#dok2 scenario
khhunniewriting · 4 years
The Others (17)
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[ Mafia/Gang AU ]  [ Index ]
Simon eyed Jay with speculation. It had been a while now since they got anywhere with their plot against Dok2. By now the rumor of a second young boss from Illionaire had begun circulating. Other groups were questioning the legitimacy of the rumor but none had a reason to believe it was true when Dok2 had been known to be distant and cold to his own wife.
The thought of such a man having another woman was almost unimaginable to most.
Jay Park and AOMG were the only ones who persisted in following the rumors. After all, they had stumbled upon the potential second young boss long before.
“What are we doing here Jay?” They were out in the open making themselves easily visible. Since they were just at the foot of Illionaire’s territory it was safe to assume they were being watched.
The question was rhetorical of course. Jay was taunting Dok2, calling him out by crossing unannounced and standing his ground.
There were easier ways to call Dok2 out.
“I had Sik-k follow them around today.” Jay began telling Simon D all about their day up until the moment Sik-K saw Dok2 and you enter a restaurant on the north side- hence his appearance. “Any minute now... I’m sure they’ll tell him and he’ll come to us.”
“And then what?”
“They went out on a date, there are no visible guards, knowing him he won’t risk Y/N’s safety. He’ll leave her behind somewhere safe and come alone.” Jay smirked after exposing his thoughts to his second in command. “Except there is no safe place.”
“We have a problem,” The Quiett’s usually steady voice came across uneasy.
“I see...” Joonkyung looked up at you his jaw clenching as he heard what Kylie had done. He wanted nothing more than to deal with her once and for all but before he could curse her name he was given even more to worry about. 
The smile that had been plastered on your face all evening was steadily wearing off as you saw the change in Joonkyung’s mood. You could tell he was holding back. 
“What’s wrong,” you asked after he finally hung up. Your mind immediately went to Leo and Ji-hoon who had been left alone in the mansion. “Are Leo and Ji-hoon-”
“They’re fine,” he assured you the call he received wasn’t about them. “AOMG is in the area.”
He began to move, his silence making it obvious he had no intention of including you. But you weren’t too keen on being left out. You took a hold of his hand and his attention. “Joonkyung... what are you going to do?”
He made it clear that he would be going alone and leaving you behind for safety reasons. There were plenty of ways for Jay Park to request a meeting with him, many procedures were in place to keep the peace between groups. The problem was when groups didn’t intend for peaceful discussion and reverted to provocation. "I’ll have them take you back home.”
Dok2 motioned to the entrance where a few of his guards stood. The one in front nodded confirming to him that they were ready to proceed. 
You were amazed by the speed and efficiency of their gestures. Through small inconspicuous signs, they were able to communicate leaving you out at a loss. The two of you walked hand-in-hand out of the dining hall and to the foyer where the guards greeted you.
Concerned for his safety you hesitated to let go of his hand and follow them. “Are you going to be alright by yourself?”
“I’m not really going alone. I’m the boss, there are plenty of hidden guards following me at all times.”
That would explain why you never saw guards around him the way Zene and Ash followed the boys. Feeling a little less worried you let go of his hand but stepped closer to quickly plant a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll be waiting for you.”
Joonkyung nodded, his lips slightly curving up in a suppressed smile. He didn’t want to show this side of himself to his subordinates but it was inevitable in this case. 
You watched him exit the restaurant through the front entrance where the valet had already brought his car out. You, on the other hand, were escorted out through the back and into the multi-level parking structure. The entire time you walked in silence with a guard at each side and another behind you in silence. The four of you entered the elevator going up to the fourth floor. The three guards stood in front of you this time, forming a wall between you and the elevator doors.
In the silence of the elevator, your mind wandered to Leo. Eager to know if he was okay you looked for your phone within your purse. Just as you were about to unlock the screen the elevator came to a stop so you pushed it back into your pocket deciding to call him once you were in the car.
A loud ding echoed through the silence when the elevator came to a stop at the correct floor. When the doors started sliding open the guards raised their guard at the sight of an armed individual. The guard directly in front of you reached back for the concealed gun he kept on his person. 
You did not see what happened next.
You closed your eyes at the sound of a gun going off.
Another two loud bangs caused your ears to ring. 
When you opened them, the security wall in front of you fell with three loud thuds. Your body seemed to shake for a moment as adrenaline coursed through your veins. Unconsciously your hands moved to your cheeks alerted by an unknown warmth.
You could only blink before growing conscious of the overwhelming presence before you. A man came into view smiling to reveal a diamond-encrusted grill over his teeth. 
Sik-k stepped over the dead bodies to extend his hand to you. He was efficient, all three shots hit their marks, killing the guards mercilessly. Yet, his hand politely asked for yours as if nothing had happened. 
“This way Lady Y/N.”
His command reminded you of the way your hands stilled on your cheeks. Retracting and observing them caused your heart to still. A warm, sticky, red liquid coated your fingertips. Looking down at the bodies at your feet you noticed the same shade of red splattered over your clothes and ends of your hair.
It was blood.
Their blood.
It only took a second glance to recall that this was the man that had attempted to kidnap your son. Enraged, you slapped his hand away.
Minsik chuckled, amused by the fact that you weren’t scared or begging for your life. “Still have it in you to fight back I see...”
Your eyes left him to glance at the gun one of the guards had managed to draw but not use. 
“I can shoot you before you even pick that up.”
Not willing to find out whether it was true or not, you gave up on the idea and steeled your nerves to give as defiant a look you could. You needed to remain calm even if it was all a farce. 
It was obvious he had no intention of killing you. He could have done so already. The only other thing that came to mind was leverage- using you to get to Joonkyung.
“What do you want?”
Sik-k’s smirk was replaced by a genuine smile amused by your indignant tone. The closer he looked the easier it was to see why the boss had asked him to treat you with as little force as possible. He had seen his fair share of beautiful women so he wasn’t easily taken by you or anything like that. But he had to admit the defiance in your eyes was doing something to him.
It awoke an urge inside him to break it.
He knew Jay intended to placate him ever since he was demoted. The only reason they did not let him go was because he was an asset and a danger to them. Sik-k knew too much. Now that he was no longer content with his position in H1ghr he saw an opportunity in you. Betraying Jay and keeping the person he had grown interested in seemed fun. But possibly better still was the possibility of cashing in on that bounty he had gotten word of moments ago. 
At this point you were a blank check to him if he went to Dok2 with a proposition of his own.
What to do?
What DID he want to do?
“I haven’t decided yet.”
At the arcade, Ji-hoon and Leo took hold of the plastic guns that were wired up to the game in front of them. Leo took the red while Ji-hoon held the blue like a pro, making it obvious he had frequented the game.
“This one’s simple, just aim and fire.”
Leo nodded figuring that much out on his own but going along with Ji-hoon’s instruction.
Zene and Ash stood on either side of the game. Thanks to their youthful appearances it was possible for them to stick close to the young bosses. At arcades, it was natural for groups of friends to gather in this way. 
Seeing their stances, Zene couldn’t help but point out the flaws. “Young boss you have to straighten your back.”
Leo immediately did so, even allowing Zene to position his hands and shoulders correctly to the point where he looked ready to shoot a real gun.
With seconds left before the game started Ji-hoon groaned as Zene tried to correct him as well. “It’s just a game, it doesn’t matter how you stand.”
Right away Leo began shooting the targets that popped out on the screen, never missing one and never needing more than a couple shots. He aimed directly at the head not because the game specified but because he had seen enough movies to know what would be the sure-shot. When he missed he would try again.
“Wha-!” Ji-hoon’s eyes doubled in size as he heard a chorus of “perfect” coming from his brother’s side. The game’s semi-robotic voice would always announce the quality of the kill making him unable to concentrate on his own.
Halfway through he decided to give Zene’s pointers a try and began seeing instant results. By then it was too late. The game came to an end with Leo as the victor.
“That’s bull-” Ji-hoon was ready to protest until he turned to see Leo smiling. LEO... his I’m to cool and mature to express my emotions openly...his one and only younger brother was actually smiling like a little kid.
Even Ash and Zene were unable to stop staring.
“What’s next?” Leo eagerly awaited Ji-hoon’s response relying on him to show him which of the many flashy games was worth playing.
“Leo did you just-” Ji-hoon grinned. There was still a hint of that smile curving the ends of Leo’s lips and a gleam in his eyes that finally had him looking like any other teenager. He was sure if he pointed it out Leo would just revert back to his icy disposition so Ji-hoon chose to keep quiet. “You should try racing games.”
Ji-hoon led the way to his favorite of the type. He sat down motioning for Leo to sit in the machine next to his. “Have you ever driven stick before?”
Leo shook his head.
“Wait, have you driven at all?”
Legally neither was able to drive yet but Ji-hoon had already been taught by his father. It was something Joonkyung came to regret as Ji-hoon soon began to sneak off with one of his cars. 
“Then let’s stick with automatic, you can forget about the clutch.” 
Everything Ji-hoon said went in one ear and out the other. Leo had absolutely no experience with cars since he’s used public transportation his entire life up until his father showed up. 
Catching the blank stare Ji-hoon realized Leo knew nothing at all. “Do you even know which is the gas and which is the brake?”
Leo looked down at the pedals at his feet before very mater of factly responding that he had no idea.
“Oh, man...” Ji-hoon’s chin rose as he was presented with the opportunity to act like the older brother that he was. He could never hope to surpass Leo on any school subjects or beat him in basketball. This was his chance to show him there were things he could teach him, that there was something he could rely on him for. “Let your older brother teach you.”
Across, the once occupied machines were now empty allowing Zene and Ash to join them. 
And after Leo’s quick lesson the four of them raced against each other.
They were all so into the game that Ji-hoon ignored the ringing of his cellphone. He was in high spirits, laughing at Leo’s misfortune every time he crashed into one thing or another.
“What the-” Ji-hoon eyed Leo through the corner of his eye. It was impossible how quickly he had adapted from one round to another. After winning once Ji-hoon thought he would surely keep winning so why was he staring at the back of Leo’s car.
Leo couldn’t help but smirk as his screen flashed the first place title.
Ji-hoon didn’t have it in him to be upset when Leo was so obviously happy. It was strange how eager he was to see his younger brother laugh and smile. 
Their fun was interrupted when Ji-hoon’s phone went off. He quickly answered seeing the familiar name pop up. “Auntie!”
Luna would have relished the voice of her cute nephew greeting her enthusiastically if it weren’t for the situation. But for now she had to get to the point. “Ji-hoon you need to listen to me.” She could tell from the background noise that he was out. “Get home,  now! I’m on my way there to explain the situation.”
Ji-hoon immediately gave Zene and Ash the signal to leave. They sprung into action Ash walking ahead while Zene urged a confused Leo to follow. 
Leo didn’t say anything but worry settled in so clearly on his face that Ji-hoon immediately assured him everything would be okay after he hung up the phone. 
“I’m sure he won’t let anything happen to her.”
A/N: I’m BAAAACK!!!!!!! I had to stop it there for dramatic effect. I know some of you might not be satisfied with this short update so I’ll try to get that next part out soon to complete the feel and move the story forward.
(I was too excited to proofread so some mistakes may be included)
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Couple Items
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Couple Items
When your boyfriend suggested you two get a few couple items you thought it was cute. He had a tendency of buying you a lot of jewelry and you’d just make him return it. His taste was just a little over the top and too expensive. You were hoping that shopping together would mean you could hit up a few local shops and get a matching phone charm, or cute couples shirts. But of course, Joon Kyung wasn’t that simple. When he said he wanted to shop in Gangnam, it should have been your red flag that he wanted something over the top.
“Yah, Oppa please put that down that’s expensive.” you pouted. He’d dragged you all around the city going from Versace boutiques to Armani stores and buying all of these outfits and bags that you just know you’re not going to wear.
Joon Kyung held up the gold chain, inspecting it with the jeweler. “But you wanted matching things. Let’s get a whole outfit.”
“I meant something cute and meaningful-That chain cost more than my car.” you crossed your arms over your chest.
He grinned looking over “We can fix that too. Matching couple cars? I could get you one in rose gold?”
“But you love Rose Gold, it’ll match your phone”
You sighed holding his hand. “Please, I don’t even wear chains. And don’t even think about buying me a car.”
He smiled pecking your lips. “I’m probably still going to buy you a car.”
“Please excuse me” you bowed toward the jeweler before pulling your boyfriend away. “I thought you wanted to get couple items today.”
“I do. We can get matching rings, chains, bracelets, cars. I’ll even get you a matching apartment-”
“Yah.” you sighed heavily, shoulders slumping. You weren’t necessarily desensitized to your boyfriend's lavish spending. You just preferred if it wasn’t on you. “That’s it Oppa, you’re fired.”
“Mhmm. I’m deciding on all of the couple items.” you slipped your hand into his. “Let’s go to Hongdae.” you pecked his lips.
"Alright fine. My Baby gets what my Baby wants." he grinned, lacing his fingers with yours and kissing you back. “But I’m paying for it”
It took a little more convincing but you were able to talk him into going to Hongdae, and for the most part it felt like a normal date. You two walked down the street looking for anything to catch your eye.  
"How about this one?" Joon Kyung held up a designer hoodie to your body. "It'll look great on you Jagi"
You frowned placing it back on the rack. "Not my style."  It kinda was, but there was no way in hell you were going to tell Joon Kyung that you didn't want it because that jacket cost more than your rent.
"How about this?" you handed a cute simple t-shirt to him. It started to spell out Love and completed on the other shirt.  "Too Much?" you raised a brow.
"Ummm." his voice fell flat as he looked away. "Uh…Maybe something a little less…in your face?"
"You wanted a car" you huffed.
"Cars are subtle, the shirts just desperate." he hung the shirt back on the rack. "It says you're mine in a clingy please don't leave me way."
From jewelry to clothing to shoes. Nothing clicked. If you couldn't even agree on a couples item what did that say about the rest of your relationship? What would your wedding be like?
Leaving Hongdae empty handed was almost the epitome of defeat. Leaning your head on Joon Kyung's shoulder you let out a long and empty sigh. "What's wrong with us…?"
"There's nothing wrong with us. We'll just try looking in Itaewon tomorrow. We'll find something."
"There's nothing…" you sighed.
"What about the spinner couple rings we saw at the shop."
"Rings are too much…I only ever want to wear a wedding band…"
"What about an engagement ring?"
"Not a must. I'd be happy with the band alone. Honestly, the wedding alone is good enough. I don’t need the rings.”
He smiled hearing the sincerity in your voice. "What is it you want?"
"Something that we'd both be happy to have…something practical…something…sweet." you shrugged. "Maybe I've just been watching too many dramas" you kicked the ground while, walking through the park to the parking garage.
There were a couple vendors that lined the park walkway. Most of which selling knick knacks, and trinkets but nothing too eye catching. You had a tendency to try and avoid eye contact and damn near power walk away from any form of salesmen. Joon Kyung, however, liked browsing, probably since he could afford to be talked into a purchase. "What's that?"
"Joon Kyung, where in the world are you going?" you hesitantly followed him to table with various blinking lights.
"What's this?" he eagerly looked at the charms.
"Their couple phone charms, they glow when you get close to one another"'
You looked closer to the table, taking in their different shapes and colors. "They're pretty"
Joon Kyung grinned. "We'll take a set" he handed a wad of cash to the very flustered salesmen, who was scrambling for change. "You can keep the change"
You looked over to him frowning. "You'd use this?" When you thought of your boyfriend you didn't exactly associate him to cute little glowing moon phone charms.
"Of course" he plugged it into the headphone jack and smiled seeing yours glow. "They work"
"I like that they glow" you smiled to yourself, looking at your sun charm.
"Then stay near me" he mumbled to himself. He could feel you beaming at him. "Ugh. I can't believe I said that"
"Look who's getting soft~" you grinned teasing him.
"I'm not getting soft." he grumbled speeding up.
"Awe you're cute."
"No I'm not." after a few feet he stopped walking and looked over his shoulder. A frown etched on his face. “Hurry up…” he looked at his charm. “You’re too far…”
Following his gaze, to his phone charm, your eyes softened seeing that it stopped glowing. You couldn’t help but smile and catch up with him, linking your arms with his. “I love you” you pecked his lips softly.
“Love you too…”
Just a little fluff request I've been meaning to get out >.< hope you guys liked it. Now off to sleep I go~
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fanxyblog · 5 years
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There aren't any gifs for that men :((
Request: Could you write about WayChed the new member of 1lliAmbition since there isn't a lot out there about him and he is to cute to be slept on❤☺️
Requests are still open :)
A/N: Thank you for requesting @megapinkstrawberrygkpopblr! I hope you gonna like it.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1018
You were running down the hall as fast as you could. You knew you were late for a meeting with Joonkyung and Donggab, your legs leaded you to the meeting room on the third floor as soon as they could and the only thing that was running through your mind was for your bosses to not be angry at you. You worked as Bition Boyz manager for a year now and you really liked that job, you didn't want to lose it.
Seconds later doors to the meeting room swung open as you run in, almost tripping over your own feet. The moment you caught your balance, you straightened up your shirt that covered your brown skin, you did that mostly out of embarrassement you felt when you looked up and saw your bosses and all of the Ambition Musik members looking at you. You wanted to disappear in that moment.
"I'm glad you are finally here Y/N" Joonkyung said looking right trough your soul. You could feel your cheeks turning red.
"Take a seat " you looked up at the owner of the voice wich happend to be Donggab, and immediately took a seat next to Changmo.
"Now that we are all here, I think we can talk about the reason behind this meeting" Joonkyung continued with the talk.
"As you guys know, me and Donggab were looking for a new artists that will be sign to our company" you were starting to get curious, you knew they wanted to have another member in Bition Boyz, but you didn't expect it to happen so soon.
"His stage name is WayChed, he is a producer and he is going to work with us starting tomorrow, I hope you guys can take care of him" Donggab looked over at all of you.
All of you nodded your heads in agreement to his words. You were really curious about this new situation.
You have never heard of anyone named WayChed before.
" You are free to go guys, except you Y/N, we need to talk to you some more" Donggab looked your way and send a small smile to you.
After all of the Bition Boyz have left the room you were all alone with Dok2 and The Quiett. That made you feel a little bit nervous even thought you knew them both for almost two years
" We want you to take good care of WayChed, since you are also his manager from now. That' why you are going to pick him up tommorrow and bring him to the label." Joonkyung leaned on the desk and looked you in the eyes.
You looked back at him and shook your head yes. "Is this everything?" that question fell from your lips while you looked at both of your superiors.
"Yes that's all, you may leave now Y/N" you got up and bowed slightly to them, receiving smiles from both of them as payback to your doings. Soon after that all that was heard in the room was the sound of closing door
Next morning you were sitting in your car as you drove to Dobong-gu. Music was playing in your radio as you sang under your nose. Yesterday evening you received a message with the adress you are supposed to be at.
It took you fifty minutes to get there, driving on the streets of Seoul in the morning was not the most pleasant thing.
You got out of your car and went straight to the building. You were glad you didn't have to ring the intercom thanks to nice lady that holded the doors for you when she saw you heading their way. You bowed to her and went straight up the stairs, going right to third floor.
The door with number four written on them literally screamed at you. You were getting nervous suddenly. After all you were picking up a guy you have never seen before.
You knocked on the door and waited for them to open, which happend almost right away.
What you saw after the door opened got you shook to the point you were frozen and you couldn't get yourself to move even a bit. A man standing in front of you seemed to be shocked just like you, after all you and him haven't seen each other for almost three years.
Ahn Byeonggyu was the last person you expexted to see when you were doing your duties. Your heart ached at the sight of the men you wanted to forget so desperately.
You needed to get your act togheter even if you knew that nothing was fine in that moment.
Byeonggyu was looking at you and he looked like he wanted to say something but the only thing that came out of his mouth was your name.
You forgot how good it sounded in his mouth. Yours and Byeonggyu's history was like millions of others. You dated each other in the past and it didn't work between you two, not because you didn't love one another, it didn't work out because none of you were able to abandon their dreams for the other.
Suddenly there was an idea that pooped up in your head.
"Hello I'm Y/N, and I'm going to work as your manager from now on" you bowed to him with small, awkward smile tugged on your lips and puted your hand out for him to shake.
At first Byeonggyu seemed confused with your behavior, but then he caught up what were you up to. That made him break out a big grin on his face.
This situation was a new beginning for you and him. Another chance given to both of you from universe.
"It's nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Ahn Byeonggyu." He took your hand in his and shaked it. Holding your hand in his appeared so right to him.
He wanted to use this opportunity as best as he could, and that's what he was planning to do.
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whipscenarios · 5 years
New Phase (F) - Dok2
requested: Hi can you do a dok2 one please 🥺 - masterlist
“Holy shit” you let out surprised. ‘Positive, eight weeks’ yo read on the pregnancy test. “What do I do now” you thought trying to have your senses back. You were dating for not even two months and got pregnant. Dok2 didn’t even know you were suspecting, he’s never home to see you throwing up and to know your period was late. The first thing you did was call your best friend, she was the only one who knew you were taking that test.
“Oh my god” she said screaming. “What now?” you asked her, lost, “You have to tell him” she said almost as an order, “I cant, I don’t know how. What if he thinks this baby isnt him? We hadn’t had sex in a long time” you said already thinking about how Junkyung would react, “He will know it’s his. Can’t he feel when he cums?” she joked and you two kept chatting for a bit before you hung up.
You cried. A lot. You were too young, just got out of school (or college), you didn’t have a stable job, it was unfair to have him pay everything, altought you knew he would. The rest of the day you spent sat on bed, starting to search baby stuff, names, clothes, furniture, everything sounded so expensive. “I can’t do this” you kept repeating to yourself.
The idea of abortion had passed through your mind. “Maybe this is the best idea” you thought to yourself, but giving up after five minutes, “It’s not like I cant raise a child”. That was your final thougt, followed by an istant fear, “Now I have to learn how to educate someone when I don’t know a thing about myself”.
“Babe?” you heard his voice, “Today’s concert was lit. The crowd sang all the songs and- Babe, are you ok?” Junkyung looked worried finding you on your bed, white as a sheet after throwing up a few times after receiving the news. You couldn’t reply, you froze. ‘Oh jesus it’s now’ your mind was empty, “Y/N? Are you there?” he said shaking you lightly, “I’m worried, what happened”, “Junkyung, I’m pregnant” you said handing him the test.
His reaction was the same as yours, “Oh fuck”, you could feel him freezing just as you did, yet you started to cry, “I don’t know what to do” you said and he hugged you, “This is so good love, I’m so happy” he sounded like he had won the lotery, “I’m having a baby! Oh my god I am becoming a father!” he said loudly, hugging you tight enough for you to go short of breath, “Are you happy?” you said confused, you thought Dok2 would react the opposite, “Why wouldn’t I ? I’m having a child with the woman I love, there’s no way I cant be sad” he answered with shining eyes.
Dok2 was so happy he just knew how to kiss you. “Babe, I don’t have a job, I don’t feel mature enough for this” you said between your breath, “Love, I have enough money for us to have ten babies, I can endure it. If you want to get a job, I can help you, but I want you to rest as much as you can by now” he answered sincerely and you stopped to analyze the whole situation. Maybe it wasn’t that bad having a baby with him. You loved him. Even tough both of you were dating for only one month and a half, you already felt like he was the one. You knew he would bank everything, you knew him well enough to know he wouldn’t have other answer than that one. “Have you already thought of names? Told anyone? I cant believe you are pregnant” he was still in shock, “Hey, calm down! I am only eight weeks pregnant, we have to wait a little more to be sure this pregnancy will carry on. I don’t want to tell anyone untill it is safe, it’s a well known fact that babies have more chances of not resisting up to three months. Let’s wait” you tried to calm him down, “I think it is just perfect. Only us knowing makes everything even more special”.
Minutes later he was already laid on your belly, “Hey baby, I don’t know your name yet, but im your daddy. Me and your mommy are going to give you the best of everything, you’ll be the happiest baby in the world. I already love you more than I love myself” he said and you were mesmerized, that scene was just to soft, you were feeling like everything could happen and you would still be there, “I love you so much Y/N, thank you for being my child’s mom” Junkyung said kissing your lips, “I love you more, thank you for being by my side, I was so afraid you’d think this baby would mess your plans, I am so proud of being your baby’s mother” you said. The rest of the night was only you and him planning this new phase of your life, a new cycle.
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teddybearwoojinnie · 5 years
girls don't want dick, girls want changmo's Maestro on Spotify
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richrubies · 5 years
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sí papi
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disloopy · 6 years
Hidden Camera
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woo wonjae
genre: fluff
word count: 1.2k
a/n. holy shit i miss wonjae so muchhhhh also i got this request like LAST YEAR n i finally had the motivation to write it hehe
request: your a youtuber who was asked to do a prank on your boyfriend
You grit your teeth excitedly in the process of setting up the video camera. You have little to no experience on pranks so this might be a little hard. When the camera is well hidden under a towel, you step back and press record, checking to see if the room was in full view.
“Wonjae just called,” you whisper, not exactly sure why you’re whispering. “He’s gonna be home in like 5 minutes.” You leave the camera and pace around the room, trying to get into character. The sound of the front door being unlocked startles you for a second and you glance toward the camera with a momentary smile.
“Jagi, I’m home!” Wonjae calls out and you feel your heart pound with excitement although you plaster that faux frown on your face, hoping to fool him. Wonjae walks through the door and sets his backpack to the side before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a soft kiss. You gently tug yourself away from him.
“How was your day?” You ask nervously.
“Hm,” he shrugs, pulling off his beanie to rub his hands through his matted hair. “It could better. I gotta go to the studio in a while so hopefully it’s not that bad.”
You walk over to the bed, avoiding Wonjae’s gaze. “About that…” Wonjae looks at you expectantly. “You wrote lyrics yesterday, right? You were supposed to record them today?” He nods, putting his beanie aside and furrowing his eyebrows at you.
“Well… I kinda did this stupid thing,” you begin very slowly and Wonjae’s expression becomes unreadable. You decide to finally go all in. “I threw them in the garbage the other day and…”
“What?!” Wonjae’s eyes suddenly widened in shock, his lips parted to show just how astonished he was at your statement. “You’re joking, right? Cause this is not funny.” You pressed your lips together to suppress a smile and then turned away from him, fearing bursting into laughter at any moment.
“No babe, I’m not joking,” you told him with a shake of your head. “I wish I was… and I’m so sorry, I was cleaning up and I guess I accidentally threw away your stuff.”
Wonjae was silent, frozen in spot as if he truly couldn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth. “Accidentally? My stuff is in my file… there’s no way you could have accidentally threw them away.”
You shrugged, smiling sympathetically. “I don’t know… it must have come out. Anyway, the lyrics were terrible in the first place…”
“I’m…” Wonjae faltered as he sat on the edge of the bed, back slumped and lips pursed, unable to take in the situation. “You told me they were good, though?”
“I know I did, baby, I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. Why are you talking about that stuff in your lyrics though… isn’t it better to just write about how much you love me or how much you love the life?”
“you’re joking, right?” asked Wonjae, shaking his head in disbelief. “Those lyrics meant a lot to me… they were about my personal struggles… I’m not going to write about stupid stuff like that.”
You laughed, slightly embarrassed. “It’s stupid to write about how much you love me?”
“No babe, I didn’t mean that. I just mean everyone already knows how much I love you… I wanted them to hear my story.”
“No one wants to hear that stuff these days,” you replied, waving your hand in dismissal. “They want something they can dance to at the club… I’m sure your boss would agree.”
“Y/N, what are you on about?” Wonjae suddenly snaps and you blink, nervous once again. “This is so humiliating… what am I going to tell Jay? I was supposed to record today and now I have to write them all over again. What’s wrong with you?”
“It’s no biggie, we’ll write them again. I’ll help you.”
“What the hell is wrong with you, Y/N? I didn’t expect this from you.”
You placed your hands on your hips, breathing out slowly so that you wouldn’t end up laughing. “You’re taking this too seriously.”
“You’re taking this too god damn lightly!” Wonjae exclaims and you step back, suddenly scared that you might have pushed this too far. He doesn’t usually raise his voice on you. “This is my entire fucking career, can your pretty little mind understand that?” You begin to reply but he just continues. “No, of course you can’t understand that. You’re just a stuck precious little bitch that has always had everything handed to you on a silver platter.”
You fall silent, scratching the back of your head as tears spring to your eyes. “Babe…” you whisper quietly, not knowing what to say. “It was just a joke…”
“Everything’s a fucking joke to you, isn’t it, Y/N,” Wonjae says bitterly. “This is why I’m sick of being with you… you never take anything seriously.”
“Haven’t you noticed how I’ve been staying out longer these days? It’s cause I’m trying to avoid being around you.”
You sniff, blinking back tears as you stare at Wonjae. You actually haven’t noticed all that but if this is what Wonjae had been thinking all this time then what even was the point? You just stayed quiet, not knowing what to do or say after everything Wonjae had said.
“You’re a big fucking baby, you know that.” Wonjae’s words cause you to look back at him and saw  that a smile was creeping onto his lips. “You can dish it out but don’t know how to take it.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, truly confused.
“What I’m saying is that you’re really bad at acting,” he stood up and walked over to the place where you had hidden the camera. “And this is a basic ass hiding spot… come on, I thought someone who has youtube experience would know that.”
Tears suddenly overflow and you bring your hands over you beating heart as you relax. “Oh my god! What the fuck, Wonjae?” You punched his shoulder and he started to laugh, rubbing the sore spot. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“Well, someone had to do the job right,” Wonjae said, shaking his head as he pulled you close to his chest. You cried a little only because you had really thought he wanted to break up. “Shh… it was a joke, baby.” He kissed the top of your head and patted your hair. “Now stop crying.”
“I really thought you wanted to break up and I was angry, I was going to show you that I hadn’t really thrown out your lyrics.”
“I think you need some more practice,” said Wonjae, pulling you down on the bed and climbing over you. “But give me a little something before I leave for work, will you?” He lowered his head into your neck, kissing you roughly and you sighed, running your fingers through your hair.
“You didn’t mean any of that, right?”
Wonjae pressed his lips against yours. “Of course not, babe… now quit talking about that.”
You laughed quietly as he began to tug off your clothes. “The camera’s still on, babe… just wait a second so I can turn it off.”
He didn’t let you leave though and just scoffed, pulling you back. “Keep it on… you’re viewers need to see something interesting for once.”
LISTEN i feel like wonjae may be lowkey freaky. i’m telling you it’s the quiet ones.
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suga-jusshi · 6 years
Look I stan bts and im proud of them, but I will never EVER shit on someone else’s talent just be cause they might not be as successful as bts. That’s a shit thing to do and that’s part of the reason why you won’t see me calling myself an army. I love bts but I will not associate myself with a fandom that has toxic people. I know the whole fandom isn’t like that but still the ones that are are the reason so many people are starting to hate bts. You will never see any og fans say shit like “you have no talent. Your fans are shit. You’re a shitty person.” Blah blah blah. Especially to someone who is in a place of sorrow and hurt. The mans friend just died and your gonna sit here and hate on him and call his friend a fucking ‘Ching Chong’ like wtf is wrong with you. This is why we can’t ever have nice things. Cause people always wanna go and fuck shit up. Owen and Young West don’t deserve that shit. They did nothing wrong. Honestly no one deserves anything like that. I’m sorry but if you think bts is the only group or artist who paved the way for korean artists you are sadly mistaken🙄But my rant is over now 😂
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And no I’m not blocking out their Instagram because i don’t give a fuck🤷🏽‍♀️
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*not my gif*
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kpop-probably · 5 years
Round 8: Semi- finals
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AN: This one is a little long so I put the keep reading thing on it. Its 1,875 words. 
iKon 8th member AU
July 2016
The excitement was high backstage. The remaining six contestants will have solo performances with a special guest performers. All of them matched-up to go against another contestant. The contestant who earned the most amount of money during their match-up will advance to the final round, while the other gets eliminated. Making it this far should be accomplishment enough but for Asuka it isn't. She wants to show everyone, especially her female fans, that she can win it. The fans didn't approve of her in the beginning and wouldn't include her in the fan chants but since the show has started they have sent her nothing but love and she's even received some fan mail.
Asuka Pov
I'm sitting in the room for my team putting some finishing touches on my verses. I have a surprise guest tonight to feature on my song. I get up to go find Joon-Kyung oppa to get some feedback on what I wrote but when I open the door Xitsuh is standing outside of it. “Did you need something?” I start to look around to find any excuse to run away because the whole pretending someone called my name thing I usually do with YoYo whenever he tries to make really bad jokes, simply won't work in this situation because alas there isn't anyone in the hallway with us, just my luck. “I just learned that I'm going against you tonight and came to wish you luck.” But before I can thank him he continues speaking. “Hopefully whatever rhymes you have in your hand there are better than your little boyfriends disses.” He smirks and walks away before I can make any type of comeback. Things like this are what make me hellbent on winning, the men here are so misogynistic and egotistical I often wonder how they're gonna take it when a woman knocks them off of that pedestal. I roll my eyes and turn around to continue on my journey in finding the man I need. But once again i'm stopped when I see a familiar figure wearing my favorite hat on him. “Jae won?” he turns around at the sound of my voice and smiles “Nuna just the woman I was looking for.” I smile shyly “It seems like i'm a woman in high demand today.” He raises an eyebrow at my confession. “Xitsuh came to the room and just wanted to trash talk.” “Well what’d he say?” “He came and said he wanted to wish me luck, but then turned around and said he hopes I wrote something good tonight, then proceeded to call you my “Boyfriend.” I don't take much notice to how he stiffens at the mention of me being chastised about our relationship or whatever this is. “So… Boyfriend huh?” I roll my eyes which also seems to be popular tonight and walk away before he grabs my arm and pulls me back into his chest. “You shouldn't walk away from your boyfriend nuna it's rude.” “I don't believe you've actually asked me to be your girlfriend mister.”
Jae won POV
“I don't believe you've actually asked me to be your girlfriend mister.” I freeze up again and the box in my back pocket feels heavier than before. I went and got her a gift to make asking this a little less awkward. “Actually that's why I was looking for you.” She turns around a little and tilts her head at me, I can tell she's trying to act casual but her wide eyes are a dead give away of her nerves. Her eyes -- they always giver her away, she's really bad at concealing her feelings, all you have to do is look into those beautiful brown eyes of hers. I reach into my back pocket. “Turn around, close your eyes, and move your hair for me please.” she hesitates but moves her hair off her neck anyway. I take a breath and pull the necklace from the box and slide it around her neck and fasten it. “Ok open.” she looks down at it and looks back up at me. “I know we've only known each other for about 7 months, but there's just something about you. I can't even lie, you stay on my mind a lot. Whenever I see you I get lost in you all the damn time. I know it's quick but i'd like to take you on a date if you'll let me?” She smiles real big and shakes her head really fast and I can't help but laugh at how cute she is. But before we get to enjoy our little moment Joon-Kyung hyung comes up smirking knowingly “I'd hate to break up this little moment lovebirds but Ms Asuka you're up kid.” with that he walks away “Damnit I didn't even get him to look over my verses.” I turn to her and notice she's nervous again. I grab her shoulders to grab her attention. “No matter what you have written down I know you're gonna kill it.” She smiles and hears her name getting called so she starts jogging away but does a U turn and I get confused “Did yo-” I'm cut off by her smashing her lips into mine and running off again.
Asuka POV I smile glad to know that he's here to support me and that the boys are somewhere watching me. The beat i'm doing my first verse on to get the crowd hype, starts playing and I take that as my cue to walk out and start rapping
Bobby called said let me get the car key, you don't want it with the Osaka Barbie, keep marquis, everything sparkly (man down) hit em on a walkie talkie. Hit em, knock knock tell em let me in. my name ring bells, bitch buzz me in, and I only stop for pedestrians or real real bad lesbians. Hit em with the mac hit em with the tec 9 hit em with the rugger by the intersex line put my whole burrough on my back and i'm gooda i don't wanna hear what you would, what you coulda I represent all the girls that stood up, used to drink water with a little bit of sugar now i'm in the gym with my squats and my sit ups young japan pin up, i'm that bitch yea I been up now i'm tellin YG to step his bid up!
The crowd gets hype and before I start my actual song i notice i already have $2,000 on the board. The lights get darker and my second beat starts and I take a deep breath and start rapping again
Better move, better make a better move, Better run quick, hide, 'cause see me I never lose Better shoot, take a shot better shoot, I’ma get what's mine, get the product and the loot, better grind, Tell me where I've gotta go and get it, tell me what I gotta do, I gotta get the benefits and look around, tell me what I gotta go against, Tryna show me who can stop me, I’ma show you I'ma win, 'Cause I am the queen, I am what they want, I have something that cannot be bought, I am the queen, yes I am a boss, I'm in command, I take no days off
Before the hook can start my special guest comes out and the crowd goes even more nuts when the doors open and Jooheon steps out. He starts rapping his part and I look out into the crowd and notice their shocked faces. Everyone most likely thought I would pull some strings and bring someone from YG like G dragon who I haven't even met yet, Mino, Joon oppa thought I'd bring Jae won back, or maybe even one of the boys but I wanted to go out of the box and out of YG so I called up Jooheon, who I met at an awards show a few months ago even though i've been a fan of his for awhile, I was ecstatic when he said yes. While he's rapping I go out into the crowd and they get even louder.
You don’t gotta watch that throne 'cause it's mine, Give that crown 'cause it been my time, There ain’t never be another quite like I, cause if crime pays them i'm bout that life, where? Tell where the queens is at?, independent women that don't need a king for that, 'Cause I am the queen, I am what they want, I have something that cannot be bought, I am the queen, yes I am a boss, I'm in command, I take no days off
When the song ends and I look up at the board I notice that I earned $6,780,000, which is 3x what Xitsuh made which means i'm going to the finals and his ass is going home! I run to Jooheon and thank him for coming and performing with me and as we walk backstage he says  “Anytime, anything for my big sister” and he smiles. As soon as I step foot off stage I'm bombarded with hugs and and Joon kyung even goes as far as putting me onto his shoulder. “You did fucking amazing!! See whatd I tell you the rap barbie got this in the bag.” He's become keen on calling me the “rap barbie” because he says my face and personality dont match my style of rapping. I smile but see Jae standing against a wall waiting patiently for me to be done. I excuse myself and walk over to him. “See what happens when you have confidence in yourself?” I blush but thank him anyway. He leans in and kisses my forehead and says “I have to go i'm supposed to be in the studio right now, I snuck out to see you and if I don't get back now my manager is gonna have my ass on a plate.” I laugh and thank him for coming but before he walks away we hear someone gasping and I turn around and my jaw drops when I notice that Bobby is standing just a few feet away in what looks like...my jacket? I run up and jump into his arms and wrap my legs around him and hug until he can't breathe. “Nuna.. as much as I love your hugs i'd like to live to see you make it to the finals so please let go.” “What are you doing here? And who said you could wear my jacket?” I let him go and he looks back at Jae then back at me and raises his eyebrow. “Shouldn't I be the one asking the questions?” before I could answer Jae comes and wraps his arm around my waist. “I asked her out on a date if that's alright with you.” Jae knows how much I love Bobby and how close we are so I smile hearing that he cares about his opinion. Bobby smiles that goofy smile of his and I laugh. 
“Of course it's alright i'm glad you finally did it, you guys were starting to make me sick.”
Authors note: This one is a little long but im happy with it and hope everyone likes it!! I've never been in a relationship myself so im sorry if Jae and Asuka are cringy but I love them! 
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fxckyeah-xxi · 6 years
Khiphop scenarios
I don’t see a lot of Khiphop scenarios.... send me some... give me good Woo Wonjae ones or Dok2.... help a sista outttt
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khhunniewriting · 5 years
The Others (14)
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[ Mafia/Gang AU ]
“So it’s true...” Kylie smirked seeing you get out of Dok2′s car equally on edge as the day she was starring your pregnant form down. It had been many years but she knew it was you. 
“What are you doing here?” Dok2 made sure to approach Kylie and keep her from getting closer to you. His plan to confront Kylie after he had gathered some sort of leverage against her was of no use now.
It was nearly impossible for her to get past the gate but she was still Dok2′s wife. Even if she openly disgraced him with the birth of her daughter there were still many perks to being the official wife. She had connections with the other wives of other groups, some of which were close friends of hers. 
“I heard you had a guest.” Kylie’s heels allowed her to look over Dok2′s shoulder and meet eyes with you. “Hello Y/N.”
“Hello,” you greeted her showing composure and manner. You had no reason to be hostile towards her. Despite Joonkyung’s warnings, Kylie had shown you enough courtesy for you to do the same. The fact that you were once again in the wrong by associating with her husband also kept you from provoking her.
The gates opened a third time allowing Mr. Kwon to enter. Zene came out of the passenger's side to question why the driveway was so full. Usually, Mr. Kwon drove them up to the door allowing the young bosses to disembark before parking the vehicle in its proper spot. 
Leo did not wait, he got out when he saw you standing off to the side while Joonkyung and an unknown woman talked.
“Mom what-”
“You must be Leo.” Kylie interrupted making her way around Dok2 to get a closer look of you two.  Her fake smile dropped when she noted the stoic almost disinterested look on the teenager’s face. He was different from you who carried guilt. It would take more than words to put him in his place. 
Ji-hoon was just as shocked to see his mother had made it past the gates when his father had taken her status away. She was only his wife in name, she held no power after Jia was born. She shouldn’t be allowed into Illionaire or any of his father’s personal properties.
“What are you doing here mother?”
“I came to see you of course.”
Ji-hoon didn’t buy it for a second and neither did Dok2.
“After you didn’t visit me last week I started to worry.”
Now that she mentioned it Ji-hoon realized he had skipped his last visit to his mother’s house. It was just before finding out Leo was his brother. He even ignored her calls.
“I was busy...”
Kylie smirked, “I see... she got to you too.” Her eyes shot daggers at you as she unleashed her true character. “Ji-hoon don’t be a fool! This woman and her bastard are here to take what’s rightfully yours.”
“Kylie!” Dok2 warned her but she was beyond verbal warnings. Kylie was determined to establish herself and Ji-hoon above you and Leo.
“She seduced your father knowing he was a married man!”
Your eyes widened at the accusation. Although it wasn’t true you felt incredibly ashamed having your son present. Perhaps you didn’t seduce Joonkyung but you did secretly harbor feelings for him and a desire to keep him for yourself.
“I never-” You were cut off as Kylie slapped you. 
Leo made a move towards her but you held him back assuring him you were fine despite the reddening of your cheek.
Dok2, on the other hand, did not hold back. He pulled Kylie back, yanking her arm with no regard to the amount of strength he was using. “What do you think you are doing?!”
Kylie hissed but did not let up. “What I should have done long ago! I let her off last time thinking she would be smart enough to stay away but she hasn’t learned her place.” She tried to pull free from Dok2′s grip but he did not let go. “Even now you chose her over me. I am your wife!”
“Only on paper,” Joonkyung reminded her. 
“Because you didn’t even give me a chance! You never thought of me as a woman, only a means to expand your territory.”
Ji-hoon was stunned, speechless at the sight of his mother’s outcry. None of this was new information yet he felt pained by how emotionally she confronted his father. Not once had he seen her like this.
“You used me to get Ambition!” 
“I did,” Joonkyung callously admitted. “The same way you are using Ji-hoon to get Illionaire.” Had Ji-hoon never been aware of his origins this conversation would have caused him grief. However, he knew the truth. It was his policy to never hide things from his son. If he was to be the next leader he had to overcome pain and suffering. 
“So you do remember our deal? If you dare to undermine me and give that bastard of yours any-”
“Who are you to say what I can and can’t do?”
“Your wife! And as your wife, I can get rid of them both with a single command.”
“Are you that willing to lose your daughter?”
“Joonkyung-” you gasped hearing his threat. Certainly, a part of you was touched knowing he would do anything to protect your son but it didn’t sit well that he was, in turn, threatening an innocent child. 
“You-” Kylie held back at the threat of losing her daughter. She pulled herself free when his grip loosened calling the guards over. They had stood still at a distance unsure of what was going on and who it was that they should be looking out for.
Y/N was, by all means, the lady of the house in their eyes and by the boss’ command... but Kylie was his wife. She held rank over her.
Dok2 gave the command for them to escort Kylie off the property. 
“Let go of me!” Kylie made a scene as she refused to be handled by the guards. Instead, she walked on her own getting into her vehicle and proceeding to drive off in a huff of rage.
Joonkyung called over the head of the property’s security unsatisfied with the events of today. “Why was she allowed entrance?”
“She’s the boss’ wife so-”
“She is never allowed back here again.”
“Yes Boss.”
“I will discuss this further at a later time.” Right now Joonkyung was worried about you and Ji-hoon who was being consoled by you.
Ji-hoon was at a loss, not sure how he should feel. Even if she did come here looking for trouble- she was his mom. He gave an apologetic look to you and Leo.
“Sorry about that-”
“There’s no need to apologize,” you assured. “You have done nothing but show me kindness and respect despite my position. You helped my Leo before you even knew who he was and I’ll always be thankful for that.”
You understood his conflictions. 
You had many of your own.
In the time you had been living under the same roof you had talked with Ji-hoon a handful of times. Neither of you brought up his mother or changed the way you spoke to each other. Although you had been wanting to talk about this new arrangement with him it seemed better to leave it be.
Leo sighed releasing the pent up aggression from earlier.  “Ji-hoon let’s go,” Leo knew the only way he would be able to let this go was if he did something about the way they were both feeling.
Shocked Ji-hoon gave you a quick nod before following his younger brother. “Where are we going?”
It made it all the easier for Joonkyung to give his attention to you. His hand going to your cheek where moments ago Kylie had stricken you. 
“Are you okay?”
“As okay as I can be when I was just reminded of my place.” His treatment the last few days and his confession had moved you to the point where you were considering the same. “I love you too Joonkyung...”
Dok2 was speechless as he took in the sight of your trembling lips. There was something else you had to say and he had a feeling he wouldn’t like it.
“But I-” You went silent the moment his lips touched yours. 
“Don’t say anything else.”
“But it’s important.” You wanted to get this suffocating feeling off your chest. “I need to tell you the truth.”
Leo took Ji-hoon out back to the basketball court. Zene and Ash followed behind them with the latter going to retrieve a basketball from the storage shed for them.
“What are we doing here?” Ji-hoon wasn’t in the mood for a game. He was far too depressed by the events of the evening.
Leo received the ball from Ash and passed it to Ji-hoon.
“Why do you suddenly want to play? Shouldn’t you be checking on your mom.”
“She’ll be fine.” 
Ji-hoon sighed.
“I need to calm down,” Leo admitted. Even if he kept his composure there were a lot of things Leo wanted to say or do that he knew weren’t acceptable. “Your mother hit my mom. And if it weren’t for me none of this would have ever happened.”
“Leo I don’t think you are the-”
“I am.” Leo stole the ball from Ji-hoon’s hands and began dribbling it. “My mother told me she left when she found out she was pregnant with me.”
He ran off towards the basket and Ji-hoon followed watching as he took a shot from the free-throw line.
“That’s when it started.”
“My mother’s suffering.” Leo knew all along that he was the root of your suffering. From the moment he was conceived there had been nothing but trouble for you. “She could have let me die but she fought to keep me alive. A few weeks before I was born she began coughing up blood. The doctors never knew what happened but there were toxins present in my mother’s blood that forced a miscarriage.”
Ji-hoon’s eyes widened.
“Thankfully I was well enough to be delivered that same day.”
Speechless the teenager contemplated what he could say when such heavy information was given to him. He would have never guessed Leo had such a harsh start in life. 
Leo retrieved the ball as it bounced out of the court. He came back to Ji-hoon offering the ball for him to shoot but stopped when he saw tears begin to roll down his cheeks. 
“Sh*t,” Ji-hoon cursed. “Guess both our lives are f*cked up.”
Leo shrugged, in general, if others knew his life story he guessed it would seem f*cked up, as Ji-hoon stated. But to him, life wasn’t so bad. He had you, a mother who loved and cared for him.
“Could be worse.”
Ji-hoon laughed wiping away the stray tears. “Why am I the only one like this?” That was one thing he admired about Leo, no matter the situation he was always cool. “Why is my little brother cooler than me?”
“Because sadly my older brother is a crybaby.”
Ji-hoon smiled, “Did you just call me your-”
“Say it again.”
“Moon Jia smile for Daddy.”
Jia only starred up at the man holding her bottle. His expectant stare having no effect on her.
“Boss-” one of his subordinates tried to cut in but was flat out ignored leaving him to carry the envelope that had just been delivered.
Seeing his boss being so engrossed in his paternal duties, Nochang took over. “I’ll take care of it,” he held his hand out asking the documents be given to him.
Giriboy walked into Swings' office only to see him cooing and rocking his infant daughter while Nochang sat on his desk. “I see the boss is busy again.”
Nochang nodded, “That woman suddenly came to leave her child here again.” No one at JM (Just Music) was particularly fond of Kylie. She was married to a rival boss yet came to their organization and gave orders as if she were their boss’ wife. 
“Don’t let him hear you.”
“He’s too engrossed in the child.”
Giriboy could see that. “I still think we should get the DNA test.”
“The boss has five children, what’s one more?” Nochang didn’t care for his boss’s personal life. He was free to do as he wished. He only cared about the organization’s work. If he neglected his duties further then he would intervene. “Besides this one can’t be bought off like the other five women.”
Giriboy knew of the payouts the group had given to the previous five women who approached their boss. Each one had wished to become the lady of the group, to marry Swings to gain his wealth and power. 
All of those women were average citizens. Kylie was the only one who came from their society. She was a dangerous woman who had managed to keep any other women from approaching him for the past fifteen years. She had successfully monopolized him now that she bore his daughter. 
“What will we do if she gets out of hand?”
“I hope you two aren’t talking about me,” Kylie appeared as if out of nowhere but neither of Swings’ associates was startled.
They had made their thoughts heard before.
“Speak of the devil and she shall appear,” Nochang nonchalantly responded as he continued to go over Swings’ paperwork. 
Giriboy snickered pulling up a seat across Nochang to help him out. 
“That’s enough you two,” Swings respected the opinions of his two high ranking associates. He knew they only had his best interests in mind but he was in love. Despite their warnings, he continued his relationship with the married woman, Lee Kylie.
“Honey,” Kylie cooed wrapping her arms around him from behind. Her head laid against his back as she smirked at the two men who consistently bad-mouthed her. She had Swings wrapped around her finger and they all knew it. “I had a horrible day...”
“What happened?”
“Dok2 is living with the other woman and that bastard son of theirs.”
“So our boss isn’t the only one sowing his wild oats,” Giriboy joked. It was hard to imagine someone as cold and proper as Dok2 having a mistress.
“I heard about him having another son a while back.” Nochang had overheard some chatter from H1ghr when he happened to cross them at a club. He had dismissed it since they were drunkenly rambling.
Swings knew the rules well. Right now Kylie held the power to dispose of them but at the risk of his own daughter becoming Dok2′s target. He held Jia a little tighter, she was his precious angel. After five sons, a daughter was welcomed with open arms. 
“What did you do?”
“Nothing yet,” Kylie sighed. “But I can’t just stand back and watch her take everything for herself. I tried to warn her but she didn’t listen.” 
“Lady Kylie I’m afraid the powder will not dissolve quick enough to-”
“I don’t care!” Kylie pushed the uniform into her subordinate’s hands. It had taken some time to find you but now that she did she planned to make sure this was the last time she ever saw you.
“But the effectiveness is lowered if it does not steep long enough.”
“I will stall her as much as I can, you just make sure to do your part and put the powder in her drink.” Kylie was eager to see her husband’s mistress up close.
“If you fail I will personally kill you.”
“Yes, lady Kylie.”
“She was farther along than I imagined...” Kylie muttered to herself causing the others to question her but she brushed it off. “It’s just my luck that she also had a son.”
The next day you awoke startled when you found yourself naked in Joonkyung’s bed while he was fully clothed. You quickly remembered everything that led you to this moment causing your face to flush.
Last night you confessed your love and jealousy. You told Joonkyung how you really felt the day you found out he was going to be a father. How you envied Kylie for being able to give him something you thought you wouldn’t. Only to later find out you too were pregnant. 
He was upset that you decided for yourself that he would prefer his wife over you. He put to rest your jealousy by admitting that he had loved you since then although he didn’t realize it until you had left.
After so many years you were once again in his arms. It felt familiar being with him despite the years apart. However, you worried about what this meant for the future.
“Good morning,” Dok2 greeted you as your movements caused him to wake up. 
“Good morning,” you sheepishly pulled the covers up to your eyes wondering how you would get out of bed with his unforgiving gaze fixated on you. There was still so much to discuss. “Are you still upset?”
Joonkyung sighed, “Not anymore.” How could he still be upset when he had managed to finally obtain that which had slipped through his fingers? “But if you ever doubt me again I’ll have to lock you up until you realize the truth.”
He had laid awake most of the night, watching you sleep wondering why he couldn’t see this before. If he had paid closer attention back then things would have played out differently.
“From now on you will be the only Lady of Illionaire.”
“What about Kylie?”
“I will get rid of her.”
“Let me worry about that.”
A/N: Leave your reactions in the inbox ^^ I love them all! Next the confrontation of AOMG and Illionaire.
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starry-eyed-khh · 6 years
You know you are in too deep when you're playing the game of Life and you ask your 4 year old niece if she wants to go to County Acres or "1llionare" Mansion...
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khhsh-t · 6 years
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Happy Birthday Dok2 💕
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khhwrites · 7 years
I Think You’re Beautiful
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100 Ways To Say I Love You
You groaned walking back into the fitting room. Joonkyung wasn’t an easy shopper. Not when it came to things for himself and not even when it came to you.
“Stop whining, shouldn't you be glad that you're going to such an important event with such an amazing person?”
“You don't’ even have to do anything difficult, all you gotta do is look good, is that too much to ask for?” He added.
You rolled your eyes pulling the dress over your head hastily. “Oh I am so sorry your highness that someone like me isn’t being grateful enough. I mean it’s not like I could go to such a luxurious party without you..I totally should not be acting like this.” You yelled back sarcastically.
A grin spread onto his face, “It’s good that you know.” He turned his head hearing the door creak open.
You walked out, pulling the short dress down uncomfortably, scanning his face for any signs of dissatisfaction. Nothing. He didn’t say anything and his face remained unphased.
You slowly backed up into the room, “I know, I know, This one doesn’t look good either? There’s a few more I can try on and if you don’t like those ei-”
He cut you off, walking towards you with his hands in his pockets. “You look good..I guess.” He said quickly and looked away.
You laughed. “Really?”
“Yeah I look half decent,” You admitted, taking a few spins in front of the mirror.
“I think you’re beautiful.” Joonkyung said nonchalantly, almost laughing at himself because of much he was trying to  maintain his cold personality with you.
You laughed pulling his hand into yours. It was definitely something to celebrate. He loved you, you knew that, but it was rare that he ever expressed his feelings vocally.
Suddenly he pulled you closer. “But it’s too short,” You lightly pushed him, stomping your feet towards the awiting pieces that he probably won’t like either.
“You know Joonkyung, you’re probably just gonna end up ruining my clothes anyway once we leave the party so just quit being difficult!”
“What? It’s not my fault you always look good.” He smirked.  
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richrubies · 5 years
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“i’m back, bitch i’m back” — OKGO (Beenzino ft. E-Sens)
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disloopy · 7 years
Night Night
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Prompt: You hated seeing your boyfriend Wonjae stressed, it always made him tense and tonight was no different. But he’d been on the phone all day long, you needed him to stop. 
Genre: lil fluff, lil smut
Word Count: 376
You were lying on your stomach, chin perched atop your folded hands as you turned the page of your book. Things were just starting to get mysterious when the door opened and you were disturbed by your boyfriend Wonjae arguing over the phone.
Rolling your eyes, you turned your attention back to the book. He was talking on his phone all day and it really got on your nerves. Wonjae sat on the bed, resting his back on the bed frame and stretching out his legs. 
“Its taking too long,” he was saying as you looked up at him. His ears were pink like they always were when he was frustrated. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. 
Wonjae’s eyes caught yours and you pouted, sticking out your bottom lip to show him your sympathy. He smiled and nodded, listening to what whoever was on the other end had to say, but focusing on you. Wonjae used his free hand to cup your cheek, running his thumb across you lips.
To tease him, you took his thumb into your mouth with yours eyes still locked on his. Wonjae smirked slightly, biting his lip. You twirled your tongue around his finger, sucking it freely with a grin on your face. 
When you finally released his finger, he wiped in on the bed sheet and you giggled in embarrassment. Then you sat up, leaning over his lap to whisper in his other ear.
“Hang up, baby, come on.” you said, climbing onto his lap, feeling needy. Wonjae shook his head and you could slightly hear the loud voice of the other speaker. Desperate, you pulled the cellphone from his hand.
“Listen, call back tomorrow, Wonjae’s busy now.” With that quick sentence you hung up.
Wonjae pressed his lips together. “What was that for?” He asked but he didn’t look quite irritated. You were doing him a favor. 
“I’m sure he can wait a night,” you told Wonjae, grinding against his hips. “I on the other hand...not really.” You pressed your mouth to his, kissing him roughly and Wonjae responded with the same vigor.
Then he flipped you over, so you were on your back and he was hovering over you. “Then lets make the night worth it.”
damn its just hard for me to write wonjae smut, i just can’t picture him like that lol
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