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cellberry · 1 year ago
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sarcastictissy · 1 year ago
Spiderbit reunion, but at what cost?
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pingustuffings · 1 year ago
So uh, does anyone remember that time roier told chat that doier was going to come to the island soon? Yeah uh. Well he's here!
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tommy-thomas · 2 years ago
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we're all so lucky that a cat can be orange. that's such an incredible color for a cat to be
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comfymoth · 1 year ago
Thoughts on Doier (or is it Doied)?
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he’s fucking EVIL and MEAN and the WORST he turned my babygirl into a rat i hate him so much!! but uhm. well. idk maybe he’s a Little cute. to me. so
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pixiecaps · 1 year ago
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moiteneia · 1 year ago
Guapoduo: Who we are and what's happening -- Transferred minds and trace traumas.
Let's talk?
We are in despair. Our little cubit could finally return from Purgatory and having to deal with a fresh start on the island, he is also having to face not only his traumas, but what is different, both in him and in others.
• Trauma: he spent months trapped in Purgatory, having to endure loneliness, tiredness, hunger and depression. He and q!Baghs believed their children were dead and, refusing to kill each other, were tortured by The Watcher, forced to fight in an arena without ever being able to rest.
This made q!Cellbit's mind become fragile, already being a cubite with countless insecurities, he thought he was a disappointment, that he could not return to his home, since in his vision, no one, not even his loved one, wanted him close.
• Guapito: q!Roier, contrary to what q!Cellbit thinks, was actually worried sick. He wanted to save his husband and go to Purgatory, taking the risk of looking for a map. However, because of this, the Federation, in league with his twin Doier, captured him and switched their minds (trapping q!Roier in a rat).
Now, Doier is taking up his brother's space, lying to q!Cellbit saying that he missed him very little, hurting him on purpose saying it was a joke (whereas q!Roier, in Purgatory, showed that he hated hurting his husband). And even though q!Cellbit notices some things wrong, he thinks he deserves this treatment, that maybe his weak mind is deceiving him.
And since no one knows what happened to q!Roier and they don't even suspect it, how can q!Cellbit believe that his soulmate is wrong or different?
• A Fresh Start: And as the post here says, it's not just q!Roier who's acting strange. The post is saying that q!Cellbit is acting defensively (which is to be expected given the traumas he has been through). Repeating to himself that it's a new beginning, hiding everything that happened in the back of his mind, wanting things to change, for himself to change. Therefore, it is unlikely that he will achieve this without getting hurt.
Leaving the exhausting madness and slaughter, q!Cellbit returned to trying to bury his feelings, his frustrations, forcing himself to look forward and seek a fresh start, without ever realizing his traumas.
And something interesting to draw attention to is how careful he is acting. Not only because of Richas, but he seems afraid to be among other people, being careful about how he acts and what he is talking. Yes, he's still joking around and being the stupid, teasing idiot that he is sometimes (like with q!Bagi joking around and playing with the eggs).
But he's not talking about anything he's been through, he's not getting as close to others and he's even a little more manipulative, lying more about basic things, as if he was pushing them away or even protecting them from himself. Not only does this make him try to ignore the differences between his old Guapito and Doier, it can cause numerous problems. Because now, more than ever, he is indifferent, including to Cucurucho himself.
It's as if he wants to bury himself, trying to find "someone" new, someone who deserves the people around him that he loves so much and is tired of hurting.
He is allowing Doier to hurt him, he is burying everything that was and is wrong and, worse, erasing himself in the same process, without realizing that one day this will explode in a way that is not murderous, but worse, perhaps destroying himself completely.
OBS: And I remembered one thing: THE KNIFE. On the first day on the Island, after the reset, without the chat or Richas noticing, q!Cellbit bought a Knife from a villager and, finally catching the chat's attention, he put it in and took it out of his inventory, like... Is this something to calm down perhaps? Something to make sure you have him and he can protect himself? Or is this cubito thinking that it's not time to stop and that he needs to be ready to attack when necessary?
• I don't know where we're going. Again, painfully, I trust the Cellboier for a good story.
BUT know that the Rat q!Roier is still around and NOT ONLY THAT, who made Doier decide to put his own mind in q!Roier's body was the Mysterious Man, someone who already said he was interested in q!Cellbit and said he also knew of everything he lived.
So, perhaps in the future we will have a narrative with Ratoier and Hombre Misterioso with q!Cellbit on the quest to rescue q!Roier's body.
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pm-00 · 1 year ago
Roier, Doier, the soft spot for Rivers never goes away
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anachronistic-falsehood · 1 year ago
Hello o/ saw your post asking for Roier's alter egos, there's:
Melissa (he tends to say she's his cousin / secretary (and a stripper), but admitted to Maxo that Melissa was him)
Doier (very know-it-all, embodiment of 🤓☝️)
Roger (It's his tryhard persona, mostly (or exclusively?) Shown when he's... Tryharding and defeating everything)
And that old-Roier that only appeared when Mike cut his hair, can't remember his name D: (something something, Sr. Barriga?)
Abueloier is canonically his bio grandfather (not related to Vegetta or Foolish) and not an alter ego.
And I think, that's all :D
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THANK YOU ANON THANK YOU!!! this is all very helpful and v interesting!!! thank u thank u :3
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cellberry · 1 year ago
Imagine they figure out someone else is in q!Roier’s body but they don’t call the imposter out right away and instead play along for a while (for info or whatever), but while doing so they put him through a bunch of demeaning and unpleasant tasks insisting it’s what Roier would want.
Doied: I can’t take this anymore!
Someone to someone else: That’s strange, Roier liked taking lava baths before.
Doied: No he didn’t!
Someone: You mean you didn’t? 🤨
Doied: …
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autistic-britta-perry · 1 year ago
who the fuck is doier
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sarcastictissy · 1 year ago
Ohmygod Cellbit saying he thought Roier would be better off without him except he'd saying it to Doied and not Roier but he doesn't know that's not Roier and the way Doier had such a passive reaction to Cellbit genuinely thinking be wasn't worth his husband 😭😭😭
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pingustuffings · 1 year ago
Okay, but im like, so 50/50 on how cellbit will like to react to all this... LIKE WILL HE KNOW???
I feel like eventually he will know something is up with roier, like people knew he was missing for a while and coming back acting strange may get cellbit to question some stuff... but like... I DONT KNOW!!!!
All i know is that roier and cellbit have been cooking something up for a while, and i dont see spiderbit ending like this.. (i dont see spiderbit ending anytime soon tbh cellboier are the #1 spiderbit fans) and i know they can make a fun story.. SO IM HOLDING ON TO THIS DEAR ROLLERCOASTER THAT IS GOING TO BE THIS DOIER ARC!!!
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suskiss · 1 year ago
I was understanding everything until doier came in with the steal chair
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pommemybeloved · 1 year ago
What if doier falls in love with Cellbit or something angsty like that… I can’t be happy
The idea of Doied writing a love letter to Cellbit as Roier is just.
Roier’s love language isn’t language. It’s paintings given and time spent and gentle smacks to the arm and physical contact. He doesn’t say “I love you” by talking about how much he loves Cellbit, he says “I love you” by saying “If they take you, I will find you”. It’s loud moaned kisses and jokes meant to make Cellbit laugh because he likes when Cellbit is happy. It’s shitty waterframes of Cellbit in goofy outfits and scenarios and Roier always there as definitely sexy waterframes next to him
How could a love letter possibly properly express Roier’s love?
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foodbf · 2 years ago
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