#dog with a log
vimbry · 2 years
this morning I randomly remembered barry scott, a character they used to advertise cillit bang here from a time when the hottest marketing technique was YELL ABOUT IT REAL LOUD. (you know billy mays, that guy with the windows, many others)
one of their other campaigns was making an in-character blog for barry, who would also comment on other websites to drive attention to his. it got canned when barry commented on the blog of a man talking about his estranged father, and the guy, reasonably offended by being used for advertising, tracked the IP and complained.
there's a write-up on the incident that concludes with "The lesson? Don't create fake weblogs for fictional characters advertising commercial products unless you know the world of weblogs inside out". 2005 sure was different.
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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@staff if you [change] the [design] of the fucking [dashboard] i will kill you
edit. i want it on the actual post that i am not actually making a de-th threat against the staff. that's shitty. the caption quotes the fucking costco hot dog meme, which i originally said in the tags. if any staff member sees this please do Not take it personally
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islatucan · 6 months
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teh sillies
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aroacebunny · 9 months
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here’s to detectives and their dogs 🤎
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horrorlesbion · 4 months
if anyone remembers that post about evil/threatening dogs in film needing their tails cgi-ed away because theyre too happy wagging their tails they tried this in john wick 4 but apparently gave up on doing it for the tails shadow
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very good perfect boy
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months
Rusl awoke abruptly.
He wasn't entirely sure what had woken him, but something was definitely distinctly different.
Was Hana crying? No. But something was rumbling, a rhythmic sound that was loud and vibrated gently against him as it emitted from somewhere in the bed.
Rusl blinked his eyes open, scrunching his nose as fur tickled it.
Snoring. He was woken up by snoring.
Slowly, Rusl raised his head just a little to look at the bundle of fur snuggled between him and Uli. Link had been unable to turn back into a Hylian yesterday due to the sleet, which, based on the pitter patter on the roof, had likely continued into the early morning. Uli and Rusl had warmed him up and let him stay with them, neither parent felt comfortable just leaving him resting on the floor in front of the fire. Somehow, though, Link had taken far more space on the bed as a wolf than he ever had as a Hylian, and Rusl was nearly about to fall off the bed this morning.
Link snored again, a loud, ridiculous sound that might as well have been a bulbin battle cry. Biting the inside of his cheek, he glanced upward a little farther to see Uli already on her side, head propped in her hand, trying her absolute best not to burst out laughing.
"So this is the true curse of the shadows," Rusl surmised quietly.
Uli couldn't help the snort that erupted out of her, and she quickly descended into a fit of giggles.
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losnordiquitos · 7 months
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monday again
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xshrimpcake · 1 year
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live nearl reaction
feel free to use this, just please don’t crop my watermark!
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shineyfish · 7 months
Oh you so desperately want to be a rabid animal. You put on a violent act, snarl and bite anyone that comes into contact with you, pushing away everyone you can, putting on an act that the people want to see, playing into their expectations of what disease truly is.
You so deeply wish there was some simple explanation for it. Some easy-to-define reasoning as to why you act the way you do. Why you can't stand the way their hands reach out to you in kindness. Why it makes you feel sick. You so desperately want to call it a disease, a malady, a virus, when you're just scared. You've been scared all your life. You've been gnashing your teeth before they can bite you first for as long as you can remember.
But I know what a rabid animal looks like and it is not you. You are not fatal. You are not doomed. You're acting because it's all you know how to do anymore, and I can see right through it.
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bye2k · 3 months
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sidetongue · 3 months
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soaring spriggy
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rat-rosemary · 3 months
Nothing hones in the message of Sky like the days of bloom for me.
Death is inevitable, you can never escape Eden, it looms over almost every area in the game, sometimes subtle, but always present
The trees quickly grow to their full size in front of your eyes, but just as soon as they reach their full bloom, glowing beautifully, they start to decay
There's nothing you can do, its not your fault. Its just the say nature goes, all that blooms must wither
But still. There's this feeling of dread that never goes away, this feeling that time is rushing by way to quick, the end coming way to fast
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partner material...
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jvlianbashir · 10 months
i feel like some people are still so weird about cats. i taught my cat "sit" recently and upon mentioning this to my one friend he said he didn't really believe cats learn tricks like dogs do (because they're independent-minded and don't have a drive to please their owners) and was like "she's only sitting because she knows she usually gets a treat from you if she does"
unlike dogs who... definitely don't normally learn tricks through positive reinforcement or like treats.... apparently...
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aroacebunny · 3 months
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follow up of this post because grenda as columbo… <3
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chrispineofficial · 1 year
some of you go out of your way to take absolutely everything other people say in the worst possible faith and it shows
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