??!?&?@ i kinda wanted to talk to people about it so if anyone else feels the same way i'd love to know. i'll prob make a followup sometime soon but i just wanted to get all my thoughts out in one place because i've kinda collected them all finally leleleleel
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creatureshrieks · 7 months
Valentine’s Day Application (not sure if you wanted this to be specific to a character so woe! Doe be upon ye!)
Name: Doe [marked with two exclamation points, dotted with hearts. It’s almost infuriating how fitting Doe’s penmanship seems to carry the timber and weight of her voice. Neat, but rounded, curling, playful with letters so close they seem to flow, one into the other. Not to even mention the small doodles she’s left to denote her expressions.]
Age: 19-23 [the numbers are marked with a question mark, and a small drawing of a person shrugging. She doesn’t know the pinpointed age. Sorry!]
Do you like to cuddle?: Are you asking me if I dislike SUNSHINE?? [the word is underlined twice, to denote its importance,] I love cuddling! Best way to end a full day and start a new one! [was that a pun?? Dammit Doe, you know she was smiling writing that]
Can we make-out?: Depends— Are you okay with tongue? [the statement is playful, even in writing and followed by a smiley face sticking out its tongue, but it seems like Doe’s had a change of heart about leaving the question with a half-earnest joke for an answer] (the answer is yes though, just maybe not with people around!)
A night in or dinner out?: [Doe was obviously having a hard time making up her mind on this one, the page was written over and erased several times over, in the end she settled on] Whatever works for you!
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?: Whipcream!
Chocolates and roses?: if that’s what your into! I think it’s a little overdone, [she’s drawn a tongue out smiley face] I mean, I can understand the romance, especially if you LIKE flowers. It’s just not for me, I’m an experiencea kind of girl! The 35 dollars for flowers and chocolates which would much better spent on a bit of gas and a trip into a park together to look at nature, pet dogs and hang out.
What makes you a good Valentine?: Well, I’m interested for starters! I’m also cute, look great in jeans, will present for the occasion. Good sense of humor. Happy to be armcandy to impress friends. Plus I even PROMISE to laugh at all your jokes, even ones that are so bad even you groan! Cross my heart!
Would you cook for me?: Duh, I’m taking you out!
Would you let me cook for you?: If you want to! I’m more than happy to cook if you don’t wanna!
Where would you take me on a date?: Depends! If it was up to me, dinner at one of those 24 hour hole in the wall places (they always have THE BEST pancakes, sorry not sorry) a round of bowling or an hour or two with a bag full of quarters at an arcade, we end the night wandering around, seeing if anything’s open and chatting. BUT [the word is underlined three times and in capital letters] I’m open to suggestions! Any time will be a good time if we spend it together!
Who’s paying?: I can pay! Just don’t go crazy [drawn besides the word is a little smiley face with an X instead of eyes! Doe is frugal and determined with cash in the bank for fun, she’ll find a way as long as it isn’t the ritz]
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: my charming presence and the opportunity to have a fun date!
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" Jesus Christ, you're perfect, " Is he teasing? Being serious? Who knows! He at least sounded as if he meant it, but such an assumption was often proven wrong when it came to Frank.
" You don't mind a little blood, do you sweetheart? Because I've got an idea for some after-dinner entertainment if you got the guts for it. "
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veralovemail · 4 years
Hi there, this is the first time this anon is requesting for a matchup so I hope I describe myself well?
I'm bi but I prefer male survs but male hunters are fine too !
I'm an INFP. I don't talk much and especially around strangers which can make them think I'm mute. I look expressionless most of the time. However, I talk and open up more around friends and people I'm close to.
I try to look at things realistically but end up on the pessimistic side. I try my best to stay a little positive. I'm somewhat naive and airheaded, so people think I'm innocent. I actually like joking around despite looking all serious. People close to me say that I'm cute (how-) and pleasant to be around.
I like doing things for others to make them happy. Actually, I'm pretty weak to people doing something for me. Makes me wanna repay them 100x. I mostly wait for others to initiate stuff with me cause I'm not sure what the other wants unless they say so. Probably just me being polite, I make sure to ask. I don't like causing trouble for anyone.
I'm not very upfront about things sometimes and keep things in my thoughts, especially negative emotions. I tend to bottle up the bad stuff so theres times where I get overwhelmed and stop talking and cry on the spot? Silently so nobody notices.
If I were a survivor in idv I think I'll be a support and/or rescuer type. For hobbies, I like to draw, read and play games. For height, I'm just a little taller than average. A fear of mine are loud noises.
you described yourself perfectly fine! dont worry abt it. enjoy! - mod vera
i match you with... victor grantz!
HEAR ME OUT hear me out
victor and you are most likely very quiet, you two just enjoy eachother's presence.
you most likely meet because you rescued him.
he's the optimist to your pessimist, you two just cancel eachother out with your views on life, but he always seems to bring a smile to your face.
he finds being near you very fun! once you open up to him and show your less-serious and casual side, he finds you a very nice person to be around and loves you dearly, despite the fact that you look serious most of the time.
victor really likes doing stuff for you, but then you do stuff for him back, and then HE does stuff for you too, but then YOU do stuff for him back a-
he also initiates convo the most, mostly by writing on pieces of paper or signing to you (if you're like me and know sign language)
however, he can tell when you're down.
he will ask if you want to talk about it, but he won't force you into doing so. if you say no, he'll just wrap his arms around you, press a kiss to your cheek and pull you away from whatever you were doing for some emotional support cuddles.
he really admires how upfront with people you can be.
you once said "wouldn't you like to know, candle boy" to norton jokingly and victor almost died of laughter because it was hilarious but norton thought you were being dead serious.
when he's not there, he writes letters to you in the morning just to make it feel like he's there
wick is defo your son. wick will trot into your room like he OWNS the place but he defo likes sleeping beside you & victor. sometimes you substitute wick in for victor and wick's like "help"
if victor sees that you're getting overwhelmed, he takes you by the hand gently, leads you to a quieter place with wick and just holds you. you don't have to tell him what's wrong since he most likely knows what's going on because he's there.
he likes reading with you a lot!! your dates consist of you two getting wrapped up in the library, getting out a book you've wanted to read together and spending the day just reading it with you sitting in victor's lap, just kinda chilling together! if it's late at night, he does fall asleep first, but then you don't realise and fall asleep too so when joseph comes in to read his daily morning book he sees the two of you and goes "??? move over you're taking up all the space wtf" even though you're both conked out.
also, do draw him. victor really likes seeing you doodling, it kinda fills him with inspiration to write a heartfelt poem for you. he will be rather flustered if he sees you drawing him - it makes him feel very special and even more loved!
he likes being big spoon, but won't oppose to being small spoon either. it depends on how your day went, really.
victor loves you very dearly! you two get along so well, he definitely cheers you up when you're down and balances you out. also, victor now secretly calls norton "candle boy" behind his back.
i hope u liked these :" im sorry if they're short too!! i just got home from my evening walk, so apologies.
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@navi-chan said,
(♡1♡) Hello ˃ᴗ˂ I wanna know who I match up with in A3 O(≧▽≦)O I'm a Virgo and IFJT girl living her life at the moment. I know and think things that are apparently weird (idk why) that makes my friends question on what I do when I'm alone (✿◠‿◠). I'm exactly 5 ft for now (still growing), wavy shoulder-length black hair and I have a fair skin tone cuz I don't like the sun too much XD. I love and enjoy to draw and read stories and articles that captivates my interest.
(♡2♡) I like to travel cuz I want to know the place and it's culture especially its art. I also like to sleep cuz whenever I'm alone and have nothing to do I would feel lonely that is why I tend to sleep the loneliness away. And, I love-hate cuddles (don't attack me pls ( ˃̵⌓˂̵)). LOVE cuz I would feel sense of comfort with the person. HATE cuz I feel like the person might disappear or will leave me behind and I would feel lonely again. Well, that's all (❁´▽`❁)
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✧ Tumblr is not letting me tag you. 😔 I hope you’ll see this. Honestly, I really wanted to match you with Azuma but ‘I’m still growing part’ made me feel like you’re a minor so I couldn’t. I can be wrong though lol. Sorry for taking so long and thank you for requesting a matchup, love. 💞✨
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; It was a hot summer day and for some reason you’ve made it into your personal mission to do random acts of kindness for the people who were a total stranger to you. So far, you’ve helped old people cross the street, helped someone load their groceries and left a copy of that days’s newspaper on your neighbor’s doorstep. You had to admit, it was a productive day and it wasn’t even midday yet! With your accomplishments for the day, you decided to treat yourself something cold, like ice cream or soda. Just the thought itself made you smile. With a nod of your head, you began walking towards the area that had the shops in it. While walking, you caught a glimpse of a boy in front of vending machine, sulking. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt with black and white patterns on it and a black shalwar like leggings. Ah, you knew what the problem was. The vending machines in this area were famous for eating the coins of people. You were a victim of them yourself many, many times. But with some brain power, you managed to come up with a single move that can get the snack or drink you’ve wanted. You were already on a kindness roll so you might as well help another person out. With a smile on your face, you cleared your throat and shot the boy a knowing look. “Allow me.” You have said before hitting a specific spot with your hip and bam! one of the sodas has dropped. Sticking your arm in, you grabbed the cold beverage and tossed it to the boy, who was looking at you with shining eyes. “Eh!? That was so cool! Teach me how to do it!” A giggle escaped from your lips at how enthusiastic he was being. You could basically see a tail behind him, wagging with anticipation. With a small shake of your head, you flashed a knowing grin as you took a coin out of your pocket and popped it into the machine, pressing the numbers of the drink you’ve wanted. You were planning on buying something cold anyway and this was more convenient for you too. And just as you thought, even though the vending machine took your money, it didn’t give you the drink. You hit the machine one more time and grabbed your drink after it fell down. You popped open the can and took a sip, turning your attention to the red head afterwards, you began to explain how hitting that exact spot was important and if he messed it up even just a little, the money would go to waste. With every word left your mouth, he nodded with serious eyes. After you were done, you took another coin and basically sacrificed it. “Alrighty, it’s now your turn. Give it your best shot!” You said before stepping aside and giving the boy a thumbs up. “Yes, ma’am.” He said before hitting the machine and successfully making the can of soda fall. His bright blue eyes lit up as he throw his fist up. “Hey, I did it! I really did it!” “Haha, congratulations. Make sure to use that power for good.” “You can count on me!” After that exchange you two grabbed your cans of sodas and sat on a nearby bench. He told you that his name was Taichi Nanao, he was a student at Ouka High School and an actor at Mankai Company. After that, you introduced yourself and you two just chatted about whatever came to mind until it was around three pm. Taichi was first to leave since he had practice with Autumn Troupe around an hour later but he didn’t leave without getting your phone number, which you happily gave without much thought.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Taichi is like a puppy, often noisy and upbeat so there is never a dull moment when you two are together. Don’t ever worry about him leaving you behind because he is so whipped for you. In fact, I feel like you both might fear that whole ‘my significant other is to good for me what if they leave me all of a sudden?’ more than necessary. Yes, I said both of you because let’s not forget that under that positive attitude of his, Taichi actually has very low self esteem. What I’m trying to say is words of affirmation and physical touch is your canon love languages, although the later happened less in your earlier stage of relationship. IFJT people are often perfectionists with extremely high standards of performance for themselves so whenever you’re too harsh on yourself having a chill & silly boyfriend would calm you down or whenever he needs to get serious about something (ex. schoolwork because let’s face it, he’s the type of person who does his homework at the very last moment be it on the breakfast table or while the teacher is collecting them) you’re there making sure he’s not destroying his future academically. Those are just basic examples but in short, you two just balance each other out very nicely. Please just marry each other. 🥺
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; Since apparently you do things that are considered weird, now you have a partner by your side to do those things. I feel like the both of you would totally be up to having intense conversations with pets, rating total strangers out of ten or texting each other weird things even though you're in the same room. If not, I can see you two going to a convenience store, buying the magazines that catches your eyes, sitting back to back or with him laying down on his back and you on top of him, making a + form and reading articles until one of you gets bored. If you’ve seen Taichi’s doodle he made in the notebook, you’d know that the boy is at the very least decent at drawing, so even though he might get bored quickly, he would do his best to draw with you. Since you don’t like the sun very much, if he wants to go outside with you he’d wait until late afternoon-evening. When it comes to outdoor dates the first thing came to my mind was amusement park date. Can you imagine how fun it would be to go on the rides with him??? I headcanon that Taichi loves rollercoasters so you bet he’s gonna beg your to go with him. If you freak out, he lets out a laugh and you feel his arm wrap around your waist, pulling you back against him, his other hand is stretched up to the sky.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Taichi’s birthday is on October 11 which makes him a Libra. Considering that Libra and Virgo are zodiac neighbours, it goes without saying that the two will be compatible. While Libra is an air sign, and Virgo is an earth sign, the two are as disconnected as they are connected. Virgo is duty-bound and nurturing. While Libra is also a sign that will do what needs to be done, their priority will be more on the reality than the idealistic acts. When Virgo and Libra join together in a love match, it can be like puting two puzzle pieces together. Each locks into the other and sits comfortably in place. Both Signs seek security in partnership, and they share a love of beauty and culture. They can work together efficiently and smoothly because they desire similar rewards. The Virgo-Libra relationship may trickle along in the beginning, but it will rev up once both partners grow to respect one another. Just like any other pairing, this pairing has its own set of pros and cons. Both these personality types have a tendency to be very similar to each other. As such, the suggestion would always be to give this relationship a shot. However, another advice would be to keep your eyes open. While loyalty is the way for both these signs, triggers for a change of duty may be something as simple as their partner not putting the toilet seat down. All the best!
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My OC fairy
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I said give it a name but I don't really know anything about her yet.....sooooo
Yeah, for does who want to know more about her...ask for a tag on the 'fairy OC' and I will update you about her. (But seriously give her a name! I'm bad at giving names! Help-- anyway)
For her colouring I did a bit different things. For her character, I almost drew her entirely with highlighters and some colour pencils to get texture into it. Plus giving a bit dimension to her. (And a white gel pen for the highlights of the eyes.)
The background is a mix between highlighters, colour pencils and a silver gel pen.
On the right of the image you can see the colours of the highlighters I was able to use.
And a little someone that I made originally to test how to use highlighters to draw, because I have never done that before, but I kinda like him? Her? Them? Eh idk *shrugs* if you want to give it a gender and name, go for it! Maybe it's a little companion to her?
Anyways, that was now more infos on how I made it then rather about who she is and where she's from. Because of the reasons I already mentioned.
Sooo yeah ask me stuff about her and names! Please I'm bad at names! *coughs*
(Updated, she has a name now! Her name is Ellen! And the one how gave her the name is @ccecode. Thanks!)
(I put in the art Taglist and the fanfic Taglist. Why? Because...uh....maybe they can help with a back story and names-- I mean-- maybe they wanna see too! Yeah...also for does don't want (or do want to) be in a general Taglist tell me. Because I probably turn it into a general Taglist for fanfics because I'm slow as shi-- so just tell me.)
Art Taglist:
@altruistic-skittles @stabbinggoodtime @awkwardmazard18 (thanks for the help in the colour choice mabitha!^^) @galaxy-warping @anony-phangirl @snake-noodles @lizaelsparrow @pipapatton @xxladystarlightxx @fivesecondscookies
Fanfic Taglist:
@sleepysnail @toolazytothinkofcreativename @ooor-are-they @smilingwiththeworlddestroyed (I love your name btw^^) @ccecode @asleepybisexual @altruistic-skittles (I'm only gonna tag you in the art because I don't wanna confuse you with two tags for one thing...or something. Don't look at me! I have my reason!) @beach-fan @notalwaysthevillian @nyxwordsmith @stabbinggoodtime @awkwardmazard18 @apologetically-anxious @galaxy-warping (same goes for you. And I still have a reason!) @gamamaro @royallyanxious @lacrimorathedark (work! God damn it!) @v-doodles (you too! Work!) @ebony-wolf @cats-with-blogs @phander-trash @otakugirl11300 (what is this!? Woooork!) @secretlyanxiousperona (are you serious!?) @silent-violet-echos @blue-wolfbane (? I could be wrong with this one, I can't read my notes damn it!)
If you wanna be removed or added, to both or one of the Taglists, let me know.
And just because I can @thatsthat24 and @shenpaidoodles BOOM!
Okay I'm gonna go now have fun! *walks away and leaves you alone now*
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