#dokkaebi relationship hcs
demilitarised-zone · 4 years
Hi. Thank you for doingy other requests I sent. I was wondering if you could do a sequel post to dokkaebibi and former criminal operator. Relationship specific as well as other operators reacting to the former criminals in rainbow. if they found out or already knew.
I've really enjoyed writing this series so far, so thank you my dear for sending them in!❣
•Your relationship was off to a good start: Grace's friends get to know and like you, a slow but steady process. You can tell they're protective of her, knowing well that there's some youthful naivety to Grace, which, mixed with a dash of blind optimism, could very well lead to a broken heart.
• Hibana is one to smile at you when Ying squints as she asks you yet another question about your intentions; some light banter between the two ensues. Hibana takes it a tad easier on you than Ying does, her smile quite reassuring - if your girlfriend was here she'd surely blush at the interrogation-esque scene, hastily making up excuses for the two.
• Dokkaebi herself calms you, "they just need some time", and, "I'm sure they'll like you! Just be yourself."
• Easier said than done with a past as questionable as yours, yet her smile gives you courage you hadn't known of prior. Looking into eyes so full of confidence and optimism sure is a boost to one's own.
• It does take some time for Ying to soften her stares as you pass each other in the hallways, but she'll find herself speechless at your straight forward confession: You're a former criminal wishing to redeem themselves. No, Grace is not a means to reach your goal. "I'll be watching you", she says, but appreciates your honesty.
• Grace knows about your past alongside Harry; those two trust and believe in you, yet you already know that not everyone shares that opinion would it come down to it. There have already been questions about your qualifications and career, unit and even your origin - followed by sceptical glances upon preferring not to answer. Rainbow isn't made up of fools; they know you're qualifications are questionable compared to theirs, and so proving yourself will be a challenge.
•Your determination alone, the willingness to strive ever higher will earn you respect. Perhaps making friends doesn't seem so hard, after all. Especially when you got a supportive girlfriend backing you up. (Be watchful of Grace though, her temper may just get her into one or the other fight, trying to protect you form snatky comment or deadly glares.)
• Perhaps Nighthaven mercenaries joining Rainbow was a blessing indeed; any suspicion held towards you was now the lesser evil, now when the operators had this visible thorn in their side.
• You'll know who has suspicions of you by the glances they throw at you when you pass them in the hallway, but most can be brushed off as long as your work remains flawless.
• That's the unwritten rule: Do your job and complaints are kept low. Some will perhaps never fully trust you, some will and already do, it's your own derermination that decides where things go.
• Speaking of Nighthaven, you should tred carefully around them, Kali specifically. She might see a potential "friend" in you, so being around her will not raise other operators opinions of you nor will it gain trust.
• Now is where your efforst seem to pay, where the connections you've made with other operators show their nature. Friends will stand behind you, speaking fondly, whereas others... Not so much. It seems Rainbow is quite divided; getting inbetween the fronts now would drag even Grace down, who's had to face quite the criticism concerning your relationship.
• Only time will tell soothe the prickly, tension milled mood within the Rainbow HQ, but with the new base in Greece, pearly white beaches await for dates away from any scrutinizing pair of eyes.
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elliewan · 4 years
Boom Boom - Behind the Scenes
Hi everyone! As hinted in Chapter 14th notes, here is a (long?) tumblr post for some behind-the-scenes trivia about Boom Boom! I’m sorry it took me some time, but I’ll probably develop my HC for Thermite and Ace in another post :]
So. Here’s a small table of contents for this post. And of course, massive spoilers incoming! haha
Origin of the Title
Chapter and Rhythm building
Thermite’s friendships
Interviews with Harry
IQ/Kali’s background relationship
HC Timeline
In a nutshell
1. Origin of the title
The initial placeholder title was “Norwegian Dynamite”, then “From Texas with Norway”, then… “Boom Boom”. I’m still not happy with the title, but I think it’s good enough. And funfact, it’s kind of a mistake, but not so much. In French, my native language, heartbeat’s onomatopoeia is “Boum Boum”, while I read that in American English (the English I tended to use for my fanfic), it’s supposed to be “Thump Thump” or something like that. But I also read than in most of Norwegian dialects, “Boom Boom” could be understood as a heartbeat too. So anyway, Boom Boom refers both to the beating of their heart and to the explosions of their hard-breaching gadgets. It’s also dual, meaning that each of them is a “Boom” haha And it’s also a cute Mika song about two people being totally in love despite what their families think, and making love everywhere haha (cause in French “Faire crac crac boum boum” [“doing crac crac boom boom”] means “having sex” haha)
2. Chapter and Rhythm building
Unlike most of my fanfics, Boom Boom wasn’t written “as it goes”, I didn’t “discover” the fic while writing it. In fact, I hadn’t contemplated writing a multi-chapter for them until some comments on my Siegetober Ace/Thermite one-shots where people showed interest in the ship and a potential multi-chapter or longer story for them. 
So after the Siegetober rush, while I had several wips ongoing, I started working on it. The first blank page was basically: Ace/Thermite – how do they get together for real and a series of bullet points for potential scenes. Then, I opened a PowerPoint file and started filling the following diagram:     
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Though this is now a bit obsolete, this was the first foundation. Thanks to this diagram, and the several bullet points for potential scenes I had brainstormed, I started building the story in a (ugly) board. Once again, several things are obsolete and I never really updated it – it was more of a working document for the “pre-writing” of the fic, to see if the story really made sense:
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And one thing that really didn’t help was Ubisoft releasing the cutscene about Aruni out of nowhere haha. At the beginning, I panicked a bit because I thought it changed several things in my Thermite HC, but it happened to eventually fit quite well and even help adding more drama haha
And once I was ok enough with the board, despite it having several plot holes, I tried to measure the intensity of “love” and “dramatics” to see what kind of rhythm the fic was going to follow and check if I found it entertaining enough:
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3. Thermite’s friendships
In the initial draft, Castle had a MAJOR part as Thermite’s best friend. He would help him sort his feelings, see the evolution of his relationship with Ace, and even go to Texas with him to help him face his family. But when re-reading for the umpteenth time Thermite’s file, I realized there was not a single mention of Castle, contrary to Hibana, Twitch and Thatcher. Not to mention Harry’s board where it’s written Thermite has a “sibling” relationship with Ash.
And that’s when everything ticked: Thermite is surrounded by great women. Sisterhood is part of who he is, how he was raised, how he lives. And this is why those women should have a stronger place in the story. So Hibana, Twitch, Aruni and Ash became real sisters to him. Hibana and Aruni being more like the big sisters – they’re reliable, sturdy and coolheaded, they provide him with advice and comfort; Aruni especially is quite similar in temper to his biological sister in my HC. Twitch is more like his same-age sister (though she’s younger), they see eye-to-eye but there’s no authority nor “big sister” feels between them; she’s the confident. As for Ash, she’s more like that distant sibling that has evolved a lot in life to the point where they don’t talk as mush as they used to… but who could move mountains just to get to him if she hears he’s in trouble. This is what I tried to convey :’)
4. Interviews with Harry
Honestly, interviews with Harry were my ultimate cheat code to give more information regarding Ace and Thermite’s psychological statuses, and various hints regarding their mental health. Though I sometimes prefer to bring this sort of nakedness and vulnerability throughout conversations with close friends, it wasn’t very possible here because: 1. Ace had no close friends with whom he could be this vulnerable, and he’s still new at Rainbow. (and he’s not even aware of his coping mechanisms and insecurities) 2. I kind of wanted Thermite to be incredibly good at clouding his issues, changing subjects and rejecting any kind of help, meaning that only Harry could get him to openly talk (or so he thought haha) about his mental health.
As for Harry’s behavior, I tried to render him as this kind of smooth, yet not evasive, therapist. One that wouldn’t be in the judgement, and who could wait whole minutes for the person to take their time to open up, and slowly but gently poking at the aching spots, and providing various resources to help them :)
Also, since in most of his psychological reports he seems to be very aware of friendships at the base, and to push some operators to meet some others, I tried to convey this vibe too. Just like when he says that he finds similarities with Ace, Dokkaebi and Sledge. Or when he offers Thermite to ask Lion and Meghan about their tattoos etc.
Also, here’s a bit of HC on how each of them deals with Harry haha
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5. IQ/Kali’s background relationship
I have to admit I may have accidentally mirrored a lot Ace/Thermite’s relationship with IQ/Kali’s. Thing is that I wanted Kali to change too! I wanted her to be this impartial and authoritative bossy businesswoman that would slowly change into someone, though still sharp and arrogant, more human. I wanted Jaimini to show up a bit more. I have given veeery small hints to offer some glimpses at her true self, at what’s behind that mask. For instance, there is that moment in the fic where Ace and Kali argue, and he tells her:
“Jai, you and I both know very well that you didn't take this contract just for the money.”
Which makes Kali pale a lot, because he’s hitting a good nerve. In fact, I kind of headcanon Kali having softened enough around him, throughout their collaboration, to have confided a tiny bit about why she created Nighthaven, and all the frustrations she had grown up with. And thing is, Kali created Nighthaven because she wanted to be a hero too, just like him. She wanted to be at the heart of the battle, to protect people, to save lives, and she dreamed of a soldier life, of self-sacrifice and heroism. She just slid the wrong way, and her childhood dream turned into a private corporation of which she became a ruthless tycoon. Just like Ace, I think things went out of control at some point for her, and she just lose connection to reality and morals.
And the thing with IQ happened quite naturally. At the beginning, once I was okay with the three main squads (especially Alpha and Bravo), the relationship just happened on itself. While Montagne and Twitch were just those lovely and patient sweethearts, IQ was the one that had the hardest time with the Nighthaven folks, whether it were Ace or Kali. Both because she didn’t trust them and their secrecy, and because she has very little patience for people with difficult tempers in general haha
So, Kali being that bossy and defiant puzzle, refusing to let her see Nighthaven’s gadgets’ blueprints, things were just meant to sparkle between them. And Kali just couldn’t resist teasing IQ and reminding her she was untouchable. And through the teasing, the premises of a relationship were born. But unlike Ace/Thermite, I don’t think it followed a Colleagues to Friends to Lovers progression, but more an Enemies straight to Lovers progression haha
So anyway. I wanted to give a little boost to Kali, so that she opens up a bit more with Rainbow, and to bring a truce between Rainbow and Nighthaven’s disputes. And love just happened, once again, to be the perfect last push <3 
Another thing that could have helped her would perhaps have been some true challenging from an authority she does respect, but I found it difficult to stage and Kali wasn’t the focus of the fic anyway – perhaps another time ;)
6. HC Timeline
And here is the ugly timeline I worked with haha It’s still probable that there are some inconsistencies, but I tried to avoid them as much as possible and I’m sorry if you find some! I’m horribly bad with figures, years and stuff haha
I used most of the canonical dates, except for Jordan’s mother and sister deceases, which weren’t accurately dated in his biography and which I reinterpreted a bit to fit my story.
Also, isn’t it absolutely lovely that their birthday is only 1 day apart? u_u #ProudPisces!
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7. In a nutshell
So, those were my major documents that helped me build the foundations of the fic. What happened next was some drafting and pure writing, following the publishing tempo. I think the gist of what I wanted to convey through the story is still there, even if I reworked some chapters entirely. The journey (and the destination <3) is still the same.
+ I want to once again give a proper shout out to all the wonderful readers of the fanfic, whether they’re anonymous or not! I had never received so much feedback, and so many sweet words on any work before, even back in my time on fanfic.net. I feel so grateful for that, and though I already answered to everyone who commented, and wrote many notes, I still can’t find the way to properly translate just how much it means to me. So once again THANK YOU :’D
And thank you for reading this post too, if you did haha <3
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r6shippingdelivery · 4 years
Ya got any spicy Ying heed cannons? (Or just regular HC lol)
One serving of semi-spicy Ying HCs coming right up!
- She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to let her partner know and teach them how to please her, which garnered her the reputation of being bossy.
- Casual sex is nice, but ideally she wants more than just occasional hook ups, and if she does indulge herself, she expects discretion from her partner, not a braggart who can’t keep their mouth shut.
- Experience taught her she needs someone who will show initiative in the relationship, both in bed and out of it. And someone who won’t be a selfish or lazy lover (that last point being one of the recurring arguments she had with Echo when they were together).
- She is surprisingly vanilla when it comes to sex. She knows a lot about kinky stuff, but it’s not really her cup of tea. There’s nothing wrong with just wanting some passionate lovemaking or having someone eat her out, and she won’t let Dokkaebi’s more risky anecdotes shame her for not being that kinky.
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simonxriley · 5 years
Skylar’s relationships with the other Operators!
Regarding this post, I felt inclined to go into more details about Skylar’s relationship with all of the other operators because I needed a distraction from the very bad anxiety I was having at the time. I’m gonna do them by their CTUs to make it easier. Some won’t have much because I have yet to figure the relationship out myself or I got lazy, this post has been in my drafts for a few weeks now. 
FBI Swat:
Ash: Eliza was the first person she befriended when she joined Rainbow and she quickly became Skylar’s best friend. In a lot of ways Ash reminds her of her late friend Molly that died in the ambush when she was a Marine and it makes it feel like Molly is still with her. Skylar also has a lot of respect for her and looks up to her. 
Thermite: He’s like her older, annoying brother. She loves him and trust him with her life, but at the same time he can really grind her gears. However she does have a real close relationship with him and it’s nice when they sit around in the rec-room, outside or in the cafeteria just talking about their time in the Marines and all the memories that come with it. 
Pulse: She’s really good friends with Pulse and he was her honorary work out buddy since the day she joined Rainbow. 
Castle: She’s also really good friends with Castle. He made her feel very welcomed from day one and has always been there to lend a hand. However she does wish they would have more missions together. 
Flores: She likes Flores and finds his jokes pretty funny. Other than that their relationship is pretty neutral. 
Tachanka: Out of everyone in Rainbow she’s the closest with Tachanka. He’s had her back from the beginning, has helped her grow as a person and has taught her a bunch of new things, including Russian. To put it simple so I don’t ramble on about them (because I can) he’s her husband and they have eight (8) kids together. P.S. This doesn’t count for his updated bio because I already had their lives planned out before Ubisoft updated. So the eight kids don’t include his ‘canon’ ones. 
Glaz: She’s very close with Glaz and they have quite a bit in common. Both are snipers and both have an artistic background. She’s learned so much from Glaz as an artist, but also as a sniper and she enjoys her time with him. She also calls him her sniping buddy. 
Kapkan: She pretty close with Kapkan since he took her under his wing when she joined. She’s learned a lot from him, and having someone like Kapkan take her under his wing to train, helped her immensely in the stealth department. Because of him she became a better ‘hunter’. 
Fuze: It took a bit for her to get closer to Fuze because of how quiet he was. But overtime they became quite close and they have each others back when out on missions together. Skylar also finds his voice very soothing so she always has an open ear when he talks with her. 
Thatcher: Mike was Skylar’s mentor since the day she joined. Six thought it would be best for him to take her under his wing since they shared the same views on technology and Six thought he’s be a good mentor for someone like her. Skylar respects Thatcher immensely, not just from what she’s learned from the veteran SAS soldier, but for also saving her life on one mission. If it wasn’t for him throwing one of his EMP grenades inside that room, her recklessness would have cost her her life. Sometimes, however they do clash because of the age difference. 
Sledge: She’s very close with Sledge and loves hearing about all the reckless stuff he did when he was younger. It makes her feel better about her recklessness and knowing she can grow out of it like he did to a point. She’s also had a few friendly debates over the news with him. 
Smoke: She’s quite close with Smoke and enjoys his company, especially when they box together. She loves the friendly, yet competitive matches they have every so often. James is someone she goes to when she needs to relieve some stress that Tachanka can’t take away. Where they either talk about their lives as they box or do some simulations and see who can win 5 rounds first. 
Mute: She’s not that close with Mute, even though they are closer in age. They’re personalities just don’t add up well off the field, but they can work very well on it. 
Twitch: She has a neutral relationship with her, but does admire her knowledge of technology. 
Montagne: She has a neutral relationship with Gilles. 
Doc: She has a good relationship with Doc, more so after he saved her life during the Outbreak. 
Rook: She has a very good relationship with Julien, since he’s only 2 years older than her they can talk about and understand the new lingo going around. 
Blitz: She has a very good relationship with Elias and loves his sense of humor, helps calm the nerves before a mission.
IQ: She has a neutral relationship with her.
Bandit: She has a neutral/good relationship with Bandit. Depends on the day. 
Jager: She has a good relationship with Marius.
Buck: She has a neutral relationship with him.
Frost: She has a neutral relationship with her.
Valkyrie: She has a good relationship with Meghan and trains with her from time to time. When she’s not with Finka. 
Blackbeard: She has a neutral relationship with him.
Caveira: At first she was kind of scared of her because she had such an ominous atmosphere about her, but over time she grew to like her and have a good relationship. 
Capitao: She doesn’t have much of a relationship with Capitao, there more acquaintances than anything. 
HIbana: She’s very close with Hibana, she was one of the first people in Rainbow Skylar called friend. They train/workout together almost everyday and loves learning about Hibana’s history, training and culture. They also spend quite a bit of time off base from time to time as well. 
Echo: Doesn’t have a good relationship with Echo, thinks he’s too uptight and blunt. 
Mira: She has a very good relationship with Elena and will help brainstorm ideas with her for Tachanka’s LMG. 
Jackal: She has a very good relationship with Ryad and has tried his eyenox during a simulation once. They also technically share a birthday. Since he was born on a leap year, he normally celebrates it the 28th, which is Skylar’s. 
Ying: Skylar and Ying used to have a decent relationship until one altercation where Skylar took Fuze’s side in an argument. And then that friendship turned sour. However there’s no real rivalry between them and they can still work well together when on missions. 
Lesion: She likes Lesion, thinks he’s alright and decent to hang out with on base. However she does think the toothpick in his mouth is kinda hazardous. 
Ela: She’s also very close with Ela and they kinda bonded over their recklessness. They both also share an artistic background and are the younger sister in their families. Ela is someone Skylar can go to and rant and ramble about personal problems while they work on their art and Ela will do the same. She also really enjoys their time off base where they can cause a bit of trouble and blow off steam. 
Zofia: She doesn’t know Zofia that much since she’s not on base that often, but she thinks she’s pretty cool. 
Dokkaebi: She has a neutral relationship with her, but really likes her gadget. 
Vigil: She has a neutral relationship with him, but thinks he’s too quiet. 
Lion: She’s quite close with Lion. She doesn’t hold a grudge due to his past and thinks he’s strong for trying to make things right as best he can, which is what we all want to do in life when we mess up. And in all honesty, she thinks some of the other operators treat him a little unfairly because of what happened. Yes people died because of his actions, but he was young and being thrown into something like that isn’t easy. She can’t fully blame him for something like that. 
Finka: These two have a deep rooted dislike for one another. At first their relationship was neutral until Skylar found out about her condition and then all hell broke loose. Sky thinks her condition is a liability and she doesn’t want to be on a mission with her when it decides to go wrong. And Finka thinks Sky’s a liability due to her recklessness on missions. Six/Harry knows about the rivalry and won’t put them together for a mission or training. 
Maestro: She has a neutral relationship with him
Alibi: She has a neutral relationship with her.
Maverick: A fellow New Englander like herself, she has a neutral relationship with him and they occasionally talk about how the New England Patriots are doing this season. Yes I HC them BOTH being Patriot fans. 
Clash: She has this weird respect for Clash, because she can respect her for going up against racist groups in her community for a better change and future. And she kind low-key scares her. 
Nomad: She’s pretty neutral in friendship when it comes to Nomad. Though she does kind of envy all the places she’s been, and likes how she doesn’t brag about things. 
Kaid: Skylar’s not that close with Kaid, then again she’s barely sees him since she’s usually with Thatcher, the FBI or Spetsnaz. But she does respect him. 
Gridlock: Skylar has a good relationship with Tori and looks up to her in a way. She loves her ‘get on with things attitude’ and doesn’t shy away from the hard work and finds humor in every situation. Being a Marine, Skylar adapted to that very same mindset. 
Mozzie: She became very fast friends with him (and his wife) when he joined. She loves his attitude and the fact that he’s a daredevil and quite hyperactive. Their relationship even grew closer when Skylar found out she was having twins and since he already had twins, it was such a relief to have someone she could go to about it. 
Nokk: She doesn’t mind her and Skylar thinks she’s a nice woman but having her file be almost completely redacted doesn’t sit well with her. It makes her wonder what Nokk’s is hiding. 
Warden: She’s not too keen on him, something about him just puts her off. So she tries to avoid him as much as possible. 
Amaru: She doesn’t know Amaru all that well but from what she’s heard from Goyo she seems like a great woman. And Skylar is looking forward to getting to know her more. 
Goyo: She’s quite close with Goyo and enjoys her time with him. She even admires his way of thinking before he speaks, which she has a hard time doing herself and could learn a thing or two from him. 
Kali: She’s on the top of Skylar’s hate list. Not only does Sky not like the fact that she’s a mercenary, but also how she trains people. Skylar will never agree on breaking someone down physically and emotionally to the point that they’re born anew. And since she’s a merc, it doesn’t sit well with Skylar because they work for their own self interest, so it makes her wonder what Harry told them to make her want to join Rainbow. She also had a few altercations with her, one that caused Skylar to punch her in the face. 
Wamai: She hates that he’s a merc like Kali, but Wamai does hold her interest because she thinks he’s pretty cool. But she doesn’t fully trust him and kinda envy's his breathing techniques under water. Other than that they have a pretty neutral friendship. 
Ace: She finds him insufferable. Too self-centered, arrogant and too egotistical for her liking. She would rather deal with anyone else but him. 
Aruni: The only NITEHAV member Skylar actually likes. She heard about her through Thermite and has heard a lot of good things about her. She enjoys what little time she has with her and loves hearing about old stories involving Thermite. 
Osa: Her relationship with her is pretty similar to Wamai’s. Well in the neutral aspect of it. She doesn’t fully like her but neither fully hates her either. She’s just kinda there. 
Iana: She’s neutral when it comes to Iana. She nice and easy to be around and Skylar doesn’t have a problem being on a team with her. 
Melusi: She has a neutral relationship with Melusi and applauds her for her work she has done on the reserve. It has to be tough trying to protect wildlife from poachers. 
Zero: Her relationship with Sam is neutral, she looks up to him and respects him, but they don’t really talk a lot. Only in passing or when they need to, he is a busy man. 
STAR-NET Aviation:
Thunderbird: She hasn’t really had the chance to really talk with Mina, but the few short conversation she has had with her went well and Sky is happy she decided to join Rainbow. 
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r6shippingdelivery · 5 years
I saw the "what scares you the most" reblog and I am wondering if you could extend the hc thing and let us know the deepest fears of all the ops :)
Oh boi, you don’t ask easy stuff, do you? Okay, I’ll give it my best shot! And a big thank you and hug to @todragonsart who’s been a huge inspiration and help, and my willing co-conspirator 💜
Ash: Failure, not being good enough at what she does. Combined with her impulsiveness and competitve nature, it can be a volatile mix. She also fears being treated differently than her colleagues just because she’s a woman.
Thermite: He’s afraid of his explosives. He knows how unstable they can be, and how easily they could cost someone’s life (his own or even worse, someone else’s). He nearly lost all sensibility in his hands the last time a charge went awry, he doesn’t want to contemplate what could happen if he messed up again. Still, he won’t let his fear change his life, or make him lose confidence in himself.
Pulse: Spiders. All those spindly legs and how they scuttle around, weaving that disgusting stuff… he can’t stand spiders, they make his skin crawl.
Castle: The hopelessness of life, how the bad always seems to outshine the good and the fear that his effort and choices won’t really make a difference.
Thatcher: The pass of time. All his life he’s been a soldier, he doesn’t know what he’ll be once he can’t serve anymore.
Sledge: Not measuring up to what people expect of him. He knows he’s expected to be Thatcher successor when the old man retires, and those are some really big shoes to fill in. He’s also afraid of not being able to protect his squad, his friends. Especially the younger two, who can be reckless and irresponsible at times or most of the time in Smoke’s case
Smoke: Being ignored and alone, that’s the reason he was/is a troublemaker, to catch people’s attention.
Mute: Memory loss. Aside of all the wealth of knowledge he has suddenly disappearing, are you still yourself without your memories?
Montagne: Illness, like the one that runs in his family. He can fight terrorists, but he’s not so sure he could fight (and win) against cancer.
Twitch: She’s strongly empathetic, and she fears that could be her downfall, that  it could make her unable to act decisively in the middle of the action, that her emotions would paralyze her.
Doc: His choices costing innocent lives, even if it was by inaction (rather than direct action) on his part,
Rook: He fears his trust exercises makes him look gullible, aside from worrying that his skillset is insufficient compared to the other prodigies in Rainbow, that he’s too simple to be part of such an elite group.
Tachanka: He built himself an image of powerful, unflappable and unstoppable force, yet deep down he’s only human. He’s terrified people will see through his act and stop respecting him without that metaphorical mask.
Kapkan: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us to inevitable death (according to that post you mention xD). In fact I think he’s terrified of his own feelings, of becoming too attached and emotionally dependant on other people. He craves it as much as he fears it.
Glaz: Going blind. He’s a soldier, a sniper, and an artist. Without his eyesight, he would be nothing.
Fuze: Despite his reputation, he’s terrified of accidentally killing someone with his gadget, be it a civilian or worse, one of his team mates.
Jäger: He has PTSD from Outbreak, which for a time rendered him unable to pilot even. It also left him with an irrational panic to darkness, he sometimes thinks he can still hear those things scuttling closer and closer to him, while he’s alone in the dark, not knowing if anyone will come for him.
Bandit: He’s already experienced it, and would rather never have to lose someone close to him, knowing it was his fault. That’s why he tends to keep people at arm’s lenght. Note: I don’t think Cedrick is dead, but Bandit is too chicken to face him after the incident, considering their relationship irreparably damaged, aka lost.
Blitz: After being a soldier in the Kosovo war and witnessing its horrors, plus all that he’s seen working in a counter-terrorism unit, he’s afraid of discovering how far human depravity can go. Every time he’s deployed, he fears what new horrors he’ll see this time. However, that’s also the reason he wanted this job, to stop those things from happening.
IQ: She’s a perfectionist, and her obsessive nature and refusal to gice up are a result of her deep seated fear of failure. She defines her worth by her success, and if she doesn’t succeed, then what is she worth?
Buck: He’s a direct and practical man, he fears being stuck in a position where he has to act diplomatically or deal with politicians, or even being a public face where his actions and words would be examined by many people.
Frost: She’s not good at reacting in front of surprise or unpredictable situations, plans meticulously because she fears getting caught off guard and not knowing what to do.
Valkyrie: She fears physical injury. She already had to give up her dream of being an Olympic swimmer after the car accident that broke her arm, now the stakes of injury are much higher, and she could lose her job and new life. She also fears being treated differently or patronized just for being a woman on an almost purely male environment.
Blackbeard: He’s afraid of losing faith in his nation. If his country was wrong, he would start to question if what he’s done for the country was the right thing or not, and that terrifies him.
Capitao: He fears helplessness, being again in a situation where he can’t do anything but wait for someone to help him, just as it happened when h was taken hostage all those years ago.
Caveira: Not being able to protect her family is her worst fear, and knowing how prone her brothers are to get in trouble, it’s not an unreasonable fear. She would do anything for them.
Hibana: She’s scared of losing her cultural identity. Tradition is important to her and her family, and yet she works away from home in a multicultural team, so she fears losing touch with her roots, forgetting who she is.
Echo: He’s terrified of Ying. Have you ever seen her angry? He has, and after all you can’t spell terrifying without ying.
Jackal: Failing his brother’s memory. If he can’t solve Faisal’s murder, what’s the use of his life? He can’t have his brother back, hell sometimes he can barely remember his face anymore, but he can bring him justice.
Mira: Fear of abandonment. After he mother left when she was a child, she always has that little voice in the back of her head whispering that everyone else will leave her too, just like mom did.
Ying: She has PTSD from being in a car crash. Took up driving, and quite recklessly, to feel that she was in control of the situation, not her fears. Yet every time she hears a loud crash noise or feels the car not responding as it should, she starts to feel the panic building up.
Lesion: Drowning. He’s a good swimmer, but during the incident in the oil tank, when he igested the oily water and started coughing, that was the first time he ever thought he would die, with his lungs filled with toxic waters, and it stuck with him.
Zofia: Following her father’s footsteps and alienating her family because of her job and the expectations she puts on others.
Ela: Due to how her childhood was, she’s always had that feeling in the back of her mind that she won’t ever be enough for the people close to her, not as good as others, not as worthy of love. She also fears she’ll live all her life under Zofia’s shadow, unable to be anything else but the Bosak little sister.
Vigil: He’s afraid of loss, vulenaribility, emotions… In fact, it would be easier to list what he isn’t afraid of. Just check his bio and you’ll see.
Dokkaebi:  She fears to not be taken seriously due to his young age and image. That’s the reason she so viciously shows off her skills and exploits people’s weaknesses. She is ruthless out of fear.
Lion: Himself, what he most fears is becoming again who he was before finding faith. He knows his pride and anger aren’t good either, but at least they keep him in check from spiralling down again.
Finka: Her illness, she’s terrified of the day she won’t be able to move, feels like it’s a countdown to the moment her life will be forever put on hold and she will only be a victim, someone to be pitied.
Maestro: He fears losing the ability to chose what he wants, of his family or Rainbow taking him for granted and wanting him to stay forever, and how could he say no to his loved ones even if he wanted something else? The guilt of leaving them would kill him.
Alibi: Stemming from witnessing her father being extorted by the mafia, she fears being taken advantage of, or witnessing again how someone close to her being in that position. She’s also afraid that in such situation her anger would override her common sense.
Clash: She’s afraid of her own volatile emotions, of acting rashly again like she did when she was part of the riots.
Maverick: Water, it triggers his PTSD, bringing back memories from when he was imprisoned and waterboarded during that time he was MIA. He avoids bodies of water as much as he can.
Kaid: He’s a man who values honour highly, and fears that his moral integrity could be questioned, that someone would think him capable of taking bribes like the Commander that besmirched the reputation of the Fortress before he took over.
Nomad: Growing up in a privileged family came with certain expectations for her future, however, she preferred to enlist and travel constantly alone rather than remain home. She fears having to live a sheltered life again, having to marry and not being able to keep proving to everyone and herself that she’s capable of.
Mozzie: He’s afraid of being forgotten, and that’s the reason for his showman personality and his tendency to take risks.
Gridlock: She fears taking on more responsabilites than the ones she already has (eldest of 5 siblings, indebted family, taking care of the farm’s finances, and protective of her teammates), that’s why she keeps turning down promotions.
Warden: He painstakingly built himself an aura of mystery and danger and proficiency, his biggest fear is people being able to see through all of that. He can’t bear the idea of someone degrading his merits.
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