#don't fucking remove captions if there's credit in there
chenziee · 2 years
Can we stop doing unauthorised reposts in this year of our lord and saviour sun god nika 2022
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sarahowritesostucky · 1 month
Bucky's Hands 🫠 And Angry GIF Racists
Originally I saved these GIFs off of Google and posted them with a similar caption as they have below. Nothin' special. Just meant to be a cute drool-over-Bucky post. It got a few thousand likes, which was neat.
A couple of months and a few hundred reblogs later, the girl who apparently made the GIFS messaged me--very pissily, informing me that since she made them I had no right to post them and how dare I!
I told her I don't see any issue with saving a GIF off of Google to use in a post or embed in a fic, etc. They are simply clips from movies, after all.
She furiously told me to remove my post.
TBH, I was about to ask if she'd be cool with a link to her account for credit (even tho the GIF already had her watermark on it). And if she'dve said no, then I was prepared to delete the post just to shut her up. I figured she was 14 or something. Angry on the internet, what are ya gonna do, right?
But I decided not to say that or do that, when within an hour of her messaging me, about six of her mutuals started messaging me nastily. And then one or more of them began anon-bombing me with hate. At least one of them included racial slurs, ethnic slurs, and wished for/encouragements for me to go self-delete.
Since she or one or more of her friends are such ugly, racist people, I chose to say "bye bye, I will continue unapologetically saving and using GIFs from Google."
Then, to illustrate the point of how stupid she was being, I went and took about 90 seconds - 2 minutes of my time and made. the same. exact. GIFs. Boy was that "unique artwork" hard to make 🙄.
So in case somebody doesn't know my stance on this: I will always credit and never repost other people's paintings, drawings, digitals, sculptures, poems, fanfics, fanvideos, edits, manips, belly button lint weaving pieces, blurbs, and poetry ... but I'm not going to refrain from using a widely-available GIF if the maker of said GIF isn't readily knowable. If they are, great, I'll give credit. If not, oh well.
And if floridamatista (I think that was the name?) or any of your sweet, racist friends ever come across this post, I encourage you to reevaluate your value system in life, that you felt it appropriate to throw out the n word, death threats, and antisemitic slurs over. a fucking. GIF.
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The hands, the veins, those thick wrists 🤤 Lord, I did not need a new kink today, but alas I have found one anyway.
(Go ahead and use without credit, y'all. Since they're, ya know, clips from movies)
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Hey just so you know, a lot of the 'furniture' design you've been reblogging is AI generated. They're not real woodwork, pay close attention to the absolute lack of true symmetry and it becomes easy to spot.
Heya anon,
Thanks for looking out for AI generated art. However, in this case it's completely unwarrented. I scrolled back to see which posts you were probably referring to, and I found them all to be legitimate. The antlers furniture had a source (can be found on mobile, couldn't find it on desktop), which lead to an archive. The chair, at the very least, is in the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna.
The second post with the white curled furniture had its caption removed, but it was originally posted in 2014. The pieces are designed by Lila Jang.
The third post (almost a month ago!!) with the nouveau art bed and various other furniture also had the caption removed, but is a collection of furniture currently in the Musee D'Orsay in Paris. When you look at the furniture, you can see shadows from multiple light sources. They all check out. If you look even closer (might be harder to spot if you don't know furniture construction) you can spot joints and different colourations of different wood parts, but the carvings are all smooth.
I studied furniture making & conservation. Furniture has always been funky and wonky. Do you have any idea how hard it is to make furniture truly symmetric, especially before we had industrial machines? Hell, most of the time people didn't even want their furniture perfectly symmetric! It was most definitely the norm, but when Baroque and Rococo rolled around, they threw all that shit out of the window and made everying asymmetrical on purpose. The shapes and bodies were mostly still symmetrical, but the carvings and other decorations like marquetry or gildings were not. Especially Art Nouveau loved fucking around with shapes (check out Gaudi's work if you want to take a look at "AI" furniture from the 19th century) It only came back during the Empire, and in modern furniture. And even then, artists have always loved fucking around with shapes! When I started furniture making, everyone was talking about this CNC created Glitch Wardrobe by Ferruccio Laviani, created in 2013!
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I might have missed (some of) the post(s) you were referring to, but from what I could find, everything was legit. Whenever I encounter furniture posts, I zoom in and look at the construction. Not because I'm paranoid for AI, but because I enjoy figuring out how it was made. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, furniture is not all squares and rectangles. Hell, most of furniture history has been anything but. It's not as straightforward as you might think. Give furniture some credit. It's got a wild and expansive imagination and history, and it's very underappreciated.
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420pathetic · 7 years
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I can’t afford another heartbreak.
Series I , Work I
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aymmidumps · 5 years
hey, about that art reposting post: maybe put in the tags not to repost as well? I'm so sorry if this sounds like I'm blaming you for the art reposting or anything -- I'm really not, I just know that most ppl don't always go to the actual blog when they find art they want to repost. sometimes people just find the post and take it, so maybe if it was on the post they'd be less likely to? idk, I don't understand reposter's brains. if they have one to begin with.
that’s the problem. an artist should Not be obligued to tag or put on the caption to not repost... the act of saving art and posting it somewhere is just very fucking rude to begin with. if they cared to know if i allow it or not, they’d ask, or they’d check. but they dont, so they just take my drawings and post them somewhere else to get likes and shit, bc there’s all there is honestly. nowadays people dont take art to be like “i drew this” anymore (though there are. There Are) currently is more like “give me likes/retweets/reblogs” whatever, bc they cannot produce their own content, or dont want to. so taking other’s is 100% easier. and its not JUST my work i see on these accounts, its pretty much Everyone i know that’s part of fandoms like TFC and TRC and most of them dont like their art reposted either.
and dont get me started that most of these reposts dont even give credit to the artist at all. which goes back to my first point: they just want people liking their posts, and nothing else. 
if IG’s reporting system actually fuckin worked, i wouldnt be reblogging and BEGGING for people not to repost my art, i’d just report them. but since is not that easy i have to go inbox by inbox, asking to please remove the post in the kindest way possible. bc if u give these ppl an attitude you get immediately blocked, and there’s no garantee they deleted the post or not.
it’s a hassle, and it shouldn’t be. but this is the consequence of posting your art online. and im not gonna stop doing it, because i want to share my work, so i will have to keep dealing with this. but i’ve seen a lot of artist that just dont wanna post their shit anymore bc of this exact thing :/
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lilbbface · 6 years
I've had friends than been sober and told me since I've been sober and focusing on work my friends don't hit me up anymore. But honestly I tell them we're they even your friends in the first place then? Or were there supporting you when you were sober? They said no. It pretty much looked like they only will hit them up to get fucked up. But once sober they never asked how you been or called anything like that that's what saddens me the most? Like ppl see them change , like change is OKAY for the better and I'd you feel happy and sober fuck them? They weren't ur real friends after all just that the truth. But I Kno maybe u have someone close that been there for you ? . I know it gets lonely. But if it's doing you good being sober. You will be fine trust me!Just know ur beautiful and I'm glad ur getting sober and doing it to better yourself ✨💞 ur worth it alot. 🐰
Anyone struggling
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chelseawolfeonly · 7 years
Good luck with your shitty captions, no one gives a shit about them and yet you keep crying "ooh don't remove the captioon oohhh its against the tumblr rulessssss :(" hahah, pathetic. Get a fucking life.
You just sent this message to someone and then told THEM to get a life?? :D
For real though, if you think your blog “aesthetic” is more important than acknowledging Chelsea and the photographer (or other artists) who CREATED the content you fill your blog with, then I can’t help you.
A lot of people discover music and photographers through tumblr, having credits is not advertisment for this blog but for them. I have zero problem with people copying my caption and adding the credits themselves.
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rabtownsend · 7 years
I have just seen your "removing photos from porn sites" post. I have a serious question. My site is most certainly not safe for work. However, I don't know if it counts as porn in your eyes. I have reblogged some of your work, and will remove it if you wish. Seeking clarification on that please.
This is a fair question. To answer you directly, no, I don’t have an issue with you reblogging my photos to your nsfw page. I would only ask you to remove photos from your blog if they are of the model who asked me to have the photos removed. If you reblogged those photos from me, then they will have already been removed thanks to the DMCA I filed, so, no biggie.In a broader sense, I have no problem with some “nsfw” blogs following me or reblogging my photos, so long as they actually do reblog my photos instead of reposting them. However, nsfw is a pretty broad category, and some blogs that have nsfw content are going to be a problem for me, while others won’t.As a rule, if a blog is run by someone who treats their tumblr as their space - reblogging things that inspire them, excite them, interest them, and especially if they insert themselves into their blog via textposts and comments on reblogs, etc - I don’t really care how safe for work their blog is. They’re a real person who is curating content and using the site the way it’s supposed to be used.
Treating a tumblr account like a “red folder” - i.e. a collection of material to masturbate to - whether you remove my captions or not - is not an environment where I would appreciate my work displayed - and in most cases, I’ll just block that blog if they follow me or reblog my work. No big deal.Little side note. A quick test to see if a blog is being used as a spank bank is to check for the following:
porn gifs of gaggy blowjobs and buttsex - i.e. thoroughly unenjoyable sex-acts that are, for some reason, glorified by mainstream porn.
creepy comments that allow the blogger to insinuate themselves into the context of the image, like “she’s so hot!” and “you’re so sexy!” and “I want to fuck her!” or worse.
artless closeup photos of the blogger’s (or really anyone’s) genitals.
removed captions/a general lack of interest in crediting the artists, models, and sex workers from whom they take and/or steal their content.
bad edits of photos obviously from elsewhere that somehow force it to conform to a fetish.
So, besides pornbots and phishing bots from adultfriendfinder (who have been targeting me a lot recently, by the way), even if you’re a real person running a blog, if you run it in a way that suggests that you are more interested in jerking off than sharing and creating content (even if it’s erotic content), I would probably not like to see you reblogging my work, to share with your circle of fap-friends. (again, this is not directed at you, binarybi).
The problem I faced, that was part of the drive behind that post you’re referring to, was that many people had saved my photos from tumblr or from deviantart (where I had originally posted them before taking them down when I quit deviantart in 2015), and then they’d reposted those saved images to tumblr and to actual, crowdsourced porn sites and forums like imagefap. So, my best bets were using the reverse image lookup tool on google. But nsfw tumblr blogs are hidden from google, so what do? I found a few - mostly via other websites where people had ripped the images from those reposts on tumblr, and failed to rename the file or remove the url they got it from.
In any case, if your motivation for reblogging my work is to share photos you appreciate - even if it’s in the sense that you find them erotic - then I am not going to be very bothered by it. If your motivation is to masturbate to my photos, without a care for my intent or the model’s intent, then you can fuck right off. Actually, yeah, if your goal is to masturbate to my photos at all, then you clearly don’t have a care for my intent or the model’s intent.I don’t bring any sexual energy to my photoshoots (unless goofy, awkwardness is sexual energy). If there is any sexual energy in my photos, it is the model’s doing, and - generally (I expect) - it is a façade, and it is not a fappy energy.
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gallaghercest · 7 years
Hi! I'm new to the fandom and I just wanted to thank you for making this blog! Reading it was interesting, even if I don't always agree (then again, I'm just learning all this stuff you already know, so maybe I'm missing things). It has been kind of lonely on the 'they had complicated feelings for each other and maybe something happened' side for me, because the fandom is so scattered and I don't know where the Liam/Noel people are, so thanks again. If you don't mind me asking, I've noticed 1/2
pt 2. “an unusual amount of ‘Image removed at the request of the copyright holder’ Oasis posts on Tumblr - do you know what these photos might’ve been of? It made me SO curious because someone went through the effort of removing them and there’s no one to ask. Also, what do you think of Noel “acknowledging” Liam on Twitter? And last question, what are your hopes for Liam’s solo stuff? The title ‘Come back to me’ made me shriek, it has to be about Noel! Sorry if that’s too many questions! xx Alys”
HELLOOOOO! Welcome to this hell that I like to call of “fandom”, I hope you’re enjoying this black hole of unibrows and tears and potatoes!
You don’t have to thank me! And I totally get your point on not agreeing so much on some points, but I think it’s because you’re new here, so everything can be a little too shocking for you, plus, there are things that I know (I mean, informations), but I don’t put them in the posts, or else they would get even bigger than they already are, so, some things might make sense to me cause I know the background and the origin of the info. But, if you don’t completely understand/agree with something, you can always message me about it, asking a better explanation about it!
About the images: well, they are just normal Oasis pictures (unfortunately), but the point is that, when posted without the credits of the photographer, Tumblr sends you a strike via e-mail, cause Tumblr thinks you’re claiming the photos are yours. So, the photos are removed from the post. And if you receive three strikes, I think, your account is deleted for copyright infringement; that’s why it’s common to see the “©” along with the name of the photographer on captions!
I think that Noel shows his weak side from time to time: he likes to act like he is all tough and stuff, but I know that all these things Liam says/tweets affect him somehow. And, as I said, from time to time, he lets this side of him “burst out”, just like he did on Instagram, using ‘as you weren’t’ and etc, trying to act all cool. I think it’s cute, honestly, cause we know he is full of feelings too – if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t be able to write such beautiful and sentimental songs. He can fool everyone on this planet but me (and Liam, of course). I’m sure Liam had a good laugh at his response and it surely made him happy, since Liam winds Noel up just to get his attention, even if it causes Noel to call him up and say “WON’T YOU PLEASE STOP THIS FUCKING SHIT????”, you know what I mean? But, I’m looking forward to Liam’s comeback!
I’m extremely excited for Liam’s album, you don’t have a clue: I’ve waited for it for YEARS, so now that it’s really happening, it’s like a dream coming true! From all the songs I’ve already listened to, they are really good and I KNOW I’m suspicious to say this, but it’s just what I think :’))) My favourite songs are I’ve All I Need and Paper Crown! And, about Come Back To Me: it’s obviously about Noel, he even tweeted the lyrics a couple of months ago, I don’t know if you’ll remember: “My heart is together, my head is exploding, why don’t you come back to me”. I can only think about Noel, I’m sorry. And the next single, For What It’s Worth, seems to be about Noel too, cause it was told on Q Magazine that Liam asked one of the co-writers to write an “apology song, without sounding desperate”. So, there you go!
Again, don’t apologise for the questions, I absolutely love answering them! And, of course, I hope they were satisfactory to you :’) X
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wantedu · 7 years
"don't take captions off my posts" maybe you shouldn't either then, hm? you've taken captions off SEVERAL of my posts, okay? stop.
the best way to address this would be to talk to me off anon about this or if you’re a sideblog, message me about it instead of coming at me aggressively on anon. i have no idea who you are or what posts you’re referencing, so that’s ??? ? it makes it really easy to get upset and defensive which i don’t want to do because i understand 
if it’s a screenshot of a tweet or something idk what to tell you, i was mad because that post is not ???? anything ? without the caption ? it’s two dogs. if you wanna go reblog a picture of some dogs go follow a fucking animal blog. u know
i kinda feel like there’s a difference between removing something that’s part of the content, like the captions on original content/art/etc and removing a comment someone made on a screenshot that’s been posted by 19 other blogs. but if that’s not the case and i did remove the caption on something that was important to you i want to make it right
if you can find the posts (which i encourage, by the way, it’s as easy and adding /search/yoururl to my url on desktop or just searching your url on my blog if you’re on mobile and every post w your blog as the source SHOULD come up) or know which ones they were feel free to message me and i can figure out which ones they were so i make sure i go back and reblog it from you with the original caption so you get full credit for everything 
yeah the point is if you shoot me a message we can figure it out because i don’t want you to feel like it was something i was doing intentionally and i don’t want anyone’s work in this fanbase to go unaccredited or unnoticed 
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