#don’t blame Jared it ain’t his fault
the-spn-verse · 3 years
Edition 4,860 is up and Oh My Jack there's so much #SPN News, fanfic, fanart and fan edits these days! Oh, and we've rounded up all the media spins and the latest updates on Prequel-Gate for those looking to be in the know.
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edgeheadpeep · 4 years
i love supernatural but.... PT2
 i wanna make a part two to my first rant i’m less angry and more level headed 
listen i like misha and love jensen and jared so as a fan i feel i should have to talk about this...
i don’t know why people think jensen hates misha like do we know jensen?  are we in jensen’s head 
no.. so how are we gonna legitimately know if he hates or dislikes him you know i do think jensen and jared share a more “profound bond” as cas would say then jensen and misha do but still 
i don’t want extreme cockles or destelhellers to think i’m on yalls side i’m not yall really do some fucked up things to other fan’s other shippers the crew the writers the CW as a whole ( i do have problems with CW but none are SPN related)  and the cast manly jensen jared and misha it’s messed up and you make the normal shippers among you look really bad and it’s not their fault they don’t do anything except ship the ship it’s really unsettling 
yes i know it’s not just destelhellers other extreme parts of the fandom do this to it’s just they are the most vocal of the bunch 
anyway i'll start with jared:
 jared is a really sweet down earth guy all the hate he gets is sad he doesn’t deserve the shit fans (if i can't even call them that) do and say about him or his show on a daily someone said they want to hunt him for sport like i know it’s a joke but how would he know he probably takes that shit to heart poor guy it’s so fucking sad
 he won’t see this but i want jared   to know we love him and support him and all his hard work and he’s gonna be badass at being walker 
now to jensen:
calling him homophobic when there is nothing to indicate that besides him thinking that a ship is not real or his character is not gay or bi is ridiculous some think he is a trump supporter just because he’s a white man form texas it’s so funny to me.. how much time do these people have  go read a book or watch some tv there is better things to do then make assumptions about a man that you don’t know or even knows you exist 
i know jensen won’t see this ether but i also want him to know he’s gonna possibly quite literally gonna kill it on the boys if demon dean showed us anything it’s how  awesome and badass jensen is at being a villain so i just know he’s gonna knock it out of the park
now to misha: i like the guy i think he’s a cool dude but i think he does harm the fans more then help him now is it intentional i don’t know you know i’m not him nor am i his friend or family nor am i inside his head  just tweets and things he says at cons or in interviews just get’s peoples hopes up only for them to be disappointed in the end at the same time i do think it’s not entirely his fault no i also think the fans are partly to blame as well they look to into jokes and funny tweets way too much and draw conclusions form something that ain’t that deep 
to misha you are a cool guy and you were badass as castiel i couldn’t imagine anyone else as him but just think before you speak sometimes my man you don’t have a project yet but when you do i say good luck and go get em tiger 
alright i’m done imma go have a shower eat ice cream and pass out 
side note: i'm gonna tag this everything cuz i don’t think i’m being rude or unreasonable to anybody  
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OC x Reader then Embry x Reader
Warning: abusive tactics are used in this first part.
Part 1: “Gaslight” by Snow Tha Product
Part 2: “New Me” by Ella Eyre
Part 3: “Falling for You” by Tamia
“Gaslighting: (verb) to manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their sanity.”
Being young and in love has its perks and downfalls. Isaac and I have been together for about a year and a half now and everything was fine at first, until a few weeks after he asked me to officially be his girlfriend in the beginning.
Oh you a big money spendin' Man who gets the women Big bill droppin' Want it, then you got it Rollie face wearin' If she lookin', then she starin' If she starin', then she carin' But can't put a finger on it
He was supposed to be saving up for college. We had both planned on going to Washington State. Well, he had planned for us to go. I wanted to go to the nearby junior college since I had no idea what I wanted to do. I figured I would save a ton of money getting my basics out of the way by paying half of what I would at a University.
But instead of saving his money, he was buying random crap and flashing it to everyone. I’m talking about new shoes, chains, brand named clothes. Stuff that he could buy later, stuff that wasn’t necessary right now. He was strutting like Instagram influencers—the same people he hated the most and promised to never be like.
You a big game talker, every ex's your stalker You ain't ready for no relationship, but can talk to her You just want some company Every bitch you fuck with either crazy or amazing Then you shady as can fuckin' be
I would catch him constantly flirty and texting random numbers. When I called him out on it, he would call me crazy and make me feel bad for not trusting him. And of course, I’d feel bad and apologize even when he was in the wrong. I loved him after all.
You can't commit and that's your greatest talent Claim you're breaking hearts like back to back Deep inside there's somethin' less than average 'Bout the bitches that you claim to bag Somethin' 'bout the bracket that you at Maybe all the practice that you have Wouldn't do you any good where I'm at Class ain't somethin' you can pay to have
Gaslight pro (pro) Gaslight pro (pro)
Our break-up and make-up game lasted throughout Junior and Senior year. My friends constantly coming at me for not seeing his player ways. Me, not seeing the manipulation he was playing on me. The more I called him out on his bullshit, the more I was crazy, which made me angrier and more depressed.
And you could tell me lies Tell me, tell me lies Tell me I'm trippin' Tell me why, tell me I'm the one Then rewind to a gaslight pro (pro)
Oh you a fuckin' Prince Charming out in public I'm like "Yeah, yeah, yeah" Lead me on, then they leave Then it's back to never there Throw the blame out everywhere "No one can compare" yeah, yeah You just never wrong, but here's your problem Now, I don't care
It was a game with him. Everyone told me to stay away, but no one knew him as I knew him. No one knew the side of Isaac as I did. Behind those deep silver eyes and freckled face, you wouldn’t believe how much of a softy he was. It was like he would pull a 180 on everyone.
But that was the thing. No matter how many times you pull 180’s, you’re still doing a 360. And eventually, you’ll get dizzy and fall apart.
You playin' with my mind, somehow every time Pretty lies come right out your mouth, and that ain't right Gotta fuckin' draw the line I've been just your type Prey on any insecurity you fucking find Got me questionin' my memory You're a narcissist, intensity You startin' off the problem, causin' drama Then you got me second guessin' me And I don't give a fuck which house your Moon is What sign you are or how you grew up You're a fuckin' adult and you got to get it together You're a dick and you're manipulative as fuck, ugh
Gaslight pro (pro) Gaslight pro (pro)
“What the fuck Isaac! Are you serious?!” I yell at my soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. Out in the open at school, making out with Francesca DeLaurentis, the bitches of all bitches in the school. The look of shock on his face couldn’t describe how he felt.
“Aw, what’s the matter? Mad that your ex finally has something worth living for?” She laughs as if that was my problem. I ignored her.
“Really?! You couldn’t have the balls to at least break up with me first before sleeping with the known walking STD of the school?!” that seemed to snap him out of his trance.
“Seriously? That’s the best you got. You know what, fine. I should have, but guess what chubs, I didn’t. Plus, I don’t know why I even bothered staying with you. Look at you, why would someone like me bothered staying with someone like you. Look at you, why would someone like me, who can be with this fine ass here” slapping Francesca’s nonexisting ass, “be with someone like you? A sloth. You’re lazy, you don’t bother to present yourself, and really, could you at least put on make-up. Give me something to look at.” He said as if I was the one holding him back and I was the problem.
“Fuck you!” I said, before knocking him in the face and storming off. Lousy piece of shit.
And you could tell me lies Tell me, tell me lies Tell me I'm trippin' Tell me why, tell me I'm the one Then rewind to a gaslight pro (pro)
Gaslight pro (pro) Gaslight pro (pro)
After that day, I threw everything of his that wasn’t worth money away. Sold what I could (thankfully his dumbass left a lot of valuable things here) and kept up with school. As soon as graduation was over with, he’d be gone and a thing of the past. And I couldn’t be happier about that.
It was painful, to be honest, but throughout that time “with” him, by slowly stepping away from him emotionally, it became easy leaving him for good.
And you could tell me lies Tell me, tell me lies Tell me I'm trippin' Tell me why, tell me I'm the one Then rewind to a gaslight pro (pro)
And you could tell me lies Tell me, tell me lies Tell me I'm trippin' Tell me why, tell me I'm the one Then rewind to a gaslight pro (pro)
Pulling up to the school the following week, was like a ton of weightlifting and falling on my shoulders. It was both painful and satisfying. Painful because I had to endure my ex, satisfying because my support group was here. Graduation and summer is only 2 months away and I couldn’t wait to start a semi-new life.
“Hey! Y/n!” Clair, my best friend, called out to me.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Did you hear the big news?”
“Francesca finally got pregnant?”
“No, well, maybe. But no,” she looks over my shoulder and smiles, “Someone had a nice glow-up.” I looked at her with questionable eyes and followed her eyesight. And boy was I glad. Embry Call struts the hallway as if he was a piece of gold crafted by God. He’d always been adorable, cute, and charming. Quiet and conservative among his friends.
“Hot damn,” I said under my breath. And it was like he heard me; he looked at me straight in the eyes and stopped in the hallway. At that moment, I felt warm and fuzzy—it was weird. His mouth opened a little and a grin grew on his face. His friends, Jared Cameron and Paul Lahote nudged him and followed his eyesight. They looked at each other and started laughing and pushing one another. Embry looked at them and said something before they started shoving each other.
“What I’d kill to be under anyone of them,” Clair said.
“I call dibs on Embry,” I said looking at her. She looked back at me and smiled then shrugged her shoulders.
“That’s fine, give me Paul for the night and I’m good.”
“Gasp! What about Quil? Your future husband and father of your kids.” I say dramatically and quietly to ourselves. She smiles and rolls her eyes.
“Oh, he’s still my baby daddy. I just want to try him for a night.” She says, like the hoe (metaphorically) she is.
“As long as I get Jared, I think we’ll be okay.” Kim walks up to us watching the rowdy 3 boys in the hallway. The bell rings, signaling the warning before class starts.
“Well girls, let's get our asses in there,” I said with faults determination. I look back and see Embry watching me. I smile and turn away. Unknowing to either one of us, another set of eyes was watching closely nearby.
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Between Us: 05
Paul Lahote x Reader
Part 1: https://je-suis-la-wolf-girl.tumblr.com/post/190330049114/between-us-01
Part 2: https://je-suis-la-wolf-girl.tumblr.com/post/190448693499/between-us-02
Part 3: https://je-suis-la-wolf-girl.tumblr.com/post/190524122999/between-us-03
Part 4: https://je-suis-la-wolf-girl.tumblr.com/post/190574549809/between-us-04
You read the message more than five times and didn't realize you were holding in your breath.
You started crying. Your mom had another night shift, so you cried as loud as you wanted to without worrying that anyone could hear you. You called your best friend and as soon as she heard you cry, she made her way to your house.
''Y/B/N I really don't know why the heck I'm crying. It's not like we were in a relationship.'' You were sobbing incredibly hard and if it wasn't because Y/B/N had known you your entire life, she wouldn't have understood anything.
''It hurts Y/B/N. It freaking hurts and I don't know why.''
Y/B/N wipped away your tears and made you look at her.
''Babe, even if you don't want to admit it or maybe it's because you don't realize it; it's hurting you this much because you love him. Y/N, you're in love with Paul.''
You wanted to argue with her, but you couldn't. There was absolutely nothing you could say because it was true. You never said it out loud and you never admitted it to yourself because you were scared. A part of you knew that you've always liked him and that you fell in love with him a few weeks ago. The other part of you didn't want to admit it or say it out loud because you were scared that it wasn't reciprocal. You didn't want to be the dumb girl who fell in love with the guy she hooks up with.
''I want this pain to go away.'' you said as you laid down on your bed, making your best friend mimic your position.
''Oh honey, unfortunately, that's not how it works.'' she paused, ''but, we can watch your favorite comedy movies to cheer you up?!'' she then took something from her bag that was next to your bed. ''I brought you your favorite sweets.''
The next two days that followed, made you angry.
'I don't get it! Everything was going well. There was no sign of awkwardness or him being uncomfortable. Since when is Paul uncomfortable with me? I never did anything he didn't want me to do and I never will. I didn't see this coming and I don't know the reason to why he doesn't 'feel it anymore'. How can he switch up this fast? There is something wrong and I am going to find out.' you told yourself.
A part of you was scared that he wanted to stop because he found someone else, someone that can potentially have his heart. You didn't want that, but you weren't going to say it out loud.
Being your stubborn self, you walked over to his house and knocked on the door three times.
No one answered. You let out a heavy sigh and made your way to the beach. On your way there, you saw him with Jared. They were walking, talking about something and laughing about it.
'Right, he's probably laughing with Jared about how he just left me there like a garbage bag' you said to yourself.
Without thinking about it twice, you made your way to them.
''Hey!'' you yelled, ''Paul!'' you yelled again.
You got in front of the two boys making them stop. Jared looked at you, then awkwardly looked at the beach. Paul was just staring at you.
''What do you mean 'you're not feeling it anymore'? Since when?'' you asked him slightly raising your tone, crossing your arms. He was still looking at you, not saying anything.
''So you can't give me the real reason as to why you're 'not feeling it anymore', but you also can't freaking talk to me?''
Jared abruptly turned his head to look at his friend. He took in a deep breath before putting an arm around Paul's shoulders.
''Y/N, Paul is not feeling well-'' Jared started saying, but you interrupted him. You didn't care about what Jared was going to say. You wanted to talk with Paul. You didn't know how Jared didn't get the hint. He usually knew when to take a hint. He was slow today, you thought.
''You know what, fuck you then. Ok it's over. This special friend thing and our friendship. I don't need you anyways. You ain't shit. You're always using girls for your advantage. I've known you for so long and I can't believe I didn't see this coming.'' you shook your head from side to side. ''You're a fucking jerk.'' you turned around and walked away.
Paul thought he could take it, but you took it way too far.
''Excuse me? Don't blame me for all of this. This is your fault!'' he said getting angry.
You scoffed while turning around, looking at him in disbelieve.
''My fault? How is this my fault?'' you asked him, but didn't let him answer you. ''You're the one who has been acting weird, plus you tell me you wanted to see me today, you ghost me, don't reply to me and I see you here hanging out with Jared like nothing happened!''
Jared interrupted.
''Look, I don't mind going away, but you probably don't want to have this conversation here at the beach. Everyone's listening! Go to the tree line or something.'' Jared said before fist bumping Paul's fist and walking away. It was then your turn to walk away with Paul to the tree line.
Now that nobody could listen to you, you continued your conversation.
''As I was saying, you're the one who just left me there.'' you said tapping your index on his chest.
Paul took a deep breath, then let out a heavy sigh.
''You're the one who said 'I love you', then acted like it was nothing, Y/N!''
You gasped.
''Excuse you! You said 'I love you' too! I'm not the only one.'' you paused ''And anyways, you said it because we were making love. Not because you actually love me.''
''Say it again Y/N. What were we doing?'' he asked getting slightly closer, his tone still cold.
''I don't need to say it if you already know what we are talking about.'' you said after letting out another scoff.
''Answer me, Y/N. What were we doing?'' he repeated.
You rolled your eyes as you let out a sigh.
''Love. We were making love.''
''Exactly. So how can someone in their right mind, say 'I love you' while making love and not mean it?''
You were about to say something, but immediately shut your mouth. He was right, but were you going to say it? No.
''You see, you're not saying anything because I'm right.'' his voice was softer than before and he didn't seem that tense or angry anymore.
You shook your head 'no'.
''No. You only said 'I love you' because you were lost in the moment, because you liked the pleasure you were getting but not because you meant it. Stop lying.''
Paul let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hands through his hair before clasping his hands together.
''Y/N/, that doesn't make any sense.'' he paused ''Damn it, I'm legit telling you that I love you and you're telling me to stop lying?!''
You froze. It's not that you weren't happy because you were! You finally knew that your feelings were reciprocal, but everything was going so fast.  You were arguing and you were mad at him just a few seconds ago and now he was telling you that he loved you. You needed time to process it all. You were slightly insecure. You knew that Paul had told three girls that he loved them in the past without meaning it. You knew that he was sincere right now because well, you knew him like the palm of your hand. But you couldn't help to be insecure about it.
''You've told girls in the past that you loved them when you didn't. How do I know that you're not playing me?'' you were getting mad again and tears started to run down your cheeks. ''Look, I'm not someone you can manipulate into your liking, Paul. I don't-'' your voice was rising and Paul quickly interrupted you.
''Y/N!'' he yelled your name. You stopped talking to stare at him.
''I've done things with you that I have never done with anyone before. I stopped flirting and hooking up with other girls because of a promise that we made. I have canceled many plans with Jared and with some other friends just to be with you. You're the first girl I made love with and that I actually said 'I love you' while genuinely meaning it. I love your stubborn, annoying and kind ass and I wouldn't change it for anything. I've been in love with you for a month now. I just never told you because I thought you only saw me as your special friend and nothing more and I guess I was right.''
And again, this was a lot to process. You wanted to tell him that you felt the same way, that you loved him, that there was nothing you wanted more than to be with him... but nothing came out of your mouth. You were just standing there, like a fish out of the water, with tears running down your face.
Paul sighed and nodded.
''Oh no! He thinks it's not reciprocal! Bitch say something!'' you told yourself, but you just watched him walk away.
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sweetness47 · 4 years
Pairing Jensen x reader
@spngenrebingo​ – free space
(This is AU, which means obviously, Jensen is single)
Based on the song “Look what God Gave Her” by Thomas Rhett
Final word count - 907
Warnings: PG…None really, fluff, love at first sight, smitten Jensen, language
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We’d just finished shooting another episode, and had gone for drinks as usual. Misha and Jared were at a booth, while I bought the first round. I paid the bartender, took the three bottles, and went to sit down.
We were laughing about a gag Misha had played on Jared and I earlier when she walked in. Suddenly the room vanished, and the only thing I saw was her. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Fuck! I felt like a damn teenager.
I don’t know if it was the way she carried herself, the ease with which she moved, like she owned the world. Did she realize just how perfect she even was? I looked around the bar, watching all the other guys take her in, then watching their hopes fleet away as she totally ignores their advances, their offers to buy her drinks, dance with her.
She catches my gaze for a moment and she gives me a wink and a smile before joining her friends. I hoped I wasn’t drooling like a lovesick puppy.
Jared nudged my arm. “You gonna come back to earth? Or are you actually going to go and talk to her. She’s ignored every other guy in here except you.”
Misha snorted. “Fifty bucks says she walks out before you say hi.”
I grinned. “You’re on pretty boy.”
I had a plan.
It just happened to be Karaoke night, one of my personal favorites. As I walked to the stage, I observed the other patrons, noting the women not sitting at her table were almost jealous of the attention she was pulling from their dates. And she wasn’t even trying.
I knew exactly which song I was going to do. But, instead of karaoke, I was going to sing and play with the band. I talked to the band members about the song, making sure they knew it, then I grabbed a guitar and tested the cords. I looked in her direction, and she was looking directly at me with keen interest. I had her hooked.
The music starts as I count it down. Then I start:
Don't even want the attention
But yeah, that's all that she's getting
Her song is on and she's spinning around, yeah
She got me drunk like Corona
Heart racing like it's Daytona
Ooh, I'm in Heaven, I swear, right now
 And those eyes can hypnotize
Was designed to blow my mind
 Look what God gave her
How perfect He made her
She walks in the room
It's like He answered my prayers
The way that she moves
How could anybody blame her?
I know she's got haters
But it ain't her fault, nah
Look what God gave her
 I smile and she has the decency to blush. She knows the song is for her. Her friends are whispering to her excitedly, and up till that moment, I’m pretty sure she didn’t know who I was. The next verse starts and she winks at me again. Line.
 It's like I heard angels singing
Like she came down from the ceiling
When she walked in here this evening, I thought, yeah
That girl one in seven billion
Got everyone in here feeling
Like there's a fire in this building, so hot
 Got a smile on her angel face
I know I'll never lose my faith
 Look what God gave her
How perfect He made her
She walks in the room
It's like He answered my prayers
The way that she moves
How could anybody blame her?
I know she's got haters
But it ain't her fault, nah
Look what God gave her
 I take this opportunity to glance over at a highly amused Jared, and a slightly bewildered Misha. I chuckle as I once again look at my angel and finish the song.
 Got that look in her eyes
Swear she fell right out the sky
Yeah, I think I've seen the light
Every kiss, I could die
It's like the heavens opened wide
Man, I swear I've seen the light
 Look what God gave her
How perfect He made her
She walks in the room
It's like He answered my prayers
The way that she moves
How could anybody blame her?
I know she's got haters
But it ain't her fault, nah
Look what God gave her
 Uuh, uh
UUh, look what God gave her
(Look what God gave her)
Uuh, uh
Oh yeah, look what God gave her
 She’s off her seat as I finish, friends forgotten as she makes her way to the stage. Sinker.
“Hi.” She says softly. Damn, she’s shy and yet so vibrant. “I’m YN.”
She offers me her hand, so I take it. “Jensen.” Sparks fly between us as we shake hands. And fuck, my body is in pure heaven. My mind forgets how to focus. “Can I buy you a drink? Dinner? House? Wedding?”
She giggles as I realize that I’m babbling like a schoolboy. My cheeks are crimson as I clear my throat. “Uh, I mean, can I buy you a drink?”
She nods. “I’d like that. And dinner, and the house, and the wedding. But the drink first.”
I never believed in love at first sight till that night.
@legion1993​ @akshi8278​
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theravennest · 5 years
So...that episode happened, huh?
My first thoughts:
First, I stand by my assertion that Ketch literally had no reason to exist in this show past his S12 death. Everything he has done since his “resurrection” easily could’ve been done by a different established character or the story could’ve been slightly tweaked so that that action wasn’t even needed to move the plot forward. All of his screen time could’ve been better used bolstering the Rowena or Belphegor stories.
Second, I don’t like Dean enough to give a shit about this split between him and Castiel. I can’t believe he still blames Cass for Mary. *eyeroll* Water’s wet, the sky is blue, and Dean Winchester is gonna treat somebody like garbage for something that’s not their fault. What’s new? Nothing. Moving on.
Third, even though I like Cass much more than Dean as a character, I have been bored by like 80% of the story lines they write for him past S9, outside of the stuff with him and Jack, which they barely scraped the surface of before separating them and killing Jack.
Still, while it was def messed up to watch him burn Jack’s body, at least I care about Cass and Jack’s relationship (such as the writers will let it be) so I felt some kinda way about it.
Lastly, for Sam and Rowena...They are my two favorite characters so I will almost always enjoy their story features. Ruth and Jared bringing their A-game, as always.
However, the fact that Rowena grabbed the knife and Sam’s hand, then lowkey stabbed herself with it while Sam hugged her...makes me feel like this is definitely not permanent.
If it is, however, that will be some pure garbage. Permanently killing Rowena 3 eps into the last season would be an insult to Ruth’s work on the show for the last 6 years.
Ain’t no fucking way. We’ll see Rowena again. (Plus, I know Ruth’s in more eps.)
Maybe she’ll grab Lilith’s Crook and become the new Queen of Hell.
That would be something, huh?
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the-spn-verse · 3 years
The weekend roundup’s here in Edition 4,859 with all the the latest in fanfic, fanart, videos and news from the SPNFamily including links to all the coverage on *ahem* PREQUELGATE. Ya know, in case you’re interested.
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