#does it even count as limbus??? whatever
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astragatwo · 2 years ago
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This is the delusion I'm going to choose to live in for the foreseeable future, I think. (Bonus doodle under the cut)
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cat-of-starlight · 2 years ago
In the wake of the new Limbus Brainrot because Canto 4 ended, I've been seeing a certain... Dante related theory... making the rounds again and I wanted to post my thoughts about it.
Putting it under the cut for length reasons- No specific spoilers?, I just don't wanna blast people with the text wall lmao
I gotta say, I really hate the Dante = Ayin theory. Desperately.
Not any hate to the people theorizing- not like that, I just already have a deep hatred of [x person is actually y person]/Reincarnation/etc. theories.
Why, you may ask? Well, in the case of this theory specifically, I have three main reasons.
1 - The vibes of the two characters themselves
Important note, I actually like both characters. I know some people have A Lot to say about Ayin, and honestly so do I (Probably different things but yea), but I generally don't mind him as much as some other people seem to.
I also love Dante.
And Specifically, I'll say- I like them both for Incredibly Different Reasons. Different enough reasons that I feel that mixing the two would ruin them both. I mean sure, Dante CLEARLY has something going on in the memories they can't yet remember, but honestly? Ayin already had his arc. HAD his chance in the spotlight- a whole game of it. I wouldn't mind a cameo, or reason for him to be important in some way, but I'd be crushed if all the reasons I've come to love Dante were smothered by "oops all Ayin"
I feel like it would make it almost... Pointless? "Oh yea this character may have had their whole character arc, but surprise! They aren't REALLY their own person and are instead this dude who already had his character arc!"
2 - They/Them Dante Supremacy™
Now, considering that the meme They/Them Dante post that I made blew up and is now my most popular post on my blog, I think its safe to say where I stand on the Dante's Pronouns part of everything-
I think it would be kind of... dismissive of that to make "Oh yea they were they/them to hide their identity" Because uhhh. Their identity is already hidden. We can't see their face. Literally anyone could have their head taken, a clock replaced, and that outfit slapped on and it generally wouldn't matter-
I feel like it kind of would send the message of "They can only count as they/them because their everything is hidden and we can't tell anyway" which??? No??? Even once Dante's actual head gets revealed, if people start switching calling them to whatever gender they look the most like and the game still uses they/them I'm Going To Bite People.
3 - ??
The least plot relevant, and the most just vibe based is- I just kinda feel like this type of reveal in writing often kinda feels like a cop out? I mean, I'm sure there's probably a well done version of one of these, but I sure as hell haven't found it yet-
I mean, in a BIG city with TONS of characters, there is SO MUCH plot that a character can have, without needing to jump back to a character that they already have. Sure- Project Moon Protags often have a Big Reveal, and its often Shocking- but does it really need to be a rehashed reveal from the first game? "boo he's old news get new material" ya know?
Anyway yea. I don't like the theory- Never have from the first time I saw a post about it.
If you like it, feel free to keep on with it- I don't mean this to say "If you theorize this, you suck" or anything, I just keep seeing it, and felt the desire to put my own two cents in~
But yea, keep on with it if you like it? Maybe tag it something specific and I'll just block the tag lmao
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delusinalandpassionate · 1 year ago
i wonder what can be said about lob don clearly to anomalies more than to humans about mainline don. Like, idk, anomalies inherently exist in subliminal narratives of 'mankind', right? And while it is fitting that a person who knowingly and deliberately lives a story would gravitate towards autonomous abstractions of sorts (i mean, narratives! they make more sense if you operate on the logic of narratives rather than trying assign actual motives to them! and even if some do have motives, those motives seem to be informed by whatever they represent within collective subconscious or whatever- i shant be trusted with figuring this out aaah) but also... within the context of the setting and the bits of foreshadowing it does feel like, idk, don may be something of an anomaly herself (but not in literal way in which anomalies exist in the city) though it feels like repeating a point already made.
I almost feel like getting back into limbcomp after taking a break.
First of all I want to say that mainline Don is also kinda likes Abnos, with how positively she describes them and tries to pet one(or eat, but I mean technically headchikens were food so not her fault), but I guess not as much as humans still. So I agree that she could find their narrativeness and abstraction, like from literature, quite charming in every of her version. In that way I want to to see her observation logs about abnos who are more obviously story-coded.
Also one of my first thoughts was that LobDon's concentration on Abnos is a self-preservation mechanism, to not get hurt by the death of her colleagues. It is safer to get attached to creatures that can't die and can't disappear than to people who die every day. Because in most of her IDs she easily adapts to her surroundings, sometimes even changing her moral code.
I also think that maybe they were just the most interesting thing in that building, and she had nothing else to fixate on or study, I guess.
But I guess it still rather weird because inuniverse people who love abnos could be counted on fingers, and none of them were mentally sane, so point with Don being anomaly makes sense.
Also, there is a chance that she met abnos before she started her journey with Limbus company, with her being familiar with the process of distortion...however not sure how it works with how Walpurgisnacht fucks up timeline.
It's also interesting that despite how softly she speaks about them and describes them, she's not deluded to think they are safe and on guard enough to not allow herself to get hurt by them. She sounds as if she thinks they are just overgrown pets, but she's professional about them, knowing how to handle them. That kind of reminds me that even when she learned about horrors of Warp train, she still was charmed by them enough to invite Dante for a ride.
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dionysusdecent · 10 months ago
First ever post (not counting reblogs) that isnt Limbus Company related!? Woah! But anyway....other Fire Emblem Heroes players....is the game still fun for you guys, because I just opened the game since not opening it since the beginning of april because the game has just hit me with massive burnout for it due to the insane powercreep, how horrible summoning rates are, the very obvious increase in bias towards female characters (even better when they just run full on into the sex appeal and increase the female characters chest size by 3 times. Kagero, you have big boobs yes, but your wind tribe alt increased their size by like double, wtf), and.....well I mean this book has been fine with its story but wow, book 7 was shit, and that's in comparison to books 1 and 2 which were bad. I just dont have motivation to play the game anymore. It's just gotten so tiring to even open it up because the game does really now feel like it's not there for fire emblem fans, it's there for gacha fans and no one else. (And when I say gacha fans, I mean like the people that only care for big tiddies anime women). Like, this game could so easily be a fun ol time of fire emblem characters hanging out and getting into wacky adventures because of multiverse shenanigans, but no, its powercreep insanity, some of the worst summoning rates I've ever seen and....big tiddie anime women with them feeling like they could be generic anime girls instead of whatever characters they are actually supposed to be, and that's not even talking about some of the OC's who are just really bad (looking at you Njordr, you were mishandled so fucking terribly. Not looking at you Surtr, your just a guy who wants to kill everyone because your a massive asshole and that's great). This sucks because I wanna play the game because I like fire emblem....but I dont want to play the game because everything else about it is just not fun or good. So again, other feh players, am I insane or do atleast some of you also feel this?
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sanchoworm · 2 months ago
To further add on to the Limbus chain:
If we were to shove aside the queerness of the character and focus on the book she is based off of alone (which is BLATANTLY gay as HELL since it's MOBY DICK) the PROXIMITY of such literature would make this game at LEAST a yellow in the eyes of the spreadsheet. And Ishmael is based on... you guessed it! One of the blatantly gay characters!!!
Further adding on to the Don Quixote point: I really don't have to say anything about Canto 7. I'll just talk about the song Hero. "Why is it that some were given the role of villain? The moment that they were released into the system~"
Label that as being about race, sexuality, gender, minorities in general, whatever the FUCK and whether you know the story of Canto 7 does not change the wokeness of that line.
Also the Lion, Panther, and the one other tutorial villain you meet? All go by they/them with unconfirmed gender. Likely for a logical non-identity reason... but seeing some of the games on the woke list definitely tells me that if this was acknowledged, it'd be up there.
Also since they also count women in authority and women with equal/more physical/mental prowess than men... even the main cast fits in that shoe. The identities do not discriminate by gender, either. All women can get jobs as fixers (essentially mercenaries)
And they are never shown to under-perform in comparison to their male coworkers. All represented as a personal failing rather than that of their sex. Neither is gender or sex really acknowledged in the workplace.
Hell, even the FACT that sex and gender barely means a thing in The City with only remnants of socialization from these concepts could be considered woke.
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supermega-grumps · 6 years ago
Bound by Blood
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Pairing: Joven, Mari, Wes and Reader
Summary: Your best friends have a large secret they share with you. Will you join in?
Word Count: 7882 (Oops!)
Warning: Mentions of blood, death, self inflicted injury and knives
A/N: Thank you for being so patient while I wrote this and I’m sorry it took me so long to get out! I would love any feedback! And yes I used an AHS quote. Also, sorry it’s a little rough. I didn’t do a good job at proof reading.
The moment you started at Smosh you became best friends with everyone, but you became oddly drawn to Joven, Mari and Wes. You didn’t mind it because they lovingly took you in as if they’ve known you for years. As your spent more and more time at Smosh you noticed odd patterns in your new close friends behaviors. None were a fan of sunny days, you realized they always made plans on days where it was guaranteed to rain, they barely ate when you went out together and they were a l w a y s together. You noticed some other odd things, but you didn’t find them quite as strange as the previously mentioned.
One day after a long day of filming Joven pulled you aside.
“Hey (Y/N), Mari, Wes and I are getting together at my house on Saturday you should come.”
You stood in disbelief for a moment. As much as they were your best friends they never invited you to their places. Which is another thing that struck you as odd. You’d always had a thing for Joven, Wes and Mari, you weren’t quite sure if it was together or each individually, but they all had beautiful energy that you enjoyed being around. You hoped that this weekend hang out would shed some clarity on how you felt.
“I’d love too!” You said with more childlike glee than you anticipated.
“Great, come at 8. I’ll text you the address.” He laughed slightly. “Also, please dress up and wear all white.”
That last comment was weird, but you were willing to comply.
Saturday was tomorrow and as the day went on your excitement grew. You tried your best to relax for the rest of the work day, but you were practically bouncing off the walls during filming.
As you sat in bed later that night a million things  rushed through your head.
Why haven’t they invited me over before? Am I really in love with all of them? No, that’s ridiculous. Or is it!? Oh man, I better not act like an idiot tomorrow. 8 seems kinda late, I wonder what we’re going to do tomorrow night.
But, nothing could prepare you for what the group had in store for you.
Your Saturday morning, afternoon and evening went as it usually does, grocery shopping, laundry, work prep for the coming week kept you busy for most of the day. When 7 o’clock came around you decided to change out of the comfy clothes you were wearing whilst doing work in to your all white outfit that Joven asked for. You got in your car around 7:40 and a rush of nerves washed over you. You started on your way listening to some of your favorite songs. You arrived at Joven’s around 7:50 because you didn't realize you lived so close. You approached his front door slowly. Through the window you can see all three sitting on the living room couch with an empty chair in the middle of the room. They’re all dressed in all black and you wonder why Joven asked you to wear white. You knocked on the door and waited a moment. You heard the door knob rattle and when the door swung open Wes stood before you. He gave you a warm smile and held his hand out for you grab. You blushed gently and placed your hand lightly in his and he led you into the house. Both Mari and Joven stood when you entered the room.
“Welcome (Y/N).” Joven says sternly.
You were now standing in the middle of the room just in front of the lone chair you saw through the window. The three stood before you. With all of their eyes on you you felt like prey in the middle of a pack of predators.
“Would you like anything to drink or eat?” Joven finally said to break the silence.
“Umm… no thank you.” You said meekly.
“Very well then. I feel like I should just skip to the point of our meeting today. Please take a seat.” Joven said.
You cautiously sat in the seat behind you. You began to worry about the intentions of the others in the room.
They wouldn’t hurt you. Right? They tell you that they love you all the time. Is this some weird sex thing? A cult? Oh god. I’m in way too deep. Should I just leave. No, just listen to what they have to say first, then you can decline if you want.
Your thoughts were moving rapidly and so was your heart rate.
“(Y/F/N), I’m going to put this in a way you’ll hopefully understand.” Joven stood up and the gets down to eye level with you. He was so close that you could feel his breath when he spoke to you. He stared directly into your eyes.
“You see, we here have contracted an ancient virus. A blood disorder. The effect of the disorder is health, vitality and everlasting life.” He placed his hand on your knee, yet to break eye contact with you.
“Wait, what?” you muttered with eyes full of confusion.
“I guess I’ll break it down more for you. . . We’re somewhere along the lines of Vampires. We consume blood, we don’t age and all wounds heal at a rapid pace, therefore giving us everlasting life as long as we stay out of harm's way. Of course we don’t sparkle and the sun won’t kill us, it’s just tough on our eyes and skin because we run cold.” He said with a rough voice.
The room fell silent momentarily. You tried to collect all of your thoughts.
He can’t be serious can he? What if he is? I can’t pass up an offer like this. But. . . why me?
“Why me? Of all the Smosh crew why me?” You blurted out.
“To start, you’re gorgeous. Mari, Wes and I have all agreed that it is always an honor to be in your presence. Also, you also always exude tons of strength. Whether it be at a shoot or in your everyday life. Being one of us can be a lot of pressure and we need someone who won’t break under all of said pressure. We think you have potential to be a countess/ count one day.” He said a matter of factly. Jovens hand moved up your leg and he gripped your thigh tightly. You blushed gently when you felt his thumb press tightly against the inside of your thigh.
“Stop toying with her.” You heard Mari say strictly.
“Fine. Now, will you join us or not?” He said sternly.
“And what if I don’t?”
Joven moved in even closer to you. His nose touched yours and as he spoke you could feel his lips almost touch your.
“The answer is simple. . . We kill you. We can risk having a mortal around knowing our secrets. It’s far to dangerous.”
Joven pulled his face away from yours and stood up. He stood tall with his arms crossed and his shoulders pulled back. He was obviously becoming irritated by you asking so many questions. The room fell silent again. You decided that more questions might have been leath, so you gave your answer.
“I’ll join you.” You said kind of unsure, but at this point anything beat being killed by your best friends.
“Wonderful, Mari will give you a brief explanation of how the turning will work.” He said with a large grin.
Mari stood and placed her hand on Joven’s shoulder. Joven stepped back allowing Mari to take his position.
“I’m just going to let you know what to expect during this. The first thing you need to know is to turn you have you consume the blood of one of us. The smallest amount will turn you, but we suggest that you actually drink a little bit. It will satiate your hunger while we hunt for you tonight. Second, being turned is a different experience for everyone. It could be incredibly painful and miserable or it could be a lifting and enlightening experience. Either way you gain a lot from it, so embrace whatever you’re given. Last, Wes is your guardian while you get a handle on your new senses and body. You do everything together and you are never to be out of his sight until we deem that you are ready to be on your own. That means in the mortal world you are dating, but don’t let last bit stop you from actually dating.” She said the last bit with a shrug.
You’re face turned red and warm. You were feeling so many emotions at once. Scared, intrigued and a bit excited that you’re now “dating” or dating Wes.
“I’m ready.” You said with a stern voice.
“Please stand (Y/N). Wes please step forward.”
Wes stood and placed himself next to Mari. Mari turned to face Wes and she smiled gently. Mari pulled out a short dagger she had concealed behind her using her belt. Wes removed it from Mari’s hands and thanked her. Mari stepped to the side and positioned herself next Joven.
Wes turned towards you. You felt so small and helpless in comparison to him.
“Now don’t be startled, but I’m going to use this dagger to cut my arm and from there you’ll drink.” He said sweetly, which was unsettling to you.
He rolled up his sleeve and pulled the dagger to his arm. He smoothly dragged the dagger across his arm and you watched as blood began to pour out. You stood frozen and didn’t know what to do.
“You need to drink now Love. I know this is scary, but I need you to do it now.” His voice was soft, but it was followed by urgency.
You pulled his arm to your mouth and begin to suck on the wound. The thought of blood being in your mouth made you gag, but you continued to drink until you really felt ill. When you pulled away you could feel that you had began to sweat. You looked up at Wes and he smiled sweetly. As the quiet moments went by you could feel yourself becoming warmer until you felt like you were burning from the inside out. You could no longer move your limbu and began to yell out in pain. Wes tried to encourage you to sit, but before you could gain control of your body you crumpled yo the floor and blacked out.
You woke up still on the floor, but now you were in Wes’ lap. You were drenched in sweat, but no longer in immense pain, but you were starving.
“How are you feeling?” Wes asks sweetly.
You were unable to form words so you didn’t. The room fell silent. Until He broke the Silence again,
“Mari and Joven went hunting, so you’ll have something to eat soon because I know you’re hungry. . . Thank you for joining us. Thank you for being mine now.”
He kissed you gently and smiled.
“Rest up Beautiful. You have so much to learn in the morning.”
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