#joonkyung imagines
khhunniewriting · 5 years
The Others
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Genre: Mafia/Gang Au + Angst + Suggestive/Mature Content Status: Ongoing  Moodboard
When someone dangerous marries someone equally as dangerous there is no room for error. Being the other woman and mother to the other son makes you exactly that.
Part 1  /  Part 2  / Part 3 / Part 4
Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12
Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16
Part 17 / Part 18 / Part 19 / Part 20
*updates Mondays or Fridays*
The Quiett Side Story: The Moon And Stars
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khhwrites · 7 years
I Think You’re Beautiful
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100 Ways To Say I Love You
You groaned walking back into the fitting room. Joonkyung wasn’t an easy shopper. Not when it came to things for himself and not even when it came to you.
“Stop whining, shouldn't you be glad that you're going to such an important event with such an amazing person?”
“You don't’ even have to do anything difficult, all you gotta do is look good, is that too much to ask for?” He added.
You rolled your eyes pulling the dress over your head hastily. “Oh I am so sorry your highness that someone like me isn’t being grateful enough. I mean it’s not like I could go to such a luxurious party without you..I totally should not be acting like this.” You yelled back sarcastically.
A grin spread onto his face, “It’s good that you know.” He turned his head hearing the door creak open.
You walked out, pulling the short dress down uncomfortably, scanning his face for any signs of dissatisfaction. Nothing. He didn’t say anything and his face remained unphased.
You slowly backed up into the room, “I know, I know, This one doesn’t look good either? There’s a few more I can try on and if you don’t like those ei-”
He cut you off, walking towards you with his hands in his pockets. “You look good..I guess.” He said quickly and looked away.
You laughed. “Really?”
“Yeah I look half decent,” You admitted, taking a few spins in front of the mirror.
“I think you’re beautiful.” Joonkyung said nonchalantly, almost laughing at himself because of much he was trying to  maintain his cold personality with you.
You laughed pulling his hand into yours. It was definitely something to celebrate. He loved you, you knew that, but it was rare that he ever expressed his feelings vocally.
Suddenly he pulled you closer. “But it’s too short,” You lightly pushed him, stomping your feet towards the awiting pieces that he probably won’t like either.
“You know Joonkyung, you’re probably just gonna end up ruining my clothes anyway once we leave the party so just quit being difficult!”
“What? It’s not my fault you always look good.” He smirked.  
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dok2trbl · 7 years
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[FACETIME SCENARIO] You get fever and you haven’t replied his text since yesterday. Joonkyung is worried because you are in Hawaii. You are a freelance photographer and being sick in work trip sucks. It’s night in Hawaii and you get a lil bit better. “Finally you pick my call, i am so worried.” “Do you think that you still can work? Please,don’t force yourself and i don’t mind to help them find another photographer.” “If i am not busy with smtm 6, i will go to Hawaii right fvckin now.” “Please eat well and take your medicine but eat first!” “Don’t work too hard, baby! I love you!”
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Couple Items
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Couple Items
When your boyfriend suggested you two get a few couple items you thought it was cute. He had a tendency of buying you a lot of jewelry and you’d just make him return it. His taste was just a little over the top and too expensive. You were hoping that shopping together would mean you could hit up a few local shops and get a matching phone charm, or cute couples shirts. But of course, Joon Kyung wasn’t that simple. When he said he wanted to shop in Gangnam, it should have been your red flag that he wanted something over the top.
“Yah, Oppa please put that down that’s expensive.” you pouted. He’d dragged you all around the city going from Versace boutiques to Armani stores and buying all of these outfits and bags that you just know you’re not going to wear.
Joon Kyung held up the gold chain, inspecting it with the jeweler. “But you wanted matching things. Let’s get a whole outfit.”
“I meant something cute and meaningful-That chain cost more than my car.” you crossed your arms over your chest.
He grinned looking over “We can fix that too. Matching couple cars? I could get you one in rose gold?”
“But you love Rose Gold, it’ll match your phone”
You sighed holding his hand. “Please, I don’t even wear chains. And don’t even think about buying me a car.”
He smiled pecking your lips. “I’m probably still going to buy you a car.”
“Please excuse me” you bowed toward the jeweler before pulling your boyfriend away. “I thought you wanted to get couple items today.”
“I do. We can get matching rings, chains, bracelets, cars. I’ll even get you a matching apartment-”
“Yah.” you sighed heavily, shoulders slumping. You weren’t necessarily desensitized to your boyfriend's lavish spending. You just preferred if it wasn’t on you. “That’s it Oppa, you’re fired.”
“Mhmm. I’m deciding on all of the couple items.” you slipped your hand into his. “Let’s go to Hongdae.” you pecked his lips.
"Alright fine. My Baby gets what my Baby wants." he grinned, lacing his fingers with yours and kissing you back. “But I’m paying for it”
It took a little more convincing but you were able to talk him into going to Hongdae, and for the most part it felt like a normal date. You two walked down the street looking for anything to catch your eye.  
"How about this one?" Joon Kyung held up a designer hoodie to your body. "It'll look great on you Jagi"
You frowned placing it back on the rack. "Not my style."  It kinda was, but there was no way in hell you were going to tell Joon Kyung that you didn't want it because that jacket cost more than your rent.
"How about this?" you handed a cute simple t-shirt to him. It started to spell out Love and completed on the other shirt.  "Too Much?" you raised a brow.
"Ummm." his voice fell flat as he looked away. "Uh…Maybe something a little less…in your face?"
"You wanted a car" you huffed.
"Cars are subtle, the shirts just desperate." he hung the shirt back on the rack. "It says you're mine in a clingy please don't leave me way."
From jewelry to clothing to shoes. Nothing clicked. If you couldn't even agree on a couples item what did that say about the rest of your relationship? What would your wedding be like?
Leaving Hongdae empty handed was almost the epitome of defeat. Leaning your head on Joon Kyung's shoulder you let out a long and empty sigh. "What's wrong with us…?"
"There's nothing wrong with us. We'll just try looking in Itaewon tomorrow. We'll find something."
"There's nothing…" you sighed.
"What about the spinner couple rings we saw at the shop."
"Rings are too much…I only ever want to wear a wedding band…"
"What about an engagement ring?"
"Not a must. I'd be happy with the band alone. Honestly, the wedding alone is good enough. I don’t need the rings.”
He smiled hearing the sincerity in your voice. "What is it you want?"
"Something that we'd both be happy to have…something practical…something…sweet." you shrugged. "Maybe I've just been watching too many dramas" you kicked the ground while, walking through the park to the parking garage.
There were a couple vendors that lined the park walkway. Most of which selling knick knacks, and trinkets but nothing too eye catching. You had a tendency to try and avoid eye contact and damn near power walk away from any form of salesmen. Joon Kyung, however, liked browsing, probably since he could afford to be talked into a purchase. "What's that?"
"Joon Kyung, where in the world are you going?" you hesitantly followed him to table with various blinking lights.
"What's this?" he eagerly looked at the charms.
"Their couple phone charms, they glow when you get close to one another"'
You looked closer to the table, taking in their different shapes and colors. "They're pretty"
Joon Kyung grinned. "We'll take a set" he handed a wad of cash to the very flustered salesmen, who was scrambling for change. "You can keep the change"
You looked over to him frowning. "You'd use this?" When you thought of your boyfriend you didn't exactly associate him to cute little glowing moon phone charms.
"Of course" he plugged it into the headphone jack and smiled seeing yours glow. "They work"
"I like that they glow" you smiled to yourself, looking at your sun charm.
"Then stay near me" he mumbled to himself. He could feel you beaming at him. "Ugh. I can't believe I said that"
"Look who's getting soft~" you grinned teasing him.
"I'm not getting soft." he grumbled speeding up.
"Awe you're cute."
"No I'm not." after a few feet he stopped walking and looked over his shoulder. A frown etched on his face. “Hurry up…” he looked at his charm. “You’re too far…”
Following his gaze, to his phone charm, your eyes softened seeing that it stopped glowing. You couldn’t help but smile and catch up with him, linking your arms with his. “I love you” you pecked his lips softly.
“Love you too…”
Just a little fluff request I've been meaning to get out >.< hope you guys liked it. Now off to sleep I go~
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khhunniewriting · 5 years
The Others (1)
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[ Mafia/Gang AU ]
When someone dangerous marries someone equally as dangerous there is no room for error. Being the other woman and mother to the other son makes you exactly that.
Warning: None yet...
“Y/N are you alright?” Your landlady asked as she saw you sitting at the foot of the stairs. 
You quickly offered a smile that put her old heart at ease. “I’m fine Mrs. Park.”
She noticed the bags of groceries beside you and your slumped shoulders. “This is the third time I find you here. Are you getting enough rest?”
“Honestly, I’ve been so busy looking for a job and can hardly sleep.” You sat up rubbing your lower back and hitting it a few times in the spot that ached most. There was never a need for you to work when you had Dok2. He took care of you financially during your unconventional relationship in exchange for privacy.
“It must be hard with the pregnancy and all...”
You stared at the elder woman like a deer caught in the headlights. “How did you-?” No one knew you were pregnant, you hadn’t told anyone because you yourself had just found out a few days ago.
She offered you a kind smile as she sat down beside you. “I’m old now but I was once a beautiful young woman with a figure that turned heads and hair that had people asking me what shampoo I used.” 
Soon you were smiling again, your worries from earlier had been taken away by the nice woman who took the time out of her day to speak with you.
“But five daughters later I’m struggling to keep these strands from leaving me.”
“F-five daughters,” you gasped. “Mrs. Park, you never had a son?”
She sighed, “Sadly, never. Or else I might have skin as beautiful as yours.”
“Darling your skin is just so beautifully radiant and your hair is shining. You're glowing despite being fatigued. I’ll bet you this apartment complex, you are having a boy.”
“You sound so sure.”
“It’s an old wives tale but it’s true. Girls suck the beauty out of you and take it for themselves. If you don’t believe me compare me and Mrs.Kim on the third floor. She had three boys and is as young and fit as a thirty-year-old while I struggle to get up to the third floor.”
You laughed hearing her reasoning. It had been weeks since you last had a conversation with anyone. Depression was slowly creeping up on you but now you felt refreshed thanks to her. “I’m sorry I’m not laughing at you, Mrs. Park. It’s just-”
“I know,” she put her hand on your shoulder and lovingly gave you a tight squeeze. “I’m glad I could bring back that smile of yours. Lately, you were looking down and I didn’t know what to do. You may think I’m just a nosy old lady but why hasn’t the father been around? He should be helping you out, men nowadays should know better than to leave everything to the woman.”
The question” caused your smile to falter while simultaneously making your heart flutter. You knew it wasn’t right but that was what happened. There was no one you missed more than Joonkyung.
Seeing your reaction Mrs.Park stopped. The longing in your eyes spoke volumes to a wise woman like her who had lived a full life. “Darling if you ever need anything you can come to me.”
“Thank you,” the tears you had held back till now suddenly spilled as you thanked her. “I don’t know what to do Mrs. Park. I’m so scared.” You hid your face in the palms of your hands. The thoughts you had pushed aside for weeks were starting to come back up.
“Y/N you have to be strong for your son. He’s going to count on you for everything.”
“I know,” you whispered. “That’s what scares me, I’m not strong like you say.” If she knew how you threw yourself at a married man you knew her opinions would surely change about you. “I’m not fit to be a mother. I’ve done so many things wrong-”
“We all make mistakes. What matters now is that you learn from them and get stronger because you are everything to that child.”
Her words kept you from crying further. It was like they were making sense of the whole situation for you. She comforted you but at the same time, she kept it real. Of course, you weren’t perfect, so what? At least now you got one step closer. “Thanks, Mrs. Park.”
“No need to thank me just make sure you rest well from now on. Eat properly and take care of yourselves.”
“I will.”
It wasn’t until several months later that Dok2 contacted you. He didn’t mention the past events, ask how you were, or anything for that matter. He simply texted you a time and location. It was a hotel, as usual. You were pretty sure all he wanted was to get away from his wife. A wife you knew close to nothing about. She was always demanding according to him. Now you figured she would be much more than he could handle. 
Carrying a child was no easy task as you had learned so you couldn’t blame her. 
Your feet were constantly aching, every afternoon you walked up the stairs it felt like you were walking barefoot on an open flame. On the outside, you looked good and got complimented on your pregnancy glow but you were dead tired. At first, you didn’t believe in those old wives tales. Now that it was confirmed you were to give birth to a boy you found yourself believing. 
Looking at the brightly lit screen you felt the urge to reply right away with a yes. You desperately wanted to see him. Even if he never really loved you, you loved him with all your heart. 
You knew the risks, you knew where you stood in his life. 
He had a wife... he loved her enough at one point to vow the rest of his life to her. He connected with her emotionally and while the physical relationship between them had died down you were no replacement for the years of love and passion they had already shared up to that point.
Now that she was pregnant, his love and attention were solely hers and their unborn baby. You had no one to blame but yourself for the position you were in. You were the only one who got carried away loving a man that was never really yours for the taking.
Compared to her...you would always be disposable. 
You knew that now...
You: I’m not coming.
After sending the message there was a rush of regret. This was your chance to see him, to hold him, to show him that you too were pregnant. Your arms wrapped around your protruding belly.
“What luck... to be able to impregnate your wife and your mistress at the same time.” Saying it out loud was the only way for you to internalize the gravity of your situation. It was the only way you could remind yourself how wrong it was for him to be contacting you. 
Dok2 stopped midway to his car when he read your response. In three years you had never denied him, even when arguments had ensued.
Dok2: Is something wrong?
He raced to the luxury condo he had housed you in when his text went unanswered. He let himself in only to find It was empty. The place was still intact, all furnishings and even some clothes remained in the closets but it was clear you hadn’t been there for a while. Your prized white orchids had all dried out, their petals scattered on the floor.
Now he was really beginning to worry...
You woke up when your phone wouldn’t stop ringing and flinched at the bright screen when you tried to see who it was. Against your better judgment, you answered full of rage. The one night you had managed to get to bed on time- “Joonkyung its midnight!”
“Why didn’t you respond to my message?”
“I fell asleep,” you lied knowing you purposely chose to ignore it. What you were feeling could not be expressed in a single text. You doubted you could ever explain anything at all to him. 
“Why aren’t you here?”
“I told you I wasn’t go-”
“Not at the hotel,” he stopped you.
Your heart sank at the realization, “You’re at the condo.” The condo you had moved out of nearly five months ago after he broke the news to you and subsequently found out you were pregnant.
“Where are you?”
You sighed, “I no longer felt comfortable living there so I moved.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” In the back of his mind, he knew what was going on but he chose not to accept it until you confessed to it. 
“I’ve been busy.”
“Too busy to send a text?”
“This isn’t really a conversation to be had by text even now it doesn’t feel right to talk about it through the phone.” Judging by his tone of voice he knew that. 
“If you wanted a bigger place I could have found one for you.”
“That’s not-” you pulled the phone away as your eyes glistened with half-formed tears as you used your free hand to lovingly hold your belly. “That’s not the point Joonkyung.” You sighed once more showing how difficult it was for you to voice your thoughts.
Dok2 leaned back against the bedroom wall with a knot in his throat. He wasn’t stupid, this all spelled it out for him.
“By now I know better than to tell you I love you but I really do Joonkyung. Enough to have betrayed my own morals and better judgment. I let myself become the other woman. Knowing that you two had problems made it easier for me to convince myself I did nothing wrong but...” You sighed blinking away the tears. “There is still a chance. Your marriage with your wife still has a chance and I don’t want to stand in the way. I could be the other woman but I can not and will not become a homewrecker.”
He didn’t realize when he had started pacing the black marble floors of the spacious bedroom. He only knew that he stopped when your voice did. 
There was silence for a moment as he cleared his throat. Your heartfelt monologue was to blame for the complications he was having to even speak. “Is that really what  you want?”
No, but... You steeled your resolve to reply, “It’s the right thing to do.” Your thoughts and actions didn’t exactly sync but with time you were hopeful of moving on.
“The right thing isn’t always the best.”
Your heart filled with hope at the idea that perhaps Dok2 did love you. That he wanted to be with you. But you reminded yourself of what was really at stake here. Your son deserved to live a happy life full of unconditional love, sadly he would not be able to provide that. 
“Is she having a boy or a girl?”
Dok2 was taken back by the question but answered nonetheless, “I don’t know.” It wasn’t that he hadn’t asked, she had simply told him it was unclear.
“Say she is a girl, I have no doubt you would spoil her with lavish gifts and treasure her existence as your little princess. Then imagine her as an adult being in my position- what would you say?”
Again silence.
“I’ll answer for you. You would say nothing because you would do anything humanly possible to keep her from ever coming close to this situation. You would see her marry happily and if a problem ever did arise in the marriage you would advise her against adultery, against divorce, against complacency- because that’s the norm. But eventually, one or the other will happen. The best advice you can give her is to do what’s right for her.”
For some reason when you explained it in this manner he felt more affected by his current situation. He felt YOUR pain.
“Leaving quietly is the right thing for me to do Joonkyung. Besides, I know you don’t love me the way you love her.” Your head throbbed with the accumulating pressure of you desperately keeping your composure, keeping from sobbing into the phone. “Goodbye Joonkyung.”
He said nothing as you ended the call.
This was all his fault.
If he had known that someday he would fall in love... he would have never married his wife. After all, their marriage was based on convenience. It was a deal made for the better of their families in a time when he thought himself immune to romance. To keep him away from women that would try to use him for his money and power his family chose someone who already had both. 
Along the way, Dok2 felt something for her that made it easier to accept her as his wife in all the meaning of the word. But... it was never this feeling he had for you. 
The feeling of wanting nothing more than to see you happy.
This was love.
You thought that would be the last time you ever utter his name but sadly you were mistaken.
Weeks later you had once again joined the workforce. In your condition, you were grateful to have been able to land the position of spa manager for a luxury hotel. 
Overseeing the daily activities of the spa was manageable enough that you did it until you were heavily pregnant and ready to birth your son.
“You should really go on maternity leave already.”
You turned to see the hotel manager making her way past the spa’s receptionist. The woman seemed a serious career-type at first glance but in the course of your time there you had interacted with her plenty of times to know she was more than that. She had become a good friend.
That is why, despite the coldness of her words, you knew she had meant no harm. She was simply concerned for you.
“If I could afford it, I would.”
The receptionist’s brow rose in question, “Manager what about all those luxury bags you gave everyone for Mother’s Day?” The receptionist was a young mom as well, her daughter was only two years old and for Mother’s Day you had gifted her a Gucci handbag she could never in her wildest dreams afford.
You were visibly distressed by her question. “Those were given to me but I had no use for such luxurious things.”
They immediately got the hint that perhaps they were treading into a topic that should be avoided. 
“At least consider reducing your hours.”
“Yeah,” the receptionist agreed with her. “Perhaps you can go home early every once in a while.”
There was a sense of relief knowing there were people who looked out for you. “I’ll consider it,” you assured with a smile.
Just to prove you had done just that and left your duties a couple of hours early.
As soon as you stepped foot into the lobby you noticed another equally pregnant woman looking around as if she were in need of assistance. The pained look on her face and shallow breathing indicated something was definitely wrong with her.
“Are you okay?”
The woman’s gaze was full of contempt once she gave your appearance a look over. When her eyes landed on yours it was as if she came to a realization. Her features took on a frigid state.
“Are you Y/N?”
Your body reacted in shock from hearing your name before you could say otherwise. The wide-eyed disbelief giving away the response.
“I have been meaning to talk to you,” she continued knowing she had found her intended audience.
Of all the questions running through your mind, you lost your chance to ask how she knew your name or what she wanted to talk about but you would soon find out. The way she proposed to continue the conversation outside.
The woman pointed out a somewhat busy cafe across the street that would serve well as a place to converse. Normally you would never follow a stranger this way. However, you were relying on her not being a threat simply because she was a pregnant woman. 
Besides, something told you this woman would get her way regardless of your cooperation. There was a suffocating air of authority around her that demanded you give in to her command for your own benefit. 
Upon sitting down you both released a sigh of relief from being off your feet. It was the only break in the silence since the lobby.
“So... how do you know my name? I don’t think we’ve met before-”
“I am Lee Kylie. Dok2 is my husband although I suspect you know him better as Lee Joonkyung.”
Your eyes shifted down to the wooden table between you two fully grasping the situation now. This was a confrontation between a wife and the other woman. “I always knew this day might come.”
Kylie scowled, “the way you were cautiously cowering away before had me expecting an apology.”
“I am sorry for what I have done,” you began. "But I did not intend to get between you and your husband. That is why I stopped meeting him after finding out you were pregnant.”
A single brow raised in question. Kylie began thinking about her husband’s change in behavior. How he seemed to go out much more recently. That was the reason she found out about you. Yet you say you two no longer see each other? 
“The fact that you began seeing him at all is offense enough for me to take action.” Kylie neatly folded her hands on top of the table leaning in towards you. “In the mafia, it is common for men to have multiple women. Some openly flaunt their adulterous ways while others go by a stricter code of conduct that has them hide all traces of their mistress’ from the family. In which case, if the wife were to come by the information... she would be allowed to do as she sees fit.”
“The mafia?” Your heart began to pound against your chest incessantly.
“The fact that you do not know of his business speaks volumes of your relationship.” She shifted to sit back and look down on you now that she felt much better of her standing. “My husband, Lee Joonkyung, is the powerful and wealthy leader known as Dok2 of the Illionaire family.”
You had heard about Illionaire. But things like the mafia, gangs, and the nightlife was never something you wanted to get involved in. Occasionally the jewelry store you used to work at would see an occasional member as a customer. They tended to be the kind of people who bought the flashier expensive pieces. Coincidentally it was how you met Joonkyung. 
Now you realized it wasn’t much of a coincidence. 
“Tell me, is yours his as well?”
Kylie’s question startled you but you didn’t let it show. Until now you never imagined you would be having such a conversation with Joonkyung’s wife.
“I assume it is but taking into consideration you willingly left... either you are a good girl full of guilt and remorse- obviously unfit for someone like Dok2 who is the head of Illionaire. Or you also maintained multiple relationships resulting in you not knowing the paternity of your child.”
There it was, your way out of this mess. 
“I don’t know...”
A/N: WTF AM I STARTING A NEW SERIES?!! That’s what you’re thinking and I am asking myself the same thing. I guess I selfishly believe that you won’t mind me lagging on the requests as long as I write something to show I am still here.  Wishful thinking perhaps????
But did you see what I did there with Dok2′s wife?
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khhunniewriting · 5 years
The Others (6)
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[ Mafia/Gang AU ]
On Leo’s first day of school, he managed to stand out during physical education when he managed to finish the mile run before anyone else. Everyone had been sluggish, still in break mode while he had spent a majority of his time on the court.
“You’re ready as always Leo.” His friend Byung-yoon, who he knew better as Bewhy, was right behind him. He had been the basketball team’s captain at his previous school meaning the two knew each other well. At least as well as anyone could know someone who spoke so little. 
Leo nodded.
“Let’s go to the basketball team’s tryouts together after school.”
Again he nodded.
The school day finally ended allowing students to go their own ways. Some went straight home while others socialized with friends. Others like Leo went to clubs or sports.
Bewhy placed his arm around Leo’s shoulders maneuvering him through the crowded halls. “You know Cjamm came to this school too, with his grades he’s probably in one of the lower classes but I’m sure he’ll be trying for the team.”
Leo recalled Sungmin or Cjamm, as he preferred to be called,  was the small forward of the team. Bewhy and Cjamm were childhood friends so he wasn’t surprised he knew he was at the school without having seen him. 
They got to the locker rooms and quickly changed into their sports attire before heading to the gym. There was no sign of Cjamm anywhere making Bewhy worry about his friend.
“I wonder where he is...”
Leo and Bewhy began warming up when they spotted the shorter male entering the gym followed by a taller guy.
“Hey guys, sorry we’re late but Ji-hoon got scolded on the first day.” Cjamm talked about him as if he were an old friend but most importantly as if he had forgotten who Lee Ji-hoon was.
“Uh...” Bewhy looked back and forth between Ji-hoon and Leo. He decided to ignore them for a moment to deal with Cjamm. “Don’t tell me you got in trouble too.”
“Nah,” Cjamm waved him off. “I was just waiting for Ji-hoon since he said he was joining the team.”
“So you did come here!” Ji-hoon approached Leo with a smirk. The only reason he had wanted to come to this school was that he predicted it would be where Leo went. Judging by his middle school’s distance it was easy to figure out.
Leo remained stoic as he silently eyed the unruly guy. Standing close to him Leo found himself having grown slightly taller than Ji-hoon.
Ji-hoon’s loud voice called attention to the pair. 
Cjamm’s head tilted, “Wait do you two know each other?”
Bewhy groaned, “You know him too Sungmin.”
“I do?”
“He’s number eight, Lee Ji-hoon.”
“Oh, so why did you want to be in the same school as Leo?” 
Ji-hoon realized why it was so easy for Leo to always be so quiet and yet communicate flawlessly with others. He was always being surrounded by such loud energetic people like Cjamm and Bewhy. They did all the talking while Leo listened and observed. 
“Guess you don’t talk much off the court either, huh?”
Leo made no attempt to respond when the question itself was pointless.
“He’s a bit of a minimalist,” Bewhy jumped in trying to salvage the conversation from turning into a confrontation. 
Ji-hoon took a close look at Leo’s appearance, his shoes catching his attention. “A minimalist with shoes like that?”
“Woah,” Cjamm whistled upon seeing Leo’s brand new shoes. “Your mom really loves to spoil you young lion.”
Leo narrowed his eyes at Cjamm for calling him out like that. He did not particularly care for the nickname or the fact that he was talking about his mother in the presence of someone as loud and curious as Ji-hoon.
“Is that what you guys call him?” Ji-hoon laughed enjoying the fact that Leo’s face had finally changed from its emotionless state.
“Yeah, you see Leo’s mom named him after his zodiac sign-”
Leo covered Cjamm’s mouth with his hand to stop him from giving his private information. It was followed by a single glare before he walked away to continue warming up alone.
“Now you did it,” Bewhy sighed. 
“Why’s he so mad. It’s not like I called his mom hot again.”
“You better go apologize before he gives you the silent treatment.”
Cjamm was quick to go after Leo and follow Bewhy’s advice. He knew the burn of Leo’s cold shoulder when he, in fact, made it known that he thought you were hot. 
“I’m not sure why you’re interested in Leo but try to keep your personal issues off the court.”
“Wow, you already talk like you’ll be the captain of this team too.”
Bewhy shrugged, “We’ll see.”
At the end of the tryouts, the coach stood before the lot of teenage boys with the assistant coach to the side. They were discussing amongst themselves, checking through their notes making sure they were on the same page about who would go and who would stay. There were nodding and glances in the boys' direction trying to put a face to the name when they did not recall them until finally the selection was made. 
About half the students were asked to leave until only fifteen were left. Usually, only twelve were allowed on the roster but the coach was planning for the future where he expected some kids to drop out once practice started. 
“The rest of you will have to continue coming to practice every day after school.”
“Yes coach,” was heard loud and clear throughout the gym.
While some kids gave a sigh of relief at being picked, Leo and his friends had expected the outcome. 
“Now we wait to see if we make the starting line-up.” Bewhy was hoping to once again be the leader but he wasn’t going to throw a fit if he didn’t. He was a humble guy after all, unlike others.
“Piece of cake,” Cjamm rolled his neck and shoulders feeling confident he would make the starting line-up. “I’ll be the SF, you’ll be captain, Leo will be PF and  the center will be Ji-hoon.”
Ji-hoon nearly beamed hearing Cjamm include him. He had never gotten along with his previous team so it was refreshing. It sort of nourished his need for attention. 
Leo was first to finish changing back into his uniform. He was always listening to what the others said and agreed that they were good. He glanced over at Ji-hoon as the reality began to kick in that he would be on the same team as his rival. 
The four of them walked out the front gates of the school where a black Range Rover with tinted windows awaited Ji-hoon. The driver came out to open the door for Ji-hoon giving the other three a glimpse of his lifestyle.
“So you’re a rich kid,” Cjamm teased.
Ji-hoon was never one for caution but even he knew he couldn’t go telling everyone that he was the son of a mafia leader. “Something like that,” he sighed. “Any of you want a ride?”
Bewhy shook his head appreciating the offer but he and Cjamm lived close by. They had a routine of walking home together even if they didn’t walk to school together on account of Cjamm regularly oversleeping.
“We’ll walk, come on Sungmin.”
They waved goodbye leaving Ji-hoon and Leo. “What about y-” Ji-hoon went silent as he saw Leo had already begun walking in the opposite direction. “You could at least say something...” he scoffed.
After a week of practice, the roster was made final and the starting lineup was posted on the bulletin board at the front of the school. It was meant to be seen by the entire student body so they would know the faces of their new basketball team.
“Told ya-” Cjamm smirked seeing his picture up. For once he had gone to school early with this as his motivation. “Congratulations Captain,” he gave Bewhy a pat on the back.
Captain- Lee Byung-yoon
Small forward- Ryu Sungmin
Power forward- Lee Leo
Center- Lee Ji-hoon
“I have to say I do feel a bit left out though.” Cjamm hadn’t realized all his friends shared a name in common. “Are you related to the young lion and master Ji-hoon?”
“Of course not, it’s just a common name.” 
“Speaking of...” Cjamm waved to Leo and Ji-hoon as they both entered the school gates. “What took you so long?”
Ji-hoon explained how he had stayed at his mother’s house the night before resulting in a longer commute. On the other hand, Leo offered no explanation going straight to the bulletin board to see what the other two already knew. 
The four of them were now part of the same team.
After weeks of befriending Bewhy and Cjamm, being on the same team, eating lunch together, and even having the same class as Cjamm- he still knew very little about Leo. He had yet to hear him speak a word which was annoying considering it was one of the reasons he was there to begin with.
Lee Leo was an enigma to him. He wondered how it was possible for someone to be so composed and silent. 
If he couldn’t make him talk at school Ji-hoon figured in a more casual setting, such as hanging out outside of school would do the trick. “Hey, you all want to hang out this weekend?”
“Sure, I’d like to see what a young master like you does for fun.”
“I’ve got nothing better to do,” Bewhy agreed to go along.
Everyone looked at Leo as he shook his head. It was an obvious response to the two who had known him for longer.
Ji-hoon scowled, he would have asked for an explanation but Leo was approached by a couple of girls. One immediately wrapped her arms around one of his and leaned her weight against him.
“Ummm... may we borrow him for a second.” 
Once again he was being called out for a confession making the other three, who had yet to even have one, feel inferior. They watched him get pulled away out of view.
“Are you sure nothing’s wrong with that guy?” Ji-hoon asked. “Like does he have some sort of medical condition or am I the only one who doesn’t understand him?”
The other two laughed knowing exactly what he meant. They experienced the same thoughts when they first met Leo. 
“Nah man, it’s just the way Leo works.” Without Leo around to stop him Cjamm began freely spreading his information. “You see he’s an only child from a single-parent home. Before he went to school he only talked to his mom. Socializing isn’t really his strong point but thee’s something about Leo that just makes you want to talk to him.” 
Leo drew people in with his unique character, an embodiment of charisma. t never was hard to make friends because people were always curious about him.
“You understand right?” Bewhy recalled how Ji-hoon failed to explain exactly why he had wanted to attend school with Leo. “Didn’t you come here because of him?”
Ji-hoon nodded. “After our last game... I realized that no matter how many times I hit or got in Leo’s way- he never complained. He just never said anything and went along playing the game like nothing had ever happened. It made me angry.”
Both Cjamm and Bewhy looked at each other with worry.
“I hate people like that. People that can hide their emotions, people that act like everything is okay when it isn’t.” Ji-hoon pushed his unruly hair back. At home, he was constantly surrounded by people like him. His father, his mother... yet he could barely contain his feelings.
He reminded him of his father who stuck around being married to his mother even though he clearly didn’t love her. Or how he faced his rivals with a similar stoic stance when inside he was irritated and angry.
Ji-hoon was highly intuitive and sensitive to his environment. He easily picked up on the emotions of others. He knew after every game Leo was in pain, irritated, or upset but for some reason, he wanted to hear him say it. He wanted to know why he was able to hold it all in.
Even now Leo said nothing when Ji-hoon invited himself into his group of friends.
Bewhy understood Ji-hoon a bit more now. He had been apprehensive about him at first but now he knew Ji-hoon was just like them in the way that they wanted to get to know Leo. “I don’t know if you realize it but you’re just as strange as Leo.”
Ji-hoon’s brow furrowed in question. What about me?
“You look, talk, and act like a delinquent but really you’re just a softie who has a hard time making friends.” Bewhy and Cjamm laughed simultaneously at his expense.
“The f*ck did you say about me?”
“See, you’re putting up your delinquent act.”
Ji-hoon growled but didn’t say anything. 
Their attention was drawn by Leo as he rejoined the group with not even a hint of what had happened with the girls. 
“So you’re just gonna act like nothing happened?” Ji-hoon asked.
Leo nodded sitting back down in his original spot. 
That Saturday, when the guys were going to hang out with Ji-hoon, Leo spent your day off with you. He woke up early to help you with the cooking and cleaning. All he wanted was to spend time with you even if it was doing menial things like this.
“So when is your first game?”
“Next week.”
You nearly dropped the ceramic dish you were washing. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“It’s just a practice game-”
“All games are important Leo. We need to prepare you well.”
Leo knew what that meant. Often you would take him to the spa where you worked and gave him the luxury treatment professional athletes got. It was important that his sore muscles got tended to and that he was relaxed in both body and mind. 
“Let’s go to the spa later today, okay?”
He nodded.
Later that evening you showed up at the spa unannounced. Many of the employees had already met your son and expected him regularly around the school year. 
“Boss you brought your son today,” the front desk attendant of the spa commented. She was glad to see you because something had come up that she had been contemplating whether to call you in during your day off.
“Yeah, I came to make sure he’s ready for his game next week.”
“I know it's your day off but is it possible you can help train the new employee? The hotel manager just brought her in as a special hire.”
Your brow furrowed, as the spa manager you were always consulted about the spa staff and new employees. Even if they were special hires, meaning people who got in through connections and recommendations rather than applying normally. 
It went without saying that you would indeed look over her training. Even if she was a special hire you had to assure she would not hinder daily operations. While Leo went to change into the all-white ensemble the spa provided you went to your office where a long-haired blonde woman awaited you.
“Hello, I’m the general manager of this spa L/N F/N, but you can call me Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Kim Hyun-jung.”
On the day of Leos’s first game you were seated front and center. Practice games hardly drew a crowd compared to official games allowing you the rare chance to see the game from close up.
Leo made eye contact with you upon scoring his first shot. He was glad to see you were as enthusiastic as ever clapping and cheering loudly for him.
Ji-hoon recognized the voice from games before when he would be up against Leo. He never managed to find the source until now. That must be his mom. He looked back at Leo as he smiled approving of your chanting his name before turning back to him with that determined gaze that he hated. It meant Leo was in the zone, pushing away all unnecessary thoughts and focusing on the ball. Ji-hoon had been confronted by that look many times to know Leo intended to win.
As a power forward, Leo’s efforts were focused inside the three-point line. He made sure to rule that area, making every one of his moves count.
After the first half of the game was over Leo realized he had far less need to use aggression when Ji-hoon was on his team. Not only that but he and Ji-hoon seemed to coordinate their moves well. This was good considering they were both usually scoring under the basket.
Ji-hoon nearly choked on his water when he realized Leo was staring at him from the other end of the bench.
Leo looked away dismissing the question.
“He’s probably thinking how smoothly the game is going,” Bewhy offered the explanation to Ji-hoon. “When we played against you, Leo would use the breaks in between quarters trying to relax before he got too aggressive. Now he’s realizing it’s better to have you as a teammate than a rival.”
Ji-hoon frowned, “Why didn’t he just say so instead of giving me that creepy look of his?”
Bewhy laughed, “If you impress him he might give you an approving nod after the game.”
“That’s it, a nod?”
“What did you want, a hug? You really are a needy guy Ji-hoon.”
“Shut up!”
The rest of the game Ji-hoon focused incredibly hard seemingly entering the zone in a similar way as Leo. The two of them finding themselves able to score more points than usual, ending the game with a win.
“We did it again!” Cjamm ran around high-fiving everyone including Leo who simply stuck his hand out for Cjamm to do so.
Bewhy followed suit when Leo offered his hand to him too, “Another good game Leo.”
Leo nodded.
“You too Ji-hoon. Who knew we would all work so well together.” Bewhy caught Leo’s conflicted expression through his peripheral. “Right Leo?”
Leo sighed but nodded.
“See... got yourself a nod.” Bewhy teased Ji-hoon.
Like always you waited for Leo outside just a small distance from the gymnasium. This time it seemed Leo was taking longer than usual. Lots of other boys seemed to come and go before you spotted Leo approaching with a few friends.
You recognized Bewhy and Cjamm immediately but the boy the other boy you had trouble placing. Leo looked to be a bit displeased that they were accompanying him.
“Sorry for making you wait Ms. Lee.”
“You’re always so polite Byung-yoon. Congratulations on winning your first game, everyone did such a good job.” Your eyes met Ji-hoon’s stopping for a moment as if asking who he was.
“This is our new friend Ji-hoon,” Cjamm stepped in. “You might recognize him as number eight.”
Both Bewhy and Ji-hoon gave him a pointed look for giving unnecessary information.
“Number eight-” you gasped. What happened to him? The unruly kid from before seemed so imposing, tall, and rude. Now he was on parr with Leo it was almost unimaginable. You turned to Leo with a pout, “Why didn’t you tell me your old rival was your teammate?”
He simply shrugged, in all honesty he didn’t think it was necessary to inform you unless something came of it. Ji-hoon had proven to be quite tame. There were no more fouls or useless aggression aimed at him.
“Sorry about that,” Ji-hoon gave you a slight bow. “I was going through some things back then.” He rubbed the back of his neck feeling somewhat ashamed of himself. Apologizing was foreign to him. “It’s not an excuse just an explanation for my actions.”
“I see...” Ji-hoon’s formal speech startled you, his word choice and actions gave him an air of maturity. Leo's affirming nod was really all you needed to validate. “I appreciate your sincere apology and am glad you two have come to an understanding. Seeing you all play so well together confirms you have gotten along well.”
“We’re all friends here,” Cjamm confirmed putting his arms around both their shoulders and bringing them down to his level.
A/N: Also, I have no idea why I made Bewhy and Cjamm Leo’s friends but I think it works 😂
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khhunniewriting · 5 years
The Others (5)
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[ Mafia/Gang AU ]
Warning: Suggestive/Mature content
Dok2 nearly swerved off the side of the road when he spotted you crossing the street. It had been years since he last saw you, your hair was shorter than before but he was sure it was you. He could never forget the face of the only woman who could torment him with only the thought of her.
Without realizing what he was doing he ended up following you to a shopping mall. He made sure to keep his guards away and to keep his own distance from you until you stepped into a shoe store that he knew pretty well.
You were eyeing the selection of basketball shoes leisurely when, for no reason at all, your eyes turned to look beside you. “Joon-” his name died on your tongue as you took a step back from him. It was as if your whole body became stone, you were unable to move or breathe.
“Hello Y/N.”
He seemed angry so you made sure to act as normal as possible and greet him. “Hello, its been a while.” His whole aura became menacing as he closed the distance between you. Perhaps it was just you recalling that he wasn’t just anyone. He was the leader of Illionaire and you would fear him as such.
“It has and you’re still running away from me.”
“I’m not running,” you defended in a meek voice. You could hardly even stand your ground at the moment but you wouldn’t deny you didn’t want to. “I’m just- I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“You mean you didn’t expect to ever see me again.”
You licked your lips feeling suddenly dehydrated. To Joonkyung it was a sign that he had assumed correctly.
“Come with me.”
His words were phrased as an order so you followed hoping to make it out of the tense situation without being scathed. Your outer appearance remained as calm as possible while mentally you thanked your lucky stars Leo did not come along.
Joonkyung took you away from the shopping mall. He drove you to an unfamiliar building where he was politely greeted by everyone. Their greetings extended to you on occasion leaving you unsure of how to respond.
You figured a simple bow of your head would do.
When you came upon a door with his name etched on a golden plaque atop it you got an idea of where you were. Suddenly you were much more cautious of who you met eyes with and kept your head down.
“Leave,” Joonkyung ordered his awaiting assistant. She was probably going to deliver some unwanted news anyway. The only time she was allowed to loiter around was when unfortunate news was to be delivered.
She gave a deep bow before the loud clacking of her heels echoed the four walls. The last click was of the door as she locked it on her way out.
“Now that you know what I do there’s no reason for me to keep you away from here.”
Just as you suspected, this was Illionaire’s base of operation. The place Joonkyung would go every time he said he was working. “This is your office?”
He nodded.
“Why did you bring me here?”
Why did he? Not even Joonkyung knew. All he knew was the need to make sure you wouldn’t escape before he figured out what he wanted to do with you.
The silence drove you to worry. “I never told anyone- you know about you being Dok2.”
“I don’t care about that, Y/N.”
Again he came off as irritated. Your name seemed to burn as it rolled off his tongue. “Sorry-”
“Why are you like that?”
“Like what?”
“Are you scared of me now that you know the truth?” You had never apologized or backed down from a conversation before. Even if he yelled you would yell louder to get your point across.
“I’m not scared of you, I don’t even know you!” That was the truth as you knew it. The Joonkyung you knew and loved was someone else entirely from the one before you. “I thought I knew you pretty well back when we-” you cut yourself off unable to label what it was that you two were back then. “Joonkyung, I never really knew you at all. Kylie made me realize it.”
“Don’t talk about my wife.”
You didn’t know how to interpret his request. Was he offended by your casual reference of his wife or was he mad you were steering the conversation.
Joonkyung sat at his desk eyeing you in a way that made you uncomfortable.
You sighed unable to take it much longer, “Can I go?”
Being the stubborn person you were, you went to the door and attempted to leave anyway. The locked door wouldn’t budge making you slam your hand against it with anger.
“Sit,” he ordered offering you the chair in front of his desk.
You complied and sat legs crossed at the heel. Suddenly you were reminded of Leo, his silence and short responses similar to Joonkyung’s. “Don’t you have a family to get back to?”
He did not catch your remark. Dok2 was too busy taking in your breathtaking beauty. It did things to a man that had been craving your touch for years.
“Why did you really leave?”
“I already told you.”
“You knew I was married from the beginning.” Dok2 leaned forward onto his desk observing you for a reaction. “Was it my son?”
Wide-eyed you starred at Joonkyung wondering if Kylie had gone as far as to tell him about your situation.
“Did you think I loved my wife simply because we chose to have a child together?”
Relief washed over you, sinking back into your seat you were able to once again breathe normally. So she had a boy too. “Part of you has to- at least now that you have your son.” Kylie did not seem as bad a person as you thought. She kept your situation a secret from him after all. Even if it was beneficial for her as well, you were thankful. “You should be thankful to the mother of your child.”
Dok2 figured now was as good a time as any to lay the truth out. “I only married Kylie as part of an agreement that was made between my family and hers. Her group would seize to exist and join Illionaire. The deal is only complete once we produced an heir.”
None of what he said had anything to do with you yet your heart ached to hear such cold words from the man you loved. It was as if he lacked the ability to feel anything for anyone.
Your eyes began to glisten thinking how there was no hope at all that he would have ever returned your feelings. Suddenly you were relieved to not have Joonkyung’s interest.
“Why are you telling me this Joonkyung?”
Why was he telling you? He couldn’t bring himself to saying that he seemed to have fallen in love with you when he hardly knew what love really was. Until you came along he was fine not knowing about it.
He got out of his chair and went over to your side determined to confirm the longing he felt. You stood up as well feeling like prey being cornered when you found yourself between him and his desk. He leaned closer to you causing you to lean back until your butt was literally on the desk keeping you from falling flat on your back.
“Damn it,” he whispers against your lips before he presses his own against yours more roughly than he had intended and wraps his arms around your waist. You whimper when his tongue unexpectedly slips against yours.
He was the last man you kissed and now you couldn’t help yourself from kissing back. This is wrong, very wrong. Your hands went up his chest to his shoulders holding onto him for support as he kept pushing you further back.
Dok2′s lips trailed to your neck eliciting a moan from your lips. It was the final push that had you sprawled out on his desk. His hands grip your thighs as he kisses you hungrily, mouths moving in a familiar rhythm.
It wasn’t until you felt his hands under your shirt that you recalled your place. “No, Joonkyung we can’t-”
He kissed your lips once more to stop your objections and continued until his hands were on your chest. Your body was his for many years, he knew what made you sing that sweet chorus of moans, breathless gasps, and his name.
“Did you miss me?” He asks hoping you would have been thinking about him all these years the same way he had been thinking of you.
“Mmm~” your back arched slightly as he began to grind against you alerting you to the moist heat you had begun feeling between your thighs. You were enjoying this far more than you should have.
“Tell me,” Joonkyung demanded as he pushed his clothed hardness against you, this time much slower than before. “All this time without me... without you.” He pulled your shirt aside exposing your collar bone where he began sucking and biting until he had marked you. “Why did you leave!”
The anger was back, you could feel his fingers digging into your flesh.
He looked so desperate for an answer you were afraid you might give in. You looked away unable to look him in the eyes as you kept your silence about the son he had given you.
“If you really loved me you shouldn’t have left.”
His words felt like a bucket of cold water had washed over you. “Don’t talk about something you know nothing about,” you sat up pushing him away.
"I do know because my relationship with you was by choice Y/N.” Dok2′s chest was rapidly rising and falling, he felt himself losing control of the situation. “We were together by choice.”
It was hard to recover from the ardent events that unfolded but you put yourself together with as much dignity as possible. “Yes,” you nodded with a sad smile as you recalled how taxing a relationship with Joonkyung was. One moment you were passionately embracing and the next he was gone. Now it was your turn to leave. “And I chose to end that relationship.”
Leo peaked out from his room when he heard the front door. Upon seeing you had come back he rushed out to help you with the bags you were carrying. 
“Why so much,” he asked knowing this was way more than usual.
“Well, you’re going to be in high school. You’ll probably go out with your friends, maybe even a girlfriend so you’ll need new clothes. You won’t want to stay in your uniform all the time.”
“Mom,” he scolded you when he spotted yet another new pair of expensive basketball shoes. 
“What? These are more stylish, you can wear them out or- you know.” It was hard to act so cheerfully when you were still thinking about Joonkyung. There was a lump in your throat that just wouldn't go down. 
Leo stared at you with worry.
All you could do to ease him was holding his face in your hands. It also brought you some comfort to know you had someone to pour your feelings into. You didn’t need Joonkyung, all you needed was your son. “You know I love you very much right?”
He nodded, “I love you too.”
Words you would never hear from his father.
The moment was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. IT brought you to your feet rushing Leo to his room. “Go hide and don’t come out unless I tell you to.”
He was confused but didn’t question your motives.
When you opened the door you did so with caution, only allowing a wedge big enough for you to stand in until you were met with Haru’s friendly smile. “Oh, Haru it’s only you.”
“Hey, Ms. Lee. I just wanted to bring this by.”
It was a common occurrence for strangers and friends alike to call you Ms. Lee because of Leo. Unfortunately, it was always easier to go along with it than correct them.
She handed you two tickets and a flyer. “My school is having a final game for the summer. The guys all asked me to invite him, they really enjoyed playing with him last time. I thought you might want to go too, considering what an expert you are.”
You smiled whole-heartedly, “Thank you so much for always thinking of my Leo. I’m sure he would love to go.”
“Great, see you around.”
As soon as you closed the door you were confronted by Leo. “Why did you do that?”
“Sorry,” you apologized knowing how strange your behavior was. It was the result of running out of Joonkyung’s office hoping he wouldn’t try to find you again. “Leo do you want to know about your father?”
He shook his head refusing to talk about something that you clearly did not like to talk about. He had asked once before- when he was younger. The forced smile you gave him as you tried your best to satisfy his knowledge was unforgettable. It was the same when strangers would ask or comment about your situation. 
As he got older he wondered more about it but he understood it was something that brought you pain. Instead, he avoided it as well accepting that you were all he had and all he needed. 
“I don’t need to know.” 
But in the back of his mind, he worried he was related to that pain. That he reminded you of his father.
When Dok2 arrived home he was more tired than usual. The emotional drain of having confronted you today was settling in so he decided to call it a day early. He was directed into the dining room by the maid who let him know Ji-hoon had already begun eating his dinner.
Ji-hoon nearly chocked at the sight of his father being home early for once. “What are you doing here?”
Dok2′s head tilted with a bit of laughter, “I live here.”
“I know but you’re never here at this time.”
He took a seat on the opposite side of him of the table for six. His dinner being brought in almost instantly. There wasn’t much of an appetite but he ate just to spend time with Ji-hoon. 
It seemed your words had struck something inside him. What the f*ck was love? He looked up at Ji-hoon watching his son eat nonchalantly as he looked at his phone.
He had felt indifferent towards Kylie up until she openly betrayed him. He felt nothing for Jia, perhaps dismissive of her for not baring fault of what Kylie did. Then there was Ji-hoon, Dok2 didn’t particularly choose to be a father but he was.
Ji-hoon would be his heir, his legacy... Dok2 was deep in thought unable to hear his son.
“Dad!” Ji-hoon called out for the third time. “Did you hear me?”
“What is it?”
“I want Ash and Zene to be my guards.” Ji-hoon had never made such a request regarding the group. His father had always assigned his guards but he always ditched them. Now he felt that if it was the two people he came to like it would be bearable to be under someone’s care. 
Dok2 eyed his son with suspicion. “You know you won’t be able to talk to them in public or everyone will know who they are. If a rival wants to kidnap you they will be able to do so very easily.”
“Yeah right,” Ji-hoon crossed his arms. “Ash and Zene would kill anyone that tries.”
“That’s not the point.”
“Come on Dad, please.” The teenage boy was set on not taking no for an answer and got his way when Dok2 sighed and gave in. 
“Fine, they will become your guards when you start school again.” 
It reminded him of the whole ordeal at the beginning of the summer when he basically forced his way into living with him. He wondered why it was that Ji-hoon would prefer living here than with his mother who he had spent more time with. 
Dok2 knew he wasn’t the best of fathers. He hardly saw his son as the years passed but he did care for him when he was younger. The thought of him being the only child he would breed into the world made him unique.
“Ji-hoon why don’t you want to live with your mother?”
“Why don’t you,” the teenager asked back.
If he was ever one thing with Ji-hoon it was honest. “We don’t get along,” he answered his question as broadly as possible to spare him the specifics. After all, he couldn’t just tell his son there was another woman on his mind. That for years now he had been regretting his marriage to Kylie. 
“Do you love her?”
Dok2 stilled for a moment. “Why do you ask?”
“Because you answer my questions.” The look of confusion on his father’s face made Ji-hoon laugh. It was the first time he saw him so unsure of himself. “Mom hardly pays attention to me. If I ask a question she lies or ignores me if she can’t answer. Mom is easily angered, scolds me, then ignores me again- over and over it’s always the same.” To quote his father, “We don’t get along either.”
Dok2 never knew his son felt that way.
“But,” he shrugged, “she’s my mom so I have to love her.” And in all honesty, he did. If he didn’t love her so much the fact that she brushed him off so easily wouldn’t hurt as much as it does. 
A/N: I just want to warn I know nothing about the new Ambition guys. So if I am not repping Ash Island and Zene The Zilla well I am sorry and you are welcome to let me know more about them. I just wanted to include them for the people that want some content with them.
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khhunniewriting · 5 years
The Others (4)
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[ Mafia/Gang AU ]
During summer break Leo often found himself bored at home. You worked all day trusting him to take care of himself now that he had outgrown being left with a sitter. For the most part, he had proven himself responsible enough to do so. Of course, you worried and sometimes had your neighbor check up on him.
“Hey Leo, just came to make sure you were doing okay.”
Leo was met with the charismatic smile of the female university student that lived next door. She lived with her boyfriend, a nice guy Leo had greeted a few times before.
He nodded in response.
“I’m going to the convenience store. Want to tag along?”
Leo shrugged his shoulders meaning he didn’t particularly want to go but if she wanted the company then he would go along.
“Come on, I’ll buy you some ice-cream.”
His response was to put on his shoes. This made Haru giggle and lead the boy downstairs from the second floor where they lived.
It wasn’t until you got home that Leo returned. He was out of breath from running home after realizing what time it was. 
“There you are.”
“Sorry,” he apologized knowing he should have let you know where he was. Luckily for him Haru had already done so or you would have been running all over the city to find him in a panic. “I was playing basketball in the park.”
“Did you have fun?”
He nodded, “Haru and Kai’s friends are on the basketball team at their university.” Leo liked playing with them. It taught him how to deal with players who were taller than him. 
You gasped, “Do you plan on playing that long as well?”
“Don’t know,” he shrugged. 
“Now that I think about it, I’ve never asked what you want to be when you grow up Leo.” You leaned over the kitchen counter resting your chin in the palm of your hand. “You have good grades, you like basketball, and you were good at Taekwondo too- although you haven’t gone back since receiving your poom belt.”
Leo hadn’t put too much thought into it. All he knew was that he wanted to make sure he could make a lot of money so you wouldn’t have to work so much anymore. 
“Not that you have to decide now or anything.”
It was just fascinating how quickly your son had grown from that small helpless boy struggling for his life to this strong individual. You would never forget the fear of almost losing him...
Mrs. Park held your hand tightly as a nurse helped you into a wheelchair. “Everything will be alright Y/N.”
You nodded as tears continued to stream down your eyes. It was difficult to agree with her when you knew something just didn’t feel right. It didn’t take a medical professional to know a pregnant woman shouldn’t be bleeding.
Life was getting back at you for having slept with a married man in more ways than one. Not only did you have to sit down and confront the wife of your unborn son’s father, but you also had to lie further and add to the long list of mistakes. Although you saw no other way out you knew there would be trouble if Kylie, or worse Joonkyung, ever found out the truth.
Perhaps you wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.
That thought was the most worrying of all.
Even if this pregnancy was accidental, it was far from a mistake. You knew that now after months of carrying and growing your little one. He was there for a reason.
He was yours and you would never let anyone take him from you.
Your son had become the center of your world. No one was more loved than your Leo. “Whatever you choose to do Mama will be right behind you.”
Leo laughed at the fact that you called yourself Mama, “Obviously.”
Ji-hoon sprawled his limbs out on the black leather couch inside his father’s home office finding the silence of the vast condo to be annoying. At his home, it had been loud thanks to his nuisance of a sister and now he found this change of environment hard to get used to. 
He looked over at his father who sat across the room at his desk, eyes glued to the screen. 
“Dad, I thought being the leader meant you did cool things like intimidating, fighting, and killing people.” Perhaps Ji-hoon had been desensitized thanks to his mother bringing home hitmen and briefing them in their own home. She was mostly the one in the business of murder while Dok2 was more in the money. 
“As a leader, I direct and oversee the everyday operations of the group. My main concern is making sure the more money comes in.”
Ash Island, a new recruit, stood by the door with a smirk. “Killing is my job kid, well if the boss instructs me to.”
“Have you killed anyone before?” Ji-hoon sat up suddenly interested in the individual that had been silent up until now.
Ash nodded, “How do you think I got the job?”
“Cool!” Ji-hoon beamed before continuing to discuss such things with the older man. The longer he talked with Ash Island, the more he thought recruits had more fun than leaders. By the looks of it, he didn’t have to watch what he said or did, unlike his father who kept that calmness about him.
After a while, Ash and Ji-hoon stepped out of the office leaving Dok2 to work in peace. It was as if Ji-hoon had finally found someone who acknowledged his presence. 
He was getting the attention he so desperately wanted!
“So kid, why aren’t you in school?”
“It’s summer break.”
“Don’t you have friends and stuff?”
Ji-hoon’s brow furrowed, “Everyone is so fake I’d rather not.” He was a popular kid at school, a bit of a class clown who could make everyone laugh at the teacher’s expense. He got detention a lot, got sent out of the class, and never participated in class but somehow managed to pass every test given to him. They knew he was rich and girls often flocked to him because of it- didn’t hurt that he was handsome too.
Ash Island nodded in understanding. “Don’t you go to any clubs?”
“I play sports, got kicked out of soccer for being too aggressive but the basketball coach doesn’t seem to mind as long as I don’t get caught.” The mention had him remembering his last game. “it’s something to keep me from getting bored.”
“Cool, I used to play a bit of basketball too.”
“Really?” Ji-hoon had a playful smirk creeping up as he began to get excited about finding someone who could save him from boredom this summer. “Wanna play?”
“Now?” Ash rubbed the back of his neck wondering if he was allowed to just get up and go. “I’ll have to ask the boss-”
“Leave it to me.”
When you moved you were offered the same position as your previous job at a different spa in the same luxury hotel chain. Thankfully there were so many around that you were able to find one close to home again.
It was a newly built location so the staff was generally less experienced as your previous coworkers. Everyone looked to you for direction and you graciously picked up the slack making sure operations run smoothly. Often you were leaving work late.
The area was busy and well-lit so you had no complaints about walking home until you felt like you were being followed. A few times you would mask the fact that you were searching your surroundings for any suspicious-looking people. It never resulted in much.
However, when you decided to take a new route you found what you had been looking for. A black SUV type car that you regularly passed seemed to pop up on the new route for the next few days.
Every day you took note of the license plate and tried to catch a glimpse of the inside but the windows were tinted.
“She’s definitely on to us,” Woogie reported to Jay. 
“We’ll have to stop surveillance for now.”
Jay agreed but not without proposing his own plan. “What if we forget the surveillance all together and get closer to Dok2′s baby mama?”
“I wouldn’t mind getting closer,” Simon offered with pretty obvious motivation.
Jay laughed at his second in command. “I was thinking we put Hoody to work. She can try to get a job in the spa, befriend Y/N to get all the information we need without arising suspicion.”
Gray nodded in agreement, “Solid plan.”
“Besides if anyone gets close to her it's me,” Jay proclaimed. He had to admit Dok2 had good taste when it came to picking women. Long ago he lusted after his wife but that didn’t compare to the almost obsessive urge he had to know everything about you.
A/N: For now it may seem I’m writing a lot of OC stuff with Ji-hoon and Leo but I promise Dok2 and Y/N will have their moment to shine later on. A suggestive content warning is coming soon.
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khhunniewriting · 5 years
The Others (3)
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[ Mafia/Gang AU ]
Jay smirked seeing Dok2 arrive at the meeting with his son in tow. “Don’t you think the kid is a bit young to be listening in on these conversations?”
Dok2 closed the door of his car with no prior warning to Ji-hoon who was still insistent on arguing with his father. He rounded the car as two guards came out of a vehicle behind him and stood on either side of the car Ji-hoon was in to ensure he would remain in there.
Once again Ji-hoon had managed to compromise his own safety for his father’s attention. It just so happened to be a day when he was going to meet Jay Park, AOMG’s leader and the rival to Illionaire.
The two groups operated in separate areas except for a few streets that were shared. This area was always a headache to Dok2 as he often got called to deal with things mutually.
“Why did you call me here?” He ignored Jay’s previous remark and got down to business as usual.
“Seems your men are getting sloppy Joonkyung.” Jay pointed to the wild brush along the highway to give him a reference area. “My men found a body the other day that didn’t belong to us.”
“So you assume it was ours?”
“If it’s not then we would have a pretty big problem on our hands. I don’t think there’s room for a third competitor in the market.” Dok2 did not offer any form of response unless information was given and Jay knew that. Yet, he loved to joke around with him. “Don’t worry my men took care of the cleanup and got the cops off both our as*es. I just wanted to let you know there would be a price to pay for sloppy work.”
Dok2 gave him a pointed look, “You would know.”
Jay had been incarcerated for ten years allowing Illionaire to further the gap between the two groups as AOMG struggled to keep themselves together without their leader. Jay Park was annoyed every time he was reminded of it, nonetheless, he smirked knowing soon he would have the upper hand. 
“I do know a lot don’t I.”
Jay’s smile irritated Dok2 knowing very well it had a hidden meaning. “Unlike you, time is not something I can spare. If you have something to say then be direct.”
Jay nodded, “That’s why I never had any children. At least you don’t have to worry about that last one.” Jay gave Dok2 a pat on the shoulder. “See you later Joonkyung.”
Dok2 didn’t bother with the commentary of someone beneath him. Everything that came out of Jay Park’s mouth went in one ear and out the other. 
As Jay walked past Dok2′s car he got a better look of Ji-hoon who was seated in the passenger seat. His signature unruly hair was slightly less so allowing him to make out the boy’s features. Mentally he began envisioning Leo beside him and smiled. It has to be his.
Ji-hoon scowled at Jay Park in turn. Stupid adults. When his father got in the car Ji-hoon expressed his distaste for Jay. “That guy really annoys me. Who does he think he is smiling at me.”
Dok2 turned to his son showing the same blank look he gave Jay earlier. “Ji-hoon, as my son you will have to learn to put your feelings aside if you are going to become Illionaire’s leader.”
“Why? Isn’t it better just to let out your anger-”
Dok2 realized how similar Ji-hoon was to his mother. They were quick to act on their emotions, never hiding their distaste for things. 
“I hate when people act all cool,” Ji-hoon scowled remembering how he had encountered someone similar to his dad. “How can you stay silent when someone is confronting you? If you’re mad shout, if you’re hurt then f*cking say something!”
Dok2 gave his son a pointed look.
Ji-hoon crossed his arms with a huff. “Forget it-” he grumbled to himself as he slouched back into the seat and looked out the window. “That guy is so annoying.”
At the end of the school year, there was one final game for Leo’s school. He was warming up when the rival team entered the gymnasium. 
His eyes spotted the unruly kid who by now had made it clear that Leo was his target. His long wavy tresses were held back out of his face by a headband after being called out on it in a previous game.
Leo’s friends caught him eyeing his rival. “Don’t worry about him.”
The silent teen turned his attention back to his side of the court and nodded to assure them he wasn’t worried. He followed through by shooting flawlessly from the free-throw line. 
Unfortunately, he was wrong.
Leo gritted his teeth when he fell back onto the ground. One of his teammates quickly came to his aide and helped him up off the ground.
“You alright man?”
Leo nodded looking stoic as ever even after he just fell on his ass in front of everyone.
The ref blew the whistle carding the person who had knocked Leo down from mid-air. “Number eight pushing,”
Number eight was Leo’s rival. The kid was much taller than Leo and nearly growled at him after being called out. “Come on!”
Leo did nothing but stare in silence when he got scolded by his coach. His eyes shifted to the crowd where he expected to see you.
Sadly his eyes never landed on you that game.
This was his final game and he won again. The next time he plays it will be as a high school student because he did intend to continue the sport.
“Leo congratulations~” A few girls from his class caught him after he had taken the picture with his team and asked if they too could take a picture with him.
He had no objections as he simply stood and waited for them to take a selfie with him. His talkative teammates/friends were closeby to witness the scene. “So he’s athletic, smart, and good with girls?”
“Guess so.”
“I’m so jealous! What did he even say to get them?”
The other shrugged knowing 100% of the conversations Leo has are never initiated by him. “Nothing, guess girls just really like the mysterious silent type.”
When Leo came home he found you sleeping on the couch. Your purse was crossed over your chest, your shoes on and the television on. This had happened before.
Leo knew you were tired from working so much. You justified taking a nap by making sure you were ready to run out the door the moment you woke up- hence the purse and shoes.
This had happened before when he asked you for a computer and you went above and beyond by buying him the most ridiculously expensive computer. Being a single parent, single-income household meant you made all the money.
Now that he thought about it, Leo hated that about you. There was no need yet you always seemed to try and recompensate for something. He feared what that something was. He never dared say nor ask.
I don’t need it if I never had it. Words he kept to himself but often thought when people tried to coax him into new things that didn’t interest him.
The young boy let his heavy sports bag fall to the ground yet you did not move. He went further by opening and closing doors as loudly as possible but still no reaction.
Feeling a little sore from his side, where the kid elbowed him, Leo went for an icepack. He sat down beside you in the small space you had left unoccupied and put his feet up on the coffee table as he held the ice in place.
After flipping through a few channels he noted you began to stir.
“Huh, what time is it- Leo?” Your eyes nearly bulged out seeing your son was already home. “Did I miss it!”
He nodded.
Suddenly you were sulking throwing yourself back into the cushions with an exasperated sigh. “How could I miss your final game... I’m a horrible mother.”
Leo practically slammed the ice pack on your forehead to negate your response but all it did was anger you.
“Why do you have this? Did something happen to you?”
He reluctantly pulled his shirt up exposing the purplish bruise on his side.
“My poor baby,” you gasped placing the ice back on it. “How did this happen? Was it number eight? I hope the ref saw it.”
Again he nodded to assure you this foul had been called out.
“Still, harming my precious son-” you chocked back tears feeling helpless. He didn’t know it but all his life you had been paranoid about him being hurt. Illionaire and Kylie were always in the back of your mind.
If she was ever curious enough to look for you again surely she would see that Leo was indeed Joonkyung’s son. The thought alone nearly kept you from sleeping at night. It was your reason for moving when he began primary school.
You pushed all negative thoughts aside when you noticed Leo staring at you. “Oh, right I almost forgot.” Leaving him alone for a second you retreated into your bedroom to fetch a colorfully wrapped box.
Leo stared at the item as you placed it on his lap.
“Open it.”
He meticulously pulled at the tape salvaging the wrapping paper not because it was how he usually went about gift wrapping but because it was easy to see you had haphazardly wrapped it in a way where the tape wasn’t completely set.
“You’re no fun, Leo.”
The young teenage boy rolled his eyes. The final piece was removed and he saw the familiar black box of an expensive basketball shoe brand. Now he knew why you had been working so much.
He gave you an unreadable look which worried you. “What? Weren’t those the ones you wanted? I saw you looking at them when we were shopping last week.”
He nodded, sure he liked them but he didn’t need them. His current shoes were fine. It wasn’t until your shoulders fell that he realized this was obvious on his face. “I like them.”
Three words and your smile was back. “I’m so glad,” you wrapped your arms around him tightly not minding at all that he didn’t return it. “I promise I won’t miss another game.”
A long silence took over until your ears perked up hearing his muffled voice.
Dok2 avoided Kylie like the plague now that she was constantly flaunting her daughter around. That meant he went home less than before and he was rarely there, to begin with.
But unfortunately, sometimes he ran into her when he would pick up his son. It wasn’t spoken of but he had moved out to his own place where he often took his son. He was old enough to start learning about the business he would inherit so that’s what Dok2 did. 
“Hello Joonkyung, did you come for my son?”
“He’s going to stay with me for a while.”
Kylie looked legitimately upset and confused. “What?”
“Hey Dad,” Ji-hoon came down the marble stairs tapping away at his phone with a duffel bag on his shoulder. “Bye Mom.”
“When did you start deciding things on your own?”
Ji-hoon sighed angrily, “Since you stopped giving a damn about what I do.” His mother hardly ever paid attention to him, leaving him to do as he pleases. The only time he mattered was whenever his father was being mentioned.
He became painfully aware of the kind of relationship his parents had when his sister was born. He began doing all sorts of things for attention, all bad until now. He realized no matter what he did his mother could care less.
“The high school I want to go to is near Dad’s house anyway so it will be better if I stay with him.”
Even Dok2 was caught off guard by that confession. He thought he was picking his son up for a few days, not a permanent living adjustment. “Ji-hoon-”
“What, are you going to deny me too?”
Dok2 and Kylie looked to each other for a response, neither knowing what to do.
A/N: I tried to keep it a secret and make it suspenseful but I think everyone knows who Leos’ rival is.
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khhunniewriting · 5 years
The Others (16)
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[ Mafia/Gang AU ]  [ Index ]
Note: Consider reading The Quiett’s side story before this chapter ^^ it’s not necessary but it is in this universe and would fit between ch. 15 & 16.
Ji-hoon stepped out into the hallway as soon as he heard Leo’s footsteps. He was surprisingly light on his feet for someone his size. Even his steps are silent, Ji-hoon thought to himself. It took a lot out of him to be just as silent as him but he did his best in order to see where he was going so suddenly.
Lately, it seemed Leo had less of a chance to talk and spend time with you alone. If Joonkyung wasn’t around then it was Ji-hoon who was constantly tagging along, nearly clinging to him.
“Mom,” Leo called out after finally finding you.
You had just been kicked out of your own bedroom by the maids who caught you trying to reorganize your own clothes. They were upset to see you were unhappy with their work and asked for you to point out the flaws. After which they took over and had you step out.
“My baby Leo,” you sighed immediately opening your arms to hold him. It was as if he sensed your turmoil and came to your aid. “I can always rely on you to comfort me.”
His brow furrowed in question to which you responded by letting him know your grievances.
“I’m starting to get restless from not having anything to do.”
“Do you want to set for me?”
You smiled at the thought of doing something familiar. It had been a while since you were last asked to set for your son so you immediately jumped at the chance.
The two of you went out to the backyard not realizing Ji-hoon was right behind you silently watching the way you two interact. He watched you joyously set ball after ball for Leo, taking into account his every word.
After throwing the ball exactly as Leo asked you clapped your hands seeing he made the seemingly impossible shot. “Leo is the best!”  It was especially fun to see how red his face got when you praised him. “My son is the best!”
“You know I was starting to think you were having so much fun with Ji-hoon that you would never ask me to do this again.”
Leo lost his hold of the ball at his mother’s sudden interruption.
“At first I was worried you might hate me after finding out that everything is my fault. Even if you don’t say anything I know you very well Leo.”
He realized even his mother had worries she hid behind her smile. Similarly, he hid his emotions behind a blank mask of indifference.
“I could never hate you,” Leo very calmly responded.
“I know,” you smiled brightly.
“Did you ever hate me?” Leo bit his lip not knowing how the words managed to slip past his lips. It was something he always thought about despite never feeling unwanted. The circumstances of his birth were always so obscure so he paid it no mind before but now that he had all the facts... it was hard not to wonder.
This seemed like a very private conversation. Ji-hoon had planned to join them, he never imagined he would stumble upon this kind of conversation. The air was thick and heavy, his own chest felt some sort of tightness.
Using his exact words you assured him, “I could never hate you.” Leo acted stoic, indifferent, and nonchalant on the outside but inside you knew he had deeply hidden his emotions for your sake. “I love you too much.”
Leo’s lips curled up relieved to hear it once more, “I love you too.”
Ji-hoon shakily sighed as tears blurred his vision. When was the last time his mother said she loved him? He pushed the tears away and went back to his usual self when he heard Leo mention their upcoming basketball game.
“What are you two doing. brother’s mom?”
You turned toward Ji-hoon’s distinguishable voice and beckoned him over when he seemed to keep his distance- most likely due to the fact your son was scowling at him. You had come to like the way he addressed you it was far more familiar than ‘Mrs. Lee’ or ‘Leo’s mom’. “Ji-hoon want to join us? I’m not very good at shooting but I can dribble and pass pretty good.”
Just to prove it you stole the ball from Leo and dribbled past him to the free-throw line only to promptly pivot and turn around to pass it back to your silent son.
Leo tossed it Ji-hoon, a silent approval allowing him to join.
Ji-hoon smiled brightly accepting the invitation and running up to you.
“You stole it from little bro but can you take the ball from me?”
He stopped short of you to show off his fancy footwork, his hands expertly dribbling the ball from one hand to the other, in between his legs, and behind his back.
You gasped in awe, “Ji-hoon is so talented.” Your genuine praise was enough to break Ji-hoon’s concentration giving you an opening to swipe the ball. In an instant, you dodged the towering teen and dribbled past him to pass the ball to an eager Leo.
Ji-hoon hadn’t seen him but his brother was already on standby near the basket. “What- no fair, this is two on one!”
You gave a small giggle enjoying the fact that you were able to finally interact with Ji-hoon outside of the drama and investigations. Referring to Zene and Ash you commented, “Too bad those two are already resting, or we could ask one of them to join us.”
Their shifts usually came to an end in the evening once they were safe at home and the boss, Dok2, was home. Then they would retire to sleep only to resume their positions at midnight.
“Then let’s take turns and share brother’s mother,” Ji-hoon boldly suggested. To his surprise, Leo simply nodded in agreement.
It wasn’t until the night chill set in that Leo was aware of how long they had been outside. He saw you shiver slightly with only a thin sweater to shield you from the wind. He smoothly slid his jacket over your shoulders not minding the cold.
“It’s getting late, we should go inside.”
You nodded in agreement. “Good idea,” you all but ran back into the warmth of the building leaving them behind. Truthfully you had been wondering until when were these two giants would deplete their energies and retire. It seemed like they would stay out all night. Thankfully your observant son noted your condition.
Ji-hoon laughed, “your mom’s pretty fast.”
Leo had no response to that.
He was simply eyeing this Ji-hoon who seemed to hide a lot for being such an open honest person. The image of Ji-hoon silently crying while poorly concealing himself was ingrained in his brain.
“Next time you want to join, just ask.”
Ji-hoon watched his brother’s retreating form with wide eyes. “You knew I was there the whole time!” How embarrassing...  “Just so you know I wasn’t eavesdropping or anything I just-” He used ‘anything’ to cover for his crying.
“Whatever big brother says,” Leo smirked.
In this situation, Ji-hoon wasn’t able to enjoy or focus on the fact that Leo had once again called him big brother. He walked with his head hung low wondering why Leo decided to speak up.
Was it to embarrass him?
Or was he genuinely concerned and giving him a chance to talk about it?
Ji-hoon knew Leo wasn’t completely devoid of emotion from what he heard earlier so he went with the second option. “I just- I realize why you have such a hard time accepting my-our, father.”
Leo had a loving mother all his life. The amount of care, love, and devotion from her was more than he had ever gotten from his parents combined. Sure, they cared for him but it was shown differently. His mother watched and educated him 24/7 when he was young; before he could even enter school. He was smart thanks to her who wanted to prepare him for his role as future heir and leader of Illionaire Ambition.
His father had put various people in charge of his safety. He brought him along to experience and familiarize himself with the business. Any question and monetary indulgence were fulfilled by him. Ji-hoon could ask for anything and it would be there. Until he started living with his father a part of him disliked the cold man that constantly ignored him unless his life was in danger.
Now he felt being by his side had softened the man. He got to see his father’s expressions the same way he saw Leo’s. He understood they were much more cautious than he who openly expressed his emotions with a few exceptions.
“You two are really alike, it’s kind of annoying.”
Leo didn’t know how to respond. To him, Ji-hoon was a more outgoing version of Joonkyung. They seemed to think and act alike. After all, what kid would suddenly accept and befriend the son of their father’s extramarital affair?
“You’re the one that likes cars, women, and jewelry.” Unlike him, Ji-hoon constantly wore chains and watches similar to their fathers. He even expressed interest in wanting to pierce his ears.
Ji-hoon relished in the thought that his interests overlapped with his father. “True...”
You were oblivious to their conversation when they caught up to you inside. That’s when Leo decided to inform you of his upcoming game.
“We’re playing next week.”
“Next week?” You looked forward to seeing the game. Although part of you was remorseful that you wouldn’t be able to engage in your pre-game ritual. There was no way you would take your son to that place now.
Joonkyung eagerly searched for you when he finished bathing and saw you had yet to come to his room.  He got downstairs just in time to witness the remorseful expression of his beloved.
“What’s wrong,” he wondered if his sons had done anything to upset her.
��Brother’s mom used to take Leo to the spa for a massage before every game but now because of AOMG she’s lamenting not being able to take him.”
“It’s just- a very experienced person worked there.” She was referring to the woman that regularly massaged Ji-hoon, the one with expertise in the field of sports medicine and physical therapy.  
Joonkyung nodded in understanding. “You can go, Hoody no longer works there. She disappeared shortly after your resignation.”
You were truly angered by the two-faced woman who tried to get near you with ulterior motives. But as long as she was gone then it would be great if she could see her old co-workers. She lamented leaving so suddenly without saying goodbye.
“Then shall we go this weekend?” You looked to both Leo and Ji-hoon.
“Me too?” Ji-hoon’s eyes brightened up at the invitation, immediately accepting.
“Then we’ll all go,” Joonkyung stated very matter-of-factly causing you to give him a bewildered look. “It’s still too dangerous for you two to be alone.”
“You too?” Ji-hoon asked incredulously. If he and Leo were going then Zene and Ash would be there to protect them. If he felt more guards were needed then he could assign some.
He didn’t need to go himself.
Joonkyung wanted to go.
After a long week of school, the weekend had arrived. Leo found comfort in the familiarity of the spa despite the discomfort he felt in being there with his new father and brother. 
“Manager Y/N!” The young lady at the front desk exclaimed upon seeing you. It brought all those within earshot to their feet. They began greeting you in earnest despite you not working there anymore.
“Hello everyone, don’t mind me I’m just a customer today.”
“How can you say that! We were all so worried about you.”
“Sorry,” you laughed it off not knowing what you could do. You knew you worried them, they had been your staff for many years and to suddenly leave like that must have worried and/or hurt them. 
The attention shifted to Leo who seemed to have grown since they last saw him.
“It feels like ages since we last saw you.”
“Did you get taller?’
“Handsomer,” another suggested.
It was a chorus of chatter that left the usually outgoing Ji-hoon in silence. The constant glances his way didn’t help. He felt these people desperately wanted to ask him something.
It was inevitable. 
Everyone was wondering who the other handsome men in your life were. However, no one dared to ask... directly.
“We’re so happy to see you are so well escorted today.” The young woman winked at you. 
You blushed slightly knowing this would happen. Even if you steeled your resolve during the ride over, you still felt unsure of how you should present your relationship with Joonkyung.
You avoided Joonkyung all together and instead brought Ji-hoon and Leo to their attention. “These two have a game coming up.”
“Ah-” the woman hummed in understanding knowing well what Leo’s usual treatment consisted of. “Say no more Boss, I’ll let Saeyeon know.” She got up asking the two boys to follow her.
While they were gone you took the opportunity to question Joonkyung. You pulled him over to the waiting area. “Is it okay for you to be here with me?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Up until now, Joonkyung had remained silent not knowing that his looks aside, the people around them were starting to note the similarities between Joonkyung and Leo.
“I’m not sure-” You shook your head. It was one thing to reconnect and rekindle your relationship with Joonkyung behind closed doors. It was another to publicize it. While you were no one special, he had a reputation to uphold, an image and set of rules to guide his behavior. 
Joonkyung didn’t need you to voice these concerns. He had already known what was on your mind since the day you nonchalantly accepted to be the Lady of Illionaire. He suspected you yourself didn’t grasp the meaning behind these words.
“Is it so hard to say you are my wife?”
Joonkyung silenced you with a quick kiss before smirking.
In a hushed whisper, “When did I become your wife?”
“What did you think I meant when I declared you the Lady of Illionaire? Why do you think I am working so hard to divorce Kylie?” Joonkyung sweetly pecked your cheek to settle your shock and bring you to terms with what he was saying. “Obviously I will marry you after.”
Your heart nearly seized at the declaration as if it were set in stone. He wasn’t even divorced yet he was saying these things. 
“Although we are practically married now with you living and sleeping with me-”
“Because you keep insisting!” 
After sleeping with Joonkyung once he seemed to instantly take to being a couple again. He didn’t force you to move into his room or anything but he would go to your room if you didn’t go to his. Once you fell asleep in your own bed only to wake up beside him the next morning. 
So you willingly went afraid your son would one day knock on your door only to find you two together. He was a teenage boy but still, you worried about how to deal with this type of thing. You were mindful of him and Ji-hoon, making sure not to act lovingly with Joonkyung when they were around.
The usually composed man chuckled, “Yet you don’t resist once inside.”
You took a step back from him to regain composure. He was being to blatant about things that required delicacy.
The move only served to awake Joonkyung’s need to be closer. He secured his arm around your waist pulling you against him. He sat down on a cushioned seat bringing you to sit on top of his lap.
“I can sit on my own,” you tried to protest but he held you firmly. You hid your reddening face hastily behind your hands. Unable to comprehend Joonkyung’s sudden good mood left you vulnerable.
Joonkyung kissed the hand that kept your cheek from him. “You’ve done enough on your own...” his voice came off as remorseful yet sweet as he tried to portray his sincere devotion. “I want you to seriously rely on me, to depend on me.”
The entire time Joonkyung was on high alert, making sure nothing went wrong. With everyone doing their jobs behind the scene he was hopeful that soon he would be able to guarantee your safety instead of confining you in the mansion.
“You’re ditching us!” Ji-hoon indignantly exclaimed as he got off his father’s car. Instead of parking the car his father drove up to the front door and asked them to get off and you to stay.
It was pretty obvious what his father wanted to do.
“Should I follow you on your dates in the future then?”
Ji-hoon hummed, “Good point.”
Leo was especially unwilling to get off but did nonetheless. He was eyeing his father wondering what his intent was. It wasn’t like they didn’t already spend every day together. If anything Leo felt it was he who spent the least amount of time with his mother now that this man showed up. The more he thought the less he wished to know.
A blush painted your cheeks when you realized what was going on. “I’m not even dressed for a date.”
Joonkyung disagreed thinking the clothes didn’t make a difference. As long as it was you, the clothes would pale in comparison to your beauty. You could wear anything and it wouldn’t matter because his eyes would be on you regardless.
“What you are wearing is fine.”
You looked down at your outfit. Although plain, the jeans and black turtle neck were complimented by your warm coat. 
After years of being single, you didn’t know what date wear would look like now. You got used to dressing for comfort as a working single mother but you did try to some extent.
Leo hesitated but said no more and turned to go inside. 
“Wait for me...” Ji-hoon followed him allowing you two to drive off.
Zene and Ash quickly sprung to action, rolling out of their seats to go greet them. 
“Hey young bosses, back so soon?”
“Where’s the boss?”
“We were ditched,” Ji-hoon informed them. “He took brother’s mom on a date.”
“Oh,” the two guards winked at each other not realizing Leo was glaring daggers at them. “Don’t worry young bosses, we’ll keep you company.”
“Why don’t we go out,” Ash suggested. “We can ask Mr. Kwon to drive us to the arcade or something. We can’t get too wild since you two are still kids.”
“Who’s a kid?” Ji-hoon was offended by the term. He was at least a teenager and wouldn’t let others look down on him just because he wasn’t of age yet. “Who would want to go to an arcade?”
Zene noticed the interest in Leo’s eyes. After spending so long by his side he too had started noticing Leo’s silent language. The subtle changes in his eyes and face that meant something. “Looks like the young lion boss is interested.”
“Huh?” Ji-hoon quickly turned to his younger brother. “You want to go?”
Leo didn’t confirm or deny, he looked away knowing he was at least interested. “I’ve never gone...”
“Then let’s go,” Jihoon beamed. Finally, the chance had presented itself for him to show off.
It was late at night, Donggab had finally made it home when his phone rang alarming his doting fiance. Luna sauntered out happy to see him only to stand by quietly as he answered the call with a noticeably dark expression.
“What is it?”
The Quiett answered after seeing it was a hitman from Ambition. He was originally one of Kylie’s men, one that Changmo and the other truly loyal Ambition guys alerted them to. He was monetarily persuaded to be on Kylie’s side all these years. Now they flipped him to their side by doubling the amount he regularly received from Kylie.
Had it been anyone else he would have ignored the call.
“The ex-lady put a hit out on Lady Y/N for 5 million.”
The Quiett’s jaw tensed alarming Luna. She was prepared to jump into action if necessary. Without a second thought, she made for the stairs to get dressed but was stopped by his hold on her wrist.
“Alright, thanks for the information...” He had to tell Dok2 about this. “Try to gain exclusive rights to the job. Appeal to her and make it believable.”
“What if she doesn’t agree?”
“We’ll worry about that afterward.”
Once Donggab hung up he told Luna. “She put out a hit on her.”
There was no need for names, Luna understood the situation completely. She also knew this wasn’t something she could help with. She could only curse Kylie, “that stup*d f*cking b*tch.”
He was only thankful this came out before you stepped out on your own. Donggab was aware you were due to go out for Leo’s game. Secret guards had been picked out especially for that day.
Now he knew Dok2 wouldn’t be willing to risk your life by letting you out of the mansion.
“You have to tell the boss.”
He was in agreement but before he could make the call he got another. This time it was his assistant.
“What is it?”
“Sir, AOMG is present at the north side of our territory. It seems to be Jay Park himself and his second-in-command. Additionally, there is word that one of their vehicles was spotted earlier today around Lady Y/N’s old neighborhood.”
When it rains it pours, Donggab thought to himself.
“Thank you for the information. Enhance security and send additional guards to the boss’s home. I also need people on the streets finding that stray vehicle. They must approach cautiously- it could be Sik-k.”
“Why the boss’s home?” Luna quickly demanded answers. “Are they going to be okay?”
“I’m going to inform Dok2 looks like everyone has their eye on us today.”
“Shouldn’t we check on the young bosses?”
“They have Ash and Zene.”
“Still...” Luna couldn’t leave it be. “I’m going to call him.”
Y/N: Yeah so next chapter is going to be lit.
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khhunniewriting · 6 years
Baby Illionaire
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When you got to your friend’s house you immediately felt like turning back and going home. All of your friends in attendance were wearing long flowy dresses that were perfect for spring. The bright colors and floral patterns brought the garden party to life. It almost felt like something out of a magazine. 
Your head turned towards the heavily pregnant woman who was making her way over to you. “Hana...”
She smiled as she took a look at you. It had been a long time since she last saw you but she was glad to know you hadn’t changed. “You’re just as fashionable and edgy as ever.” 
Unlike everyone else, you wore colors on the other side of the spectrum. It wasn’t anything edgy or special but among them, you did seem to stand out. You could see the other women looking at you from the corner of your eye. “Thanks” you smiled, accepting her words as a compliment. “So how have you been?”
“Great” she enthusiastically responded. “It’s so much easier the second time around you know.”
“That’s good to hear,” you laughed it off. But on the inside you yelled, No, I don’t! Now you remembered why you didn’t see this woman more often. She was a good friend in terms of being there for you but she was dense. 
She gasped when she remembered, “Oh my god Y/N I’m so sorry I forgot that you-”
“It’s fine,” you held onto her wanting to stop her from saying anything else. “Let’s keep this to ourselves.” Hana was the only one who knew that for the last year you had been trying to get pregnant. You didn’t have any kids but it wasn’t for a lack of trying. As soon as people heard you hadn’t been successful in conceiving they would all start to hound you with useless tips and advice. What you hated most was when they consoled you. It wasn’t like you were barren, you just couldn’t get pregnant.
Slamming the front door with a groan caught Joonkyung’s attention. He immediately stopped what he was doing and walked out to see what had happened. When he saw his wife fall back into the soft cushions of the couch he knew something was wrong. He sat beside you putting his arm around your shoulder to bring you in close. “What’s wrong?”
You rested your head on his shoulder as your arm drape over his torso. “I want a baby.”
“Me too,” Joonkyung smiled knowing all too well what was going through your mind. He was more than ready to be a father. Since you first proposed the idea he had been looking forward to it.
You looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Can you go make me one?”
“What?” he laughed. “Baby girl you know I can’t just go out and buy one.”
“Joonkyung I saw it, today it’s been a year since I first asked you if you wanted to have a baby with me.” You were starting to lose hope. Even if the doctor said you were fine it felt like it was too long now. “What if I can’t get pregnant? What if I get so desperate for a baby that I ask you to go make one for me with another woman?”
Joonkyung was starting to get concerned when It didn’t look like you were joking. “Y/N that’s-”
“Just think about it, a little Joonkyung.” A smile reappeared on your face as you imagined what that would look like. Your husband was handsome and cool but when he smiled he looked so cute. A baby like that would be perfect for you. “You can go make it then bring it to me so I can take care of him and love-”
“Y/N don’t be crazy!”  He wanted to have a baby just as much as you did but not like that. There was no way he would go have a baby with someone else. “The only person I want to make a baby with is you. How can you tell your husband to have an affair?”
“Awww Joonkyung~” you pulled him in by the neck and kissed him. All the while your lips locked your heart fluttered with his words.The fact that he didn’t even entertain the idea of an affair made you love him even more. 
Now he was totally confused. One moment you were talking about having a baby with him then asking him to have an affair for the sake of giving you a baby. “What was that?”
“I was just testing you.” You were afraid he would start to drift from you if you were never able to give him a child. Your worst fear was that he would trade you in for someone who could. “Of course I don’t want you to make babies with anyone else but me.” Your eyes closed as you leaned in for another kiss.
This time Joonkyung pushed you back making you lay flat on the couch. He didn’t let go of you until you were gasping for air. “Don’t ever say anything like that again.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I was seriously worried that you were going crazy with this baby fever.”
“Well if I didn’t have a fever I do now.” Your hands went up to your cheeks as you felt your skin become warm. The way Joonkyung asserted his love for you had gotten you in the mood to keep trying.
“Just from kissing?” he asked a bit surprised.
You nodded with blushed cheeks. “You know I always get like this before the end of the month.”
“Oh,” he realized what you meant. His eyes lowered to your chest as he further examined what he had noticed earlier when you were leaning against him with your chest to his arm. “No wonder your boobs felt bigger.”
You playfully scolded him for taking advantage of his position above you. “ Hey, what are you looking at?” In reality, you didn’t mind at all. It was your intention to get him to look at you for the rest of your life anyway. That’s why you married him. 
Joonkyung gave you a kiss on the cheek before responding, “My beautiful wife.” There was a sly smile on his face as he helped you up into a sitting position again. He didn’t want you to feel bad about yourself or to feel bad for him. You were in this together or not at all. “Baby, don’t think about it too much. It’ll happen when you least expect it.”
His hands held your face close to his making it impossible for you to care anymore. Now all you could think about was how much you loved the man in front of you. Being married to Joonkyung was easy because he made sure to remind you how much he loved you every day, night, morning, holiday, birthday, anniversary, etc. Although he always kept that cool tough guy look in front of others, when it came to you he was a pushover who smiled and gave in to your every wish. “I won’t but can you take me to Hawaii soon?”
That was an easy request. He was more than ready to take you there if it meant making you feel better. He was a busy man but he didn’t even have to look at his schedule because you were way more important. “How about next week?”
You held onto your stomach as you made your way back to your seat. It was unfortunate that you were feeling so sick when you planned to be extra loving towards your husband.
“Are you feeling better?” Joonkyung asked seeing slight relief in your expression. While you were gone he had transformed your seat into a bed. 
“Yeah, it helped.” When you laid down you made sure to lay on your side so you could still face him. “I’ve never had motion sickness before. It’s awful! My stomach feels like it’s empty but being crushed at the same time.”
“Sorry baby...” He placed his hand on your stomach wanting to comfort you. He began to rub small circles around it reminding you of your mother would comfort your upset stomach as a child. Soon your eyes closed but your lips continued to curve up.
“What are you smiling about?”
“Just thinking...” You were sure Joonkyung would be an excellent father. “I feel so much better now.”
Joonkyung continued to watch over you even when you got out of the plane. After checking in to the hotel he made you rest even though you didn’t want to.
“But Joonkyung-”
“Y/N you just spilled your guts out in the plane.” He was accustomed to taking you out for lunch as soon as you got there. But this time he thought to order in so you could recover from the plane ride.
“But I’m feeling much better now.”
“I don’t-”
“Please” you begged with wide eyes. You really were feeling better, it almost felt like you had imagined the whole thing. Now your stomach was settled and ready for a feast. “I wanted to come here so we could do stuff together not rest.”
“Fine,” Joonkyung sighed giving in. “But we’re going to stop by the drug store to get you some medicine in case you get sick again.”
“Fine with me.” You took his hand to lead the way out of the familiar hotel. It was the same one you always stayed in. By now you felt it was like a second home; you even joked about Joonkyung owning it.
The next morning you were back to being sick until evening. Even with the medicine, you experienced the same thing a few more times during your trip. Joonkyung was starting to seriously worry. You knew he would try to end the trip if you continued like this so you hid it from him.
He knocked on the bathroom door where you had locked yourself in. “Baby are you okay?”
You hated lying to him but you had your reasons. Instead of worry, you were starting to get excited. It really was creepy to smile after you had just threw out your entire breakfast but it couldn’t be helped. You came back out with a bright smile, “Never better.”
“You mean you’re not sick today?”
“Of course not.” 
As soon as you got back from the trip you went to the doctor and confirmed that you were indeed pregnant. It was the news you had been waiting to hear for a year now. Exciting wasn’t the right word, there were no right words to express how you felt. That’s why you knew you couldn’t just tell Joonkyung the news. Plain and simple just wasn’t the way you two lived. You wanted to do something special.
It was oddly strange how nervous you felt. You kept imagining what his reaction would be like that you knew you couldn’t wait much longer.
“Joonkyung,” you called out to your husband as soon as you got home but there was more than one reply. 
“I’m in here” Joonkyung called out to you so you could follow his voice.
“We’re here too” Donggab added.
You went around looking for him and ended up in front of an Illionaire Ambition meeting. “Everyone is here today,” it was almost too perfect. Like this, you could let the boys know the news as well.
“Were you out shopping?” he asked you when he saw the bags in your hands.
You nodded putting down all the bags except for a small Versace bag. "And I got you something too.” The bag rested on the table for them to wonder what it could be.
“For me?”
“Yes but you have to come open it here.”
Joonkyung didn’t think much of your instructions. He went over to your side of the table not suspecting a thing.
Donggab, on the other hand, noticed how fidgety you were. He took his phone out knowing something was going on.”I feel like I have to record this.” 
It wasn’t a special occasion so he did wonder why you were giving him a gift. “Did I forget our anniversary?”
“Hyung how can you forget when it’s tattooed on your arm?” Hyoeun pointed out. 
“Open it, open it, open it” Changmo started to chant.
“What is it?” Joonkyung glanced at you as he picked up the bag looking for any sign of what could be happening. But you wouldn’t budge, “open it and find out.”
He visibly relaxed when he pulled out a familiar black velvet box. It wasn’t until he opened it that he reacted. There was no gold chain, no ring, or watch. His lips slowly curved up as he realized what was going on, “it’s a pacifier.” 
Joonkyung’s smile grew when he looked at you. “Are you really?” He was in disbelief needing your verbal confirmation to know this really was happening.
“I’m pregnant.” As soon as you confirmed it you received a bone-crushing hug from your husband. He was clearly just as happy as you were. Being so close to him allowed you to feel the pounding in his chest. 
“Congratulations!” The guys were all still shocked. They had come for a meeting and ended up hearing some big news. 
Joonkyung was no longer thinking of work. “F*ck work let’s go celebrate.” He took everyone out to dinner that night. While they all posted pictures of the celebration no one revealed what they were celebrating. To the fans, it just looked like the men were out having a meal together.
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Dok2: Baby text me as soon as you get out.
“What’s wrong with you?” Donggab asked when he saw Joonkyung kept checking his phone. They were currently backstage of an Ambition concert watching over the three younger males as they performed.
“I’m waiting for Y/N to tell me how the appointment went.” Today was the day you would find out the gender of the baby. Because of the concert, he had to miss the appointment but wanted to stay updated.
“I’m sure Baby Illi is fine.” 
Because the gender of the baby wasn’t known yet it had no name. That’s why Joonkyung had nicknamed it Baby Illionare or Baby Illi for short. It caught on, the guys and even you referred to the bab with that name.
“Yeah but today she finds out if it’s a boy or a girl.”
“Oh, are you hoping for something in particular?”
“A boy,” Joonkyung instantly responded making Donggab laugh.
“That was quick. Why a boy?”
“If it’s a girl I will definitely not let her date until she’s 30. I don’t want any guys to go near her and if she looks like Y/N...” As he thought back to the days when he was trying to date you Joonkyung remembered the other guys who would hit on you. Even now there were those who picked you as their ideal type. “...There’s going to be a lot.”
Dongabb was having a good laugh with his explanation. He knew his friend would be just as protective as he was with you. “What does Y/N say about this?”
“She said I’m crazy.”
You: I’m out 😊
Dok2: How did it go?
You: Good... I gained 2 kg more but it’s okay it’s for Baby Illi 😥
Dok2: Don’t worry about that Baby. You’re still beautiful.
You: How do you know? You haven’t seen me in four days!
Dok2: You’re always beautiful though❤️
You: 😍 I knew I loved you for a reason.
Dok2: I love you for many reasons 😉
You: 😘😘Two kisses, one from me and one from Baby Illi.
Dok2: So what is Baby Illi exactly?
You: An unborn fetus 😂 JK I know what you want me to say but I’m not telling you.
Dok2: What! Why not?
You: Because you told already told our parents and your fans. Now I get to reveal the gender.
Dok2: That’s okay but at least tell me before everyone else.
You: No
Dok2: But I’m the father!
You: Issa surprise 😉
Joonkyung was in a hurry to get back home. He needed to get the information out of you.
“Surprise!” you shouted as Joonkyung opened the front door. He had been gone for almost a week and came back to a room full of white balloons scattered across the floor and furniture. 
“What is all this?” he asked as he kicked through the balloons to get to you. He was curious to know what you were up to but also he missed you so much he just wanted to kiss you. 
It was hard to pull away from him but you really wanted him to start. “This is a gender reveal surprise.”
He looked around not clear on what you meant. “But it’s all white? What does that mean?”
“One of these balloons has confetti inside. You have to pop them to find the right one and see what color it is.” You gave him a safety pin so he could start.
Joonkyung’s eyes widened as he realized just how many balloons there were. “Baby you’re really going to make me pop all these balloons when I just got back?”
You nodded, “I mean it’s up to you if you want to know.” 
“Of course I want to know.” He picked up one of the balloons and popped it but nothing came out. 
“Only 349 to go~” you teased as you took a video of him. He was full of determination as he quickly went around the room popping balloon after balloon. You sent the video to Donggab just like you promised and he instantly responded.
Donggab: Look at that determination. Baby girl Illi is going to be living the single life till she’s 30.
You: My poor baby girl.
A/N: What do you think of the insta edits? Should I continue to use them in my fics?
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khhunniewriting · 7 years
Special Guest
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MNET staff were on high alert when they saw a black van pulling into the parking lot that was for their staff. It looked like one of the vans celebrities got driven around in. When the door opened you offered your best smile and greeted them with a shy voice. “Hello, sorry for interrupting.”
The staff members who had been lucky enough to be outside at the moment immediately approached you with kind words and greetings. One of the cameramen followed as well and filmed the moment. 
You were the lead dancer of a popular girl group that many men around the world described as multi-talented. After the Idol Star Athletics Championships, you showcased your gymnastics talents and in previous variety shows you had shown your drawing abilities and even your vocal range.
They knew you were Kiseok’s girlfriend. After the news got out there were some comments but nothing too bad was said. They imagined he had called you here. “Are you looking for him? We can call him out immediately.” One of the staff got his radio to call it in but you stopped him. 
“That’s okay, I just came to bring this for team AOMG.” You pointed to the bags of snacks that you had boughten. Kiseok had texted you earlier to let you know that the filming would go on later than usual so you decided to support him and his team by bringing them something. “Can you take it to them?” you asked.
“Why don’t you bring it to him?” The staff saw an opportunity to film a special guest scene. 
You hesitated for a bit but after much help from the MNET staff, you were out of the van. They only allowed you to carry one bag while a staff member carried the rest. The camera followed behind you as you walked through hallways you had seen on television.
When you got to the room that was labeled AOMG you asked the staff to go first. “Can you please go first” you whispered to him. You were afraid Kiseok might be in the middle of his creative process and be mad at the interruption. 
The staff nodded, he knocked twice before opening the door and sticking his head in. “You have a special guest.”
“Special gues?” G2, ONE, and BewhY immediately sat up asking with anticipation. Gray and Kiseok, on the other hand, looked confused. “Who is it” Gray asked.
You pushed the door so it would open wider and reveal yourself. “Hello everyone, I brought snacks.”
Kiseok broke out into a smile seeing you come through the door was like a god sent gift. He had been feeling tired and ready to call it a day but now that he saw you he was energized. “Jagiya” he got up to hug you but the bag was in the way. He took it from you and pushed it to Gray. 
“Oppa” you smiled happily to see his reaction. 
The MNET staff gave the guys the rest of the snacks you had brought. Their eyes sparkled as they unpacked the food and placed it on the table in front of them.
“Is this really all for us?” ONE asked.
You nodded, “Yes help yourselves.
“Thanks, Noona” G2 thanked you.
“You’re welcome,” you giggled. “But, you don’t have to call me that. I’m actually younger than most of you.” It was common for people to think you were Kiseok’s age so you were used to this type of mix up. 
“Jagiya you didn’t have to come,” Kiseok held you close to him even while sitting. He had his arm over your shoulders making you sit as close as possible.
“You say that but you won’t let go of her.” Gray was used to this scene, it happened often at AOMG. Kiseok always tried to play it cool around you when in fact he was beyond happy to have you by his side. WIth both of your busy schedules, it meant a lot to him that you looked for him whenever you could. 
Gray’s comment was enough to make you hide your face in the palms of your hands. 
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Gray got up and opened the door revealing Dok2. “What are you all doing in here?”
“Kiseok’s girlfriend brought us some snacks.” After letting him in Gray pointed over at you. “Joonkyung this is Y/N, Y/N this is Joonkyung.”
“Hello,” you greeted him in a very low voice. It was your first time meeting Dok2 so you were a bit shy and he had no trouble pointing that out. “You’re actually a lot shyer than when you are on television.”
You nodded.
“That’s just because all of you are here. When we’re alone she get’s pretty loud.” Kiseok smirked and the guys all laughed at the underlying sexual insinuation. 
The statement sounded perfectly normal to you. However, looking around at their expressions lead you to believe you had missed something. G2 was hollering as BewhY shook Kiseok’s hand. ONE avoided making eye contact with you entirely. 
Gray nudged Dok2 and pointed out your obliviousness. “Y/N you look so lost.” Gray didn’t know how someone as innocent as you wound up with Kiseok who was an expert when it came to sexual innuendos. 
“I am,” you responded honestly. “Did I miss something again?” You let got of Kiseok and sat at the edge of your seat, leaning towards Gray. He always teased you but at least he gave you answers.
“Seriously Y/N blink twice if Kiseok is keeping you against your will.” 
“Gray!” you shouted in desperation before going back to Kiseok. You held onto his hand for comfort, “Oppa tell him to stop teasing me.” Your voice came out low and wavered because of Dok2′s presence.
But he was no help. “See, she can be loud.” Kiseok continued his fun but still took you into consideration. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head. “It’s okay baby.”
"I bet everyone wonders how you two got together in the first place,” Gray continued to tease you. He knew you would forget your shyness and start talking comfortably if he pushed you a bit more.
The other men in the room all nodded in agreement. “I’m more curious how you can be an idol.” Dok2 didn’t mean it in a bad way, he was just curious. “Don’t they make you go on variety shows?”
“Yeah but the other members talk well so they cover for me. All I have to do is sing, dance, and show my other talents.”
“What other talents?”
“Well I did gymnastics when I was little so I’m very flexible. Anything with my body I can do.”
“She really is,” Kiseok smirked once again as the guys all tried to refrain from taking your statement in a sexual manner. You smiled at Kiseok thankful for his vouching of your talent. Of course, you thought he was just being a good supportive boyfriend. 
Gray’s palm went to his face, “You’re doing it again Y/N.”
“What?” You looked over at Kiseok who had the greasiest smile you had ever seen. “What did I do now? Why are you smiling like that?”
Dok2 cleared his throat as he tried to keep a straight face. “I think I’m going to go back with my team. It was nice meeting you Y/N.” He couldn’t help but smile at the end before exiting the small room.
When you looked over at the other three they were pretending to not see you. They continued to eat but you could still see ONE’s red face. “Is it something I said?” you asked Kiseok very seriously.
He shook his head. He loved this side of you and never wanted you to change. “Nothing’s wrong baby girl.” He brought your hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it. “Don’t ever change.”
Now you were the one with the read face.
You were thankful that the cameramen didn’t record your awkward moments in the waiting room. It was enough that they were following you and Kiseok as he took you back to your car.
“It’s already this late?” You were surprised to see that outside the sky had become dark and the night grew colder. You shivered in your thin cardigan as the winds picked up.
“Hold on,” Kiseok stopped you from walking further and let go of your hand so he could take his jacket off and slip it onto your shoulders like a gentleman.
Your smile grew wider and brighter at his gesture. He truly was a good boyfriend to you. “Thanks, Oppa.” You held his hand once more and continued to walk through the parking lot with him. 
When you got to your van Kiseok opened the door for you and greeted your manager who stayed in his seat waiting for you to hop in. You still had one more stop before your day was over. The cameraman filmed Kiseok as he helped you into the van. 
“Oppa how much longer will you be here?” You hadn’t left yet and already you missed him.
“it’s going to be a while.” 
You pouted.
“Why don’t you go to my house and wait for me. Even if you fall asleep Oppa will wake you up.”
Your hand went to cover your mouth as you gasped. The other hand hit Kiseok in the chest lightly. “Oppa how can you say that when we are being recorded.”
Kiseok chuckled, “You understood that time?”
“Of course, even I know this much.”
Kiseok broke out into full on laughter. “Then you will wait for me?” 
You gave a slight nod, wary of the camera.
“Good, then give me a kiss goodbye.”
“Not like this,” you shook your head not wanting to kiss him in front of the camera. 
Kiseok had no intention of letting you leave without giving him a kiss. “I can solve it.” He jumped into the van with you and closed the door, disappearing behind the heavily tinted doors. 
Seconds later he came back out with a bit of your lipstick on the corner of his lips. He waved goodbye as your can pulled out of the parking lot. 
When he got back to the AOMG room ONE pointed it out to him. “Hyung what is that on your lips?”
“Woah are you bleeding?” Gray asked before getting a second look and realizing what it was. “It’s lipstick.”
Kiseok swiped at his lips with his thumb and saw that there really was some of your red lipstick there. “I told you she’s not shy when we’re alone.”
A/N: I love writing for this man. 
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