#don’t even get me started on how mickey was written
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juviavevo · 1 year ago
finding out ncuti gatwa is the new doctor, david tennant is returning for 3 specials and rtd is returning as a writer so you excitingly decide to rewatch all of doctor who (2005) again since 2014: no fear
actually rewatching doctor who (2005) again and realising that the rtd1 era was more antiblack than you remembered it to be and he’s now also writing the first black (main) doctor: one fear
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alexstalkers · 9 months ago
Everything Has Changed- Part 1
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Hello everyone, this is the first story I've ever written, and especially of the fanfic type. I am a big Shameless fan and have been rewatching lately and Carl is my favorite character. I hope you enjoy!! (Please give feedback, in a nice way) I might do a part two if people like this❤️ 
Backstory: Carl Gallagher is a police officer, and you are studying Psychology with a minor in Sociology at the University of Chicago. You meet at a time in your life where you don't need distractions or a relationship, but the Gallaghers are hurricanes and Carl changes your world view. 
SONG INSPIRATION: Everything Has Changed- Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran (Corny, IK) 
Characters: Y/N (Your Name) (black woman), Michelle (Your best friend and roommate also a black woman) Carl Gallagher, other Gallaghers (Ian, Lip, Liam) Kev, V, Mickey 
I wasn’t ready for how this day was going to go. At. All. At. Fucking. All. I was frustrated waiting in line at some check cashing place near my job, and only had 10 minutes left on my lunch break. I was impatient and my only thought was, "can these people hurry the fuck up?!" I felt like the time was deliberately speeding up as the people around me were slowing down.  
I was annoyed as I finally walked up to the front counter and put my check in front of the middle-aged white lady that was smiling back at me, "Hi, how are you? May I see some ID please?", The woman’s pleasant attitude annoyed me even more as I pulled out my wallet to showcase my ID while rolling my eyes. The woman pulls down her glasses to inspect it for second and grabs the check from me. “One second”, she says with a smile while turning around. After a few minutes, she turns back around and starts to passive-aggressively count out loud my change back to me. “Eight-hundred and fifty dollars.”, she says handing me the money.  
I snatch it out of her hand and turn to walk out the door as the woman smiles and waves goodbye. As I walk out of the check cashing place, I look at my phone for the time to see I have one minute left of my lunch break. “Shit! Shit, shit, fuck!”, I yell frantically running to my car that is parked across the street. As I get to my car, I see a cop about to put a ticket on the windshield. “Wait officer, I’m here! Please don’t do that, please!” 
 “Meter was up. Nothing I can do.”, he says with a don't care type of attitude. 
“You can’t just spare me this one time? I’m already running late for work, and it won’t happen again.”, I plead.  
He looks at me as I stare back with a pathetic expression on my face, eyes begging him. “Sorry about it ma’am.” He shrugs his shoulders as he places the ticket on my windshield as he turns around and walks away. 
“Asshole!” I yell. He stops walking and turns his head to glare at me.  
“Oh! So, you want another ticket for disrespecting an officer, ma’am?”, he shouts back at me in a pointed way.  
My eyebrows shot up in a scary way as I ran into my car before he tried to ticket me again. 
“Damn it!”, I exclaim as I check the time and see I have 5 minutes to get back to work and it’s a 3-minute drive to get to my job at the DoubleTree Hotel.
When I get to my job, I rush inside to the front desk where I work, and my boss has beaten me there. “Cutting it close, Y/N. Do you nap on your breaks? I don’t have time to wait for you.” My boss isn’t a tyrant, but he is strict and more so than usual because his wife is pregnant and almost due, so he’s been stressed about that. 
“Sorry Brandon, won’t happen again.” I apologized while going behind the front desk. “Did that high school that booked verify their reservation?” I ask while looking on the computer to check the most recent guests that checked in and out. 
“No, they didn’t and they’re coming in three days.” Brandon says walking into his office. I sigh as I start trying to get in touch with the school staff for the reservation. This is going to be a long night. 
When I get back to my apartment that I share with my best friend at around 6 pm, I am finally ready to settle down, relax from this long day and take a nice bath, but Michelle comes running over to me. “Can you zip this up for me, please?”, she asks turning around in a black corset mini dress. 
“Okkkk, you look cute friend!” I hype her up while I zip up the dress, “but where are you going?”, I ask. 
“You mean us because you’re coming with me. I met this guy a couple of days ago and he asked me out to this new club, said I could bring a friend and he’s bringing one of his. Make it like a double date kind of thing.” She explained as she put on black high-heeled boots. 
I groaned. “I’m not really feeling up to it I had a long day, I was late for work after cashing my check and the cashier was rude as shit. My boss was giving me hell and I got a ticket. Also, we have midterms coming up soon.”  
“This is exactly why we need to get you out of this apartment, you���re stressing too much. You could use a little bit of fun and time to enjoy life with no work or school.” 
“Finnee…” I say looking at her hesitantly as she pushes me into my room to get dressed. After I take my shower, I stand in front of my closet and pull out a taupe-colored sweater knit dress, a black mesh bodysuit, black pantyhose, black mesh designer gloves and suede leather high-heel ankle boots.  
I lay out all of my clothes and start to get ready by doing makeup, hair and putting on body cream and perfume then I get on my clothes after about 30 minutes. I grab everything I need including my phone charger and wallet and leave my room to see Michelle waiting in the living room watching ‘The Kardashians’. She looks up as I come out. “You ready?”, she asks expectantly.  
“Yeah girly, let’s go before I change my mind!”, I joke half-heartedly as she turns off the TV and grabs her keys to leave. “You’re driving?” 
“Well, you have a ticket, remember?” She laughs as we leave and lock the apartment to go to the club.  
“What is this place called anyway?”, I ask on the way there while I play one of my Spotify playlists to help me get a little more turnt for tonight. 
“Cosmo, I think”, she replies “I just know it’s somewhere on the Southside.” She shrugs. 
“Why are we meeting some random ass guys on the Southside of Chicago?!”, I questioned. What type of horror movie shit did she get me into? “What the fuck do I look like going to the Southside and possibly getting murdered?” 
She sighs, “I’ve already met one of the guys and have been talking to him for a couple of days like I told you and he’s a cop and so is his friend. He also showed me a picture of his friend so we’re not going into this blind.” She explains.  
I give her an annoyed look, “Whatever, I’m only doing this for you. But if this gets weird, I’m taking my ass home.”, I explain. She nods with a smirk on her face as I roll my eyes. When we finally got to the club, Michelle followed the parking sign that leads to a small parking entrance next to the building that has a flickering neon sign that reads "Cosmo” and people lined up to get inside already.  
“Damn this is shitty. And there’s a line already. Come on, let’s hurry up and retouch our makeup before we go inside to meet the guys. I also want to show you a picture of my dates friend.”, Michelle explains excitedly as she starts to fix her lipstick.  
After we get done fixing ourselves up, we get out of the car and walk up to the line where we see people standing around the entrance, talking eagerly while waiting to get inside. It’s a little chilly outside and Michelle didn't bring a jacket, so she stands closer to me for body heat as we join the bustling line.  
Michelle looks at me nervously as I breathe out a breath of cold air. She pulls out her phone. “So, the guy that I’m meeting up with tonight is named Carl and like I said before he’s a cop and so is the friend he’s bringing for you. His friend's name is Michael. Here’s a picture that he sent me of him.”, she explained pulling up a picture of the Michael guy from her text messages. “What do you think?” 
I look at the picture for a minute and take in his olive skin, tattoos, and brown eyes. He’s attractive. “Yeah, he’s cute.”, I shrug off an oncoming smile that I know she can see by her smirk as she looks back down at her phone probably texting my approval to her date. “I just can’t wait to get inside, it’s cold as shit out here.”, I complain to change the topic as we inch closer to the entrance. “So, are they inside already or are they on their way?", I ask Michelle about the whereabouts of our dates. 
We inched even closer to the entrance. “I texted Carl and he said they’re meeting us here from his house, but that he doesn’t live far.”, she answered rubbing her hands together trying to warm herself up. As I was about to offer her my gloves we reached the entrance of the club. “Yay, finally!”, she groaned happily as she steps to the entrance nervously, but a giant man with a stern expression is standing there blocking it off with his arms crossed.  
“ID, please.”, the bouncer demands. Although he says ‘please’, it’s filled with authority and he’s not someone to mess with, so we go in our bags for our IDs immediately but get interrupted by a voice from behind. 
“Michelle, is that you?” We both turn around and see two guys, one is who Michelle showed me a picture of a few minutes earlier, he’s put together and wearing a nicely ironed shirt and jeans. The other guy who called Michelle’s name is more rugged looking, his hair is dark and messed up, he has sharp hazel eyes and a series of scars around his face. He’s wearing a random band t-shirt and a leather jacket and looks like he just rolled out of bed and put it on.  
“It’s ok, they’re with us,” he says to the bouncer as he and Michael flash their badges at him. Michelle and I glance at each other with impressed looks on our faces as the bouncer opens the rope and lets us in. 
We step into the dingy-looking club and the pulsating beat of the music automatically fills the air bringing up the vibe and has Michelle and Carl out on the dance floor already. “Would you like a drink?”, Michael asks me over the Nicki Minaj remix blasting through the speakers.  
“Yes please, thank you! I’m going to go find seats!”, I answer back as he nods and walks over to the bar. I squint my eyes over the flashing lights as I walk over to the seating area of the club with dimmer lighting and worn-out leather couches, chairs and tables in private sections. As I approach the seating area, the faint smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke creeps up my nose as I walk around looking for an empty section. I finally found one in a secluded corner near the bathrooms and saw Michael looking for me with our drinks in his hands, so I gestured him over to our section. 
“I just got you a vodka and cranberry. That, ok?”, he asks as he sits down and hands me my drink. I nod and take a sip before putting it on the table.  "What do you study at the University of Chicago?" Michael asks, leaning back casually and taking a sip from his own drink. 
"I’m majoring in psychology, with a minor in sociology," I respond, relaxing into the worn-out leather couch. "It’s a lot of work, but I love it. What about you? How long have you been a cop?" 
"About three years now," he replies. "Carl and I actually met at the academy. He’s a good guy, though sometimes a little too eager to throw himself into danger." 
"Sounds like Carl," I say with a small laugh, glancing over at the dance floor where Carl and Michelle are tearing it up. "Michelle told me he’s a bit of a wild card." 
"That’s one way to put it," Michael agrees with a chuckle. "But he’s got a good heart. We both do this job because we want to make a difference, you know?" 
"Yeah, I get that," I say, nodding. "It’s just... sometimes I wonder if the system is too broken to fix." 
Michael looks at me thoughtfully. "You sound like someone who’s seen a lot for your age." 
I shrug. "Maybe." 
"Okay..." he says, raising his eyebrow and taking another sip of his drink. "So, what do you do for fun when you’re not buried in books or dealing with rude cashiers?" 
I laugh, feeling the tension of the day slowly melting away. "Honestly, not much lately. Between school and work, I don’t have a lot of free time. But when I do, I like to read, watch movies, and sometimes go out dancing with Michelle." 
"Sounds like you need to have more nights out like this," Michael says with a grin. "Life’s too short to spend all of it working and studying." 
"Maybe you’re right," I admit, taking another sip of my drink. "So, tell me more about you. Any crazy stories from your time on the force?" 
Michael’s eyes light up. "Oh, I’ve got plenty. There was this one-time Carl and I were chasing down this guy who stole a car. We’re speeding through the streets, and Carl is hanging out of the window trying to shoot out the tires. It was like something out of a movie." 
"That sounds intense," I say, eyes wide. "Did you catch him?" 
"Yeah, we got him," Michael says proudly. "But not before Carl ended up with a busted lip and a bruised ego." 
We both laugh, the conversation flowing easily. Before I know it, an hour has passed, and I’m feeling much more relaxed and in the moment. Michelle and Carl joined us, flushed and laughing from their time on the dance floor. 
"Having fun?" Michelle asks, plopping down beside me. 
"Yeah, actually," I say, smiling at her. "Thanks for dragging me out tonight." 
"Anytime," she says, nudging me playfully. "So, Michael, what do you think of Y/N?" 
Michael looks at me, a warm smile spreading across his face. "I think she’s pretty great." 
I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks and look away, trying to hide my smile. "You’re not so bad yourself." 
Carl and Michelle exchange a knowing look, and I feel a sense of camaraderie growing among the four of us. Maybe tonight wasn’t such a bad idea after all. 
The rest of the night passes in a blur of laughter, dancing, and good conversation. By the time we leave the club, I’m feeling lighter than I have in weeks. As we walk to the car, Michael walks beside me, his hand brushing against mine. 
"I had a really great time tonight," he says softly. 
"Me too," I admit. "Maybe we can do this again sometime?" 
"I’d like that," he says, smiling down at me. 
As we reach the car, Michelle and Carl are already inside, talking animatedly. Michael opens the door for me, and I slide in, feeling a sense of contentment I haven’t felt in a long time. Maybe this was the distraction I needed. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something new. 
Back at the apartment, Michelle and I collapse on the couch, exhausted but happy. 
"See? Didn’t I tell you it would be fun?" she says, kicking off her boots. 
"Yeah, you were right," I admit, smiling. "Thanks for dragging me out tonight." 
"Anytime, girl," she says, giving me a hug. "Now get some sleep. We’ve got midterms to tackle." 
"Right," I say, rolling my eyes. But as I head to my room, I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement for what’s to come. Maybe Carl and his friend had brought more than just a night of fun into my life. Maybe they’d brought a new beginning. 
I fall asleep that night with a smile on my face, ready to see what the future holds. 
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kickingitwithkirk · 5 months ago
Paschal Moon
Summary: Jensen finds crossing the tracks isn’t always a bad thing
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Astronomer!Reader
WC: 2358
Warnings: some angst, really bad punning(sorry) divorce, cheating, innuendos, cursing, reader says shit like I do IRL 😅
A/N: 10/24-I’ve fixed the grammatical errors and expanded this part, cause you know me, I can be chatty and I've written a sequel!
Square Filled: @winchesterandbeyondbingo -midnight @spnmixedbingo -secret dating @spnaubingo -wet dream @j3bingo -camping @howbadcanitbebingo -cliche galore
*divider by @firefly-graphics
*no Beta-all mistakes are mine
*photos found online
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It was Thursday night, and once again, Jensen found himself the proverbial third wheel. The Padalecki’s meant well, dragging him everywhere with them since he filed for divorce, wanting to keep him from brooding with a bottle when not with his kids.
And it wasn’t that Jensen didn’t mind socializing. It was knowing the evening would be filled with repetitive I’m sorry, and the look of sympathy that sent him straight to the open bar first for many a shot nowadays. 
Feeling the slight buzz he needed kicking in, Jensen put on his game face and, with another tumbler of liquid courage in hand, made the rounds, chatting amicably with various groups and catching up with old friends.
Things were going pretty well until some dumb fuck turned to Genevieve, loudly blurting they’d heard Danneel making the rounds with guys with more sizable assets was the reason for the divorce pissed off her moose-sized husband, who bellows shut your unprepossessing cake hole causes a momentary distraction allowing Jensen to escape out a nearby door before punching the sonuvabitch with the double entendre himself. 
Slamming it shut, he stomped to the riverside view, wrapping both hands around the horizontal guardrail and squeezing like he was wringing a chicken's neck when the simultaneous swish of fabric and a hand holding half a glass of liquid appeared.
“Looks like you could use this more than me.” 
Jensen’s eyes met those of the tall drink of water he’d noticed throughout the evening. Looking at the glass again made her laugh, “I’m not slipping you a Mickey.” Lifting it to her lips, he watched her throat ungulate as she drank and felt Jen Jr. rising to attention. “See, Peaches, I’m not some crazy stalker.” 
Jensen takes the glass and feels a spark when their fingers brush. “Thanks, I wasn’t thinking..that.” Throwing back the rest, he appreciates the liquor's smooth slide down his throat. “It’s been a pretty shitty evening.”
“Preaching to the choir, Peaches! I came ‘cause my second cousin on my mama’s side girl broke up with him, and now I know why.” She bends over and retrieves a bottle, giving Jensen a fantastic view of her breasts artfully showcased in her cocktail dress, and pops up, pointing the bottle at him.
 “That motherfucker thought he could pimp me out for a promotion! What the hell is it with people having a ring on it?” She grabs his left wrist, tilting it so the outdoor lights glint off the wedding band he hasn’t removed yet, “Acting like this means absofuckinglutely nothing?”
“Now you’re preaching to the choir. My soon-to-be ex was doing that while I was working in Vancouver and telling everyone it’s because I’m lacking.” Jensen couldn’t stop self-dissing since catching Danneel and one of his closest friends together.
“Hoooly shit!  You’re the guy whose wife runs around saying you couldn’t find her clit with a map, GPS, or fucking bullseye paint on it!” Jensen’s eyes widened at her audacity. “Hell, most gals just use a vibrator if they wanna get off that bad. And did you just admit your package is..?” She wiggles her pinky finger while refilling the glass, “Don’t get me wrong, no shame if you know how to use it.” 
She finally noticed his expression slapped a hand over her mouth and mumbled, “Oh fuck, I’m so sorry! My mouth doesn’t know how to stop once I get started. Blame it on my upbringing.” Jensen took a drink to cover his humiliation, and a stiffener for no telling what she’d say next asked, “Upbringing?”
Removing her hand reveals a guileless smile: “You know what they say, you can take the girl outta the trailer park.” Bewilderment crossed his face to her self-deprecating response. “Yeah, I’m that relative they always warned you about.”
“Little late with the warning, sweetheart.”
She burst out laughing, and Jensen found himself doing the same.
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Jensen couldn’t believe it. 
In his profession, showing unscripted emotions was a sign of weakness many would exploit. Yet, here he was, a forty-three-year-old man usually in control, sitting outback of this building with a woman he’d never met before, who’d upended that control.
She was the distraction he needed before knowing it; he did something he’d never do under normal circumstances, told her everything, and got a response of, “That sucks balls, and not in a good way!”
“Kicker is; she wants alimony.”
“What a gall darn minute. You caught your almost ex doing the beast with two backs, right?” Jensen hums in response. “Peaches, I’m no lawyer, but I’d say that ain’t fucking happening,” She tips the second five-finger discounted bottle over the glass he’d again drained. “And no offense, your ex makes those whores back in Ratchet City look almost pious. Most have the decency not to fuck in your bed.”
Jensen rubbed his face, “I can’t believe I’ve told a stranger about my marital problems.”
“Sometimes it’s easier to unburden yourself to someone you don’t know.”
“I haven’t even told my family or Jared!”
“And Jared is?”
“The guy who has my back no matter what.” She ponders his response for a moment. “That’s probably why. You’re afraid that if he knows what happened, it’ll diminish how he sees you.” Jensen appeared confused. “Guys POV... if I caught my wife fucking around and saying it’s cause I couldn’t keep her satisfied in the sack, I’d not wanna discuss it either. But I know it’s,” wiggles pinky again, “Horseshit.”
“You dress left, and I’ve never had an iPhone stand up to say hello.” Jensen struggled to formulate a coherent response. “Ahh, come on, Peaches, you know you’ve given many people wet dreams about the Ackelconda.”
“Why do you keep calling me that?”
“Cause you’ve got the juiciest peach of an ass, and I wouldn’t kick you outta bed for eating crackers,” she says, winking at him, but before he responds, they hear a booming, “Jensen!” Jared appears out the side door, walking towards them. “Fuck, man, I’ve been looking all over for you!  We need to get going; it’s almost midnight.”
“Well, pooh, and here I thought I was going to get lucky,” she says as they stand up; a ringing church bell echoes across the river twelve times. “Guess it’s time to leave the ball and head back to the pumpkin patch.” 
Walked past Jared, she nodded and was almost to the open door when Jensen yelled, “Wait!” She paused as he ran over, “You can’t leave this way. I don’t even know your name.” She held out a hand, “Give me your phone.” He unlocked it and noticed her smirk while she was typing. “Give me a ring if you ever cross the tracks, Peaches." 
Both men appreciated her retreating form when Jared asked, “Who was that?” Jensen doesn’t answer until she disappears in the crowded room, then glances at the screen and gets his you’ve got to be kidding face.
Weeks later
One afternoon, they were hanging out watching football, and Jared, tired of nagging Jensen about getting back on the horse and calling her, pulled out the big guns, telling him if he was going to act like a girl, maybe he should put on a skirt and call himself Jane.
That irked an inebriated Jensen, who fumbled his phone out of his pocket, pulled up her contact info…and chickened out again, tossing it on the couch. Jared saw her number on the screen and tapped call, knowing he risked getting kneed in the nads. Two rings later, her voice came through the speaker. 
“Peaches, you’re slower than molasses crawling uphill in January giving a girl a holler.” Hearing her voice mellowed Jensen, and they agreed to meet on Friday at a hole-in-the-wall for lunch where he wouldn’t be recognized.
That lunch became dinner. Dinner became bar hopping, and after indulging in one too many, they sneaked into Blue Hole Regional Park, went skinny dipping, and did things that would scare fish. Afterward, she takes him to a Waffle House, somewhere he hadn’t been in years, for a bowl of 4 AM chili.
Monday morning, coffeeholic Jensen grumpily fumbles around the shoebox-sized kitchen in her hundred-year-old farmhouse, searching for a mug while waiting on an aged percolator to finish.
Bending over to look in the dishwasher, he discovers one with a rainbow-maned unicorn flipping the bird, saying, I Run On Caffeine Sarcasm & Cuss Words.  Straightening up, Jensen bangs his head on an overhanging cabinet and finds the last two words apropos. Finally brewed, Jensen steps out onto the shady front porch, sipping on the dark roast, and sits in one of the old rockers, contemplating if he’s having a midlife crisis.
They were barely acquainted twenty-four hours before they got together, in the biblical sense. He heard Dean's gravelly voice telling him to stop being a dumbass, that he deserved this after the shellacking Danneel delivered the last few months.
What astounds Jensen is that when his heart broke harder than he knew it could, she was the solace he craved, and he began to believe it would mend with her.
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Jensen was nervous because tonight was extra special.
A few months back, she bounded into his home excited about an upcoming celestial event and field trip her astronomy class was taking. She really, really wanted him to go, even though they agreed to keep their relationship secret until he’d finalized his divorce. It struck Jensen that it would be the perfect night to do something he’d wanted to do since their first date, so he said yes while mentally making other arrangements for the night.
“Peaches, this isn’t the way.”
“We’re not going there sweetheart.”
“I realize that Captain Obvious! What I want to know, wtf?!  Are you trying to get me fired? I have a class...."
“That Dr. Carnegie is graciously covering.”
“Why is..what did you do Jensen?”
“I went to the head of your department,” she groaned, “And inquired if someone else could supervise because I’d planned a special night with my girl.”
“What happened to us keeping on the DL? Carnegie is the biggest blabbermouth! Everyone on the planet’s gonna know about us by morning!”
“My divorce was finalized this morning.”
“WHAT!” she indignantly squawked. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?!” Jensen bemusedly listened to her ongoing rant, eventually picking up her hand and kissing its back, entwining their fingers as he drove on for another hour to Inks Lake State Park. “Since when do you camp out?” She asks when he pays for an overnight camping permit. “Cause the one time I asked, you gave me stink face at the mention of a tent.”
“Since the day you bounded into my home all excited and asked me to come with you. I wanted to make tonight special.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Thank you. I sincerely appreciate you compromising your creature comforts for me.” Jensen scratched the back of his head, “Well, it’s not technically camping out. I got an air mattress that fits in the truck bed.”
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“I know it’s a yearly thing, so what makes this one so special?” Jensen asked as he gazed up at the moon awash with a vivid pink hue. The question made her lift her head from the telescope’s eyepiece, and an amused expression crossed her features.
“Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs. Robinson? Or do you want me to paint you like one of those French girls?” Jensen peers down at his unintentional position: one hand tucked behind his head, bowed legs splayed, one knee slightly bent, his other hand lying near the sliver of skin peeking out between his dark henley and well-worn jeans.
 “What makes this one so special?” She walks towards the truck, setting foot on the back bumper, gripping the tailgate, and hopping over it onto the mattress. “It is the moon's proximity to the earth.” She crawls forward, placing her hands on either side of his shoulders and slung a leg over Jensen’s hips, slowly sitting down. “Plus, being ultra-close, the color is so vivid that whatthehellisinyourpants!!”
Jensen quickly sits up, about to grab her waist so she doesn’t hit the sidewall, but she scoots down his legs. “That’d better be a sex toy in your pants and not Peyronie’s disease.” Jensen gave her a bewildered look. “What can I say? I like your cock as is. Curves just right for my pleasure.”
“Your mouth is gonna be the death of me..” “..but what a way to go?”
Jensen flopped on his back, groaning, “This isn’t how I imagined tonight going.” She smiled and crawled back over him, “So let’s pretend we’re on set. I’ve flubbed the scene and do another take.”
“That’s why I love you,” reaching up, Jensen tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “The fact that everything that pops into my head comes flying out of my mouth?” Jensen chuckles at her question. “Yeah, I like you, just as you are.” He reaches into the pocket she sat on, pulls out a box, and opens it, revealing the ring he’d chosen. “And would be the luckiest man alive if you’d marry me.”
Taking her left hand, he slides it on her finger, feeling apprehensive at her silence. It is almost deafening, having never known her without any response. “Getting nervous here, sweetheart,” Jensen says as he sits up. "Look, I know we’ve only been together for a short time. I don’t want you to feel pressured in any way to answer right now.”
“What’s the stone?”
“Umm... it’s a Moldavite.” She gets that expression he still isn’t sure what to make of it. “I know it’s not conventional, and if you want to pick something else,” Jensen breaks off, watching her eyes fill with tears.
“You gave me this not ‘cause you’re being cheap. The stone, you knew what the significance of its origin would mean to me.” She cupped his cheek, “You’ve never put on airs with me, never been anything other than yourself. A genuine, caring, funny-as-hell doofus with a beautiful soul and I’m saying yes!”
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Paschal Moon 2.0-coming 10/24
SPNTAGS:  @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva @lassie-bird  @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67 @leigh70 @b3autyfuld1sast3r
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @beabutterfly987   @smoothdogsgirl @deans-spinster-witch
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em-harlsnow · 2 months ago
AO3 wrapped 2024
thank you to @energievie for making this and @mybrainismelted for tagging me <3
( I only started writing in 2024, but I still wanted to do this :) )
How many words have you written this year?
solo: 295,326
group projects (with @spookygingerr ): 47787
How many works did you publish this year?
24 total
1 group project
5 WIPs
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
It's a tough choice, but I'm proud of 'iron bars' because it's the longest thing I've written. Other than that, it's probably either 'motherhood and what comes of it' or 'lilac shirts and bart simpson'.
What work of yours has the most hits?
Iron Bars - 9,390
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
'lilac shirts and bart simpson' and 'your all talk'
Favourite title you used.
'lilac shirts and bart simpson' (it's random, idk why)
and 'cardinal sin is a vivid red' (because I got a bit into red imagery for a bit)
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
I don't, but one of my fics is named after a song lyric, which is 'I see you as I see yourself' from Vampire Empire by Big Thief
Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
I only wrote for one, lol, so Gallavich <3
Favourite pairing you wrote for this year?
Again, Gallavich
What work was the quickest to write?
Anything from 'Gallaghers and Group Chats' was quick to write
What work took you the longest to write?
'not everything's a struggle' and 'iron bars' are hard for me to write sometimes
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Three or four, but most are just new chapters to current WIPs
What’s your longest work of the year?
'Iron Bars' - 80676
What’s your shortest work of the year?
'I like taking pictures (as long as your in them) - 865
What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
'Iron Bars', 'Heard you could save me' and 's'more of you')
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Fluff, apparently
Your favourite character to write this year?
Mickey my beloved but Ian is a close second, I also really like writing Lip as a side character because he can have good banter with other characters
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Maybe Ian? I love writing him but it can be more difficult at times
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Which work of yours have you reread the most?
'you're all talk' probably
How many kudos in total did you get this year?
Which work has the most comments?
'iron bars'
Did you do any collaborative works this year?
yes, 's'more of you' with @spookygingerr <3
Did you write any gifts this year?
no I did not
Did you receive any gifts this year?
nope (I dont really know what they are or how they work tbh)
What’s your most common category?
angst mixed with fluff I guess
What do you listen to while writing?
Mitsky or any alt music really, plus a little hiphop
Favourite work you wrote this year?
'lilac shirts and bart simpson' or 'motherhood and what comes of it' or 'I see you as you see yourself' or 'you're all talk'
Favourite line/passage you wrote this year?
it's sort of long, but oh well
You’re gonna act like you were the only one who had it bad!? You don’t even fuckin know what he did to me when he came back early from a run and found me and Ian together! You don’t know a fucking thing!” Mickey looks like he might stand, but he remains seated mainly because of the pressure of Ian’s palm on his leg. “You’re acting like I’m fucking mad at you for leaving, when I’m not! You’re acting like I wish you’d stayed! You’re fucking acting like you know anything at all, and you fucking don’t. I’m fucking pissed at you because you abandoned your kids! You fucking- you fucking- you- abandoned me! I fucking- needed you and you left! Mandy needed you, and you left! And you didn’t take us with you!”
from 'motherhood and what comes of it'
Biggest surprise while writing this year?
since I started writing this year I was surprised at actually getting any hits or attention at all. I only started writing because my cousin dared me to, so I wrote 'it's dark tonight (will you stay?)' and then started to get a positive reaction and kept writing.
I'm tagging:
@blue-disco-lights, @sgtmickeyslaughter, @crossmydna , @sam-loves-seb, @suzy-queued, @runninonemptyy, @gallawitchxx , @blue-disco-lights @wehangout @callivich @ian-galagher @deathclassic @palepinkgoat @whatthebodygraspsnot @em-harlsnow @catgrassplantdad @darlingian @sgtmickeyslaughter @burninface @jrooc @mybrainismelted
How many words have you written this year?
How many works did you publish this year?
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
What work of yours has the most hits?
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Favorite title you used.
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
What work was the quickest to write?
What work took you the longest to write?
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
What’s your longest work of the year?
What’s your shortest work of the year?
What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Your favorite character to write this year?
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Which work of yours have you reread the most?
How many kudos in total did you get this year?
Which work has the most comments?
Did you do any collaborative works this year?
Did you write any gifts this year?
Did you receive any gifts this year?
What’s your most common category?
What do you listen to while writing?
Favorite work you wrote this year?
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Biggest surprise while writing this year?
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wehangout · 3 months ago
Shameless DVD Commentary
The wonderful @i-think-you-mean-reduction asked for a DVD commentary on Suncatcher! This was the first time I'd read it since finishing, so that was a lot of fun, too! This whole thing got away on me, so hit that read more if you want to read more 💜 as usual, thanks to @callivich for starting this awesome idea!
Which fanfic is your DVD commentary about?
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc)
Okay, I started posting this in March of 2022, which leads me to believe I started writing it in 2021 (I'm on a borrowed laptop, so can't check). It took some time to finish because ~real life~ and word count hits 58,592.
What was the initial inspiration for your story?
Oooh, okay. This post. If you don't want to click, it's a text post saying "au where thief!cas tries to ride dean's dick and keep track of when his flashdrive is done stealing the contents of dean's computer at the same time". Obviously, that kind of scene never happened in Suncatcher, but vibes, you know?
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character?
Mostly Mickey because almost everything I write is Mickey pov. But I did experiment with this by writing those 3rd person Ian snippets, and literally the only reason for it is so the reader could be there for that moment of realisation when Ian figures it all out.
What was your favourite scene to write?
I don't know that I have one, but I really enjoyed the scene where Mickey asks Ian to come to Mexico. Getting to write them being soft, even just for a minute, was nice. And literally any of their flirty banter was fun to write lol.
How did you come up with the title?
I feel like this doesn't need an explanation, lol. I will say, though, I had three other titles in mind. I had "Denouement", "Encontrar", and "Atrapasol". Encontrar means "to find" in Spanish (because I knew it would end with them in Mexico), while "Atrapasol" means "suncatcher". At least, according to Google translate lmao.
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice?
I did a reread in order to write this commentary, so, please, have a list of moments, foreshadowing, and references.
* Mickey's nautical-themed sleeve! “Sailing? Nah, man. I just really like pirates.” Get it? Because he's a thief? And pirates steal shit? Literally no one caught onto that haha * “Uh … growing up the way I did, I’m probably better at the B&E itself rather than tryin’ to solve it.” -- Mickey literally says this in the first chapter lmao * His mind doesn’t go over every detail of the North Side burglaries and he doesn’t obsess over the thief committing them. No thief. Just a bartender. Just Mickey. -- Um, hello? * “Never gonna give that up, are we?” “Never gonna live it down.” “Those aren’t the lyrics.” “Okay, lyric police.” -- 27 Dresses, thank you * Ahh, Mickey's blowjob tattoo. The amount of erotic tattoo designs I looked at for this, but nothing was right. Until Mitch 💜 * He snorts. “Clearly you don’t know many writers.” “I don’t. Should I?” “No. They’re the worst.” -- I'm dying 😂 * Well, this really has turned into a commentary, huh? Apologies. * "A little dry, to be honest." Chapter 3 and 9. Did anyone catch that?
Was there anything you struggled to write? If so, how did you overcome this?
The last two chapters. Life completely turned upside-down on me and I couldn't write a thing. Zero motivation, infinity depression. Then, at the beginning of this year ... I dunno. I don't know what happened, but suddenly I was writing again and I haven't stopped yet.
Favourite line in the story?
“Catch me if you can, motherfucker.”
“Two, I give you the keys to the cuffs and leave. But first I suck your dick until you come down my throat.”
“I’ll give you what you want, Red, you just have to decide what you want more; the thief, or his mouth?”
“I didn’t do anything,” he whispers. “You did everything, Ian.”
“Interesting,” he says. “I was already half in love with you by then.” 😭
“I’m gonna fuck you now. You know that, right?” You groan and drop your head. “You might just break my fucking heart if you don’t, Gallagher.”
“So long as that lover is you, Gallagher.”
Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story?
Yeah, but only chapters 9 and 10. Initially I was going to write Ian having a depressive episode and Mickey talking to him about everything while he was down, but I hated the idea. I didn't want it to seem like Mickey/the thief was the cause of his episode, and I also didn't want to use it as a tool. The idea changed into a possible attack on Ian, but that still wasn't working for me. So, instead, you got the scene with Mickey handcuffed and Ian asking questions. I switched the vulnerability around and made it way more fun.
If you are writing a particular trope or genre, was it your first time writing this?
Nah. A little crime with my romance is my go-to lol
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc)
Finishing it. Kidding. Kinda. Not really.
Actually, though, the dialogue and banter is pretty good. It reads very natural, so I'm proud of that.
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story?
Only what I mentioned above. I wrote the attack on Ian, Mickey sitting with him in hospital ... it wasn't good.
Are there any ‘behind the scenes’ info you’d like to share - e.g. what’s going on in a characters head in a certain scene or how you came to write a certain line?
Oh, the moment where Ian finds the camera and leaves it. He'd just heard Mickey tell him that he stopped watching before things got interesting, and that's what he's thinking about as he puts the camera back down with a smirk. About Mickey not stopping just as things get interesting. I had thought about writing it, too. A scene where Mickey doesn't close the laptop, working consent into it and Ian putting on a fucking show
Reading back the story now, is there anything you’d change or add?
I don't think so. I'm pretty happy with most of it.
Would you ever write a sequel to this story?
Kinda did. Wouldn't be opposed to doing more. All the cream pie banter I'm rereading is def giving me inspo for if I write more of them oops
Are there any ‘easter eggs’ in your story - e.g. references to other stories you’ve written, a trope you often use etc?
I think I mentioned this in the commentary for Thicker Than Forget, but Jim Morrison/The Doors lyrics. I don't know, man, it just works for me haha.
Also the name thing - Gallagher/Ian/baby and Mickey/Mick.
There's also the line "It’s gone from bartender and customer having a bit of fun flirting and teasing, to silk sheets and Nine Inch Nails pounding through the speakers." - The NIN might be a reference to Help Me (Tear Down My Reasons) 😏 iykyk
Were you nervous or excited to post this story?
Excited. Probably more excited to post ch2, though, just for the reaction to Mickey being the thief haha
Did you have a beta or a friend who helped you as you wrote?
@whaticameherefor always 💜
Ask your followers to pick a snippet (no more than 500 words) and share your thoughts about it.
@i-think-you-mean-reduction asked for the scene where Ian asks Mickey on a date which I've pasted below.
A couple of notes on it:
The Riverwalk Cocktail Festival is a real thing in Chicago
I put a stupid amount of research into finding them the perfect date and this just fits.
Reading it back, I love that the Mickey doesn't think of the thief or anything to do with that shit once during this conversation. It's just two guys who like each other, and one's asking the other out on a date. It's just happy.
I think Mickey was so surprised that Ian was asking him out that everything he said and felt and thought was genuine. He even has a moment of "Fucking finally" that he doesn't mean to say, but 100% means.
I'm sad they never did it.
“Just my gut.” He pauses. Smiles. “Speaking of … in the interest of trusting my gut with my personal life as well as my professional life, have you heard of the Riverwalk Cocktail Festival next month?” Your heart skips a beat. Yeah, you’re heard of the fucking festival, and you can’t believe Ian’s doing this. “I’ve been a few times,” you tell him. “Sandy and I go under the pretence of work, and then get shit-faced.” “Okay, so do you maybe wanna go again?” He fingers go back to the coaster, but again he keeps eye contact. “But, you know, with me instead of Sandy.” There’s nothing romantic about the Riverwalk Cocktail Festival unless you go to the Riverwalk Cocktail Festival with romantic intentions. If you go with a date then it’s stupidly fucking romantic and you and Sandy used to talk shit about those assholes every chance you got, but … But the idea of being one of those couples, of going with Ian and having it be romantic … it makes you sick to your stomach how much you like the idea. “You askin’ me on a date, Gallagher?” He stares at you, eyes wide and honest. “Yeah.” “Fuckin’ finally.” You don’t mean to say it. You think it and you mean it, but you don’t mean to say it. Ian’s smile, though, makes the slip worth it. “So that’s a yes?” “Yeah.” “Good.” He smiles. Fucking beams. “Because I’ve already bought tickets, so I would’ve been kinda fucked if you’d said no.” “You already bought tickets?” “Some might call it presumptuous; I call it optimistic.” You shake your head. “Ian, man, those tickets are expensive as fuck –” “Doesn’t matter.” “Matters. At least let me pay you back for mine.” You already know he won’t let you pay for both of them. “Not a chance. This is me trusting my gut, asking you out, and feeling really good about it.” A smile pulls at the corner of your mouth. “Oh yeah?” “Yeah.” He smiles right back. “You wanna pull me out of that good feeling, the one I get when you agree to go on a date with me, by bringing up my money woes? Or do you wanna talk about our date and agree upon matching outfits?” “You better be fucking joking.”
Anything else you’d like the readers to know about the story?
So, as mentioned above there was a good chunk of time where nothing was updated. If you were someone who left a kudos or a comment or messaged me on here during that time, or even continued reading when I finally updated, please know it meant a lot.
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floralcyanide · 1 year ago
˚₊✩‧₊◜kinktober 2023! ―
― day five ⛧ praise kink*
Ghostface!Mickey Altieri x F!Reader
*please read the warnings before reading. you are responsible for your triggers and media consumption.
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After breaking up with Mickey for his dark side, he kidnaps you and uses one of his favorite things about you against you.
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warnings: smut, rape/non-con, knife play, blood, blood play, torture, kidnapping, strangulation, choking, oral sex (m receiving), vomiting, gagging, cum eating
word count: 1075
author's note: please read the warnings. please read the warnings. please read the warnings! this fic contains non-consent or rape. this is the first time I've ever written something like this so bear with me lol I hope everyone enjoys this if you're into non-con/dub-con. if this isn't for you or if it will trigger you, I beg you to not read. this one is for all my disturbed mickey bitches ily
kinktober masterpost | kinktober taglist form | main masterlist | main taglist form
this fic has been cross posted to ao3.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
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It was your favorite thing in the world to make your boyfriend Mickey proud. And it soon became engraved into him, and he thrived on that feeling of pride. Whether it was making good grades on your exams and papers or just making him smile at you for something you did, his chest would swell, and he’d beam at you with that money-making grin of his. You’d do anything to make Mickey happy like that, and he’d do anything for you to make him that way, even if you had to be tortured. That sounds a little far, of course, but you couldn't stand to be around him ever since you found out what Mickey had been doing behind your back. Murder wasn’t a green flag for you. And now that you didn’t want to be with him, it would take a little roughness to get you to bend to his will- anything to chase that feeling.
Your eyes glare into Mickey’s, blood filling your eyesight from the vessels in your eyes bursting from him choking you for so long and so violently. He had almost killed you but decided against it. Now, your ears are ringing, and your eyes burn from the foreign substance clouding your vision. The feeling of dread, horror, and betrayal filling your veins almost makes you wish you had already died. Mickey glares back with a sick smile as he wields a knife in his hands. He’s been waiting for this- the moment to fully have you. He was too worried about hurting you before during sex with his risky ideas, but now that none of that mattered, you were at his mercy. You’re tied to a chair in a basement somewhere, the lights off mostly, leaving the two of you in the dim lighting. You don’t remember how you even got here, so you figure Mickey must’ve done something to you to knock you out and bring you here. 
“Are you going to be a good girl for me now?” Mickey taunts, pressing the tip of the knife into the apex of your neck, slowly dragging it up to your chin and lifting it with the blade.
You don’t let up on your glare, clenching your jaw in resistance. Mickey sneers, leaving a small cut on the underside of your chin as a threat. You yelp at the sharp sensation of a small area of skin splitting open, blood dribbling down your throat and onto your lap. Why not just slit your throat already? Mickey unzips his jeans, pulling out his cock from his underwear. He grabs your chin, blood smearing on his hand.
“Obey me, and maybe I’ll let you live,” Mickey smirks, roughly letting go of your face, “If not, well, we’ll see if you dare.”
Mickey starts jerking himself off with his bloody hand, shoving his hips into your face as he grips your hair harshly. He brings your head forward so your lips press against his length involuntarily. Mickey then prods your mouth open with his tip before you can bare your jaw down to deny entrance. The taste of his salty precum mixed with the stark metallicity of blood hits your tongue as you stop resisting and take Mickey into your mouth. You might as well get this over with so you can go home, right? Mickey doesn’t give you a chance to even bob your head yourself as he guides your face along his length harshly, causing you to gag around him. You nearly vomit from the ferocity of Mickey’s thrusts and shoving. But you try your best to breathe through your nose as he fucks your mouth without signs of stopping any time soon. You struggle against your restraints and struggle to sit in the chair comfortably as a whole, as Mickey is moving so fast that the chair scrapes against the floor. His hips snap into your face almost violently, tears freely streaming down your face in a mixture of crying and tears from choking. 
“You’re doing so well, baby girl. So good for me.”
The praise sends a weird feeling to the pit of your stomach. The familiar butterflies of your feelings for Mickey, mixed with the suffering, make you feel sick.
Mickey now has both hands in your hair, forcefully moving your entire head back and forth as fast as feasible. The sound of you gagging and retching only makes Mickey harder on your tongue. You feel numb, but sit there and take it the best you can. Suddenly, your stomach turns when Mickey hits a certain angle at the back of your throat, causing your insides to bubble up your chest and out of your mouth around Mickey. But he doesn’t stop. In fact, he keeps going and laughs at you making a mess of yourself. Your face burns in shame and agony, your sobs making it hard for Mickey to properly fuck your mouth.
“Stop crying,” Mickey rolls his eyes, “It’s hot, but you’re making this harder for the both of us. Be a doll and look pretty.”
You try to control your breathing as Mickey groans, twitching inside your velvety mouth. You hollow your cheeks, hoping to urge his orgasm quicker so this situation can end. 
“Fuck yes, suck me off like you always do. You’re so good at it,” Mickey coos, “Maybe I’ll make you cum as a reward.”
You almost want to physically recoil at the thought of him touching you ever again, but refrain. 
Mickey moans as his length slides down the back of your throat just right, sending him over the edge. Hot cum spurts in your mouth and down your throat, and you gag at the sensation. Mickey pulls out and quickly clamps your mouth shut.
“Swallow,” he demands, “Be a good cum slut and swallow it, I know you can.”
Mickey strokes your chin wound with his thumb as you reluctantly swallow the mixture of his load, your sickness, and spit mixed with your blood that didn’t fall out of your mouth earlier from the oral. Your jaw is almost locked and in pain, and your throat is searing. Your nose burns from breathing so hard through it, and your wrists and ankles are sore from moving around so much. You desperately wanted to get out of here. But with the way Mickey looks at you with that knife in his back pocket, you’re not so sure you will be.
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@jessica987 @justafangirl @amanda08319 @works-of-fanfiction @topperscumslut @cranesbathtowel @butlersluvbot @nela-cutie @straykids-gives-me-life @ineedmyaccountback @itsbebeyyy @blankbedroom @purejasmine @mrsbutler99 @tiredkitten @ab4eva @kai-wifey @dynamitehacke @arieslost @shynovelist @crackheadwithtoes @lyss-111 @lilymurphy03 @faebirdie @yongi-lee @elizabethcooksey @whiispii @banshailey @lizey-thornberry @muffinlove7 @cillsmurphs
(if you signed up to be on the taglist and do not see your name, your tag failed or you may have typed the wrong url.)
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rose-tea-and-strawberries · 2 years ago
??? Is this where I drop by to share my headcanons about House of Mouse Yuu? Tumblr is so confusing. Anyway, back on track.
It’s a newer idea of mine but I am kicking and screaming about the idea of a Detective! Yuu!
She starts to get suspicious of things after Leona’s overblot. Things are WAY too convenient to be mere coincidences. She at first brushed off Riddle’s overblot as a one time thing. It was clear that Riddle was long overdue for his damn to break.
But Leona, a man of great intelligence as well as physical strength that can beat ten men like he’s squishing a cockroach overblotting during the biggest, most important events for him? Plotting against Diasomnia’s team was clearly only the first layer. The time and place was way too convenient. If Yuu hadn’t been there to find out his secret plan and fool him, it’s likely Leona would have succeeded. What Yuu thought was just a petty ploy for revenge against people who always saw Leona as lesser turns into a game of follow the strings.
Don’t even get me started on book three. Illegal scamming and forced labor? Suspicious. Yuu finds it way too odd that she had the perfect team to beat the overblot after she foils another housewarden’s scheme. Any why so soon after Leona’s overblot? A few months between each blot fight might seem large to some but three overblots in the span of a school year? Each one perfectly linking the first to the next? It doesn’t seem plausible that THREE students secretly decided to act out plans of demise only to overblot afterwards?
Yuu knew they all had sob backstories but GEEZE. (Even Idia found it suspicious about the amount of overblots)
And now, how this all plays out into the House of Mouse.
Yuu goes about her work like a normal person, except she’s incredibly talented at solving puzzles or word games. If there’s an accident in the kitchen while no one is there watching, Yuu puts together clues and finds the answers in record time.
Patrons like Roger (from 101 Dalmatians)might bring a newspaper to the club one night to have some fun with the word cross only to get befuddled when suddenly Yuu pops up behind him and gives him the answers to the hardest ones because she knows it’s rude to ruin people’s fun. Yuu gives Roger a pat on the back and continues on with serving the villains’ food and drinks.
Yuu just knowing oddly specific information about things the crew like Donald or Mickey might not know. For example knowing exactly what Goofy had for breakfast despite being in Twisted Wonderland all morning or where Donald left that one CD in his house boat that he could never seem to find. Or if Minnie and the others can’t remember a code for a work computer or something like that, Yuu walks in when she hears about it and simply types in the entire 20 digit code from memory and then walks out again like it was nothing. Even when Minnie is very sure she never told Yuu the code to that specific device. And that no one had told Yuu, either. (I don’t know why they wouldn’t tell her-maybe for security/safety reasons? Y’know, with Pete{is that his name? I haven’t watched HoM lately} always trying to destroy the HoM?)
Omg—I didn’t realize how much I was rambling until I scrolled?! So I’ll leave you with these last few bits!
•Grim wearing a beige trenchcoat and fedora during the second book while they try to figure out what Leona is hiding and Yuu not having the heart to tell him that’s not actually how detectives/investigators actually dress
•Yuu having multiple impossible to solve rubiks cubes and hand written what-if scenario essays scattered inside her dressing room to pass the time
•Yuu having AT LEAST three makeup items like lipstick or a compact mirror that is actually gadgets like a mini sleep-dart gun or just simply using the mirror to spy on people behind her
•Yuu playing video games like ‘bomb diffuser simulator’ or murder mystery board games like Clue when Ace, Deuce, and others come over
•Yuu ironically/purposefully using a cork board and red string when solving cases just because it’s fun
Okay so when you first said Detective!Yuu, my first thought went to The Great Mouse Detective. Like imagine Yuu and Basil of Baker Street being mystery solving besties (with Basil sitting on her shoulder or breast pocket). I feel like detective!Yuu would remind Basil of Sherlock Holmes (especially in that one scene in the Savanaclaw manga where Grim wears the classic deerstalker and is holding a smoking pipe)
Meanwhile Professor Ratigan is sulking because he was supposed to be besties with her.
I remember there was this one Goofy cartoon which was 'How To Be A Detective' and Yuu is just in the sidelines shaking her head and laughing at all of his antics.
Since Yuu is just a teenager I reckon that she wouldn't be an actual detective but would be more like the Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew or the characters in the Enid Blyton books, 'Famous Five' or 'The Five Find-Outers and Dog.
I bet that she even goes head on with Professor Von Drake for a battle of the minds when he gets too full of himself (and then beats him, much to Mickey's amusement).
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Rambles about mickey as reed richards:
The latest What If Disney Fantastic Four thingy had a panel
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This one. That really makes me wish that we could have some Egmont writers at these comics. Like this panel is just screaming to follow with a panel where Donald goes: “nope, i’m gonna go show off and use these powers to make money.” that i was genuinely baffled when it turns out he’s completely honest and wants to use his powers for good.
Okay look the comic gets pretty good around halfway through, and imo you can also see Pastrovicchio enjoying himself more and his art being much better too. The start his art looks to me quite quickly done and the script is full of this do-good-ery nonsense like in that panel i showed. It’s all so happy and it feels weird and unnatural, even most other DPW stories aren’t like this. Just this Marvel stuff that is really empty and conflictless.
And the way it’s described by everyone really annoys me too imma be real. Rant time it’s late and im in that mood im magica you guys are ratface sorry. They always go: “oh it’s very funny and endearing” and then they point out a one panel joke that’s completely irrelevant to the wider thing as one of THE main points worth complimenting, and to me it just really reads like these Marvel guys care more about the easily snappable moments that they can point out to advertise instead of putting even the slightest bit of thought in it. Like I’m from the Netherlands, our behind the scenes coverage regarding the comics in publications is minim, and still, that super small section at the end of a pocket that talked about popular stories of a writer was a thousand times more eloquently written than any of these things
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this doesn’t even read like it was written by a human be real. And i can’t get over how they describe those moments as ‘funny’ because i don’t think they are funny jokes at all. They’re cute details that set the tone of the thing at max, they do not qualify as proper ‘jokes’ (the comedy should be the real meat of the comic according to these people), it’s as having “in the ant man movie, ant man has a big fight and funny moments” as your selling point, oh wait fuck me they do. (I like ant man movie btw no real hate to ant man movie)
Idk man these just dont fully feel disney comic to me. Ducktales 2017 is way closer. This too safe Hollywood vibey.
Also i’d like these to be like you know, more actual parodies. I want them to make fun of old marvel tropes. It’s obvious they’re not gonna be orgoglio e pregiudizio so if not honest adaptations at least make them more actual parodies.
Now good things: SPOILERS and you really gotta not want them because there’s a really fun surprise in this one.
So either Behling or Secchi just had a stroke of genius brilliance and decided that this was gonna be a sequel to Land beneath the ground. Well not exactly that, but it has the the barks bowler terrie firmie guys you know.
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Right that
And Secchi makes them say actual funny things like you would expect them to in a parody. They make fun of Marvel villains and their monologues, the ideas present are actually kinda interesting, and you’re like wow oh my god it’s actually good! And then it ENDS! AGAIN! Just like that! No proper conclusion, they (everybody except for minnie, who does literally nothing the entire story except make pete trip, of which i’m not sure is supposed to poke fun at marvel or is genuinely just sexist oh woman can’t fight) just fight and the story ends. But they’re getting closer to greatness each time! Once Pete and the Barks references shows up it takes a massive leap in quality, so I believe actually that the next one can be genuinely good. Yippee yah yay or something.
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runninonemptyy · 2 months ago
AO3 Wrapped 2024
Thanks @mybrainismelted @blue-disco-lights @jrooc and @em-harlsnow for tagging me!
I only started writing in September 2024, but I figured I’d do this anyway!
How many words have you written this year?
How many works did you publish this year?
4 complete, 1 WIP
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Circle Theory
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Probably Life Itself. It came to me as such a last-minute idea and I just went ahead and wrote it. I still can’t believe how much it seemed to resonate with people. Also Through the Fog, since it was my first and I honestly didn’t even think people would read it!
Favorite title you used.
Probably Ghost of a Chance, the title of my WIP where Mickey is a famous ghost hunter. Always love a ridiculous play on words. 😂
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
Coldplay, since the chapter titles for Circle Theory were all from “The Scientist.”
Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Well, the only one I wrote for: Gallavich.
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Pretty obvious, since I only wrote for one!
What work was the quickest to write?
Life Itself
What work took you the longest to write?
I don’t really remember! Either Crisis Line or Circle Theory, but I’m gonna go with the latter because it has the most words!
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
1, but lots of other ideas brewing!
What’s your longest work of the year?
Circle Theory
What’s your shortest work of the year?
Life Itself
What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
Ghost of a Chance
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
There are a few that I’ve used on all of my fics so far. Clearly a couple of my favorites are “angst with a happy ending” and “eventual smut.” 😂
Your favorite character to write this year?
Probably Ian Zero-Chill Gallagher, who makes an appearance in most of my fics! But I also loved writing math genius Mickey in Circle Theory.
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? 🤷🏼‍♀️
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Ian/Mickey of course! I don’t see myself changing it up any time soon.
Which work of yours have you reread the most?
I haven’t really reread any of them all the way through, except checking back on some of them to remind myself how Terry met his demise in that particular fic so that I don’t do the same thing again in the next one 😂 I have revisited Through the Fog a couple of times, since it was my first one ever, and sometimes I see things I could’ve worded better so I make tiny little tweaks! But other than that, I really don’t reread them!
How many kudos in total did you get this year? 908
Which work has the most comments?
Circle Theory, by far!
Did you do any collaborative works this year?No, I’m still too new!
Did you write any gifts this year? No
Did you receive any gifts this year? No
What’s your most common category? Probably hurt/comfort (I don’t know if that’s what’s meant by “category,” but I’m gonna go with it!)
What do you listen to while writing?
Well I’m usually at work when I’m writing, and if I’m at home, it’s after my kids have gone to bed, so…usually nothing 😬
Favorite work you wrote this year?
Circle Theory
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year:
Hmmm, probably Mickey’s speech from the end of Through the Fog because it was at the end of my very first fic and I was proud of myself 😊 (warning: spoilers!):
“Um, hi.  I want to thank the ALA for this honor, I’m so grateful.  It means so much to me.  Writing and illustrating this book was really, um, personal for me.  A little over a year and a half ago, I sustained a…traumatic brain injury that took my…ability to speak.  My speech slowly but surely started to come back, but I learned that…communication isn’t only about speaking.  My speech therapists taught me that as we worked together to help me communicate in whatever way I could.  My first speech therapist later became my husband and I don’t think he’ll ever know how much he taught me…not only about communication, but about love. I wanted to make sure that all kids know that they have a voice…that whatever way they communicate is…valid.  We communicate every day through our words, our actions, our love.  I hope that my illustrations helped to create a…colorful world in which every person has a voice. Thank you again.”
Kind of long, sorry!
Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I just started writing this year, so the biggest surprise was honestly that anyone was reading, much less liking, my stuff!
I’m sure that anyone I’d tag has already been tagged by someone else, so I’m just gonna leave this here for anyone who wants to do it!
How many words have you written this year?
How many works did you publish this year?
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Favorite title you used.
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
What work was the quickest to write?
What work took you the longest to write?
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
What’s your longest work of the year?
What’s your shortest work of the year?
What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Your favorite character to write this year?
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Which work of yours have you reread the most?
How many kudos in total did you get this year?
Which work has the most comments?
Did you do any collaborative works this yeah?
Did you write any gifts this year?
Did you receive any gifts this year?
What’s your most common category?
What do you listen to while writing?
Favorite work you wrote this year?
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Biggest surprise while writing this year?
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cowgurrrl · 1 year ago
I know you've written about how rockstar!joel and actress!reader experienced paparazzi but a recent video of rachel ziegler handling the paparazzi well really made me think about how actress!reader would handle them in a similar fashion. they're horrible in general and I feel like actress!reader would tell them off but in a smart, sassy sense lol.
the video of rachel, she told them "sorry??? I'm human talk to me as such" and I think that's how actress!reader would go about keeping them and even if the kids were around too. her and joel, in my mind at least, have a different way of handling them and that's how actress!reader would handle them i feel. (joel thinks his wife is a badass for that because ofc! love to see it!!!)
Oh, Joel does not fuck around when it comes to paparazzi. He has little to no patience and will do everything so their photos are unsellable. Anything from flipping off the camera to mumbling answers to TMZ to even pulling up a picture of Mickey Mouse on his phone and holding it up so paps can’t sell the photos unless they’re willing to pay Disney. It’s extremely smart.
You are a little more gracious. Everybody has to make a living. If you’re on your own, you’ll tolerate a few pictures and questions as long as they’re reasonable and won’t get you in trouble. That, of course, changes once you get pregnant. You still answer questions about work and vaguely say something about the baby being good but you don’t indulge them with details such as your due date, the sex of the baby, or possible names. You figure your good standing with the paparazzi will help you when it comes to concealing Sam and the girls. The flashes and mob scare them and your publicity team has a deal that if they do get pictures of you and the kids out that they have to blur the kids faces unless you change the order (which you won’t do until Sam is eighteen and even then you’re reluctant).
One day, when Sam and the girls are little and you’re still in your two-year time off period to be Mom, you’re going to the grocery store with your very young kid and babies. It’s stressful for any mom to have to wrangle that many small children but especially when people are surrounding you, taking pictures. You do your best to distract the kids, cover their faces, and keep yourself calm but it’s hard. “Can we have some space, please?” You ask politely as you struggle with the double stroller and wiggly babies. While you’re strapping Sophia into the stroller, you hear one of the paps say Sam’s name and ask him something. You don’t even fully hear the question but it doesn’t stop you from whipping around and pulling Sam behind you.
“Did you seriously just ask my five-year-old a question?” You snap. It’s one thing for you to get hounded by the press, but your kid? “He’s a kid. What answer are you expecting to get out of him? Do you want me to find your children and grill them about something while taking pictures of them?” The photographer starts to apologize but you don’t let him. “My kindergartener isn’t media trained or used to people shoving cameras in his face just like every other fucking kindergartner on earth. Can you, please, treat him as such and leave us alone so I can go buy diapers and bread for my family?” They back off, finally, and let you finish loading up the kids. You and Joel’s team sends cease and desist’s to all the photographers who got pictures of the kids that day and orders them destroyed. If a single picture of your children emerges on the internet that neither of you posted, a lawsuit will be sent before the end of the hour and not just one. Two.
One thing becomes very clear to the press that day: Don’t fuck with the Miller kids.
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new-berry · 8 months ago
Berryyyyy pls send me a wip to get stuck into Im scared there’s no writing left in my soul
What tickles you?
They are more “openings” than WIP I guess.
I think this was going to be Iris Law /Trent /Jude before that morphed. This would be ANY threesome. This would be Mickey so long last name and Cuti and Son. Or two kids trying to seduce some other kid (for kid I mean early twenties adults).
Come watch the game.’ There’s ‘with us’ implied in there. There usually is these days. There’s a beat, enough time to blink your eyes, take a breath, have a knee jerk response. And the “please” comes a second later. The well raised boy, or the reminder from someone off-screen.
Jude looks at his phone. Like if he turns it over he will see the “us”. Like a second face will be superimposed on the screen. “What game?” He sends back.
“Duh.” Is the reply. Trent isn’t texting then. There is an image of a dark skinned chest, it’s not a selfie, taken from too far away, Trent posed in an angle of sunshine, his face isn’t in the picture. That doesn’t stop Jude’s instant identification.
“Game of life?” Is written under it. A close up of the waist band of England issue sweat pants, Trent’s cock pushing up against them. “Spin the bottle.”
“Ok” Jude sends back before he can talk himself out of it.
It’s embrassing being so helpless around him. Around them both.
This is my Bruno and Sven but cut and paste those names to whatever works.
“This was a bad idea.” Bruno says. Which is nothing new, but he’s wrong. It’s was a good idea, it’s always been a good idea.
“We can’t do this again.” Bruno always sounds so very very sure when he says things like that. Once he’s come over Sven or inside him. Once the alcohol has worn off, or the winner’s triumph has burned away
But then he’s always sounded very sure when he’s talking his way into Sven’s bed as well.
Sven doesn’t flinch when Bruno makes his announcement. He doesn’t flinch when Bruno turns away from his hand. It’s not like he didn’t know exactly how this was going to end when he agreed. Again.
Sven is an expert at not reacting. No twitching or flinching or begging. Not that Bruno would see in the dark they always do this in. He’s gone by the time that Sven gets out of the shower.
( And then I wrote a bit for the next part …)
“Yeah actually no.” Bruno goes instantly still. “What?” Sven can’t see him. And he doesn’t know that tone of voice he’s using, something like talking to the media after a loss.
“This is a bad idea. You can stay if you want? There’s a spare room. Or stay in here it’s fine. Or the couch it’s comfortable. “ Sven jams his lips shut on the babble.
“I can go if you want.” Bruno says.
“No” Sven thinks. “Fuck no fuck no fuck no.”
“I only want you to stay if you stay the night.”
Bruno’s voice is, genuinely kind. Sven thinks that’s probably the worse than when he says. “I don’t want to stay the night.”
Sven thanks god for inventing night time and darkness and blackout curtains. And curses him for inventing love and Brazil.
Good thing Bruno has so much experience, getting re-dressed in the dark. After he leaves Sven stumbles to the couch and sleeps there. It doesn’t smell like Bruno’s cologne.
Fabian Anthony. This was actually the first thing I wrote with Anthony but I never finished it. So any older defender younger forward.
Fabian was actually not up becuase of insomnia, although he had carefully put that myth out when he started at the club.
He was just visiting an old friend. A new old friend. A discrete new friend. From an app. Discretion something that is not even in the same time zone as Anthony right now.
Insomnia and late night walks. If you go out often enough in training clothes and come back looking like you actually went for a walk not one notices the times you come back looking like a night out. Not that a night out on the road is common for him anymore But then he is far from 21, and he’s not the one is about the show himself to be an almighty fuck up.
And Anthony doesn’t know he’s fucked up of course. Because by any metric- that isn’t Eddie Howe and the desperate desire of Geordies to win anything shiny - he hasn’t fucked up. He’s 21 and pretty fucking normal. Fabian takes in the face of the person dropping him down the road from the team hotel and getting pretty enthusiastically snogged goodbye. Well he’s normal for about ten percent of the population.
I’m sure I have pages more of that. Pages!
The rest are just porn probably.
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imsnazzysowhat · 21 days ago
One big happy family
SpongeBob and Dora are in love and adopt the powderpuff girls. But what happens when Swiper comes swiping?
Hey sorry, I haven’t been posting like anything for the past couple of months, I just didn’t have any motivation or time to write. Also, just note this is a total crack fic and should not have even been written, but I was bored sooo here you go :) -canufeelthemagictonightnothatscazitgone
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Work Text:
The air was cool as SpongeBob sat on his hammock. It had been years since he lived in the sea. Idk, I guess once he found out what was in those Crabby Patties™ he just couldn’t look at the sea the same way (Plus, there was like, the whole not wanting to be hanged by his past friends because of the Crabby Patties™ scandal.)
SpongeBob was now in His late 30’s and married to his lovely wife, Dora The Explorer. They lived in a lovely house on a beautiful pond with their three darling little girls-Buttercup, Bubbles, and Blossom-who they had adopted from a man who used them to fight crime. But once they went on strike for fair pay, he straight up kicked them out. They all loved each other very much, but one day, when they were all having a lovely picnic, Swiper swiped and snatched the three little girls up and ran into the woods! All before Dora could even say "Swiper, no swiping."
Dora was sooooo sad she literally died right there, right then. With nothing left to do, SpongeBob figured the best thing to do was take his dead wife home and place her in the middle of their beautiful pond. So there he sat on his hammock, regretting his life choices-when the most beautiful woman he had ever seen walked past him, her name was Minnie Mouse. “Hello pretty lady,” SpongeBob called out in a seductive tone.
Minnie Mouse was smitten, “Why hello handsome stranger!” she responded with her cutest voice.
“Hey baby doll, wanna come inside?” SpongeBob asked naughtily.
“Why not?”
As they entered the house, SpongeBob pulled out his very large sponge.
“Oh my.” Minnie Mouse gasped at how large it was.
Just as Minnie was about to undress, Mickey Mouse kicked down SpongeBob’s door, "You stay away from my gosh dang girl!” the male mouse screamed, startling the two about to mush parts. 😉
Mickey, still screaming at the shaken sponge, suddenly looked down at SpongeBob’s large sponge and his own started to get larger.
“My god SpongeBob, you have such a large sponge!” Mickey proclaimed as he strutted closer to SpongeBob. He was so close to SpongeBob that they could kiss if he just leaned in, so he did. But SpongeBob wasn’t complaining because, damn! Did Mickey know how to kiss...
As the kiss deepened, Minnie started getting uncomfortable and just left. Not like it mattered, the two men didn’t even realize.
- ~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~
- SpongeBob woke up to Mickey snuggling up into him in his and Dora’s bed.
Oh god, where they were naked? Oh no, no, no! This couldn’t have happened! SpongeBob didn’t like Mickey, he loved Dora. And ONLY Dora (Plus he was into explorers, not mouses with clubhouses.) How could he ever do this to his wife? But Mickey was so hot, and his fur was so snugly, and last night felt so right. And his wife was kind of dead, so it was going to be alright.
Suddenly Mickey woke up and hopped out of bed.
“Where are you going?” SpongeBob asked, finally accepting that last night was a thing.
“Well I don’t like sponges, SpongeBob. And you know I have a girlfriend,” Mickey annoyingly answered as he put on his large gloves and red shorts.
"But last night you told me you loved me, Mick,” SpongeBob said, confused.
“Do you think I actually meant it? I just wanted to hurt you for almost sleeping with MY girlfriend!” Mickey almost screamed back in his usual high pitched voice.
“GET OUT OF HERE, MICKEY! HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME BELIEVE SOMEONE LOVED ME!” SpongeBob was full on yelling now as tears welled up in his eyes.
“Sponge,” Mickey said in a small, apologetic voice, “I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to hurt Minnie... But I love you more than you could ever know,” Mickey looked like he really meant it.
Before SpongeBob could reply, Mickey leaned in and kissed him softly. The kiss was soft, and sweet, and felt like something only from the movies.
“SpongeBob, I love you. Will you marry me?” Mickey asked as he pulled a watermelon ring pop out from his red shorts.
“OMG YESSSSS!!1!1!!!1!!” SpongeBob shouted with glee. He couldn't wait to start the next chapter of his life.
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thegodcomplcx · 1 year ago
So I have mixed feelings on the character of mickey, but it really bothers me that in polls when Rory and Mickey are put up against each other, Rory always wins, and I don't understand why, because for all my problems with Mickey and the anti-black way that Mickey is written sometimes by RTD, he gets the character development that Rory never did. He becomes more than just a guy who makes sexist jokes and is rewarded by The Narrative for his loyalty. Mickey actually becomes his own character by the end rather than a prop in Rose's story. And yeah, like many tenmarthas, I think that Martha deserved better than just to be shoved into a relationship with him by the end, but like...he has an arc. He has agency. He has relationships with Jackie and Jack and his grandmother and an absolutely fascinating one with Nine. What does Rory have? A wife who is only with him because she thinks she should be? A possessive attitude in AGMGTW/LKH? They start out as such similar characters but Mickey at least goes somewhere and gets himself the hell out of dodge when he realizes that Rose doesn't value him. Rory doesn't and is rewarded by the narrative for his loyalty but like his wife clearly prefers the Doctor to him. It leads to some interesting TARDIS dynamics but he is not a better character than Mickey, not by a long shot. (Sorry, you've turned me into a Rory hater, good job)
i don’t like martha and mickey together but that’s only because they didn’t develop them at all and just expected to us to believe they had a good relationship. i don’t personally believe them ending up with each other was the correct choice for either of their arcs (don’t get me started) but at least we are able to have that conversation about mickey because he was an actual character and not the stand in that rory is.
mickey is treated horribly by the writers using the doctor as a mouthpiece, but rory is treated adversarially by the doctor in universe and overly glorified by the writers out of universe. idk how to explain it, just, you can tell the writers put too much stock into the idea of a “nice guy” deserving the girl. (is he nice, though? is he really?)
since doc/rose was the main romance they were going for in RTD era, they had to give mickey something to actually do after his own relationship with rose fizzled out, so he actually gets some depth. rory’s only purpose is to be in love with amy and he doesn’t get to do much else. (and he’s not even the most interesting guy who’s in love with amy lmao)(that’s the doctor)(me as well actually)
mickey is a character in his own right. rory is just “not the doctor”
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wehangout · 1 month ago
Shameless DVD Commentary
@annisefreya threw me some puppy-dog eyes and asked me to do DVD commentary for my hitmen au from kinktober. As usual, thanks to @callivich for the questions!
Which fanfic is your DVD commentary about?
It’s about the hitmen au series from my 2024 kinktober
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc)
I wrote it in October of 2024, and word count if iffy. The whole fic comes to just over 40k, and I’d guess that at least 10k of that is hitmen au – maybe 15k. Each one varied in how long they took to write – some a couple of days (back when I first started and had time), but a couple were written the night of posting lmao
What was the initial inspiration for your story?
Gun kink. Look, I could have written any form of canon Ian and Mickey getting hot over watching the other use a gun. But I didn’t want to. I haven’t read Haunting Adeline, but I know about the scene and I wanted something like that. I wasn’t prepared to go quite that far, though, lol.
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character?
Mickey, but I do want to write one from Ian’s pov because holy balls that would be fun.
What was your favourite scene to write?
Pretty much any of the dialogue. There’s such a different vibe to this Ian and Mickey while still (hopefully) keeping them in character, and it was fun to explore the banter I usually write with a side of hatred, kink, and dom/sub
How did you come up with the title?
What title? Lmao
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice?
“That’s not a knife, this is a knife”. The thing about this reference, though, is it was suggested to me by someone who was probably referring to Crocodile Dundee, obviously. But my brain replied with “that’s not a knife, that’s a spoon” … obviously.
Was there anything you struggled to write? If so, how did you overcome this?
I struggled with not wanting to disappoint, I guess. Hitmen au became a huge part of my kinktober, and I got it into my head that each new one I posted had to be better/hotter/more fucked up than the last. And I don’t think I did overcome this because I still feel that way about any I write in the future.
Favourite line in the story?
From part one:
“Knees.” You close your eyes. You take a steadying breath. You go to your knees.
From part two:
Even in the dark you can see the giant eye roll he gives you. “I liked your mouth so much better when it was stuffed full of my cock.”
Part three:
“Testing. Testing. Mickey likes dick. Testing.” and You can’t because when Ian Gallagher tells you to suck his dick, you ask how hard.
Part four:
“Sick. Little. Fuck.” He smirks. “And I am gonna test every fucking limit you have.”
Part five:
“Fuck,” he whispers. “You’d let me do anything to you, wouldn’t you, Mick?”
Part six:
Mickey: eat dick Gallagher Unknown: time and place, mick
Part seven:
You look at him, eyes wide and horrified, and he stares back – dark, dangerous – and squeezes the fourth into you.
Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story?
There’s a small turn in the final one where Mickey calls him Ian and there are feelings of vulnerability. Obviously they’re going to fall in love, but I never intended to write that. To be honest, I didn’t plan to write more than the gun and knife kinks but you freaks wanted more.
If you are writing a particular trope or genre, was it your first time writing this?
None of it was my first time. I’ve done hitmen, I’ve done kink, I’ve done dubious consent (elsewhere). I hadn’t done weapons as sex toys, though …
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc)
So lame, but I’m most proud of how it was received by readers.
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story?
No. There were some bits that got edited, but no deleted scenes.
Are there any ‘behind the scenes’ info you’d like to share - e.g. what’s going on in a characters head in a certain scene or how you came to write a certain line?
I don’t know if anyone cares, but the moment in part 3 where Mickey’s on the phone to White Boy Carl and Ian suddenly takes over? Ian literally walked into the security office upstairs, took the phone from Carl, told him to get the fuck out in a way only a brother (or bother in law 😏) can, and Carl just got up and left without a fight like in the wedding episode because Big Brother lmao. He was never in any danger 😂
Reading back the story now, is there anything you’d change or add?
No. I’m pretty happy with what’s there.
Would you ever write a sequel to this story?
I’d love to write more.
Are there any ‘easter eggs’ in your story - e.g. references to other stories you’ve written, a trope you often use etc?
Same answer every time – the name thing.
If you’ve chosen your most popular story, are you surprised by the popularity?
It was definitely the most popular part of my kinktober, and fuck yeah I’m surprised. I thought I’d get hate for that shit.
Were you nervous or excited to post this story?
So very both. Especially when the first one was dub/con.
Did you have a beta or a friend who helped you as you wrote?
Mandi @bawlbrayker helped me so hard with this 💜
Ask your followers to pick a snippet (no more than 500 words) and share your thoughts about it.
gallavich-annise suggested my favourite part of the build up in knife play, so …
 “Drop your knife so I can show you all the things mine can do. Promise you’ll like them.”
You want to stab him, but your body reacts without your brain’s consent and you drop the knife.
“Hmm. Good boy.”
You glare up at him. “You can fuck off with that right the fuck now.”
“Ooh, boundaries. I like it.”
“I fucking hate you.”
Even in the dark you can see the giant eye roll he gives you. “I liked your mouth so much better when it was stuffed full of my cock.”
Your eyes flutter at the comment and you force them open, force yourself to look up with every ounce of hate inside of you. But that smirk is there, right back in place, and you want to bite his lip hard enough to make it bleed, hard enough to make him moan.
His knife flicks again and again, at the last two buttons on your jacket.
“Take it off.”
You take it off.
You want to kill him, but you also want to fuck him, so all you can do is hope that fucking him to death is an option.
The jacket drops and he crowds you. You step back further and further, but he moves in closer and closer until your back is against the brick wall fence, his body is only inches from yours, and his knife is at your loosened tie. You watch in the light of the lamp, breath held deep in your lungs, as the knife twists and cuts through the tie like it’s nothing. And while he might hear your shuddering exhale, he’ll never know about the surge of arousal that simmers low in your gut.
“You buy this or rent it?” he asks, knife pinging off each shirt button until your chest is bare.
“Borrowed it from your mom,” you say. You glare up at him, but his eyes stay glued to the knife.
“Hmm. You know why I killed him, don’t you?”
He’s talking about your date. You stare up at him, eyebrows in your hairline, but his eyes remain on your shirt.
“Because you’re a fucking dick?”
“Not quite.” He trails the tip of the blade down your torso, and the first touch of blade against your skin has you shivering. “Open it.”
You pull your shirt from your pants and let it hang open.
“Not because I’m a dick,” he says. His gaze is glued to your bare chest as he traces the blade over your skin in movements soft enough to tickle.  “It’s just that seeing his hands on you made me a little … possessive.”
Your chest lifts heavily with each deep breath you take, and there’s a part of you that wants to breathe deeper, push your chest out more, make him press the blade that little bit harder …
Instead, “What? You think you’re the only dick I’ve sucked this year?”
He finally lifts his eyes to look at you, smirk still in place, but eyes dark and unforgiving. “Watch yourself, Mickey.”
“Or what?”
The knife pauses. Stops right in the middle of your sternum. He stares down at you, eyes searching yours, before finally smiling.
“Oh, how silly of me, trying to threaten you with a good time.”
“Fuck off.”
He leans in. “Don’t get me wrong, this banter/foreplay thing we’ve got going here get’s me hard as fuck, but next time? Let’s just get straight to the fucking, okay?”
“There won’t be a next time.”
“Sure, Mickey. Now, lower your pants and show me how you touch yourself.”
You scowl at him, teeth clenched, but his words make your stomach drop, make you undo your belt, pop the button, slide the zip. You lower your pants and boxers and let them pool at your feet.
Okay, that’s more than 500 words, BUT I adore the way Mickey’s verbally fighting back here, all the while doing exactly what Ian tells him to do without a single complaint or push back. They’re arguing/bantering about something else entirely, and while Mickey is pushing back on that front, he just follows every direction Ian gives him from “take off your shirt” to “show me how you touch yourself” and doesn’t give it a single thought. And it has both nothing and everything to do with the knife omg.
Anything else you’d like the readers to know about the story?
As mentioned above, I was … not hesitant to post the first part, but I was definitely concerned about how it would be received. I knew I wasn’t the only person into this kind of thing, but I did not expect the love this entire series got and I’m just so appreciative. While the writing wasn’t necessarily out of my comfort zone, posting it was, and the feedback I got has helped my confidence as a writer 💜
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leegunn · 7 months ago
So, I had the idea a while ago to write a Gallavich fic set in the Being Human universe. I have tons of notes, but haven’t written much on it yet, and am currently focusing on other projects. I would like to pick it back up someday, but it will probably be a few months before I do.
I did write this scene and I kinda like it, so I thought I’d share it anyways. Enjoy this…. Meet-cute?
TW: Violence
Mickey hears the crowd before he sees them. Jeers and howls and punches and grunts of pain. He senses the victim’s werewolf status before he hears the pejoratives. “Mutt!” It’s the heartbeat, stronger than a normal human’s from this distance. “Dog!” It’s the smell. Foresty. Animal. “We’re gonna put you down, Old Yeller style. Got my silver bullets.”
He moves towards the noise, recognizing the voices of his brothers laying into some wolf who walked down the wrong street. He turns a corner and sees them gathered behind a dumpster.
The werewolf is curled on his side, holding his head while Mickey’s brothers kick at him. He hears the form mutter something but can’t make out the words. His brothers must not either, because they pause their assault. Colin leans down closer. “What was that, wolf?”
Mickey is still moving towards the gathered monsters when the wolf lifts his head to look up at his tormentors. His pale face is covered in blood, gushing from his nose and from an injury that seems to originate somewhere above his hairline. He looks young, Mickey realizes, maybe even still a teenager. He opens his mouth, almost baring his teeth which are bloodied and stained red between the cracks.
“Fuck you,” the wolf grits out. He spits out a mouthful of blood at Iggy’s feet.
Colin grabs a fistful of the redhead’s hair and hauls his head back sharply as Mickey finally joins the gathering. The wolf grunts in pain and glares up at Mickey with big green eyes.
“What are you?” The wolf pants.
Colin holds out his free hand, ignoring the question. “Gun,” he commands simply.
The wolf starts squirming then, breaking his staring match with Mickey to flail his arms in protest. Colin catches an elbow to his jaw and curses, letting go of the red hair. Iggy steps in then, grabbing under the wolf’s arms and dragging him to his feet. Colin’s fist connects with the wolf’s stomach, knocking the wind out of him. If Iggy wasn’t still holding him up, he would have been on the ground again.
Mickey rolls his eyes and lets out a huff of a breath at the scene. “Alright, you two done yet? The kid’s had enough.”
Colin gives him an incredulous look. “He’s still breathing, ain’t he?”
“What the fuck do you want to kill him for?”
“We can’t let him walk, he was sniffing around our shit. He’ll go tell his little pack buddies.”
Mickey rolls his eyes again. “He doesn’t even know who we are, moron.”
“Well,” Colin flounders for a reason. “Terry don’t like wolves. We’ll look like pussies if we let a stray loose after it waltzed onto our turf.”
“Yeah, you’ll look real tough picking him off two weeks before the full moon. Might as well beat down a ten year old fuckin’ girl.”
“Well,” the redhead pipes up, “It’s not exactly like beating up a ten year old fuckin’ girl.”
“Man, you need to shut the fuck up,” Iggy says as he shoves the wolf to the ground. He turns his attention to Colin. “Let’s just go eat. I’m starving.”
“Fine,” Colin concedes. He gets low again, closer to the grounded wolf. “Won’t be so lenient if we find you here again.”
Mickey watches his brothers leave the alley as the redhead pulls himself into a sitting position. He wipes at the blood under his nose. “You look like shit,” Mickey informs him.
“I look like two assholes just kicked the shit out of me, probably,” concedes the wolf. He accepts Mickey’s offered hand and allows himself to be pulled up to his feet.
“Seriously, what the fuck are you doing in this neighborhood?”
He eyes Mickey suspiciously. “Why shouldn’t I be in this neighborhood?”
“You know how to answer a fuckin’ question, Scooby-Doo?” Mickey shoots back.
“You never answered mine,” the wolf accuses.
“Alright, I don’t have time for chit-chat,” Mickey grumbles. “Just get the fuck out of this neighborhood and don’t come back.” He starts to follow his brothers’ path out of the alley when he hears the voice behind him pipe up again.
“Wait, I don’t—“ Mickey pauses, something in his tone convincing him to hear the other monster out. Finally, the redhead asks, “how did you guys know I’m a werewolf?” He sounds lost. Mickey realizes he really is.
“How long ago were you scratched?” Mickey asks, turning towards the wolf.
“If I tell you, will you answer any one of my questions?” The redhead sounds annoyed again.

Mickey nods. “Where are you staying?”
“Jesus Christ!”
“You smell like dog. Now, where are you staying?” Mickey asks impatiently.
“I smell like what?” The wolf brings his wrist to his nose.
Mickey sighs. “You asked how we could tell. You smell like dog. Where are you staying?”
“I smell like—“
“This conversation is moving way too slow for me.”
“I’m homeless, okay?” The wolf finally admits. “I just got in town from Chicago. I was hoping to find an abandoned warehouse or something to squat in for a while, maybe, uh, change in. It looked like an abandoned shithole neighborhood but I get it, okay, message received, you guys have something going on out here. I’ll keep my mouth shut.”
Mickey huffs out an unamused breath. “I’m not worried about you snitching.”
“Then what’s with the beat down?”
“Okay, you’re homeless,” Mickey says aloud like he’s processing. He feels sympathy for the wolf, despite the rivalry he’s supposed to uphold. He remembers being a new vampire, abandoned by his maker, left alone to figure out the harsh realities of his new monster life. “Come stay with me a few days, alright?” He finally says, surprising even himself a little. The wolf eyes him, hopeful but cautious.
“I thought I wasn’t supposed to hang around this neighborhood?” He asks as the other man leads him out of the alley.
“I don’t live in this neighborhood,” Mickey answers.
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carmenized-onions · 7 months ago
Just Dropped | Missing Invoice
Here we go sweets
I was so stunned with Carmy's "Respect him" Cause babe wtf we were vibing earlier????? But yea- the last chapter he can ruin it for himself go get it Carmy-
"You were expecting comradery. The guy is a dick, why won’t Carmen admit that? Why’s he suddenly got stock in his captor?"
“N’ what the fuck are you?”
I wanted to punch CARMEN
"Oh. Stray bullet, for you. You wince— Not that you weren’t already, but that was definitely a personal hit. Richie’s still harboring resentment over that for Carmen, which means he still holds it somewhere for you, too. And at least Carmen came back after, to take care of The Beef. Where the fuck were you for the better half of a year? Vanished. You completely vanished, on him."
That hurt THANKS RICHIE (I know you didn't mean it towards me honey)
"You catch it from Carmen, too. Does Carmen see you as a leech? A parasite, tethering to his family? To his work? Is that why he’s mad, right now? You’ve inserted yourself without asking— You’re so pushy— No, no, he likes that your pushy, you’re good. He doesn’t think that about you, he doesn’t actually think Richie is a leech either, he’s just saying shit to start shit. It’s working. He’s really stirring up shit."
I love how Tony tries rationalizing it like no no he doesn't think it he's just starting shit
I love how Richie says I love you so unabashedly like yes he loves this guy he considers family and it's awfully upsetting that he is pretending he isn't family
"You're fucking nothing"
Like that obviously hurts cause Uncle Lee to Mikey and it's so rage worthy
And I hate that too personally been told I'm useless or that I essentially amount to nothing which even when true is exceedingly hurtful
But with Carmy, Mikey and Richie's personal history it's practically a time bomb
I love the way you write so much so that Carmy is a real person and I have beef with him
I actually did cry this chapter
Now that I am on a re read because I didn't give you my thoughts earlier so
junkie loser
"“Don’t tell me I’m fucking confused. I’m not fucking confused— I— This is my fucking kitchen, alright?” Entirely nonsensical. Too many thoughts are stirring in his head."
“That’s me— That’s who the fuck I am. And I’m good like that, so—So if he’s a fuckin’ creep so am I. N’ I don’t need you comin’ in my fuckin’ kitchen, comin’ in my fuckin’ life, actin’ like you know better than me!”
(I haven't finished it yet but I read stuff in comments lol)
Failed Mickey hurt
I remember putting down my phone and taking in a deep breath
I was in public transport and did not want to cry-
Damn right Carmy
I love that his regret is so well written you know
I love the way you write
Cause like even I say stuff suddenly that I do not mean
But never this mean
"You get to be the first person he’s ever made cry, in his kitchen. When his brain comes back to his body, and he repeats back to himself the exchange that just happened. Yeah, he’d cry, too."
I did cry so thank you CARMEN I'M SO MAD
I absolutely love how Sydney and Richie rush behiind Tony
It's so fuckiign sweet
"“No.” You shoot Carmen down quickly. “Richie’s got it. You’ve gotta keep your kitchen in order.”"
The shock that Mickey gave her money and not vice-versa so well done almost surpassing the next chapters (sponser spoiler alert)
“I—” How can you word this in a way that isn’t just as cruel? “I didn’t think we were friends.”
Like honestly I really don't think people consider me a friend and I'm always so surprised because I just don't think that people think I'm their friend?
“I… I feel like… I’m just like… So insecure, about my place in relationships, that like— Like I’m not worth people’s time. Like we were only friends because we were friends with Mikey and we were handling him and I was like— Like I was helpful. So, like, when he died, it was like… We— There was no reason, for you to be friends with me, anymore. No us.”
I love the taylor swift conversation so much man
Me too
Like I don't hate her but concert would be a bit much haha
But for Richie and Eva I'm here hundred percent
Richie and Syd speak in unison, a rarity, for them to be on the same page. “No the fuck it’s not.”
My favourite bit from it all lol
“Fucks Inky mean anyways? Stupid ass nickname—” “Oh, like Chip is so original—” “Actually, a dead guy coined it, so betchu feel real dumb now—” “I’m not capable of feeling dumb—” You interrupt, “Girls, girls, you’re both beautiful.”
You explain to Rich, “I called Syd ‘Squid’ in high-school— Literally just ‘cause it sounds funny, and uh, she felt jealous that she didn’t have one for me—”
“I know you said I’d be a perfect match for your little brother, but at this point, I’m taking that as a read.”
omg no way
felt so seen and loved
thank you
Got an hour of answering asks until I return to banging my head against the wall trying to write the last two scenes of chapter 14 (it’s a fucking nightmare) (we’re at 8k right now) (we’re going to end up over 10k BUT NOT BY MUCH PLEASE GOD PLEASE) Anyways. LETS GO LET’S GET INTO YOUR THOUGHTS FROM JUST DROPPED CHAPTER 11!!!
Carmen’s vibe switch really was so fun to write for me, like he SUCKED the energy right out of the room— In what I feel was 100% the way he would do that. He gives such a fuck about titles, it’s ANNOYING!!!
Richie has been such a joy to dig into for the last few chapters— Two Steps Back specifically was so fun, but with Just Dropped it was fun because I do think somewhere Richie is mad at Chip— Like how could he not be, y’know? He thought he just lost one friend and then he lost TWO!!!?? He gets it, but I do think like Chip said, somewhere deep, it’s still kinda there.
Carmen however, was 100% being a shitstarter in this fight that was all a FUCK load of projecting. I mean c’mon, that nothing talk— This mffff…. No one’s useless!!! He’s just bullshit!! Writing fights is really one of my favourite types of dialogue to write, it kinda reminds me of this one fuckin’ quote somewhere about how the way you react to fearing for your life shows a lot about you. I think the way you fight shows SO much about a character. We could dig in for literally hours about each line from the freezer fight, I love that shit man. THANK YOU AND SORRY FOR MAKING YOU CRY ABOUT IT.
“That’s me— That’s who the fuck I am. And I’m good like that, so—So if he’s a fuckin’ creep so am I. N’ I don’t need you comin’ in my fuckin’ kitchen, comin’ in my fuckin’ life, actin’ like you know better than me!” WELL S3 PREDICTION HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Yeah, I did seem to have called that fuckin shot— I was not surprised to see David. I am an oracle,,, Or rather, the writers just set up a very clear through line— well, this one through line, at least— I’m being catty about s3 I need to relax.
NOT PUBLIC TRANSPORT— Man this chapter and two steps back were the chapters I was like, everyone needs to lock in to read these ones— Maybe I should put a lock in warning up top LMAO.
Rereading Carm’s regret after Two Steps Back is so interesting, in retrospect— Thank you for enjoying it— Regret is hand in hand with why fights are my favourite thing to write. I LOVE WHEN MOTHERFUCKERS FEEL GUILT YEEAGGHHHH YEAAH!!!!!!! Don’t know why it just does it for me but it DOES.
Red-Herring everyone with the joint bank account did put a smile on my face,,, hehehehe
Syd/Rich/Tony, I’ve said it ad nauseam but they’re really my fuckin, fuckin what’s the bridgerton thing? Rose of the season? Idk I capped out of shows I can give my brain to. The scene in the parking lot with Richie was one I’d really been waiting for, and I’m very happy it connected with all the other people pleasing readers in the way that it did. I am also not a big TSwift fan, but for Richie, ,,, I will fold. 
Omg YES way dude, but you’ve read Two Steps Back now so you know what that Phantom was yapping about. AND GOOD I’M GLAD— I’m very bad at DMing people both in life and on Tumblr so when I do it know it’s all my willpower and strength and love in one message <3
P.S I did get your replies from your notes on the last chapter!!! They were also lovely to read thank youuu love you on to the NEXT FUCK I HAVE HALF AN HOUR, alright we’re just gonna go for however long it takes.
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