#doesn’t count for the stussys
peculiaritybending · 5 months
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flowerbeom · 4 years
Double Pepperoni | LJB
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Part of The Pleasure Chest | A GOT7 Cringe Collaboration
Lim Jaebeom x Female!Reader Genre: College AU, Crackhead Comedy Smut Rating: Mature. So very mature. Warnings: Bad puns, Swearing & Explicit smut scenes. Word Count: 4k
Concept:  to: [email protected] hey cass, its me. your best friend. or what’s left of her. remember that kinda hot but kinda gross pizza delivery guy? the one with the nose ring and always smelt of cheetos? yeh, he’s looking less gross these days. what?! don’t judge me. desperate times call for desperate measures. it has been 154 days since i’ve had sex. shit’s dire here man.
A/N: If you lean into how bad this is purposefully meant to be, you’ll really enjoy it. 
All GIF credits for this series go to @defsenses.
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Day 97 
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass!  yes my phone is still broken, and i have no idea when im going to get a new one cause im broke from visiting you in another goddamn country - so just suck it up and reply to my emails like the good best friend you are.  fuck i miss you already! why the hell did you have to be smart and shit and get into that international program and go to college in Seoul of all places!  do you know how far away that is?! 16 hours cassandra! 16 fucking hours on a plane with no leg room, subpar food and a middle aged balding man snoring next to you the entire time so you get no sleep on a 16 hour flight AWAY FROM YOUR BEST FRIEND.  it was really good to see you though, can you thank mrs kim again for me - you really struck gold with that housing sitch you got - especially your roommate! that fine ass college freshman you DID NOT allow me to fuck!  yeh yeh whatever, i get it - how the hell are you meant to look mrs kim in the eye again when your childhood best friend who you talked up to be an angel fucked her only son on the fold out couch. yes i get it, stop rolling your eyes at me.  either way, its still the dry season down here. miss you, love you. bye. 
It’s funny how jet lag after coming home from a holiday feels almost identical to a hangover; it’s a painful reminder that something that was quite enjoyable is over. The headache feels almost the same, along with the cotton mouth, hunger, dehydration and utter disappointment and resentful emptiness that the fun you were having is completely done - but only one makes you hurl your guts out at the smell of orange juice. Condolences to those who are unlucky enough to hurl in both instances. 
Either way, that’s where you found yourself - Thursday night, half unpacked suitcase lay in the middle of your living room, eyes bloodshot and staring blankly at the television; an all consuming headache pounding between your temples. Lucky for you, you knew a sure fire way to get rid of it without painkillers. Insert Mr. Pene Falso. No literally, insert it. You didn’t call your vibrator Fake Penis in Spanish not to insert it. And in case anyone hasn’t caught on yet, an orgasm legitimately helps get rid of a headache. Try it next time. 
As ever, positioning is important - preparation is key. Sweatpants pushed down to your ankles, one leg completely fished out. Sideways lean, cushion under one elbow, completely bare leg propped up onto the couch; allow for maximum spread when those pre-orgasm hip rolls start. Set Mr. Pene Falso on one, there is no need to go hard straight away - ease into the session, let the endorphins build. You have been deprived of a real penis for a while, so you know you’re eager; but a little self control will yield the most delicious of results. 
You will run the long race to Destination Stimulation and you will bite that bottom lip as your eyes roll back into their sockets as your long awaited, slow built, easy increase of settings on Mr. Pene Falso brings home the most delectable of orgams. It will not be a dry night, no sir. So lower that beautiful vibrating, bright pink silicone wand onto your clit-- 
Who the fuck..? Your eyes snapped to the front door, your hand clenched around your vibrator just millimetres away from your clit. A small loosening of your grip dropped the angle and the tip of your vibrator dipped against your clit, sending shockwaves through your body. A gravely moan escaped you; your focus immediately brought back to the task at hand. Literally. 
Ignore it, it’s probably no one important. That’s what you told yourself, shaking your head and leaning back against the couch once again. You licked your bottom lip at the enticing notion of self-induced euphoria. Spreading your legs further than before, you corrected your grip and pushed Mr. Pene Falso into you. Your head dropped back involuntarily, your teeth marked your bottom lip and those pre-orgasm hip rolls started slowly. It felt devine, finally some release; a little bit of pleasu--
“Who the fuck?!” 
“Pal’s Pizza!” 
Tossing Mr. Pene Falso aside, you yanked on your sweatpants, wiped the one bead of sweat off your brow and stampeded to your door. 
“You got the wrong house, buddy!” Ripping it open, your rage was greeted with a face you had not seen in a long time. Your eyes blew wide, as the eyes of the man before you narrowed; complimenting the smirk etching across his face. The ever familiar smell of cheetos, weed and pepperoni of years passed filled your nostrils and nostalgia wasn’t a word you wanted to use in that instance, but repressed memories were being dug up nevertheless. 
A few moments of stone-cold silence passed before a subtle hum started to invade your auditory peripherals. Leaving your eye-line, Mr. Pal’s Pizza leaned sideways, throwing his smirk into the apartment behind you and directly onto the bright pink silicone wand still vibrating on your couch. All colour drained from your obviously stiffened face. 
He scoffed. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt your alone time. Mind if I join you instead?” 
Day 106
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass did you know that there’s a woman in Georgia, who due to a rare disorder, experiences hundreds of orgasms a day? she’s just persistently aroused and will climax any time, anywhere - even in the most obscure of places. whereas I cannot even have one, in my own goddamn apartment.  because you will never guess who delivered a pizza to the wrong house last week. Crusty Jae. Yyu heard me. Fucking Lim Jaebeom from high school! Who by the way, still looks like a tryhard 2006 Skaterboi with his stupidly baggy jeans, Stussy t-shirt and bad haircut - or lack thereof who fucking knows.  AND he still smells like damp. No no, he doesn’t smell damp. He smells like damp. Like the idea of damp. but istg i could still cut myself on that jawline of his. and come to think of it, I haven’t had pizza in ages.  miss you. love you, bye. 
Day 114 
“Seriously dude, you need to stop ‘delivering pizza to the wrong house’. It’s getting pathetic.” You feigned irritation despite taking the box out of Jaebeom’s outstretched hand.
“Bruh, I am not. The guy’s next door never answered. So you--” He shook back his overgrown fringe and shifted all his weight back, angling his pelvis towards you. His eyes traipsed up and down your frame, saliva clearly pooling under his tongue. “-- get a free pizza delivered by this handsome mug.” 
You didn’t even try to bury the scoff that escaped you as Jaebeom dug two thumbs into his chest; a pungent smugness wafting from his stained Pal’s Pizza t-shirt. You practically laughed in his face. Yet he didn’t waver. 
“You’re still the same overconfident creep from highschool, Jae.” Jaebeom faked offense, a hand slapped on his heart - leaving a faint damp hand print. 
“And I still managed to nab all the ladies.” Sliding his tongue over his top teeth, he winked and you almost gagged. The fact that Crusty Jae, the school’s resident stoner, managed to have the highest body count by graduation is something that still baffled you. Something must have been seriously wrong with the girls who let that inside them. There were rumours of course, but you weren’t willing to explore any of them to prove if fact or not. 
Lifting the lid, you inhaled a glorious whiff of mozzarella and pepperoni but caught Jaebeom scratching his head from the corner of your eye; little flecks of dead skin floated to the ground and you couldn’t help but focus on the flakes of what looked like parmesan on the top of your pizza. Horror ensued, visible in the quiver in your voice. 
“You.. you don’t make the pizzas do you?” 
Jaebeom smirked, and ran a clammy hand through his greasy hair. 
“Nuh babe, I just deliver them.” He punctuated his statement with a wink and pucker of his lips. You were not comforted and turned away before he could see the grimace on your face. You dropped the pizza box onto your couch and fished a twenty-dollar-bill from your wallet and returned to the door to slap it into Jaebeom’s hand. 
“Nuh baby, it’s free.” He insisted with a stupid slanted grin. You shook your head, pushing the money harder into his hand and away from your door. 
“Keep the change.”
“Damn, thanks for the tip.” He smiled softly. Maybe he isn’t so much of a creep anymore. 
“Want a taste of mine?” 
You couldn’t have slammed the door in his face any harder.  
Day 129 
European. What about Lebanese? Kirby? No, too short. Continental? Way too long. But then again Kirby cucumbers have girth, and it’s not all about length. It’s how you use it. Would you go raw? Or would you wrap it? How sturdy are Kirby cucumbers? You’d obviously have to wash it first. Oh shit, could they poison you if it smooshes up while inside you? No, well you eat them so they can’t be too dangerous. How much lubrication would you need? 
“Little to none if you’re warmed up enough.” 
Cutting off your mental ramblings and ripping you back into reality, your head snapped towards the voice. Jaebeom’s voice. Of course it had to be Jaebeom. Why is he suddenly everywhere? 
“Excuse me, what?!” 
“Lubrication. You wouldn’t need any if you’re warmed up. Cucumbers just slide right in.” He said with total confidence as if speaking from absolute experience. If anything, the pompous smile was enough to tell you what he was saying was true. You tried to swallow and gasp at the same time, causing you to start choking in the grocery store. 
“Wh-wait-what, I was saying all of that out loud?!” You prayed it didn’t say all of it out loud. 
Are you really that delirious from lack of sex that your pathetically curious and completely comedic wonderings about cucumbers as dildos was said out loud in the grocery store?! Have you become that incapable of controlling yourself that you can’t even keep being a horny bitch on the inside?! Must you zone out in full stereo?! 
Jaebeom giggled. 
“Maybe. I heard from about ‘What about Lebanese?’.”
You froze, the hand gripping your shopping basket growing dangerously limp.
“So pretty much all of it.” Jaebeom laughed again and reached across you to pick up the thickest Kirby cucumber from the pile and dropped it into your basket. 
“Think of me.”
His smirk thawed you completely, leaving you standing in a lukewarm puddle of distaste. “Later babe.” 
Seriously, you needed to find every girl who fucked him in highschool and just ask them “WHY?!” 
Day 147
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass he ran out of battery I have no spares I live in a wasteland of despair miss you love you bye
Day 165
“Pal’s Pizza, can I take your order?” 
“Hey Jae, it’s me. The usual please.” 
“Stuffed Crust?” 
“No thanks.” 
“No probs. How about I stuff you?”
“See you in twenty minutes!” 
Day 167 
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass I think I’m living in a permanent fever dream today in my tech drawing class my professor told me if I lick the tip I’ll get better results so I asked him, if i let him lick my tip would I get extra credit? HE MEANT MY PENCIL CASSANDRA, HE MEANT TO LICK THE TIP OF MY PENCIL SO I GET THICKER LINES what the fuck is wrong with me?!  oh I know.  it has been 167 days since I’ve had sex ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY SEVEN DAYS and Mr Pene Falso still does not have new batteries.  miss you love you bye
Day 175
You had never felt more accomplished in your life. In one hand rested your brand new phone, shiny and in-built with all the things to keep your easily distracted brain entertained. No longer did you have to make calls from the decrepit pay phone outside your apartment building. No longer did you have to sit on buses and pretend to like reading. No, you were reunited with the technology of your generation and you were ecstatic. Full time college and part time employment didn’t always meet the needs of your demanding lifestyle, but you saved enough to finally get a brand new phone.
And in the other hand lay two beautiful AA batteries. You know perfectly well what they were for. You were equally as ecstatic. But for some reason there was one person you wanted to talk to about it. 
Your fingers dialed the number almost on their own; muscle memory taking over. It rang six times. 
“CASS!” So excited to hear your best friend’s voice you tripped on the corner of your rug; your body colliding with the couch. 
“Holy shit, you finally got a phone. Took you long enough.” 
“Shut up, I’ve been busy.” Rubbing the part of your shoulder that managed to miss abundant cushioning on the couch and hit the tiny piece of wooden framework beneath it all. 
“Sure. Busy trying to get yourself off every chance you get.” 
The fingers trying to unscrew the bottom of your vibrator halted; your bottom lip folded between your teeth - a pout formed in your silence. 
“I--” Lost for words you resumed unscrewing the cap, placing one battery into each slot. 
“You’re probably gonna go masturbate after you get off this call.” 
The last battery dropped in with a clang, albeit muffled by Cass’s muffled laughter. 
“You know I’m messing with you right?”
“Good. So how’s Crusty Jae?” She continued to laugh as you groaned.
“Dude, can you please explain how he managed to pull so much in high school?! Please! Am I the only one who doesn’t get it?!” Suddenly incredibly frustrated, you screwed on the vibrator cap with so much gusto that your grip accidentally turned it on; the abrupt buzzing ripping out a quiet yelp. 
“You know his nickname used to be Double Pepperoni.” You scoffed so hard, you felt it in your ribs. “Nuh apparently he was packing.”
“What? Like what, like he always had slices stuffed in his pockets?”
“No, like p-a-c-k-i-n-g.” 
“I highly doubt that flat-ass McGee is huge.” You smirked while Cass tried to stop herself from choking on laughter. “And even if he was, dude, I still don’t understand how that seemingly unhygienic mess can score so much.” 
“Bro, I don’t know either. But from all the girls I’ve ever talked to about him, they all say that whatever he did to seduce them or whatever - their reactions were purely carnal.” You made a pathetic noise, like a dying car horn to highlight your skepticism. “Like apparently, he would do something or they would see him do something and they’d just snap. Fuck him once, have a great time but then refuse to ever bring it up again. Except to me.. Cause after all, it was Crusty Jae.. But that’s beside the point.”
“They’d just ‘snap’?” 
“Yup. Like a fresh green bean.”
“Weird metaphor.” 
“But you got it.”
“Sadly. I’m going to go now.” 
“Happy Orgasm!” 
“Fuck you.” 
“Miss you.”
“Love you.”
From putting down one electronic device to picking up the other, you settled into the couch cushions with Mr Pene Falso in hand - recharged and ready to go. Yes, you were obviously going to prove your best friend painfully correct by getting off as soon as you hung up that call, but honestly - fuck it. You deserved it. 
Remember, preparation is key. Sweatpants pushed down your ankles, one leg completely bare. Hair pulled up into an overeager and messy as ever bun. Sideways lean. Mr Pene Falso, setting one. 
It’s not meant to be pretty, the faces you pull while masturbating. And the sounds one makes, equally as carnal. But who the fuck cares. You’re doing this for you. And as those pre-orgasm hip rolls get more and more intense as your clit is vibrated right down to Destination Stimulation, you moan in pleasure for you know you are finally getting what you’ve wanted for so lon-- 
“Hey it’s me!” Your head snapped so fast to the door it cracked every bone in your neck. 
“Yeh, can I come in please?”
“Oh come on, what the fuck!?” Fury swallowed you whole, Mr Pene Falso slamming into the ground in a fit of rage. “What do you fucking want, Jaebeom?!” 
“Please, I need--” Jerking your pants back on, you charged at the door; ripping it open. 
“Need what?!”
“-- to use your bathroom.” Sheepish eyes met your own; blown wide and shaking. Jaebeom stood before you, pizza delivery bag hung loosely in his hand; completely soaked from head to toe. 
“Sorry, it’s fucking pouring outside and I delivered next door and I just want to dry off a little, that cool?” 
His usually loose shirt clung to his body, every inch of his torso outlined. His hair, normally shaggy and overgrown, was completely pushed back off his face; slick and saturated to show every carved line of his face. Was his eyes always this piercing? Or was it only because it was in context with the rest of his beautiful face? 
“So..?” Jaebeom reeled you back from your slow descent and you shook it off violently. 
“Uhh yeh, that-that way.” Throwing a thumb over your shoulder to show him the way, Jaebeom slinked past you; a marginal waft of damp weed followed behind. 
What has gotten into you? This is Crusty Jae we’re talking about here. You are not meant to find him attractive. Nothing about him is meant to be attractive. But there you were - standing in your hallway, dumbfounded as you watched Jaebeom take off his shirt and wring it into your sink. You tried to tear your eyes away from how broad his shoulders were, or how all the muscles around his waist tensed as he squeezed all the water out of his shirt. You couldn’t even fight off the shiver that crawled down your spine when you watched his triceps flex when he pushed his hair off his face. You swallowed hard when that shiver landed right between your legs. 
“Like apparently, he would do something or they would see him do something and they’d just snap.” 
He didn’t see you come up behind him but he felt the hand you placed in the middle of his back. Turning to face you, his eyes were as dark as yours were crazed.  
“Sup.” His cheeto breath didn’t deter you.  
“You’re a pal, right?” You swore you couldn’t sound any more desperate. 
“Says so on my shirt.” You couldn’t quite figure out if it was Chipotle or Flamin’ Hot cheetos. But it wasn’t the time or the place. You had needs. 
“Be a pal then.” Jaebeom quirked a lewd and curious brow. “Get me off.” 
The speed of which he had his hands under your arms and lifting you onto the benchtop was frighteningly fast. Your shirt was pulled hastily over your head and thrown aside, your pants were torn down your legs equally as fast. You had no time to question, no time to doubt - not when Jaebeom’s mouth was on yours, his tongue rolling over your teeth as if searching for hidden cheetos in your cheeks. But with the way his thumb circled over your clit through your underwear, you weren’t going to complain. Go on, fish for those cheetos baby. 
Through wet and messy kisses, your hands tracked down his chest; stopping at his belt buckle. Of course, you thought, it was one of those snap closure canvas belts - ridiculously too long and matched his ridiculously baggy jeans. Nevertheless, you snapped open the buckle, fished it out of the loops and his pants fell instantly to the ground. 
Jaebeom broke away from your mouth, leaning back to make room for his hands to pull off your underwear; just to have his lips crash back into yours the moment the lace garment hit the floor. 
“Conmg-do. Cone--. Con-” You mumbled against his mouth. Strong hands pushed against his chest; disappointed eyes flashed for a moment, before turning devious at the sight of your naked breasts. 
“Condom.” He nodded and you swung around to grab one from the medicine cabinet. Rounding back to face him, you saw his underwear was on the ground, his very erect penis greeting you fully. Double Pepperoni…  
He ripped the wrapper open with his teeth, slid the condom expertly onto his length and caged you against the mirror in one fluid movement. He waited, paused for effect if you will and you weren’t having any of it. One hand scratched into his hair, the other pulled on the chain around his neck.
“Oh, you want me to stuff you do you?” Said with total hubris. 
“Like cheesy crust.” Who have you become?! 
Jabeom’s heavy hands found themselves on your hips, pulling you down onto his dick. He filled you wholly, deliciously; throbbing against your walls so achingly good that you didn’t even care that you could feel crumbs of garlic bread that did not belong to you in your mouth. 
He pounded you roughly; each thrust making you bounce on your porcelain sink. His hair, still wet, dripped onto your shoulder and down your back as his teeth marked your neck. Your bathroom began to fill with lewd and erotic noises, squelches and squeaks of wet flesh against wet flesh and some against hard surfaces. 
Jaebeom snapped his hips harder and harder into you, moans tumbled from your mouth as the orgasm you have craved for finally rounded the horizon. He was merciless, relentless, completely determined to drive you home. 
You yanked harder on the fist full of hair in your hand, ripping a loud and gravely groan from Jaebeom. Not one to be upstaged, Jaebeom shoved his hand into your hair, tangling his fingers into your bun and pulling down to expose more of your neck to him. His pace had not slowed down at all. 
He marked your neck, sucking and biting on your flesh so gloriously that you began to mewl - high pitched and needy, and it’s what sent Jaebeom over the edge. His hips snapped harder, forcing his dick deep into you; hitting spots you had forgotten about completely. 
Different colours were flashing behind your eyelids and you were close, so close. 
And as Jaebeom neared climax, he tore his hand out of your hair. Though in his earlier fervour, got so much of it tangled around his fingers and stuck under his ring, that your whole body was torn sideways and off the bench. 
Landing on the floor, shocked eyes watched Jaebeom ejaculate all over your sink as your own orgasm retreated away; shrivelling up into dust and blown away in the wind - his hand still stuck in your hair. How the fuck, wasn’t he wearing a condom, you thought, only for you to reach down and find it stuck inside your vagina, half hanging out. There was literally nowhere lower you could go. This, this is rock bottom. 
“Haha, holy fuck. Sorry babe.” Jaebeom leaned down and carefully untangled his fingers out of your hair. Towels were passed around for hygiene purposes and you almost vomited when you saw cheeto crumbs wedged between Jaebeom’s butt-cheeks. 
You weren’t really sure what happened after. You think Jaebeom said something crass. Or maybe he said thank you. In a crass way. Either way, he eventually left and the two hour shower you took still didn’t make you feel clean. Especially not after finding a half-dried pearl of cum on your toothbrush. 
But there was one thing you knew for sure. You totally snapped. 
Day 0
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass in the interest of our friendship and for the purposes of full transparency it has been 1 day since ive had sex and we will never speak of it again
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kpurereactions · 6 years
Wasted Times — Pjm
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Warnings: A lot of Fluff, Angry Sex, Slight BDSM.
Word count: 5.8k
Admin: Melanin
Two weeks, nine days and counting since you’ve last seen him. Two weeks since that sinful body was tangled in yours, where you both let out strings of moans and shared sloppy wet kisses. Two weeks.
If it wasn’t for Hoseok that whole night wouldn’t have happened. Despite you already knowing of Jimin, what you didn’t know is that looks can deceive. Oh yes, they deceived you very well. When you met him it felt like it was unreal? It felt as though you were talking to an angel. The butterflies in your stomach whenever he spoke made you feel the blood rush to your cheeks. So unreal.
A cute cheeky smile and a squeaky laugh. Someone’s who’s kind hearted, as what you previously had heard from Hoseok himself. Oh, but did he leave the major detail out from you.
He’s a fuckboy.
One that knows exactly how to play his cards right. Knows how to get into a girl's pants and make them melt with the sweet and dirty things that pout out his mouth like honey. He has the looks and charms for it. The hand he runs through his hair constantly, those pink full lips begging to be touched by someone else.
You’ve only recently found out about most of the girls he’s slept with. It wasn’t a lot but enough for him to qualify to get tested every month. All because he can’t keep his god damn dick in his pants. And you, the fool, fell for it. You fell for his ways.
Yet he pretends to know nothing. He pretends like he didn’t break your heart by saying he can’t commit to a relationship. He was just a one night stand. He fucking acts that nothing happened between you two prior to having sex.... and it hurts.
Now you’re sitting in your office stuck in-between whether to let that night go, or to bring it up with him. Because surely, he felt something too when you guys made love for an hour and a half right? Right?
‘‘Y/N. Did you hear me?’ ‘  
You quickly snap back to reality to the nagging voice beside you. Taking a sip of your peppermint tea, you turn towards the young girl. Her full bangs compliment her perfectly shaped face. Her long, straight hair that curls at the end a bit is jet black with no sign of split ends or damage. She holds a blue folder tightly to her chest with a cheeky smile upon her face.  
‘‘Mrs. Jane would like to see your work for this month’s upcoming project. Do you have the rough draft done?’ ‘  
You nod, ‘’ I’ve finished it already. Are you collecting?’’ The girl nods her head and holds out her dainty pale hand. Next to you is your documents drawer which you rummage through for a good minute or so before finding your pink folder with all the information and sketches.  
‘‘Thanks..’‘ She smiles, then walks away to her next prey. You let out a big sigh and place your hands in-between your head. Never have you had someone constantly be on your mind.  
It was killing you.  
‘‘ Child are you okay?’‘
You turn towards the voice to your left which sits next to you is your best-friend. Her smirk lets you know she knows what you’re thinking about. She knows. She also knows about that one night stand that you couldn’t shut up about two weeks ago.
You try to hold back your laugh, ‘’ I’m. fine.’’ You manage to choke out. She shakes her head again with that damned smirk on her face. ‘’ Was he that good that he has you sitting here contemplating life honey?’’
Your eyes go eyes go wide and soon enough you find yourself swatting her thigh while trying to cover your face of embarrassment. ‘’ Stop! Geez I shouldn’t have even told you about it.’’
‘‘ I knew about him before you even did. Once you told me after the fact, I automatically recognized who he was by the way you described his features so well.’‘ She shrugs, swiveling her chair around to face you. You do the same.
‘‘ What?’‘
‘‘ I went to high school with him. Park Jimin right? He was a ladies girl. Everyone wanted him. Plus he was a former dancer.’‘
Former dancer? It all makes sense. The way his body was nicely toned, not to muscly but noticeable. The way his hips moved every which way making sure his sinful area poked and pried at every nerve inside your walls. Made you let out strings of moans and whimpers because of how good he felt inside you. You’ve never felt something like that before. How dare he.
‘’ Well he has a cute friend. His name is Tae... Tae something. I don’t know but they were also friends in highschool. He was a handsome boy as well. If you would like to you know... tap that.’‘ She giggles.
Who does she think you are? Some type of person who gives away sex for a living? Definitely not. By the looks of your face she quickly abandons the subject. You decide it’s best to get back on task before your whore of a boss comes back around.
Only before that petite girl, with the bangs and perfectly trimmed straight hair, comes back with your folder and a ton of papers for you. As if this this day could  get any worse.
‘‘ No I don’t want to go tonight.’’
It feels like you’ve said this on the phone more than ten times. You’re sure of it. He just doesn’t want to give up. You’d rather be in the comfort of your home cuddled up in a blanket watching Netflix all day. After-all, it is a Friday night and it has been a very stressful week for you in the office. A nice hot bath and a binge worthy tv show is all you want right now. It’s what you deserve.
‘‘ Come with us it’ll be fun. You can invite your hot best friend too.’‘ He says, and you know he’s smirking on the other line. ‘‘ Hoseok for one, you will not hook up with my best friend understand? Two, i’m tired. I want to sleep.’‘
‘‘ Oh come on Y/N it’ll be fun. It’s just a night out on the strip. It’ll be fun. I’m bringing Jimin.’‘ He tapers off at the end to wait for your reaction.
Could this be it? Another chance to see Jimin. Your chance to ask him.. if that night he felt something. Surely he did right?
‘‘ I’ll come. But that doesn’t mean i’m coming for Jimin. I’m bringing Scar with me as well.’‘
A few seconds of silence fills the other line. Which you know that Hoseok probably muted himself to scream in success. You take this time to think about what you’re going to wear. Something that’s eye catching? Or something that’s casual yet classy since it is just hanging around downtown. Why not do both?
Hoseok come’s back to the line and you notice he’s more cheerful. It makes you smile to yourself, how cute. ‘‘ Be there in 45 minutes. We’ll be waiting by Krystal okay? Meet us out front of that place.’‘
You two say your goodbyes and hang up the phone. Anticipation runs deep through you lacing your blood with it. Just the thought of seeing him again rubs you the right way.
Going into your closet, you take a good look at it and decide on a casual yet classy outfit. One that will surely catch his attention but very presentable as well. You hope that it’s going to pull through. Taking out your phone, you send a text message to Scarlet telling her all the details and to meet you here.
‘’This will be one hell of a night.’’ You smirk to yourself as you pull out the accessories to your outfit.
It wasn’t until you heard the doorbell constantly ring that broke you out of your trance of admiring yourself in the mirror. You look ravishing. Delectable. Every thing in the book. Surely you must have been admiring for quite some time because twenty minutes had passed and you didn’t even know it.
The doorbell ringing comes to a halt once you open the door forcefully. Scarlet greets you with a smile and a hug before coming inside.
‘’ Okay does this make my ass look bigger than it already is?’’
You glance over at Scarlet who’s posing in-front of the hallway mirror, earning a small chuckle from you. ‘’ Yes, that dress always look’s good on you.’’
Scarlet grins at you, ‘’ Thanks. I try I try. You look sexy Y/N. Who’s getting it tonight? ’’
You giggle once more before  adjusting your black dress ‘’ You look so good Y/N i’m not lying. Did you put some make-up on?’’
You shyly nod your head yes, ‘’ Just a little. Not one of my dramatic looks.’’
‘‘ It suits the mood for tonight. Nothing to dramatic, more neutral.’‘ Scarlet says, picking up her purse again. ‘’ The dress does bring out your curves.’‘ She steps back and pulls out her phone for a snapchat picture.
The two of you pose in the mirror for a quick second then giggle afterwards. Scarlet brings her phone back down as her fingers begin to type at a rapid speed. ‘I’m going to caption it; Going out with my babe!’’
You on the other hand were to busy into the hearts snapchat filter with Scar in the background of your video. You tap her with a smile and she looks up with a smile as well. ‘’ We are so gonna be late Scar. ’’
‘‘ Okay. Let me just grab my purse and we can go.’‘
You can’t believe you’re actually doing this. The cool breeze is enough for you to handle. Not to cold and not to hot of a breeze. Downtown is busy tonight, especially the strip. The neon signs blare into your vision, the cars speed past with drunk laughing people. Music plays coming from each store or bar you two pass. There’s a jazz man who’s playing some cool tunes next to the giant water fountain. You drop a ten dollar bill into his case hoping to brighten those tunes up a bit. Couples are everywhere you look. You haven’t been downtown in such a long time. Everything feels so brand new to you. It’s so lively.
Scarlet walks confidently in-front of you, hips swaying naturally. You see Hoseok down the sidewalk waiting at the entrance for your arrival. Behind him is Jimin who looks fine tonight. He wears a long sleeve white Stussy t-shirt with black distressed jeans that show off his thighs. The same thighs that flexed with each thrust two weeks ago. The same thighs you wanted to ride because they had you soaking wet. Oh geez.
‘‘ Y/N! ahhh you look so good tonight!’‘ Hoseok grabs your hand and twirls you around a little. ‘‘ You’re right. Wow Y/N.’‘ A voice comes from behind him.
Part of you just wants to melt right into his arms right then and there. Keep it together.
‘‘ You don’t look bad yourself Jimin.’‘ It’s like your eyes refused to make eye contact with him. You want to, but can’t pull yourself to do it. ‘‘ And this is my best friend Scarlet.’‘
‘‘ Hello I’m Scarlet or Scar for short. Nice to meet you.’‘ She smiles, Jimin takes her hand and gives it a kiss. His eyes never leaves hers when he does so.
Scarlet lets out one of her nervous giggles as he lets her hand go. ‘’ How sweet.’’ Jimin smirks at her, ‘’ No worries. I’m Jimin, Park Jimin my love.’’
You almost choke at those last two words. My love? Seriously?
‘‘ Okay enough now that you’ve met my flirty friend who doesn’t know boundaries...’‘ Hoseok glares at him, earning a shrug from Jimin. ‘‘ .. I’m Hoseok. I’ve seen you on Y/N’s social media.. and I must say you are very pretty.’‘
‘‘ Thank you Hoseok. You are handsome as well.’’ She says.
You decide to end this introduction and start off the night. ‘‘ Alright enough of the talking. Can we have some fun tonight?’‘
‘‘ I agree, let’s get some drinks first.’‘
Only one hour in and you’ve only had one long island ice tea that you haven’t even finished yet. Somehow you’ve got tricked into third wheeling. Hoseok and Scarlet seem to be hitting it off very well walking in front of you.  But walking next to you is a quite Jimin. He’s to busy scrolling and typing on social media for him to even notice you. Oh so you thought.
‘‘ Y/N...’‘
The butterflies in your stomach begin. What could he want? ‘’ Hmm.’’
Jimin locks his phone and places it in his pocket. He then looks at you with that oh so familiar warm smile. ‘’ They seem to be hitting it off well yeah?’’
Oh. ‘’ Yeah. I ship it.’’ You giggle, crossing your arms.’’ How have you been? Haven’t seen your pretty self in weeks.’’
‘‘ I’m fine. You know, work and stuff.’‘
‘‘ Yes I can say the same. I’ve got some things going on as well.’‘ His eyes shift back towards the busy city. ‘‘ I’d be lying if I didn’t say I missed you.’‘
You stop dead in your tracks. He missed you? All this time you had thought he didn’t care but he does? ‘’ Missed me huh. Or did you miss the idea of me.’’
He smiles, ‘’ Can it be both?’’
You decide to let that comment slide. ‘’ Well Jimin. I missed you too.’’
‘‘ Great so I can do this.’‘
You’re caught off guard by his lips connecting with yours. Both of you move in sync with each other. Jimin open’s his mouth more so his tongue can move more freely inside of yours.  Both of your tongues fight for dominance making you moan inside the kiss. His hands cup your face, sending chills up your spine. Soon you find yourself whimpering for more, but you can’t let it go this far so you break away first.
‘‘ Hmm I missed those lips on mine. Sorry if I spooked you my love.’‘ Those dark brown eyes look deep into yours. ‘‘ I missed us talking constantly before we..’‘ He trails off, looking away from you smiling shyly.
‘‘ Yeah me too. We spent a lot of time texting and calling each other before that. But after that night we sort of.. stopped? I’ve been meaning to bring this up without it being awkward.’‘ You bite your lip, fiddling with your fingers.
Jimin looks around you guys. Scarlet and Hoseok are nowhere to be found. As he expected. ‘’ Well it looks like our friends ditched us. Have you eaten?’’
‘‘ I munched on something before I came here with you guys.’‘ You say, eyes shifting towards the city again. ‘‘ Well if you’re up for a little bit more of a walk I know this good place on the boardwalk. We are getting closer and closer to the beach.’‘
‘‘ Is this you asking me on a date Park Jimin?’‘ You giggle, covering your mouth with your hand. ‘‘ It can be considered our first friendly date. I would love to take you out some other time where it’s not last minute my love.’‘
‘‘ Stop saying that.’‘
‘‘ Saying what?’‘
You roll your eyes playfully, ‘’ My love. Stop saying it.’’
Jimin raises his eyebrows at you in amusement, ‘’ Did you just roll your eye at me.. my love?’’ Your cheeks have never hurt this much before from constantly smiling, but tonight you just cant stop them. ‘’ And if I did?’’
‘‘ I suggest you don’t do that again.’‘
The walk wasn’t as far as you thought. Jimin had linked his hand in yours on the way there. It surprised you for a minute but you let it happen. He hasn’t let go since. The two of you are sat down at a table outside by a waitress who cannot keep her eyes away from Jimin. Only if she knew how much of a sex god he was. Then she really wouldn’t be able to keep her eyes away.
‘‘ The moon looks beautiful tonight.’‘ He nods his head over towards the sky. Your eyes gaze over the sandy beach and waves that crash onto the shore. The moon lit sky peering over it looks beautiful.
Jimin brings both of your hands onto the table and intertwines them with his. A smile appears on his face when he sees you shyly try to hide your smile from him. Jimin’s most favorite feature of you is your smile, and moans of course, but your smile brings him happiness. It’s something about the way your lips curl up into a smile and your eyes narrow a little bit with it. Or when you laugh at one of his comments or jokes. It makes him happy inside and out.
‘‘ So, what were you saying earlier my love?’‘
You playfully roll your eyes again at that nickname. Before you can roll them again, Jimin’s smile drops and he let’s go of your right hand. You furrow your eyebrows at him for a second until you’re caught off guard with a tiny slap to the inside of your thigh. You hiss at the pain.
He says, ‘‘ Stop rolling your eyes at me. playful or not my love, I don’t like it.’‘
‘‘ Fine but stop calling me that nickname. You said it to Scarlet. Now I don’t want it anymore.’‘ You say, attitude high with your arms crossed.
Jimin chuckles and lets his tongue swipe across the inside of his jaw, ‘’Someone’s jealous.’’
‘’ I just see the name is useless is all if you’re calling other girls that.’‘
‘‘ Hmm jealous now aren’t we?’‘ He smirks, leaning back in his chair. ‘‘ Says the one who was all over me that night. Practically craving me. Now, what If i let someone else do that hmm? Equivalent to you calling other girls that name.’‘
His smirk never lets up. You know you trying to act all tough isn’t going to last. It’s just not in you. But what you can do is make him jealous and tease him for a while. You consider it a payback for those two weeks of hell you went through.
‘‘ I’m enjoying our night out Jimin. Thank you for taking the time to catch up with me tonight.’‘ Your face is innocent as ever, sipping on your water.
His expression changes when your foot travels up his leg and onto his crotch and slowly grazes over the tip of his dick. Jimin glares and bites his lip at the constant friction between the head and your foot going in agonizingly slow circles. He let’s both of your hands go to try and pry your leg away but you increase pressure making him choke out a small wince.
‘‘ Aww. Cute.’‘
Jimin’s head pops up with a death glare on his face, ‘’ Don’t call me that after you just tried to pull some type of stun-’’
Your foot begins it’s slow circles again. It’s fun watching him stop his sentences. The way he holds in his moans and bites his lip. It turns you on very much.
“Fuck,” He grunts, eye’s closed.
You stop once your food arrives. The same waitress that can’t keep her eyes off of Jimin. She makes eye contact with her, and he winks as she places the food in-front of him. Your face drops into a stone cold expression. Once the waitress leaves his head slowly turns towards you with his famous sly smirk. He knew just how to press your buttons.
You start back up again, going at an even faster pace at this point. He curses at himself and his eyes close again. You smile when he starts to shake his legs and breathe heavily. Only for Jimin’s eyes pop open with a devilish smile that confuses you. He grabs your leg and makes sure that your foot is positioned right ontop of his dick. He rolls his hips to the movement of yours, looking you dead straight in the eyes. You go along with it for now. But your eyes almost buck out of your head when he starts letting out moans and grunts as he throws his head back.
‘‘ Mmm fuck Y/N you do this so well.’‘
You’re at loss for words. The risk of being caught mixed with the sight you’re seeing now has your panties becoming wet.It takes all your might not to just jump over the table and devour him when he sighs in relief. You watch his body convulse of the aftershocks. So fucking sexy.
And as if nothing had just happened, he picks up his fork and begins to eat his pasta. The rest of the night is silent. You both eat in silence but in the inside you want to say something but you know better. The stunt you just pulled has something coming for you. Maybe payback wasn’t such a good thing after all.
After Jimin comes back from the restroom, assuming he cleaned himself up well down there, he sits back down at the table with a warm smile. It confuses you.
‘‘ Do you want to leave now? We can go to my place and just chill for the night. Looks like the two love birds might have already went back to one of their place’s.’‘ He says, grabbing your hand once again.
You nod your head dumbfounded at what you didn’t know that was going to happen at his place. But you agree to go. What can go wrong?
The moment you guys enter his luxurious apartment, he pins you against the wall and raises your hands above you head. He tilts your head and nips at your neck, alternating between kissing and sucking. He hit one of your sweet spots that has your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
‘‘ Please Jimin.’‘ You cry out. Slowly pulling away, he pulls you from against the wall and bends to dip an arm under your legs to lift you up bridal style.
He deeply chuckles into your ear, ‘‘ You have an eventful night planned out for pulling that stunt at the restaurant sweetheart.’‘ His words sends shivers down your spine.
Jimin closes the door behind him, giving you a taste of comfort before he has his way with you. He places you on his bed and you stare into those dark brown eyes that you love oh so much.
‘‘ Face down, ass up now.’‘ He growls.
You nod your head and do as told. Soon you feel your dress being unzipped and thrown to the floor. You’re in nothing but your bra and baby pink lace thong. His hands run up and down your spine, then to your ass.
‘‘ You ruined my pants today. Made me cum inside them since you wanted to feel like you had control over me.. babygirl.’‘ He says, hands stopping right above your ass.
‘‘ Count for me Y/N.’‘
You don’t even have time to take a breath in when the first hard impact comes. It wells tears in your eyes but you love it. You love every smack and every second of it. And so you count for him, you count all fifteen hits to your sore,red ass.
‘‘ You’ve taken your punishment well.’‘ Jimin says soothing the pain by rubbing over it softly. ‘‘ You looked so pretty doing what you’re told my beautiful girl. You deserve every inch of me. You deserve all of me.’’ His voice is soft and low. It intoxicates you.
Jimin shifts you onto your back, his hands tracing every inch of your body. You prop yourself up with your shoulders and you don’t jerk away, instead you let him lean in and kiss you passionately. The lewd sounds of the two of you sharing a wet, sloppy kiss can be heard throughout the apartment. You whine in his arms wanting more than just the kiss. He growls in return, yanking your head back to mark up that pretty neck some more. His hands swiftly makes their way towards your nipples, you moan out in response.
“mmm so cute and hard for me.” He flicks your hard nipples with his index and middle fingers on both your breasts. The way he speaks is sinful. Your panties grow even more wet as he pinches your nipples to make you whimper. “ Making pretty sounds for me hmm? Got you all wet baby?’’
With his hands dropping to your hips, he pushes you to lay down on the bed. Your breasts look so captivating to him. Your back arches when his lips connect to your right breast and soon to your left.
“Jimin...’’ You whimper, tugging on his hair to get him to look at you. He pauses the swirling of his tongue on your breast and looks up with lust filled eyes.
“ Yes sweetheart?” He coos.
‘’Off... t-take it off.’’ You whine, moving your hands towards his clothing and tugging on it firmly.
Jimin smiles before balancing on his knees to lift off his shirt. You watch him strip his shirt off, revealing his beautifully toned stomach and sharp v-line. You want nothing more than to run your tongue across him, leaving hickies behind.
Once he takes off his shirt, he dips back down to you to kiss your lips once more. ‘’ Your reaction was instantaneous, your back arching as your hands flew to his hair in shock at the pleasure it gave you. You really were sexually frustrated. Just him kissing you was all too much for you to handle.
As if he could tell what you wanted, his hand found its way to the hem of your lace thong. He feels how wet you were with his index finger sliding up and down your entrance. Your breath hitched as he slid them off with his teeth.
Your mouth instantly falls open when one thick finger slides inside you, your wetness pouring out beneath his finger. Once his finger is coated in your juices, he pulls out of you leaving you whimpering at the loss of friction. You watch him slide his wet finger into his mouth, his eyes close as he hums around it.
“You taste so fucking good. Let me have more of you yeah? He says, waiting for some type of consent from you.
You nod, wanting him more than ever.
Jimin props both your legs up onto his shoulder, licking his lips at the sight of your glistening core. You are left exposed to his lustful gaze as he took in the appearance of your swollen lips. Your lips spread apart to expose your clit that desperately seeks attention.  
And so he provides it. His head dips down to get to work on your cunt.  The pleasure you feel is outrageous, it has you clawing at his back, not even letting up, before letting out your never ending moans. You knew for a fact that Jimin’s tongue was a work of art when put to the test.
“Oh fuck! ” You yell out, arching your back when his lips begin to suck harshly on your clit, that bubbly feeling in your stomach appears.
“Do I make you feel good ? Hmm, use your words.” He encourages, using two fingers to spread your folds apart to lick and suck on your clit.
“It feels so good Jimin, oh my gosh, please don’t stop. Fuck!” You cry out, tossing your head back as you clutch onto the sheets once more, leaving his hair alone. As soon as he hears that, he seemed to lose control. His fingers start abuse your g-spot in sync with his sucking on your clit. That’s all you took for you to explode around his fingers. Your body spasms when you close your eyes. You can practically hear your heartbeat pounding in your head.
That doesn’t stop Jimin though. He continues to abuse your hole but you can’t handle the over-stimulation. You grip his wrists to stop him in which he obliges. He pulls his fingers out of you slowly and shows you them before sucking on them harshly.  
“ Such a naughty girl now aren’t we.” He coos, rubbing your thighs that shake endlessly. “Want more princess?”
You nod your head, to busy lost in a trance. His words always get to you. A boy who knows his way with his words. The things that come out his mouth laced with either sweet venom or sugar. Damn him. Damn him for making you feel like this. Damn him for letting you fall under his ways.
You don’t realize all of his clothes were off until the head of his cock is sitting at your entrance. He’s a nice size, as you remember, but it’s the thickness that gets you. He has a lot of girth and it damn sure stretches you out.
“Shit, oh my gosh.” You moan, letting your head fall back as he starts easing into you.
“ Mmm babygirl,” He growls, using one of his hands to spread your lips, giving him the bes view of you taking him all the way. “Fuck just look at that baby. Your little pussy stretching to take my thick cock. Feels good yeah?”
“ Yes Jimin, fuck, it feels so good please. ” You whimper, wanting to feel all stuffed and full. Finally he bottoms out and you definitely feel it in you.
Jimin’s hands grip your hips as he starts to move inside of you. Since your previous orgasm residue was still there, mixing with your fresh juices,  every time moved in and out your juices would drip.Lewd, wet slaps filled the room as the pace quickened, wanting to get you to cum again.
Your cries of pleasure filled the room. There was no point in hiding them now.  With his hips moving at a fast pace, and his dick murdering your g-spot, it makes you feel that familiar feeling again.
“My good girl, you’re doing so well for me.” Jimin smiles, praising you as you become undone around him. Your hole spasms around his length and it feels like heaven for him. Jimin holds himself up on his elbows, resting his face against yours while he gently eases you through your orgasm.
“You don’t know the things your body does to me Y/N. The faces you make when i’m fucking your brains out. You look like you’re in pure ecstasy because of me and only me, baby.” He whispers, his lips hovering just above yours. You nod and press your lips against his. Smiling into the kiss, his hips begin fucking you  again, getting up to his previous pace.
Your body is automatically put into over-stimulation mode. “Are you going to cum again for me?”
“Mhm, oh my god!” You whimper, closing your eyes shut harshly. Jimin pulls out of you, and starts to slide his cock up and down your folds to bring you to another orgasm. You let out a scream as Jimin watch your juices fly and soak everywhere around you both. Your death grip on the sheets havent left and your back is arched so high from the bed that he has to bring you back down.
“Fuck, that’s it. You’re squirting princess.” He praises you, smiling as he doesn’t stop movement, juices everywhere. “You’re squirting so much baby look at you.’’
The feeling is too much for you so you shut your legs around him. Jimin smiles at you when you finally open your eyes. They hardly stay open but long enough for you to see him get himself off using his right hand. You open your mouth to say something, but he interrupts “Shh princess, you’re too sensitive. Maybe next time.”
You nodded with a small pout on your lips. You want him to cum inside you. To feel his hot sperm coat your insides. Your body says otherwise. You are spent, exhausted to the max..
Just as he is about to cum, you sit up and climb over to him. Your mouth quickly finds it’s way to his length and as if a habit, you begin to suck. ‘’You don’t have to princes- fuck.’’ He groans, releasing his load inside your mouth while you deep throat all his length.
Soon you pull away from his cock after he cums. You open your mouth to show him and then swallow it all down. ‘’ Filthy whore.’’ He smirks, pecking your lips.
Jimin kisses your forehead once more, before lifting up and disappearing into the bathroom. He returns with a warm, wet towel to clean up the mess between your legs. Your eyes flutter open and close. You catch a glimpse of his nicely toned back when he turns to disregard the towel. He comes back again with a green t-shirt which makes your heart flutter as he pulls it over your head. Another forehead kiss, then those nose, then the lips.
‘’ Jimin?’‘ You coo.
He climbs in bed beside you, ‘’ Yes?’’
‘’ We never discussed what we are...’’ You say quietly, picking at your fingers.
He laughs softly, ‘’ You know I can’t commit right now. I have too many things going on and-’’
‘’ Excuses Jimin.’’ You pout, turning away from him. ‘’ Aww come on don’t be like that. Listen, if I ever get my life together and the ladies off of me you’ll be the first one I run to, my love.’’
‘’ Promise?’’
‘’ I promise.’’
Oh so you had thought. Another two weeks had passed and the same thing happened. Now you’re stuck in your office again contemplating life, as Scarlet would say. The only difference is, he texts you more often. Usually good morning and goodnight texts. An occasional ‘how was your day.’
You can’t help but to wonder what he’s probably doing with other girls. Feeding them empty promises. Saying sweet nothings in their ears. Letting them hear what they want to. It’s no doubt he knows what he’s doing. No doubt.
Only if he hadn’t wasted your time.
Two weeks and counting since you’ve last seen him. Two weeks since that sinful body was tangled in yours, where you both let out strings of moans and shared sloppy wet kisses. Two weeks.
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btsfanficss · 7 years
Lust & Limerence | Pt. 1 (M)
Series: Slytherin!JJK x Reader x Gryffindor!KTH 
Word count: 10k
Genre: Angst, Fluff and Smut // Harry Potter AU!  
Summary: Your best friend, Taehyung, always warned you about meddling with the wrong type of people. So when Taehyung found out about your little crush on Slytherin’s hottest Quidditch player, he was far from thrilled. Since he was classified as ‘the one you should keep your distance from’ for his nasty fuckboy way of life-- Jeon Jungkook to you, seemed too sweet to be true. Blinded by Lust, you venture for evidence that proves his innocence, not just to soothe Taehyung’s worries but for your troubled mind to follow your heart’s steps. 
@btsfanficss masterlist here 💕
A/N: Thanks to @btsbangtansarmyv for helping me with this! Sharing the love with @bangtan-mya & @jeonjungrude
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The thundering bass drowned out all the chatter between the drunk teens, each corner of the house occupied with the stoned and tipsy youth. You jabbed your elbow into Taehyung’s side and he flinched at the sharp sting of your bone on his rib, a grunt of pain passed his lips. 
“You said this was a small get-together, you fucker,” you fake-smiled at him and Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck, a dumb boxy smile on his handsome face.
“Oh come on, (Y/N). You should’ve expected this from me. How long have you known me for?” Taehyung giggled and bro-hugged the several drunk males that greeted him.
“Too long,” you gritted your teeth together in annoyance. “I wish my elbow was a knife.” 
“Hey,” Taehyung pouted and you glared at him with anger. “You can get pissed at me later, okay? For now, just enjoy yourself. You barely come to these parties. Let loose before we have to go back to Hogwarts.” 
“I barely come to these parties because I fucking hate them,” you brushed off a random guy’s arm off your shoulder in pure disgust. 
“As a best friend, I’m responsible for your health and safety so don’t get too drunk, okay? Don’t go home with a random guy, too,” Taehyung lectured knowingly. 
“You wouldn’t have to worry about those things if you hadn’t brought me here in the first place,” you remarked with your hands on your hips. 
“I’ll see you around, (Y/N)!” Taehyung exclaimed and disappeared into the crowd of dancing teenage idiots, leaving you vulnerable within the party compound. 
Luckily, you managed to find a corner to reside at for the rest of the night. You were feeling slightly better as your dark coloured clothing camouflaged you in your safe little corner until a mystery man stood himself next to you. At least he wasn’t intruding too much into your personal space, unlike the rest that’d approached you so far to which you rejected by saying, “get lost, I’m not interested.” 
The tall figure leaned on the dusty wall, a phone in one of his hands as the other was carelessly shoved into his black Stussy hoodie. Interested in the quiet stranger, you glanced down at his shoes that were in your peripheral vision. He was wearing a pair of worn out black Martens boots with tattered black skinnies that highlighted his thick thighs despite the dim lighting. 
“(Y/N)?” the stranger called and your gaze transferred to his handsome facial features that were visible from the luminous screen of his phone. 
“Um yes, that’s me,” you said with a small chuckle, completely unaware of who this eye-catching bloke was. 
He pulled off the hood on his head and fixed his hair, ruffling the noir bangs with his long fingers before smiling gently at you. “I’m Jungkook,” he reached out for your hand and you shook it. 
Jungkook’s hand was much smoother than you’d expected. “Oh yes,” you finally recalled and it brought a smile to your lips. 
“You’re Taehyung’s friend right? I never thought I’d bump into you at a place like this. I heard from him this kind of event wasn’t your cup of tea,” Jungkook spoke in a soothing voice and you nodded at his question. 
“You got that right,” you rolled your eyes. “That cheeky fucker lied to me and told me this was a small get-together.” 
Jungkook chuckled at your sassy attitude and your frown softened to match his delicate smile. 
“It’s a little strange to meet you for the first time here and not school,” you admitted. “I’ve heard so many things about you before. Now I can finally peg a face to the talks.” 
“You’ve heard things about me, huh?” Jungkook’s smile integrated into a small smirk to reveal the charming dimple on the left cheek. “What kind of things?”
“Oh, you know just the usual Slytherin fuckboy stories,” you said honestly and he pretended to look hurt, placing his hand on his chest. His surprising dorky sense of humour made you giggle. 
“Well yeah, I guess they’re right to an extent,” he quickly recovered. “Do you believe in those rumours?” Jungkook asked with a curious glint coated in his intrusive stare. 
“Honestly, Jungkook, I don’t care,” you shrugged your shoulders and Jungkook wasn’t expecting that reply. It made his eyebrow rise as he took interest in your light-hearted yet honest personality.
“I’m glad you don’t. I’m actually not that much of an asshole as everyone describes me to be,” Jungkook shuffled closer to you but you didn’t mind. You were getting bored of candy crush anyways. 
“No, they don’t think you’re an asshole. I think it’s the opposite. Even though everyone knows of your fuckboy lifestyle, they’re still obsessed with you. Must be because you’re smart that they give you lenience to fuck around a bit.” 
“So you think I’m smart?” Jungkook asked with a cocky smile. 
“Grades aren’t the only defining factor of intelligence. You can have perfect grades but still do stupid things,” you laughed and expected Jungkook to too but he didn’t. 
Jungkook looked taken aback, as though you’d hit a sensitive topic for him. He snapped out of it and a pained smile crept up his lips. “I suppose you’re right,” he rubbed the back of his head and you nodded slowly. 
“Jungkook I was kidding, I just said it for quality banter you know,” you looked up him and he smiled naturally again. 
The two of you really hit it off. You talked to him about the most boring topics but his witty comebacks alone were enough to spice up the conversation. You shared uncontrollable laughter in your safe corner. He was so easy to talk to, it was no wonder that all the girls in your cohort were head over heels for him. 
Not only was he unfairly handsome, his witty sense of humour was bound to charm without him needing to lift his wand. He shuffled even closer to you, his shoulder now touching yours as you reciprocated his flirtatious yet subtle moves with a welcoming smile that he thought looked so cute. 
It was very rare for Jungkook to build an interest in anyone. He was normally so up-front about what he wanted, normally to other girls at frat parties, he’d state from the beginning that he only wanted to fuck. But with you, much to his surprise, he didn’t even plan to say it. He knew that if he said it, you’d be disgusted and that held him back from doing whatever he wanted. He was genuinely interested in you.
Your conversation with Jungkook was interrupted by a small vibration in your pocket. You took out your phone and read the message from Taehyung. 
I’m a considerate best friend so we can leave early. I’m waiting in the car outside. Sent: 12:32 AM
Your smile smoothed into a thin line subconsciously. “I have to go, Jungkook. It was great talking to you,” you shoved the phone back into your pocket and shook his hand again.
“Leaving so soon?” 
“Yeah, Taehyung’s already waiting outside for me,” you explained and Jungkook nodded. 
You walked away from the little corner to push through the raving group of drunkards. “(Y/N)!” a voice called out from behind and your head turned to the direction of the yell. 
“I’ll see you around?” Jungkook waved, a sincere looking smile on his attractive face and you decided to play cheeky. 
“Who knows?” you shrugged your shoulders and disappeared into the crowd to leave Jungkook thirsty for your interesting charm. 
“Taehyung! Why didn’t you tell me Jungkook was so sweet?” you said as soon as you closed the car door. 
Taehyung’s eyebrow became immediately raised. “Because that’s not the truth?” 
“What are you talking about? I was talking to him the whole time and he’s so genuine,” you giggled, interested in the handsome boy. 
“That’s what he wants you to think. Trust me, (Y/N), I’m his friend and I know what he’s actually like.” 
“If you’re his friend then why are you shit talking him?” you couldn’t help but sound annoyed. You were looking forward to telling Taehyung about your new interest only to find out about his disapproval.
“He’s my friend but that doesn’t mean I agree with the way he does things. He’s only charming you to sleep with you, nothing more,” Taehyung remarked. 
“I thought that too but I’m serious Tae, he was so sweet to me.” 
“And I’m serious too, (Y/N). Don’t pick up any feelings for him. He’s dangerous and you’re far too good for him,” Taehyung said in a serious tone. 
“You asked me to have fun and now that I’m having some fun, you’re ruining it,” you sighed. 
“I’m protecting you from a troublemaker,” Taehyung’s grip on the steering wheel tightened and the rest of the ride home was silent. 
A few months after...
6th Year // September // 1st Term
The school year began with a bang, literally. You’d walked straight into the door frame in front of your whole Potions class, your hair messy in a bun with eyebags that displayed your lack of sleep. You’d missed the first banquet of the year at the dining hall. Whoever thought it was a good idea for breakfast to begin at 7:30 was completely crazy. 
Your classmates giggled at your clumsiness and you just smiled through it. You pat down the stray hairs and massaged the pained area whilst smoothening out your cloak. Luckily, your house crest sat perfectly on the top right of your robe.
“Sorry, I’m late Professor. I kind of overslept,” you admitted and she let you off the hook but not without a lecture. 
“I suppose it must be hard to get back into a correct sleep pattern, Miss (Y/N) but please don’t be late next time. Afterall, this is your 6th year at Hogwarts now, you must prepare to sit the N.E.W.T exams next year. Being on time to classes would be an excellent start,” she signaled for you to join a group for the lesson. 
“Why didn’t you wake me up Tae?” you whispered under your breath, annoyed at your best friend. 
“Did you forget the girls’ dormitories are off limits for people that have dicks?” Taehyung remarked. 
“Did you even iron your robe? It looked like you slept in it,” you chuckled and Taehyung self-cautiously attempted to smooth out the wrinkles. The only thing not crinkled was the Gryffindor crest on his red-accented robe. 
“Well you look like a zombie so touché,” Taehyung chuckled and you rolled your eyes at him. 
“Mornin’ (Y/N),” a velvety voice called out and you turned around to face Jungkook. He was wearing a vibrant and contagious smile on his lips so naturally, your lips mimicked his.
“Jungkook?” you couldn’t help but sound a little excited. 
On the contrary to you, Jungkook looked perfectly awake. His eyes were bright and bursting with liveliness not to mention the smooth and perfectly ironed Slytherin robes unlike Taehyung’s.
“I guess I will be seeing you around after all. Are you ready for another painful year of potions with me?” Jungkook chuckled. 
“Another year? We had Potions together before?” you asked in a whisper and Taehyung snorted loudly, the rest of the class turned to stare at the three of you. “Sorry,” Taehyung said.
“We were in the same Potions class for our 2nd and 4th year at Hogwarts,” Jungkook’s smile turned a little stiff. 
“Oh shit,” you laughed. “I guess I just didn’t notice.” 
The three of you finally stopped talking when your Professor exclaimed the lesson’s aim. She stood proudly in front of the class with all the strange and rare ingredients laid out. 
“Let’s start off your 6th year here at Hogwarts with a competition, shall we? Today, class, you will be brewing Felix Felicis in your groups. Although this potion is more on the intricate and complex side, I believe with enough teamwork and perseverance, you will be able to brew it correctly.” 
“Fuck, I don’t even know how to brew potions from 1st year.” Jungkook blurted out a little too loudly and the class was filled with laughter. Your Professor brushed off his funny comment to propose an interesting deal. 
“The members of the first group to successfully brew this potion will each be rewarded 25 points for their House.” 
The classroom fell quiet with laughter but grew with murmurs of interest which displayed the truly competitive nature of Hogwarts. 
“I will keep restocking the ingredients until one team can brew it. You may come back to the lab during your free time but normal rules still apply. You must be in your common rooms before curfew. For 6th year students, I believe that is 10PM.”
“Before we start,” your professor continued. “Can anyone tell me the effects of this potion?” 
“Felix Felicis, also called Liquid Luck, is a magical potion that makes the drinker lucky for a period of time, during which everything they attempt will be successful. It turns an ordinary day into an extraordinary one,” Taehyung’s deep voice enchanted the fellow girls in the class. 
“Perfect answer! 2 points to Gryffindor!” The professor exclaimed in joy and Taehyung sat back down. 
“Try hard,” you muttered underneath your breath and his boxy smile grew even wider at your jealousy. 
Even though some things Taehyung did was dumb beyond comprehension (like the time he asked if trees were broccoli but on steroids), you had to admit that he was actually so brilliantly smart-- especially at Potions, the subject you hated most and sucked at most. 
“You may start your tasks. As this is a challenge, I will not be helping out with this unless you all can’t do it. A similar task will be asked to be completed in your mock exams and of course, your N.E.W.T exams.”
The classroom erupted into content heavy discussions as each team decided the roles of each team member. The three of you sat a little quieter than you’re expected before Jungkook burst the bubble. 
“I’m going to apologise in advance and say that I’m shit at Potions. I barely passed the last exam so I’m sorry if I’m not so helpful,” Jungkook admitted and you high fived him. 
“Same! I passed by 4%” you giggled and neither of you pulled your hands away, his touch lingering on your fingers. The eye contact between the two of you was intense and Taehyung coughed to break it. 
He pulled your hand back and placed it on the heat-resistant mat. “That’s not something to high five about you dumbasses.” 
“But Jungkook,” you peered close to him. “Don’t worry, Taehyung was dux for the last Potions exam so we’ll be fine,” you reassured him and his smile grew with relief. 
6th Year // Late September // 1st Term
A couple of weeks pass and no group has brewed the goddamn potion. Each group was starting to get frustrated as each lesson passed but your frustration was almost non-existent as you were paired up with Taehyung, who was diligently making excellent progress and Jungkook, the ultimate dreamy distraction. 
You’d gotten to know Jungkook a lot more as he joined you and Taehyung for some lunch breaks. Taehyung was always protective of you, since the beginning so instinctively, when Jungkook attempted to pull some moves on you, he would always interfere at the right time. As frustrating as it was for you, Taehyung said it was, “for the greater good.”
But that night, Taehyung couldn’t interfere. You were cooped up in your dormitory, cozy under your comforter with a book in your hand as you diligently did some reading homework. Much to your surprise, you were interrupted by a small knock on your window. You put the book down and peered up to press your ear near the window. 
Were you just hearing things? 
Another knock and you boldly spread your curtains open to reveal a handsome boy perfectly balanced on his broomstick. You quickly opened the window in surprise, yet your gaze sparkled with interest as you feasted your eyes on the one and only, Jeon Jungkook. 
His noir locks were touselled from the wind and he reached out for your hand. Instinctively, you took it and pulled him into your bedroom through the window. Jungkook shut the window and signaled for you to close your bedroom door to which you obeyed quickly. 
“What are you doing here?” you whispered harshly, a tone of excitement prevalent in your voice. 
“I’m... uhh...” Jungkook hesitated. “I’m here to ask a question about the project?” he lied and you laughed immediately at his weak manipulative skills. 
“Jungkook, you’re a Slytherin and you can’t lie for shit. Really, just tell me the proper reason.” 
“Hey don’t stereotype us Slytherins,” he retorted in defence and you just giggled. “I have something cool to show you,” he said with a spark of excitement in his dark cocoa eyes
“Jungkook it’s well past curfew. You realise that if anyone finds out we’re both going to get suspended right?” 
“Oh come on, (Y/N). Don’t be a pussy. I sneak out all the time and I’ve never been caught,” Jungkook persuaded with his soothing voice and you seriously contemplated it. 
“No no. I can’t come with you right now. Can’t you show me later? I’m free this weekend if you’re willing to do this again-- without risking our academic records?” 
“But tonight’s the only night. I promise you it’s amazing,” Jungkook casually brushed his hand over yours and it was as though he’d charmed you his touch.
His touch was magnetic and you felt the surge of blood shoot up to your cheeks at his caressing action. You knew deep down that you shouldn’t follow him. You were a good girl- to an extent. You’d never sneaked out of the dorms or gotten suspended before. To be fair, Jungkook had never gotten suspended before too but he was an expert in escaping trouble so he doesn’t count. 
“You’ll love it,” Jungkook sweet talked and you finally gave in, watching in defeat as Jungkook fist pumped the air at your small nod. 
“Okay,” Jungkook grinned and opened your window to welcome the sound of howling wind. “Hop on the back of my broom,” Jungkook proposed as he stood near the edge of the window. 
“What?!” you whispered harshly, paranoid that someone would hear you. “Are you crazy? What if you can’t control it!” 
“I’m Slytherin’s Ace Quidditch player. Just trust me baby girl,” Jungkook’s nickname for you had you weak to your knees. 
You knew that he probably called all the other girls that too but the sound of it was so magnificent you listened, even though your hands were shaking in nerves and fright at the idea of two people flying on one broomstick. 
“Slytherin’s Ace better get me back here in one piece or else,” you threatened when you sat down on the broomstick. Jungkook’s back felt warm against your chest as he pulled you closer to his body, yelling something along the lines of “hold on tight!” before dropping out of the window. 
Your eyes were wired shut and all you could hear was the sound of Jungkook’s laughter as he teased you with his speed of travel, you cursed as you begged him to slow down. Instead of the terrifying broom ride, you tried to focus on the cloying scent of Jungkook. His dark hoodie smelt of an exotic crush between sandalwood and thanaka which eased your mind temporarily. 
Jungkook landed at the destination and you let go of your tight hug on his back. He placed the broomstick down and sat down on the floor. He pat a spot next to him and you sat down, still out of breath. You looked around your surroundings and found yourself on the Astronomy Tower. 
“Okay, I must admit. That was impressive,” you complimented and Jungkook just beamed at you. 
“You know what’s even more impressive?” Jungkook said playfully and before you could answer, he gently tilted your chin so you were met with the million twinkling stars of the galaxy. Your response was caught in your throat as the celestial beauty took your breath away. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Jungkook spoke in a soft voice as he kept his gaze trained on not the night sky but instead, on your amazed face. Jungkook had never felt that much desire for anyone in his life. Your inviting soft and pink lips had Jungkok’s mind spinning with lust and thirst for the sweet taste. 
“This is definitely worth it,” you admitted and you noticed Jungkook’s gaze on you, obviously taken aback that someone as handsome as Jungkook was eye-fucking you. 
“Thanks for taking me here,” you said and a cold wind blew by, causing you to shiver noticeably. He unzipped his dark navy bomber and wrapped your small body in it. 
You didn’t know what was more beautiful, the extravagant night sky? Or the sight of Jungkook’s lustful gaze on you. 
He noticed a strand of your hair caught in between your lips so he moved the hair away using the soft pad of his thumb. You had no idea he was such a romantic. 
“No wonder all the girls are obsessed with you.” you chuckled to lighten the heavy atmosphere and crimson blush across your cheeks. 
Jungkook frowned at your comment. “Do you really think I’m like this to all the girls?” 
“You’re not?” you couldn’t help but sound shocked from the realisation that Jungkook might feel something extra for you.
“I’m normally really straightforward with what I want. The reason why my reputation isn’t that horrendous is because I’m at least honest with the girls I fuck,” Jungkook explained and you looked lost at his words.
“All the girls knew that I was only looking for a good fuck and nothing more,” Jungkook muttered. 
“Is that why you brought me here? Just because I showed a little interest you assumed it was a green light for you to fuck me?” your tone was cold an defensive. 
“God no,” Jungkook interjected much to your surprise. “That’s not the reason at all, baby girl let me finish.” 
“I’m not really good with words and shit but... I feel different about you. I was originally just going to straight up ask at the party if I could fuck you but when we started talking I realised I can’t possibly do that. Not to you at least.”
“I don’t know how you want me to react to all this, Jungkook,” you admitted. “And for your information, confident guys are sexy but if you haven’t noticed, you sound like a total asshole right now.” 
“No, you’re missing the point. The point I’m trying to make here is that-- you... you make me nervous, alright?” Jungkook sighed in defeat and your ears perked up at the sound of it.  
“I’m normally so confident around girls I thought I’d be the same around you but when we talk I filter so much more. I don’t want you to think I’m a jerk or whatever, you know? Heck-- do you really think I’m the type of guy to do this cheesy shit?” Jungkook let out a dry chuckle and you shrugged your shoulders. 
“To be fair we started talking just recently. And I told you before that I don’t care about those rumours but the fact that they exist is an influencing factor on your image.” 
“But I’m not half that bad,” Jungkook defended himself. “Besides the point, I just wanted to tell you that... I want to get to know you,” the words finally came out his mouth and you felt the pit of your stomach ablaze with new set nerves and butterflies. 
“What do you want to know about me?” you asked as you stared into his lustful gaze, your head rested on your knees. Your tone was gentle with no aggression intended. 
Jungkook looked a little blank at your question- almost as though he hadn’t thought this far. He tilted his head to the side and hoped that somehow the stars would rearrange to form the perfect answer. He couldn’t possibly admit that he wanted to fuck you- at least not then. You’d definitely think that you were no different to all the others except you were. 
The dry silence wasn’t helping your insecurities. “Do you want to get to know me or my body?”  
“Can I say both?” Jungkook answered shamelessly as you felt his stare trace the outlines of your lips for what felt like the millionth time that night. Your inside voice was yelling at you to tell him off for his cocky attitude but instead, your head moved down by itself- a small nod. 
Before you could correct your ‘mistake’, Jungkook was already leaning closer to your face and it made you forget everything momentarily. “May I?” he asked, the sound of his voice mellow and laced with thirst. 
You answered his question by boldly fulfilling his request. You pressed your lips against his own, starting off the kiss with a harmless set of pecks and Jungkook instantly melted at the sensation. He’d been wanting to do that for so long. The truth was, he’d had his eye on you ever since Taehyung brought you to that one party years ago. 
The only reason he hadn’t pulled any moves on you was that he never got the chance to talk to you again. But then that night you showed up to the party years after, Jungkook shook off all the girls that surrounded him in their desperate attempts at throwing themselves onto him to spend his time with you--  the good girl, that cutie in his Potions class, Taehyung’s charming best friend. 
“I like honest guys,” you broke the innocent kiss to stare deeply into Jungkook’s eyes. His lips were immensely soft and you immediately regretted your decision of breaking the kiss.
“Does that mean you like me?” Jungkook grinned playfully and you watched his nose scrunch to reveal his bunny-like smile. You’d never seen such an innocent expression on his face before. 
“It was a general statement. I never mentioned you specifically,” you teased. 
A comforting silence passed as the two of you enjoyed star gazing in each other’s presence. Jungkook pointed out the important stars in the starry night and you were impressed at his knowledge. Evidently, Astronomy was his bravado. 
“Shit,” you interrupted his crash course on the subject. “Taehyung’s going to fucking kill me.” 
You both sat up after processing your statement. “I’ve been meaning to ask, are you sure he doesn’t have any feelings for you?” 
“Jungkook, he’s my best friend. We’ve been inseparable since we were children. I’m sure he only sees me as that.” 
Jungkook nodded and you felt a smile creep up your lips. “Why? Jealous already? I didn’t peg you to be the possessive type,” you chucked. 
“I know I can be dodgy but I can have real feelings too, you know.” 
“I think it’s because you’re dodgy that Tae’s worried. He’s always been protective of me because...” 
“Because he thinks I’m a bad influence on you,” Jungkook finished your sentence.
“He’s not wrong, you know” you joked. “After all, this is my first time sneaking out past curfew let alone with a boy.”
“But you said yourself that it was worth it.” 
“Yeah yeah, whatever Kookie,” you chuckled and the nickname sounded so natural from your lips. You expected him to share the laugh with you but he didn’t he was completely silent. 
“Say that again,” Jungkook said, his voice soft yet a little primitive. 
“Fuck,” Jungkook peered closer at your face. “That sounds sexy as hell coming from you.” 
You closed your eyes slowly, allowing Jungkook to kiss you for the second time that night, this time much more passionate than before. The kiss started off slow but eventually turned steamy-- your fingers in his noir locks as he trapped you in between his arms. You molded your soft lips to his liking, following his intense rhythm as you allowed him more access. Jungkook was losing himself in your sweet taste yet, self-control kicked in. Ironically, it was a quality he normally did not possess with other girls. 
“Jesus, where did you learn to kiss like that?” Jungkook’s voice was gruff in your ear as he began to trail teasing pecks down your neck. 
“I’m not as innocent as you think I am,” you said to his surprise and Jungkook peeled himself off you. 
“You’re right. Taehyung is going to kill you and me,” Jungkook said and sat back up. 
“Way to ruin the mood.”
6th Year // October // 1st Term
“Congratulations Taehyung’s group! You are the first group to successfully brew Felix Felicis. As promised, each member of your team will be rewarded 25 points towards their House,” your professor yelled enthusiastically. She must’ve been happy that someone finally managed to brew it after weeks since the start. 
“Professor,” Jungkook raised his hand to project his voice. “Can we alter the rewards a bit? I believe it’s unfair for Slytherin to be rewarded considering that I pretty much contributed nothing to this task. Can you instead give Taehyung 25 extra points?” Jungkook asked and all the girls discussed his generosity among themselves. 
“Understood,” the Professor nodded and Taehyung wasn’t as happy as you’d expect him to be. 
“Tae,” you whispered. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy?” 
“We’re talking after this, (Y/N),” Taehyung sounded monotone and too serious for your liking. 
“You’re scaring me,” you chuckled.
What was that supposed to mean? Taehyung was normally never like this. What was there to talk about? Throughout your entire friendship he’d only asked to talk once and when that happened, he yelled at you because you accidentally broke of his favourite One Piece figurines back in 5th grade.
“I can’t believe you,” Taehyung scolded. He folded his arms across his chest and you had a confused smile on your face. 
“What are you on about?” 
“You know exactly what I’m on about, (Y/N). Why did I have to find out through someone else that my best friend kissed the only guy I told her to stay away from?” Taehyung sounded so angry. He was practically holding back from throwing a punch at your wall. 
“Are you for real?” you extracted the seriousness from his question. “Tae, come on. You don’t have to get so upset about this. It’s not a big deal, I was going to tell you eventually,” you chuckled and Taehyung’s beady eyes only grew wider at your words. 
“(Y/N), I’m not mad about the fact that you didn’t tell me-- I’m pissed about the fact that you didn’t listen to me,” Taehyung frowned. 
“Since when did I have to listen to you? You’re my best friend, not my brother,” your smile faded into a frown to match the scowl on Tae’s face. 
“Well then let me be your brother for this case, (Y/N). I’m telling you to stay away from him. I know you better than you know yourself and even you admitted that so please,” he pleaded, the roughness in his voice dispersing into a desperate beg. “Don’t get close to him.” 
“Oh my god,” you groaned, throwing your hands up in the air. “Maybe I didn’t tell you because I knew you were going to be a little bitch about it.” 
“Oh, I’ll voluntarily be a massive bitch about it if it stops you from falling for the likes of him.” 
“The likes of him? Taehyung I bet you don’t even know Jungkook nearly as well as I do by now,” you defended instinctively. “I already know he sleeps around and his reputation isn’t top-notch but he’s actually a genuine guy if you give him a chance.” 
“That’s what all the girls say before their hearts get shattered, (Y/N). I can’t risk you being one of his fucking side chicks, okay?” Taehyung dropped his yelling because he knew it was only riling you up. 
“I can take care of myself, Taehyung. If you really are my best friend then shouldn’t you at least be considerate of my feelings towards him?” 
“Your feelings? Fuck me,” Taehyung cursed and smothered his face in his sweaty palms. “Please tell me you didn’t just say you had feelings for this guy.”
“I never said romantic feelings but even if I did, why does it matter to yo--”
“--Of course it matters to me! You’re my best friend and I can’t just sit here and watch you fall for this fuckwit when you can do so much better!” Taehyung yelled, much louder than he intended. He couldn’t control himself at that point and you flinched at his yelling. 
He noticed your trembling hands and softened his angry glare. “I’m only telling you because I’m worried about you. You get attached and fall for people easily so I don’t that happening with him.”
“You can tell me without fucking yelling in my face, asshole,” you retorted and he finally noticed the glaze of tears over your eyes. Taehyung chewed on his bottom lip.
“I did in the car but you didn’t listen to me.” 
A couple of days after...
After that happened, you found it impossible to approach Taehyung. Normally, when the two of you fought, it’d be quickly resolved with Taehyung’s begging soon after but this time was different. He didn’t pester you with apologies like he did in the past. Probably because he wasn’t in the wrong. 
He didn’t even come down to eat dinner some nights. He must’ve felt really shit. Deep down, you knew that Tae was only looking out for you. You just quickly wanted to make up with him and explain to him that you could take care of yourself. 
“Tae isn’t here again?” a familiar voice soothed your aching thoughts. 
You looked up from your dinner plate to find Jungkook sat across you. You merely shrugged your shoulders and he noticed your pained expression. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Jungkook asked, his voice soft and laced with concern. 
How could Taehyung be so unaccepting of this sweet boy across you? 
“Yeah, we’re still ignoring each other,” you stabbed your fork into the potato on your plate. “I’m sure we’ll get over it eventually,” you said in an emotionless tone but Jungkook knew you were feeling much worse on the inside. 
“He’s not talking to me either,” Jungkook sighed. “He told me from the beginning that you were off limits. I understand why though, I’ve done some pretty messed up things in the past.” 
“If he told you to stay away from me why did you bother, Jungkook.”
“Because I told you already. I’m interested in you,” he rubbed the back of his head, a cute habit of his whenever he got nervous. 
“Anyways, I’m going to go talk to Taehyung after dinner. You should try sort things out too. It’s been like 4 days since the last time you two talked-- I’m guessing that’s a new record.” 
“What do you want?” Taehyung was evidently annoyed. Jungkook could tell from the way his intimidating tone of voice. 
“I’m just here to talk,” he said. 
“You’re the last person I want to talk to,” Taehyng admitted. 
“Just deal with me for the next 15 minutes please,” Jungkook asked nicely and Taehyung grumbled, sitting himself down on a chair. 
“I know you don’t like me hanging around (Y/N),” Jungkook started and Tae immediately interjected with, “No shit.” 
“That’s why I’m here to ask why.” 
“Ask why?” Taehyung snorted. “I told you from the beginning. You already have the answer to that, Jungkook. People like you don’t deserve people like her. You’re corrupt and you’re the type of guy who sleeps with 20 girls on rotation. I don’t want her to be affiliated with someone like you because she’s pure and genuine and you’re nothing but a bad influence.”
“That’s exaggerated as fuck but yeah, I had a gut feeling you’d say that,” Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. 
“She’s innocent and she trusts people easily. I don’t want her to be falling for the wrong type of guy,” Taehyung said, a frown on his face. 
“What if I told you that I’m interested in more than fucking?” 
“That’s even worse because you’re the type of person to change within seconds. You’ll make her fall for you and then you’ll leave when you get bored. It’s no different to what you’re doing with others right now, just for a longer period of time. You can’t possibly be serious about wanting to... date her?” 
“Taehyung she’s really...” Jungkook sighed. “I know you think I’m lacking and that’s why you’re extra perhaps too protective of her but you have to believe me when I say I mean no harm.” 
“Look, your words mean nothing to me,” Taehyung growled as he stood up from his seat and stepped into Jungkook’s personal space. “But I know both you and (Y/N) well enough to say there’s no point in me trying to stop whatever shit goes on between you two. Talking to a fucking rock will make more sense than trying to interfere so I’m telling you right now, Jeon Jungkook.” 
“If you do anything to hurt her in any way, I’m going to fucking lose it.” Taehyung loosened the tight grip on Jungkook’s robe. 
Taehyung we really need to talk. Can you meet me outside the library after dinner? Sent: 6:42 PM
You waited nervously for his arrival, your clammy hands on your lap as you attempted to distract yourself by reading a book. People looked at you strangely. Why were you reading outside the library rather than inside? Because they didn’t know you were mentally preparing for a confrontation you were dreading with your closest and most treasured friend. 
You recognised the large shoes in front of you and you immediately looked up from the book to face Taehyung, a regretful smile painted on his lips. 
“Hey,” he said simply in his deep and soft voice. 
You were suddenly overwhelmed by his presence. You had this plan on telling him about your growing interest in Jungkook and how he should support you as a good best friend but at the sight of his vulnerable smile, you grew weak. Not knowing what to do-- you threw yourself onto him, standing up to tightly wrap your arms around him. You buried your face in his broad chest and he was definitely taken aback by the rather random embrace. 
It didn’t take long for Taehyung to return the reuniting hug. He squeezed his arms around your small frame to whisper a wispy, “I’m sorry” into your ear. The two of you hugged each other and finally let go to talk properly. 
“I’m sorry, Tae,” you said. 
“For what?” he chuckled. You were still holding onto his sleeve with your fingers. 
“Sorry for ignoring you and disregarding your concern,” your voice was a little hoarse. 
“And I’m sorry for yelling at you,” Taehyung pat your head lovingly and brushed your baby hairs in place with his long fingers. “You’re my best friend. You know how much I love you right, (Y/N)? I just don’t want you to get hurt.” 
You felt the exhale of his sigh on your cheek and you nodded understandingly. “I know Tae. Sorry for not realising sooner. I love you too.” 
6th Year // Halloween // 1st Term
“Where are you going? Aren’t you coming to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast?” Taehyung bumped into you as he came out of the Gryffindor common room. What perfect timing.
“I’m going to Honeydukes in Hogsmeade. I figured I should use the secret passage on floor 3 of the castle because I’m running late,” you glanced at the small watch strapped to your wrist and cursed at the time. He’d been waiting 15 minutes.
“I’m assuming you’re going to see Jungkook since you’re dressed so nicely,” Taehyung chuckled and you were surprised at his relaxed behaviour. “I wasn’t born yesterday, (Y/N). I know you’ve been seeing him the past month.” 
“We’re not dating or anything!” you clarified out of instinct. 
“Whatever,” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “He’s been surprisingly tame since you two became close so I’m letting things slide for now.” 
You hugged Taehyung quickly out of pure joy. “Thanks for giving him a chance for me, Tae.” 
“Be back before curfew,” he waved you off as you hopped onto the ever-changing staircases of the Hogwarts castle. 
“There she is,” Jungkook said, taking his hand out of his robe pocket to wave and you rushed over to him slightly out of breath. 
“I’m sorry I made you wait, Kook,” you apologised and Jungkook just smiled at your dolled-up appearance. 
“It’s all good, I didn’t have to wait long. Quidditch season starts soon so our team had an abrupt meeting. Sorry I didn’t have time to change out of my robes.”
“So what did you have planned?” you asked as you walked together towards Honeydukes, almost hand in hand as the distance that separated you and him was so minimal. 
Your relationship with Jungkook was still unknown, but everyone was starting to become suspicious of it. It wasn’t common for Jungkook to stick around a girl for any longer than a week so naturally, the girls started to treat you as their enemy as they were fuelled with jealousy. Much to everyone’s surprise, especially Taehyung’s, Jungkook had been ‘tame’ the past couple of months. 
He’d shown up to classes regularly and his grades were better than ever but what was most surprising was- he wasn’t sleeping around. No one could believe that you were the solution to ending Jungkook’s dirty methods. Even yourself. 
He was too good to be true. The rumours you heard previously from Taehyung were no more as he managed stayed loyal to you. You couldn’t believe how quickly he adverted his methods. You convinced yourself that surely it wasn’t just you that explained Jungkook’s change. Perhaps it was because he was in 6th year now he decided to get serious about his studies. Because if you were the only reason for his change, then he would’ve progressed your relationship by now. Or at least hinted to you of how much you meant to him. 
The thing was, Jungkook was terrified of the whole ‘relationship’ thing. It was a completely new ground for him because all he’s had was flings or sexually benefitting relationships in the past. Not one relationship he’d been in was revolved around mutual trust and connection like the two of you shared. So naturally, he was even more scared of messing up because he actually cared this time around. 
But he decided that it was time to show some form of commitment. He didn’t want to risk being completely bro-zoned like Taehyung. Plus, there’s no way you’d reject him, right? You wouldn’t come to these little exclusive ‘hang-outs’ if you weren’t interested in him, right? 
“Kook are you alright?” your hand felt warm on his smooth cheek and he flinched in surprise. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” he lied. “Let’s buy some candy,” Jungkook suggested. 
He opened the door for you and you went in first, taking off your noir trench to reveal the little black dress underneath. 
“Did you wear this for me?” Jungkook spoke softly in your ear before planting a chaste kiss on your exposed collarbone. The loving action made you blush. 
Jungkook took a whiff of your new cologne your parents had sent over from home. The irresistible scent was a combination of soothing Jasmine and Ashe wood. He felt his insides go weak from your cloying scent-- that was his weakness, after all.  
“I like to think I dress for myself,” you joked and Jungkook chuckled.
The two of you scanned the towers of confectionary, stood side by side, your shoulder touching the side of his arm. You felt Jungkook’s warm hand shift from inside his pocket to his side, the tip of his finger grazed yours. His hand brushed against yours before he went for it, intertwining his long ‘piano’ fingers with your own. 
You glanced down to look at another one of his affectionate gestures and it raised your eyebrow in confusion. “Jungkook,” you whispered inaudibly. 
“Mmm?” His gaze was trained on the strange coloured gobstoppers in-front of him, pretending to look immersed in the candy when in reality he was shitting himself. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask...” you felt Jungkook’s thumb rub your index finger. It was a small yet comforting sensation. “What exactly are we?” 
The words finally came out-- after countless nights of debating whether or not you should say it. You didn’t want to sound desperate because your ego was on the line. 
“I don’t know,” he answered absentmindedly and you frowned at his answer. “What do you want us to be?” he cleverly reverted the question back to you. 
“I asked first so you should answer first,” you remarked in a witty tone. 
“Well...” Jungkook sighed. You felt your palm go sweaty from his lack of response. “Since I’m not good with words, maybe I’ll show you,” Jungkook stated before gently pulling you into his chest. 
Her interlocked your lips with his, your eyes wide at yet another sudden symbol of his desire. He’d never kissed you in public before-- but you didn’t mind. You melted into his touch, resting your arms on his broad shoulders to indulge in his sweet kiss. You played with his noir locks and you could feel peoples’ stare on you two. He broke the kiss to stare deeply into your eyes and muttered a statement you’d been dreaming to hear. 
“I like you,” he confessed and all you could do was stare blankly at his lips in response. 
Then, Jungkook grew weak at your shy smile. It was so demure and sincere, it made his chest fuzzy with warmth. 
You didn’t really know what to do. You weren’t expecting him to say it that day. “Aren’t you going to say it back?” 
“I like you too,” you whispered, barely audible and Jungkook happily peered his ear closer to your lips. 
“What was that, baby girl? I couldn’t hear you,” Jungkook said in a teasing tone. His signature bunny smile and nose scrunch were suddenly so overwhelming up close. 
“I said I’m hungry,” you lied and Jungkook laughed at your timid comeback.
“Thanks for walking me back here. You should go before anyone sees you here,” you smoothened the cotton fabric on his green accented robes, your palms smooth on his chest and his hands on your hips to pull you closer to his body. 
“Mmm,” Jungkook hummed, completely intoxicated by your fragrance. “Have I complimented your new perfume? It’s absolutely divine,” he sighed and rested his head upon your shoulder to inhale more of the charming scent. 
“Kook you’ve told me at least 3 times tonight. I’m starting to think you like it more than I do,” you smiled. 
 The two of you stayed like that for a while, muttering sweet nothings into each other’s ears. It was a dangerous spot for Jungkook to be in, you were aware. 
“Jungkook, you should really go. I don’t want you to get in trouble,” you convinced, your fingers combing through his soft hair. 
“You don’t want me around you anymore?” he joked. “Heartless, (Y/N). I knew you’d leave me after I confessed to you. What a heartbreaker,” he chuckled into your ear, a rich and husky sound and you giggled at his playfulness. 
“Yes, this was my plan all along,” you played along. 
“Can I at least spend the night with you before you leave me forever?” Jungkook flirted smoothly and you laughed again. 
“No, you may not spend the night with her,” A voice suddenly answered his request. The two of you immediately distanced yourselves and whipped your heads to the direction of the sound, panic on your features.
Taehyung stood there, a raised eyebrow to showcase how unimpressed he was. But you were just relieved it was him and not a teacher. 
“Jesus Tae! You scared me!” you exclaimed with a sigh of relief. “Thank God it’s just you.” 
“Thank God I didn’t walk into you two fucking,” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “You guys are lucky it’s me and not anyone else. Be more careful about these things. Now Jungkook and I should really get out of here before anyone else walks in. I was just here to check up on (Y/N).” 
“Seriously starting to think you’re my dad and not my best friend.” 
“Whatever, loser. Your parents actually paid me to be your friend since the beginning so no surprise,” Taehyung laughed and dragged Jungkook out of the girls' dormitory. 
“Sweet dreams!” Jungkook called out and you heard the door shut behind the two. 
6th Year // Mid November // 1st Term
“Don’t you want to see me train in the mornings?” Jungkook asked. 
“No, Jungkook. There’s already your fan club at every practice and it’s so brutally cold in the mornings,” you said for the thousandth time. You brushed off the subtle hand on your shoulder because you knew you’d soon fall easily to his persuasion. 
“But they’re not you. I’ll let you wear my jacket,” he suggested with a glint of hope in his eyes. 
“Yeah and then those girls can hate me even more. It’s like I’m rubbing it in their faces that I’m wearing your jacket and not them.” 
“Okay then let’s make a deal,” he attempted. “You come to practice for the next week and I’ll help with your Astronomy studies?”
“You have to help me regardless,” you chuckled. 
“No I don’t,” he smirked cheekily. “I was just being nice the previous times.” 
Your mouth dropped open at his words. “Hey, that’s dirty play!” Jungkook quickly kissed your cheek before rushing off to his next class. 
“See you tomorrow morning, 6AM!” he yelled as ran away from you. He wasn’t even your boyfriend, why was he being so affectionate. But you weren’t complaining. Who in their right mind would complain, he’s Jeon Jungkook. 
But no matter how likable Jungkook was, the fact that you absolutely weren’t a morning person wasn’t going to change anytime soon. 
“I hate you,” you grumbled, balled up in his gigantic hoodie. 
“Oh come on, (Y/N). It’s not that cold,” he lied. He took off his green scarf to wrap around your neck, his hands trembling from the freezing cold. You looked so small and cozy with his massive hoodie and now his Slytherin scarf that covered your lips. 
You could see his breath practically freeze in the air whenever he exhaled. Fall mornings were always chilly and despite knowing, you still showed up. Jungkook was wearing his Quidditch uniform which consisted of a green sweater, white shorts and a navy-green robe over the top.
“You’re shivering,” you couldn’t help but chuckle as his hand continued to tremble from the gust of freezing wind. 
"Jungkook!” his team captain called out and he put his thumbs up. He planted a quick kiss on your forehead before running off to the rest of his team. 
You felt the multiple piercing stares on your back from Jungkook’s supposed ‘fangirls’. But as soon as they hopped on their brooms, their glares disappeared into loud cheers for the Slytherin team. 
It was no surprise that Jungkook was good at the sport-- he was one of the fastest flyers in all of Hogwarts, possibly rivaling the 7th year players. He looked truly in the zone when he played, his gaze concentrated on the Quaffle. A subconscious smile stretched your cheeks everytime he did something. 
An hour into the training, you were completely immersed in their eye-catching drill, your cheering now in-sync with the girls behind you at their flashy flying techniques and commendable skills. Jungkook looked down from high above and waved at you. You waved back and so did the girls at the back. 
Before you knew it, training finished and it was time to head to breakfast. He was out of breath and tired, the cold air helped in soothing his exercised muscles. You passed him the water bottle and he muttered a small ‘thanks’ under his breath. 
“Wow I didn’t know I was this rusty,” he chuckled and you looked so confused at his statement. 
“What do you mean? You were brilliant,” you complimented. 
“I haven’t been this unfit in awhile. I should’ve trained during summer break instead of getting wasted every day,” he gulped all of the water down. 
He noticed your smile fade at the mention of his reckless lifestyle. “I mean I don’t go to them anymore,” he reassured, patting your head. “Come on, let’s go get breakfast,” Jungkook changed the topic and the two of you walked hand-in-hand towards the Hall. 
6th Year // Late November // 1st Term
The two of you had been getting weird stares. Weirder than normal. Everything had been sunshine and rainbows for you two-- Jungkook now very tame and loyal towards you so naturally, you were ecstatic beyond reason. But everyone’s stares or dare to say... glares had been terrorising Jungkook as he walked down the busy corridor with you beside him. 
You caught the students whispering to each other, muttering small phrases under their breath as they gave Jungkook such belittling gazes. 
What had happened? 
Jungkook was practically the idol of your cohort and now suddenly everyone was distancing themselves from him. 
“Jungkook,” you whispered. “Why are they all looking at you like that?” 
You noticed him swallow hard, his Adam’s Apple bobbled in anxiety. “I don’t know,” he said simply but you noticed some sweat roll down on his forehead. 
“Don’t worry about it. Maybe they suddenly remembered about your reckless summer?” you suggested to comfort him to an extent. 
“Maybe,” Jungkook said quietly. 
Throughout the week, the glares only started to become worse. Their disgusted expressions gradually lead to everyone stopping their paths just to stare him down. It was something you weren’t willing to take any more. Jungkook had been terribly quiet about the situation, almost as if guilt or fear had consumed all his confidence he once possessed. 
“Jungkook,” you moved a strand of hair out of his eye. “Is there something you’re not telling me?” you asked in a gentle voice and he immediately averted his gaze to your feet. 
“I’ll tell you when the time is right,” he said and brushed off your hand before walking away to his dorm. A strand of whispers followed behind him as Jungkook’s paranoia grew to devour him. 
You heard a knock on your door and you attended to it immediately, praying that it was Jungkook to explain how everything was a late Halloween prank. Instead, Taehyung showed up much to your surprise. He didn’t sneak out unless it was important. And judging from his serious face, you were sure Taehyung had gotten down to the bottom of the problem already. 
You quickly shut the door behind him and expected him to start rambling straight away but he didn’t. It made you even more scared than you already were. 
“Tae?” you said, an uncomfortable smile on your lips. “Did something happen?” 
“How much do you like Jungkook?” he interjected instead of answering your question. 
You looked taken aback at his sudden question. “I mean... a lot I guess. He’s so sweet and we get along unbelievably well.”
“What if I told you he’s a criminal? Would you still think he’s sweet?” Taehyung asked, a dark glare trained on your eyes. 
“What are you talking about?” you laughed in disbelief, eyebrows furrowed like a V at his unhealthy joke. “I know you don’t exactly trust him but you trust me, right? So when I tell you that he’s sincere you believe me, don’t you? Don’t you think to call him a criminal is too exaggerative?”
“He seemed so whipped about you I presumed that he wasn’t as bad as I initially thought. He hadn’t been causing any problems or mischief and that’s why I’ve been so lenient about this whole thing,” Taehyung paced around your room, his footsteps heavy on the wooden flooring. 
“But I have to interfere. I know how much you like him, I’ve seen the way you look at him but I’m sorry, (Y/N). You can’t fall anymore for him,” Taehyung pleaded. 
“Taehyung,” you said in a gruff voice. “You’re not telling me why. I swear to God if this is the same fight we had last time I’m going to find it much harder to forgive you this time around.”
“It’s not. I can assure you that because he really fucked up. Why do you think everyone else is staring at him like that? I shouldn’t have brought you to that party.” 
“Can you please just tell me what the issue is for fuck's sake,” you massaged your throbbing head with your fingertips. Taehyung inhaled a large breath before he told you. 
“He erased his family’s memories,” Taehyung finally said, barely audible. 
“He erased their memories just so he could fuck around. That’s why he was at every dodgy party during the break because there was no one stopping him from doing whatever he wanted.”
“No,” you shook your head in disbelief. “This is just another one of those sick rumours everyone makes up because they’re bored. Even still, this one’s taking it too far.” 
“I know it’s hard to believe but it’s the truth.” 
“Jungkook would-- he would never do that!” you raised your voice. “He’s not like the rumours at all. Sure he slept around but he didn’t purposefully break the girls’ hearts for his personal satisfaction. He told me it was them that got attached. He never did, so naturally, people are going to bitch about him because they got rejected.” 
“Clarifying his behaviour doesn’t prove anything at this point, (Y/N).” 
“Yes it does! I’m saying that these rumours are all one-sided. You guys don’t know what actually happened but you all assume the worst of him regardless!” 
“If you’re so sure he’s innocent why don’t you go ask him yourself!” Taehyung yelled at you and his deep voice bounced off your walls. 
“Fine! I will!”
You managed to sneak into the Slytherin boys dormitory, not a single care in the world about getting into trouble then. There were bigger problems on the line. You slammed his door open before locking it behind you, chest burning with the need for air as you ran as fast as you could to reach him. 
“(Y/N)?” Jungkook was evidently surprised at your rash presence. “What are you doing here?” He got up from his bed and quickly walked over to your exhausted state. 
“Is it true?” you huffed. “Are the rumours true?” you panted and he smoothed his palm on your back to steady your breathing. “It’s a joke right? You didn’t actually erase their memories right? I know you’re smart but that spell is extremely advanced.” 
“Breathe first,” Jungkook said and your vision was going blurry from your lack of breath. 
“You couldn’t have done it. They haven’t even taught us how to use that charm.” 
“(Y/N),” his voice sounded soft as he sat you down on the chair. “Please stop panicking.” 
“How can you expect me not panic? You didn’t really erase their memories did you, Jungkook?” you glanced up at him, a desperate smile of disbelief on your face. 
He had a thin line across his lips. He wasn’t denying any of it and you fell silent from reading his sorrowful expression. 
“You can’t be serious,” you muttered under your breath, your hand over your lips in complete denial. “Please tell me you’re joking.” 
“It’s the truth,” he admitted. You rested your head in your palms in an attempt to absorb the words that fell from his lips. “I erased their memories.” 
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konfics · 7 years
characters: kang daniel, reader
summary: part 4 of 10 kang daniel things series
word count: 972
“BABE!” She hears her boyfriend yell somewhere from his room.
“What?” She shouts back from the living room, hitting the space button on her laptop to pause the YouTube video and waits for a reply.
“Have you seen my Stussy hoodie?” Daniel echoes back.
“What about my Stussy tee?”
“Which one?”
“No!” She repeats and hits the space button to continue playing the video.
She is halfway through the video when Daniel reappears from his room. The grieve over the loss of his clothes is evident on his face when she looks at him. His brows are drawn closer together as he frowns, looking around for any sight of his clothes like a lost puppy.
“They kept disappearing and reappearing lately but now I can’t find them at all,” he mumbles as he flips the pillows on the couch she is sitting on. Seeing none of the clothes on his wanted list beneath the pillows, he gives up and throws himself down beside her. When she does not pay any attention to him, he throws his arms around her and buries his face in the crook of her neck.
“Aw I’m sure they’ll come back to you,” she pats his head distractedly, trying to increase the volume of the video because Daniel is whining too loudly.
“At least you still have your other ones like your Stussy socks, Stussy hat...” She goes on and lists all the apparel of the same brand that her boyfriend owns. After knowing that half his closet was filled with checkered flannels, she also found out that the other half was mostly made up of Stussy clothing though he mostly only wears them at home, so she doesn’t see why he is so upset about not being able to find them, honestly.
The video ends. “You only wear them at home, anyway.”
“True.” Daniel unburies his face and looks at her laptop screen. “Then there’s no need for you to watch these makeup tutorials too, since you mostly stay with me at home anyway.” He chuckles.
“That.. is not true...” She denies, but she knows it is. Ever since they have been together officially, they stopped going on as many dates as before and mostly spend their time together every weekend lazing around at home. She doesn’t mind it though.
“That’s because you don’t bring me out on dates anymore,” she says sourly. “Ever since you got me you stopped putting in effort. I shouldn’t have said yes to you,” she sighs dramatically and shuts her laptop. Daniel laughs watching his girlfriend complain because he knows she doesn’t mean it one bit.
“Let’s go on a date now then.” She turns and sees Daniel beaming at her at a proximity closer than she has estimated, their noses almost touching. She sees his pouty pink lips and instinctively gives them a playful kiss. Daniel laughs contentedly before he mimics her action, returning the same kiss. And it’s moments like this that are why she really does not mind just staying at home with Daniel.
He closes the distance between them again, his hand coming to rest on the side of her waist. This kiss lasts, albeit rather slowly and sloppy. She removes the pillow that she has been hugging and wraps her arms around his neck, fingers lost in her favorite caramel hair. He caresses her side through the familiar fabric of her shirt, then he pulls away slowly.
“Babe...” He sees his girlfriend wearing a grey shirt and when he looks down, the Stussy logo in the middle of her torso.
“You said you didn’t see my shirt.”
She looks down this time and sees her boyfriend’s shirt on her. “Oh... Technically I didn’t..” She laughs, feeling stupid that she has forgotten what she was wearing. “Since it was on me...” She removes one hand from his neck and clasps it against her mouth to stop herself from bursting out loud at the look of disbelief on Daniel’s face.
The corners of his lips lift when he sees her shaking with laughter. “Oh my god. You thief! Is my hoodie with you too?”
She freezes, remembering that she had indeed worn it home last week. She stares into his eyes and nods, before bursting into laughter again when she sees him shaking his head dramatically murmuring, “I trusted you.”
“Wait. Then are you wearing my boxers too?! I couldn’t find one of them this morning.” Daniel teases thoughtlessly, and is alarmed when he sees her freeze again and nod. Then for some reason, he has the surging urge to continue the kiss from before.
“What the fuck?” He murmurs. “You can’t just do that.”
“Do what?” She backs away slightly, afraid of her boyfriend's antics.
She’s relieved and admittedly pleased when he says, “You can’t just turn me on like that.” She stares at him, anticipating his next move.
“Or wear my clothes and underwear like that. I’m afraid I’ll need you to take them off now.” He only gives her a moment to react before he grabs her ankles and pulls her easily back to him, returning her legs rightfully back to his lap. The shirt on her had ridden up in the process, revealing her long legs and giving his hands an easier access to what’s beneath it.
She doesn’t stop it when he takes her lips once again, the kiss much more urgent this time. His tongue slides into her mouth the same time his large hands travel upwards her legs, raising goosebumps. She tastes a hint of the strawberry yogurt they had together earlier when the warmth of her tongue meets his before his hands slip beneath her shirt, and soon enough they were both craving for more of each other.
Though she doubts she’ll ever get enough of him.
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How Many times do you edit your photos
It only takes a few clicks and a tap these days to upload a picture of your "model-perfect" figure to Instagram.
That's because with the rise of photo-editing apps, we can now easily replicate the work of a professional retoucher on their smartphones.
The apps in question can manipulate photos to slim waists, add height, shrink legs and enlarge breasts in just a few seconds.
But should you really rush off and download these apps in a bid to up your social media game?
Here are some of the things to think about before you do.
When you read the Instagram comments, scrolling past the "love this outfit" or "so beautiful", it so often comes back to the shadow.
"Where is ur shadow." "Sun is shining the wrong way on your face." "Where is her shadow at though???"
The truth is that in the highly posed Instagram photos of Miquela Sousa, the 19-year-old fashion-world influencer from LA with 1 million followers, she doesn't have a shadow, because to have a shadow, you have to exist.
And Miquela doesn't exist.
Lil Miquela, as she is known, is an unreal protagonist in a science-fiction-like narrative unfolding online.
Her story is both shaking up what it means to be authentic on social media — even what it means to be real — and giving an insight into where branding and marketing might be headed.
Who is Lil Miquela?
She's a model and musician, of sorts.
"Of sorts" meaning she is actually a computer-generated image, the work of an LA-based artificial intelligence firm called Brud.
She posts selfies "wearing" labels like Diesel, Stussy and Prada and "hanging out" with various musicians and fashion industry figures at restaurants in New York City and LA, and has released a handful of popular singles.
She's been in "photoshoots" in magazines like Interview and Highsnobiety, but it's not clear how those images are created.
She has given interviews — via email — before, though her PR people, a New York City advertising firm, declined to make her, or Brud, available to the ABC to explain exactly what is going on here.
Is it an attempt to manufacture an influencer, someone with a lot of social media followers who can spruik brands' products? Is it a branding exercise for an AI firm?
To Ryan Shelley, a social media expert from the firm Pepper IT, the fact that a "melodrama" has unfolded recently around Miquela's existence suggests the power of this particular piece of storytelling.
"Some people tune in and watch the Kardashians on TV," he said. "People are tuning into Instagram and they are watching the self-realisation of a robot."
What is the 'melodrama', exactly?
It's complicated. Buckle up.
In April, Miquela's Instagram account was "hacked" by Bermuda, another CGI Instagram figure, but a more politically conservative one. (Bermuda is a Trump supporter; Miquela posts about Black Lives Matter and transgender rights.)
Bermuda pushed Miquela to reveal the truth about her existence: that she was a robot created by a shady Silicon Valley corporation (which doesn't seem to exist in the real world) and that her management, Brud (which does exist), had lied to her about her origins.
Miquela posted about the difficulty of discovering she was not a real person.
As Dr Tama Leaver, an associate professor of internet studies at Curtin University, points out, this is a classic trope of science fiction:
"It is the idea that a character, or an entity or a piece of software created for a specific purpose is gaining some sort of level of awareness beyond its original purpose, and in the process is almost becoming sentient.
"That's the story being told. I don't believe for a minute that's actually happening, but I do think the way that story is being played out — as if this character, who is being managed by this company, has lost faith in their manager and is now becoming a purer version of themselves — is almost like the perfect combination of a model and a child-like innocence."
The drama not only endeared Miquela more fully to her fans — through her pain and vulnerability, she seemed to become more real — it also boosted her follower count.
That, in turns, makes her more attractive to brands.
It's unclear what Brud, which describes itself as a group of "problem solvers specialising in robotics, artificial intelligence and their applications to media businesses," hopes to get out of this exercise.
Mr Shelley said it was likely Brud was working on lifelike digital marketing technology, and Miquela was their prototype.
"This is sort of their brochure ... their demonstration to the market," he said.
"I think this is just that next step of putting a human face on the robots and automated machines that we are already chatting to."
Miquela is sparking a rethink of what constitutes reality on social media
Instagram trades on the idea of authenticity — you follow someone because you want that behind-the-scenes insight into their life.
But what about filters? What about all the stuff people choose not to post about? What about the money influencers get for spruiking certain products?
Dr Leaver, who has written about authenticity on social media, considers Miquela the "pinnacle" of influencer culture, because she makes no claims to authenticity.
"At the end of the day, in some ways, she is a pure influencer — she is all the influence without all the stuff we are not supposed to see," he said.
ABC News. (2019). Insta-famous Miquela Sousa has 1.1 million followers. But she doesn't exist. [online] Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-05-21/miquela-sousa-instagram-famous-influencer-cgi-ai/9767932 [Accessed 10 Jan. 2019].
0 notes
fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
How The Bum Bag Became Cool Again
How The Bum Bag Became Cool Again
A curved peak baseball cap sits above an oversized graphic tee, which has been tucked messily into the waistband of a pair of loose-fitting, stonewash jeans. Below these are a pair of tightly-laced, bulky trainers; the sort your secondary school gym teacher used to wear morning, noon and night. And, to top it all off, the obligatory bum bag (aka fanny pack).
There was a time not long ago when such an outfit was universally recognised as the classic ‘American dad goes sightseeing in a European city’ uniform. However thanks to fashion’s ongoing quest to appropriate literally everything, it could now just as easily be describing the most talked-about look at a Paris Fashion Week haute couture runway show.
But there’s one key detail that has changed. Bum bags have crept up north of the waistline in a thinly-veiled attempt to cast off their embarrassing title. And it worked. Cross-body bags, as they’re now known, are one of the hottest trends to have emerged from streetwear’s ever-tightening stranglehold on high fashion and if you don’t already have one, those in the know advise that it’s probably time to pick one up.
“The cross-body bag trend derived from the blur between menswear and womenswear,” says Notion Magazine fashion coordinator, Joshua Meredith. “Rappers also drove the trend. However, to them it’s better known as a ‘road man bag’. A$AP Rocky and Skepta favour the style and have been instrumental in bringing it into the mainstream.”
When it comes to styling, Meredith suggests keeping things bright or finding other ways to add a point of difference. “A bold colour or print elevates an outfit and adds an extra layer. Also, source vintage designer before going straight for the latest season – it makes the outfit more personal and unique.”
Ready to saddle up? Here are some of the best ways to spend your money.
The North Face
Okay, so a cross-body bag probably isn’t the most practical type of luggage for hauling breathing apparatus and tents up the side of a snow-covered cliff face in the Himalayas. But if you were going to use one for that, you’d probably still opt for The North Face.
The brand’s bags have become the gold standard for everyone from hardened mountaineers to South-London roadmen. And with a customer base that diverse it must be doing something right.
Buy Now: £25.00
In between making high-performance sportswear and the best retro sneakers ever to walk the Earth, Nike has somehow found the time to churn out some of the most popular cross-body bags going.
Pricing is reasonable, designs are classic, and aside from that, you can expect subtle swoosh branding aplenty and sleek, sporty styling as standard.
Buy Now: £12.47
In the bag game since the 1950s, Bostonian backpack brand Eastpak knows a thing or two about what makes a good receptacle.
Designs are simple and uncluttered, with practicality at the fore. Meanwhile, branding is subtle, and construction is damn near bulletproof, resulting in timeless luggage you can keep going back to season after season.
Buy Now: £22.00
Looking for an eco-friendly bag to stuff your granola bar and spare Hacky Sack in for a hectic day slacklining shirtless in the park? Sustainable outdoor label Patagonia has what you need.
The brand is known for creating hard-wearing kit for adventurers, while also saving the planet by using recycled and organic materials, meaning you can feel good about rocking one of its practical yet stylish cross-body bags wherever you go.
Buy Now: £25.00
The label of choice for everyone from Olympic athletes to hip-hop heroes, German sportswear giant Adidas is about as iconic as names get.
Now, with the current wave of logomania showing no sign of slowing down, the famous trefoil motif is more relevant than ever before, making the brand with the three stripes a solid choice when it comes to selecting some trend-led luggage.
Buy Now: £39.98
On paper, making denim overalls for redneck car mechanics doesn’t seem like a natural jumping off point for going on to create some of the finest streetwear in Europe, but that’s exactly what Carhartt did, and we certainly aren’t complaining.
Come for the streetwear styling, stay for the rugged quality. It’s all in a day’s work for the brand’s cross-body bags.
Buy Now: £34.99
It’s funny to think that many of the streetwear-influenced looks being paraded down runways wouldn’t exist if it hadn’t been for a Californian surfer and his T-shirt brand.
Stussy is the granddaddy of the streetwear world, and as such, does it better than most. Opt for one of its cross-body bags and watch your street cred inflate like a beach ball right before your eyes.
Buy Now: £95.00
At a century old, Champion is one of the oldest sporting goods companies in the world, so it should be no surprise that it’s gotten pretty good at its craft.
From reverse weave hoodies to canvas cross-body bags, Champion’s products are famously well built. Don’t just take our word for it though. Get shopping and find out for yourself.
Buy Now: £29.00
This whole ‘streetwear meets high fashion’ crossover thing is all well and good, but it’s not exactly easy on the ol’ wallet, is it?
Thankfully, there’s a solution: ASOS. The online retailer carries all the latest trend-led pieces –including cross-body bags – as part of its in-house brand and brings them to style-savvy customers with convenience and value for money in mind.
Buy Now: £18.00
Whatever you’re after, you can always count on Swedish high street stalwart H&M to give it to you for a sensible price.
The retailer is known not just for its selection of wardrobe-building menswear staples, but also for its ever-changing rotation of trend-driven products, of which cross-body bags are now a part.
Buy Now: £15.00
If the idea of spending significant amounts of cash on a bag you can’t even fit a water bottle in makes you feel slightly ill, may we kindly advise you to avert your eyes now.
Luxury Italian label Gucci isn’t exactly known for its bargain prices, but then again this level of quality and, let’s face it, fashion cred, was never going to come cheap. So, for some of the most coveted cross-body bags on the market, Gucci is the brand to choose.
Buy Now: £420.00
Whether you love him or hate him, you can’t deny Virgil Abloh is redefining fashion by doing things strictly on his terms.
His label Off-White is one of the imprints spearheading streetwear’s siege on high fashion and has been instrumental in changing the face of modern style. With that in mind, where better to spend your hard-earned cash?
Buy Now: £425.00
Louis Vuitton
The undisputed king of high-end luggage, Louis Vuitton’s famous monogram print has become a universally recognised symbol of luxury, whether it’s stamped onto a leather trunk or a cross-body bag.
Expect full-grain leather construction, shiny golden brass hardware and attention to detail that comes second to none.
Buy Now: £925.00
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The Designer T-Shirts Everyone Wants To Be Seen In Right Now
The Designer T-Shirts Everyone Wants To Be Seen In Right Now
Ah, the humble T-shirt. Is there anything it can’t do? Well, obviously, yes, there are loads of things it can’t do but sartorially speaking, probably not. Dress it up with tailoring for an evening out, or pair it with joggers and a few dollops of spilled salsa, much to the disgust of your significant other, for an evening in. The point is, this wonder garment is one of the most versatile items in your wardrobe.
And right now, designer T-shirts in particular are having something of a menswear moment. Loud logos from baller brands are trending hard, but it’s about more than sleeveless stunting. The fact that the T-shirt is a staple is a reason to spend more, not less.
Yes, it’s financially tempting to visit a budget chain and pick up a bin liner full of plain white tees, but doing so won’t actually save you any money in the long run. Once you wear them you’ll realise that your nipples are clearly visible under certain light, they fade easily and will soon be relegated to the pile of clothes you keep for doing the DIY in.
Investing in a few high-quality designer T-shirts from respected names may cost you a little (or a lot) more, but those premium materials and superior construction will be evident the moment you slip one over your head.
So, what should you be buying?
Classic, understated designs will never fall from favour, so if you want to keep things clean and timeless then these are what you want to be aiming for. Paying for a brand name may hike up the price significantly, but spend the extra cash and you’ll be more likely to find a flattering fit, meaning more wearability and bang for your buck in the long run.
“A good quality plain T-shirt is an essential for any man of any age,” explains Damien Paul, head of menswear at high-end clothing retailer Matches Fashion. “We all think of the likes of Steve McQueen or James Dean when we reference a plain white tee – it’s a timeless piece, a no brainer. The bonus is you can wear with a suit, jeans, chinos, shorts. It never feels old and that is very much part of the charm.”
Alternatively, if you’re not scared of throwing yourself at the odd fashion trend, give the big logo thing a go. Huge brand logos on T-shirts are a big deal at the moment, with esteemed houses such as Gucci leading the way, flanked by trailblazers like Off-White and Vetements.
“The ‘logomania’ trend continues,” says Paul. “Rooted in the ’90s [revival] and a signifier of conspicuous consumption, I think the appeal has been helped by the fact that logo tees ‘pop’ on social media and are popular with musicians.”
Yes, some of these T-shirts may cost more than a two-week all-inclusive holiday to the Canary Islands, but if you’ve got the money to burn then we’re not here to judge.
And, while there may be no logical reason for spending in excess of a ton on something that probably cost less than your morning coffee to make, there are dozens of completely illogical ones. And aren’t they the best?
The Best Designer T-Shirt Brands To Buy Into Right Now
Leading the logomania trend is historic Italian trendsetter Gucci. The respected label has been one of fashion’s hardest hitters since its creation in the 1920s and has long counted some of the biggest names on the face of the earth among its style disciples.
For unadulterated luxury, show-off prestige and that iconic green and red colouring, there’s no-one that comes close right now.
Buy Now: £340.00
Comme des Garçons PLAY
Rei Kawakubo’s future-shaping Japanese label has earned itself a reputation as one of the most forward-thinking names in fashion. However, if you’re not quite ready to leave the house dressed like a grey turd with a ripped-up Brillo pad on top, Comme des Garçons’s PLAY line is a good starting point.
CDG PLAY features the iconic ‘bug-eyed heart’ motif and is known for its simple staple pieces, as well as bold logo T-shirts, making it the perfect way to nod to high fashion without looking like a total cabbage.
Buy Now: £72.00
Streetwear may be the new face of haute couture but it wouldn’t be where it is now if it hadn’t been for an enterprising Californian surfer who goes by the name of Shawn Stussy. His eponymous brand quickly became known for its logo T-shirts and bold graphics and it almost single-handedly sparked the movement that has infiltrated the upper echelons of fashion.
Expect heavy branding, graphics, bold colours, tie-dye and script logos aplenty.
Buy Now: £74.00
Known for its rock ‘n’ roll aesthetic and military styling, Balmain is – and has for a very long time been – one of the hottest brands in fashion. The label has been doing things on its own terms since 1946 and has earned admiration from some of the most iconic names in entertainment in the process.
In recent years, the Parisian fashion house has been closely associated with the big logo trend, blowing up its instantly recognisable typeface and putting it to premium hoodies, T-shirts and much more.
Buy Now: £185.00
Calvin Klein
It may be best known for keeping your plums housed to the highest-standard, but American label Calvin Klein is good for many more things besides top-notch underwear. With Belgian tastemaker Raf Simons at the helm as chief creative officer, the beloved brand is moving in a bold new direction but the classic designer T-shirts have remained pretty much unchanged.
It’s the go-to for sleek branding, quality fabrics and nineties nostalgia.
Buy Now: £44.99
Encapsulating everything there is to love about Parisian style, A.P.C. has been serving as an impeccable example of the city’s fuss-free credentials for more than 30 years. Famed for its premium quality wardrobe staples, the brand has become the go-to for clued-up consumers who don’t feel the need to go overboard with their outfits.
This is the stripped-back, simplistic style that the French do better than almost anyone.
Buy Now: £95.00
At almost 100 years old, Spanish label Balenciaga is one of the most esteemed names in high fashion, something which is evident in its ability to consistently remain one step ahead of the curve. In recent years, the brand has dominated street style galleries and runways with its Demna Gvasalia-designed chunky trainers and logo-laden T-shirts, thereby cementing itself as the hottest trailblazing brand in the world.
Shop here for cutting-edge styles, tongue-in-cheek graphics and bold branding. Just don’t expect it to come cheap.
Buy Now: £345.00
Founded by Japanese designer Kenzo Takada, French fashion house Kenzo is known for its jungle-inspired designs, use of vibrant colours, striking patterns and ostentatious branding.
Logo sweats and tees have become something of a calling card for the brand’s ready-to-wear range, making it the perfect place to pick up a statement T-shirt that gets you noticed for all the right reasons.
Buy Now: £85.00
Fashion designer and street style favourite Alexandre Mattiusi set up AMI with the goal of dressing real men in real clothes, as opposed to creating pieces solely for the runway. Today the French label does just that, providing a reliable source of easy-to-wear classics and timeless styles at prices that aren’t completely unrealistic.
Buy Now: £69.00
Love it or hate it, there’s no denying that Vetements is doing something right. The boundary-pushing design collective has been at the forefront of fashion for several years and that’s something that doesn’t look set to change anytime in the near future.
The label’s T-shirts have seen Vetements hit headlines across the globe – most notably when it sent Gosha Rubchinskiy down the runway in a DHL top – but if you want a slice of the action, you should probably ring your bank and warn them first, because this level of crazy doesn’t come cheap.
Buy Now: £385.00
Founded in 1978, Versace may not have been in the game for as long as some of its contemporaries but in a relatively short space of time it has managed to establish itself as one of the leading names in the game and a force to be reckoned with.
Well known for its signature Italian opulence, Versace is no stranger to a big logo or two. Expect heavy branding, next-level quality and plenty of compliments from fellow T-shirt lovers.
Buy Now: £570.00
Founded in California during the 1970s, Patagonia has forged a reputation as one of the best outdoor performance apparel brands there is. It’s also one of the coolest, meaning you’re just as likely to see it rocked by fashion-savvy city types as you are hardened explorers.
Plus, with a focus on sustainability and keeping things green, you can feel good about wearing one of its iconic P-6 logo T-shirts. This is clothing with a conscience.
Buy Now: £25.00
Tommy Hilfiger
Consider the nineties resurgence and it’s hardly shocking that Tommy Hilfiger’s iconic flag logo is flying high once again. Tommy was a staple fashion fixture two decades ago and with a little help from the vintage resellers of the social media generation, is now leading the charge once again.
Expect block colours, bold fonts and nineties styling. Plus extremely reasonable price points mean that adding some Hilfiger to your rotation won’t leave you bankrupt.
Buy Now: £34.99
Virgil Abloh is one of the most influential men in fashion and a lot of that is down to the success of his label, Off-White. The recently appointed Louis Vuitton creative director started his brand out in Milan in 2012 and it has since gone on to produce some of the most hyped-up items around, playing a key role in high fashion’s adoption of streetwear. Its T-shirts let you splash that white-hot branding about as cheaply as it comes. Which is not to say they’re anything other than nosebleed expensive.
Buy Now: £245.00
Ralph Lauren
Preppy, all American label Ralph Lauren is without a doubt one of the most recognisable fashion brands on the planet. With a product range incorporating everything from sportswear to tailoring it’s no wonder RL has such a diverse following. However, the item for which the NY-based imprint is best known is a simple, collared polo shirt.
Your wardrobe is bound to have one or two, so they might as well come from the label that popularised them in the first place.
Buy Now: £79.00
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
Where To Buy The Best Side-Stripe Trousers
Where To Buy The Best Side-Stripe Trousers
Fashion moves fast and you’ll have to do the same if you want to keep up with it. With that in mind, why not think about adding some go-faster stripes to your legwear rotation? It’s a sure-fire way to ensure you’re bang up to speed.
Side-stripe trousers have been the menswear elite’s bottoms of choice for a couple of years, which should alleviate any fears you may have had about it being a fleeting fashion trend.
It looks like these unlikely hybrids of joggers and dress pants are in for the long haul, meaning now’s as good a time as any to get yourself involved. Earn your sartorial stripes with our edit of the best on the market.
One of the high street’s leading names when it comes to up-to-the-moment menswear, Topman is virtually unparalleled in terms of sheer variety and value for money.
The British retailer is always quick off the mark with new trends, meaning it’s already well clued up on side-stripe trousers and stocked accordingly with styles that are cropped at the ankle or offer a pop of colour.
Buy Now: £35.00
If you want side-stripe trousers that’ll still be in one piece after several hours of beast mode in the gym, Nike is one of your best bets.
The sportswear giant makes champion-grade tracksuit bottoms and they’re just as functional as they are bang on trend.
Buy Now: £59.00
In its own words, Spanish brand Mango prides itself on ‘dressing the modern, urban woman for her daily needs’. Now, that’s not much use to us, but thankfully its menswear offering just keeps getting better.
With a focus on quality and a keen eye on the trends – for the latest fashion at sensible prices, you’d be a bit of a lemon not grab a pair of trousers from Mango.
Buy Now: £49.99
If budget isn’t a concern for you, why not opt for one of the labels that kicked the side-stripe thing into gear in the first place?
Gucci’s trousers are some of the most luxurious around, so if the thought of dropping nearly two months’ rent on what is essentially a pair of trackies doesn’t leave you involuntarily clenching your buttocks in shock, then you could do a lot worse than a pair from Italy’s finest.
Buy Now: £715.00
One company that’s quickly gaining traction as one of the web’s premier destinations for trend-led menswear at affordable prices is boohooMAN, an online-only label that counts Hollywood A-Listers and thrifty sartorialists alike among its ever-expanding customer base.
For a pair of side-stripe trousers that won’t leave you fishing down the side of the sofa for loose change until payday, this is the place to go.
Buy Now: £25.00
Adidas has been putting stripes on the sides of its trousers long before it was cool. Its three stripes motif is instantly recognisable, making the brand’s offering in this market some of the oldest around.
If you want to rock the trend while staying prepped for looking good at the gym, Adidas is the brand to spot you.
Buy Now: £54.95
With its highly responsive supply chain, Zara is always one step ahead of the competition and ready to pounce on new trends the second there’s as much as a sniff of their emergence.
Because of this, the Spanish retailer has become one of the most popular names on the high street and a surefire winner for the latest fashion – side-stripe trousers being no exception.
Buy Now: £29.99
Buy all the latest gear at wallet-friendly prices and try it on at home. Don’t like it? Send it back free of charge.
With customer service like this, it’s no wonder ASOS has completely dominated the men’s retail arena, leaving its competitors limping away with their tails between their legs. With that in mind, where better to grab a pair of side-stripe trousers?
Buy Now: From £12.00
Like your trousers to have street appeal? Then look no further than legendary California streetwear label Stussy.
Shawn Stussy’s eponymous brand is the physical embodiment of urban cool, so if you want to inject a dose of street style into your legwear game this is the perfect way to do it.
Buy Now: £139.00
Swedish high-street favourite H&M is always a safe bet when you need simple, quality clothing that’s current and affordable in equal measures.
With well-made products and plenty of Scandi minimalism going around, pick up your side-stripe trousers from here and you know you won’t go wrong.
Buy Now: £19.99
River Island
Boasting one of the high street’s largest design teams, River Island prides itself on being able to provide shoppers with everything they need to keep their wardrobes stocked stylishly, season after season.
Expect a streetwear-tinged aesthetic, without having to queue around the block, or max out your credit card.
Buy Now: £35.00
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