#domestic bokuto
wttcsms · 7 months
saying let's get married;
domestic and sweet moments during the first year of newly-wed life (f!reader) <3
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KUROO — "my wife" this and "my wife" that to the point where all his friends and coworkers are groaning and saying we get it, man! you're married now! his dorky nonfiction books taking up all the space on the nightstand. helping him tame his bed hair when he wakes up and is trying to get ready for work. created a powerpoint presentation where he told you he was going to give you the most epic promotion of a lifetime (the powerpoint was themed to mimic an HR presentation describing new employee benefits and perks, along with what the new position would consist of; the final slide asked "do you accept the position of being tetsurou kuroo's wife? limited time bonus offer includes a diamond ring!")
OSAMU — doesn't know how to fold your clothes properly (it's not weaponized incompetence, he just doesn't understand why your tops have these many strings and components to them). tries out all his new recipes with you as his taste-testing guinea pigs. during your wedding reception, atsumu asked you who was cuter: him or osamu. on your off days from your job, you go to onigiri miya and help him close down the shop. blowing bubbles at him from the soap that foams up when you're washing the dishes. him knowing where you're most ticklish and using it against you every time he asks you for a minor favor.
BOKUTO — asks you about kid names before he even pops the question. wants you to quiz him on your family tree because he so badly wants to impress them when he's meeting them (he then asks for a quiz on your extended family once the wedding date is scheduled). gets excited when he sees those corny tiktoks that claim "these initials are soulmates" and he sees yours and his initials paired together; he'll send you those tiktoks and go "babe, look!!! i told u we were meant to be!!" brings you up any time he can, whether it's in regular conversation with friends, small talk with a cashier, a meet n greet with a fan, or a post-game interview. loves to do push-ups with you on his back.
OIKAWA — makes a vision board at the beginning of the year, except the main image is a horribly photoshopped picture of your head pasted on some stock photo of a bride. he was showing you something on his phone, and the notification from his jeweler announcing that your engagement ring was ready for pick up popped up and he nearly dropped his phone while trying to hurriedly swipe away the notification whilst shielding his screen from you. gets all pouty and wants to be the little spoon; will also start asking you "baaaabe, would you still love me if i was a worm?" saw you in the stands booing his opposing team, and whistled, exclaiming "that's my girl!" panics when he sees strands of his hair on the bathroom floor; proceeds to ask you if you'll still be with him even if he becomes bald. then asks if you'll pay for his hair transplant (as a joke; you never use your card when you're with him).
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asunflowerana · 1 month
𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭
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summary: usual grocery day with your husband
with: bokuto koutaro, oikawa tooru, sakusa kyoomi and osamu miya.
n/a: brought this one from my old blog, one of my favorites. I'm thinking about making a part 2 with more hq boys, I personally enjoy imagining them dealing with grocery with me 😂. hope you guys enjoy!
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⊛ bokuto koutaro
a child inside a full-grow 190cm male body, that's what he is. The fact that he still pouts whenever you remind him that "no, you can't get inside the cart baby, you won't fit" proves the point. But besides his childish mood, he can turn your time shopping a lot funnier.
he does cart races, searches for lower prices like hunting a treasure, throw his hands in the air when he finds his favorite snacks and cackles at every single brand with a silly name. He's a total dork, but his excitement is so endearing that you cannot help but absorb it. It's actually sweet, the way he lightly takes a domestic duty. He's also helpful, willingly carrying the bags to the car, and storing the groceries later at home.
he yearns to stay close to you, so even if his both hands are grabbing the cart handle, at least some arm-brushing will happen. He'll feel pretty lost if you both need to part ways through the market, but it's cute how he beams when you guys find each other later.
favorite section: breakfast food section (he's addicted to cereal), and meat section.
what you usually hear from him: "babe, can we buy this?"
⊛ oikawa tooru
if there's something Tooru doesn't look forward to, is grocery day. He even tried to wipe it off the fridge calendar a few times before, but you're too good to be fooled. "the Santos already ordered by delivery, why can't we do the same?" and he always uses the neighbor's card to try to convince you, whining like his teenager version would.
but one way or another, you always get him to go. If he's in a bad mood, he'll probably sulk in the beginning, lazily riding the cart while sighing every two minutes 'cause this is a total "waste of time". But as the shopping proceeds, he gets used to it, even forgetting what he was so grumpy about when a product catches his attention. With some subtle kisses and a small treat, you can even get a smile out of him. 
He likes to wrap his arm around your back or keep you close by the waist. Not having you there with him it's the worst thing it could happen, so he needs to make sure you stay by his side (also because he simply likes holding you).
favorite section: checkouts (not a surprise), and cosmetics section (he can spend a good amount of time selecting body products).
what you usually hear from him: "are we done?"; "baby, I need your help. This one, or this one?".
⊛ sakusa kiyoomi
He's the one looking forward to this day. He gets uneasy when things run out in the house, so going shopping is almost necessary for his peace of mind. What he doesn't look forward to, though, is dealing with people at the supermarket. Most precisely, the lines, but let's not talk about it to not ruin the mood.
he's very selective, taking whatever time he has to inspect and be sure of the products, in case it isn't a common choice of yours. He appreciates being aware of what you are consuming, not only for being an athlete but because he cares about your health. He likes to share what he's been learning from the team's nutritionist, but he is not a dictator: if you want to treat yourself to some tasty sweets or snacks, he won't get in the way. He'll even join the party.
He'll offer his arm for you to wrap your own, or hold hands. He's grateful to have your company, so he'll cherish it as much as he can. He's also very protective if the place or the lines are too crowned, keeping you by his side and holding you close with his arm.
favorite section: cleaning products (you have no idea how relieved he gets when he goes there).
what you usually hear from him: "I know you want it. Go ahead, put in the cart"; "tsc, they always put the gloves way back there"; "these stupid lines. Again."
⊛ osamu miya
The king of groceries. He's used to doing this two, or three times a week, and it never gets boring. The experience has made him smarter about where and when it is best to buy, plus he has a good eye when it comes to product quality and price. So yeah, you have almost nothing to worry about when Osamu Miya is your grocery partner. Almost.
He's very chill and helpful while shopping, but you better keep a good eye on the cart: it'll get filled to the brim in one minute. When Osamu likes something, he makes a point of buying as much as he can. Once, he filled almost three entire carts, and half of one was just from rice bags. Someone might think you have a whole volleyball team as a family with the amount of food he wants to take home.
Hands on your back, shoulder, waist, any free space he has to keep you close to him – and he'll keep it there the whole time. Touch is one of his love languages, so there's no way he won't keep in contact with you.
favorite section: fruit and vegetables section, and bakery section (he loves the smell of fresh ingredients).
what you usually hear from him: "sweetheart, just one more. It'll be the last, I promise"; "hope Tsum doesn't visit us today"
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© asunflowerana 2024 — all rights reserved.
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ktarogf · 1 month
18+ bc suggestive at the end
sitting on the kitchen counter at too early in the morning and watching kou make his morning protein shake before he heads to training
he’s only in his msby sweats and he’s totally not flexing his back muscles a little more than he needs to bc he knows you’re watching him
you hop off the counter to place a small kiss on his shoulder blade (his favorite part of the mornings) as he pours the shake into his cup.
he turns around and asks, “ya wanna taste? just to make sure it’s good” you’re expecting him to leave a little left in his shaker for you to drink. instead, he dips his finger into the strawberry drink, puts his finger in your mouth and orders you to suck .
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flyingwargle · 6 days
something is on keiji's mind and bokuto can't figure out what.
it isn't about volleyball because keiji already gave him critiques about his performance after the kurowashiki over alcohol and tissues. it isn't about work because keiji was assigned an intern that's helped lessen his workload significantly. it isn't about them either, or at least bokuto doesn't think so, not when they wake up and fall asleep together, he surprises keiji with treats at work, and they go for dinners, movies, dates, all with smiles, laughs, and kisses.
no, this is something else.
it isn't obvious, but bokuto knows keiji well enough to notice, like how his eyes get a faraway glint from time to time, how his frown would quirk into a subtle smile out of nowhere, how he'd chuckle to himself without explaining the joke to bokuto.
unless the joke is...him?
no, no. keiji would tell him, bokuto thinks. it might be the off-season, but he still goes on daily runs and works out five days a week. he does need a haircut, though. maybe that's what he's thinking about.
"your hair looks fine," keiji tells him one evening while they cuddle on the couch. "didn't you get it cut at the end of the season?"
he's right. but then again, when isn't he? bokuto smushes his cheek against him with an incomprehensible mutter as they turn their attention back to the show.
it stops for a while, or perhaps becomes less noticeable, until one afternoon on a sunday, a stay-home-and-do-chores day. their laundry air dries on the balcony, the fridge is fully stocked after a grocery run, and the floor is freshly swept and mopped. bokuto lies on the couch to volley to himself, keiji at his desk with his personal laptop. from his angle, he can't see what's on his screen, but judging by the on-and-off spurts of typing, he's probably browsing online.
bokuto doesn't need to see him to know that something is on his mind. he hears the chair creak every time he leans back. he hears him type frantically for a minute, then stop, then start again. he hears him sigh, scratch his head, move his arms.
catching the volleyball, he sits up and leans over until he has a better view of keiji's screen, seeing the bane of his existence - microsoft word.
"keiji, what are you- gah!"
he falls over, having leaned too far. keiji spins around, stares at him sprawled on the floor, moves toward him in an instant. "are you okay?"
"yeah! are you?"
bokuto straightens up, ignoring the way his tailbone feels after landing on it. "is there something on your mind? you can tell me if something's bothering you! or if i'm bothering you! i know you got mad when i forgot to do the laundry for a week straight, but i haven't forgotten ever since-"
"kou, slow down. i don't know what you're talking about."
"gah, i knew it! you are mad at me!"
keiji reaches over to touch his hand. "calm down, kou. first: i'm not mad at you. yes, i was annoyed you forgot about the laundry, but it was for your own sake. you wouldn't have had anything to wear to kozume's birthday otherwise." that is true. had keiji not done the laundry for him, he would've worn his practice gear instead of something nice.
"second," keiji continues, "i don't have anything on my mind. i know i often overthink, but lately, all is well. you're home with me, work is manageable, and we spend time together. i'm quite satisfied with that."
bokuto straightens, eyes flickering toward the laptop that's gone into sleep mode. "but you sometimes get this look like you're thinking hard about something, or you laugh to yourself and don't tell me what's funny. so i thought..."
"i do what?"
"like, like last week at dinner, we were talking, yeah? and then you stopped and started thinking really deeply about something, and when i asked you about it, you said it was nothing. it wasn't nothing though, right?"
keiji stares at him like he's lost his mind, and maybe he has. bokuto, about to apologize, is cut off by the softest of giggles, his boyfriend's face contorted in amusement and oh, isn't it the most precious expression that he can ever make.
"oh, kou. i had no idea you noticed."
"notice what?"
"all those...things that i do when i'm thinking." keiji smiles at him, eyes soft behind his glasses. "i didn't think to tell you because i didn't think it was a big deal, but because of all the free time i have, i started writing again."
"oh." it takes bokuto a moment for his mind to catch up. "oh! so you were just-"
"thinking about what happens next, yes. a colleague sent me a post for a magazine with open submissions, so i've been working on a story to submit."
bokuto beams. "that's so cool! you're going to be a published writer!"
"only if it gets accepted. my submissions haven't been successful, unfortunately."
"that doesn't matter! what matters is that you're super smart and talented! you'll get published for sure!"
keiji laughs again, the same soft sound that makes bokuto fall in love, over and over again. "i appreciate the confidence."
"i can help you read it, too! well-" his enthusiasm plummets, replaced with a self-conscious mumble. "i might not be the best choice. i'm not very smart so i probably won't be very helpful."
"don't say that. i always appreciate your input, no matter what it is." keiji cups his cheek, leaning forward to kiss him. "when i finish, you'll be the first to read it."
they move back to their original spots, bokuto resuming his volleying. he almost didn't hear keiji say, "i'm surprised you were able to tell i was thinking based on what i did. is it that obvious?"
bokuto catches his volleyball and gives him an owlish blink. "why wouldn't i notice? you're my boyfriend." although he doesn't know what about that makes keiji laugh, he laughs along, hears the reason why in their shared laughter - it's because of their love that they care, notice, and share.
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natashawritesstuff · 1 year
wasteland, baby!
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The apartment looks like a tornado ran through it. 
The kitchen has pots and pans all over and half of them are burned from last nights failed-attempt at dinner. Bokuto swears he didn’t have the fire too high, but you know he did. But after he flashed those pleading puppy dog eyes at you, how could you be mad? You couldn’t, so instead you called for takeout.
Hence the boxes sprawled across the living room. He wouldn’t let you pick up even one as he picked you up, carried you to the bedroom.
Which is no better in terms of cleanliness by the way. There’s what was supposed to be clean laundry on the floor, pushed off to make for… activities. Half of the covers are thrown off toward the foot of the bed as Bokuto runs hot. But still his, arms are wrapped firmly around your waist and his head is planted into the crook of your neck. 
The apartment is in chaos but in the center of it all, is him. Untouched, unphased, and his hold on you unbroken. You turn toward him, snuggling closer and he softly hums to himself. 
“It’s a wasteland out there, baby,” you whisper. 
He smiles. “I love you.”
You smile too. “I love you.”
But Bokuto doesn’t respond, already fast asleep.
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ib: Wasteland, Baby! by Hozier
Main Masterlist
my booktok account for Team: ashawritesalot
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owlyflufff · 2 years
bokuto wrapping a bandaid around akaashi's finger after a long day of traning but the finger he's tending to so happens to be akaashi's ring finger so when the realization sinks in he turns into a blushing mess + absolutely loses it while akaashi is left clueless
(little does akaashi know that the bandaid around his finger resembles that of a familiar golden band)
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yuu-kumeii · 2 years
Dating Bokuto means appreciating the little things
He may not be there for most of the day but you'll always know he's missing you with every call and text during any free time he gets. Both of you have your own jobs so it might not be ideal for date planning, but you'll always make time for each other. Whether it's you getting off work early to see him practice with the Jackals or him bursting into your office to bring you lunch and a kiss for working so hard. You never lack any quality time together because you occupy each other's mind.
He also isn't the best at cooking, but you always appreciate it when he tries. You would often find yourself standing in the ruins of your once pristine kitchen, seasoning and stray pieces of cut vegetables laid across the floor all the way to the ceiling. The stove was off yet the smell of charcoal does not escape you and at the center of it all is your big owlish boyfriend, standing in the corner with a guilty look, fiddling with his thumbs and avoiding your gaze altogether. He knows you would be mad at the state of the kitchen, it shows in his posture. But you couldn't bring yourself to care about the mess, because sometimes after all the stress of work and the exhaustion of the mundane, it felt nice to know you're important enough to someone. So much so that they'd try something they aren't very good at if it means you feel loved and you do. You very much do. Walking up to him and softly calling his name, cooing at him to look at you. Bokuto raises his head slowly, only to find your gentle smile instead of exasperation.
"You're not mad?...." He asks carefully
"No..... Not today Bon" The tiredness of your voice gives him the impression that you're simply too tired to reprimand him. But that thought was reduced to a whisper at your next words.
"It's just.... Thanks for trying, I know you wanted to do something for me but just the thought is already enough" You continued with a smile, Bokuto could honestly cry right now. But he instead settles for one of his famous owl hugs, covering you in a blanket of warmth for your troubles.
Even if he can't cook, he will always try to make it easier for you. Going shopping for the ingredients, washing the vegetables, and even preparing the table. These are all things he does so all you have to do is make the food. Which compared to splitting cooking duty is the next best thing.
Your boyfriend is often called immature and you can't exactly refute it. He often rushes into things, at times he blurts out things without thinking, and he always had the energy most didn't. But you've been with him for long enough to know that it's not necessarily a bad thing, since after a while, you realize how happy you've been. Not just from all the moments you share together, but from simply being around him. You always regarded yourself as somewhat of a realist but also not exactly an optimist, always thinking that being optimistic is no different than being naive since you've never thought to find out for yourself if it was true.
But being with Bo has shown you that it's not about ignoring the bad, it's about seeing the good. Bad things might happen and you shouldn't ignore them, but instead look at the brighter side to find a solution. Being optimistic is more about trying to make a bad situation better, not to accept it. You see that now, all because your little big owl lover refuses to let you be put down by the hardships thrown at you. Whenever you're stressed or stuck, you notice how he tries to help. Even going as far as to ask his friends about things even he doesn't understand, Bo tries to find a solution when you just try to accept it. You may not be an optimist but you aren't going to be pessimist in this relationship anytime soon.
Bokuto isn't the type to be called 'traditionally reliable'. He's energetic and loud, often called childish and never seemed to garner the perception of reliable certain people expect. But to you, he's as reliable as he needs to be. He was always the first person to notice when you're down, always the first to do something about it. Whether it was asking what got you looking so down or inviting you to spend the day with him, he was always positive and was never afraid to share it with you. He was and still is your pillar of stability, knowing he always has your best interest in mind even if it didn't seem like it. Being childish is one thing, but it never meant he lacked the ability to be serious.
Though even if he is expected to be your unwavering pillar, his own weaknesses will always rear its head. There are times you would find him taking refuge under your kitchen table, seeming so quiet, so down, to the point where it worried you. Asking to join him under the table, seeing him scoot to the side to give you room, the silence only seems to raise your concerns. It takes a while before he extends an arm to you, beckoning you to come closer and you do. Savouring the moment of reprieve from the world outside together, you wonder what it is that's going through his head. It doesn't matter to you how long it takes for him to tell you, because for as long as you've been together, he always waited for you. So it's your turn to wait for him, to listen to his thoughts, to comfort him. He may be your pillar, but it's hard to forget that you're his too.
Dating Bokuto means appreciating the little things, but maybe it's more akin to appreciating the things he does for you.
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dinosuccessor · 1 year
Thinking about the Bokuto Koutaro and Akaashi keiji who are curled up under the blanket on a Sunday morning tugging and nudging each other because they forgot to set air conditioning temperature, now they room's too cold and the remote's too far while crossing every domesticity level and dethroning dogs from their title of most domesticated.
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plutotheplum · 1 month
Felt Good About You
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akaashi keiji x fem!reader
summary: delivering a revised manuscript to your editor turns into something more.
cw: nsfw (18+) - mdni!!, smut, fluff, post-time skip, oral sex, vaginal fingering, praise kink, handjob, p in v
wc: 4.8k
a/n: i'm afraid i have the fattest crush on akaashi
also on ao3!
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“The romance isn’t working.”
You groan when your editor pushes your manuscript for this week’s chapter towards you. You didn’t need any more bumps in the road, not when you were already running behind on deadlines, with the publishing company breathing down your neck to get the next volume out.
“The romance is fine, Akaashi” you mumble, flicking through the pages of the manuscript to skim through his notes.
“If it was fine, I wouldn’t be here,” he replies dryly.
Akaashi was as blunt as ever. Most of the time you appreciated his honesty, he was the reason for such success with your manga after all, but sometimes he managed to get on your nerves.
“It’s an unnecessary subplot,” he continues, flipping through a couple of pages to show you a few of the panels you had drawn, “there’s just no plausible progression between the two, no chemistry.”
You glare at him. He was really starting to get on your nerves. Akaashi rolls his eyes when he sees your glare, reaching out to flick your forehead.
“You’re already behind on the scheduled publishing date,” he reminds you, crossing his arms over his chest, “and I get the short end of the stick because I’m your editor.”
“The higher-ups love you,” you retort.
You stare pointedly at the small stash of awards that were tucked onto a shelf in his office, the small trophies and plaques a clear display of the company’s commendation for his work. 
“Not enough to let me work in the literature department,” he mutters bitterly.
“I’m right here!” you protest, an exasperated expression spreading across your face.
“Yeah, yeah,” Akaashi murmurs. 
He taps your manuscript a few more times before giving you a stern look.
“Get me the revised version by tonight, otherwise you’ll miss out on this week’s issue.”
You curse him under your breath, giving him one final glare as you gather the pages of your manuscript into your hands. You had come into his office thinking he’d been fine with the story, but now you had somehow ended up with more work than before, and an even tighter deadline.
A few hours later, you end up finding yourself outside Akaashi’s apartment. Guilt had won out in the end, and you figured that it wasn’t fair to let him take the blame for your tardiness. Revised manuscript clutched against your chest, you ring his doorbell.
You can feel your throat dry when he opens up the door. His hair is damp, towel slung around the back of his neck. He’s wearing an old volleyball shirt with sweatpants, and you don’t think you’ll ever get used to him looking so domestic. 
Akaashi stares at you blankly, clearly not expecting you. Usually you would’ve just emailed the revised manuscript over to him, not show up outside his door.
“I felt guilty,” you blurt out, cheeks flushing at the awkwardness in the air, “and- and I ordered gyoza so it should be here in a few minutes.”
“Right,” he says after a moment, “you didn’t have to.”
You stare at each other for a moment longer until he sighs, opening the door wider to let you in.
“You’re just as bad as Bokuto,” he informs you.
The mention of the pro-volleyball player makes a smile spread across your face. You had met Akaashi’s volleyball friends a few times when they had enlisted your help in throwing Akaashi a surprise birthday party - which had maybe ended up in a disaster - as well as when you had wound up to a few of their games.
“He’s a sweet guy,” you reply, handing him your manuscript.
Akaashi only hums in response, walking over to his desk. He hangs his towel on the back of his chair before sitting down. You watch as he slips his glasses on, examining the pages of your now edited work.
“I thought you’d try and fight me about the romance,” he murmurs, his pen making a few adjustments here and there. 
“Figured it wasn’t worth it,” you sigh, slumping on the couch in his living room, “you were right, as always.”
He peers over at you, his eyes narrowing as he watches the sulky look on your face. Despite your random bouts of laziness, even Akaashi had to agree that you were a good mangaka whose popularity had built up a loyal reader base. 
“Look,” Akaashi says, setting his pen down, “if you’re that hung up about cutting those scenes, start drafting it now.”
Your gaze shoots up to meet his eyes.
“Seriously?” you ask, eyeing him suspiciously. 
Akaashi was dedicated, sure, but he wasn’t exactly one to take on extra work. Sometimes  you felt as though he would’ve been right at home in the literature department, editing novels instead of volumes of manga. It was like he worked with you out of obligation, not enjoyment, despite the friendship you had built up over the years.
“Yeah,” he says, pushing his glasses up a bit further to sit better on the slope of his nose, “I’m serious.”
You don’t get to dwell any longer on your editor’s change in mind, the sound of the doorbell piercing through your conversation. Akaashi waves you away when you move towards the door, grabbing the delivered containers of gyoza himself. 
He sits down beside you on the couch, handing you one container whilst he takes the other. For some reason, you’re feeling more on edge than usual. The brush of his arm against yours has heat rising to your cheeks, body growing taut with the way your stomach is swirling with nervousness.
It was no secret that Akaashi was one of the most handsome men in the office, and you had maybe developed a tiny crush on the man, which was now inflating into something that was not so tiny, and much, much harder to control the more time you spent with him. 
“You okay?” Akaashi asks, peering over you.
You don’t trust yourself enough to reply which is why you stuff a gyoza into your mouth and nod rapidly.
Silence lapses over you both as you eat, but you can feel his eyes boring into the side of your head. You pretend not to notice, trying to engross yourself in the taste of the gyoza and the tang of soy sauce.
Akaashi slouches slightly, his body relaxing as time passes. You can see it in the way his shoulders drop, his thighs spreading as he gets more comfortable.
“Instead of adding romance as a subplot, why don’t you make it into another story altogether?”
You blink over at him, surprised. 
“I don’t have time to write another manga,” you say, shaking your head, “I’d have to find another publisher if I wanted to write something that was purely romance.”
“Shonen manga in the romance genre exist,” he replies, running his hand through his hair, “or you could just self-publish.”
You’d been hoping to avoid the topic of self-publishing. Sure, you knew of it, participated in it even. It’d been used as a creative outlet, to get out some ideas that you couldn’t work on when your success as a mangaka had grown. Besides, it wasn’t like you could tell Akaashi that you had drawn up stories that were, well, inappropriate. 
“But that would be too much work,” you sigh, trying to stop his train of thought.
Akaashi stares at you thoughtfully. The more you spend time with him, the more you begin to regret your choice to come here. Emailing the manuscript to him would’ve been the smarter choice, but you just had to feel sorry for the guy.
“I did read one the other day that had a similar art style to yours.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. You can feel your composure slipping. There was no way he could know that you self-published stories that were practically panel after panel of porn. Maybe he enjoyed it? One thought leads to another and you find yourself imagining Akaashi with his hand wrapped around his cock, his head tipped back as he strokes himself.
“What was it about?” you manage to grit out, trying to see through the haze of your indecent thoughts.
“About a couple,” he says simply, “they ended up fucking.”
You can feel the hope swirling in your mind fade. Akaashi definitely knew. 
“Didn’t know you read that sort of thing.”
“I’m a man, aren’t I? Sometimes porn just doesn’t cut it. The story was pretty great too.”
He thought the story was great? You can’t help yourself from perking up, the compliment making you feel warm. 
“I just find it so strange,” he murmurs, leaning closer to you.
You swallow harshly, mustering up a smile with your trembling lips, “why’s that?”
“The author’s note,” Akaashi says, “the little bunny avatar was the same as yours.”
So, you had messed up. You spy the front door from the corner of your eyes. If you walked, you’d get there in about ten steps, but if you ran, you’d get there in about three - maybe two - strides. Sure, you wouldn’t ever be able to face Akaashi again, but you think you’d be fine with it. Report filed to the higher ups stating creative differences and you’d be able to find a new editor, no problem.
“It’s all probably just a coincidence,” you say nonchalantly, “plenty of people like bunnies.”
“Some of the dialogue was similar to yours, distinct writing and all that.”
You grit your teeth. The man didn’t know when to let go.
“Like I said, coincidence.”
“Right,” he says, nodding along, “a coincidence. Was it also a coincidence that the couple that had sex was a mangaka and her editor?”
You scramble to your feet when he says that. Letting out an awkward laugh, your cheeks heated with embarrassment, you decide that this is the best time to take your leave.
“Have- have a good night!” you say, voice pitching.
Determination has Akaashi’s eyes gleaming and now you’re bolting, feet nearly tripping over each other as you dart towards his apartment door. It seems as though fate isn’t in your favor tonight, Akaashi’s hand curling around your wrist as he catches onto you before you can open the door. You squeak when he slams his hand against the wall, right next to your head as he pushes you up against the door.
“Classic scene,” he murmurs, his eyes narrowing as he takes in your meek expression, “you always use it.”
“Fuck off, Akaashi!” you snap, pushing at his chest.
It’s a struggle, but you reach back behind you, hand grabbing blindly for the door handle. He doesn’t let you reach it, catching your wrist and pinning it against the door.
“You sure?” Akaashi asks, his eyes darkened, “or maybe you want me to fuck you.”
Your breath catches in your throat, mouth opening before closing again. There’s nothing left in you, no retorts, no words to get yourself out of this situation. He lets out a sigh when he feels your body relax, his hand on your wrist loosening as he lets go. You stare up at him, biting your lip nervously.
“You should’ve said something,” he says quietly, adjusting his glasses.
“And embarrass myself?” you mutter, picking at the wool of your sweater.
Akaashi doesn’t say anything, his hand smoothing up your hip and settling on your waist. Your eyes widen, arousal shooting through your body as he presses himself closer, his other hand finding your waist. Akaashi squeezes gently and you bite back a whine, eyes drooping slightly as he just squeezes and pets at your sides.
“It was good,” he says hoarsely, “the story, the details, the sex… came to it a couple of times.”
“You- you liked it?” you whisper, voice airy.
“Yeah,” he whispers back, his eyes meeting yours, “liked it… like you.”
Your eyes flutter shut when he kisses your cheek, your heart thudding in your chest. You never dreamt it’d come down to this, but you find yourself grateful for Akaashi’s observational nature.
He takes his glasses off, placing them into his pocket. Akaashi’s lips drag across your cheek, pressing soft kisses against your skin. He kisses the corner of your mouth, lips brushing against yours gently. 
“Kiss me, Akaashi” you whisper, arms wrapping around his neck.
“Yeah,” Akaashi says softly, “yeah, I’ll kiss you, baby.”
A contented sigh escapes you as he slots his lips over yours, kissing you gently. The heat between you begins to grow, his hands slipping under your sweater to feel your bare skin. You gasp into his mouth, his hands surprisingly warm.
Akaashi smiles against your lips, his hand running up your back as his kisses turn hungrier, his tongue tracing the seam of your lips. You let him lick into your mouth, tugging at his hair desperately. Rocking up onto the tips of your toes, you deepen the kiss, pulling him impossibly closer. 
He wraps his arms around your waist, groaning when your nails scratch his scalp fleetingly. You bite your kiss-swollen lip as he drags his lips down your neck, landing heated kisses to your skin.
Akaashi kisses the pulse of your throat, his lips finding their way back to yours. Soft pants fill the air, his smile hazy as he peers down at you. You smile back, head tilting to the side to let him kiss your cheek again.
“You’re such a dork,” he whispers, his eyes twinkling.
“Shut up,” you whine, pushing at his chest.
He grins, his hands grasping yours. Akaashi pulls you away from the door, his arms wrapping around the backs of your thighs as he picks you up. You laugh, legs wrapping around his waist, lips pressing against his as he carries you to his bed.
Akaashi lays you down on his bed and you watch with half-lidded eyes as he pulls his shirt off. He might not have played as competitively like he did in highschool, but you had been there when he had played with his friends. It’d been entrancing to watch the way he had set the ball for his friends, the ball curving through the air cleanly for the spiker to hit.
“‘s not fair how good you look,” you grumble, pouting.
He rolls his eyes, crawling onto the bed, his body hovering over yours.
“You look pretty good yourself,” Akaashi says, his fingers playing with the hem of your sweater.
You lift your arms for him, letting him pull it off of you. His gaze fixes on the swell of your breasts and you flush, looking away.
“You’re shy now?” He murmurs, a soft laugh escaping him as he kisses your jaw.
“You’re such a jerk,” you huff out.
Akaashi smiles and you don’t think you’ll ever be able to be truly angry with him. He’s patient more than anything, caring and always honest. You’ve never met a man like him, never met someone who could quell your worries the way he could. It makes you want to never let go.
His body settles between your thighs, his nimble fingers pulling your bra free. Your nipples pebble in the cold air and Akaashi leans forward, his hot, wet mouth enveloping a hard bud into his mouth.
You whine brokenly, back arching slightly as he sucks your nipple, tongue swirling around the bud. He groans as you run your fingers through his hair, his mouth suctioning around your breast for a few moments before he pulls off with a pop.
His mouth finds your other breast, kissing the side of it, mouthing at your skin. You can feel his tongue caress the underside of it, laving across your breast before he bites gently at your flesh, his half-lidded eyes meeting yours. 
“You’re a fuckin’ tease,” he whispers against your breast.
You shake your head, mewling when his hand slides up, his fingers pitching at your spit-coated nipples. He rests his head between your breasts, watching you contentedly as you writhe under the onslaught of his touches. 
“A- Akaashi,” you whimper, hips bucking, “want- want more, please.”
“So polite, baby” he coos, his hands groping at your breasts. 
He pulls away from you and you whine, lifting your hips for him when he peels your pants off. There’s a moment of silence and you’re anticipating the feel of his mouth on your body, only for him to let out a low laugh. 
“Bunnies til the end, huh?” Akaashi asks, his fingers playing with the waistband of your panties.
Your brows furrow, not quite sure what he’s talking about until you prop yourself on your elbows and see that you’re wearing a pair of bunny-patterned panties.
“Oh, fuck off,” you groan, slumping back down onto the bed and slinging your arm over your eyes.
“They’re cute,” he smiles, prying your arm away from your face, “just like you, baby.”
Akaashi grasps one of your legs, bringing it to his mouth as he runs his hand along the length of it, kissing the sole of your foot and then your ankle. A soft hum leaves you, watching as he kisses up your leg, his kisses feather-light.
You run your fingers through his hair as he kisses the little bow on your panties, his nose pressing between your clothed folds to breathe you in.
“Pussy’s soaked through,” Akaashi murmurs, pulling back to look at your dampened panties.
“‘s your fault,” you slur, trying to push his face back to where you want it.
“All my fault,” he agrees, his tongue licking up over your panties, “guess I’ll have to take care of you then.”
You nod, trying to stop the little twitches that shoot through your body. Akaashi lets his mouth latch onto you, trying to suck the slick that’s soaked through the fabric of your panties.
“A- ah!” you pant, fingers fisting his hair as he squeezes your hips, his face nuzzling deeper between your thighs.
Akaashi’s lithe fingers pull at your panties, dragging them down your thighs. You don’t miss the way he tucks them into his pocket.
“Always so pretty, baby” he whispers, his thumbs pulling apart your folds to expose your pussy.
He moans when he sees the translucent strings of arousal that cling to your folds, his tongue darting out to lick up the little strings. You whimper when he kisses your clit gently, watching as he rubs the pad of his thumb against your swollen clit. Thighs twitching, you shift, trying to tilt your hips a little higher so you can feel his mouth on you.
“Ask for it,” Akaashi says, his cheek pressing against your thigh as he stares up at you.
“‘m not- ‘m not asking for it,” you retort, glaring at him.
“Bet it’d feel good,” he whispers, his tongue lolling out of his mouth.
You whine when he just keeps his tongue there, saliva dripping from the tip of it and onto your pussy. He makes an obscene noise, gathering some more saliva, spitting on your cunt.
“All you gotta do is ask,” he coaxes, his arms wrapping around your thighs, “clit looks so achy… makes me wanna kiss it better.”
“P- please,” you whisper, your voice barely audible.
“Didn’t quite catch that,” Akaashi smiles up at you, his eyes twinkling.
You’ll have to get him back for his teasing later, but right now you can’t wait.
“Please lick my pussy!”
You squeal when he latches his mouth onto you again, his tongue lapping over your wet pussy. He groans and you tug at his hair, thighs squeezing around his head as he laves his tongue over you greedily, letting his tongue dip into your hole before he sucks your clit into his mouth.
Legs kicking out, you let out a strangled noise as he flicks his tongue over your clit. Akaashi lands the filthiest kisses to your clit, alternating between sucking and little pecks, while he’s sunk two fingers inside of you. They curl up inside of you, grazing your sensitive spot perfectly. He fucks his fingers in and out of you, your wanton noises filling his bedroom.
Akaashi presses his face deeper, his fingers crooking. The feeling of his mouth in tandem with his fingers has you whimpering and whining, airy noises spilling from your lips at his ministrations. You might not ever be able to go without him ever again.
He holds you in place as you thrash, the overwhelming feeling inside of you building and building. Akaashi slips his fingers out of you in favor of devouring your cunt again, licking through your velvety folds, his tongue swirling before he presses it inside of you. 
“Taste so fuckin’ good,” he growls. 
You blink down at him dazedly. There’s a light flush covering his cheeks, his mouth glistening with your wetness. He opens his mouth to say something else but you ignore him, pushing his head so that his lips are flush against your cunt. Akaashi lets out a muffled laugh against your pussy, his tongue licking over you again.
Hand squeezing at your breast, you bite your lip, losing yourself in the caress of his tongue. He laps over you, again and again, pressing sloppy kisses to your clit. 
“Gonna come,” you whisper, feeling the softness of his hair under your palm, “gonna come, ‘kaashi.”
He tilts your hips a little more, rising up onto his knees with your legs slung over his shoulders. You squeal again when he shakes his head, tongue dragging from side to side before he plunges it inside of you, his thumb pressing against your clit at the same time.
Your thighs squeeze tightly around his head as you come, loosening after a while when twitches rack through your body. Akaashi squeezes your thighs, lets your legs slip from his shoulders as he kisses your trembling thighs. 
“Good girl,” he whispers.
Akaashi kisses your cheek and wipes the stray curls of your hair away from your face. A soft sheen of sweat covers your body and he hums, smoothing his thumbs over the underside of your breasts.
He lays down beside you and you curl up beside him, eyes catching on the bulge in his sweatpants.
“Need some help?” you murmur, fingers dragging down his chest.
“If you don’t mind,” he sighs, his arm wrapping around your waist to hold you close to him.
You smile, kissing his jaw gently as your hand slides past his navel, disappearing into his sweatpants. The weight of his cock is heavy and hot and Akaashi moans softly when your hand curls around his length.
“Ask for it, ‘kaashi,” you whisper, voice lilting.
“You’re such a brat,” he mutters.
“Use your manners, Keiji.”
His eyes widen when you use his name and you grin, landing a soft kiss to his cheek as your breasts squish up against his bicep. You squeeze around his cock and he lets out a soft whine, his hips bucking.
“Fuck- fuck hah-,” Akaashi grits out, “stroke my cock, baby, hm? Please?”
You hum softly, beginning to move your hand. His thick cock twitches as you stroke him, your wrist rotating.
He pants softly, his head turning to meet yours. You smile, running your fingers through his hair, brushing the soft strands out of his eyes. Affection bursts inside of you, heart fluttering as the flush on his cheeks deepens.
His brows have drawn together and you smooth your thumb over them, peppering soft kisses over his face, leg slinging over his as you pull down his sweatpants to free his cock completely. Akaashi’s cock has filled out, pre-cum smearing across his abdomen. You caress the head of it, giggling when he lets out a broken moan as you rub your thumb against the tip.
“You look so handsome,” you say, stroking his cock a little faster.
Akaashi smiles and you dip your head, kissing him. He groans, his hips chasing after the feeling of your hand around him as you kiss. Your hand tightens a little, squeezing at the tip of his cock. Pre-cum wets your hand, soft gasps escaping Akaashi as you let your tongue slip into his mouth.
“Keiji,” you whisper, lips brushing over his, “Keiji, will you fuck me?”
You squeak in surprise when he manages to grab onto your waist, lifting you up and placing you on his lap. His cock is snug between your folds and you whine, dragging your hips along the length of it, biting your lip as more pre-cum leaks from him.
“Sit on my cock, baby” he whispers, smoothing his hands up your thighs.
You nod, shifting a little so that you’re up on your knees. Akaashi watches as you grip the base of his cock, moaning when you rub his cock against your pussy, letting it catch on your clit. Akaashi’s head tips back as you sink down, whimpery, little noises leaving you as your pussy swallows up his cock.
It’s so thick inside of you, fitting so snugly that you clench around him. Akaashi wraps an arm around your waist, bringing your front flush against him. He lets you tuck your face into the crook of his neck, his arms tightening around your waist. You can feel him move, his feet flat against the bed as he bends his knees.
“K- Keiji!” you wail when he begins to fuck up into you.
Akaashi grunts, holding you against him as he moves his hips, rutting up into you. His hands grope at your ass, gripping your ass tightly as he moves a little more forcefully. You bury your face deeper into the crook of his neck, pressing sloppy kisses against his skin as you smooth your hand over his hair. 
“Is this- fuck,” Akaashi grits out, “is this what you imagined when you drew up those panels?”
You nod, too far gone to cling onto the remnants of your stubbornness. 
“Yeah?” he whispers, “imagined me fucking up into you, huh?”
“Y- yes!” you cry out, body squirming when he lands a heavy spank to your ass.
“Good fuckin’ girl,” he growls.
A soft mewl leaves you at the praise, your hips swaying back lazily to meet his thrusts. The sound of his hips slapping into your ass echoes through his room, your wetness leaking around his cock and coating his balls.
Your body rocks against his, your hand gripping at the sheets beside his head when he adjusts his grip on you, planting his feet a bit firmer against his mattress to thrust into you harder. You gasp at the sensation, sinking your teeth into his shoulder when his cock hits deep inside of you.
Akaashi hisses at the feeling of your teeth, spanking your ass again before you clench around him with a scream, body shuddering on top of his as you come. 
“Baby, baby, you gotta let go,” he rasps.
You shake your head stubbornly, pushing your hips down so that it swallows his cock all the way to the base.
“Inside, Keiji.”
He groans, his hands kneading at your hips roughly. You can feel the twitch of his cock, a satisfied coo leaving your lips when he comes, spurts of his hot cum filling you up. Akaashi’s hips stutter, thrusting into you unevenly as his cock jerks, more cum flooding your pussy.
You both pant, chests heaving. Akaashi rubs his hand along your back and you emerge from the crook of his neck, a drunken smile on your face.
He laughs hoarsely at your expression, cupping your cheek to guide you into another kiss while his cock softens inside of you. It’s a little uncomfortable, but you don’t mind, losing yourself in the heat of his body as cum leaks from your pussy.
“How long have you known?” you ask, tracing the slope of his nose.
“About a month,” he murmurs.
“A month?” you scoff, hitting his chest, “and you didn’t say anything?”
Akaashi grins, grabbing your hand and bringing it up to his lips to kiss across your knuckles.
“That would ruin the fun.”
You roll your eyes, prodding your fingers into his chest, “it was hardly fun, Keiji.”
“But you got what you wanted, didn’t you?” he whispers.
You laugh when he flips you onto your back, moaning softly when you feel his cock beginning to harden again inside of you.
“Put- put your glasses on,” you whisper, head tipping back as he rolls his hips into you.
Akaashi reaches over to dig his glasses out from the pocket of his discarded sweatpants, pushing them up to sit comfortably on his nose.
You clench around him at the sight, biting your lip as you give him a pleased smile.
“Knew you had a thing for ‘em.”
He grabs at your legs, moving them so that they’re pressed against his chest, your ankles resting on his shoulders.
“Use this as inspiration, baby,” Akaashi smirks, “I’ll even edit it for you.”
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causenessus · 7 months
Dating Them. | Haikyuu
inc. akaashi, bokuto, oikawa, iwaizumi, sugawara, kageyama, kuroo
written in 2nd pov (female reader implied)
song recc: i got carried away and gave them all a song but i can't help myself so if u want another one, loverboy by a-wall
word count: 3105 words
summary: "what does dating them look like?"
i love them all sm <3 hopefully these all make sense!! tysm to @luvring for sending me down a deep retrograde with rex orange county whom i almost chose to link a song to for everyone but then narrowed it down to just oikawa <3 also almost put in we & us for akaashi but freaked out 💃 pls check out this post by her that inspired me!! it was so sweet
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even if my heart stops beating you're the only thing i need with me even if the earth starts shaking you're the only thing worth taking even if the sky's on fire got you here, it's alright
looks like little gifts and notes left for each other everywhere
lunches made for the other left in lockers and on desks with little love notes <3
tell me he wouldn’t end every note to you with a little " ♡ ᵕ̈ " i dare you
you both handwrite the notes because texts are for losers
unless ofc one of you is out of town and you’re separated
then there are good morning and goodnight and i miss you texts
ending with ୧⍤⃝💐 and ᴖ̈ emojis
you both are very busy people so you just try to make sure the other is taken care of and knows they’re loved until you guys see each other again <3
dates are always lovely with him but the best part of them is when you guys get to go home
when it’s late at night and one of you is between the legs of the other, laying against their chest as you both do your individual things or something together
since life is so hectic it’s nice to just have these quiet moments in each other's presence <3 all he needs is to be around you and he doesn’t need anything else
there's definitely so many intimate and domestic moments with him
getting home from games used to be one of the worst parts of playing volleyball but you’ve made him look forward to it 
he loves to call or text you on the way home <3
if you’re able to stay at his house and be there when he gets home even better !!
you’re always taking care of him, making him something to eat or cleaning him up <3
how you guys started getting interested in each other?
I think at first sight you were curious about each other but one specific interaction sealed the deal <3
akaashi for sure knows so many random facts and how things work and most of the time when bokuto says something, it’s incorrect and akaashi will correct him <3
one afternoon when you three were together, bokuto was rambling about something he thought was impossible and threw a look towards akaashi, “and i don’t want to hear a ‘well, actually’ from you, there’s no way i'm wrong. if we're building things on earth that means more stuff on it and so it's getting heavier.”
akaashi only smiled, looking at his fingers as he played with them, “yes, but everything we're making those buildings out of already existed on the earth prior to–”
bokuto groaned, hands in his hair as he bent over, “no way! you know too much akaashi, I don’t even know if that’s a good thing or not” 
you let out a small laugh at the exchange. you wanted to add something but your chest tightened with anxiety, fearing that it would reveal how you truly felt. however, it slipped from your mouth before you could stop it, “i actually like it, i think it’s really cool that you know so much, akaashi-san. i admire it.”
bokuto, still bent with his arms on his legs immediately turned his head towards you with sharp eyes and brows raised, a teasing smile on his face
akaashi, on the other hand, had turned slightly red, his lips stuck between wanting to smile and trying to play off the compliment as if it hadn’t made his heart stop for a second
you’re cheeks had also warmed, realizing that if bokuto immediately got it through his thick skull (with love ♡) there was no way akaashi hadn’t
since he’s quiet by nature, the sweetest thing for him is someone who will really listen to what he has to say and the fact that you found it interesting just topped it all off <3
sweet talk everything you say it sounds like  sweet talk to my ears
looks like seeing each other in the halls and he brightens up, the world literally getting brighter as he sees you and he can’t stop the wide smile that spreads across his face <3
i think what he really needs is someone that matches his energy. you might be a little calmer than him due to the fact that you’re not jumping up and down but you’re just as happy, a smile wide on your face, eyes wide and you’re pushing through the crowd to get to him as well
if you are able to, you always come to his matches and it makes a difference in his playing <3
ofc before dating he was just as amazing as a player but now that he gets to see you while doing what he loves, there’s so much energy and happiness that wells up in him he ends up jumping higher and being more vocal
without a doubt he’s always looking up to you in the stands before every rally
it makes your heart stir, too, whenever he makes eye contact with you and you can’t help but smile and cheer with all the love in the world whenever you both meet eyes
whenever he’s home from a match, you bet that he’s heading to you as soon as possible if you allow him to
loves to collapse on you, strong arms wrapped around your waist and he rests his head on your stomach, body between your legs
will fall asleep so fast if you run your hands through his hair, loves it if you just comb through it from the front, pushing it back as they slide to the back of his head and then move back to the front to run through the strands again
even better if you talk to him as you love on him while he’s resting on you
hugs you tighter when you praise him, letting out a small sigh as he relaxes
“you did so well today, kou. ‘m so proud of you,” you hum.
“you mean it, baby?” he mumbles, face still buried into your shirt.
“i mean it. i would never miss any of your games if i can help it for the world, love.”
the last thing he can get out is an “i love you so much" before his eyes fall shut
girl, if you want it there’s no good reason not to love if you want it
looks like keeping him company even when it’s three in the morning <3
he’ll hold you close or have you on his lap, arms wrapped around you when he’s up at night watching other team’s volleyball matches
loves to talk you through the plays as well if you have any questions
will take the time to pause the video and point out anything <3
“see what they did here? they purposely left an opening in the block for the libero to cover. it corners the spiker either way,” he spoke softly, a small smile on his face as he explains the tactic to you.
“i think i understand. you guys have done that before too, right?” you nod, eyes focused on the screen as you lean to the side, resting your head on his shoulder
he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him, “we have, pretty. i didn’t think you paid so much attention.”
“of course i do!” you pouted, tilting your head to look slightly on him. 
he met your eyes with a teasing smile, “i’m only joking, princess. i see how hard you focus, you look super cute when you do, after all.”
you buried your face into his shoulder, too red to keep looking at him
you’re definitely a part of his squad (iwa, makki, matsu) even if you’re a grade below them
if you didn't already know them, he also definitely introduced you to the group as “his girl”
from then on out, you had four scary guard dogs should you ever need them <3
he’s glad to have someone so close to him that also gets along with his friends, so he’s happy as can be when you’re all hanging out
ofc also enjoys one on one time with u as seen above
after matches, you’re always loving on him, whether he won or lost
if he won, similar to bokuto, you’re praising him the whole way, pressing kisses to his forehead as he lays on you, completely content as he rests
if he lost, there’s no words exchanged between you two until he’s ready. it’s not that words will lead to anything bad, but you know what will help him. you know that for him, he’ll recover with time. after he’s thought about it, he’ll express all his feelings and emotions to you, so you only need to wait for him to be ready. in the meantime, you’ll love on him and make sure he takes care of himself. you’ll stay with him so that he knows he’s not alone and when he’s ready, you caress his face, softly wiping his eyes whenever they tear up and listen to anything he wants to say <3
my baby here on earth showed me what my heart was worth so when it comes to be my turn could you shine it down here for her?
looks like giving you gifts everytime he sees you
probably actually started with you giving him gifts all the time first <3
def friends to lovers i can see it
when you started giving him gifts, it stirred something inside of him and his friends kept telling him that you definitely liked him back
he was still unsure tho bc we’re talking a man with a whole fan club and two other men who have nothing better to do but tease other people so how trustworthy is their advice really
but he wanted to be hopeful so he started getting you things too (credit to makki & matsu, best wingmen)
because your relationship with iwa was 100% friends to lovers, said wingmen + whatever oikawa is definitely supported you both and were trying to play cupid
makki and matsu helped iwa find out what you liked without making it obvious and since he was too nervous to ask you on his own
also tried to inconspicuously ask if you were interested in anyone in which you immediately turned red and hid your face
the two boys turned to each other with a smirk because they knew they were definitely right
they probably got you to plan a confession to iwa, swearing on their lives that iwa liked you back
(makki and co. also definitely found a way to listen to it all go down and probably even recorded it)
as soon as you guys start dating he’s all over you <3 probably beats you to buying something most of the time but you still try to buy him things as often as you can
i think he’d adore flowers from you <3 they’re some of the sweetest things you can get them
mad dog respects you as an extent of his respect of iwa
definitely lots of words of affirmation in your relationship too
after the spring high semifinals you were in his lap, letting him hide his face in the crook of your neck as his whole body shook
you rubbed the back of his head with one hand, the other placed on one of his arms which were wrapped around you,
“i just want you to know how proud i am of you, hajime. i could hear you everytime you brought up your team. you did so well. you taught them so much. you’re so observant, you’re so strong. i couldn’t be more proud of you, love.”
he tightened his hold on you, and you felt his tears on your neck. “i know. i know it hurts a lot, baby. i’m here for you,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to his head.
she said i dressed in your favorite  i bought two bottles of red unless you made reservations oh look, you thought all ahead
looks like mothering his flock of children with him and taking care of him after he has taken care of the rest <3
lots of resting on each other’s shoulders throughout the day bc you both are so tired
whenever you guys are on dates, his favorite parts are always the train ride back home, he loves the gentle rocking of the train that lulls you both to sleep as you lay on each other, there’s just something so safe and intimate about it
ofc he loves doing things with you and you both try to spoil each other rotten, surprising each other with gifts and dates
some of your favorite dates to go on are just walks around outside
you guys take turns finding different locations to travel to just so that you guys can admire the beauty together
can u imagine? two pretty people walking around in pretty nature?? it’s too much <3
he loves walking in the winter at night because most of the time you guys will get to see pretty lights too!!
and if u get cold he gets to give u his jacket so two birds w/ one stone
if he’s feeling generous he’ll invite one of the children to walk with you guys while looking at christmas lights
it’s different every time
one night it was hinata, bundled warm in jackets and bouncing around between you and suga
another night it was kageyama, as calm and collected as ever but he enjoyed looking at the lights with you guys
you definitely bought him hot chocolate bc you couldn’t handle the parental love bubbling in your heart for the boy
(mama y papa?--)
but you both were def alone on christmas night when he took you out to walk in the middle of the city, where pretty lights shined at every angle and in every direction <3
he can’t help but kiss you a lot whenever he sees your pretty lips
and you love to kiss his little beauty mark below his eye <3
whenever he’s playing in games, you’re always cheering the loudest
afterwards you’re always flooding him with compliments too once you’re both home or through text message if he’s on the bus ride back
“u always notice so much during matches!! whenever u get in you always have something to tell everyone it’s so cool :000”
“and when you spiked, love, you did so good. we were all freaking out in the stands bc you had just been shut down before and you still went through with it completely!!!”
he'll smile at your energetic messages before replying with his own,
“thank u thank u <3 i can only do so well because i have my own personal cheerleader”
“I’ll see you soon, ok? we’re almost back to school, i love you so much, angel”
if his teammates hadn't drilled it into his head already how much he meant to them, your messages alone would make it worth it <3
i wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind... can i get a kiss? and can you make it last forever?
looks like dates to the milk vending machine and walking together around school <3
he’s already waiting outside your class during breaks and when lunch starts
you step through the door and jump when you see him
“tobio? how are you already here? class just ended?”
“...do you wanna go to the vending machines with me?”
“did you leave early?”
he averts his eyes immediately, trying to think of an excuse but you just sigh to yourself and start to walk, “what am i going to do with you? let’s go before class starts.”
“i wanted to see you,” he mumbles, eyes lowered to the floor and his cheeks dusted pink as he follows after you
your eyes widen at the response and you almost trip over your feet before you smile and lean closer to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek
“i love you too, tobio.”
he’s another boy you’re constantly fighting with to pay for things
sometimes you’re racing to the machine because you’re so desperate to buy him something but there’s no way you’re winning against him even if he gives you a headstart
you work hard to take care of him, though, and you have your ways of getting back at him even if he ends up paying at the vending machine
he’s so horrible at taking care of himself, especially with the amount of times he stays late to practice with hinata
you started to sneak milk cartons and eventually meals into his bags so that he’ll at least be fed
definitely lots of study dates between you both as well, you’re singlehandedly carrying his grades rn
but it’s worth it when you see him on the court <3
he tends to look at you before every serve, and you can feel your heart buzz whenever he makes eye contact with you
seeing him work so hard in volleyball and have so much fun, you can’t help but fall in love with him all over again, and you’ll do anything you can to help him and make sure he can achieve his dreams <3
you wanna go out, i wanna finish living you wanna get up, when i could just lay all day, with you
looks like showing up at your door whenever he feels like it either to take you out or to be at home with you <3
after the first time he insisted that he walk you home and you let him, he started visiting you more often
ofc you let him in everytime, you were glad he was the one making moves because you wanted to be around him more, you just didn’t know what to say
when you both started officially dating, you also obviously put in more effort to show that you appreciate him and love to be with him
but he’s always more than happy to be the one to come to you as long as he knows you enjoy it as much as he does
speaking of which he’d really do anything for you
if he’s not already there, you could ask him to at two in the morning and he’d be there as soon as he could <3
especially if you text him something like “i had a nightmare” or “i can’t sleep” he’s over there in a blink of an eye
“alright, princess. are we staying up or should i tire you out?”
he’s making any excuse to be close to you
he’s probably helped you in a few subjects if you were struggling with the material
ofc in exchange for kisses <3
he’s surprised when you come to his games, i feel like he’s probably not used to having a lot of people come to cheer him on and he doesn’t want to bother you about having to come to gymnasiums to watch him
but you come of your own free will and it makes him smile, he’s more than ready to crush his opponents to show off for you <3
after games, you’re throwing yourself into his arms as soon as you get to him and he’ll catch you with just as much adrenaline and excitement running through his veins at the sight of you <3
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httpsserene · 1 month
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𝐬𝐢𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐜𝐬. 𝟓𝟓 & 𝐥𝐧. 𝟒
summary: as a cart girl, you’ve never been intrigued by any of the men you serve on the green. by complete chance, you meet carlos and lando—they monopolize your summers for the unforeseeable future. pairing: poly! carlos sainz jr x lando norris x phd-student! fem!black!reader genre: written series. status: ongoing. posts will be tagged under #httpss :// sip of sunshine.
from, serene: "serene i thought you were releasing this as your 3k celly?" "serene is this why u disappeared for a week?" babes, the answer is yes ! i decided to do this series separate from the event because i wanted to give myself enough time to write this well so it's not a rushed product. super excited for this and i hope you all enjoy reading it xxx
⌕ join taglist | feedback & requests | upcoming chapters | table of contents ↻
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you can't complain about being paid to soak up the heat of the spanish sun and serve drinks— if you can ignore the flirting middle-aged men. however, this summer could be your last. you need to decide by the end of the day if you're returning next year. if only there were a sign to help you make up your mind.
☀️ episode one: SUMMER 'TWENTY-TWO
have you worked every shift possible for a chance of running into carlos and lando? yes. are you mad that you have a month of summer left and you still haven’t stumbled upon them? yes. (18+)
☀️ episode two: SUMMER 'TWENTY-THREE
you thought what you had with carlos and lando was exclusive. the way the were photographed with another woman multiple times has you thinking differently. whatever—you'll cut them off and try to have some fun of you own on the green this summer. (18+)
☀️ episode three: SUMMER 'TWENTY-FOUR
finishing your phd feels less and less important. this summer brings surprise promotions, changes of scenery, introductions to family, and plans for the future. (18+)
❄️ episode four: WINTER 'TWENTY-FOUR
this december, you explore domestic bliss in monaco and experience your first white christmas in england with lando’s family. you’ll enjoy all future winters if they resemble anything near this. (18+)
the golf course treated you well the entire time you worked there. you make the most out of your final day on the green before you appreciate life with carlos and lando beyond it.
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© httpsserene2024 — photos used are from pinterest (edited by me). borders by @saradika-graphics and @cafekitsune.
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send me an ask or leave a reply if you'd like to join the taglist for this short series :)
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pure-smut · 2 months
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Please see below for my current and upcoming fics~
Requests are CLOSED sorry im busy as fuck someone send help
Reblogs always appreciated! ♡
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✦ = noncon/dubcon
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Coach Ukai ♡ too tempting - 1.1k ♡ pain and pleasure - 1.8k ✦ ♡ envy - 260 ♡ this can't happen again - 800
Kuroo Tetsurou ♡ helping out a friend - 2.4k ♡ sharing - 500 ♡ how they eat you out - 1k ♡ lunch hour - 600
Aone Takanobu ♡ iron wall - 3.7k
Bokuto Koutarou ♡ nsfw headcanons - 1k ♡ sharing - 500 ♡ you look so beautiful like this - 1.2k ♡ how they eat you out - 1k
Ushijima Wakatoshi ♡ nsfw headcanons - 1k ♡ how they eat you out - 1k
Iwaizumi Hajime ♡ say red: part 1 - 2k ♡ say red: part 2 - 1.5k ♡ say red: part 3 - 2.3k ♡ how they eat you out - 1k
Hinata Shoyo ♡ sunshine - 2.4k
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Blue Lock
Meguru Bachira ♡ nsfw headcanons - 1k
Seishiro Nagi ♡ nsfw headcanons - 1k ♡ sleepy - 460
Rensuke Kunigami ♡ nsfw headcanons - 1k ♡ a gentleman - 1.4k
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Itadori Yuji ♡ inexperienced - 2.7K ♡ just one more, babe - 1.1k ♡ mommy - 500
Ryomen Sukuna ♡ and they were roommates - 2.7k ♡ get on your knees and beg - 400 ♡ infatuated: part 1 - 1.8k ♡ obsessed: part 2 - 1.3k ✦ ♡ addicted: part 3 - 2.6k ✦ ♡ toxic: part 4 - 2.4k ✦ ♡ feral: part 5 - 2.4k ✦ ♡ domestic bliss - 400
Toji Fushiguro ♡ babysitting - 2.4k ♡ daddy - 1k
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Wind Breaker
Togame Jo ♡ bloody knuckles - 500 ♡ cockwarming hcs - 700 ♡ coming undone - 2.3k ♡ off limits: part 1 - 4.4k ♡ radioactive: part 2 - 2.6k ♡ adrenaline - 1.4k ♡ love languages - 800 ♡ smothered - 1.1k
Sakura Haruka ♡ how they eat you out - 1k ♡ touch starved - 1.9k ♡ giving them head - 600
Kaji Ren ♡ how they eat you out - 1k ♡ cockwarming hcs - 700 ♡ mine - 1.2k ♡ giving them head - 600
Hajime Umemiya ♡ how they eat you out - 1k ♡ cockwarming hcs - 700 ♡ bonding - 1.1k
Hayato Suo ♡ coming undone - 2.3k ♡ love languages - 800
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Dungeon Meshi
Laios Touden ♡ the taste of you - 1.4k ♡ the feel of you - 1.7k
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taintedtort · 3 months
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summary. their petnames for you
characters. bokuto, akaashi, nishinoya
warnings. gn!reader, post!timeskip
a/n. this is short, and i wanted to add kenma but i think he would just use your name lol
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☆ literally everything, but mainly babe
he likes to try out a bunch of petnames, and switches them up based off the situation. you did something nice for him? he’s yelling out an enthusiastic, "thanks, sweetie!" he’s in a bad mood? he’s coming to you whining, "baby!" with a droopy look. however, in normal situations, it’s a simple "babe." he calls you that so often, some people don’t know your actual name.
"babe! did you see me? i was super cool, right?"
☆ honey/love
it feels very domestic to him, which he sort of likes. he definitely sees being married to you in the near future, so it just comes out naturally for him. also plays around with calling you "love" because you’re the love of his life, obviously! uses "honey" more though, but he may shorten it to "hun." bokuto sometimes teases him for being so whipped, but akaashi doesn’t really mind. it’s true, after all, and he isn’t ashamed of being in love.
"honey, come here for a minute, please."
"goodmorning, love. how did you sleep?"
☆ baby
i feel like he may be overdramatic sometimes and call you something like "light of my life" or "my dearest love" but when he’s being serious he uses a simple "baby." like bokuto, he overuses it and rarely calls you by your actual name. if you call him a petname too, he‘ll be smitten every time. literally has hearts in his eyes. he’s very affectionate in public, not caring if he’s practically hanging off you in front of his friends. he snaps back when they tease him, but he doesn’t let go of you.
"hey, baby. whatcha up to?" (literally wrapped around you)
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natashawritesstuff · 1 year
thinking of how ex-boyfriend Bokuto and you went to the carnival for one of your first dates and you two won matching stuffed animals. You called them your twins and you got kaylah while he took home kris.
looking back, it doomed you, it was practically a custody agreement for the impending separation
now months after the breakup you hide poor kaylah away deep in the depths of your overrun closet, not allowing her to see the light as the reminder of what once was and what still should be kills you.
bokuto, however keeps kris planted in the corner of his desk, proudly displaying the bear, with the now tattered bow tie and matted fur. because kris is his, and staring in its glass amber eyes reminds him of when you were his too.
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he’s fs cried on the bear, i don’t make the rules
also if you’re so inclined, here’s my book account:
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owlyflufff · 7 months
if bokuto teaching volleyball to little kids can become canon then bokuto and akaashi getting married, living the best domestic life and still loving each other at the tender age of 130 years old can become canon too
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heartmaddie · 1 month
haikyuu boys who imagine their future with you while you sleep. involves : children, marriage, pre+post time skip, implied fem!reader but can be read gn <3
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haikyuu! boys who cradle you in their arms as you sleep, running their fingers down your back as they remind themselves to be gentle, not wanting to squeeze too hard and risk waking you up. haikyuu! boys who always smile when they see you in the stands, happily supporting and cheering for them and their team. it's comforting knowing that you'll be celebrating their win or gently holding them when they lose. haikyuu! boys who daydream about their future career in volleyball, playing for professional teams internationally, maybe even going to the olympics. haikyuu! boys who imagine you sitting in the friends and family section, their colours as ribbons in your hair, proudly wearing their jersey as you cheer obnoxiously loud. haikyuu! boys who imagine leaning over the barricades, gently pressing their chapped lips against your soft ones when they win, "did i do good baby?" they would whisper in your ear, pressing kisses against your cheek, and you'd giggle, "mhm, i'm very proud" they'd smile into your cheek, letting the camera's flash regardless of the intimate moment. haikyuu! boys who would gently cradle their little baby every day before work, pressing soft kisses against the child's smooth head, letting them soak in the last few minutes of domesticity before hours of harsh training.
haikyuu! boys who, when stressed, would run his fingers over the white gold band which hung from his neck, tracing every familiar engraving with his thumb, and in those moments he'd find the momentum of the court again. haikyuu! boys who shamelessly mention you and your child in every single interview, ever. "how was the training for this game, did you find it overbearing?" the reporter would ask, you were somewhere, talking to another player as he cradled his now toddler in his arms, "oh well, it's always stressful" he nods, "but my girls make it a bit more bearable" he'd finish with a cheeky grin. haikyuu! boys who can't imagine celebrating any of their wins, big or small, without every night ending with you and your child in his warm arms. ♡ SHOYO HINATA , ushijima wakatoshi , OIKAWA TOORU , kiyoomi sakusa , ATSUMU MIYA , RINTAROU SUNA , KOTAROU BOKUTO + ur fav!
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this is scary - writing on tumblr is scary... ! please like, reblog and perhaps follow if you want to :3
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