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nyancreeperdraws · 2 months ago
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Hey. So I got art block even though I do not lack time or ideas. I think that the Christmas stress and other holiday plans it giving me lack of motivation. And that sucks because I really wanted to draw some of the ideas I had.
I will draw them soon, just probably after Christmas. I still have three or so weeks until classes start again, after all. I hope I can use it wisely to make something.
So here's a picture that I should have posted long ago. My art final. It was a free draw and we had to make a narritve drawing. I chose cursed creepypasta images cause I just think finding the origins to these things are so cool.
We have Smile Dog, Jeff The Killer, Momo, Mereana Moregard Glesgorv, Dollthing, MARIO.1 image, and This man.
All of them are so cool and I hope I captured them well in Charcoal. So yeah. I hope you enjoy this while I work on other projects.
Have a Happy Holidays and I hope to see you afterwards.
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losergendered · 1 year ago
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ID: two flags, each with thirteen stripes. the first flag is as follows. the first and last stripes are thinner than the rest, the fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth, and tenth stripes are scalloped outwards, and the second and twelfth stripes are wider, have larger scallops, and are pointing inward. the second flag's stripes are straight, but the first, last, fifth, and ninth stripes are thinner. both flags have the same colors, which are deep reddish mauve, mauve, light pink, bright lilac, pale lavender, very pale yellow, indigo, very pale indigo, pale lavender, bright lilac, light pink, mauve, and reddish mauve. END ID
Yamikawadollthing: a gender related to yami kawaii, being a thing, and dolls!
For @lovesickfelix ! Colors were mainly picked from the dollgender and the yamikawaiic flags!
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seikotakai · 1 year ago
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she's just an autistic silly girl to me, this is my headcannon and you can't take that from me.
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the-mogai-archives · 8 months ago
[PT: Dollthing /end PT]
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A gender related to being a doll and a thing, or a "doll thing"
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robotgirlbatteries · 2 months ago
Doll named XQV-1226. The kicker is that it isn't even a combat doll-- it just comes from a line of dolls that puts no care into making them last. So why should it be given a name? It's disposable. Disposable toys will be disposed of.
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femmefaggot · 8 months ago
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your favorite dollcorpse
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angeltism · 9 months ago
people who don't think at least a little bit of obsession is a little bit hot weird me out to be honest
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tooldoll · 10 days ago
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Play nice with your toys. They'll appreciate it. 💛
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attemptsupon · 2 months ago
The Woman Who Loves Herself
well its certainly autogynous i wouldn't call it para philic
when she does espy herself, she doesn't think its ridic
to be joyful in her image of how nice she'd be to lick.
i suppose they think it matters, she's a woman with a
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baeddoll · 2 months ago
(lategame spoilers for Dungeons of Blood and Dream its a weird dungeoncrawler thing that if ur the kinda freak who follows my blog u'd probably like i just need to yap about this)
working on a new definition of soulslike that requires it to have exactly one character who talks like this
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mannekinni · 10 months ago
at the end of the last book simon had no (0) of his living puppets but I think that’s not going to last very long as there are trans women who want to be catgirls. Also other things that ones just the first to come to mind.
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olivesteeth · 1 year ago
in Desperate Need of hot trans girl friends 2 take cute & hot selfies with :^(
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losergendered · 1 year ago
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ID: a set of 12 images in 6 pairs. each has one image of the listed my little pony character with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony is a magicgender nonbinary transfem demigirl who is biromantic and demisexual! She uses she/they pronouns and has autism and dyscalculia!
Applejack is a transmasc butch butchgender lesbiangender pansexual lesbian! He uses he/they/xe/shi pronouns! They have HPD, OLD, and cyclothymia!
Fluttershy is a faequeer intersex genderless AGABless transnull trans man dollboy dollthing xenogender genderfluid bigender demigirl masc femme futch boy! It is also cupiorose, aroace, caedorose, acrisexual, adexsexual, OLDallion, BPDallion, aplatonic, and obsessplatonic! Shy uses it/shri/snow/hush/pri/win/whisp/fleur/tea/lae/rose pronouns as well as none and nameself! Snow has BPD, PPD, DPD, OLD, several specified phobias, mythomania, hoarding disorder, bipolar-2, ADHD-PI, and is autistic!
Rarity is a reveragender uterbinary femgendeer delàndrogyne delàfeminine intersex transfemmasc manwoman girlboy! She is a bi gay bi lesbian and uses she/he/it/love pronouns! He has BPD, NPD, AvPD, alexithymia, and somatic-type delusional disorder!
Pinkie Pie is a nonbinary transmascfemneu confettium cakegender sprinklic gateaugender cakecoric kandigender kandistimmic autigender pinkgender babypinkgender babybluegender boygirl! She is pansexual and uses she/shi/hi/h!/cake/sweet pronouns! Shi has bipolar-1, dysthymia, BIID, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and is autistic!
Rainbow Dash is a transmasc genderqueer demiboy and is bi gay, demiaroace, aceflux, caedosexual, (gray)obsessplatonic, and BPDallion! Mrrps uses any pronouns and has a bunch of brain weirdness and is alterhuman!
Twilight and Fluttershy are physically disabled: Twilight uses fore-arm crutches and Fluttershy uses a rollator!
Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie are solars! Fluttershy and Rainbow are each other's FPs! Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity are in a nonsexual situationship together!
For 🎀 anon!
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matfinishfuckstheworld · 2 years ago
im yearning for him to treat me for mental illnesses there aren't even names for. he made them up to make me easier to control!
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miyoriia · 1 year ago
a family can just be your transsexual mother that you're dating, your transfem mother that you're dating, your 3 transfem sisters who are also your dogs that you're also dating, the transfem dollthing you all play with and kiss and are all in a relationship with, the femboy you all keep in the basement, and you! and thats truly so beautiful
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robotgirlbatteries · 2 months ago
Doll named I/me/my/mine/myself so it can use any of the aforementioned names for itself in conversation. This way, despite the fact that it is compelled to speak in third person, it can still pass as human or at least very well-oiled. Granted, it's got to change its grammar to do so, and things get awkward when it speaks in plurals or is addressed by name.
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