#dom!regulus black
remusslove · 1 year
Hi, If you don’t mind, Can you do Dom Regulus x innocent reader? Please, thank you so much!!
(I‘m sorry for my English, it’s not my first language.😞)
Details: thigh fucking, orgasm, readers asleep but gives regulus permission to use her thighs to get off, praise, no aftercare in this one cause it wasn’t that big of a scene, sub!reader, dom!regulus, innocent!reader
He climbed into bed pulling you into his chest and used the hand he wrapped around your waist to drag up and down your thigh. “Hello my love” he said in a soft whisper into your ear before using his lips to smother small kisses on your neck.
“Reg, it’s late and I’m tired already” you whined furrowing your eyebrows but still melting into his touch. “I know baby, but fuck I can’t help it” a slight desperation change in his voice as he quietly groaned, feeling his painfully hard cock poking you.
“Can you use my thighs instead reggie?.” You murmured readjusting your heads position on the pillow. “Course doll. Such a good girl for wanting to help me baby” he praised making you smile sleepily. Regulus bites his lip as he palms his hard cock ready to get any type of relief.
“Fuck, thank you baby, so good to me.” He praised taking out his leaking cock from his boxers and giving it a few tugs making it stand up with arousal.
Placing one hand on your thigh to slowly pull your pajama shorts up, he parts your thighs before slowly pushing his needy cock between the warm skin.
His breathing starts getting heavy as he thrusts into the warmth of your thighs. It was not as good as your pussy, but still enough for him to get off. Though you couldn’t hear his praises because you were fast asleep, he still acted like you were awake and living in the moment.
“So good angel, feels so fucking warm on my cock, such a good girl for me” he said going faster as his mouth hung open in an “o” shape and breathed heavily in your ear.
His thrust soon became sloppy and his breathing became short as he was seconds away from spilling over the edge. “Gonna fucking cum all over your thighs, so you know your mine” he moaned as ropes of cum splattered on your thighs and on the sheets.
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sixlane · 3 months
@croptopjames submission | 1.5k words | NSFW - dom/sub, praise, degradation, spanking, gagging
Dedicating this to euge @ecstarry for brainrotting with me and lune @sommerregenjuniluft because we talked about dancer james once. Love you guys <3
Regulus walks the length of the studio assessing the attire of his dancers. He has a strict policy of professionalism that he makes no exceptions for, and James has been pushing his luck recently. 
He had hired James as an apprentice only a few months ago, but he was already regretting the decision. Not because of James’ abilities, but because of his utter lack of respect. 
James is a brilliant dancer, don’t get him wrong. He came from the most prestigious modern dance conservatory in the country, and Regulus had managed to sign him right out of school. 
He’s inclined to say James wasn’t worth the work, but that wouldn’t be completely true. He may make Regulus’ life a living hell, but he’s fucking gorgeous on stage, all lean muscles and strong lines. It’s captivating to watch, even more so when he gets to see it up close. 
As Regulus makes his way across the room, he catches sight of James in the back sporting gray joggers and— he has to take a minute to register what he’s seeing. Is that a fucking crop top? 
James just flashes a knowing smirk, staring Regulus down. He’s been called out for wardrobe infractions at least three times this month, and it’s starting to get old. 
“Sirius,” Regulus calls out to his brother, but more importantly, his rehearsal director. “Can you start the warm up? I need to have a word with Potter.”
A few snickers sound throughout the studio because his employees can be fucking children sometimes, and Sirius nods, getting up from his spot on the floor. 
Regulus turns toward the door, knowing James will follow him, and makes his way to his office down the hall. 
He only has to stand behind his desk for a minute, arms crossed, before James waltzes in, closing the door behind him. 
“This is grossly unprofessional, you do realize that,” Regulus deadpans. 
“I do realize that,” James responds innocently, batting his lashes. 
Regulus runs his eyes over the man standing in front of him, something he didn’t want to do in front of everyone in the studio. 
The top hits a few inches above his navel and exposes the soft lines of his abs and a stripe of dark hair that trails beneath his joggers. 
“Eyes up here,” James says, bringing Regulus’ attention back to the matter at hand. 
He gives James a stern look and leans forward on his desk.
“How many times do I have to tell you this won’t be tolerated in my company?” he asks. 
James’ eyes darken and he leans forward to mirror Regulus. “Not sure. Will you tell me again?”
The audacity of this man… Well, Regulus thinks, maybe it’ll stick this time. 
He reaches across the table casually, stroking a hand across James’ face. The dancer leans into it, fluttering his eyes shut for a moment, before Regulus reaches around his head to grab a fistful of his hair.
James opens his eyes and a slanted smile pulls at his mouth.
“Keep your hands on the table,” Regulus says before pushing James’ head down onto his desk. “Don’t move.”
James goes willingly, bending in half over the desk like a dream.
Regulus walks around to stand behind him, admires the curve of his ass and the ridges of his spine where they’re exposed under his shirt. He runs his fingers over them, eliciting a small shiver from James.
Regulus dips his hands into the waistband of James’ joggers, sinking his nails into the soft skin, before roughly pushing his pants down around his ankles.
James’ breathing picks up, his anticipation getting the better of him. Regulus would love to draw this out, but he’s afraid he hasn’t got the time today.
He smacks James’ ass once, causing the other man to jolt and let out a soft whine.
“Stay quiet,” Regulus commands.
James nods in confirmation. A lie, most likely.
Regulus lets a finger wander through the cleft of James’ ass, circling his rim in slow and deliberate movements. He keeps his eyes on James’ face where it’s pressed against his desk. His eyes are shut, mouth open. 
“You’re so pretty like this,” Regulus says. “When you’re not talking back to me.”
James makes a needy noise pressing his hips back onto Regulus’ finger, searching for a fullness he knows is coming.
Regulus smacks him again across the same spot as before. “Don’t get greedy. You know how this works.”
James nods again looking at Regulus now. His pupils are absolutely blown and it’s all Regulus can think about. The desperate want in his eyes.
“Tell me,” Regulus instructs.
James rolls his eyes back as he starts to lightly circle his rim again.
“Words, James.”
“You’re in charge,” James breathes.
“And I can do whatever I want with you,” Regulus adds.
“Whatever you want.”
“Good boy.” Regulus pulls his hand away again, but James doesn’t get a chance to protest before it’s being pushed into his mouth. “Now suck.”
James moans around his fingers, hollowing his cheeks and making a show out of it. He knows this undoes Regulus every time, watching as he listens so well, follows every command. It’s a high he’ll be riding for the rest of rehearsal.
“That’s right baby, get them nice and wet for me,” Regulus praises, bringing his other hand up to grab at James’ hip, keep him from moving too much.
When spit starts to drip down his chin, Regulus pulls his fingers away, and the noise James makes is fucking filthy. A keen he’s sure the whole company just heard, and that just won’t fly. 
Regulus moves his hand from James’ hip up into his hair, yanking him back until he’s hovering above the desk.
“James, what did I fucking say,” Regulus hisses. “Do you need something in your mouth? Hm? Such a slut for it you can’t follow simple directions?”
James moans loudly, a please falling from his lips somewhere in there.
Regulus releases him and he falls back onto the desk with a whine. 
Going back around his desk, Regulus fishes through his bottom drawer with his clean hand, finding what he’s looking for. A dress code appropriate t-shirt he keeps for times like these, when James just can’t help himself. He shoves it in James’ mouth harshly then pats him on the cheek. 
“There you go baby. Now you can tell me just how much you like it.”
And James does without a second thought, immediately filling the room with muffled noises.
Regulus resumes his position behind the dancer, running his spit-slick fingers against James’ hole.
“Ready?” He asks.
James is a mess, barely there at this point even though Regulus hasn’t even done anything, but he nods anyway, and Regulus pushes a finger in slowly.
“Always so tight for me baby.”
“Mmph,” James moans around the shirt. He tries to fuck his hips forward into nothing, desperate for some friction against his neglected cock, but Regulus holds him still. He should know by now that he’ll stay untouched until Regulus allows it.
Once he feels James is ready, he adds another finger, leaning down to spit into the place where they slide into James. He increases the speed, crooking them to brush the spot that reduces James to a moaning mess. 
He sees James’ eyes roll back again as he makes a muffled sound, so debauched and fucked out already. 
For the first time, Regulus notices his own wetness pooling in his briefs, but he ignores it. This isn’t about him.
“Can you be a good boy and take another,” Regulus asks, and James nods enthusiastically. If he wasn't gagged, Regulus knows he’d be begging, has heard it enough times to memorize the sound.
Regulus pulls out completely, watching James’ hole flutter briefly around nothing, before pushing three fingers back in.
James balls his fists against the desk, barely moving his hips, trying so hard to be good. Regulus decides to cut him some slack.
“Fuck yourself on them baby, it’s okay.”
James obeys immediately, pushing his hips back wildly and making ungodly sounds that he wishes he could hear unobstructed. 
Caught up in the image of James losing control, Regulus reaches around to touch his neglected cock where it’s been leaking onto the floor. He collects the precome beading at the tip to soften the slide, and pumps James slowly in time with the movement of his hips.
“You close? Gonna come for me?” Regulus asks, sugar sweet.
James barely responds, but the crease between his eyebrows gives him away. Regulus knows it means he’s heading toward the edge of the cliff.
Quickly, before it’s too late, Regulus pulls his hand away, pulls his fingers out, leaving James empty and neglected once again.
He smacks James’s ass roughly, then digs his fingers into the flesh, punishing.
Leaning forward, he puts his mouth right up against James’ ear, “Only good boys get to come, James. I expect you back in rehearsal in five minutes wearing that shirt in your mouth.”
James sobs into the fabric, ruined and undoubtedly aching, and Regulus leaves him there to clean himself up.
Maybe this time he’ll finally learn his lesson.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 3 months
@croptopjames submission for mr james fleamont potter's birthday<3
2598 words - NSFW - cw: spanking, squirting, dirty talk, lil bit of degradation theyre being nasty idk it escalated
aka feral fucking your husband after seeing him in a shirt that doesn't quite fit like it used to~
“Baby, I’m home,” Regulus shouts after entering the front door, kicking it closed behind him with his foot as he balances the huge ice cream cake precariously on both his hands.
They’ve invited the whole family as per usual, what with their first year with Harry out of the house coming back from uni for his dad’s special day, Sirius and Remus driving down and picking up Effie and Monty on the way. All their friends will come later this week for brunch.
Today it’s just the few of them though and Regulus finds himself with a spring in his step at the thought of all of them together today.
James has taken the day off and Regulus was able to weasel his way into only half a shift today which he nearly missed entirely after the way James had sat down in his lap first thing in the morning and ridden him until he was shaking, cursing and babbling incoherently, all the while his husband was seated on his throne, smiling brightly, happiest man in the world, practically taking the matter of his birthday gift into his own hands.
“Hi love!” comes from somewhere on the higher level of the house.
Regulus brings the cake into the kitchen, shrugging off his jacket and quickly dispensing the celebratory sweet in the freezer before James sees it.
Not a moment after Regulus closes the drawer to grab a bowl of blueberries from the fridge James comes into the kitchen, huffing and cheeks flushed, a presumably heavy box of just…stuff in his arms that he must have gotten from the attic.
“James,” Regulus starts, blinking, “You were supposed to take the day off.”
His husband smacks a content kiss onto his cheek, grinning brightly. His glasses are smudged and sitting crookedly over his nose and Regulus is pretty sure he spotted a bit of spiderwebs in the mess of his hair.
“Ehh,” James makes dismissively, “I still felt restless after I hit the gym this morning once you left.”
He places the box down with a heavy thunk, petting its side like a horse—he’s such a dad, “And we’ve been wanting to get started on these babies after spring cleaning anyway, remember?”
Regulus rolls his eyes, fondness betraying him when the corners of his mouth tug upwards, “Mm, that might be true. Still it’s your birthd—”
Regulus halts.
“Love?” James looks at him inquiringly, hands propped on his hips.
On his very much naked hips. A palm length sliver of skin exposed between the indecently thin and short gym shorts and the—
“James, baby, what are you wearing?”
Oh, Regulus’ mouth is so, so dry.
“Huh?” James looks down at himself, shuffling in place before his head snaps back up to Regulus, “Oh! Yeah I found one of my old shirts from uni.” His husband snickers, giving a little twirl and shaking his hips from side to side like he isn’t currently taking five years off Regulus’ life expectancy.
“You–” Regulus stops again, eyes glued to the small swell of his stomach over the band of the white shorts, the dark hair splattered all over and coiling at the center, carving a path up and downwards. It’s downright indecent. His arms fill out the shirt just how they used to back in uni but with the difference that it’s more fat than muscle now—though Regulus knows well enough from personal experience how strong his husband still is. His pecs are visibly straining the material, the washed out, maroon letters spelling HOGWARTS cracking from the stretch.
Even more so when James leans back on his palms against the dining table, draping himself all prettily against the edge and smiling coyly, blinking doe brown eyes from under long lashes at Regulus as if he didn’t already have him warpped around his finger hook, line and sinker.
“Baby,” Regulus rasps and he barely recognises his own voice.
“Yeah, Reg?” James purrs, tilting his head and exposing the expanse of his neck.
“How long until Harry arrives?”
“An hour or two, depending on traffic,” James responds, voice all husky. Regulus is going to wreck him. Reduce him to a stuttering, squirting mess in the matter of half an hour, take his fucking word for it.
“Good enough,” Regulus grits out and then he crosses the distance in two long strides, already yanking at his tie.
They meet in a mess of parted lips, clicking teeth and tongues nudging, eager as ever, trying to lick into each other’s mouths and taste. Greedy for it, happily swallowing moans and tugging their bodies close. They slot into each other easily, practiced after all these years, decades and Regulus reckons that’s how they somewhat safely find their way onto the couch.
Regulus’ back hits the cushions with a soft oompf, barely time to gasp another breath and reach for his husband before James is straddling his lap, clasping Regulus’ stubbly jaw in warm, calloused palms and pulling him right back into their kiss. They don’t stay there for long with the way James is restlessly shifting on top of him, grinding his crotch right against the bulge in Regulus’ slacks, making them both groan.
At some point Regulus abandons James’ mouth in favor of kissing over the stubble of his cheek and jaw and latch onto his throat while simultaneously trying to get his stupid shirt buttons open. When the takes too long however James seems to grow impatient, batting his hands away and fumbling with them himself while they pant and grunt into each other’s mouths.
Regulus is nipping at James’ lower lip, already swollen and an obscene kiss bitten red and his husband makes a sound. Downright needy and he’s sitting there on top of Regulus, flushed and with that dazed look in his eyes, moaning like a little slut, so Regulus can’t quite help himself when he pulls one hand around and smacks James’ firmly on the bum.
It elicits a gasp, high pitched and followed by a long, drawn out moan and James sinking deeper into his lap, recapturing his mouth and desperately rutting down against where Regulus is hard and already throbbing. It’s a medical miracle, truly, that no matter how many times they’ve had sex, Regulus’ erection is always at its best form for James.
“Mnh,” James makes, their lips parting with a wet smacking noise, “Need you, baby.”
Regulus grunts, fingers digging harshly into the meat of James’ arse, “Slut.”
Just like expected, James whimpers, and so prettily at that. Eyebrows scrunching pitifully and he grinds once more, helplessly, “Please, please.” 
“But of course, sweety,” Regulus relents easily, licking a hot stripe up his neck, along his jawbone and then right across his slack mouth, “Anything for the birthday boy.”
James moans in response, nodding his head frantically.
Regulus nods his head towards the end of the couch where the pillows are piled, “Scoot up.”
His husband does so dutifully and it doesn’t take longer than a second for Regulus to make James lift his hips and rip the sheer piece of nylon off and throw it over his shoulder, not quite surprised yet still horribly taken off guard by the lack of boxer briefs underneath.
Regulus is left with nothing to do but stare at the mess of wet, thick curls and pink fold glistening with James’ slick, spit pooling under his tongue in an instant. He grabs James’ ankles, settling them over his shoulders, trainers still on and letting his hands drive over white tennis socks, hairy shins and strong calves. Digging his thumb in there and relishing in the gasp he elicits from his husband that way, hips twitching with the suspense. Regulus strokes up his boney knees, massages the big muscle of his thighs, the hair tickling his palms softly, all the while letting himself pitch forward, making sure to spill warm breath over where James wants him most right now.
He goes further, letting his hands rake up and over his stomach, rucking the shirt up as he goes and tucking it over the swell of his pecks, exposing him for Regulus to play with.
James is panting, short little puffs of breath, brimming with excitement and barely refraining from whimpering on the way out each time.
Predictably, he breaks once Regulus lazily swirls a tongue around his exposed nipple, holding the eye contact and watching with satisfaction as James’ eyelids flutter. He can’t help but grin, nipping at the hardened nub before he retreats, settling himself comfortably between James’ thighs and without warning diving right in.
James positively screams the moment Regulus closes his lips around his cock, sucking him into his mouth and rolling him around between his lips until the bucking of his hips throws him off. Regulus hoists an arm over James’ hips, belting him down, and wastes no time inserting one finger into James’ searing wetness, sinfully hot inside.
“Ahh yesyes, please more, love, please m-hah—” James babbles, throwing his head back when Regulus drives into him with another finger, crooking them upwards and watching shamelessly as his husband’s precum pools all over his digits before diving back in to lick at his little cock. 
He works them steadily up to each finger until he is four in deep, repeatedly hitting that spot inside of James and sucking and mouthing at the bundle of nerves until James’ noises grow an edge.
“You gonna cum for me, baby?” Regulus asks, muffled between licks, jaw aching slightly.
“Yeah, yeah, gonna– hnng,” James breaks off, screwing his eyes shut when Regulus gives a particularly harsh suck, noises obscenely loud.
He’s fisting the cushions like his life depends on it, white knuckling them in his grip, and it only takes a handful more thrusts and licks before James is shuddering through his first orgasm. Breaths coming quicker until he eventually breaks off into a keen, thighs quivering around Regulus’ head, squeezing at his skull and riding it out, grinding his cunt uncoordinatedly forward into Regulus’ face all the while convulsing around his fingers.
He squeezes in waves of pleasure and it makes Regulus so delirious that he blinks and the next thing he knows is him kneeling against James’ ass, belt undone, slacks shoved down just enough and prodding at his slick, puffy entrance with the head of his cock.
James is staring unblinkingly at the ceiling, mouth agape and pupils so dilated they’ve swallowed most of the beautiful, dark chocolate brown.
“Baby,” Regulus prompts, bending James’ knees towards his ears with a grunt, “Jamie, be a good boy and hold these there for me.” His husband slowly blinks him back into focus, silently obliging and hooking his fingers into the bend of his knees—thank the higher powers James still does yoga once a week.
Regulus leans in, one hand holding him up off the couch, the other fisting around the length of him and smearing it through James’ wetness, “Now are you going to be able to be good and keep yourself wide open for me or are you already fucked too stupid, huh? An old man? Maybe we should postpone it for next year, ay papi, what do you say?”
James whines pathetically, rubbing his head into one of the throw pillows, knotting his black hair up even more before he swallows frantically, “No, Reg, pleaseplease, I can take it. Please, love, I’m gonna be good for you, I prom–Aah—”
Regulus bottoms out in one smooth thrust, vision dotting with black spots at the mind bending heat and vice grip James has on him, already pulsing around him shallowly.
He grants James a moment to get used to being full, slowly rocking his hips back and forth and listening for when his whimpers turn into soft moans, turning needy again, and then he reaches up to grip his chin, “Then take it, slut.”
The pace he picks up into is hard, not too fast but unforgiving and steady, a sure way to drive James crazy. Regulus nips his way along his husband’s chest, nuzzling his nose through chest hair and biting and licking at his dark nipples, tasting salt and sweat, feeling his cock twitch at the taste deep inside his husband.
When Regulus feels himself lose rhythm he hikes James’ legs impossibly higher, draping one of them over his shoulder before he starts spanking him again. The angle is awkward but it’s working, going off of the way James keeps jerking at the stinging contact, clenching around the length of Regulus and working himself into a frenzy, gasping and whimpering and groaning like he’s getting the best cock of his entire life. 
“Touch yourself, baby,” Regulus demands, breath stuttering as he watches a fat tear roll down the side of James’ face, disappearing into the shorter hair at his temple.
Regulus keeps James’ thighs wide and open, rolling his hips with abandon, groaning and panting with every thrust, feeling sweat bead on his forehead and desperately trying not to lose control when James snakes a hand between his legs, frantically circling his cock while Regulus keeps pumping in and out of him.
“If you could only see yourself, baby,” Regulus grits out, “Fucking masterpiece, splayed out for me like this. Obliging my every demand, so fucking good, baby.”
James moans happily, tongue lolling out and without thinking Regulus sticks two of his fingers into his mouth, rubbing over his tongue and feeling the saliva coat them thickly.
“Can you go ahead and cum for me again, Jamie?”
James whines an affirmative around his digits, slurping messily, a trickle of drool trailing down the corner off his mouth.
“Think you’ll be a good boy and squirt all over me, baby? You know how much I love when you cum like that, hm?”
James breath hitches impossibly, eyes threatening to flutter shut as he nods deliriously.
Regulus quickly grabs him by the jaw, “Keep looking at me, James. I know you can do that for me, baby.”
And so he does.
On the next thrust James starts quivering again, fingers working furiously over his cock, mouth falling open around a silent scream and gazing Regulus right in the eyes as he pounds into him and James squirts around him. Spraying everywhere, absolutely in all directions and fucking messy, wetting Regulus’ torso and the couch—Regulus wouldn’t be surprised if the carpet wasn’t unscathed either.
That’s really all Regulus can take before his hips stutter in their pace and he buries himself deep inside James, letting the pulsing of his husband’s orgasm milk him dry as he spills and spills his cum into James for what feels like minutes on end.
At some point James lets his trembling legs back down, crossing his ankles tightly under Regulus’ bum as this one keeps jerking into his husband’s hole.
Once they’re both done Regulus is too exhausted to do anything else but collapse forward into James’ chest which he accepts with a happy hum.
They take a few minutes like this, James slowly coming to and starting to play with the curls at Regulus’ nape and Regulus breathing in the comforting scent of James, raking his short nails up and down the side of his ribcage.
After a while James presses a feebly kiss into the side of Regulus’ head, huffing out a big breath that makes Regulus rise with the motion of his chest before he snickers, “Well, happy fucking birthday to me.”
Regulus chuckles into the crook of James’ neck, dropping a kiss there before lifting and staring into his husband’s droopy eyes, “Yeah, happy fucking birthday to you, baby.”
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lexithwrites · 2 months
Jegulus breeding kink:)
People are gonna want submissive reg but I’m not about that life so have sub top James begging reg to cum inside him and reg taunting him that he’s so cute when he begs and pulls off of James to edge him until he came so hard and for so long that regulus shudders and has to clench to keep it in
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aniwahstan · 1 year
Jegulus scene inspired by @alexsays-no’s new art 🖤
He drops to his knees in front of Regulus and brings his hands together. As he interlocks his fingers, he bows his head down into Regulus’ lap.
“Please, Reg. I am literally begging you to forgive me.” James can feel his words come out choked. He looks up to see if his pathetic pleading is working. Regulus’ eyes are wide and mildly horrified at the gesture. James pulls his face into the most desperate and pitiful look he can muster. Regulus’ horrified eyes soften. A nearly imperceivable smirk starts to form. James tucks away the reminder that Regulus enjoys having the power between them.
“Get up,” Regulus demands. James hoists himself off the ground and stands before Regulus who remains seated before him. Regulus looks him up and down before holding his gaze. “Get on your knees.” Regulus has a wicked grin at his own command, knowing that James will follow blindly. He would rise and kneel as many times as it took if it means he’ll be forgiven. When he’s on his knees again Regulus places a hand under his chin and tilts his head up.
“Show me how sorry you are, James.”
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kinktober day seven
prompt: virgin // pairing: jegulus // word count: 1.3K // includes: cunnilingus, daddy kink, daddy!james, sub!regulus, trans regulus
“Hey, baby,” James murmurs, coming up from behind and wrapping his arms around Regulus’ waist. He presses his face into the other man’s curls with a deep inhale.
Regulus turns around and meets James’ waiting mouth with his own. He can taste pomegranate juice on his lips.
It’s been a long day for the both of them. Despite being new Hogwarts alumni, their collective fortunes make it so that they don’t need to work, but James insisted on enlisting into the Auror program anyway. He’s gone for hours at a time, sometimes at night, to complete his training, and every day, he comes back dead on his feet.
Regulus, on the other hand, does no work at all. Waiting for James is work enough. They might be a bit codependent, but he couldn’t care less, honestly. His world spins when James is with him, and it stops when he’s gone. That’s all that matters to him.
“How was training?” Regulus asks between kisses. James is always extra touchy after work, always cuddling and kissing like his life depends on it. Tonight though, he’s practically lifting Regulus up off his feet with his arms as his mouth travels up and down his neck.
“Good. Fine. Tiring,” James replies, the words rushed like he can’t get them out fast enough. Regulus pulls back for a moment, raising a brow.
“Are you alright?”
“Very,” James mumbles. Regulus sucks in a breath as the other man’s teeth capture the soft skin of his neck. “A little tense though. Missed you a lot.” He runs his hands up Regulus’ body until they’re cupping his face and kisses him fiercely.
There’s something different about the way James is touching him tonight. They’re usually very intense, sure, but they’ve never…he’s touching Regulus like this time, he wants something more.
They’ve talked about it. Sex. Talked about what they’d like and wouldn’t like. However, Regulus neglected to mention a very crucial detail that seemed pathetic to say in the presence of James Potter at the time, and he’s been too prideful to bring it up ever since. Now though, with James touching him more and more insistently, a question burning between his palms against Regulus’ hips, he knows he has to.
“Baby…” James whispers below his ear. Regulus shudders and leans into his chest. That same unspoken question wraps around them like a blanket.
Instead of answering verbally, Regulus loops his arms around James’ neck and hides his face in the man’s shoulder, hopping to allow James to press his hands to his thighs and hoist him up. James carries him through the flat to their bedroom despite his obvious exhaustion from Auror training. He sets him on his back on their bed and props himself up over him, barely letting him breathe before going in for another deep kiss.
“James,” Regulus half-gasps as James’ hands begin working Regulus’ shirt off. “I haven’t — I’ve never —“
James stops immediately and falls to his side so that he’s laying beside him, concern in his eyes.
“What? Reg, are you…you know I don’t care that you’re trans, right? You know that, right? I promise, Regulus, I don’t —“
“It’s not about that.” Regulus shakes his head. He feels his cheeks flush hot and bright. “It’s not…it’s…James, I’m a virgin.”
James’ eyes go wide, and his perfect, perfect mouth drops in a way that makes Regulus want to crawl under the floorboards and never come out.
“Oh. Oh, Regulus, I’m sorry. I should have — Merlin, how did I not — I’m so stupid. I’m sorry, baby,” he rambles, frantically kissing Regulus’ face. “We don’t have to — shit, I’m so stupid —“
“You’re not stupid, James, I was just too embarrassed to tell you,” Regulus snaps in the firm tone he always uses whenever James starts to berate himself. “You’ve been with so many people before…I just thought…maybe you wouldn’t want me.”
James blinks furiously, looking wildly confused.
“Wouldn’t want you? Regulus, I want you more than anything. I don’t give a fuck about experience or — or whatever people told you the standard was,” he insists. Regulus shakes his head, but a smile tugs at his lips.
“Besides, “ James continues with a new spark in his eyes. “I’m a very good teacher.”
“Hm?” Regulus’ breath catches when he feels the pressure of James’ hand on his waist.
“If you’ll let me…” James kisses him again, more tender this time, and his hand snakes its way under Regulus’ pants.
“I’ll let you,” Regulus breathes. His heart pumps faster in agreement, let you, let you, let you.
“We’re not going to do everything all at once,” James says, which has Regulus feeling oddly disappointed. “You’ve touched yourself?”
“Good. We can go a bit further then.” James slides Regulus’ pants off, tossing them over his shoulder like they’ve offended him. Regulus’ legs are already shaking when James places his hands on his inner thighs and gently spreads them apart.
“Fuck, baby,” he groans.
Regulus’ fingers clench into a fist against the sheets as James attaches his mouth to his thighs, teasing at the skin with his tongue. James sucks dark hickeys into his pale skin, surrounded by bite marks that have Regulus swallowing back moans as they get closer and closer to the wetness between his legs.
“You still okay?” James lifts his head, and as he does, his glasses brush against Regulus’ folds. Regulus bites back a yelp, nodding feverishly.
“Yes,” he manages to get out. James doesn’t wait for further confirmation after that. He kisses Regulus’ hip, and then he lowers his head again, licking a slow line up between Regulus’ legs.
James goes at a leisurely pace, and Regulus feels every fucking second of it. James’ mouth sucks at the most tender of places, and when he bobs his head, the cool metal of his glasses teases Regulus’ clit with a shocking but welcome touch.
“D-daddy —“ Regulus whimpers the first time it happens, the word slipping out like it’s instinctual. He slaps a hand over his own mouth at this, thoroughly mortified, but James doesn’t miss a beat. He just hums happily, and his tongue takes on new enthusiasm as it flicks in and out of Regulus’ hole.
“Again,” he says lowly from somewhere deep within his throat. Regulus whines, his back arching when James licks at his hole again.
“Daddy,” Regulus whispers, “Daddy, please —“
“Good boy, baby,” James replies as he hooks his arms under Regulus’ thighs. Regulus can’t help the loud moan that he releases at James’ words. He wants to hear that over and over, wants to hear what a good boy he is, just for James.
“Fuck, Daddy —“ Regulus cries out much louder than he intended. James is properly sucking and licking at his clit now, swirling his tongue around it and lapping at it with quicker and quicker motions.
Regulus has no idea what an expert is actually like, but if he had to put a face to the word, it would be James. James and his masterful mouth and fucking excellent motions of his lips. The coil within Regulus’ stomach is so, so tight, squeezing and making him shake with need.
“Daddy, I’m — mm —“ Regulus’ voice breaks as James brushes his teeth against his clit, just enough to send a shock through him. “Coming,” he barely manages to gasp out before he’s rocked with the peak of his pleasure, his orgasm ripping through him in what feels like endless waves. James eats him out through the whole thing until Regulus tugs him away by the hair.
Tremors still spasm through Regulus’ body as he draws James up to his lips for a tired kiss. He can taste himself when their mouths meet.
“So, was I a good teacher?” James inquires with a smug smile. His lips are swollen, and Regulus suspects his might be as well.
“Teach me again tomorrow,” is all Regulus can breathlessly say in response.
James chuckles and pulls him closer, guiding him so that his head is against James’ chest.
“Anything for you, baby.”
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Reader Dom x Sub regulus (fem!reader) where regulus tries to get the reader's attention acting like a brat and reader spanks him as punishment and then overstimulates him making regulus beg for relief while apologizing to the reader (English is not my native language so maybe I have spelling mistakes)
i had fun with this one ngl-
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pairing: sub regulus black x dom fem!reader
summary: you haven't been able to spend much time with regulus recently and the lack of attention is getting to him. his mistake? thinking he'd get away with his “bratty” behaviour without some sort of punishment.
warnings: swearing, smut, spanking, overstimulation, punishing, light choking, brief involvement of a mirror, slight hair pulling, jealous regulus, kinda degrading at certain points, use of ma'am once, colour code in place (red not used)
word count: 1.5k
a/n: so i took a longer break than i intended… am i gonna apologise? no cause my mental health doesn't need to be apologised for but here i am, back at it! enjoy this regulus fic which i procrastinated on, anon <3
(not fully proof read but i did try-)
— — — — — X — — — — —
you smirk at the withering boy, his face contouring into one of pain and pleasure.
you're currently sitting at your desk, the chair positioned so you're able to get a good look at regulus who is bend over your knees, hand smoothing the skin of his bare ass.
“now, now. the time for politeness has passed love. you did this to yourself, remember?” your tone is teasing as your hand comes down again, a soft whimper escaping his parted lips.
“i'll be good… i swear! jus’ please…” he trails off as your hand grips the back of his thigh. “please touch me.” he finishes with a quiet sob.
you make eye contact with him in the mirror, a sickly sweet smile gracing your lips. “but i am touchin' you.” you say simply, landing another slap on his pale skin.
you admire the hand print which you leave, the red looking pretty on his fragile body.
he jerks forward, a loud moan finally being released and you silently thank merlin that no one can hear you, your advanced understanding of charms coming into play, more specifically, silencing charms.
his head falls forward, breaking your eye contact. you tut in disapproval, your free hand reaching to tug his hair, forcing his head back up and making him look at you.
“behave.” you whisper seductively in his ear. “yes ma'am.” he whispers back, voice breaking as his breathing quickens.
“you look away and i'll do more than just spank you. y'hear me?” his eyes widen at your promise but he makes no effort to answer. “i said,” your grip on his hair tightens, “do y'hear me, baby?” he squirms in your lap and nods frantically. “yes.”
“good.” your hand meets his ass again.
after a few more, regulus hasn't broken eye contact and just as you're about to stop, his hips jerk again as he lets out a deep moan, eyes rolling back.
you freeze. you know exactly what's just happened and your body is filled with excitement and anticipation.
you sit still, allowing the boy to come down from his high. he eventually regains his composure and lifts his head to look at you.
“enjoy that i take it?” you ask. he blushes and looks away. “what did i say about doin' that, hmm?” he quickly looks back at you. “good boy.” you coo at him, a blush dusting his blissful face.
you're still slightly pissed at him but you have to admit, his fucked out expressions are always worth it.
you're sitting in transfiguration and trying to listen to what's being said.
“y/n?” you hear for the 10th time in the span of 5 minutes. you ignore your boyfriend and choose to continue your furious note taking, refusing to let anything slip.
you finally get some work done, breathing a sigh of relief when he stops pestering you. the moment the class ends, regulus shoots up from his seat and pulls you with him. “regulus? where are we going?” you grunt as the two of you walk down the corridor. you bump into a gryffindor, them glaring and you returning the gesture.
he doesn’t answer, instead pulls you outside and away from any prying ears.
“why are you ignorin’ me?” he asks, eyes searching yours. you frown, not knowing why he’s so worked up about it. “i was busy, reg.” he huffs at your response. “what’s wrong?”
“nothin’ ‘s wrong. jus’ askin’ why you’re ignorin' me today.” you roll your eyes at the dramatic boy. “well i’m not ignorin’ you, ok? now, ‘f you don’t mind, i need to get to divination before i get ragged out again.” you give him a quick kiss on the cheek and notice the way his eyes linger on your lips as you pull back, amusement written all over your face. “bye love.” you shout as you walk away from him, not noticing the determined and calculating look on his face.
— — — — — X — — — — —
regulus is waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs after your class. he finally sees you but his smile soon disappears as he sees you laughing with a hufflepuff from your class, not liking the close proximity of the two of you.
you spot him and smile, continuing your chat with the hufflepuff boy. just as you’re about to end the conversation, two strong arms wrap around your waist and the smell of parchment, fire and cologne floods your senses. regulus rests his chin on your shoulder and you can practically feel him glaring at the boy.
“who’s this?” his voice is curious but you’ve known him long enough to hear the venomous undertone. “i’m-” “it doesn’t matter though, does it? all that matters is that you’re talkin’ to my girlfriend.” regulus cuts him off with a sickly sweet smile. you gape at him, embarrassment filling you as the hufflepuff stutters, trying to find something to say. you nod slowly at him with a sad smile, indicating that you’ll see him later.
as soon as they boy is out of ear-shot, you turn around harshly and glare at regulus. “what the bloody hell was that?” you ask. his once smug smile fades away as you grab his arm and pull him away, not wanting anybody to hear you.
“i-” he starts as you let go of his arm but you interrupt him quickly. “y’know what? i don’t need to know what’s wrong, i want to know i why you’re actin’ like a fuckin’ brat today.” he quickly gets flustered at your words, your dominant demenour slowly coming through. “ ‘m not actin’ like a brat…” he says weakly.
“oh yeah? you could’ve fooled me.” you walk closer to him, “now, be a good boy, and tell me what the fuck is your problem today.” he looks down, refusing to meet your gaze. you grip his chin and force his head up. “none of that.”
he swallows thickly and mutters something inaudible. “what was that love?” you ask. a blush appears on his face as he mutters, “jus’ wanted attention…”
you smirk. “really now? you wanted attention did you?” he nods slightly. “well, why didn’t you jus’ say so?” his eyes widen, not believing what’s coming out of your mouth. before he’s able to respond in any way, your lips meet his in a bruising kiss and your hand makes it’s way up to his neck where it finds home, applying the tiniest bit of pressure.
a soft moan escapes him before turning into a whine when you pull away. “no complainin', you're the one who started this.” you whisper, a small smirk on your face. “please…” he mutters. “please? please what, love?”
he takes a deep breath, eyes glossed over as he slurs, “please take care of me.” his words make an airy laugh escape you. “let me get this straight. you act like a whiny brat all day and embarrass me and now you're askin' me to take care of you?”
he looks down, face red. “that's not how it works honey. 'm not going to take care of you, 'm going to punish you.” you lean closer to his ear, “ 'm going to make you scream.”
a shudder runs through his body and you smirk at the sight before apparating the two of you to your dorm.
he let's out a strangled moan, as he squirms in your grasp. you're now sitting against the headboard of your bed, legs spread as regulus leans with his back against you.
your one hand is wrapped securely around the base of his throat while the other slowly works him, creating a torturous yet heavenly sensation that runs through his body.
“shh, don't cry baby.” you coo at him, the mocking tone of your voice gets you yet another flustered look from the boy.
the pace of your hand slows as a high pitched whine leaves his mouth, him reaching another high.
you admire regulus, his post orgasm expression, his unruly hair, the countless dark spots which cover his body thanks to you, the way his hands grip the sheets beneath him, his beautiful leaking cock…everything about him is beautiful.
in your daze you hardly register the fact that he's breathing heavily, his soft cries echo in your ears. you bring your lips close to his ear. “colour?” is all you say. “green! green, green, green!” he whines, hips bucking up, causing you to chuckle darkly.
“why am i not surprised?” you muse to yourself. your hand moves faster, bringing him closer to the edge.
loud moans ring throughout the room as your pace quickens again, causing his eyes to roll back. “you like this?” you ask and he whines in return. “my little masochist, hmm? you want to cum?” you tease and he nods vigorously.
“then cum.” as you whisper those words, he's releasing all over his chest. again.
“wan'... more… please…” he mutters, grabbing your hand as you try to pull it back. you laugh and shake your head.
“oh trust me, i wasn't plannin' on stoppin'. you're in for a long night love.”
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st3ddie-starchas3r · 4 months
Shortly after Sirius found out about Jegulus
James: *jokingly to mess with Sirius* spit in my mouth daddy.
Regulus: *immediately turned on grabbing his face spitting in his mouth*
James: *blush and swallows it*
Sirius: ew, ew! I didn’t need to see such incest! How would you feel if it was I who had Remus to spit in my mouth in front of you?? *glaring at a smug Regulus*
Remus: *sighs wandering how he ended up in this exact moment* please don’t..
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regulus-books · 6 months
wc: 1.4k+
warnings: mentions of bruising, blood, and wounds (unrelated to the smut), oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (p in unmentioned), name calling. tell me if I missed smth<3
notes: bodyguard jamie as promised:)) this was supposed to be top!reg but it turned into him bottoming, I'm sorry
"Who was it?" James asks once again, stroking the skin around the gash on Regulus' face. James is livid. He gave Regulus simple instructions, do not give the men the guns until they pay. Instead, he thought he could work out a deal, he gave them the guns and they didn't bring the money, so they beat him.
"James, it doesn't matter, I'll be able to track them down and take the guns back. It's really not that big of a deal." James can't even start to understand how Regulus could be so calm, he just got jumped for Christ's sake.
"It does matter. It matters to me, Regulus. You could've died, and I wasn't here," James swiftly stands up from where he was kneeling, walking over to a cabinet and taking out a first aid kit. "I mean, how bad of a bodyguard am I?" He scoffs a laugh.
"You're not," Regulus stands from his chair, walking over to James and running his nimble hands over James' broad shoulders. "You're a great bodyguard, I was being stupid," Regulus places a soft kiss on James' neck. James doesn't react, instead he turns around and pours a little rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab, dabbing away the dried blood on Regulus' face. "Lighten up, darling, I'm okay."
"Yeah, but you could not have been. I can't let that happen again," James pushes the aid kit into his duffle bag, then tosses away the bloody cotton swabs. He zips up the bag and slings it over his shoulder, grabbing Regulus' hand. "Let's go home."
The ride back to their manor is quiet, Regulus keeps a hand on James' thigh, keeping his anger to a slight. When they arrive James opens Regulus' door for him, as usual.
James walks into the kitchen and pulls out a water, he's currently taking a break from alcohol, though right now he'd do anything for a glass of beer. "Baby, don't be mad, I'm sorry." Regulus says, staring up at James' face with his big, grey eyes, his arms around James' waist.
"I'm not mad at you, beautiful, I'm just scared. You know that, don't you?" Regulus smirks, and kisses James' lips gently, thankful he doesn't taste like beer.
"I know that, James. Why don't I show you just how sorry I really am?" James chuckles a bit, his bright smile wide.
"Me being scared and angry makes you horny?" James puts his large hand on the back of Regulus' neck, playing with his hair.
"Maybe it does," Regulus stands on his tip toes, kissing James' neck.
"Alright," James grabs Regulus' chin, leaning his face up to kiss him. He hooks both his hands underneath Regulus' thighs, lifting him onto the counter with ease, never breaking their lips apart. Regulus moves his arms around James' neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss further. He whimpers as James pulls his hair with his other hand gently before pulling back.
"Couch or bed?" Regulus asks, unclipping James' suspenders quickly.
"Bed." James lifts Regulus again, carrying him up the staircase, Regulus unbuttoning his dress shirt in the meantime, kissing James' collar bones and freckles that are painted around his chest. James tosses Regulus onto the bed, stripping off his own shirt and trousers while Regulus does the same.
James kneels on the bed, flipping Regulus on top of him. "Ready?" Regulus asks, stroking James with his palm through the cloth of his boxers. James nods and leans further back into the plush pillows that decorate their bed. "Good." Regulus kisses up and down James' stomach, moving his hands underneath James' boxers for his dick, stroking him softly. James' eyebrows turn up and his mouth is left agape, Regulus smirks at the reaction.
"I've been a bad boy, daddy, I'm sorry," Regulus grins as James arches his back, trying to get more friction under Regulus. Regulus uses his other hand to pull James' boxers down the rest of the way, leaning in to kiss James' crimson tinted tip. James whimpers and laces his fingers in Regulus' inky black hair. "What do you want, daddy, I'll do anything." Regulus says in a false innocent voice.
"Suck my dick, baby," James keeps his eyes peeled open as Regulus looks up at his, blinking several times before swallowing James' length. "Fuck!" James moans out, tightening his grip on Regulus' locks.
Regulus bobs his head, sucking gently around James, who pushes his head down further, James' pubic hair tickling his nose as his eyes fill with tears. "C'mon, pretty baby, you can take it, can't you?" James asks, one hand coming down and wiping some tears that have fallen off of his face. Regulus hums, nodding as best he can. "Take breaths from your nose, sweetheart." James pushes him down as far as Regulus' throat will let him.
James lifts his hips up, fucking into Regulus' tight throat. "Feels so good baby, you're being so good for me," Regulus whines at the praise, his stomach knotting up at the sounds of James' moans. James spits on his fingers and smooths it around the rim of Regulus' entrance, slowly pushing the tip of one of his fingers in. Regulus' knees buckle, glad he's already sitting down or he'd have fallen.
Regulus pulls off of James with a pop and he kisses the skin next to his cock. James plunges his finger the rest of the way in, letting Regulus let out a wail. "God you're so beautiful, baby, even with that black eye, hm?" He was right, Regulus did look beautiful, his lips covered in a mix of precum and spit, his eyelashes stuck together with salty tears, his face flushed red from barely breathing.
"Thank you, daddy," Regulus swallows, sticking his tongue out and dragging it along the side of James' cock, James groans quietly. Regulus places kisses along the length.
"Are you gonna ride me, baby?" James asks, moving his finger in and out of Regulus, adding a second in, and doing the same.
Regulus pouts his lips, "But you taste so good, daddy, I want to keep going down here." Regulus leans in for another lick, James' fingers still roughly fucking into him.
"Please be a good boy, baby, you've already been so bad," James smirks because he knows he's won. Regulus sits up, James pulling out his fingers, Regulus whines from the lack of warmth. "Don't be upset, baby, you'll be full soon enough."
Regulus climbs up on James' lap, grinding down onto his dick, he moves his hips forward and backwards, spreading his spit all over his ass.
"Go on, love." James grabs his hips so hard Regulus knows it'll leave a bruise. He mindlessly grinds down again, but this time when he pops back up, he makes sure it's at the perfect angle, the tip of James' cock hot on his rim.
"Please, daddy, fuck me full of your cum," Regulus whines, pushing down onto James, he moans at the full feeling as James bottoms out.
James pushes slowly, in and out, trying his best to be gentle with Regulus. "Fuck, Reg," James groans desperately, buring his face into the pillow on his right, "So tight." He finishes his sentence, fastening his movements. Regulus places his hands on James' chest, his legs already tired from moving up and down on James' cock. James is now harsh with his movements, pounding in and out of Regulus, who is moaning and writhing above him.
James' thumb circles one of Regulus' nipples, smiling as Regulus tosses his head back.
"I'm gonna cum," Regulus whines, grinding down further, "can I cum?"
James pats his hair, pulling him down for a short lived kiss, "cum for me, sweetheart," and Regulus needs no more confirmation, he lets his knotted stomach untense, James continuing to fuck him through his high, he becomes overstimulated quickly.
"Please, James," tears start to fall down his cheeks once more, James wiping them away in annoyance.
"Shush, baby, let me finish," James only has to rutt up into Regulus 3 more times before his cock is pulsing, filling Regulus up with his cum.
When James stills his movements, Regulus let's out a big breath, his body collapsing ontop of James, with his cock still inside of him.
"Are you okay, my love?" James asks, stroking a hand down Regulus' spine.
"Mhm," Regulus says, all fucked out, "you forgive me?"
"I forgave you the moment I saw those bruises across your pretty face." James smiles softly down at Regulus, kissing his forehead and eventually forcing him out of bed to clean him up.
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“i've gotta get home and sleep with your brother”
(you know the tiktok sound ok)
Pairing these two prompts together because I was feeling inspired.
#85: “i’m going to fuck you so hard you’re going to forget that guys name” --and-- #90: “don’t fucking touch what is not yours”
2,036 words!!
Summary: With Regulus busy and ignoring you, what choice do you have but go to the person who annoys him most for assistance? Smut!! Includes Sirius as a relentless flirt, references to partying and drinking, and angry sex w/ overprotective, mean!dom!regulus. (I don't condone being toxic! It's just fun to write lol)
I put gifs in the body of the story, not sure if that reads well, but I had 4 gifs I wanted to use lol. Do the pics show up side by side in pairs of 2, or are they stacked? I want them to be side by side and can't tell how it'll look.
My prompts are tagged #prompt list - the currently active list is whatever is most recent, please send requests!
You'd been sitting next to Regulus in the library for hours, barely speaking. "Reggie..." You said in a hushed tone. He hardly looked up from his book You ignored this, and continued, "There's an all-house quidditch party out on the quidditch grounds after curfew tonight. Can we go?"
"Evan and Barty have been hounding me about it all week." He said flatly, not answering the question.
You raised your eyebrows at him, but he didn't notice. He'd gone back to his book. "Reg, please? You've been studying all day and we've barely done anything fun this week."
It was true. He'd barely even touched you for days, and the ache between your legs was beginning to be unbearable.
Regulus didn't look convinced. "Reg, please," you tried again, "it would be good for team morale."
He snorted. "Since when do you care about the quidditch team?"
You rolled your eyes. "Since right now, when I decided that it would help me get you to come to this party."
Regulus sighed. "How 'bout you meet me back here after dinner? I'll meet you outside, okay?"
You nodded and made a quick exit before he could change his mind.
• ◦ • ⁃ • ◦ • • ◦ • ⁃ • ◦ • • ◦ • ⁃ • ◦ •
After dinner, you changed quickly and snuck back out of the common room, finding Regulus waiting for you outside the library, as promised. His gaze flicked down your body; you were wearing a crop top with a deep neckline and a short skirt you couldn't have bent over in without exposing yourself.
As soon as you got to the party, you were enveloped by a cheery throng of your friends. Regulus muttered something about going to get a drink as you were swept into conversation.
When the excitement of your arrival to the party died down and people began to be immersed in their own conversations, you snuck off to get a drink, and look for Regulus. You spotted him standing alone at the edge of the party, looking ready to leave. You weren't going to deal with that, especially not without having something to drink first.
You spotted Sirius Black and his usual group of friends huddled together, laughing. You locked eyes with him, and to your surprise he grabbed an extra drink from a table nearby and began to saunter over.
"Poor, poor little Y/N." he said with mock-pity. "I see my idiot brother is paying you no attention at all," he said as he handed you the drink. "A big mistake, I must say. You look absolutely ravishing tonight."
As you took a sip, you couldn't help the flush that spread across your face. Turning back to Sirius, you said, "Wanna help me get his attention?"
A devious smile spread across his face as he looked you up and down. "So naughty, Y/N. Didn't know you had it in you. What'd you have in mind?"
You felt a surge of guilt, but one glance at Regulus still stony faced in the corner convinced you of your decision. "Can you just- just flirt with me for a minute? I'm sure that'll make him angry enough." You said quickly, before you could change your mind.
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Sirius didn't answer, but let his eyes wander down the length of your body, taking you in with his usual lazy confidence. "I think we can do better than just flirting, don't you?" He asked, stepping closer to you.
You let him reach towards your face and loop a strand of your hair around his finger. Your heart gave a small flutter and you leaned into his touch.
His other hand came to rest on your waist. Everything about Sirius was warm. He began to rub circles into your skin, his thumb trailing up underneath the hem of your shirt, just grazing the underside of your bra.
A small sigh of pleasure escaped you. "You're so beautiful, Y/N," Sirius said, leaning into you. "So beautiful. I bet I could get you to make all sorts of pretty little noises, if you let me."
His breath smelled of hot cider as he kissed your cheek. "But now my brother seems to have noticed our little show." he added, pulling away, but even then, he did not remove his hand from your waist.
Before you could say anything, Sirius was being shoved back, and a familiar hand grasped at your shoulder. "Get your filthy fucking hands off her," Regulus spat at his brother. "Don't fucking touch what isn't yours."
But Sirius was looking past Regulus and grinning at you. "When you get bored of my little brother, Y/N, come and see me." He said, and with that he turned back to the party and walked away.
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Regulus rounded on you. "What the fuck were you thinking, flirting with my brother like that?" He asked, his expression dangerous.
You were past the point of caring however, and you merely said, "I guess I was just tired of waiting for you to notice me, and Sirius was there, ready to play."
Regulus let out a humorless laugh. "That's what you want? You want me to notice you?" He gripped your arm tightly, taking a step closer to you. "You want me to play with you?" He asked, voice deadly.
"I suppose you have time for me now," you spat.
You saw the muscles in Regulus's jaw clench, and knew you were going to get exactly what you'd bargained for.
"Come with me, right now," he hissed, his grasp on your arm tightening as he began to walk back to the castle, dragging you along with him. You walked in silence, knowing Regulus was plotting everything he'd do to you once you'd reached the school.
You hurried to keep up with his fast pace as the two of you snuck cautiously back into the castle and he pulled you to the door of the Slytherin common room.
It was completely empty, with everyone still down at the party. Regulus ushered you up a small flight of steps into his dormitory. He locked the door and you watched as he put up silencing spells around the entryway.
Then he turned, walking slowly over to where you stood by his bed. His eyes were dark with anger as his eyes trailed down your body, taking you in for the first time that night. He placed a hand on the back of your neck, running it upwards until he had a fistful of hair, which he tugged sharply, forcing you to look up at him.
"Did you wear your sluttiest little outfit all for me, hmm?" He asked teasingly. "Did you put this on just so I'd fuck you tonight?"
Already, you could feel wetness pooling between your legs. "Yes," you managed to gasp.
He leaned in closer, biting at your neck without warning. "I know you did." He whispered. "And now, you're going to get on your knees and show me just how much you want to be fucked."
You nodded, getting to your knees without another word. Regulus watched you, unbuttoning his shirt as you situated yourself at his knees. You reached up and palmed the bulge in his pants the way you knew he liked. But he wasn't in the mood for that tonight. He pushed your hand away and undid his zipper.
"Open your mouth." He said cooly.
You obeyed, wrapping your lips around his length. Regulus let his head fall back as you took him deeper.
A second later, his hand found the back of your head, using your hair as leverage while he fucked your mouth harshly. You let out a small choking sound and he merely grinned wickedly down at you. "What's the matter, can't my little slut take it?" He asked, pushing your head even further onto his cock so you could feel him at the back of your throat.
He held you there for a moment, watching as you struggled for breath. Finally he let you go, and you fell back, gasping and sputtering for air.
"Pathetic." Regulus said. "Get up."
Your legs shook as you stood. Regulus wiped the tears from your cheeks. You knew by now that your face must be smeared with mascara. Meeting his gaze, you saw a flicker of concern on his face. You nodded, reassuring him, and just like that the concern was gone.
"Take your panties off, then get on the bed." He commanded, and you did as you were told, watching him tuck your soaked underwear into the drawer of his bedside stand as you clambered onto his bed.
"Not like that," Regulus said quickly. "Get on your hands and knees."
Your face burned as you flipped over, lowering yourself onto your forearms and arching your back. You could feel the bed dip as Regulus knelt behind you. He flipped your skirt up, exposing your ass.
"Spread your legs a bit more." He said in that same cold voice he'd been using all evening, the voice that warned you not to disobey him.
Once you were properly on display for him, you felt his hand between your legs, grazing you with the lightest of touches, just enough to spread your wetness around.
"You're positively soaked for me, little slut." He said. Unthinkingly, you rocked your hips against his hand, searching for more friction.
This earned you a harsh slap on the ass from Regulus. You cried out, but he merely said, "Not tonight. Tonight you don't get to cum on my fingers. Sluts only get to come when they're being fucked."
Your frustration had reached a peak. "Fuck me then," you said desperately.
Regulus smacked your ass again. "Ask me nicely." He said.
"Please," you managed in a strangled voice, "Please fuck me."
He slid into you without warning and you whimpered at the sudden intrusion. You heard Regulus curse under his breath, his hands moving to grip your sides. He began thrusting in and out of you at a merciless pace. "Gonna fuck you so hard you forget that bastard's name. Gonna fuck you so hard all you can think about is my cock." He said.
"This is what you fucking wanted, isn't it?" He continued, his fingers digging harshly into your hips, hard enough to bruise. "Wanted me to fuck you like a filthy little whore?"
You opened your mouth to respond, but all that came out was a moan.
Regulus moved one hand between your legs, rubbing at your clit with an unbearable amount of pressure. Your legs began to shake, and Regulus said, "Answer me."
"Yes!" You managed to get out, panting. "Yes! Wanted you so badly."
"That's right," Regulus crooned, his movements never ceasing. "You're mine. You're only mine. No one else is gonna make you feel like this, huh?"
"Just you." You said breathlessly.
"That's right," Regulus said again.
"Reg, 'm gonna cum," You said, and his movements against your clit sped up.
You could tell he was getting close by the way his rhythm was starting to falter slightly. You pushed your hips back to meet him with every thrust.
"Fuck, angel, yes. You're so good, so good for me, just like that." He said, urging you to keep moving. Soon his thrusts grew sloppy and he grabbed you by the hips again, burying himself inside you completely as he came.
As you both came down from your highs, he rolled you over onto your back and looked down at you. "My girl." He said possessively. "So so beautiful. Wasn't too rough, was I? You're okay?" He looked suddenly unsure.
You shook your head. "No Reg." You pulled him down into a kiss, relishing his scent.
His hands were on either side of your face as he pulled away to look at you again. "Don't flirt with my brother, ever again." He said.
"Don't ignore me ever again." You shot back with a grin.
"I mean it, Y/N." He said.
You beamed up at him. "But it had such a fun result." You said cheekily.
"Next time, the results won't be fun." He grumbled, but leaned back down to kiss you again.
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remusslove · 11 months
Hi I love your work! Could you make a story where mommy!dom!reader is degrading sub!regulus and they get caught by sub!james and he joins them? Thank you for your consideration! Much love!
My masterlist I’m working on<3
“So pathetic regulus. Begging for me to touch you like if you weren’t an ungrateful brat this morning.” He thrashes against your hand as you pull it away for the fifth time. “Please, please, M’sorry! Just want to cum mommy please!” He sobs as his hands are trying to get out of their tied up situation.
Regulus is so far gone he doesn’t even notice james walking in. James is absolutely floored by the sight. Regulus with tears streaming down his face and completely naked and vulnerable with his hands tied above his head with your tie.
“You gonna record us or are you gonna join James? Maybe you could be a better boy than regulus.” Your comment made regulus whine and roll his hips. “I-I what do I do?” Jame stutters eyes flicking to you and regulus.
“Strip. Then come over here and show regulus what he’s missing out on. Regulus; why don’t you tell Jamie what you want him to do?” You teased. James’s cock hardened the second the smaller boy made eye contact with him at his fucked out state.
“Use me Jamie, please?”
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morwap · 2 years
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Sub!regulus, dom!reader, masturbation, cumming untouched, name calling and praise
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Regulus looked at you as the fake cock thrust into him, his legs were spread and the machine just kept getting faster and faster. Regulus’ hair stuck to his forehead and the sheets were in his fits, he bucked his hips in the air try to get something out of it.
Your hand was in your panties, rubbing your clit as you watched him. Regulus watched you, groaning when you reminded him he couldn't touch you or himself until he came untouched.
“I know you can do it, just focus and it’ll happen Reggie” you said, he nodded with a whine. You clicked a button and the machine went faster. You moaned and ground into your own hand.
“Be a good whore and do it” you teased, his abdomen flexing and thighs clenching. His hands itched to just touch himself since you didn't tie him down but he fought the thoughts.
The dildo was hitting his prostate every time, making him whimper and moan. “Please, please just touch me” regulus whined.
“No, you can do it, baby, do it for me” you said, your free hand touching his hair.
Regulus’ face scrunched up, his legs trembled. His cum leaked down his shaft.
“There we go, look at that Reggie, you did it” you gasped. You got closer to him. Your hand went to his cock, pumping out the rest as he moaned.
“Im so so proud of you Reggie” you praised with a smile.
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@bunnyweasley23 @b-aobao
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sommerregenjuniluft · 5 months
sharing this absolute filth because i had to scrap it. enjoy? fjskf
“Touch me, Jamie.”
James proceeds to strip his shirt, leaving his torso bare, and dip a hand into the scalding water, squeezing Regulus where he’s hard against his stomach. He wraps his palm around the shaft only a few moments later and starts stroking carefully, the bath water rippling and lapping at the sides of the tub. 
Regulus feels a tremor whack his body and he throws his head back with a soft groan that makes James moan helplessly in return.
“Look who’s being such a good boy today,” Regulus praises and James brows furrow and he adjusts restlessly in his kneel, undoubtedly uncomfortably hard in his own pants.
“Please,” James pants, voice husky when he’s finally found it again.
“No touching yourself, baby.”
“That’s not– ngh,” He gnaws on his bottom lip harshly, eyes squeezed close.
Regulus gently tugs it free, simultaneously stilling James’ ministrations on his cock with his own hand. “Talk to me.”
James eyes flutter shut as his thumb circles Regulus’ leaking tip underwater, like he’s getting off more on the touch than Regulus is. 
His eyes flash with desire, cheeks tinting an even more vivid shade of scarlet. Regulus is obsessed with him. 
His fiancee whimpers, swallows before he presses out, “Need you in my mouth.”
“Oh, yeah?” Regulus arches a brow, gripping him by the jaw, “Little slut needs something on his tongue to be satisfied, huh?”
James whines brokenly, face tilting into the hold, “Please. Please, Sir, I’m—”
He gets interrupted by Regulus shoving three fingers between his lips, rubbing over his sinfully wet tongue and pushing down his throat, making him gag a little. 
“Nothing but a slick little hole,” Regulus comments indifferently as he makes a mess of James. “Look at you drooling over being used, baby.”
James’ moan is garbled around the fingers prodding in his mouth.
Once he wraps his hand around Regulus with renewed vigor it doesn’t take long for him to feel close.
He alternates between ruining James with little insults and letting him babble and beg to his heart’s content whenever he pulls the fingers out of his needy mouth for a moment.
Showing him the obscene amount of spit coating his fingers, drawing strings when he spreads them. “Look at it, baby. See how wet you are for me? How badly you want it?”
And James mouthing away on whatever body part Regulus allows him to get his lips on. A string of, “Please, please, need it so bad—wanna taste you, want you to fuck me and fill me up, Sir, please.”
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lexithwrites · 1 month
I’ve been a regulus switch/verse truther for a long time, but I will say the ONLY person I believe Regulus ever being submissive with is Remus. Remus is tall and quiet and unassuming, he’s shy and stumbles over his words, he’s not that confident in public nor does he want to be seen, and regulus thinks he’s the hottest man alive because of it. Regulus can take the reigns outside when they’re around others, whilst Remus takes the reigns in the bedroom. It’s the only regulus ‘sub’ dynamic that works for me and I’ll die on that hill
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aniwahstan · 1 year
Regulus Black’s perfectly crafted torture
(From this wip)
“You’re not forgiven yet.” James nods at the words. He’ll worry about that later. All he can focus on is the space between them. How desperately he wants it to be gone. Regulus pulls at the end of his tie, leading him to the pillows at the top of the bed. James lies back and lets Regulus remove his clothes piece by piece. He does it painfully slowly. It’s a punishment but James welcomes it.
Regulus drags his tongue along James’ thigh far too gently. He continues his torturous teasing all over his skin. James is about to break apart. Just as he’s about to beg for Regulus to keep going he opens his eyes. Regulus is no longer on the bed. He’s up and walking toward the door, leaving James exposed and unsatisfied. Regulus pauses at the door and looks back where James lies unclothed and breathing heavily.
“See you tomorrow.” With that he is out the door. James lets his head fall back to the pillow as his desire still pulses through him. Fuck. Fuck, fuck fuck. He slams his head down hard before grabbing a pillow and pulling it over his face. He lets out a muffled groan as he submits himself to Regulus’ perfectly crafted torture.
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Art from Scorpios
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natti-ice · 18 days
Marauders p links!
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18+ minors do not interact or click the links! Each link contains porn. All links are from twitter. You must be logged into Twitter for the links to open!
includes: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Regulus Black.
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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— James Potter
69 with James
cumming all over your pretty face
Dom!James using your throat
James teasing your asshole
early morning stretch out
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— Sirius Black
Sirius’ cock twitching in your mouth
dom!Sirius being rough with your tits
bearded!Sirius having his way with you
riding Sirius while sucking off Remus
taking it like a good girl
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— Remus Lupin
late night backshots with professor!Remus
teasing both of you
dad’s best friend!Remus fucking you
being filmed as you fuck professor!Remus (long video)
Remus fingering you + jerking him off
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— Regulus Black
Regulus feasting on you
deep throating Reggie’s big dick
the night of your wedding
getting fucked by masseur!Regulus (long video)
Regulus giving your pussy sweet kisses
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@mimipanini09 @acoolsnail @h0neylemon @mkjoau @ddarling-ddearest-ddead @anakinskywalkers-gf @timotheechlamett @xox-uwu-xox @girl-of-multi-fandoms @justalilmc @emmaleemac @eretsupremacy89 @aphrodite-xoxo @sometimesminsan @captain6262 @reggieisfit @xquinn-bartonx @idkbruntte @marauders158 @prongs-wolfstar-marauders @siriusblackslover @https-rmh @sweetheart005 @tobesolovelysstuff @222hwilsss @littlebunny13sblog @itsseaberri @eillim01 @simpforeveyone @ellamarji @jade-is-jaded @wqndk @godmitski @higuyshi @anadoingana @shadowfallsjacks @elizasinsane @alanangels
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