#bae173 x reader
woongisi · 1 year
Girl Dad // Lee Hangyul
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Lee Hangyul x fem!Reader // SMUT
WC// 2.59k
Synopsis// Hangyul's the hot new date you'd found. DILF by definition, and one you had to have.
Warnings// dom!Hangyul & switch!reader, breeding kink, initial use of protection, removal of said protection, mating press, brief talk of custody and separation
Author's Note// @gothlcsan you're welcome <3
Lee Hangyul. You’d only known him for a couple of weeks, yet you’d already seen him covered in fruit juice, absolutely smothered in messy makeup, and doubled over due to an unfortunately placed kick. You’d met at the library, browsing in the same section of novels. He may have been looking at murder mysteries, but his arms were chocked full of children’s picture books. Barely above a whisper, you had huffed and playfully asked if the brightly colored stack was for him. He smiled and politely declined, telling you he was just gathering them for his daughter. You both laughed just a little too loud, earning a stern look from the librarian.
After you both had checked out all your books you decided to dip over to the coffee shop just down the road. The interactions you shared in the library were small but enough to leave you wanting to know more about the newfound stranger. He held the door for you, he tried to pay for your coffee, and he pulled your chair out… everything he did had you pondering whether chivalry was really dead or not.
The man’s looks were truly striking, donning clear-framed specs. His hair was a warm brown and parted down the middle, falling neatly to either side of his face. His white button-up was loose and partially unbuttoned while his darkly colored slacks were quite fitted.
You learned a lot about one another in the hour you shared, chatting over your drinks and overpriced snacks. His name was Hangyul, he’d been single for a few years now. He had a daughter who was 7 and lived with him. She seemed to be the center of his entire world. He was kind and funny, and you could feel his genuine interest in getting to know you. You were both comfortable with silence between topics, and the conversation flowed easily. Before you parted ways, his gaze lingered on you for just a little too long after you exchanged phone numbers.
Over the following weeks, you met up plenty of times whether it was his place or some little activity his daughter so badly wanted to do. He was empathetic, unafraid to do things that would’ve been considered feminine, and put his kid before all else.
A quiet Tuesday night, you mindlessly browsed the channels of your TV in hopes of finding something to watch. Every show seemed the same. You huffed and powered it down, almost jumping out of your skin when your phone began to ring. A smile covered your face when you grabbed it to see the characters “hangyul <3” splayed across the screen.
“Hello?” You tried to contain the excitement in your voice.
“Hey, what’re you up to?”
“I just gave up on the television… you? You sound kinda down.”
“Oh…” The line was quiet for a few seconds. “Just feeling a little lonely. That’s why I called, felt the need to chat.”
“Where’s this kiddo at?”
“It’s her mom’s week to have her. I have primary custody, so she stays with me most of the time as you know, but she sees her mother every handful of weeks.”
“Ah, must be quiet. Enjoy your relaxation time.”
“Actually… the silence is kinda driving me insane,”
You could practically hear Hangyul pouting. You understood, he spent all day in the company of others whether it was his kid or at work.
“Do you want to come over?” He continued.
“Oh? Are you sure? It’s pretty late.”
“No, no! You don’t have to, I know it might be kinda weird to be at my house when it’s just us… only if you want to.”
“I’ll be there, give me half an hour. “
You hung up, springing off the couch and flinging open your closet doors. Even if it was simple, you needed a better outfit than a massive shirt and granny panties.
In no more than 10 minutes, you started your car, plugged his address in the GPS and were on your way.
Walking up to the door of his apartment, you shot him a text to let him know you were there, as it had become a habit to do so you didn't wake up the kid… even if she wasn't there. Fumbling with the lock, Hangyul pulled the door open and greeted you with a big smile.
“You made it!”
“I said I would, idiot.”
Hangyul moved to the side and invited you in, offering to take your jacket for you.
You both sat on either end of the couch, almost awkward without the continued presence of his daughter. The room was quiet, cool lit, and vaguely scented like mahogany. A basket of gaudily hued kids toys rested to the right of the television.
“So, what do you wanna do?” You looked over to him, noting how he sat so daintily with his knees together and arms crossed.
“Ah, whatever you want. I'm just glad to have company. It's been a long time since I've been able to just hang out with someone this way.”
“Do you, uh…” Suddenly you felt vulnerable, embarrassed with yourself. “Do you want to cuddle?”
He nodded eagerly, silently scolding himself for being almost a little too excited.
You scooted over on the couch, positioning yourself between his legs and resting your head between his head and shoulder. Hangyul hesitantly wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His free hand came to run through your hair, his fingers carefully removing any knots he got caught on. He took a deep breath, resting his cheek against you.
“I've missed this.” He muttered under his breath. “You’re so warm.”
“Mm.” You nuzzled into his neck, urging him to place the softest kiss on the top of your head. “You're always so gentle with me, Hangyul.”
Hangyul hugged you firmly, taking in the scent of your perfume. “Couldn't imagine hurting you. Not ever. Too precious to me.”
“Precious? Me?” You tried to hide the giddiness laced in your voice.
“Mhm. You know how many dates I've been on in the past few years? Too many. People tend to find it odd that I’m parenting on my own. Turned off by the fact I let the kiddo dress me up and do my makeup or pissed off with how I have to spend most of my time with her. Things like that.”
“It's endearing, I think. You're a wonderful father to her. Can't imagine thinking that's not hot.”
Hangyul’s hands fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, pondering if he should even follow through with his next move. Ah, screw it. It was worth a shot.
“Can… Can I kiss you?” In that moment he was glad you couldn't see his face, surely he was blushing. In a split second you pulled back from him and nodded eagerly.
“Of course.”
Hangyul rested his hands on your waist and took your lips into his own. He tasted faintly of coffee, you thought. Soon, his glasses were discarded to the side. Each of his small gasps made your stomach twist. Even now, he was gentle with you, only ever following your pace.
Everything about him was intoxicating to you, from his voice to his taste and everything in between. In a way you knew he was holding back. He nipped and tugged at your bottom lip, silently begging for access. Yielding, you allowed his tongue to slip between your teeth. Your tongues mingled, filling the air with wet noises and the occasional clack of your teeth brushing against his. Hangyul moved his hand to cradle the back of your head to keep you close to him. Your breath was unsteady, hinting to Hangyul that he was doing something right.
Hangyul disconnected from you, panting against your skin. “Can I be completely honest with you?”
“Duh, what is it?”
“I want you.” He swallowed his breath. “Really.”
You balled your hand into a fist, feeling your mind short circuit for a moment.
“Yeah?” You purred. “Then I’m yours.”
A shiver ran up Hangyul’s spine, giving himself a silent pep talk. He hadn't had sex in 7 years and he wasn't going to let this chance slip. He'd never felt enough chemistry toward past dates to get truly intimate… Now he was ready. The two of your scrambled to his room and climbing onto his bed.
His fitted black turtleneck highlighted the contour of his muscles. His chest, his arms, his abs. Crossing one arm over the other, he pulled the shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the corner of the room.
“May I?” Hangyul grabbed the very end of your shirt, helping you to remove it once you gave him your approval. His eyes flitted from your face to your chest shyly.
You granted Hangyul permission to touch you, impressed by how easily he reached around you and unhooked your bra. “Black lace,” Hangyul murmured. “You were hoping for this, huh?”
“Maybe…” Your face flushed red, subconsciously positioning yourself onto his lap and grinding absentmindedly. Hangyul flinched and let a whine fall from his lips. He’d expected to be sensitive after so much time but every movement set him on fire in a way he hadn’t felt for far too long.
“Gyul,” You sighed. “I hate to be impatient, but I’m so fucking wet and I think I might die if I don’t get you inside of me right now.”
He was quick to oblige, hopping up to rummage through the side table next to the couch. Placing a pack of condoms and a bottle of lube to the side, Hangyul invited you to undo his belt buckle. The sound of the metal clanking was like music to his ears. He removed his slacks, revealing his dick.
“Hey, who are you to tease me? You were commando under that!? Guess I wasn’t the only one who was hoping for this. “ You taunted, ridding yourself of your own pants.
Hangyul was quite big, thick and adorned with fine veins. He tore open one of the condom packs, rolling the rubber down his length slowly.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Hangyul cupped your check in his hand. You nodded eagerly, telling him you couldn’t possibly be more sure. You propped yourself up against the headboard and cushioned your back with a couple soft pillows.
Hangyul leaned over you, placed a kiss on your forehead, and helped you slide off your lace lined underwear. You spread your legs wide to allow Hangyul’s large form to fit between. Words of praise fell from his mouth haphazardly as he rubbed the tip of his cock through your folds. His brows furrowed at the sensation, using one hand to grope at your thigh.
“Are you ready, my love?”
“Mm, please.”
Hangyul poured a generous amount of lube onto both his cock and your pussy, allowing no chance of any painful friction. He pressed into you slowly to allow you both to adjust.
“Shit,” He grunted once he completely bottomed out. “So tight, baby, so warm.”
You whined, biting onto your hand to suppress your sounds. “You’re so big, please just fuck me.”
Hangyul started slowly, rolling his hips rhythmically back and forth. He let out a choked moan, nails digging into your thighs. His hips snapped against yours firmly, eventually locating the most sensitive area of you.
“Oh, fuck! Daddy-“
Hangyul stopped dead in his tracks, trying to process what he’d just heard. You frantically apologized, claiming you hadn’t meant to call him that way and praying he wouldn’t be freaked out.
Hangyul had never really heard or so much as considered the word in such a context. After all, it's what he was used to being called by his daughter who only recently stopped because she was “too cool” for it. Something was different when you said it, something that made him feel powerful.
“No, no,” Hangyul took a deep breath. “Say it again.”
“Oh, so Daddy likes it?” You smirked, yelping when he thrusted sharply into you.
“That's my girl.”
Despite the situation you'd found yourself in, the possessiveness behind his words almost made you feel shy. Hangyul leaned over you, propping himself up on one arm so he could look in your eyes, brushing the hair out of your face with the other. His eyes were dark, brimming with adoration, conveying a soft expression despite how he was slamming against your walls. You gave maintaining eye contact a valiant try but soon found yourself losing yourself to the pleasure, opting to clasp your hands on the back of his neck and kiss him instead.
A small sob escaped your throat, clenching tightly around Hangyul’s cock. “So full, fuck, want you in me forever.” Your quickening breath betrayed how close you were to coming undone.
“W-wait, off, take it off-” You cried and weakly attempted to push him off of you. Hangyul took the hint and pulled out, quickly discarding the condom and moving to press your legs up against your chest. His own legs over yours in a mating press.
“100% sure, baby?”
You nodded frantically and practically begged Hangyul to bury himself back into your pussy. The pace he took up was brutal, fast, and deep with his cock reaching places you hadn't felt before. Each filthy noise that accompanied every thrust pushed you both closer and closer to the edge.
“Please, Hangyul, fill me up- please, please, please,”
“Who? Who do you want to stuff your pretty little cunt with cum?”
Tears rolled down your cheeks, feeling far too good and far too spent. “You, Daddy, please breed me-”
In a few more aggressive thrusts your orgasm hit you like a truck, the tightness of every contraction sending Hangyul over the edge soon after. His grunts bordered on animalistic and in stark contrast to the filthy words spilling incoherently from his mouth, his motions were soft and loving, holding you flush against his chest as he pumped every last drop of his seed into you.
Coming down from your eyes, you both panted with exhaustion. Hangyul had nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck and begun to leave light kisses along the expanse of skin.
Hangyul whispered sweet nothings into your ear, mumbling about how gorgeous you were, how much of an amazing mother you'd be, and accidentally confessing to just how much he loved you. Through your little gasps, you told him you loved him too and that if you were to carry anybody’s children you'd want them to be his.
Hangyul's eyes brimmed with tears, overwhelmed by the entire situation. When he went to pull out of you a noise of protest stopped him.
“No, stay, please, too good.”
Blinking away the tears that started to brim at his waterlines, Hangyul squeezed you tight as if you were going to evaporate.
“You… You're not gonna leave me after this, right…?”
“Of course not, silly, could never.”
A twinge of sadness caught your heart at his question, realizing his breakup had really affected him deeply. Unanimously agreeing you could clean up later, you drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, you still stuffed with Hangyul's cock and seed.
His heartbeat thudded rhythmically against his chest which only lulled you farther to dreamland, your last thoughts filled with joy at how you'd gotten so lucky to find someone like Hangyul and how much the future held.
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soobiverse · 1 year
Welcome to Soobiverse ✧˖*°
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*ੈ✩ About me
My name is Xen <3
> 04 Liner
> He/They
> Omni + Gender Fluid + Poly + Demi
I started listening to Kpop in August 2019 and I started writing in February 2020.
I write sfw & nsfw (nsfw only for legal idols) and for all genders.
*ੈ✩ Groups I Stan
*⁀➷ Boy groups:
TXT + Cravity + Enhypen + Onewe + Seventeen + NCT (All Units) + Ateez + The Boyz + BAE173 + E’last + Astro + P1harmony + Xdinary Heroes + Boynextdoor + ZB1 + Kingdom + &Team + 8Turn + Lucy + Aimers + Lun8
*⁀➷ Girl Groups:
Twice + (G)i-dle + Dreamcatcher + Purple Kiss + StayC + New Jeans + Le Sserafim + Ive
Don’t request from groups I don’t stan, please ๑‧˚₊
ੈ✩ Masterlists
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shotaromew · 1 month
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► apple cider by beabadoobee ꩜ .ᐟ
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⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ We both like
apple cider... .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅!!
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Stan list !!!
— my ults for ggs : woo!ah! , unis , stayc , qwer
— my ults for bgs : the boyz , boynextdoor , ampers&one , cravity
— general list : lun8 , toz , dxmon , seventeen , &team , newjeans , le sserafim , illit , evnne , epex , 82major , xikers , bae173 , hori7on , cix , trendz , omega x , 8turn , onepact , zb1 , the wind , artms , loosemble , odd eye circle , chuu , yves , niziu , triples , vcha , katseye , viviz , unicode , weki meki , rescence , ive , nmixx , aespa , young posse , twice , oh my girl , wjsn , nowadays , pentagon , cherry bullet , (g)-idle , enhypen , tws , red velvet , nct (my favorite unit is wayv), arrc , and like a lot more <3
— my ult biases ggs : nana [woo!ah!] , heejin/yeojin [loona] , yunha [unis]
— my ult biases bgs : youngjae [tws] , new [the boyz] , wonjin / hyeongjun [cravity]
— on 24/7 🎧 : hello by joy, bad boy by red velvet, catch the stars by wooah, young luv by stayc, amnesia by boynextdoor, swan song by le sserafim, sweet and sour by ampers&one ♥︎
About blog !!
— I allow asks, but make sure their sfw for this blog ><
— I write about any grps, I'm free for all !! (Leaning more onto 5th gen groups tho, as I stan a lot of ppl there)
— I also write for any gender reader, soooo don't be shy :3
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Thanks for reading <33
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ddaehyeon · 4 years
— love should be mundane: bae173's love gestures
not requested! ✧ ot9; bae173 masterlist (to be updated!)
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♡ jeon minwook
a soft touch of your hair as he quietly runs his fingers through your hair
♡ lee hangyul
a questionable joke uttered in an attempt to brighten up your day
♡ jung gun
a morning stroll in the neighborhood, the two of you going to the nearest cafe to grab some coffee
♡ kim hyunwoo
a tight hug in the morning, not wanting to let go of you even when it's getting late
♡ park junseo
a morning text message, reminding you to eat your breakfast and take care
♡ ryu youngseo
a playlist which contains songs he thought you'd like, one of the songs is a recorded song cover from him
♡ na gyumin
a sticky note stuck on your favorite drink which is something he usually leaves by your study table
♡ noh minjae
a messy love letter with obvious erasures as he was unsure what are the right words to use
♡ nam dohyon
a snack shared to you regardless of how it is his favorite
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hakuyeo · 3 years
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STATEMENT: imperceptible!
"you wouldn't mind, would you? after all," you turn to jungwon, presenting a sly smirk that tugged on the side of your lips. "you are the student council president." and that was when you had declared war against jungwon, except, it was a war of love!
everyone knows how much chemistry you and jungwon have, though what happens if the other student council members start to get suspicious of their sudden passive-aggressiveness? will they pry or will they just watch the chaos unfold?
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『pairing: yang jungwon x reader!!』
featuring: enhypen jungwon, ive wonyoung, stayc j, drippin alex, bae173 dohyon, kep1er bahiyyih + more characters in the future? 👀
➠ warnings: possible cursing ;; painfully unfunny humor🤕🤕
➠ genre: smau, high school au, mostly crack lolol, fluff
➠ status: very slow updates!
➠ taglist: open !! send an ask !!💗
notes: this is inspired by "kaguya-sama: love is war" and "let my love run wild" by @ddeonuism!! :D
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profiles! ↓
➥ the victims of love💔
➥ & friends😍🙏
chapters! ↓
one; war! [written]
two; cupcakes?
three; fight the feeling
four; watching over freirends🥺
five; signs of struggle
... 🍰
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n1cholaswang · 2 years
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*taps mic* testing, testing. 1, 2, 3. okay!
hello! im really bad at introducing myself but here's the basic rundown:
name's zyrin but u can either call me zy or rin, whichever you prefer :)
fluent in english & spanish, learning korean
i write both smut & fluff, sometimes angst when im feeling it
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bold = open to writing nsfw shit
bts , enhypen (legal line) , txt , p1harmony (legal line) , cravity , cix , just b , seventeen , xdinary heroes , ciipher , onewe , oneus (+ ravn) , nct , tempest , treasure (minus haruto, jeongwoo & junghwan) , epex (hyung line) , to1 (minus yeojeong + chihoon, minsu, woonggi, & jerome) , mcnd (minus win) , bae173 (hyung line) , ghost9 (minus jinwoo) , tfn (minus kio) , the boyz (+ hwall/hyunjun) , trainee a (legal line + leo) , stray kids , dkb (minus harry-june) , nine.i (minus jiho) , løren / lorenisalone , astro , dtqk , ateez , mirae (minus yubin) , tnx (legal line) , younite (minus sion) , jwiiver , itzy , e'last , victon , blitzers (minus wooju) , verivery , drippin (minus alex) , wei , (g)i-dle (+ soojin) , superkind (minus sio & jdv) , dkz (minus giseok) , twice , atbo (legal line) , blank2y (minus sodam) , dreamcatcher , trendz (minus yechan) , ive , kard , kep1er , le sserafim (minus eunchae) , omega x , purple kiss , xg (legal line) , ab6ix , aespa , billlie , boy story , csr , dreamcatcher , ini , kingdom , luminous , nmixx , onf , onlyoneof , purple kiss , stayc , gaho , bibi , bdc , big naughty , vapo , haon , class:y , d1ce , lee youngji , newjeans , park hyeonjin , pentagon , rocket punch , trade l , withus , xeed , &team (legal line) kang daniel & woodz
what a list LMAO
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- i try to make the reader gender neutral as much as i can but i literally suck at that so don't expect it to happen all the time
- some self-inserts, especially with certain nsfw situations with my biases. sometimes the self-inserts are personality/interest-wise with whatever idol it is (it'll make more sense later)
- gotta wild imagination lmao
- i will overuse adjectives and shit cause i suck at writing LMAO
- 99.5% of the time, i am stuck in a creative block but i'll try my best to upload as much as possible
& most importantly
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I’m a writer with 15+ years of experience including two years as a Creative Writing major in college! My first loves were fan fiction and music, so this venture only makes sense for me.
I will write SFW and NSFW content! Romance? Horror? Smut? Friends to lovers? Step brother angst? Werewolves? Love triangles? You name it!
For NSFW, I WILL write hard kinks, taboo themes, etc., or be as vanilla as you’d like. However, I will NOT write: vore, scat play/farting, feet, weight gain/inflation, extreme gore/violence as kinks.
I can write any POV.
I prefer to write OCs or Reader Inserts but am open to anything.
My pricing is $0.02 per word (eg. 500 words = $10) up to 5000 words ($100.) I accept CashApp and PayPal as means of payment. I do require half payment up front before I start working, and then the second half upon completion!
Writing samples can be found mainly at NCityReplay or my DeviantArt. You may request samples for specific styles or groups/idols!
I stan over 200 artists so feel free to contact me about just about anyone and I will probably know them/be willing to write about them. However, here’s a brief list of some I’m well versed in writing for:
BTS • TXT • Enhypen • NCT (ot23) • Cravity • Monsta X (ot7) • VIXX • EXO • Super Junior • Omega X • WannaOne + all off shoot groups • Stray Kids • DKB • Pentagon • Seventeen • The Boyz • Astro • Drippin • Just B • Bae173 • Mirae • 2PM • Golden Child • SF9 • Up10tion • E’Last • Day6 • Epex • VeriVery • Xdinary Heroes • Blackpink • Red Velvet • Twice • fromis_9 • Billlie • Dreamcatcher • Loona • GWSN • Itzy • WJSN
Don’t hesitate to contact me with ANY questions! You can use the Tumblr messaging feature or contact me on Discord at starkafterdark#2588 💚
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ddaehyeon · 4 years
send me a constellation and a member!
i compiled all my favorite prompts inclined to soulmate aus to create this list. they are all from this list. you can check it out for a full listing. though i’m limiting the request to the ones mentioned here only. 
to request, send me one constellation and a member. you can also imply the genre if you want and some other details you want to be included! i’m only writing a constellation once. 
— -  ✧ 
to write.
aquarius - every night you receive a message about a random sentence your  soulmate has said that day. [req. ham wonjin]
aries - there's a timer for when you shall first meet. [req. ham wonjin]
cancer - every time your soulmate lies, their words are written on you. [req. koo jungmo]
capricornus - get the same injuries as your soulmate does. [req. ahn seongmin]
cassiopeia - songs sung by your soulmate is stuck in your head. [req. heo chan]
charmaeleion - the only way for your scars to disappear is when your soulmate kisses them goodbye. [req. park serim]
delphinus - if you’re having a good/bad day, your soulmate will have the same amount of good/bad day. [req. han seungwoo]
equuleus - everyone has life points/years left in their life, and people can give their soulmates their own life points/years if they’re lacking. [req. lim sejun]  * ✍🏻 soon!
formax - whenever you lose an item (like a sock), it ends up in your soulmates’ possession somehow. [req. lee hangyul] * ✍🏻 soon!
gemini -  written on you is a badly worded description of how you’ll meet your soulmate (ex. reality: meet in coffee shop spill drink- - > description: “you’ll meet in a place of high energy and it’ll be hot”) [req. jung subin]
hercules - everybody has some type of tablet thing that’s a shared space you and your soulmate can draw on. [req: jeon minwook]
leo - flowers bloom on you where your soulmate is injured. [req. song hyeongjun]
libra - write something on your own skin, appears on the other’s skin as well. [req. kim hyunwoo]
lynx - before you die, you get to send one last message to your soulmate. [req. kang minhee]
pegasus - at the corner of your eye, you can see a blurry vision of whatever your soulmate is doing. [req. kim yohan]
perseus - once you meet your soulmate you’re literally stuck to each other for the rest of the day. [req. kim junseo]
phoenix - temperature gets hotter the nearer they are, colder when they are further away. [req. song hyeongjun]
pisces - if you send off a paper airplane, it shall reach (or move in the direction of) your soulmate. [req. yoo yongha]
pyxis - throwing something you love on the full moon will land on your soul mate. [req. na gyumin]
sagittarius - you know the last words your soulmate will ever say to you. [req. allen ma]
scorpius - there’s an object that changes colour depending on what mood your soulmate is in. [req. ahn seongmin]
taurus - you can sense when your soulmate is in distress. [req. jung subin]
tucana - you get a notification whenever your soulmate is asleep or awake. [req. kim yohan]
ursa major - you have the ability to draw on the sky, making splash of colours or little notes for only them and their soulmate to see. [req. han seungwoo]
ursa minor - will be drawn to their soulmate and meet them whenever they're in distress. [personal. jang daehyeon]
— -  ✧ 
andromeda - written on your palm is what your soulmate is thinking. [req. allen ma; read here]
hydra - people have a tendency to experience whatever emotions their soulmate have pent up inside them. [req. kang seungsik; read here]
ophiuchus - you have this limited stack of sticky notes. write whatever you want on it, and that note would magically appear somewhere in your soulmate’s line of sight during that day.  [req. jung subin; read here]
orion - it is impossible to lie to your destined soulmate. [req. kim junseo; read here]
virgo - your soulmate’s current thoughts about you will show up on your skin for a short while. [req. kang minhee; read here]
— -  ✧
i forgot to add gemini in the first listing HAHAHAH added it now. thanks, anon
♡ depending on the details provided, your request will become a short drabble or a full length fic. (´。・v・。`)
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ddaehyeon · 4 years
hello i made a taglist form. for those who wants to be tagged in my future works, just fill out this form. :> you can specify which ones you wish to be tagged in :DD
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