#don't be a chop ho
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heartavenue · 5 days ago
Don't Be A Chop Ho.
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The title of this post was inspired by @yoyoaizawa and the contents of this post directly come from @clickercouture I repeat this post was inspired by @clickercouture I simply wanted to add on to it!
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"How are a loser in your own fantasies?" - a tweet that I saw please I've been trying to find op for DAYS
CW: This post may be a bit harsher, so if you do not like that, STOP READING RIGHT NOW!
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"How are you a loser in your fantasies?" really clocked my tea and it should clock yours... But let's change fantasies to imagination. How are you a loser in your own imagination? Why would you willingly be a chop ho in your imagination? -@yoyoaizawa
I was on here scrolling through the shifting community on here and my lovely mutual said this,
Why I've Stopped Trying to Shift ★
"I'll get straight to the point. In my belief system, the 'shift' is in the mindset. Reality comes after that. Once I'm in the mindset of being wherever, and I can maintain that, then I've already shifted. I'm done. So, I don't try to shift, I just do. The narrative that we have to try to shift, in my opinion, is harmful. When you want to drink water, you do it. You don't try to. You just get up and drink the water without a second thought. Why should shifting be any different?" -@clickercouture
And that was so good I just had to make a post out of it! Read what they said, "once I'm in the mindset of being wherever, and I can maintain that, then I've already shifted. I'm done."
Exactly that my loves! All you have to do to shift IS shift. You don't have to try anything, shifting is innate. It is not something that you have to learn shifting is a part of you. So stop trying to shift, and just SHIFT. Make that assumption, that you are already in your desired reality and maintain that. I don't care what the physical shows you, just shift.
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Now going back to the title, don't be a chop ho. You are omnipotent and omniscient, how are you pure consciousness but can't even shift realities....How do you let an illusionary source run you? How do you let an intrusive thought overtake you? Why would you assume that you will fail when you already succeeded?
Don't be a loser in your imagination, YOU run this! You are the author of your own life, you make the rules! If you want to get a million bucks in your bank account you can. If you want that sp, you GOT THEM! Take control because at the end of the day, it's all you and it's always ONLY going to be you.
Why would you sit up there and boohoo over things that YOU control? You shift your reality INSTANTLY! You manifest INSTANTLY! Why would you willingly hand over your power to someone else, you know who does that? LOSERS! And I don't know about y'all but I refuse to be a loser in my OWN life!
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P.S: Although this was more of a harsh post I just want to say that everyone's feelings are valid and if you feel upset/frustrated/irrtaited/sad about anything that is perfectly fine and my dms are ALWAYS open if you need someone to vent to!
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Tagging them one more time but please show some love to my follow mutuals who inspired me to make this post in the first place: @yoyoaizawa & @clickercouture
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ygslvr · 1 year ago
Jealousy, that shit gon' eat your heart out
Ony x Afab Reader
Word Count: 2,015
Just me talkin: This a “lil short” sumsum i thought of while making my gojo ff and this is also the first ever thing imma put on this platform so treat this shit with love and be nice bc ian scared to cuss a ho out okiii byyeeee hugs and mfkn kisses
Warings: Language, TOXIC RELATIONSHIP and uhhh just alot of shit read with caution fuck 🧍🏽‍♀️
Summary: You And Ony go to his neighborhood to visit his grandma and him to hang around his fam just for a bitch to be all up on him and grind on him and he don't do nun bout it but thats okay you will
“Alright Ma we almost there,i need you need you to please be on your best behavior” He squeezes your thigh to emphasize his please
If youre being honest you hardly heard him bc you were too busy staring at how FINE and DIVINE your man looked i mean cmonnn now he had on his jewelry,chains and studs, look so good on his ass. And he was in a white tee with a black jacket and black sweatpants and made that shit look good asl. Ou the things you could do to him ouuuu the things the things mannnn you can just su-
You snap out of you lil trance you was in “huh, oh yeah yeah you know i got class i could neverrrr”
“Mhm” he rubs your thigh and pulls into the neighborhood
“You're the one i need to be telling that” you say as you pull down the mirror to check out your hair and makeup before yall get there. Ony looks over at you with a confused expression. “What?”
“Dont what me bitch yk i look good” You look over and start caressing yourself and moving your hair out the way so he can see your outfit
“Chill out with that bitch shit yk how i feel bout dat shit” He lowers his voice on the last part
“Mhm i know baby can get sensitivveee” you say in a baby voice making a concerned face while patting his shoulder
You arrive at his folks house and they is boominggg. I mean,lil kids running around in the front yard, old heads on the porch watching the kids and cars that pass by, a bouncy house for the kids, and you can just smell the good ass food from the driveway. Ony watch you get out the car and you both start walking to the house.
-Imma skip some bc while i was editing I noticed half of this was useless talking making my word count go up so I deleted it..🤭-
You're sat down by Ony’s Aunts and female cousins talking about any and everyone. You can see where he gets his chill demeanor from all of his fam is cool asfk. Ony is sitting next to you with his hand firmly on your thigh,chopping it up with his uncles cousins and friends. Somehow their convo gets to dice and they get up and go to shoot some. As ony is leaving he kisses you on the cheek and tells you he’ll be back and after that y'all could go then he kisses you on the lips and leaves.
“Oooo you got him hooked in lovee honey i never saw him this tranced” One of his aunts say as she pats your arm
You giggle and turn towards them “I dont get what you guys mean, does he seem that in love with me?”You smile
They all collectively say ‘Hell Yeah’
Everyone was vibin and you and his family just choppin it up talking about everything and anything. Ony and his people back there loud playing dice, dominos, and spades just cursing,slamming stuff , and loud. But it aint mind yall it was just a cozy time bonding with his family that's until as one if his aunts is talking she looks behind you and just trails off then the rest of his people turn around and looks and all collectively start to gape in that direction , so you decide to turn around and see what's happening. You turn back when you don't see anything but people, you give them a confused look and one of his Cousins explains “You see that girl with red highlights that just walked in and making her way to ony? Well that was one of ony coulda been girls they talked and prolly even hooked up we dont know but they was close as fuck people thought they were dating but ony hard denied it thats how close.” You turn around and look and by the time you do she alr made her way to the table they was at, you turn back “Not to be rude but they used to be close so why yall so shocked she here” you said smiling.
The worst that could happen is that they still talk just recently stopped talking or he crazy about her or sumn but nahhhh ony aint stupid he know you batshit crazy like yo mama
Another cousin of his continues “He aint tell you girl? That bitch is bat shit crazy but Ony being the nice boy he is never told the hoe about herself, like he should of but hey imma hold my ones with that.”
You give a confused look
“GIRL HE REALLY AINT TELL YOU?! Well miss thang be all up on facebook and instagram posting him claiming they still together using pictures from like 3 years ago even said they got a baby together the baby is one…. girl….like give it up”
One of his other cousins chime in “And ony being a lil bitch dont tell her shit telling us to ignore it and she gon shut up but nu uh that hoe is still going and ion think she gon sto- uh oh?” She stopped when she looked behind you and everyone eyes followed including yours just to see the girl all up ony in the seat right next to him. Like she had her leg over one of his and touching his arm they whole package and wtf was ony doing? Smilin and telling her chill … this nigga want you to be on first 48…
Like him having an old fling? Ok as long as they not still doing shit, especially behind yo back. The old fling came to his family function after he cut her off? She crossed a line not a thick one but its whatever don’t cross the thick line and you good. Being all up on my nigga and feeling on him like he yours and y’all engaged. Bitch you need to move immediately. THAT GOOD FOR NUN ASS NIGGA JUST SITTING THERE SMILING??? Ok bitch you think im stupid and ima a soft ass hoe playing on my fucking top.
You turn back, dig in your purse for your perfume spray sum on you and tell his family to excuse you and that you'd be back. As you get up you grab your drink in case that bitch try sum. You sip on it as you make your way to the table ony. As you're making your way to him you don't take your eyes off him and eventually he looks at you and the look in your eyes makes him have a confused expression. You dont know if this nigga confused on what you finna do or if he confused why you looking at him like that. And you dont know why his good for nun ass is confused, unless he acting dumb…. Ouuu you finna fuck this nigga UP
You make it over to his seat and kick that roach’s leg off your husband and ever so politely sit on his lap. You hear the girls in the back CACKLING , you don't mind that the Ony wanted you to behave oh so bad before yall pulled up giving you that bitch ass speech in the car just to come act like this. So you do what your man said and behave. And you look over to that fishy ass tramp next to him.
“ Hi, I’m Ony’s Girlfriend, Soon to be fiance . I SEE y'all are pretty close so i decided to come over to introduce myself”You smile big and hold out your hand to shake hers making sure to show off the big ass promise ring he got you that can practically be an engagement ring.
Bet he aint get yo cricket booty ass nun like that before huh bitch?
The bitch is looking at you like you took her granny cane, slapped her mama, and hexed her whole family line down to the newborns. “Uhhh…” You say as you look at your hand waiting for her to acknowledge it. After 2 more seconds you put it back in your lap not bothered by her, fixing yourself on Ony lap. The aura is still tight but his family try to loosen the vibe and start back their dice game. “Nu uh bitch you gon have to get the fuck up.” The whole backyard went dead. You look at the ho then start looking around because she couldn't possibly be talking to you. Nahhhh she was talking to someone else. She needed to be talking to someone else because this bitch was playing with water and electricity. Because you finna light her ass up, nah she wasn't talking to you impossible nahhhhh. Then she grips your arm and snatch you up, “ i dont know why yo ass looking around im talking to you get off my fucking husband”
This bitch don lost her fucking mind… NAH FUCK DAT SHE WASNT BORN WITH ONE OBVIOUSLY.“Listen here trick if yo sour pussy ass don't let go off me i know sum”
Ony soft bitch ass in the back talm bout sum “Chillout, sit yall ass down” He makin you mad the more his ass does sum. But you ain't even worried about that. You take one last sip of your drink and chuck it at that tramp. Beaucoup people jump up and others watch making noises. But nah fuck dat you finna handle this ho. You cock back and punch that bitch just throwing hits not even caring if you hit the ho or not, but you are TRUST. She start hitting back and yall end up on the ground, you ain't gon lie this bitch hitting hard so you make sure to hit harder. You just thowin the bitches hitting her in the titty and her face. Until you get pulled off and yall get broken up and Ony holding you, as one more rebellion you kick the bitch and spit on her. “ ALRIGHT CHILLOUT. STOP” Ony say as he start to carry yo ass out. You think you did too much til you hear his aunts and cousins hyping you up and tellin the rest of the fam to let that bitch stay on the ground. You don't get to hear it for long as ony throw you in the back seat and lock the car as he go back to get y'all shit.
You just sit there bc aint no point in running back and finishing that hoe you already don showed her ass a whole new world. It's over now so you just sit back and fix yourself. After a good 5 mins you finally hear Ony come back and hear him apologizing for your behavior over and over again. He gets in the car and looks at you through the rear view mirror. He sighs and starts the car and pulls off to take yall home.
It’s been a good 15 minutes of silence before you decide to speak up. “Yo punk ass had her all over you so don’t blame me.” You say looking in the mirror for his reaction. He looked up and started pulling the car over.
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thebearer · 2 years ago
i looooove the way you wrote carmys casual dominance over the reader in the feeling. could you write something else that has that same vibe? like him being protective/ dominant over her while they’re around the rest of the crew?
ahhh thank you so much!!! the casual dominance was a must for me with carmy it just makes me weak in the knees lol.
"Why don't you let me help you?" You hummed, leaning over Carmen's shoulder, watching as he expertly cut the onions. "I can handle spaghetti sauce."
Carmen scoffed lightly, looking up at you under heavy brows, still chopping furiously- much faster than anything you could. "I got it." He nodded.
Your face fell slightly, stepping back to stand beside him. Carmen invited you to family every night before the restaurant opened, it was sometimes the only time you'd see him until that night when he'd collapse into bed next to you. It was the busy season, summer and tourist time, meaning everyone wanted to come to the infamous restaurant.
Carmen's chest flooded with a pang of guilt at your small frown. Fuck, maybe he'd been too mean. "'m sorry, baby. Here, I have prep to do. Can you put this in the pan for me? Start it."
The tiny smile that curled on your lips made Carmen's heart skip in his chest. "Yes, Chef." You hummed, pressing a kiss to his cheek, snagging the diced onions and sliding them into the pan.
You'd seen Carmen make it enough to know how to make this recipe. Canned tomato sauce, oregano, onions- you measured them, adding it all easily.
"Woah-ho-ho, look who we got here." Richie cackled, turning the corner, ignoring Sydney's screams to announce it. "We got a new chef on the roster?"
You rolled your eyes, snagging the can opener and pressing the handles together. "Yeah, I'm your replacement, Richie."
Richie's face fell slightly. He knew you were joking but a part of him worried. "Cousin, what's this, huh?"
"She's just helping, alright? Get outta the way." Carmen nodded, slicing the beef easily. His eyes watched you, flicking from his task back to you.
"Hey," Carmen called, a firm snap of the tongue that had you turning to him. "Put the hair back, baby. No one wants a hair in their food."
"Yeah, c'mon." Richie added, snickering as you snagged the hair tie off your wrist. "Gonna replace me and she don't even know how to cook right-"
"Hey, easy, cousin." Carmen's eyes were hard, glaring at Richie, the whirr of his knife sliding across the cutting board adding a dangerous edge.
Richie held his hands up in mock defense. "My apologies, your fucking majesties." He scoffed.
You rolled your eyes, moving onto the next step on the card, pouring the cans of sauce in easily and stirring, giving the side of the pan a firm tap with the spoon to get the excess off. Reaching for the knob to turn the heat up, Carmen's hands were on your waist before you could.
"Here, baby," Carmen rasped, pulling you back slightly. "Gotta loose shirt on, so you gotta stay back, alright? Tuck it in or something for me. I don't want it catchin' on fire." He muttered, hand sliding over the hem of your shirt, pressing it gently against you.
"Actually, go find an apron, ok? I'l get this started. I don't want you gettin' anything on ya." Carmen nodded towards the back.
"Yes, Chef." You saluted him playfully, passing the spoon to him.
Carmen watched you walk towards his office, stirring the ingredients before turning on the stove. He let the flame on a low flicker, reaching in his pocket for his own cigarettes, fishing one out and lighting it under the pilot light.
"Chef," Carmen called, catching Sydney as she turned the corner. "You got it?"
"I got it." Sydney nodded.
"Great, I'll be in my office." Carmen walked off, finding you in his office, lazily looking through the papers on his desk.
"Anything good?" He asked, leaning against the door, arms crossed over his broad chest.
"What is spicy Moroccan carrot salad?" You tilted your head, reading Carmen's sloppy handwriting scribbled on the notecard.
"A side Sydney thinks would go good with the flounder we're getting in." Carmen hummed, blowing the smoke out the door before shutting it behind him.
He sunk down in his chair, patting his lap for you to sit with him. "Thanks f' helpin' me with family tonight." Carmen muttered, arms around your waist, bumming the cigarette in the tray. "Shouldn't be too long tonight."
You hummed, leaning back into his chest, head lulling back so you could look at him. "Not too long like I should wait up for you or...?"
Carmen snorted lightly. "I'll be home before midnight. Sydney and Marcus are closing tonight." He sighed, pressing a tiny kiss on your shoulder.
"Good," You grinned, turning so you were straddling him, your core rocking over his, covered by the aprons.
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midnightshindig · 2 days ago
Ahhhhhhhh why are you so good at embodying the characters when you write??! (Teach me👀)
This has been on my mind for awhile, but Mark x platonic ride or die bestie headcanons. I just feel bad for him yknow? Home boy/girl/babe is ready to rock the next enemy’s ****shit**** if they make things a smidge stressful for him or his loved ones. But is also simultaneously very considerate/sweet in their own dumpster-fire way. No matter what dimension, what decision, what future, they’re there because they care. Oh imagine them being like an older sibling figure to Oliver or later on Uncle/Aunt figure for Tara!
Thank you for your time - hope you’re doing well 🫡✨
Mark & Bestie!Reader
Okay so here's where I tell you all my shameful secret:
I had one of those etsy accounts where you pay to get a letter from a fictional character in middle school...
I made like over a thousand dollars with it before deactivating it for school reasons. and that's how I'm so well versed in getting into character. Is I used to get paid to do it.
My one tip is to-- obviously-- understand the character. But not from their perspective, from YOUR perspective. You have to get it and find a way to be them that is still you or else it's too unnatural and you feel cringe
ALSO IDK WHAT THE FUCK A TARA IS BUT I WILL SMITE YOU. Please no comic spoilers <3 (/nm)
anyways hcs under the cut!
Mark was a pretty feeble dude in high school pre-powers
and William-- as a scrawny gay kid-- can only protect him from so much
Which is why when you-- tall ass feisty ass chomping-at-the-bit Y/n-- came into his life, you clicked instantly
It was a classic case of Muscle and brain
except you were both Mark's protector AND his geography tutor
sooo.... idk what Mark really brings to the table
I'm kidding I'm kidding!
you and Mark are absolute homies and you're so happy to have met him
especially when he GETS SUPERPOWERS???
All those years of you beating down cruel jocks and trash talking snobby snoots have finally paid off
because now this 18-year-old dweeb owes you like basically a lifetime of free flights to wherever
ohhhh and you abuse this power SO much it's not even funny
"Mark, I feel like Pizza-"
"Oh no..."
"In Italy!"
"This is the fourth time this month!"
"Chop chop, super boy."
Not to say you're using him, though
you're still the same gung ho supportive riot you've always been
When Cecil is getting in Mark's space and business, you're the first person up from your chair to bark at him to
Like "Mark dude I really don't like you taking orders from some politician snob. He's bad news."
and he'd come to an "I told you so moment" with you in a few years.
But you never hold it against him.
You're also one of the only people who Mark listens to when he's wrong
"I'm not leaving Eve!"
and you fucking kick in the door like
"Mark- your eight year old brother is out there ALONE and DEFENSLESS against MURDEROUS YOUS. Debbie is who knows where and if you don't take the fight to them, they're going to bring the fight to you with my head on a stick." You jostle him and shove him by the shoulders
Mark, frazzled and annoyed "no! I'm not leaving her-"
"Shut the FUCK UP." You stop, holding him sternly "Eve is going to HATE YOU for this. Get the fuck out there and let me handle things here." your face softens "I'll make sure these pigs don't touch her."
Powerless though you are, this brings him enough comfort to agree to go back to fighting
Eve can't thank you enough for this when she wakes up weeks later
Mark has a lot of power imbalance issues
it's good that he has someone so staunchly opposed to him who loves him so much
but you're not here to corral Mark into what YOU want him to do
for example
"Y/n, I don't know what to do, Cecil won't stop using D.A Sinclair and Darkwing- but they're murderers! How can he expect me to just work with them?!"
You took a long sip of your sweet tea, perched comfortably on your gaming chair
"I mean, I don't know, Mark. They seem under a tight leash, and doesn't everyone deserve a chance to make up for what they did?"
"Ugh- not murderers. Not guys like that." Mark is conflicted, folding his arms
You spin in your chair casually "I think you're dead wrong, but if you want to storm the capital and fuck up Sinclair yourself, I'll back you."
Mark nods in appreciation, his soles hitting the ground when he didn't even realize he was floating
"Thanks, Y/n.... I appreciate that."
"You know it, man. I'll overthrow a government for you any day. Your powers, my smarts-"
"Yyyyyou have a C in physics-"
"Ah ah aH! HONORS Physics. For second years. In college. and I'm what?" Mark opened his mouth to answer before you cut him off "I'm a first year! So blah blah blah YOUR superpowers and MY smarts." You took another drink of sweet tea "We got this."
You're the only person Mark really trusts to babysit Oliver
Since you're the only person Oliver is too scared to disobey
like not that you beat the kid or anything
you're just intimidating
He sees how you boss around his older brother- his whole WORLD- and he's like... damn gotta get in my pjs and brush my teeth before 8 ig
But you're pretty lax with him
"Hey Oliver, wanna go to the skatepark tonight?"
He's like bouncing on his toes all excited "yeah!!"
"Okayyyy but you gotta eat your peas and fly me there"
so he eats his peas and you get the hilarious visual of an eight year old holding your hands as you dangle helplessly in the air
he's literally too little to hold you any other way lmao
Mark never knowssss
Oliver is in bed by the time anyone gets home
and you're on the couch flipping through and prank calling every telepalm reader in their yellow pages
"Oh hey, you're home!" with a big, mischievous ass grin
and then Mark joins you on the couch and prank calls hella telepalm readers with you
You help him not lose his teenage boy-ness
and he needs that
so desperately
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starryschemer · 9 days ago
Stirring with love
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Pairings: Hwang Jun-ho x reader Summary: After Jun-ho has another long day at work, he comes home to find you asleep on the couch. Wanting to take care of you he offers to cook, well what will happen next? Warnings: Fluff, Slight Smut, Food Mention, Pet Names
Word Count: 663
The door of the apartment creaked open, and Hwang Jun-ho entered. His crisp , tailored police uniform still clinging to him. The usual sternness of his demeanour was gone, replaced by a slight awkwardness as he hesitated in the doorway. While taking his hat and jacket off, he does a brief look around the apartment, the cozy space in which he shared with you. It was quiet, apart from the soft hum of the refrigerator. He spots you fast asleep on the couch, your legs tucked underneath you, some station files open—hand in hand. ✸✸✸ Smiling softly, walking toward you, admiring how peaceful you looked. His fingers twitched, itching to reach out to you. He couldn't help himself. Gently, he began to caress your hair, carefully running his fingers through the strands, hoping to not startle you awake. "Y/N," he whispered, his voice a soothing murmur. Starting to stir slightly, you slowly let your eyelids flutter open. Your vision was a tad blurry from sleep, but the warmth of Jun-hos touch grounded you in an instant. Yawning, "How long was I asleep?" you whisper, still feeling the exhaustion taking over you. "Honey," he said, gently rubbing circles through your hair . "I just got home from work. Would you like me to make dinner tonight?" You stretched, a soft groan escaping as you sat up abruptly, startling him. "But I promised you I would cook tonight." you say with concern flickering over your eyes. Looking down, you notice all the scattered papers, your mind still foggy from sleep. Jun-ho, stepped closer and placed his hands on your shoulders, helping you sit up on the couch. "I really don't mind." he said with a grin, his tone light and teasing. "Would you like me to make dinner tonight?" You shook your head, still determined to keep your promise. "No, really, I—" Before you could finish, you feel his fingers grab your waist, giving it a light squeeze. Pulling you up to your feet in one fluid motion. His lips lightly brushed against your ear, voice playful and low. "Then how about we cook together, just like old times?" His lips grazing on your earlobe. You froze, a small shiver runs downs your spine at the closeness of his words, you feel the heat from his breath warming your skin, before his hands gently squeezed your waist again. "Well?" he whispers. You slowly look at him, you couldn't help but grin. He always knew just how to bring out the best in you, even with the smallest of moments. Nodding, Lost for words, your heart swelling with affection. "Okay," your whispered voice came to his ears as he grinned at you. "Let's do it." ✸✸✸ At the door of the kitchen, his eyes sparkled with a mixture of tenderness and excitement, as he softly coaxed you inside, his touch gentle and muted, as if he sought not to disturb. He stood beside you, helping you grab all the ingredients from the counter, his presence was close enough so that you could feel the warmth, but not enough to crowd you. A comfortable rhythm falling into place as you both worked side by side, stirring, chopping, frying, laughing. Occasionally, his hand will touch yours, giving you a small electric charge right across the tips of your fingers. The sound of oil sizzling in the pan filled the air, and soon came the fragrance of garlic and onion. Jun-ho chuckled softly as you fumbled with a pan or spilled some sauce, and this made you giggle too. It was simple, but at that time, it seemed like nothing was wrong in the world. ✸✸✸ When you finished, you both stood back for a second, holding each other close, admiring the meal you both created. Jun-ho beamed, his eyes went warm with pride. "We make a good team Y/N." he said, kissing your forehead. You rested your head on his shoulder, feeling completely at ease. "Yeah." you said, content. "We really do."
A/N: If you have any other requests feel free to let me know.
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herotome · 11 days ago
Devlog #170
Hi-ho, Wudge here.
I don't feel good today, but I already put off devlogging last week-- so I'll do this real quick then get some rest!
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An's upper lip-- but after a long struggle this Griffin expression FINALLY feels accurate to the emotion I've wanted to convey!!
A very big special thanks to long-time friend @potedo, who not only helped remind me that The Road to El Dorado, er... exists as a phenomenal reference, but also drafted some sketches for me!
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You can see my very first attempt at the expression & mouth shape in the upper left. It was fine, but I was dissatisfied with it bc it didn't feel right.
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I have another shout out for @qkayoostudio (who also has games on itch!!) for art of the MC's new phone!
And.. special thanks to me for spending the hours it took to adjust the code formatting (otherwise the icons n text messages were uh, floating off to the sides) and updating the build-in speech bubbles improve legibility and contrast. By default, the phone system uses a yellow background for the recepient's message frames -- I don't have too many issues with my vision but /I/ was having trouble reading it. So, the yellow has been updated to a dark purple-ish gradient.
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Andddd I made a cleaner concept for Mia's hero helmet, and actually imported it into the game. I'm not sure I'm 100% satisfied with the design, but at least it's there in code and can be easily swapped out if I have an update.
Speaking of Mia. I wrote!!! New content for her!!! That was last week. And this week I wrote new content for nurse Jordan scene! WOOO. More writing than usual from me. Here's some peeks.
This one happens if you pretend you don't recognize Mia, or somehow, genuinely do not think the "red hero" and Mia are the same person:
griffin "[MC], this is Tough Girl. She's been the new kid here for a little while." mia "... We already met yesterday." griffin "Wh-- kiddo!" mia "What? [MC] totally recognize[s] me, [she]'s just playing dumb!" "She whirls to glare at me." mia "I'm onto you!" mia "I {i}know{/i} you're trying to sabotage me somehow. I haven't forgotten the way you embarrassed me in front of Warden!"
But if MC recognized Mia and got her to reveal her secret identity, this happens instead:
mia "... We already met yesterday." griffin "Oh. Did you shake hands?" mia "... No." griffin "Well then, chop chop. Good relationships start with a hand shake!"
As for the nurse scene, hidden among the entire swaths of new writing and code I've put in, we have this brand new dialogue option:
No I will not elaborate.
ok time for me to rest ;;;
Stay safe and keep warm,
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fab-ernathy · 10 days ago
Eating Like the Greek Class, Book 1
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Okay, so here's my thing. I have a hard time motivating myself to do basic human things like eat food. It has to be linked to a special interest or hyperfixation OR be a set routine for me, and since I don't have a routine for dinner that's the most difficult meal of the day. And TSH is my hyperfixation at the moment so... behold: every food the Greek class eat (not including drinks or we'd be here forever).
(Under a read more because it's Long.)
Chapter 2
Page 62:
Despite the vast amount we ate that afternoon – soups, lobsters, pates, mousses, an array appalling in variety and amount [...]
Page 73:
Charles had the oven open and was poking at some lamb chops with a fork.
Page 90:
[...] to find Bunny and Charles on the front porch, eating ham sandwiches and playing cards.
Page 94:
We borrowed Henry's car, drove to Maine so he could have a club sandwich in a bar he liked there [...]
Page 103:
Francis sat curled in the window seat with a plate of little sandwiches in his lap, reading [...] Bunny lay on his stomach on the hearth rug, doing his homework; occasionally he would steal one of Francis's sandwiches or ask a pained question.
Chapter 3
Page 120:
I found an awkward note of apology in my mailbox, wrapped around a paperback copy of the poems of Rupert Brooke and a box of Junior Mints.
Page 121:
Sitting around the kitchen table we had a sad, makeshift dinner of canned mushroom soup, soda crackers, and tea without sugar or milk.
Page 126:
Then I would go make myself a can of soup and some instant coffee on the hot plate in the Social Science office [...]
Page 142:
But sometimes when I got home he would have made dinner – he wasn't a fancy cook like Francis and only made plain things, broiled chickens and baked potatoes, bachelor food [...]
Page 144:
I cut some bread and made him a cheese sandwich, as he showed no inclination of getting up and making anything himself.
Chapter 4
Page 154:
One morning after he'd had a date with Marion, he showed up at breakfast with his tray full of milk and sugar doughnuts
Page 162:
I went upstairs and got myself a cup of coffee and a couple of soft-boiled eggs, which I ate alone at a table near a window in the empty main dining room. [...] It was the big back-to-school dinner that night – roast beef, green beans almondine, cheese souffle and some elaborate lentil dish for the vegetarians.
Page 166:
He reached in and pulled out a frozen cheesecake.
Page 172:
'There was no food at Francis's house except some cans of black olives and a box of Bisquick.' 'Yes. We ate olives and Bisquick.' [...] 'There wasn't any milk, even,' said Camilla. 'We had to mix the Bisquick with water.'
Page 175:
Henry ordered an enormous dinner – pea soup, roast beef, a salad, mashed potatoes with gravy, coffee, pie – and ate it silently and with a great deal of methodical relish. I picked erratically at my omelet and had a hard time keeping my eyes off him as we ate.
Chapter 5
Page 198:
Walking home, a sandwich from the snack bar in my pocket, [...] Bunny leaning back on his elbows with his legs stretched in front of him, cracking pensively with his rear molars at a little Dum-Dum sucker.
Page 200:
'He took a quart of ice cream out of my freezer to eat while he waited he couldn't bother to get a bowl of it, you understand, he had to have the whole quart – and when he fell asleep it melted all over him and on my chair and on that nice little Oriental rug I used to have.'
Page 204:
We ate Welsh rarebits and listened to the rain beating down in gusts on the roof.
Page 234:
Dinner appeared with instantaneous magic: pork roast, biscuits, turnips and corn and butternut squash, in thick china bowls that had pictures of the presidents (up to Nixon) around their rims.
Page 237:
To the casual observer, I suppose, he seemed pretty much his jolly old self - slapping people on the back, eating Twinkies and Ho Hos in the reading room of the library and dropping crumbs all down in the bindings of his Greek books.
Page 240:
He ignored our awkward greetings and went straight to the cabinet and made himself a bowl of Sugar Frosted Flakes and sat down wordlessly at the table.
Page 252:
She was still a girl, a slight lovely girl who lay in bed and ate chocolates [...]
Page 264-5:
He reached in the pocket of his overcoat and pulled out a bundle wrapped in napkins. 'I brought you a sandwich since you weren't at lunch. [...] It was cream cheese and marmalade, I knew without looking. The twins were fanatical about them but I didn't like them much.
Page 269:
There was roasted lamb, new potatoes, peas with leeks and fennel; a rich and almost maddeningly delicious bottle of Chateau Latour. I was eating with better appetite than I had had in ages when I noticed that a fourth course had appeared, with unobtrusive magic, at my elbow: mushrooms. They were pale and slender-stemmed, of a type I had seen before, steaming in a red wine sauce that smelled of coriander and rue.
Page 279:
Henry switched off the lamp and went to the stove and began, rather mechanically, to make some bacon and eggs.
Page 283:
'Well, I don't know who did it,' the house chairperson said, 'but whoever it was, they had spaghetti for dinner.' [...] Then I put on my robe and, eating an apple I'd found in the house kitchen, walked downstairs [...] When I got to Henry's, I was glad to see that Charles and Francis were still picking at a cold chicken and some salad.
OK, so so far we have lots of sandwiches, European-style food, and mentions of lots of unspecified meals (that I didn't include) but some were seen as elaborate by Richard's standards. I did take note of the drinks, but they seem to be of all varieties; alcoholic drinks (which tended to be whiskey based), coffee, tea, water, and soft drinks. This is a good start, and I'll be back for Book 2 soon for more inspiration.
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zeherili-ankhein · 1 month ago
Nvm I was back before 11 am but I was agin sleeping like that rabbit from turtle and rabbit tale (I just woke up because my maa was listening to some chopped head news in full volume 💀💀)
EVERYTHING WAS FINE TODAY WE HAD ENGLISH EXAM and thankfully we just sat alone in one seat
BUT I have a girl crush in my class ok 🥹🥹 (I really fucking wanted to be her friend but we are just a little bit more polite classmates and we follow eachother on Instagram)
And it was all happy
Then the teacher was giving answer sheets and he gave me two (one for me one to pass to her next to me), my dumbass thought he gave me one extra 😭😭😭😭
And like a fool I asked him to take one back and he did thinking he made a mistake 🤡
Before the girl next to me was like “sir I didn't get any paper” 💀👹😭
And sir was like “oh ho I gave her(me) two to pass down” as he again came to give her the paper
So yeah that's what happened today not much but still very saddening
But exam well super well I was just fucking writing and writing and writing fucking note making annd summary and speech and why tf is there so many writing skills wtf
But paper was easy tho (not the literature part it sucked but I did it anyways)
And I did well 😎😌 (I fucking hope so I don't wanna FAIL- I won't fail it's literally English)
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phoniexrose02 · 1 year ago
I wanna show you off 😜
Robby Keene x Black! Reader
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Your Relationship with Robby Right now was a Bit...
When you an your Brother Joined Miyagi Do it was almost Smooth Sailing, Eli was Getting Grilled pretty Hard For his Behavior, While Miguel an Demetri Greeted you from 'The Dark side' as they would Put it. But there was still one Loose strand.
Not only Robby. But his Relationship with you, You Made no Attempt to Hide it What'so Ever.
Every Party, Event DamnNear everywhere you Went to Were Tongue Fuckin' in some Dark Corner.
"What if They See Baby?"
"I Hope They Catch Us~"
(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Eli Of all Was pretty Distort.
"Y/n That Fuck Chopped off My Hawk and Your still Locking Lips!?"
"Eli you Broke Demetri's Arm...I'm pretty Sure Hospital Bill Beats a 15 Dollar Box of Hair Dye!"
It Caused Issues. But you Two Made no Attempt what so Ever to hide your undying love, Robby Made Sure to Touch you as much as possible to piss Eli off Further.
"Tell Keene to Watch His Hands..."
"Please Stop Trying to Police My Husband Eli..."
When Prom Came around Robby Mysteriously Had Cash to Blow on you, You tried your Hardest to Be generous with His Money But the Dresses he Picked Were Both Beautiful...and Expensive.
"Come on Baby, I wanna Show you Off~"
(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
When you showed to Prom in your Dress, Robby couldn't stop the Heat from Coming to his Cheeks."You look Gorgeous Baby~" He wasn't the Only one Mesmerized, Everyone was Gawking at you like a Goddess.
"Hey I'mma Go Check on my Brother, He's Kinda Here alone-"
"I'll just Chill With the Cobra's" he said Quietly Reassuring you that he's Good.
"Right, Your Cobra's~" He gave her a Humourous Smile before Kissing your Cheek and Letting you Go.
"You Look Beautiful Tonight, Ma said You went Shopping Earlier"
Your Brother Stared off into the Party, you could Feel How Uncomfortable He was with his Own Presence. What you'd Failed to Tell Him was How Hard you cut into Robby for the Little Hawk Incident, you Didn't like seeing anyone Beat down your brothers Confidence Even if he deserved it.
"Is he Treating you Well??" He averted his gaze from Whatever he was Looking at too Robby, Tory and Kyler an his Asshat Minions."Of course, Did Mom Tell you he Bought the dress?" He Shook his Head Returning his Gaze into the Deep Crowd of People, you Finally Gave up on Cheering the Young man Up an Instead Followed his Eyes too...Moon. "Eli...go Talk to her, Don't Stare" As he Stood you could Hear a Bit of Commotion an Saw your Boyfriend fuming at Whatever Kyler had Said.
"Chill man Think of it as Friendly Advice"
"I don't think Calling my Girlfriend 'Miyagi Ho' Isn't Very Good Advice"
You sighed rolling your Eyes as you walked over."Miyagi Ho Kyler? Really? Ya know before you used to hurt my Feelings, But That was Just Sad" Your Boyfriends Face Eased From his Anger as you Wrapped your Arms around his Waist."Now Shoo~ Before i Get Miguel to Whoop your ass again" He groans Before Calling his Buddies along with him.
"My Hero~"
"Oh Ha ha Keene, Wanna Ditch this Place an Party at my House?" His Brows Pinch an a mischievous Smirk Comes to his Face." We ain't Doing Much Partying If your Parents aren't Home"
"Mom Took Pictures Before Taking Night Shift, an a Rolled a Blunt Before I Left~" He Smirked Before Taking your Hand and Leading you Out, Your Were Stunned when he Led to a Very Expensive Car."Robby Seriously, Where's all this Money Coming From??"
"ill Tell you...After i Fuck you in it~" You Felt you Cheeks Warm as he Opened the Door For you, You Hope in and Share a Passionate Kiss Before Riding off to your Own Secluded Party~
More Cobra Kai
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jenosfairygirl · 4 months ago
Zauns finest: arcane character playlists pt. 1
authors note: the playlist i created for them are based on what i think THEY would listen to. going based off the soundtrack, analyzing the info we know about zaun- , jinx, vi, and especially ekko have lots rap & hip-hop, <33 there is no taylor swift/taylor type bc i genuinely feel like they wouldn’t listen to that! Caitlyn, Jayce, Mel, Sevika, & Viktor will be released sometime soon (after my finals tbh) enjoy <3
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i think her music taste is very much all over the place with lots of rap elements as well as alternative, rock and a little dubstep. i can see her mumble rapping the lyrics to feel good inc. by gorillaz, while washing and braiding her hair especially the lyrics“don’t stop, get it get it- peep how your captain’s in it, steady watch me navigate, ha ha ha ha ha.” she definitely air guitars when her own song comes on, saw a hc that she was a rock star in zaun and now i can't unsee it-
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i think vi's music taste would represent her emotions and her socioeconomical status coming from zaun. her looks later in season 2 (sexy pit fighter era) was inspired by the punk movement, which leads me to think she'd be listening to tons of rock, and hip-hop. personally I think she would love chop suey by System of a Down, i can see her working out, assaulting the punching bag with all her force, grinning with her toothy smile "wake up! grab a brush and put a little makeup! hide the scars to fade awake the shake up!" she definitely does some goku warm up shit while she be working out.
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my favorite magical black boy! considering that JID rapped his ass off in enemy, i truthfully believe he was yapping jinx's ears off about the drake and kendrick beef. he would probably listen to "still in the paint" by Denzel curry while practicing on his hoverboard attempting to impress jinx. ripping on his board, flying near the tops of zaun's buildings screaming at the top of his lungs "you don't want no problems, watch a movie for some drama! imma call my mama to say fuck you and your mama ho!" definitely shakes his dreads when he's being hyped up by everyone especially jinx.
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a-bit-too-silly · 7 months ago
Would you maybe do a drabble about regressed Logan being fussy about having to take a bath, maybe with CG Wade?
of course! I decided to have a bit of an inconsistent narrator cus Wade talks right to the reader sometimes. Hope this is alright! :]
If there's one thing Logan *isn't* known for, it's his cleanliness. He takes care of himself most of the time. He's half good at that don't get this twisted, dear reader. But.. well, he's not particularly neat. We'll put it that way.
When he's big he's always getting covered in sweat, grime, blood, ash, he's really the type to roll around in mud like a dog if he thinks it'll make him feel better. 'Feral' is a good word to describe him, even when he's not gone into one of his berserker rages. But when he's little, it's.. yeah, it's the same story. Maybe a bit less blood and no ash since I wouldn't- ehh... *nobody* would let that little guy smoke anything. Not even his beloved cigars. Thankfully he's found some other ways to satiate that oral fixation of his, even if it does mean the occasional bite on the arm every now and then.
Regardless of what he decides to sink those little chompers into, he still manages to get himself coated in just about everything he comes across.
Mud? Oh-ho, definitely. No use in putting him in his raincoat and boots since he'd prefer to stomp around in every puddle barefoot anyway.
Food? You know it. You could be feeding him as neatly as possible only to turn your back for a moment and find some mashed avocado in his eyebrow.
Dust from the floor? Yep. Paint? Sure. Crayons? Somehow, yeah. Blue fur from Kurt? Mhm. Don't get me started on the jam incident. That sweet honey badger found his way into the cabinets.. the evidence of that massacre still stains those poor porous countertops.
I'll hand it to him, he's talented.
Unfortunately... bath time is his worst enemy. Maybe it has something to do with the experimentation, that'd make the most sense. Maybe it's his tendency to sink. Maybe he just prefers to be a stinky little gremlin. It's not exactly my place to ask. He's often too little or too tired to stay standing long enough for a shower, and sponge baths aren't really an option.
With background info out of the way, let's get back to the problem at hand.
"Cmon peanut, I made sure to put in the bubbles you like! They're yellow!" Wade says with a small gesture towards the tub. "Al! Tell him they're yellow!"
"You really think I'd be more convincing than you?" She calls from the other room almost incredulously. - oh, right. *Blind* Al.. yeah.. maybe not the best at identifying colors. - Wade looks out the door of the bathroom in the general direction of where Al is seated, minding her business.
"See? Al likes how yellow they are." He says in spite of everything, "Do you want to get in the tub now, munchkin?"
"no. No bat-time." Logan, as little as he is right now, scowls. It doesn't have the intended effect, but Wade lets out a dramatic groan anyway. Toddlers.. can't be reasoned with.
"Unfortunately not how this works, kiddo." Wade says, crouching down next to the tub where Logan has firmly planted himself against the tile. He's no longer wearing his top, seeing as it was an unfortunate bystander to some sticky pancakes and cubed meats. All chopped up nice and small so Logan wouldn't choke but big enough that he could chew on em a decent bit.
"Don' need ta." The adamantium boned toddler huffs in response, "'m not dirty."
"no, but you are sticky, kiddo. And you were playing outside with Storm earlier so I bet you got a bit icky there too." This only makes Logan's scowl firmer. The once little pout growing in such a way that makes Wade's heart ache. If it weren't for the fact that Al would definitely nag him about Logan's sticky fingers, face, chest, shoulders... Logan's general *stickiness*, he doubts he'd ever manage to get the rascal to ever bathe.
"Papa get in first." He said firmly, pointing to the tub like he's the one calling the shots. Which he is. Wade is a weak weak man for his grumpy little guy. "'n no dunking."
'Dunking' in this case stands for dipping the little guy's head under water. Wade would never, but it gets mentioned at least once per bath time. Upon hearing the statement, Wade throws up his hand in a solemn oath.
"Scouts honor." Now, Wade has never been a boy scout, but he's also never been one for hurting kids so the promise still stands. With that, he slips out of his slippers and rolls his sweatpants up to his knees so he hopefully won't get too soaked, and he sits down on the edge of the tub. The water in the tub isn't too deep, only reaching up to around the middle of Wade's calf, with another few inches on top of thick yellowy foam from the bath bomb Logan relished in watching dissolve.
Still reluctant, Logan watches as Wade sits on the edge of the tub for a while. And Wade lets him. It's a slow process, always is, but after a few minutes of pouty glaring Logan tugs off the last of his clothes then clambers up into the tub with a bit of help from Wade. Just to ensure he doesn't slip. The water is still nicely warm despite the slow process, maintained by frequent touchups of hot water and lifting up the plug to let out the cold.
"Good job, peanut." Wade says softly as he grabs an old cup, bright red in color and decorated with a variety of stickers, and starts to ladle water over Logan's shoulders. He's learned the hard way that Logan has the 'if my head gets wet in a dry room I will shake until it's dry' reflex, so hair washing stays until the end.
Logan is quiet and stiff, letting out the occasional whine despite himself. Seems he's on the silent treatment side of the spectrum rather than the 'giving a cat a bath' side. It's almost worse, but Wade knows he'll perk back up once things are done.
So he starts to gently scrub the sticky syrup and dirt from Logan's hands, meeting his eye as best he can. His little one is sulking, lip still pouted out, eyes downcast and sad.
"Bath time is no fun, I know, my sour faced friend." Wade sighs, "anything that could make it better, bubbie?"
Logan stays quiet for a while, only moving when Wade needs to reach somewhere to clean. "No."
"mmm." Wade mumbles, taking the removable showerhead off of its holder so he can quickly rinse off Logan, getting his hair and rinsing off the soap. "Just a moment.."
"Yep. All done, honeybun." He says as he stands up to grab a towel from the shelf, that earns him some grabby hands and a desperate search for 'uppies'. Which he gladly satisfies after bundling him up in a towel. Yeah, I can pick him up. Adamantium skeletoned 300+ pound toddler? No biggie. "Let's get you in some jammies and maybe you can convince Nana Al to let you put on a movie. That sound good, bubsicle?"
Logan nestles his head into the crook of Wade's neck and nods a little, his limbs clinging to Wade like a koala clings to a tree. He's really not used to being picked up, regardless of how much he asks for it.
"And then Papa pool is gonna make some chicken nuggets and fries and we're gonna forget all about that icky horrible bath." Wade continues as he carries Logan to the bedroom, patting his back occasionally.
"Dino shapes?" Logan asks quietly.
"Oh, definitely. That makes em more nutritious." Wade scoffs, pulling out a pair of comfortable flannel pants and a T-shirt that still manages to be baggy even on Logan's broad frame. The faded pattern still clearly reads 'Bambi' with the titular character looking up at a butterfly while sitting in a bed of flowers. It's a favorite of his, and maybe Wade has been messing with continuity to make sure it never wears out. Maybe. Come on, every one needs their recognizable outfits!
Logan dresses himself with only a touch of help with the socks. Then he does that silly toddler walk, the one where its more stomps than normal footfalls, off towards Al with Wade following close behind.
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cuttyclowngirl · 2 months ago
DAIMA EP 16 (Spoiler) Review/theories
• Had a mini panic attack when it looked like Degesu was gonna drop Dende. Anyone else?
• Man, the fact this series was originally meant to be a web series isn't doing it any favors. We even saw Raditz again. Ho-ly. Dragon Ball already gets a bad rep for characters just standing around & this episode is an example of that. Someone give this episode's director a talking to, please.
• The battle between the Gendarmerie force & Vegeta was a wet fart, as expected. Mashim(u)'s defeat was especially disrespectful. But they were surprisingly good sports about it. Gaimoi giving Goku his chips was cute, at least. I almost don't wanna know what flavor they were...
• Really? Those Galactic Donut restraints are just gonna unexplained?
• That unnamed Demon woman, whom I will refer to as "Money Demon" for now, got the special-extra-character-acting-animation treatment along for King Gohma this episode. I was worried that'd be an episode 1 exclusive.
• Panzy, honey, you can fly. You don't need to follow on foot. Though I do enjoy a good "running-stops to wheeze-keeps running" gag.
• Degesu sorta implies that Shin has been an active Kaio-shin for over a millennium. He also points a gun at a baby. Yikes.
• "It's a Glind's nature to seek higher positions." Yeah? In the Demon Realm, maybe.
• To no surprise, Degesu wanted to be the Supreme Demon King. To what end? It goes unexplained since he was thwarted by a hat. (At least something came from that trade for the Eye) well, he was actually karate chopped in the throat by Piccolo, so, guess Piccolo got to take down a main antagonist... Meh.
• Panzy weaponized a fly swatter, did you catch that?
• It doesn't feel like it's over for Degesu, though. That was TOO easy.
• Goku says that Tamagami #1 looks stronger than the other two. If that's actually true, maybe it has to do with how close it is to the Supreme King's castle.
• Nah, that Dr Arinsu pan-up from a boob shot was nuts.
• Well Glorio, the time has finally come for you to confess & immediately side with Goku.
• Yo, why Kuu looking so serious? Waking up from your nap got you grumpy, bud?
• Wasn't expecting King Gohma getting the Third Eye lodged in his forehead to be so silly. I loved every second of that.
• King Gohma gets the G.O.D Toppo build, as expected. Or maybe it's closer to a certain someone's transformation towards the end of "Sand Land".
• Looks like next episode is gonna pop off like crazy.
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yanoverload · 2 months ago
dae-ho puts that in his grindr bio so on our first date i bring some chopped up strawberries and put them on his head... get topped idiot
when you try your best but you don't succeed Dae-Ho....
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howlingday · 7 months ago
Ruby: (Drops down)
Blake: (Drops down)
Ruby: (Turns on light) No sign of 'em here.
Ruby: (Taps scroll) You guys see anything?
Nora: (Dumps over crate of bananas)
Pyrrha: (Muffled reply into scroll)
Ruby: (Rolls eyes, Sighs, Walks forward)
Blake: (Following)
Ruby: Uh... Hello? A-Anybody in here? Hello? Hello?!
???: (Growls)
Ruby: (Whimpers, Jumps into Blake) IT'S- Only... Nothin'! Just- Just a car backfirin'! Or maybe even- (Slips) OOF!
Ruby: (Shines light, Sees blood) Wh... What in the world... Blake are you seeing this?!
Blake: (Gone)
Ruby: Blake? ...Blake! (Hears clatter) WHO'S THERE?! Is somebody there?! 'Cause, uh... You left all your blood... in... here...
Ruby: (Sees boots) And... some... claw... marks...
???: (Walks towards her)
Ruby: (Shuts one eye) Pleasehavepantson. Pleasehavepantson. Pleasehavepantson.
Ruby: (Lifts light up, Sees pants) Oh, thank you- (Picked up) WAAAGGH! Put me down! Okay?! Let me go!
Port: (Carrying Ruby) Sshshshsh... They can sense fear...
Ren: (Chops down foliage)
Nora: (Munching on banana, Following)
It's close...
Nora: Hm? (Looks over, Charged at) AAAA
Ruby: (Jostled as he runs)
Port: (Smashes Vale-shaped hole in wall)
Ruby: Slow down! (Hit by branch) Ow!
Port: (Jumps over rocks and downed trees) Everybody always said don't do it! (Tosses)
Ruby: (Sent flying) EEK!
Port: (Jumps through electric fence)
Ruby: WAAAGH! (Caught)
Port: You can't build a theme park with the deadliest Grimm on Remnant!
Ren: (Lifeless body tossed aside)
Pyrrha: (Trampled over)
Nora: (Blasting Magnhild, Slashed open)
Port: (Swinging on vines)
Ruby: Whoa! Whoa! WHOA!
Port: (Lands safely) They'll just escape! Life... finds a way.
Port: (Jumps off cliff)
Nora: AAAAAAAAAAA- (Folded in half)
Grimm: (Tosses Nora at Port)
Ruby: Oh sweet Brothers, no...
Port: Not to worry, my dear! Just stay close. You'll be a-o-kay.
Grimm: (Bellows, Charges)
Ruby: OhGodGrimmNoGrimmBadGrimm! WAIT!
Port: (Swings Ruby into Grimm like a bat)
Grimm: (Flies dozens of feet away)
Port: (Readies Ruby for another swing, Charges in)
Grimm: (Catches Ruby mid-swing) RAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!
Port: (Knocked aside)
Grimm: (Beats chest, Charges in)
Port: Ho ho ho, yeah~.
Ruby: Please, no...
Port: (Throws Ruby, Runs in)
Grimm: (Explodes into dust)
Port: OHOHOHOHOHOHO! WELCOME TOGRIMM PA- (Scroll buzzes) Hm? Peter Port here~! ...Mhm! Another one escaped!
Nora: (Crawling to Ruby)
Port: Nonono! This one exploded this time~!
Port: (Sighs) The students are going to love it. Anyway! We need more Grimm!
Ruby: (Groans)
Port: (Sighs) The students are going to love it. Anyway! We need more Grimm!
Port: ...No more left, huh? ...Extinct, you say? Well, Bart, I'll get right to the point; it's a Grimm! Fighting! Park! If there are no Grimm left, then it's just a fighting park!
Ruby: (Wipes dust off herself)
Nora: (Leans on elbow, Watching Port)
Blake: (Walks into view)
Port: Where am I going to find a cast of characters willing to come all this way just to fight... (Sees kids, Smiles) To fight each other~.
3! 2! 1! FIGHT! HO HO~!
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x-heesy · 2 months ago
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Hosh Ninja 🥷
Look at my bro
The ground is in his pussy
The crappy rappers who come to the ground to make his pussy
They need to be made in their pussy, the tailors
Hosh hosh hosh!
Chop off their heads, throw their corpses into the woods
Hosh hosh hosh!
Our powers are connected to within innie court
Hosh hosh hosh!
One and every number on sokwana we close with bof
Hosh hosh hosh!
Hosh hosh hosh!
Whoosh! Salute manhood
Bobajan opens the gates, brap brap
The ground is fucked up in his fucking pussy
My bofana is clapping now I have to go and take blood
Look at the mother's fucking pussy making shit
The fucker's number changed him and the blood splattered
The blood gan drain, the blood gan spray
The blood is pissing out of his fucking mouth
Hosh hosh hosh!
Chop off their heads, throw their corpses into the woods
Hosh hosh hosh!
Our powers are connected to within innie court
Hosh hosh hosh!
One and every number on sokwana we close with bof
Hosh hosh hosh!
Hosh hosh hosh!
Let's make the Zefside holland
Very difficult
Blow blow blow!
Don't hide him in the night
Or the fucking middle of the day
Wave the flag
Fill up! Go get all the bruses
The tailors rap shit
Vedala the pussies
They fail the people
I finished seeing
Little seamstresses annie brand
Go get paraffin
Annie favors Annie bombs
Bring all magazines
Annie bet baseball
Him! I am capadine
Give me your cap! Give me your jacket! Give me sneakers tailor!
Give me your chain! Give me earrings and all those rings tailor!
Give me your phones! Give me your wallet! And your gold teeth!
Come and play old brudda! Or I'll stuff your head full of holes!
Give me your cap! Give me your jacket! Give me sneakers tailor!
Give me your chain! Give me earrings and all those rings tailor!
Give me your phones! Give me your wallet! And your gold teeth!
Come and play old brudda! Or I'll stuff your head full of holes!
Hosh hosh hosh!
Chop off their heads, throw their corpses into the woods
Hosh hosh hosh!
Our powers are connected to within innie court
Hosh hosh hosh!
One and every number on sokwana we close with bof
Hosh hosh hosh!
Hosh hosh hosh!
Close up
Dala crew
Catch that tailor
fuck you
You're a wannabee American rapper
Rap in your own language you fuck
Everyone knows you were born in the Cape...
Out of your mother's pussy
Trekkie pussy naked
Catch that bayonet, him!
Him! You are just dust
Put the stamp of ZEF on his chest so the tailors see...
We took our ground back with bof
HO$H HO$H HO$H by Die Antwoord, Bobajan, Skelm
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sciatu · 7 months ago
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La felicità è nella semplicità. In tanti ti diranno il contrario e inneggeranno con una dialettica baroccheggiante al superfluo e all’inutile. Ma tu non credergli e vivi dei tuoi sogni e con poco soddisfa i tuoi bisogni. Ad esempio se hai dei filetti di branzino o di orata, basta cucinarli in modo semplice per gustarne la bontà, il sapore marino, la delicatezza creatasi negli abissi. Se non vuoi mangiarli semplicemente arrosto o in bianco, basta che prepari un misto di pan grattato e di formaggio. Già qui un piccolo segreto perché per unire nel gusto e nella preparazione questi due elementi ne occorre un preziosissimo terzo che è l’olio. L’olio evita che la mollica diventi troppo arida e secca e permette al formaggio di esaltare il proprio gusto. Aggiungi a questo impasto i capperi tagliati fini e il prezzemolo tritato. Mi meraviglio sempre del prezzemolo, che ha una chimica che può diventare cattiva, ma che nelle pietanze semplici non solo porta il suo profumo ma con il suo amaro esalta le altre erbe e le carni delicate. Cospargi i filetti con questo impasto e coprili per bene. Se vuoi personalizzare l’impasto puoi aggiungere del peperoncino tritato anche se il cuore del piatto è il gusto semplice del pesce avvolto nel velluto dell’impasto. Una nota troppo forte o una dominante piccantezza potrebbero squilibrarlo. A questo punto occorre qualcosa che aiuti agli umori del pesce a non far inaridire superficialmente l’impasto di copertura. Per questo si aggiungono fette di pomodoro. Io ho scelto di mettere pochi ciliegini di Pachino, sedotto dalla loro dolcezza e delicatezza. Bisogna cuocere fin quando l’impasto di mollica e degli altri ingredienti non imbrunisce, assumendo la colorazione del pane appena tostato. Si potrebbe servire spolverando il tutto con granella di pistacchio, ma sembrerebbe un violentare la delicatezza del tutto seguendo la recente moda di aggiungere ovunque pistacchio a scapito della sottile leggerezza e personalità del buon pesce. Da mangiare accompagnando il tutto con un vino bianco, fermo, tipo Chardonay, Pinot, Viognier o il mio amato Grillo.
Happiness is in simplicity. Many will tell you otherwise and will praise the superfluous and the useless with a baroque dialectic. But don't believe them and live your dreams and satisfy your needs with little. For example, if you have fillets of sea bass or sea bream, just cook them in a simple way to enjoy their goodness, the marine flavor, the delicacy created in the abyss. If you don't want to eat them simply roasted or plain, just prepare a mixture of breadcrumbs and cheese. Here's a little secret because to combine these two elements in taste and preparation you need a very precious third, which is olive oil. The oil prevents the crumb from becoming too dry and arid and allows the cheese to enhance its flavor. Add the finely chopped capers and chopped parsley to this mixture. I am always amazed by parsley, which has a chemistry that can become bad, but in simple dishes it not only brings its scent but with its bitterness enhances the other herbs and delicate meats. Sprinkle the fillets with this mixture and cover them well. If you want to customize the mixture you can add chopped chili pepper even if the heart of the dish is the simple taste of the fish wrapped in the velvet of the mixture. A note that is too strong or a dominant spiciness could unbalance it. At this point you need something that helps the humors of the fish not to dry out the surface of the covering mixture. For this reason, slices of tomato are added. I chose to add a few Pachino cherry tomatoes, seduced by their sweetness and delicacy. You have to cook until the mixture of breadcrumbs and other ingredients browns, taking on the color of freshly toasted bread. You could serve it by sprinkling it all with chopped pistachios, but it would seem like violating the delicacy of the whole thing, following the recent trend of adding pistachios everywhere at the expense of the subtle lightness and personality of good fish. Eat it all with a white, still wine, such as Chardonnay, Pinot, Viognier or my beloved Grillo.
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