#don’t worry anon
I can’t help you but here take a sip maybe that’ll calm u down
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frownyalfred · 6 months
If you're willing to answer: will your ASOH sequel have a happy or at least hopeful ending? I'd love to read it but I don't think I can deal with something angsty without a light at the end of the tunnel so to sprak, right now.
Definitely a happy ending! But boy is that tunnel going to be dark for a little bit. The comfort at the end of the hurt is going to be sublime.
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bicheetopuff · 2 days
"#or the ones with the neck beards and reflective shades who wear nothing but crusty anime shirts and basket ball shorts"
*sweats in trans man who looks and dresses like this* wait no i'm a bkdk don't do this to me
I’m gonna get you >:)
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
You know for me when Jake stopped reading our chat it was a good thing because we get to talk to him more because we're his only source of information and it shows how much he trusts us but at the same time some chats makes me wish that he's reading along like whenever we defend him or say something good about him . Also when Dan asked us out I really wanted to see Jake's reaction to that 🤭 I hope you understand what I mean I'm not good with explaining lol
Oh yes, I absolutely understand what you mean and I completely agree. It’s really a tricky thing. Although I never had a problem with him reading our chats, but on the other hand, what you say, we were his only source of information. And above all, your point with him trusting us is very nice. Even if he had few other options, he trusted us and knew that we wouldn’t lie or anything. Most of all, we can see that after we get Hannah’s phone list and after we talk to Richy. We tell him everything and can then say "please read the chat yourself" if we would not have said that he would not have done it, I think. And yes, there are so many moments where I think "hopefully Jake will read that". Like you say, when we fight back against Dan and defend Jake, or especially when Phil asks his sister if we’re single, etc. And yes, the moment with Dan also fits very well! I would also like to see his reaction. Or when we work with Lilly and she asks us if we and Jake are in a relationship. etc. Oh man, to put it briefly, even if the point with 'we’re his only source' is really good, I want Jake to read every single chat. My MC is so funny and cool and good, I want him to see every word! 😩
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nobodysdaydreams · 9 months
yay. I am so smart. Let me see if I can guess again. you have been a teacher assistant while in grad school?
Ha! Pride goes before the fall my friend. No, I have not.
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boofwellington · 2 years
How about some windswept?
so this is what we doin
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aritamargarita · 2 years
OHHH I SEE NOW…. you want attitude?? 😁
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lucienarcheron · 2 months
Me, finishing the new chapter of SMTB: *anxious* moononastring is a HEA girlie, it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine *anxiety lingers*
*gently holds your hand* oh my ‘nonnie darling. *whispers* what if that wasn’t the case anymore? 👀😂
Just kidding.
But also.
What if 👀
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switch-her-up · 1 year
did the dessert height quiz. 5’4”.
no one talk to me i’m LIVID (as livid as you can be for someone who’s 5’5”)
There is something innately adorable about anyone shorter than me being angry. Like a cute, bubbling little teapot.
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sandeewithtwoe · 2 months
Have you watched that animation where Delta goes against Cross? If so, you should make a comic where Delta actually kills Cross & when he gets back home(omega timeline), Epic(and maybe Color) ask where he has been & Delta talk about how he basically kills Cross( tjdrf possible angst??? Tjz)
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I cant write angst I’m sorry
Delta belongs to Animated Zorox
Epic belong to yugogeer012
Epic belongs to Jakei95
Ink belongs to comyet/myebi
Delta: Huh?? Who???
Epic: My friend Cross! White coat with white fur? Scar on right cheek? Has edgy loner vibes?
Delta: Oh right!
Epic and Delta: AAAAAAAAAAA
Ink: And then! They fight for hours, destroying everything! Colour eventually comes back and sees everything basically decimated, bla bla bla…
Cross: ???
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(TW: Sex - educational context) 
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
This was a requested topic: let’s talk about HIV risk and oral sex. 
First things first: It’s not considered completely risk-free, but the risk of getting HIV from receiving or giving oral sex is considered low. 
Now, in some more detail: 
Giving oral sex may be a bit riskier than receiving. This is because of the potential contact with your partners bodily fluids (vaginal fluids, menstrual blood or semen), and also because you may have small cuts or sores in your mouth without even being aware of them) but both giving and receiving oral sex is still lower risk than vaginal or anal sex. 
Mouth-to-penis sex is thought to be riskier than mouth-to-vagina sex. 
Mouth-to-anus sex is also considered low-risk. 
Something that is important to consider is that many people have oral sex AND vaginal/anal sex in the same session, which may make it harder in retrospect to say during which sexual activity exactly an infection occurred. 
While oral sex is a lower risk in general, your personal risk may be higher. For example if: 
you have sores or small cuts on/in your mouth or genitals 
you have bleeding gums
there’s menstrual blood present 
you have another STD 
As with any sexual activity, it goes here too: You can reduce the risk by practicing safer sex! For oral sex that means using a condom (penis) or dental dam (vagina or anus). You can also cut a condom length-wise and use it as a dental dam. Use a new one every time you have sex (and also if you switch from oral to vaginal or anal sex, or the other way around, during the same session).
A condom or dental dam will also lower the risk of other STDs (such as chlamydia or herpes) and infections (such as hepatitis, which you can get from mouth-to-anus sex). 
If you both have a negative HIV test, and you both do not have other STDs and neither of you has sex with other people, it’s generally considered safe to not use condoms or dental dams. But if you are not 100% sure, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and use one. 
The same goes for testing: if you recently had oral sex and you worry you were potentially exposed to HIV during it, you probably don’t need to freak out since it’s a lower risk - but for your own peace of mind, it’s still a good idea to talk to a doctor about getting tested. (If you don’t feel comfortable going to your regular doctor or you worry about costs, there may be testing sites near you that offer free and confidential tests. For example in community health centers, pharmacies or mobile clinics. Look it up online! You may also be able to buy a self-testing kit online.) Keep in mind that HIV isn’t an automatic death sentence anymore if it gets diagnosed and treated early on! 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad 
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saytrrose · 7 months
How come nobody simps for YOU
If this gets 300 notes I’ll draw art more art of myself and shit ig like a bunch of stuff
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bixels · 5 months
After looking at your vent art, i have figured out you must suck ass at sitting in chairs. I hope you get better at it!
:/ man.
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ongreenergrasses · 9 days
I want all your unpopular opinions haha have fun
I think Finnick and Johanna do act very sexually forward, to a degree that it can make people very uncomfortable, and it seems like the fandom agrees on that but the why of it really gets lost. Trafficking survivors and survivors of sexual abuse sometimes do act extremely provocatively, especially when they want something or are in a situation where they feel unsafe, but also they’ll do that to get a reaction or redirect a difficult conversation. it’s a trauma response. it’s a defense mechanism and a way they’ve learned to navigate the world. it’s not some deep intrinsic part of their personalities and we see that both Finnick and Johanna will not and do not act like that if they don’t feel the need to. so seeing fics (in particular modern aus) where their experience of being trafficked is erased but they still act extremely seductive really rubs me the wrong way. it’s at that point such a deep misinterpretation of their characters that i won’t engage with it. if what you’re taking away from everything is that Finnick’s a womanizer and Johanna’s stripping in the elevator is meant to be sexy, i honestly don’t want to see whatever else you have to say.
🔥 asks
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uhohdad · 2 months
cries i don't think my ask went thru i don't know how to tell when ur doing requests or whatever anyways. i love bullying soft!könig i imagine it's hard to break him down at first but he's got some weaknesses? right?. ?? i had this idea.
do you think he's into masochism. so used to pain on the battlefield and a lack of pleasure seeking back at the base its because its still work, what does he even have to do on breaks?? on leave?? is he used to the loneliness?? has he accepted it or does a piece of him still crave??? does he feel like he deserves it and it creates this twisted perversion upon himself to love how he hates the way he loves.
what if you met him at a hole-in-the-wall bar. they serve dinner and drinks and there's always someone on the stage singing a song. you go there to eat the delicious food and listen to the local artists and occasionally a drink, but you're alone most of the time.
then this mountain of a man comes in, hunched like he's trying to make himself shrink out of existence, tentatively walk up to the bar. he's obv not local. his eyes darting around nervously, orders something you can't understand, but you're feeling thirsty and the waiter hasn't come around for 30 minutes.
you saunter up to the bar and order yourself dessert and look at the stranger. he makes fleeting eye contact, maybe you smile. something draws you in. "You new to town?" you might say. he nods. you talk a little, order him a drink. maybe he's a lightweight, or you just made him feel less crazy, because now you're both back at your booth sharing the dessert you ordered, talking about how weird other people are and how it's nice to talk to someone down to earth. it's so strange and it's so nice and the night goes on, and somehow, still, you find yourself falling for This Stranger, and so at some point, one of you takes the other by the hand, you're scooting closer. some silly sense of connection makes you feel comfortable enough to let your hand sit on his thigh. he's got blue eyes. drinking you in. you start touching him under the table. rubbing his thigh thru his cargo pants, gripping your nails through and letting him lean in with bourbon-cholocate lingering in his breath and something else, something desperate. you're letting your hand slip down his pants (at some point the belt was off. and it wasn't by your doing) and palming at his swollen cock. you can feel it throb. blue eyes. you can feel his breath on your neck as he leans in, trying to hide all this under the premise of vulnerability, a hug, but you know it's more. he wants something.
you let your nails graze his balls and feel them tighten. he's hot to the touch but his fingers are cold as they hover above your hand. he guides you back up to hold his cock. keep going, he urges. he doesn't have to even say it.
you're raking your nails down his pelvis to then grasp and pull his cock. pumping it with a slick hand and thumbing the tip with your thumbnail. he's trembling. his breath pitches in your ear like a barely concealed whine. don't stop. don't stop even when it hurts. you jerk him off til he cums with a shuddering exhale and his knees hitting the underside of the table. you don't stop. you squeeze and pump him with his new slick, moving faster, there's sweat on his forehead and your shirt and he's barely keeping composure as you rake red lines down his shaft as he thrusts pathetically up into your hand, overstimulated and shaking at the realization he loves it, he loves this.
do you think he's into masochism.
you come onto my blog, sweet anon, you gift me the most delicious, scrumptious, beautiful concept and smut?? you upstage me on my own blog, sweet anon??
if i wasn’t into it before, i sure am now baby 😍😍😍
this is gold top to bottom but that second paragraph is ARTTTTTT
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ozzgin · 6 months
I love you and your writings bro will you marry me🫵💍
The logistics might be a little difficult given another anon has already proposed earlier. Pack a suitcase and we’ll fly to Bhutan, or Chad, or anything else on the list of countries that recognize polygamous marriages.
We could even turn it into a honeymoon. Hopefully with less police cars than last time.
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