#don’t u think those would be more important to take down n they are still very much on the internet
killa-trav · 2 years
Here’s the tea
crying i can just imagine poor britta trying to make sure the rumours get deleted from the internet all whilst swearing at seb in german and seb just stands there being all but britta have u seen how hot the amr22 is?? wdym i’m not meant to fuck it??
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thesilmarillionblog · 4 months
𓏲 𓂃 L o s i n g Y o u
Part: 8
Click here to read the first part.
Summary: Everything was good as a member of Payback and Soldier Boy's secret girlfriend until the team and your relationship with him began to fall apart due to a new member and her developing relationship with Ben right in front of your eyes.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: heavy angst, hurt , language, PTSD, mention of drugs, mention of torture
Word Count: 4674
A/N: English is not my first language.
* This story is inspired by the song "Losing You" by Dream Evil.
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You asked Ben again, “What did you do to those people?” while he continued to look at your furious and angered look.
He avoided watching the news and simply replied in a dry voice, “I didn't mean to hurt them. Everything happened so quickly.”
Despite your hopes that, after all this time, he would change a little, you came to the conclusion that his appearance was the only thing that had changed. He was the same guy who hurt everyone around him like they were just insects, never thinking twice about it. He remained the same merciless man who just cared about himself.
You were too ignorant to believe that it was Crimson Countess had drastically changed him, but this was simply another lie you told yourself in defense of Ben's behavior. It was just who he really was.
You talked softly while Butcher continued to watch TV, “How can you even stay the same after all the things that happened to you?”
“I killed the doctor who hurt and tortured you. You already knew; whatever I did for him, he deserved it,” he angrily said, gesturing to you as though he were doing you a favor and somehow trying to convince you.
“Should I feel like a graduate and thank you?” You questioned him bitterly, glaring at him. “You are the reason I spent decades being imprisoned and subjected to torture in vain. You are the reason I am currently homeless and the state's number two foe. How come you're still so blind and self-centered?”
Ben grumbled, “Calm down, baby,” ignoring your inquiries as he roughly grabbed the remote control out of Butcher's hand and flicked through the channels. “We can talk about things at a later time. For now, take a moment to rest.”
Ben continued to stare at the TV and shifted on the couch in an attempt to make himself more comfortable, so you replied, “Don't call me 'baby.'”
“It looks like Tony Montana is going to bed alone tonight.” With a cunning grin, Butcher attempted to reclaim the remote control from Ben's grasp. “Also, don’t be dramatic and so upset, you have a place to stay, you’re not homeless.”
“Tony Montana—who the fuck is he?” Ben muttered, pushing Butcher's hands a little too hard while refusing to give up the remote control. “I’m in charge in here. What I watch, you'll watch too.”
“Hey, you remember our deal, don't you? I'm hoping you won't back down.”
You turned to Butcher and questioned, “What deal?” with a confused gaze on your face when he suddenly started speaking in a serious and mysterious tone.
Ben stepped in immediately and shot Butcher a quick glance, saying, “It's not so important.”
“All right, there's nothing to worry about. Your teammate just promised me that he would help me kill a cunt named Homelander.”
Ben kept shooting Butcher with a deadly look as he immediately spilled the beans.
“I'm not worried about anything,” you cut Butcher off abruptly, averting Ben's tough stare. “Whatever he's up to, he's alone in this. But tell me, what’s deal about.”
“Sweetheart, I don't need your help anyway. You simply stay at home and take care of things while you chill,” Ben said in an amused way, attempting to hide his tiny sense of hurt that came from your coldness.
He didn't intend to include anything that would distress you further, but he couldn't stop remembering the times you supported and fought alongside him. He would never ask you to get involved in the Homelander situation, though, since he knows you've already been through a lot of terrible things. He was also too proud to accept your assistance.
Turning to face you, Butcher added, “You don’t have to be so ruthless. He made the deal to get help from me to save you.”
Butcher believed that, given Homelander's strength, helping him would be beneficial and that it would be great if you would just soften and offer a helping hand. Butcher knew Soldier Boy would be happy to let you fight alongside him, as he was aware that he took your suit from Legend. You were once the strongest superwoman, after all, and he would have a better chance of finally killing Homelander.
Hughie, thankfully, returned to join you with a meal in his hands before you could ask Butcher any more questions. You were so hungry that you didn't even realize it until you smelled pizza. It was all about pleasure, yet even if you starved for decades, you wouldn't die.
Hughie smiled hesitantly and said, “Sorry, I didn't ask you before ordering, but I hope you're okay with pizza.” It's likely that he was the only decent person in the room. You wondered why this person was willing to work with a man like Butcher. He gave off an air of deception.
“Of course it's okay,” you said as soon as you smelled it. You then gave him a graditude look and said, “Thanks a lot.”
Ben quickly got up, tossed the remote control in Butcher's face, and grabbed the pizza from Hughie's hands as he sat next to you before you could move. Ben stepped closer, spreading his legs a little and making contact with your thighs, but you put some distance between you two right away. You didn’t understand why he was acting like that out of the blue, but you didn’t ask anything.
None of you spoke, even though you felt Ben's gaze briefly lingering on you. Although you were unsure of what Ben truly wanted from you, you were determined to learn from your past mistakes. Therefore, it was best to clarify it for him as well.
Upon seeing Noir's visual on TV, you exclaimed in shock, “Is Noir still working for Vought?”
That was the moment you understood. Earving never came to save you. If he just wanted to, you knew he could and would find you. You could understand why he might not have wanted to take the risk of going through the same things with you if he had a legitimate reason for not saving you. You had no right to be selfish. However, you were certain that you would behave differently if he were in your place. You therefore couldn't help but feel a little let down.
Ben angrily remarked, “Of course he does,” as he watched you devour the pizza. “He wouldn't even take his shit without the permission of Vought. Fucking traitor. He didn't even give a fuck about the things you went through all those years. I had no doubts that he was going to abuse your friendship. There was always something sneaky about him.”
You couldn’t left out a small hiss as Ben started to talk about loyalty.
“All right,” you replied, casting him a piercing glance. “I got used to being betrayed.”
He aggressively exclaimed, “Don't compare me with that son of a bitch,” and launched into a self-defense tirade. “I came to save you too as soon as I was free, and I looked for you everywhere.”
“How could I ever compare you with him while I know you are worse. And yes, Ben, you're quite considerate to have searched me in the Countess' home. Many thanks for it.”
“I payed a visit to her because I knew she was most probably the one tricked you. It was nothing else.”
“Whatever,” you said back harshly. “I don’t care anyways.”
Butcher interrupted you after making a brief phone call in the kitchen, saying, “Listen here, Bonnie and Clyde. Hughie and I need to get out and meet some buddies, but if you're not going to make trouble and if you don't want to fuck in peace all night, it's best if you don't stay at home. In every other case of emergency, you need to join us.”
You hurriedly swallowed the large slice of pizza and gasped, “We won't... I mean, we wouldn't,” to Butcher. Your cheeks flushed. “It's not like we're together or anything, so don't misinterpret and talk like this, please.”
Ben leaned back to the coach and said, “Well, I'm all in, baby,” pleased to see you flushed and in a panic. “Keep in mind that. Since I'm free, I didn't even fucking jerk off once. You can use me however you like,” he stated, stretching his legs and making an attempt to brush against you briefly while grinning genuinely and invitingly.
You grumbled, “I'm trying to enjoy my meal here,” ignoring the absolute filth that was flowing from his mouth.
“All right, that's OK.” Butcher urged you to complete your dinner, saying, “You can continue eating where we go. We must leave in five minutes.”
Ben growled, “Don't fucking order her around.”
“It's fine,” you stopped eating right away. “Where we're going to go?”
“We have to get some Temp-V from Hughie's friend. It appears that we will need to use it soon,” Butcher replied, glancing at Ben. “Unfortunately, you can't beat Homeland with just one guy.”
Ben did not even respond to Butcher's crap; he only rolled his eyes. He was aware that Homelander would be the easiest to take down. He was Soldier Boy, and someone of Butcher's age wouldn't fully get who he was.
You and Ben were seated in the back of Butcher's car, and Ben was covering the whole place almost as if he wanted you to lean into his body. He was always on the move, both his hands and his legs, and occasionally you would think he looked a bit bashful if you didn't know just how arrogant he really was. Somehow, you sensed the uncertainty, but you didn't look him up or ask him questions.
You couldn't help but feel confused and depressed as you gazed out of the car window at the enormous, gleaming structures. You no longer felt like you belonged in the world because so many years had passed in a tiny little cage. It seemed as though no one knew you, cared about you, or you had no place to stay. It's not your world, but rather other people's, that you see when you peek out the window.
You said, “Everything looks so different,” as a sense of melancholy took over you.
“Not at all,” Ben remarked in an arrogant tone, as if he had figured out everything in a single day. “I've learned many things; I will teach you all; don't worry.”
You challenged him, casting him a skeptical glance. “What do you know?”
“Well, I might teach you a thing or two because you're too eager to learn. For instance, GPS and the Internet were quite helpful in helping us learn about you and the place you were kept,” he added with pride as he smiled at you and waited for your reaction.
You whispered, “You're just making those words up,” unsure if he was trying to trick you.
“Those words are real words. I had said the same to that fuckface; believe me, sweetheart,” he continued, giving Hughie a harsh shoulder pat. “Hand over your damn android phone to me.”
Hughie murmured in distress, “Oh, God,” as Butcher nodded awkwardly and gave him an odd look. “Just don’t break it or something, please.”
Hughie handed his phone reluctantly to Ben, who took it with a swift move, and Ben used it like a pro, tapping the screen quickly. When he wrote down his name and yours on the screen called 'Google', your eyes widened open as you saw a ton of images and details about the two of you, Payback, and everything else.
Captivated by what Ben showed you, you muttered, “Everything about us is written down there.”
“See,” he declared with pride, chuckling at your bewildered response. “I told you I was very well-informed. The name of this one is Internet.”
You challenged him again, interested in learning more about this small device, which seemed to know a lot of things. The modern world is unquestionably something else, with easy access to knowledge at any time and about any subject matter.
“I am familiar with social media. If you don't want to be identified by your real identity, you can put up a fake profile and follow anybody you want. I made one for the two of us as well.” Ben responded, seeming proud of everything he had achieved with a cunning smile on his face.
You pretended to understand everything he said as you asked, “And what's your fake name?”
“It’s ‘soldierboyy/n69.' Pretty creative, isn't it?”
“Oh my gosh, Ben,” you said, pushing the phone and his hands in an annoyed tone as your face turned red. “Everyone will know that it is you. I shall be accused of having once again supported your actions if they find out the identity of your account. Why do you act so carelessly?”
“Everyone has those fake names,” Ben said, grimacing at how much you disapproved of what he had done. Nobody will find out because I'm not using it anyway."
He intended to show you that he never thought of himself apart from you and that he thought of you even while he was setting up the account, but all he managed was to distress and upset you once more. Observing your defensively crossed arms on your chest, he sighed and moved his strong arms to your seat in an attempt to get close to you.
“How are you so sure?” you asked as he handed over the phone to Hughie in a rude manner.
“Because that's the way the modern world works, sweetheart. Nothing and anyone are real when it comes to Internet.”
“Indeed,” Butcher said, glancing at the two of you through the mirror. “He is right; no one will find out. It's not really a big deal; trust me, if it were, I would have problems as well because of him.”
You cut it short, closing your eyes and lowering your head to the seat. “Okay,” you mumbled.
It was as though some odd numbness overcame your body, leaving you exhausted and unbalanced even after decades of sleep. It was most likely due to the quantity of sleep that your body became accustomed to, and it's also possible that you were experiencing a side effect from what you experienced in the lab. Nonetheless, it didn't concern you because you knew you still had your strength. You only needed to get a bit more rest. As you closed your eyes to give your body a break until you got there, you inhaled deeply.
You slowly opened your eyes, feeling Ben's gentle touch on your cheek, and heard him say, “You really turned into sleeping beauty, didn't you?” in a lighthearted manner.
“Have we arrived?” you muttered as you opened your eyes and noticed his intense gaze on you. The moment Butcher and Hughie slammed the car door, you immediately fully came to your senses.
Ben nodded, confused, not knowing how to react to your coldness as you gently moved his hands away from your face.
Ben and you had just followed Butcher and Hughie to the small, slightly desolate house. You looked around the room, and the other two women, who were glancing at you warily, exchanged glances. You could tell they were supes, just like you, from the whiff of Comp-V in their scents. You were a little nervous because you had no idea what their intentions were toward you. You had no friends or someone to rely on anymore, and you were a stranger to everything after all.
“Ladies, how are you doing here?” Butcher grabbed a glass of whiskey from the kitchen and inquired as he sat down right away on the closest couch.
“I can't believe you and you especially you Hughie,” the blonde remarked angrily. “You two really set them both free, and you forced me to take so much Temp-V; we're going to be caught. It's only a matter of time.”
“So you're the supe woman that bottom-faced guy pounding?” Ben aggressively exclaimed, pushing the short-haired man to the right while he snatched a cola from the refrigerator. “And the one who works for Vought when you're not getting off and doing other things.”
“Stop it, Ben,” you said in a warned tone as his abrupt aggression caused the air to thicken.
“Why don't we just sit down and have a nice chat?” Hughie looked at you anxiously, as if you wanted to soothe Ben before anything happened.
“Relax, sweetheart,” he said, flashing you a cunning grin when he spotted you approaching him, and you gave him a cold look while he sipped his coke in joy.
“Well, Annie, that it wasn't in vain. Soldier Boy and I struck very useful bargain, didn't we?” Butcher inquired, glancing back to Ben with a sly smile. “We're going to kill Homelander together.”
You felt uneasy, and your thoughts turned to the Homelander once again. Even if you didn't care about Ben at all, you couldn't help but feel concerned because you were both strangers to Vought and the outside world now that Ben had gotten into so much trouble. Not only did you not want to return to the lab, but you also didn't want Ben to go through the same painful experiences. Even though he had been vile to you, you didn't want him to suffer forever in Russia.
Annie replied, “You should have told me, Hughie,” casting a disappointed glare at her boyfriend. “You’re so acting strangely these days.”
Hughie insecurely responded, “I know, I know,” rubbing her cheeks. “And I’m really sorry for it. It won’t happen again.”
The man with short hair said, “You all know that they both are being searched by the government, right?”
Butcher shot back, “Of course we all fucking know that, Frenchie.”
Annie looked at you and said, “Well, I guess Y/N's situation is worse,” while you stood by Ben, watching him carefully to make sure he didn't suddenly lose his temper and start some serious drama. “Well, she's a known traitor after all.”
You immediately defended yourself by saying, “I'm not a traitor,” and you were enraged at her haughty demeanor. Despite her lack of knowledge, she was constantly talking about things she had no idea about. “Vought only spread lies and caused us pain in order to build up the next generation, which is your generation. They tortured me for years just because I wanted to quit.”
Annie's expression softened as she realized that Vought would do something like that and that she was having trouble as well in Seven. She then apologized to you by looking at you and sincerely saying, “I'm sorry to hear that.”
She went on, making an effort to get you to see how complicated the situation was, saying, “But you need to understand that no one will believe you. For all this time, you have been regarded as a spy for the entire world. The same remains for Soldier Boy.”
“What is your point?” Ben cut her off with a harsh voice.
Ben was becoming mad at those morons; they were just some stupid kids who liked to order other kids around, but he was a man, a true leader, the strongest supe to live, and they had no idea what him and you had been through or who had been in charge decades earlier. He was already becoming a little tense about that blonde's cunning ideas, so he realized he had to proceed with caution going forward. He had to watch out for you too, in order to keep you safe.
With defensive hands on her hips, Annie retorted, “The thing is, it's best if you don't see each other for a while. I can help you spend a week in various secure locations, separated.”
Ben abruptly tensed up, enraged that the blonde had already made plans in her cunning mind to keep him away from you. “No fucking way,” he said. He was certain that those fucked-brains would propose something so incredibly moronic.
Even if it made sense, you realized those new guys weren't to be trusted as they were strangers. It was true that you needed some alone time apart from Ben, but for the time being, it was preferable to ignore what you’re told.
“Everyone is talking about what happened in New York and Ohio,” Annie said furiously. “I’m just asking you two be hidden for a week. Everything’s already complicated in Vought and I have my own problems.”
“Look, sneaky woman,” Ben hissed, “I don’t give fuck about your problems or anything at all. If you ever suggest such thing, you won’t have a head to think such idiotic things anymore. I’m warning you.”
“Ben, you need to calm down,” you said. You scowled at the feeling that his chest was unusually heated compared to normal. 
Frenchie agreed, saying, “Y/N is right; there is no need to fight each other.” The supe woman next to him smiled and patted his shoulders.
Butcher responded, “Annie is right too, though,” as he examined the Temp-V carefully on his lap. “Too much attention has been paid to Soldier Boy during the past three days. We are also doomed if he is seen soon enough.”
“They could be right,” you acknowledged, nodding to Butcher, understanding that his points were reasonable. Since you and Ben were currently the state's number one and two foes, you also didn't want to get into any sort of trouble.
Ben cursed, “Fuck that,” and he gave Butcher a menacing stare. He got offended at the fact that you instantly agreed with them but not with him. “I didn't realize I had done business with so many jerks. If you're that afraid of what's ahead, I might accept your suggestion, but Y/N is staying with me.”
“Calm down, buddy. Why are you so obsessed?” Butcher questioned, putting the bag down from his lap.
When you realized Ben was about to start an argument without reason, you asked him, “Why are you being like this?” in an irritated tone.
“Are you saying that you're prepared to follow those fuckfaces' instructions?” While you could tell he was angry, he inquired quietly, “What's wrong with you?”
Ben set down the coke and paid no attention to Butcher's irritating remarks. Instead, his attention was drawn to you. The fact that you didn't trust him but did trust the new people you had met most disturbed him. It was not them who saved you, but it was him who considered your safety and future. Still, you were ready to follow what they had to say. You'd been away from each other for a long time, so there was no reason to spend another minute separately.
“I'm not saying anything, Ben. I just want you to quit being irrationally dissatisfied and to be reasonable.”
Butcher sighed as he watched you start to debate, but Annie grasped Hughie's arm and guided him to another room to have a conversation.
Ben stated, “I'm not getting angry for no reason,” while attempting to stay controlled.
Despite Ben was desperate to touch you, he restrained himself since he knew that you two needed to have discussed the situation before acting on it. How in the world was he supposed to talk to you properly after a week apart? “I'm just saying, we don't have to spend a week alone and separated,” Ben said with a low voice.
Your eyes wandered around everywhere except for him.
“I'm not sure, Ben,” you teased him, feeling hesitant about his response. “Maybe we should.”
“How can you be sure that those people won't imprison you to a metal box once more? Do you really want to go back to that lab? You're saying you have faith in them, but not in me?”
You angrily gasped, “Don't you ever talk to me about trust. I would never make the same mistake by trusting you again.”
He tried to calm himself down, saying, “I'm the only one who saved you,” but the heat inside his chest kept growing.
“Will you stop arguing?” Butcher got up and asked, watching Ben trap you against the kitchen table while grinning at Ben and sipping his whiskey. “She obviously wants to be by herself for a while. Would you please just accept her decision and let her to enjoy herself?”
Ben angrily remarked, “Mind your fucking own business; we are fucking having a conversation here.”
You stopped disputing with him and cast a puzzled glance at his chest as soon as you felt the warmth in his chest increasing once more.
Butcher said, “It's like you're forcing her for something she doesn't want to though. Don't be such a drama queen,” ignoring Frenchie's warnings. “She might just want to spend time alone in a nice place and fuck with some hot dudes, savor the time she missed all those years.”
Ben snarled, turning to face Butcher and ignoring you this time. “Watch your fucking language," he growled. “If you say one more word, I fucking swear I'll rip your heads off.”
Ben's chest began to glow suddenly before he could finish his sentence, and your eyes widened, sensing the anxiety and the heat coming from his body.
“Ben,” you whispered quietly, uneasy with his rage and the anguish on his face, as if he tried to maintain self-control.
With an expression of fright on his face, Frenchie and the supe woman next to him also retreated a step. “Calm down, buddy,” Butcher muttered. “Let's not cause another accident. You've already done enough damage, huh. ”
But Ben's chest continued to glow, alerting you. “Hey, what's wrong with you?” you asked as you walked up to him, stroking his arms and then his face and making him to look at you.
He snarled, “I can't hold it,” and shoved your hands away right away. “Stay away from me.”
Instead of following commands, you remained in the same spot and continued to massage his upper arms in an effort to soothe him though you got extremely anxious. Then, in the hopes of calming him down a little, you put your hands on his burning, hot chest. Even if there was smoke slightly arising from his body, your hands felt chilly.
You whispered, “It's okay,” feeling his temperature drop beneath your fingertips gradually.
Next Chapter
A/N: Comments and reblogs are very appreciated! -`♡´-
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uch3na · 8 months
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| pairing - jann mardenborough x afab reader
| warnings - smut, cursing, jann taking out his anger on you??? mdom, blowjob, doggy, creampie (wrap it b4 u tap it chat), a bit of a make out sesh before the actual smut, slight aftercare
| synopsis - jann comes home after losing a race, and you make him feel better
| a/n - yo this cut is insane… shoutout to my barber dawg. anotha 1 for @ludicdoll xx. (i was thinking of this song the whole time while writing)
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you were sitting on you and jann’s shared bed in a (his) t-shirt and some underwear reading when he suddenly walked stormed into the house. you could hear the door slam and his keys hit the coffee table by the TV.
when he walks into the bedroom he instantly walks over to the bottom of the bed and takes off his shoes. once they’re off he stands back up to leave to go to the bathroom. you immediately know why he’s mad; he had a race earlier today. you sadly couldn’t made it due to work but could have watched it on the TV, and you ended up watching him lose. but he wouldn’t get mad at that.
would he?
“jann?” you call out to him from the room. you slowly climb out of the bed and walk up to the closed bathroom door. you can hear the sink water running but jann is still silent. when you reach to open the bathroom door you freeze a bit at first. you think you should just leave him alone, but you just wanna make sure that he’s okay.
you open the door to find him drying off his face with a towel. when he looks up into the mirror his eyes are boring into yours. “wanna talk about what happened at the race?” you finally speak out after a few moments of stillness.
you swear you see his eyes go wide just the slightest bit. he turns around and you think he’s gonna finally talk to you but he just brushes right past.
you follow him out of the bathroom into the living room. when you get close enough you reach out to grab his arm. he turns around pretty quickly but not enough to make you flinch. when he finally looks at you, you walk up closer to him, causing him to look down at you with those eyes.
the hand that is on his arm moves to his hand instead, rubbing circles on the back of it with your thumb. “tell me about what happened today.” you say while reaching up to grab his one hand with the both of yours.
jann brings his hand up to pinch his nose bridge and let out a sigh that leads into a groan.
“it’s stupid.” he says, a slight annoyance in his voice. you freeze again. shit. is that why he’s mad? he notices how you don’t say anything, and how your eyebrows furrow slightly. he also notices how your thumb stops moving on his hand. he lets out another sigh as he removes his hand from the bridge of his nose and uses it to move your hair out of your face. “i-it’s nothing, really… it’s not that important.”
you remove your hand from his when he utters those last few words. what does he mean ‘not that important’? does he not think i care about his races?
“‘not that important’ jann? what the fuck do you mean it’s not that important?” you speak out quickly.
he chuckles lightly and looks down at the floor with a shitty smirk on his face. “what else would i mean? it’s a dumb reason to be mad about. the whole crew agreed it was.” he says while reaching up to rub his eyes. he obviously is stressed from the race and just wants to relieve himself.
you reach up to his face with one of your hands and cup his cheek. he leans into your hand and takes one of his hands and puts it on top of yours. and then you guys just sat there. you loved little moments like these. where he used you to calm down, like you knew you were his safe place. your hand moves a little more towards the back of his head, playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck to calm him down some more.
but then he lets out a deep exhale and when he opens his eyes he says; “i need you so bad…”
his words catch you a bit off guard but you almost immediately pull him down by the back of his neck to connect your lips with his. he lets out a soft moan of relief when he finally feels the plush of your soft lips against his. his hands go down to your hips almost instinctively to grab at your hips with his large hands. he pulls you into him, to make sure you feel his dick getting harder against your stomach.
jann slowly slips his tongue into your mouth and uses one of his hands to reach behind your head and grip your hair into a ponytail. he tilted your head back to be able to have access to your neck and jawline, leaving little kisses and licks on the skin.
he was sucking tiny hickeys into your neck, then soothing the bruises with his tongue right after.
your soft moans and whimpers at the pleasure cause him to twitch in his pants. jann was never really the type to just grab at you like that but he was just so fucking pent up right now. plus he knew if you didn’t like it, you would have made him stop by now. when he pulled away to take off his jacket you let out a whine from the loss of contact, but less than 5 seconds later his mouth was back on yours.
soon enough he carried you to the bed and sat you on his lap, groping your breasts through the fabric of your shirt. when you pulled away from his lips you could see a look of confusion mixed with lust on his face. but as soon as he saw you climbing off his lap onto your knees in front of him, his confusion turned into a more relaxed expression.
when you got to his pants you could already tell he was painfully hard just by looking at the tent in his pants. you cupped his clothed dick in your hand, rubbing it to give him a bit of relief but soon enough he got impatient. jann grabbed your chin to make you look up at him. “cmon… enough w the teasing. be good f’me baby.”
its almost like a trance. right after he utters those words, your fingers nimbly began to unbuckle his belt and unzip his fly. when you pull his pants down you can see a stain of precum on his underwear. you put your hand in his boxers, causing him to hiss out suddenly from the way your hand felt around him. god. he felt like he was gonna come undone already.
you look up at him with full eye contact as you slowly pull his hard cock out of his underwear fully. his eyes are low and his mouth is slightly parted, tiny groans escaping him. when you take him into your mouth he chokes out a moan and instantly reaches up to grab your hair in a fist. jann got lost in a daze watching you suck him off. he always thought you looked so pretty with your lips around his dick.
soon enough, he started to pant out and his groans began to get louder as you bobbed your head up and down on him. then all of a sudden he lifted your head up — grabbing you by the chin to bring you into a kiss. you two were sloppily eating at each others faces. almost like starved animals.
you were already soaked from everything that was happening so when jann pulled you into arms again just to flip you onto your hands and knees he could see the wet patch that stained your panties. “so fuckin’ wet… so damn greedy — just want me to fill this pretty pussy don’t you?” he leans down behind you to whisper in your ear.
jann reaches down between the both of you to pull your underwear to the side, revealing your sopping wet cunt to him. he then fisted his cock, stroking it a few times before lining himself up with your slick entrance. when he begins to push in inch by inch you swear you begin to tear up with how big and thick he is.
he was fully nestled inside of your warmth when he reached up to grab a fistful of your hair and setting his pace. jann’s hips started smacking against the plush of your ass with each thrust.
“jann… ple—ase,“ you whimper out.
“sh- shh sweetheart… don’t talk just lemme hear those little noises you make.” he said as he picked up the pace of each thrust. he was going fast and deep. he moved his hand from your hair and used it to grab your face, thick fingers digging into your soft cheeks.
he started peppering tiny, cute kisses across your face. he was doing such a sweet thing while breaking you.
when jann looked down between the both of you, he swore he was in heaven. he could see where he was sliding in and out of you perfectly and the white ring you left around his pretty cock. it was like a mark you left on him to show that he was yours and you were his.
you could feel his pattern faltering as his hips began to stutter. his groans turned into moans and they went higher in pitch each time your hips smacked back onto his. he leaned down to plant kisses along the small of your back as your voice began to crack from how loud you’ve been. “oh- oh fuck — im gonna cu-“ is all you hear before you can feel jann spill into you.
soon enough after, you let out a loud whine as you feel yourself cum on his cock.
the room smells like sex and the air is hot and heavy. the only thing you can hear is the sound of both of you panting, trying to catch your breath. when jann pulls out of your warmth, he hisses sharply though his teeth. he was still kissing from your neck to your jawline all the way down to your lower back.
a little while later, jann had cleaned the both of you up and gotten some new clothes for you to wear to bed. you were on top of him with your face buried in his neck while his hands were tangled in your hair. every so often he would lean down to plant a kiss onto your lips or cheek. his large hand went underneath your (his) shirt to trace small shapes on your back.
“was i too much?” he finally says to break the silence.
you stirred a bit in the position you were in but he could feel you shake your head ‘no.’ jann lets out a dry laugh at the way you responded to him. he reaches up with his free hand to grab your chin and gives you a sensual kiss on the lips.
“thank you for helping me love…”
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heartfeltcherie · 2 months
hiya! I wanted to know if you could either do
A) An Alastor x G/N Reader angst thing where he’s having a 🤩mental💕breakdown🤞 and just…sobs to them while hugging them kinda? Idk I’m just feeling like a comfort/angst mood rn
B) Platonic headcanons of Lucifer x Teen!Reader where he basically adopted them.
— i kinda went a different route but i hope u enjoy nonetheless!
☾. °.   ࿐  ` , •
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the battle wasn’t supposed to end like this.
alastor was the one who should’ve killed adam. alastor was the one who was supposed to to leave a mark on that disgusting angel.
but here he was, sat on the floor in his beaten up radio tower, his wound open and leaving itty bitty cirlces of blood where he previously walked. he was rethinking his steps; how could i have possibly lost that?
he was distracted.
not only when his precious staff broke, but the entire time he was going back and forth with adam… he was thinking about you.
where were you during the fight? were you okay? were you hurt? you were still alive right?
you’re his darling doe, of course you’d still be alive.
because if you got hurt, or somehow ended up dead, he’d be ready to hunt down those idiotic extermination angels and use their screams in his next broadcast for everyone to know that-
his eyes are wide and he didn’t even realize he was tugging on his hair, his face damp from… tears? what is this? he doesn’t shed tears, only his selected victims do. he stiffens up, takes his fingers out of his hair and stands up.
it hurts. the gash hurts. but he won’t let his face show it.
but you already know.
“mon cher… you’re alive. i knew my little doe would make it through” that’s a lie, he didn’t. he just hoped you would- is that a bruise around your eye? and a scar on your cheek? those bastards.
“i needed to. i had to get back to you, somehow”
oh, how his heart flutters at your little statement.
“oh, my dear…” alastor puts a gentle hand on your face, examining the bruise and scar at a closer angle. “they hurt you. i’m terribly sorry i wasn’t there in your defence” you put your hand around alastor’s wrist. “you don’t need to be sorry, al. you were busy with more important things” he hums. “to me, nothing is more important than you, doe”
you smile softly up at him. then your eyes trail down his body and the smile is quickly replaced with a frown.
“alastor, you’re bleeding! oh my god!” a surge of panic goes through you, acting as if your beloved deer demon might pass away in your arms if you didn’t act quickly. alastor chuckles, trying not to wince as he does so. “my dear, no need for all the dramatics. i’m perfectly fine! hardly a scratch!” you squint your eyes at him — now was not the time for his antics.
“if you don’t make bandages appear right now, i’m not gonna have tea with you in the morning for the rest of the week”
alastor rolls his eyes but complies nonetheless, snapping his fingers as some bandage rolls appear out of thin air. he hands you them; he’ll be even more damned if he doesn’t get to spend his morning quality time with you.
“sit” you notion to the chair he usually sits in. he follows your instructions as you kneel in front of him to get at a better angle.
you begin to put the roll of cloth material around your beloved deer demon’s wound, making sure it’s not too tight but also not too loose. you look up every once in a while to see his beautiful irises already looking at you and suddenly your fingers become clumsy and your a blushing and shy mess.
“nifty killed adam, by the way” you pipe up. “ahh, the little one finally got to stab something other than bugs” you finish wrapping the bandage around him, securing it with the clip it came with.
“it’s a good thing she did, otherwise i would have. when your shield broke, everyone… i thought… you were”
you don’t say anything, continuing to look at a nice piece of floor board that you suddenly thought was interesting while you were still kneeling on the floor in front of alastor. he uses his pointer finger to tilt your chin up.
“my dear. my darling doe,” all those pet names made your face feel like molten lava — and you’re sure you looked the part, too. “you should know that, of all beings, adam wouldn’t have been able to kill me. he’s far too messy and lacks control”
“but your wound? he got to you”
alastor stands up from his chair, putting his hand out for you to take. of course you do, and his hand is nice and warm compared to yours as he guides you up off the floor. he’s still holding your hand as his thumb glides over your knuckles in a soothing manner.
everyone would call you crazy if you said the feared radio demon was gentle with you; so soft and careful. but the butterflies in your tummy and the flutter of your heart says that it was all meant to be… for you.
“that’s hardly a topic of conversation, mon chérie. a worthy discussion, if i may,” he puts his empty hand, that isn’t holding yours, up against your cheek, cupping it. he uses his thumb on that hand to gently caress your skin. “is how… ravishing… you still look. even after the tell tale signs of a battle” you can’t help but to lean into his touch.
“and there you go, changing the topic of conversation, again” you sigh, eyes half lidded. “i don’t hear any complaints from your end” you shake your head because no… there wasn’t anything to complain about.
“not one bit, al. not one bit”
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comments/reblogs are appreciated! ♡ let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
also, check out our discord server :) click right here
tags; @crystalrayn @drxgonspine @alastorthirsty @speedycoffeedelight
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rc-writes · 1 year
𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨 | 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢
pairings: benny weir x reader (could be seen as platonic or romantic)
warnings: two curse words??, if you’re reading this as platonic there’s one mention of wearing couples costumes but friends can totally do that to, uhh i think that’s it
a/n: alright i could have probably thought of a million more but it was literally 1am when i wrote this and i was tired lol. also i will admit that was me fulling self projecting on the info dumping about movies part and wanting to text someone at an ungodly hour, but in my defense i do genuinely think benny would do those things as well. also this was requested by an irl friend of mine who mentioned friends to lovers after i finished this so look out for that coming soon! also this is my first writing related thing i’ve posted on this blog in like 2 years!!
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will try to learn spells just to impress you
of course there was a few that went wrong
maybe more than a few, but it’s the thought that counts right?
will send every meme or funny video he finds
does not matter if its 3pm or 3am he will send it immediately after he found it
which speaking of 3am i can see him not being able to sleep so he tries texting you
if you answer i can see him texting “hey what’s wrong?? why are u up so late?? everything okay??” and completely ignoring that he too is also awake at this hour
“you are aware you texted me first, why are you up”
“i asked you first”
benny absolutely loves video games and will want to play a few with you even if you don’t like video games
which if you’re with him there a good chance you love them too
but if you don’t you will most likely start liking them even just a bit because he makes them fun
getting to spent time with him and watch him do something he loves makes it special
it also can be really funny
can guarantee at least once he’d say “watch this babe” or “this ones for you” and immediately fail/die
this is also something that definitely happens in the outside world with him trying to throw something away or something
pure of heart, dumb of ass
also i don’t know shit about video games so i cannot go into anymore detail then this lol
is 100% down with spontaneous movie nights whether that be binge watching movies at home or going to the theater
if it’s a movie he’s obsessed with but you’ve never seen he will be trying his hardest not to info dump and potentially spoil the whole thing
but if it’s a movie he knows you have seen he is more than willing to explain every single fact about it he knows
“did you know that while filming this bit they had film it completely in reverse to make it look like that?? insane right!?”
speaking of movies if it’s a horror/scary movie you can bet he will try to act all tough and not scared before it starts
even if you already know how much of a scaredy cat he is he will try to play it off
but the second the first jumpscare happens there will be popcorn flying everywhere
he is no longer allowed to hold the bowl
you’re still finding popcorn in the couch
he will still continue to pretend that he’s not scared despite shaking like a scared chihuahua
you will have to be the one to grab onto him
which then leads to him hiding his face into your neck or behind you
he still refuses to let you turn it off even if you insist it’s okay
there is a part of you that feels bad but also a part that thinks it’s so funny
your contact names in each others phones are han solo and princess leia
the only suggestions i will take on this is that yours is han and his is leia
will take you to every convention within driving distance
if the convention if for some game/show/movie you don’t know be prepared for a whole powerpoint presentation or a weekend of binge watching whatever media it is
“didn’t you just say you hated doing a powerpoint for history??”
“babe this is way more important and interesting than anything school can teach”
you both will be going all out costume wise every convention
i can totally see you guys going in couple costumes or like hero and villain
if the latter you two take turns on who gets to be the villain or hero
if you are with benny there is no way you can be a halloween hater
he can do freaking magic, of course it’s his favorite holiday!!
this also can follow what i said for conventions with the costumes
at some point there is a competition on who can get the most candy
if he loses, he will say that the candy was just too hard to resist, and he had to eat just one piece that turned into him eating many pieces
this is a true fact whether he loses or not
side note if you can go a whole night of trick or treating without eating a single piece of candy while doing so i don’t believe you
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Okay okay request tiem!! So like, first of all, hope you're doing well fjkebd-- second of all, how would vil, jamil and idia react to a mc in the self aware au (already in their universe) drawing and or painting them, telling the constant compliment over how pretty or nice they are to draw, doodle them in their notebooks when taking notes and so on.
Idk it's like a thing I do with my friends, so I wanna know what they'd do n all, fbnebd thank u!! <3<3<3<3<3
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsebility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, murder, stalking, obsession, unhealthy relationship, manipulation, isolation
Jamil Viper/Vil Schoenheit/Idia Shroud-Player draws and constantly tells them compliments
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Ok, so we are throwing away our independance today (not something I would recommend but you do you)
Jamil is used to stand in the shadow of Kalim, heck, even his own parents thought that the future sultan was more important than their son
When you were suddenly standing in front of him he was already shoked enough, almost dropping the tray filled with food for his employer
Let us just say that Scarabia is in constant danger of going up in flames after that
Oh why? Well he just, more or less, quit without handing in the piece of paper that usually says “Mhm sorry bro but I’m leaving. The pay was never good tbh”
Yes, he is still employed but the person he is serving in truth is you, leaving Kalim alone with the stove
And since most of the people reading this probably don’t have a butler we are of course impressed by his skills
No wonder Al-Asim can’t do stuff on his own, Jamil is spoiling you into dependance!
So what do you do when you are impressed? You compliment whoever had that affect on you
That is already bad enough in itself but now you are also drawing him? Doodeling him into your notebooks? (He defenitely checks them)
Did you want him to be your 24/7 caretaker who takes your freedom away or what?
Somehow it is possible that those actions are making him even more focused on taking care of you
Has defenitely taken one of the paintings and hid it just for him to see
But please lay the mop down. He is here to take care of the dorm and you just need to live a comfortable life
What do you mean he does everything? Just rely on him and don’t meet with others, they just get your clothes dirty and make scratches in the freshly waxed floor boards
Also, isn’t he here? Why would you need anyone else? Uh… sorry there is something in his eyes. Could you take a look?
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Vil is pretty used to compliments and also has defenitley gotten fanart before
But if it’s you? The hecking Mona Lisa in his eyes
So how did he get close enough to you to recieve such things?
Two words, one meaning: overall care
Like this man is polishing you like his life depends on it
It’s already bad enough that you are living in that dirty place but you can’t even afford simple self care! (We ignore for now that his defenition of “simple” is worth the rent of an ordinary person)
But the man wants- no, is determined to scrub the dust of the ruin away and uncover the shining diamond under all that filth
And since we all are bound by social beauty standarts (and don’t want skin deseases connected to dirt) we are (most likely) very thankful for his hard work
So one day he came into your room, a bottle of hand lotion in his perfectly manicured clutches, and ran straight into your mirror
Oh you are curious why? Well you just threw a compliment and “thanks” at his head
But it’s probably you more freaked out because whilst he did get a scratch on his face he didn’t even care
Once you start do NOT stop!
If you do he will think that you have found someone else whom you consider better company
And remember that huge green house they have? There is probably something in there capable to make you… uh… “stay close to him”
Also, those third years you have asked for the way to your next classroom have been found “with their red paint outside their bodies” and their hearts missing, suspicious arrows sticking out of them
But what did you expect? The Fairest Queen was also pretty possessive of her status as the “most beautiful” and what is there to stop him in following her footsteps? Just maybe not with beauty…
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So either you wanted to roast marmellows in a very extreme way or you wanted to burn the whole building down
But here he is, probably already having reached the melting point of stone and still staring at you
Are you seriously suprised? This is Idia we are talking about
You are a God to Idia, a flawed one but still higher than even Hades… that guy is literally death
And he also thinks that he is very unattractive so you might as well tell Lilia to leave his iron sticks away unless he wants to rshape them
How are you still alive standing in thnis heat??!
It is already hard enough to just get in contact with him but somehow you did
Idia is not used to get paintings drawn of him and only Ortho would be able to convince him to get a picture done of him
But now here you are, telling him that you admire his skills with electronics
I hope you brought your marmellows because I forgot mine at home
When he was just creepely looking at you from time to time then say goodbye to privacy after this
You see, strays also come back to you if you fed them once and Idia is just as starved for attention as a stray is for food
But what exactly is he supposed to do? Well…
You remember that phone Crowley gave us over the winter holidays? He never took that one back
Even though Idia knows he shouldn’t do this and feels bad he just can’t stop
Stop looking at you, stop watchig you, stop craving the warmth you gave him on that fatefull day
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atom-writings · 2 years
Main 8 and what they find psychically attractive in others?
(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) Their Physical Preferences!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N i realized i wouldnt be done with the other one for a bit so this one is a little shorter. To . still. Be active. ok contiuing. WAITI ASSUMED YOU MEANT. PHYSICAL. physical is what ur getting sorry. i did not proofread this u cant make me
Trigger Warning: Some of these may not apply to you but don’t worry they would still like you <3
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Alfred would love an S/O that is not very traditionally attractive! Skin marks, acne, freckles, he absolutely adores all of that! The less euro-centric you look, the more perfect he finds you.
Someone who doesn’t put a lot of effort into their appearance. He’d prefer sweatpants, a stained shirt, and scrunchies over a nicely pressed outfit and done up hair any day.
He’d prefer that his partner doesn’t physically outmatch him. Looks wise or physique wise (he’s insecure about his weight…) So he’d like his partner to be shorter than him.
Of course, he wouldn’t mind a more traditional S/O either. In the back of his mind, he still remembers his dreams of a 50s housewife. But he’d never try to hold you to those standards!
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Ironically, Arthur would prefer a partner that doesn’t look very much like… most British people? Basically, he doesn’t like most of the features he has in an S/O.
This is very specific… but he’d love an S/O with interesting eyes. Just plain blue or plain brown would be fine, but those with hazel or endlessly deep black would appeal to him much more.
He’d prefer an S/O that dresses more classically, sort of like him! But… he also had his punk years. If you’re punk as shit, with piercings, dyed hair, crazy makeup, he can’t resist you!
Basically, the less you fit the norm, the more he’s gonna like you. Even if he tries to tell himself he doesn’t.
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Francis is surprisingly particular about how his S/O looks.  Of course, he can adapt to anyone, but he’d prefer his lover to be rather attractive.
He wants to be able to walk down the street and have people gawk at his partner. Of course, even if they don’t, he’ll make up for it plenty <3
Someone with beautiful hair! Whether that be intricate braids, long flowing locks, or some modern, artistic style. He just loves nicely taken care of hair (why do you think his looks like that?)
He’d love a partner whose taller than him! Basically, in every area, he wants to be outmatched by your attractiveness. Which, through his rose-tinted glasses, is not a very high bar.
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Yao has dated many, many people, all of whom look completely different! He has no preferences, but his dream would be someone who looks more like his country's older beauty standards.
But more important than that, he’d prefer his S/O looks more natural than anything. Too much makeup while trying to look like you’re not wearing any… is very unappealing to him.
He’d love if you had longer hair! He loves braiding hair, it’s very relaxing for him.
If you wanted him to, he’d help, but he’d prefer if you’re pretty capable of taking good care of yourself. Regular showers, skincare, things like that. 
Someone with younger features like him! But not too young, that would be really creepy…
He’d also prefer a partner who dresses well. Whether that be more mainstream or more niche styles, he just wants to see a little effort.
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Ivan, well… not to be crass. But he would definitely, really prefer a S/O who was more plus size. Someone more muscular intimidates him a little, and someone super skinny makes him worry.
Looks wise, I don’t think he’d have any strong opinions. But like Alfred, he finds non traditionally eurocentric features attractive!
Someone who he can dress up and share clothes with! Even if they don’t fit, he just wants to be able to wrap you up in his jackets and not have it look too unnatural.
Speaking of which, he’d love a shorter S/O. Of course, everyone is short to him (in my headcanons he’s like 6’ 8”…) but still.
Basically, someone soft and in no way intimidating. Exactly the opposite of him!
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Feliciano may seem like he values beauty more than anything, but he’d really prefer a S/O that’s cute! With chubby cheeks and messy hair-
He’d prefer if you two matched aesthetics-wise- but that can really mean anything. If you carry yourself as he does,  dress in a similar or completely contrary way, and take care of yourself.
He’d really love someone tall. Much taller than him preferably. But maybe not muscley… he’ll get a little intimidated.
Although he wouldn’t look specifically for someone counter-culture, the more creative you get with your appearance, the more attractive he finds you.
But still, he’d love someone soft and warm like him <3
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Ludwig would love an S/O that’s a lot like him! Or at least, like someone from his country. But he really doesn’t care that much.
He would prefer a partner that is physically active, whatever that means to them. As long as they’re able to keep up with him a little bit on runs, while still being able to enjoy his baking.
If you’re muscley, he would love it.
Someone who doesn’t stand out that much, whose attractiveness is more understated than blinding. He finds those kinds of people to be usually quite grating…
Funnily enough, he’d also prefer a partner that has a more… stereotypically nerdy appearance? He finds it really adorable. Plus… he’s secretly a nerd too.
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Kiku is a lot like Yao, but has a lot lower standards. He doesn’t value traditional attractiveness in any fashion, and would prefer an S/O that doesn’t stick out that much.
He would love a chubby S/O! As skinny as he is himself, he doesn’t find it very attractive.
Like Ludwig, he finds understated beauty to be preferable to outright attractiveness. It’s a little silly, but it makes him a lot more comfortable in your relationship knowing you’re equal.
He’d prefer someone shorter, which is a little difficult since he’s a little on the smaller side himself. But he prefers dating foreigners anyway, even though it doesn’t have the greatest track record for him…
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kino Dark [02]
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Yui: ( …I wonder how long I’ll remain locked up in here…? )
Hey, Kino-kuーー
*Rustle rustle*
Kino: Could you please shut up!? I’m watching a video right now, so leave me alone.
Yui: S-Sorry…
Kino: God, having someone disrupt me is my biggest pet peeve. Please remember that you are nothing but my pet, okay?
Yui: No way…
( …But I might upset him again if I talk back…I’ll just keep quiet. )
Kino: …Excuse me? What? Cat got your tongue?
Yui: Eh…?
Kino: Listen. Why not show some more interest in me?
Yui: Interest, you sayーー?
Kino: Haah…You really are a fool, aren’t you? I told you I’m watching a video, remember?
Yui: Y-Yeah…
Kino: Then most people would pick up on that and ask what kind of video, no?
Yui: Eh? But you told me to leave you aloneーー
Kino: You have to get a little creative there. It’s your duty to keep me in a good mood after all.
Yui: No way! That’s outrageous…
Kino: It’s not. You will. If you won’t, I better teach you a lesson.
Yui: F-Fine. I’ll try…
Kino: Very well. So? I’m sure you’re curious about the video I’m watching, right?
Yui: Y-Yeah…
( He’ll get upset if I say no after all… )
Kino: Check this out! It’s about someone bungee jumping. …These people jump down from high places with a long rope attached to their feet.
Nothing better than watching them scream in terror as they take the plunge!
Yui: I-I see…
Kino: But you know, watching a video just isn’t the same as the real thing.
…Right. Why don’t you come with me for a sec?
Yui: Eh?
ー Kino picks her up
Yui: Kyah!? K-Kino-kun…?
Kino: Fufu. Let’s go somewhere fun?
Yui: Somewhere fun?
Kino: …That’s something to look forward to when we get there.
Yui: ( He suddenly made me carry a rope…!? )
Kino-kun, what’s this rope for…?
Kino: ーー That rope is very important, so make sure to hold onto it tight, okay?
ー The scene shifts to the night sky
Yui: ( W-We’re flying…! I can’t believe he took me up here…! )
Kino: Oh? Why are you clinging onto me tightly like that? Are you scared, perhaps?
Yui: I-I am! Just by thinking what will happen if I were to fall down…I can’t…!
Kino: But that’s part of the fun, isn’t it? So, ready for the fall?
Yui: N-No way…!
Kino: Don’t worry, it’ll be fine! I tied a rope around your leg, remember? I’ll hold onto it to keep you from hitting the ground.
I want to hear someone scream in terror in real life after watching those bungee jumping videos.
So will you please do it for me? Fall from my arms, and entertain me.
→ I-I can’t… (M)
Yui: I-I can’t…Please…Have mercy…
Kino: You shouldn’t say that you can’t say something when you haven’t even tried it.
That’s being said, let’s put it to the test!
→ No! (S)
Yui: No! Not in a thousand years!
( He can say that he’ll hold the rope all the wants, I’m obviously not thrilled about this! )
Kino: How rude. You think I’d let you fall to your death? Don’t you trust me?
Yui: W-Wellーー...
( What now? If I tell him the truth, that will definitely upset him… )
Kino: Well, I might accidentally let you die.
Yui: !?
Kino: But that could make for an interesting turn of events too, no? That being said, have a safe trip downー!
ー Kino drops her
Yui: Kyah!?
( I-I’m falling…! )
Kino: …Just kidding? ーー And, catch!
Yui: K-K-Kino…kun…?
Kino: You really think I would drop you? It’d be a pain if I were to make a mistake and you actually fall down…
Yui: K-Kino-kunーー!
U…Uu…I was so scared…I-I thought I’d die…Uu…
Kino: What’s this? Are you crying? Haha. Was it that scary?
Yui: Of course it was!
Kino: …Good grief, look at you cling onto me as if your life depends on me. …If only you were always this meek.
There, there, everything will be okay. Rest assured? I’m holding you in my arms.
Yui: …Okay.
( But my heart is still going crazy…What to do? )
Kino: Dry those tears. Who’s a good girl, huh?
Yui: ( Easy for him to say…I don’t think I’ll be able to calm down for a while. )
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blnk338 · 1 year
c(u)n(t) 7
"I am doing this because you’ll be fucked up to high heaven" was almost "I am doing this because you'll be fucked to high heaven." Changed due to the worry that people would find it too vulgar. Why? I frankly have no idea, yet, here we are today.
Looking back, I think I most often use the over-the-top affectionate terms for PB constantly because that is his main purpose; a comfort. A lot of Reaper's description of the things in her home used to be riddled with a muddy, jaded feeling, but as she moved to the UK, she has begun to describe her life in more beautiful terms. This also applies to Peanut Butter. He himself is quite literally the color of the sun, his eyes are a bright playful yellow, and he's described to have a "permanent smile." I intentionally chose him to be orange because orange cats are usually the stupidest, sweetest little idiots (though if your cat is of any other color, there is not a muscle in my body that does not a) want to see them and b) know they are terribly sweet).
YOU LOOK LIKE USAGI!” While I'm not sure a ton of people caught it (it's come to my attention that apparently a lot of people haven't seen or heard of the show), Stella likes Sailor Moon.
Claire is important to Reaper because she gets to see someone who looks like her, or rather, dresses like she used to, only this time, this person is happy. I think this derives from my own internal joy when I see emo/goth/alt kids just being happy, because in the time that I was like that, I faced a lot of negativity for just dressing how I wanted to. I put a lot of effort into describing Claire as happy, excitable, and filled with life, but also still a normal anxious teenager because I want people to see alt characters in good lights. While more of those characters are seen in modern pieces of media (ex: Hobie Brown), I still think we need to see more women in those areas.
I changed it, but some may remember that I added double exclamation marks for Stella's remarks-- not a terribly large note, but I used to do it to emphasize how loud she was.
Claire would love Hobie, Stella would love Gwen.
"Feels like shit gets really loud all of a sudden.” Again, something else Reaper and Claire have in common: Sensory overloads.
I changed it all, but in Ghost's pov, I used to respond to Reaper in the third person. I ultimately changed this because it no longer fit with the current iterations of Ghost's POV.
I almost didn't make a comment on the true crime thing because I know people get death threat-y. Even though I don't like the community's fawning over people's deaths and serial killers, I know that there are people who approach the topics politely, with that being said, I don't love it.
“It’s hell.” I believe this is the first time I've ever made Simon actually vulnerable. Instead of shutting Reaper's words down, he fills them in for her; he properly expresses how much agony he's in.
“Was I—was it clear?” Again, another moment of vulnerability from Ghost. He's terrified to do this, he's nervous, he's uncomfortable, it's clear, but it's Reaper and he trusts her.
... Most of the stuff I know about guns is from PUBG...
"One hand rising up, he rubbed the back of his balaclava. Perhaps he could use a trim, too." I was actually going to have a scene where Reaper cuts Ghost's hair but I... forgot LMAO. But I guess that haircut had to happen eventually, huh?
“I don’t think you could handle my stack of documents, Sergeant.” Both an innuendo and a metaphor for Simon himself. It's a bit between the lines, but I attempted to hint at the idea that Simon doubts Reaper would ever be able to, let alone want, to deal with him and his shit.
“I bet it’s just page after page of the same shit I’ve gotta do, what’s the harm in taking a load off, big man?” And it's thrown right back into his face. As in, "no, I can take care of that sort of thing, because it's not a burden to me."
there's a clear sadness when König and Reaper talk to each other, knowing they should've killed each other. It's continued in their conversations as background noise or a prominent topic, the idea that they weren't supposed to be friends. If anything, there's an underlying fear that one day, they might be the reason the other is dead.
Its mentioned briefly, but König likes to draw :)
König actively changes around people. Around Reaper, he lets his walls down. Whether this is because they don't know each other or not, he decides that she is being kind or transparent enough to be trusted with his more awkward side. This also plays into the fact that he's a Colonel (which was information that I didn't have at the time of posting the chapter).
On top of this BB was deemed to be the "squad leader." Even though I'm not changing this, I like to think that König asked BB to hold up that role for the 141 so they would treat him like a regular soldier to see how they would react. In turn, they didn't treat him like shit, and he actively gained a new friend: Reaper.
Originally, there was a push to make König's group more of a boy's club, but that changed after they split up because I felt like it was too girlboss-y of Reaper.
Mind stroll coming to a stop, you turned to look up at Ghost, but his eyes were already on you. “Do you know where we’re going?” Simon was caught staring at Reaper watching the domesticity, yearning to do the same with her. Another in between the lines sort of thing, but hey, it's there.
By this point, Reaper had begun to call Ghost "Big Man" and this is big because Reaper's never shown this kind of affection outwardly to anyone else. She has her own internal nicknames (like Bug Boy), but she doesn't call anyone them to their face. But Reaper loves that Simon is big and this is a big flirting step for her.
"Look up for me." This was WAY more sexual than I realized when I wrote it, but honestly, this is a good way to point out that Simon was super obedient to Reaper. Again, when the hell is he like this with anyone else? WHEN ELSE DOES HE WHIMPER?
Glancing between the two for a second, your lieutenant staring a lot harder than he should have. I think this might've been the most deliberate example of Ghost being jealous of König. I almost included a scene where Ghost asked König to "step back" but I thought it was too Wattpad-esq and hated it LMAO
I typically have Reaper in boxers because they're a) comfy to wear b) good to exercise in and c) pretty GNC. I know some folks aren't comfy with wearing thongs or something (which, believe me, seems fucking awful. Why are writers putting their main female characters in lacy underwear and thongs when they're in the military? That sounds awful!), so I chose a bit more of a comfy example.
Reaper likes doing things in threes. stabbing three times, triple takes, etc.
Reaper knows how to kick down doors bc of her Marine dad.
A lot of Reaper's words are cut short. Ex: "medbay will be quick." This is because she's spent pretty much all of her life in the military.
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hi vincent u shd tell us more abt haruka n shu's dynamic i love toxic codependency btw
HELLO LAB!!! I am so happy you asked because I am obsessed with them. I will put this under a read more ….it got long
To explain why I think they should have a fucked up toxic relationship I should explain a bit about them individually. My Haruka post can be found here but to summarize some important points: Haruka has a fucked up relationship with his brother Kanata, who ostracizes him from anyone he meets. He thinks of himself as a corrupted human, an “egoist” who was once his brother’s hero and wanted to help others, and now has no hope of going back to how the way things used to be. Shu is an abandoned child who’s never been shown even a speck of love by his parents or those who have been assigned to take care of him. The one person who saw a spark of light in Shu instilled false hope for his father’s love inside of him, and accidentally turned him into a bitter kid who hates adults.
Shu and Haruka are the vocalists of Epsilon, which is actually the only band to even have two vocalists who consistently sing together. Pre-epsilon story 6.5, Haruka doesn’t endorse Shu’s shitty behavior but doesn’t shut it down either. Shu uses Haruka as he does anyone else and finds him entertaining to observe. Both of them are pessimists who use music to make themselves known, to be seen— Haruka, to his peers, Shu, to his father, and both of them to the world. Haruka realizes this before Shu does, in Epsilon band story Chapter 6 Episode 5: aka vincent insanity chapter. I will just put some screenshots here of the chapter because i don’t wanna summarize them
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This chapter completely changes their dynamic— it opens up a door to a whole new world of understanding between them. Now, they have no choice but to be at least somewhat involved in each other’s decisions. In this chapter, Haruka openly declares that he needs Shu to keep his dream alive, because he knows that they both know that music is all they have to get themselves known. They can’t just ignore each other anymore with this information. If they do, it adds a whole new layer of questioning— are they uncomfortable around each other, regretful about that sudden vulnerability, etc ? So, that’s all been established.
What Shu needs is a supportive, probably older brother or father type figure who can show him love and recognition, right? What Haruka needs is both a support system and someone to pull his head out of the ground and make him face reality, right ….? But like …imagine how much more fun it would be …if they fed off of each other like this ….my vision
I think that IF I WERE WRITING AASIDE. I would use this so much. I would love to see Haruka and Shu run off to stay in Tokyo and live this shut in lifestyle where Shu tries to write songs to sustain them and Haruka tries not to fuck up another relationship. Shu could absolutely fill that “younger brother I want to save” role for Haruka, and Haruka could absolutely fill that “First person to recognize me for who I am” role for Shu (except not really because they’re just using each other). Of course, though, I am not writing Aaside…with the recent development of Aoi being Shu’s brother and Reiji being much more kind than I expected (effectively creating a support system for Shu), this whole vision kind of goes down the drain, rip. But I like to think they’ll still go somewhere with Haruka and Shu’s newfound dynamic potential! Please god let Kimisute make them even more fucked up and depressed.
Thank you so much for this opportunity to ramble Lab….this is all kind of a lot of nothing and just restating facts but I enjoy it nonetheless. Here is Epsilon’s first song, isn’t the video so fun? I hope you enjoyed reading this ^o^
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micallum · 2 years
Candlelit Breakfast
Pairing: Arthur Leclerc x OFC!Caroline Piastri (Caz)
Based on this Ask: “saw something on tv where a guy organized a candlelight breakfast to celebrate he and his gf’s anniversary. because she works too late at night so they couldn’t celebrate during dinner and he wanted to respect the right day so he did a romantic breakfast 🥹 had to share, make this whatever u want sisbsksksk” @oscar-piastri
Ratings: Fluff, 15+ (no smut, just if you are a minor I'm awkward about it).
Word Count: 1,775.
A/N: Got this ask and wanted to write something so this is a little one shot involving my fave ship (which is ASSY) but it’s disguised as CARTHUR. I guess this is part of the FRIENDS series but it jumps ahead quite a lot from the couple of chapters I actually put out. I still hope you enjoy!
Arthur looked up and down the aisle. Pancakes or crepes? He was sure Caroline would prefer the American pancakes but he was more used to making thin crepes. He sighed and brought out his phone while still holding his shopping list in his right hand. He used his code to unlock his phone and called for backup.
“Hello?” The high-pitched voice spoke through the small device.
“Hi, Nina”, Arthur looked at his sneakers, “do you have a minute?”
Nina hummed and asked what was up before Arthur exposed his dilemma to her. “I think you can handle pancakes, Arthur. Just make sure you don’t add anything other than what the package tells you to.”
“Don’t you just add milk?”
He rushed to squeeze the phone between his shoulder and ear as he reached out to grab the first bag of flour, he turned it every possible way before his eyes found the small drawings. Eggs, milk, butter.
“Seriously, Arthur…” Nina pinched the bridge of her nose on the other end, which Arthur assumed she would be doing, as she always did so when he asked her something seemingly obvious. “Please get the fluffy kind. You make those, a couple of fried eggs, a good half kilogram of bacon – might be too much… but I’ve seen you eat! I know you will be fine. Offer her a cup of coffee and some orange juice. Once you are done eating you exchange gifts.”
Arthur began taking mental notes of this, using his full attention. He did not want to mess it up. He would not have another chance to make their first anniversary perfect.
Caroline had been dealing with one of the most hectic schedules for a few weeks already. From the moment she decided to transfer to Monaco it had been difficult. With a part-time job now, she seemed to either be at school or at work. She spent long hours working on projects at the office, coming home later than either Arthur or herself would like. And Arthur never complained, he had begun rolling on his side to hold Caroline once she was in bed, the faint sound of the bedsheets moving made him aware she had finally come home. She always did her best to keep quiet and for the most part, she did great.
Now that they reached their first year together Arthur thought he might take her out for dinner, but this was impossible. With the change of seasons around the corner, almost all of her company’s clients were in need of new promotional images. She worked with smaller businesses but it was still important and her bosses liked what she had to offer. Fresh designs, simple and effective – or so she had been told. Time off was not going to come soon.
So celebratory breakfast it was! Arthur talked to his brothers about it and they all agreed that if he wanted to make THE day special it was best to settle for what he knew he would get a chance to share with his girlfriend.
“But can you cook?” Lorenzo had asked him in a rather skeptical tone.
Charles had laughed a little too loud for Arthur’s liking, but he assured his brothers that he had actually learned a lot since he and Caroline moved in together.
“I find that hard to believe…” Charles smiled at him and then both of his older brothers shared a look, “but you should try!”
And now he was there, at the grocery store, with a kart already containing the best of the best breakfast foods. He was sure he was going to send his girlfriend off to class with a full stomach and a big smile on her face – even if those were the last two things he did.
“Okay, thanks, Nina.”
“No problem! Hey, let me know how it goes. I bet she will lose her mind.” She said excitedly.
“That’s the idea!”
After a short chat, he ended the call and found the rest of the things. He got on his bike and went back home to the small apartment they shared, he said hello to one of the neighbors and got in the elevator with the bags in his arms. He was glad he had already figured out Caroline’s present days before. Now, all that he needed to do was put the food away and set up his alarm in time to wake up a couple of hours before his girlfriend.
Caroline arrived home late as usual and without any suspicion took off her shoes, she walked past the small kitchen and into their bedroom. With a small side smile she glanced over at Arthur, he was snoring softly, arms and legs sprawled out on his half of the large king-size bed. The two had agreed to go out on Saturday to celebrate their anniversary, but she felt guilty that they would not get to enjoy much of the main day together. She could not wait to graduate and find a different job. She was ready to move on from the half time this half time that life.
She changed into her pj’s and went to the bathroom across the hallway before returning and pulling the sheets down to get into bed. As he did every night, Arthur turned and wrapped an arm around her middle, his nose buried in between her shoulder and neck. Caroline placed her arm on top of his and sighed tiredly as her muscles finally relaxed after a stressful day.
The warmth was gone. She reached out to cover herself, expecting to be met with the weight of her boyfriend keeping the covers from moving, but they were weightless and she was able to pull them up to her chin with little effort.
Her eyes opened in an instant.
“Arthur?” She mumbled.
Beginning to look around she turned on the bed to stare at the empty space next to her. It was rare. More than that… it was extremely strange for Arthur to be out of bed before her. She pushed herself up on her elbows and looked at the clock only to realize she was up almost twenty minutes before her alarm went off.
With bare feet, she made her way to the bathroom, the hallway already carried the smell of vanilla and coffee. She frowned, did Arthur have a meeting or something she did not know about? She finished her business in the bathroom quickly and approached the kitchen in silence, expecting to find her boyfriend looking at his computer in preparation for an interview or FDA meeting. Instead, she found her kitchen table decorated with a base and a couple of flowers. Two candles stood tall, already lit across from each plate.
Her mouth dropped open and it remained that way as her eyes scanned the kitchen, on the stove a couple of pans, the coffee machine was already running and the rack where they put the dishes to dry was filled with utensils one would use to prepare food. Arthur was proudly holding a jar of orange juice in his hands when she spotted him.
“I know you have time for breakfast!” He pointed out, “Good morning, Caz. Happy anniversary!”
Caroline’s mouth fell shut and she covered her face with both hands, shaking her head she felt like laughing and crying at the same time.
Stupid Arthur, always having these silly yet thoughtful gestures…
She felt stupid once Arthur was holding her against his chest, confusion, and amusement mixed in his voice, “hey, what’s happening?” his fingers pulled her hands off her face in a gentle manner as his eyes searched her features.
“I can’t believe you sometimes,” she smiled with a couple of senseless tears staining her cheeks.
Arthur wiped them with tender hands as she looked up at his expression. “Happy anniversary Arthur.”
He smiled and his cheeks were pulled so far she could see a couple of lines frame the corners of his mouth.
“I made you everything I could think of.” He pulled her by the hand and brought her to the table.
With a chivalrous gesture, he pulled the chair out for her and soon had a plate filled with all sorts of breakfast foods in front of her. He sat down across from her and they ate together, catching up on whatever had been going on the day before. They laughed between bites and shared some pieces of gossip as they usually did. Arthur took pictures of his girlfriend as she sipped on some coffee and smiled down at his phone.
“Oh, I haven’t even showered Arthur!” She complained.
He smiled and then made a fake serious face “You always look gorgeous. Here let’s take one together!”
Caroline rolled her eyes but leaned forward and they took a picture that ended up making everyone go mad once Arthur posted it on Instagram later; both of them were visibly happy, in love, and… in their pajamas. Caz’ koalas PJs – a gift from Arthur when they moved in together, and Arthur’s lack of a shirt. Messy hair and messy table between the two… it all screamed “DOMESTIC”.
Upon seeing it, Caroline wrinkled her nose and stood from the table, “not my favorite, I know we look cuter after a shower.”
Arthur nodded and pulled her into his lap as she began walking past him, she squealed but wrapped her arms around his neck, wide eyes staring back at him. He gave her a smug smile “are you suggesting something?”
She smiled up at him as her brain processed his words, she almost jumped “Oh!” Her brows shot up “No… why? Are you suggesting something?”
The Monegasque looked up at the ceiling and shrugged, the corners of his mouth going down.
She kissed the tip of his nose. “Thank you for doing all of this.”
“You have no idea of the things I would do for you, Caz.” He declared with the most serious tone in his voice. “I love you.”
Caz pushed his hair back by running her fingers through it. He only said those words once before and they seemed to have disappeared from his vocabulary for months, hearing them now was sweeter than the honey they had just poured over their pancakes.
Through a small smile, she admitted the same words back, “I love you too.”
Her hands grabbed his cheeks softly and they both reached out toward each other, kissing for a moment that felt too short for both of them. Too caught up in each other, they forgot all about exchanging gifts, sharing coffee-flavored kisses next to the candles instead.
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fallingangeltl · 3 months
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Adder SR Story - A Game Played in Earnest at the Casino
Chapter 1
Adder: ………
Vanis: Adder.
I’m here. Why didn’t you want to play at the casino?
Adder: I’m not interested.
Besides, it isn’t a place meant for me to enjoy as the owner. It’s a place to entertain guests.
Vanis: Well, that’s true.
(Internally) But……
(Internally) Adder seems to like this sort of play.
Manager: Adder-sama…… would it be all right if I consulted with you for a moment……?
Adder: What is it?
Manager: Actually, a troublesome devil has been frequenting the casino recently……
He’s a troublesome person who’s been making a killing by arranging high value bouts for various customers.
Vanis: A casino disrupter? If I’m not mistaken, I’ve heard that some casinos have gone bankrupt.
Adder: …… And?
Manager: A-About that…… I’m truly sorry but I would be grateful if Adder-sama could do something about it……
Adder: Do something about it yourselves. You probably hire demons for that purpose, right?
Manager: That’s right, but……
Vanis: Ah, those devils lost too?
Manager: I’m deeply ashamed to say so……
Adder: Incompetent staff aren’t needed at my casino. Fire him now.
Manager: U-Understood……!
Vanis: And? Can’t you do something about the disrupter?
Adder: Just hiring a replacement devil should work.
Vanis: This place might go bankrupt before they get hired, though, don’t you think?
Adder: ………
Vanis: If the casino goes bankrupt, then Rosé might have a rough time. Adder, your favorite chef might be lost.
Adder: ……? The story went by so quickly, I don’t understand what you were trying to say.
Vanis: When Rosé showed his face in the kitchen the other day, the chef was apparently cutting onions.
Rosé hates onions, so he was angry at the chef in the same way as before. He was unreasonable.
Adder: …… And?
Vanis: But lately, Rosé has been having so much fun at the cabaret that he hasn’t been paying attention to the chef.
Adder: ………
Vanis: I suppose the cabaret is more important than bullying the chef. But if this place were to go bankrupt…… he might start thinking of bullying the chef again.
Wouldn’t it be good to keep the place open until the chef’s new full course that you were looking forward to is ready?
Adder: …… Seriously, every last one of you are troublesome.
Vanis: Where are you going?
Adder: Where the disrupter is. I want to see the skill strong enough to take down a casino.
Vanis: (Internally) I suppose that’s true, but it seems he wants to protect the casino and divert Rosé’s attention from bullying the chef.
(Internally) It looks like Adder was looking forward to the chef’s new work than I thought.
It seems interesting, so I’ll go check it out too.
Chapter 2
Adder: —Raise, add two cards.
Casino Disrupter: Gh…… …… Call.
Adder: Open, straight flush.
Casino Disrupter: This can’t be……! Why do you always have the stronger hand……!!
Adder: Luck is something you attract to yourself, isn’t it? You don’t even have the guts to do that, so you’re stuck with a two pair.
Audience: Amazing…… Adder-sama won again.
I thought that demon was strong too but Adder-sama was so overwhelming that I have nothing to say……
Indeed…… If we don’t do well here, we’ll wind up in the same situation……
Vanis: (Internally) This might be bad.
Audience: I don’t think I’ll make any money at this casino. Are you going to look for another place to have fun……?
Manager: Ah, Adder-sama! I’m truly grateful, but…… It might be time to bring things to a close……
Adder: That’s right, isn’t it. It’s boring when there’s no feeling of resistance.
Casino Disrupter: N-Not yet! We can still compete!
Adder: Oh? Will you bite in without knowing what you’re getting into?
I’ll crush you completely.
Casino Disrupter and Audience: ………!
Vanis: Good grief……
Vanis: Hey, casino disrupter-kun. Leave this bout to me.
Casino Disrupter: What……?
Adder: What are you trying to do?
Vanis: I will compete in his place. Let’s play together every now and then, Adder.
Adder: …… Alright. However, I won’t hold back.
Vanis: Of course.
(Vanis goes to the casino disrupter)
Hey, can I take this seat?
Casino Disrupter: B-But—
Vanis: Is it really okay for you to continue like this, to the point of even your soul being extorted? If that’s what you want, then I won’t stop you, but……
Casino Disrupter: I-I understand……
Vanis: If you understand, then it’d be best for you to never set foot in this casino again.
(Vanis walks back over to Adder)
Vanis: Now then, let’s begin shall we?
Adder: …… Heh.
Vanis: …… How many cards will you turn?
Adder: That’s right, I—
Vanis: That reminds me, do you know? Our chef says he has some very good wine.
Adder: What’s this all of a sudden?
Vanis: Additionally, there’s a rare caviar that’s rarely ever available. The combination of it with that wine is the best, isn’t it.
Adder: What do you mean to say?
Vanis: Specifically? I just thought that if the casino shut down and the chef left, then the wine and caviar would disappear along with it.
Will customers want to come to a “casino where you can’t win”?
Adder: ………
Vanis: And? How many of your cards do you turn?
Adder: …… One card.
Vanis: Got it. I turn three cards and raise.
Adder: …… Open.
Vanis: I have a full house, and Adder—
Adder: Three of a kind.
Vanis: It’s my win then.
Audience: A-Amazing! He beat that Adder-sama!
I can’t believe it……
Vanis: It’s nothing special really, it’s normal. It looks like I can comfortably win here.
Audience: Alright, I’ll compete too! I feel like I can win big now!
Vanis: Hehe. Everyone’s mood’s improved.
Adder: …… Seriously, these people are foolish.
Vanis: It’s good though, isn’t it? That they’re the kind of guys who can lose the coup but win the bout?
Adder: ………
Vanis: I’m looking forward to the chef’s new creations and caviar. Ah and, of course, the chef’s recommended wine as well.
Adder: …… Hmph.
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hi cutie are you free for an interview (writer’s questions 2 18 28)
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
i think i could write everything by hand but i would be lots slower, i go back and change individual words or add sentences a lot and being able to move around a doc helps way more w that BUT that being said when i was younger i wrote everything by hand it is possible
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
since this is an audience of tad i’m choosing something you’ve read this is fromm flowers in the graveyard the therut orville oneshot u read last:
Therut’s writing is a little indelicate, so his corrections are doodled on instead. The kid fiddles with his thumbs while Orville’s eyes roam the map, and he swallows as his eyes land on the workshop.
There’s a X scratching it out, and, in any remaining space, Therut has drawn flowers.
“The workshop?” he asks, uncertainly.
“Gone,” he reports, eyes searching Orville’s face. He looks excited, but like he’s hesitant to show it given Orville’s not reacted at all. Still, he elaborates, “Um, it’s, like—like you can tell something used to be there because it’s a lot smaller than the other plots, but it’s farmland now. I asked, and the guy said they were growing flowers! You can’t see them yet, which kind of blows, but I guess it’s new growth? I don’t know what kind, he wasn’t sure.”
Flowers growing in the graveyard that is—was—the workshop. The place he was put together, where the last remnants of whoever he was before were left abandoned. He’d been so scared deep down he’d find a new make of a handy little hitman booting up between those four walls, dreading the idea of the new life that might be getting to its feet and marching loyally forward; a different kind of growth in its place, down to the dirt that surely came before that rotten little building, is such a relief he has no idea what to do with the information. It takes a second to even settle in his head and when it does, he finds himself laughing, long enough he’s out of breath and half-bent over.
Therut looks mortified. “You, uh—you good? You fucking losing it? Are we freaking out?”
He chuckles. “Flowers,” he breathes. “No, I’m—‘m good. Right as rain.”
SO this is nothing very subtle but we knew we wanted orville’s dad to not be here for a one and done final confrontation. me n gabri went back and forth with ideas for how orville gets resolution with his dad even after she decided we didn't wanna kill him in this. i knew i wanted therut involved bcos the whole story is about how their unique circumstances and similarities help them grow together and orville helps kill cane as well but i wasnt sure exactly how i wanted it to go.
i got very close to sending therut in to scout it out without asking but another one of the themes here is about how theyre able to communicate even in these circumstances where they have to read between the lines because one of them can’t articulate what they're thinking and feeling.
i almost also had both therut and orville agree to leave this stone unturned only to meet here at the ranch like spiderman pointing realizing they both wanted to be sure orvilles father wouldn’t be a problem down the line
but ultimately i think the most important thing to me was to communicate an idea that described orville and where hes at with his trauma in this au and that is pretty transparently the workshop.
i think the title which obviously is ripped from this passage lends itself to like a funeral vibe flowers in a graveyard okay people leaves flowers at graves but by the end here you come to understand it’s about new growth in the soil that was previously thought to be like dead and cursed especially by orville
like specifically in that with his amnesia and with how things go after he manipulated after not being able to remember before he kind of sees himself as like the end of whoever came before and like a walking corpse like a constant reminder he is in some ways less “alive” bcos he feels so empty and so like destined to be a killer bcos of how hes built and groomed
and then this understanding hes wrong about the workshop still standing like a monument and instead housing seeds that will bloom to be flowers is this huge like. you are capable of growth and we’re seeing now you make these decisions to foster that now making sure your father is gone to protect this new life you’re creating for yourself and your loved ones.
its not the most complicated symbolism ever but i enjoyed the challenge of being able to speak on orville’s growth and get him some form of closure without being allowed to kill his abuser B)
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
AUGH ghis is hard because i love getting into character mindsets . maybe my oc puffball it’s cool having such a stark difference between their internal monologue which is very self deprecating and admonishing and their outward dialogue with puts others down and like finding that middle ground between ego and insecurity in a character who juxtaposes themselves in a lot of ways . but i love writing any character that thinks differently than i do and drawing them to conclusions and actions i would never think of B)
thank u for the ask my love i do it all for you <3 mwah
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girasollake · 2 years
revenge | eddie munson
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gif not mine, got it from pinterest
pairing: eddie munson x fem!powered!hopper!reader
type: angst, some fluff maybe? tbh i have no idea
summary: reader helps eddie not fail the class after jason destroys his project, then jason gets his shit rocked by the reader
warnings: curse words obv, injuries, blood, jason carver, i think thats all
a/n: this is literally one of the scenarios i came up with before i went to bed lmao, may or may not write a part two if i feel like it, im gonna get to the rest of my requests this week just so u know! have a nice day/night guys<3 also fuck jason i hate him
word count: 2404
She chewed on her lip anxiously, her back was resting against her locker and her eyes were searching for someone in the crowd in the hallway. The class was about to start and Eddie still wasn’t there. She was scared because this was the judgement day where their projects would be graded. Those projects were their last grade before spring break and everyone worked their asses off to get A’s or B’s. The fact that Mr. Hudson was a strict teacher was also terrifying. (Y/n) wasn’t scared of him because she had always had good marks, Eddie on the other hand… Let’s just say he couldn’t screw this one up. (Y/n) was holding her project tightly in her hands, careful so that no one would knock it down. The bell could ring any minute, Eddie still not present but when she turned her head to the school entrance she finally saw him. His eyes were glued to his boots, backpack thrown over one shoulder and the worst thing was that his hands were empty.
“Eddie. Where. Is. Your. Project.” She emphasised every word because this was too important for him to not give a fuck, she even called him the day before like six times and he told her it’s ready and it’s sitting in his truck.
“Don’t worry about it.” He mumbled still not meeting her eyes.
“Eddie look at me.” She said but his gaze didn’t move. “For fucks sake! Look at me Munson!”
And there it was. His busted eyebrow had some blood on it, his nose also had some on the bottom and there was a soft bruise already forming under his left eye. Her mouth slightly parted as she examined every part of his face.
“Who did that to you?” She whispered, concern written on her face.
“It’s not important (Y/n/n)”
“Umm.. yes. Yes it fucking is.” She nodded her head rapidly. “Tell me who it was or I’m gonna scream.”
His eyes widened, he knew she would do that and he certainly didn’t want to draw any attention to them right now.
“Three…” She started counting. “Two…”
“It was Jason.” He said, gaze going back to rest on his shoes again. “He and his friends jumped me outside of school and destroyed my project.”
“What do you mean destroyed?”
“They threw it on the ground and when I tried to pick it up they punched me a couple of times. Then they stepped on it and threw it into the trash.” He sighed.
“Fucking assholes! They knew how important that was!” She was furious, because of them her best friend could sit through this shit one more year if Mr. Hudson didn’t give him a good grade. “I’m sure there is some-“
The bell started ringing.
“Fuck.” She whispered.
She tried to think of something, really anything that could help Eddie get a good grade and impress the teacher instead of failing. Then she got it, one idea that could work. Her head quickly perked up, a small grin was adoring her face as she handed Eddie her own project.
“What are you doing?” He asked confused.
“You’re going to take this and when Mr. Hudson asks for your project you’ll give him this. I don’t want to hear any complaints because I am not going to let him fail you.”
Eddie took the project from her hands.
“What about you? You know what a son of a bitch he is.”
“I’ll be okay, I just have to go get something quickly. You do as I said.” And with that she quickly left his side and ran towards the exit.
She went to the school’s parking lot and started searching for the trash bin. The blue object finally caught her eye and she run up to it. She quickly looked inside and there it was - Eddie’s project which was clearly destroyed just like he said. She reached for it and took it out along with the smallest parts of it she could find. (Y/n) took everything in her hands and hurried inside to get to class.
                                    ☽ ☽ ☽
“Very well, the first person to hand in the project would be… Mr. Munson.” The teacher smirked viciously.
He had always been harsh on Eddie and it was obvious that he wasn’t the first one on the list. He assumed that Eddie didn’t have anything prepared and wanted to fail him as soon as possible. Much to his dismay, Eddie stood up and walked to the front of the class, (Y/n)’s project held tight in his hands. He put it onto the table the professor prepared and looked him straight in the eyes.
“Well, I have to say I didn’t expect something like that from you Mr. Munson.”
Eddie smiled softly, none of this would be happening if (Y/n) hadn’t helped him. Then his attention went to one raised hand in the classroom, Jason’s hand.
“Professor, I am certain that this is not his project.”
“How so?” The man asked and looked at poor Eddie.
“It’s (Y/n)’s project. I saw her holding it before class.”
“Mr. Carver, unfortunately Miss Hopper is not present so how could it be her work?”
“That’s exactly it professor, she-“
And just as if she was summoned, (Y/n) Hopper barged in through the door. She was breathing heavily and Eddie’s destroyed project was in her hands, parts of it on the ground.
“Professor Hudson I am SO sorry I’m late. It’s just that when I was taking my project out of my room I tripped and dropped it and then my dad came out of his room and accidentally stepped on it and I am so so sorry that it’s not done for today.” She was rambling quickly so that the story she made up was more believable to the old prick.
He sighed and looked at “her” work falling apart.
“You have until tomorrow to fix it, you’re lucky you’re one of my best students.” He said. “Please take a seat so we can continue.”
“Thank you so much professor.” She gave Eddie a quick look and went to her seat which was in the back of the class, obviously next to his.
Jason was pissed and she could see that. He couldn’t stop staring at her since she entered the classroom. The professor cleared his throat and came back to looking at “Eddie’s” work.
“You really outdone yourself with this one Mr. Munson. Like I said I didn’t expect anything like that from you but since it’s that good it would be cruel of me to not give you an A.” He smiled at Eddie whose eyes widened in surprise.
It was incredibly hard to get an A in Hudson’s class, especially when your last name was Munson. (Y/n) smirked to herself and looked down to play with her rings. She wasn’t jealous or anything like that, she was happy for him. She also knew that this was her project and if Eddie got an A for it, it must’ve really impressed the teacher. Eddie thanked the man and took “his” project from the table. He sat down next to (Y/n) and mouthed a thank you. She just smiled at him and gave him a nod.
While Mr. Hudson was grading the projects of their peers, (Y/n) started thinking of revenge. Jason had always been a douchebag but with this one – he crossed the line. (Y/n) was much more protective over Eddie since she realised she had a crush on him. They were already best friends at that time so she kept quiet in order to maintain their friendship, she didn’t want to risk her feelings not being reciprocated. Eddie had a hard life and school didn’t help him with any of that. For her he was the sweetest person on the planet and for the school he was “the freak”. She hated that nickname and every time someone would say it she wanted to use her powers and break their necks or at least something, but she always fought those urges. Eddie still didn’t know about her powers, she was scared to tell him, scared of his reaction. She also didn’t have the need to use her powers a lot so it was easy to hide them, but now she wanted to use them, needed even. She wasn’t the person to let Jason walk scot-free from that incident. He needed to pay.
                                        ☽ ☽ ☽
After school Eddie needed to find his friends to talk to them about something and he said they’d meet (Y/n) outside. So there she was, waiting for them next to Eddie’s old van. That’s when she spotted Jason’s car, so new, so perfect, so polished. An idea formed in her mind, maybe a bit risky, but doable. She focused on the tyres and soon the whole car got down, all four of them without any air, completely deflated. She felt the warm liquid under her nose and quickly wiped away the blood with her black, long sleeved shirt. A moment later Eddie and his friends joined her, he opened up his truck and put on some music. (Y/n) opened the back door and sat down on the edge of his car, soon enough she was lost in a conversation with his friends while Eddie tried to lit up Jeff’s cigarette.
Her eyes shot up only to meet Jason’s angry face. He and his goons were walking towards them quickly, Eddie backed up a little, he didn’t want to fight anymore and he was tired.
“Did you do it?” He was too close to Eddie’s face which (Y/n) didn’t approve of.
She quickly stood up to stand between them and pushed the blonde boy away.
“Fuck off Carver.” She spit at him.
“You need your little girlfriend to protect you again? How about I show the principal what you did to my tyres, guess you won’t graduate again for something like that.” He tried to get through (Y/n) but her body was glued to Eddie’s chest, her arms at her sides.
“What are you fucking talking about? What tyres?” Eddie asked furrowing his brows.
“You cut my tyres you son of a bitch!” He shouted. “You’re gonna regret this, I promise.” There was a short pause and Jason took a step back. “Fucking freak.”
That’s when she decided she had had enough. Within a split second her fist connected with his jaw, her rings leaving a clear mark on it. He stumbled backwards but she didn’t stop. She used his confusion to push him to the ground and then she got on top of him. She didn’t know how many punches she threw, maybe it was four or six or fifteen? There was no doubt that his face was nasty and her jewellery was covered in blood. Then she felt someone grab her away from him and Jason’s friends started helping him up, they were terrified. (Y/n) didn’t hear Eddie calling her name, she didn’t pay attention to him holding her arms, she was filled with rage and anger.
“If you ever call him a freak again you’ll regret it even more, do you fucking hear me Carver? DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?” She was fuming and her eyes were a shade darker. “I ASKED YOU A FUCKING QUESTION YOU SON OF A BITCH!”
“Yes…” He choked. “I hear you.”
She shrugged away from Eddie’s grip and slowly walked over to him. His slightly limp body was supported by his friends who started to back away.
“If you want to tell anyone about this, go ahead.” She said. “But just so you remember, my dad is the sheriff, not yours.” She smiled and tilted her head.
He only looked at her and mumbled to his friends that they should go. She also heard him call her a “psycho bitch” but it wasn’t important, she only cared that he had called Eddie the name she hated so much and he had done it twice. She turned around to face the boys, all of them had many emotions written on their faces: fear, amusement, shock and happiness. Eddie’s face on the contrary resembled anger.
“Get in the car.” He mumbled.
She obeyed and waved goodbye’s to the guys, all of them were too stunned to say anything. She took a seat on the passenger’s side and closed the door. Eddie didn’t say anything to her through the whole ride to his home and when they finally went inside his bedroom he told her to sit down and then disappeared. She was waiting patiently for him to return, her fingers playing with her bloodied rings. The door opened and Eddie went inside with first aid in his hand. He kneeled beside her and took her hands into his. His soft fingers tried to get her rings off and then he tried his best to clean her up and disinfect any kind of scratches.
“Thank you for today.” He said while he was swiping the gauze on her knuckles.
“I thought you were angry at me.”
“Um… yeah I was for a bit but now I get it. Thank you for standing up for me today and for giving me your project.” He smiled softly at her. “Although I do have one question for you.”
“Did you cut his tyres?”
Yeah, I deflated them with the power of my mind, why?
“Um.. yeah, yeah I did.” She looked up to avoid his gaze but then she heard his soft laugh.
“That’s my girl.” He said and the nickname sent a shiver down her spine. “He really deserved it. I mean, you know, someone finally stood up to him.”
“Yeah, he needed that, maybe something got put back in place in his idiot brain when I punched him so many times.” She chuckled.
Eddie just stared at her for a moment, a smile adoring his face.
“What is it?” She asked.
“Huh?” His eyes shot back to reality. “Oh, nothing, nothing.”
He started picking up all the bloody gauzes and tissues to throw them away. (Y/n)’s eyes following his movements.
“I’ll be right back.” He smiled and left.
(Y/n) sighed and threw herself back to lay on Eddie’s bed. She was staring at the ceiling and then started thinking how could she humiliate Jason Carver further. If he thought this was a onetime thing, he was so wrong. She definitely wasn’t done yet.
taglist: @r93339 @stvrdustalexx @cursedandromedablack @ccosmic-illusion @luvwanda @justice4lils @heizenka @wolfstarsimpxx @miss-bloodbath @screambih @lyntic @freeshavocadoooo @laracrof7s @naturalswifty89 @bvmbshell @alainabooks143 @squidwardsluverxx @phantomxoxo @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @stilesks @ilovedilfs32 @kaitlin-r130 @greengarsstuff @axen-gers @088i880 @ilovefictionalbrunettes
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chilly-me-softly · 2 years
Big Brother • Mason Mount
Request: Mason is either you dad or brother and you started your first period and you don’t know what to do and you at training and some one said a something and he help u hope that make sense
You and Mason are four years apart, he is the eldest and you have always adored him. Your mother often says that you were always attached to him, whatever he did. So it was only a matter of time for you to start playing football like him and with him.
As you grew older, you realised that you liked it, that it could be your life and you started to take training more seriously, dreaming of playing in a stadium full of people cheering for you and of winning many important trophies.
Your parents left you both at the camp that afternoon, you're sure of that since you went in the same car. Yet no matter where you look you cannot find your brother Mason anywhere. You wander the corridors cautiously trying to hear his laugh or catch a glimpse of him, but there seems to be no sign of him in that place suddenly too big for you.
Panic is taking hold of you more and more, the breath you have tried to keep under control as much as possible is slipping from your hands. You enter what turns out to be the physio room and there is no one there, it seems like a dream. Or rather a nightmare.
Instead, someone is there that you haven't noticed panicking, he approaches you and you shrug as soon as he tries to brush past you. "Call Mason" is all you say before you go and hide in the corner of that room.
And you don't actually know how long it's been since you huddled there, after stealing a tablecloth and hiding under it trying to be invisible. When such a familiar voice makes you whimper.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N) what happened? I... I'm going to take this off you now okay?" slowly that piece of cloth slides off your head but you still hold it tightly preventing it from uncovering your legs.
"So what happened?" seventeen year old Mason looks at you trying not to show his concern but his eyes give it away having always been very expressive.
"Where were you? I couldn't find you" you mutter and he feels like someone has punched him in the chest, seeing you so small and helpless hasn't happened in a long time. You always wanting to appear bigger than you are. "I need your help"
"Are you hurt?" he tries to put a hold on his racing brain thinking about what could have possibly happened, as you shake your head wiping away a tear as your mind replays what happened only moments ago.
"Hey, you know you can tell me anything" so you murmur those words which he genuinely struggles to understand though and his expression in another context would have made you genuinely laugh.
"I got my period" you spell correctly this time, gaze down and embarrassment taking over you.
"Ooh" you hear Mason murmur as he shifts position resting his back against the nearby wall and pulling you to himself, "it's okay, nothing to be ashamed of"
"No it's not! Or the girls- they..." they wouldn't have been so mean.
"What did they say?" his tone of voice becomes more serious, his older brother's protective instincts wasting no time in kicking in.
"(Y/N)" he calls you back, a hand of his continuing to rhythmically stroke your hair, creating a calming effect. And you sigh, not really wanting to tell that part out loud. You just want to bury it somewhere and forget about it as soon as possible, but you know Mason would keep pressing and he wouldn't let you do that now that you've let bits slip out.
"They... started mocking me for messing my trousers"
"All of them?"
"No not everyone but- does it make a difference?"
"No" he sighs, leaving a kiss on your temple. He would like to say more to cheer you up but he doesn't think a catchphrase is what you need right now.
"Okay here's what we're going to do. We're going to get changed and as soon as we get home we're going to hide out in your room and watch some movies and eat some chocolate"
"How do you know all this stuff? It's for the girls isn't it?!" 
"Only for my beautiful little sister" he grins innocently as you roll your eyes, then a grimace paints itself on your face. "Mase I- I can't move"
"Can you wait here for a moment?" you nod as his body moves away from yours and you follow him with your gaze until he disappears through the door. You huff hiding your face in your hands and suppressing a scream of frustration.
Every little noise makes your heart jolt, praying that no one but Mason will come through that door. And you almost breathe a sigh of relief when you finally see your brother coming back towards you with something in his hand.
"I brought you one of my shorts and... well I asked one of the ladies if she had a- a you know"
"Thanks Mase" a genuine smile forms on your face as you save him from his moment of embarrassment and quickly hug him wanting to thank him for being there once again.
Mason laughs amused to see you after you've changed, "That short barely covers my knees, look how it fits you instead"
"Ha ha very funny Mason"
"Hey bitchy, I'm not going to do this with you for the rest of my life from now on is that clear."
"Yeah yeah make fun of me, go ahead"
And although you've calmed down since you were frantically looking for Mason just a while ago, you still feel awkward walking down those corridors. Convinced that everyone is there to stare at you. And several times you pull Mason by the shirt intimating him not to stop and talk to anyone, wanting to get to the car park as quickly as possible and sink into the seat all the way home.
Mason stares at you on the drive home, your gaze turned to the window lost in the landscape passing quickly before your eyes. His little sister, now a little woman. He is a little afraid, if he has to be honest, for what is to come from now on. You are growing up and with you so is his role as older brother, your relationship becoming more serious finding in each other someone to confide in. And he doesn't even get to think about you struggling with adolescence and boys and all that. No, absolutely not.
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years
Title: You’re enough
Pairing: Andy Barber x depressed!reader
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GIF belongs to @lilacevans !
WARNING - The following contains: angst/fluff, reader being depressed, receiving comfort.
Summary: Andy comforts you during your lowest.
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The house was quiet when Andy entered it, which was rather unusual for him. Usually when he came home later than you, the TV would be on or the radio would be playing music that was at its peak a couple of years ago. It was either one of those reasons or you would be working in the kitchen, preparing a snack with the kitchen fan on.
But this evening, there was none of that.
He called after you once but was met with no response. Maybe you were in bed taking a nap, he guessed.
He quietly rushed upstairs, and while he was right on you being in their shared bedroom, he had not expected to find you crying, your face buried onto the pillow as your body was shaking from your whimpers.
“Honey?” Andy called out once more by the doorframe, and you immediately shot up from bed, clearly not have expected him.
“Oh God…You scared me!…” you tried to play off humorously with a chuckle, but it was obvious it was far from sincere. You wiped your bloodshot eyes from any tears. “Hi, baby…” you tried to greet with a forced smile as you approached him.
His face was one of concern, and he held your shoulders when you were close enough while trying to get you to look him in the eye. “Sweetie, why are you crying?” He had to ask.
You still looked anywhere but at him, and more tears threatened to spill as you were still feeling very emotional from whatever was igniting them.
“Honey, look at me. Are you feeling unwell? Please talk to me…”
You shook your head dismissively. You took a deep breath as you realized you had no good excuse to make for your visible misery. “N-No, I just….— I don’t know why but I’ve been feeling so down lately. Maybe it’s because of the stress, o-or…” you couldn’t finish your sentence as a sob irrupted.
Andy’s heart broke as he witnessed his lover breaking down, and he gently closed the space between the two of you and wrapped his arms around you. He stroked your back while you cried into his suit.
“Tell me, sweetie. Tell me what’s hurting you. I beg you.” He pleaded.
You sniffled a few times and wiped a tear before you had the courage to talk again. “I feel like I am not good enough….like I have done less than I should have. Or that I could be much better than I am.” You shared with a shaky voice. “I feel so lost too. As if I have no place where I belong.”
“Oh, honey…” Andy whispered, almost in disbelief of what he was hearing. He couldn’t fathom his own lover had been bearing such feelings. “How long have you been feeling this way?”
“…For a few weeks or something….I don’t know, - I tried to ignore them but I see now how consequential that is because now I feel awful. I think I’ve also been feeling lonely?…which doesn’t make sense because I have you, but I still can’t help but feel it…it’s silly and so selfish of me to say that, I’m so sorry-!” Another sob choked your voice, and Andy held around you tight while soothing you.
“Shhh, it’s okay honey….breathe for me, okay? You don’t sound silly at all. You’ve obviously been battling your emotions all by yourself, - of course it’s reasonable for you to feel lonely. I apologize for not picking up on your struggles, sweetie…”
You shook your head and let Andy dry your eyes from tears with the use of his thumb as he looked into your eyes with guilt. “No, don’t apologize…I should have communicated….I think all I want to do now is have you close to me….can you please come to bed with me early, Andy? U-Unless you have work that needs to be finished, - I don’t mean to impose -!”
“Of course I’ll come to bed with you, honey.” He interrupted softly, and held up your chin. “You are my first priority. I want to make those feelings go away and prove to you how important you are. How you’re good enough. Will you let me do that, sweetie?”
You formed a smile on your lips, a more genuine one anyway and nodded as you let out a sharp breath. Andy fondled your hand into his and led you back onto bed, first crawling over to his side and inviting you to snuggle into him. You did so, and when your head rested on his chest, he put his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him.
For the rest of the night, Andy whispered praises and reassurances until you fell asleep. The weight of carrying the pain was finally wearing off your chest while you were in the arms of your dear lover.
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N/A: Have been struggling with negative emotions and this fic is a result of me trying to get rid of them.
Hearts & Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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