#dog collar trendy
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brobopet · 2 years ago
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With the improvement of people’s awareness of pet care, the choice of dog collars has become more diverse and innovative. Whether you are a dog owner or a pet supplies merchant, it is vital to stay up to date on the latest dog collar trendy. When you are choosing a dog collar wholesale supplier, be sure to focus on quality, functionality, and safety to provide the best choice for your dog. At the same time, wholesale dog leash is also a part that cannot be ignored, because the combination of dog leash and dog collar can provide comprehensive safety protection.
Among the 15 best dog collars, you’ll find great designs in a variety of materials, patterns, and styles. Some collars are made of high-quality leather, showing elegance and fashion; others are decorated with webbing and embroidery, showing a unique handicraft aesthetic. Additionally, some collars are water and odor resistant, ensuring dogs stay fresh and comfortable in all conditions. With years of experience, we have accumulated rich product resources and are one of the largest pet product suppliers in China. Let’s take a look at new dog collars and what to consider when choosing one: https://brobopet.com/top-15-dog-collar-selection-guide-2023/
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florencemtrash · 6 months ago
Club Rats and Cigarettes: Part I
Azriel x Modern Reader
Summary: When Azriel stumbles into a new world with his brothers, the last thing he expects to find is a mate. But she has a hell of a way of making a first impression, and Azriel can't help but fall in love with someone who feels familiar in a strange world.
Warnings: Violence, mentions of drug use
Masterlist of Masterlists
Author's note: I had a thought. I wrote it. Here ya go!
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Y/n leaned back against the motley wall covered in indie movie and band posters 10-layers deep. Humidity caused the paper to lift away from the brick, curling like steam off coffee before being frozen in place by the next slather of paste. Y/n felt the sharp, glue-soaked edges poke through the mesh of her shirt. 
Looking left and right she saw a few stragglers heading towards the club — three girls huddled in fake-fur coats with freshly-shaved legs trembling in the October air, and a group of college boys dressed in the same jeans, sneakers, and pale collared shirts. They flickered in and out of the darkness as the streetlights hummed with the effort of keeping their failing bulbs alight. A handful of skeletal cars sat beside busted parking meters or half-hidden in the employee parking lots of the closed down street. During the day when the restaurants were open, inoffensive jazz battled it out with the reggaeton blaring from the trendy taco joint at the end of the block, and Kpop dancers pressed themselves against the screens posted by the corn dog restaurant’s windows, neon lights announcing that they were “OPEN!” But right now the neon was just another sad shade of grey. Even the sky’s colors were muted by packed clouds threatening rain. 
Music shook the pavement, but it came up from the sub-basement club deep and muffled. Y/n felt its vibrations pass through the soles of her boots, up her stocking-clad legs, and into her chest where her heart rumbled like a car without a muffler. 
A flash of flame revealed her glitter-coated cheeks and cobalt-blue eyeshadow. The color slipped and slid across her skin still tacky from club sweat until it was a pale wash of blue extending up to her temples and down to her cheekbones. A cloud of smoke covered her soon after as she lit her cigarette between nail-bitten fingers. A fresh coat of black polish glittered like stones, already chipping towards the tips. Menthol crisp bled into her lungs along with a breath of cold air perfumed with car exhaust and day old restaurant grease. She licked her lips and found that she did not mind the taste of lip gloss, mint, and char. 
Out of the corner of her eye she saw a boy with salt-white hair and shy, bent shoulders slink over to her trying to make himself as small as possible. “Can I bum a cigarette?” He asked, shockingly polite despite the black band t-shirt that read “Anarchy now!” and the careful spikes gelled into his hair and tipped green and black. 
Y/n wordlessly held out her pack and he plucked one out before hesitantly reaching for a second. She held out her lighter next and soon there were two plumes of smoke wafting into the air as music faded in and out with each body that passed through the rusted paint doors. Drunk giggles followed voices hoarse with drink and screaming. Heels clicked down the street, some heavy as a bass drum and others high and piercing like castanets. 
A quick flash of lightning splintered over the sky, followed seconds later by a dull crash like furniture toppling over. 
“One mile,” The boy said, leaning over. He smelled like bleach, aftershave, and surprisingly, cherries. The overly sweet ones that came out of a jar and decorated the tops of ice cream sundaes. 
“You can count how far away lightning is from the thunder. Every five seconds between lightning and thunder is one mile.” 
Another flash painted the sky purple followed shortly by crumbled eruptions of noise. 
“That one was close by.” 
Y/n took one last drag before putting out her cigarette on the wall. The paper smoldered and was scarred black, but never burned. “Guess that’s my cue to go back inside then.” 
The boy nodded, smiling and looking her up and down a little too closely. Then his eyes sharpened, red-rimmed and squinting, as he glared into the street beyond her. 
“Do you see that?”  
Y/n twirled around on her heels, staring down the street to where it ended in shadow. It looked… darker than it should, although she couldn’t explain why. Like she stood before the throat of an animal. The darkness seemed to pulse and writhe, muscles clenching down on invisible meat. Then she felt stupid for having listened to him at all. 
“Don’t fuck with me,” she growled, pushing the salt-haired boy aside and slipping back inside the club. 
The music and heady scent of perfumes, cologne, and sweat punched her in the face, and she remembered why she’d chosen to stumble outside to begin with.
She moved in between bodies sparkling like disco balls, stealing body glitter as she went. She felt the tiny particles stick to her skin, tacky with sweat. Someone’s hand brushed against her wrist, but she swatted them off, pressing forward in search of her friends. She didn’t trust them to stay still, not in a place like this, nor did she trust them to check their phones, so she just kept searching the packed dance floor. Raised platforms crowded with plastic couches and spray painted tables hit her at eye level, but none of the platform heels and combat boots looked familiar. She thought a head of red corkscrews might have belonged to Cecelia, but it was only the changing lights reflecting off bleach blond hair. 
She dipped into the corner where a line of scantily clad girls with lanky legs waited for the bathroom. Ducking beneath the overhead speakers helped dull the noise, and if she climbed up two rungs of the barrier surrounding the DJ’s booth like a fighting ring, she could make out more of the crowd. Four stationary spotlights lit up the corners of the club pulsing red, blue, pink, and purple. A man in leopard print briefs was climbing onto one of the poles there, shredding his policeman’s shirt down the center as a woman in a zebra-print coat eagerly shoved a handful of dollar bills into his underwear. A drag king had his hot pink fedora knocked off by a drunk college student stumbling towards the bathrooms with a hand over his mouth. All over there were faint pinpricks of light followed by subtle releases of vape pen air, adding hints of watermelon and strawberry to the air. 
It was because she stood half-hanging off the DJ’s booth that she caught sight of the three men that entered one after another like the mob. Dressed in all black, they were better suited for a funeral than a club, save for one thing… their wings. 
Y/n blinked in confusion. There had been flyers hung up around the library and grocery stores about some anime convention being held in the city, but this place was a little out of the way for hardcore cosplayers. The most severe looking of the three lifted his nose to the air, then stumbled back in shock. As the strobe lights passed over his awe-struck expression, Y/n caught the glint of knives sheathed across his chest and at his side. 
Fuck. She looked up to the booth, but the DJ and the guys in ripped t-shirts bobbing their heads around him didn’t seem to notice. 
“Hey!” She dropped back onto the floor and tapped the shoulder of a barrel-chested man with the word “security” printed over his shirt in all caps. “I think those three guys brought knives in here.” She pointed in their general direction with one chipped, black fingernail. 
“The fuck?!” He gently pushed her aside, shouting something into his earpiece as he shoved his way into the crowd. People took a second to read the sign on his shirt before parting to make way for him. One guy with bright pink hair and studded lips even tried to kiss him on the cheek as he passed. 
Suddenly, this corner of the club didn’t seem so safe anymore. There was a splash of pale light on the floor as a bottle girl in a black leather catsuit slipped out of the kitchens. She swayed her hips back and forth, a bottle of tequila swishing in its frost-rimmed bottle against her hip. She moved up the stairs to the platform where a private bachelor party was going on, heels clicking like beetle wings rubbing together. Y/n slipped into the shadows closer to the kitchens and waited for someone — anyone — to answer the text she’d typed out with shaky fingers. 
Azriel had never heard music like this before. He didn’t even know such a sound could exist. Someone had weaponized the bass tones so it felt like a punch to the gut. A male’s deep voice, grainy and harsh, was indistinguishable from the crashing of cymbals and a strange, high clang that skittered over steady drums like a stone over water. Through layers of sound he could just make out the soft sighs of a female as she tried to tie the chaos together with her voice. 
All around him were sweaty humans decorated in shiny, colorful clothes that sparkled as they spun and jerked about. He stood a head above most, although every so often a male or female in eight-inch heels would pass by at eye level, looking him up and down like he was a meal and they were starving. 
“Hey there handsome.” Someone had found the courage to slink up to Cassian’s side — a male with pupils blown open wide enough to swallow his pale blue irises. There was alcohol on his breath and something else, something sweet and bitter at the same time. The human male smiled, teeth white and straight. Azriel had never seen a human with teeth so perfect. He was handsome — wiry and slim with a flush to his cheeks that accentuated the smattering of freckles across his tan skin. “Did you come here alone?” Rhysand and Azriel’s presence did not seem to deter him. “Did you want to leave here alone?”
Cassian sputtered in surprise. He’d never been propositioned by a male, let alone a human one. 
“I’m-I’m a mated male.” 
The male raised his brow, taking full stock of the skin-tight leathers Cassian wore. He took a deep drag of an oddly shaped pipe that lit up in the dark. “Ok. If that’s what you’re into.” A cloud of smoke spilled from his mouth — the source of the sweet and bitter smell on his lips. His eyes slid over to Rhysand, who only smirked and stuck a hand into his pocket. “And you? It doesn’t look like you’re into the leather stuff.” Then he seemed to reconsider what he’d said, looking between Cassian, Rhys, and Azriel like he’d figured out the final piece of the puzzle. He blinked in surprise, tipped back his head, and laughed. He was still laughing as he turned and walked away into the crowd. 
“What the hell was that?” Cassian asked. Azriel shrugged, shaking his head. 
“It’s a strange place we’ve landed in,” Rhysand remarked, although the comment was unnecessary. “I expect the strangeness touches everything here. Even the people.” He marveled at the scene before him. The only comparable place in Prythian was Rita’s, but even that paled in comparison to the sight before him. 
Rita’s was a pleasure house with music and drinks to spare, but everything here was… more. The music was louder, the smells an assault to the senses, and the lights changed every second and made the dancers flicker in and out of existence. Even the people seemed to have more substance to them, more color. 
Azriel loved it.
He loved the uneven floors that sucked at the bottoms of his shoes, the pulsing lights that made his eyes swim, and the sound blaring in his ears that drowned out all other thoughts. And something in the air smelled crisp and sweet to him, despite all the other competing scents that had Cassian and Rhysand wrinkling their nose in distaste. 
He strained his neck to catch better hold of the scent. His shadows clung to his body like children, hiding in the folds of his leathers. This world was not made for them, and they worried that if they strayed too far they would be left behind. 
Amren had warned them that this world was different, that its magic was different. But she hadn’t been here in thousands upon thousands of years. Who was to say what had changed in her absence and what had stayed the same?
Get in. Find what you need. Get out. Had been Nesta’s command before strumming The Harp. That’s how the three brothers had found themselves at the end of a narrow lane with boxes of metal and brick on either side. The club had been a logical next step — it was the only establishment that still whispered of life in the otherwise dead neighborhood. 
One shadow dared to explore the club, slipping past a broad-shouldered man with a scowling face and sniffing at half-full glasses of liquor with bright umbrellas laying against their salt-coated rims. Then it had caught sight of something that had it scurrying back to its master. 
Mate. The lone shadow hissed into Azriel’s ear. Mate. 
Azriel’s fluttering bird heart dove into his stomach, carrying with it all reason and restraint. There was no possible way… no. No? Right? 
Az? Rhysand steadied his brother as he stumbled back. 
She’s here? Azriel breathed. If it weren’t for his powers, Rhysand would never have heard the soft sigh escape Azriel’s lips as he searched the crowd desperately. Azriel tipped his head back, breathing in the comforting scent that held new meaning. My mate. She’s here.
Azriel ignored Rhys and dove into the crowd, head swiveling this way and that as he tried to find a familiar face he’d never seen before.
Az! Wait! But his brother was gone, and the crowd closed over the empty space he’d left behind like a healing wound. 
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Rhysand cursed. 
“Hey man! Where did you get your wings? They’re fucking awesome!” A plump male with cornflower blue hair and matching eyeliner piped up from behind Cassian’s back. Cassian whirled around in anger, feeling the ghost of a finger slide down his spine. No one touched his wings without his say. No one. 
The male startled back in fear. Upon seeing Cassian at his full height, he cowered against the wall, clutching a crinkled red cup against his chest. Cassian blinked in surprise. The male was wearing a black and white dress, the starched apron and collar crisp and clean. 
“Someone call the police. Now!” Someone hissed behind him.
“What seems to be the problem?” Rhysand spoke coolly. At the moment Cassian turned back to Rhysand, the maiden-male scuttled away and upstairs into the cold night. Rhysand examined his fingernails, an action that had the guard’s ruddy face turning white as he saw they were armed to the teeth.
The male’s arms hung loose and ready at his sides like two boulders, fists opening and closing slowly. “You guys need to leave. And before you say anything — I don’t give a shit if those weapons are fake or part of some Halloween costume, you can not bring them here.” 
“What fool would carry fake weapons?” Cassian asked seriously. 
The male’s face lost even more color. “Out. Now.” 
“There’s no need for—” Rhysand’s brows shot towards his hairline, violet eyes flickering up like a cat’s. Cassian, I can’t control him. 
His brother’s eyes widened. What do you mean? 
His mind — I can’t get into it. 
He’s only human!
The male moved forward then to grab at the knife hanging from Cassian’s side and on instinct, Cassian swung. His fist met the corner of the male’s jaw cleanly and he sank like a stone, crumbling to the floor. 
A female with glowing white lips nearby let out a strangled shriek, twisting her ankle as she grabbed her friend and sprinted towards the glowing red exit sign. All around her people began taking notice of the guard’s dark shape on the black floor and the two males that hovered over him, knives sparkling in the ever changing lights. 
I had hoped that the humans would not notice, Cassian explained. More alarmed cries erupted around them. He leaned down, carefully checking the male’s pulse. He was still alive, just knocked out cold. 
The music dimmed and then went out completely leaving an empty hole in the air that blew against the back of Cassian’s neck. Overhead lights turned on shortly after, burning with a fluorescence that had everyone hissing in pain. 
Things looked much better in the dark. In the dark no one noticed the sticky stains littering the floor, or the gum wrappers, and plastic straws, and crushed cups; the dusty strobe lights and haphazard paint jobs that left the walls bubbling with air pockets. They were also less likely to notice the three fae in their midst — 6-foot-everything and looking like they stepped out of the world’s most expensive LARPing tournament. It didn’t help that Cassian was kneeling over the man he just rendered unconscious. 
Confusion led to confused panicking, and then plain panic as people began pushing towards the exits in droves. 
I think they noticed. Rhysand looked over the crowd as they fluttered around him, but try as he might, he couldn’t enter anyone’s minds. Not even one. He didn’t like the oily vulnerability that followed, naked and unnerving. 
Cassian slung the unconscious male over his shoulder before he could be trampled beneath pairs of dusty white sneakers and stripper heels. Then it would seem it’s time for us to leave.
Where are you? Azriel cursed at no god in particular. He didn’t know which of them existed in this realm, if any did at all. 
This way. His shadows whispered, urging him towards the back corner of the club.
A battered door swung open and shut to the rhythms of females in skintight leather carrying chilled bottles in their hands. Thousands of signatures had been scrawled against the door in neon paint, and Azriel watched one of the females sign her name — Ava — in bright orange before kissing the door and slipping inside to grab another bottle. 
Just to the right of the door stood another female in ripped stockings. Bright blue glitter painted her eyes and cheeks. She bounced back and forth on the balls of her feet, playing with a hole in her sleeve as she held a shiny black box up to her ear. 
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU ALREADY LEFT?! I’M THE DESIGNATED DRIVER!” She yelled into the box. Her eyes kept shifting over the club. Her lipstick, already blurred from time and dancing, smeared further as she bit her lip. A swipe of her sleeve on her cheek left a faint trail of plum-colored lipstick. She slammed her finger down on the box and for one moment, the glow it let off shot across her eyes. She looked close to tears. 
Azriel froze, feeling a pressure in his chest tighten and then burst apart. He felt her fear — her anger at being abandoned by her so-called friends. It was more overwhelming than the music. If it weren’t for the thin crowd of strangers in front of him blocking his path, he might have dropped to his knees and crawled to her. 
Mate. The bond sang in his chest. Mate. 
Screams broke through the music, high and panicked, and the magic of the moment crashed all around him. The darkness broke, harsh white light colliding with them and rendering the glitters and colors the humans adorned pale and lifeless. But not his mate. She sparkled brighter in the resulting chaos, eyes narrowing in a dare as she caught Azriel staring. She was a prey animal ready to bolt. A worm preparing to turn and reveal its teeth. 
Sharp cracks of plastic on linoleum rattled the ground as leather-clad women sprinted for the kitchen door brandishing empty bottles like weapons. Y/n raced after them. 
The door flapped shut behind her before Azriel had the sense to move his feet and follow, calling out, “Wait! Please!” 
He was doing this very poorly. He knew better than to chase a female like this. Sickness twisted in his stomach as he slammed into metal doors and ran through hallways crowded with glass bottles, aluminum cans, and wrinkly lemons stacked precariously in wooden crates. 
To your right. A shadow whispered in his ear.
Azriel slid to a stop in front of a heavy metal door, its edges frosted over with cold. 
It locks from the outside.
Azriel ripped the door off its hinges and was blasted in the face by a wave of cold. Frigid air curled out of the edges of the room and slithered over the floor like smoke. A young female in a pink tutu yelped in surprise and dove for the corner of the room, hiding behind racks of beer bottles. It wasn’t his mate. 
She was just a frightened female who’d hidden in the fridge, not knowing she was trapping herself in the process. 
“Here.” Azriel said, quickly ripping a coat off the wall hook and tossing it towards her. She reached for it with shaking hands and lips, mumbling out a confused “Thank you?” as Azriel turned and hurried away. The door was no more. She could walk out of the freezer whenever she pleased now. 
Azriel chased after his mate’s scent, stumbling through grey, blank hallways that belonged to the insurance company next door. He strained his ears to hear the tell-tale pounding of her boots, but came up empty. A dull red light told Azriel to “EXIT” as he pushed against a door groaning from rust and disuse. 
He was outside once again, breathing in car exhaust and restaurant refuse.
And something sweet. 
He heard the rush of air a second too late. 
A bottle slammed into the side of his face, cracking and cutting his skin. Tequila washed over the wounds. It burned like a bitch. 
Azriel didn’t let out a groan of pain, but he did stumble, landing on his right knee with a twinge of soreness.
The female — his mate — stared at him in horror as blood began to pool at his temple and drip down the line of his jaw. She held the shattered neck of the bottle in her hands. Her shoes were gone, toes curling against the pavement with cold. 
Gods, she was beautiful. 
Cassian was a blur of movement, knocking the bottle out of her hand and wrapping his arms around her arms. She screamed, squatting down before shooting back up and locking her knees. The top of her head slammed into Cassian’s nose. A brutal, bloody crack had Cassian stumbling back, gripping his nose.
“FUCK!” He swore. 
She whipped around and sprayed a mist in his eyes that had him cursing like a madman and slapping the palms of his hands over his eyes. 
Rhysand stepped forward and cornered her against the wall. Violet eyes glittered with something bordering fury and amusement. 
“No.” Azriel moved between Rhys and his mate before she could spray him too. “No one touches her.” 
Rhys backed up immediately. This is her?
It’s her. 
He could hear her heartbeat quicker than a rabbit as she flattened herself against the wall, holding her spray out in warning. Cassian moaned in annoyance, wiping the tears that kept leaking out of his eyes.
I do not like the humans in this world. Cassian complained, sniffling. Even his nose burned.
As if Nesta wouldn’t have done this given the chance. Rhysand said. 
…I see your point. Cassian muttered. 
Be careful around this one. 
Because she’s a menace?
Rhysand smirked, flicking dust off the sleeve of his jacket. Because she’s Azriel’s mate.
Cassian straightened. His eyes darted back and forth between Rhysand, the blood dripping from Azriel’s head, and the human female. 
Oh. Cassian thought, suddenly embarrassed. We have… not made a good first impression. 
You think?! Azriel all but growled. 
Her fight or flight response was running out — her energy draining. She could feel it in her leaden limbs and the faint slowing of her heartbeat as the three men kept looking around like they were seeing each other for the first time. 
And they kept looking at her in mixtures of shock, concern, and — surprisingly — affection. 
What sick fuckery is this? She dug her fingernails into the brick, searching for cracks like she might be able to pull out a piece and throw it at them, or find some hidden portal through the wall and back into the safety of the inside. 
Were they going to kidnap her? Was she about to be shoved into a bag and tossed into some dingy trunk? But then why the wings? It was too dark to see them in their entirety, but they looked meticulous and expensive and very memorable — not ideal for kidnapping. Was this a LARPING thing? Were they Satanists? Was that how this worked?
The one in front turned. The one she’d attacked with a bargain bottle of tequila. The blood had stopped flowing and darkened against his tan skin. Hazel eyes, bright and piercing as a copper penny, looked out from a face made of elegant, serious lines. His was not a face that smiled often, beautiful as it was. The burly, rugged one looked like he was made for laughing. Smile lines gently graced his cheeks and temples. But maybe those were scars. He sported many of them, like pale whiskers over his skin. The third was the most put together of the three. Instead of strange, leather armor, he wore a suit of velvet over something stiff and protective that hugged his trim waist and broad shoulders, and his eyes were violet, not hazel. 
The elegant, unsmiling one coughed awkwardly, shifting to hide his wings. Shockingly, they slid closed behind his back, the movement so smooth it looked real. 
“I am…” His voice was a deep, gentle caress. “I am so very sorry. I did not mean to frighten you as I did. Please, forgive me.” He was… alarmingly polite, and his accent was… pleasant, although impossible to place — all soft rolls of the tongue complimented by the rich timbre of his voice. “ Please.” He spoke the last word quietly, urgently. 
Y/n said nothing. Her arm was beginning to get sore from holding out the bottle of pepper spray. Although, it can’t have been that effective if the rugged one was already recovered. Maybe it had expired without her realizing? 
“My name is Azriel,” the man spoke again quickly and gently. Even his name sounded odd. “And this is Cassian—” He pointed to the burly one,“And Rhysand.” The last of the men tilted his head in a mock bow. 
“A pleasure.” The violet-eyed one said. Rhysand’s voice was weighed down with sultry charm. He purred the words more than spoke them. 
“Pleasure,” Cassian copied, gruff but kind. 
Y/n remained silent. Somewhere in the distance, sirens wailed. The pretty one — Azriel — stepped forward and pulled out a sleek, small blade from the belt about his waist. Y/n was about to spray him in the face when he twisted the blade so that the handle faced her.
“This will do more damage than the little bottle you carry,” he promised. “I hope this will make you more trusting of me. I swear to do you no harm. I’ll even make a bargain, if it would make you trust me long enough to explain.” His wings twitched nervously and Y/n found she couldn’t draw her eyes away from them and how real they looked. 
The three men kept looking at each other furtively. Conversations, complex and unknowable, hide in every twitch of their eyes.
“Speak out loud,” Azriel snarled at them finally. “You’re frightening her.” 
Rhysand smiled apologetically at the female. “We need to leave. Now. You can hear the humans coming as well as I can.” 
Y/n bristled at that, and a detached feeling of horror came over her. “Are you not… are you not human?” 
Cassian gawked at her, speaking his wings out far and wide. “Do the humans of this world have wings?” 
She sputtered to answer, fear giving way to curiosity. Azriel took advantage of that, moving close enough that he slid the blade into her hand. It was a cool, welcome weight against her hot, sweaty skin. Up close she saw he had freckles dotting the high corners of his cheeks and that his hair came alive with dark tendrils of smoke that wafted off his skin like steam. They wrapped around her and she heard their strange whispers in her ears like white noise. 
“We’re not human. We’re not even from this world.” The sirens were only a block away now and Azriel swore beneath his breath. More of those dark tendrils shot out like shadows and dulled the noises of incoming fire trucks, cop cars, and EMTs. “I swear to you that I will explain more, but we must go. Please.” He took hold of her wrist, angling the blade he’d given her right beneath his last rib. 
It was a dramatic declaration — if she wanted to kill him and run away, he would let her. 
Y/n swallowed thickly, her mind thick with fog and the dying embers of adrenaline. “I—I parked a few blocks down that way. I can take us somewhere else.” 
Azriel breathed a sigh of relief and she pulled away from him, taking with her any shred of comfort he’d felt since coming to this world. 
Somehow they managed to walk the quarter of a mile to her car without being stopped once by another living soul. She suspected it had to do with the shadows that now poured off of Azriel’s skin and trailed after her. She could feel them licking at her heels like curious dogs… or blood thirsty wolves. 
She gripped the knife tightly in her hand, stretching her fingers to wrap around the steering wheel as she drove through familiar roads on autopilot. Azriel watched her curiously as she stopped at a red light and clicked her blinker on. 
None of the men looked comfortable squished into her tiny sedan, wings tucked in so tight they cramped. Cassian’s boot was stretched out on the center console, almost reaching the gear shift. Rhysand was hunched over in the back seat, pressing his forehead against the cool metal of the headrest in front of him to keep from getting sick. 
“What is this cursed thing?” He grumbled, then promptly shut up when Y/n took them down a local road with craters that had them jolting and jerking for a mile. “This metal box… I do not like it.” 
Azriel and Cassian ignored their brother. Az was too busy paying attention to his mate and politely explaining the complexity of their situation, and Cassian was too busy looking out the window at the houses that passed by. He could hear the unfamiliar hum of electricity like a dragonfly's wings. 
By the time she pulled the sedan down a beaten road to a quiet, homely one-bedroom house, her mind was swimming with words and phrases she could barely string together — Koschei, fae, Illyrians, seers. It was worse than when she’d spent two all-nighters cramming for an exam in college fueled by nothing but Red Bull and desperation. 
Before the keys were even out of the ignition, Rhysand was spilling out of the car and breathing in gasps of clean, woodsy air. Gravel crunched under his feet. Once this road had been paved, but time and weather had broken up the asphalt until only chunky black rocks remained. Green grass, not yet killed off by Autumn frost, grew in uneven tufts up to Y/n’s squat, brown-sided house, skirting around the makeshift garden in the backyard before disappearing into the woods beyond. Neighboring homes inched as close as they could to the main road, half-submerged in golden brown trees that trembled in the wind. 
The porch steps creaked, flexing in the center like backs ready to break, but they’d recently been cleaned and painted over with a fresh coat of white. The front door had been given similar treatment, although it was painted green. A small Autumn wreath hung from a nail. 
Y/n fumbled with the keys, fingers shaking and numb from the cold. 
“Here,” Azriel murmured, gently taking them from her. His shadows could have unlocked the front door in less than a second, but he was in no mood to test his mate’s patience and understanding. The fact that she’d driven them to her home in the dead of night was testament to the uneasy trust she’d placed in them. 
A disgruntled meow greeted them as they filed into the short and narrow entryway. Cassian bumped into the entry dresser with his wings and nearly jumped out of his skin when the dark monstrosity that sat by a ceramic dish full of rings hissed. 
It was the fattest cat Cassian had ever seen. 
Acidic yellow-green eyes narrowed at him, as if sensing his judgment, and the cat’s whiskers twitched along with its pink button nose. 
“Jefferson, be nice.” Y/n reprimanded the cat, scooping up its rotund body into her arms. The cat swatted her shoulder once, then consented to being held. He did not like strangers in his house, even if they were Y/n’s guests. “This is Jefferson.” She looked behind her back to the rest of the house. “And this is my home.” 
She busied herself preparing for her unexpected guests. She scoured the bathroom closet for spare toothbrushes, towels, and lotions, and pulled out the thickest blankets she could find. One person could sleep on the pull out couch, the other two would have to fight for the best spot on the floor. 
Azriel watched her as she moved. It was not a large house — it was barely even a cottage — and it took his shadows a short time to familiarize themselves with your home. 
A lumpy couch, wicker armchair, and coffee table made up the living room, tied together by a retro rug that may have once been white, but was now a respectable beige. Four mismatched chairs huddled around a scratched wooden table near the kitchen, one of which carried a stuffy cushion that held the imprint of Jefferson’s soft body. 
The cat watched them from the kitchen counter with its piercing eyes, and did not seem at all concerned when a stray shadow wound around its tail. 
Pathetic. All of them! Were the cat’s thoughts. Master will not like this.
His eyes did soften when Y/n returned from her bedroom, arms heavy with blankets and sheets and pillows. Azriel quickly relieved her of her burden, promising that they’d spent nights in worse conditions than a heated house with bedding and clean floors. 
She seemed charmed by that and almost smiled. Almost.
“There’s leftovers in the fridge if you get hungry, and the bathroom’s by the front door. I’ve already put some toothbrushes and towels in there if you need them.”
“Thank you,” Azriel said softly, tilting his head in a faint bow. His brothers followed suit before busying themselves laying out blankets and pillows like they’d done this a thousand times before — which they had. 
Y/n nodded curtly and swept a judgmental Jefferson into her arms before disappearing into her room. Azriel heard the lock click into place and the rummaging of drawers as she pulled out an extra can of pepper spray, a pair of scissors, and the three knives she’d taken from the kitchen. She bolted her windows and drew the curtains closed and even stuffed a towel into the space beneath her doors just in case.  
She was meticulous and careful despite her generosity, and Azriel found himself smitten at her resourcefulness. 
Stop thinking about her and go the fuck to sleep, Az. Cassian grumbled. He could feel the longing dripping off of Azriel’s shoulders. She’ll feel more comfortable if she knows we’re asleep. 
How much would you like to bet she kills us in the night? Rhysand asked, and then seemed amused by the prospect of it. 
I’d worry more about the cat. Cassian chuckled. Then he turned over onto his stomach and was out like a light. Centuries spent in war camp barracks and makeshift battlefield tents had taught him to steal sleep wherever and whenever he could. 
Rhysand was quick to follow suit, although centuries as a High Lord had pampered him just a little. 
Azriel stayed awake, waiting to hear your heartbeat and breathing slow to a comfortable pace. But it never happened. Not even as the sunlight trickled in and touched the light-bleached floors. 
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homunculus-argument · 2 years ago
I'm impressed by those insults that just look like completely random assortments of words on the initial first glance, but you have to pause and break apart the various elements of it, and consider their cultural context, like you would look at an abstract painting. I would call these pseudo- word salad insults, because despite of the seeming surface similarity, they're actually remarkably coherent. Let's take an example I encountered recently: "some goth-flavoured grippy sock gorilla glue bitch."
Now, for audience inconvenience, I'll break this down in the order of how clear each segment is, instead of linear older. "Bitch" goes somewhat without saying, here mainly indicating a female person that the person who composed the insult has little or no respect for.
Goth is a fairly commonly known subculture, distinct for their dramatic, dark and elaborate clothing style. But goth-flavoured here implies that the person in question is not a true goth, but simply wears some of the fashion elements. As the more edgy, risque and provocative accessory and clothing choices somewhat influenced by the subculture have gotten trendy in fast fashion, it's plausible to conclude that this refers to the woman wearing dog collar chokers and fishnet stockings, and not corsets and petticoats.
Getting progressively more abstract in insult form, "gorilla glue" is an american brand of super glue that's remarkably efficient, durable, and also in my own experience, sticks to fucking everything, whether you want it to or not. So in this context, it would imply a person who becomes emotionally attached extremely quickly, to essentially anyone they come in contact with.
Grippy socks are a somewhat common term for the type of socks with slip-proof rubber sole on the bottom, used for safety in some hospital settings, but in mentally ill meme culture have been associated mainly with psychiatric wards. Therefore, in this context, implying that the person in question has at least at one point in their life been committed to a psych ward.
So put back together from the separate elements, this initially seemingly random collection of words comes back together as "woman (whom I have no respect for) who dresses provocatively and has such an intense and unstable attachment style that it poses a danger either to herself or others, to the point of it being aknowledged as a sign of serious mental illness." Which makes it a distinct, descriptive and brutal insult, and probably offensive to people with borderline personality disorder.
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upset-to-dead · 1 year ago
My predictions for for 2024: chronically online edition
- Heated debate on if collars on cats and dogs are animal abuse. Just like, regular collars
- Some really obscure kink becomes trendy
- Someone on tiktok starts stealing bones and tumblr users get mad bc they did it first
- A new MLM becomes super trendy on tiktok
- Temu advertises a corpse for $5.99
- An influencer gets murdered and for weeks the true crime girlies eat it up until it comes out that it was a hoax
- Booktok doxxes a minor
- JKR seen with Elon Musk.
- An influencer's kid actually sells someone fentanyl
- One of the white boys of the month from 2023 gets canceled
- Pedro Pascal voices an animated character that everyone immediately lusts after (new tumblr sexyman)
- New tiktok filter shows you your exact coordinates.
- A TERF dies from brain damage
- New conspiracy theory about the sun but it's not Geocentric theory
- An influencer goes on a trip to Gaza (Mr. Beast maybe)
- Discourse on whether or not it's ethical to verbally abuse your AI girlfriend
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travelif3 · 2 years ago
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Are there any pet-friendly hotels in Paris?
s, there are many pet-friendly hotels in Paris. Here are a few of the best:
Hôtel Jeanne d'Arc Le Marais is a charming hotel in the heart of the Marais district. It is pet-friendly and allows dogs of any size for no additional fee. The hotel has a lovely courtyard garden where your dog can play, and it is also within walking distance of many of Paris's most popular attractions.
Hotel Le Placide is a small, boutique hotel in the 6th arrondissement. It is pet-friendly and allows dogs (or cats) of any size for no additional fee. The hotel is located in a quiet area, close to the Luxembourg Gardens and the Latin Quarter.
Novotel Paris Les Halles is a large, modern hotel in the heart of the city. It is pet-friendly and allows dogs of up to 20kg for a fee of €15 per night. The hotel has a fitness center, a sauna, and a swimming pool, and it is within walking distance of many of Paris's most popular attractions.
Hôtel Maison Mère is a charming hotel in the 7th arrondissement? It is pet-friendly and allows dogs of up to 15kg for a fee of €15 per night. The hotel is located in a quiet area, close to the Eiffel Tower and the Champs-Élysées.
Hôtel Le Millie Rose is a small, boutique hotel in the 9th arrondissement. It is pet-friendly and allows dogs of any size for a fee of €15 per night. The hotel is located in a trendy area, close to the Grands Boulevards and the Moulin Rouge.
When choosing a pet-friendly hotel in Paris, it is important to consider the size of your pet, the type of accommodations you are looking for, and your budget. It is also a good idea to read reviews of pet-friendly hotels before making a reservation.
Here are a few additional tips for traveling with your pet to Paris:
Make sure your pet has all of its vaccinations up to date.
Bring a copy of your pet's vaccination records with you.
Pack a supply of food and water for your pet.
Bring a leash and collar for your pet.
Be sure to pick up after your pet.
Paris is a beautiful city that is full of things to see and do. With a little planning, you can easily enjoy your trip with your pet.
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johnnypacino · 15 days ago
Discover the Perfect Fit: Customizable Dog Harnesses for Every Pup
At Doggykingdom, we understand that every dog is unique, and so are their needs. That's why we offer a wide range of high-quality dog harness options designed for comfort, security, and style. Whether you're enjoying a leisurely walk in the park or embarking on an exciting adventure, our customizable dog harnesses ensure the perfect fit for dogs of all sizes and breeds.
Why Choose a Dog Harness Over a Collar?
Many pet owners are switching from traditional collars to dog harnesses for several reasons. Unlike collars, which put pressure on a dog's neck, harnesses distribute force evenly across the chest and back, reducing strain and preventing injuries. This is particularly beneficial for small breeds, senior dogs, and those with respiratory issues. Additionally, a harness provides better control, making walks more enjoyable for both you and your furry companion.
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The Benefits of Doggykingdom Dog Harnesses
1. Comfort and Ergonomic Design
Our dog harnesses are crafted with high-quality, breathable materials to ensure maximum comfort for your pet. With soft padding and adjustable straps, your dog can enjoy unrestricted movement while feeling secure.
2. Customizable Fit for Every Dog
No two dogs are alike, which is why our customizable dog harnesses come in various sizes and designs. Whether you have a small Chihuahua or a large German Shepherd, our harnesses can be adjusted to provide a snug and comfortable fit.
3. Enhanced Safety and Security
One of the primary reasons pet owners opt for a harness is safety. Our designs include reflective strips for visibility in low-light conditions, ensuring your pet remains safe during evening or early morning walks. The sturdy buckles and strong D-rings for leash attachment provide added security, preventing escapes and sudden lunges.
4. Stylish and Trendy Designs
Your dog deserves to look as fabulous as they feel! At Doggykingdom, we offer a variety of stylish dog harness designs, from vibrant colors to personalized options with your pet’s name. You can match their harness to their personality and make a fashion statement on every outing.
5. Hassle-Free Wear and Removal
Our easy-to-use harnesses are designed for quick wear and removal, featuring simple buckle systems and adjustable straps. No more struggling with complicated fittings—just fasten and go!
Choosing the Right Harness for Your Dog
When selecting the perfect harness, consider factors like your dog’s size, breed, and activity level. At Doggykingdom, we offer various styles to cater to different needs:
No-Pull Harnesses: Ideal for dogs that tend to pull on the leash, these harnesses encourage better leash manners and reduce strain on your arms.
Step-In Harnesses: Perfect for small and medium breeds, these harnesses are easy to wear and provide a secure fit.
Adventure Harnesses: Built for active dogs, these harnesses are durable and equipped with extra security features for outdoor adventures.
How to Properly Fit a Dog Harness
Ensuring a proper fit is crucial for your dog’s comfort and safety. Follow these steps to get the perfect fit:
Measure Your Dog: Use a measuring tape to determine your dog's chest and neck size.
Choose the Right Size: Refer to our size chart to select the best fit.
Adjust the Straps: Ensure the harness is snug but not too tight—there should be enough room to fit two fingers between the harness and your dog's body.
Check for Comfort: Let your dog walk around to see if the harness fits comfortably without restricting movement.
Shop at Doggykingdom for the Best Customizable Dog Harnesses
Your dog deserves the best, and at Doggykingdom, we are committed to providing premium-quality, customizable dog harnesses that prioritize comfort, security, and style. Explore our collection today and find the perfect harness to suit your furry friend's needs.
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thepetshopwindsor · 17 days ago
Windsor Pet Food & Accessories
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The Ultimate Destination in Khan Market
If you’re a pet parent in Delhi, you know how important it is to provide your furry, feathery, or finned companions with the best nutrition and accessories. Khan Market, a well-known shopping hub, is home to some of the finest pet stores, and Windsor is a name that stands out among them. Whether you need premium pet food or high-quality accessories, Windsor has got you covered.
Windsor Cat Food in Khan Market
For cat lovers, ensuring your feline friend gets the right nutrition is crucial. Windsor cat food in Khan Market offers a variety of high-quality options that cater to the dietary needs of different breeds and ages. Whether your cat prefers dry kibble or wet food, Windsor provides a range of flavors and formulas packed with essential nutrients to keep your pet healthy and active.
Windsor Dog Food in Khan Market
Dogs require a balanced diet to maintain their energy levels and overall well-being. Windsor dog food in Khan Market is known for its premium quality ingredients that support optimal health for puppies, adult dogs, and senior canines. With specialized formulas for different breeds and dietary needs, Windsor ensures that your loyal companion gets the best in nutrition.
Windsor Pet Accessories in Khan Market
Beyond nutrition, Windsor pet accessories in Khan Market offer a variety of products to enhance your pet’s lifestyle. From stylish collars and cozy beds to interactive toys and grooming essentials, Windsor has everything to pamper your pet. Whether you’re looking for functional accessories or trendy pet fashion, you’ll find it all at Windsor.
Windsor Bird Food in Khan Market
Bird enthusiasts can also find top-quality nutrition at Windsor. Windsor bird food in Khan Market includes a wide range of seeds, pellets, and special blends designed to meet the dietary needs of different bird species. Whether you have a parrot, canary, or finch, you can trust Windsor to provide nutritious and tasty food options for your feathered friends.
Windsor Fish Food in Khan Market
For those with aquatic pets, Windsor fish food in Khan Market ensures your fish get the essential nutrients they need. From tropical fish flakes to specialized pellets for goldfish and other species, Windsor provides high-quality food to keep your fish healthy and vibrant. Proper nutrition is key to maintaining the beauty and longevity of your underwater pets, and Windsor offers just that.
Why Choose Windsor in Khan Market?
Windsor is committed to providing top-tier pet food and accessories to cater to the unique needs of every pet. Shopping at Windsor in Khan Market guarantees quality, variety, and expert advice to help you make the best choices for your pets. Whether you own a cat, dog, bird, or fish, Windsor ensures they receive the best care possible.
Next time you’re in Khan Market, visit Windsor and explore their extensive range of pet food and accessories. Give your pets the love and care they deserve with the best products available!
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wielleamflesher · 20 days ago
Trendy and Functional: Illuminated LED Dog Collars for Safe Night Walks
Key Takeaways Illuminated LED dog collars enhance visibility during night walks, making your pet safer. These collars offer different lighting modes such as steady, slow flash, and fast flash. Look for features like rechargeability, weather resistance, and comfort when choosing a collar. LED collars can last 5 to 8 hours on a single charge, depending on usage. Popular brands include Illumiseen,…
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pawswars · 20 days ago
Trendy and Functional: Illuminated LED Dog Collars for Safe Night Walks
Key Takeaways Illuminated LED dog collars enhance visibility during night walks, making your pet safer. These collars offer different lighting modes such as steady, slow flash, and fast flash. Look for features like rechargeability, weather resistance, and comfort when choosing a collar. LED collars can last 5 to 8 hours on a single charge, depending on usage. Popular brands include Illumiseen,…
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wickedog1 · 27 days ago
Stylish & Bold: The Ultimate Pink Letterman Jacket
A Pink Letterman Jacket is the perfect mix of sporty and trendy, adding a bold statement to any outfit. Whether you're layering it over jeans and a tee or pairing it with a skirt, this jacket stands out with its classic varsity design. Made with high-quality materials, it offers comfort and durability for everyday wear.
If you're looking for a fresh take on a timeless favorite, this piece from Wicked Dog is a must-have. With its soft fabric, ribbed cuffs, and stylish fit, it's great for casual outings, school, or even a cool evening out. The light yet warm design ensures year-round versatility, making it a staple in any wardrobe.
Our jacket isn’t just about looks—it’s designed for comfort and confidence. Whether you want to embrace a sporty-chic vibe or add a pop of color to your wardrobe, this is the ideal choice. Stay stylish and comfortable in a jacket that blends classic and modern fashion effortlessly.
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maddyvast · 1 month ago
Effortless Comfort: The Step-In Dog Harness From Angie & Allie’s Latest Collection
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What makes a daily walk with your dog feel special? For many pet owners, it’s more than just the stroll—it’s the little details. The leash you hold, the collar that fits just right, and now, the harness designed for both comfort and style. Angie & Allie’s latest collection introduces the Step-In Dog Harness, a thoughtfully crafted accessory that makes walks effortless while keeping your furry friend looking their best.
Why Comfort and Style Matter for Pets
It’s no secret that pets are part of the family, and just like us, they deserve comfort and care. When it comes to accessories for our four-legged friends, functionality often takes precedence—but why stop there? A harness or collar doesn’t just need to work well; it should also reflect your dog’s personality and your unique style.
A comfortable harness ensures your pet’s safety and freedom of movement, reducing any stress or discomfort during daily walks. Add a touch of elegance to the mix, and you’ve got an accessory that turns heads at the park. Simply put, pets deserve thoughtful designs that prioritize both their needs and their owner’s preferences.
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What Sets the Step-In Dog Harness Apart?
The Step-In Dog Harness stands out with its clever blend of practicality and sophistication. Designed from soft yet durable cotton fabric, this harness is perfect for dogs of all sizes. Its ergonomic design ensures a snug but breathable fit, making it ideal for everything from quick neighborhood walks to long hikes.
Here are its standout features:
Easy to Wear: The step-in design lets your dog slip into the harness effortlessly—no tricky buckles or complicated straps.
Adjustable Fit: Ensuring just the right size for your dog is easy, thanks to fully adjustable straps.
Soft Materials: Crafted with 100% cotton, this harness is lightweight and comfortable, even for pups with sensitive fur.
Trendy Prints: Whether you prefer bold patterns or muted tones, there’s a design to match your vibe.
This harness ensures your pet feels supported, while the stylish prints deliver a pop of personality to every walk.
More to Love in Angie & Allie’s Collection
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While the Step-In Dog Harness is a highlight, the collection offers so much more. From chic collars to durable leashes, every piece is thoughtfully crafted with love and care. And don’t forget the vibrant poop bag holders, which combine utility with a fun twist. Pair these accessories together to create a cohesive look for your furry companion. After all, why shouldn’t your dog’s style shine as brightly as their personality?
Additionally, the collection includes:
Step-In Dog Harness The Hobbit LOTR – Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic series, this harness features a fun design inspired by the beloved characters and landscapes.
Step-In Dog Harness Elven Leaf LOTR – A whimsical print for those who love the magic and myth of Middle Earth.
Supernatural Step-In Dog Harness – Fans of the popular TV show will love this harness with its sleek black design and subtle references to the Winchester brothers.
Step-In Dog Harness Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir – Designed for fans of the animated series, this harness features a playful print with Ladybug and Cat Noir in action. So whether you’re looking for a timeless design or one that shows off your love for pop culture, Angie & Allie’s collection has something to suit every pet owner. Because when it comes to your furry friend, they deserve nothing less than effortless comfort and style.
With every product crafted from high-quality cotton, these accessories ensure your dog feels as good as they look. And if you have a specific vision in mind, you can upload your favorite designs to create a one-of-a-kind set tailored just for your pet.
How These Accessories Enhance Your Walks
Walking your dog is more than just a daily task—it’s an experience shared with your best friend. Accessories like the Step-In Dog Harness make every trip outdoors a little smoother, a little safer, and a lot more stylish.
Imagine seamlessly stepping your dog into their harness without the hassle. Now add a matching leash and a convenient poop bag holder to complete the package. Suddenly, even mundane errands feel polished, and your pet becomes the center of admiration wherever you two go.
The right accessories don’t just elevate your walk—they simplify your routine, letting you focus less on logistics and more on moments with your beloved companion.
In Closing
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Giving your pet the very best shouldn’t mean sacrificing style for function—or the other way around. The Step-In Dog Harness and the full range of pet accessories from Angie & Allie allow you to achieve both, ensuring your furry friend is as comfortable and stylish as you are.
Whether you’re strolling through the city, hiking trails, or simply enjoying time in the backyard, these thoughtfully designed products bring convenience and joy to your routine. Don’t take our word for it—explore the latest collection and see for yourself how effortless comfort can redefine daily walks.
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spandanas0012 · 1 month ago
Curlitail’s Trendy Bow Collar – A Must-Have for Stylish Pups
Keep your dog looking fashionable with CurliTail's lightweight, adjustable and comfortable bow collar. Visit our website, to see our collection and order.
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sassydogfashions313 · 2 months ago
Shop Custom Embroidered Dog Collars for Your Pet’s Unique Style!
At Sassy Dog Fashions, we believe your pet’s collar should be as unique as they are! Our Custom Embroidered Dog Collars offer the perfect combination of personalization, comfort, and style – all in one!
Special Qualities of Our Custom Embroidered Dog Collars-
Personalized Perfection – Add your pet’s name, a special message, or a fun design to make their collar unique.
Comfortable and Durable – Crafted from soft yet durable materials, our collars provide a comfortable fit that lasts. Perfect for everyday wear!
Trendy Styles – Available in various colors and designs, from bold to understated, so you can match your pet’s personality.
High-Quality Embroidery – Our precision embroidery ensures that your pet’s name or design stays vibrant and intact, no matter how many adventures you both have.
Built for Every AdventureWhether your dog is running, playing, or just relaxing at home, our custom embroidered dog collars are made to withstand it all. The sturdy buckle and adjustable sizing ensure a secure and comfortable fit for dogs of all sizes.
The Perfect Gift for Pet LoversLooking for a thoughtful and personalized gift? A custom embroidered dog collar is the perfect way to show a pet parent you care. It’s a meaningful accessory that combines function with flair.
Shop Now and Give Your Pet the Collar They Deserve!Visit Sassy Dog Fashions today and explore our range of custom embroidered dog collars. Make your pet’s collar as unique and special as they are!
Contact Us:
Address: Northampton, PA-18067 USA
Phone: +1 610­-262­-5806
Website: https://sassydogfashions.com/
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hopefuldelusionsuit · 2 months ago
Best Pet Subscription Boxes for Accessory Lovers
For cheap and best Dog Products - https://dogiclub.com/
Pet subscription boxes have gained immense popularity in recent years, providing pet owners with a delightful monthly surprise for their furry friends. For accessory lovers, these boxes are an ideal way to spoil pets with trendy, high-quality items that are both functional and fashionable. In this essay, we will explore some of the best pet subscription boxes tailored for accessory enthusiasts.
BarkBox BarkBox is one of the most well-known pet subscription services, offering themed monthly boxes filled with treats, toys, and accessories. Their exclusive accessories range from stylish bandanas to cool collars, making it an excellent choice for pet owners who love to deck out their dogs in fashionable gear. BarkBox even allows customization based on the pet’s size and preferences, ensuring a tailored experience for every dog.
PoochPerks For accessory lovers looking to indulge their dogs, PoochPerks delivers a curated collection of accessories that range from harnesses and leashes to personalized tags and scarves. With different subscription tiers, PoochPerks allows customers to choose how many items they want in their box, catering to those who want a little bit of everything or a focus on accessories only.
Pet Treater Pet Treater is another excellent option for those seeking unique pet accessories. Their subscription boxes often include fun toys, delicious treats, and high-quality accessories like custom collars, leashes, and seasonal apparel. Whether you're looking for something practical or stylish, Pet Treater consistently delivers items that will impress pet accessory lovers.
The Doggie Box The Doggie Box is ideal for those who want to pamper their pets with accessories. Known for offering chic and functional items such as personalized bandanas, premium collars, and cozy dog sweaters, The Doggie Box is a great choice for accessorizing your dog with style. Each box also features treats, toys, and grooming products, providing a well-rounded experience for both you and your dog.
Super Chewer by BarkBox For accessory lovers with dogs that are a bit more rugged, Super Chewer offers a subscription tailored to tough dogs. While the focus is on durable toys and treats, you can also find a selection of strong, stylish accessories that are built to last, from collars to dog apparel. Super Chewer ensures that your pet gets the best in both play and fashion.
In conclusion, these pet subscription boxes are perfect for accessory-loving pet owners who want to pamper their dogs with the latest, stylish gear. Whether you prefer practical or fashionable accessories, these subscriptions offer a wide variety to ensure your pet stays chic and comfortable.
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zanylightmagazine · 2 months ago
The Most Instagrammable Dog Accessories
For cheap and best Dog Products - https://dogiclub.com/
When it comes to pet accessories, Instagram has become a visual playground for dog lovers to showcase their furry friends in style. Whether it’s for a fun photoshoot or just to make your dog look adorable in everyday moments, there are a variety of accessories that can elevate your pup’s Instagram game. Here’s a list of the most Instagrammable dog accessories that will have your dog stealing the spotlight!
Trendy Dog Bandanas Bandanas are a must-have for dogs who love to make a statement. Available in an array of vibrant colors, patterns, and themes, these accessories can easily complement your dog’s unique personality. Whether it’s a floral pattern for a spring vibe or a festive bandana for holidays, your dog will look Instagram-ready in no time.
Cute Dog Sunglasses Dog sunglasses are not only adorable but practical too. They protect your dog’s eyes from the sun and can add a cool factor to their look. These accessories come in various shapes, including heart-shaped, round, and aviator styles, making them a perfect choice for your Instagram feed.
Personalized Dog Collars A personalized dog collar with your pet’s name or a unique design can make all the difference. Custom collars add a personal touch to your dog’s wardrobe, making them ideal for Instagram posts. Plus, they come in a variety of materials, including leather, velvet, and even glow-in-the-dark designs for night-time photoshoots.
Luxurious Dog Sweaters Winter or not, a luxurious dog sweater is perfect for giving your dog an upscale look. Knitted designs, plush textures, and cozy fits not only keep your dog warm but also make them photogenic. Choose from vibrant colors or classic patterns to ensure your dog is the center of attention on Instagram.
Designer Dog Harnesses For pups who prefer comfort and style, a designer dog harness is a great choice. These come in a range of materials like breathable mesh or elegant leather, and can feature unique patterns or logos. Whether you're out on a walk or lounging around at home, these harnesses make your dog look chic while providing them with comfort.
Doggie Shoes Although they may take some time to get used to, doggie shoes are an Instagram favorite for their cuteness and practicality. Whether you're taking a trip to the beach or going for a hike, these little shoes protect your dog’s paws and add a fun flair to their outfit.
In conclusion, the best Instagrammable dog accessories offer both style and functionality, ensuring your dog always looks their best while staying comfortable. Whether you choose a fashionable collar, trendy bandanas, or luxurious sweaters, there’s no shortage of options to make your pup a social media sensation.
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johnnypacino · 29 days ago
Shop Comfortable Dog Collars and Leashes for Everyday Use
Explore a range of Comfortable dog collars and leashes at Doggykingdom. From trendy designs to durable materials, our collars and leashes are made for both style and functionality, ensuring your dog is comfortable and secure.
Comfortable dog collars and leashes
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