#don't do ''manifestion'' plz
sag-dab-sar · 2 years
I don't usually ask for religious/spiritual help this publicly but this might be a literal life changer. I'm desperate for it to do something.
Tomorrow I have a very important medical procedure. I'll be awake during it which is terrifying me. But it might give me the ability to sit up again. And frankly all I want to do is be able to sit up and be on my laptop and eat upstairs in the kitchen. That might seem simple but it would be an enormous change in my life.
Prayers, well wishes, candle lighting, spells or anything of that sort would be greatly appreciated. I'm okay with all religions' prayers (yes even including monotheistic).
If you prefer to know who the individual prays to (some people do) its Asklepios, Hygeia, Ninisina-Gula, Damu primarily; plus Epione, Akeso, Iaso, Panakeia, Aigle, Apollo Paian, Athena Paionia. I am devoted to My Queen Ereshkigal so additionally her husband Gugal-ana & son Namtar. And if you prefer to use someone's religious name mine is Izkur-Ereshkigal.
Sorry to be so public about it but yeh, I'm terrified and kind of assuming the worst (it won't work or it'll get worse)
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apollo1three · 5 months
Hello! can I plz request the obey me bros with their children, you can choose if u want them to be their daughter, son or multiple. i just really wanna see them as like dads, like a scenario maybe when they learn to walk or say their first word you dnt have to if you don't want to! and if it's too much can i have just Beel Mammon or Lucifer :3
AHH MY FIRST REQUEST!!! I’m sorry for taking so long! I haven’t checked my dusty musty crusty a$$ inbox in a while ;-; also nonnie u don’t understand how much I love domestic, sappy, fluffy af stuff like this <3<3
Ofc I’ll do all of em, but I’ll do them in parts so you don’t have to wait for me to finish all seven ^^
An unimaginable type of love (Lucifer x f!reader)
The demon brothers with their babies (1/7)
Demons are not born, he once told you; they manifest – either as a product of great sin or demonic energy. Demons do not feel the need to procreate, they cannot- they do not get pregnant, and they certainly do not give birth.  
So how is it that the Morningstar finds himself staring down into sparkling crimson eyes, reminiscent of the deep shade of his, with a softness akin to yours? How is it that he cradles a squirming bundle made from the love between him and his human wife?
With a life only ever dedicated to servitude, Lucifer would’ve never dreamt of creating a family of his own. Never in his time in the celestial realm would he have imagined small, fragile little arms, reaching out for him to hold them in his. Never could he have imagined the possibility of a being regarding him in the sentiment with which he had once regarded Him.
He eyes your sleeping form, snuggled into the comfort of the large bed, and he’s overcome with a fondness that words could not explain the level of. To be loved unconditionally by you, and to be given the most precious gift of all. What had he done to deserve such a thing? - something that was once an unfathomable idea - did he deserve it?
He cradles his daughter in his arms, stroking her little face, and the giggle she lets out is so precious, so much like you, and has him nuzzling his nose into her puffed up little cheeks. You had once light-heartedly complained to him about carrying her in your stomach for nine months, only to have her come out identical to him. Though he'd never admit it, your husband was proud of the notion (at the time, you swore you could see puffed up feathers behind his form), but it was irrefutable how the child carried herself with a poise that was undeniably like yours: a mischievous, yet endearing glint in her eyes that surely meant trouble in the foreseeable future. Lucifer didn’t mind, though.
He mutters, “my darling, what are you doing up so late at night?”, to which his only response is a squeal and few kicks of tiny feet. He tuts back, playfully. “So noisy, my love. Won’t you let your mother sleep?”
There’s a slight breeze from the open balcony, and he gets up from his side of the bed with your daughter rocking gently in his grasp. “Let’s go outside for a bit, come now.”
The way he carries her is careful, protective, and much more assured than the way he had first carried her after her birth. He wasn’t used to dealing with humans, let alone any living thing, in their infancy. Angels and demons did not have an infantile period, and it shook him inwardly the first time he held her, so small and breakable. You, a fully grown human woman, were fragile enough as is – but a human infant? It took some stern reassurance that the child he considered so small and breakable was his just as much as she was yours for his paranoia to waver.
‘She’s ours, Lu.’
(Fatherhood. Such a human experience, and he had only you to thank for it.)
Ushering to the Devildom fireflies, she blows raspberries that makes him want to litter his daughter in even more kisses. So he does, far more unreserved than if it were in front of you (while he loved you and trusted you with his heart and soul, showcasing such unabashed doting was still awkward for new to him). So disgustingly affectionate; the past him would’ve laughed at the notion of such outwards display of emotion directed towards anyone or anything – a hit to his pride, to the very thing he embodied. But to the him right now, such a thought never even crossed his mind.
“Do you see that, my love? Aren’t they pretty?”, he smiles softly, tenderly, eyes creasing at the corners. He pokes at her mouth, now endlessly razzing. “Alright, who taught you to do that? Was it Uncle Mammon? Belphie?"
To the him right now, his pride was in the form of his beautiful wife, and his darling little girl.
“Daddy will always protect you two, I swear on it.”
Absentmindedly stroking her head, a thousand thoughts run through his head. He contemplates heading back inside as the wind picks up, worried you might be getting cold. You’ve been all over the baby since she arrived (and even before then, too), insisting that her crib be placed in the both of your bedroom (much to Asmodeus’s chagrin, adamant that your old room would make the most beautiful human-realm-esque nursery) – while your motherliness was extremely attractive (or rather, all of you), and despite your daughter being an unusually well-behaved little thing, you deserved some quality rest.
He heads back, moving to lower her into her pink-embellished, Avatar of Lust™, crib, but freezes.
His movements are miniscule, microscopic, as he looks down at the cooing and giggling tot.
“Say- say that again, darling.”
Time seems to slow, and he’s overcome with so much fondness, so much love.
“Haha! That’s right, here’s Dada..!” He practically throws her up into the air, accompanied by more squeaky giggles, and if anyone asks: no- his eyes don’t water (it’s merely the brightness of the Devildom moon).
Amidst childish laughter, she says it once more.
He lets out a shaky laugh of disbelief. His eyebrows are furrowed, and there's an uncharacteristically toothy grin on his face. Slowly, trembling hands (a fault of the temperature, obviously, despite him once mentioning the immunity of demons to things as 'trivial' as the weather) press his daughter's small body to his chest.
His daughter. His. His daughter. His wife. His brothers. His family.
It was then that he realised, although perhaps he had always known, that the love he felt for you and the life the two of you had created was different from His love. It was unconditional. The sort of love that allowed him to understand Lilith, the sort of love that he would gladly die for, kill for, be destroyed for. The sort of love that was once unattainable, unimaginable, was now closer than ever.
Lucifer wanted to share this moment with you.
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acc3pt4nce · 1 year
choose, assume, persist. - a guide
first: decide whatever you want to manifest.
think– what do you truly desire deep down inside of you? for example: when manifesting a sp, are they truly what you want? when imagining the perfect sp do you envision them? or do you imagine someone else?
second: decide you have it.
this is the part that most people struggle with, but you can actually have fun with it. all you have to do is assume and accept that you have whatever it is that you desire. you want that house? assume you're living in it. you want that ugly ass boy? assume you're dating him? you wish ur english teacher would stfu? assume she's not annoying asl.
feel that you have what you want. this is when methods come in. methods are only for sustaining the feeling of the wish fulfilled (i'll go more into depth further in this post about this.) the most popular methods are affirming, visualizing, scripting, inner conversations, etc! this is the fun part, visualize whatever you want, hear whatever you want, feel whatever you want. you are, of course, not obligated to use methods and can just simply assume what you want is yours and move on. all you have to do is decide "i have _" or "i am _!"
third: persist in your assumption
persist in your assumption that you have whatever it is you desire in imagination. this means to continue to accept whatever you desire as yours. i suggest that whenever the thought of your desire pops inside your head you shift back to the state of the wish fulfilled. you dont have to think about it every single second of the day but i suggest once or twice a day.
now.. what is this feeling/state of the wish fulfilled stuff?
"When I speak of of feeling (feeling of wish fulfilled) I do not mean emotion, but the acceptance of the fact that it is fulfilled." - Neville Goddard
i absolutely adore this quote by neville and it simplifies tfotwf (the feeling of the wish fulfilled) so perfectly. when we talk about "feeling" in loass we don't mean emotion, we mean knowing. knowing = acceptance = belief. we mean the knowing that your desire is yours in imagination. all you have to do is decide "it is mine" or, once again, use methods.
to understand the state of the wish fulfilled you first need to understand states. a state is a mindset comes from assuming a new belief. now, the state of the wish fulfilled is just the state of your desire being yours. you reach this state by accepting and assuming your desire as yours.
so.. how does this stuff manifest?
the 3d is a mirror of the 4d, this meaning you have to change the 4d to change your 3d. your 4d meaning consciousness, imagination, the inner man and the 3d is the external world. what you see when you open your eyes. i've heard this example about 100 times and i love it sm: when getting dressed and you put on a shirt and you don't like it, would you try to change the mirror or change yourself into a different shirt? your shirt ofc! imagination is the real reality. imagination creates.
Your assumption, though false in the sense that it is denied by your senses and reason, if persisted in will harden into fact in such a normal, natural way that you will think it would have happened anyway. - Neville Goddard
dont place your focus on the 3d. dont check for proof expecting the opposite right after you accepted that you have what you want. instead, live your life in the 4d, experiencing whatever you'd like.
loll this was my first real post .. i'm not the best writer but i think i got most of my thoughts out! my faveee loass bloggers on here are nakedbibi333 sexynhedonistic - sexydreamgirl 0t0mie piercedblunt ella nd my favee twitter accs inbarbad0s (i absoluetly adore her sfmm.. her posts are so perfect plz check her out) stuckinthe4d visualdior (love her threads & her website) aliamanifests (shes on here too) scarlet anddd angel
fave guide love how easy it is to digest because the law is easy asl.. LMFAOO alright check out my twt for more rt's , if u have any questions use my askbox and yeah!
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[base by lilliepaws on deviantart]
design notes, bonus images, hopes & headcanons, and other stuff below the cut!
-–·—Design Notes—·–-
•yes chimeras can look like this. they don't all look the exact same ofc, and split-face torties exist, but a chimera CAN be this
•ginger "spotted" (can't remember the exact term) tabby w/ green eyes + black/blue colorpoint tux w/ yellow eyes
•two tails bc this is a fantasy series I do what I want (the orange tail doesn't work btw)
•ears are two different sizes! it's slight but fucks with her hearing a bit
•her pupils are colored like that bc on her ref image only the green eye has sparkles
•the bandaids are supposed to be bits of cobweb, please refer to hc:❢
•wearing daffodils bc unrequited love and narcissus iykyk (moon^2 💞)
•wave patterns like rippling water, sun-shape patches, and moon face/tail markings! bc yeah!
•orange side meant to resemble a sunrise, black side meant to resemble a cool night sky
•this design will 100% change, I am incredibly indecisive [times changed: 2] ~🥜❦
•bonus images!
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-–·—Hopes & Headcanons—·–-
•intersex transfem, she/her, objectum pan/ace
•not thrift & bay's bio kit cuz incest. they found her in the woods.
•moon^2 lowkey owns my soul. this cat is in love w/ a puddle.
•might be related to Sol somehow idk I hope
•voice in her head is the twin she absorbed in the womb, they're not actually evil just wanna help and give warnings while also being a little silly :3 Moonpaw just calls them Voice since she's bad at naming things
•I need Moonpaw to be a weird girly. I want her to play with bugs and ask weird questions and be so so strange and zone out during attempted medcat lessons and invent taxidermy and—
❢manifesting clumsy protag plz I need some rep for "can see perfectly fine just zero spacial awareness" girlies
•please have her dramatic moment be during a blood moon/lunar eclipse please that's all I need in life
•full name will be Moonrabbit (jade rabbit on the moon iykyk)
-–·—Other Stuff—·–-
•leaf and tawny are so gonna adopt this strange baby
•once again, design and stuff subject to change
•the moonpool is gonna get poisoned/polluted and moonpaw's gonna dive in to fix it, therefore becoming one with her love (the moonpool)
•once she emerges as Moonrabbit, she becomes the new connection to starclan (rock kinda deal) and leads the clans to a new territory as the twolegs close in
•beach territory post big timeskip arc 10 please—
•she eventually retires and becomes a kp bc girly needs a warm fireplace and a nap 😔
・ 。 ☆∴。 * ・゚*。★・  ・ *゚。   *�� ・ ゚*。・゚★。   ☆゚・。°*. ゚*  ゚。·*・。 ゚*   ゚ *.。☆。★ ・  * ☆ 。・゚*.。    * ★ ゚・。 * 。    ・  ゚☆ 。
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valentine-writes · 1 year
Hello!! I absolutely adore your spot HC!
I was wondering if you could write something pre-collider accident? When he was working for alchemax ^^
I would adore more content about him and reader being coworkers, maybe this is way too self indulgent, but I crave some good enemies/rivals to lovers with this man. I think the dynamic would be so fun ^^
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「 tws + notes: possibly ooc, no tws, unedited, rivals to lovers (which i hope i do justice), pre-collider johnathan ohnn, reader and johnathan are petty,,, can u tell i like writing him mildly bitchy, plz forgive any conflicts w/ canon i researched but im like 99.9% sure there r still errors 」
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「 gn!reader, romantic relationship <3 」
↳ ft. johnathan ohnn/the spot
author's note: ouughh i love this sooo much,,, thank u AUDHEWUFHEW o((>ω< ))o !!! im so excited to write more of pre-collider him,, ignore me as i feverishly research every bit of canon info i can get cuz i haven't been able 2 rewatch the movie yet i hope this is to ur liking! enemies to lovers is not my strong suit,, but OHOUWHUDHEWH RIVALS TO LOVERS!!! UNDERUTILIZED!!! might hafta make a part two tho,,, locked in on the rivals part,,, lovers part in progress. ok no more of my rambles
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▸ ever since you had arrived at alchemax, you and johnathan just couldn't seem to get along. not a particularly useful thing, considering you both worked for the same research company where teamwork was vital though, you insisted you had no real spite for him, the second you had gotten the job, you just seemed to one-up him in every single way.
every. single. way.
▸ when given a deadline, you'd finish in half the time it took him. when completing research, you have the information compiled when he was just starting to organize his.
hell, you even succeeded in being more proficient socially. how had you made so many friends already?
▸ he had to admit you were terribly charming too– a trait he was particularly envious of– and from the few times he's seen you get coffee with one or two of the other scientists, he knew that everyone seemed to think the same
not like he was paying that much attention to you as he saw you laughing with another coworker through the cafe window. foam party? sounds boring anyways, whatever
▸ he wasn't mad because he was lonely, or saw himself as inferior to you. johnathan had friends and honestly didn't consider himself particularly bad at making them. johnathan knew he was intelligent and that with his work, he could accomplish something big.
no, this problem had nothing to do with him. it was you. besides you, all the things he worked hard for was just second nature.
how annoying.
▸ your sworn rivalry had been one-sided for the longest of time to any witnesses. grumbling under his breath while he passed you, making a great effort to speak curtly with you, and was certainly not beyond intentionally knocking his shoulder into yours when he passed the look you shot at him for doing this was enough to make him wither on the spot– unintentional joke. my bad.
but he knew you were just as competitive as he was. the way you acted just had to be intentional. some of your remarks towards him were too pointed to ignore– your smiles and your friendliness nothing more than keeping it as civil as possible in a workplace setting.
professionalism, masking a deeper intention: to outdo him.
▸ and once you had figured that your feigned innocence would no longer keep you afloat, that's when the true rivalry began. an ambition-fuelled climb to the top to be better than the other.
it manifested more childishly than you two cared to admit.
"you know, chewing on pens isn't great for your enamel." johnathan practically jumps out of his seat, your words effectively snapping him out of his completely focused state.
he grumbles, looking over at you while lowering the pen away from his mouth a habit that i have too... guys look away itz not projecting...
you only shrug your shoulders. "just saying, johnny."
"don't call me that." he retorts, trying not to roll his eyes. "are you here just to bother me with unsolicited comments about my habits and dental advice?"
you laugh and he feels his face heat up in annoyance. you and your stupid laugh. he's heard enough of it around the workplace while you chatted amongst the others. it was a sound he could live without.
"so hostile. we work together, y'know?" you grin. there's a glimmer of amusement in your eyes. you were getting on his nerves and you knew it.
"anyways, i just came to ask if you had a pen i could borrow. preferably not one with teeth marks." the last part is tacked on so briefly that johnathan didn't even have time to be offended about it before he replied.
he looks at you dead in the face. "sorry. i don't have an extra pen on me."
you glance at the completely untouched, unused, ballpoint pen on his desk and then back at him. he says nothing, staring at you silently, before you get the hint decide to go ask someone else.
▸ it gets pettier.
imagine johnathan eying up a coworker, getting all blushy and stumbling over his words around them.
and within a week, you've got their number– and he passes by the two of out in that STUPID FUCKING HIPSTER CAFE GODDAMMIT–
it's not that serious to him. he can move on from a workplace crush. he however, can't move on from the fact you swooped in before he even got a chance. you never care to bring up that on your little coffee date with that person ended up being a disaster– maybe it was for the better they stayed away from him
▸ of course, he was able to outdo you too. his biggest success?
"so," johnathan flinched away, about to walk out the glass doors of alchemax and head home for the day– only to find you with your back leaning against the frame, arms crossed. "heard you got put in charge over something pretty important."
he curses under his breath. "you can't just sneak up on people like that."
"i was literally standing here in plain sight the entire time."
"were you waiting for me or something?" he asks sarcastically. johnathan seems somewhat surprised when you don't respond, awkwardly averting your gaze from him for a moment hm. guess that's a "yes"...
"doesn't matter." you reply, shoving your hands in your pockets. "so... you're working on a portal thingy?"
"i'm one of the people overseeing it, yes." he huffs, trying to answer your questions quickly and just get the hell home. but as you figured, he had all the time in the world when it came to correcting you.
"and– the word portal is inaccurate."
you raise an eyebrow. "yeah?"
"it's a particle accelerator. you should know what that means. the goal of this project is to essentially create a passageway– a bridge, if you will– between two separate dimen–"
"so, a portal." you interrupt.
he glares at you and you swear his eye twitches.
"just wanted to know. congrats, ohnn." you say casually, before exiting out the door.
the next time he sees you, he discovers that head scientist, olivia octavius who just so happens to be fond enough of your work to hear you out when you asked her decided it would be a good idea to have you work on the project as well.
even though johnathan was still technically still ahead of you– he kicked himself for how quickly you were beginning to catch up. you flashed him a grin from your desk as you began to help out on the project– he forced one back through gritted teeth.
▸ after tirelessly working on the project together as a team still trying your very best to outdo one another he figures this feud of yours is getting nowhere.
you've both spent sleepless nights on this project you both equally cared for,, it was time to just give up and be normal coworkers. an odd conclusion for johnathan to reach as a notorious grudge holder. maybe the lack of rest was getting to him, too exhausted to even deal with you anymore. or maybe, he was satisfied where he was right now– on the verge of a huge breakthrough with him being one of the main contributors– he no longer needed the pleasure of being better than you.
"how did you even get this number?" you ask, recognizing his voice through the phone as he greeted you.
"well, funny thing actually. alchemax has all the employee information on files, so i just–"
the realization hits you. "snooped through mine to get my phone number?! you're insane!"
he's desperate to explain, just trying to get to his point without getting a headache from you. "no, no, no– wait, i didn't come to fight or anything–"
"then what do you want, johnathan? a little medal? a trophy or somethin? you're probably getting that anyways after this whole thing– so,, so– what? what is it?!" you snap.
this is the only blatant hostility you've ever shown him. both ends of the call fall silent.
"wow uh– that was a lot." he mumbles awkwardly.
"...'m sorry." the shame makes your ears burn up. it is getting childish. you can't deny it.
he blinks at his phone, before bringing it back up to his ear. "did you just apologize? have i got the right person?"
it's your turn to groan. "are you trying to get me to take it back?"
"no! no, no, no– sorry." he replies quickly, stuttering as he tries to get back on track. "i just wanted to talk...."
the words hang in the air for much longer than needed.
"just spit it out already." you inturrupt.
"we should truce." he blurts out. "you know... maybe we should calm down. start over."
johnathan pauses for a moment, waiting for a reaction from you. you give him absolutely nothing. he takes a deep breath before speaking up again.
"i just thought it'd be better this way. this is getting ridiculous. and i think we're both mature enough to move past it so–"
"no, thank you."
he falters momentarily, processing what you had just said. "i'm– i'm sorry, i think misheard you."
"no, you heard me," you repeat, your smile clear as day in your voice, "no. thank. you."
"i like what we've got going on. keeps me motivated." the sweetness in your tone makes him cringe.
"you can't be serious." he rubs the bridge of his nose, fighting off the urge to lose his mind.
"oh, but i am." you lean into your phone's mic, voice dropping to a whisper. "just give me time. i'll catch up with you eventually."
your stubborness was truly something else.
"nope. can't do this, not today, nope–"
you laugh to yourself, hearing him hang up. you secretly hoped he'd at least keep talking to you a little longer. probably just a result of being a tad sleep deprived too.
▸ the collider is almost finished. ever since the phone call, you and johnathan hadn't talked for days.
and now, there you were, at his desk.
"need a pen?" he asks, looking up at you, expecting you to bother him again.
you shake your head. "actually, i came to ask for something else. i've been thinking about what you said..."
the words catch in your throat. you stare at the ground, the humiliation of what you're about to say causing you to fidget with your hands. he's never seen you like this– timid and anxious in his presence rather than smug and confident. it's a sight that he thought would bring him joy– but he's far beyond that now. instead, he looks at you curiously, not unlike the way he observes specimens.
"go on..." he says, leaning in slightly.
you meet his gaze sheepishly. "yeah. maybe a truce doesn't sound so bad."
he smiles back, cautious but hopeful. "you mean it?"
"this isn't me surrendering." you're quick to say, though your defensiveness falls flat, only causing his smile to fade for a moment. "i'm growing bored of it. we can just move on." it's not what he had in mind– but he'll take it.
"okay. sounds... good?" he replies awkwardly, unsure of what to do.
"mhm. so, you still have my phone number, right?"
he freezes. "yes... but– um– i can just delete it from my contacts now if– if you want. that was weird of me to do. really sorry 'bout that. just wanted to talk."
"nah. keep it." you say with a slight shrug of your shoulders. he tilts his head slightly at your reaction.
"i'll text you when work's done so we can grab a coffee or somethin." there's that smile he's grown so familiar with. this time it has no undertones of aggression– something which he finds more unnerving somehow. he can't tell what you're up to.
"i– uh– what–" he stammers.
you await the rejection.
"i mean– sure... but... you want that?" he asks, his tone careful, like he expects this to just be a scheme of yours. never in a million years would he think that you'd want to actually resolve whatever conflict you had going on. much less, spend time with him outside of work.
" i mean, i just offered, didn't i?"
"right– ...so uh– after work then. okay. it's a date."
he mentally kicks himself for the last part. "i– not like– a date, date, but–"
you don't give him time to stumble over his words and make a fool of himself.
"great." you turn to leave, but glance over your shoulder before walking away. "see you later, johnny."
▸ you failed to acknowledge this earlier, and maybe he had too– but over the course of your mutual rivalry, you found that you admired him. his brain, his work, his sheer tenacity– and he admired you too.
perhaps you didn't have to be better than one another.
"here's to new beginnings." you mutter to yourself, shooting him a text while waiting at the cafe.
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celestiallymar · 16 days
| manifesting
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notes: this is a safe space, so plz be respectful about others beliefs.
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What is manifestation?
Manifestation refers to the practice of bringing something you desire into your life through focused thought, intention, and belief. It focus on the idea that by aligning your thoughts and emotions with your desires, you can attract specific outcomes, whether they be related to career, love, health, or personal growth.
Key Ideas Behind Manifesting:
• Law of Attraction: The belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. What you focus on, grows.
• Vibration and Energy: Everything in the universe is energy, including thoughts. By vibrating at a frequency that aligns with what you want, you attract it.
• Intention Setting: Being clear about what you desire is essential in manifesting it. Specific desires are easier to attract than vague ones.
Manifestation Methods:
• Scripting: Writing a detailed account of your future as though it has already happened. This can involve writing out your ideal day, life, or specific situation (try to be specific when doing this).
Example: "I am so grateful for my new shoes. Those were the exact ones that i wanted!"
• Vision Boards: A physical or digital collage of images, words, and quotes that represent your goals. By seeing it daily, you're reminded of your intentions.
Example: A board with pictures of places you want to visit, career goals, a dream home, etc.
• The 369 Method: Write down your manifestation three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening. This technique is about repetition and focus.
Example: "I have financial abundance" written several times daily.
Tips for Successful Manifestation:
-Let Go of Doubt: Believing that what you desire is already on its way is crucial. Let go of the "how" and trust the process and don't focus too much on the outcome.
-Be Clear and Specific: The more specific your desires are, the more effectively you can manifest them.
-Take Action: While manifesting is about energy and intention, it's also important to take real-world steps towards your goal. Manifestation is not passive.
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reminder: be positive, be kind and most importantly smile.
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chaisshitposts · 11 months
Heyaa aff tape anon here😂😂.. Plz just call me Charlie it's my name.. Aff tape anon sounds weird and the question you asked me
1) I only manifest that i manifest my desires instantly out of thin air.
And second I wake up in the void every nyt being fully aware..
These two were my exact affirmations. Now I manifest almost instantly.. I won't say instantly exactly but ya very fast. For example yesterday nyt only I affirm I have 10000 rupees in my account.. And after like 10-12 mins I got them from my father without even asking.
And now how the void feels.. It was like I was just expanding like anything for few seconds (also I felt warm I don't know if any one feels like that too )than everything was so calm that you will barely remember you have to affirm that's why I used aware in my tape so yeah but it feels heaven specially if you want to relax. .
2) I also read someone ask me to manifest them for waking up in the void. I can surely do that but everytime any other people wants to do that it barely works bcoz people won't assume they will actually wake up there bcoz it's their reality.
Still I will just affirm tonight all chai followers will wake up in the void tonight. Hope it works 🤞🤞🤞
Bye sorry fir long post but i will just say get off tumblr Or any other social site where you can read about loa bcoz you will find something new daily and you want to try it, you will lose your previous progress.. I have been there so i know how desperately you want to achieve the void.
And i did exactly that.. I get off twitter and tumblr and just affirm , listening to my tape and doing psych-k.. That's it
Before sleeping even if you don't get the feeling just affirm you will wake up in the void aware. Bcoz sats freaking work even if you are noob in that.
Haash i'm tired now, all the best.
Happy instant manifesting.
aH okay, apologies, glad to make your acquaintance, charlie !!! and thank you for answering, I really appreciate your words of encouragement/tips as well as manifesting for the others even though you didn't have to. also thanks for comin' to check up on questions that may be asked from other anons, I bet you're busy enjoying yourself! rest well and I hope you have lots and lots of fun!!!
i lowkey feel like asking questions to anons living their dream lives is so inconveniencing not gonna lie
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neptuniadoesstuff · 4 months
My Reference Sheet of Phen 228.
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A "censored" Ref of my ver of Phen 228 (Canon) for my Modern AU aka "Branches of a Paranormal Federation".
(What is censored are the faces & the severed limb as those are where the gøřə is.)
Bio (Major):
|| Code Name: Phen 228 | Aliases: "Watanabe Bird", "The Boiled One", Hakunata (Based on strange written letters that look similar to English) | Year & Place of Discovery: 2003, Pennsylvania (By the Ephrata Branch) | Current Wearibouts: Unknown | Other: Was discovered to have other variants of it whom have somewhat similar abilities although with different out comes | Main abilities: Cognito-Hazardous properties (When looked at, can cause quesdocoma & the manifestation of its being, can't be seen by others, only ones who are effected) | Ways to combat the effects: Wear blue-light glasses & earplugs, must be about 5 feet away from the screen at all cause ||
(Btw this is just info the Ephrata Branch has put down, as I'll be putting my own info here based on my head canons & the design/lore I gave Phen myself for this au. Although the Hakunata part is only for this AU & not the canon lore. This includes the design.)
(Also... Slight disturbing imagery for the reference photo)
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The actual uncensored ref sheet & the full body ref. Yeh uh.. they look pretty messed up lookin but it's clear that Phen rlly isn't supposed to look.. Clean.. (Although I am waiting till the simps arrive.. Which I hope they don't-)
Bio (Written by... an outsider aka me lol)
|| Name: [REDACTED] | Aliases: Hakunata (A nickname given to by his sister) | Gender: Interseggs/Genderless (But is represented as male), He/They/It (Or any Pronouns but those are preferred) | Age: 100? (Not sure, I doubt Phen has a canon age-) | Height: Whatever rlly (But is normally like... REALLY TALL-) | Pride: No Idea. I doubt this spirit demon thing cares about being attracted to anything- | Species: A strange hybrid of a human & fallen angel | Family: A child named "Rei" & some other Phens (Example: Kasinoshi or "Priest) | Personality: Somewhat malicious, is a bit obsessive with a certain family, but seems to... weirdly care about his victims? (Idk its a whole bag of worms) | Occupation: Some false prophet frikker idk. Might've been a war criminal from Japan in a past life (WWII) | Powers: Able to give anyone who looks at it w/o protection pseudocoma & sleep paralysis, also able to communicate with anyone who is affected with their "curse". Can fly apparently (But is pretty lazy & doesn't rlly use their phantom arms to fly at all) | Other (aka unimportant stuff): Prob likes torturing a certain family he effected back in 2003, despises kids (except its own), gets very uncomfortable with anything sus (like me), loves stealing & consuming ppl's spines, prob not understanding how modern tech work, might commit a few war crimes here & there (which is a big nono), & is usually seen indulging himself in some Japanese things bcs it reminds him of the old times (Yes even the modern stuff) ||
& here is the Original/Reference Image!
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(Update: fix some stuff in the Extra info thing bcs I don't grammar well.)
Credits lol-
Character: Phen 228 (Belongs to Doctor Nowhere aka Silas) (Although the design of Phen 228 not from the original image belongs to me.)
Art: Mine.
Reference Image Creator: Silas Orion aka Doctor Nowhere.
Program: IbisPaint x.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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avatarmerida · 11 months
post. the. next. part. plz.
Okay yes here. Mini sequel to this in which Hunter is as in season 1 but Willow lost all her memories of him in Understanding Willow and ASIAS is the first time he’s been able to reintroduce himself.
As quickly as Willow had initiated the contact, she broke it. Stepping away from Hunter quickly in a panic as he tried to refocus, his hands still raised as they tried to process the absence of her face. Her mind couldn't decide what to focus on: her impulsiveness, her recklessness or the way he managed to gently kiss her back.
"Oh, my Titan," she breathed, covering her mouth with her hands. "I uh, I'm so sorry! I don't, heh, I don't know why I did that, I-I didn't even ask if it was okay and you probably didn't, I… mean we probably haven't... I mean, I don't know why I would assume you would-
“No! No, I mean I definitely wanted to,” he assured her before his eyes grew wide as he realized just how his words sounded. “I mean, not that I was going to. Well, not that I wouldn’t! Want to, I mean! Because I mean, I’ve thought about it. Well, not alot. I mean, it crossed my mind I mean I… oh whaaaaat do I mean?”
“No, no I… I don’t know what came over me,” Willow chuckled nervously, relieved he wasn't mad or disgusted. “I mean, I-I just met you! Well, I know not technically but I guess I was just… I was angry so I…”
“Angry?” said Hunter, his ears twitching. “Heh, I’ve seen you angry and you’ve never done anything like that before. Well, at least not with me.”
“I've never done that with anyone,” she said, still in shock of herself.
“Oh,” the blush on Hunter’s cheeks grew deeper. It had never fully vanished as his mind made sure to hold the memory tight. He was certain that neither of them would be forgetting this, it was his first kiss too. Which means he was Willow's very first-. "Oh."
“Yeah,” Willow chuckled nervously, casting her eyes to the ground as she fiddled with her braid. “So… sorry about that. It probably wasn’t… the best thing to-.”
“No, it was great!” insisted Huner, louder than he intended to. His hand slapped over his mouth as he wished he could sink into the ground.
She smiled a little, in spite of herself. She was starting to trust her instincts about this boy more and more. “I guess it’s… complicated.”
“Yeah, yeah sure of course,” he said, clearing his throat. “It’s uh… alot to process so that’s like… a normal reaction to this kind of thing?”
“Um… sure?” Willow lied; she could feel the vines creeping up her legs manifesting her dishonestly. She sighed, surely Hunter knew her tell. “No, I just, I guess… I don’t know. No, I do know but it’s because I don’t know.”
“Well,” now it was Willow’s turn to pace, she brushed a lurking flower from her shoulder. “I obviously had a crush on you and even though Amity and I aren’t as close as we used to be she definitely knew! I mean, she knows how I act when I have feelings like that, but she didn’t even give me the chance to get hurt because she still thinks I can’t handle it!”
“‘Obviously?’” Hunter repeated in a squeak, mostly to himself.
“And she just assumed she knew what was best for me without even asking me?” Willow continued, mostly thinking aloud. “Ugh, I mean she comes to me to get advice about Luz even though she never once bothered to consider that it might be weird for me if they dated. I mean I know it’s not my decision and I want them both to be happy, I do! But come on! I mean, sometimes I can’t help but think that if Luz hadn’t come here then she wouldn’t have tried to fix things between us. And I-.”
She looked up at Hunter who was listening intently. “Ugh, sorry I didn’t mean to start ranting.”
“No, no go ahead, please continue,” he said. He knew the benefits of having someone to talk things out with and truthfully, he really missed hearing her voice, regardless of what she was saying.
“But I didn’t say anything because I know she’s trying and I really did miss her,” Willow sighed, able to collect her thoughts more clearly. “I didn’t try to convince Luz to stop liking her but then Amity has no problem keeping me in the dark about you. And then telling you to stay away from me, even though she was the one who-,” Willow gasped as the thought finished forming. “Hunter, how exactly did I lose my memories of you?”
“I… I don’t really know how it happened,” he admitted. As devastated as he had been, he knew there was nothing that could be done to reverse what had been done so he had been focusing on the effect rather than the cause.
“But, it was something Luz and Amity did, right?” Willow said.
“Well, I guess,” he said. “They were the ones who went in your mind, after all.”
“Did anyone else tell you to stay away from me?”
“Well, okay, she didn’t say that exactly ,” Hunter said.
“Well what did she say?”
“It was more like… you were doing better, and I might get in the way of that,” he said, low and serious.
“Grrr! Ugh! That is so hypocritical of her!” Exclaimed Willow, her eyes glowing green. Hunter could feel the ground shift beneath him. This was the anger he remembered in Willow, it was rare and dormant, but it was powerful and demanded to be felt eventually. A true force of nature. “I’m not that scared pathetic little girl anymore! When will she see that? She says she wants to move forward but she keeps trying to make me go backwards so she can catch up or something and now she’s going behind my back to try and-.”
“Hey!” Hunter said, breaking through her rant as he placed his hands on her shoulders to stop her. The vines were growing larger and longer and if he didn’t snap her out of it they may consume everything around them. “Willow! Willow! It’s okay! You’re okay!”
“I- what?” Her eyes returned to normal, and she looked around to see what had almost happened. No, she wasn’t that weak and timid little girl, but was this any better? What good was strength if it was wild and unpredictable?
What good was she?
“Hey,” said Hunter gently, breaking her out of her inner monologue. “Listen to me: it’ll take more than idle threats from a Blight to make me give up on you. I have never, not for one moment thought you were weak or pathetic.”
Somehow, Willow knew this to be true. She knew it wasn’t from rose colored glasses or not knowing her very well, it was from knowing firsthand that her strength was more than what could be seen on the surface.
“My whole life I’ve been around people who take every opportunity to make me feel small and worthless, like I have to fight to prove I’m worthy just to exist,” he said. “But you never made me feel that way. The opposite actually, you made me feel safe and excited and I literally can’t imagine how anyone can know you and not know how amazing and capable and strong you are. I know you make my life better but I… I don’t exactly have the best reputation for having that effect on people. So I… as much as I missed you, I have to be honest about that because she might have a point, about me not about you! I would never try or want to hurt you but I... you’ve never lied to me and I didn’t wanna lie to you and okay I know I kind of did lie to you today but I-.”
Willow smiled and pressed her finger to his lips to stop him. He looked down at her, confused and certain he had blown everything. But her eyes were kind and gentle.
“Have you always talked so much?” She asked with a chuckle. All Hunter could do was nod in response and she laughed, which made his heart feel like it was overflowing.
“Thank you,” she said. “This whole thing is weird and I… I just don’t like people telling me what I should think or how I should feel. But it’s been happening for so long that sometimes I… I get scared when I have new or powerful feelings."
"Yeah, I... I think I can understand that," he said, remembering he thought he was enduring a curse when he first started developing feelings for the plant witch in front of him. Absence had only made the heart grow fonder because somehow, he trusted that she would be the one person who would see the opportunity to leave him and not immediately take it. He didn't want to deceive her because he did act differently aorund her, he sometimes did say things to her he wouldn't normally say to try and make her laugh, to try and make her like him more. But sometimes she laughed when he wasn't trying, sometimes she messaged him first, sometimes she remembered soemthing about him that didn't seem like an important detail. But he didn't know how to tell her how much this all meant to him without making it seem like he was telling her she had to be in his life again. He wanted her to be, of course, but only if she wanted it.
It had made him do crazy things like try and recruit her to the coven (he would confess later that while the flyer derby incident had been a more extreme example, it was not the first instance) and even write down topics and fun facts on flashcards that he kept in his pockets in case he ran into her.He would never want to leave her, but he wanted what was best for her. In his experience, people didn't often want him around, and he didn't feel like it was his place to tell her she had somehow been an exception to that; he wanted it to be her choice, every time. Because that was the only way it was real, that was the only way it mattered.
"But I think," she said softly, carefully taking one of his hands in both of hers. "I have a good feeling about you Hunter."
He wouldn't correct her. He wouldn't doubt her. He wouldn't let it be in vain. They both knew this.
He sighed as though he had been holding his breath for weeks. "Thank you... captain."
Then, suddenly, she had the strongest Deja vu as her response sprang to her lips.
"You know, if you joined the Emperor's Coven you wouldn't need to worry about going to school," said Hunter as he flew beside her, laying on his staff as though it was no big deal.
"Hmm but don't you have to wake up a like 5am?" she said, adjusting her grip on her potted plant.
"You get to sleep in til 6 on the weekends," he said as though it would seal the deal.
"Woah," she said with endearing sarcasm. "Veeery tempting, but I'll have to pass; I'm not really a morning person."
"Oh, c'mon," he insisted. "You haven't lived until you've seen the view from the top of the toes at the crack of dawn. The way the sun has all the colors when it first appears in the horizon."
"Huh, that does sounds kinda pretty..."
"Yeah, it's a 20 mile hike uphill carrying rocks on your back to build endurance... it's a truly life changing experience."
"Hmmm, yeah I'm good," she chuckled as the continued to walk.
"Miss Park, I can assure you that as my hand picked recruit I could arrange for you to have double the viewing time as the other scouts," said Hunter with pride and vigor. "Two whole minutes."
"Why do you call me that?" Willow asked as she suddenly stopped. Hunter nearly fell off his staff as he backtracked to return to where she stood.
"What do you mean? C-call you what?"
"'Miss Park,'" she said.
“Well, it’s your name,” he scoffed. “What else am I supposed to call you?”
“Well, you call Luz 'the human' and Eda ‘the Owl Lady,’ but you address me so much nicer. How come?”
“Well you’ve always addressed me with respect so I’m just returning the favor,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady. “I-is that a problem?”
“No, it’s fine,” she said with a shrug. “But when you call me Ms. Park, it feels like I’m getting called to the principal’s office. You don’t have to be so formal; we’re friends.”
“Oh, y-yeah sure,” he said, the casual yet confident way she said ‘friends’ echoed in his mind. She was in favor of informality, it was a bit of a momentous first for him.
“You can call me Willow,” she said sweetly as she held his hand tighter. She sensed that they had this conversation once before. That it was meant to lead to a shift between them.
"Of course… Willow,” he said as though casting a caring spell. He said it softly like he always carried it with him and wanted to keep it safe high above the ground. Like it was the very air that filled his lungs.
The way he said her name triggered a memory.
Willow knew this boy wasn’t perfect, she knew whatever relationship that had once existed between them probably wasn’t perfect either. She knew it was complicated and confusing and would only get more so, but above and beyond all that she knew that while her mind could never retrieve the details of what they once were, her heart had managed to hold onto it for her. Willow hadn’t had the confidence to follow her gut in awhile, but when he said her name it felt the same safety it had when she had finally switched to the plant track.
It was a good kind of scary, a rush, a burst of light, a spark. A start. It had potential. So much could go right, so much could go wrong but either way it was destined to be so much of something.
How could Amity not see that? Surely when she had been in Willow’s mind she saw that! She must have known how much Hunter meant to her if she had been close enough to the memories involving him to-
“What if… I mean, you don’t think…”
“Do you think Amity erased my memories of you on purpose?”
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magic-hcs · 11 months
Hey! if requests were open i wanted to place a request ^^ what if the apparently human s/o disappeared for hours and when brothers AT and UT found the s/o he/she/they were in a hybrid goat form in a backyard/forest eating something and when the s/o noticed he was there just said "don't freak out, I can explain 😰" plz (if you don't want to, don't do it ^^)
I absolutely loved writing this! It was amazing and I always love an opportunity to dive deeper into my own Aviantale au! I hope it was worth the wait!
Raven: Aviantale Sans
Crest: Aviantale Papyrus
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Raven: Raven’s mouth clacked open as he stared at the scene before him. He had no clue what to think of it or what he was seeing in front of him in your garden. Someone had broken into your garden and was now munching on your precious hortensias you and Raven had planted together. The wisteria flowers Raven had found just earlier in the day when he had been exploring and brought with him are now spread on the ground. Raven had dropped them due to his surprise.
A panicked voice calls out a desperate plea of “I can explain!” that breaks the tense silence.
How has it come to this, you may wonder.
It started with Raven doing his usual hobby; soaring through the sky at high speed, relishing and rejoicing the freedom and air that rushes past him. This time during his flight he had discovered a ginormous, beautiful wisteria tree. Opening his little notebook full of plants and flower symbolisms, Raven discovered quite few meanings to a wisteria like resilience and longevity but it’s also a representation of love. It simply was a perfect gift for you, his lover.
With gentle hands, Raven took a few flowers and a small branch or two before flying back to you. Filled with lots of excitement, he forgot to give you a heads up he was coming by. Instead, Raven had soared to and landed directly in your garden. Expertly transferring the wisteria flowers and branches from his clawed feet to his arms as he perched on the ground. He was about to turn towards the door to knock on it when he heard a voice calling out to him, not from within your house but from deeper in your garden.
“Raven?” It was a startled squeak that made him snap his head towards the voice. A gasp leaves him and in his shock, Raven drops the wisteria flowers and branches.
There was a humanoid goat eating your hortensias!
In a blink of an eye, Raven’s feathers puffed and ruffled up in irritation and offense. Big startled eyes stared back at him.
“what in asgore’s name are you doing to my mate’s flowers!?” He said with a bristled tone. If there was one way to get Raven very passionate about something it would definitely be flowers.
The humanoid goat’s hands were raised with a desperate plea of “I can explain!”
It was soon after that Raven learned that the humanoid goat was you, his lover. Who apparently transforms into a half goat every now and again? And whenever you got into that goat form you couldn't always help the urge to munch on things that you shouldn’t; like your own flower beds.
Be prepared for Raven to give you a side-eye whenever he finds your flower beds lacking some plants. He loves you, but don’t eat the flowers you and he worked so hard on.
Crest: The sweetheart has this special ability to recognize you no matter how much you try to disguise yourself. You’ve tried, and he always just seems to know it’s you. You have no clue how one does it and Crest refuses to tell you either. He would just smile knowingly while looking at you.
So one day you disappeared without notice; one moment the two of you were just hanging out, having fun, the next, poof, gone. Now, this isn’t the first time this has happened. You do have the tendency to just vanish from the face of the earth for a little while before manifesting back on earth again as if nothing had changed. So Crest has gotten used to it. He would wait a few hours - three hours max - and then, poof, you’d be back.
But this hasn’t been like all those other times. This time you’ve been gone for almost five hours, and Crest has been getting worried.
He’s been looking for you for a while - of course, at first he had just messaged you, before calling you before going out searching when none of the prior options came through - and Crest doesn’t really remember why he ended up here in this forest. But looking back, he was very glad he did.
In the middle of a clearing was - he presumes - a goat monster, nibbling on some wild but safe mushrooms. Acting more like an actual goat than a monster, hence his uncertainty.
You heard him land and you turned to face him, mushroom hanging from your mouth. Crest saw your face, it was longer and furrier and resembled more like a goat, but he could tell it was you. No matter what form you would or could take, Crest would always know it was you.
Shock was an apparent expression on his face as he looked at you. He called your name, disbelieving. You throw your two nailed hoofs up and call out with a sheepish expression “don’t freak out.” Your voice had a slight bleating tone to it.
“I can explain!”
Yes, indeed you do, and afterwards, Crest wants to know if you can shift on command and if you wanna join him when he camouflages/dresses himself as other people unlike himself for jokes and fun.
Sans: Sans had been wondering where you disappeared off to regularly. At first Sans didn’t think much of it. Maybe you needed to be somewhere, or you suddenly remembered an important appointment you had forgotten all about. Stars know that Sans is guilty of this too - writing all his appointments down in an agenda is such a drag to do - luckily his dear younger brother is very vigilant of his own and Sans’ schedules. Papyrus has the tendency to bombard his phone with all caps texts warning and reminding him of upcoming events and the like. Date, time, place and all.
Yeah…Paps’ so cool.
But after a while, Sans couldn’t brush it off as mutual laziness of writing down reminders or forgetfulness with the amount of times it happened. And always around the same time and periods. No, Sans isn’t really keeping track of your disappearances like one does their menstrual cycle or in his own case; heat cycle. Not on purpose at least. Come on, the man managed to figure out what RESETS are and got a hunch that alternative dimensions are a thing just by finding a pattern in his dreams and the actions/reactions Frisk makes that shouldn’t have been possible if it was their first time. He has a tendency and likes to find patterns and connect them.
Anyways. Sans’ been getting curious why and where you keep disappearing to, so he decided to follow you. Only to end up very startled with what he discovered.
You had a lot to explain. Better get prepared for a lot of questions. You do look very adorable in your goat form though,Sans has to admit.
Papyrus: This happened when monsters had surfaced for just a year and a half and the two of you were still at the start of your relationship. The two of you were having a sweet picnic together when you excused yourself with a worried expression. Saying something about ‘human things’ before quickly moving through the bushes away from the picnic blanket. Papyrus didn’t mind it, maybe you needed to powder your nose or something. It was a thing many humans did apparently. Although Papyrus didn’t really get why humans sometimes needed to cover their noses in powder. But he did have a few theories as to why! Like maybe their noses got wet like dogs and the powder was supposed to keep them dry.
Either way, Papyrus let you do your ‘human thing’ and patiently waited for your return. He waited, and waited, and…waited…
Wowie! He’s been waiting for a long while now, that ‘human thing’ must take a lot of time!
Papyrus decided to find out what was taking so long and followed where you went off to. He didn’t have to look very far, you were already slowly transforming back into a human, so you were making your way back. You hadn’t expected to run into Papyrus as you slowly went back. Your goat face and horns were already gone, but your body was covered in goat fur.
“WOWIE! I DIDN’T KNOW HUMANS GREW SO MUCH HAIR IN SUCH A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.” You heard Papyrus’s loud boisterous voice call out, making you startle and jump in the air with a bleat. How embarrassing.
Papyrus looked at you with such sweet innocent sockets, believing he had just stumbled upon a very secret human thing that no text book talked about. You made sure Papyrus understood that no, this wasn’t a secret ‘human thing’ but a weird hybrid thing that you yourself didn’t completely understand yourself. Papyrus is very fascinated by this mutation or whatever it is that makes you sometimes change into a humanoid goat. He helps you keep it a secret, he’s very good at that despite what many may think. There’s many things he knows people think he has no clue of. But that’s a story for another time.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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blacknedsoul-blog · 1 year
So, my wishes for the "Saving Private Duke" arc
1) The specter of Duke. Plz plz plz plz, I have a whole mental cacao about why Lenore can't manifest, and I need to know more.
2) Annabel, honey, do something. Whatever. You're the co-star/love interest/occasional antagonist (talk about being versatile, dammit) and so far you've only been there to be shady, remind us you play 5D chess, play girlboss, and be a lesbian. I don't know, fight Montressor, have some bullshit plan up your sleeve, figure out a way to not get served with divorce papers. Anything.
3) Morella, you too. You showed up in chapter 6, but we know more about Eulalie and Berenice, who showed up in chapter 32, than we do about you. I know you probably died the last time you made a decision in your life, but please.
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dyradoodles · 6 months
Hiiiiii! 💕 I was just wondering….. what are your preferences for Zack & Seph? Do you ship ‘em, is it up to circumstance, does the age matter to you/do you consider their age and their gap? Why not even throw in how you fell in love with Zack & Seph to begin with? Do you have sources?? MLA format for Zack’s fandom page???
*plops down on floor*
Details plz! ❤️
Ah yes hello person that I definitely do not know, who definitely didn't see me say I could write an essay about this very subject on discord LMFAO
I'll put the actual essay under a cut for people who don't want to scroll through my Many Feelings about these two lol As a TLDR to your questions:
Yes I ship them, but also Yes it's up to circumstance! Yes I consider their canon ages/the age gap (which most visibly manifests in me only drawing them platonically if I'm drawing Zack as a Second/with the puppy hair, or writing a fic taking place during CC)! I was actually into Aeriseph first and stumbled into ZackSeph fics, and realized it was a similar dynamic, but with someone who spent time with Seph canonically before he went bananas! All of this was before CC came out and I've been loving these characters for 20+ years!
To borrow a phrase (from crylin iirc), honestly, I like just seeing them standing next to each other, romantic or no LMAO <3
So to expand on what I said earlier, I think it's obvious from my blog and ZS server that I ship these two LMAO That said, the way I ship them is based heavily on the era of fandom before CC was a thing. I got into FF7 around 2002 (possibly earlier, I just don't have the dates on drawings that old), five years before CC came out. At the time, we knew next to nothing about Zack beyond the very short clips of him in OG. So, fandom did what fandom does best, and tried to fill in the blanks!
Some of the efforts to figure out who Zack was went all the way down to his name, because it's Zakkusu in Japanese. So you'll see him as Zax, too - There were heated debates on whether to use Zack or Zax. And no last name! Fandom had to come up with surnames themselves. We also didn't have much of a reference beyond his polygon model, which seemed to have darker skin and, (as many fics described it) violet eyes. It was also assumed that, since he was a First who worked closely with Sephiroth, he was probably around Sephiroth's age. You likely already see where I'm going with this, laying all that out lol The Zack I draw and write is very much based on that time period, and if I'm honest, that's the character I really ship with Seph. I still joke in my fics sometimes that Zack's last name might be Donovan or Darklighter, etc., which are old fandom surnames!
Now, obviously CC came out and threw all this on its head, because we finally got a whole GAME about this (important!) minor character. I have many beefs with CC's writing and Square's insistence that so many of their characters need to be child prodigies (they can't ALL be prodigies, Square!!!). With Zack going from an assumed early 20s to suddenly being 16, and all the craziness of CC's plot, the way I approached the ship changed as well.
This is where I would firmly say my stance is: I don't think Seph had any interest in Zack romantically, in CC. Because that's a kid lmao If I'm engaging with the Compilation as a whole, I definitely lean way more into the mentor/mentee relationship for the two of them. As a personal rule, I only draw them platonically if Zack's got the puppy hair, because that was the most obvious visual cue I could think of that could draw that line between Zack's teen years vs. adult. If Seph managed to not go insane, then yeah, later in life I could still see them getting together! But clearly that's already AU territory lmfao
Ultimately, what I like best about Zack & Seph is how they treat each other (while Seph is still sane lol). That goes for platonically and romantically. Zack is so genuine and kind, and treats Seph the way he always wanted to be treated - like he's human. He can joke around with Seph in a way most people simply can't. Meanwhile, Seph treats Zack's feelings with respect, even during the times he's laughing at Zack for being ridiculous. He's also honest with Zack. He answers truthfully when Zack asks what's wrong, and it's clear that it's because he knows Zack is not a threat; Zack will take Seph's feelings seriously, too. I can enjoy the drama of the trauma and heartbreak that comes with Sephiroth's descent into villainy, but my favorite stuff definitely involves a lot of Nibelheim fix-it fics lol
Despite all the changes CC made to Zack and his relationship to Sephiroth (RIP Second in Command Zax Donovan/Darklighter/Knightblade, my beloved), their actual dynamic with regard to how they treat each other stayed, miraculously, intact. That's the real reason they're still my favorite characters, and how my enjoyment of FF7 has remained as strong as it is after literal decades. Square can retcon as many things as they want in the Compilation, but they'll never stop me from making art and fic of the characters I grew up with. Unless I get a C&D for some reason LMFAO Until then, I'll keep enjoying my AUs (and if anything, I have even more reason to enjoy them now that AUs themselves are canon - you bet your ass I'll be in the AUs where ONLY OG happened and I can ignore everything else LOL)
Thank you for the questions!! It was fun to get all my thoughts written down in one huge chunk, as opposed to my typical disjointed ramblings to my friends. Hopefully it was an interesting read!
Fanlore. “Zack Fair.” The Organization for Transformative Works, 2 Jan. 2023, fanlore.org/wiki/Zack_Fair.
Doodles, Dyra. "Way Too Much Fandom Lurking." Dyra's Childhood to Adulthood, Copious Amounts of Fanfiction, 3 Apr. 2024
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intothecometverse · 7 months
in honor of february ending, here's what i manifested this month!
🐬 this one time i was practicing a bit later than usual and i was like FUCK ION WANNA EAT DINNER AND THEN GO TO ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL WITHIN HALF AN HOUR THAT'S NOT ENOUGH TIME and then i got an email for the rehearsal schedule and i got at least half an hour more than usual until i had to come. funny enough i was thinking to myself like plz don't make me come until later plz plz plz plz plz plz and then i got the email for the rehearsal schedule so yippe
🐬 going on to that i had to fucking take a shit and ended up arriving to the rehearsal room ON THE DOT (which is late for orchestra standards 💔) but luckily there were still ppl waiting outside while the conductor was dealing with the basses and cellos only (which was the reason why ppl who weren't basses and cellows didn't have to come until half an hour later) so i wasn't late woo! and on my walk there (i was speed walking lol) i was affirming to myself i'm not gonna be late im not gonna be late there are still gon' be ppl waiting outside then boom that happened??? like im god hello??
🐬 having dinner + getting to go on a mini walk with my goth sp (i asked them and they said yes)
🐬 also manifesting conversations with my goth sp just by thinking about experiencing it seconds beforehand
🐬 oh ja and i also manifested being released early from orchestra rehearsals thru just thinking abt it seconds before too 😭😭
🐬 manifested seeing another sp during my regular day activities (their dorm room is around the corner from mine so we see each other a lot xD) like whenever i think abt them boom they pop up 😭. manifesting interactions next 𓆩♡𓆪
🐬 (me personally i think this was my most putting-my-foot-down manifesting moment) i overate one time and felt like throwing up, like i was feeling ALL the symptoms i usually do before i throw up so i was like "I'm not gonna throw up im not gonna throw up, remember who's in control. I AM in control, nothing else! the 3d will conform, because i said so, IT'S GOING TO CONFORM, NOW" and then i felt fine, just like that :D
🐬 not needing to get out of bed and take a piss one night when i was rly tired (affirmed "i don't need to piss" until i fell asleep 😭)
🐬 my room being opened one night when i got locked out at like 1/2 am
🐬 my grade in jazz history being raised from a D to a B- (and hopefully an A by the end of the quarter)
🐬 also i have all As in all my other classes
🐬 getting to have a fun hangout before February ended lol
🐬 having friends my age who live in dorms near me xD
🐬 my eczema getting healed without special ointment or anything
🐬 birf control (technically manifested it way back in December bc that was when i got a confirmed appointment but wtv. i got the implant this month so xD)
🐬 clearer skin
🐬 i have super long hair and the ends didn't dry out (technically this is like a continuous manifestation but i just wanted to mention it. basically I've been affirming "the ends of my hair is immune to split ends and drying out as it gets longer" and it worked!)
🐬 being better at trumpet :D (i told my trumpet teacher how much i practiced during one lesson, and continued to play during our lesson even when i surpassed my usual amount of time playing during an average day and he said I've gotten stronger due to playing for so long yet still sounding relatively fresh. and recently I've kept playing for longer amounts of time during the day and I've still been fine so yippe
what i'm looking for manifesting-wise in march:
🦞 shifting lmao
🦞 being successful in my job
🦞 being successful in all areas of life actually
🦞 getting to hang out with both sps + them getting along as friends so we could be a whole trio :3
🦞 my sps texting me first along with me texting them first (like yk how they say it should be like a 50/50 thing with who starts the convos and shit)
🦞 supernatural shit like powers, wings, horns, and like those king sombra kinda smoky eyes
hope this inspired you, and remember, anything is possible, and u are loved!
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euniexenoblade · 4 months
Instead of a prime directive not to tell eggs that they are trans there should be a prime directive to be supportive for the eggs while helping them hatch, to warm them rather than crack them.
The one point that the egg prime directive crowd understand is that finding out you're trans under the wrong circumstances can be damaging, though they have the entirely wrong way of addressing that problem.
I know that pain firsthand, as it was a comment from some redditor I'd never hear from again that cracked my egg before I was ready, followed by highly essentialist "am i trans" tests from like 2001. Neither of these were able to frame being transfem as anything positive, and because there were no other transfems in my school or in my life at the time, I had no reason to enjoy being trans. I hated my transfemininity for many years because of this, and hated the fact that I could not deny it. It felt like an inherently isolating and fatalistic thing. "You are cursed to be something your parents and society demonize, any attempts to suppress it will be torturous, and you are in it alone" was how it felt for years, because I had no one else to show me the beauty of being a trans girl until years later.
I honestly feel envious of the transfems who can see suggesting a transfem egg is trans as if its impossible to cause her harm under any circumstances. I feel like I'd be in the wrong to say that yes it can harm us like it harmed me if it is done wrong.
I dont want anyone to read this and take away that I'm against telling eggs they may be trans. I am all for that, but I want the takeaway to be that the eggs youre telling are trans are in need of a reason to love their true selves. Without the sisterly love of other transfems they could end up like me - hate themselves for it, internalize a shit ton of transmisogyny, and develop maladaptive paraphilias for being validated as femboys that will permanently fuck up their ability to truly love their transness even after they one day discover that being transfem doesn't have to be cold and isolating.
I genuinely mean no hostility by this, but your issue was far more complex than just egg jokes. Like, yeah, you're right, we should be surrounding people with this positivity and understanding that it's ok to be trans. But, I feel like your situation is influenced by loneliness and internalization of transphobia - plz dont take that as "you're transphobic!" we all internalize that kind of shit when we're younger, and it manifests a bunch of ways. In comparison, egg jokes are generally from trans people you would actually know who want to help people transition and help people down that path. Maybe some people are bad at it, but I genuinely think the situation is entirely different.
Genuinely think you should show yourself some more love. I know saying that is like, weird cuz it can come off rude and if it doesn't it's like, how do you do that, but genuinely I don't really want the egg convo with you I more want the convo about why you feel these ways and what have you done to help yourself? Like "develop maladaptive paraphilias for being validated as femboys that will permanently fuck up their ability to truly love their transness" before the word "femboy" was getting thrown around the net I self ID'd as a trap and was posting myself on imageboards and forums and shit for attention and validation. And, before that I was finding myself through weird kink communities around crossdressing, forcefem, and sissy shit. And, yeah, looking back may not be the greatest thing but sometimes that's how shit goes. This isn't to like, reduce your experience or anything, but it is to say we have a more similar experience than you may be aware and I do think you can find more love for yourself. idk. Your point is good, I just disagree on the exact comparison. Your ask kinda just made me more concerned for you though.
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theloaqueen · 1 year
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manifestation is instant
manifestation can & will be instant
there is always movement happening behind the scenes within the 3d even though we cannot see it & us loa lovers can do instant manifestation is just that we have limiting beliefs that is in the way that stops us from getting our stuff like our instant manifestations
now our limiting beliefs can be fixed of course but yes that sometimes stops us from getting what we want
our limiting beliefs can stop us only if you allow it
also yes limiting beliefs literally do exist bc us doing stuff like
- wavering because of us getting all worried about our desires even though we literally have them fulfilled already within the precious good looking 4d & yk what I might as well say this who cares if the desire did not come in the 3d it showed up in the 4d & the 4d is all that matters we are supposed to be/feel our manifestations anyways not exactly take it from the 3d so plz don't let the 3d bring you down bc you didn't 'get' your desires from it
stay delusional & continue imagining in the 4d yall
- is worrying about time time does not at all exist your desires can quite literally come at anytime & besides it is a man made concept anyways the only reason of to why your desire that haves a deadline or whatever did not come bc you prob worried about 'when' it will arrive when it did in the 4d already & you also worried about smt that does not exist for loa which is once again time
- you are lacking persistence & discipline now babe why are you somewhat purposefully stopping yourself from getting your own desires you could be the girl that haves her desires by now & showing everyone that success story but no you keep on getting in your own way now start persisting & disciplining yourself if you want that dream life of yours or just forever stay in the cycle of lack of persistence & discipline your choice
- comparing yourself & your loa journey to others now that isnt helping you at all within your very own loa journey at all isn't it no it is just making things take longer to happen for yourself due to you discouraging/demovaiting yourself because you think that the person who haves their desires or whatever is far much better than you & or they can achieve better success than you even though it isn't true like no babe
you are better than them
you can achieve better success than them
stop putting that person on the pedestal when instead you should be putting yourself the literal goddess of this reality on the pedestal
you should only be praising yourself you are the one in charge afterall
besides you should be the one that should be making them totally jealous & mad at your own success instead
if thoes aren't limiting beliefs than idk what is
now there are quite a few more limiting beliefs that I have in mind but am too lazy to write them all down so this is what you are getting
btw if yall want proof that instant manifestation is a thing
I literally manifested a session that I did not feel like doing today get cancelled on purpose through only affirming & I only affirmed that it would 3 times & once I was done I said 'it is done' & detached from my desire completely
now at first I was kinda hesitant to do that because I thought that it wouldn't work but hey it worked anways today & that is all that matters
so yeah there is my proof that instant manifestation is a real thing that was my very first manifestation btw that had happened today am actually so proud of myself for successfully manifesting that even if it is a small manifestation
now go get your desires or I will come to your house & slap you
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valentine-writes · 1 year
hiii would love to see anything about miguel or spot!! if it’s not too much trouble!
in a good way.
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited, might be ooc, almost all fluff, ok maybe a little angst but nothing crazy, pining becuz im a sucker for the chase, they are Yearning 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. miguel o'hara/spider-man 2099 and the spot/johnathan ohnn
author's note: I LOVE U ANON!! IT IZ NO TROUBLE AT ALL!! i hope these suffice,, plz 4give me if miguel's part is lackin just a bit!! im workin on writing him more accurately (*ノε`*) <3 and y'all ATE UPPP the hcs for the spot last time so,, i hope y'all end up liking these too!! (also psstt,, usually i take into acc reader's personality here but since nothing specifically was requested, i'll try to keep it vague! sorry if certain parts aren't what you'd like!!)
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MIGUEL O' HARA headcanons:
"i didn't know i was capable of being happy right now / but you showed me how"
▸ he's already lost,, a lot. this man is someone who had lost everything he had ever loved in pursuit of keeping it with him
so when he finds himself growing attached to you?? he feels like it's something he simply can't afford
he's doing everything to make sure he doesn't end up too attached, that you never get any closer to him
however– overtime, he finds that you are unavoidable. whether you're doing it on purpose or subconsciously, you always manage to pull him back to you.
just when he thought he had finally left you behind for good, you lure right him back in.
▸ i've seen a lotta hcs saying he's like,, smooth w/ it and stuff– BUT... part of me thinks that he doesn't have a clue about what to do with his feelings towards you
and he is far too prideful to ask for any sort of help or advice from anyone.
...so does it take an immense amount of time for him to even consider that it's okay to wanna be close to you? yes.
but he's weak for you. he knows it. part of him really, really doesn't want to be. but he is. and though he tries to convince himself it's not evident, it doesn't take a genius to realize it
▸ especially because miguel allows more to slide if it's you. this especially manifests in touching.
while miguel's not all "ew don't touch me" he doesn't really care for brief, friendly touches. this is different when it's you.
he might be speaking to you after a mission. while he talks, you're silently tracing the tips of his fingers with your own, observing his hands like they're the most interesting thing in the world.
"are you even listening to me?" he questions. there's a slight hint of irritation in his voice, his brow furrowing slightly. this expression of his softens almost immediately as you look up at him, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"...your talons," you comment quietly, "they're retractable. that's cool."
he makes no effort to pull his hand away from yours. maybe he even secretly hopes you'll do it again sometime.
▸ miguel might be haunted by loving and losing from his past. but maybe loving you isn't such a bad thing. maybe it's a pain he's willing to endure. he'll try for you.
for you, it's worth it.
▸ OK GETTING LESS SERIOUS HERE. so i understand in atsv his fangs are retractable. but in the comics, it's noted that he tends to open his mouth very little when talking to conceal them.
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i love this first of all.
now, miguel's not necessarily insecure of his fangs or his teeth (which are slightly crooked because of the new growth of his sharpened canines) but i imagine that he finds it easier to just keep them hidden and avoid any questions.
if he has to explain he's not a vampire to someone again he'll genuinely explode
"morning, migs–" you greet casually. another sign of his lenience towards you– he lets you give him nicknames.
"morning." he mutters back, just barely audible to you
you blink at him, trying to process what he said. "huh?"
"i said, good morning." he repeats, still mumbling without much of a volume change.
"damn, okay, okay– what's with all the grumbling? something got you stressed?" you're aware your question is stupid. knowing miguel, who always finds something to stress about– even at 8:30 am
he shakes his head this time, much to your surprise.
"i'm not grumbling." miguel insists.
"sounds to me like you are."
("nuh uh"
"fym nuh uh–")
miguel– when not bossing people around– is out here, mumbling and grumbling in casual conversation
and you're the one who's trying to remind him to speak up.
▸ no matter what relationship you're in– friendship, queerplatonic, romantic, whatever– he's generally a bit more reserved about it.
he sees it like this: if you two are close, why would it be anyone else's business?
however a certain holographic companion and her big mouth (which i wanna kiss oh so sweetly i heart lyla) ends up making a little joke about you two in front of a few other spider-people
lyla's casual abt it– saying sumn like, "don't mind him, he's being grumpy because his favourite isn't around."
name-drops you before miguel can tell her to shut up– and everyone's like "?!?!?!"
and the word SPREADS
▸ but like. is it really too much of a surprise? more than often, he finds himself trying to check up on you to see how you're doing.
"just making sure you're fine." is his weak little excuse just to see your face and hear your voice again.
when something is just mildly wrong though... he's the type to scold while taking care of it.
"i'm fine," you shrug, trying to rub some warmth into your arms, "just a little cold."
"i told you to bring a sweater." he groans, looking around for his.
those seemed to be miguel's favourite words sometimes: "i told you."
"i know..." you mumble sheepishly, staring at your shoes.
before you can say anything else, he drapes his sweater over your shoulders. "next time, i'm letting you freeze."
you look up at him with a little smile, mouthing a quiet "thank you" to him.
(there is no next time. he lets you keep the sweater.)
▸ ok one last headcanon cuz im obsessed w/ the little details abt this man. so. canonically (and i love this) HE DOESNT HAVE SPIDER-SENSES LIKE MOST SPIDER-PEOPLE.
instead, he has elevated super-human hearing and vision. but– (if you're like me) when this information is revealed to you,,, the immediate thought is to mess w/ him as much as possible.
trying to sneak up on him and startle him has become a common game between the two of you– so much so, that he's almost expecting you to be around every corner he passes if he hasn't seen you in a while.
he catches you before you get the chance on occasion. you forget to hold your breath and he hears you. your heart is beating hard, out of the sheer adrenaline rush of hiding and he picks it up. maybe you didn't notice that you're not fully concealed.
each time, he'll sigh exasperatedly and pull you out of your hiding spot.
"you think you're so funny." his grip is still on you, and though most would read his expression as annoyed– you catch the slight glimmer of amusement in his eyes. you're just lucky he finds your antics endearing.
on the chance you do manage to genuinely catch him off guard, he curses loudly, immediately going on defence mode
"shocking hell," he groans, upon seeing it's just you, "i was going to web you to the wall."
miguel probably does accidentally web you at some point. "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" he'd say.
(he might act like you're a complete headache sometimes- but ur his headache <3)
"you make me wanna cry in a good way"
▸ he finds an excuse to talk to you always. (SINCE WHEN DID "I WANNA HEAR YOUR VOICE" NOT BECOME A GOOD EXCUSE) calling you up, messaging you– if you give him permission, he'll ramble a ton to you. about physics, the multiverse– anything he's passionate about.
it means the world to him if you ask him questions about it, actively engage in the conversation, or even just showing that your listening by welcoming his endless chatter. he even tries to impress you with his knowledge. he wants to be perceived as cool in your eyes so bad. craves admiration,, or at least appreciation. and nothing makes him feel more admired than you listening to him talk.
but he's obviously not tryin' to talk your ear off and bore you to death. he wants to hear your voice too– and takes genuine interest whenever you decide to ramble back with whatever's been in your head recently– maybe it's something you find particularly interesting, a piece of media you really like, something you're passionate about– he'll pay attention and listen to every word.
you get a turn and he gets a turn! ´͈ ᵕ `͈
if you happen to share a common interest– whether it's because you got him into it, he got you into it, or you both just liked it in the first place– the back and forth about said topic will be as endless as you want it to be
▸ the type of guy to bump into you constantly while you walk with him (is this also a habit of mine? we'll never know...) and it is PURELY unintentional. he can't walk in a straight line to save his life
he's walking with you casually, and all of a sudden, his shoulder will crash into yours, nearly knocking you off balance
he fumbles over his words a moment, reaching out his arms to catch you– and he manages to break your fall. he regards this as a very smooth move on his end, in spite of the fact he was the cause of you nearly eating pavement
"sorry! i'm so sorry– are you okay? i mean, yeah, you probably are. i caught you. you're welcome–"
"my hero." you reply, with a playful roll of your eyes, giving him a light smack on his arm (earning a little "ow" and a nervous chuckle from him) as you restabilize yourself.
▸speaking on his little “ow haha” moment… headcanon that even though he’s not really all that sensitive, he reacts like he is. the type of guy to say “ow” at every minor discomfort.
he has a mild headache? actually his brain is melting inside his skull and he needs to whine about it. he has a cold? he’s literally dying. when he’s comfortable with you, he’s comfortable enough to complain– even about trivial things
he's well aware it's not actually the end of the world. he's just silly enough to act like it is. very reactive fella :>
totally the type to exaggerate just to see you react,, he thinkz itz funny–
"oww,," he whines, rubbing his arm where you'd just given him a light punch, "you're so mean to me."
you try to stifle a laugh. "man, c'mon. i didn't even hit you that hard."
"it's gonna bruise :((("
"can you even bruise in uh..." you trail off, staring at the his post-collider incident body, white and spotted with black portals "...your state?"
"ok now that actually hurt."
▸ he's more selfless with you. ohnn often finds himself wanting to do anything in his power to make you happy. anything for you. anything.
may be just a teeny bit insane about the way he carries this out, but it's mostly innocent and sweet gestures
like, if you casually mention wanting something, he'll 100% dimension hop just to bring it back to you.
and while you know that he's probably stolen it,,, you can't find it in yourself to blame him. he's got the purest of intentions. his demeanor changes from nervous and awkward to proud, as he presents you with the thing you were just talking about a few days ago.
“no way, dude!” your eyes light up, taking the bag of candy (or whatever you like if you're not a big fan of sweets) he just presented you with, “i haven’t had these in ages-  i swore this was discontinued, though. where'd you get them?”
“i have my ways.” you can hear the dorky grin in his voice.
he loved watching your face light up in excitement over even the simplest of gifts.
▸ feels like he's holding you back sometimes. he's well aware that his situation means that you two can’t really be in the public eye. it hurts him to think you could be living a completely normal life if he was just never in that stupid collider… or if he let you go, so you could find someone else
he’d never break up with you though. he feels too selfishly about you– if you’re gone from his life, who else could love him the way you do?
sometimes, these thoughts and worries keep him up at night. expect late night conversations, his face buried in your shoulder as he holds you tight, as if he’s scared you’re going to slip away if he lets go.
there are nights where he has a hard time believing you really wanna live like this.
“hey…” you whisper, pulling away slightly so you can look at him. you gently grab onto his jaw, tilting his chin up so he meets your gaze.
his entire frame is trembling, leaning into your touch. he doesn’t speak.
“you know you’re irreplaceable to me, right?”
he melts at the tenderness of your voice, the patience you have with him. he pulls you in just a little tighter. your comfort never fails him.
▸ TRUST ME WHEN I TELL YOU THIS MAN IS 100% FOR YOUU. on your side. always.
someone was mean to you? they're an asshole and he hates them.
someone was condescending towards you? they're an idiot and they've got no clue who they're talking to.
but if someone dares to bother you beyond just making you mildly irritated and/or upset– if someone makes you cry?
DAWGGG,, ALL HELL IS BREAKING LOOSE. nevermind if you insist you're fine or that you can deal with it yourself. he's asking for full names, addresses, details– he's revenge motivated. anything for you.
▸ ok moving onto normal fluff for the last bit (ノ)'ω`(ヾ)
corny. corny. corny.
he's incredibly endearing with his earnesty as he tries to expresses his adoration for you... but also very cheesy and dorky when it comes to showing you affection.
it's sickeningly sweet, the way he stammers over every compliment, trying to explain how much he loves every bit of you.
giving him a genuine compliment back to shut him up has him nearly fainting.
johnathan likes getting verbal reassurance and praise,, but he's much better at showing his affection via physical touch– of course, only if you don't mind. doesn’t wanna make you uncomfortable!!
but if you're comfy, he ends up craving physical affection as well– i talked abt this in these headcanons but IM BRINGING IT UP AGAIN AS PART OF TOUCHSTARVED JOHNATHAN NATION.
one day, you're leaning into his side sitting close to him on your couch. your cheek rests against his shoulder while your fingers are gently tracing his arm up and down, brushing against his skin with a feather-light touch, absentmindedly. he squirms a little beneath your touch, the room being too quiet for his liking.
"so... what are you doing?" he asks, glancing over at you.
"guess." you reply, not looking up.
you're tracing... something. he can't seem to get why though.
"oh uh- okay." he thinks for a moment, a bit puzzled. after a second, he perks up, piecing it together slowly in his head.
"are you tracing a letter?" johnathan asks curiously.
you nod silently.
"okay, okay– uh... L?"
another nod.
nodding again, there's a small smile on your face.
"V? ...oh–" he chuckles slightly, now understanding what you were spelling.
he's amused at your strange way of affection. guess he isn't the only one capable of being sappy.
you laugh softly, finally tracing an E on the skin of his forearm, followed by a U and a little heart <3
"you could've just told me, y'know." in spite of his words, he knows that he likes this. you and your silly ways of showing that you care. the ways you tell him that he's cherished.
you huff, giving him a light smack on his arm. "you're no fun." your eyeroll does little to conceal the grin growing on your face.
he flinches from the playful hit. "owww..."
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