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26 decembrie: Soborul Maicii Domnului
În a doua zi după sărbătoarea Nașterii Domnului nostru Iisus Hristos, pe 26 decembrie, biserica a instituit celebrarea Soborului Maicii Domnului. Numele acestei sărbători semnifică adunarea celor credincioși pentru a da laudă Întru Totul Sfintei Fecioare Maria și a o slăvi pe cea care a dat naștere Mântuitorului nostru.
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gigel bidon
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#2 februarie#2 February#Ăl Bătrân#Intampinarea Domnului#Martinii de iarna#Martinul cel Mare#predictii meteo#Sâ-Martinii#Stretenie#urs brun#Ziua Ursului#bears#romania#romanian mountains
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260 I 2024. ÎN LUMEA MEA SAU PILDA BOGATULUI CĂRUIA I-A RODIT ȚARINA [Luca 7.39 I Luca 12.13-21] 16 Septembrie 2024
260 I 2024. ÎN LUMEA MEA SAU PILDA BOGATULUI CĂRUIA I-A RODIT ȚARINA I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Luca 7 : 39 I Luca 12 : 13 – 21 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 16 Septembrie 2024 În lumea mea sau Pilda bogatului căruia i-a rodit țarina. În Meditația de ieri am observat că există posibilitatea ca un om din punct de vedere fizic să fie în prezența Domnului Isus, dar de fapt, el să…
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#16 Septembrie 2024#260 I 2024. IN LUMEA MEA SAU PILDA BOGATULUI CARUIA I-A RODIT TARINA#Exista posibilitatea ca un om din punct de vedere fizic sa fie în prezenta Domnului Isus dar de fapt el sa traiasca în lumea lui interioara#Luca 12.13-21#Luca 7.39
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V3.25 Luisa își mărturisește păcatele lui Isus. Efectele păcatului și efectele sacramentului Pocăinței (5 ianuarie 1900)
Aflându-mă în starea mea obișnuită, mă simțeam ieșind din mine și l-am găsit pe adorabilul meu Isus, dar, oh, cum mă vedeam plină de păcate înaintea prezenței Sale! În interiorul meu simțeam o dorință puternică de a mă confesa Domnului nostru. Deci, adresându-mă Lui, am început să-i spun păcatele mele și Isus mă asculta. Când am terminat de spus, întorcându-se spre mine cu un chip…
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#vointadivina#Cartea Cerului#Cartea Cerului V3#dezlegarea de pacate#pacat#pacat venial#prezenta Domnului#Sacramentul Spovezii#Spovada
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Mănăstirea Paltin Petru-Vodă își serbează joi, 15 August, hramul principal al mănăstirii, Adormirea Maicii Domnului. Părintele Justin Pârvu, ctitorul acestei sfintei mănăstiri, din marea sa dragoste față de Maica Domnului, a încredințat mănăstirea de maici Preasfintei Născătoare de Dumnezeu. Părintele Justin, care a petrecut ultimii ani din viață în mănăstirea Paltin, o numea pe Maica Domnului…
#Adormirea Maicii Domnului#hram Adormirea Maicii Domnului#hram la manastirea paltin#Mănăstirea Paltin Petru Vodă
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Șerpii Maicii Domnului - Kefalonia
Sursă: Șerpii Maicii Domnului – Kefalonia – Cartea Sfinţilor – Cronopedia Șerpii Maicii Domnului – Kefalonia Șerpii Maicii Domnului reprezintă o minune deosebită pe care Maica Domnului o săvârșește anual, în vremea postului Maicii Domnului, în insula Kefalonia. La numai două sate depărtare de localitatea Pastra (3 km), unde are loc minunea anuală a reînfloririi crinilor de la icoană Maicii…
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"Ziua bucuriei" organizată la Fălticeni de Parohia Adormirea Maicii Domnului
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#Adormirea Maicii Domnului#biserica adormirea#știri din fălticeni#știri fălticeni#știri fălticeni online#falticeni#fălticeni online#preotul adrian brădățanu#ziua bucuriei
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F. putin mai dureaza
Foarte putin maj dureaza,Si tu vei deveni o tara, un continent,Vei deveni,Lampa care se sprijina in tavan,Tavanul in pereti,Peretii in fundatie,Fundatia in pamant,Pamantul in el insusi,Si “el insus” in galaxie,Si galaxia in Univers,Si Universul in alt UniversSi tot asa pana se sprijina in sinea DomnuluiCare este adanca si nu are nume. Pana insa ajung toate acestea sa poarteun nume acolo,numele…
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Crin-Triandafil Theodorescu: "Deci Dumnezeu s-o supărat, dar nu ca noi, nu și-a ieșit din pepeni, n-a zvârlit fulgere vindicative și nici n-a produs un cutremur urmat de-un tzunami"
Colindul ăla e mare cât o profeție, ar trebui să ne cutremure pe toți, pogorât-o pogorât, Domnul Sfânt p-acest pământ, în mijlocul satului, la casa bogatului, și sună Dumnezeu la interfon și întreabă dacă e cina gata de cinat, bogatului îi sare muștarul, cina lui nu e pentru sărăntoci ca Dumnezeu, să-i acordăm clemență, Dumnezeu S-a născut în iesle și când bate la poarta bogatului e îmbrăcat în…
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#credinta#dar nu ca noi#Deci Dumnezeu s-o supărat#despre dumnezeu#jurnal de bucovina#n-a zvârlit fulgere vindicative și nici n-a produs un cutremur urmat de-un tzunami#nasterea domnului#nu și-a ieșit din pepeni#renastere#saracie
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21 noiembrie: Intrarea în biserică a Maicii Domnului (Vodivenia)
Potrivit sfintei tradiții, Intrarea în biserică a Maicii Domnului (Vodivenia) a avut loc în felul următor. Părinții Sfintei Fecioare Maria, Sfinții Ioachim și Ana, rugându-se să aibă un copil, au jurat că dacă acesta se va naște, îl vor dedicarea slujirii lui Dumnezeu. https://www.diane.ro/2024/11/21-noiembrie-maica-domnului-biserica-vovodenia.html
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Savannah you are still a rude bitch. O and if you are going to make allegations, back ot up with documents, evidence. You know like marriage licenses, posts by friends, cast members, mentioning the father and husband's name in congratulations. If he's such a con, bad business person, prove it. You are the one who is making the statement, you need to provide the documents. Tell others to go look it up doesn't cut it.
Dear Savannah Anon,
I have a surprise for you, darling:
If you don't understand anything, this is normal. It was my wicked pleasure to record this in my first native language - Romanian. But since I don't suspect you do speak or understand it, I will first transcript it as is and then translate.
Sinceră să fiu, nu știu cum unii oameni nu se rușinează de propria prostie. Savannah! Nici mai mult, nici mai puțin - serios? Însă asta este, puișor și regrete eterne: după cum poți constata, ai scris din nou tâmpenii, fără să verifici. Pentru că, hai să fim măcar o dată cinstite - sunteți speriate de nu mai știți de voi de apariția mea pe ecranele ordinatoarelor voastre.
Ani de zile și cam de când cu jocul absolut murdar al unui bătrân fără minte care a jucat într-un serial SF de succes, cam pe când Mama Shipper era la liceu, v-ați permis cam orice, fericite și numaidecât consolate de liniștea consensuală și lașă a echipei de producție, a presei, a actorilor principali: am mai scris chestia asta și am să o tot scriu de câte ori am chef, până vă intră în cap. V-ați crezut apoi protejate de șmecheria la fel de fără minte a cuiva care s-a lăudat că vă denunță și apoi, din câte înțeleg, a fugit cu banii trimiși de către o mână de oameni naivi și disperați „să afle adevărul”. Și ați continuat, pentru că știți foarte bine că foarte puțină lume ar fi, în fond, dispusă să vă dea în judecată, peste mări și țări, pentru un motiv atât de pueril, expunându-și familia, viața personală și cheltuind aiurea pe avocați, expertize și așa mai departe. Asta nu înseamnă că lucrurile pe care le faceți nu se constituie într-o infracțiune, și încă una în formă continuată, cu pedepse substanțiale în mai toate sistemele de drept în care trăim: și eu, și voi. Ceea ce faceți voi se numește hărțuire, zi de zi de zi: puțină lume rezistă și, din punctul ăsta de vedere, mă tem că ați încurcat-o, fetele. Cu mine, v-ați găsit nașul, în sensul în care voi răspunde absolut de fiecare dată la porcăriile pe care le trimiteți, cu riscul de a trece drept nemernica de serviciu.
Este dreptul vostru cel mai strict să rămâneți la fel de tâmpite, chiar și în momentul în care veți vedea foarte clar că ați speculat în gol. Este dreptul meu să nu cred o silabă din câte scrieți, iar motivul pentru care nu am să dau niciodată un ban găurit pe ce spuneți, este unul foarte simplu și evident. Cum să cred ce spuneți despre doi oameni complet străini, când am văzut din prima secundă a mea în această comunitate ce tâmpenii spuneți despre mine? Pe care apropo, nu mă cheamă Savannah, dacă nu ați priceput încă chestia asta (știu vag despre cine ar fi vorba și nu, nu sunt eu, slavă Domnului!). Așa că va trebui să vă hotărâți dracului odată: ori trăiesc la Boston, ori la Sydney, ori naiba mai știe pe unde. Ori habar nu am ce spun, ori sunt o cățea brutală, ori sunt nebuna de serviciu, ori inventez. Înțelegeți măcar că prostiile astea nu fac decât să mă informeze că aveți în mod clar o problemă personală cu mine și ați fi nemaipomenit de fericite dacă aș dispărea, intimidată și dezgustată de atâta răutate fără nume. Ar fi, poate, mai înțelept, să nu judecați pe toată lumea după prostiile pe care le faceți și minciunile pe care le spuneți. Cât despre mine, a fost și încă este o mare plăcere să vă fac de râs, total și iremediabil.
And here is the translation, just to make sure the above was in no way a friendly message: but really, darling, what were you expecting from a rude bitch, anyways?
'I honestly don’t know how some people manage to not feel ashamed by their own stupidity. Savannah! Nothing less than that - seriously? But it is what it is, pumpkin and I am sorry to say one more time: as you can see by yourself, you wrote again some mighty bullshit without even checking. Because, let’s be honest, at least for once: my apparition on your screens seems to have scared the shite out of you.
For years in a row, just about the same time a mindless old man (who starred in a successful sci-fi series when Shipper Mom was in high school) was playing a very dirty game with this fandom, you thought you were allowed pretty much anything. Happily comforted by the consensual, cowardly silence of both OL’s production team (and main cast) and the press: I wrote that before and I will write it again, every single time I feel like it, until you get it. Likewise, you felt somehow protected by the mindless trickery of a person who bragged about denouncing you and then, if I understood correctly, ran away with the money she collected from a handful of naive people, desperate to ‘find out the truth’. And on and on you went, because you know very well that few people would eventually be able to sue faraway you, for such a puerile reason, exposing their family and private life, and spending foolishly on lawyers’ and expertise fees. That does not mean, however, that what you do is not a continuous offence, punished as such by pretty much all our countries’ legal systems. What you guys do, on an almost daily basis, is called harassment: few people can stand it, but unluckily for you, I am afraid you’re screwed, girls. You’ve just met your match, in the sense I shall always answer to all the garbage you send and I really don’t give a damn if I am just the bitch you love to actively hate, or something.
It is your strictest right to remain idiots, even when it will be very clear that all you did was just empty speculation. It is my own right not to believe anything you write, and the reason for it is very easy to understand. How could I ever believe what you are saying about two perfect strangers, when I could see from my very first moment in this fandom all the idiocies you wrote about me? And by the way, in case it wasn’t already crystal clear for you, doll: my name is not Savannah (I vaguely think I know who that is and thanks God it’s not me!). So you’d better decide: I either live in Boston, Sydney or God knows where else. I am either clueless, or a rude bitch, or insane, or making things up. It is high time you understood that all these idiocies tell me you and I clearly have a personal problem, and that you’d be over the moon if I disappeared, intimidated and disgusted by all this nameless malice. Well, it would be wiser not to judge everyone by your own drivel and lies. And it was and still is one of my greatest pleasures to make a complete fool of all of you, over and over again.'
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258 I 2024. ÎNDOIALA SAU DACĂ AR FI PROROC AR ȘTI [Luca 7.39 I Romani 2.1 I Luca 7.47-50] 14 Septembrie 2024
258 I 2024. ÎNDOIALA SAU DACĂ AR FI PROROC, AR ȘTI ! I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Luca 7 : 39 I Romani 2 : 1 I Luca 7 : 47 – 50 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 14 Septembrie 2024 I Îndoiala sau Dacă ar fi prooroc ar ști ! În prezența Domnului Isus, unul primește iertarea de păcate pe care și-o dorește … iar altul își mai face un păcat, prin faptul că ÎL judecă direct pe Domnul Isus…
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#14 Septembrie 2024#258 I 2024. INDOIALA SAU DACA AR FI PROROC AR STI#In prezenta Domnului Isus unul primeste iertarea de pacate iar altul isi mai face un pacat prin judecarea Domnului Isus dar si a semenului l#Luca 7.39#Luca 7.47-50#Romani 2.1
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S E 7 E N : P R O L O G U E - P A R T 1 N E
Yay it's finally here! kind of a long chapter, so it's in parts!
Warnings: MDNI18+ Sexual assault, sexual harassment, religion, angels and demons, mentions of hell, angels are bad guys, demons are good guys, sinful pleasures, dry humping, fingering, making a deal with the devil.
“Hey y/n, go ahead and take these, we have to dispose them.”
“The government has aligned with Senator Forras’s decree and that all scriptures, novels, and materials that contain any mentions of supernatural forces, any other type of religion, or mentions of demons are to be banned and disposed. The officials are making the rounds to do a thorough inspection of every establishment, so we need to get rid of them.”
You frowned as you received a handful of books, some were enjoyable for you to read, and yet you had to bid them farewell as you tossed them into a large bin that was arranged to be picked up later in the week. It was filled with piles and piles of books, some of which were classics.
‘What a shame…’
There were many people, like yourself, that questioned the belief and mission of Voia Domnului, the overly powerful cult that started out as small group led by overly, self-righteous religious ‘freaks’ that proclaimed the world has sinned. The cult was, and continues to be led by Michael Forras, who now is the self proclaimed Senator.
At first, the world deemed the cult just like any other, a bunch of lunatics that blabbed out religious nonsense of how everything was a sin, that everyone has sinned. They were harmless, for the most part, the only concern was getting them to stop blocking roads and clear passage of major establishments since they had often protested in mass groups, rather angrily, nearly every single day.
Forras, used to be viewed as a man who lacked any common and good sense. You recalled the moment he appeared in the media, speaking of how he personally ‘knew the Lord’ and that a day of reckoning was breaching. Every day when you were on your way to work, you would overhear the things that the community used to say about him…
‘What a joke, can you believe this guy?’
‘My wife says that she went to high school with that guy, he was just as nutty back then as he is now.’
‘I can’t believe people are buying into his bullshit.’
Now, things are different…much different.
He no longer was just the cult’s leader, but he controlled the city, the country…he was even on his way in leading the continent as people swarmed around him with their devotion and loyalty, although you wonder if it was just merely out of fear from him…or the angels.
Ever since the day where those…monsters had appeared, God only knows if anyone ever heard you reflect what your true outlook was, you’d disappear like the rest of the ‘non-believers’, as society has now called them.
People who had rational sense, a lot of them still had believed and enveloped religion and the belief of God, yet the moment they reflected their voices out and claimed that the events occurring between the angels and ‘the selected’ to be questionable, each one disappeared and was never seen again. Anyone who also spoke out against the Voia Domnului or the Senator, were also considered heretics. If anyone mentioned how the non-sensible actions of the ‘Angels’ and Senator Forras’ will, was a tactic of control and a coordination of inheriting power and wealth, would surely die by the hands of Forras’ cult members, or so you suspect, since many of them would disappear overnight.
When it came to your true outlook, you believed in a higher power, you believed in God and you never took it upon yourself to follow the Bible strictly, but you carried out your life being a naturally respectable and caring person. Whenever someone needed help, you were there for them. Should someone need money to help buy groceries, you aided them. You made countless donations, helped promote education and success for the youths of the city, and even volunteered at local orphanages. You weren’t by any means, a bad person, or a sinner. You were just human, but a good one.
December 2nd of last year, things had changed. The world had changed.
You’ll never forget as you were on your way to the Pacific Archives, a historical public library that you used to enjoy working at, not anymore.
Often, you were always reading the books as you worked, enjoying the amount of creativity found in the hidden gems of each shelf, each genre.
You were an active college student, back when advanced education wasn’t considered a ‘sin’, so it only made perfect sense to work at the library where you could continue your studies and find time to do homework while getting paid.
The building had two floors, the upper being the library itself, and the first floor was the massive café and shopping center.
Just like any other day, you went downstairs to grab your favorite drink. The barista, Lily, was one of your best friends, she started to work at the café once she heard there was an opening during one of her visits while you were at work.
You both had laughed and enjoyed a conversation as you sipped on your white hot-chocolate mocha flavored drink, when suddenly another barista’s voice pierced the lounge.
“Everyone! Look at the TV!”
Everyone’s eyes shifted their gaze towards the massive wide screen smart television that was mounted on the wall, turning up the volume, the staff and customers all watched in horror as the media played countless footage that was filmed of what happened, not too far from where you worked.
“This is Stacy Holcomb from Channel Nine news, here reporting of the… abnormal event that is taking place….you can see behind me as the camera crew are trying their best to take footage of what seems to be….a humanoid figure approaching a single man on the street. The mysterious entity has been seen targeting this man, and has been conducting serious bodily harm against him, paramedics and aid have been thrown out of sight each time they go near to save the man….it looks like-“ “OOOH MY GOOOOOOD!!!!”
The shrilled screams in the background took over the audio as the elongated, almost alienlike features of the entity brutally took the man’s head off...slowly. It’s hand mutated into that a of a blade, resembling a machete as it sawed it’s way through the man’s flesh. It wasn’t a clean cut, to say that it had decapitated the man was an understatement…it tore his head off…ripping it from his body after sawing it halfway through.
The cameras shifted the lens to the ground afterwards, indicating that the crew was running away upon filming what had just transpired.
“What….the fuck???” The barista exclaimed out in horror.
Everyone, including yourself, were left speechless. Some of the customers were crying, while others were in shock. You felt your heart drop, there was a sense of fear and curiosity that you found its way lodged deep within your chest.
‘What….was that?’
It wasn’t until later that day, when Forras came out publicly and announced that the mysterious entity, was God’s own angel. Being someone who self-claimed as the mediator of God’s guardians, he elaborated the structure of the ‘execution’ as justice served for the sinful actions that the deceased had committed while alive.
“I have seen God…I speak to him and his guardians. The Angels have come to cleanse the world, because we have taken many offenses against God’s holy rule and spat in his face as we continue to tarnish his good will. Those of us who have lived amongst the sinners, the filthy beings that keep offending his holy will, have tried to warn you all. Now is the time, I ask you to all believe in the will of Voia Domnului! Believe in our decree! We have preached time and time again that God’s will is en-route, and it has now finally come! We ask for you all to join us! Become a part of God’s will and help aid our mission in getting all sinners to repent and accept their fate, so that we may once again live in a world where only truth and God’s holy name is preached!”
Everyone was in disbelief, no one knew what to believe or what to do. However, as the days went on, more people were targeted, or as Senator Forras had claimed, they were ‘selected’. It didn’t take long for people to switch sides and start to find comfort by joining Voia Domnului, in hopes that they would save themselves from either the cult members or the angels.
“The angels know of your sins! It is futile to hide! Let it be known that once the angels have selected you based off your series of offense towards God, you too will be publicly executed, so we at Voia Domnului ask you, to repent now, as you too will be selected to die in his holy name.”
Maybe there was some truth in what he said, or maybe it was just fear and desperation, either way, at the time, you weren’t entirely sure what to believe. You remained as calm as possible, given that the world had lost it’s good sense. You tried your best to not lose yourself out of fear, but it was hard. It didn’t take long, but you found yourself as the lone wolf, where unlike the rest of the world, where everyone was hysterical, everyone feared that they were next to be selected, you continued to live your life with as much of a positive mindset that anyone could have while living through this excruciating period in world history.
You tried…and you were doing so well, but things had gotten worse.
Almost as if it happened over night, everything changed in an instant. The world felt cold, and empty, there were many times you felt like you were the last person standing as you would take a look around and notice that the route to work looked different. People looked different. The sky…the ground…everything…everything looked different.
No one went out anymore, the streets laid empty as the cult encouraged for society to lay dormant in their homes, as going out, especially at night, was considered a sin. So much, that the cult gained favor and authority, powered by the government to assign long standing members of the cult as high profiled officials. They assigned random members to roam the streets at night, as an established curfew was enforced, no one was allotted to be out passed 10pm. Not only that, but other activities and sources were all banned and punishable by death had anyone breached said bans.
Social media was banned because it was a sin, TV was a sin, music that wasn’t approved by Voia Domnului was a sin, certain foods that were known to be an indulgence of the devil, such as chocolate and apples were a sin. Personal opinions were a sin. Books, talk radio, internet, and all other forms of entertainment was a sin. Everything…everything was a sin.
While you thought it was over the top, you hadn’t formulated your own opinion on what had happened on December 2nd, you remained impartial for the most part, as you watched people, friends, and family all succumbing to Senator Forras’ will and join Voia Domnului in order to be ‘saved’. Even Lily.
“You should join us, it’s, a really good group. It makes sense once you complete their course requirements.”
“Course…requirements?” you raised a brow at Lily’s statement.
“Yeah, when you join, you have to take a pledge and then they put you through a 3-month course where you cleanse your body and learn the will of God.”
You shook your head subtly as you listened to her talk about the cult…or as she liked to put it, the ‘group’ since cult would have been considered a derogatory term for Senator Forras righteous figures.
“No…I don’t know…I just…I don’t know what to think yet. I just want to-“
“Shhh!!!!” Lily harshly shushed you.
“Y/n…you can’t talk like that. Say what you will about other matters but do not talk like that…otherwise you’ll be considered a non-believer.”
Recalling the events that surmised where the public speakers that defied the cult’s leading and Senator Forras’ actions, you heeded Lily’s warning. You didn’t want to disappear like they did, God only knows what happened to them as Lily, being a part of Voia Domnului, didn’t even know. It was against the rules to speak of such matter to the cult leaders.
“Just…think about it, okay? I don’t want you to get selected.” She gingerly tells you as she rubbed your hand. “We need each other…we’re all we’ve got in the world now. You’re my best friend and I just want us to stay that way.”
You nodded as you hugged her. For a moment, you sincerely did consider it, not because you believed in the decree of Voia Domnului, but more so because of Lily’s words.
But then your world shattered that following week….when Lily was selected.
“y/n! Please-please listen to me real quick-“
“Lily….what’s wrong?” you looked at her with great concern as she appeared before your doorstep, hysterically crying, face swollen from tears, and her voice stuttering.
“Please…just listen…umm……” she tucks in her lip as the tears built back up in her eyes once more.
“…I…I’ve been selected…”
Your eyes widened…your heart skipped a beat and your breath held in upon hearing her words.
“Yes….I..I’ve been selected…y/n…” her voice trailed off.
“No…Lily! No! Y-you can’t be-“
“No I was…..I came home today and…there was the message written in blood on my wall.”
The message…was always delivered in the same manner to those that got selected prior to. A message written in the walls of their home, their work, or even on buildings in the street; the words were always drafted in blood, no one knows whose or where the blood came from, but it would always be fresh as the message would have drips that trailed down, catching the public’s eye. It would always have the selectee’s name, followed by ‘7 days.’ Only seven days…until each one of them died.
“Y/n…I’m scared….i can’t tell the group…I cant-“
“Lily…there’s gotta be a mistake. Do you know anyone else that has the same name? What if-“
“No……y/n…..it is me….they’re going to come for me….”
Your heart sank as you placed your hands on her shoulders, tears streaming down your face.
She really truly was the only person you had left in this world, you grew distant from your family ever since they joined the cult, they had refused to associate with you unless you joined them. But your heart never felt it true to be a part of an organization that promotes death in such a manner, regardless of the deceased being sinners or offenders against God…how could someone like sweet, wonderful Lily be selected?…How could she ever be…?
“No….please…..don’t leave me…not like this….this can’t happen….”
“Y/n…please….please hold me I’m so scared.”
You tightly embraced her. She had stayed at your place for most of her remaining days, and you watched as her persona had changed. She had remained quiet and aloof; she wouldn’t eat, she wouldn’t sleep, and she wouldn’t talk, until the sixth day, 24 hours before her proposed execution…
“Y/n…I’m leaving…I’m going to inform Senator Forras…”
“Lily…there has to be a way out of this…I’ve known you my whole life, you’ve never hurt anyone! You’ve gone to church every weekend; I’ve never been to church and I’m still here. In a lot of ways when it comes to praising God, you’re a better person than I am. Please….”
She merely shook her head. Dark circles under her eyes, her lips pale and crusty from lack of moisture as she refrained from even drinking water. It was as if she wanted to die before the angels did the deed.
You stayed silent…she was already moving towards the door. Reaching for the knob, she turns to you before opening it.
“Y/n…you’re my best friend…and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I have to leave you alone…I’ve accepted what’s going to happen…there is no choice. Just please…take care of yourself, and look after my family….but also…” she pauses for a moment, as she hiccups the sobbing tears and stuttered cries of her voice as her head dips down.
“Y/n….i never did anything…..you’re right….i may not have been perfect but I am not a sinner. I even joined this stupid cult….but it doesn’t matter….it was all wasted. Please…if for some chance…if the world goes back to normal someday…please let everyone know that I am not…I’m not a-“
You nodded, knowing full well what she was talking about. “I know you’re not Lily…you’re not….”
Both of you broke down.
You wanted to hug her once more, but you found it hard to even move. With a sad smile, she whispers “take care…” before leaving.
The media had a habit of promoting Senator Forras’ decree by filming and disbursing the footage of each execution, as a method to set the example of what surmises if you’ve sinned. You’ve never went out of your way to watch the profiles of each selectee on the day of their execution, but there were times when in passing or out and about, you would glance at the large billboard that aired the awful events. A glimpse of a man’s body being torn apart, or a woman being burned alive, there were countless methods that the creatures took in carrying out the deed.
The day Lily died, ou never watched what happened to her, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, so you stayed at home that day, refraining from exposing yourself to the public at risk of overhearing about her death. You had shut the world out, and narrowed yourself into a corner, all so you didn’t have to hear….you didn’t want to know how they did it…not with her.
Not long after Lily’s death, was when the Senator banned education. Schools for younger children was regulated by the cult members, colleges and universities alike were all shut down, and while they hadn’t forced it…yet you sense that the risk of losing your job was near since you were the only one that hadn’t taken the pledge and joined Voia Domnului.
“Y/n! The Senator! The Senator is coming! He wants to see the library!”
Your eyes widened with concern.
‘Why does he want to come here?...I hope it’s not because he knows that i was friends with Lily…does he? He already thinks she’s a sinner, is he going to assume I’m one too? Are they going to ask me why I didn’t join Voia Domnului?’
You caught yourself overthinking, though that wasn’t hard to do since everyone in the city, the country, and the entire continent, walked on eggshells. Yourself including. For if it wasn’t the angels that you had to worry about, it was Senator Forras and his posse that performed their own manner of executions towards non-believers.
“Everyone! He’s coming up! All of you stand in a line-“ the head staff looks at you. “Y/n…you stand at the very end, out of the doorway. If he asks you, just tell him that you’re going to join Voia Domnului, but don’t say anything else.”
You nodded. You knew the staff had your best interest at heart, though they often times reprimanded you and would always try and convince you to join, yet you refrained. Especially since, not long after Lily’s death, selectees were reaching in the younger ages. Children…babies in fact, some of which hadn’t lived for more than 8 hours, were getting selected.
‘How can a child be a sinner?’
It seemed like no one cared; everyone paid no mind to that fact. It was as if everyone was just looking out for themselves. Since you had worked here for quite some time, the staff looked at you as family, like a daughter almost. You appreciated the gestures and them trying to look out for you, but deep down, you followed your heart. Somehow you knew…there was something more to what was happening, even though it was a gut feeling, and you could very well be wrong, you just somehow had this hunch that something wasn’t right.
“Alright, he’s coming. Everyone just stand and he’s going to do a walkthrough, apparently, he wanted to see how the inspection is being done and he chose our library.”
Everyone nods and stands, shaking. You weren’t sure if everyone was excited for their ‘group’ leader or if they were just fearful that he may find something in the archives that violates his will, which of course he believed to be God’s own.
You and the staff spent five days clearing out the library, it looked so vast and empty now. The shelves would only contain a scarce number of books.
‘Can you even call this a library anymore?’
The double doors were opened by a security team as Senator Forras walks in. He was a taller man, older, possibly in his fifty’s and had a very sharp and pointed nose. He had short dark hair and looked to be of average built.
He was dressed in extreme luxury, with a high branded suit and tie, along with fine leather shoes, a large overcoat draping his shoulders, and assorted diamond rings decorating each finger, the man looked to be living a grand lifestyle.
Your voice issued a hint of skepticism as you minded your thoughts in your head. Wasn’t this man supposed to be the temperance and modest type? Why is he dressed so lavishly?
“Ah! Staff…members of the community, thank you for welcoming me here today. It is truly a blessing to see you all here doing God’s work.”
The staff members issued out their gratitude and continued the conversation as they offered the Senator his tour.
All went well, and by ‘well’ you only meant that the Senator had looked pleased and kept nodding with approval as the tour continued. You and the rest of the staff members continued with your tasks, as the main head of the library took over the tour.
“Thank you, you are doing a good thing.” The Senator issues as he takes the head staff’s hand in both of his and issues a warm and seemingly friendly hand-shake. “Continue to do his bidding.”
You snuck out as the Senator bid his farewell with the staff members, wanting to hide in the bathroom for a moment and avoid interacting with him. The last thing you wanted was to put yourself in the spotlight and be questioned on whether or not if you were a part of Voia Domnului, which you suspected he would have been able to tell seeing as you didn’t’ bear the ring that each member was gifted upon graduating the three-month course requirement.
A moment or two had passed as you stood right by the bathroom door, ear pressed up against it to see if you could hear the Senator leaving.
‘It’s probably safe for me to go back now…’
Swinging the door open, you looked to your left and saw the wide double doors propped open. Only the staff members were seen inside, back to their tasks.
‘Oh good.’
You issued a mental smile as you started to walk towards the entrance to the library, when suddenly…
“Young lady…” his voice was filled with intrigue.
P A R T 2 W O
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Cu evlavie și dragoste față de Maica Domnului, să îi strigăm și noi cu îngerul: Bucură-te! Mănăstirea Paltin – Axionul Învierii – Îngerul a strigat, Glas I, Petre Efesiu. Filmare de la mormântul Maicii Domnului din Ghetsimani, Ierusalim. Icoana: Ierusalimitița.
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