#does this still count as a spoiler? idk tagging it anyways
mynameis-a · 1 year
oh no, i have to find the children in this large underground city, how am i ever going to find them? /sarc
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largewaterbottle · 2 years
[wakes up in a cold sweat, shaking] what if the. what if the grimwalkers wasn’t an attemp to replace or replicate his brother, what if it was just an attempt to bring him back to life. What if he expected them to be exactly like Caleb. I’m sleepy but man. [falls back to sleep]
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ambrosialdesire · 1 year
pairing: s4 reiner x fem!reader word count: 14.3k warnings + tags: general yandere and obsessive themes, unhealthy relationships, kidnapping mention, gore/violence, minor character death, drugging mention (sleeping pills), slight misogyny, slight stockholm syndrome, vomit mention (nonsexual), noncon/dubcon, sexual implications, mention of male masturbation, a dash of porco x reader, somnophilia (but the reader is awake and pretending to be asleep), dry-humping kinda, virginity mention, kinda aot spoilers if you haven't watched it before, all characters are 18+ synopsis: it's been three years since reiner had taken you away to marley and you've been getting used to the brand new world since then. you have a good husband, his family tolerates you, and his fellow warriors are somewhat decent people. what he doesn't know is that everything was coming to an end, three years of planning an escape won't go to waste of course. a/n: this shit took me forever idk why i decided to make it this long lol this is fr a passion project at this point (i want reiner so bad) but anyways i hope y'all enjoy this, there's one more part after this and it's gonna contain ALL the dirty bits >:) note: please keep in mind of the tags above and do not proceed if triggering or uncomfortable, especially if you are a minor!! do not read my or any other writers' dark content if you are underaged. this is a fictional work and does not reflect irl morals, do not believe this is how a real romance works or functions.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
Drowning was certainly an odd feeling. You were on the teetering edge of consciousness and unconsciousness, but it was definite that you were unable to completely open your eyes. It was disgustingly warm and humid, but a sudden spike of cold hit your moistened skin as you were getting pulled out of something.
Someone was pushing on your chest rapidly, muffled begging echoing in your eardrums. A few more sturdy pumps on your chest and you turned your head suddenly, throwing up any liquid that remained in your lungs and shooting up roughly coughing. You... you weren't dead? But you swore that you were just eaten by Bertolt.
You continued to cough to clear out the remnants of whatever you were in but began to observe your surroundings at the same time. Your blurred eyes first latched on the one who cleared your lungs, the person having a relieved but worried smile on his face. Your vision suddenly cleared in a furious rage.
"You fucker!"
Throwing yourself on the black haired man, your hands wrapped around his throat angrily and squeezed down as hard as you possibly could. The deep slice that Mikasa had once made was long gone and you wished that she had managed to slice his head clean off. He gagged under your hands, weakly trying to pull them off. You were only stopped as another man harshly told you to knock it off and pulled at the back of your shirt away from Bertolt, seeing him gasp for air and hold his neck.
"Don't fucking touch me Braun." You hissed, slapping the newly replaced hand off of you. You didn't want him to ever touch you ever again, the mere thought disgusting you.
"I don't want to hear it, not from two rats like you and you."
You took more observations with the environment, seeing that they ended up at the forest that the Female Titan had taken many lives in. Eren and Ymir were here too, passed out on another branch of the large tree. Eren's arms were cut off from the elbow, and Ymir's arm and leg were still regenerating slowly. Cruel pieces of shit.
"Be grateful that Bertolt managed to not dissolve you in his mouth, otherwise you'd be digesting in his stomach by now." He was talking to you peacefully as if this was all normal and nothing happened, but all you wanted to do was stab his goddamn heart out.
"Grateful? Grateful?!" You scornfully laughed aloud, an angry expression still worn. "I'd rather be a meal by now than talking to you."
Your hand reached over where your sword should've been but there was nothing there, being swallowed whole by Bertolt must've crushed up your gear or maybe the stomach acid destroyed them. Weird that it didn't kill you but it was most definitely frustrating that you had nothing to defend yourself. You reared him in the stomach with your elbow, turning around to face him as you attempted to punch his face. But he grabbed your hand before you could throw one, pushing you down onto the branch and pinning you back down.
"I told you Reiner, she'd be too much trouble to take back home." Bertolt fretted as he ran a hand through his short hair. You stopped struggling under the man, looking at the other with confusion.
"...What did you say?"
"I'm taking you back to our homeland, you and those two." Was he delusional, he had to be delusional.
"This is the only place that humanity remains, are you telling me you're taking me to a land where Titans live?!" You screeched and Reiner covered your mouth with his free hand, shutting you up. You bit down on his hand but he didn't move away, only pressing down harder until you stopped. Dull teeth were never going to be able to tear through a monster's skin.
"You're being unreasonable, it's a continent across the sea called Marley. Bertolt, Annie, and I came from there, our mission was to retrieve the Founding Titan from Paradis Island. It's been years since we left our home and now we can finally leave. Shame we weren't able to retrieve what we actually came for." He grumbled the last part but you were horrified with what he had just revealed. He and Bertolt lied about their backstory, they never lived in Wall Maria; they decimated it. They destroyed your life. Destroyed other peoples' lives.
But you were even more confused, you weren't a Titan shifter like them so why did he want to bring you along?
You tried to speak under his hand, only for it to be muffled, so he released his hold from your mouth.
"Why... Why bring me? I don't have any Titan form like the lot of you."
Reiner smiled down at you, the kind where it held such excitement that you wanted to puke.
"I decided that we were going to get married in Marley. You'll be my wife, but it's going to be a difficult process trying to have a Paradisian Eldian apply for citizenship."
"You're insane!" You shrieked, gaping with dread. No way in hell were you going to marry this crazy Titan guy, not after you found out that he was in cahoots with the other that fucked up your life.
"You're fucking insane if you think I'll marry you!"
You started to struggle underneath him, panic setting in again. This was your home, your only home in the world. No matter where Reiner would take you, it would never be a home of yours. Was that why he asked that question way back then?
"Hoover, you can't let him do this! Why are you enabling him when I have no use to you?!" You cried out to the man in vain, his gaze avoiding yours completely. Reiner shot a glare at his friend as he struggled to keep you apprehended under him. Cowardly fuck.
Through the haze of your alarmed anger, Bertolt mentioned to his partner-in-crime that he should knock you out again so you'd stop screaming so much.
Oh, so now he wants to talk. You were about to reply with a snarky response but deft fingers pinched a part of your neck, and you fell silent, falling asleep once more.
"Why'd you have to choose the one who's giving us too much of a fight Reiner?" Bertolt sighed and the man promptly ignored him, lifting you up gently to tie your hands together and to wrap your mouth with a cloth.
"Once we reach the Shiganshina District and meet up with Zeke, that's where we'll drop off Y/N so she won't be a part of the fight anymore."
"Will we be able to reach there on time? The Corps must be after us already and we still have to get Annie." Reiner set you down gently and patted his friend on the back.
"Don't worry, once we reach him and discuss what we can do to get her back, you can finally confess to her."
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
You didn't know how long you were out for, fading in and out of consciousness yet again. Whatever they did to you, it kept you well asleep for a while. You do remember faint glimpses, from being hoisted on this four-legged Titan's back to being medically treated by strangers. You faintly felt their fingers poke and prod at you, like you were some kind of unknown specimen, a new species. Yet the one thing you couldn't remember was that you never saw Reiner or Bertolt, no they weren't there for as long as you slept.
Maybe it was a dream, all of this. You were sleeping in the Corps dorms, the girls had forgotten to wake you up for today's duties, and you'd soon get scolded by the short captain and being told to mop the floor till it's squeaky clean. Everything was fine. As fine as it could get in this world.
Drowsiness was the first thing that hit you. You noticed that it was nighttime, dim lantern light being the only source that lit up the room... a metal room?
In confusion, you sat up. There was a circular window on one of the sides of the wall and you walked up to it, wobbling from unsteadiness and exhaustion. When you looked out, there was nothing but a dark and unwelcoming emptiness.
A large iron door with its own window was on the other side of the room and you took a few steps towards it, pulling the knob down and opening it. It groaned open and you examined the outside, checking both sides of the hallway. More cold metal encased everything that you saw, where in the world were you right now?
Heavy footsteps clanged towards you and you panicked, closing the door quickly and jumping back in bed, pretending that you were still asleep. The familiar groaning was heard, the steps quieter and slower as they approached you. You had half the mind to jump and attack the person that entered, but a reasonable part of you told you not to do it.
"Y/N?" Well look who arrived, your new worst enemy.
As much as you didn't want to see him, you turned your body towards him anyway. Relief flooded in his expression and he reached over to caress your face. You avoid it completely, pushing him away with your hand. You asked softly with a firm tone, "Where are we?"
"You probably don't know this kind of advanced machinery, but we're on a boat back to Marley." Ah, so the scouts weren't able to retrieve you. What unfortunate and devastating information you've learned. Tears began to well up but you brushed those sad thoughts aside, they probably thought you were already dead from when Bertolt grabbed you on top of the wall.
"Eren and Ymir?"
"Eren was taken back, we weren't able to retrieve him unfortunately. Ymir's here though, she went with us with no complaints." Was he just saying that or was she also forced on board? And how lucky Eren was to be saved once again by the scouts and his friends. So. Damn. Lucky.
"Dead." Goosebumps rose up on your skin, wasn't he the Colossal Titan? They... they finally managed to kill that fifty meter fucker?
"Eren and Armin are quite the clever ones, Armin now has the Colossal's power because of their plan." What did that mean? You wanted to ask but his face was twisted in a vague, hidden pain.
You decided to stop asking questions for his sake and the two of you were silent, the only movements he made were him sitting down on the edge of the bed. Remembering back to what he said in the forest, you stupidly decided to bring it up.
"I don't want to be your wife." You whispered in a shaky tone, clenching the blanket in a tight fist.
"You'll learn to accept it for what it is. You'll like it there, no over-the-top walls and you'll be able to meet my mother. She'll disagree with our relationship at first, but she'll learn to like you, I prom-"
You shook your head, frustrated that he wasn't listening to you again. Trying to deescalate the situation, you attempted to talk him out of it.
"Braun, you're not in the right state of mind. You were my friend, a brother. I never wanted to date or marry you, especially now that I know who you really are. I'm sorry."
Reiner was quiet, deathly still kind of quiet. If he wasn't mentally unhinged before, he could definitely now be.
"Don't test me Y/N. I have all the patience in the world for you, but right now, there's not a single soul here that will save you for what I could do to you. And there are many things I want to do to you."
He reached over to you and you flinched, terrified that he was about to strike you after knowing what kind of strength he possessed. Yet no sharp pain came nor a broken jaw, just gentle rubs against your cheek were administered instead. You peeked through your closed eyes, only seeing a twisted, infatuated look directed towards you. An idea popped in your head, you'd use him in order to escape.
You'll be able to find your way back home one way or another eventually, but for now, you'd play the part Reiner wants from you. His loving and doting wife.
You tilted your face closer to his touch, even pressing his hand closer to your cheek with your own. You watched him smile happily and lean close to you, warmth spreading across your skin. The two of you shared a stare, your heart beating wildly in your ribcage.
Reiner pulled you close to him and gave you a soft kiss on your forehead. You wanted to cringe away from him, wanted to uppercut him right in the jaw. But you had to hide your hate, it's the only way you'll manage to get out.
"See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" He asked, voice completely over the moon.
"We'll take our time, I'll wait until you're ready."
"Yeah okay... that sounds like a plan."
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
You stayed in a prison room for weeks. To be completely honest, you stopped counting once you reached around the sixteenth day. When the boat boarded Marley, you and Reiner were surrounded by Marleyan militia that moved the both of you into a containment area.
Those hate-filled looks from these foreign people, you couldn't understand what you did to make them look at you like that.
You were just like them... right?
You saw a glimpse of Ymir being shoved out with her hands and mouth wrapped, and you were happy to see another familiar face. But that happiness did not last long as she was moved into a different building from yours, giving you a pitiful and sorrowful look. In your heart, you knew it would be the last time you'd see the girl. Poor, poor Historia...
Reiner told you that you'd be staying in the cell until your citizenship and marriage certification were approved, but he'd visit you everyday and teach you the language and history between Marley and Eldia. You somewhat appreciated that he was willing to take the time to actually help you learn. His naiveness only made it easier for you to escape this place faster.
Along with him teaching you, he began telling you his real life. The real story of Reiner Braun, the Marley warrior and not the Paradis soldier. He was a product of a Marleyan-blooded father and an Eldian-blooded mother, dedicating himself as a child to become a warrior so his father would come back and his family would finally be whole again. But he rejected him, never seeing him as his son due to his Eldian lineage. You felt just a smidge of sympathy for him as he spoke about it, even if your own family was long gone because of him, everyone was still loved equally.
After he was chosen to become the Armored Titan, four out of six warriors were told to go to Paradis in order to retrieve the Founding Titan. Marcel, the user that had the Jaw Titan, was unfortunately eaten by Ymir; you were shocked to find out that is how one became a Titan Shifter, hearing the morbid truth behind the shifting. Despite losing one of their members, they still continued with their operation.
That was the start of everything, from the death of your family to you joining the training corps years later to you sparring him to now. He rambled on and on about you, telling you things that made your gut negatively twist. How he has been watching you after the training spar to how he collected your flower rings as memorabilia, all these things before you truly befriended this monster.
Reiner says he has been deeply in love with you since then but the way you saw it, he was just a mad man that was using you as an anchor for his own sanity.
He didn't love you.
You were just a toy, the closest person he could attach to after losing everyone in Paradis. You were unknowingly keeping him level through the years. Fear was slowly seeping in as you would not know how he would react if he knew your plans for escaping.
He mustn't know a single peep of your escape, not a single word.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
It's been roughly three years since you've been taken from Paradis Island.
You have become well-acquainted to what Marley has to offer, despite living in the internment zone of Liberio and wearing an armband that symbolizes your supposed "devil" lineage. It was a decently peaceful life, you were able to do things that you didn't normally do in Paradis like go shopping for groceries and clothing; you were able to walk down streets without worrying if a Titan was nearby or about to bust through the wall.
It was similar to life back home, just more advanced technologically. You were shocked to learn what planes and cars were, accidentally clinging on Reiner's arm when a few flew overhead and some drove by. But the biggest glaring difference for you though was that a nearly fifty meter wall never blocked your sight as you stared into the skies.
Reiner had you meet the other warriors and his family over the years, they were the ones you were mostly allowed to speak to. They were a struggle to win over, it always hurt being called names and being threatened at. Eventually they had no choice but accept you as his wife, seeing how kind you treated him and how despite them constantly berating you, you never gave up nor frowned at their cruel treatment.
Truth be told, you could care less if they liked you but it was important to him to have you get along with them. He cared a lot about family, which you can understand well.
With the warriors, you preferred chatting with Pieck out of the lot of them. Zeke was too intimidating to speak to and it always felt that he was scheming something, and Porco didn't really like talking to you in general, most likely because you came from enemy lines. So Pieck was pretty much a neutral option as she didn't really look at you all that differently like many people do in this nation. You found out that she was the four-legged Titan — Cart Titan, as they liked to call it — that transported you to the boat, a small kindness but also a duty she was set to fulfill for the other warrior.
"You're one of us now." She once mentioned in a hushed tone.
"Are you saying that to make me feel better about my situation?" You questioned as you folded a sheet over your legs, glancing at the woman standing next to you.
"Hm... perhaps I am but we're all people simply trying to survive in the end, right?" Pieck ruffled your hair gently, soon walking away to find Porco. That made you think more than you should have, so you tried to avoid conversations about being Eldian or being from Paradis.
To the more serious issues, your marriage with Reiner has been... upsettingly decent. The act of trying to be a perfect wife had slipped unfortunately, there were many impatient attempts of trying to kill him but you knew all too well afterwards that those were for naught. So you put your murderous intentions on pause temporarily, waiting and waiting for the right moment.
To your luck, he never really put any pressure or punishment on you, mostly because he was gone most of the time fighting small wars in various parts of Marley. You were happy that he was gone so often for so long and trusted you enough to give you the freedom of going out, it gave you time to continue planning. You were able to take and hide money right under his nose and you bought a diary, writing your scheme down so you wouldn't forget; you decided to vent your thoughts as well since no one in Liberio was able to understand what you were going through.
You hid these items in a shoebox in the closet, pushing it to the back to ensure that he wouldn't catch it at a first glance. He never really dug in there anyways, you've noted.
On most occasions, you find yourself praying to some God for him to die in one of those fights but every time, he comes back completely fine. It's always a punch in the gut when you open the door and see him beaming down towards you. You force yourself to grin and greet him with a kiss, just as he taught you to. The few days he was here, he'd be extremely affectionate, demanding that you'd be next to his side at all times before he goes again. You learned not to flinch or cringe away from his kisses, even now that they're more directed to your lips.
Sometimes the kisses would grow into something more. He'd pull you into his lap or push you against the wall, his kisses becoming more needier as he planted one after another on your lips. Reiner's hips would meet yours, bodies too hot under the fabric. You'd catch yourself trying to remove his beige uniform coat and white button-up while his hands roamed around your body, desperately attempting to remove yours.
Realizing what was about to happen, you'd push him or yourself off, darting towards the bathroom in a dazed shock. Reiner never stopped you once from leaving — maybe held onto your hand for too long once — but this had to stop.
You shouldn't let yourself get too attached, you didn't need it to hurt when you were going to leave Marley. Why were you even trying to delude yourself into being romantically involved with him in the first place? Sure, it would be a more convincing façade but that fact was that it simply disgusted you to imagine him touching more than what you're used to.
You used to fight him so much, from not wanting to sleep in the same bed to him having to catch the kitchen knife with his hand to prevent you from stabbing him while you were making dinner. But that fight you had was almost completely eradicated, it just took some harsh threats and a near transformation for you to comply. Even though you were a perfect complacent wife, Reiner wanted a family, a complete one that he had always dreamed of coming home to.
He knew you were avoiding the topic of children, he had always known for the three years he's been married to you. He wanted to respect you and your boundaries, but he just keeps getting more riled up the more you avoid him. The intense make-out sessions with nothing afterwards hurt and he could definitely tell that you keep stopping yourself from just letting loose with him.
But fuck, it's becoming an increasingly difficult task containing himself from just taking you right then and there. On the days he was away from you, Reiner had constant thoughts about you. Thoughts containing where he imagined you sucking his cock, images of you spreading your pussy lips open for him so he could pleasure the hell out of you, or vivid ideations where you'd let him pound and cum so deeply in you that you'd be leaking out for days.
They were especially embarrassing for him when they came late at night when they're traveling on the blimps to the next destination. Reiner would have to shuffle awkwardly to the back or 'roam' into a hidden room where no one saw him go into, completely hard from a simple conception. He'd unzip and pull his white pants all the way down so his cum wouldn't stain the material, and jerk his cock off until he felt satiated enough. You were killing him from keeping him away from what he wants the most out of you.
When he comes back to Liberio to see you, he has to force himself from not trying to rip off your clothes the moment you open the door. You'd always give him a small peck as a greeting but he wants more, he has always wanted more.
You'd swat him away after, telling him that he should freshen up before dinner as you walked back to the kitchen, hips swaying side to side. Were you doing that on purpose or was he that deprived from not having sex with you? You goddamn tease.
Thus on the receiving end, Reiner has been struggling sexually since his marriage to you.
He'd bring it up on occasion, small mentions of having little ones run around or how happy he'd be seeing miniature versions of the two of you. Yet, you'd always avert the conversation to something else, asking about when he'd be going away again and if he'd visit the family soon because Gabi has been asking to see him. You've always focused on him so in return, he wanted to treat you out to somewhere nice before asking the big question about children.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
Knock, knock.
You looked up from the stew you were making, lowering the heat and wiping off your hands before opening the door. Low and behold, your dear husband had returned from the latest mission, leaning down for you to press a quick kiss on his lips.
"Reiner. You're back early."
"Finished up pretty quickly, Zeke was able to take out the opposing side with Pure Titans with no further issues." Reiner pushed the hair away from your eyes and smiled, planting another kiss on your forehead. He pulled away and took a glance into the kitchen, sniffing the air before squinting.
"Cooking something?"
"Your mom taught me a recipe yesterday, she said that it's something that you used to like eating when you were young. She told me to make it before you came home so I was trying it out." You shrugged as you closed the door, striding back over to the stove. He followed after you, watching you closely. Reiner had to keep an eye on you just in case you didn't poison the food, which you weren't able to because his body rejected it, throwing it up before it was completely in his system.
You didn't know how he was able to do it, maybe it had something to do with his stupid Titan shifting, but you never did it again. Not after he almost transformed in front of you, the angry and electrifying glint in his eyes was indubitably unforgettable.
"Go clean yourself up, it's almost ready."
"I didn't transform this week though Y/N. I shouldn't be smelling like blood." He frowned, his arms slithering around your waist and pulling you close to his body. Here he was being touchy again. 
"You still smell gross, you were around your sweaty comrades for a week. And you know how I know what that smells like." Grumbling that he was going to get you dirty, you pulled his arms off of you, continuing to stir the stew. Reiner simply laughed at you, kissing the side of your head and mumbling a soft love you before walking upstairs to bathe. You were about to yell at him to use the scented soap that you recently bought in the shop but paused, hand over your mouth.
You sounded like a loving wife, an actual loving wife.
The two of you shared this kind of banter rather than you constantly trying to find ways to kill him before you left. It was becoming too... normal for your liking. It wasn't supposed to be like this, he was your kidnapper and a mass murderer, but it didn't seem that way anymore. No, the two of you were seen as the couple that are constantly at odds with each other, but still loved each other regardless.
A Marleyan who fell in love with a Paradisian. A Paradisian who fell in love with a Marleyan. The perfect forbidden romance.
The next time Reiner would leave for war, you had to go back to Paradis. No more hesitating and scheming. You stole and saved up enough money to pay off the man who promised to take you to the island with no questions asked, you'd finally be able to go home. If Eren was still there and still alive, he must've figured out how to patch the holes by now. You'd prefer living in the walls hiding away from Titans than living this kind of life, this life of faulty freedom.
You poured a couple of spoonfuls of stew in a bowl, trying to even out the meat and vegetables. Heavy footsteps creaked the wood above you, the sound following down the stairs. Reiner was dressed in a dark green long-sleeve, the color similar to way back in the cadet training days. You looked away, shutting your eyes tight; to you, those days were long gone. Placing the bowl down in front of him and settling down in the seat opposite, you began to eat.
"I want to take you into the city later this month." You paused before putting the spoon in your mouth and looked up, your head tilting to the side.
"Outside of the internment zone?" Reiner nodded, blowing on a piece of meat. You rarely went there without him, even if you were considered a Marleyan with your armband. The people stared too intensely at you for your own liking, sometimes spitting vile things loudly or under their breaths, so you only went with your husband or Pieck if she was available.
"What are we going to do there? Is there something important that is needed of me?" You questioned and he laughed softly, nodding his head.
"Of course it has something to do with you. We're going on a date." Dates were rare between the two of you as he never stayed long and you were left alone to your own devices. It was a request of Reiner to be able to see you for short periods of time, you didn't know if it was because he was making sure you haven't run off or that he genuinely wanted to check on you. He mentioned that he would be off until he would be called in for the next fight, so he wanted to devote all his time with you.
"You don't have anything to do with the militia or your family?"
"Not really, no orders for now. And we have all the time in the world to visit them, don't you worry." He wiped his mouth before standing up, picking up your empty bowl and kissing your head once more.
Tolerate it, you can tolerate it.
"It's a nice restaurant that I heard the higher ups talk about, they accept Marley-approved Eldians as well so we won't get stared at. I know how much you don't like the stares."
You just hummed in reply. You sat watching him clean the bowls, leaning on the table with your arm. Reiner definitely changed physically the past few years, his body becoming noticeably bulkier under his clothes and stubble had grown in; though you hated him with every inch of your skin, you had to admit that the more mature look on him was fitting.
You haven't changed much, your hair may have grown longer since there was no need to cut it short anymore and you must've gained a little bit more weight due to the constant cooking. But your feelings have still stayed the same, complete and utter resentment for the man you were forced to wed to.
"I'm going to bed."
"I'll be joining you soon."
You had to check if the box and diary was still there, making sure that the money was the exact amount as well. You picked up your pencil and started quickly jotting down your thoughts for today.
Reiner has come home early today, I was caught off guard. This might be the last time I write in this as I finally reached my goal to pay off that man. I'll be able to go home when he leaves for war again.
Would they remember me? I would be considered a ghost because of Bertolt. I'll tell them everything that happened here if they haven't figured it out yet, that there's humanity beyond the walls and they're the reason why we suffered for so long behind them.
If I leave this behind and if you, Reiner, find this when I'm long gone, know that I've always hated you. I've always been sickened by your touch and your kisses, I never meant any of those I love yous, and I've always wished you died horribly during the times you went off to those battles. I wanted to receive a letter or be told personally that you were killed in action, shot down by the cannons that were able to pierce through your armor. I'd weep, not of sadness but of joy because I would be finally be free from your clutches. Whatever you thought you taught me in order to be your perfect spouse, I was playing a role in order to survive this insanity of yours.
The creaks of the floorboards were starting to grow closer and you panicked, writing down your last words.
I never loved you and I never will. Don't try to go back to Paradis to find me. You would have to bring back my dead body in order to bring me back to Marley.
Hastily closing the diary, you stashed it back in the box and shoved it back in. As you stood up, you started to pretend to change your clothes, trying to unbutton your shirt. The door soon opened, back towards him as he stepped closer. He reached over and tugged at your hand, pulling it until you faced him and wrapped his arms around your waist securely, hoisting you up. You steadied yourself as you placed your hands on his chest, your heart ached dully as he tenderly gazed upon you.
"I love you."
You bit down on your tongue before putting on the kindest smile possible.
"I love you too."
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
"Good afternoon Ms. Braun." You bowed your head respectively towards the woman, arm linked with Reiner's. Usually after he comes home, the two of you would visit his family and celebrate the success of the Marleyan forces. It wasn't really a choice in the matter, they were happy that he was alive and you weren't.
"Oh Y/N, you know you can call me Karina now. We're both Brauns, aren't we?" She grabbed your hand and patted it gently, a small smile on her face.
"Right. My apologies." The two of you walked in the home, a small body suddenly colliding into his.
His cousin, Gabi, was hugging him tightly with a beaming grin. She was a fireball of a child, her fiery personality reminding you of a particular someone back home. She was the only member in the Braun family that still didn't really like you, even stating it aloud a few times, but you didn't mind. Though her words cut deep, it proved that someone in this family knew that you didn't belong here.
The two were talking to each other, something about the warrior campaign, but you didn't care and excused yourself into the kitchen. When you came to celebrate, you usually helped Reiner's mother with the food while he spoke with his other family. She welcomed you in, explaining what dishes to help prepare and what to set up in the dining room. This was like clockwork, it has been ever since you've been here.
"My son has been speaking to me about something important," Karina spoke as the two of you cut vegetables together, placing them into a bowl. "He says that the two of you are planning to have children soon."
Your blood ran cold, pausing your chopping. No way in hell were you keen on bearing his children, not now and not ever. But you simply laughed, as if it was a funny little joke.
"Reiner said that? I told him that we weren't ready, especially with his work right now."
"Oh, but it's been over 3 years now. I'd expected to have a few grandchildren by now, especially with how he coddles you."
There were one too many occurrences where the two of you were awfully close to laying in bed with one another, your face suddenly burning up as you reminisced on those moments. You would never give him yourself like that though, you'd never give him what he wants.
"I'm just worried that our children would be raised without their loving father."
Karina's face softened as she put down the knife, wiping her hands.
"You're a good woman Y/N. I would like to apologize for treating you differently because you came from the island devils. After all, they are the reason why we Eldians here are treated like this." There goes that Paradis Island Eldian talk again, but you did somewhat appreciate the half-assed apology.
"Thank you... Karina. I know it must have been difficult trying to accept me into your family because of my origins, I apologize for the trouble I gave you." No, you didn't feel sorry at all but it was better to suck it up than to start a scene where you could end up possibly dead. The two of you continued to cook for the others, making light conversation with one another about recipes and how each other's weeks were.
Reiner leaned on the doorway, watching you hard at work with his mother. You've always looked so pretty when you were focused, pulling your hair back with a cloth before you began to knead the dough. You were going to wash your flour-covered hands before you bumped into his chest, his hand resting on the small of your back before you could pull away.
"Working hard, aren't you my lovely wife?" You've always hated when he called you affectionate names because of the way it made your stomach flip.
"You're going to get your shirt dirty Reiner, flour is hard to clean once it gets on your clothes." Ignoring him, you tried pulling away from him but his hand would not budge, the grip only tightening. You mumbled to let go so you could wash up but no dice.
"I've been dirtied with worse. Maybe if you give me a kiss, I'll let you go." It was always awkward kissing in front of his family, you've never had gotten used to that part and you never will. You tip-toed and quickly gave a peck on his lips, but he made no moves, only wearing a small smirk. Fucker.
You tip-toed once more and pulled his face with your dirtied hands, pressing your lips much more deeply into his. As you pulled away with an irritated expression, you asked him one question.
Reiner licked his lips, smugly grinning as he wiped the flour off his cheeks.
"One more and I'll consider."
"Go fuck yourself." You hissed quietly, finally giving one large shove and he finally released you. He laughed, murmuring a small apology as he pressed his lips on your forehead. His mother reprimanded him, telling him he shouldn't disturb a lady while she is cooking. As she continued to scold him, you were scrubbing the muck off your hands.
Happy couple on the outside, kidnapper and kidnappee on the inside.
Dinner was fine as it usually was, the men got drunk and the women were left to clean up after them. Gabi asked him to tell the family stories of his time on the island and he made up a tall tale about Sasha and the first orientation of the 104th Training Corps. The infamous event of the uneven split potato between her and Commander Shadis, getting reminded of the story made you even more homesick than ever. Even more reason to see your friends again.
You waved a goodbye to the family as you held Reiner's body up, trying to prevent him from falling from his drunken stupor. It would be quite nice if you could just let him fall flat on the ground and leave him there until morning came, but you didn't want to face his wrath about it.
He was luckily a quiet drunk, mumbling incoherently as you walked through the streets with him, exhaling angrily as you stumbled around. You were so close to just letting him sleep on the street until your name was called, your head turning and seeing a familiar face.
"Jeez, I've been calling for you. You turning deaf or what?" The brashness of his words made you huff in response and he helped you hold up the taller man, shaking his head disapprovingly. Out of everyone in the nation that you knew, Porco was the one you least wanted to bump into for assistance. He and Reiner didn't get along that well, he mentioned once to you that they had some tension in their childhood.
"An easy win and the idiot gets this drunk, can't imagine what he's like when we win harder battles."
"On those days, we have to sleep over at his mother's and those mornings are the absolute worst." Porco snorted, adjusting his arm as the two of you walked together.
"Tell me about it, he's barely keeping himself upright. What's he thinking making you carry him home?"
You shrugged, lightly chuckling. "I've carried heavier, it's just been a while."
"You were an island devil soldier right?" There's that name again but you nodded in response.
"You're so frail-looking for a soldier, it's a miracle you passed as one."
You shot a glare at him, stopping in your stride. "What? Me? Frail?"
"You sure are. You're only a housewife for Vice Captain Reiner Braun, you only serve to warm his bed and cook his food. You? A soldier? What a joke." Your nails dug into the skin of your palm, hard enough that you were sure it drew blood.
That was the cruel reality of your situation, you were no longer a soldier. Just a war wife. He was right, you were a complete and utter joke of the person that you once were.
"Spar me then."
"What?" It felt like Reiner was no longer in the vicinity, all you wanted was to prove Porco wrong. You weren't frail, you were a goddamn Survey Corps soldier.
"Spar me goddammit, I won't repeat it. And don't bother holding back."
You pulled Reiner to a bench, almost shoving his body in the seat before facing the other man. There was an unsure look on his face but all the frustration and anger that was built up over the years was about to blow up out of you, and you put your fists up in your familiar defensive position.
Three whole years you haven't touched up nor sharpened your skills but at this moment, it didn’t matter. You were tired, exhausted from being looked down upon constantly. You were sick of Marleyan and Eldian talk and you were sick of Porco's ego right now.
"What? Don't tell me you're scared of getting defeated by an island devil? Or are you scared of losing to a woman?" You taunted, his face going from shock to an angry scowl.
A burst of energy flowed through your body as he ran at you, a jab targeted towards your face. You couldn't let your timing be off, you needed the advantage as much as possible. Quickly, you intertwined his arm with yours and swiped at his legs, effectively making him fall away from you. He landed on his back, sputtering out the remnants of air in his lungs.
You could give your blessings to Annie and Commander Shadis another time. Adrenaline rushed through your veins as you slammed him down on the ground, teeth bared as you straddled onto his stomach.
"I do not give a damn if you continue to think I'm the devil of your people. I'm fed up with being thought of as weak by assholes like you." Porco tried pulling his arm away but you gripped onto him harder, eyes lit ablaze. You socked him right in the nose, knuckles white from gripping your fist so tightly. It hurt — fuck — everything hurt right now.
He used his free hand to hold your wrist and you struggled to break the hold, pulling and tugging in every direction wildly. His nose was bleeding, red trails slipping down the side of his face. Slight steam began to arise from the site, just barely blurring your vision.
"I'm tired, I'm so fucking tired. You have absolutely no clue what it's like to have everything stolen away from you! To be taken away from everything and everyone that you know!" You lamented in frustration, continuing to try and shake out of his hold.
The wild anger you once had faltered into sadness, tears welling up as your grip loosened, fist falling at your side. Your moment of weakness caused him to immediately flip you over, your positions both switched as he pinned your wrist down while the other was raised up, ready to strike down. Before he swung down, you closed your eyes, clenching your jaw as you awaited for the contact.
Yet nothing came.
As you opened your tear-blurred eyes, his knuckles were mere centimeters away from your face before he pulled it away. The two of you breathed heavily on the dirty cobble road, intensely gazing at each other. The blood from his bruised and probably broken nose was smeared above his upper lip and the side of his cheek. His usually combed back hair was all messy, light brown strands falling on his forehead. To be honest, it looked nicer that way...
You blinked and felt tears drop down the side of your face, an exasperated laugh coming out.
"I'm sorry Galliard, I must be going insane..." Porco's hands released you, letting you wipe the tears off your face as he lifted his weight off of you.
"What's the truth behind you two? Three years ago, Reiner says that you couldn't bear parting from him so you willingly went with him here. Obviously that's not the case for your side of the story." He grumbled, helping you up from the ground before slicking back his hair. He placed his hands on his nose and snapped it back into place, the sound making you cringe.
Solemnly, you took a glance at your husband's sleeping form. "In Paradis, Reiner was my friend, the older brother I thought I had back. I loved him, but not in the way that he loves me. You wouldn't fall in love with your kidnapper, right?"
Porco was silent but you knew what his answer would be, rather you hoped you knew what his answer was. You sighed as you dusted off your dress all around.
"Why haven't you left Liberio if you're so unhappy? Can't believe a Marley certified Eldian wouldn't even think twice about moving back to the island devils." Could you trust Porco with your plan? No, you couldn't. It was too risky, especially with him being his supposed childhood rival. And he was obviously loyal to his country, no way would he let the knowledge of you going back home slide.
"No no, it's nice here. I never said that I wanted to go back to Paradis, I'm simply not used to the advancement that Marley has over my homeland. Sure, it’s frustrating to start fresh but I like it here. It's just being forcibly wed to Reiner I can't deal with."
"Divorce is an option y'know, I don't know how it works in your home but it's not frowned upon here." Was it not clicking for him?
If you weren't in severe risk of getting killed by your so-called husband, you would've preferred that option. Reiner had given you no other choice but to escape back home, even if there was a risk of you dying at sea. You'd prefer that than dying from his own hands.
"I'll think about it. For now, let's try getting him home." Porco snorted as he watched you attempt to lift him up by yourself.
"Nah, I think we should just leave him here. I'll take the blame for you, I’ll say that he thought he went with you to go home but really he left without you while he was drunk and I found him here. Doubt he remembers anything from when he left his mom's."
Your eyes lit up and widened, looking at the man in shock. "You'd do that for me?"
He tensed up, his body turning in another direction. "Yeah whatever. Think of it as an apology for earlier."
A smile grew on your face as you thanked him again, almost skipping back to your home. However before you did, you turned to ask him one last question.
"Why didn't you hit me? I told you not to hold back."
He didn't look at you, preferring to keep his attention to the road as he kicked at a pebble.
"I was tempted to after you said all of that shit and pulled what you did. But I didn't want to leave something that Reiner would ask about. You don't got the healing properties that we shifters have so this," He pointed at his nose. "Would be fixed in a few minutes or so. Reiner would kill me if he found out I pummeled your face in, but he wouldn't be able to beat me of course."
You knew that he couldn't —well maybe he could, you weren't too knowledgeable about the different Titan powers — but you laughed at his confidence. He scowled at you and kicked the pebble in your direction, telling you to go home already. Maybe Porco wasn't as bad as you originally thought, even if he had a sharp-tongue and never thought about what he said until after it came out.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
Days seemed to fly by after that night, your determination to finally go home being ignited even more than before. Reiner came home in a frantic manner the morning after the fiasco with Porco, apologizing profusely for his behavior and how he left without you, making it up by cooking every meal for a week straight. He never questioned the bruising on your knuckles, only focusing on making it up to you.
For a kidnapper, he sure was thoughtful.
Beyond that, you began to hang around Porco more alongside Pieck. There were days where it was just the two of you, making snide comments towards each other before bursting out laughing at the end of it. You were always filled with pure, unadulterated joy when you were around him and he made you feel quite comfortable to be yourself, even if you've been here for years now.
Porco has always been honest with you, never has he sugarcoated anything he said to you. What once was something you hated from him, you began to view it in a new light and appreciate it much more, it kept you more grounded. There was a line however, he never mentioned you being a housewife nor about being "delicate" after that night and you wondered if you actually proven yourself worthy towards him. You would appreciate this relationship more if not for the conditions.
It didn't go unnoticed that Reiner had been more attentive towards your sudden keenness towards Porco when you began to hang around him more than usual. He became grabbier, pulling you against him by your waist whenever the two of you were around the warriors. When your attention was focused on Porco, he'd shoot daggers at him while scowling but he'd promptly ignore it. Reiner would do anything for you and here you were, being an absolute fucking slut to his comrade. His tipping point was beginning to spill over, so he finally decided to take on a heavier precaution in order to send a message to that damned Jaw Titan inheritor.
It had occurred where you were simply enjoying a short lunch with the warrior. He was originally supposed to quickly drop off a letter to Reiner but you practically pulled him inside regardless of his protests. He could've left but he didn't, sarcastically making a comment on how ridiculous it was that you liked him this much as he took a bite of the sandwich you made. You simply responded that he likes you enough to stay and that shut him up immediately.
Reiner came in from the backyard, ready to ask you something before his eyes captured the familiar slick-backed hair of his fellow warrior, who was in the midst of kindly smiling at you as you spoke. Porco never smiled like that, not to you, not to an island devil.
"Reiner." His name was called by him and he simply tipped his head at him in acknowledgement, leaning against the wall. You turned your head towards him, eyes wide before you got up and set your cup down.
"Oh Reiner! I was about to let you know that Galliard decided to join us for lunch, must've slipped my mind." You sheepishly smiled and he scoffed, taking a sip out of his cup.
"Yeah okay, decided. I was actually supposed to give you a letter Reiner, but she," He pointed at you as you stuck your tongue at him. "Pulled me inside and asked me to join you two. What can I say, can't resist free food."
Why did you act like that to him? When did you start acting like this towards him? Why was Porco hanging around his wife? Reiner suddenly felt uneasy but at the same time, the scorching flames of his obsession began to fire up.
"Very funny Galliard. Go sit down, I'll get your food ready Reiner." You were about to usher him to his seat, grabbing his hand and tugging before he pulled you close to him by the waist instead.
The words died in your mouth as you were about to ask him what was wrong, eyes meeting each other before he kissed you. He tilted your chin up with his free hand before promptly shoving his tongue through your lips.
A light gasp escaped your mouth as his tongue faintly brushed against yours, the sound muffled. You were about to retreat, thinking he was satiated with what he wanted, but he simply jerked you closer. Your hands fell on his body and his thigh slipped in between your legs, the action hidden with the dress you wore. The smallest twinge of pleasure shuddered down your back and you briefly closed your eyes, letting him continue to ravage you.
Unbeknownst to you, he was glaring holes into your companion, who was awkwardly staring before focusing his attention to his lukewarm tea.
Unconsciously you started to return his kiss, nearly matching the intensity. Reiner's hand began to grip the cloth of your back and it took all his willpower not to take you right in front of him, his cock twitching at the prospect of it.
It would prove his point even more, that everything of yours belonged to him and him only.
You finally found the strength to pull away, a strand of saliva breaking as you rushed to grab his lunch in the kitchen. That was... new. Things got like this, but never in front of someone else and never this badly. Your body lurched over the counter, the burning heat of your skin contrasting against the cool wood.
What have you just done?
Reiner took a seat next to him, as if what he had done was nothing but a normal fleeting moment. He poured himself a cup and sipped, asking Porco what he thought about the tea that you had just boiled up. He stayed silent, not even making an effort to look at him.
"I asked you a question Porco."
"For fuck's sake Reiner, what do you even want me to say? Nice kiss Vice Captain Braun, you sure shoved your tongue down your wife's throat." The man quietly mocked through bared teeth, his cheeks obviously tinged pink.
"I asked about the tea but thank you." Smiling smugly, he took another sip.
You soon recovered from the event, bringing in another sandwich for him and soundlessly taking your place in between. Not a peep was heard out of you, too embarrassed to say anything to Porco. Reiner spoke normally, opening the letter that was the whole purpose of his visit. What the hell was wrong with him?
Porco didn't stay long after — which was completely understandable but unfortunate — and you politely led him out, quietly apologizing for your husband's sudden behavior.
"Don't sweat too much about it, he's your husband so it's normal to do things like that. Wish it wasn't in front of me though." Porco grumbled as he turned away, letting you close the door.
It was a quiet night between the two of you in bed, your back facing away from the man. Of course you were fuming, Reiner just had to make-out with you in front of one of the only people that you liked on this damn continent. He shuffled in bed before wrapping his arms around you, his head nestling in the crook of your neck. He pressed his lips against your skin, his stubble grazing along with it.
"Don't get mad at me, you know I don't like it when you talk to others without my permission." When did you ever need permission in the first place to talk to one of the warriors? He was the one who introduced you to them in the first place and now that you had a decent friend, he wants to take you away from him.
You didn't answer, pretending to be asleep in order for him to leave you alone for the night. Reiner was then quiet for a moment and you were sure that he had fallen asleep in this position, until something solid pressed against the crook of your ass. Your heart sank to your stomach suddenly as the arm wrapped around you pulled you even closer.
"That kiss earlier... Did you like it when Porco watched you whore yourself out to me?" Hot breath aired over your neck, a cold shiver going down your spine. He shuffled around for a few minutes, pulling up your nightgown ever so slightly until you felt something heavy and warm rest in-between your thighs, ever so close to your clothed pussy. Your breath quietly hitched and the inside of your mouth felt dry.
No. No. He wouldn't.
"I don't mind that proposition. I would be able to show him who you really belong to, Mrs. Braun." Teeth sank into your lower neck, not enough to hurt but enough to leave a mark. You bit down on your tongue, wanting to turn around and push him off the bed. You had almost made the motion in an attempt to do so until he started rocking into you, his shaft brushing up against your covered clit with every slow pump as he gripped the side of your hip.
You slightly jolted at the feeling, his movements pausing. Quickly and quietly as possible, you slipped your hand over your mouth inconspicuously and tried to breathe slowly as if you were still asleep. Reiner's hand dragged itself up from your hip to your chest, lightly squeezing before pinching your nipple. You bit the inside of your cheek, eyes clenching at the sensation.
He groaned against the crook in between your neck and shoulder, the sound vibrating as he resumed his thrusts. His mouth enveloped the area and he bit down again, harder. You twitched at the pain, your teeth clenching.
You knew about reproduction and small bits of other things about it like the genitals of the opposite gender, you learned about it back then in both training and the Survey Corps. There would be whispers among the older soldiers, the boys usually bragging about their conquests while the girls would be bashfully denying that anything occurred. But you were never interested in the romantic aspects that life is supposed to normally hand out, not in the world you once lived in. Having to survive against Titans was the utmost priority that occupied your mind back in Paradis. Crushes and partners couldn’t coexist with the horrors humanity had to defend against.
A small whimper nearly slipped out of your lips as your husband's tip caught itself against a particular spot on your clit as he simultaneously squeezed your pebbled nipple, your teeth digging into your palm. Reiner's breath burned hot against your skin as his pace began to accelerate, thrusts still wary as if he even cared if you were still asleep.
"God," Reiner sharply inhaled, shaky exhales coming out in short bursts. "If I knew how good this felt, I would've done it every single night."
He let out stifled grunts as he continuously grinded, the soft breathy sounds sending down even more pleasurable pulses in your lower half. It shouldn't be doing that in the first place.
You never touched yourself once in your entire adult life, only feeling the pangs of arousal from time to time but never doing anything about it. This kind of pleasure was a particular kind of torture, overwhelming shivers slowly clouding your mind with needless want. Every unknown sensation was new to you, from the way he played with your chest to the way he managed to rub himself precisely against the same spot over and over and over.
For a man that has never once touched his wife, it felt like he knew what he was doing. Reiner was one of the popular ones in the training corps; some of the girls quietly fawned over him in the dorms, begging you for some kind of info about him. You told them that the two of you were strictly platonic and had boundaries, back then at least.
Besides Historia, you were the only one that had caught and held his attention so he couldn't have practiced on someone else. There was also the fact that you've been married to him since you've arrived on Marley. Was there the possibility that he... cheated? There was no way, right? He was too obsessively enamored with you to begin with. Why were you even getting upset at the thought anyways?
He stopped thrusting against you, repositioning until you felt his heavy cock rest in the middle of your thighs. It throbbed and ached for more, an odd stickiness started to pool on top of your skin, and your own sex was left pulsing with uncomfortable want. His hand had also finally stopped fiddling around with your chest, disappearing from your body for a few seconds before finding itself resting on top of your mound.
"Gonna make you feel good." Reiner mumbled, words slurred as if he was intoxicated off of his lust.
Tentatively, he slipped inside of your underwear, warm fingers pushing down and in between the folds, as if he was searching for something. At first you were mildly confused about the intent, until a soft whine slipped through your lips.
Dread was the first thing that you felt, your stomach sinking down even lower. Embarrassment was second, how it was now that you realized how wet you were.
Reiner completely froze up and you quickly shut your eyes, trying to relax the hand on your mouth to remove any suspicions that you've been conscious the entire time. You waited for anything, if he was going to pull down your panties and take you right there or finally stop this torment. It was the latter to your surprise.
The warmth of his body suddenly left yours, hands and dick pulling away from you. You felt his weight lift off the bed and a door open and close as if he was in a rush. Was he going to the bathroom to take care of himself?
You slipped a hand down to your nether region, face burning up. Your panties were completely soaked, all because of a little bump and grind and some sensual touching. Your body had betrayed you immensely, continuing to pound with a desire to finish what he had started.
What if he was going to do this again and not stop there? You felt nauseous, there was no way in hell you were going to be able to fall asleep in peace anymore. You pulled the blanket completely on top of you, bundling yourself as if you were a caterpillar making its cocoon, ready to turn into a butterfly.
Reiner finally came back when you were starting to doze off, alertness running through your veins once more. There was hesitancy once more as he settled into the space next to you, pulling some of that precious blanket cocoon off of you. You froze up again as his hand rested on your shoulder but he didn't touch you like before, he simply tugged the strap back up in its proper spot. He pulled down your nightgown as well, kissing the side of your head and muttering a nearly silent half-assed apology.
You stopped tensing up when you knew his breaths began to slow, relief warming your heart.
Deep down, you knew it was finally time to go. The more you hesitated, the more trouble you'd get yourself into. It shouldn't be this complicated, your feelings towards Reiner shouldn't even be complicated. You fell asleep in a restless manner, thoughts swarming around your head.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
In the letter that Porco had left behind, it had said that Reiner was needed for another battle the day after the date he had planned but you couldn't wait that long anymore. When the night comes, you were going to escape from this hellhole. No more control from him, no more pressure from people who thought you were the very bane of their existence, no more of this horrid life.
You managed to slip a note to the man who would be taking you home a few days ago in preparation. It was during a market run and even if your closely guarding husband was there with you, you snuck it to him while buying fish.
Yes, your big break was a kind and somewhat elderly Eldian fisherman; he had mentioned that his son went to war for Marley and never came back, thus causing him to harbor hate towards the Marleyans. He knew that you came from Paradis Island — for quite some time, you were the talk of the internment zone — and briefly brought up a mention of a way back to your home when you were buying fish from him. The two of you went on his boat under the guise that he was giving you fresher and better quality catches and from there, he explained the plan to you and you've never felt more grateful.
The money was for his retirement in the fishing business, he had almost reached his goal and you were giving the last remaining bits to him. He'd give you a compass, supplies, and rations in order to survive in the ocean as he can only navigate the boat so far. The man had a spare boat in case of emergency but in your case, you would be using it the rest of the way.
The only setbacks in the plan were that you could possibly get stranded in the ocean and run out of food or drinkable water, or Titans could still be on the shores of Paradis, immediately killing you the second you step foot on the territory. However, anything would be better than staying one more minute with your husband. The other main flaw would be that if Reiner found out before you could execute the plan.
But he won't be able to find out, you already have something that would make sure he'll never find out until you were truly gone.
You've gotten them in a medical shop back then when you were still planning to kill him instead of living the role of a sweet little housewife. Rat poison didn't work as his body rejected it immediately but something that was basically a natural instinct, no way it could fail.
You've tested it too, in minute doses so he wouldn't notice. It was usually dinnertime when you put the crushed pills in his tea or soup, something liquid so it dissolved quicker. Because the dosage was so small, he'd get sleepy or doze off a little before waking up once more. He'd always excuse it for having a rough day in a meeting with the warriors and higher-ups or he didn't get a good night's sleep last night, never once he suspected it was you.
A part of you was exhilaratingly excited but another part of you was so doubtful and afraid. In your heart, you knew that the rewards outweighed the fear. You missed everyone, you missed the walled off lands you were born in, and you definitely missed your true name.
You made brownies and his favorite tea as a surprise after the date, both were stuffed to the brim with crushed up pills. You've estimated that he'd fall asleep as soon as he finished up the little dessert and you'd soon make your escape afterwards. You couldn't pack anything personal, he'd get too suspicious so you only were going to be able to take a jacket and the date clothes unfortunately. A part of you wanted to leave a goodbye note to both Porco and Pieck as they've treated you at least as a decent person, but it was too risky. Plus you didn't want Reiner to harass them when you went "missing".
As Reiner waited below for you to finish up your make-up, you shoved the money deeply down in your purse and took in a shaky breath. 'Don't break the act now, Y/N. You've done so much to get this far. It's time to finish this.'
Pulling the strap over your shoulder, you began your descent, heels clicking against the wooden floor. Reiner's eyes brightly lit up as you made your appearance, your heart beating wildly in your ribcage. His eyes lingered on your formal attire, trailing down the curvatures of your body.
"You look stunning Y/N, glad that you're using the dress I got you." He gazed at you with complete adoration, your face slightly flushing. He was so deeply appreciative of you, it was almost sickening. Like he was shoving bitter cough syrup down your throat over and over again, never once had you gotten used to the taste.
He got you a dark red dress that ended at the knees, beautiful jewels lining the curvature of your breasts. You matched it with a fluffy white fur coat, something he had gotten you a year ago on the anniversary of when you were taken to Marley.
You mumbled a shy 'thanks' as he put his arm out for you to take and you accepted it, interlocking with him as he began to pull you close. He pressed his face into your styled hair, kissing the top of your head.
"You used perfume too? You spoil me too much, tonight will be amazing I promise." You smiled, internally dreading that you knew what he meant. His mother gave you a hint about what he wanted to do to you from the recent celebration of him returning home, and he had always tried to coerce you about children ever since the two of you had gotten married. He'd never get the chance of course. So yeah, Reiner's right for once.
Tonight will certainly be amazing indeed, for one of you at least.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
"You know I love you right?"
The two of you finished dinner at that fancy Marleyan restaurant, ignoring the stares and murmurs about devil blood dining next to them, as if they weren't the demons themselves. The weight of their stares was an exhausting burden that you wanted to never have in the first place. Why be blamed for some shit that ancestors you can't even recall did? Ridiculous.
You were walking back home with him after a decent meal, his hand wrapped tightly around yours. As he asked that question, you nodded in cooperation.
"Of course I do, you've told me that you loved me ever since you've brought me here."
"I know I said that I'd wait until you'd be ready but Y/N," The two of you stopped walking and he took both your hands in his, facing you. God, you knew what he was about to ask but you still felt awfully nervous about it. "I want to start a family."
Your hands trembled in his grip as you let out an awkward, breathy sigh out. Looking up at him, it felt like your heart was ready to burst out of the confines of your ribcage. His hooded, hazel gaze was achingly tender, awaiting for the answer he wanted to hear.
The terrible part of you, the one who lived as a Marleyan housewife, the one that continuously gnawed on your insides, desperately wanted to agree just to get everything over with. This was the life you've been living for three years now, suck it up. Why ruin it? Why ruin any of the good moments you've been having with him?
Of course you wouldn't accept it, the sane part of you knew better. The part of you that was still a Survey Corps soldier clawed for freedom, for something better than this rotten relationship. He ruined everything for you in the first place, from your own family to the friends that laid at rest at Trost to your whole young adult life. You owed him nothing, nothing at all.
Finally, you gave him an answer. "Can we talk about this at home?"
Reiner's smile faltered lightly as you avoided the topic yet again. You felt his grip tighten, your shoulders tensing. "We can if it'll make you more comfortable. But I want an answer, a solid answer."
He wouldn't take a 'no' from you, not when it's been three years and last night was evidence that he was done waiting. You released one hand from his and placed it on the side of his face, stroking his cheek gently.
"I will answer it my love, don't worry. Let's get home now." To sweeten the deal even more, you tiptoed and gave him a light peck on the side of his lips. You could tell that it worked from the way his eyes softened, what a pushover. He went back to your side as the both of you began to walk once more home, crossing over the gate that separated the "real" Marleyans from the Eldians. This would be the last time you'd be passing through like this, you swore to yourself.
No matter what, you have to get home. No matter what.
Home wasn't that far, maybe it went by quicker in your mind due to you thinking that you were running out of time to meet up with the old fisherman. Reiner opened the door for you and you shuffled in, almost bee-lining to the kitchen. You were stopped however, his hand around your wrist.
"Hey. We still need to talk."
"I know, I just have something—" You tugged but he held on firmly, interrupting you.
"Y/N, you can't keep doing this. This is the last time that I'm asking politely." Take, take, take. That's all Reiner did. But he can't take this chance away from you, not this time.
"Please, it's important." He stood in silence, most likely weighing the choices in his head. Slowly, he released his hold and you thanked him quietly, thanked him for being such a fool. You pulled out the brownies from the pantry and quickly heated up the tea on the stove, getting out the nice plates and cups from the cabinets. This was going swimmingly! Maybe you really do have a chance at escaping, your body almost shivering from the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
Placing the brownies in a meticulous manner on the plate and pouring the now warm tea in a teacup, you walked over to your husband, who settled in at the dining table while he was awaiting for you. "Surprise! Your favorites."
Needless to say, he was astonished that you actually had something for him. You placed the dishes in front of him, smiling brightly. "I wanted to make you something to thank you for the night out, what more than a little dessert."
"You shouldn't have, you've done so much for me already sweetheart." You leaned down and let him kiss your cheek, internally impatient that he hadn't eaten it yet.
"It's really nothing much, but I hope it's to your liking." He smiled at you and picked up the laced dessert, your hands flexing up in eagerness. Watching him chew and swallow the whole thing was probably the best thing you've ever watched him do, and he drank up all the tea that was in the cup. It was a waiting game from here on out.
"Now then," He got up from the chair and stood in front of you, grabbing your shoulders. There was a slight wobble as he got up and held onto you, wow this shit was working faster than expected. "Can we finally start our family?"
You beamed as you watched his eyelids flutter, trying to stay awake and focus on what your answer could be. Reiner began to struggle to stay upright, almost leaning into you as drowsiness took over his body. Placing a hand on his forearm, you pushed it off.
Confusion muddled his tired expression, as if he was expecting an actual yes. "W-what?"
"No, I don't want to start a family with you Reiner. Want me to spell it out for you? N. O." The smile you had wore down into an infuriated grimace as you took one step back away from him. He started stumbling backwards and you let him, watching him hit the chair and fall to the ground with it. The clattering sound of the chair reverbed loudly in your ears, but nothing sounded more beautiful than his body hitting the floor. He tried to get up but his body was betraying him, just as you intended.
When he realized that he was unable to stand after a few attempts, he began to yell out your name like a child, sounding angry and disorientated. Ignoring him, you quickly went upstairs to grab a suitable coat, kicking off the tall heels. You couldn't turn on the lights, in fear that it would waste too much time so you kept bumping into different objects, frustration bubbling in your throat.
The room had to be a mess from your brisk rummaging but no more time can be wasted. You had to go now.
As you went back down, Reiner's screaming had settled down into incomprehensible slurring and his head continued to bob up and down to try and stay conscious. Your eyes met and he made another attempt to get up, panic arising in the depths of his eyes. Maybe now he was realizing that you were about to disappear forever.
"Go fuck yourself."
Reiner screamed out your name as you opened the front door — or what you assumed to be your name — before losing consciousness and hitting his head to the wooden floor. Clutching onto the money-filled purse, you began to dash over to the docks, not looking back. You winced at the small pebbles that dug into the skin of your bare feet but you couldn't take the chance of trying to find the best shoes to run in.
This pain is temporary, anything that hurt you now would never compare to the prison that he had put you in. The wind started to pick up, biting at your face and legs, and as you glanced up at the sky, dark clouds began to roll in. You hope that it wouldn't be too bad at sea and if you died there, you would have died happy.
"Mr. Kraus? Are you there?" You called out to the ships, trying to search for his boat. You said his name a few more times before you caught a lantern that was being lifted up and down. Rushing over and ducking into the boat, you began to pull out the money to give to him.
"Woah! Slow your roll there outsider."
"I can't!" You put your hand over your mouth, not realizing that you were starting to lose your nerves. "My apologies for yelling. But I can't, he could wake up at any time. Please, can we hurry this up?"
Mr. Kraus waved his hand to let you continue and adjusted the hat on his head, pulling it back to watch you place the money on the small table. "That's all of it, your retirement goal is done. Now, can you now start up the boat please?"
He nodded, patting your shoulder. "Thank you for your assistance with this, really couldn't have done it without you. Help me get the ropes off and I'll send you on your way."
"Thank you." An exasperated sigh escaped you and for the first time in forever, you felt like you could finally relax.
You exited out of the boat after the old man, clutching onto the jacket. There was rain pelting down, the sounds of a muffled thunder rumbling through the night sky. Flickers of lightning lit up the dark, vaguely letting you see where you were going.
You followed after him, pulling at the ropes that connected the boat to the dock. It was coarse against the palms of your hands and the rain wasn't adding in with the pleasantness of the feeling. It took a few tugs but they finally gave in, letting you pull them into the boat and onto the deck. A few more to go and then you'd never see Liberio ever again. Your time here in Marley would be nothing but an extremely unpleasant memory.
Continuing to remove the ropes, you finally pulled in the last on your side. You giddily let out an excited yell, letting the rain trickle down your face. "Hey Mr. Kraus! It's finished!"
You stumbled over to him, eyes wide with happiness. There was a smile on his face too, he was sharing the same enthusiasm as you but for a different reason of course. He told you to get into the cabin before you caught something and you did as you were told. Barely turning away from him to get into the cabin, your thoughts ran wild.
What were you going to see in Paradis? Were you really going to see your friends again? Has the technology there advanced as much as here? Was the Survey Corps still fighting to explore the outside? Was Captain Levi still shorter than you? These kinds of questions would eventually all be answered.
This was it, you were finally going to be—
The deafening sound of a rifle going off before the clap of thunder chilled you to the core. You stopped trying to get into the cabin. How could you ever forget that kind of sound? You were in the elevator back in Trost, the resonating boom and click of the guns went off in all directions, the shells tinkling onto the ground. A warm liquid splashed onto the side of your face, pieces of an unknown substance landing along with it, and the sound of a mutilating crack came afterwards. Unease began to bubble in your stomach.
As you turned to look at Mr. Kraus, your eyes began to widen and it felt as if the world went into slow motion.
He was facing the docks, away from you, his head ricocheting backwards from the force of the shot. His body fell back and almost into you, hitting the deck with a heavy thump. A hand went over your mouth, the bitterness of bile beginning to leave a taste.
It was a sickening sight. Sure, you've seen people die before but not like this. For some reason, this felt more inhumane than the Titans. The entry hole was in the middle of his forehead, his eyes glassy and wide. It was the perfect shot really. His mouth was largely agape, as if he was about to yell something before getting his brains blown off and strewn across his boat. Crimson began to pool around him, the substance dribbling down the steps and into the crevices of the wood.
Turning away from the freshly made corpse, you shakily turned your attention to the docks. As if on cue, bolts of lightning struck down in uneven intervals and lit up the world around you. The feelings of dread and anguish sank down into your stomach, settling heavily. It couldn't be but there was nothing that was able to deny it.
There he was.
Reiner Braun.
In his hands... was a freshly fired rifle.
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
Spoilers for RWBY ep.... 8 I think? Below the keep reading as well as criticism:
So I was wrong about the Cat. I wish it had turned out to be a morally dubious good guy, but whatever, guess the writers wanted yet another 'the person guiding you is actually not trustworthy' plot.
Here's what I'm gonna say - Neo got fucking taken over and possessed the moment that she actually started getting a spotlight as a villain? HATE that shit. I want Neo, not just some conglomerate taken over by the cat? And I don't like that she talked at all. It should've just been the cat's voice.
Idk if Little is dead or not, but I really don't care about or like Little, so if they are dead, okay??? Better than having to see them again tbh.
Seeing people 'resurrected' but all wrong was kind of dissatisfying? Torchwick was the only one of them who was actually used well (because rwby is going through plotpoints at the speed of light in fourteen to sixteen minute eps so of course we can't sit with things,) but his voice acting was off and so it messed with the immersion some. I don't blame them for not being able to get an exact copycat and I don't think they tried very hard since they didn't need Roman for long, but still, I wish his voice actor had done better. The animation of him was pretty good though.
Ruby ascended? Fuck that shit! I have hope that we're actually going to get 'Ruby down in the tree realizing what 'ascension' actually is, but first off, I wanted Ruby to have a breakdown and struggle, not to be full on suicidal and decide to basically kill herself. Second of all, if this means 'no more Ruby' I am going to be so pissed off. This is Ruby's show, right? Or it's supposed to be! Even if this means that we don't get much Ruby for the next two episodes, I'm still gonna be mad. The 'development' we've gotten so far is just Ruby being in pain, and then seemingly dying? I'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch or whatever, but this could be worst case scenario, people.
The moment where Ruby was getting attacked by everyone who was dead was... Well, first off, it was weird. Because A. Why would Neo bring in Clover, Leo, and Ozpin? Was she just bringing in everyone she thinks that Ruby may have sort of known who died? Second off, why does Neo think Penny cared about Ruby most in the world? When did she have access to that information? How did she know to use Penny that way? Third off, I liked the 'Ruby strikes out at Ozpin, only for Neo to replace him with Oscar' thing in theory but I would be wrong if I didn't point out that once again the only member of Team RWBYJNOR with dark skin gets the most violent things happening, which is a bad pattern. I get that it may be because Oscar is actually more like Ruby's friend than the rest of her team atm (which is sad,) but I just think the writers should be aware that this is a thing they do that they maybe should correct. Maybe they could've had it be Weiss or Yang that Ruby 'accidentally killed' in these visions? Just a thought. Fourth off! I liked how Neo transformed people into Ruby's alive friends and family, judging her for the 'murder.' Fifth off, I just gotta say the combat was not good for me once again. Neo literally has several people there fighting for her, and they all shot like stormtroopers? Ruby's discombobulated and depressed, so her going down without much fight isn't the problem, the problem is that Neo alone by herself should have been able to easily bring her down, let alone with her clones there to help her. Maybe she only knew Roman well enough to really replicate his style, but Neo and Roman? Tag team of the century!
On to... Team WBYJ. I'm not even gonna get into the fact that Blake and Weiss were more sympathetic to Ruby's struggles than Yang was (I am really frustrated with Yang this season,) but they all just stand there and do nothing while Ruby drinks down poison? What the hell? That is not a freaking good look, guys.
Anyway... I don't know how to feel about this episode, but I'm mostly frustrated and disappointed. And on the other hand, I guess we got good pics of Roman and Neo? I'm gonna have to wait to form a concrete opinions on this ep until we can confirm what the frick actually happened next ep, but for now, it's looking like another 3/10. I got some enjoyment, but overall a bad experience once again.
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WIP ask game
Thank you to @sea-dwelling-wizard for the tag!
Tagging @jackdawandicarus and @lordcatwich (no pressure ofc!)
rules: answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
For this, I'll be using my Victorian dragon thing :)
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
An initial version of the first chapter! It was initially going to be a really long poem (non-rhyming; I'm not that skilled). It focused on Heron (Hanne at the time) walking through sort-of-London (no, he does not wander through each chartered street where the chartered Thames does flow and mark in every face he meets marks of weakness marks of woe /ref) and entering a house. It was slightly more interesting than it sounds.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
I'm honestly… not that sure. That's are a few songs that I link with it but that's spoilers so uh. Yeah.
3. Who are your favourite character(s) and why?
Amethyst because the only other characters are Leila, Heron and Thomas. I've not developed Leila much yet, I'm not allowed to say Heron because he used to be based on me, and Thomas is an absolute shithead. Also Amethyst is a complex character from the start. Thomas is literally just a capitalist and Heron's complexity comes from later events.
4. What other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
Well, in its current form it kind of comes from my Victorian lit obsession, and it's going to be epistolary so… Dracula. Though it has very little in common with Dracula other than being epistolary and Victorian.
Other than that, I think it has some similarities to the Cogheart books? It's been a while since I read them, though.
5. What has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
Heron's fucking name. And just. Chapter one. I've started it four times by now and I've only just worked out it in a way that isn't absolutely fucking terrible.
6. Are there any animals in your story?
… they're all dragons. I guess that counts?
7. How do your characters get around?
In the usual way (they walk. Occasionally fly but walking takes less energy and is more what the city's built for anyway.)
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Chapter one. Still. I've not even written out a plan. Maybe I should do that at some point – that tends to help me get stuff done. And it'd let me work out how to pace stuff. Why have I not done that yet?
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
Ummmm… Heron being useless for several months straight aroace. Nah idk really. Just the vibes. The misery. The hint of hope. The Orpheus and Eurydice metaphor that appears in the current version. The hopes that Heron will give in to his urges and just fucking BITE Thomas. Amethyst possibly being Zouelle A Face Like Glass coded. This makes no sense. I full-on just forgot Zouelle's last name oh well.
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normally-o-a-k · 2 years
Hey look a fanfiction
Friends to lovers, multi chapter, no beta we die like Glenn, idk what to tag this I’ve never written fic before lmao, spoilers kinda? I’m gonna genuinely miss writing this.
Rating: Teen
Chap 8/8 (this is it folks)
Previous chapter:
After the first month of earnest whispered ‘I love you’s from Scam, it became an obvious game.
Another month full of portals opening at various points in the week. Scam leaning casually over the edge of them to smile and wink and tell him he loves him, all perfectly timed to continually burn up whatever Jodie had been holding at the moment.
Jodie hadn’t been counting everything he’d lost to this game, but he was relieved that the times it had be reports, he’d always been heading to the shredder anyway. In its own way Scam’s game had been working, the intensity of the flames had lessened recently but it was still a fairly large inconvenience.
So when Scam opens a portal next to him while he’s brushing his teeth, leaning on it like it’s a windowsill, he’s no longer surprised.
“Hello again handsome~! Did you miss me? You know I’ve missed you ~<3” Scam rests his hand on his cheek. “We fought some guys yesterday and one of them had a ruby that was the same color as your eyes, and I couldn’t help but think of you~”
Jodie smiles, rinsing his mouth and putting the toothbrush which he was sure Scam was hoping to watch him melt, down on the sink. “Of course I missed you…”
“How much~?” Scam smiles “I need to know~ it’s very much a competition”
He laughs softly “hm, enough to want to pull you through that portal and smother you with kisses”
“What a delicious way to die! I think I’m ready! I’m a willing sacrifice if that’s my method of expiry~!” Scam laughs, rolling over so he can play dead, dramatically hanging half out of the portal. He opens one eye to see if Jodie has picked up his toothbrush again.
Jodie laughs and picks it up. “Go ahead”
“Oooh? You’re giving me permission~?” He turns back over and grins
“Does that take the fun out of it?” He laughs “Sorry, I’m just glad I get to see you so often…and I like hearing you say it…”
“I love you~”
Jodie blushes but notably does not catch on fire, which surprises even him.
“Finally~!” Scam grins and climbs out of the inky black void of the portal to pull him into a kiss. Jodie leans in, tossing his toothbrush back behind him towards the sink so both his his hands are free to try and pull Scam closer, stumbling forward until Scam’s back hits the wall.
Scam breaks the kiss grin stretching ear to ear. He peppers his face with kisses, punctuating each one with an ‘I love you’, thrilled that he could without getting burned.
Jodie smiles and pulls him closer, resting his head against Scams chest, confident in how he’d been feeling he decides it’s time to finally say it… “Scam… I love you too”
Scam freezes, all three eyes widening, his tail flicking back and forth. “Jodie~” his face completely magenta from how hard he was blushing. “How off the table is spending the night?~”
“I’m still not ready for anything like-“
“Just sleeping~ I mean the just sleeping sort of spending the night~” he could wait as long as Jodie needed for anything else.
“That sounds nice…” he nods and pulls back from the embrace to lead him out of the bathroom and into his bedroom.
“You’ve never let me in your bedroom before~” Scam grins “Maybe I’ll ask to stay every night~”
“You’re saying that like I would tell you no…” he climbs into bed already in a tshirt and flannel pj pants. He was starting to feel a little nervous.
“I suppose I need to actually wear Pajamas from now on then~” With a snap of his fingers he was dressed in a silk pajama set. He lifts the blanket and climbs under the covers, His four arms wrap around Jodie’s waist, pulling him close.
Scam was in no way ready for how intensely the bed would smell like Jodie, now completely surrounded by the smell of cinnamon and leather. He hadn’t prepared himself for how warm it would be with Jodie nestled against his neck, His fingers tracing circles on Scam’s back as he starts to relax. It was comforting and he knew he wasn’t going to want to leave in the morning.
“Glenn and Nicky are coming home tomorrow… They’ll be here for breakfast” Jodie yawns.
“Oh.” He’d have to be gone then, fairly early too since Jodie was a morning person…He gently runs his fingers through Jodie’s hair. “Don’t worry~ I’ll leave before they get here~ Nicky won’t-“
“Scam I want you to join us… I think It’s probably time to tell Nicky that we’re seeing eachother”
“You’re sure?~”
“Yes…he’s probably got a pretty good idea something’s up anyway. “ he smiles and leans up to kiss his cheek. “Goodnight Scam… I love you”
“I love you too~”
Of all the people to show up for the Close-Foster family meals, Nicky had not expected Scam. He eyes him suspiciously through the doorway but doesn’t yet say anything about it. “Is mom coming?”
“Not today, she’ll be here tomorrow though, she misses you too” Jodie pulls him in for a hug. Morgan wasn’t an uncommon guest in hell, they’d remained friends after the separation and if Jodie was right there was interest growing between her and Glenn so she was going to be in his life for the long haul.
Glenn raises an eyebrow when he sees Scam standing as awkwardly as he feels by the breakfast table in the next room. He walks over and pats him hard on the back “I was wondering where you got off to last night”
“Don’t expect me to sleep at camp ever again~ Jodie is just so deliciously comfortable, I’m intent on breaking him out of his habit of being an early riser~” he smirks.
“…gross. Look, if you two are getting more serious about each other that’s great, but I know you like to say stuff that’s not exactly kid friendly…just remember Jodie is Nicky’s dad so when you say weird shit it’s going to effect him”
“oh no worries Glenn~ I wouldn’t dream of upsetting my future step son~”
“Oh I really really don’t like that. Scam, listen, Nicky’s approval is a big deal, don’t fuck this up.” He pats him on the back again “if you do, you can just toss any future you’ve got in you head out the window. The kid matters more than you, comprende?”
He actually hadn’t considered how important this breakfast could be before right now. “Even if he loves me~?”
“It won’t matter if Nicky wants you gone”
He stands up a bit straighter. “Well I certainly don’t want that~ I suppose I should actually say hello now~” he steps away from where Glenn cornered him, walking as casually as he can up to Jodie and Nicky. “Good morning Nicky~ I hope you slept well? Yesterday sure was fun wasn’t it~?”
Nicky makes a face “we had to kill like three guys yesterday… so I mean … yeah I guess?” He looks to Jodie “Dad… why is he here?”
Jodie pats Nicky’s shoulder “let’s all go eat and we can talk about it?”
Nicky, having not gotten the answer he wanted, looks at Glenn. He finger tuts ‘what’s going on?’
Jodie catches the movement out of the corner of his eye and glares at Glenn mouthing ‘don’t you dare’
Glenn looks between the two “He’ll tell you, just wait…”
Nicky grumbles but heads to the table regardless, sitting in his usual spot.
Jodie relaxes, waiting for everyone to sit down infront of their pancakes. “So, how was your week?”
Glenn just shrugs and starts digging in “still net zero info.”
Nicky doesn’t touch his pancakes yet. “My week was fine.” It was a terse response. He didn’t like that Jodie was hiding something from him.
Scam was nervous now, how do you impress children? Surely if he hadn’t made a positive impression with all his jokes and japes over the last year or so, there wasn’t going to be much more he could do? He absolutely has to get Nicky’s approval…Sweets maybe? He reaches over, hand outstretched, various types of unwrapped candy oozing from his palm and dropping onto Nicky’s pancakes.
Nicky tries not to gag and pushes his plate away, looking at Jodie with urgency. “DAD.”
Glenn cracks up “holy shit”
Scam hesitates and then slides his uneaten plate of pancakes towards Nicky. “Apologies~ I just thought you’d like sweets~ don’t all children wish they could have candy for breakfast?”
Jodie just buries his face in his hands “Scam what are you doing?”
“Was that the wrong move?~” Scam takes the plate covered in candy and unhinges his jaw, pouring the contents of the dish into his mouth. “There, it’s gone~!”
Nicky frowns. “Dad. Why is Scam here?”
Jodie sighs “yeah okay…I was kind of hoping this would go a bit smoother…”
Scam fidgets with a fork, he’d fucked up. It’d been only a few minutes into the breakfast and he’d blown it.
“You know how your Mom and I haven’t been together for a while? Well… Scam and I really like each other and-“
“What?!” Nicky wasn’t sure what exactly he was feeling besides pure unadulterated shock.
“We love each other” Jodie looks as nervous as Scam is. “So he’s going to be around a lot…”
He wanted his dad to be happy but… this was the weirdest possible choice. “Am…I going to have to call him ‘dad’?”
“No, of course not…” Jodie relaxes and reaches out for Scam’s hand, still looking at Nicky “Are you… okay with it?”
“I mean he’s really weird Dad…but yeah…just… how long have you guys… been dating?”
Scam grins “The week after next is our three month anniversary~! I’ve never been so excited about the passing of time~<3”
Jodie blushes “you’ve been keeping track?”
“Of course I have~ Every minute I get to spend as your lover means so much to me~ ” he leans on the table, resting his chin on his hands, his grin widening, absolutely smitten with Jodie.
“Oh god, please don’t call my dad your ‘lover’… just say boyfriend….” The reality of it was starting to hit Nicky. Scam was part of his dads life, potentially forever judging by how sweetly they were staring at each other.
Glenn pats Nicky on the back “they’re kinda grossly sweet together huh? You should be happy for your dad”
“Yeah I am…but…. If Scam hurts him I’ll kill him myself”
Glenn laughs “you’re a good kid.”
Jodie smiles and holds Scams hand across the table. Nicky being on board meant they were free to be open about how they felt for each other now.
Scam was relieved, He’d been accepted, albeit begrudgingly, but still accepted none the less. This meant he was part of the family now didn’t it? How wonderful! His grin widens and with a lilt of curiosity asks “How long until we consider Marriage?~”
Jodie instantly ignites.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
in light of me finally understanding the sorting of the shadowlands broke sometime during legion, I was thinking about my sorting for my muses again:
alleria would still be maldraxxus and she’d be like why am I here but she’s too much of a warrior, and too little about order or nature to go anywhere else alternatively, void related afterlife, which would likely suck but is also interesting to think about aksjdfnkjasndf
kelantir I don’t? really know? she’s a paladin and all but I don’t see her fitting in the ‘you follow this path and never question anything ever’ place kasjndfkajsndf if she went to bastion because order and serving, she’d probably end up as one of the failed ascended
nalice is revendreth all the way. if she died and was actually redeemed would be interesting... in that scenario she’d likely stay in vampire land to help redeem others!
nathanos would go to revendreth, were he to die and things to be working. his first death he didn’t stay dead long enough to be judged and sent anywhere, but I feel like he might have gone bastion... maybe
tiffin went to bastion and refused to forget about her life you can pry this headcanon from my cold dead hands 
sindragosa definitely was in bastion for AGES when arthas decided it would be cool to bring her back and I have lots of feelings about that because she died like.... when deathwing turned? in the war of the ancients? that was THOUSANDS of years ago? and she was in bastion all this time and then... and then..... I don’t think she’d have ascended though bc everyone can see she’s unable to forget her resent towards malygos specifically and I bet given the chance to literally forget she would have taken it tbh but she just can’t  it’s a nice thing to use to explain why she doesn’t much care for other dragon stuff! she likely did forget bc she let go of those memories, but malygos and her death specifically stuck with her
still can’t decide for tyrande tbh bc I want to say ardenweald but Idk if that’s valid
I think alex fits with the whole ‘had a natural calling in life for service in one form or another’ ‘order’ ‘purpose’ ‘serving’ stuff from bastion, though she is very tied with nature and life so that’d be ardenweald?
illidan is a demon and doesn’t get to go to the shadowlands
lorna is probably maldraxxus which she would absolutely hate wtf this undead aesthetics is she a joke to you
lor’themar and thaly I really don’t know. specially her I don’t feel like she fits in any of those so I’ll just imagine she’d go to one of the ones we haven’t seen aksndfakjfd
that’s all subject to change when we have more info but
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0netype · 7 years
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✧*:・✧ Roleplay (˵ ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
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Loki’s Line About Betraying Everyone
I need to talk about this line (spoiler: I’m not happy about it). I was going to just include this in the full episode response post I’m working on, but it got long enough that I decided to make it its own.
First of all, here’s the full quote: "I betrayed everyone who ever loved me. I betrayed my father, my brother, my home. I know what I did. And I know why I did it. And that's not who I am anymore."
Y'all, I'm less emotional about it now but this line fucked me up when I first heard it. It hit me like a ton of bricks while watching the episode for the first time because I was actually doing fine and wasn't significantly bothered by anything up until that point, and then came that line and I suddenly almost felt physically ill. I actually wrote up a post about it that night but never posted it because it was essentially just a lot of screaming, so I've now taken pieces of that and formed a hopefully more coherent post (though it still contains a good amount of screaming). So, I get that the idea that Loki’s betrayed Thor over and over is a Commonly Accepted Thing. It's really a lot more complicated than that, and there are a lot of gray areas involved, but fine, I'll give them that one. But - when did Loki betray his father? When did Loki betray his home?? I’m not just mad about it, this is...a legitimate question. I mean with the father thing, I guess the only thing could be the nursing home in Ragnarok/taking the throne from him? Which is irrelevant anyway because this Loki didn’t do that and doesn't even know it happened in the main timeline?? And besides, it PALES, like, hilariously, in comparison to any one of multiple things Odin did to him before that (not counting any fanon here - just the canon things that we know of!) I am just so confused, especially about the betraying Asgard thing. WHEN? LITERALLY WHEN? Guys, there is no film in which that took place.
If I trusted the narrative, I would say the most logical thing to conclude - at least about the betraying Asgard part - is that this is a setup for Loki to later realize he actually saved Asgard by causing Ragnarok (because that's the closest thing I can think of to "betraying his home"), which could even tie into something about, idk, helping him realize he’s capable of being a hero? (or something) and it would be a good follow-up to the moment he found out about Ragnarok in episode 2, but...fuck, the way these lines were framed it really doesn't feel like anything like that is going to happen. I could be wrong, but these just didn't strike me as lines that are at any point going to be contradicted or even revisited.
And moving onto another part of the quote - "I know why I did it." Uh, I guess good for Loki for apparently knowing that...but the audience sure doesn't?? This is something we're just now being told and have not been shown at all?? I have a feeling Loki thinks he knows why but it unfortunately doesn't have anything to do with some of the biggest actual reasons, which are the abuses done to him that helped make him who he is. Even more unfortunately, I also have a feeling the creators are on roughly the same page as Loki here. So yeah, that's a real shame.
The core problem here seems to be where the writers are coming from, and @iamanartichoke worded it really well here, so I’m just going to quote her: “either the writing is being lazy by oversimplifying Loki’s motives, or it’s being deliberately misleading in order to retcon the character, or the writers genuinely believe that’s what happened, which implies a misunderstanding of Loki’s character kinda from the get-go - at least on what drives his villainy and what fuels his anger, which are pretty significant things.” I do think there’s a slight chance they were using Loki as an unreliable narrator here and the audience was supposed to pick up on the subtext (more on that at the end of this post), but I doubt it, and I think it’s very likely one or more of the options listed in the quote. 
Honestly, I can explain Loki's line about betrayal (and his general lack of acknowledgement of his own trauma/legit grievances against his family) pretty easily in-universe. It makes sense that Loki himself would frame things as him betraying everyone who's ever loved him as if they never did anything to wrong him first, or that he would try to ignore what Thanos did to him in favor of putting all the blame on himself (coping with his trauma and loss of control by denying it). Or hell, maybe he would even straight up subconsciously invent a betrayal that never even happened, like the one about his home. I can totally understand Loki seeing the events of his life that way! That all lines up with his complete lack of self-worth, and to have him 1) recognize his mistakes and take responsibility for them (which has happened at this point in the show), but then progress on to 2) realize he isn't solely to blame for literally everything, and 3) recognize the role of his family and others in understanding why he is the way he is - that would be a very satisfying arc and is the natural direction that the story should take in episode 6. The problem is, I don't think the show is going that way. I think we're either supposed to take it at face value that Loki did in fact betray everybody who ever loved him (as if Loki is a reliable narrator when he's most certainly an unreliable one), or the audience is supposed to figure out that Loki's an unreliable narrator here - but the latter won't work, because the creators have to follow through on that subtext at some point and actually do something to indicate that what Loki said wasn't 100% true, and it doesn't feel like they're going to. You can't expect your audience to put any weight on subtext or even pick up on it in the first place if you never actually confirm anything, and your audience won't know your narrator is unreliable unless you tell them. If Loki being an unreliable narrator in that specific moment was their intention, only a small subset of fans are going to pick up on it. So the way they're framing it so far, the audience is simply going to see it the same way Loki does and not realize it's incorrect. 
Unfortunately, as stated earlier, I think the most likely explanation is that the writers either don’t understand Loki, are being lazy, or are deliberately retconning. So while I take a degree of comfort in the in-universe explanation, it’s pretty damn infuriating to consider where the writer’s minds were probably at in reality, and how this set of lines is presenting Loki to the casual audience. 
Tagging @iamanartichoke and @delyth88 if you guys have any thoughts?
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
The Wrath of the Lamb
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 4.7k (this is officially the longest thing i’ve ever posted, i beat my own record three times with this series lmao)
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, guns, pregnancy, burning, canniablism, death, gore probably more idk 
Author’s Note: My very favorite thing about this rewrite is watching the show and seeing how those writers and creators took pieces of the original source material to create their own show and I took both the novels and the show and just did this. I am very very proud of this. I am so happy I decided to do it. I was going to make a substantial change to the ending but I honestly am hoping that one day, season 4 will happen and maybe I’ll stil be writing. Thank you all SO MUCH for getting this far. I am so happy we got to share this together and that this show is as good as it is. I hope I did it justice because this show is so complex. I hope that you all enjoy and thank you again. 
I used some direct quotes from the script so some things may seem familiar 
Official Episode Summary: Will orchestrates a plot involving Hannibal in hope of slaying Francis Dolarhyde; Bedelia is concerned for Will and the lives of those close to him.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List (is always open!) : @llperfectsymmetryll​ @ericacactus​ @vlightning95​ @sweetgoodangel​
(not my gif) 
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You looked in the small window of Reba’s hospital room. You were standing outside of it beside your husband, your hand tight around your upper arm. You were almost cradling yourself in a way. This reminded you of when you had come to visit Abigail, when she was still in the hospital. As your eyes went from the window to Will you were once again thrown to the reality of now. If it had been Abigail in that room you would have looked to see a shaking, sweating puppy dog Will Graham who was so unsure of the world around him. This Will was so different. His hair was done, his shirt ironed. You had ironed it. 
He met your eyes and you gave him a small nod. He opened the door and you let him go inside. You did not follow him. He had enough empathy to give Reba and he understood where she was standing. You and him understood. You had all loved a monster.
Will grabbed your arm gently. You and him stood in front of Hannibal’s cage. You had no doubt that Hannibal saw you somewhere else. But nonetheless, you allowed yourself to ease in his presence. A thing Will was once again learning to do.
“Ding-dong, the Dragon’s dead,” Will said. Hannibal raised an eyebrow. He looked between the two of you and his smile faded.
“Pity. I had such plans,” he promised. You believed that. “Are congratulations in order?” Will approached the other man, just against the glass wall. 
“I didn’t kill him. Neither did Y/N. Suicide.”
“I would have liked to kill him as well,” you muttered. Hannibal seemed disappointed at that.
“Then he wasn’t as strong as the Dragon after all,” Hannibal whispered. 
“He was trying to stop,” Will argued. You weren’t sure why Will was arguing for Francis. You hated that he was. He had hurt you. Francis had scared you. You didn’t mention it but you could feel that Hannibal caught the emotion
“I was rooting for you, Will. I figured you would adore killing the man who attacked your family, it’s such a shame. You came all this way and didn’t even get to kill anybody. Only consolation is Dr. Chilton.” Hannibal paused for affect. “Congratulations for the job you did on him. I admired it enormously. Did you do it together? Was the idea hatched in the duo?” You straightened your back. 
“No,” Will said simply. 
“What a cunning couple you are,” Hannibal said anyway. 
“Are you accusing us of something?” you questioned.
“Does the enemy inside you agree with the accusation? Even a little bit?” Hannibal questioned. 
“We came back to stop the Dragon. He’s stopped,” Will stated. 
“Your family was on his itinerary Will. You’re safe now, all three of you. You can go home again. If there’s any point?” Hannibal suggested. You gave him a look. 
“I like my life,” Will said but he did not sound convincing. 
“It won't’ be the same. You’ll see it’s not the same,” Hannibal promised. You stepped closer to the glass.
“I want it to be the same. Together, we will make it the same,” you promised.
“Mutual assurances you try to exchange in the dark and in the day will pass through some refraction, making them miss their mark. When life becomes maddeningly polite…” Hannibal thought about his words and made you both think about them as well. “...think about me. Think about me, don’t worry about me.” 
Will was ready to leave. You could feel it. 
“You turned yourself in so I would always know where you are. You’d only do that if we, together, rejected you.” Will put his hand on the nape of your back. “Good-bye Hannibal.” Will started to lead you out. 
“Will…” He turned. “Was it good to see me?” 
“Good? No.” 
Will walked out and you followed him. He kept going but you stopped as the doors behind you shut. Your mind reeled and he could see it. 
“I need my own goodbye,” you whispered. He gave you a long look. He knew that this was what you needed. He knew it was. Still though, he didn’t want it. He wanted to protest. 
“I’m going back to the motel. Meet me there?” You nodded. He walked down the hall. You could feel his tenseness but ignored it as you walked back into the room with Hannibal. He was clearly surprised to see you. 
“Was that not good-bye?” he questioned. You shrugged.
“That was Will’s good-bye. Not mine.” 
You walked in front of the glass and sat down. Hannibal did the same. You were arguably one of the only people he would sit down like that for. 
“I take for granted, on occasion, that you enjoyed my company,” you told him. You played with the hem of your pants. “I recognize, to a fault, that you would eat me if let out. You would eat my husband. You would eat my baby. But still…” You smiled, reminiscently. “I loved you.” 
He was pleased to hear this. He was so pleased.
“You never would have left him. Not even if I killed him in the kitchen,” he suggested. You thought about that for a moment. You thought back to that terrible day and felt it again.
“I suppose you’re right.”
“When you came in to interview for the secretary position I had already picked someone. I didn’t want to be rude, so I let you in.” He stopped. That was the end of his story.
“Why would you let me work for you?”
“Because I liked you. And as it turns out, we would have met eventually. Through Will.” You nodded.
“But it would have been different.” 
“Yes. Yes it would have.” You pressed your hand against the glass. He looked at it and he did not put his hand on yours. 
“Will is right. I turned myself in so you and he would always know where I am. Because you rejected me.” Your hand fell off the glass slowly.
“I deserved that.” 
You stood up and took a deep breath.
“Good-bye Hannibal.” 
You walked up to the hotel room and started to grab the key from your purse. You struggled for a moment but eventually found it. You slid it into the lock and unlocked it, walking inside. Your mind hung over Hannibal still when you were grabbed. You had just been able to see Francis coming at you enough to push him off, hitting his head. He ran out of the door and you followed him but eventually he went too far and you had to stop. You turned back to the room and ran back, your hand on your stomach as you breathed hard from adrenaline. 
Will sat in the chair, tied down. You rushed to him, locking the door behind you. 
You started to untie him.
“Who was that?” you asked. 
“The Red Dragon,” he breathed. You scoffed.
“Not dead then.”
“Clearly.” You got him out quickly.
“Are you alright?” you questioned. He nodded, rubbing his wrists. 
“Yeah. He didn’t hurt me much.” 
“What did he want?” 
You stared at each other. He didn’t need to tell you. You knew. 
Will, you and Jack Crawford stood in the hall leading to the morgue. 
“The obvious thing is to try to get him to come to us. Bait him with something he wants more than us,” Will said. Jack gave him a look.
“He’d be an idiot to go for it,” Jack muttered. 
“I know. Want to hear what the best bait would be?” you asked. Jack stared at you. You stared back at him.
“Not from you.”
“Hannibal would be the best bait,” Will said so that you didn’t have to. Jack shook his head.
“Why in God’s name would anybody want to meet Hannibal Lecter?”
“To kill him, Jack. The Dragon could absorb him that way, engulf him, become more than he is,” Will explained. It gave you a moment of just realizing that was how he used to speak about killers he didn’t know. 
“You sound pretty sure Will.”
“I’m not sure. Who’s sure? I’m not even sure Hannibal would draw the Dragon. I say it’s the best shot,” Will explained. 
“Set up how?” Jack asked.
“I would be hell to do, I know that. We’d take Hannibal into federal custody,” Will said. You gave him a look. 
“Because Y/N and Alana would never sit still for what you’re about to suggest?” You gave Jack a bitter role. 
“We fake an escape.” Will stared at you for a moment and Zeller called his name. “One moment.” He disappeared in the morgue that left you and Jack alone, annoyingly. 
“You’ll have both their lives in your hands,” you whispered. 
“Since when do you care about if Hannibal gets hurt under my care?” he questioned.
“Since now.” 
Bedelia did not look happy. You did not expect her to be happy either. You respected her bit of unhappiness. 
“We assign a moment to decision, to dignify the process as a timely result of rational and conscious thought. Yet what you propose is so thoughtless, I find it difficult to imagine that moment exists,” Bedelia said bitterly. You stood behind Will, walking around the room slowly. Will sat down across from her.
“Decisions are made of kneaded feelings. They’re more often a lump than a sum.” Bedelia stood up, walked to where she kept the drinks and poured herself one. She offered one to you that she then realized you couldn’t drink. 
“However you think you’re going to manipulate this situation to your advantage, think again,” Bedelia said.
“There is no advantage. It’s all degrees of disadvantage,” you argued. Bedelia fixed on you and Will with a piercing stare. 
“‘Who holds the Devil, let him hold him well. He will hardly be caught a second time’.” 
“I don’t intend Hannibal to be caught a second time.” A flicker of alarm played in her eyes. 
“Can’t live with him. Can’t live without him. Is that what this is?” she asked, bitterly.
“I guess this is my Becoming,” Will suggested.
“I just tag along,” you whispered.
“Because you have two crazy men in absolute love with you,” she told you. Will stood up, straightening his jacket. He was done here.
“I’d pack my bags if I were you Bedelia. Meat’s back on the menu.” 
Alana looked annoyed. She sat in Jack’s office, a place you hated to the ends of the Earth. You messed with your hair a bit, leaning against the wall.
“Hannibal has tentatively agreed to the deal, as proposed,” Alana said.
“What will make him less tentative?” 
“He wants Will and Y/N to ask him.” She turned to him. “He wants you to say ‘please’.” You gave a bitter smile. So very like him.
“I’ll say ‘pretty please’,” Will said. He was preparing to speak to you. He knew what he had to bring up would not blow over right.
“We will have a stampede when people think Lecter is out,” Jack explained.
“Let them stampede. Authenticity. And let them think I helped Hannibal escape,” Will muttered.
“Someone has to be close. When the Dragon comes.” He turned to you. “And just one person.” For a moment, the other three people in that room let that sink in. It was a surprise even to Jack Crawford that Will would even suggest that he go somewhere without you. 
“You can’t come,” he repeated.
“No I heard you, I was letting you change your sentence.” 
“I don’t think you need to be there. You don’t.” You clenched your fist and looked away from him. You understood where he was coming from. There was no reason for you to be there. You would only be in the way and you had a child. It would be stupid.
But still.
Every piece of you wanted to be there with Will and Hannibal. You were always there with them. They were your boys. 
You shook your head slowly. 
“What do you suggest I do?” you asked. Will thought about that for a moment.
“Whatever you want.” You couldn’t look at him. He pulled a pocket knife out of his jacket pocket and handed it to you. You took it slowly but still looked away from him. “For if you need it.” You weren’t sure what that meant and you didn’t want to ask. 
You and Will walked into the room with Hannibal again. You had hoped to never have to see it again. He did not look surprised to see you this time.
“I thought you said your good-byes.”
“We’ve had one last good-bye between us.” Hannibal was tied up in a straight jacket. You hadn’t been this close to him for a while. You wanted to touch him but you held yourself back. 
“You didn’t just say good-bye, though, did you? That little extra bit at the end for you Will. It felt very final for both of you. I believe it’s called a ‘mic drop’. You dropped the mic, but here you are having to come back and pick it back up again,” Hannibal explained. There were nurses in there with you that stopped any kind of intimacy feeling you may have.
“I knew you would keep running if I kept chasing you. I knew you wanted me to know exactly where I could find you. When we needed you,” Will said.
“And you did,” Hannibal commented. 
“I need you, Hannibal,” you said. Will finished it off.
Will stared at Hannibal in his cage. Even as Francis drove by, he stared at Hannibal. His mind became blurry. But still, he saw the outline of Hannibal’s face in the fog that was his mind as it crashed. People died. People were killed. 
Hannibal was let out. 
Will did not panic. He figured this would happen. He knew this would happen. 
When his mind regained his moment, he got up and stepped out of the broken car. Hannibal crossed to the police car as he took off his straight jacket. He opened the door and pulled the dead driver from the vehicle.
“What are you doing?” Will called.
“You know Will, you worry too much. You’d be so much more comfortable if you relaxed with yourself. Are you coming? He’s not going to kill us here. What he wants to do requires something a little more private.” Hannibal behind the wheel was an interesting scene. The side window was smashed, blood splashed across the inside of the windshield. Hannibal pulled up alongside Will, opened the passenger door and shoved a dead police officer out of the vehicle. He leaned over the seat.
“Going my way?” Will looked through the car door and then looked back down the road.
“You know it can’t just be the two of us,” Will said.
“It never was and never will be, just the two of us.” 
You sat in Jack’s office. Will’s pocket knife was in your hand tightly. You were getting a play by play that way which was the only reason you were truly there. You sat in a chair, head in one of your hands as you heard the voices go out and static. You looked up and Jack looked at you.
“What is that? What happened?” 
“Hold on.” He dialed a number.
There was an excruciatingly long moment in silence. You held your breath, biting your finger gently as you waited. Someone spoke on the other line. You couldn’t make out what they were saying. 
Then he hung up and looked at you. You stared back at him and waited.
“They were intercepted. We don’t know yet if there are any survivors.” You stared at him and he waited for that backlash. He was ready for it. But there was no anger that went over your face, instead it was just a small laugh. You shook your head and that laugh fell. 
He saw that face and he recognized the look in your eyes. 
“Do you remember the first judge of Will’s trial?” you asked quietly. 
“Do you. Remember. The first judge. In my husband's murder trial?” you asked again, louder this time. 
“Yeah. Hannibal killed him.” You widened your eyes and shook your head slowly.
“No. I did.”
He had no time to react. You opened the pocket knife and leaned across the desk, slashing his throat. 
You reached the motel room quickly after that. You pulled in at the same time you saw a car pull into the parking lot behind you. You got out of your car, hands still stained in Jack Crawford’s blood. The car slowed down beside you. You looked into it and the window rolled down, revealing Will in the passenger seat, Hannibal in the driver's seat.
You let out an audible sigh of relief. 
“Jack told me you were dead,” you said as you rushed to the window.
“Get in the back,” Will said gently. He went to grab your hand but stopped when he saw the blood. Hannibal noticed it at the same time. You did not address it, instead you got in the back of the car with them. 
Hannibal pulled out of the parking lot and away.
“The blood isn’t...the b-” Will started but you cut him off.
“No. I slit Jack Crawford’s throat,” you stated. Hannibal, pleasantly surprised, laughed. Will turned around to look at you. He didn’t look exactly surprised at you. More surprised at his lack of shock.
“About time,” Hannibal said. 
“Is he dead?” Will asked. You shrugged.
“I left before figuring that out.” 
You were so happy to be back beside the both of them. You just let out another sigh of relief.
You got out of the car and admired the scenery. It was such a Hannibal place, you weren’t even surprised. The sun setting, the cliff, the way the house stood on the Earth. So serendipitous. 
“The bluff is eroding. There was more land when I was here with Abigail. More land still when I was here with Miriam Lass,” Hannibal said. Will looked over the view and down the cliff a bit. Water, crashing. Gorgeous.
“Now you’re here with us,” Will said. 
“And the bluff is still eroding. You and I are suspended over the roiling Atlaninic. Soon all of this will be lost to sea,” Hannibal explained. You walked over to where Will lingered by the cliff. Hannibal walked away from you to find the key to the home. 
“This isn’t the right place for us to be,” he whispered.
“Yes it is,” you countered. 
“Running from the law with a child?”
“Sounds like something we would do and do well.” He looked over at you away from the view. 
“Let’s get your hands cleaned.” 
The sun set completely. The moon showed through the glass walls. You stared through the view and Will stood beside you, watching you watch your new life. He put his hand on your shoulder and you leaned into him as Hannibal walked into the room. Hannibal pulled a wine bottle from the rack and poured two glasses of wine. 
“I apologize that I cannot offer you any wine Y/N,” he said. You turned to him. Will’s hand dropped. 
“No worries.  I never liked it anyway,” you lied. Will took a glass. 
“You’re playing games with yourself in the dark of the moon,” Hannibal said, moving toward the window as well. “Wasn��t surprising that I heard from the Great Red Dragon. Was it surprising when you both heard from him?”
“Yes and no,” Will said. 
“Surprised me. I just wanted to sleep in my own bed,” you whispered. Hannibal smiled gently but that quickly fell off his features. 
“You intend to watch him kill me?” Hannibal questioned. You shook your head but Will spoke first.
“I intend to watch him change you.” Hannibal took that in, a sad smile on his face as he fingered the corkscrew. He saw it in his hands and wondered if he should kill you. Kill Will. Get it over with. Instead, he uses the tip to cut the seal on the wine bottle. 
“My compassion for you both is inconvenient,” Hannibal stated.
“If you’re partial to beef products, it’s inconvenient to be compassionate toward a cow,” Will muttered.
“Save yourself, kill them all?” Hannibal asked.
“I don’t know if we can save ourselves. And maybe that’s just fine,” you said. 
“No greater love hath man than to lay down his life for a friend’,” Hannibal recited. Will looked out the window and sensed the danger.
“He’s watching us now,” Will whispered. He looked at you and you looked back at him. You were staring at each other the second that the glass wall shattered, impaling Hannibal in the stomach. You turned quickly, moving toward Will subconsciously. Hannibal’s wine bottle dropped from his hand and a large red stain on his sweater blossomed with blood. Glass shards fell through the air and beyond them, the patio is just the black knight. In the darkness came Francis Dolarhyde.
Hannibal slid down to his knee. Blood pumping from the gunshot wound in his abdomen. Will grabbed you but Francis raised his gun to the two of you. 
“Don’t run. I’ll catch you.” Hannibal glanced down at his belly wound.
“Hello, Francis,” he said.
“Hello, Dr. Lecter,” he echoed. Francis pulled a tripod from his bag and tossed it to you before pointing the gun at your head. Will took the tripod from your hands and began to set it up. 
“I’m so happy you chose life, Francis. Suicide is the enemy.” 
“I had one rag of pride that Reba McClane gave me. It told me that suicide was a sorry end,” Francis explained.
“You were seized by a fantasy life with the brilliance and freshness and immediacy of childhood. It took you a step beyond alone.” Francis pulled out a 16-mm camera from his bag and handed it to you who fixed it on the tripod, still at gunpoint. 
“I’m going to film your death, Dr. Lecter, as dying, you meld with the strength of the Dragon.”
“It’s a glorious and rather discomfiting idea,” Hannibal muttered. You back away from the camera and he reached for the gun that was in his waistband. You wanted to reach for Will’s knife he had given you but hesitated. 
“Watching the film will be wonderful, but not as wonderful as the act itself.”
Before you even knew what was happening, a knife slammed in Will’s face. You screamed. Francis shot you in the stomach. You stumbled back and then moved forward again. Will fell through the broken wall you attacked Francis. You had enough strength to get him outside.
Francis lifted Will off the ground and Will stabbed him with the knife that was once in his cheek. As you found your own knife, Francis started to again fight Will. As you moved you saw Will rag-doll across the stones. Will’s blood spattered across the thick drops to the stone. He got to his hands and knees. You went to stab Francis again but he got to you first, slashing your side. It stunned you enough that you fell back on the stones beside your husband. 
Will pulled his gun out and Francis immediately disarmed him, tossing the gun over the bluff. You wanted to scream but nothing came out. Just as Francis went to slash him again Hannibal came out of the darkness. He tried to snap Franics neck but the man's neck was too strong and he swatted Hannibal away. 
The two of them staggered across the patio. You tried to get up and Will did as well. He tossed Hannibal off but you and Will were up again.
You started to use your knives on his legs, hoping to disarm him. Hannibal grabbed a hatchet that he found off to the side. He slammed it into Francis achilles tendon and then his knee. 
You, Will and Hannibal all stood now. Exhausted but equal. Francis bleeded from his wounds, leg destroyed. Hannibal staggered up to him and bit out Francis throat. He arched his back and blood fell all around him.
Eventually he fell and let out one last breath as he stared at Will in front of him. 
Will started to finally feel his wounds, as did you and Hannibal. He looked down at his hands which were drenched in red. 
“It really does look black in the moonlight,” he whispered. You didn’t know what he was talking about but you didn’t ask. You stumbled to Hannibal who caught you. In his other arm, Will stood. The three of you embraced, not quite hugging, not not hugging. 
You caught your breath together. The night was still otherwise. 
“See,” Hannibal breathed. You did not look up at him. Will’s head was against his chest. You were buried in his neck. You grabbed Will’s hand and he held it for dear life. “This is all I ever wanted for you,” he choked. “For all of us.” 
Hannibal sounded broken. 
You felt broken. 
Will looked broken.
You closed your eyes, brushing back the tears that you didn’t know were there. 
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered. And you weren’t lying. Will stared at you and he genuinely felt that it was beautiful. He felt what you did. A single tear cut through the blood on his face and fell. 
You held onto him and Hannibal tightly. 
These were your boys. These were the people you had risked it all for. And you did not regret it for even a moment.
Hannibal let out a shaky breath and you felt the Earth underneath you move. You felt the ground and then you did not. 
Where you once stood was drenched in blood. It was illuminated by the moon. If someone was to stand there, despite there no longer being a living person standing there, they would feel the emotions that had left. That place was no longer still. It was breathing. 
The sea underneath it was breathing. It had engulfed three people who loved each other more than anyone had loved anyone. 
The waves crashed against the rocks, the only noise left in the dark of the night.
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freakygirlie · 3 years
Hi there. So I’ve been keeping an eye out on this J2 tinhat thing for about 6 months. I started watching SPN very sporadically from 2016 to 2018 in no particular order and then caught up in 2018. I loved them on screen and started watching their videos online and following on Instagram and then saw the Con videos. Now I’m in my 40s double major Communications and Psychology so my antenna goes off at out of the ordinary interpersonal behavior. Boy did I see it in J2. Now I’m not convinced they are a couple because Jared does show signs of loving Gen for many years and much of the‘evidence’ really can be explained but....not the constant physical proximity, touching, eye contact. The hand touching at last question there is no explanation for. Still not 100% convinced yet but hoping. I do think 98% one or both are in love with the other since very early on and either or none may know. ANYWAY.... I noticed something now. I thought Jared was happy to work in Austin so he could be with Gen and the kids. So why did she leave for IDK..her parents? And not because of emergency or she wouldn’t post pics of herself out in her bathing suit every day having a blast. Maybe someone knows. ALSO... If Jared and Gen were together for their anniversary in CO where is their anniversary picture. They post one for every occasion (or one almost every time they go out) every year without fail. I’m just curious. I liked your posts and thoughts so I decided to send this to you. Do what you want with it.
Hi! Thank you for sending this to me, I’m glad you like my posts!<3 I hope you read this and in the end form your opinion <3
Something you definitely have to know about Jared, he is a HUGE flirt. Like major. The guys makes puppy eyes, flirts, banters, gushes with every person he sees. He’s a sweetheart- that’s part of his personality. Now think about it, if a touchy-feely, cuddly guy who’s an absolute gem and treats everyone like they’re precious(some more than others AKA jensen) how do you think he’d be with the ‘’girl he loves’’ ? ALL OF THAT EXCEPT MORE. If you’d see them from a distance, you’d think oh God they’re so in love. In my opinion, and this is mine u don’t have to go by it, Jared and Gen really don’t have that much chemistry. They’re actors, heart eyes, and love things such as that are easy to fake. But actual genuine, sparking chemistry does not- I don’t see it. With no disrespect to anyone, Jared has more chemistry with Lindsey than he does with Gen. 
The physical proximity, the slips, eye contact, the actual legit chemistry that Jared has with Jensen, the touching in secret, that CANNOT be explained. Idc how close two people are, you don’t do all that with your best friend/brother. 
Jared’s real reason for working in Austin was that so he could supply his own Austinites with jobs, in a pandemic such as this. The other reason, to be close with his kids(that’s for sure) and Gen(?). Now if he did want to be so close to Gen, and was so happy to have here there, I have 3 questions:
1) Why did Gen after so little time, leave to go the beach/mountains/wherever she is, if she was happy to be with her husband? 2) Why is Gen currently working on another show???? Wasn’t she supposed to be with Jared, helping him, supporting him, I mean that was the reason(or so they say) that Jared filmed Walker in Austin(or maybe that was just the location of the show in the original as well.) 3) Why did Jared say he wanted Jensen on the show(Walker) bc it would mean having someone he knew, someone close, someone he could count on to help and support him on the show when he had his friggin wife with him?!(at that time) Jensen said it, Jared said it they both reaffirmed each other’s statements, WHY??? Jared had Gen on the show, wasn’t that someone he could have do all that? Um sus.
The anniversary pic is a good question. They post one without fail EVERYTIME. This time it was an old one??? And they were together on it so why didn’t they? Spoiler alert: They went to Colorado together(just bc if Jared went alone it would look really sus, but if they went together someone could easily just assume they went for their anniversary), the same place where Jensen was(according to Danneel’s hairdresser who was with them on a day) so they oculd celebrate Jensen\s birthday. I again am mentioning the slip Jared had while talking about Jackles’s birthday in the virtual panel.
I suggest if you really want convincing, you do some of the following things:
Go through my ‘j2 tinhat’ tag and’slip ups and stuff<3′ tag on my tumblr. Go through the most popular j2 tinhat blogs. Read Speak The Truth- a well-detailed pdf following the events in j2′s lives from the moment they joined the show till 2013. Since you recently became a tinhat, I’m assuming you’re not familiar with the early slips and stuff- like the mortgage story, ring gate, and the proposal stories. Here’s the link: https://speakthetruthj2.weebly.com/intro--start-here.html
Hope you have fun browsing it and if you have a change of heart after it, please do let me know!<3
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gayspock · 3 years
you mentioned in some of your tags that you don’t know what the fanon/general fandom opinions were. from what I’ve seen (I’m also a new fan) vi/caitlyn is pretty big (my guess would be because of how blatant it is), however, with...idk how to put this? average LOL fans think it was rushed and don’t like it. tumblr, of course, is into it tho. jayce/viktor is also huge. a lot of people seem to resonate with jinx and silco’s familial relationships. I’ve also seen a lot of people in the fandom not recognize the ableism in Viktor’s arc, which is worrying. if you don’t care to spoil yourself on where these character’s arcs will go in future seasons, I suggest you look up the LOL lore of: vi, ekko, viktor, and jayce. some are just...a slap to the face. anyways, have a good day/evening.
OHH okay omg (nods) tysm for a brief little insight, bc i was looking in the tag a little but it feels like tumblr's tag algorithm is a lot worse thn wht it was even before. unless the fanbase on here is smaller than wht i thought or sth HELP OK lemme dump this reply under a read more bc im rambly pjhpsrgjssfpgs
but a lot of tht hm? i THINK thats just about wht i expected - so no big surprises.
i dont blame the average LOL fans- a sentence i never thought i'd say skpgjsp - bc i can deffo see a lot of the places where it was like..eh. yknow. i said it myself. it feels a little undercooked in some places, and seemed more paced to keep it fast and snappy. like they kinda like they really could have spent more time on a lot of things- and so i presume tht'd be rllly frustrating if u were deeper into the pre-existing lore.
then regarding these little guys.... yeh i think i heard abt vi/caitlyn bein p big. :3 i still stnd by not rlly giving a damn (HELP, thats said with love i prommy)- but you kno nonetheless im happy tht ppl are enjoying a wlw relationship..... like its good they arent being sidelined by ppl. even if im not into tht scene i'll just nod from a distance.
BUT, THOUGH DO YOU KNOW WHATS SO, SO FUNNY? like ok. viktor and jayce obviously, like, occurred to me- but i also just kinda. kept pushing it to the back of my head? does that make any sense? like- jesus like. WELL DUH THEY'D HAVE SOME TUMBLR GIRLIES GOING WILD... silly me... and its like i feel like i sorta figured tht'd be going down, but it was in my peripherals out of clear sight HELP. wasnt helped by the fsct they kept separating the besties in the latter half- which i mean, obviously tht was bc of them drifting away frome ach other and stuff, but oh sniff sniff im emo nonetheless bc i rlly loved their relationship... 💖 LIKE i think its just in my head i kkinda just . i have no idea i never labelled them as anything i just kept jokingly mentally referring to viktor as his little bestie with a heart above the i, keeping them fun an ambiguous whilst medara gets her shit rock'd by him HELP PGJS[0JDH[PGKBPSD.
but also, on the subject of viktor- ah... yeah. :/ i wasnt sure if tht'd be sth tht'd be talked abt and.... the more it rlly became apparent, the more i hoped it wouldnt just be glossed over but . also ik tht happens a lot with things like this. god. i do hope tht those conversations are had at some point, more openly- like,granted im probs not gonna be knocking abt the communities on here tht much (and even if i was, im not sure how much i could really input into that?!) but yeah. thats a shame. 3:
and hm.... you know i might look into it. just bc theres some guys here im GENUINELY pretty into and idk if the show itself will fully give them their dues, even if it doesnt diverge- bc im INTERESTED... i love viktor. and ekko. and vi. sooo badly. and im super curious abt jayce. so help. i might go spoil myself now (bc in truth ive never been tht mad abt spoilers irpdgphjdhj and idk how much it counts here anyways).
THANK U FOR THE LITTLE THOUGHTS ANON. ITS NICE TO HAVE ANY JUMPING OFF POINTS TO CHATTER AWAY. i will have a good ... norning... <3 its like 2am here omg
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ljbrary · 3 years
2021 fic review 🤠
tysm for the tag AB!! @anxiety-banana 😊
now sit tight while i overshare 🥰✨
total number of completed works: 18! wow i know thats not a lot in the grand scheme of things but its more than i was expecting considering last January i was proud of myself for posting 2 fics 😭
total word count: on ao3, 65,292! but thats not including wattpad or wips ive done this year, so hold on one moment.... 
oh... oh wow... i have more words in wips than i do in posted works and it comes to about a whopping 67,271 words but thats not including stuff in my notes app or on paper because im too lazy to go through that lmao
but anyway that puts the rough total at... 132,563 words holy crap i need to get a life-
looking back did you write more, less, or the expected amount of fic this year?: MORE DEFINITELY MORE LAKSDJLJDS,F i didnt really expect to write at all really so yeah definitely a lot more
your own favorite story of this year?: dont- dont ask me to choose something i am the most indecisive person i know- especially when all the options are bad ones
okay in all seriousness id say weighted words hurt more than loaded fists (if you know how to use them) because its three of my all time favorite things: rex and ahsoka brotp, pure and unrefined angst, and modern aus. 
did you take any writing risks this year?: um id say posting my writing to begin with? considering im mortified of people finding out about this lmao (eg. this summer when my older brother sent this text to me after finding my wattpad, tumblr, and ao3: “so I just found out you’re a fucking nerd. the jig is up.” with a screenshot of my tumblr page and i wanted to either kill my brother or myself but unfortunately chose to do neither and just panicked by digging up blackmail to hang over his head 🤩
do you have any fanfic goals for the new year?: idk, nothing too big probably, but i really really really want to finish some of the wips im super excited about, like this angsty modern au one shot i started like last feb/march featuring anakin and ahsoka that i have sitting in my google docs with no discernible plot yet and 16,110 words 
most popular story of the year?: in terms of kudos/hits, lean on me (but let me laugh, first). basically, ahsoka purrs in her sleep, and everyone finds it very amusing (except for her). ill be honest i dont like this one; i dont like the writing but ig people seem to like it well enough?? somehow the only angst-free fic i wrote is my most popular and idk how that tracks but it does ig
in terms of how people have received my fics, ive been told by people that they like it’s not good grief (but it’s better) which is just anakin and ahsoka post wrong jedi arc (and angst, per usual)
story most under-appreciated?: id say weighted words hurt more than loaded fists (if you know how to use them) because its pretty much at the bottom of my stats on ao3 for both kudos and hits yet it if i had to choose one i like the best it would probably be that one
trust goes both ways (or neither) its not the most glorious of writing but hey it was so so so fun to plan and write and- oh hey author look! its not done yet! (im sorry i promise i havent forgotten about it skjdhfdsljfk sorry AB @anxiety-banana 😭)
most unintentionally telling story?: idrk what this question is supposed to mean in all honesty but maybe im just dumb but im still gonna pretend i know how to answer it
maybe when there is nothing left but us (and of course it had to be you)??? because its my first fic on ao3 and yeah i guess thats kind of self explanatory. its basically an order 66 au where (spoiler alert), rex sacrifices himself for ahsoka to escape, and in the process maul tags along -- uninvited, as always. 
biggest disappointment?: myself
sorry i couldnt help it it was asking for it.
i guess id say the road to hell is paved with good intentions because i planned it all out and then never worked on it again which sucks because its totally something i want to read but ig thats not happening anytime soon 💀
biggest surprise?: all of them. im not kidding. none of them were planned and all of them were the product of both poor life decisions and even poorer executive functioning skills.
but maybe i’m not here to save you (you will save yourself)?? because its a six of crows fic and id only written star wars stuff until that point, which was in fact like four weeks ago so-
no pressure tags: (sorry if youve already been tagged haha) @ashgryff @ahsokryze @lynnpaper @hannah-schooler @dashedwithromance and anyone else who wants to do it!! 😊
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dreamerhideout · 4 years
enhypen genshin impact!au hcs
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characters: enhypen
word count: ~200 words each
warnings: mentions of alcohol for jay’s part, lore inaccuracies (i haven’t caught up on dragonspine event lore yet), spoilers for mondstadt + liyue main quest
a/n: i’m supposed to be working on something else but this brainrot got to me first... anyways, i’m assigning their visions + weapons based off a few fan theories i’ve read~ please enjoy my word dump! :D
more under the cut!
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okay so we’re starting off with our leader! hmm... i’d say that he has a geo vision
why? idk, i’m half sure it’s based off how calm and composed he is; i do kinda think jungwon is a picture of maturity and elegance (he literally has to take care of six children wdym)
it was kinda hard for me to choose a weapon because i kept going back-and-forth from sword to polearm, but my final pick for him would be polearm
yes this would mean that he is zhongli
a polearm would probably suit him because i see him as the kind to want some kind of control over his weapon (not saying he can’t control a sword). at the same time i feel like he’d want something lightweight which won’t bring him down
i think he’d work with the knights of favonius. working with the liyue qixing could also work for him, but considering the tension between the adepti and the qixing + the social climate of liyue makes me think that he’d want somewhere more calm
acting grandmaster jungwon? i’m down for it
spends time near the mondstadt church; he likes the peace and quiet of it
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from the get-go i knew he’d have a hydro vision
this one theory i’ve read says that hydro vision users have a strong sense of morality and justice (i guess i also interpreted it as balance) and heeseung seems like the kind of person who does
for weapon, i think he’d prefer to use a sword. we see that he’s good in a lot of areas when it comes to being an idol, so he’d perhaps want that versatility in the weapon he uses as well
hello xingqiu (wait i kinda think this fits)
i don’t see him particularly associating himself to any organization, so i think he’d simply be a wanderer. he goes from country to country as a vagabond, battling monsters along the way in order to perfect his skills
at the same time, i also see him making a lot of friends and having a bunch of connections from just about any corner of the land (more to acquaintances i suppose? heeseung doesn’t seem like the kind to let people in very quickly)
is probably very curious on elemental reactions and might be studious in a way; he would want to learn alchemy
likes stopping by mondstadt’s library when he needs to look up on something. probably keeps in contact with alchemists too
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oh man this is going to probably be very stereotypical
pyro vision, hands down. i was considering an electro vision for him at first but the amount of passion he has in doing the things he loves (primarily hip-hop) screams pyro to me
he would also have a claymore because let’s be real, he’d want something to get the job done quick; claymores are literally the weapon that causes the most damage
yeah he’d be diluc. or xinyan. whatever your pick is
bonks monsters for fun, fight me on this
association... i think he’d be a part of the adventurer’s guild. he strikes me as the kind of person who’d want some kind of reward for something he does for fun (in this case, mora. and a bunch of other items you can get from katheryne once you complete your daily commissions)
this is probably how he meets all his friends. if he wasn’t a part of any association, i don’t think he’d have many (not saying that he’s unable to make friends, he’d choose not to unless necessary)
strives to be a well-known adventurer, probably takes up more commissions than the average one
likes spending time in places with good ambience, food, and booze. probably is a regular at angel’s share and liyue’s street food stalls on days he comes to town
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i think he’d have an electro vision. it’s something about the way he fiercely cares for other people that makes me think that this suits him best
okay hear me out but i think he’d be amazing with a bow and arrow. he seems to have the tenacity and upper body strength for it, and i don’t think he’d particularly want something that could do a quick kill, like a sword or claymore per se
uhh... yeah he’d be fischl, i suppose. idk this realization was a bit weird to me but it doesn’t seem so far off from happening
sometimes uses his skills to shoot at fruit from trees; it’s a pretty good party trick
association-wise i don’t think he’d wanna join any, tbh. he’d be an “everyone’s friend” kinda guy. unlike heeseung who’d have acquaintances from all around, jake would generally want to befriend different kinds of people (helps around wangshu inn sometimes because of this)
still though, i think he hangs with members of the adventurer’s guild a lot
don’t be surprised if you catch him befriending a member of the fatui-
i also see him really immersing himself in the culture of each country he visits
he’s the guy who pets all the animals, especially the dogs
also seems like the kind to purchase or collect raw meat just to give to the stray animals he meets on his travels
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oh boy am i excited for this one
okay so i know this is stereotypical but... cryo vision. honestly, having a geo vision would also be possible but remember that one time childe said something around the lines of the goddess of cryo having such a warm heart and she loved so much to the point it froze? yeah i think i’m basing him off the tsaritsa-
weapon would be a sword. i considered choosing a polearm for him but i think he’d want something slightly heavier that would get the job done, but not necessarily a claymore. do i think he has the capacity to use a claymore if he wanted to, though? sure why not
hello kaeya (or qiqi, if you’d wish)
okay okay this is where it gets fun... imagine sunghoon as a member of the fatui
mmm villain!sunghoon we love to see it
he’d honestly probably be on the road to becoming a harbinger? like, we see how he works very hard at ice skating and idol training, who’s to say that he won’t climb up the ranks real quick?
yes jakehoon brotp agenda is still on so they would be friends (though honestly their friendship is kinda uncanny)
when i thought of stuff to write for him i kinda think that he’d like liyue a lot; the tradition and order feel like home to him. this also fits lore because there’s more fatui appearances in liyue compared to mondstadt
also seems like the kind to wander around the city when things start to calm down for the day; if he’s not being tasked on a mission, he sometimes likes to head out to huaguang stone forest
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sunshine baby
okay i think he’d have an anemo vision (and this is not because he reminds me of venti). there was another theory that said that anemo vision-holders are hard workers who sometimes don’t give themselves enough rest, and sunoo seems to make the cut. he’s crazy hardworking at things he know he’s lacking at and strives to improve
i think he’d have a catalyst (yes!! we need male catalyst characters!!); i can see him absolutely fascinated by the way catalysts work like... “there’s no solid object engineering the attacks so... what is that? it seems so cool!” 
so yeah he’d be sucrose, hello
i also think he’d want to be a part of the adventurer’s guild! it keeps him busy plus he likes helping people :D
would then be introduced to jay (and possibly jake) when he’s assigned to do a commission with him. honestly he’d prefer doing commissions with others rather than doing them alone
has a hard time killing monsters because he finds them cute (especially slimes). i think he’d also empathize with hilichurls to a degree
i see him residing in mondstadt most of the time; he’d also like talking to the locals a lot (has a high rep because of this)
loves trying out local cuisine, some of his favorite dishes include sweet madame and zhongyuan chop suey!
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oh i’m also kinda excited for his too
so i initially thought he’d have a pyro vision, but after some time i figured he’d have an electro vision instead. i think it’s this weird sentiment i feel that he’d protect his passions with his life (in this case, dancing; he’s literally inseparable from it), so there’s that
totally looks like the kind to have a polearm. he definitely would want something lightweight that he could lowkey flex with
sadly he doesn’t have a genshin character twin yet :(
would also not have any affiliation whatsoever; he just traverses the land like the free spirit he is
occasionally would tag along with some adventurer’s guild members, but doesn’t like the idea of people telling him what to do; he creates his own adventures instead
am i the only one here who thinks that he’d honestly run really fast here (hehe speedy boi)
he’d love dashing through mondstadt’s plains (particularly springvale), sometimes slashing monsters left and right (he likes liyue’s scenery but the terrain is way too mountainous for him)
one thing he does like about liyue though is playing with the kids in the harbor. he’d get them toys with the extra mora he receives when helping people (big brother ni-ki agenda hmm)
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ipatrichor · 3 years
I just read your fic ablaze and oh my it is so good!! Like there are so many good lines and the first chapter got me hooked! I love how you characterized each of the characters! And Foolish being there! I wonder if we are going to see Eret?
I think my favourite exchange so far from this fic is the one between Wilbur and Techno in the second chapter! This one “I know.” Wilbur rolls his eyes, but doesn’t seem too irritated. “We’ll be fine, seriously. You know I’ll look out for Tommy.” Techno nods. Look out for yourself too, he’ll later wish he’d said. “I know. I trust you.”
Like this exchange sets up both of Techno's and Wilbur's character so well. Like based off of this exchange we can tell that Wilbur won't think to protect himself first if he's with Tommy and that Techno doesn't seem to fully get that or at least he won't until you know what happens (does that count as spoilers? idk but to be safe).
I bet that exchange might set up some future conflict between the two. Like Techno getting mad at Wilbur for being so self sacrificial? Idk, But I'm looking forward to find out!!
Based on the tags I'm figuring that in some of the past lives, Wilbur was abused and also in some of the passed lives he killed himself? I know you can't answer the questions, but I just wanted to throw out my thought process!
Anyways, sorry if this weird, I just got really excited when I read your fic. I hope you have a lovely day!
thank you!! ❤️❤️ i'm really glad you enjoy it :D idk if eret will show up in person, but we've technically already seen the effect of their existence in the story :' when foolish mentioned a friend who helped him see a different perspective, he was talking about eret ^^ skbfhf me inserting my eternalduo headcanons when they're completely irrelevant to the story be like :''
yeah, that exchange might not be referenced again specifically, but it's definitely a foundation for a lot of future interactions between the two. techno was used to his & phil's dynamic, where ofc they look out for each other but they also have the understanding the other will always be fine, and so he just doesn't make the connection that when wilbur says he'll look out for tommy, what he means is instead of himself rather than along with himself. he does figure it out afterwards, when tommy explains the full story of what happens, but by then it's too late. in future lives, he's determined not to miss something like that again, and there's definitely going to be conflict over wilbur's unhealthy tendencies to put literally everyone else before himself :'
also, idk if anyone noticed, but those three italicized sections were the last time each sbi member saw wilbur alive. just a fun fact, haha. ^^ because he sent tommy back for help he knew would be too late and then tried to engage the spy in combat instead of risking tommy by escaping with him, he bled out alone long before techno got there :)
i mean it's not really a secret lmao, so yeah i'll just tell you that you got it right ^^ the idea was sort of inspired by the chinese dramas i've watched/read, where if someone's soul (or souls, i think some eastern mythologies have multiple) get damaged then they'll have to live painful lives on earth while it heals before they can enter the afterlife. so, since the lives being painful is a requirement, wilbur's been through a lot that we're going to see glimpses of. like, his first few lives he probably didn't last long past infancy/toddlerhood, and then slowly things started to get less extreme (but still shitty) from there
dw about it, it makes me rlly happy when people tell me they're enjoying my writing! feel free to ask any other questions you might have or anything, i can't give spoilers but general lore (like abt gods and how giving people immortality works, etc.) and some information about wilbur's past lives are fair game lmao
thanks for reading! ❤️❤️❤️
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grapesodatozier · 4 years
a smile like flying
finally wrote some kaspbrough!! here’s some through-the-years, friends-to-lovers fluff about bill believing in eddie and the two of them falling in love <3 spans elementary school through college
rating: teen and up (honestly it could probably be general but idk there’s kissing lol spoiler alert)
word count: 2.5k
warnings/tags: fluff, friends to lovers, brief mentions of sonia’s abuse
read on ao3 or below!
Eddie clutches the chains at his sides, the cool metal slipping through his sweaty palms as the grounds whizzes by beneath him, back and forth, the wind ruffling his hair but doing nothing to loosen his grip on the swing. “Come on, Eddie! It’s f-f-fun, I puh-promise!” Eddie looks up at that voice. Some hidden part of him that’s not ready just yet to peek out knows he’ll always look to that voice, would crawl through the dark after it. And as he looks up, still steadily pumping his legs back and forth, the grating, rhythmic creaking of the swing set fades away. All he can focus on is the bright smile on his best friend's face. Bill’s only seven, but he’s fallen gracefully into his relatively new role of older brother to his baby brother Georgie, and it’s like he was meant to take care of people, to show them new things with his arms open like they are now as his blue eyes glitter up at Eddie. “Jump!” he says, his voice all encouragement and confidence that Eddie wants to curl into like a blanket. Eddie steels himself, taming the butterflies in his stomach. As he does, Bill says the thing that gets him to finally loosen his grip: “You c-can do it!”
He can do this. Bill just said so. The words lift him up, let him fly. And he really does for a moment. It’s scary when the ground comes rushing at him, but he’s laughing as the air rushes past him, knowing that, for a moment, his body had felt weightless. The wood chips scrape at his knees and palms as he lands, and it stings a little, but he did it. 
Bill’s at his side in an instant, his smile blotting out the harsh light of the sun as his red curls hang in his face. “See? I knew you cuh-c-could! W-w-wasn’t it f-fun?”
Eddie takes Bill’s hand and lets him help Eddie sit up. It’s so different, the way Bill offers his hand to Eddie. There’s no tugging, no taking without asking. Bill smells like grass and air, and he looks like June, and there’s nothing Eddie loves more. For a moment he can leave the mothballs and stale perfume and antiseptic behind, all the screeches of “Eddie, you can’t do that!” fading away as his head swims with the echo of Bill’s voice telling him, “You can do it!” He smiles to himself as he gets up and dusts the dirt off his knees. He did it.
Eddie clutches at the bottom hem of his shorts, his stomach swooping with his eyes as he tracks the movement of the ride zooming past him. He doesn’t know what it is about the cross sections of the metal, or the speed of the roller coaster cars that makes his heart race like this. It’s different than watching the trains; he can actually get on this one. He’s supposed to get on this one. He can fly and drop and come back up again, if he wants to. He told his mom Mr. Denbrough was taking them to the museum, and he briefly wonders if she’ll be able to smell the cotton candy on his fingers before Bill’s voice cuts through his worried thoughts. “Eddie, you coming?” he asks, hand outstretched. “This w-w-one’s my favorite!” 
The line is long, but nothing ever feels like waiting when he’s with Bill. Bill’s all smiles and red cheeks today, his auburn hair shining under the sun. Listening to Bill talk almost makes Eddie forget where they are. But then they’re at the front of the line, the swooping track in front of them, and Bill must see the fear in Eddie’s eyes, because he takes Eddie by the hand and tells him, “You can do it.” In that moment Eddie’s too preoccupied with processing the way Bill takes his hand without hesitation to be scared. Bill wasn’t afraid of anything—and he believes in Eddie. It makes Eddie feel better. It’s still scary, but Eddie climbs into the seat anyway, and the ride attendant pulls the bar down against Eddie’s chest, locking them in. Eddie’s heart starts racing at the unyielding sound of the lock, his breath feeling thin in the way he’s still getting used to reminding himself isn’t actually asthma. He grips the bars just as he gripped the chains of the swing so many years ago. But then Bill punches him lightly on the shoulder and gives him that soft yet confident grin, and Eddie thinks that maybe this fear is actually excitement. He still has trouble telling the difference.
The climb is the worst of it, but Bill cheers all the way through, and Eddie realizes he’s smiling even as expletive after expletive falls from his lips. 
And then the fall.
It feels like flying. Some distant part of him thinks of the playground, of the wood chips, but this is so much further, so much better. It’s faster, and it just keeps going, the world spinning around him. He lets out a sound somewhere between a whoop and a laugh as his hair flies back. The wind rushes past him, cooling his sun-warmed cheeks. His feet dangle freely as they dip and curve, and then he’s upside down holy fuck he’s upside down and he loves it. 
His legs shake when he gets off, and Bill isn’t embarrassed to help hold him up for a moment as he stumbles. They’re on solid ground now, but Eddie can still feel that rush of wind pulling his cheeks back, and he can’t stop smiling. 
“How w-was it?” Bill asks with an excited, knowing smile.
Eddie beams up at him, wonder still in his eyes. “Can we go again?”
Bill laughs, and the sound of it feels just like Eddie felt when he was upside down for the first time. Dangling and rushing and safe and free all at once. “Let’s try the others, yeah?” The sun makes his skin sing as he and Bill stride across the park, under feats of engineering that leave Eddie almost as awestruck as Bill does. 
Eddie’s hand shakes as it hovers over his laptop’s mousepad, the cursor dangerously close to the button that decides his future for the next four years, and probably well beyond that. The button that, if pressed, will send him to New York City in a few months. A button his mother knows nothing about. 
He wants it, god he wants it so bad, but he can’t help but think of everything that could go wrong. Eddie’s done a lot of things in his life that younger versions of himself would never have thought possible, plenty of things his mother doesn’t know about, but the racing in his chest doesn’t feel fun right now. This feels downright reckless. This isn’t just a broken arm, this is his entire future on the line. This button will change his relationship with his mother forever.
Which he knows is also something he wants, but that desire comes with a painful twist of guilt in his chest. All the rationalizing and cataloguing of her offenses can’t stop that feeling.
But the gentle, encouraging weight that presses to his back helps. Bill’s chest is warm and solid where it presses against Eddie’s shoulder blade, and when he tilts his head to the side Bill lets him rest against him, even turns his face slightly into Eddie’s hair. He puts his hand on Eddie’s hip, settling around him naturally, and gives him an encouraging squeeze. Eddie wants to live in the comfort that gesture brings him for the rest of his life. And he thinks he might just be able to when Bill says in a voice both soft yet sure, “You can do it.” 
It’s the push Eddie needs. The hand reaching out to him, asking him to tag along, that smile and that feeling of sunshine that make Eddie feel like he can do anything. The reminder that wherever this decision takes him, he won’t be going there alone. Taking one last deep breath, he forces his finger down. He feels his breath leave him as letters cross the screen congratulating him. Then the smile pulls at his lips as Bill cheers behind him, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s middle. Eddie giggles and leans into it, feeling completely at home. Fuck, he’d do that a million more times if it meant Bill would keep holding him like this. Because as he looks at Bill, at the pride in his blue eyes, Eddie knows he’s safe. He can take those jumps. He can do it; Bill said it himself.
And he does it. New York isn’t easy, but it’s freedom. It’s that airborne feeling that scares him but excites him more. And while it certainly does a fine job on its own of dazzling him, what makes it feel like a home is the knowledge that Bill is just a short subway ride away. 
Bill has always felt like a reprieve from Sonia, but this is different. She finally, truly can’t reach them, not here. While it definitely is a relief, it also changes things in a way Eddie hadn’t expected. It makes the air around him and Bill crackle when they get too close. Eddie can’t stop his heart from racing around Bill, so loud he thinks it might be audible. And Eddie’s heart has always raced around Bill, this is nothing new—but it feels different now. There’s a possibility that wasn’t there before. This intimacy can go uninterrupted. It feels somehow both less and so much more fragile than before. What was once a fond fantasy now lies right in front of him every time Bill comes over to watch a movie, every time Eddie tells him he should stay the night because he doesn’t want Bill to get lost without him there to help him navigate the streets and subways Bill’s still getting used to.
Tonight’s one of those nights. Bill’s working on a writing assignment at Eddie’s desk while Eddie scrolls through his phone on his bed. He’s not necessarily finished with his homework, but he’s decided he’s intellectually unavailable after eight o’clock on Friday nights. 
He hears Bill sigh, but it sounds at least satisfied, if not excited. Just as Eddie’s turning his head to check in on him, Bill flops himself onto Eddie’s bed, their bodies brushing together in the small space. Their faces are nearly touching, so close he can feel Bill’s breath on his lips. But Bill doesn’t move, so Eddie doesn’t either. He barely dares to breathe, but finally he asks, “How’s it coming along?”
“Not bad,” Bill answers. His fingers brush against Eddie’s hip. Eddie can’t tell if it’s an accident or not, but neither of them move away. “Think I’ve got something pretty solid going.”
“You gonna let me read it this time?” Eddie asks with a teasing smile. 
Just as he always does, Bill looks down with a bashful grin on his face and a faint blush on his cheeks. Eddie loves the way he looks when he gets like this, all modest and embarrassed but clearly pleased with Eddie’s interest in his writing. “Maybe when it’s finished,” Bill mumbles, looking up at Eddie through his eyelashes.
“I thought you said a writer’s work is never finished.” Eddie cocks his eyebrow, and Bill rolls his eyes with a laugh.
“Well I guess you’ll never read it then!” he teases, getting on top of Eddie to playfully push at his shoulder. Eddie giggles, thrilled by the sight of Bill smiling above him, his hair flopping into his face, never doing what Bill wants it to do but always looking perfect anyway.
“Guess I’ll just have to come to the book signings with all the other fans,” Eddie jokes. “Think you’ll still remember me when you’re big and famous?” And it really is a joke, mostly. While the thought of losing Bill is a scary one, it’s not something he lets himself worry about too much. Bill’s too constant. He may be a bit of wildcard sometimes, but he’s never disappeared, not from Eddie. He makes Eddie feel sure he’ll always be there. Always there for him, always smiling at him. Right now his pink lips are pressed together and quirked into a wry smile, and Eddie can’t stop thinking about kissing them. He nearly gasps when Bill drops to his elbow, suddenly so much closer to Eddie, and strokes his free hand through Eddie’s hair. Eddie leans into it as slightly as he can, instinctively chasing the comfort that lies in the palm of Bill’s hand.
“You’re gonna do way bigger things than I am,” he tells Eddie with a soft smile. His eyes overflow with a sincerity that takes Eddie’s breath away. “It’s amazing, the way some things just come naturally to you.”
You’re amazing, Eddie wants to say. But his head always starts swimming when Bill talks to him like this. Bill compliments him a lot, but this feels more like praise, and Eddie can feel the warmth emanating from Bill’s body as it presses gently against his own, and he can smell Bill’s laundry detergent on his t-shirt. Eddie’s even worse than Bill is at accepting compliments like this, and he really doesn’t want to use words now. He wants to kiss Bill and never stop, wants to crawl into the core of the feeling of whatever’s happening between them right now and never leave.
In his head he can hear Bill’s voice: you can do it.
So he does. It’s a little awkward at first, because he has to shift his weight up to reach Bill’s lips. But then Bill is leaning into it and gently lowering Eddie back down to his pillow as he does so. Bill’s hand feels so big as he cradles Eddie’s face, and Eddie can barely decide where he wants his hands. He wants to run them up Bill’s arms and shoulders, he wants them in his hair. He’s also got other stuff on his mind, like the way Bill’s lips feel against his, and how he pulls back for just a moment, hesitantly, like he wants to make sure this is actually happening but doesn’t want to stop kissing Eddie for even a second. They lock eyes for a moment, and Eddie feels so safe, even as his heart pounds at his chest. It’s that feeling of flying, of the risk paying off. The feeling he’s always had around Bill, but so much more concentrated now. It’s so strong he can barely breathe, much less talk. But thankfully, with a silent smile, Bill leans in again, his lips firm and sure against Eddie’s. Eddie dives headfirst into the feeling, and he’s eager to get lost in it for as long as he can, knowing Bill will be right there when he opens his eyes.
taglist: @clouded-eyes-and-salty-tears @eddieeatsass @deadlighturis @constantreaderfool @reddieloserz  @vegetarian-avocado @tinyarmedtrex  @thelazyeye @itfandomprompts @montconde @fizzylemones @lexinatorwrites @thebriarpatch
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