#don't compare him to the lov they deserve better
sapphic-agent · 2 months
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As if Bakugou's mid ass basic ass quirk would have made a difference sit the fuck down
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mythorhuman · 1 month
When We Sleep
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“There you are, my love.” Klaus welcomed her with a heated kiss. 
“Where else would I be?” flirted Bonnie with a seductive grin. Like a good gentleman, Klaus offered her his arm and she took it easily. It was a familiar motion. Walking with the man she loved always felt right. 
“I am always flattered that you choose to spend your nights with me,” crooned Klaus. His girl was a stunner and no other could compare. She radiated light even in her little black dress. Bonnie had every reason to avoid him, yet she chose Klaus over the rest. He wouldn't take it for granted. 
Klaus led her away from the smoky entrance and toward the bar where he ordered her a drink. He always knew what she wanted. Somehow, the man she'd known for a short while, knew more about her than those she called family. “If I'm being honest, I prefer your company to that of the others,” praised Bonnie.
“I am honored to have the privilege of showing you a good time.”
“The music is incredible tonight.”
“I knew you'd be eager to hear it.” His Bonnie was quite the dancer. Once she knocked back her drink, he extended a hand to escort her onto the dance floor as a slower tune played. 
“The music is one of the best things about this time,” grinned Bonnie as she swayed in her man’s arms. Dance was her secret passion. She’d taken lessons from a young age at a school out of town for she didn't want to compete against her friends. Their competitive nature was too much for her, so she kept her dreams of being a professional performer to herself. That was true until she confided in Klaus.
“Better than the rap music of today?” mused Klaus. 
“Nik, you're breaking character.” Bonnie rolled her eyes. Every dream they shared was different. Together, each night they built a new world where anything was possible. Klaus designed this dream as a do-over for their awful experience at the 1920s dance. 
“My apologies Bonnie. I was distracted by your alluring beauty.”
“You're such a flatterer.”
“Only for you,” grinned Klaus as he spun her quickly before pulling her back into his arms.
Bonnie laid her head on his chest. In these dreams, he had a heartbeat that drummed to the same rhythm as hers. They were connected; mentally, physically, and emotionally. The stolen kisses and secret sleepovers where they made love weren't enough. “I wish it could always be like this between you and me,” whispered Bonnie. 
“You don't like pretending to plot each other's deaths and forging hate for your lover?”
“Lover? Is that what you are to me?”
“Silly terms like ‘boyfriend’ are childish and you aren't ready for ‘husband’ yet,”
Bonnie briefly imagined the wedding. She could see herself in a white veil, holding white roses. Klaus would stand at the end of the aisle but she couldn't picture her friends in the audience. No, they wouldn’t approve. “You want marriage?”
“Only with you,” assured Klaus. He knew what she was thinking. He didn't care for her friends at all, so their approval meant nothing to him. He would be enough for her, but if Bonnie wanted friends, then she could find better ones. She deserved the best and those fools didn't fit the bill.
Holding in a frown, Bonnie said, “You know these dreams are the only place we can be free to love,”
“It doesn't have to be.”
“I have everything to lose if people found out about us and you’d face no backlash whatsoever.”
“You’re right in a way. A lecture from Elijah is nothing like all your friends turning on you.”
“So you understand?” breathed Bonnie. The music continued, but they stood in place at the center of the dance floor while others circled them.
“I understand that they'd want you to be happy if they loved you.”
“They'll see this as a betrayal.” 
Klaus found the notion ridiculous. Bonnie was the most loyal person he’d ever met. If he had a cheating ex, he would have slaughtered them. Despite having the power to destroy her useless friends, Bonnie had chosen to protect them. They continued to hurt her and she let them go unharmed. His love was too kindhearted for her own good. “And I will be there to comfort you,” said Klaus. 
“I swear to be there for you, forever and always,” swore the Original Hybrid before he placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
“Think you can dream of a place more private?” she asked trailing a finger down his chest.
“How I love when you get frisky.’
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itsnothingofinterest · 9 months
I think that the LoV deserves to win in the Final War because if they win, they will be able to create a world for themselves. The Heroes never meant to deserve to win at all considering the fact that most of them are morally corrupted (like the HPSC) and they are more interesting when they lose all the time.
If Spinner were able to win against Shoji, that would prove that his point will be always right and he would be able to save Shigaraki. If Toya succeeded, it would be the punishment that Endeavor deserves for abandoning his eldest son. If Toga succeeded, she would be able to do anything she wants. If Tomura Shigaraki wins against Deku and destroys Deku along with the entire Hero Society, Tomura Shigaraki would be able to have peace with his friends.
If I may be allowed the opportunity to rant: I'm sure some will say this is crazy at this juncture of the story but honestly? I get where you're coming from. Or at least 90% of it.
I mean for starters, I sympathize with the League far more than the heroes (no surprise from a villain fan). I think they’ve earned the happy endings they want after how hard they’ve struggled against the towering odds they’ve faced, an area which I feel they far surpass the heroes. I want them to win, I want them to prove the strength of their bonds, all that fun stuff for them.
And just logically, if you look at the worlds both sides are trying to make…the villain's world kinda seems better? Because after all, isn’t the plan to just take the current world, tear it down, and rebuild it without a whole bunch of its glaring flaws? The easy world Toga wants where kids like her don’t fear for their lives. Where corrupt heroes like Endeavor and bigots like the CRC aren’t left to their crimes. In a warped way, they’re almost like young All Might.
Compare that to the status quo the heroes want back, the very one that brought us here, which I don’t see much reason to root for. I mean even if you say “but all the people who’ve died”; first off, I swear mha civilians frequently act like horror movie victims so I can only care so much for them. But if I did, they want back the very status quo that led to all that death in the first place so…it feels like it’ll just lead back here again. A return of the status quo? This chaos is part of the status quo by now, you sure you want it back?
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(Granted this is all hampered a little bit by Shigaraki’s sudden decision to sink the country and really where did that come from? Did Tomura just say that to appear more inhuman? Did Hori make him say that to appear more threatening? Because that kind of interferes with a lot of the League’s goals y’know. Sure he doesn’t want to give the status quo loving heroes a chance to rebuild what he destroyed, but society still needs replacing as part of the plan. The PLF are still supposed to rebuild according to their desires. I may make a post about just this plot point soon.)
Not to mention that I totally get what you mean about the heroes not narratively earning a permanent win here. Not only have they as a whole not really developed and surpassed their old flaws, but just the fact that they’ve been doing their own war crimes in this arc (when you’re really supposed to stick to your morals and beat villains by the book against make-the-world-better-by-extreme-measures-type villains) really makes me think they just don't deserve the win because they kind of can’t be trusted going forward. I mean the final arc's supposed to show where everyone is ending up; how they'll be in the future. And the impression being left is that the heroes, even the kids to enough of an extent to worry, have shown the same corruption we know the HPSC for.
About the only thing I disagree with out on is that I don’t want Deku specifically to die. He can be, to put bluntly, a self-righteous moron about things he doesn't understand at times, and can be a bit of an AM clone a lot of the rest of the time; but I'd hardly wish his death for just that. Especially since it seems any hope for the heroes side not repeating their mistakes rests on him pulling his head out of his arse and getting a clue on how to be better than All Might. Not that I think that'll happen anytime soon, but that's why I keep insistently hoping for an MHA part 2.
(Sorry I took so long with this. Mix of being busy with real life and being in a writing funk. Which is why this may not be my finest post either. Hope you understand.)
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dynamightmite · 2 years
One of the slightly subtle but very consistent characterization choices Horikoshi makes that I appreciate is how Heroes have a fundamental different perspective of people than Villains. But most of the characters have very different ideologies, I hear you say. That certainly is true, but what I'm referring to is how, at the core of their world view, heroes divide people into the Cans vs the Cannots, whereas villains divide them into the Haves vs the Have Nots. Let me explain:
For heroes, the concept basically boils down to capability. If you are capable of helping other people/yourself (one of the Cans), then you have not only the privilege to do so, but the duty. If you aren't capable, (one of the Cannots), you deserve aid coming from those who are able to give it. Following in line with the whole "with great power comes great responsibility" thing, it's about how if you can help in a situation and don't, you are at least a little responsible for the consequences that may not have occured had you chosen to act. Effectively, the world is turned into Heroes, civilians, and people who could be heroes but choose not to be.
Villains, comparatively, view the world through the lens of there being people with power, authority, and social acceptance (the Haves) and there are people without (the Have Nots). It's somewhat capitalist in nature, requiring the people that subscribe to it to assume the attitude that to become one of the Havers, you must take what you want from the people who already possess it.
To be clear, both world views are flawed. The Hero perspective prioritizes people who already have power and encourages the removal of agency for those who don't by labeling them incapable or Bad. The Villain perspective lacks the personally-motivated mobility of the Hero mindset, where you can choose to better yourself and help others (though that isn't always realistic or reasonable), as well as forcibly pitting people against each other in an eternal power struggle to prevent oneself from falling further into the Have Not category.
The differences between these two perspectives explain why it's so hard for someone from either group to sympathize with their counterparts. To someone like Hawks, it's impossible for him to conceptualize being as powerful as the members of the LoV are, and actively work to worsen the lives of other people. Regardless of how Hawks became a hero and whether or not he wanted it, what matters to him is that he has the ability, and so therefore he has the responsibility. Whereas someone like Twice or Toga has the experience to back up the reality that their quirks (and selves in general) aren't considered socially acceptable, and feel they were effectively forced into villainy for lack of another option, having been let down by the Haves in society over and over. They came to the conclusion that the only way to get what they want is to force it from the people who already have it, and the easiest way of doing so is by resorting to violence. In their eyes, Heroes are just people privileged enough to get away with socially-approved villainy that benefits themselves.
That isn't to say that none of the characters are incapable of understanding the other group's perspective. Deku and Dabi, for example, both started off experiencing life on one side of the world view and then switched. Deku was born quirkless, and grew up in a world where he was surrounded by people who had what he wanted; quirks, acceptance, capability, etc. After he tried to save Bakugo from the sludge villain and received All Might's blessing, he recognized his own abilities and value. He'd always had those underlying Heroic tendencies, the ones that pushed him to help however he could in whatever way he could, but he'd still experienced enough of being a Have Not to understand them going forward. It was why his fight with Gentle Criminal was so raw, because he knew what it felt like to feel hopelessly trapped by circumstances out of your control while still wanting more from your life. Yet he also can't think that way any more, because he was spurred to help even though he theoretically shouldn't have been able to, and for Deku, that proves capabilty comes down more to willingness than some sort of innate power.
Dabi, of course, was born into the Cans position, with a powerful quirk and a top pro-hero father, but he lost all that when his quirk started rebelling against him and he was basically abandoned by Endeavor (and therefore the Heroes). That naïve hubris damaged his ability to trust in the concept of Cans helping the Cannots, because he witnessed first hand how, despite being told it's a fact of life, that supposed automatic protection isn't actually a guarantee. And how fighting against the position you're placed in can lead to greater and crueler abandonment and losses of autonomy. This whole process was helped along by how, even as a child, Dabi's position as one of the Cans was precarious, based largely on his abusive father's acceptance of him.
The reflection of real life people disenfranchised by the system versus those supported by it is surprsingly realistic in this sense. I don't know or even necessarily trust that Horikoshi will do his own observations justice, considering how the narrative's support for a system overhaul of the heroes is spotty at best, but nonetheless I'm impressed by how he managed to infuse these two foundational sides of the world-view coin in a way that is both obvious and hard to pin down. It adds a layer of depth to the conflict that I think would be lost were the characters all defined by exclusively unique ideologies.
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wandsolsen · 3 years
Champagne Problems
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: In which Wanda rejected your marriage proposal, inspired by Taylor Swift's song Champagne Problems.
Warnings: pure angst, cursing.
Word Count: 1.8k
↳ Please, be aware that English isn't my first language, fell free to tell me if there are any mistakes.
You booked the midnight train for a reason, you wanted to contemplate your pain with your head against the train window.
The reason for your suffering had a name, Wanda Maximoff.
You sat down in one of the seats, feeling the hurt in your chest burning hard just for thinking about her. The train wasn't too much crowned, however, it wasn't all empty. There were people talking and people sleeping, you were not sure which was worse.
People looked at you, certainly worried about how miserable you were.
You finally rested your head on the train window, looking at the view from the outside. Unintentionally, you remembered Wanda's hand holding yours as the two of you danced on the dance floor.
Wanda smiled at you, and she looked happy. But she wasn't, at least, not complete. Not happy enough to say yes.
However, nobody could ever have thought that she would say no.
You felt the tears coming out, your mouth trembled as you remembered. Your heart was made of glass and she let it drop it.
You had prepared a speech, but when you got down on your knees, you didn't find the expression of emotion and excitement that you had imagined she would had. Instead, you saw Wanda's body tense and fear in her green eyes.
You were speechless.
She didn't even let you ask, she ran away, leaving you there, on your knees and crestfallen on the dance floor.
You were so broken that you hadn't the strength to reach out to her, Wanda's love escaped beyond your reaches.
You saw the pity look that your family and friends gave to you. You had told them that you were going to propose Wanda that night, you couldn't keep it a secret.
You had bought Dom Pérignon and one of your family members had already popped the bottle in an early celebration, it was humiliating.
"Maybe it's just one of her...What does she call? Oh, yeah," Steve remembered before anyone could answer him. "her champagne problems." Steve was trying to calm you down, but he wasn't succeeding.
Fuck Wanda, you thought, your veins filled with angry. Fuck her and her champagne problems.
But even with all the fury you were feeling, Wanda's picture was still in your wallet along with your mom's ring.
You didn't hate her for leaving, you could never hate her.
You remembered the first time you made Wanda blush, it was in November.
You both met in college, and you thought you were the luckiest person in the world for having Wanda as your roommate. She was organized, friendly and didn't ask too many questions, everything a person could want from a roommate.
"Someone said to me that this door was once a madhouse." You said to her, wanting to make small talk.
"Well, it's made for me." Wanda made a joke, and you chuckled.
"A beautiful and intelligent woman like you in a madhouse? I find it hard to believe."
"Beautiful people do have problems too." Wanda's face was getting flush.
"I know, I know." You said. "I just wanted to praise you because, well, you're definitely one of the most beautiful girls on the campus."
And there it was, Wanda's face all red and her shy smile on her lips. You felt your heart beating faster than usual at that moment.
"So do you?" You continued.
"Do what?"
"Have problems."
"Just champagne problems." She answered.
"Champagne problems?" You asked, with your furrowed eyebrows.
"Yes, nothing meaningful or worth mention," She explained. "when compared to the others issues around the world."
"Well, champagne or not, they're still problems."
She thought about your words for a moment, but didn't say anything. Wanda continued to devalue her own problems, claiming that her issues were insignificant and there were worse things in the world.
Wanda was very reserved in the beginning, it was usually you who started the conversations. It didn't take long for you to fall in love with her.
I mean, how could you not? She was gorgeous and caring. Wanda was kinder than the most people you had ever met. She was a dream girl, with her hair loose and long, her sweet smile and her funny laugh. The way she was always up to help someone in need, and how she tried to empathize with everyone.
Wanda was absolutely flawless.
You only asked her out on a date when you were sure she wouldn't reject you.
Now, seeing from afar, you could see how stupid you were. You should have waited, just kneeling after knowing for sure that she would say yes.
But that's the problem.
You had sure that Wanda would say yes with tears dropping from her eyes. Then, your song would have played, you would have kissed her and held her hand tight while dancing. Your friends would have cheered with joy, and Wanda would have hugged you with a radiant smile on her face.
You let out a breath of pain. You now lived with only wishes. Because she dropped your hand while dancing, instead of holding tight.
Just champagne problems, she would say, about this dramatic situation.
You had a black Chevy that Wanda loved, she enjoyed riding in your car, even if you never go anywhere special. And when the car stopped running and you decided that was time to buy a better one, Wanda didn't let you. Often you saw her on the passenger seat murmuring whatever song was playing on the radio.
Nevertheless, the Chevy wasn't going anywhere. Just like your relationship.
Feeling tired of sitting there in this hurt, you left the train and went to the nearest hotel that you could find, you didn't want to come back home anytime soon.
You lived in a small town, your failed marriage proposal was probably spreading in the mouth of people like a disease.
Your turn on your phone, there were many messages and missed calls from your friends, but no one of them matters to you. Except one.
There was one voicemail from Wanda. Just that. She didn't send you a dozen messages like your friends, just a voicemail.
You set down on the bed, before listening to her voice for the last time.
Hey, Y/N, it's me, Wanda. I think I owed you an apology for leaving you out there standing. I-I can't do this, I'm sorry.
Wanda's voice was trembling, it sounded like she was crying. Why was she crying? She left you, not the other way around.
You didn't know it was possible for your heart to break more, but it did. The sound of her painful voice would haunt you forever.
I really can't give you a reason, I guess I never was ready for commitment. Sometimes you just don't know the answer until someone gets on their knees and asks you, you know?
There was a long pause, so long that you thought the message was over. However, Wanda's voice filled the room again:
You deserve someone better than me, you always had. Someone who is not fucked up in the head like me, someone who will never hurt you like I did. You'll find a real thing out there, she will pick up the pieces of your broken heart and she will patch up your tapestry that I shredded. She will be so perfect that you will not remeber me, or all my champagne problems.
Your vision was blurred because of the tears that fall uncontrollably from your face.
Ours... your friends called, they all are worried about you, please contact them.
There was another long pause.
I lov...
Your heart started to race at the words she was about to say, but Wanda gave up halfway, as if realizing that the words were not true.
Goodbye, Y/N.
And that was it.
Four years of relationship saying goodbye in a voicemail of less than five minutes.
Your throat burned from holding on to crying for so long, you wanted to scream until your vocal cords burst.
You loved her more than anything, and she left as if it were nothing. As if your love meant nothing.
You took the picture of Wanda that was still on your wallet, and tore it into several pieces before throwing it in the trash.
Eventually, the sleep caught you while you were crying in the hotel bed, similar to a friendly hug in the midst of so much pain.
━━━━━━ ᗢ ━━━━━━
You heard that Wanda left town, without looking back, on the same day that she rejected your proposal.
Wanda's sweet perfume was still impregnate, along with your memories with her, in every room of the house that the two of you used to live. You didn't manage to stay there, it didn't take long for you to sell the house and buy an apartment in the city center.
You sold your black Chevy, there was no one around to stop you.
You also sold Wanda's things that she left behind, you didn't want anything to remind you of her. Because after the end of the day, you were still mad at Wanda. For leaving, for didn't give you a good reason, for making your waste four years of your life.
"She would've made such a lovely bride, what a shame she's fucked in the head." That was probably the last thing that someone spoke about Wanda, before another big gossip emerge in your town and they eventually forgot the humiliation that she put you through.
At first, you stayed in your new apartment with your heart broken, just watching futile reality shows and eating junk food. Steve, your best friend, was there all the time giving you emotional support, even though he didn't always know how to say the right thing.
But eventually you had to face reality, after all, you suffering or not, life still went on.
It took two years before you were ready to fall in love again. And two years since you had heard from Wanda, you didn't know about her even on social media, since she had deleted them all.
It was as if Wanda had simply disappeared, little by little, she became a myth in your life, a ghost that haunted you from time to time. Not even your friends and family mentioned her name.
Sometimes you wondered if she really existed, if you haven't invented her in your head.
It was in a bar outside the town, that you met Natasha Romanoff. She was self-confident and carried a death look in her eyes, rigid on the outside, but soft on the inside. She had short red hair and was not very fond of wearing jewellery.
Totally different from Wanda.
Natasha was fun to be around, it was easy to understand her because she was always honest with you.
You started to date her on the very first day of summer. Then, after spending all the four seasons together, you started to carry your mom's ring in your pocket and Natasha's picture in your wallet.
And when you got on your knees, she didn't leave you crestfallen on the dance floor. She said yes, and held your hand tight while dancing.
However, in the end, Wanda was wrong.
You still remeber all her champagne problems.
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writethatdown · 2 years
this has been extremely emotionally painful and hard for me for the past 9 or 10 months. it started off with me having feelings for this boy and at first i t really seemed like he wanted me to be his gf. long story short he never claimed me as his and i can tell he didn’t feel the same way…it took me about a year to get over him and I healed. (i also deleted my socials in the process.) i re downloaded one of my socials back and saw a message from him but i ignored it/didn’t say anything. next i saw another message from him and did the same thing. they never were words they just gave me notifications from what he did in chat. (i ended up removing him to feel better and i still don’t) next thing you know the healing and everything i went through started all over again. im so upset this is happening i want to get back on track and my life back together. also i felt like i pushed away from other guys wanting a chance with me and my trust issues has risen tremendously..
i hope this wasn’t too long, ive talked about to other people who i feel like can help…get back to this when you can 🤍
hey love,
first of all i understand the position you are in hon and it's a really shitty experience and i am so proud of you for repeatedly choosing yourself despite the outside circumstances.
recovery is a twisted thing and the more you think you are done with it, it seems like there's a whole another room of shadows you have to heal from. and it does get daunting. this is not me saying things are going to get any easier, but you know i can tell u one thing for sure...the pain is like water, sometimes it is flowing with a turbulence we just can't seem to hold within us but, it will slow down eventually and before you know it, the flow will slow down and there will be a calm state of being.
personally i am kind of in a same page, i am not trying to compare here but i just wanna say that i don't have any “tips” or some 10-step-procedure to get over someone. it's a hard thing to do.
i just wanna say that pls don't judge your feelings, try to feel them when they surface instead of pushing them down. try to sit with a trusted person when u want to grieve if that's comfortable for u.
and a kind reminder that you are def not back to square 1 my lov!!! all that effort and progress u made are definitely there! think of it more like a spiral rather than a circle.
it's quite natural to get trust issues at this phase. when u have the space for it, try to reaffirm that just because one dude acted x way doesn't mean it fits the general criteria for all men. remind yourself that there are people out there who would love you and accept you in ways you deserve and more. let's not internalize anything like all men are evil or something like that.
try to indulge in things which will bring u comfort. from anything like having comfort foods, movie marathons, reconnecting with close friends and fam, trying hobbies like painting, pottery, singing etc.
don't worry k, good times are unfolding for u and this is the sign. <3
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