#kang minhee imagine
mins-fins · 1 year
insomnia — kang minhee
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according to kang minhee, you sleep too little.
ever since moving in with your very amazing and insanely tall partner, kang minhee, he always comments on how sleepless you look each day.
while you would agree, with how much work you have to do. yeah, you could stop painting all day but do you really want to? no. even if your up at three in the morning, it doesn't really matter to you.
it matters to minhee though.
minhee doesn't necessarily have to wake up in the morning to go to work, but you know he likes to get a full nights sleep, so seeing him awake at a time that you were awake was odd.
"insomnia again?" he inquires, he knew you struggled to sleep, you hum as you narrow your eyes, a small groan of frustration escaping your lips as you realized you used the wrong color.
"yep" you whisper, staring at the colors as your eyes go back to the painting again. "i think i may have used the wrong color" you say.
"what are you painting?" minhee asks, gently placing his hands onto your shoulders as he tries to figure out what the painting is supposed to be.
"a garden" you reply. "i mean— i've started it, but i don't know which flowers to paint".
"what about tulips?" he suggests, and you tilt your head to look up at him. "you like those".
"those are kind of hard to paint.."
"you painted a literal cruise once, y/n" he states in a very deadpanned way, you chuckle and shake your head at the words.
"alright then" you sigh, pouting. "now i have to change the canvas".
"why do you..?"
"because i already got halfway through the painting and i prefer yellow colored tulips so now i have to start all over because it has to be perfect—"
"alright y/n" he squeezes your shoulder, and you laugh. you place down the other painted canvas, you'll use it for something later, you picked up a new blank canvas and placed it onto the easel.
"minhee why are you awake?" you ask as you begin to paint what you intended to.
"because you are" he says simply, somehow now having a cup of hot chocolate in his hands. you narrow your eyes at the sight, not even knowing where he'd gotten hot chocolate.
"where'd you get that?" you ask, staring at him for a moment before turning back to your canvas and beginning to paint the surrounding bush. "i want some.." you mutter.
"magic" he says in a tone of excitement, looking like a little kid, or seongmin whenever he gets chocolate. "how do i convince you to go back to sleep?"
"you don't".
"y/n" minhee whines, pouting as if he was a baby and not a 20 year old man who was 6'2. "if you don't get sleep then i'm gonna lose sleep over you losing sleep".
"then stay awake with me" you say, turning to look back at him once again. minhee blinks, like he wants to say no but genuinely can't.
"fine then" he says. "i will, i'll supervise your painting" he places the cup of hot chocolate down and places his hands onto your shoulders once again.
"i appreciate that" you say, minhee simply smiles and nods as he observes you paint.
he'd give a lecture on why sleep is important in the morning—
and maybe you'd actually listen then.
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starvity · 1 year
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ cravity masterlist (★ω★)/
★ ot9
daily bf!texts with cravity
☆ park serim
little things he does that make you fall more in love with him
☆ ma allen
☆ koo jungmo
☆ seo woobin
☆ ham wonjin
good luck kiss
☆ kang minhee
☆ song hyeongjun
5 love languages
☆ kim taeyoung
mc’ing with crush!taeyoung
☆ ahn seongmin
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brokenntable · 1 year
Dating Kang Minhee
my exams are finally over... I am free for four months :)
Boyfriend!Minhee who would constantly tease you for your height because he thinks you look cute flustered and annoyed. "have you grown even shorter since Iast saw you?" or "are you sure you can reach that shelf"
Boyfriend!Minhee who brags about you to his friends when you're not around because he has the best partner in the world (or so he says)
Boyfriend!Minhee who secretly loves getting couples items with you. you have the same watches and matching phone cases...
Boyfriend!Minhee who loves to see your face when he surprises you with random gifts he bought that made him think of you. he would never want any gifts in return as he'd say something cringe like 'you're love is enough' and laugh.
Boyfriend!Minhee who steals small touches every now and then just to remind himself you're his. small hand placements on your back, brushes against your arm. in public he would stand slightly in front of you subconsciously.
Boyfriend!Minhee who doesn't know how to comfort you when you're sad so instead buys you you're favourite drink or performs a funny dance in the hopes to cheer you up.
Boyfriend!Minhee when he's upset, back hugs you and breathes you in because you and your smell is so comforting to you and helps him stay grounded.
Boyfriend!Minhee who loves you and everything you do and only wants to be around you
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Cravity as things my babies do
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For context I'm a daycare teacher for 0-2 year olds and got this idea at work one day. Let me know any other groups you want to see for this kind of thing!
Cravity hyung line x reader (established relationship) ultimate masterlist & hyung line
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Staring at me with love
His little smirk will be front and center while doing this. Does this when you are being silly or doing something to get the boys to laugh. Absolutley melts for a few seconds when this happens.
Cheek kisses/blowing kisses
Minhee may not always be as affectionate as others, but he’ll sneak you some cheek kisses when no one is looking. Likes blowing you kisses when you guys are going your separate ways. Loves if you act as if you are catching his kisses in the air and saving them in your pockets.
Say my name just for fun
He just likes annoying you sometimes, and what better way to do this than to remind you of your own name. He’ll typically start with pet names and then move on to your name, depending on if you try to ignore him or not. If you do try and ignore him, your favorite thing to do is try and jumpscare him. You and the boys were in their waiting room, hanging out while each of them got ready for stage. Serim was sitting next to you, talking about anything, when Minhee came over. He decided to take the empty spot next to you, on the opposite side of Serim. Minhee then began whispering your pet names as you desperately tried to ignore him, enjoying your peaceful talk with his leader.  Noticing it wasn’t working, he moved on to your actual name. Serim noticed what he was up to and kind of giggled to himself. Just as Minhee began to say your name again, you quickly turned your head around, your nose almost touching Minhee’s. “KANG MINHEE!” He jumped at the sudden action and noise. Hearing you say his full name made him laugh as you were still face to face. Then you stuck your tongue out to poke his nose. “Ew, Y/n! That was weird.” He said moving away from you. “Well, so is hearing you call me more in 60 seconds than in my entire life.”
Play fighting/bickering
Both of you will start a fake argument over anything. “Y/n! You’re breathing too loud! Shhhhhhhhhh!” Minhee does it more than you do, but it’s basically one of his love languages. Bickering is about the same as your arguments. Fake, over nothing, and very funny to witness. Sometimes, when the boys are bored they’ll start things between you guys because it’s just too entertaining to them. “Y/n, your sweet Minhee just ate your last candy.” Then it would begin. The boys loved the bickering but the making up in the end always, makes them boo a little.
Play with my face/hands
Something about Minhee tells me he will be one to play with your hands like Wonjin. Unlike Wonjin, he won’t squish your face per se, but he will cup your face in his hands and smother you in kisses. If you were upset or trying to prank him, he’d do this and make funny faces, forcing you to keep eye contact to make you smile.
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Matching my dancing and laughing energy
Monkey see, Monkey do. There are always a few seconds of judging one another right before doing as the other is doing. Always gets the boys laughing seeing you guys so in sync all the time and the giant smiles plastered on both of your faces. 
Play fighting/bickering
Sassy. We know this. That doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t give him a run for his money. So many eye rolls that the boys are surprised neither of your eyes have fallen out. Likes to yell when you get too chaotic, especially when you are joined by the other boys. As for fighting? You guys will have tickle fights to resolve tense situations or to end bickering that’s gone on too long. 
Running at me into a hug
Wants to hide his excitement when seeing you but can’t. He just has to close the distance between you too faster, which means running into your hug. Only does it after long period apart or when you are meeting up, just the two of you.
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Staring at me with love
Will look at you like Flynn looks at Rapunzel. He just feels so lucky to be in your presence, to be loved by you, etc. He’s a normally smiley guy, but when it comes to you, he’s only smiles. When you guys are apart, he will be sulky and less energized. You’ll receive a lot of photos and videos from the boys of him sulking and pouting while apart. They hate to see him this way, but they can’t help but show you. Taeyoung actually hasn’t discovered the “Sulking Sweetie” album on your phone yet. 
Play with my earrings/hair
He’ll love to massage your scalp, braid your hair, and do silly hairstyles on you. (if you let him) Taeyoung has watched so many YouTube videos on doing hair just to do/play with yours. Adores. your. earring. collection. He actually avoids seeing your collection unless you are wearing them. Taeyoung likes being surprised by what earrings you are wearing every time he sees you. Has the cutest reactions to seeing them and almost always says something about them. Even if he’s seen that pair 100 times already. Makes sure to buy you a pair at each place they stop on tour. Gets overly joyed to come back from tour and tell you where and why he bought them as you open each pair. When you get compliments while wearing earrings he got, you would’ve thought he won a million dollars.
Matching my dancing and laughing energy
You think that joke is funny? So does he. You start randomly dancing to a song that isn’t playing? He’ll recognize which song you are thinking of and join, like telepathy. You both feed off each other’s energy so well that the boys are scared you may have telepathy with each other.
Cheek kisses/blowing kisses
Kisses, kisses, kisses. I see Taeyoung as a kisser, but a cute one. Makeouts are for special occasions or alone time, but he must kiss you all the time. Cheek kisses are his favorite. He loves your cheeks; it’s pretty innocent enough in public and doesn’t get him annoyed by the boys about it. Blowing kisses is his other favorite thing to do. It reminds him of having a school crush and the feeling of flirting like you guys were still being secretive. 
Fall asleep to me singing
Similar to Allen, this will happen by accident. After a tiring day of music video shooting, you were headed home in the same car as Taeyoung, Wonjin, Allen, and Jungmo. In the back, you were on the right side, Taeyoung was next to you in the middle, and then Allen was next to him on the left. Allen was on his phone, listening to music, while Wonjin and Jungmo were talking about random things from the day. Taeyoung, who is typically very awake and would normally join in on their talk, was extra tired tonight. He looked into your eyes, almost asking for permission to lay his head on your shoulder. You nodded and smiled as he adjusted his position. You put an airpod in your right ear and laid your head against his.  His eyes were closed, but the cutest sleepy grin spread across his tired face. You began to lightly sing along to your music, watching Jungmo and Wonjin’s conversation through slow, sleepy blinks. You occasionally giggled at things stated by the pair, and the next time you laughed, they turned to laugh with you. As they turned, they witnessed an asleep Tae, gushing over how cute he looked on your shoulder. A couple of days later, you’d bring up the situation. He’d smile, telling you how your singing was like a lullaby, lulling him to sleep.
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Pouting to get my attention
His cute little pout is your favorite. You hate to upset him, but sometimes upsetting him in good fun is worth it. Being too close to the other members or giving them all your undivided attention will always bring out his pout. It gets your attention turned to only him every time.
Jealous someone else has my attention
As the youngest, he’s always getting little pings of jealousy seeing you with his members. Alone. He trusts you and his bandmates, but he can’t help but overthink about what he sees.  After you decided to watch Jungmo play a game on his phone instead of following Seongmin, his jealous feelings became too much. Some time went by as he had gotten his makeup done, and even more upset now, he saw you still with his hyung. He didn’t want to seem like he was forcing you away, so he texted you, asking you to meet him outside a dressing room. It took you a few minutes to finally see the message and excuse yourself from Jungmo’s company. As you were a couple of feet away from him, you could tell he was upset by his stance and face. His face looked like a puppy’s who had been taken away from their family. Once you noticed this, you rushed over quickly to comfort him. He turned away from you as you tried to pull him into your embrace. You frowned and asked why he was acting so weird. “Do you like being around Jungmo hyung more than me?” You stood there in shock for a second, Seongmin staring at the ground. He felt guilty and embarrassed for feeling so jealous, but he needed to know. “Why are you asking me this out of the blue?” You asked as you lifted his chin. “Why did you stay with Jungmo for so long and not come spend time with me?” You frowned, hearing this as he stared into your eyes as he asked. You pulled him into a tight hug. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I love spending time with you, but you seemed like you needed some space today.” You could feel him sigh in relief. “Next time, I’ll make sure to ask you how you are feeling instead of assuming.” 
Play with my earrings/hair
Really likes to twirl your hair in/around his fingers. If you have curly hair, he’ll lightly pull on individual curls to watch them bounce back. Does this a lot when he’s bored or getting tired. Gives you head pats because he wants you to return the favor. Just like Taeyoung, he’ll be obsessed with your earring collection. He’s like a kid every time he sees you in a new pair, gushing about how much he likes them each time. 
Running at me into a hug
Better brace yourself for impact. He’s coming for you, full speed. Once he collides with you, expect to be there for a couple of minutes unless he’s in a rush, then at least 15 seconds. If you are on the tall side, expect him to jump into your arms. He could just walk up to you and hug you but he gets too excited and bolts.
Fall asleep to me singing
He needs you to fall asleep. Usually, this is all, and he goes right to sleep. Except for tonight. Seongmin had an extremely rough week with crazy busy schedules, and all he wanted to do was cuddle up into your arms and get his well deserved rest. You started rubbing his back to help lull him. It only takes a few minutes, so after you felt like he was asleep, you began to hum along to a song that had been stuck in your head. Seongmin happened to still be very awake though. As you began humming and singing, he could feel the vibration in your chest. This immediately started working as he could finally get some much needed rest. If he’s having trouble sleeping again, he’ll make sure to ask you to sing for him. You like to ask the same of him now as well. 
Play with my face/hands
Touchy touchy touchy. Not in a bad way, though. Seongmin loves to do all kinds of cute touches, almost as a way to reassure you and himself. For example, rubs his thumb on your face while cupping it, will move your hands where he likes, likes to play with your fingers, and little fingertip scratches. Like the ones that are light and tickle you.
hyung line here
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kpop-kitkat · 2 years
All Along | Kang Minhee
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pairing | royal knight!kang minhee x princess f!reader
genre/cw | angst, fluff, hurt comfort, royal au, medieval au, blood, injury, mention of minor death, major death(???), betrayal, reader’s ex is evil, crying, hopelessness, but a happy end 
wc | 2.0k
notes | loosely based off of ‘the legend of zelda: breath of the wild’ 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  
He was right. He was right all along. And that's why Y/n was where she was now. Alone, crying, in the middle of the green forest of Kyoto, as the rain poured. He warned her that Gyemin would break her heart. He warned her that it wouldn't last forever. He warned her that he was no good in the first place. But she never thought it would could very well be the death of her. Just like it was the death of her father. 
 "You were right Minhee... you were right," she sobbed, hugging her knees as the rain soaked her black dress.
 "Y/n!" A voice called in the distance, and she could tell it was a very distressed Minhee. And it surprised her, since Minhee wasn't one to talk, let alone yell. But considering the circumstances, it was reasonable. "Y/n where are you?!"
Minhee could’ve left the kingdom of Kyoto. He could’ve abandoned Y/n as her knight, since the king was dead and he was under no rule, just like the rest of the kingdom. But he stayed. He was loyal to his duty. He was loyal to his best friend.
 "Y/n! Please!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, even sounding a bit like he was crying too. The sound tore her to pieces. 
She forced herself up from her place in the dark mud as she moved towards the sound of Minhee's voice. "Minhee! I'm over here!" She beckoned the royal knight, barely able to see through the rain. But it became clear as day when her eyes fell upon Minhee.
Her heart dropped at the sight. He was limping, an arrow in his upper right arm as well as below his left knee, both gushing with sticky red blood. His soft black hair completely disheveled, blood dripping from his lip and forehead, his uniform torn with cuts all over his arms and legs, even a particularly deep one in his stomach. Yet still, with what strength he had left, he walked over to his first and only love, only thinking about her safety and not his own agonizing pain.
 "Y/n, we need to-" he paused, hissing from the sharp pains. "... get out of here. Gyemin... he's after you," he choked out, coughing up a bit of blood. It was a wonder he wasn't dead. He was stubborn, after all.
 "Minhee," she sighed, mouth open as tears stung her already tired of crying eyes. "What did they do to you," she reached out to touch his arm but he pulled away.
 "Forget about me..." he begged, grabbing her hand as he began to sprint.
 As they ran, Y/n heard the frightening sound of a horse whining, signaling Gyemin and his men were near. Fear giving her an adrenaline rush, she picked up the pace, matching hers with Minhee's. Minhee and Y/n had long disregarded their appearance, being covered in blood and dirt, their hair complete messes. Even some of his blood had spilled onto Y/n, causing her to shudder. 
The path ahead became blurry to Y/n. Her grip on Minhee's hand loosened continuously. And he only noticed how tired she was when he no longer held a hand in his. Hers slipped out of his, and now, she was on her hands in knees, sitting in the mud.
Her senses were completely overwhelmed. Her ears rang painfully, she could smell only the spring rain, she felt hardly anything anymore but the cold, she tasted the blood that spilled from her lip, and she saw a blurry version of the forest. "How did it come to this," she began, eyes closed as it was less painful that way. She didn't even bother to look up as Minhee knelt before her. "My father is gone, Gyemin is exactly the person you said he was, yet I believed him and not you. And I let everyone down," she took a shaky breath. “I should’ve known he’d turn the minds of our allies. Now I can’t tell friend from enemy,” she said, just angry with herself. “I never thought anything would've led to this," her voice broke, as she made eye contact with the handsome knight, her hands still deep in the mud. 
She couldn't keep it in any longer. She began to sob as her body fell into Minhee's arms. He caught her and held her close, comforting her the only way he knew how. She grabbed his bloodied uniform and dried her tears with it. None of this should’ve been happening. It was all wrong. 
“I’m so sorry Minhee… you were right all along, I should’ve believed you,” she whispered, clutching him tightly still. 
He closed his eyes and stroked her hair. “It’s alright, it isn’t your fault,” he assured, for a moment completely forgetting his immense pain. 
She pulled away from him and looked at his wounds again. She cried even more at the sight. She could feel his pain, almost literally. But she stayed strong, and rose to her feet as Minhee helped her up, when in reality, she should’ve been the one helping him. Perseverance was always one of his best qualities. 
“There are some old ruins not far from here. Let’s take shelter there,” Y/n suggested. Minhee nodded to her words and started in the direction which she pointed. And not long after, they’d arrived, with no Gyemin in sight.
Y/n looked for a place to rest, when she heard a thud behind her. She quickly turned around, and saw that Minhee had collapsed. “Minhee!” She exclaimed, running to his side, making him look at her. She grabbed his hand and smiled at him, despite her worry. “Minhee… don’t move, I’ll get help,” she assured, though her nervousness showed. 
”I’ll find someone who is still loyal to me. I’m the queen now, there must be somebody out here.”
”And they’ll heal you, and you’ll be better again… everything will go back to the way it was! And we could-“ 
She looked at him as her tears fell onto his wounds, not wanting to hear what he had to say. 
“It’s… ahh,” he gasped in pain. “Too… late…” 
She cried quietly and put her hands on either side of his face. “No it isn’t… you can’t say that,” she shook her head. “You’ll be fine, you have to be fine. I can’t live without you,” she confessed, hands and head falling onto his chest. 
“Y/n…” he smiled through the pain, as she looked up at him, wearing the most pain-filled expression.
“Minhee… no… please…” she whispered. 
“I… love you,” he breathed out.
He gave her a sad smile before leaning up towards her, pressing his lips to hers. And she kissed back gently, wanting to remember this moment for ever, because it very well could be her last. She felt him slipping away until his head fell limp onto the ground, lips detaching from hers.
”Somebody please,” she began, gradually getting louder. “Somebody help! Help me!” She screamed as she held Minhee close to her, not finding the heartbeat she wanted to find. Not finding the warmth she needed.
“Princess!” A voice called in the distance, and she recognized that voice anywhere. One of her father’s loyal bodyguards, Jinseong. As well as his other bodyguard Minjoon. They ran to her side. 
“Please help him. Do it whatever it takes to get him back. I love him,” she instructed, doing her best to sound brave. 
“Yes princess,” Jinseong nodded, and with Minjoon’s help, they carried Minhee away to their secret hideout, far from the castle, which was now overrun by the enemy. 
Another figure appeared. Y/n’s handmaiden, Jaehwa. “Princess, follow me to the village of Yoshino. It’s safe there.”
Y/n nodded before following one of the only other humans she trusted.
Y/n stayed in Yoshino for months. Minhee was alive, but barely holding on. He stayed in Kikai, a hideout in Kyoto, populated with the only good people left that lived in the castle and castle town. There, he was treated by skilled medics who were doing there best to bring him back.
”Princess?” Jaehwa’s voice rang out.
”Yes?” Y/n turned her head towards the girl.
”Minhee. He’s back.”
Y/n’s heartbeat sped up ten times faster than before. “Where is he?”
”He’s on his way to the village now. People have seen him in the distance from the surrounding mountains. He-“
Y/n didn’t allow Jaehwa to finish her sentence as she ran out of the house she was staying in, getting a new feeling of happiness she hadn’t had since the fateful day. She immediately went to the stable and mounted her horse, H/n, and galloped towards the path that led to Kikai, planning to meet him on his way. 
The horse galloped a bit faster, sensing Y/n’s urgency to get to the place she was headed to. More like the person she was headed to. 
There he was. As ethereal as ever. Much cleaner than she last saw him. No blood, no messy hair, no dirt, no torn clothes. Some bruises and scars, of course, but they were a symbol of his bravery. 
“Minhee!” She dismounted her horse and ran towards his horse. 
“Princess wait!” Jinseong warned. “He’s not the Minhee you once knew,” he explained, dismounting his own horse and walking towards her, standing between her and Minhee. 
“What do you mean?” She asked.
”He’s lost his memory. He hasn’t been himself.”
”As your queen, I demand you step aside,” she said. “I want to see him.”
He hung his head. “As you wish.”
She walked up to Minhee’s horse. “You remember me, don’t you?” 
Minhee stared blankly at her, scaring her. And she backed away when he slid down from his horse and began walking towards her, saying nothing.
”Uhh, Minhee?” She laughed nervously, backing away as he neared her. And since they were in a valley, she backed away until her back was against the stone wall of the mountain. 
“Princess,” Jinseong warned again, ready to draw his sword against Minhee if he threatened her safety. 
“Y/n…” Minhee whispered, reaching out to touch her cheek. She melted at his touch and looked into his eyes.
”Minhee,” she sighed with a smile.
Minhee smiled back before quickly capturing her lips in his. Her hands held his face as his held her back and waist. It was happier than their first. Because this time, Minhee wasn’t dying. He had a heartbeat. He had warmth. After about a good minute or two, Y/n pulled away and happily threw her arms around his neck. “I love you too,” she sighed, burying her face into his chest, feeling his arms wrap around her.
Jinseong sighed in relief before sheathing his sword again. 
“Now that’s a happily ever after right there,” Minjoon chuckled. “You know, I was always rooting for them,” he stated, mounting his horse as Jinseong did the same.
”No you weren’t-“
”Yes I was!”
Minhee and Y/n mounted their horses as well and rode to the village. 
When they arrived, they quickly reunited and went straight into each other’s arms again. Y/n sighed. “You know Minhee… I’m the queen.”
”Which would make me…”
”The king,” she finished. “Are you alright with that?”
”I’ll be anything you want me to be. As long as I get to be with you. That’s all I care about,” he replied.
“How romantic of you,” she giggled. 
“Now presenting, the king and queen of Kyoto, Minhee and Y/n!” Announced the royal advisor as the two mentioned stepped out onto the castle’s main balcony, arm in arm.
To think they started out as the princess and the knight. Nobody could’ve predicted this. 
“Are you ready for this?” Minhee asked, referring to their next life chapter as he looked down at his beautiful wife. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
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17caratssi · 1 year
Stolen first kiss ; Kang Minhee
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Things have been wonderful since you dated Kang Minhee. Although he is especially popular among the girls at school, they couldn't do anything. It's because the person he gives hugs and kisses, morning and night wishes will be you.
However, Kang Minhee is never one to expose his relationships and you respect his principle. Therefore, you two only meet at each other's home or outside school.
Being senior means you have to get ready for the college entrance examination and luck on your side, Kang Minhee is a model student who tops every midterm.
He would come to your house to teach you whatever you request and your parents are glad Kang Minhee can supervise you from time to time.
"Now, do you get it?" Kang Minhee asks. He looks concerned at how you stare to burn holes into the exercise book. He then strokes your back and reassures. "This is quite an advanced question, it's understandable you can't get it yet,"
"Let's look at another question," he says, not an ounce of annoyance coming out of his mouth. "I want to take a break," instead, it is you who feels tired from all those numbers.
"Alright, but I'm gonna finish my homework while at it-"
Kang Minhee takes out the science book as he speaks and is startled by your precipitated move; a side hug.
He is then met with a pair of big pleading eyes. He smiles adoringly at you and pats your head. "What do you want?"
"Not now, Y/N. You see I have-" Not even bothered to listen to his excuses, you cover his blabbering lips off and smile through the kiss.
He is obviously flustered and embarrassed by the fact that his first kiss is so abrupt and not being initiated by himself. Nevertheless, he enjoys the feel of it.
The moment you peel your lips from his, he grabs your shoulder and opens his mouth. "Where did you learn how to kiss?!" he scolds you albeit his red-tinted cheeks contrasting his fair skin.
"Dramas? It's my first time but I really wanted to kiss my boyfriend. Did you like it?" you boldly crawl to his folded legs and land a position there.
Not only he doesn't give an answer, you even get a flick on the forehead.
"Sigh... It seems I'm the only one who gets excited to let go of my first kiss and my boyfriend isn't having it~"
In a hushed voice, Kang Minhee voices out. "Who says that,"
"Then you like it?" your eyes sparkle at the response and you begin to have the idea to tease him.
"Of course.. But I'd appreciate it more if you tell me beforehand," Kang Minhee pulls your body closer and hugs you.
"Hahahaha sure sure. You're so cute, Kang Minhee!"
If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here !
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tyoungtea · 2 years
6:47 p.m. - Kang Minhee
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pairing: minhee  x fem! reader
genre: soft (fluffy)
words: 409
warning: NOT SMUT !
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Minhee sat on the bed while he waited for hers girlfriend to finish looking for the famous hair dryer. Nothing good was happening on television at that time, Minhee in turn took his cell phone and started scrolling through social networks in order to maintain a calm atmosphere.  
"Let’s go !?" The girl appeared leaning against the door jamb. Minhee cringed a little and the girl already knew why. "Minhee I'm just going to dry your hair, I don't understand such concern." She said, staring at him, while playing with the hair dryer.
"Last time you pulled half my hair out on that brush that didn't last even two days."
"It would last if you weren't recording and running your hand over it all the time."
The boy laughed and shrugged, as he got up and walked towards her, he once again passed the towel that was on his shoulders, through his damp hair, the girl pulled him into the bathroom to start drying. The two yelled at each other inside the small bathroom of the hotel where they were staying for a few days. None of them managed to stay still for the miserable seconds they were there, however, as soon as it was over, the girl started to fix and moisturize her boyfriend's hair, who was now enjoying every moment.
"Just don't make me go bald." Minhee said with a playful tone, receiving a hard slap on the shoulder, hearing some mumbling from the girl.
After a few minutes with his hair completely finished, Minhee looked at himself in the mirror and said:
"Hm, it's okay, how do I pay you!?"
"Anything !?" The girl looked at him confused by the sudden and meaningless question. Minhee was silent even after the curt reply. "Kang Minhee, I'm your girlfriend, why would I charge you something?"
"Can't I even pay you for the hydration done?"
"And how would you pay me?"
The boy approached and joined his lips with the girl's, it was a calm kiss, Minhee's hands went from the girl's waist sliding them along the back of the girl's thigh, he bent down a little to finally hold her in her lap, which made her laugh.
"You're hopeless!" The girl said and received a peck from Minhee, who started another kiss, this one being a little bolder. "Shouldn't we go find the boys?"
"Shh, let me finish my payment first, they wait." Minhee whispered, taking the girl's lips again.
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blossominghunnie · 10 months
Quick poll jsjs.
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seonghwasriceball · 3 years
- a social media au by celestaeyoung
Kang Minhee x Female!Reader
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Do words ever completely fail you? Do you ever find it challenging to describe something because you just can't find the words to do so? In cases like this, you can turn to the word "ineffable". It means "unspeakable" or "indescribable." So if you ever have feelings for someone, but you can't put into words just how you feel about them, you can describe your feelings as ineffable. Kang Minhee would express his feelings for Jeon Y/n as ineffable. The way she carried herself, the sound of her laugh, the sight of her smile, he just could not put into words how hard he had fallen. As for Y/n, she did know what she felt for Minhee, and it was a lot. These two were so irrevocably in love with each other it was painful yet beautiful at the same time. The only problem? The two barely knew each other. They had had, at most, three conversations by their second year at university. But, when a certain poodle-like friend of Minhee's decides to be his outgoing self once again, everything seems to fall for the two. Whether that is into place or apart is yet to be determined.
Warnings: Swearing, female reader, slut-shaming (but all only as a joke between good friends who know they're all okay with it. Also as self-deprecating humour), self-deprecating humour, I haven't specified the reader's sexuality, but she definitely isn't straight. I've tried to make everything about the reader as ambiguous as possible, besides her being female and using she/her/hers pronouns. If I've made anything too specific in one direction, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix it!
Also, I go to a Scottish university, basing the university life in the story on what I know and my experiences, so there may be specific Scottish events and situations. I don't know about Higher Education outside of Scotland, so this may differ from what you've seen.
Introduction: Y/n's Harem | Trashboat Supreme | Private Twitters
Part One: Hyeongjun's Home for Lost Introverts
Part Two (1/2): Y/n vs Institutionalised Sexism
Part Two (2/2): Y/n's Malewife/Sugardaddy
Part Three: Ladies, she's single
Part Four: Kiss the Homies with Y/n and her Harem
Part Five: Here Comes the Boy
Part Six: "Oh no, Hyeongjun Stole My Girl Again!" - Everyone, 2021
Part Seven: She Did The Bare Minimum, Minhee
Part Eight: She's a Sappho Stan
Part Nine: Jisung's a Lesbian???
Part Ten: Haha, He's Coming Out of the Closet
Part Eleven: Ketchup and Mustard
Part Twelve 1/2: LEE HEESEUNG?!?
Part Twelve 2/2: The One and Only Lee Eunsang
Part Thirteen: Interrogation Failed
Part Fourteen: Minhee Stepdad Era
Part Fifteen: Threesome ≠ Sex
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lublycho · 4 years
No Mercy | Chapter IX (m)
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Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8.
-> pairing | Seungyoun x reader
-> word c: 8k+
-> genre: mafia au, fluff, angst, (possible) smut
-> summary: Dating a mafia boss is hard. But it’s harder when the mafia boss is a powerful, possessive drug lord, who likes to keep track on your every little move. Caught in a cat and mouse game with his enforcer for two weeks, you must bear through his severe scrutiny, because one wrong move could mean a bullet to your head.
-> Warnings: I can’t write any thing here without spoiling the story but please read at your own discretion. This chapter is very dark and twisted, filled with gory descriptions. Again, please read at your OWN risk! Mature content ahead.
Loosely inspired by © A bittersweet Life
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One late autumn night, the disciple awoke crying. So the master asked the disciple, “Did you have a nightmare?” 
“Did you have a sad dream?” 
“No,” said the disciple. “I had a sweet dream.” 
“Then why are you crying so sadly?” 
The disciple wiped his tears away and quietly answered, “Because the dream I had can’t come true.”
9:52 am
“Are you nervous?”
You woke up to Seungyoun’s soft voice crooning past your ears in the uproar around you. Your eyes fluttered to accommodate the light of the bustling airport, head still nestled against Seungyoun’s shoulder. 
“No,” you said, voice groggy from sleep. You slowly acclimated yourself to your surroundings, reminding yourself you weren’t in the comforts of your home, but in a busy airport, dreading the arrival of Seungwoo.
Oh, how fast the time had passed since you kissed Seungyoun two days ago. It had all been ethereal to say the least. You in his arms as the sun came up and as it went down again. You remembered the moon and how it shied away as Seungyoun held you tightly in his arms, kissing away the fears that etched up your throat. His hands were in yours, and they were on your heart and they were on the scars on your thighs. They were everywhere you wanted them to be, all as his eyes never left yours. 
His eyes, you thought, were a universe of their own. They were brimming with ardour and resentment. Ardour for you, and resentment for the world. He shared your love with only the sun, for the sun ignited his love, stirred it up and carried it to you. 
He was in love with you. That at least he had come to terms with in the past two days. And he knew what you felt for him too, for your every kiss lingered, as if it would be the last. 
Because Seungyoun was with you, you had been a little less lonely for two weeks. But as you looked up at the crowd of people coming out of the arrival terminal, you realized your small bliss was about to be disrupted by the hurricane that was Seungwoo. You weren’t nervous, as Seungyoun had asked, instead, you were terrified. Terrified of what you would feel when you finally saw Seungwoo again, and if your feelings for Seungyoun would be swayed. 
Amidst your rampant thoughts, Seungyoun pulled his head away from where it rested on top of yours. 
It was time.
“I wish Dongpyo was here.” Your abrupt confession caught Seungyoun off-guard. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking skeptically at you. 
“Why would you want that brat here?”
There was bad blood between them; you could feel it by simply hearing the annoyance in Seungyoun’s voice. 
Dongpyo could be horrible. You knew that. But the fact that he could be good was only known to you. He had been the first to warn you against Seungwoo, albeit in not the best of ways. But even so, at least, he had tried. He had also been there for you like a little brother, using less of his wicked ways when he was with you. 
“He’s not a bad person. Just misunderstood.”
And at fault for being Seungwoo’s adopted brother, you thought. You couldn’t blame Dongpyo for his wretched attitude, not with Seungwoo as his brother, and not with the constant humiliation and degradation he went through. You couldn’t imagine becoming anything less than a monster living the way he lived, and yet he had carried himself so well even amidst the terror, salvaging the small piece of his childhood.
Seungyoun scoffed and spoke again, but not to argue, “He tried to poison me once. Well, not exactly me, but I did get poisoned.”
Though the grave situation he mentioned, you still smiled. A hint of humor lined your lips when you said, “And then I saved you.”
Seungyoun’s eyes were a sparkling mess when he looked at you.
“And then you saved me.”
He glanced at his watch.
9:59 am. 
There was an announcement going on, followed by people filing out of the arrival terminal again. One of them would be Seungwoo. One of them would die by your hands.
“I love you, Seungyoun.”
Your hands were shaking so you held onto Seungyoun’s, only to find them steady as rain, holding you firmly lest you collapse and tatter into pieces. He wanted to tell you he loved you too, that he wanted to kiss you more than anything in the world but the words lingered in the air, overcome by dread as he saw Seungwoo—in his usual attire of a black suit—walking out from amongst the crowd of people.
He gave your hands a firm squeeze before gently letting go.
“Be brave.”
Seungwoo was materializing too soon, too fast. It was hard to catch your breath when he took you into his arms, holding you as if he had not ordered Seungyoun to kill you; twice now. After what felt like an eternity, Seungwoo let you go. He held you by the shoulders, surveying your face with a broad smile.
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
And that was all the affection he could offer before he proceeded to give Seungyoun a pat on his shoulders.
“Thank you for bringing her here, Seungyoun. And thank you for taking care of her as I told you to.”
Seungyoun had settled things with the Lee syndicate, hence the words of gratitude. He had blown up their most prized possession—the warehouse—and that had damaged them beyond repair. Of course Lee Jinhyuk operated in multiple locations, but his prime business had taken a huge blow and thankfully, they couldn’t get back at Seungwoo or his men for they lacked the resources. They would heal, and they would come back, but that would take an awfully long time and by then Seungwoo’s syndicate would be out of their reach.
That, and Seungyoun’s heroic deed of saving you had restored his pride and honor in Seungwoo’s eyes, not that he cared much. Seungyoun had seen what Seungwoo could be, and he had not liked it in the slightest. 
“It’s good to have you back, Seungwoo hyung.”
Oh, the lies. They poisoned Seungyoun’s tongue.
“And it’s good to see you both.”
You glanced at Seungyoun. He was smiling, though the smile didn’t reach his eyes. 
Once the greetings were done with, Seungyoun drove you and Seungwoo back to your home since Seungwoo had insisted on spending some time with you. You hated the idea of being anywhere near Seungwoo, in fact you hated everything about him. His voice, his presence and the way he was driving you away from Seungyoun, piece by piece. 
It felt bizarre when it was Seungwoo you went into your house with and not Seungyoun. Seungyoun stayed back, in the driveway in front of your house as you went farther and farther away from him before disappearing behind the confines of your house. 
He had seen your eyes waver when you closed the door, but he had simply given a nod of assurance. A nod that he hoped would tell you everything would be fine.
But as soon as the door to your house closed you felt something blocking out the air from entering your swollen lungs. It was hard to breathe, and even harder to think when you felt Seungwoo leading you into your bedroom before kissing you.
“I missed you,” he murmured against your lips. His hands gripped your waist, lips catching onto your neck as you tried to find the voice to protest. You wanted to push him away, to scream and yell at him for letting you down.
But your voice betrayed you as you replied, “I missed you too.”
There was no truth behind your words, and at least for that, you were relieved.
Meanwhile, Seungwoo’s hands were crawling up from beneath your shirt, tugging at its hem. 
Come on, Y/n, just tell him to stop.
You couldn’t tell him to stop. Not when his hands were slipping you out of your shirt and your bra, stripping you down till you were stark naked and at his disposal. He gently pushed you down onto your bed with one hand, taking off his shirt between a string of short kisses, some of which you returned, most of which you didn’t. There was a sudden need to cover yourself out of shame, out of embarrassment, but Seungwoo had your hands pinned by your sides, putting that need to waste. 
There was still time to ask him to stop, you knew it. But then again, what would your excuse be? That you were tired? That you were just not in the mood?
No, that would be too weak of an excuse, and Seungwoo would catch up to your lies before you could get a grip around him. You forced yourself to suppress a sigh, eyes wandering as Seungwoo left a trail of sloppy trails down your chest.
You whimpered when Seungwoo’s hand trailed down your stomach, leaving a trail of shivers down your spine. His slender fingers raked up and down your thighs, exploring the skin where Seungyoun’s warm hands had found refuge. You bit your lips, keeping yourself from shedding the layer of moisture blurring your vision.
You were so weak, so helpless.
You could only close your eyes when you heard the clink of Seungwoo’s belt and the ruffle of his pants as they joined the mess of clothes on the floor. You hoped closing your eyes would make this end soon, but it only made things worse. With darkness behind your eyes, the void was filled with memories full of longing. And in that longing you saw your brother, your friends and brightest of all, Seungyoun, living in a world where Seungwoo and men like him didn’t exist. It was a lovely world. A world you wanted to be reborn in.
But it disappeared when you opened your eyes, your breaths breaking into shallow whimpers as you felt Seungwoo push into you. He kissed you as he picked up his pace, setting a steady rhythm, pushing himself in and out. 
“I love you so fucking much.”
You wished there was a gun nearby. Or any weapon you could pierce Seungwoo’s cold, traitorous heart with. But there were only your tears, which he licked away with his poisonous kisses.
You were at the mercy of a merciless man. And you were entirely helpless, accepting your defeat with every kiss he gave you.
But not for long.
“I have to get to my dance class.”
Your voice broke the terrible silence around you. Seungwoo shifted behind you, pulling you closer. He mumbled incoherently about how you could just skip it for today.
“I can’t, I’ve already skipped too many.”
You pushed yourself out of his grip, leaving the bed before quickly slipping into your clothes. You prayed he wouldn’t press the matter and let you leave before the confinement of your house could suffocate you. 
Seungwoo shifted out of the bed, putting on his own clothes before walking up to you and resting a hand on your cheeks. His touch was soft, but his eyes were stern. Slowly, he was returning to his real self; the stoic and reserved Seungwoo that he had buried somewhere inside him was crawling out of the mud, opening his eyes to the world he left behind.
“I will send you a dress today.”
Seungwoo’s hand left your cheek and caught onto the pendant hanging around your neck. The morse code pendant was still in your possession after Seungyoun had denied your offer to take it back. You had not complained when he had placed the chain back into your firm hands. Instead, you welcomed the feeling of the cold metal back on your skin. 
You watched as Seungwoo twirled the pendant in his hands, surveying the small engraved morse code which only you knew the meaning of.
“I want you to wear it tomorrow.”
He let the pendant fall back onto your neck.
“What’s tomorrow?” You asked.
Seungwoo turned his back to you, turning to face the residual light seeping from your room’s window.
“I’m back after two weeks, don’t you think that calls for a little celebration?”
You shook your head because he wasn’t looking. Because you were always the bravest when he wasn’t looking.
“I see…,” Your voice trailed off. With timid steps, you stepped back from Seungwoo, striving to put as much distance between you two as possible. 
“I should probably get going... I’m getting late.”
Seungwoo hummed in response.
You walked out of the room, relaxing your tense muscles. Your legs ached to run, but you steadied them until you were out of your house and walking across the driveway. Only when your house had vanished into the horizon behind you did you finally give yourself the release you so desperately needed. 
You took a deep breath of fresh air and then bolted into a run. 
And you didn’t look back. Not even once. 
4:30 pm
“So...Which one will it be?”
Seungyoun watched as Wooseok held up two plates with samples of red velvet cakes. One was a crimson monstrosity with powdered sugar sprinkled at the top while the other was smaller, yet hideous with its peculiar assortment of chocolate candies. Wooseok looked at Seungyoun eagerly, tapping his foot rapidly.
“I don’t know-”
“Oh come one! How hard can it be? Just pick a damn cake.” Wooseok was at his edge now, agitated by Seungyoun’s indifferent behaviour. He placed the plates down on the Seungyon’s desk. The sound of their clink against the wood startled Seungyoun, cutting sharply at his dazed mind.
“You can talk to me if there is anything bothering you.”
Seungyoun gazed up. He considered Wooseok’s offer, the burden in his heart aching for a release. He debated whether he could trust Wooseok, and felt ashamed for doing so. Wooseok was Seungyoun’s oldest friend, and perhaps, his only friend. To doubt him would be to doubt everyone he had ever known all his life.
“I’m okay, just tired.”
Wooseok waited for him to change his mind but Seungyoun was firm with his decision to keep the matter to himself. After all, the less people he involved, the safer everyone would be, or so he believed. 
Seungyoun pointed to the larger cake on his table, the one covered with powdered sugar.
“Put that one out.”
Wooseok let out a sigh of relief, “Finally.”
 Seungyoun surveyed him as he proceeded to pick both plates up from his desk. 
“Is there any special occasion for which you brought the cakes?”
Wooseok peered up at him, face pulled in a frown.
“You don’t know? Mr. Seungwoo asked to prepare for a party in his honor, because we overtook the Lee’s.”
Seungyoun stared at Wooseok, not blinking for a few moments as he took in the information. 
A party in his hotel that Seungyoun himself did not know about? Usually any occasion or event would be discussed with Seungyoun first, and only after he had approved it would it proceed. No matter how significant it may be.
When Seungyoun didn’t speak for a long time, Wooseok cocked his head to one side, curious as he asked, “You didn’t know? I think Seungwoo asked the event manager to organize it this time.”
"Dongpyo?" Seungyoun asked, voice laden with disbelief. It seemed as if Wooseok was about to shake his head but the abrupt click of the door handle made them both snap their heads towards it.
As if on cue, the little devil barged into Seungyoun’s office, not bothering to knock as he plopped himself down on a chair by the desk. 
“I’m getting out of here,” Wooseok mumbled, hurriedly taking his leave. 
Unfortunately, no one liked confronting the little devil. But much to Seungyoun’s dismay, it was an absolute necessity for him to have to speak to him.
Before Seungyoun could greet him with a well-crafted insult, Dongpyo threw a heavy file at his desk.
“I can’t deal with this. This whole party organizing thing goes past my head.”
“And you want me to do what about that?”
Seungyoun glared at Dongpyo who remained unfazed by his hostility. He was too used to the constant banter.
“Nothing,” Dongpyo shifted in the seat, toying with Seungyoun’s name plate on the desk. His shoulders tensed when he eyed Seungyoun, though his eyes were soft. And for a second, whilst looking back into Dongpyo’s eyes, Seungyoun could see the boy he was. The boy he could’ve been if things hadn’t gone south. A boy he could love like his little brother, but the image vanished as soon as it materialized when Dongpyo spoke, “I just came to give you a heads up,”
If he hadn’t seen Dongpyo’s eyes soften just a moment ago, Seungyoun would’ve replied with a sharp retort. But there was a sickness in the boy’s eyes, a fever in his small heart. And Seungyoun would be a heartless bastard to damage him further.
“One of us has our foot in the grave.”
Dongpyo opened the file discarded on the desk. He flipped the pages, motions sluggish as he stopped on a page and turned it towards Seungyoun. 
“There are more than 200 invites,” Donpyo said as Seungyoun skimmed through the page.
“Seungwoo wants music, dancing, maximun protection and basically everything he would usually need before he was about to orchestrate murder in the premise.”
Seungyoun nodded subconsciously. He recalled all the parties he had ever organized, the ones where blood was shed and the ones where things had been relatively quiet. Then he looked at the instructions given for tomorrow’s party, and his blood ran cold. 
“How do you know it might be one of us he’s after?”
Dongpyo shrugged, “He didn’t tell you about the party, and neither did he tell me.”
“Besides,” he stood up, placing the name plate in his hand back on the desk. “We’re not really his favorites nowadays.”
Seungyoun observed him skeptically, “Why would you say that-”
“Oh don’t act so stupid Seungyoun, it doesn’t suit you.” 
Dongpyo was so relaxed it put Seungyoun on the edge. He waited for him to continue, growing anxious by the second. 
“I don’t particularly care about you, but I care about Y/n. And she probably cares about you, unfortunately. That’s why I came here. If Seungwoo does anything to you, that girl is going to blame herself for the rest of her miserable life.”
Seungyoun’s heart thrummed against his chest. His mouth was dry, making it difficult to swallow, and even difficult to speak when he tried, “I don’t know what you’re talking-”
“Of course you do. Just now when I took Y/n’s name your eyes lit up in apprehension. It would be a wonder if Seungwoo hasn’t noticed the spark between you two yet.”
“Don’t you dare-” Seungyoun threatened, but was cut off mid sentence.
“I don’t want to. Like I said, I care about Y/n.”
Dongpyo scoffed when he saw Seungyoun’s look of disbelief.
“I know it sounds weird coming from me, but even the devil can have a heart.”
Seungyoun didn’t speak as Dongpyo sauntered out of his office, shooting him a look of what could be pity as he closed the door behind him. 
Dongpyo’s words lingered in his mind as he closed his eyes and leaned back against the chair. 
He wanted to think about the party tomorrow, of what it would bring for him. Of what it would bring for you. But he could only think about how much he missed you, and how it sucked to not see you every second of the day.
He thought and thought as he dug out his phone from his pocket and contemplated dialing your number.
He didn’t hesitate once as he pressed dial, eager to hear your voice again.
Your friends couldn’t believe you when you told them you were quitting the dance class. And you partially blamed yourself for being so abrupt with the confession. It had slipped out of your mouth in a normal conversation as you all were packing up for the day. 
“Can’t believe it’s my last day,” you had blurted out of nowhere while you all were laughing. Your untimely confession had plucked the laughter from the boys’ mouths, leaving them scampering for answers. Hyeongjun was the first to break. He clinged to your shoulders, tears pricking his eyes as he pleaded you not to leave. Junho was soon to break down next, throwing questions that you had difficulty answering. 
Minhee had been the most patient, merely listening as you explained your side of the story to the more persistent boys. He had stayed behind when Hyeongjun and Junho had left, wanting answers that you could give him easily. 
“You’re not really coming back.” Minhee pondered out loud, a contradiction to the reassurance you gave to Hyeongjun, claiming you were just temporarily quitting. 
You two were sitting on a bench near the bus stop, in a rather solemn street. The road was empty, save for the occasional car that rolled by, and even emptier was the air surrounding you.
“No,” you choked out, holding back tears and avoiding Minhee’s stare. “I don’t think I’m coming back.”
There was silence on Minhee’s side. He took a moment to push back his own tears, and sighed as he took your hand in his. 
“You can talk to me, Y/n.”
Of course I can, you thought. If there was any person you could talk about your problems to, it was Minhee. Your friend, your confidant. The person who knew you before anyone else did. And yet, when you opened your mouth to confess, something stole the words right out of your mouth. 
You gaped up at Minhee, tears welling up in your eyes as you struggled to speak. You choked back sobs, shaking your head as he took you in his arms. Minhee held you as if you were mere pieces of broken glass, fearing that if he let you go you would scatter onto the pavement.
"It's okay," He cooed in your ears, slowly stroking your hair. Minhee's movements were soft, voice strong. 
You wiped your tears with your sleeve. Your chest heaved as you tried to calm yourself down. Gradually, your head left Minhee's chest, and his arms slid down your shoulders, returning by his sides. 
Wiping away the residual tears, you whispered-because that's all you could do with your hoarse throat-, "I’m sorry I’m doing this to you guys."
A flare of headlights and the rumble of a bus engine could be heard in the distance. Out on the edge of the road, Minhee’s bus rolled towards the bus stop. In a few moments Minhee would get on it, and you would lose the last piece of yourself with him. You had already lost Junho and Hyeongjun, fed them up on baseless promises, but the closer the bus got, the more adamant you became on not telling Minhee any lies. Lies would smoulder your friendship, but the truth would set it on fire. 
“Whatever it is that is holding you back…” Minhee began, biting his lips as he tapped his foot against the ground. He looked at you, face dulled into a look of pity, “I just hope it doesn’t take you away from us, from me, forever.”
He leaned forward, face suspended a few inches from yours as he turned your head down with his hands and kissed your forehead. The ache in your heart dulled as your pulse scampered, making you dizzier by the second. 
Minhee pulled back and the bus stopped in front of you. It was time to let him go.
You wished you wouldn’t be gone forever. You truly, deeply wished that. But there would be blood on your hands soon, and you couldn't smear it on your only friends. You just couldn't be that cruel.
Minhee climbed up the small stairs of the bus, hesitant as he spared you a glance over his shoulder. You captured the look on his face. In case you never saw them again, you wanted to—at the very least— remember what your friends looked like. The doors hissed as they closed. And away went the bus, taking the last of your friends with it. 
“The tide is high today.”
You lifted your head from where it rested on the dashboard. Out in the distance you saw waves crashing against the blanket of sand, rising up as if to engulf the beach before receding and taking away with them the mischievous threat. The sun ebbed way over the horizon, dipping into the endless sea, bathing the world with the residue of its fading light. 
Some of its light shone on your face, and some on Seungyoun’s face as he gazed at you from the driver’s seat of his car. His lips were turned up, flickering with the ghost of a smile. 
“You look beautiful.”
Seungyoun’s eyes glistened as they surveyed your face, lingering on your reddening cheeks from his abrupt compliment. He ran his fingertips across your face. His touch was barely a soft caress, gone before you could even feel it. It left you seeking for more. 
“I wish Y/n and Seungyoun of two weeks ago were here instead of us,” you whispered, fearing that raising your voice would steal the perfect moment away. 
“Y/n and Seungyoun of two weeks ago despised each other,” Seungyoun laughed. He turned to face the beach in view, the pupils in his eyes dilating as the world around you darkened.
“Then I wish Y/n and Seungyoun of today could go back two weeks, to the safety of a few dance lessons and a game of UNO.”
“And have you win the game by cheating all over again? I’ll pass.” Seungyoun scoffed, humor thick in his voice as he tilted his head to look at you again.
“I did not cheat. You were just too bad at it.” You huffed out, folding your arms over your chest defensively. The smile was still on your face, keeping the air light and breathable, unlike back at your house.
“Of course,” Seungyoun rolled his eyes.
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss on your lips, smiling when your hands intertwined with his. You kissed him back, listening as the sea around you rose like the butterflies in your chest. Seungyoun pulled back and the sea withdrew, shying away from what lingered between you both in that ephemeral moment.
“I should take you home.”
Seungyoun’s words broke the moment, and his voice broke the sea as it reached forward with foamy waves, unleashing its fury onto the beach. The roar of the tide instilled a violent fear in your chest. You licked your lips as Seungyoun pulled away, shifting the gear until his car was pulling out of the small parking lot in front of the beach.
“Don’t take me to my home.”
You clung to Seungyoun’s forearm, holding him tight. Your chest heaved with the memories of early morning dwindling in your feeble mind. 
Your sudden shift of emotions startled Seungyoun. He looked at you, eyebrows furrowed as he slowly nodded.
“Where else do you want to go?” Seungyoun asked, mind whirring.
You shook your head, sighing. Anxiously, you fidgeted with your fingers, pulling your lips into a tight line.
"Your home. Take me to your home."
You had expected Seungyoun’s home to be a lot of things; dark, remote and even a bit scary. But mostly you had expected it to be messy and closed off. 
What you had not expected his home to have was so many windows. Every single room in his colossal house had a large window, may it be the living room or the bedroom itself. They made the house look brighter, despite the dark beige interior. Where your house was a hideous mess of green interior, Seungyoun’s was a warm brown. It was easy to find comfort in every room Seungyoun showed you, but mostly in the living room you sat in as Seungyoun fumbled with something in the kitchen.
“You sure you don’t want any help?”
Seungyoun tried to glance at you, but hit his head on the shelf in the attempt. You tried to hide your smile as Seungyoun let out a curse. Nonetheless, he covered his clumsiness with a smile.
“Nope. I’m doing pretty good.”
He gave you a thumbs up, reminding you of the day he first met you, when you had shown the same gesture to him. He had found it bizarre back then, annoying even. You had merely smiled at his distant behavior.
You two had hated each other then, yet everything else was so easy, so normal. 
Seungyoun stepped away from the stove, gently removing the kettle he had been brewing tea in before pouring the searing liquid into two cups. You shifted to peer at him from the corner of the living room, still seated in the couch facing the tv. 
He sauntered into the room, carefully blowing on one of the cups in an attempt to cool it down. He handed it over to you, before setting down his own cup on the side table. 
Hesitantly, you sipped the tea, waiting for the hot liquid to burn your tongue but relieved when it was almost lukewarm. 
"Don't do it Y/n."
Your head shot towards seungyoun. He was perched on the edge of the sofa, fidgeting with his fingers. 
"Do what?"
You dreaded the answer. You knew he would stop you from fulfilling the promise you made yourself. The promise filled with Seungwoo's blood and the pain he made you feel. And you knew you would willingly do anything Seungyoun wanted you to do, except for this one thing. 
"Don't kill Seungwoo."
You placed the cup in your hands on the table in front. Seungyoun tugged at your hands, gently holding onto them. 
"I know he has caused you a lot of pain, I know… I know he is a bad person. But you are good. You are the best person I've ever met. And I don't want you to taint that perfect part of you."
You weren't listening. You didn't want to listen. 
"Please, let it go. Go back home, to your real home."
You knew Seungyoun was talking about the home you left long ago, the one where your parents and your little brother Dohyon lived and waited for you to come back.
"Will you come with me?" you asked.
Your eyes were searching Seungyoun's face, but what you searched for, you did not know. 
It took Seungyoun a moment to answer. You could see that he was fighting something off, something that sounded like the clink of heavy chains weighing him down. You wanted to help him fight it off, but your own prepositions kept you from doing so.
"My world and your world are very different-"
Maybe this is it, you thought. Perhaps Seungyoun had finally reached the edge of whatever love you two had and he just didn’t want to go any farther. You didn’t blame him for it, but it hurt nonetheless.
“But I’m willing to leave my world behind and create a new one… A world that welcomes us. If only you are willing to do the same.”
Were you willing to do the same? No. Not at all. Or at least that’s what your mind told you. You didn’t dare ask your heart for an opinion, because you knew what it wanted. 
Defeated, you wrapped your arms around Seungyoun, indulging yourself in the intoxicating scent of his body. With your body so close to his, Seungyoun forgot that you gave him no affirmative answer. And you forgot that you were going to kill Seungwoo tomorrow, at the party meant to celebrate him, wearing the dress he sent for you.
You knew you would have to remember it all once Seungyoun’s embrace was no longer subduing the rage in your heart. Even so, you gave his offer a thought. 
But the boiling blood coursing through your veins burnt your thoughts and it scorched your common sense.
You were going to kill Seungwoo. One way or another.
The black silk gown clung to your body, making you squirm in discomfort. It was a simple dress, pooling at your ankles and hanging low on your shoulders, a rather loose fit. 
But it wasn’t the dimensions of the dress that irked you. It was its pitch black color. Black had never been a color you liked. It was too edgy, like a black hole stealing the light around. 
Still, you straightened your shoulders and clutched a matching purse in your hand, smiling as you drifted through High Sun hotel, thanking the staff that welcomed you and the stream of outrageously dressed guests. 
Seungyoun was nowhere to be found, as expected. He would probably be in his office at this hour, overseeing guest lists and last minute preparations. 
One of the staff members guided you through the gigantic hallway and into a hall where the party was in full swing. If you hadn’t seen enough of them already, you would’ve been in awe of the immaculately dressed aristocrats crowding the large hall. You could always count on Seungwoo’s guest to flaunt their glistening diamonds and gold in every way possible. They almost made you conscious of your own plain dress, save for a few jewels that lined its neckline. 
“You don’t look so bad.”
You turned your head sideways, smiling when you found Dongpyo standing not too far from you. Clad in a tuxedo with his hair pushed back, he resembled Seungwoo even though the resemblance wouldn’t help him in the slightest. His hands were pinned behind his back, face holding that signature scowl he was infamous for.
“You don’t look so bad yourself.”
Your compliment relaxed him a bit. It broke the look of annoyance, leaching it away in an instant. Tentatively, he stepped towards you, gracefully extending a gloved hand before gazing up at you.
“Care for a dance?”
You shrugged. 
Dongpyo pulled you into the centre of the lavishly decorated hall, under the crystal chandelier that was suspended above the dance floor. The mellow music sifted through the air, making you painfully aware of what you carried in your suspiciously voluminous purse. 
Donpyo placed a hand on your waist, while the other clasped your hand as you two danced to the slow melody. You were quiet for the longest time, simply taking in the bizarre world around you. The place, the people, the music; it was all so foreign to you. And perhaps it would always be, because no matter how hard Seungwoo tried to make you fit in, you just couldn’t. You were like a stubborn puzzle piece, printed to complete the puzzle yet too persistent to just not form a sound shape. Seungwoo had tried cutting you, tried moulding you to fit his puzzle, but to no avail. You were simply unchangeable. A wild beast in a world full of pacifists. 
And like a beast, you always had an unquenchable thirst for revenge. The desire to see the blood pouring from the skin of the person that wronged you, to watch as they were persecuted in front of your very eyes. That’s what you had done with the men who took everything from you. That was the story unknown to most.
After Seungwoo had saved you, he had asked what you wanted to be done with the men who had stripped you of your honor. And what you had asked Seungwoo to do to them was beyond the imaginations of a sane human being.
You had asked them to be burned and skinned and butchered like farm animals. You had watched even, as the men had their tongues torn out with pincers, parts of their bodies burned with scorching torches as they screamed in agony. With every scream they let out, you gave them a fit of laughter. You were a monster in the eyes of the men who held you at their mercy just days ago. 
At the end of it all, you had stayed to bid farewell to what was left of their barely breathing bodies. You knew not what became of them, where they were buried or if they were buried at all. They certainly did not deserve a proper burial, perhaps cremation would’ve been preferred by you, just so they would get a taste of where they would be going after you were done with them.
And it wasn’t as if you wouldn’t be going to hell, too, after all that you had asked from Seungwoo. And maybe, above all the pain Seungwoo had given to you, the real reason you wanted to kill Seungwoo was the fact that he had seen you become a monster. You had been at your worst when you had met him, consumed by the fire of retribution. But you were at your best when you met Seungyoun, and you knew very well that as long as Seungwoo was alive, he would never let you be good.
"She is looking beautiful, isn't she?"
Seungwoo walked over until he stood next to Seungyoun. They were both standing on a terraced balcony that overlooked the hall below, watching as people loitered amidst the raging music and intoxicating drinks. 
"I suppose."
Seungyoun knew without a doubt Seungwoo had been talking about you. He could track his gaze down to where you danced with Dongpyo. Your eyes held the memories of long ago, yet your body flowed with the soft melody. 
"It is always too bad when something so beautiful starts to corrode."
Seungyoun peered at Seungwoo from the corner of his eyes, wondering what he may have meant from his blatant confession.
Seungwoo turned to Seungyoun, tilting his head to one side. "So in the span of two weeks, you found nothing on her?"
Seungyoun didn't avoid his gaze, despite the desperate need to do so. 
"No. No, I didn't."
Seungwoo hummed in response, trailing his eyes back to you. 
He furrowed his eyebrows, focusing them as if he was trying to get you to look back at him. At some point, you jutted your chin towards the balcony, and found the eyes of one of the two men. And it wasn't Seungwoo. 
"Kill her anyway. "
Seungyoun's eyes snapped over to Seungwoo. His veins constricted as his face turned pale against his perspiring body. 
Seungwoo left Seungyoun's side, patting him once on the shoulder before saying, "Kill her… or save her and kill yourself instead."
He exited the balcony from a vast door, leading to the antechamber of his office, leaving Seungyoun scrambling for air. 
“Are you okay?”
Your mind, seeping through the resistant memories, whirled back to the present. You licked your lips, nodding slowly.
Donpyo glanced sideways, eyes frantic as if on the lookout for someone.
“Seungyoun really loves you.”
You opened your mouth before closing it shut. Your heart hammered against your fragile chest, unable to contain your surprise at Dongpyo’s abrupt confession.
“What are you talking about?”
You gave him a fake smile, cheeks twitching as if too truthful to hide the lie behind the curl of your lips. 
“Cut the crap. I know what’s going on between you two.”
You swallowed through your parched throat, words forming in your mouth but disintegrating from your voice. 
“And I won’t tell Seungwoo, so don’t worry.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, raising a hand to wipe the sweat off of your forehead.
“But-” Donpyo looked sideways again, eyes shining with paranoia, “I want you to know that you should leave Seungwoo as soon as you can. The more you stay around, the darker your soul becomes. He will suck the life and happiness out of you and he will take Seungyoun away. I know it, I-I saw it in his eyes yesterday. There was… There was anger and agitation and he was on the edge. He was blabbering about you and Seungyoun, I don’t know… I just,”
You held onto Dongpyo who was on the verge of collapsing to the floor. His ragged breaths cut through the melody of the music, draining it of its beauty and filling it with dread to the point that it spilled in the air around you. 
“Donpyo what are you saying?”
You yourself were on the edge of tearing up, frightened by Dongpyo’s revelations. Were you really going to lose Seungyoun? Would Seungwoo really take him away from you before you had a chance to love him to your heart’s content?
“Where is he? Donpyo?”
You grabbed Donpyo’s chin forcing him to look at you. His eyes were swollen, cheeks reddening with the way he cried. 
“Where’s Seungyoun?”
Panic settled in your bones as you shook the boy by his shoulders, hissing when he wouldn’t stop crying.
“I don’t know,” he said between sobs, “I don’t know.”
Ignorant of the people around you, you let out a loud groan of frustration, ruffling your combed hair as you exited the hall. You meandered through the massive hallways, a hand on your chest to stop your heart from pouring out. In the heat of the moment, you had discarded your heavy purse somewhere, abandoning the weapon in it to whoever would lay his or her hands on it before you would again.
Pushing through a set of giant doors, you brushed past a few waiters politely telling you that you were in the private sector of the hotel and that they could not allow you to pass through. At some point they had abandoned you to your frantic search, deciding that talking to you would be like talking to a brick wall. And at that very point you had barged through what looked like an office and found yourself face to face with Seungyoun.
His face was turned towards you, a hand extended the way Dongpyo had moments ago to ask you for a dance. The only difference was that Seungyoun wasn’t going to ask you to dance. Because in his tight grip was a polished gun, and it was aimed directly at your head.
Pt II.
As fast as the gun had been aimed at your head, it lost its target just as quickly. Seungyoun dropped his hand, frowning as he saw you. Your name sounded strange on his lips, like it had the first day he met you. 
And yet, like always, his name was a prayer of relief for you; a tether, a string, a thread binding you together. 
You took a step towards him, and then another and then you kept walking until your hand was in his but his gun was on your head. It had found its lost home again.  
Were you shocked? No. Not when you had been in the same situation once already. You weren't angry, you weren't afraid. In that moment all your helpless self felt was love, and perhaps everything that went beyond it.
"It's okay, Seungyoun."
You smiled, caressing his face with your calloused hands, staining them with the curse that came with being with you. 
"Why is this so hard?" 
Seungyoun was on the verge of tears, cheeks wavering in an uncontrolled, feral emotion. 
You laughed. And Seungyoun knew that if not for the gun, it would've been the best moment of his life.
You and him, him and you.
Every moment that you two had shared was a gift from God. You didn't deserve even a second with Seungyoun, and yet somehow you had been blessed with so many days of seeing him smile, and seeing him laugh. And if you had asked for anything more, you knew you'd be playing at terrible odds. 
"Nothing else matters," you cooed. Your fingers hovered over his eyes, grazing his nose and feeling his shaking lips, "Only us."
You closed your eyes. Seungyoun closed his. 
"I love you, no matter what."
Yesterday you were afraid of dying. Today you were willing to embrace it, if only by the hands of Seungyoun. You had no regrets now, no lingering hopes of mercy. It was okay. It was all okay. 
"And I love you," Seungyoun whispered, taking a step back. He snatched his hand away from your grip, leaving your skin cold and empty. 
You didn't mind. You had felt him once with the kind of touch you'd take to your grave. 
"I love you, and no one can take that away. And no one can punish you for it. You committed no crime."
Seungyoun's eyes shot behind you, skin paling at whatever ghost he must've seen. You watched him swallow, cringing at the way he looked so weak, so helpless. You wanted to ease him off his pain. You wanted him to pull the trigger and set you free.
"Do it, Seungyoun."
Your face was peaceful as ever, a harmony in your heart melting into your voice.
You kneeled before him, taking one of his hands and placing it over your heart. It gave you strength and it made you remember. You heaved a long sigh as the uncanny click of the gun jolted awake your fading senses. 
You smiled and tried to remember all the good times; the day you held his hand for the first time, the day he told you how good of a dancer you were, the moment he kisses you, for the first and last time. It all came rushing to you, fostering a joy in your veins. 
You relaxed your shoulders, your grip around Seungyoun's hand merely a caress now. 
"May we meet again," Seungyoun whispered. 
There was a shift, an aching loss of feeling on your head and then the shot of the gun sounded. 
It was over.
Everything was over. 
You opened your eyes. 
But not for you.
There was no Seungyoun in front of you, no hand of his on your heart. But there was a splatter of warmth on your face, a crimson liquid staining the wall in front of you. 
And below you, right in front of your eyes lay Seungyoun, with a bullet woven intricately into his small head. It was then that you realized it was his blood on your face, and his blood on the walls and his blood on the carpet and his blood everywhere else. 
You waited, your mind fazed and expecting an answer. You crawled towards him, hands suspended above his body as if not sure which part of him to hold first. "Seungyoun?!" 
Your mouth hung open, jaw quaking. You raked your fingernails across your face, drawing blood in agony when Seungyoun gave you no answer. 
"Answer me you idiot!" 
Your voice was now a scream. It was all that mattered. Because Seungyoun was not here. And you were all alone. Tears cascaded down your already wet cheeks, turning red the further down they went. You took a lifeless hand and placed it on your chest again, shaking your head as if to shake off reality. 
"No, no, no, no, no."
You chanted, blinking your eyes rapidly, trying anything to make everything go away. There was an ache in your throat, ice in your ailing lungs and tears in your swollen eyes.
Your wails were heard from across the doorway, at which stood the devil, the false god, the merciless. Seungwoo had many names. And he loved each more than the other. 
He clapped his hands, sauntering into what used to be Seungyoun's office, eyes fixated on your disoriented self. 
"What a terrible end." 
You hissed as you turned towards Seungwoo, still kneeling on the floor beside Seungyoun, still mourning him. 
"Stay away from me!" 
Haphazardly, you grabbed the bloodied gun that lay discarded near his hand. You wiped away the blood on your eyes, pointing the gun at Seungwoo. 
The man merely smiled. Bravely, he stepped forward, coming to stand close enough so that he could gently push away the gun's aim. 
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. The cowards remain cowards at the end."
Despite the urge not to, you still found yourself bawling in front of Seungwoo. Your hand trembled under the weight of the heavy gun, and perhaps under the weight of Seungyoun's death hovering over your chest. 
"I told him to be careful around. I told him that you were easily swayed, but he just wouldn't listen."
Seungwoo spoke as if he was trying to make you understand. It felt from his demeanor that all of this was a terrible joke, a play to teach you a lesson. 
"Why-why… did you… ?" your words were broken by your clogged throat and the simmering tears. 
"You know I had to."
Furious, you aimed the gun again, right above his sick and twisted heart. 
"You won't do-"
You pulled the trigger. It was easier than you thought. 
With a thud, Seungwoo collapsed on the floor. His chest heaved and he took his last breaths. A moment passed, and then Seungwoo was no more. 
You weren't sure if he deserved your tears, so you laughed instead. You laughed for Seungwoo and you cried for Seungyoun and then you laughed again for yourself. For your troubled fate and for your troubled mind. 
The music from across the hallway made you imagine what dancing with Seungyoun would've felt like. Of what his hands on your waist and your arms around his neck would've made you feel. You imagined what never having Seungyoun touch you again would feel like, what always remembering him dead and cold and lifeless would feel like. 
It wouldn't feel like anything. Nothing would ever feel like anything at all. Because when Seungyoun had placed his hand on your heart, he had taken it for himself. 
But now he was dead. 
And so was your heart. 
When people have started gathering around the premise of the two deaths, you had been cradling Seungyoun's body. When the police had been called and they tried to take Seungyoun away, you had charged at them like a wild animal, screaming until they had to physically restrain you. 
What came after was a blur. At some point you were detained in what looked like an interrogation room. People asked you questions but you gave them no answers. People screamed at you but you said nothing. They let you go when the silence threatened to drive them crazy, and when Dongpyo came to take you, he had gone a bit crazy too.  
You were sent to a building with plain floors and plain walls, to a room that harbored only a bed and a few chairs. People came to talk to you, doctors you assumed, but you said nothing. A woman clad in white regularly took you out of the room, she fed you meals and tucked you in your bed at night. Everyone around you wore white, but not everyone was the same. Some people were quiet, but others were loud and violent. You hated the place, and you hated the loneliness. 
You were released from the makeshift purgatory soon, when you had found your voice again. You had asked Dongpyo where Seungyoun's grave was, but he said he didn't know. You had asked then where Seungwoo's grave was, but he said he couldn't tell you. 
You went home then. To your real home. To your parents and your brother Dohyon. They had asked what had become of you, but then you lost your voice again. You told them you were waiting. They asked what you waited for. You said they wouldn't understand.
Because you knew not where Seungyoun's grave was, you mourned him by looking up at the sky. You told him you wanted to meet him again, and that you had tried to, several times. But you told him you were a coward, and that you could only wait. 
And lastly, you told him that in the world of no mercy, you had found a little, you had savored it and now you paid its terrible price.
You could tell him nothing else. 
So you just waited. 
You merely waited. 
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pyox1 · 5 years
[9:51pm] Clutching the metallic bar in front of you as if your own life was about to slip away, you screamed at the boy sitting next to you to stop rocking the Ferris wheel seat.
"You idiot! Do you have a death wish?!" Minhee found great pleasure in seeing you so stress out about such a mundane situation. This only fuelled him to increase his body movements, causing the seat to swing even higher. Out of instinct, your hands left the bar to latch themselves on Minhee's arm.
"I swear as soon as we get out of here, I'm going to kill you."
"Sure you will." Minhee chuckled nonchalantly, your threats not affecting him one bit, since the only reasoning behind his acts was to get closer to you.
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cotton-gyul · 5 years
"kang minhee!!!" you shouted at his ear, waking the poor boy up. "god, that scared me!" minhee clutched on his poor heart, as you laughed. "you told me to wake you up if you ever fall asleep." minhee just sighed. "i'm tired of self study period..." he exclaimed, as you rolled your eyes at him. "well, some students are not as diligent and smart as you, mr. kang minhee. of course, people, like me, will have to cram for assignments and lessons during free study period." minhee montioned me to calm down. "okay, okay, ms. busy woman. study all you want." he went back to sleep again. "minhee, we have a test on basic calculus." he immediately sprung up from his position. "nevermind sleep then."
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produ-minhee-blog · 5 years
[09:17 a.m] you sit in your living room waiting for the latest episode of Produce x 101 to play again, anxiety surging through your veins. you weren’t necessarily a huge fan of shows like this. you thought they were cruel, but this season was different ever since you found out that your best friend, and middle school crush, kang minhee told you he was participating through his training label, starship entertainment. to be honest, you were regretted missing the episodes original airing, especially since you knew that minhee’s audition was in the first episode. but you were even more worried to know how minhee had done. you knew he worked hard, but also that he had a tendency to mess up once he got nervous. hence, you were nervous.
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brokenntable · 2 years
Hey, I’m a big cravity fan and I agree on the lack of posts!! Could you do a cute one, like going on a day trip with the members or something? Just spending the day doing something fun with them and what you’d think they’d be like. Thank you!! Also love the profile pic!<3
thanks anon for the request! I'll answer best I can on what it would be like for cravity members taking you out on a trip!
Cravity members taking you on a trip!
Serim would attempt to keep the trip a secret but you accidentally open his computer (that he said you could go on) and the first thing to pop up was the hotel reservation. he would still try his best to make it as fun and romantic as possible.
like, he would notice you've been a bit tense recently, so he would book a hotel with a fancy spa so you can go and relax. he would book at a restaurant that has your favourite food and he'd tell you to know worry about spending (even though you still insist) cause he wants to treat you. he would end the night at an arcade where you battle it out over machines and he'd try his best to win you a plushy (he'd win ofc)
Allen would be the most prepared member for going on a trip fr. suitcases would be packed two weeks before, he would know where your passport was before you would get the chance to even look. it would be so cute, he would have cute stuff planned for each day.
if he took you to LA with him, he would show you all of his favourite places he used to go to and before going, he would search 'the best romantic spots in the area' it would be so corny.
you'd think going on a trip with Jungmo would be really rich and luxurious, so when you find a picnic blanket in the middle of a meadow filled with flowers you're very shocked. its the end of spring slowly turning into summer so the heat is just perfect and humidity is low. he asked some of his members to help make small cute snacks such as the sausage octopus you showed him from tiktok and jam sandwiches cut into hearts (kinda).
hes so flirty as well so it'd be no surprise when he pulls out a bottle of champagne that when you got home costs two digits more than you imagined. you'd spend the day talking about anything and everything and at times Jungmo would enjoy just sitting watching you, the sun lighting up your face (he thought you looked angelic)
I think Woobin would like to surprise you with a trip. He would plan a small get away to the seaside in autumn, when the air is crisp and the air is fresh. I could see him planning an overnight stay at an air bnb where there is still a view of the ocean from the window. he would set up some candle light and cook one of your favourite meals before you both walk by the sea front in the evening.
If Wonjin took you on a trip it would be the funnest trip. I'm talking singing at max volume a playlist you both made in the car trip there, he's really thoughtful too so he would research the funnest things to do in the area which you would both find yourselves at laser quests, crazy golfs and a children's play area you're both way too old to be in.
Wonjin would probably lose his wallet meaning you'd have to pay for most of the trip. I can imagine his wallet would have the hotel keys in as well so you'd find yourselves at the reception at 2 am asking for a new key.
I don't think Minhee would even think about going on a trip because he's just happy to be around you, but when you suggested to go on one with him he was very onboard.
I think on a trip he'd be very chill. you guys might go somewhere out of the city where it's more quiet and go site seeing, hiking and nature walks. probably places that have history or landmarks. places where you could set up a picnic and eat snacks. I think he'd bring a disposable camera with him so he could document it all since you guys are both busy so these occasions are rare!
Hyeongjun would definitely take you back to his home town! I can imagine he would try and cut down costs though so you would stay over at his families place.
throughout the day he would take you to all the best places, he'd even stop by his sisters flower shop and get you some of your favourite flowers. I can see the evening consisting of a games night with him and his family, Hyeongjun trying his best to win so he'd look good in front of you. he'd ask to team up with you in a game of monopoly because 'you handle money better' or smth but its so he can lay down on your lap and watch you do most of the playing.
Taeyoung along with Minhee would probably be the most chill and impulsive out of all of them. But I think Taeyoung would like to take you to some really artsy places in the area. You would probably end up travelling about a lot going to see different tourist spots, museums and best local food places.
when its night and you're both ready to head to the air bnb do you realise the one Taeyoung booked was fake. you both end up in a cheap hotel room for the night sharing a cup ramen, laughing and joking about it all.
you and Seongmin on a trip would be exploring a new city together and having the most fun in all the stores. you would both be tired from work and one of you would suggest wanting to go somewhere new, you'd pick a city to explore and that's where you'd go.
it would be the type of day where you'd go into stores and and try on a bunch of new things like 'you think this would suit me?' whilst trying on the oddest pair of sunglasses but thinking it's hilarious. you'd find a near by cat cafe and have a photoshoot in various poses with the cats. I can imagine with Seongmin you'd take the best photos too.
this ended up being longer than expected :')
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blueberrryeyes · 5 years
best friend! minhee is my favorite minhee and i don't know whyyy
it's just the way it is!!!
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acaiasahi · 2 years
✶ falling asleep during date ; cravity reaction.
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synopsis. cravity's reaction to you falling asleep during your at-home date.
info. fluff. cravity x gn!reader [ they / them prns ]
warnings. profanity, teasing, grammatical and structural errors, lowercase and smaller text intended!
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✶ park serim.
[ . . . you both had decided that staying home for a date was better than going out because of your hectic schedules. you both have been busy and thought hey, why not stay home? date night + staying at home = happy serim and y/n! you both were watching a movie in the living room and you had decided that sleeping was more interesting than the movie as your face collided with his shoulder. he was caught off guard at first but seeing your cute little scrunched up face was... to die for. this suckas quick to take his phone out and take pics of you and selcas with him in it T^T takes it as his cue to take a nap with you but before he does, he carries you to your shared bedroom, making sure to tuck you in and if for some reason chose to wore nice clothes for your date, he'll put you in some jammies before knocking out with you <3
✶ allen ma.
[ . . . he already knew that this was going to happen but he did nothing to prevent it. wasn't exactly surprised when you fell asleep with your head in his lap but can you blame him? he was running his hands through your hair like a cat, you might as well be purring while you're at it bro. loves the way you stir in your sleep and twitch here in there. he stopped whatever you two were watching and since you were already in your room, he laid you down to be in a more comfortable position and nestled himself right next you, where he belongs! fell asleep soon after but not before admiring you :'<
✶ koo jungmo.
[ . . . has no social cues bruh. literally pokes your cheek til you wake up and acts all innocent when you get annoyed. uses his little angel antics to calm you down which works but you won't let him know that! for some reason, you play the "i'm mad at you no matter how many hugs and kisses you give me" game, which does work and he's all whiney about it and apologizing for waking you up and he continues giving kisses even though your face is painted as annoyed. idk if y'all get what i'm saying but he'll kiss you and you're like (´ ∀ ` *) but as soon as he pulls away and looks at you to see if it worked, you're like (¬_¬) he's quick to catch on and it ends up with you being the victim of tickles! :3
✶ seo woobin.
[ . . . super basic and just lets you sleep. he loves watching you though, like the way your nose twitches and how your lips are set in a pout. it makes him wonder what dream you're having! (⺣◡⺣)♡* when you wake up, you start apologizing because you felt bad... like man... it's date night!! c'mon y/n!! he teases the hell out of you and is like "aw really? do you not love me anymore?" "a-am i not enough for you?" and at first you're like "woOBIN NO I LOVE YOU!!!" but after awhile you start playing along and saying some outta pocket dumb shit too LOLOLOL
✶ ham wonjin.
[ . . . so invested in the movie that he forgot you were even there LMAO but when the movie ends and he looks over to see you cuddled up with blanket and in his hoodie, he can't help but coo! loves the fact that the hoodie is on and you pulled the string so only your face shows and tries his best to be quiet because he can't help but laugh </3 he also takes pics of you... it just comes with the territory of dating ham wonjin guys, don't shoot the messenger! takes selfies and hits that signature v with his little kissy lips (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘) it's not long before he puts all his weight on you and falls asleep. what a cuddlebug!
✶ kang minhee.
[ . . . if "bruh" was a person, it'd be minhee. his face is straight up like 「(°ヘ°) "huh?" gets a little confused because you were just answering his questions but... now you're... asleep?? erm.. wtf y/n? soon remembers why you had a date at home in the first place and it's because of finals. you've been studying your butt off and he was having such a good time that he forgot how tired his sweetheart was :'< feels a little guilty at first because he forgot about how stressed you were but once you wake up and apologies keep leaving your lips, he's fast to shut you up with a kiss before suggesting that you go back to sleep but hits you with the outstretched grabby hands like (ノ・ェ・)ノ "lets go back to sleep, babe." what a lazy little boy T^T
✶ song hyeongjun.
[ . . . gets all pouty but is too chicken to wake you up because he knows how tired you've been. ends up watching you sleep and tracing his fingers over your features because this boy is in LOVE! heavy sleeper or not, you finally wake up from his loving touch and make eye contact with him. you both sit in silence for a second because the first thing you see is jun literally in your face like (⊙_⊙) with a finger on your nose bridge so it's easy to say that you were pretty... confused LOL. "sorry, you're just really beautiful." he quickly says, he doesn't move though... guess who's flustered now :3
✶ kim taeyoung.
[ . . . finds you absolutely adorable! you both were looking up at your ceiling, talking about gosh knows what, moving from topic to topic until he started going on a tangent, talking and talking not even realizing that his soft voice luring you to sleep. "right, y/n?" he looks over at you and is met with the most adorable sight he's ever seen. lets out a soft "ah!" before watching your sleeping form. lowkey gets an ego boost at the fact that you fell asleep to his voice and brings it up later but other than that, my mans falls asleep soon after. he's got a crazy schedule, and what better way than to fall asleep with your loved one? i mean, he gets to see your beautiful face as soon as he wakes up so, win-win situation in tae's eyes <3
✶ ahn seongmin.
[ . . . he went to go get a snack in the kitchen but made up his mind last minute to make ramen. y'all were having a convo while he stayed in the kitchen to keep an eye on his food but he soon gets confused when you stopped responding to his questions. he thought you were mad at him, not sure why he thought that, hell he wasn't even sure, so he turned off the stove and walked over to the lounge area to find you asleep on the hoodie he'd took off prior to going to the kitchen. gets all blushy and goes (ノ)´∀`(ヾ) because you're too cute! almost trips over to you because the sight was truly one to see and he just wanted to admire you. safe to say that his ramen was looooooong forgotten! T^T
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★ cravity taglist. @enhacolor ... @rutowonz ... @setakdongies ... @byeongsung
[ 🎧 ] jaydi's notes. hi all! decided to try out a new-ish format for my reactions and i kinda like it so far so slay!! hope you like this one :3 i'm also going to attempt to write all members during a reaction when it comes to trsr and cravity but if i don't like it, i'll probably split it back up. i do like this format tho!! i'll lyk :3
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