#don book club
doomed-prophetess · 1 month
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@notenderhands, @penwl, @the-lord-of-springs when it's my turn to choose a novel for the book club can I pick The Pattern Scars? 👉👈According to reviews it's about an orphan with the gift of prophecy who is groomed and magically entrapped into helping an insane Seer named Teldaru practice blood magic/necromancy in order to try to ignite a war with a neighboring county.
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the-lord-of-springs · 1 month
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Don book club avatar designs pair #1
Psst psst psst Jewel I made us look like twins🥺 Do you like it🥺
Can our avatar lore be that we're twins🥺
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notenderhands · 28 days
@the-lord-of-springs what do you like about You are my Angela? I really enjoyed it but what do you like about it?
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penwl · 29 days
I found 3 book's to read!! I'm not sure which one you guys would prefer so I'm gonna see which one you guys like best!
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waku-waku-week · 1 year
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melodysbookhaven · 8 months
“There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally.”
Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements
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funnuraba · 8 months
Anyone who tries to tell you that fandom used to be chill before Kids These Days came along is lying to you, because I've been in the trenches going through old zines from the very beginning of organized science fiction fandom in the 1930s, and let me tell you, it was the autism Thunderdome. They were calling each other Hitler, getting into physical fights, writing into letter columns suggesting that other fans kill themselves.
To give the briefest of summaries: the first convention happened in 1936 with about 9 guys, and within three years they and all of sci-fi fandom had split in two over who got to plan the cons and who was a card-carrying Communist. By 1943 they'd had the first attempted fandom cult and the first faked suicide. Two different sex offenders were exposed, one the attempted cult leader and one a major player in the Communism feud. Another sex offender was only exposed in the 21st century after his death; in the 1940s he publicly proposed to a lesbian Satanist in the pages of A FANZINE and she had to politely suggest that this was best discussed in private. Everyone kept making fun of a teenage Ray Bradbury for being a terrible writer. They would tear their own friends' work to absolute shreds in public if they didn't like it!
Two young men got to the Chicago Worldcon by stowing away on boxcars and riding in the freezing cold for 30 hours (they got an award and cash prize for doing this). All this is taking place at a time where there were maybe 50 genuinely active fans, and they all knew each other and had to pay money to mail their fights to each other. It was wild out there, my friends.
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excessivebookshelf · 1 year
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Summer Saturday (coffee + chivalry)
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batrachised · 1 year
more big spoilers (i know i know i should wait but but but)
me preparing for these next few chapters in which we meet andrew
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novemberthewriter · 2 months
homework done ... in creative writing class i just sent off a proposal for my short fiction project, and in lit theory class i just let my prof know i wanna study a flannery o'connor story
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doomed-prophetess · 1 month
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My heaven, my hell are in your gaze.
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the-lord-of-springs · 1 month
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Local book club artist and her moots
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notenderhands · 1 month
For the book club, are we having Part one of the poem read by Wednesday and so can talk about it and then finishing it by Saturday?
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darkcrowprincess · 5 months
It book thoughts:
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Adrian and Don were so fucking cute and sad. Plus Adrian wanted to be a writer! He was writing a book! He loved the Maine country side and he loved Don! Like fuck fuck fuck! Their whole fucking story was so sad. Because they were so happy.
One postive news. Derry has a gay bar. And the owner did not care his bar was one. He was actually a decent person. So like losers club Fandom and fan writers heres a little nugget for you, Derry had a gay bar that was really nice and was a safe haven for gay men. Even though all the assholes kept saying mean rumors about it. But I'm just imagining fanfiction where the losers go to that bar when they're teenagers. The falcon(lol I love that name!) Or the bar is still there when they come back 27 years later and its one of the few safe spots in Derry for people that are different.
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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vavuska · 1 year
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It's not important if your nickname is Don Quixote rather than Tyler Durden, because both of them have something in common: they make automatically your argumentations invalid. Don Quixote was insane and had hallucinations, while Tyler Durden is the hallucination produced by a disturbed mind.
On one hand Don Quixote lives in a mythologized past that never existed and, instead of trying to understand the evolutions of society and questioning his “ancient” way of thinking, he escapes from a reality, a present that he doesn't understand anymore (or doesn't feel as his own), on the other hand Tyler Durden is the unrealistic ideal of masculinity diffused by media and created by the same consumeristic and capitalistic culture Tyler Durden fights. They are both illusions, intrinsically contradictory falsehoods.
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melodysbookhaven · 5 months
“Whatever happens around you, don't take it personally... Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.”
Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements
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