#dok2 oneshot
Couple Items
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Couple Items
When your boyfriend suggested you two get a few couple items you thought it was cute. He had a tendency of buying you a lot of jewelry and you’d just make him return it. His taste was just a little over the top and too expensive. You were hoping that shopping together would mean you could hit up a few local shops and get a matching phone charm, or cute couples shirts. But of course, Joon Kyung wasn’t that simple. When he said he wanted to shop in Gangnam, it should have been your red flag that he wanted something over the top.
“Yah, Oppa please put that down that’s expensive.” you pouted. He’d dragged you all around the city going from Versace boutiques to Armani stores and buying all of these outfits and bags that you just know you’re not going to wear.
Joon Kyung held up the gold chain, inspecting it with the jeweler. “But you wanted matching things. Let’s get a whole outfit.”
“I meant something cute and meaningful-That chain cost more than my car.” you crossed your arms over your chest.
He grinned looking over “We can fix that too. Matching couple cars? I could get you one in rose gold?”
“But you love Rose Gold, it’ll match your phone”
You sighed holding his hand. “Please, I don’t even wear chains. And don’t even think about buying me a car.”
He smiled pecking your lips. “I’m probably still going to buy you a car.”
“Please excuse me” you bowed toward the jeweler before pulling your boyfriend away. “I thought you wanted to get couple items today.”
“I do. We can get matching rings, chains, bracelets, cars. I’ll even get you a matching apartment-”
“Yah.” you sighed heavily, shoulders slumping. You weren’t necessarily desensitized to your boyfriend's lavish spending. You just preferred if it wasn’t on you. “That’s it Oppa, you’re fired.”
“Mhmm. I’m deciding on all of the couple items.” you slipped your hand into his. “Let’s go to Hongdae.” you pecked his lips.
"Alright fine. My Baby gets what my Baby wants." he grinned, lacing his fingers with yours and kissing you back. “But I’m paying for it”
It took a little more convincing but you were able to talk him into going to Hongdae, and for the most part it felt like a normal date. You two walked down the street looking for anything to catch your eye.  
"How about this one?" Joon Kyung held up a designer hoodie to your body. "It'll look great on you Jagi"
You frowned placing it back on the rack. "Not my style."  It kinda was, but there was no way in hell you were going to tell Joon Kyung that you didn't want it because that jacket cost more than your rent.
"How about this?" you handed a cute simple t-shirt to him. It started to spell out Love and completed on the other shirt.  "Too Much?" you raised a brow.
"Ummm." his voice fell flat as he looked away. "Uh…Maybe something a little less…in your face?"
"You wanted a car" you huffed.
"Cars are subtle, the shirts just desperate." he hung the shirt back on the rack. "It says you're mine in a clingy please don't leave me way."
From jewelry to clothing to shoes. Nothing clicked. If you couldn't even agree on a couples item what did that say about the rest of your relationship? What would your wedding be like?
Leaving Hongdae empty handed was almost the epitome of defeat. Leaning your head on Joon Kyung's shoulder you let out a long and empty sigh. "What's wrong with us…?"
"There's nothing wrong with us. We'll just try looking in Itaewon tomorrow. We'll find something."
"There's nothing…" you sighed.
"What about the spinner couple rings we saw at the shop."
"Rings are too much…I only ever want to wear a wedding band…"
"What about an engagement ring?"
"Not a must. I'd be happy with the band alone. Honestly, the wedding alone is good enough. I don’t need the rings.”
He smiled hearing the sincerity in your voice. "What is it you want?"
"Something that we'd both be happy to have…something practical…something…sweet." you shrugged. "Maybe I've just been watching too many dramas" you kicked the ground while, walking through the park to the parking garage.
There were a couple vendors that lined the park walkway. Most of which selling knick knacks, and trinkets but nothing too eye catching. You had a tendency to try and avoid eye contact and damn near power walk away from any form of salesmen. Joon Kyung, however, liked browsing, probably since he could afford to be talked into a purchase. "What's that?"
"Joon Kyung, where in the world are you going?" you hesitantly followed him to table with various blinking lights.
"What's this?" he eagerly looked at the charms.
"Their couple phone charms, they glow when you get close to one another"'
You looked closer to the table, taking in their different shapes and colors. "They're pretty"
Joon Kyung grinned. "We'll take a set" he handed a wad of cash to the very flustered salesmen, who was scrambling for change. "You can keep the change"
You looked over to him frowning. "You'd use this?" When you thought of your boyfriend you didn't exactly associate him to cute little glowing moon phone charms.
"Of course" he plugged it into the headphone jack and smiled seeing yours glow. "They work"
"I like that they glow" you smiled to yourself, looking at your sun charm.
"Then stay near me" he mumbled to himself. He could feel you beaming at him. "Ugh. I can't believe I said that"
"Look who's getting soft~" you grinned teasing him.
"I'm not getting soft." he grumbled speeding up.
"Awe you're cute."
"No I'm not." after a few feet he stopped walking and looked over his shoulder. A frown etched on his face. “Hurry up…” he looked at his charm. “You’re too far…”
Following his gaze, to his phone charm, your eyes softened seeing that it stopped glowing. You couldn’t help but smile and catch up with him, linking your arms with his. “I love you” you pecked his lips softly.
“Love you too…”
Just a little fluff request I've been meaning to get out >.< hope you guys liked it. Now off to sleep I go~
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fanxyblog · 5 years
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There aren't any gifs for that men :((
Request: Could you write about WayChed the new member of 1lliAmbition since there isn't a lot out there about him and he is to cute to be slept on❤☺️
Requests are still open :)
A/N: Thank you for requesting @megapinkstrawberrygkpopblr! I hope you gonna like it.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1018
You were running down the hall as fast as you could. You knew you were late for a meeting with Joonkyung and Donggab, your legs leaded you to the meeting room on the third floor as soon as they could and the only thing that was running through your mind was for your bosses to not be angry at you. You worked as Bition Boyz manager for a year now and you really liked that job, you didn't want to lose it.
Seconds later doors to the meeting room swung open as you run in, almost tripping over your own feet. The moment you caught your balance, you straightened up your shirt that covered your brown skin, you did that mostly out of embarrassement you felt when you looked up and saw your bosses and all of the Ambition Musik members looking at you. You wanted to disappear in that moment.
"I'm glad you are finally here Y/N" Joonkyung said looking right trough your soul. You could feel your cheeks turning red.
"Take a seat " you looked up at the owner of the voice wich happend to be Donggab, and immediately took a seat next to Changmo.
"Now that we are all here, I think we can talk about the reason behind this meeting" Joonkyung continued with the talk.
"As you guys know, me and Donggab were looking for a new artists that will be sign to our company" you were starting to get curious, you knew they wanted to have another member in Bition Boyz, but you didn't expect it to happen so soon.
"His stage name is WayChed, he is a producer and he is going to work with us starting tomorrow, I hope you guys can take care of him" Donggab looked over at all of you.
All of you nodded your heads in agreement to his words. You were really curious about this new situation.
You have never heard of anyone named WayChed before.
" You are free to go guys, except you Y/N, we need to talk to you some more" Donggab looked your way and send a small smile to you.
After all of the Bition Boyz have left the room you were all alone with Dok2 and The Quiett. That made you feel a little bit nervous even thought you knew them both for almost two years
" We want you to take good care of WayChed, since you are also his manager from now. That' why you are going to pick him up tommorrow and bring him to the label." Joonkyung leaned on the desk and looked you in the eyes.
You looked back at him and shook your head yes. "Is this everything?" that question fell from your lips while you looked at both of your superiors.
"Yes that's all, you may leave now Y/N" you got up and bowed slightly to them, receiving smiles from both of them as payback to your doings. Soon after that all that was heard in the room was the sound of closing door
Next morning you were sitting in your car as you drove to Dobong-gu. Music was playing in your radio as you sang under your nose. Yesterday evening you received a message with the adress you are supposed to be at.
It took you fifty minutes to get there, driving on the streets of Seoul in the morning was not the most pleasant thing.
You got out of your car and went straight to the building. You were glad you didn't have to ring the intercom thanks to nice lady that holded the doors for you when she saw you heading their way. You bowed to her and went straight up the stairs, going right to third floor.
The door with number four written on them literally screamed at you. You were getting nervous suddenly. After all you were picking up a guy you have never seen before.
You knocked on the door and waited for them to open, which happend almost right away.
What you saw after the door opened got you shook to the point you were frozen and you couldn't get yourself to move even a bit. A man standing in front of you seemed to be shocked just like you, after all you and him haven't seen each other for almost three years.
Ahn Byeonggyu was the last person you expexted to see when you were doing your duties. Your heart ached at the sight of the men you wanted to forget so desperately.
You needed to get your act togheter even if you knew that nothing was fine in that moment.
Byeonggyu was looking at you and he looked like he wanted to say something but the only thing that came out of his mouth was your name.
You forgot how good it sounded in his mouth. Yours and Byeonggyu's history was like millions of others. You dated each other in the past and it didn't work between you two, not because you didn't love one another, it didn't work out because none of you were able to abandon their dreams for the other.
Suddenly there was an idea that pooped up in your head.
"Hello I'm Y/N, and I'm going to work as your manager from now on" you bowed to him with small, awkward smile tugged on your lips and puted your hand out for him to shake.
At first Byeonggyu seemed confused with your behavior, but then he caught up what were you up to. That made him break out a big grin on his face.
This situation was a new beginning for you and him. Another chance given to both of you from universe.
"It's nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Ahn Byeonggyu." He took your hand in his and shaked it. Holding your hand in his appeared so right to him.
He wanted to use this opportunity as best as he could, and that's what he was planning to do.
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khhunniewriting · 5 years
Higher Ambition
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[ Variety Show ]
This was your first time on Show Me The Money and Changmo’s second. You were nervous to be representing H1ghr but you felt reassurance in the fact that your co-producer would be your longtime boyfriend, Changmo. Together you would form one of four producer teams for the newest season.
Up until now, SMTM has had an Illionaire and an AOMG team. They even had a joint Illionaire AOMG team with your boss, Jay Park, and Dok2. Now for the first time, Jay was letting H1ghr take a shot at the producing side. That is how your producer team came to be: Higher Ambition.
Filled with excitement and a hint of nervousness, you eyed the dark interview room. Seeing a show and being on the show were two completely different things. When you saw Show Me The Money you thought about the comments you would make if you were in the producer’s position and now you were.
“Is it always this quiet?” you asked Jinpyo, the host, who sat in front of you- off camera. It wasn’t a question meriting an answer but rather an ice-breaker. 
He and the crew behind him working the lighting, audio, and cameras laughed which helped in settling your nerves. With them, you were able to finally joke around while you waited for the second half of your team to arrive.
“I feel like I rushed her (stylist)...” You saw her walking by behind the camera and waved her down. “Are we good?” you asked with a bit of laughter.
She nodded asserting you had been properly made up. 
“I wonder what’s taking him so long,” you nod your head over to the empty seat beside you. “Don’t they usually say women take a long time getting ready?”
Once again you earned the laughter of the room. It was a commonly known saying but today you were proving the gender-biased statement false. 
“Who usually waits for the other to be ready?” Jinpyo asked in an unofficial interview to pass the time.
You opened your arms out pointing out your current situation earning another round of laughter. “This is the norm for us although I thought it would be different if someone else was helping him. You know what I mean?” Even you didn’t know exactly why but you usually finished getting ready before him.
Moments later Changmo approached looking like a new man to you who had arrived with a sleeping giant. He spent all night working and didn’t sleep yet now he looks well-rested and refreshed. 
“He lives,” you dramatically claim as you wrap your arms around the second half of your producer team. A luxury you could afford since your relationship was out in the open, unlike most celebrities who had to hide.
Changmo was still a bit cautious about having you around while working. In his five years of dating, this was the first time your professional lives would cross paths.
“They (Dok2 and The Quiett) warned me about working with her,” Changmo disclosed in the official team interview.
“Really?” You were pleasantly surprised considering how little they had to say when you two decided to publicly date. “What did they say?”
“Don’t let Y/N intimidate the contestants or no one will want to be on your team.”
You laughed perfectly aware people thought you were intimidating. “I promise I’ll be nice... until they are on our team. Then I’ll strike the fear of God into them until we win.”
Changmo doubled over in laughter at your ominous threat, “I got chills babe.”
As you were judging contestants and giving necklaces you came face to face with some interesting people. And just like The Quiett predicted, someone nearly cried when you coldly dismissed them.
When you moved to the next you were surprised to see a tall well-dressed man. He looked similar to your boyfriend, with similar height and voice to prove it. 
He awkwardly smiled and bowed to you as you craned your neck trying to get a better look at him. “You look a lot like someone I know.”
“Yeah,” he beamed.
The contestants around him all noticed and began paying attention to the interaction instead of rehearsing their verses in their heads.
When he began his verse you couldn’t help but turn red as his verses became about you. You were sure it wasn’t legit, only for the sake of being on camera but because of his near-identical looks, you were left a blushing mess. 
On the other end, Changmo was doing the same, judging and giving necklaces when he heard the commotion of people wooing and chanting for a hug. He was confused at first but someone quickly filled him in on the situation.
“Your lookalike is stealing your girl.”
He went down there and stood by watching you blush at the imposter. Sure he could admit that the guy looked similar but there was no need to go this far. Seeing you two side by side stirred something inside him.
+ Were you jealous? +
“A little bit,” Changmo admitted with laughter now that it was all over. 
But you made sure to make it clear that Changmo had nothing to worry about as you politely refused to go with the flow of the crowd causing a bit of disappointment with the people who were hoping some drama would ensue. Waving everyone off and back to their original positions with your final thoughts on the matter. 
“The original is always better,” you nearly shouted having to raise your voice to overpower the chorus of disappointment.
+ What did you think of the lookalike? +
“The original is always better,” you repeated with a bright smile that further proved your confidence in the matter. you wouldn’t be so easily swayed by someone else when you already had the real deal. “There’s no competition.”
The two of you lived separately but always went home together. Sometimes you would stay at his place discussing things about the show, mainly your team of talented contestants. Other times you would simply be too tired to go home, with yours being further than his.
You sat on the floor listening as Changmo played the keyboard and offering commentary. The mic in your hand was now turned off as you found yourself wanting only to listen to him play. 
Changmo smiled knowing you would soon start falling asleep. He began to shift the song into a well-known lullaby making your head fall back until you sat back up again.
“Stop,” you whined. “You’re doing it on purpose.”
Your ear for music was sensitive to soft melodies. As soon as you heard one you would close your eyes and sway until you were nearly falling with the weight of your head.
And so you ultimately fell asleep on the couch in Changmo’s home studio.
He stepped out momentarily to fetch a blanket and covered you with it. The cameras then sped up showing how he continued to work on music till the early hours of the next morning while you slept in the background. 
“Are you going to use that?” you asked.
The producer nodded after making you watch it and react.
You sighed loudly while Changmo chuckled.
This was perhaps the part you hated most about filming. Looking back at the candid moments outside of the regular filming when it was just you two. You always minded the cameras and tried not to act to lovingly or familiar with him to not distract from the concept of the show. But, it was hard when everyone knew.
“The big boss is going to say I’m slacking.” Jay Park was indeed a lenient boss who wouldn’t do much but he would tease you endlessly. 
The beat for the song you two had been working on began to play as they cut to when you began showing it to the last member of your team. 
Overall it was fitting of the lyrics your contestant wrote so you three went to the recording studio. 
Changmo took the lead, sitting at the controls while you sat beside him following the lyrics that were written on a sheet of paper in front of you. 
Every once in a while you would stop to point out minor errors and suggestions. Your contestant readily nodded accepting your advice. He re-recorded until the desired result gave way.
+ How confident are you in him? +
“He was good to begin with but I feel that now he has refined himself. Not just his voice but his lyrics- everything flows well like a well-written story.”
Changmo nodded in agreement. “He elevated the beat and managed to create a masterpiece for his final performance.”
+ Do you think he will win? +
“Yes,” you responded full of confidence.
“I hope so,” Changmo nodded along. “Cjamm and Bewhy have a good contestant as well.”
You nodded in agreement but refused to back down from your claim. “But our team will win.”
“And the winner of Show Me The Money xx is....” 
A/N: It’s really hard to make a oneshot of a reality show without it sounding rushed but I tried my best ^^
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screaming-bigbang · 7 years
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