#doing kaeya's quest and she's just like 'paimon PLEASE'
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xstarlightxstarbrightx · 1 year ago
Current thoughts on how Mondstadt went [1]: Kaeya: are you a new ally? Kaeya: or a new storm? Lumine: Kaeya, internally: This isn't any normal traveler... She's hard to read, looks like I'll have to keep an eye on her... Lumine, internally: That was a cute one-liner, but is he trying to intimidate me???? Lumine, internally: your mistrust is a CHALLENGE, and i ACCEPT.
Cue Lumine constantly hanging around Kaeya, Kaeya panicking because he's toTALLY not getting smitten with this incredibly precious weirdo and her floating fairy toddler, and Lumine thinking abt how this sassy pirate guy might actually be super cool and awesome and 'oh no do i like him???'
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slothcapsule · 4 months ago
a collection of things kaeya foreshadowed
(copy pasted directly from reddit) one of the main appeal points in Kaeya for me is just how much potential his character holds, and how that gets proven with every new main story-centric update. Everything Kaeya says holds a certain double meaning, and we only get to find them out when we know more, so I thought I'd compile all the things (that I know of) that Kaeya has foreshadowed or teased in one way or another because I feel like I never see anybody mention how many things he's said before started making more sense after we knew more things?
starting with his story quest (1.0) predicts a couple of things! the first one being the first three nations' plotlines. Dvalin being the 'wicked abyss dragon' and Osial being the 'hydra', then in Inazuma signora being the 'silver-haired banshee' (for those who don't know Signora's lore centres around her actions being motivated by grief over the loss of her husband I'm pretty sure, so she can vaguely check the banshee title off)
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These connections were proven further in Sumeru! During the Aranyaka (3.0) quest, specifically in a section called 'The Children of Vimara Village' the traveller is asked to tell three kids stories. Paimon references Kaeya directly and they follow the template of telling the children stories about our feats by following what Kaeya has said.
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I won't include the whole dialogue section because it would be too long. But essentially: they tell Iotham about Dvalin, Kavus about Osial, and Sudabeh about Ei and Yae Miko. I believe that might be because Signora's story and ending aren't exactly suitable for children, given that she got executed by one of the 'distinguished ladies' after losing a match to the death against the traveller.
Later in the Caribert quest we meet Kaeya at the start and find out he's the descendant of the Abyss Order's founder, Clothar. Now, stay with me please, I admit that this might be a stretch on my part but I do believe if you squint your eyes it makes sense, but what if I tell you that was also foreshadowed in his story quest?
In his story quest, he talks about his grandfather and the sword he had. at the end of the quest, Kaeya does give us the harbinger of dawn to make up for him tricking us. now, if we take into account the time loop theory (which has been proven to at least some extent with the Aranara and all) and the fact that since Kaeya is a descendant of Clothar and our sibling is the prince/princess of the abyss order which Clothar founded, you could kind of say they're vaguely related, and since all that happened like centuries ago and Kaeya is in his alleged 20's, heck, the abyss twin is basically their grandparent!
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It's also worth mentioning that the sword harbinger of dawn could also be tied to Dainsleif, otherwise known as "The Twilight Sword." the description of the sword could be vaguely tied to him as well as one who "failed in his duty".
Of course, that piece of dialogue isn't the only thing that foreshadowed the reveal of Kaeya being related to the Abyss Order's founder or even him being some sort of vague royalty. (Regent, I know, but still they're regents that stepped up and took charge)(For the sake of having consistent sources of where I got info from, the regent thing was confirmed in the 2.7 Hidden Strife event). However, before we knew he was a regent, the Kaeya prince theory was by no means unpopular, and there's a collection of things that allude to it. He has a voice line about Fischl in which he teases how appropriate it'd be for him to be a descendant of a royal person. he's the only blade-carrying Knight of Favonius whose normal attacks start with 'Favonius Bladework'. Instead, his normal attacks are titled 'Ceremonial Bladework'.
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I cannot find photos for these which saddens me, but I can swear that his second passive talent was named 'Heart of the Abyss' before it was changed to 'Glacial Heart', and his first constellation was 'Royal Blood' before it was changed to 'excellent blood' both of which were great contributors for the theory. I'd greatly appreciate it if anyone who has the photos could provide them I feel like I'm going crazy, I'm sure I saw photos before but I can only find people talking about it.
and personally, the craziest one in my opinion is his 'More About Kaeya IV' voice line, which actually teased the five sinners of Khaenri'ah that Dainsleif told us about in Bedtime Story (4.7 !!?)
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there was some suspicion about the voice line back in 3.5 when we originally met one of the sinners through our sibling's memories, but I thought nothing could be proven by one guy who goes by sinner because well, maybe he called himself that because that's what they're viewed as! and kaya saying that could be coming from a similar place of talking about Khaenri'ahns as sinners because that's the view that led to their downfall or something. but no there's a kind of group actually titled the sinners that mess with things, that Kaeya seems to be fully aware of.
honorable mentions for things that I personally think will also gain relevance at some point:
possibly relating to a Khaenri'ahn tradition about their right eye? he isnt the first one we've seen with something covering his eye.
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Owls are closely tied to the Ragnvindr family actually, and I'm pretty sure that the owl of Dragonspine is supposed to like either a fictional made-up thing or something that's never supposed to be seen, i cannot for the life of me remember where i got that from i might be lying but i remember something like that (maybe the dragonspine gliders?)
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Not a screenshot because it's just my personal idea, but I will die on this hill: Kaeya's vision backstory states that after Crepus died, Kaeya was overwhelmed with guilt about it, so much so that he actually went to Diluc's doorstep and confessed everything. Diluc was enraged and the two of them fought. Seems straightforward, except it isn't like, at all actually.
There was a side to Kaeya that he kept hidden from the world: In truth, he was an agent of Khaenri'ah, placed in to serve their interests. His father had abandoned him in this strange and unknown land to fulfill this mission, and it was Master Crepus and the city of Mondstadt that had welcomed him with open arms when they found him. If Khaenri'ah and Mondstadt went to war, which side should he support? To whom should he offer his assistance: his birth father, who had ruthlessly abandoned him? Or his adoptive father, who had loved him and raised him? For the longest time, Kaeya had agonized over these impossible questions, caught between the opposing demands of loyalty and duty, faced with an impossible choice between truth and happiness. But now, Crepus' death upset this delicate balance. He felt liberated, but also ashamed of how selfishly he was responding. As an adopted son, he should have saved Crepus, but he had arrived moments too late. As a brother, he should have shared in Diluc's grief, and yet as their father lay dying on the ground, he had hung back behind his brother, that ancient plot running through his mind.
I have two main points that don't make sense to me about this:
He felt guilty about not showing up on time to help Crepus and Diluc, and Crepus dying made him more conflicted than grief-filled because Crepus was one of the main things tying him to Mondstadt. He found himself deliberating 'that ancient plot' literally right there and then, not even as an afterthought. That guilt then made him confess all his secrets to Diluc, literally in the same day. What I think doesn't fully make sense is the fact that Crepus dying doesn't really feel like enough of a reason for him to go spelling all his secrets. I get that he felt guilty about not feeling all full of grief and instead thinking about a personal conflict, but imo that doesn't seem like enough of a reason to spill secrets of the gravity that Kaeya seems to be holding on to, especially on the same day that it happened in the first place. He spent almost no time mulling it over and thinking about whether or not he should tell Diluc or not, it's almost like not telling him right away would've made everything even worse somehow. Which brings me to my second point.
Why was Diluc so upset over what Kaeya had to say? Kaeya said he anticipated his anger, but what could he have possibly said to make Diluc in his state of grief be angry enough to immediately fight with full intent to harm and possibly even kill his brother, the closest person to him other than his father? Kaeya being an agent of Khaenri'ah doesn't seem like enough of a reason for all that I think. Maybe anger and being really upset, especially considering the timing of it all, but drawing their blades against each other? instantly? you could argue the response was that extreme because Diluc wasn't thinking clearly and was mourning, and the fact that Kaeya was lying about his whole identity ever since he stepped foot in the manor might've set him off, and I'd agree honestly. But I still think both of their reactions were incredibly extreme, even with their heightened emotions.
His vision! every faithful Kaeya enthusiast knows that his vision is slightly different from other Mondstadt vision holders, i don't buy that it was just an honest design mistake honestly, it's an easy fix and a weird mistake to make in the first place, and considering who the vision belongs to I think it was very intentional. maybe his vision is fake and his cryo is actually abyss powers or something ooo (also kind of a joke I have no clue)
I made a whole extensive post about Kaeya's design and all the little details in it (check it out you want to soooo bad it's pinned in my profile) but I think one of the things that could be a subtle foreshadowing and tying into the whole paragraph I made is that Kaeya has some vague fatui elements in his outfit! which is a crazy thing imo
This is all I can come up with at the moment. There might be more that I'm forgetting or unaware of, but I think all this is worth keeping in mind. I love Kaeya and he's been my main for three years, ever since I started playing, but I'd be lying if I told you I don't think he's lying to everyone about a whole bunch of things. I think he might be genuinely conflicted about whether he should stay loyal to his origins or the people who have actually raised and taken care of him, but that does not mean he's not privy to a lot more information than he lets on. Kaeya kind of seems like he knows how everything will turn out, everything he says and does is intentional and thought out. I need him dead, or a 5*.
I'd love to hear anything else you think is suspicious or might take on more meaning in the future from Kaeya! also please correct me if im wrong about anything, a lot of these are thoughts that have been circulating in my head for like years atp but i might've forgotten technicalities on some stuff.
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berryblooo · 2 years ago
How Kaeya and Kokomi's mysterious pasts can come back to haunt them
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Cross-posting from HoYoLab. If you enjoyed this post, please give me a like there!
Disclaimer: Spoilers for the 3.8 flagship event, Secret Summer Paradise.
Just An Ordinary Human
In an exchange between Klee and Kokomi, the young girl asks her new friend a funny question.
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To which Kokomi has a perfectly reasonable answer.
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So that sets the record straight, right? Kokomi is nothing but a normal human. Nothing special about her!
Not quite!
Foreshadowing is defined as "an indication of what is to come" in works of literature and media. Foreshadowing doesn't have to be a positive assertion to a plot line coming up later - it can also pose a question that will be addressed down the road.
Klee pointing at Kokomi's mermaid-like design elements and asking her if she's a fish isn't meant to make the player ask this same question literally. What it is meant to do is have us question, "Is Kokomi just an ordinary human?" She may not be a fish or mermaid, but there are other forces at play from Enkanomiya, her ancestral home, that we can look into.
Just A Calvary Captain
The characters in Genshin Impact aren't always upfront about who they are or their origins. A prime example of this is the Traveler themselves - they are not forthcoming to Paimon, their closest traveling companion, about how and why they came to Teyvat, their origins, and the powers they have.
This means we can't always take what a character says at face value. The uncertainty and subsequent questioning is meant to heighten suspicion and excitement for later reveals.
One such character who has had much of this foreshadowing about their origins and motivations is Kaeya Alberich, who conveniently also happened to be featured in this event. As one of the four starter characters, we've known about Kaeya's mysterious foreshadowing since the beginning of the game. This is in reference to his origins in Khaenri'ah and Mona's voiceline, About Kaeya.
Kaeya Alberich? He's a Pavo Ocellus. Destined for greatness and grandeur... and to hide ugly realities behind a layer of charm and elegance. He believes he has made a clean break with his past, but one day fate will catch up with him. When it does, he will have a major decision to make.
This led to fans speculating that he is Khaenri'an royalty, a lost prince because of his dad's line "You are our last hope" though we eventually found out in the 2.8 Hidden Strife event that the Alberich clan were more like retainers to King Irmin.
"Remember always that it was the Alberich Clan, who did not have royal blood, who stepped in as regents when the strength of the one-eyed king Irmin failed. Though we could not restore Khaenri'ah to life, we of the Alberich Clan should lead lives as those who blaze like fire, rather than those who wallow in the embers."
And despite fan theories speculating that Kaeya may betray Mondstadt due to his allegiance with Khaenri'ah, the game seems to point toward the opposite. If the remnants of Khaeri'ah are the Abyss Order, led by the Abyss Princess/Prince, then Kaeya is likely to side with his immediate home and family.
We see yet another hint of this in the ongoing event in his exchange with Collei.
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Her hesitance is echoing that of the players' who wonder if Kaeya is a double agent working against Mondstadt's interests. But Kaeya's response foreshadows his choice in that prophesized choice he will have to make, mentioned by Mona.
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We already know from Kaeya's character stories that he will drink and mingle with Treasure Hoarders to get intel for the Knights of Favonius, and it's hinted in Part 9, Crash Course, of the Archon Quest Prologue: Act I - The Outlander Who Caught The Wind that he can speak the Abyssal language to communicate with Abyss Mages.
This, and his exchange with Zosimos after the performance of his play, teases his possible double agent status.
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The implication here is that Kaeya is putting up a front and acting out a part in our interactions with him. However, as has already been established, it seems less and less likely that Kaeya would betray his friends and home. Rather, he may be able to leverage his status as inheritor of the Khaeri'an royalty to put up a resistance to the Abyss Order alongside the Traveler. He gets to reclaim his homeland, while the Traveler can get their twin back.
Sleeping Dragon
Kokomi, much like Kaeya, is a descendant and heir of an ancient fallen kingdom, Enkanomiya. But is she a double agent? Is Enkanomiya foreshadowed to come back, like Khaenri'ah?
Not quite.
While Khaenri'ah was defined by being a godless nation ruled by human might alone, Enkanomiya has ties to before the creation of Teyvat as we know it and the Primordial One.
Before the Primordial One arrived to what would become Teyvat, it was ruled by the Seven Sovereigns, or dragons-lords. We've met one of the sovereigns, Apep, in Sumeru. Another of the seven dragon-lords was the Dragon of Water, who perished in its fight against the Primordial One.
Before it became known as Enkanomiya, the realm was called Byakuyakoku and was terrorized by Dragonheirs of the Depths or the creatures now called Bathysmal Vishaps. You're likely familiar with them.
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Their name was changed once the people learned that the Dragonheirs feared light and could drive them away with their lanterns and artificial sun. From there they studied and experimented on the Vishaps and found that they are not only intelligent, but can communicate with each other and evolve.
It is in these experimental records that we learn of a prophecy.
Prophecy holds that the Dragon Sovereign of Water will be born in a human form. We must not let this thing happen in Enkanomiya.
The Byakuyakoku Collection, Vol 4
Following the fading of the Seven Sovereigns' power, a new generation of Sovereigns is presently being born. But now that the Bathysmal Vishaps have evolved in this manner, they have lost their purity. As such, the Dragon of Water will no longer be born from among their ranks. Prophecy holds that the new Dragon of Water will definitely descend in the form of a human.
Bolteater Bathysmal Vishap Hatchling description
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This is where the theory that Kokomi is the prophesized Dragon of Water reborn stems from.
It does not matter that she says she is "just an ordinary human" because the prophecy states that the sovereign will be reborn as a human.
Her constellation also points to this.
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The Latin name, Dracaena Somnolenta, translates to "sleeping dragon". Seems pretty straightforward.
What does it mean for Kokomi, Enkanomiya, and the story if she is indeed revealed to be the Dragon of Water? Will it have a resurgence like Khaenri'ah?
I don't believe so. The descendants of Enkanomiya now occupy Watatsumi Island in Inazuma. They no longer worship their dead god, Orobashi, who was slain by the Raiden Shogun, but live a somewhat independent existence on their island.
According to their local legends, Enkanomiya attempts to absorb the spirit of Watatsumi, which slowly bleaches and erodes the island's soil, turning it into an uninhabitable desert. This is why the Sangonomiya Shrine conducts the Watatsumi Mitama Omatsuri ritual that purifies the waters and soil. If this fails, the phenomena could disturb the Vishaps that lurk deep in the depths below.
If, for whatever reason, these rituals fail and the ancient Vishaps invade the surface, who better to stop them, even command them, than the reborn Dragon of Water?
The power of water is its ability to take any shape...
It's no coincidence that Kaeya and Kokomi are two of the characters featured in Secret Summer Paradise. Not only are they both heirs of fallen nations, but the event itself touches on the theme of hidden/secret identities.
This is exemplified by the main NPC, Idyia.
While she first appears as "just a normal human" we learn in Act III - Dreams and First Encounters! that her human appearance hides her true form, that of an Oceanid.
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Idyia's reveal reflects what fans expect for Kaeya and Kokomi.
She is exiled from her homeland, Fontaine. While the nation still exists, it can be said that it is not the same as when the former Hydro Archon, Lord Amrita, ruled and thus has fallen in that sense. Idyia now resides in a foreign nation and hides her true origins and form.
The extra connection between Idyia and Kokomi is the affinity for the Hydro element, which is associated with transformation, illusions, and dreams.
In Conclusion
What can we take away from all this?
The characters aren't always reliable narrators. They can lie to us, just like the Traveler can withhold information.
Things are not always as they seem, so believe only that which your eyes show you... these themes will undoubtedly be expanded upon in Fontaine, the nation of Justice and the courtroom.
Heads may roll.
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 years ago
I don't believe Paimon is, like, actively and deliberately malicious/evil - she's too earnest about everything for me to believe it and also I want her to be the Traveler's bestie for real - but I do find it plausible that her presence may be a means to thwart/redirect/etc the Traveler by Celestia. Y'know, based on how she acts and talks and responds to things, and her very select random knowledge.
And... if there is manipulation, and if that manipulation is how she (genuinely or otherwise this would still apply) reacts to things... well, she's very receptive and believing to almost everything Dainsleif tells us, and Dainsleif in general, and eager to make something that's very much a serious accusation as soon as he drops something about Kaeya (and she does frequently call Kaeya shady and untrustworthy, like, every time he's mentioned, but with people the Traveler is friends with that sort of thing is at least usually pretty lighthearted. Immediately loudly pressing him about working with the Abyss at the first tiny bit of info connecting them is... less so. And, again, this may just be her general side-eyeing of Kaeya, but at the very least, two shady people and she's taking one a lot closer to face value than the other.)
It's all dependent on ifs, of course, but hypothetically if someone were to believe there's something shady and celestial going on with Paimon (and it is a popular theory), it could, if true, potentially lend credit to the theory that there's something shady and celestial going on with Dainsleif. Not to say she already knew him or anything like that, but if she is meant to be pushing us in a certain direction, that direction does seem to assume the best of Dain.
Yeah, especially after the new update I'm not sure I buy the 'Paimon is a willing spy and is using Traveler for some evil plan'.
My theory currently is mostly that Paimon is sort of like a camera. Like if Paimon wasn't there, every second Traveler is alone (which is often) Irminsul does not know what is happening.
Traveler is like a black hole in Irminsul, only visible if Traveler is around other people. And paimon is like a satellite, constantly orbiting around the black hole to record information about it.
That's my going theory.
Also she's probably, like, an artificial construct with some vague and very strict programming. Because there's a thing Paimon does every single time they figure out some new information where she immediately dumbs it down and changes the meaning drastically in the progress.
Like with the Kaeya eye patch thing, I've talked about it in another post. But Kaeya in his quest literally tells us the eye patch is proof that he's related to his grampa. And later, when we're told Dain covers his eye, Traveler makes a joke about him being related to Kaeya.
And Paimon legit goes. "Eye patches don't prove someone is related to you [stupid]"
(proof for both statements:
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dkniade · 2 years ago
Translation: Eula and Collei in Secret Summer Paradise (Part 1, quest 1)
Game: Genshin Impact
Developer: HoYoverse
Fan Localization: Dusk
Specifically when Eula gets embarrassed over running into fellow knights Kaeya and Klee in Gandharva Ville, Sumeru.
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Original Chinese
Fan Translation
Kaeya: I didn’t think going on this trip would make me run into the Captain of the Guerilla Company on vacation. What a coincidence.
Eula: …Why’s everyone here? Tch…*
Paimon: Didn’t she look kind of embarrassed just now…
Traveler: Don’t mind her so much.
Traveler: Anyone up for some afternoon tea?**
Collei: Ah, right, right! Yeah, let’s go!***
Eula: No need to do this even if you’re considering my feelings. You guys misunderstood. I’m not embarrassed about it.
Collei: If you say so…****
Official Translation
Kaeya: What a coincidence. I didn't expect to run into a fellow Favonian captain this far from Mondstadt. How's the vacation going?
Eula: ...Seriously? Bring the whole crew, why don't you? Tsk...
Paimon: Is it just Paimon, or does Eula not look particularly thrilled right now...
Traveler: Well since we're all here...
Traveler: ...Who's up for some afternoon tea?
Collei: Oh, cool! Great idea! Let's go.
Eula: If you're trying to accommodate me, there must be some misunderstanding. I'm fine. There's nothing embarrassing about running into colleagues in the wild.
Collei: Uh, but earlier you were…
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Translation Notes: Official translation provides some context for Eula’s embarrassment but also gives a different vibe with just a few minor changes (again). Eula’s company is the Guerilla Company in Chinese. The vacation part in Kaeya’s line is localized well though.
*Based on voice, dialogue, and expression, Eula seems embarrassed in Chinese (and Paimon also points out she seems embarrassed). But in the official English location she downright sounds hostile in words and voice (despite her expression) so Paimon says she doesn’t look “particularly thrilled”.
**Directly it’s “Everyone, let’s drink afternoon tea together” but the idea is that it’s a suggestion instead of request.
***Collei sounds kind of embarrassed in a “I don’t know what to do so thanks for getting me out of this awkward situation by suggesting we drink tea” way. Also, since it’s in Gandharva Ville, that’d imply she’s a host scrambling to please her visitors.
****This line is really vague because it’s not a full sentence. Directly speaking, it’s closer to “That’d better be the case for you…” but Collei looks away and mutters this to herself in a sad musing way while looking unconfident. Eula is rather straightforward in saying the Knights misread her being embarrassed, so Collei is probably thinking something like, “I’m trying to lessen the tension by offering to make afternoon tea for everyone but Eula declined my offer, which feels embarrassing, like I’ve done something wrong.”
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evelynpr · 2 years ago
How IN LOVE are the Genshin cast with the Traveler? An ANALYSIS of the cast's affinity for them based on voice lines, events and other media!
This goes for both Aether and Lumine, and even Paimon occasionally for the friendship/family tier! If there is anyone or smth I missed please feel free to add I love studying character relationships!!! Of course you are free to interpret these differently, or see it as "something more" if you wish hehe ;)
Lowest Tier : Friendly-er
These characters are here because they are not the type to have many friends, but traveler is special to them, not romantically
Raiden Ei - I interpret their relationship as one that is trying to build a stable friendship, but still recovering from past events slowly. Ei has done a lot of harm both directly and indirectly at the traveler, but has gone through the events of the quest to re-center herself in which the Traveler helped greatly. Deeply thankful is what I'm lead to believe, but casual is still iffy because of Ei's acts of cutting off all close connections in the past.
Shenhe - She is very protective of the traveler, because they were her earliest friends (yes Paimon too) and her story does revolve around her learning to fight for others (I find their friendship very sweet, but not romantic at all since Shenhe has a much longer way to go in understanding social relationships) (I'm kinda surprised I've never seen someone ship this romantically actually-)
Diluc - Definition of a Gentleman when it comes to the traveler. He always offers his support, gives his hand-picked grape juice to them for free, etc. He always sees them in high regard and trusts them greatly (but you could probably say he does the same for Kaeya, Jean, Adelinde, Elzer, basically anyone he sees as family)
Ningguang - She says herself that she keeps her friends few because of the dangers her enemies pose on those who are close to her, but as Liyue's protector she puts great trust in the traveler. Her hangout imo shows that she generally trusts us more than a business partner but as a friend (very wholesome, but nothing more than that and that's cool!)
Razor - Traveler is Lupical. Razor is inherently very protective of the people he cares about because of feeling like he failed to protect his lupical in the past (I believe that's the story behind his vision). So obviously it is not romantic, but his interactions with the Traveler, Paimon, his family and friends are just so special and heartwarming especially in his latest event (SO SWEET I LOVE FOUND FAMILY)
Scaramouche/Wanderer/babygirl/whatever you named him - He clearly doesn't have that many companions (or even any at all), even less those who he shows any sign of vulnerability to. Personally I see it as one of the most interesting traveler relationships in the game yet because they both do not fully trust each other, nor fully accept the other as a friend, but because of him revealing his trauma and past to him, and also the traveler also revealing a part of their own mind and longing, they have an understanding of each other like no one else does. (I do not see this as romantic, but more like a camaraderie which may lead to a deeper connection in the future)
Side note: Most of the playable cast are friends with the traveler, I point out these people specifically because they don't show vulnerability often, or already have other of friends so these relationships have another level of importance to the character.
Middle Tier : Flirty~
These guys are sweet talkers, may or may not be into the traveler
Kaeya - He kinda just talks like that if you ask me. He genuinely cares for the traveler and the other Knights and his family, but his language is just one of the ways he puts on his persona (As Razor would put it, his "fake smile")
Lisa - "Hey cutie-" makes me feel things, ok. Other than that though, nothing tells me she's into the traveler any more than a flirty way? I mean she appreciates them for their skills and support but I think it ends there?
Kazuha - man is a sweet talker honestly. Of course he also cares for the traveler deeply, but his poetic and colorful language is from his own nature, and the traveler generally has a special presence (His language IS very pretty if you ask me haha) (I feel some would say its more *suggestive* than others so that's up to you already lmao)
If there's anyone else you think has a rather *flavorful* way of speaking to the traveler, please do let me know :> If you think these have deeper meaning though, that would be interesting
Above Average Tier : Very sweet, could be something more?
Pseudo-canon material (the comics and hangouts are great man)
Thoma - You give him flowers in his hangout, and in another ending he gives you his omamori which is very sentimental to him. Thoma is generally an incredibly sweet person, so interpret it as you please haha <3
Heizou - This is pretty romantic if you ask me (depending on your taste). He keeps saying how much he wants you to be his "partner" (technically in the investigation sense), and has dialogue about how he feels comfortable around you, it's very sweet and has potential. Not to mention "Traveler, you are so dreamy~" (I swear this guy is 80% fanservice but do you see people complaining?)
Noelle - Her hangout was really adorable, it had a very innocent and young long vibe throughout it and it's just cuteness overload :> (What I would call a babyship)
Childe - Chilumi (not counting Aether) is basically canon in one of the side comedy comics, but in game, it's implied they do battle for fun, traveler does still keep their guard up around him, but his story quest shows he puts great trust in the traveler despite their differences.
Highest Tier : VERY interested, in love even
These are all in game, and pretty canon events (Teapot lines may still be questioned on how canon they are, but further reinforce the mindsets and affinity for the traveler these characters have) (of course it still has headcanon and my own stupid simp heart but bear with me okay?)
Albedo - He always talks abt how interested he is in you (not just scientifically anymore lmao), and suggested for you to live (totally not with him) in Dragonspine. He also trusts them more than others quite explicitly. He is, I believe, deeply enamored by them because of their kindness, strength, intelligence and reliability because the traveler is the person he is most comfortable with. They are the reason he wants to interact with others more as well (Shadows Amidst Snowstorms +Teapot highlights this). The teapot lines are just the icing on the cake, man is making a MOVE on the traveler for REAL by asking him out and showing how he wants to spend more time with them.
Xiao - I feel like despite how common this pair is, it's quite overlooked just how much Xiao trusts and admires the traveler. Xiao is very sensitive about people calling him by his name to use it to control him (that is what his old master did to him) so the fact that he tells only the traveler (not just suggest mind you) to call him anywhere anytime using HIS NAME, are massive displays of vulnerability, trust and protectiveness. (I believe that protection is his main way of showing affection because others are currently an anomaly to him) Xiao also both literally and emotionally feels a calming presence around them because of their healing ability and kindness. He also just can't say no to them, and wants to understand the traveler more even if it means in partaking in "dumb human activities"
Ayaka - She sees so much freedom and beauty in the traveler it is so sweet, and it's quite obvious how much she wants to spend time and be closer with the traveler emotionally (maybe I am just a simp but please she is so tender and sincere) It is also mentioned repeatedly how much she talks about them in very high regard. Once again the teapot lines are just the sugary coat on top with "May I...hold your hand?" being one of them (I screamed like I just won 50/50 in one pull with that line)
The old lady of the Kamisato Estate also mentions how thrilled Ayaka is every time they're around, and also talked about how talented and admirable they are. She also implied that they are Ayaka's "Knight in Shining Armor" and that she talks about them all the time. Idk if you need anymore convincing at this point of how much Ayaka likes the traveler after that.
SIDE NOTE : I find it refreshing and fascinating how the genders actually seem quite mixed and what relationships characters have with the traveler are varied. I really appreciate the writing team for the amount of detail they put into them!
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versadies · 3 years ago
can i ask for chicken-mushroom skewer, squirrel fish, golden fried chicken, mint jelly, dango milk and mustard please🥺🥺🥺
the 1 – kaeya alberich x gn!reader
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name of order. the 1
date. kaeya alberich (w/ gn!knight!reader)
receipt. chicken-mushroom skewer (kaeya alberich) + squirrel fish (enemies to lovers) + golden fried chicken (opposites attract) + mint jelly (fluff) + dango milk (normal au / normal character) + mustard (drabble)
spices. angst/fluff, enemies to lovers, bittersweet, mentions of assumed unrequited love, traveler is neutral, alcoholic consumption, mentions of drunk
ingredients. in which you bring the drunk cavalry captain and he apologizes for what he did to you.
vip list. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @hoshikistarlight @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @coleluuviida @034ven @dear-dairiess @luv3rxcha @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @nejibot @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque
chef's note. kaeya and reader didn't end up as lovers but is hinted that they both still love each other so i hope you don't mind !!
3k event milestone masterlist | main masterlist
you have absolutely no idea why on earth people like the cavalry captain.
what do they even see in him? he’s not even that handsome nor does he have intentions that are pure. it didn’t help that his love for provoking others made you all the more reason to not like him.
that’s why you always made sure to keep a close eye on your beloved companion, the traveler.
“you shouldn’t trust him much,” you said to the traveler and paimon one time as the both of you strolled around the city at a late hour. “he may look nice and have good intentions, but trust me when i say that he’s far from that. there’ll come a day when you’ll understand what i mean.”
paimon lets out an exasperated sigh. “oh trust us ( name ), we’ve already learned our lesson. he told us there’ll be a treasure chest if we do his quest but in the end, there’s no chest at all!” she complains.
you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. typical kaeya.
you noticed the way the traveler looks at you with an observed look on their face, causing you to look at them in curiosity. “got something on your mind, traveler?” you asked.
their eyes slightly widened, embarrassed that they got caught. “o-oh uhm.. i was just wondering since you’re a really nice person but.. why do you hate kaeya?”
paimon’s eyes brightens. “now that you mention it… ( name ) is nice to everyone except sir kaeya! what did he do to make you hate him?”
you let out a fake cough, looking away from their curious eyes.
to tell them the truth, it was all because of an incident.
it was back when you and kaeya were best friends for a long time since childhood and were willing to face the world together when an incident occurred.
it’s no lie that you once had affectionate feelings for the cavalry captain back then. throughout the years when he’s still in the growing ranks of the knights of favonius, you never once not supported your best friend, always congratulating him whenever he gained an achievement, all in the name of your friendship and love for him.
so when kaeya asked you if he could take you out for dinner in good hunter as a date, you didn’t hesitate to say yes happily. you made sure to pick the best attire, made yourself look presentable, and even came to the restaurant early than the agreed time,
only for you to wait for hours until you gave in and accepted the fact that you were being stood up, thinking that he found out about your love for him and played with your feelings for his entertainment.
“let’s just say he had wronged me as well.” you spoke, a bitter smile plastered on your face.
before paimon could let out another comment, someone suddenly interrupted your conversation. “traveler, ( name )! oh thank goodness i managed to come across to you both.” the stranger spoke.
you raise an eyebrow at the stranger as the traveler looks taken back by surprise. “what’s wrong?” paimon asks.
“it’s about sir kaeya, you guys are friends with him right?”
the three of you stayed silent awkwardly, but the stranger could care less. “sister rosaria had requested me to look for you guys to help sir kaeya go home in his drunken state. you see uh, he drank… quite a lot more than usual.” he explains with an awkward chuckle.
you furrowed your eyebrows. “a lot? is he so drunk that no one can help him?” you ask.
the stranger assumed your tone was of worry towards the captain cavalry. “well yes. usually when he’s drunk he’s usually able to bring himself back home, but this time uh… he passed out and we don’t exactly know where he lives.”
the white-haired companion lets out an awkward laugh. “we hate to break it to you sir but we don’t know–”
“lead the way.” you suddenly spoke, causing paimon and traveler to look at you in shock.
the stranger puts his hands together in a grateful manner. “you have my gratitude, ( name )! please follow me.”
when the stranger told you kaeya was so drunk, you didn’t expect him to be that drunk.
“charles, could you be a gentleman and pour me another drink?” the cavalry captain exclaims with a huge grin, raising his drink towards the bartender, whose arms were crossed in a firm stance.
“forgive me, sir kaeya, but i refuse to pour another drink when you’re in such a state.”
the blue-haired man laughs, only to stop when he notices a looming presence behind him. when he turns around in curiosity, his eyes slightly widen when he realizes it’s you.
“...good evening, captain kaeya.” you spoke in a monotone voice. “it’s been a while, has it?”
“(n… (name)” he stumbled his words, as though his intoxicated state instantly washes away the moment he sees you (much to rosaria’s surprise). “i… how are you?”
you ignored his question, and you looked at charles. “i apologize if he’s bothering you. he must’ve had a bad day today.” you said with an apologetic smile, ignoring the way the traveler’s eyes are on you and kaeya attentively.
charles shakes his head with a reassuring smile. “nonsense, ( name ). i understand sir kaeya here needs some drink, i’m just relieved that there’s someone here who’s willing to take care of him in his condition.”
you nodded slowly, looking back at the blue-haired man, who’s still staring at you. “we’ll take our leave then. traveler, are you going to help me out or will you continue your way around the city?”
the traveler opens their mouth for a moment, until they stop themselves when they noticed kaeya’s stare and shake their heads. “we’ll take our leave. paimon and i uh, forgot to claim our rewards in the guild.” they said, causing paimon to look at the honorary knight in confusion.
“huh? didn’t we– hey!” before the floating companion could protest, she was suddenly dragged away by the rushed traveler, leaving you alone in the tavern to deal with kaeya alone.
it took a while before kaeya decided to speak up again. “you really–”
“let’s get you back home, captain.”
seeing kaeya’s home brought you down to the memory lane as soon as you arrived, staring down at the place blankly as you hold the sleepy cavalry captain firmly. “where did you… put your key?” you asked hesitantly.
the blue-haired man instantly wakes up from his short nap, realizing that he’s now in his home. “i.. i must’ve put it under the rug.” he spoke quietly, and you felt taken back. has kaeya always been like this?
remember what he did to you, you thought to yourself, shaking your head to yourself. you’re only helping as a knight helping their senior.
while still supporting kaeya’s body by placing his arm around your shoulder while holding his back, you try to lower yourself to get the key under the rug, being careful to not accidentally let the cavalry captain fall on the ground.
by the time you obtained the key, you immediately tried to unlock his door, only for it to open and you quickly dragged the man to his home. the faster you can put him to his couch, the better for you to go back and continue your daily patrol around the city.
however, before you could walk away after placing the man on his couch, you felt someone grabbing your wrist. “wait,” kaeya said in a desperate tone.
you furrowed your eyebrows, looking back at the blue-haired man.
“stay, please..”
you scoffed. “pull yourself together, captain kaeya. you’re not thinking straight at all.” you sternly spoke, trying to get away once more.
he refuses to let go of your wrist. “i’m thinking straight – just please, let me talk to you.”
“there’s nothing for you and i to talk about. you wouldn’t want any of your nosy neighbors to see me walking out from your home at such a late hour now, do we–?”
“i’m sorry, ( name ).”
your eyes widen from his response, staring down at him in disbelief.
as you stayed silent, he continued. “...do you know what day it is today?”
you furrowed your eyebrows, until you immediately realized what he meant. today was the fateful night when he stood you up on your date.
“i know it’s far too late,” he lets out a breath. “but believe me when i say that i deeply regret it. there’s not a single day when i think of that incident every time i saw you around the streets with no hope in your eyes–”
“let me go, kaeya.” you whispered, feeling your heartbeat pace faster from the thought of the things you’ve been through after what he did to you. you swore you were over with him, you swore you hated him more than anyone else. “please.”
he shakes his head, not yielding. “i’ve let you go too many times and i will not do it again this time, not when this might be the last time i’ll ever manage to speak with you ever again.”
you looked away from his stern glance. it felt like he’s no longer drunk anymore, to be honest.
“please, ( name ).” he begs. “i… i know forgiveness is out of my reach, but i just want you to let me explain myself.”
“then explain.” you said urgently. “explain yourself before i decide to cut your hand off and let me go.”
he pays no mind to your harmless threat. “i had to do it so that you won’t be with someone like me,”
“because you’re too good to be with someone like me.”
your eyes widens. did he actually just say that?
he lets go of your wrist helplessly. “i know you see me as a fool for saying this, but i’m not who i seem outside, ( name ). if you.. if you find out about who i am.. you would see me the way diluc does and i cannot afford to let you fall in love with me–”
“i’m not him, kaeya.” you spoke quietly. “i’m not diluc.”
“you don’t understand, ( name )–”
“so help me understand, kaeya.”
“i can’t… it’s too early.”
you closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself down as kaeya continued to speak, his voice grew more desperate. “i care about you more than anyone else in this silly world, ( name ). it hurts to know that i can’t have you as mine because of my past. i knew that standing you up on that date was the only chance for you to not spend time with me even when i knew you’d see me as nothing but someone for you to hate–”
“you.. loved me?” you interrupted.
“i love you.” he corrected.
“why now?”
“...” kaeya looks away from you for the first time, making you all the more desperate. “please kaeya, why tell me out of all the times you could’ve told me? why now instead of when i cried for you in my sleep? why now instead of when i waited for you to come to me and apologize–”
“i’m a coward.”
“you always were.”
you slowly sat down next to the man, ignoring the fact that he reeks of alcohol. “you always were a coward, kaeya. but that didn’t stop me from loving you.” you clarified with sad eyes. “i could care less if the person you’re hiding inside is far from nice. i could care less if you’re hiding something that could risk my life. what i cared more is the fact that you think you’re not good enough for me.”
he looks at you with a broken look. “but it’s true. once you find out who i am, you’ll leave and despise me even more.”
“come what may, kaeya.” you said. “only the future can tell what happens to us once you reveal your secret past that you’ve kept inside, but don’t let that stop you from being happy.”
you cupped his cheeks, an instinct that you’ve done back then when you two were best friends. “so answer me, do you still intend on running away from fixing our problem or will you stay and help us mend our friendship?”
it took a few moments before you felt his cold hands on yours. “i won’t run away this time.”
you smile in sadness. “it will take a long time for me to trust you. i still despise you for what you did to me back then.”
he copies your expression. “come what may.”
you lightly laughed, trying to lighten up the sad atmosphere around the two of you. “come what may.”
and for the first time in a long time, your eyes finally sparked hope.
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writingseaslugs · 2 years ago
idk how many characters u have met so far but for those u have what's ur opinion on them 🎤🎤🎤🎤
Let's see here, and hopefully I get all the names correct:
Paimon: Not gonna lie, thought she'd be another Navi, but I love her. She's adorable and my little buddy.
Kaeya: First husband of the series, I'm currently doing his pirate quest thingie and I think I'm almost done but tbh I just want more interactions with him PLEASE.
Amber: Originally I wanted to punch her, but now we're chill. Kinda ditsy though which can be annoying but I don't hate her.
Lisa: Barely know her and she's not on my team, but she ahem mommy, sorry? Mommy? High key though love the character design on her. Love the witch aesthetic and she was fun to have on the team when I had to use her for a dungeon.
Noelle: Only know her because I had her on my team due to the beginner's wish. Have no idea what she's actually like. Is she even in the story? I hope so, would be nice to know her since she's adorable.
Bennett: Just got him in a summon and he's now one of my son's.
Acting Grandmaster: Um forgot her name but she's chill I guess?
Venti: Saw him in a single cutscene and he's gender.
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watevermelon · 4 years ago
Same Old Love | Kaeya (Genshin) x Traveler!Reader
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✧ Summary: Kaeya was mysterious in every way that made you wary. From the gleam in his eye to how easy it was for him to flirt, it made you wonder how much he was presenting was truly real. Not wanting to get sucked in, you swore not to fall for the Cavalry Captain. At least, that was the plan, right? ➳ Notes: Angst with a happy ending ➳ A/N: Thank you so much for the ask!! This was fun to write ((I feel like I write so much angsty/jealousy fics haha)) I’m just getting into genshin and so please feel free to send in requests for these cuties <3 @breathings-of-the-heart​
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You had some worries about Kaeya, dubbed “The Handsome Mr. Kaeya” by Paimon.
There was no doubt that he was attractive, his ever present smirk and exposed chest was enough to signify to anyone that even Kaeya was well aware of his looks. But he tended to wield his words like a double edged sword - using his words for an express purpose.
It was admirable, in a way. He was the loyal Cavalry Captain who looked out for Mondstadt’s best interest. And while he had misled you on this pirate treasure adventure, there was no harm really done. In fact, from the way he prattled about haircuts and eyepatches inherited from his parents, you were already sure that it was simply a tale being spun for Paimon to latch onto.
At the end of the day, Kaeya still compensated you for your time and provided you with a higher-level weapon. The criminals were caught and the Knights were credited for another arrest of an infamous Treasure Hunter. It was a win-win situation that you very quickly put behind you as another job done.
The entire quest had not really bothered you - it was not like you had not withheld anything either. You ran from clue to clue without updating Kaeya on your progress, with the express intent of snagging some of this treasure yourself.
It was a really smart move on his part and, for whatever reason, it had the inverse effect on you - it made you want to get closer to Kaeya.
Paimon grumbled for all of a day before she prattled onto something new, complaining about the returning ruin guard by the temple or the way Venti sassed her. But you often found yourself hanging around Good Hunter or  Angel’s Share, wondering if you would be able to run into him again.
It was no surprise that Kaeya was always busy, Jean had mentioned before that Kaeya was the one who often wrapped up every physical incident that occurred in both the city and outer plains of Mondstadt.
And so it was easy to lose track of him, the image of Kaeya still present in your mind, just pushed back in the further recess as you continued in your struggle to find clues about your brother. When whispers on the street spoke of a Dark Knight hero, you were pleasantly surprised to see Diluc patrolling the streets from the shadows.
The last thing you had expected was to team-up with the very man who ran opposite to the Knights, but you learned how oddly sweet Diluc was in that short amount of time. His double life of fighting off the abyss army single-handedly to running the largest Winery on the continent - Diluc’s workload was no easy feat.
You were just out of the clear, Huffman gone to deal with the slimes when a resounding clap started from the dining area of the bar. Kaeya stood and approached you both, you turned to Diluc and he had the flattest, most unimpressed expression on.
You stood mostly silent in that conversation, Diluc with his arms and chin held high. Kaeya had reassured him that the secret was best kept that way, eyes glinting mischievously as they went from the winery owner to you.
You only stared right back, as if Kaeya’s face would give off exactly what he was looking for. Instead, he simply smiled at the both of you and left when Diluc said he was closing the bar. Diluc thanked you for your assistance, reassuring you that in case you need help, he was a willing hand.
When you walked out the bar then, Kaeya was still right outside, chatting casually with some of the late bar-goers that sat at the picnic table. Just as he made eye-contact with you, he bid himself goodbye from the group and fell into step with you.
“Paimon doesn’t trust blue-haired, eye-patched men anymore.” She started next to you.
“That’s good I’m a blue-haired, eye-patched handsome young man.” Kaeya shot back, to which she rolled her eyes. He then turned to you with the same open smirk as usual, “And here I was thinking I could make you my assistant.”
Was he flirting with you?
It took you a second to question this internally before Paimon scoffed, “Ugh, I’m going ahead to the inn. I don’t think I can stand watching you make kissy-faces at each other after the day we had.”
You waved a hand in her direction to smack her, but she was already flying away up and out of reach.
Turning back to the Captain, you were surprised to see that Kaeya was still looking at you, not even toward Paimon as she fled into the night.
Remembering his last statement, you shot back, “Think you could handle me?”
“Confidence, it looks very good on you.” Kaeya replied as his smile widened. He took a single step closer, lowering his voice next to your ear and continuing. “But the real question is if you have any idea what you’re getting yourself into?”
You stood your ground, ignoring the shiver that ran up your spine, “I always like to try new things.”
“I look forward to it.” Kaeya straightened, lightly grabbing your hand in one of his own and raising it to his lips. “Until then, traveler.”
To think that such a simple action, hardly anything scandalous, had lingered on your skin the entire night. You remembered the way his lips felt against your hand, how striking his blue eyes bore into your own. Kaeya was extremely dangerous, able to catch your attention and keep it for hours on end.
The next day you had a commission about dismantling a rising Hilichurl camp, a perfect distraction away from the eye-patched hunk that kept plaguing your thoughts. The last thing you expected was for Kaeya to see you.
“Looks like our honorary knight continues their do-good streak.”
“It’s the least I can do.” You replied back, a sassy hand on your waist.
“Why don’t I accompany you?”
You wanted to scream.
Paimon actually did groan before stating she was going to stay in the city.
And suddenly, your distraction was running exactly opposite to your intention. With Kaeya joining your party, the Cavalry Captain was making himself decidedly known you.
He led you around a cliff, showing you a higher area where you could survey the camp before bursting in guns blazing. There were six Hilichurls, some slimes scattered about and two towers already set-up in this enemy campsite.
You decided to stick together, coming in from the high ground and slamming your weapon into the ground at unsuspecting enemies. It felt nice to fight alongside someone again, oftentimes you were alone in your adventures. Paimon would yell words of encouragement, but never would she actually lift a finger to fight. But Kaeya was reliable, freezing enemies into place and shattering them where they stood.
Taking down some of the outer-rim electro Hilichurls equipped with bows, you were nearly finished with clearing the entire camp. You grabbed the pyro slimes and exploded them near the towers, taking down the camp with them. With the camp almost completely disassembled, you heard the tell-tale electronic power-up that only signified one enemy.
A ruin guard.
Hunched over, you watched as multiple missiles took aim on the nearby unsuspecting Cavalry Captain. Running the best you could, you threw decorum out the window as you all but tackled the poor man out of harm's way.
Rolling a few times, there was no surprised yelp from the man beneath you. He simply allowed you to take the wheel until you came to a stop, hovering over his body. Kaeya was undoubtedly taller than you, but you were face-to-face as he smirked beneath you.
“Wow, not that I’m against this.” Kaeya started, a quip ready. “But ask me out to dinner first.”
You flushed and stood up immediately, “I was saving you!”
“I’ll let you save me any day of the week.” Kaeya replied, earning a half-assed scowl on your behalf. He only laughed at you, calling your attempted look of intimidation only served to make a cute pout instead.
You huffed and considered leaving him with the ruin guard.
From then on there was no doubt about it - Kaeya was flirting with you.
And you were openly flirting back, if of course he decided a less obnoxious moment. In between commissions and nights at Angel’s Share, Kaeya flirtations were growing more and more brazen. It was one thing to kiss the top of your hand in greeting and another entirely for Kaeya to throw his hand across your hair, leaning in to openly bury his nose in your hair.
Diluc called you both disgusting.
Tonight, you entered Cat Tail’s semi-inconspicuously to get a drink. Paimon had long caught onto your game, saying that she surprisingly approved of Kaeya, since after all he was still a good guy in some ways.
But, she still was not exactly a fan of you too making “kissy-faces” at each other, her words. And so tonight you were flying solo, Paimon opting to annoy Amber instead tonight as they tracked down some abyss mage or other.
You tried your best to hang around the bar, looking around the tavern to see if the object of your desire was anywhere around. You meandered for a few minutes, saying greetings to other bargoers that had recognized you, before approaching the bartender if Kaeya has been around
The bartender recognized you immediately. It was hard not to place one of the few new people in Mondstadt, especially one that was crushing much of the country's enemies. Diona had mentioned before that you were a friend of Diluc’s, often more than just a customer at the rival tavern. No, you were seen running around the city with the red-head at random times.
She said the worst thing you could have ever suspected.
“I think Kaeya has a hot date tonight.”
You felt a lump in your throat form, but tried to keep your response guarded. “Oh?”
The bartender continued, “Yeah, I’m not sure if it was Paula? Or Maggie tonight? But you know the captain - always changing up his escapades.”
“Right, of course.” You replied back, words coming out before you could even register it. Instead, you kept on nursing your drink, spiteful words from the bartender marinating in your mind.
Kaeya was mysterious, yes. But was he leading you on?
… Was it right of you to trust him?
The first red flag should have been the fact that you knew nearly nothing about him personally. To think that you had spent all this time together talking and fighting alongside one another, but you could not even recall basic facts about him, let alone anything deep. You were unaware of his family history - Diluc was his brother, but it was the red-head who ended up confiding that fact to you.
Kaeya was so charming that you hadn’t even noticed he shut you out of his world.
And so there was no point in actively keeping a one-sided friendship like that. From then forth, you resolved to avoid the Cavalry Captain for the time being. You knew you had to free Dvalin together, but that did not mean you had to swoon for him in your free time.
It was almost expected of you to join him on Friday nights at Angel’s Share, but tonight you were missing. Neither Charles nor Diluc had seen you the entire day. There were probably a hundred different things you were doing - gathering resources, fighting slimes - and so Kaeya thought little of it.
But he was still disappointed not to see your face that night.
And so he thought nothing was wrong the next day when he saw you in the city square, talking to someone at the general store. He approached you and offered to join your party again, take down some enemies somewhere out in the country.
You didn’t even smile at him.
Not this time.
Just a curt no before you were leaving out the city gates.
The second time Kaeya already had enough and confronted you before you could even attempt to walk away.
He grabbed at your elbow, “Have you finally grown tired of me?”
You pulled it back, no real strength behind it as Kaeya still held you under his grip. “Kaeya, why is it that you keep reaching out to me? I have nothing of my own to offer - no money, no family - there is nothing left I can give you.”
He frowned in response but grabbed at your other hand, “I haven’t asked you for anything, have I?”
You looked away, “You don’t have to! It’s inherent, after all. Isn’t that why you asked me to team-up in the first place, to use me to find your criminals?”
Kaeya mentally recoiled, “Woah, back up. I may have guided you regarding the treasure but never have I maliciously led you on.”
You pulled at your hands to no avail, this time the captain actively trying to keep your attention on him. 
“I just! I thought I meant something more to you, Kaeya.”
He smiled and tried to pull you into his chest, but you shoved off his touch this time fully.
“No! You can’t just hug me and think everything is okay. You’re supposed to be one of the good guys, one of the handful of people I can trust in Mondstadt and I know nothing about you.”
Kaeya did not reach for your hands, instead moving to stand in front of you. “I’m sorry that I hold my secrets close to my chest, but that’s what I’m used to.”
Frustrated, you replied. “Don’t you get tired? Holding the people that love you at an arm's length?”
“I’m sorry.” He repeated, this time reaching for you. “I’m sorry that I made you feel like you weren’t special. Trust me, you’re the only one I’ve had eyes on ever since you landed here in Mondstadt.”
You shook your head, “But the bartender, she said -”
“Who cares what she said?” Kaeya interrupted, “They know village gossip, but they don’t know me or you.”
“I don’t really know you.” You replied.
Kaeya caressed the side of your cheek before lightly gently grabbing your hand again, “Then let’s start.”
With a hesitant smile, you closed your eyes and nodded.
You had your doubts then and it’s not like an issue of trust was fixed overnight. But, to his credit, Kaeya tried as best he could. Instead of meeting randomly at the bar, he would approach you sometime during the day and set-up a date. How he knew where you were was a mystery, but a man with that many connections surely had a way.
He had no qualms about holding your hand or openly kissing your cheek in the presence of others - proclaiming loudly to one and all in Mondstadt that you were his and he was yours.
Taking your first argument to heart, Kaeya was very keen on communication. Anything you were unsure of, he expressed that he was by no means rushing you. And when you finally shared your first kiss, for once not a single soul in front of the Lord Barbatos statue, you leaned into his touch to get many more.
Kaeya made good on his promise, slowly letting you into his world in kind. You remembered one night as the both of you sat on the edge of Mondstadt, nothing but ocean for miles in front of you. You had your head on his shoulder, describing your adventures with your brother and how you missed having family.  
Kaeya had a gentle hand in your hair, rubbing soothing circles as you recalled a time long ago. Once your story finished, you two continued to stare out, wondering what the future could hold as your minds swam in an endless sea of thoughts.
He broke the silence.
“I miss my brother also.”
Diluc was not always his estranged brother, but once a friend, supporter, and sounding board. Some even mistook them as truly twins in heart and mind, defending Mondstadt and having each other’s backs for years. The Diluc you had come to know was a shell of his old self, close friends and past hidden behind years of repressed feelings.
There was no doubt wistfulness in Kaeya’s eyes as he recalled the past to you, but you continued to listen quietly. 
Your relationship with the Cavalry Captain was hardly easy. Often responsibilities called you both - Kaeya was highly stationed in Mondstadt while you still had seven other countries to visit. But that did not mean the end for you both. Even when you were thousands of miles away or sat atop the highest mountain without a clue to where he was, you cherished the thought that you still shared the same sky with the love of your life.
No matter where you were in Teyvat, you had Kaeya to return to.
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outivv · 4 years ago
So I wondering if I could have headcannon's for a Kaeya x Reader.
Specifically in Jean's chapter, when an abyss mage was sent to kill her. This prompt assumes two things; A. Kaeya sent the mage, and B. he was monitoring from a distance.
While the mage was supposed to go for Jean, it also for the reader. Promptly he's forced to chew out and/or dispose of the mage, thus revealing his true loyalties.
I'd imagine the reader would be conflicted to say the least. Not to mention Jean. Naturally this is slightly angsty. so handle it how you wish.
Thanks for your time!
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Synopsis: when the abyss mage was sent (by kaeya) to kill Jean they attack the reader as well, causing kaeya to intervene.
Warnings: spoilers for jeans story quest, angst that kinda has a cliffhanger/ no distinct happy ending, minor mentions of death, and mentions of crying... So there’s a lot.
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Background information: the reader is friends with Jean, and has an established relationship with kaeya.
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: oh my god... I was so excited to get this request! I love the idea of villain kaeya, and I’ve been wanting to write some angst for a while. So this is just *mwah* amazing idea! I hope you enjoy because I really like this one, and have an amazing day/afternoon/ night! (Also I just realized this isn’t headcanons and it’s a fic sorry!!!)
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“I think the title of dandelion knight suits you better.” You said with a considerate smile towards Jean. You’ve known her for years, and in a time where she was ill you felt the need to reassure her, and take some weight of all the work she had off her shoulders. Her eyes turned glossy looking at her friend who she’s known for quite some time. You could tell that your words really hit her deep, and she took them to heart.
The wind blew the leaves of “the symbol of vannessa” tree as Jean spoke, “Thank you...” Her eyes met yours for a moment before looking to what appears to be over your shoulder. He face turned to one of anger, as she spoke “who’s there.” Her voice sharp. Suddenly a pyro abyss mage came out of the bushes saying “hmph caught red-handed” its voice sent shivers down your spine “finally when I have a opportunity to be rid of the master in a moment of weakness” it turned to you “you two show up to ruin things.”
“What?! How’d they know about Jeans condition?!” Paimon spoke concern and shock in their voice. The abyss mage seemed to contemplate for a moment before saying, “hmm, well since I have you both here might as well use this opportunity to the fullest.” They said before attacking both you and Jean.
Sudden bursts of fire tried to strike you and Jean, but missing by hair. Suddenly someone jumped down from the tree striking the abyss mage. You looked over from Jean to see kaeya. What was he doing here? Why was he in the tree? Why was he watching you. You had so many questions.
“Kaeya... what the hell are you doing here?!” You said your voice shaky from the sheer amounts of adrenaline running through your veins. “I... um...” Kaeya said unsure of what words he would, or better yet should say next. The abyss mage spoke, on the brink of death “why would you stop me?! You were the one who wanted to take the risk and end the acting grand master now!”
Your face turned pale, and to one of shock. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Kaeya... the man you’ve known forever... the man that you’ve fallen in love with, and have been in a relationship with for so long... tried to kill your best friend... or made someone else kill her. Made someone else do his dirty work. “You... you what.” You said your voice small, yet sharp.
“No... they... it... no. I wouldn’t do that. You know I respect Jean, and I love you why would I want to kill either of you?” Kaeya said trying to save himself, and come up with an excuse. Now that you think about it... how much do you really know about kaeya? Where is he from? How’d he get his vision? Why has he never talked about his past.
“Why would an abyss mage know you.” You said sharply your eyes shooting daggers at the man you love. Jean finally spoke up, “Kaeya. As acting grand master I demand that you explain what is going on, and what your affiliation is with this abyss mage.” Her voice was as sharp as yours and she had a sudden intimating aura to her.
Kaeya confessed. There was no way back now. Once he explained everything, tears stating to roll down your face. For you had to choose between the two people you loved most. Better yet, you had to choose between an entire nation that is thriving, and that you’ve spent your whole life in. And another that was robbed of everything that they ever had, ever dreamed of.
“I... I don’t know what to say... I... I need some time.” You said excusing yourself. When you were trying to leave you felt a hand grab your wrist, and when you turned around kaeya was looking at you scared, and hopeless. “Please... let me explain myself.” He spoke his voice soft and shaky. He took your hand in his and brought it up to kiss. “Please...” he spoke, now more hopeful.
“You don’t need to explain. I just want to be alone, and think.” You said on the brink of tears. You brought your hand back to your side and walked back to mondstadt. When you arrived home you felt as though you wanted to cry, and scream at kaeya. But you still loved him. But you loved mondstadt. You loved your job, you loved your friends, you loved the singing of bards from all across teyvat as you walked down the streets of mondstadt. But if felt wrong to love it all.
It felt wrong because a nation was robbed of that. People were robbed of all of that. All of the things that could’ve been. And now that was all put on kaeyas shoulders. You stayed awake contemplating what you should choose, who you should choose.
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kireiryuusei · 3 years ago
Okay now I think of why no one fucks with Mondstadt. Sure the civilians think 'oh they're godless' or 'they're so carefree.' But anyone with an ounce of power probably think 'yeah let's not fuck with those guys.'
Especially the knights. Like you have at least three prodigies that just want to be left their own devices. Lisa just wants to run her library. Klee just wants to have fun. Albedo just wants to do his damn research. Absolutely no reason to fuck with anyone. Until you do. Then you see what these guys do and it's like 'By the Archons! Take them back! Put them back in their rooms, please!'
Lisa despite any game play (and even then any character can be good if you invest in them) is canonically a strong mage to begin with! She was a once in a lifetime student to Sumeru's academy. Klee is almost a goddamn boogeyman that is rumored outside Mondstadt. So much so they see a strong person and know they're from Mondstadt so they think 'oh God is this them?' (From Noelle's second hangout). And Albedo...I mean, have you met him? You know his deal? Do I need to say more?
And that's not even it. I don't know what was in the training for knights for a while but it was POTENT. There has to be. For there to be SEVERAL young men to walk around as well-connected as they are. Yes I'm talking Diluc, Kaeya and Thoma here. No I cannot prove Thoma was in the knights but I feel any profession allowing anywhere near as much fighting and skill he possesses, he was either in the knights or the church.
They are all scarily in control of information and people. And are not afraid to use that. They also use some similar tactics of give and take and straight up intimidation. Diluc we have mainly seen his intimidation but the web comic has proven he is just as charismatic as he is strong. And his disappearance for a while was all info gathering. Kaeya leans more into getting word of things and manipulating information for what he wants. Even if we did not fall for his words in his story quest, I don't think he actually expected them to. Because even if you do skeptical remarks, it's his words that spark Paimon's greed and your will to appease them to get you where he wanted you to be. He also likely let someone know about the Abyss mage to have Diluc show up when he did too. And now we have Thoma. He is willing to go do the grunt work but he also understands everyone wants something and it's a matter of scratching the right place to get a favor back. And don't even have to say a single nasty word to get it work either.
They are in similar age ranges so who the hell did they learn from? Some teacher? Each other? It really doesn't matter. I just think 'wow, all this from Mondstadt? I wouldn't be fucking with them either.'
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is-nini · 4 years ago
Genshin impact x reader
Episode: 3
Title: really innocent??
A/n: SORRY THIS TOOK A LONG TIME- I'm sorry for any mistake and also, please enjoy! possible love interest for now will be : Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Zhongli, Childe, Xiao, Beidou, Ningguang.
Jean and the purple dressed girl looks at each other it's as if they're talking about something but with no words being spoken.
"ah yes.. uhm- you will meet a certain knight.. please wait for a while".
the acting grand master that you now know names Jean is opening the door to the outside office alongside the purple dressed woman. 
once Jean and Lisa was outside, they took a glance at you, making sure you didn't follow or eavesdrop on them.
“she.. passed our test..? is it enough to prove her innocence?”
Lisa shakes her head and goes into a thinking position. you did pass the test.. you genuinely doesn't seem to know this place even if you did.. damn you make a good actress.
“no.. we still need more proof-”
Lisa stopped midway her words when suddenly Aether comes in along side paimon.
“hello, cutie”.
Lisa suddenly change the subject and greets Aether, and starts discussing about the new.. unknown girl from nowhere. Aether crunch his eyebrow, another traveler? is she perhaps like.. me? Aether is exited to see you. you're from nowhere you have a possibility to know his twin sisters information.
you waited for about 2 or 3 minutes who knows, being left alone in the room is not really fun. your ears perked up when you heard a footsteps coming from outside. the door opened and it reveals a man with a flying thingy.. the mc and the companion. paimon.
“this is the hononary knight that we wanted you to meet”
The mc, that you know the name "Aether" is Infront of you, his eyes is glimmering with slight hope. A hope that you might know his sister..
Well you don't.
Not really, you haven't gone THAT far, all you've been doing is just leveling up and be stronger. Oh well. You silently said in your head. What can you do? You being here already ruin the whole story. You smile at the boy and wave your arm a little bit.
"Hello, nice to meet you".
Aether greets you and you greets him back with a wave and a 'hello'. Jean smile softly but worriedly at Aether.
"uhm.. Aether can you bring y/n around Mondstat? She.. is new here".
Jean has calculated everything, Lisa has cast a couple of spell to check you, Kaeya has met you and he doesn't seem to hate you or find anything suspicious from you. And with that in mind, jean no longer hesitate. She is sure that even if you did something weird as long as it's not threatening you'll be fine.
And so!!! Your adventure with Aether and paimon starts from today.
Stepping outside of the room is a huge relief- well not really, some of the guards are stating at you. You maybe new but you're not blind.. you can see or rather feel their eyes on you.
"so.. y/n right? Paimon was wondering.. how did you get here?".
Ah yes there you go the question that even you don't know.
"uhm.. honestly i Don't remember.. i told you that when i woke up i am in the hospital room with barbara.. and the rest is history. I also don't know how or why i am wearing the Mondstat dress".
Paimon looks at you weirdly and Aether is just staring at you, it seems like he wanna ask something so you flash a smile at him, reassuring him that it's okay to ask questions.
" are you a traveler like me?"
You of course, shake your head. Aether and you are different, he travels by his will and you travel not by your will.
"I'm not a traveler, i didn't go from one word to another.. but thankyou for asking".
Aether's eyes widen for a little. Maybe you're not as clueless ass you seem. Just by answering his question you already give away little bits of your secret. Aether is SURE you're hiding something.. what he's not sure about is are you a friend or a enemy. Aether took a glance at paimon, of course she just nods her head and went to talk random stuff to you.
Aether never mentioned about traveling one world to another.. yet you seems to know about that without him needing to explain.
Without realizing Aether stopped and thing, spacing out, causing you and paimon to look at him worriedly.
"are you okay?"
You asked the boy, he quickly looks at you and nods his head yes. You shrugs your shoulder thinking that maybe it's just hot and he wanted to rest.
Aether show's you around Mondstat. You meet alot of great and nice people like Glory and Ellin even Hertha. But one person catches your eye.
"so y/n this is Katheryne. Katheryne, this is y/n".
Your eyes widen. What is she doing here?! She's the one who gave you that disc that started all this- not that you're complaining but this is against your will-.
"uhm... Y/n?".
Paimon called your name. You snapped out of your imagination and looked at the worried Paimon, Aether and Katheryne.
"u-uhm... What did i miss.. hehe?"
You asked them. Aether pats your back and you sweatdrop, whoops.. luckily you don't think out loud... That would be.. ahem.. awkward.
"katheryne says hello to you".
Katheryne giggle and wave at you, you laugh awkwardly and greets her back.
Katheryne nods and proceed to talk with Aether and Paimon about the new quest that they're getting.
"are you perhaps going to show y/n around Mondstat?".
Aether nod and Paimon say yes, you are just going with the flow, nodding your head when you can so that they'll know, you're still paying attention.
"great! Some one from Liyue has a wine request for master Diluc. They said that it would be great if you can send their request in person to master Diluc".
Send their request in person??? Why would they need Aether to send their request in person..? That's interesting. Aether accept the quest anyway, it's not that big of a problem. Aether turns to look at you.
"well we are going to the bar next.. and maybe if you're lucky you can meet master Diluc on your first day here".
Lucky? Why would you be lucky, you follow them anyway to meet this master Diluc.
"hah.... Diluc~".
Wait- what who said- you look around and saw a girl with short hair thats bunch up into a low ponytail. The girl seems to notice you staring at her, she seems surprised and quickly covers her face.
"that is Donna. She knows alot about romance".
Paimon went beside you and whisper.
"she also has a crush on master Diluc".
That clicked and you goes 'O' you nod your head at Paimon, Aether looks at Paimon and face palm, which makes you giggle.
"ah! Hello mr Aether! Ouuuuu??? Hello miss pretty".
A little girl behind a row of flower greets Aether and you. Wait did she just call me pretty? Ah .. you don't wanna be too confident so you greets her to she what she say.
"hello there! my name is y/n, what’s yours?”
the girl smile sweetly at you as she started to introduce herself.
“my name is flora! nice to meet you miss pretty!”.
w-what miss pretty? your face turns into a shade of red, Paimon tease you about you being miss pretty, Aether’s face went a little red but he quickly just laughs and smile softly at the both of your antics.
“okay okay, it’s time to move on guys. let’s go to the bar”.
Aether pull you and Paimon away from each other, you guys said your goodbye to flora as you both part way. you're kind of exited to meet this Diluc guy.. what will he look like? is he nice? is he powerful? without you realizing it, you're finally in front of the bar. you opened the door and take a peak inside, while Aether just walks in.
“hello master Diluc, were so lucky meeting you here right now!”.
a handsome man with red hair and a very dark like clothes looks up at Paimon and Aether, sensing a new face he turn his gaze to you. 
“and... i assume you're showing this lady around?”
wow... calling you lady... fancy. he also looks.. hot.. and fancy wait- come on y/n! stop going out of the main topic!
“whoa! how does master Diluc know that were showing y/n around?”.
Paimon asked, master Diluc fixes his gloves and looks at Paimon with little to no interest.
“words travels quickly, especially if its about a girl out of nowhere that so happen uses the Mondstat dress”
he now turn his gaze on you. you're not even surprised if he is suspicious by you, people are giving you a suspicious glances except for that nice flora girl. you stare at him back and sigh, you cant really complain can you? its not their fault anyway
“Right.. nice to meet you master Diluc”.
you bow your head a little at him. he nods back and turn his attention else where, seemingly uninterested. Diluc makes a conversation with Aether about something, Aether and Paimon seems.. a little hesitant, you keep looking around the bar anyway, youre not incluedid in the conversation then you should not intervine. Paimon and Aether goes towards you.
“so...uhm.. y/n.. we will be going first”
Paimon said, kind of awkwardly, you look at them, confused, why are they leaving you now? you thought that they're gonna show you around? what happen to that? A hand suddenly reach out to your shoulder, making you freeze up.
"I'll take care of you from now on"
And with that your fate has been decided, you'll be with Master Diluc for the rest of the day... Until who knows when.
@laic2299 @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @dreaminselfinserts
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nyan-koii · 3 years ago
Hashira ft. Sabito as genshin impact players
aunotes : Bad grammar ahead! I didnt proofread it so be aware of brain damage. plus i initially wrote it at the 1.6 update
PART 1 : T.Muichiro, R.Kyojuro, K.Shinobu, S.Sanemi, U.Tengen 
Muichiro : he probably would be uninterested at first. He's more to first person shooting game or anything other than this concept of farming or investing. So that's why when he saw yuichirou banging his fist on his desk, trying to get his fav character, he would simply just watch
"Fck this game, i've had enough,"
"But you havent finish your wishing things yet,"
Stares. "How about you give it a try mui. You might get the character i want,"
"You sure about that? You might get angry at me," "better than nothing. Now go go, get em you donkey,"
His first ten pulls on the game brings out a light we all want to see
Apparently, it was one of the luckiest wish yuichiro had ever seen so far
"I think i get your fav character?"
"Yeahh!! More than that to be honest. I want klee but you brought me two more person," sniffles and cries "you're really lucky mui. You should try and play the game,"
"It's probably the system. I doubt im that lucky tho,"
Nah, he really is lucky. Apparently he wished for his friends and got what they all really wanted for so long
"Thank you for getting me the aquila favonia, muichiro,"
"It's nothing really. I just simply press the button. It might be the system that's giving you the thing you want when i wish,"
"But still, even if i were to wish, i can get really scared and paranoid over it,"
"That's bad. You shouldnt invest yourself that much in the game tanjiro. It's just a game,"
"Ehehehe, i guess so. But you're really good at it muichiro! If you download it, we can play together :D!"
It took the word "play together" to get muichiro down on his knee for that game. Usually the idea of playing with your friends is not that interesting. So when tanjiro said that, you bet he's going to play it
Type of player
Extremely lucky it's not even real. He got a five star on the beginner's banner
Fast farming. He probably will complete all the quest and become an endgame player within one month
"I just wanted to play with tanjiro..." bashfully
He's really good with whatever he's doing. Attack combo, dodging, elemental reaction and all sorts of stuff. If he invest more of his time on artifacts, he would probably even one shot it!!
He's very lucky. Very
Kyojuro : he wouldnt even know the existence of this game. Well, he took a glimpse of it one day and boom, heart stolen. Maybe it was the fiery burning passion in bennett that made him play the game.
'oh wow!! What a determined young boy! Even though he has a very bad luck he still keep pushing forward! Amazing!!'
'I want to be like him'
Kyojuro's the type of player to read and pay attention to every single lore of his fav character. Bennett, oh my how he wish he could've had bennett in his team. Every wishes he made would make him a c6 bennett main if only barbara wont stop coming home
"I really like you barbara but i dont want you!! Thank you for the c6 though!! I promise to use you in the future but just-" he prepares to wish
"not NOW!!" Clicks
The highest con of bennett he had ever gotten is probably c1. One day the paimon's bargain shop offered bennett as their monthly character. Kyojuro had never been so excited over a game before. He usually perks up over academics and not this kind of thing. But it's bennett, the character he admires the most.
Unfortunately he couldnt get it due to low currency. He had never feel so sad in his life.
"I shall not give up. Dont worry, i will be a c6 bennett main!!!"
He will be a c6 bennett haver!!
Type of player :
Carefully reads every stories and listens to their lines attentively. He finds it amazing how the company spent their everything on this game. It amazes him. From the stories, lores and lines, he truly appreciates it.
Balance his team pretty well. He mains bennett so he doesnt need that much of a healer in his team.
Enjoys bennett's hangout very much!! He tried to not get him killed by the dungeon's trap but ended up having to sacrifice him which ultimately ends the route. He had never felt so down and guilty before.
Not much of a damage dealer. He prefers to play it in normal mode and doesnt care that much about one shotting monster.
He feeds his character three meals a day!! If only there's a sleep option, he would be sending bennett to sleep first before the rest.
Everyone loves his teapot
Shinobu : found the game while she's scrolling through the app store out of boredom. Initially she played it on her phone but due to the fps and a really bad ping, so bad that douma wouldnt find her interesting anymore, she finally downloaded the game on her pc where things has starting to get real
"Ara, shinobu chan, it's lunch time already. Come downstairs please,"
"Sis give me five more minutes, JUST FIVE PLEASE I NEED TO KICK CHILDE's ASS,"
"he's not going anywhere sweetie,"
"DIE DIE DIE!!" Aggresive clicking intensifies
"Shinobu chan dont hurt the keyboard that much!!"
She got lucky on the beginner's banner too and pulled a 5 star along with bennett and noelle. Who's the 5 star? Diluc Ragnvindr in all of his glory. Shinobu benched him sadly. She prefers sword over any other weapon
"I mean he's cool i guess but i just really dont get that 'WOAHHH COOL' vibe from him you know?"
"then give your diluc to me! I really want him so bad shinobu chan!"
Deep sighs "yeah sure. You can have my c2 diluc mitsuri..."
Loses 50/50 to diluc everytime everyone would think she either is lucky or cursed by the amount of that man greeting him on the screen. She still bench him though, sadly
Type of player :
Suffers a lot in the abyss because she just want the primos which is a valid reason to do because that's the only thing that keeps her going
She's a sword character main. She'll properly build every character as either support or dps. The support would be kaeya and bennett, and her main dps ayaka
Ayaka main btw
Honestly at some point she wanted to quit the game because of how tiring it is but then inazuma came out
Fragile resin = 0
Resin = 160/160 happens once in a blue moon
"i should probably control myself with the amount of resin i've used,"
"But i cant,"
Hates domain but always can be seen playing in there
Only coops if mitsuri is there
"So that someone can calm me down,"
"That's not a really good reason shinobu chan,"
Sanemi : dude probably know the game through obanai. He watched the latter play and finds it interesting on how high the numbers he dealt. He loves challenges so a game like genshin impact would probably satisfy his need.
"Obanai, are you hearing this shit?"
"What is it sanemi, im busy doing this event,"
"That loser giyuu is also playing the game,"
"Oh yeah i know,"
"i just know right after you told me,"
Sanemi's a meta but a mediocre one. He's meta but he doesnt show it that much. Probably buys welkin once in every three months or when he really needs it same goes with battle pass too. Honestly, he really just use his money when he really needs something
"Donno if my allowance can buy me a welkin so i'll probably skip,"
"But the next banner is zhongli's,"
"Ah fuck it," buys
My man cant dodge after he got zhongli. Its very painful because he used to studies the enemies movement in the early game so that he can utilizes it on the team but zhongli's shield is so tank he forgot that dodging exists
"Im gonna kill you and you and you hhahaahhaah just you wait im gonna shred all of yo- oh shit zhongli's shield. puT IT BACK PUT IT BACK ON,"
That one event where zhongli's shield plays an important role in the domain? Yeah, he felt like a god at that time. Even got his c2 on his rerun. Sanemi just really like zhongli because it kinda reminds him of himejima. Calm and wise and strong too. He looks up on that kind of person
"Zhongli sama, im in debt for all of your hard work protecting my team," bows and wipes tears
Type of player :
Spends a little money on the game to get what he wants
Zhongli main
Is that one player that has hoards of food but doesnt even use it
"Why need healer when you have zhongli's shield,"
Compare to kyojuro, he doesnt even touch the teapot because he finds it ridiculous and bothersome to create and design everything in it
Loves one shotting bosses and compares it to giyuu. He ask for advices from obanai regarding team build supports and stuffs
Doesnt do character's story quest. The key is full every single time. He unlocks it but leaves the quest like that.
"Ah shit, i accidentally activate the quest,"
His friend list only has obanai in it. Whenever people sent him friend request, he wouldnt hesitate, more like wouldnt care to accept it
They either have to coop in obanai's world or his world and after that, unfriend immediately
Says thank you after coop because he has manners and then completely disappears
"Zhongli main forever,"
Tengen : played since 1.0 this madlad has been staying loyal to the game ever since. Quite huge amount of money he spend on this game to be honest but he never gets broke by it. You can see his regular donation to the game by purchasing welkin and battle pass and some genesis crystal too. He's loaded with money, he didnt know what to do with it.
Uzui also plays honkai impact and guns girl Z so when he saw the unknown god at the intro , he was not surprised.
"Oh we have to pick between the siblings? Cool cool co- oh hi kiana,"
"Thats so herrscher of void hahahahah,"
Although he is a loyal fan to MihoYo games, he lost his composure when he saw the 1st genshin anniversary reward because what was that. Imagine getting billions of money and they give us this? Tengen cant believe this shit
"Oh god wtf was that reward, i have to draw to get a welkin and some primos?? aND I ALSO HAVE TO BE LUCKY? WHAT-"
In need of mona. He needs mona so bad he literally spent his money on standard banner to get mona but always ends up with qiqi. Not that he's complaining but he just wants the astrologist to complete the support team
"GOD QIQI YOU AGAIN? WTF WFF WTF-" converts genesis crystal to primigems
"Tengen, you should control yourself!"
"yeah but my f2p ass is hurting with how many bennett cons you got," droops
Tengen sees potential in every character. Everyone has their weakness and strength so when kokomi comes out, he diss her at first but then realize maybe its a new way for a character. Adds the uniqueness if he may say so.
"Meh i dont care honestly. You guys should pull whoever you find nice or beautiful. Like me ;)"
"Who do you main uzui?"
Type of player
Spoils the storylines, lores, leaks A LOT THE REST HAVE TO BLOCK HIM ON SOCIAL MEDIA
Speed runs the game and has become an endgame player ever since but he still does his daily commission and helps people with domains and stuffs
R5 every battle pass weapon
Fights azhdaha for fun and to test out his characters rather than ruin guards and stuff
Mona wanter
Puts traveller as the pfp and doesnt display any showcase of his characters and namecards. You can only see his achievements and spiral abyss ( 12-3 ). Says its for fun and mystery
Throws a lot of pickup lines and roleplays a lot. Spams your chatbox messages with stickers and censored stuffs
Probably steals your ores and exotic things like violetgrass, qingxin and silk flowers
Screams in the chatbox whenever he saw Mona until Kyojuro had to calm him down
Changes signature every single time and sometimes put spoilers in it
In every survey he would complain "MihoYo where the fuck is my Mona,"
Doesnt heals his characters
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mattoyaki · 4 years ago
So I have some thoughts after this story quest that I just want to write out, if you haven’t played the new story quest yet please don’t read this post as it will contain some spoilers.
This chapter act confirmed quite a few fan theories that have been circling around since launch:
For one, we now have confirmation that the twins did arrive in Teyvat during the fall of Khaenriah. We also have confirmation that the abyss is comprised of the people of Khaenriah, cursed to live as monsters. However, we know that not all of its people were turned into monsters due to Kaeya and Dain still retaining their human form. Kaeya does speak hilichurlian though...
We now know that the fall of Khaenriah was the result of divine intervention, and not quite the great cataclysm, though it could’ve easily have been both. And we also have reason to believe that the archons played a role, even if that role was turning a blind eye, in the destruction of Khaenriah. Zhongli and Venti a little sus...
We also know from Venti in the prologue that the Tsaritsa changed as a person 500 years ago....when the destruction of Khaenriah took place, so there’s obviously a connection there. We know she is planning a rebellion against Celestia and it’s very possible whatever the archons had to do during the fall of Khaenriah made the Tsaritsa turn against Celestia, and even her fellow archons. And whatever her reasoning for collecting the other Gnosis, it was enough to convince Zhongli to barter for his. We also know the archon of Sumeru died around this time so it’s possible their death is also linked to Khaenriah’s demise.
Then there’s the other sibling, who’s speaking in riddles and making claims about a war with destiny, engulfing the thrones, and having all the time in the world. Please no time loops mihoyo I beg you. 😭
There are obviously many pieces missing from the puzzle to try to make sense of it all just yet. Some things I do find interesting/important:
* The BP story. It speaks of a princess and who set out to find the Genesis Pearl but was ultimately corrupted and turned evil. Her brother, the prince, is now on the search of the Genesis Pearl and the game makes a point to say it’s “your” journey, alluding to the player. This story is very reminiscent of Aether and Lumine’s situation coming to Teyvat to look for “something” and one of them ultimately becoming “corrupted,” although it does omit the whole part of them traveling together through worlds and being stopped by the Unknown God. At what point does this story change from fact to myth?
* We still don’t know what exactly the archons we’ve met are hiding from us, or what the other archons are like. I don’t think it’s fair to immediately antagonize them just yet, but they definitely know more than they are letting on.
* Paimon. Paimon is sus as hell. While I don’t necessarily believe she’s the unknown god or the god of time or anything like that she’s definitely important. There’s a reason she’s the mascot. There’s a reason she meets aether/Lumine in the beginning and agrees to travel with them. Whether she’s malicious and knows more than she says, or is truly oblivious there’s something special about her either way. Albedo even pointed out in 1.2 event that she’s different from anything he’s seen in the world of Teyvat. My theory for now is that she is from Celestia. Whether she’s a spy of some sort or an actual god I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a big reveal or plot twist regarding Paimon later on. She’s definitely more than just a travel companion (and emergency food.)
* Finally, Dainslief. There’s still a lot of mystery that shrouds him but we know from the story preview trailer that he will most likely be (one of) the final bosses. I don’t think he’s necessarily evil, just that his motives might eventually clash with our own. He’s a very interesting character. He does not respect the gods enough to worship them but respects them enough not to fuck with them. I’m curious to see what else we learn about him as the story progresses.
I’m excited to see how this story plays out, there’s a lot of potential here and I love learning more about the lore of Teyvat. Please miHoYo give the main character more voicelines! I think it’s fair to say they are their own character at this point and any future meetings with their sibling will be awkward as hell if they don’t fucking talk. Also, I know this is probably inevitable given the already existing connections to the god of time and that miHoYo has relied on time loops in previous games but...time travel/time loops are so overdone and cliche and I really hope this story doesn’t end right where we started. I want there to be resolution. I want the twins to be truly reunited and finally leave Teyvat. I need for there to be a definitive ending.
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malleux · 4 years ago
acting. | d.r
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-> Pairing: Diluc Ragnvindr x GN!Reader
-> Fandom: Genshin Impact
-> Genre: Fluff, Angst
-> Request: “Hiiii i love your writing! Could I please request a fic with Diluc where the reader is his best friend & secretly loves him but he doesn’t know and they have to pretend to be a married couple while out investigating? And the reader just gets so upset & Diluc doesn’t understand why until after when the reader snaps & breakdown crying, saying that they wish it were real cause they had to kiss & hug & act like a couple, & plot twist - Diluc was never acting, he actually loves the reader? Thanks!”
-> Warnings: Cursing, Crying idk
-> A/N: i’m sorry this is long idk why. this quest/scenario is COMPLETELY made up by moi. reader is Not the traveler
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“Okay.” Kaeya slammed his hands on the table in the Knights Headquarters, spreading out a map that was poorly glued back together. “Now that we’ve got the last shred of the map, thanks to our traveler, we can find out the Abyss Order’s next move.”
Everyone gathered around, eyeing the map with intensity. You noticed a faded star beside a body of water and pointed to it. “What’s this?”
“Lover’s Lake.” The cryo user answered back, inspecting it further, “It’s a hot spring that only allows honeymooning couples. It makes sense that they’d hide out there- there’s no way we could get in as a group. But the markings are faded on the map, they could be long gone from there.”
“We found that piece in the water!” Paimon exclaimed, “The ink could’ve washed off!”
Kaeya hummed. “Then it couldn’t hurt to check. We need two people to go undercover and check out Lover’s Lake. Any volunteers?”
“Ooh! Ooh! Paimon knows who!”
You fiddled with the gold ring on your finger, hiding behind a bush near the front of the spa entrance. The entire team was with you, going over the plan.
“You’ll head in, scout the area.” Jean explained for the final time, “Find out how many members are in there. If it’s enough for you to handle, take them on. If not, come back and get us. We’ll find a way in.”
“Why don’t you just find another way in now, instead of waiting for this stupid plan to work?” Diluc spoke from beside you, eyeing his own ring with distaste. Your heart hurt a little- your own crush was playing your husband, and it looked like he’d rather jump into the warpath of a mitachurl than be married to you.
“Because,” Lisa mused, “We don’t want to go in full force unless we have to. It’s easier to have the employees on our side so that Y/N and Diluc can walk around more openly and search. It’s harder to do such a thing when we’re also on the lookout for them. Though we do need to make sure the employees aren’t suspicious either...”
The redhead huffed, but stayed silent.
A few more pep-talks later, you and Diluc were pushed from the cover of the bush. You began walking with him beside you, without talking. He was in a bad mood and you felt as if walking on eggshells around him was the best course of action right now.
At least, until his fingers reached for yours.
Your eyes widened a bit as Diluc fully intertwined your hands and you looked at him, a slight blush on your cheeks.
“What?” He snapped, “We’re married, right? Let’s act like it. I’d rather not have this plan fail.”
“Right, sorry.” You replied. The feeling of his gloved palm against yours was dizzying, making your heart flutter with every second. But alas, the butterflies’s wings were made of razors, cutting deeper into you the more you realized that this was fake.
“Let’s look for clues.”
You were in already?
You looked back at the front of the hot spring, wondering just how you zoned out for so long. Diluc had let go of your hand. It was cold.
“Should we split up-“
“Hi, are you the Ragnvindrs?” A cheery lady wearing the Lover’s Lake uniform came up to you both.
“Yes, can I help you?” Diluc stepped closer to you, wrapping an arm securely around your waist. For extra measure, he pressed a kiss against the side of your head.
“I’d just like to inform you that the springs are having a rather informal party tonight for all the couples! We hope to see you there!”
As she walked away, you turned to face your partner. His arm never left its place around you, but you said nothing. “Idea.”
“Do tell.”
“Everyone’s gonna be partying and dancing. We just need to wait until they’re all distracted there to sneak off and find the entrance to their little hideout. Remember, Lisa said we don’t need to let anyone be suspicious. That’s a perfect time to do it.”
Diluc thought for a moment, then nodded. “Good idea. Anything to make this go by faster, right? For now, let’s keep looking until this evening.”
You agreed, once again pushing down the nearly unbearable hurt in the middle of your chest.
“There’s no fucking way we’re getting away from here unnoticed.”
“We’ve got to try... look around and see if you find anything.”
You walked slowly around the stone walkways that circled the hot spring pools, admiring the string lights that were glowing softly in the night sky. A live group was playing music in the corner, where some other couples were dancing.
You looked like a typical married couple walking around, your arm linked with Diluc’s and both your minds working for a new plan. How to get distract all the employees and attendees in order to open and infiltrate the Abyss Order hideout- which you found earlier, cloaked behind a large hut that sold towels and fruity drinks.
Diluc’s grip tightened on your arm and he leaned down, his breath hitting your ear and making you shiver. “Let’s make everyone dance. We can dance a little for our alibi, and then slip away like I know some of the other couples will do for the night.”
You flushed at that implication, but nodded. You knew your slipping away was going to be nothing like the other couples’s.
Diluc patted your arm and let go, walking over to the head employee and whispering something in her ear. She clapped her hands together and grinned, cupping her hands over her mouth as Diluc returned back to you.
“Everyone! Let’s take this special moment to recreate our first dances! Find your spouse and head to the dance floor, please!”
Murmurs of excitement spread throughout the crowd and everyone congregated closer to the band. Diluc pulled you along, eventually stopping and turning to you. He placed his hands on your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck, laying your head against his chest for an extra-convincing look. Or were you doing it just because you yearned for more touch from him?
Not the time to psycho-analyze, Y/N.
Diluc started to sway with the music and once again leaned down to your ear. “Only for a little while, and then we can finally get this over with and stop this silly little act.”
That seemed to be the final stake into your heart.
Your eyes began to fill with tears against your will and you tensed up, accidentally letting out a rather loud breath. Diluc lifted his head from yours.
“Are you alright?”
“Mhm.” You didn’t trust your voice.
He wasn’t going to say anything more until he began to feel his shirt become wet. He grabbed your face and lifted it up, his red eyes meeting with your ready ones. “Wh- what’s wrong with you?”
“It’s nothing, Diluc, I promise.” You tried to pull your head away, but he held it firmly in place.
“Tell me.”
“No, it’s stupid!”
“It’s not stupid if it made you upset. Please, Y/N, I don’t like seeing you sad.”
You closed your eyes for a moment and took a breath. “I just don’t want this to be finally over.”
Diluc furrowed his eyebrows. “I-I don’t get it.”
“This little act! I just-“ You sighed. Now or never. “I don’t want it to be an act. I actually like you, Diluc. And it hurts so much to be so affectionate with you- hugging and kissing you- just for it to mean nothing to you.”
“Who said it meant nothing to me?” Now you were confused.
“What? Then why’d you act like you didn’t want to even be near me?”
“I thought you were uncomfortable with it,” He reasoned, “I thought you didn’t want to do it, so I was trying to reassure you that it would be over with soon. It meant so, so much to me. You mean so much to me.”
“So, you like me back?”
Diluc rolled his eyes and leaned forward, capturing your lips and a quick, but sweet kiss. It was just a peck, but it was enough to make your heart swirl. “Is that a good answer?”
You grinned. “I think I need a little more reassurance.”
Diluc smiled softly back, but only ruffled your hair. “I’ll reassure you as much as you want after we finish off this hideout. C’mon, let’s go.”
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sparklesparklekoushi · 4 years ago
Diluc Ragnvindr Relationship HCs with a Traveler!Reader
Hello!! This time I have Diluc HCs, this one is awfully long though... I had a lot to say for Diluc... I hope you enjoy!!!
Here is the link to the Kaeya one
He first officially meets you when you’re running from the knights 
Venti goes in first and when you head in Diluc stares at you
He knew who you were, I mean who didn’t?
So seeing you with Venti wasn’t as weird for him
When you were fighting alongside each other 
He wanted to see how strong you really were
He loved how silently feisty you were
You didn’t really bother with flattery
You were really smart too
He really enjoyed your company
He would never admit it out loud though
When you go with him to fight on other quests
Like when you had to protect his dark night identity
He found his face flushing a bit when you asked about him
If he was sure he’d do things alone
When you fought by his side once more however
This boy felt peace and a slight surge of happiness
I can tell you, the moment Kaeya stepped into the scene
Saying he was happy Diluc found someone to help him
He realized he didn’t want you to just help him
He wanted to know you for you
And not just as the honorary knight
So the next day, he asks you to come by the winery to drink with him
Emergency Food, Paimon, was about to go with you when Jean called her back
Jean told her something, you could feel it
She was rather enthusiastic to leave you for the day
You shrug it off, going to meet Diluc anyway
He smiles when he sees you nearing the winery, Adelinde sees the way he smiles
She knows what's up bless her
She then tries to tease her employer
“Master Diluc, are you smiling at y/n?”
He looks at her with eyes wide
“Of course not, why would I be.”
“If you like them, why don’t you just tell y/n.”
She says this leaving him to think as you wave and smile running to the winery
And that's when you trip
You’ve never really tripped before
You know how to scale mountains
So how, did you miss that small rock?
Diluc holds you in his arms so you don’t fall all the way
And as he looks into your eyes, he sees it
He sees that he wants to be with you
That marked the start of a lot of dates
He would always make time for you. 
When you would stay together at Angel’s Share 
And people just start flirting with you 
He usually lets it be, since you usually know how to deny them
And you’re not official exactly, so he thinks he has no say
But when a traveler gets a little too close he breaks out of his cold character
“Hello, I’d really like it if you stop talking to my s/o.”
The traveler knows who he is and leaves
Diluc and you shared a smile, knowing that you were finally official
He loves you, a lot
He especially loves staying at home with you
Will let you play with his hair 24/7
It calms him down please do this for him often
He will cuddle with you in the confines of where you live and there's nothing that can stop him
Soft boy for you only
Will get really clingy (lowkey) if Kaeya is around
Kaeya likes to rile him up when he visits
So you kiss Diluc to to shut him up 
Turns red and walks away for a bit mumbling to himself
You love how he can show his emotions around you
And you with him
The first time he says those words are special
It was a night after a mission, you were pretty injured
He thought he would lose you
He was so worried
When the fight was over he hugged you really tight
“I thought I'd lose you, I love you.”
It catches you off guard at first
But you snuggle into him
“I love you too.”
He made you stay at his place after that
To take care of your injuries of course why else
It’s not like he would worry or miss you too much lies
He worries every time you move honestly
He thinks you were injured badly during the mission so he doesn’t let you take any for now
Eventually you were healing up
Diluc didn’t want you to go back to your home
So one night while you two were cuddling he asked
“Will you move in with me?”
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