#don't bend the knee
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 month ago
and as a separate post, seeing people act as if losing TikTok will keep people from organizing to create change kinda makes me sick, because I cannot think of many movements in the social media age, if any, that have been as effective as those that occurred before people even had fucking cell phones
social media has helped cripple effective organization and protest, because it has enabled people to call putting an emoji in their bio and bitching about how much they hate something without actually meeting in person, meeting and negotiating with the opposition, raising money, running for local office, etc, "organizing"
MLK and Malcolm X didn't have TikTok lmao, Gandi didn't have TikTok, Marsha P. Johnson didn't have TikTok
the one person who kinda did a thing of impact recently, regardless of whether or not he's in prison right now, didn't use social media to do it babes
and admittedly he did it solo
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chippedcupwrites · 1 month ago
"Rumbelle but everything is explained by John Mulaney" │ a very cracky rumbelle fanvid │
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brainrotcharacters · 4 months ago
save me Lasko Moore who deliberately suffocates Dear's trauma givers save me
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respectthepetty · 1 year ago
How do you feel about PheeJin. I'm conflicted. I can see that Phee actually caught feelings, even if he feels guilty about Non still. And Phee and Jin do have chemestry. But I don't know. There was something was missing for me, I guess maybe it felt too fast.
Anyway what do you think are the chances of Phee/Non reunion?? Shall we clown together for a happy ending, or do you no longer see them coming back together??
@italianpersonwithashippersheart, because I'm crazy, once I realized Phi took Jin to Eden from the previews last week, I mentally pushed Jin off a cliff and focused on one sole thing -
TLWR: It could get messy between Phi x Jin, White is a problem or salvation, and . . . Keng might be alive too *eye roll*
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This entire theory can go up in flames in the next episode, but come with me for a second to Optimistic City:
I thought Phi was the mastermind and that Tan came along for the ride, but Tan is actually the mastermind while Phi is being dragged along. I like that Phi caught feelings for Jin because, hopefully, this means Phi is going to tell Jin about this crazy plan to get a confession, and it's going to come back around that Jin recorded the video; therefore, these two are going to look at each other with disgust unless they are like Babe from Pit Babe and completely cool with it, which I'm also very cool with.
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When Phi didn't drink the water, I instantly was like "oh, so he knows it's spiked with drugs!" but then he commented when Jin was freaking out that he hadn't realized it was spiked.
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And I love this because it implies that Tan has always had a different agenda and has left Phi out of it.
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Since it seems Tan knows more details than we thought.
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So if Dead Friend Forever is giving me a story about brotherly love rather than one of romantic love . . .
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Then who am I to argue with a tale of redemption.
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Which is why I think Keng might be alive.
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People have pointed out one of the masked killers is on crutches.
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Which would make sense if someone had gotten hit by a car and the injury didn't heal properly.
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I don't want Keng to be alive, but the fact remains that Jin keeps seeing Keng, which we know is a hallucination just like all the other guys, while Tan seemed like he genuinely saw an actual person in the house.
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The hooded person also looked up at him, and kept it moving.
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Yet Phi hasn't seen or heard anything which is why I thought he knew about this hooded figure and was in on it unlike Tan, but why would the hooded figure stop to peek a glance at Tan?
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When Top was attacked, Tan was upstairs "sleeping." Before Uncle Dang showed up to the house, Tan had just arrived to see the aftermath of the fight between Phi and Tee. And Tan was quick to suggest they use Por's place for Jin's farewell party in the first place.
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But Phi immediately ran to Jin's house to try to speak to him.
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And even questioned Tan! It's been over two years since they infiltrated the group. Why now? Why wait two years for a confession?!
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Because it's no longer about a confession for Tan.
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I mentioned that if Non is alive, it would make sense that he waited to do something until after Tee's uncle was no longer a threat, and homeboy is dead now!
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Tan's hallucination was eerily specific: Non was framed. Expose the Fucked-Up Five. Get Non's forgiveness.
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And Tan has always thought ALL of the boys are bad and specifically narrowed in on Jin as the reason for his brother's disappearance.
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If Phi truly fell for Jin, he will try to protect Jin against Tan who is going rogue. But Tan needs an inhaler. It could hold the antidote if Tan has bigger plans to kill them all, but my original thought was it would be the perfect way to die without dying. He wouldn't have to get stabbed or hit. It would take no physical injury. He would just need his inhaler and not get to in time.
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Stop breathing. Pass out. Be a dead body as chaos continues around him, and when the dust clears after the masked killers have finished everyone off, he gets back up and walks out of the woods as New because Tan who has asthma never existed in the first place.
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Non was presumed either dead or missing. Both boys could walk out of those woods without anyone even realizing they were there. The only issue is White, BUT he wasn't supposed to be there either.
And yet he is keeping Tee right where he needs to be.
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White's only connection to the group is he is dating Tee for almost three years.
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His backstory is as thin as Tan's was, but I have never seen him as "in" on the kills. White hasn't been physically harmed unlike the Fucked-Up Five. White continues to remain in the safety of the house when everyone has to venture outside. I want White to live, so either he has his reasons for being on this trip and keeping Tee out there, or White is really as innocent as he appears and Tan will save the little one as an act of redeeming himself for not saving his brother.
Which would make the thrill of Non being alive even sweeter!
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Because it would mean that everyone who "wronged" Non suffered. His mom. His dad. The Fucked-Up Five. Phi. (Keng, please God!). And even possibly his brother unless the narrative allows the brothers to be the final love story. It's scorched earth.
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Perth's character still exists, and I think he helped Non survive somehow. I have no idea how all of this will turn out, and I'm excited to see, but the second Phi took Jin to Eden, he was dead to me.
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And Non was more alive than ever.
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year ago
that dabke snippet tho.
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butchfriend · 19 days ago
this week has been one medical incident after another and i Would Like It To Stop Please
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Hypermobility is really annoying because I'll get random arm pain and not notice for hours that my shoulder is dislocated until I rub my shoulder and notice there's a giant gap. Body too stretchy disease... at this point, any time I get random pain in my right arm (minus the burn from fibro), I should check to see if it dislocated again.
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respectthepetty · 2 years ago
Catching up on shows, and instead of focusing on whatever the eff this plot was in episode 11,
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I'm just going to focus on this statement because one day, far far away, a BL will actually give us this plot where a guy leaves his man without telling him the reason, so the man finds a better guy who won't abandon him without telling him why.
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Our Dating Sim, you just keep looking better and better.
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thesmokinpossum · 7 months ago
Ok so I did managed to talk to that lady from school and it appears to all be ok (tho i won't feel entirely safe until I have some official papers in front of my two eyes confirming that it is), another crisis kind of averted I guess!
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randomnameless · 1 year ago
Edelgard's such a sore loser in AM that she tried one last time to kill Dimitri while he's offering his hand to her. Despicable child.
I wouldn't call her a "sore loser", but she's very stubborn and this route depicts it the best, it's her way or her death - and every route, she isn't killed in battle, but she dies in a cutscene because she cannot accept losing (asking Billy to deal the final blow bcs uwu even in VW).
I like this trait of her, especially since it's the other side of the coin of the "indomitable will" Rhea praises and remember Willy for - in a way, yes, both Willy and Supreme Leader are/were stubborn or, put in a good light "wilful/strong-willed" and it plays with the general idea of a certain quality being a default at times - Dimitri is compassionate and has empathy for people, but it drives him too far, to the point of forgetting himself, Supreme Leader is "strong-willed", and she cannot accept a world where she loses/where her path leads her to wall, so she'd rather die.
TBH, I prefered that end for her - staying true to some of her convictions (she is so desperate to be right that she will even turn herself into an icky non human!) - than what Nopes did in AG, stripping her of agency for fanservice (because the 3 lords must always be alive in the Nopes routes, even when it doesn't make any sense!).
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faebriel · 1 year ago
for the record i wouldn't put dancers bcnr on a c!rainduo playlist because 4 me it is such a . girl to girl song but some of the lyrics do in fact give me the vibes
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quaranmine · 10 months ago
(Spoilers for the Fourth "Letters from the Outlook") Wait, so if Grian's hands are damaged, then does that mean he cannot go back to his drafting job anymore? What does he do instead when he does eventually regain some movement and dexterity to his hands?
I basically answered this in the chapter notes, which is just that I did not intend for him to have long-term damage that permanently affected his function in a massive way. That's why he has physical therapy and a compression garmet and in the scene he says his doctor is fairly confident it won't be forever. Yes, it will probably affect how fast he can go back to the job (but also his mental health is going to affect that too) and perhaps he'll have to rest his hands more often. But basically it wasn't my intention to keep him from being able to hold a pencil forever, so I don't see why he can't go back to drafting in a while. He just couldn't hold it during that still-fairly-early scene because he hadn't regained a lot of grip strength.
Also his days of drafting are numbered anyway—by the 90s, architects started to use AutoCAD for their work instead of manual drafting :)
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allthoseotherworlds · 1 year ago
Oh, for anybody who remembers my old blog and my complaints there about the mystery condition- I still do not know what it is, but I did see a physiotherapist and apparently I am at least kind of hypermobile. I don't properly pass the beighton test I think? But she is giving me exercises to help stabilize my shoulder, back, and hips and we'll see where that goes.
(The mystery symptoms are dizziness, miscellaneous mild to moderate pain, and episodes of speech difficulty and uncontrolled muscle jerking which seem to be brought on by changes in temperature or posture. My heart rate and blood pressure stay relatively normal I think, so although it sounds a lot like dysautonomia when I describe it, it probably is not POTS.)
Anyways, it's good to have something else to consider I guess. I sort of assumed that unless you had dislocated something and/or could do the finger and hand parts of the Beighton test, you couldn't have issues with hypermobility, but apparently maybe that's not true?
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blue-hi · 9 months ago
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federschwert :)
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dakrapatops · 1 year ago
lmao today walking back from the movie this fucking child pointed at me and was like "him ugly" AND DSAKDJFHSAKJFJFA correctly gendered but at what cost
diversity net zero! small child knows your gender but thinks it's bad
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sapphia · 2 years ago
the first limited life episode is just all the i've-got-my-shit-together players (pearl, grian, and cleo) adopting the wettest cats they can find. except TIES, where somehow the wettest cat adopted the hyper-competent players
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