#dohyon scenario
chocafe · 5 years
— dohyon as your best friend
pairing: bestfriend!dohyon x reader a/n: i’m sorry for any mistakes you may find in this post and i’m also very sorry for not being capable of writing a dohyon as your bf post ;___;
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having dohyon as your best friend is such a blessing
or . . .
that’s what many people think
in reality, you frequently view dohyon as a little devil
as he purposely screams into your ear 
at the most unexpected moments
just to annoy the living hell out of you
“what the hell, dohyon?” you furrow your eyebrows as you soothingly rub your ear. “why did you scream in my ear?”
“i don’t know.” dohyon nonchalantly walks away, acting as if nothing had just happened. “i just felt like it.”
in return
you scare him
him screaming in ur ear and u scaring him is an ongoing prank the two of you do and have never let go of yet
similar to dohyon’s prank, you usually scare him at the most random moments and you don’t care about where you guys are located at either
if anything, you love scaring him in public
and you also enjoy scaring him in the library
just so you can get him in trouble by the librarian hehe
“boo!” you jump out of the walkway, placing your hand on top of dohyon’s shoulder, so you can give him a little shake
“aAaAaaAAAAAAAAHHHHhhHhH” he screams on the top of his lungs as he falls onto the ground. “oh my god, i can already feel my heart beating!”
by the time dohyon stands up from the ground
the librarian is standing right in front of him
“mister, i need you to leave. you’re disturbing the peace.” the librarian requests as they begin to walk dohyon out of the building (and you’re just laughing at him from behind as he gets kicked out even though you’re the one who caused it all)
says he’s going to sleep on twitter, but ends up texting you right after he clicks send tweet
[txt] dohyon: r u awake….?
[txt] you: i thought you said you were going to sleep? that’s what your tweet said
[txt] dohyon: i said goodnight to twitter i didn’t say goodnight to you 🙄
[txt] dohyon: so are u trying to talk on the phone or what
[txt] you: yEs let me grab my earphones real quick
here’s something i can imagine you two doing
laying down on the living room floor
binge watching a bunch of musical films (such as la la land, hairspray, the greatest showman, ect.)
while eating and sharing your guys favorite snacks °ʚ(*´꒳`*)ɞ°
you’re always the first one to listen to his self-produced songs
and he even forces you to promote his songs on your social media accounts too
your instagram bio and twitter bio are just a link that redirects everyone to dohyon’s youtube channel and his secret soundcloud account
buys your coffee without even asking you in the first pace
and he even remembers your order by heart too
draws on your face when you fall asleep
and let me tell you
he does not hesitate to upload your ugly photos onto his snapchat story
you used to attack dohyon for uploading your horrible photos
but now you’re so used to it that it doesn’t even phase you
minhee: did you see the photo that dohyon posted of you?
you: am i ugly in it?
minhee: ……. maybe ……
you: then i don’t even want to see it
if dohyon isn’t by your side
then he’s probably with hangyul and seungyoun
and when he’s not with these two boys
then they’re constantly ringing your cellphone as they ask “y/n, dohyon hasn’t been home for the past hour and we were wondering if he was with you?”
“nope, i’m not with dohyon. let alone, i’m not even in town right now.”
right after you say that
dohyon comes walking through the front door all like “sorry guys i walked past by a cat cafe and i couldn’t help but to go inside and pet some cats”
and the three of you are yelling in response (especially you through the phone) “yoU WENT WITHOUT ME???!!!!??”
such a smart little big boy
he’s always there to help you with your homework
and when you need extra help
he’s there to tutor you when he has free time
he doesn’t mind doing all of these things for you
because that’s what best friends are for!
and dohyon is glad that out of everyone on this planet
you’re his best friend ♡
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hwallout · 4 years
crystal snow - ndh
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"I like snow," Dohyon said, taking another bite of a tasty macaron. His eyes switched focus to an unknown spot in the distance. "It's February, shouldn't it be snowing more often?"
It was true that this year hasn't been as gifting as the previous in regards to snow. Dohyon made sure to check the weather forecast often but was always left disappointed with the results. You desperately wished for snow as well. You wished for it so the boy could smile with his palm open to catch the tiniest of white crystals falling. His grin was the most favorite sight and if it meant that you had to fight the weather gods, then so be it.
"I really hoped it would snow too, it's been pretty cold these last few days" You replied, making sure to savor the aftertaste of blueberry that intensified while speaking. Although Dohyon's focus was on the next cake from the box, yours was only on him.
The sweet little Dohyonnie that you grew up with. The boy who would always seek advice from his best friend, believing they would help him out the best. The one who let you borrow the old hoodies that he managed to grow out of way too fast.
The person who always made your heart skip a few beats.
Silence enrolled not long after, but as per usual, it wasn't uncomfortable. The two were able to enjoy their time without any words, whether it be thanks to the macarons or just plain content felt when in each other's company.
Dohyon's cheeks puffed up while chewing, once again reminding of a hamster that you often labeled him as. A while ago, Dohyon hated the nickname, thinking it meant that he was fat. Yet, as time passed by, he understood what it actually meant (and that you found it cute!), which led to Dohyon loving it.
"Please snow" The boy whispered while looking at the night sky. Chilly breeze caressed his skin for the nth time, and although wearing a thick yellow jumper, he visibly shivered.
"Let's go in" You suggested, standing up from the plastic chair and picking up the half-empty cardboard box. Dohyon picked the two cola glasses, following behind and inside his bedroom.
Once in, you set everything on his desk. Surprisingly, there was some free space beside all of the homework you promised to help with later. Dohyon and you seemed to be acing different subjects, which proved to be very useful with said homework.
The boy excused himself for a minute, leaving you alone in the room. Glancing around, your eyes locked onto a framed picture on Dohyon's shelf. It was the most recent one from his graduation, where the two of you goofily posed in front of his school.
Smiling and looking away as if to recall the said moment, you managed to catch almost invisible white dots flying outside. Falling chaotically, the dots multiplied and grew bigger as seconds passed. After a few blinks, a thin white blanket formed on the ground. You smiled wide.
Dohyon came back to find you pressed against the balcony door, palms outstretched on the clean glass. Although completely devoted to the sight, you heard him entering and turned around.
"It's snowing" Your voice was quiet, but not weak. Dohyon ran towards you. His nose immediately touched the surface, the boy looking outside in an impatient manner. Surely enough, it snowed.
A wave of cold air from outside hit Dohyon right in the face as he opened the balcony entrance. The boy took a few steps outside and then outstretched his hands as far as they could go. Dohyon looked up, spinning in place as cold snowflakes fell on his hot cheeks. 
You loved the sight. The one that will always matter the most. Your best friend looked so happy, content and satisfied.
Dohyon’s eyes locked with yours. One hand came to rest by his side, while the other motioned for you to join. His irises shone with a thousand positive emotions and his warm gaze once again lured you right in.
Soon enough, Dohyon’s big hand was holding yours and he twirled you around the balcony in a careless manner. There was no music nor rhythm, but neither were bothered by it.
There were only two lovable souls dancing in unexpected sync with all of the white crystals around them.
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hoonssluts · 5 years
"Baby~" Dohyon whined. Dohyon always became whiney and clingy when he had a cold.
You looked over to Dohyon, nose a light shade of pink and his mid length brown hair in a shamble of messiness.
"hmm?" You hum as you walk over to his side of the bed. He looks pale.
"I want cuddles, please....." He asked as he took your soft hand into his own.
"of course baby"
You crawl over Dohyon, and get under the thick comforter and cuddle into his right side and listen to his soft slow breaths.
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ddaehyeon · 3 years
— love should be mundane: bae173's love gestures
not requested! ✧ ot9; bae173 masterlist (to be updated!)
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♡ jeon minwook
a soft touch of your hair as he quietly runs his fingers through your hair
♡ lee hangyul
a questionable joke uttered in an attempt to brighten up your day
♡ jung gun
a morning stroll in the neighborhood, the two of you going to the nearest cafe to grab some coffee
♡ kim hyunwoo
a tight hug in the morning, not wanting to let go of you even when it's getting late
♡ park junseo
a morning text message, reminding you to eat your breakfast and take care
♡ ryu youngseo
a playlist which contains songs he thought you'd like, one of the songs is a recorded song cover from him
♡ na gyumin
a sticky note stuck on your favorite drink which is something he usually leaves by your study table
♡ noh minjae
a messy love letter with obvious erasures as he was unsure what are the right words to use
♡ nam dohyon
a snack shared to you regardless of how it is his favorite
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bossyohan · 5 years
X1 as Sanrio Characters
Seungwoo-Hello Kitty | Seungyoun-Cinnamaroll
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Wooseok- Badtemaru
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Yohan- Chococat
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Hangyul- Pochacco
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Junho- Keroppi
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Dongpyo- Kuromi
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Minhee- Melody
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Eunsang- Chibimaru
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Hyeongjun- Purin
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Dohyon- Kuririn
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lublycho · 4 years
Is forever a thing? - X1
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pairing: none
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 1.5k
Song rec: Put your head on my shoulder - Paul Anka
From outside the dorm, you could already hear the loud commotion inside. The dolphin-like shrieks of Dohyon, the never ending arguments of Hangyul and Seungyoun, and the rest of the boys talking and laughing like there was no tomorrow. 
You took tentative steps inside when you opened the dorm’s door, careful not to disturb any on-going conversation, because there were many.
There was Seungyoun, sitting beside Hangyul and having a light-hearted argument over a bag of chips. Junho sat not too far from them, mumbling incoherently. He was talking to himself again, you almost laughed as your gaze moved past him. There was Dohyon with his face buried in the fridge as he took out leftovers from last night, piling them up on the kitchen table. 
There was no way he could eat all that in one go, you thought. 
In one of the bedrooms there was Minhee, taking a late afternoon nap, tired after returning from school. Then there was Hyeongjun, trying to wake him up while saying, “Minhee you have been sleeping for 5 hours, wake up now.” 
You smiled at the sight.
In another lounge, you found Yohan teaching Dongpyo taekwondo moves, which he claimed only pro taekwondo athletes were supposed to know. Wooseok sat nearby, his eagle eyes making sure none of the two kids got hurt.
Nearby, busy writing down songs in his diary, was Eunsang. Lost in his thoughts, he absentmindedly looked up to find you standing in the doorway. With a smile, he waved at you. You waved back, locking your lips in a smile. He was about to announce your arrival but you put a finger to your mouth, asking him to be quiet for now. Still smiling you retreated into the hallway, feeling as if you were missing someone.
There was one person you hadn’t seen today.
You went through the dorm again, then again, and then again and yet he was nowhere to be found.
“Looking for me?”
You almost jumped as Seungwoo called out from behind you, a teasing smile on his beautiful face. 
Annoyed as always, you lied, “N-No.”
You tried to hide the blush on your face as he came forward to stand beside you and draped one hand across your shoulders.
“I’ve met so many people in my life and yet you’re the worst liar amongst them.”
He looked down at you and smiled.
You looked up and smiled back.
“They look beautiful, don’t they?”
You didn’t have to explain for Seungwoo to know who you were talking about. The ten boys in this dorm, lost in their own beautiful dreams, who you had come to love dearly. 
Seungwoo hummed in agreement, lightly squeezing your shoulder. 
“It almost makes me want time to freeze and make this moment last forever.”
Seungwoo laughed at that. A soft, melodic laugh that swerved in the air, lingering long enough for you to cherish it.
“I told you once, there is no ‘forever’. All things come to an end.”
But did they have to? You thought. Before you could say anything else, Seungwoo picked up the big boxes of pizza he had stashed near the small table in the hallway. 
“Kids, the food is here!”
At that small phrase, you heard a ruckus of shrieks and stomps of feet as all the boys started gathering in the lounge at their leader’s call. Seungwoo placed the pizza boxes on the center table. You watched as he retreated from there, letting the other boys fill up their plates first and then proceeding to take one slice of pizza only after he had made sure everyone had their share. 
Seungwoo being selfless as always.
“You brought my favorite flavor, hyung!” This was Hyeongjun, his voice stretched out in that cute way.
“And you brought my favorite person,” Seungyoun said, as he stood up and pulled your hands to make you come out of the dark hallway and join their little pizza party. 
“Our favorite person,” Yohan retorted, putting emphasis on the word our as you settled down beside him. 
He smiled warmly at you, taking your hand and squeezing it under the table. You squeezed back reassuringly. 
Before you knew it, Hangyul and Dongpyo had already started bickering about which flavor of pizza you should try first. Amidst their endless quarrel, Minhee silently put a slice of pizza in your plate, his eyes still puffy from the nap he woke up from. 
“Eat up,” he said.
And so you did. 
But instead of focusing on eating, you focused more on the 11 boys around you; Dohyon, Junho, Minhee, Dongpyo, Eunsang, Hyeongjun, Yohan, Hangyul, Wooseok, Seungyoun and Seungwoo. All of them shining. 
And then you recalled Seungwoo’s words. 
There is no forever. All things come to an end. 
Would there be a day when you won’t be able to see these boys smile anymore? Wouldn’t that just be the end of the world for you? Would you survive such a day on which your boys didn’t smile?
It seemed impossible, perhaps because it was impossible.
“You’re thinking again.” Seungyoun’s voice was a whisper in the beautiful commotion, almost lost over the noise, but you found it before it dissipated.
“How come you guys know so much about me?” You looked at him, as he settled in the seat beside you.
He merely shrugged, “I think we’re tied with the red string of fate. You know, like in the movies?” 
But when you looked at him with an unamused face he sheepishly smiled. A minute or two later, he asked, “So, what is it?”
You bit your lips, unable to say what you wanted without an abrupt, unwanted moisture pooling in your eyes. 
“Do you think forever is a thing?”
Baffled, Seungyoun recoiled at the sudden question.
“Seungwoo says forever doesn’t exist, do you think that as well?”
You watched something change in Seunyoun’s face. Gone was the casual expression, replaced by something more serene. He was quiet for a moment or two, thinking deeply about your question. 
“If you want me to be honest, then I’ll say it: I think forever is different for everyone. For me, forever is this moment, as long as I’m here, as long as I’m happy and smiling and beside people I love, everything lasts forever.”
A tear rolled down your cheek, but Seungyoun caught it with a finger, wiping away the stain it left on your cheek. 
“Then what if someone steals this moment from you in the most painful way, and asks you to forget everything and pretend it was never real? To give up all you’ve fought for? All you’ve loved and cherished for so long?”
Seungyoun brushed his fingers across your cheeks. You leaned into his touch.
“Then I fight. And I fight till I bleed, till they take my stupid breath away from my very lungs. I fight for my brothers, and I fight for you. Everything I care about, I fight to get it back.”
“It’s not that easy,” you said.
“When is anything easy?” He smiled, and your heart fluttered in your chest, blooming with possibilities and the will to fight. 
Seungyoun pulled your head forward and placed a chaste kiss on your forehead, filling you with warmth and love. 
He then left you to finish your food, returning to whatever the others were talking about now.
Later that night, when the boys had settled in Wooseok’s room for a little movie night, you and Seungwoo stood in the kitchen, cleaning up after the boys.
“I want to fight.” You said out of nowhere.
Seungwoo looked up from where he stood by the sink, “What was that?”
You turned towards him, abandoning the plates on the table, “Seungyoun said forever can be fought for. That if someone takes away your forever from you, you ought to fight back. You fight back until the end. I want to do the same.”
“Who would want to take away your forever from you?”
You shrugged, “The list is endless. Anyone would want to take it away. We’re living in a beautiful dream, Seungwoo. All while the world lies in chaos. There are people greedy enough to snatch this little dream of ours.”
Seungwoo walked closer to you, until he towered above you and looked down in your dreamy eyes.
“Okay, then. You can fight.”
He enveloped you in a soft embrace, with one hand behind your head, slowly caressing it.  
“But not alone, I’ll fight with you.”
You looked up at him, smiling.
“I’ll fight too.” 
You turned to see Dongpyo in the doorway.
“Me too,” came the voice of Hangyul, coming up beside Dongpyo followed by Yohan, “You can count on me too, I didn’t learn taekwondo for nothing.” 
That made you laugh. 
“I’ll fight too!” Hyeongjun exclaimed putting his fist in the air, followed by Minhee, Junho, Eunsang and Wooseok. Then came Dohyon’s muffled voice, his mouth still stuffed with whatever he was eating now. 
“And me too. Today, tomorrow and forever.” This was Seungyoun.
You could tell without even looking. 
For the first time as you looked around the boys, your boys, you thought: Maybe fighting wouldn’t be too hard after all. The fight would be long, and tiring with lots of ups and downs. You would fall many times, but eleven boys would always be there to pick you up and stitch your wings
You could always count on that.
Like always.
For forever.
You smiled at the thought.
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A/n: I will fight for X1. I have that in me, at least. Sending all my love to fellow one its who are in this together, stay strong please. And keep fighting.
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bbyhjuns · 4 years
X1's reaction to you crying
Request: Hey there! I really like your posts they’re really cool (esp the everyday bf things one its so cute uwu) so I wanna request for you to write a x1 scenario to you crying 😢 cos I rly need some angst oof thank you so much! good luck with your other works! 😻
A/N: i really love writing reactions!!! it gives me more space to explore different scenarios and fit them according to the members' different personalities. hope yall would enjoy this one!
Truth to be told, you hate showing your weak side; to anyone, even to your boyfriend. Which was why when you had a sudden breakdown in the middle of the night, you tried to stifle your cries as much as you could. Yet Seungwoo's sharp hearing noticed something was wrong as he immediately got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom, knocking on the door intensely with a concerned tone, "Babe, you alright? I'm here to help"
It took quite some time for you to let him in, and as soon as you did he immediately fell to your side, his arms encircling your waist as he pushed your head to his shoulder, hands giving you small but steady pats. He'd remind you everything is alright, and would also try to get you to speak your mind out. Overall he'd be extremely comforting and loving (like he always is).
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He was minding his own business when he heard your sniffles from inside the room. Confused but still concerned, he'd enter the room immediately, asking you if everything's alright. Yet he couldn't help but end up chuckling instead: at the sight of you huddled up in your blanket with your laptop sitting on your lap, sniffling and crying over the movie you were watching.
After seeing your pouty face he'd try to control his laughter, and fall into bed with you to cuddle you up, cooing "You're such a big baby.... and i love it". Prepared to be teased about this incident a lot though, he probably wont let it go easily.
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Noticing how you'd been a bit on the gloomy side for the past few days, he had sat you down and try to get you to talk it out, "If there's anything on your mind, tell me. I'm willing to listen.". Those words caused you to break down into tears immediately, as all the emotions you've been storing in the past few days came spilling out.
While holding and caressing the back of your hand, he'd listen attentively to all your worries, nodding from time to time. He'd mostly use physical touch (touching your hands, thighs, face) to comfort and calm you down. He'd always try to give as much as advice as possible, trying his best to assure you that everything would be alright in the end.
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It'd take him a while to process everything: your endless sobbing and shortness of breath. The sight of you falling apart in front of him broke him, and internally he blamed himself for not being to help you. But externally he'd try to remain calm, his hands never leaving yours as he squeezes them tightly.
Be prepared for lots of hugs and kisses. I feel like he wouldn't say much, probably because he isn't too sure whether you'd want to talk about it, and because he believes that letting you cry all of it out before talking seems to be the best way. Nonetheless he'd still be as loving and caring as always.
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He had immediately rushed down to your house after your call, despite it being late in the middle of the night. He came prepared though, with your favourite drink and a pair of his sweaters (since he knows it's something that comforts you). With worry he'd engulf you in his arms with a tight hug, hands circling around your back.
Unlike his usual goofy self, he'd be serious and extremely caring, making sure that you're alright. He'd also be willing to stay with the whole of the night (and probably also the whole of the next day) because he wants to make sure you're completely okay before he leaves.
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As someone who always hides his emotions, he, out of everyone else, understands how you feel the most. And knowing you for long, he instinctively knows when you're feeling down or just need a good cry out. On days like these he'd be a little more goofy, always trying to lift up your mood.
He'd surprisingly be very calm when you start crying, with him staying by your side quietly and comforting you. He'd also be much more softer towards you, be it his tone of voice or the way he expresses himself.
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With him around by your side, your days are hardly dull or gloomy. But of course, emotions can sometimes get the better of you and the next thing you know, you're balling your eyes out. I can see Dongpyo being extremely cuddly and affectionate on these days, be it always hugging you and giving you small pecks. He'd still be his usual bubbly self, trying to cheer you up.
Be prepared for him to take you on small little dates too, especially to your favourite places, all in hopes that you'd feel a tiny bit better.
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He has always been a great listener: always listening attentively and giving you valuable advice. Like Junho, he'd be very calm if you were to start crying, making sure that he's there to help you if you need any, and to remind you that everything is alright.
As compared to his usual self, he'd be a little more touchy and affectionate, keeping you in his arms and often, patting your head.
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I feel like he'd be a mix between Wooseok and Yohan. As soon as he notices that you're not your usual self, he'd try to comfort you and ask you if everything is alright, trying to get you to speak. But when you start crying it'd send him into a slight panic mood at first as he'd be unsure of what to do.
But over time he'd continue giving you a comforting smile, getting you tissues or your favourite snacks; anything you need to make you feel better.
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Being the soft and understanding person he is, seeing you cry would most likely also bring tears to his own eyes. But of course, he'd try to control them as his main priority would be to comfort and cheer you up. He wouldn't say much, but instead will hold your hand or body tightly and repeat "It'll be alright".
He wouldn't force you to share your worries if you weren't comfortable, but would also remind you that anytime you're ready, he'd be willing to help anytime.
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Unfamiliar with these types of situations, it took him by surprise when he saw a tear falling from your eyes. He'd be in a slight panic mood, probably handing you tissues immediately and (awkwardly) patting your back. It'd probably also be silent between the both of you, with him thinking of what he can do to help.
"You wanna talk about it?" he'd try to ask you, and if he could, he'd also give you a few advice here and there. If not, he'd just try his best to comfort you by staying by your side.
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prodtxt · 5 years
It’s 5am and I can’t sleep bc there is a cockroach in my room so I just did this bad compilation of Hangyul acting like a crazy person with the wii channel music on the background, enjoy.
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softieunnie · 4 years
X1 masterlist
all of these are fluff/romance drabble unless stated otherwise lol
(f) - fic
updated: june 02, 2020
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note: other members will still be added 
❅ K. Yohan
missing you
❅ C. Seungyoun
as your bestfriend
still progress
❅ H. Seungwoo
it doesn’t matter
pink skies 
❅ K. Wooseok 
study dates
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nojaemblog · 5 years
X1 as 'I want a baby' meme (maknae line)
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pyox1 · 5 years
[4:32pm] The warm light of the afternoon sun had succeeded in passing trough the blinds, creating orange shadows to adorn the walls of your bedroom. The sun caressed Seungwoo's face, while your hand ran trough his black hair. His pressed lips let out a hum.
"You're so handsome." You had whispered, thinking your boyfriend was asleep. Suprisingly, he softly smiled, his eyes peeling open. They revealed an iris that was much paler than usuall, due to the powerful rays of the sun striking against it.
"You're quite beautiful yourself." He said, his voice a bit groggy. You couldn't help but try to supress the small giggle that bubbled up in your throat, but failed miserably. Seungwoo's grip on you only tightened.
"Why so shy, gorgeous?" Feeling your cheeks heating up, you nuzzeled yourself into his chest, unaware of the way Seungwoo's loving gaze aborsbed every detail of your reactions. Never would he get over how he'd still have the same effect on you, even after years of dating. He sweetly pecked your forehead, this time a hum escaping your lips. You both layed comfortably together, limbs entangled, until the room gradually lost it's orange glow.
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csy-x1 · 5 years
reaction to finding out that their secret!idolcrush choose him as their ideal type — maknae line
⌯hyung line here⌯
type: fluff
summary: basically the title
warning: none!
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“he’s so cute and friendly, my type”
he really didn’t expect someone to notice him, especially you. so when he heard that he was your ideal type, the other members teased him so much.
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“dongpyo has been my pick since the beginning”
oh man. this boy would become even louder than he already is usually. whenever the thought of you randomly popped up in his head, dongpyo would make a random loud-high-pitched scream and melt inside.
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“he’s just him, and that makes him perfect”
when he found out, the others members and him was watching random things on the tv and you said that he was your ideal type. his face would go red and try to play it off like he doesn’t care.
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“i don’t know why but he just is.... sexy?”
this lost boy doesn’t know what to do and ask his hyungs for help but obviously they’ll just tease him and hopefully he’ll one day tell you that you’re his ideal type too.
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“he’s just so caring... maybe that’s why.”
hyeongjun would melt from the inside and out and be very obvious about it. he would really want to meet you in person.
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“i really want to be friends with him, we could even be rap buddies or something.”
dohyon would be so in for being “rap buddies” together. honestly he just wants to branch out and have more friends so he isn’t stuck with members all the time.
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wshinshine · 5 years
[Part 2]
5- Seungyoun:
•you’re not extra, you are on crack
•try to be a soft normal person but you can’t help your dirty mind
• 24/7 thirsty
•cries listening to soft hip hop and r&b
•”I only stan talent”
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6- Dongpyo:
•gay panic
•child protector at daytime, perv at night
•24/7 having heart attacks
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7- Hangyul:
•a flirt (even tho you don’t think so)
•”I don’t like doing my laundry but I’ll do it on that 6 pack”
•you look thirsty but you’re actually really soft
•24/7 at the gym
•you want a sugar daddy
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8- Dohyon:
•”Eminem who? I only know Nam Dohyon”
•You are constantly concerned about how illegal your love is
•Don’t understand why he’s so underrated
•Great listener and you give the best advices
•Had an emo phase
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dvrlingrenjun · 4 years
[9:48 pm] you and bestfriend!dohyon are waiting in the long line of the cars' ride in disneyland. dohyon takes out his phone along with his earbuds, connected the earbuds with the phone, he gives out the other pair to you. who gladly accepted the offer.
you two have similar taste in music and often share earbuds because why not? you two played your playlist ignoring all of the stares from the people who was thinking, "they're cute together."
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incorrecttx1 · 5 years
Wooseok: I’ve been your age, you’ve never been mine, pay attention
Dohyon: I’ve been your height, you’ve never been mine, YOU pay attention.
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bossyohan · 5 years
X1 Zodiac Game- Halloween Party
just find your sign & build the lil story 💓
You weren’t really in the mood to go, but he asked you to go with him because you rarely have time to go to parties:
Aries- Minhee
Taurus- Wooseok
Gemini- Junho
Cancer- Seungwoo
Leo- Hangyul
Virgo- Dohyon
Libra- Hyeongjun
Scorpio- Seungyoun
Sagittarius- Yohan
Capricorn- Eunsang
Aquarius- Dongpyo
Pisces- Junho
The party was hosted by:
Aries- Yohan
Taurus- Seungwoo
Gemini- Seungyoun
Cancer- Hangyul
Leo- Wooseok
Virgo- Seungyoun
Libra- Hangyul
Scorpio- Wooseok
Sagittarius- Hangyul
Capricorn- Seungwoo
Aquarius- Yohan
Pisces- Seungyoun
You wandered and talked to a few people, but noticed _______ staring at you a few times before they came over and started a conversation
Aries- Seungyoun
Taurus- Yohan
Gemini- Eunsang
Cancer- Dohyon
Leo- Dongpyo
Virgo- Wooseok
Libra- Yohan
Scorpio- Seungwoo
Sagittarius- Hyeongjun
Capricorn- Seungyoun
Aquarius- Minhee
Pisces- Hangyul
Joining your conversation was ______, who complimented your outfit
Aries- Hangyul
Taurus- Dongpyo
Gemini- Seungwoo
Cancer- Junho
Leo- Seungwoo
Virgo- Dohyon
Libra- Wooseok
Scorpio- Hangyul
Sagittarius- Eunsang
Capricorn- Yohan
Aquarius- Seungyoun
Pisces- Minhee
You were both excited and scared when you noticed your crush, ______, was at the party too
Aries- Wooseok
Taurus- Junho
Gemini- Hyeongjun
Cancer- Minhee
Leo- Yohan
Virgo- Seungwoo
Libra- Eunsang
Scorpio- Hyeongjun
Sagittarius- Seungyoun
Capricorn- Wooseok
Aquarius- Dohyon
Pisces- Dongpyo
You didn’t notice, but ______ was trying to catch your attention all night
Aries- Dohyon
Taurus- Hangyul
Gemini- Junho
Cancer- Hangyul
Leo- Minhee
Virgo- Eunsang
Libra- Dongpyo
Scorpio- Yohan
Sagittarius- Wooseok
Capricorn- Seungyoun
Aquarius- Seungwoo
Pisces- Hyeongjun
Since you lost the friend that invited you in the crowd somewhere, you ended up making a friend group with ______, _______, and ______
Aries- Wooseok, Yohan, Eunsang
Taurus- Junho, Hangyul, Seungwoo
Gemini- Seungyoun, Minhee, Hyeongjun
Cancer- Yohan, Junho, Dohyon
Leo- Seungyoun, Dongpyo, Eunsang
Virgo- Seungwoo, Wooseok, Hangyul
Libra- Minhee, Junho, Dohyon
Scorpio- Hyeongjun, Eunsang, Seungwoo
Sagittarius- Dohyon, Hangyul, Seungyoun
Capricorn- Yohan, Minhee, Dongpyo
Aquarius- Eunsang, Seungwoo, Wooseok
Pisces- Hangyul, Seungyoun, Dohyon
After about two hours into the party, they asked if you wanted to go hang out somewhere else
Aries- Minhee
Taurus- Hangyul
Gemini- Dongpyo
Cancer- Seungwoo
Leo- Yohan
Virgo- Wooseok
Libra- Eunsang
Scorpio- Seungyoun
Sagittarius- Junho
Capricorn- Dohyon
Aquarius- Hyeongjun
Pisces- Yohan
So at the end of the night, you both:
Aries- Excitedly talked about a Christmas party, even though it was about two months later
Taurus- Didn’t actually end up leaving the party, but you found a spot & made out there for a while until you got caught (and scolded) by your host, Seungwoo
Gemini- Hopped over to another Halloween house party and ranked everyone’s outfits
Cancer- Took a bunch of pictures of you guys still in costume so that he could post “best dressed #hangyulshalloweenparty2k19”
Leo- Went back to his place to eat the candy he forgot he bought to hand out that night to trick-or-treaters
Virgo- Ended up at his place, since he convinced you to watch a scary movie with him with the sole purpose of freaking you out (but you scared him before he could scare you)
Libra- Looked up Halloween themed makeup tutorials to try on each other, and he agreed, laughing until he noticed the clown makeup look you did
Scorpio- Went to his place. You thought he asked you to come over to his place for another reason, but he literally just wanted to show you his dog in a pumpkin outfit
Sagittarius- Left the party, but just sat outside. He wanted to properly ask you on a date, but instead he just kinda waited for you to suggest where to go next (and he eagerly agrees)
Capricorn- Went on a walk and talked about personal scary stories that freaked him out so much that he held on to your arm...pretty tight
Aquarius- Went to your house to binge watch Tim Burton movies
Pisces- Held hands and screamed going through a haunted house, just to get the keepsake picture at the end
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