#dollar buy sell bd
dps7exchange · 1 year
Save Time and Money: Trusted Dollar Buy-Sell Websites in Bangladesh
Top Reliable Online Platforms for Buying and Selling Dollars in Bangladesh
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browallted · 2 years
Browallted 3D Logo #Browallted
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easyecashbd · 2 years
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doctorguilty · 3 months
I have a longer post about this in my drafts about debunking some misleading information, idk when or if I'll be in the mood to drop it but if nothing else, Etsy is not on the BDS boycott list.
You do not need to boycott Etsy. Etsy is a marketplace where independent merchants host storefronts. It does not make and produce its own goods. When you just start making posts out of the blue calling for boycotts and for people to delete their accounts and never buy off Etsy again, you're throwing merchants so hard under the bus with no time to prepare on their ends.
I know a lot of people here see Etsy as like, a place where people casually sell stickers and keychains for a few dollars a pop, but for many people (including people I personally know in real life) that is their INCOME; that is how they pay bills and rent. You can't expect someone to "just move sites" at the drop of a hat. Imagine the amount of work involved for someone who makes hundreds of sales a month, to reupload EVERY listing somewhere else. To promote their new storefront site to all the followers they have and inevitably lose tons in the transition. To change business cards, links on all their accounts (imagine replacing every post about every item on their twitter/insta/etc to have a link to the new site's listing). Even if they somehow got it all done in a week, that doesn't guarantee everyone will be up-to-date on the move and they'll see the same amount of sales and traffic.
There are also not very many alternatives currently available and well known that operate with the efficiency of Etsy, nor have a good a search function. A HUGE amount of traffic comes from the Etsy search alone, ESPECIALLY if you're someone who doesn't have an enormous following on some social media where you're promoting your stuff, and rely a lot on people browsing Etsy itself to find your listings.
If you're someone who won't be hurt by moving your Etsy shop somewhere else and want to leave, by all means that's your prerogative. If you no longer want to buy on Etsy, that's also your prerogative, but my question for you is, are you going to support the artists you followed on Etsy elsewhere? I think that's something to consider.
But you gotta stop calling for boycotts out of absolutely nowhere, with no warning or organization or anything cohesive, and mindlessly reblogging posts about it. Etsy's CEO or whatever is not going to feel it, but independent artists will feel it anywhere from "ouch my extra spending money" to "I can't afford food anymore". It's truly irresponsible and careless.
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
Book Depository is shutting down on the 26th of April and in some ways, that's good, because now I can re-direct mostly Americans to book sellers that are NOT owned by Amazon.
But, before I do that, I would like to apologize to a lot of non-Americans who relied on BD to buy harder to find books that are not available in your country. I don't have many alternative resources to offer you because I'm only familiar with what works in America but I welcome any additional comments offering said alternatives.
For everyone, including people who aren't in America, I can offer only this:
Bookfinder: I'm including this first and foremost because you can put in your book title, what country you're in, and it'll do its best to find booksellers and list them by price (WITH shipping already included in that calculation). This DOES include amazon and amazon owned companies. I recommend looking up companies and seeing if they are owned by amazon because a lot are (like BD, like abe books). I won't shame anyone who relies on amazon because sometimes amazon/amazon-owned companies are all that's available. I just want to recognize that Amazon is controlling the flow of available media is a problem.
For Americans (and possibly other countries):
Book Outlet
Bookshop: Supports local book sellers
Discover Books
I also recommend shopping locally! Indiebound will help you find local book stores.
But if that also fails you, a good method to finding cheaper books without supporting amazon... is to use amazon. Check amazon listings and under paperback (or hard cover), there will be a link saying "other new, used, and collectible." Click that, look up the names of the sellers listed there, and see if they have their own selling platform off of amazon.
If you are still being failed, check your local library. Use apps like hoopla/overdrive/libby/kanopy (the latter being for film). Go INSIDE your local library and see if they have books for sale--some libraries have year round book sales, some have blow out sales just once or twice a year. With books going for 50 cents, a dollar, three max. Lots of people donate NEW, NEVER READ books to these sales.
If you still can't find the books you are looking for, I do recommend piracy. But PLEASE do not publicly share links to good piracy sources on this post. Spreading them publicly is how resources get fucked over. Please communicate more privately. But my one piece of advice is... "[book name] [ebook file type you want] download" is always a good place to start. Look up what file type is best for the device you wanna use, it's so easy.
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dps7exchange · 1 year
Dps7.com Dollar Buy Sell BD website l Trusted Digital payment Services online platform in Bangladesh l
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cringycorruption · 8 months
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Hello and welcome to the fourth day of me posting about palestine in support of the strike. today’s conversation is about the boycott list and how they work; and also the importance of targeting the worst offenders and moving down
first off what is boycotting? well google defines it as:
“Withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organisation, or person) as a punishment or protest.”
in other words:
“To stop giving money or spreading the world of a country, organisation or person in a way of protest or punishment.”
what does this have to do with Palestine? Well the BSD has made a list of brands to boycott until a ceasefire is declared, this is the list below
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what this post serves to to is to break down these sections, explain what it means and why the brands are there.
before i do that, i will state why it is important to do targeted boycotting rather than generalised boycotting. In my words, the purpose of a boycott is to tell these companies our opinions by smacking them where it hurts, their profits. boycotts have been shown to work.
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(starbucks stocks over 6 months. this company is being boycotted due to their unfair treatment of employees.)
but if you dont believe me, believe BDS, this is what they said.
“We must strategically focus on a relatively smaller number of carefully selected companies and products for maximum impact. We need to target companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where there is real potential for winning, as was the case with, among others, G4S, Veolia, Orange, Ben & Jerry’s and Pillsbury. Compelling large, complicit companies, through strategic and context-sensitive boycott and divestment campaigns, to end their complicity in Israeli apartheid and war crimes against Palestinians sends a very powerful message to hundreds of other complicit companies that “your time will come, so get out before it’s too late!”
“Many of the prohibitively long lists going viral on social media do the exact opposite of this strategic and impactful approach. They include hundreds of companies, many without credible evidence of their connection to Israel’s regime of oppression against Palestinians. Many do not have clear demands to the companies as to what we expect them to do to end the boycott, making them ineffective.”
Now we move on to the sections within the boycott:
Consumer Boycott Targets
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This section, the BDS calls for a complete boycott of these companies. This means that you should completely avoid buying from them. This is because of what they have done:
AXA - Refuses to take action against the current conflict and yet was active in supporting Ukraine. It also invests in the war crimes and the stolen Palestinian land
Puma - This is due to its partnership with the Israeli football team, however this one is actually be debated of taking off, and will be removed once the partnership is actually confirmed to be over (go boycotts!)
Carrefour - genocide enabler. It supports the IDF in partaking in the current genocide.
HP - They provide technology for Israeli people and services to the offices of the Israeli Government.
Chevron (+ Caltex and Texaco) - The main company extracting Gas from Israel in the Middle East. They gain billions of dollars from this and puts it towards the conflict, as well as contributing to the climate crisis through fossil fuels.
Re/max - Sells properties on stolen Palestinian land
Ahava - It’s produced in Israel, and its main store is there aswell.
Siemens - the main contractor for connecting Israel’s illegal settlements to EU
Sodastream - it’s an Israeli company that is helping to fund the genocide.
Also make sure to boycott Israeli made products as it will also fund the genocide!
Divestment and exclusion targets
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The BDS aims to pressure these groups of people out of contracts with Israel. Please note that these people come from different sources which are in the link.
Elbit systems - It “field-tests” its weapons on palestian people. They also violate refugee and indigenous peoples rights just by doing their job
CAF - build the light rail in Jerusalem. They benefit off of the stolen land.
Barclays - hold 1B pounds in, and 3B pounds of loans that relate back to Israeli machinery
Intel - has stated that they wish to invest $25 Billion dollars into the genocide on Israelis side.
Chevron - (did above)
TKH Security - Provided surveillance equipment to Israel.
HD Hyundai (+ Volvo, CAT, JCB) - Provide machinery for Israel to use in their ethnic cleansing.
HIK Vision - Provide CCTV to be used to survey Palestinian People
Pressure targets
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BDS wishes to place pressure onto these people to stop their support of Israel. They aren’t wishing for a full boycott but they do want to have a strong uproar in social media with these groups. This is because
Google ( + Amazon ) - signed a $1.22 billion dollar contract to provide cloud services to Israeli government and military
AirBNB ( + Booking.com and Expedia) - all offer bookings on stolen land
Disney - The New Captain America film personifies Apartheid Israel, and are complicit in speaking up about the conflict.
Tera - benefits off of the conflict as they can exploit the captive Palestinian Market
Organic Boycott Targets
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The BDS did not start these boycotts but supports them, this is because:
McDonald’s ( + Dominos Pizza, Papa John’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut, WiX) - Mostly because they have branches in Israel, or have showed support in words or donations. If they are not already active in your area, you dont have to focus on them since it wont be as effective
to summaries:
- Focus on hitting the worst companies the hardest
- your money speaks volumes
- use the BDS guide as a base and add on companies you wish to not support, make sure boycott to you, cause while it may not immediately be affective, once the big companies are listening the smaller will follow
- also support palestinian run businesses
Thank you all for reading this blog post, i hope this was helpful information. reblogs are heavily appreciated
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bestexchangebd · 4 months
Dollar Buy Sell Online
Buying and selling dollars online has become a common and convenient practice for individuals and businesses alike. Whether for travel, investment, or international transactions, online currency exchange offers numerous benefits. Here's a comprehensive guide to understanding and navigating the process of buying and selling dollars online.
How It Works
Choosing a Platform:
Banks: Many banks offer online currency exchange services through their websites or mobile apps.
Specialized Currency Exchange Websites: Sites like XE, TransferWise (now Wise), and OFX provide dedicated currency exchange services.
Peer-to-Peer Platforms: Services like PayPal and Revolut allow users to exchange currencies with other users.
Setting Up an Account:
Registration: Sign up on the chosen platform by providing your personal details.
Verification: Most platforms require identity verification through documents like passports, driver’s licenses, or utility bills.
Checking Exchange Rates:
Exchange rates fluctuate based on market conditions. Use the platform’s rate checker to monitor and decide the best time to exchange.
Making the Transaction:
Amount: Specify the amount of dollars you wish to buy or sell.
Payment Method: Choose your payment method, such as bank transfer, credit/debit card, or digital wallet.
Execution: Confirm and complete the transaction. The platform will process the exchange and either credit your account with the converted currency or transfer it to your specified recipient.
Online platforms are available 24/7, allowing you to exchange currency anytime and from anywhere.
Competitive Rates:
Online services often offer better rates than physical exchange offices due to lower operational costs.
Transactions are typically processed quickly, often within minutes to a few hours, depending on the platform and payment method.
Real-time exchange rates and clear fee structures ensure you know exactly what you're getting.
Reputable platforms employ advanced security measures like encryption and two-factor authentication to protect your transactions and personal data.
Key Considerations
Exchange Rates and Fees:
Different platforms offer varying exchange rates and fees. Compare these to get the best deal. Be aware of hidden fees that might affect the total cost.
Regulation and Licensing:
Ensure the platform is regulated by financial authorities, providing an extra layer of security and credibility.
Security Protocols:
Look for platforms with robust security measures, including SSL encryption and secure login processes.
Reputation and Reviews:
Check user reviews and ratings to gauge the reliability and customer satisfaction of the platform.
Transfer Limits:
Platforms may have limits on the amount you can exchange in a single transaction or over a specific period. Ensure these limits meet your needs.
Payment Methods:
Verify the accepted payment methods on the platform. Some may accept a wider range of options, including bank transfers, credit cards, and digital wallets.
Buying and selling dollars online is a practical and efficient way to manage currency exchange needs. By choosing the right platform, you can benefit from competitive rates, speedy transactions, and the convenience of online access. Always ensure the platform is reputable, secure, and offers favorable terms to make your exchange experience smooth and beneficial
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atomograd · 7 months
remember: anyone claiming boycotts are pointless are either misinformed and ignorant or intentionally disruptive of direct action.
"multi-million dollar corporations don't care" misses the point. boycotts serve to:
negatively stigmatise use, purchase, support of a product, service, business, or individual
warn other businesses what will befall them if they repeat the same mistakes. smaller businesses, start ups, and individuals may not have the resources to survive overwhelming negative opinion and lack of cashflow. they may not have the resources, due to how small they are, to survive off sponsorships, partnerships, and shares alone - if they were ever influential enough to obtain those in the first place
warn larger platforms that they will be decryed and boycotted similarly if they enable, elevate, and host anything associated with boycott targets. this can be as small as "hellofresh doesn't offer youtuber heavily associated with boycott target hellofresh promo codes/ad revenue" or as broad as "paramount+ declines streaming television show because everything producer touches are boycott targets." (these are both fictionalised scenarios, invented to highlight my point, and i am not vaguely referencing real events that i know of)
warn companies, factories, and distributors working to create the boycott targets that continued manufacture and distribution of the targets may escalate to direct action against them, such as destruction of property (such as CAT equipment being damaged before it is even fully assembled into a machine), disruption of materials shipment (such as materials used to make the product), and difficulty selling products to businesses (such as a store refusing to stock pepsi-cola products - again, all of these were conceptualised on the fly and resemblance to real events is coincidental)
inject money into more local products and services, especially the people the boycott is meant to help! if you abstain from buying boycotted za'atar and hummus and instead by palestinian produced za'atar and locally produced hummus, the boycott is working. supporting your local community (aside from local boycott targets) and independent artisans, farmers, producers, et cetera will always be good for everyone, especially you and your immediate community. it can also encourage people to branch out into your market who previously feared hostility or lack of interest.
we do not stop at boycotting. it is only one facet of organised resistance, and every action counts. as a disabled person myself: if your ability to boycott is impeded by inaccessibility, make your local BDS chapter(s) aware. do not give up. we can simultaneously highlight how sinister it is that we're forced into a lack of choice and act on the behalf of other marginalised peoples, including ourselves. contact the companies, stores, artists, and platforms you would like to replace boycott targets with and inform them you and many others want their products, but they are inaccessible to you. ask many people, including abled people and disabled people with differing access needs, to write the same letters. stage demonstrations showing the inaccessibility when possible/appropriate. elevate your actions against these proposed alternatives to boycott products until they become accessible and, if they won't, ask people to boycott them until they do, too.
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ayeshaworld30 · 8 months
Navigating Bangladesh's Currency Market Dollar buy sell BD.
The exchange rate between the United States Dollar (USD) and Bangladeshi Taka (BDT). Plays a vital role in international trade and financial transactions. Discuss the buying and selling of dollars in Bangladesh. We are covering exchanging Bangladeshi Taka for US Dollars or vice versa.
 Individual businesses and financial institutions in the case of Bangladesh. For various reasons such as international trade travel investment. It buys and sells dollars for remittances.
The demand and supply of US dollars in Bangladesh is affected by various factors. Economic indicators Geopolitical events World market conditions can affect exchange rates. If demand for the US dollar exceeds supply, the exchange rate may rise. As a result, the cost of buying dollars Bangladeshi taka may be higher.
Banks and authorised currency exchange entities help. the process of buying and selling dollars. International payments are made to import goods. Individuals and businesses need to buy dollars to travel abroad. Those who have US dollars. Bangladeshis can sell them to earn money for local transactions.
Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh, manages the country's foreign exchange reserves. Plays an essential role in influencing the exchange rate. It stabilises the currency and ensures a balance between supply and demand.
Remittances also affect significant dollar buying and selling dynamics in Bangladesh. Many Bangladeshis working abroad contribute to the demand for US dollars. Send money to the country in the form of remittance. 
It is a must for businesses and individuals to watch exchange rates. Because fluctuations can affect their financial decisions. Importers, Exporters and Investors. The cost of purchasing dollars must considered when engaging in international transactions.
In conclusion, it can said that the dynamics of dollar buying and selling. in Bangladesh is economic condition. Influenced by various factors, including global events and remittances. Need to be aware of the context of the international financial landscape. Understanding the dynamics of business people. and policymakers are crucial to making that decision.
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foulfurynerd · 8 months
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Dollar buy sell bd Buy sell dollar BD is the trusted exchange website in bd. You Can Easily exchange your dollar. We accept bkash, rocket, nogod, webmoney, perfect money, skrill, neteller, advcash, payeer, payoneer ,Bitcoin and many more.
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dollarbuysellbd · 9 months
Dollar Buy Sell, Dollar Buy Sell BD
Dollar Buy Sell bd | Buy Sell dollar bd
Dollar Buy Sell, Dollar Buy Sell BD, Perfect money to bKash, online transactions have become an integral part of our lives. For the people of Bangladesh, finding a reliable platform to buy and sell dollars, and exchange currencies seamlessly is of utmost importance. Enter Dollarpesa — a trusted platform that offers convenient Dollar Buy Sell services along with the ability to convert Perfect Money to bKash, making it a go-to solution for hassle-free transactions. In this blog post, we will explore Dollarpesa’s offerings and shed light on how it has simplified currency exchanges in Bangladesh.
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browallted · 2 years
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xchangernet24 · 9 months
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usdselling · 1 year
Currency Exchange
Another significant advantage of using a dollar buy-sell BD online platform is the speed of transactions. Traditional currency exchange methods can be time-consuming and involve a lot of paperwork. However, with the introduction of digital platforms, the process of buying and selling US dollars has become much faster and efficient. Users can complete transactions within a matter of minutes, which can be particularly beneficial for businesses that need to make multiple transactions in a short period. আমাদের এক্সচেঞ্জ পরিষেবাদি পেপ্যাল, স্ক্রিল, নেটেলার, পেওনিয়ার, ওয়েব মানি, এবং পারফেক্ট মানি ।
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