#does anyone else listen to loona
sodapopboy · 2 months
rip twobit mathews. you would’ve loved loona
rip steve randle. you would’ve loved voltron
rip dallas winston. you would’ve loved vaping
rip johnny cade. you would’ve loved voice messages/audiobooks
rip sodapop curtis. you would’ve loved britney spears
rip ponyboy curtis. you would’ve loved shitting on booktok
rip darry curtis. you would’ve loved having a busted up iphone 6 in the year of 2024
rip the curtis gang you guys would’ve loved just dance and uno.
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morgy-doo · 6 months
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how does this guy own his own business^
Verosika mayday~
so, there was no intention for a relationship at first
you two fucked, and your aftercare was so good that she fell almost immediatley
no one cared about her satisfaction before
normally, they fuck and then she is gone
but with you, she felt safe after you cleaned her up and offered for her to stay the night
when you two finally start dating you are SPOILED
if she sees you looking at something for more than ten seconds, boom you own like 20 of it now
she buys you all the designer brands
whenever she is around your house and your in the shower or whatever, she will literally spray everything in your room with her perfume, your clothes, your bed, hell even carpets
so if you ever have anyone else over they would know your hers <3
if your doing something that requires your attention, she will randomly come up behind you and whisper something auggestive in your ear, then walk off
she is defo the big spoon when cuddling
she love resting her cheek in your soft hair
tries so hard to act cool around you
but is secretly overthinking every little thing she does in her head
she is just scared you will get bored and find someone more cool and exiting than her
she defo shows you her human form because she wants to impress you
she also gets protective pretty easily too
Blitzo adores you
he thinks your the perfect person for his loony
but definately threatened to shoot you in the ass when you first met
but deep down has Loona's best interest at hear so he will tolerate you if that's what Loona wants
soon he ends up loving you nearly as much as Loona
it was hard for her to start discussing her feelings with you
she thinks opening up is weak, and she want to be strong because she knows hell is one of the worst places to be weak
and she wants to be that strong protector for you
but when she does open up about what life was like before Blitzo adopted her, he feels alot more relieved and thanks you for listening to her
also you really need to watch out for her mod swings
they can get messy
even if you are her bf/gf
dating her is basically getting a new surprise everyday
she is very random
you both could be randomly going on a sweet walk and talking when she suddenly decides she wants to go on a road trip or sumthin and starts planning every little detail
when this first happened you didn't think he was serious
but the next day when you woke up to see her sat in the living room with her suitcases stacked around her
you realised what you got yourself into
sometimes she takes you to work with her so you can see what her work life i like
there is no way she is taking you into the human realm tho
it is dangerous enough for her and she would tear down herself if anything ever happened to you while you were there
but she is more than happy to tell you bout all her adventures when she gets back tho sometimes she even brings you back something cool she found that she think you would like
she remembers every small thing about you
like if you tell her a fact about you she will be like "i know"
you are beginning to think she knows you better than you know yourself
but she just wants to make you happy in every way possible
every nickname that exists under the sun she has called you
but her favourites are "sweets, darling, babe, baby and dollface"
she loves the flustered look on your face when she says it
she is so stylish
like she has every brand of clothes to exist
and if she really likes an outfit she will have he same outfit in like 20 different colours
she can be kinda possessive sometime tho
i hc that she is best friends with Verosika
she can get self concious that you will leave her for Versoika because she ha more fame, and she is more pretty and rich
she doesn't let you near the other succubi because she knows what they are like and she doesn't want them to try anything with you
they never would anyway
they respect that Kiki is happy
hell she might even give up her life as a succubus for you
you must be really special huh
part 2?
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HowdyI'm back with another Blitzø ask, sorry
Could I request Blitzø with a s/o who tries to "tank" through everything. Like they'll carry all the groceries, carry him to the car when he's drunk, if they have a water bottle, telling everyone to drink first, that kind of thing?
Apologies if this doesn't make sense. Hope I'm not being too pushy. Much love to you 💛
Blitzø With A S/O Who Tries To "Tank" Through Everything
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Blitzø would notice very quickly that you insist on tanking through everything. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's far from stupid.
It started with him getting drunk off his ass one night, and of course, Loona needed the car, but she wasn't about to let him drive drunk. And she couldn't lift him, since imps are surprisingly heavy!
So of course, who better to call for help than her dad's S/O? Now, she was expecting you to help coax him into the car verbally.
What she instead got was you throwing her dad over your shoulder and carrying him to the car with seemingly minimal struggle. Her eyes were wide and she was incredibly shocked.
When Blitzø woke up and you explained everything to him, he was gobsmacked. Why would you carry him?? You know you could have just asked him to get in the car and he probably would have listened to you, right??
Eventually, you managed to convince him it wasn't an issue, and he shrugged it off.
At least, until he noticed some of your more people-pleasing tendencies. For example, when you were out with I.M.P. helping on a mission, and you had a water bottle, you wanted everyone else to drink some first, before you could.
Okay, not too bad yet... Blitzø thought to himself.
But when he noticed you would carry all the bags from shopping excursions you went on, or deal with Loona's tantrums, or overall just throw yourself under the bus before anyone else could help you, he knew it was time to call attention to it before you got seriously hurt sacrificing your own needs for others.
"S/O, we need to talk."
You freaked out inside, wondering if this was going to be when he decides he doesn't love you after all and leaves you. You went with him shaking, wordlessly wondering if this would be the fate of your relationship.
"Why do you do all this? The carrying everything, the putting others first, the dealing with everyone else's bullshit. Why do you do it?"
You were surprised about that question, and didn't quite have a good answer for him, even if you internally know the answer why.
"You can't set yourself on fire to keep lame bitches warm, you understand? You are a hot piece of ass, and nobody should get to make you do anything. If they hate you, who cares? They're inbred dick snorters, anyway. You understand?"
You nodded in response. His encouragement was very vulgar, sure, but it was sweet in its own way. Eventually, you worked up the courage and explained your reasoning behind your actions to him, which he appreciated and talked with you over. He may not be a therapist, but goddamn, he is free therapy.
And yes, he does enforce the whole "no more tanking" rule he set. He will have I.M.P. enforce it for him if he isn't present, taking a similar attitude toward you as he has toward Loona.
"Moxxie, get off your ass, S/O is too beautiful and precious to do something like this~."
He's sweet about it to you, at least. But damn, if it doesn't fluster you to absolutely no end.
Overall, a sweet boyfriend to have! Will go out of his way to make sure you aren't overworking yourself, it's okay to take time for yourself, too. :))
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fr4nkie0stein · 10 months
Loona x reader???
I just did general dating headcanons, I hope that's alright ♡
Loona dating headcanons (gender neutral)
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Content warning(s): none that I'm aware of
Dating Loona is basically like having permanent scary dog privileges 
No one wants to do or say anything that might upset you or otherwise accidentally piss her off because most people are smart enough to realize not to make her mad 
The two of you as a couple also follows along the lines of the "I hate everyone but you" trope 
Loona will snap at anyone who so much as looks at her wrong, but with you? 
Literally a huge, overgrown puppy 
If you're ever mad at her or have a fight she's a lot more rude than usual while simultaneously pouting that you're avoiding her 
Doesn't always apologize first, but when she does you can tell she really means it 
Likes when you pet her, even if she refuses to admit it </3
Will let you braid/style her hair to your hearts content as long as you ask first 
Same thing with her makeup 
Just don't make her look like a clown, intentionally or otherwise, because it's likely you won't be allowed to touch her face with any sort of makeup product ever again 
She isn't the big or little spoon because she doesn't really like to cuddle or sleep real close (unless either one of you is upset) 
Actually, you might not want to share a bed with her at all because she a) hogs the covers, b) flails around a lot in her sleep, and c) snores really, really loud
The only time those things won't happen is if you've fallen asleep on her accidentally
Loona will refuse to move even an inch, afraid she might wake you up
When she's certain you're definitely asleep, she'll be surprisingly gentle as she picks you up and carries you to bed 
Really over protective when it comes to you 
She knows just how awful hell can be, and she doesn't want you to get hurt 
She also gets jealous really easily, which stems from her abandonment issues 
If you spend so much time with someone else, you might realize how much happier you are with them and end up leaving her 
Of course that would never happen, but she can't help worrying all the same 
Shares her earbuds with you when you're listening to music together 
Also shares her clothes, her makeup, her magazines... anything, really 
You're the only person who has that privilege, by the way, so don't take it lightly 
♡ Send in more requests here ♡
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Helluvaboss? Never seen it? Oh cool, cool, I gotchu boss. It's a silly, goofy cartoon adult show about silly Imps who go down to earth and murder people they're hired to murder! Lots of sex jokes, swearing, and absurd situations. The best part is one is fucking a literal prince and they're into BDSM and bondage so LOTS of fun sexy jokes and moments there! Here, I'll introduce you:
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This one? Oh yeah, this one's the main character. He adores ponies and makes dozens of horse OC's for a pony show he likes, pairing them up and making whole little relationship charts for them. He also has several horse plushies and hand makes his own horsie branded things; but he can't really spell so he does his best. He has a stuffed horse his boyfriend gave him called Spirit Jr . because Spirit is his favorite movie, and he's a deeply loving man who cares intensely for the people he considers family and is protective of them to the point of risking himself. He desperately craves love and affection despite hating himself so much that he genuinely believes he's not and has never been worth anyone's!
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This one? Oh, this one's the main character's best friend-turned-enemy-turned-best friend. It's a long story. He's a fully disabled sweetheart who adores his boyfriend with all his heart and would quite literally run himself ragged to make people smile. He's a soft, gentle, kind-hearted babydoll who doesn't believe he's good enough to have the fame that he's earned through struggle, pain, and hard work or the love of his boyfriend, and wants nothing more then to be a happy little lap kitty with happy friends and the open affection of his partner!
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These two? Oh, this is Moxxie and Millie. They work for the Main Character and they're a happily married, emotionally stable, well adjusted and healthy couple! They have their problems like anyone else, of course, but they ultimately get through their issues with communication, patience, and understanding, and they love each other deeply and dearly- they'll do anything for the other.
Millie is an emotionally intelligent, loving, motherly rough and tumble type who loves a good scuffle but is nothing but gentle towards her friends and loved ones, unless they need a kick to the butt. She's overly competitive and sometimes her anger gets the better of her, but she's ultimately about the most well adjusted person in the cast! Moxxie is a shy, anxious, socially awkward love bug who really just wants to listen to his musicals and cuddle his wife in peace! He adores art in almost any form, in 110% whipped and both knows and loves it, and he's terrified of rejection and desperate for the approval of those around him!
He's a little crack shot and arguably the most lethal person in the cast, but legitimately can't bring himself to fire a shot in the first episode because he might be ruining an innocent family, and that thought destroys him! Give him a gun and a bullet and your ass is finished, but he'd really rather not!
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This is Stolas! He's the main character's boyfriend- er, sort of. It's a whole thing. He's been in a fridge! He's a depressed, socially anxious mess who loves romance novels, singing, telenovas and romcoms! He wants to be swept up in a whirlwind romance, and is desperate to find happiness and love after being forced into an abusive arranged marriage to a woman who he's as gay as a unicorn's fart! He has and adores a daughter with his whole heart and she may be among the only things keeping him alive and kicking! He's a genuinely kind, sweet, and deeply loving man who cares quite a bit for our Main Character and, despite his flaws, wants the best for the people around him!
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This one? Oh, this one. This one's Loona. She's our Main Character's adopted daughter. Loona regularly physically assaults her father, wounding him both mentally and physically! She's a mean, bad tempered ball of attitude and rejection issues, who picks on Moxxie, antagonizes everyone else, and can't have even one drink because you 'won't like her' even after one. She drops the ball on her responsibilities most of the time, and when she does do her job she does it badly and with attitude. She's angry, antisocial, and aggressive, and she won't hesitate to get in anyone's face about anything. (She's also quite loyal, surprisingly kind, shy, and very sweet...but she wouldn't want you to know that. And we're not covering anything they wouldn't want you to know!!)
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I decided to watch helluva boss and imma do 2 separate posts for seasons 1 and two (why did I write it like that…?)
Season one
God I love this show. The writing is way more my speed than Hazbin hotel on Amazon, I enjoyed the writing in the pilot, but once Amazon took over the humor just didn’t really land for me, and tbh the plot took over and I started focusing more on that, and in general I’m more partial to the rapid fire YouTube dry comedy and this sentence is a friggin mess- I found HB SO FREAKIN FUNNY
Dude when he goes “FUCK, a new hole” I lost it
“Just try and sue us”
“We’re rich and we’re hot”
“I can just buy all the things!”
“You should commit die”
“Hehe, Trumpet!”
These are just my kinda lines, I don’t know how to explain it, I was wheezing all throughout the season
The music OH LORD when I say I’ve listened to stolas’s lullabye, lulu land, cotton candy, and house of ozmodius like 100000 times I’m… exaggerating but like you get the point the music here is friggin fantastic I also really like how a lot of the music is diegetic, I think that’s a fun touch. I don’t remember whether this is the case in Hazbin, but in this one it was like… I don’t know, it made sense that they were singing when they were singing… am I articulating myself well? I don’t care, iykyk if not, no prob
The animation is great, Viv loves them spinny shots and I am here for it. The amount of genuinely amazing action scenes is super impressive, and even the chill scenes have a ton of personality
The voice acting might be what steals the show for me, idrk anyone’s names cept Alex Brightman but BLITZS VA NEEDS AN AWARD, also slight tangent but I don’t know what it is with stolas’s va but he sounds a lot like a bird in the same sense that Gary Oldman sounded a lot like a bird in Kung Fu Panda 2, what is it that casting directors recognize in actors that screams bird?! Because both of these men are just SO BIRD DOES ANYONE GET WHAT I MEAN moving on, Ozzie’s voice was also effing PERFECT it slid silkily over me like… silk butter or smtg it was the perfect lust voice, I loved it. Everyone else was also great, but they were extra great.
It was also just so fun? Like in hazbin there’s very little just… shenanigans to enjoy, nothing wrong with that because it’s not that type of show, whereas this season is jam packed with them. Like I’ve heard that everyone hated episode 4, but like I don’t know I loved it😆 I just found it to be good old fashioned chicanery, and I liked the chaos and stupidity of it, made for some entertaining TV. This story engine is just mad entertaining for me.
I also enjoyed the writing of most of the characters (Millie, Moxxie, Loona, and Octavia still leave a bit to be desired imo, but whatever, they can’t all be winners and there’s nothing wrong with them) Blitz kinda reminds me of a Barney Stinson type character, which I really enjoy, and I also really like how his boss persona kinda infects everything he does while simultaneously being what’s screwing him over, his nature is kinda like a snake swallowing its own tail, which is tragic and beautiful, and Stolas compliments him well by being, not an enabler, but… I don’t know a clever way to say this… Stolas is a wreck in the best way and he just works. He’s short sighted, like extremely so, like how he thinks sleeping with Blitz will fill his emotional void so he does it but it just drives them further apart so it’s like he’s in a hole and in order to get out he’s gonna dig to pile up dirt so he can climb out but he’s an idiot and that’s a stupid idea and I loved his whole arc. Very enjoyable stuff drama.
Kinda random but whoever Viv’s foli artist is also deserves an award, the sound effects in this show are pristine and it’s incredible (yes I’ve seen the scene where the gun sounds go off a few seconds too late, and yeah, mistakes happen, but every bone crunch sounds and other stuff like that being so enunciated in an indie show is extremely impressive)
Anyhoo, very fun, very emotional, nice to look at, very funny, yada yada- altogether great season 1.
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
some more btl headcanons bc why not lol(specifically kpop related *insert that one spongebob "when worlds collide" audio*)
ps this will include plenty of my beloved nugus so if you don't recognize a name that's probably why lol
obviously scara has his stuff already so I won't be listing it so I don't lose the dopamine too early
star is whatever we like
xiao is a diehard dreamcatcher fan, literally has been there since debut and probably has an almost complete set of photocards for everyone. cried when they won their first award. definitely does live reactions to groups music videos/dance practices on stream. other groups I can see him liking are craxy, nmixx and purple kiss, but also k-bands like xdinary heros and purple beck
aether probably isn't too into kpop tbh💀 he supports xiao in his dreamcatcher stanning but that's probably the only group he actually knows members and stuff lol. he definitely watches survival shows tho and spam texts xiao every elimination episode. doesn't keep up with the groups after the show ends. i can definitely see him stanning eunbi post-iz*one, he makes underwater his ringtone. also stans alexa and watched all of american song contest bc she was his pick during produce 48
jean probably listens to popular groups just bc she doesn't have much time to search out for any smaller ones. can see her liking red velvet, feel my rhythm is her favorite song from them. will listen to any group that any of the people in the au tell her about, and from them I can see her listening to iz*one and purple kiss
childe is payola(/j). no but fr tho, whenever his faves release anything ever he is collecting albums and photocards until he has complete collection. he's rich and so will travel to south korea to watch his groups at inkigayo and music bank so he can get broadcast pcs. he's not creepy tho and so he's on "friendly stranger" terms with most of the idols in groups he likes. at this point, it's a game with his fans to find him in the background of any photos of groups he likes leaving/entering a music show. can see him liking a mix of groups, so probably twice, aespa, cherry bullet, and loona
heizou loves any and all groups that have lore. pixy, loona, stray kids, etc. if they have some sort of lore, then you can count on heizou being a fan of them. probably doesn't collect all that much, he usually just buys one version of an album and accepts whatever photocards are in it like a weirdo. definetly does streams going through groups music videos/etc to look for lore and make theories
I can't remember anyone else and so I now present my theories lol
also i love this omg. i also don’t think aether wud be too into kpop, he only rlly knows things cus xiao talks about it to him and will attend concerts w him. i can totally see him eating up any survival show (he wud probably watch boys planet)
HEIZOU STANNING FOR LORE OMG adding txt to that list he probably does videos trying to dissect what’s going on
childe going all the way to korea for broadcast pcs HES SO REAL OMG 😭😭 he wud probably win fan calls and be super chill on them and when he’s at shows it turns into a mini meet n greet
kazuha probably listens to whatever heizou tells him he should but also he’s a music major so he probably does covers on the most popular songs he’s probably a keshi or DPR live stan or the rose like more soft songs yk
venti probably crazy about every group he wud be the type to decorate his lightsticks for every show and change his phone pc every other day
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lifmera · 7 months
Hello there, can I get a romantic matchup for Hazbin, Helluva and Genshin Impact (I hope that's not too many)?
I'm bisexual (with a preference for men but I'm down for whatever) and I use she/her. I'm an ambivert. For those who don't know me very well, I may appear calm, collected and polite, but when I get close with someone, that's when my true personality comes out; I'm very sarcastic and sassy, especially if someone gets on my nerves. When I'm with my friends, I like to joke around, engage in playful banter with them, even often affectionately insult them (if that makes sense). I also love to tease and I don't mind being teased back. Even though I'm a bit goofy, I'm usually the rational, maybe even mom friend of the group; the type of friend who tries to stop the rest from doing dumb shit if I think it's too dumb or dangerous (but if it's pretty harmless, I'll gladly join in on the fun). I also tend to curse like a sailor lol. But my friends say that I'm also thoughtful, open and understanding. I can be very patient and gentle as well if I want too.
As for my style, I usually dress in all black (fun fact: I never wear skirts though, I despise them) and I love silver jewelry. I always have a silver ring on each finger or both hands (without them I feel almost naked) and usually snake or dragon-themed silver earrings.
My main hobbies and interests are: listening to music (I can't live without it), lately I've been listening mostly to any rock or metal type of music or similar (for example I love bands such as Ghost and Nickelback). Besides that, I also love to draw, read, and travel. Sometimes I also like to play or do some sports (I've been a horse rider since I was seven and I love swimming). But I also like to just sit on the couch and watch movies (preferably with friends).
Also, my main love languages are: psychical affection, quality time and gift giving.
I think that's it, thank you in advance!
Hi!! Of course 🩷
I’ve decided to pair you with…. LOONA, ADAM & XIAO!
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I mean can you blame me? You guys would get along so well.
Honestly- her and octavia too would be drawn in by your sense of style.
Before she knew your personality, she probably thought you were just another person wither coming to work in the office or pay.
Once she got to know you though? BEST FRIENDS.
She would engage in playful banter with you, but at some point she’ll start to take it seriously. Similarly what she does to moxxie.
She thinks its hilarious when you join in on making fun of Moxxie or Blitz, or even joining in their adventures! Shes also glad theres someone other than her who’ll stop Them from getting into trouble per usual.
You and Loona would have the same Music taste honestly, i think you guys would head bang 24/7 if you could LOL
She’d love your jewelry honestly, and probably ask you to spare her some. She just wants to match :(
Not the biggest physical touch person, but she will hold your hand. She doesn’t trust anyone else around you. Other than Blitzo..
Time for ADAM!
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Are we surprised x2?
He’s a jackass, but lets be real… (hes fine as fuck-) he would stop if you genuinely asked him, and he liked you!!!
If you joined in on the bullying? Or just teasing? Dream come TRUE !
He definitely would bully you for your style at first but listen.. its because he’s a loser and he cant flirt :(
If you are patient with Adam, it’ll mean the WORLD to him. He needs someone who will listen to him for once.
Definitely loves the music taste.
He probably steals ur rings when u dont notice, and then out of nowhere he’ll be like strumming his guitar n u just see ur rings… and be like “i thought u didnt like them..”
And he was like “ermmmm 🥹🥺🥺”
He def loves physical touch and quality time. They go hand in hand
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I just gave you all the emo’s.
This is what you get!!!
Definitely when you first met, you both were silent as fuck.
Dont expect him to talk cus he wont.
So you finally talk, and honestly when he realizes your personality, i think he would enjoy being around you.
He might be put off at first, with the teasing but i think he would actually… enjoy it ?
He definitely would like people who are more mean to him.
He thought your outfit was honestly so bomb, and would take your shit too.
What is with these characters…
Unlike the other two, he’d probably ask for permission though!! Cus hes a sweetie at heart.
Quality time and gift giving are his love languages for you!!
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nyxofdemons · 2 years
okay okay okay. im so normal. im so so normal about this
some thoughts on the new episode:
I LOVE THE GREED RING!!! the music is PHENOMENAL? i am obsessed with the soundtrack when they're first flying in, it's STUNNING
the fucking boat movie quote
listen chaz is funny and all but i fucking hate him for what he did to moxxie. die die die my boy deserved BETTER THAN THAT
I LOVE THE SCENE OF MOXXIE AND BLITZ MEETING!!! oh my god its so cute. blitz's annoying optimism and it cheering moxxie up almost instantly. MOXXIE HAVING A SOFT SPOT FOR KIDS (THE SOFT LITTLE SMILE WHEN BLITZ MENTIONS LOONA??)
"you called him a friendless horsefucker" and blitz changing it to "horseless friendfucker" as if the lack of horses is more notable. blitz's obsession with horses will literally never not be fucking golden
crim smacking moxxie was actually such a fucking incredible scene. like don't get me wrong i'm ready to kill him with my bare hands but the way this scene was DONE. the intensity and tension break was fucking PHENOMENAL. the same thing happened with moxxie's fight with striker. i could talk about this forever but the way the scene is shot and the camera angles and everything make it feel SO intimate and have such a close-up kind of fear to them.
"okay, first off, dad, i'm bisexual" "yeah, gay!" "FOR FUCKS SAKE" RHKAHWKABSVS
seeing moxxie shrink and close up on himself hit SO CLOSE TO HOME,,, mox doesn't really censor himself at all with blitz - even though blitz is technically above him, they're still equal enough that moxxie will constantly snap back at him. seeing moxxie be so anxious and falter and stutter and hold his tongue is just..... god it feels so realistic and well done. im going to sob
THE FLASHBACK FUCKING DEVASTATED ME. GOOD FUCKING MORNING. oh my god baby moxxie and his mother and watching as crim ruins everything. im going to be sick
CHAZ AND BLITZ HOLY SHIT. I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT THIS??? i mean for starters it was fucking hilarious but like. oh my god. the stolitz implications (will stolas find out?? how will he feel??? does this tie into stolas giving him that crystal??? SOMETHING ABOUT BLITZ BEING SO DISSATISFIED WITH CHAZ GIVES ME STOLITZ FEELS. something something stolas being the best he's ever had and/or him LIKING stolas so much that he's not really enjoying being with anyone else??? HELLO????
MOXXIE STANDING UP TO HIS DAD!!!! GOOD FOR HIM!!! when he hit the table and crim jumped! combined with the calm and cold voice... GOOD SHIT
the priest officiating the wedding is so fucking funny. guy who doesn't get paid enough for this shit
she ripped out a dude's spine and strangled someone else with it??? oh 👀👀👉👈
anyway i am having one million thoughts that i can't put into words but in conclusion!! GOOD episode good shit i'm emotionally devastated and will not be recovering for many many days <33
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dykerica · 1 year
my kpop phase is having a resurgence so here are my mbav kpop hcs (i am ignoring the fact that the show is set in 2011-12) ^-^
erica: gg stan all the fucking way, i’m feeling red velvet, aespa, and mamamoo for her tbh heavy on red velvet in their lesbian murder era also she is constantly getting into fights with rory (resident bg stan) over who’s better (it has gotten physical in the past trust me)
rory: bg stan as stated above, ateez, stray kids, shinee, txt. he tried to teach himself korean for like 3 weeks before he dropped it but he’s determined to become fully fluent eventually, also definitely uses it as inspiration for mcmonsterbat
benny: the “mediator” for rory and erica whenever they get into fights bcus hes the only other person in their group who actually listens to multiple groups consistently (gidle, mamamoo, shinee, bts), however most of his mediating is actually rlly just instigating bcus he finds it hilarious. definitely practices gg choreos in his bedroom and nearly died of embarrassment when evelyn caught him once, currently working up the confidence to join sarah for a cover.
ethan: got into bts when he was 13 and never looked at another group after that, does listen to other groups like loona and txt but doesnt stan anyone else, definitely a ride or die for yoongi + namjoon (HEAVY on yoongi), and hyyh is his favorite era (he still cries to those mvs weekly)
sarah: mostly stans ggs but thinks erica and rorys fights are childish however she WILL defend gidle with her life and has drawn blood over this. has a youtube channel where she does dance covers thats decently popular (she’s always trying to convince the gang to join her. so far rory is the only one to take her up on that). also rlly into solo artists like taemin and chungha (EMPHASIS ON CHUNGHA)
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br4inr0tx · 9 months
Hello how are you doing this fine evening/or morning? hopefully well I expect, thank you for doing a matchup exchange with me and let’s start!
Fandom: May I have a romantic male matchup for hazbin hotel, helluva boss and the John Doe game please? I just don’t want mammon, or any hellhounds(like vortex, loona) at all (I love them but I don’t wanna be matched up with one) and no Angel dust either, just wanna change in character :,)
My name is Jaxrel but I also go by Himawari, Rin, Eden or Luke too! I’m Transgender (ftm), Aromatic, Polyamory, Unlabled, & Bisexual, I’ve been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, BPD & OCD, im wasian (eastern european & west-southeast asian), polish, arab/middle eastern, flipino, scottish & russian.
personality traits (and notes): extroverted, at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses “big” words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(I’m nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes I don’t mean to), dad/tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some “repressed anger issues”, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked, im on the more severe of of the Autism Spectrum so I would like someone to acknowledge that and I also stim when I’m to overwhelmed when there’s a crowded place, to much lighting, etc.
things I love about myself: when someone is going through anything or needs help with anything they will call me before anyone else, i have an ugly laugh so guaranteed if i laugh someone else will as well, how much i love animals if i see a stray around my house i will adopt it immediately, if i see a stranger crying in public my eyes will not leave them alone until i get the courage to walk up to them and ask whats wrong, i am very confrontational i will always stand up for whats right no matter how scary the situation may be, how greedy i am for money but when i love someone i will spend the world on them, how excited i get for little things like when someone buys me redbull, monster, cherry pepsi or chocolate pretzels/strawberries my day cant be ruined, how in touch i am with being grateful if someone helps me in anyway or does something in general to benefit me i will never forget it, dont take people for granted, ive been told anytime someone hangs out with me that being with me feels safe and peaceful, I pay attention to the little things, how even though i dont care about plushies i have been given some and i make sure to kiss them all goodnight in case they are actually real and see what happens, if i know someone is having a hard mental health day i will clean for them/ get them icecream and be patient till they are ready to talk about it, without fail a quiet person will always be loud with me, i am the type of person who just wants people i love to be happy even if its not with me, i will always choose them i dont say i love you until i mean it i will celebrate the people i love, i am very observant if i see that someone wants something i will get it for them no matter what, i will make it my mission to compliment a stranger that looks like they are having a hard time so their day is a little better, how i say i hate kids but i will protect them with my life and im so gentle with them, I am not ashamed of what i love like anime for example even though when I was teased for it when I was little i never once hid that i loved it, even if i dont like a song that someone shows me i will be hyper while listening to it so they dont feel small and embarrassed around me, how soft i become when someone holds my hand, even though hugging makes me uncomfortable i will push past that boundary and hug someone with all my heart if they needed it, i love how hardworking i am, whether its how much i love actually working or just getting out of bed knowing how hard my mind is fighting i love how i have gotten up everyday for the past 12 years despite how challenging it is to, i am an emotional person but i will always cry for a sad scene in a movie, if i love you, you'll be seen.
hobbies: anime/manga, gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, music (I’m a vocaloid/regular producer, i can rap, i make odecore/breakcore/scenecore music and I make music to similar artists I like, dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG’s, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer(football)/volleyball/basketball and swim, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it
likes: vocaloid/utau, k-pop/j-pop, vkei, watching documentaries/youtube, decorating my room, iced coffee, boba tea, bread, sharks, cats, cold weather, christmas, musicals, cleaning, rhythm games, being with my friends, shopping, partys, mint candles, sweet and spicy food, any asian food (japanese, korean, chinese, taiwanese, etc), the mandela catalog, your boyfriend (game), roblox(game), otome games and more!
these are some of my top kins!!:  hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), geto suguru (jujustu kaisen), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), blade (honkai star rail), hua cheng (TGCF), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more....!
I'm a ENTP, 4w3 and a Aquarius
misc: I live in a mixed language house hold where I speak mostly polish and Arabic, and some Korean and Japanese, it world be nice if the person who I get can react to that lol, i know 6 languages (Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish & French), clumsy; accidentally misuses slang or phrases bc i can never remember how they go (e.g. "bust this popsicle stand" instead of “blow this popsicle stand"); prone to be a bit directionless in life, tries to find comfort and humor in hard times, tries not to take life to seriously, i love dancing a lot, I do a lot of dancing like tiktok (idk I’m so sorry😭) dancing, belly dancing, dabke dancing, I play the electric / bass guitar, piano, cello, koto, and more.
appearance /aesthetic: 5'6 / 167.64 cm, midsize, rectangular body shape, i have a masculine and feminine face (somehow), dimple on chin, hazel eyes, wears glasses, dyed black boy hair, lots of piercings, no tattoos(I need some), for style, i wear a lot such as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, i wear streetwear clothes mostly at home/school/work, i basically wear casual clothes too but can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, i wear fishnets and combat boats/converse, but I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as kimono style, jirai kei, decora, mori kei, cult party kei, i like wearing traditional asian dresses and more but the ones highlighted are the ones I wear mostly. (I wear a LOT of gyaru, lolita, ouji & vkei recently LOL)
どうもありがとうございます!Have a good day/or night!
Ofc! I’m glad I got to do one with you. You’re extremely cool btw, I hope we can be mutuals! <3
tw - blood, knives, guns, murder of others, occultism, description of mutilation on another person, implied stalking, toxic relationships (they’re murderous people, what do you expect?)
Your Hazbin Hotel matchup is… ALASTOR !!
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• I think the next best ship for you would be Alastor! I’m not super confident with this one, but I hope you do enjoy this match nonetheless.
• Alastor would immediately break down those awkward walls you built up, making conversation with your pretty quickly, almost instantly after you meet. He kind of is a little pushy too, if he needs something from you, whatever that might be. He’s used to awkwardness though, so please don’t feel ashamed.
• I like to think it’s impossible for Alastor to be absolutely quiet. There’s always radio noises being played, and his voice can get only get to a pitch where it’s literally just him using an inside voice. I don’t think he can whisper lmao.
• That being said, you guys are relatively loud. The both of you can embrace it together! Anyone who speaks on it will surely have a talk with Alastor.
• The both of you have a great sense of humor, and laugh at each others jokes a lot! Granted he may use a lot of dad-jokes, but the times he’s genuinely funny you adore.
• He loves it when you break the rules of what’s "normal". Or even the times you cause trouble! Alastor definitely encourages it and will sometimes be right by your side while you’re at it.
• He doesn’t take offense to things easily. If you ever catch onto his tricks and point them out, he’ll just love of observant and clever you are..which is something he’s attracted to in my mind.
• Your laugh is extremely cute to him, especially if you’re laughing at his silly dad-jokes. He tries to get you to laugh when he can!
• I’d imagine you’d want to pet his deer ears. If you’re daring enough you probably died and spawned in Hell again. Mind you he doesn’t like animals for their cuteness, as he used to hunt them. Perhaps you can warm him up to them just a little? Most likely he’ll just let you indulge.
• You’re a very independent person, and while he sometimes fantasizes seeing you at your lowest, it might makes him feel tingly seeing not everyone on this Earth is pathetic.
• He’s more of a tea person (Or at least I think so, as he’s shown drinking tea in his prequel comic.). He at spoils you with little outings to the coffee shop together too.
• Honestly, he spoils you rotten with gifts too. Especially plushies and the remains of those people you oh so hate.
• He doesn’t understand your soda craze..so instead of buying you soda he’s more traditional, getting you chocolates and sweets instead.
• He hates TV. He won’t watch Anime with you typically, but if you want to rant or talk about it you may humor him, along with sometimes hearing his opinion on it.
• Most of the time he tries to get a genuine understanding on whatever you love. As I mentioned he wouldn’t watch anything, but definitely picks up on common details that’ll probably make you feel heard when he mentions them.
• Alastor isn’t a touchy person either. If by any chance you want to be touched, it’ll have to be in complete privacy.
• You’re very cute when you cry. He’ll do a light head pat to make you feel better, though honestly he doesn’t do much else. He loves to have his control over your emotions.
• Alastor thinks you’re very talented! He loves seeing you draw, and he can often pick out specific small details in your art, which you like.
• Honestly, all of your collections are impressive! Though Alastor might poke fun and ask if it’s really necessary to collect so much.
• The languages you speak are gorgeous. He loves hearing you speak them. Especially in a intimate or feisty manner.
• You’re style is gorgeous as well. He’s especially in love with your gothic and Vkei style, since it compliments the both of you together. Whenever you wear dresses or suits he's over the moon!
• He definitely dances with you a lot! He’s more prone to traditional and jazz dancing, but all dancing is very fun! Though I don’t think you could ever catch Alastor doing hip hop or any jazz dancing.
• You’re more of a prized pet to Alastor. I wouldn’t be sad by that either, since it’s be way worse to be on his shit list instead. I don’t think he’s truly capable of pure love, but at the same time your relationship isn’t one sided. He loves you most, since you’re the most entertaining to his daily afterlife.
Your Helluva Boss matchup is… BLITZØ !!
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• The one hell of a boss from I.M.P.! I think he’d be a good match for you, Stolas and Millie being a close seconds.
• Blitzø is very extroverted, though at sometimes he can be awkward, and not really in the mood to talk. It’s easy to tell when he wants to be alone, since he makes an active effort to isolate himself, so be aware of that and take not hard feelings.
• Just like you, he’s very talkative and loud. Don’t worry about talk to much, as he does the same thing.
• He’s especially loud when he’s off doing regular Blitzø shinanigans. Though it seems if it’s something serious he knows to calm down and focus, and will try to get you to do the same.
• I like to think he’s the friend at the lunch table that accidentally seems to always laugh way to loud and then get everyone to turn to your table and cringe at you guys. (That might be specific lmao-)
• He’s very much a silly goober, and will do certain things with no rhyme or reason to some extent. Please don’t worry if you get too silly, as remember you now have a boyfriend that will commit arson in every ring just to see which one gets the most pissed off.
• Blitzø constantly hurts himself considering what he does for a job. It melts his heart when you heal him from a mission..he feels extremely cared for in those moments.
• While Blitzø might not say he doesn’t need it, he really appreciates you taking care of him on his down days.
• Considering you both need to get some anger out, I can see a date night being the both of you going to a wreck room or something. He usually doesn’t have all the time in the world for dates due to his job, but when they do happen they usually have a lot of thought out into them.
• Another cute idea would be to go to his favorite horse ranch, since Blitzø loves horses, and you simply love all animals. He’ll even buy to riding lessons!
• Blitzø probably thought stimming was weird at first, but after he started replicating (probably mockingly knowing him smh) it with, he realized how fun and regulating it can be.
• Blitzø has no personal space unless he’s the one that wants it, he’s around you a lot, though knows your boundaries. He’s more usually in a five meter radius of you then touching, as he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Honestly, others are scared to be around you two for too long, but that just keeps the two of you closer.
• As for your anger issues, he recommends you take it out on others by killing! (Take the advice of you want, up to you.)
• Blitzø can’t be left alone for too long, or he’ll just end up doing something stupid anyway. That being said, being in company to calms down both of your racing minds.
• Blitzø isn’t really into money as much as he’s into actual items. That being said, he’s very money blind, and simply spends a lot. I’d like to think he buys his random horse figurines with I.M.P.’s money. If you ever call him out on that, he might just realize your own habits. This way the two of you can call each other out and maybe set a certain budget for the both of you, and if anything goes over that price you’d need to discuss it together to see if it’s worth it.
• He LOVES junk food, and he most definitely has stashes of snacks all over his office. He’d love to share it with you!
• There was this one time before you went to bed, Blitzø snuck into your bed and pretended to be one of your plushies just so he could get a goodnight kiss lmao. You ended up with him as your stuffie to cuddle tightly that night. <3
• He does love to watch it with you when he has the time, and hopefully you’d like to watch his own shows sometimes too.
• He loves playing video games with you! Though on certain games he can get particularly competitive, and would probably not care less to let you win unless you did of fair and square. He can be a bit of an asshole in that regard, but at least you’d get some fun commentary on the way!
• Your music is on his playlist for sure, and he’ll always ask to be the first one to listen to a new song, demo or not.
• He also really adores your art! He’d commission you all the time to draw horses for him lmao
• He spoils you rotten with presents in the form of figurines and plushies! If he’s in more of a mood though, sometimes the presents will be bootlegs. He means well by it of course.
• Blitzø loves coffee! (Supposedly, as on his Instagram he’s seen with it a lot.) He’d loves getting coffee with you all the time so the two of you can both fill that caffeine rush you have.
• You guys would also bully kids on roblox. I thin Blitzø would really enjoy playing mimic and piggy, but he honestly hops into whatever game you’re in.
• You’re definitely taller then him, since he’s an Imp. Please billy him about it lmao.
• Still on appearances, Blitzø really cares about the outfits he wears. He always has an aesthetic he sticks to for a day, much like you. That being said, he can easily help you pick an outfit for the day if you just ask.
• Blitzø isn’t the best at cheering you up with words often times. He tries to go by the mentality that misery love company, and for that, he simply lends a helping hand and hope it works.
• Blitzø might seem like asshole of a guy sometimes, but he genuinely cares about people weather he tries to show that or not. He loves you, and he’s glad to have someone that will, once again, be a genuine friend.
Your John Doe matchup is… JOHN DOE !!
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• you little cheater he’s the only fucker in the game. Unless you’re also counting House Hunted and Fox’s other games- but with that still in place Doe is the best match for you.
• Doe is very forward, and never beats around the bush. Doe is more extroverted then you, and therefore will be willing to speak for you if you ever needed that.
• Doe doesn’t really have a rhyme or reason for some of the things she does, so I believe your guidance would be needed. On the other hand though, Doe would help you find ways to let loose!
• He buys you a lot of stuff, since he knows you love it! He will literally spoil you rotten. He also likes the reaction you make to his presents, disc
• Doe will literally become a house wife if that’s what you want, even. They’re extremely flexible to whatever you desire, especially since it’s coming from you.
• She would do anything for a goodnight kiss..Like Blitzø, she’d most likely pretend to be one of your plushies just so she could steal I kiss, even though they’re very well capable of just asking lol.
• Doe doesn’t typically have bad mental health days, but he’s very poignant to yours. He may get not do well with the speaking parts in that regard, but like I said before, misery loves company. He’ll most likely just sit next to you like a curious puppy, knowing your dad but not understanding anything beyond that realization.
• Doe is really loud, from what I gather. Especially when they’re excited about something, they start to speak up, even speeding up their words a little. It’s hard to keep up with sometimes, but seriously, don’t be worried about your volume. Doe is basically blind to that stuff.
• She watches all of your favorite shows with no judgement whatsoever. Doe loves all TV! She also listens to all kinds of music, though her personal favorite is static noise.
• Doe is very touchy, so unfortunately it will take some times to resist touching you since he’s been waiting a long, looong time to do anything with you.
• Doe can’t really help with sleep. They’d just stare at you, maybe stroke their warm fingers through your hair to lull you to sleep if you as them to.
• Doe plays a lot of games with you though! She might cheat with her reality warping powers just to tease you. Your reaction is always so cute!!
• Doe worships you like a god, honestly. Especially if the relationship works out. Doe loves you for every talent you have, weather that be dancing or drawing. They praise you so much for it, it’s really sweet.
• I’d also like to think he likes candy and coffee, with some er..specific ingredients at the very least. Still, they love following you around most of the time. If you go to a certain place, expect Doe to certainly be there either next to you or hiding somewhere to stalk you closely. Sometimes it’s best to just walk gnome it and go on with your daily lives.
• They don’t understand speaking other languages, but when you call him something in a specific name or anything similar he lights up like a lightbulb too. You’re just too cute! Too adorable..
• After looking through John Doe cosplays, I saw this one cosplayer on my feed that would often go around making skits at parks and stuff with their friends. Therefore, that gave me the headcanon the Doe ADORES making tiktoks of any kind.
• You both dress in similar styles! Doe would love to wear one of those couple onesies with you, or just genuinely match your outfit for a day. Either way, you’re not brushing their hair still. It will stay extremely stiff and still for many few more years,.
• feel free to dress him in else - Of course, feel free to dress himself in anything you want. Goth might be his go-to look, but I bet he wouldn’t mind the change up once in awhile.
• John Doe loves you so much, he’d practically do anything for you. Just be appreciative, and don’t hurt Doe’s feelings too much, and you’ll have the definition of a golden retriever boyfriend!
your Boyfriend to Death matchup is.. LAWRENCE OLEANDER !!
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• I feel Lawrence would be the best match for you! It’s not even because you like him either, I think genuinely next place to Ren, Lawrence would be there!
• He relates to you awkward moments quite a bit. He has them all the time, so he finds comfort in the times you fumble your words. It makes him feel a little less alone.
• Though when you get to excited, he asks you to quiet down a little. He’ll probably be the first quiet person you absolutely cannot make be loud. Well, I guess unless he’s gutting you or sm.
• He appreciates your straight forwardness as well. When people beat around the bush, or joke around to often, it can often get him nervous.
• He gets in his head a lot, much like you do. The both of you often vent to each other instead. Though I can’t promise Lawrence will fully listen, as he often can’t take too much of others feelings. Especially if it pertains to him.
• He vents to you guine often actually, most of the time without permission or warning. He has a lot on his mind, and you tend to quell his shattering sanity with your calming presence.
• He definitely feels more chill around you, which is great you give off that affect! He doesn’t feel that way with anyone else, aside maybe from Ren. His chest tightens when he’s around you..and his heart skips a beat. You must be special.
• That being said though, he’ll become very needy for your comfort, so be prepared for that.
• I headcanon Lawrence as autistic, so he most likely stims with you! His favorites are toe taps and hand flapping, and his apartment is probably cluttered with fidget toys in random areas. You’re free to use them if you want!
• He buys your favorite drinks if you listen to his long vents. Just a simple gift for listening to him for so long.
• He’s not big on touch either, so you guys don’t really have that issues of physical affection. If one of you by any chance wants to be touched, you talk, and that’s that.
• He enjoys how creative you can get! His mind can go a little dull, as the river consumes most of his thoughts. Thinking about things you do is a nice change of pace, and immediately gets him attached to you.
• He just loves everything you do. Watching you dance is so cute..especially when you don’t know he’s watching.
• I think he’d mostly enjoy listening to documentaries with you, especially if the narrator has a calming voice lol.
• Lawrence really likes tea! He also enjoys going on outings with you, even if that doesn’t immediately read on his face. Most likely he likes seeing you happy, but it’s also another way to get his mind off things.
• He doesn’t notice when you fumble your words. He’s not really aware of most modern slang anyway. Even if he does notice somethings, he usually gets what really mean anyway to point it out.
• I believe Lawrence likes people with an specific aesthetic different from the norm, especially if they show it through their clothing. Seeing you in different styles and confident to wear them out makes his heart skip a beat! Especially if you’re wearing something particularly revealing. He eats that up. <3
• He loves the way you looked despite what you might say. He tends to obsess over your physical appearance, as he’s not much of a people person to point out your personality, unfortunately. I’m sure he’s aware of some things though.
• He loves you a lot. Please, don’t break his heart. You wouldn’t want him punish you otherwise, do you?
your Price of Flesh matchup is.. KOMODO & DRAGON !!
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• I think these two would be perfect for you! I don’t think you’d really be able to get away with dating one of them without the other either, so I hope you like having both!
• Outside the desert games, I think Mike and Jace keep to themselves. They can be very reserved like you sometimes, and most often don’t bother with taking in anyone. They’re both tough nuts to crack, I’m that sense.
• Eventually, the two will open up to you, seeing as you have the same interests as them. If you aren’t a victim or already convinced, they’d try convincing you to join their yearly game of manhunt. They even recommend kidnapping someone you hate so you can sacrifice them to Strade! Surely ripping their guts out will be satisfying, and a stress relief. You wouldn’t need to deal with that asshole anymore!
• They love teasing you on your awkward behavior weather you’re a victim or not. It gives them a total power rush that they simply can’t let you get away with.
• Even if they tease a lot, they secretly love your cute little quirks. Your laugh, greedy and neediness; as well as the times you fumble your words and your taste in food. Much like everyone else on this matchup list, they like to buy you things. Especially when you guys plan on hanging out all together.
• When officially a part of their relationship, your emotions will be taken care anytime you need to attention. They’ll do whatever they can to make you feel better and comfortable.
• Although Jace, or Dragon, is more blunt, most of the time he’s just teasing. If he says something brutally honest as to where it’s not a joke, he’ll apologize for being too harsh.
• Mike, or Komodo, is the more laxed partner. He can get a little emotional too, and sometimes cry if something particularly pulls at his heartstrings. He’s definitely a cryer, although he doesn’t want to admit that. So I’d see the two of you bonding over your shared sensitive emotions.
• They’re extremely glad you reciprocate the same love and care as well. Sometimes it gets dark for them too, and to have you on there side as much as they have yours is well valued amongst the two of them.
• You’re extremely cute to them. The feeling of you being smaller then them, and absolutely having you as their cute plaything they have to share drives them nuts. Rest assured, they have plenty of plans for you.
• They bully you for having plushies, in a playful way. Mike and Jace think they’re cute, although may or may not get jealous sometimes if you’re cuddling one. They should be the one you’re cuddling.
• They watch anime with you a lot! I think they watch anime quite often anyway, so watching it with you is nice. Most of the time you guys agree of one anime to binge, and you guys watch as much as you can together. As you’d expect, they’re drawn to anime with a more dark setting or plot.
• They can go with you without touching you to be honest. Maybe one of them will have a hand over you on the couch, but not necessarily touching you. They don’t bring it up or care that much if you don’t want to be touched. Either way, you’re still theirs.
• I have no clue what they listen to, but I can assume it’s probably metal music? They both look like generic metal heads anyway, especially Mike. I doubt they listen to Vocaloid, K-pop, or J-pop, but they wouldn’t be annoyed by it. Some songs got them jamming too! Not to mention they like listening to the song your produce, you’re so talented!
• You’re art is amazing as well! Though I see them being those assholes that beg you to draw them lmao. Weather you indulge them or not is up to you.
• Overall, they mostly enjoy chilling out with you all together, playing video games or watching YouTube, anime, or any show/movie you guys feel like watching. It’s the best past time amongst the three of you!
• They adore seeing you dance, by the way. It may or may not be a turn on for them, but I totally didn’t say that.
• Like Lawrence, they get giddy if you wear anything revealing. On the flip side, they enjoy how much effort you put into your outfits, and how you always come out looking as cute as you are. They like to show you off sometimes too! You’re so amazing, how could they not once in awhile?
• By the by, they think you’re perfect. You’re super sweet to them, and treat them like babies, so they treat you like a prince in return, much like you deserve. They’d turn the world upside down just for you.
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amarimeta · 1 year
ok i'm combining two different music tags so thank you @saulwexler and @mxrisacoulter for tagging me <3
Top 5 songs i've been listening to:
Miss Ping Pong - GWSN : i'm a gwsn enjoyer why are all of their songs bangers i will never forgive their company for taking them away from me.... gwsn we freaking miss you <3
Insomina - Yukika : yukika i don't know if you've gotten married yet so i'm not rushing you just know i await your return <3
GingaMingaYo - Billlie : billlie who rose from gwsn's ashes have yet to release a flop album thank you for the good music <3
Gotta Go - Chungha : speaking of people who need to escape their evil companies chungha we miss you soooooo much please come back and give me more music <33
Heart of Stone - Six the Musical (Alternates Version) : to my core i will always be a six the musical enjoyer sorry. thank you for recording this for me specifically <3
Songs you actually listen to:
Ex-Wives - Six the Musical : when i tell you they released the broadway cast album for me i'm so serious.
Come on Eileen - Dexy Midnight Runners : my song of all time unfortunately. you do not want to see the person i become when this song comes on unexpectedly.
Waterloo - Abba : honestly you could put virtually any abba song here and it would be correct.
L to the OG - Kendall Roy : i cannot pretend this song doesn't have as many listens as it does.
Day & Night - LOONA : to be fair loona would be dominating this entire post if the boycott wasn't active. luckily i have this baby downloaded as a file on my phone <3
Six current albums:
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[Apocalypse : Save us] - Dreamcatcher : the five full group songs are great and i enjoy every solo so :)
Querencia - Chungha : notice that there isn't a single miss on this album. how did she do that. banger after banger after banger.
CRAZY IN LOVE - Itzy : as an itzy bside enjoyer i am once again asking for another full length album.
The Perfect Red Velvet - Red Velvet : thank you red velvet <3
THE PARK IN THE NIGHT Part three - GWSN : truly all of these albums are here because they have zero skips <3
SIX: LIVE ON OPENING NIGHT - Original Broadway Cast Recording : once again they made this album for me <33 thank youuu <33
tagging (only if you'd like) @dracoj, @cdyssey, @melsunicornonesie, @wednesdayoceans, @boyfront, and anyone else who might want to do it!
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gluion · 1 year
thanks for the tag @winterchimez and @from-izzy !!
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. then answer the questions below! try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
bias list:
kim sunwoo (tbz)
jacob bae (tbz)
ji changmin (tbz)
kim namjoon (bts)
kang younghyun (day6)
choi soobin (txt)
kim jiwoo/chuu (loona)
im yeojin (loona)
hong eunchae (lesserafim)
nakamura kazuha (lesserafim)
questions under the cut!
between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
i stanned day6 since 2017, but i def biased chuu first!! i was sadly a jaehyung stan then, but i started biasing youngk like around 2019??? i think. chuu has always been one of my biases since heart attack was released :3
between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
BROTHER IN CHRIST!!! i am very much more attached to jacob :') i love him so much as a lesbian..... like bro he is MY future like i am his teehee. idk like his vlives really are something i listen to before sleeping and they bring so much comfort </3 BUTTT i forever love my soobin :')) i biased him longer and he is my bestfriend forever and my boyfriend...
if you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
BYE ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY.... I CANNOT CHOOSE BETWEEN MY SUNKYU!??!?!?! OHMYGOD I THINK I'LL JUST PASS OUT... but okay realistically tho.... i would love to spend my day with sunwoo and play a lot of video games and talk about anime with him tbh... like idk its always fun to just visit a pc cafe and play with friends IM SORRY!!! i would also expand his silly horizon with more anime recs
what is your favorite physical feature about 9?
what is your favorite part of 6's personality?
i love how soobin is the introvert who gets progressively chaotic as you get to know him. LIKE IDK BRO THATS SO ME!!! and i think he really does have one of the biggest hearts i know <3 he cares so much for the others like i just know how lucky it would be to be loved him <3
if you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
ah my yeojin <3 i love you and im proud of you always. i'm so glad you got to debut, and i hope you spend more years with loona very happy :]] proud of you always my shining girl!
between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
urgh okay fashion wise, i prefer sunwoo's more! i really like his style now tbh! but jacob's closet would def have a lot of hoodies and just pieces that are sooo intimate like hoodies etc </3
what is a style that you want to see 3 try?
between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
im pretty sure its youngk LAWL namjoon is like 6ft right
between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
well they're both from lesserafim so GFYUSDGFYSGFG i love my girls!
tagging @wuahae @juyeonszn @mosviqu @sungbeam and anyone else who wants to play!
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specialsatanicspell · 2 years
I.M.P. Recruitment - RP Prompt
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a/n: this is a prompt i wrote in hopes to find a roleplay partner that would be down to play as moxxie. we would continue the end of this blurb on discord and my character would be based off the impsona mentioned in the story. if you're interested, PLEASE message me! you MUST have good spelling, grammar, and punctuation. my writing in rp will appear as it does in this. if you think you can manage, i’d love to hear from you. also, this picture is so unbelievably funny to me and seemed appropriate, soooo.
pairing: moxxie x fem!reader
word count: 2.5k
prompt: I.M.P. is holding a recruitment “booth” where moxxie is struggling to advertise and gain support for the company. upon returning to blitz, he eventually meets fem!reader.
Hell. A place of punishment. A place of chaos. A place of Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth. A place where some, like Berkeley, call home. Growing up in Hell her entire life, Berkeley became accustomed to the constant disorder and instability that is Lucifer’s land. Today alone, Berkeley witnessed other imps lined up at vending machines for drugs of their choosing, various demons partaking in long-running turf wars, and spirits engaging in rather lustful acts in not-so-hidden-areas (their favorite pathetic attempt at being secretive being behind a dumpster). This way of life was the only kind of life she knew, but she always wondered about the ones she’d sometimes witness fall from above, reeking of the living world.
  It's the way their eyes always look lost and puppyish when they’ve regained their composure post-crashing-into-Hell, not even being able to fathom where they are or what’s going on in their surroundings, that gave her a childlike curiosity. She couldn’t comprehend how they could be so hesitant to embrace this new world where sin is embraced instead of shamed, and rather, they were frightened by everyone else’s acceptance of freedom. She could understand that maybe some had a hard time accepting that they’re now dead, but to Berkeley, she imagined being dead actually being the chance to live forever in disguise.
  If she were being honest with herself, the feeling of intrigue about the living world is what brought Berkeley to this job fair in the first place, having previously seen some poorly advertised billboard on one of Hell’s main street corners. The blonde-haired imp fiddled with the front pieces of her hair framing her face, fingers then nervously moving to the end of her French braid as she’s listening to the hellhound before her briefly explain I.M.P and what their service provides. If it weren’t for the billboard she previously saw, Berkeley would’ve overlooked this stand entirely.
The set up was pathetic, really. It’s placed at a dead-end for a busy street, making it nearly impossible for anyone that uses vehicles for transportation to park. Everyone knows that if parking is going to be a pain in the ass, then it’s never worth it. Next, the stand only consisted of one of those cheap white party tables, a terribly misspelled sign (“I.M.P jawb recrootmint”), and an employee working the stand that could hardly unglue her eyes from her phone. Not to mention, her energy was intimidating.
“Basically, we’re paid to off motherfuckers,” the hound named Loona, tells Berkeley, “it’s a really productive way to let your anger out, if you ask me.”
Berkeley wasn’t really an angry imp, but she was never afraid to let the spicier side of her personality show when necessary. What really made her qualify for this job, though, was her impeccable aim and archery knowledge. Finding it equally as beautiful as it is deadly, like a viper, she found herself to be completely allured by it and picked up the hobby on a whim when she was a bored teenager. Investing many years and hours into the craft, she was now near expert-level.
Berkeley offered Loona a kind smile and was just about to ask the young hound for more information, specifically about the company’s experience in interacting with humans, when a taller imp suddenly approaches the stand, coming up behind the hound and cupping her face affectionately.
“How’re we doing over here, Loonie?” The imp’s eyes glisten at the hound in pure admiration. However, it’s clear the feelings aren’t mutual when Loona begins to let out a low growl, which he doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, he ignores it completely. “Are you being friendlier to clients like we talked about?” He coos in a baby voice.
“Blitz!” Loona snaps, her eyes as red as the pits of Hell. As annoyed as she seemed with him, she did nothing to remove him from her, allowing him to give her a fat peck on the cheek.
“You’re doing a great job, dear. Now,” he releases the hound, finally turning his attention to the young blonde nervously playing with her hair. He takes a second to smooth out the attire he’s wearing, followed by offering his hand. 
“Who do I have the absolute pleasure of meeting today?”
Berkeley could feel her throat grow dry with the sudden shift of attention, becoming a tad riddled with anxiety. However, this didn’t stop her from being polite—she knew that first impressions, especially in networking, were important. Clearing her throat and reaching out, she firmly grasps the imp’s hand in a friendly handshake. 
Feeling bashful but brave, she smiled. “I’m Berkeley.”
He raises his eyebrows playfully, like she had just completely made something up.
“Berkeley,” he draws out, still shaking her hand. This earned him a giggle from the petite imp, him not being able to do anything but give in to the smirk he could feel forming on his face. Their hands break apart.
“Well, the pleasure is all mine. The name’s Blitzo, the ‘o’ is silent–  owner of I.M.P. We’re always taking new recruitment here.”
Loona let out a loud snort, causing both Berkeley and Blitz to look back at her. Before Blitz could ask what was so humorous to her, she looked up from her phone and at her boss.
“’We’re always taking new recruitment here?’ She’s the only recruitment we’ve had since Fatty over there.”
Loona points to an imp slightly bigger than Berkeley across the street, his hand frantically waving a stack of fliers in the air in a desperate attempt to get any passerby’s attention. It’s not that folks weren’t walking by—in fact, there was heavy foot traffic as there always was. One woman even walked by him with headphones in and just assumed he was a beggar, earning himself a free five dollars. The problem is that imps are the lowest rank in Hell in terms of capability, making them have the least amount of respect from the rest of Hell. In fact, everyone ranked above imps perceives them as weak and powerless, and because of this, Berkeley can see why it’s been nearly impossible for an imp business owner that specializes in assassination to get any recruitment.
Aside from all that, Berkeley couldn’t help but observe her coworker (she is hired, right?) a little more closely, taking note that he, on the contrary, is not fat. She also noticed he possessed a little red bowtie and that he’s dressed rather formally. She found it to be different, but she was never one to judge anyone’s self-expression.
Blitz rolls his eyes heavily at Loona’s remark, whipping out a thick binder seemingly out of nowhere. Upon laying it on the table and opening it, a heap of paperwork it revealed. Berkeley felt butterflies flutter in her stomach, knowing that this could only be good news. What employer is about to take down information from you if they don’t want you? Despite Loona’s negativity, Berkeley felt really good about this.
“Well, Loonie, until we decide we’re too good for new employees,” Blitz creates a wall with his hand to segregate Loona from the conversation, whispering to Berkeley, “which won’t be long,” he drops his hand, “then we will always be taking new recruitment.”
Blitz takes a moment to gather all the papers that were messily placed in the binder folders, picking out a few and re-stacking a couple times. He smiles hopefully at her, excitement running through his veins. Aside from the ornery thoughts Blitz couldn’t stop having about this girl, he was really eager to balance out the genders in the office. He knew Loona could use some feminine companionship (whether she’d admit it or not) and that using a woman’s mind in clientele objectives could be useful for the company. If neither of those things, at least Blitzo could daydream about how she looks under her white tank top while managing the phones.
“Well, Berkeley, the job is yours if you want it. I—I.M.P. could really use you.” Blitz hands over the paperwork, Berkeley accepting it with a wide smile.
“I would love to work for you. I believe in what you’re trying to do, here.” She begins. She shyly shifts her weight on her feet, her cheeks a light rosy color. “I’m honestly a huge pleaser, so doing anything that helps someone else out makes me feel good inside. I don’t like the idea of people who don’t deserve it getting a good afterlife.”
While she had something of substance to say, it was at this point that Loona returned her attention to her phone, and Blitz only heard ‘I’m honestly a huge pleaser, so doing anything that helps someone else out makes me feel good.’ His mind continued to showcase various erotic scenes of how she could ‘help him out.’ A lump he can’t swallow formed in his throat at the idea of her braid being in his fist, her tiny frame bent over his desk. Now, don’t get it confused, Blitz was definitely not falling for this girl. Blitz isn’t really the loving, capable-of-commitment type. Like any other demon, he solely just loved a good fucking (unless it came to a specific member of royalty, but that’s a whole other story). Unbeknownst to Berkeley, Blitz casually flirts with her soon-to-be co-worker all the time.
Despite all the fantasies going on in his head, Blitz plays it off, nodding along the entire time to give the illusion that he was fully listening.
“Well, aren’t you just the sweetest little thing?” Blitz wraps his arm around the girl, his signature smirk coming back once more, and certainly not for the last time. “Just promise me you won’t go too soft on me. Moxxie over there tends to puss-out on things and I need at least one of my assassins to have balls.”
Letting out a polite chuckle, Berkeley turns her head once more to see the imp across the street, whom she now knows as Moxxie. The poor thing is seen walking with a succubus woman, trying to offer her a flier just for her to turn around the corner empty-handed. Feeling defeated and as if on cue, Moxxie starts to make his way over to the trio.
“Speaking of, here comes the little weasel now.” Says Blitz.
Moxxie approaches the group, taking the stack of papers and slamming them on the recruitment table. For his entire life, people have told Moxxie that he’s too sensitive and soft. Sometimes, even he believed this to be true.
On one of their first objectives, Moxxie had compromised his mission with Blitz by blowing their cover and causing Blitz to miss the target—this was because Moxxie was unsure of killing a human mother. Even now, not being able to have an assertive demeanor for the sake of recruitment, made him feel like this were true. Having grown up in the Wrath ring but not having much interest in things outside of music made him an outcast. He felt everyone around him seemed to have violence and aggression come to them naturally while all he wanted to do was peacefully compose and listen to music. Leaning his back to the edge, he rubs his hands over his face.
“How you doin’ over there, Mox?”
“Looks like you were breaking a sweat out there,” Loona remarked. Her lips were curled up mischievously, clearly proud of the comment she made. Blitz couldn’t help but quietly laugh. Berkeley, however, pursed her lips as she quietly watched the three interact. It wasn’t long before Moxxie removed his hands from his face and turned his gaze to Blitz.
“Well, sir, if you must know, I appear to be the only one doing anything.”
“Um, excuse me? Who do you think potential employees have been talking to this whole time while you’ve been fucking around and playing one-way tag?” Loona’s tone is thick with annoyance.
Moxxie rolls his eyes, frustration clear on his face. “I don’t see a single application on this table, so it’s clear that you’re just as insufferable as usual.” It was at this point that Blitz released Berkeley.
The tension and hostility made it hard to look away and mind one’s business. Berkeley wondered if this was a normal thing—the way they all spoke to one-another. It hasn’t even been ten minutes and she’s heard all of them insult one another. To her, this group seemed to be completely chaotic, unorganized, and unprofessional. She was so ready for it.
“Ah, ah, Moxxie,” Blitz scolds the shorter imp, poking his chest hard. “Loona’s delightful personality has actually gained us a new recruit for I.M.P.” Moxxie looks to Loona, then back to Blitz, back to Loona, and then raises a brow at Blitz. It was clear he was in utter disbelief.
“Sir, do you really expect for me to believe that Loona, of all people, convinced someone to join I.M.P? She is awful.”
“Why is that so hard to believe, prick?” Loona kicks her feet up on the table, opening the magazine she brought with her. “It’s not like she’s right in fucking front of you or anything.”
Moxxie looks around in confusion, his eyes finally settling on the unfamiliar blonde before him. It’s not that he didn’t see her earlier from across the street when he was unsuccessfully handing our fliers, or even when he despairingly gave up and returned to his coworkers. It’s the fact that when he did see her, he assumed she was one of Blitz’s old flings due to his arm being draped over her, the blush fading from her cheeks, and Blitz’s playful body language. But come to think of it, why would any of them stop by here? After witnessing a verbal dispute with Verosika, Moxxie could only imagine how terrible Blitz truly is in a relationship.
He hadn’t even realized he had been staring until Blitz abruptly shoves Moxxies towards Berkeley, introducing the two. The pair’s eyes meet properly for the first time, making Moxxie subconsciously ‘fix’ his bowtie out of nervous habit. Berkeley felt equally as nervous, using her free hand to fiddle with the end of her braid for the hundredth time. She could feel the burn in her cheeks begin to rise again.
“Moxxie, this is Berkeley, I.M.P.’s new archery professional. Berkeley, this is Moxxie, our semi-automatic and handgun specialist. Berkeley will be joining us for objectives from here on out.” As he finishes introducing the two, Blitz’s phone rings. As soon as he read the screen, his energy shifted to exhaustion and dread, which piqued Berkeley’s interest. Maybe one of his flings that Moxxie mentioned, she thought.
Before taking the call, Blitz speaks up again.
“You two get acquainted while I take this. Berkeley, wonderful meeting you, dear. I’ll call you.”  With a couple pats on the back Blitz winks at the girl once more and walks off, phone held to ear and frustration in his voice. Looking back at Moxxie again, Berkeley clears her throat.
“It’s nice to meet you, Moxxie. I’m excited to work with you.”
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lovejoshua · 1 year
Bias tag game!!
You're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. Then answer the questions below! Try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
Thank you to @h-aelz for tagging me 🥺🥺 this seems like so much fun. I'm tagging @kookthief @junniieesbby @boba-beom @baljinciaga and anyone else who wants to do this 🩷🩷
My Answers:
1. Joshua (SEVENTEEN)
2. Yeonjun (TXT)
3. Ten (NCT)
4. Jiwon (FROMIS_9)
5. Chungha
6. Wonwoo (SEVENTEEN)
7. Jungkook (BTS)
8. Jungwoo (NCT)
9. Yves (LOONA)
10. Seungkwan (SEVENTEEN)
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
Jungkook was the one I biased first! I always loved his voice and personality but something shifted for me last year that made me finally add him to my bias list <33 Chungha is a recent bias of mine, I just started to get more into her music but she's becoming one of my ults
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
NOO THIS IS HARD 😭😭 Yeonjun has been one my of biases since 2019 and I've literally seen him grow up and become ever more talented through every era. I'm always so proud of him :') As for Wonwoo, he became my bias bc I saw myself in him and it felt nice to have an idol who has similar characteristics as me. When he spoke about his feelings during hit the road, i understood those same feelings. In summary, I can't choose between them 😔
3.If you were to spend a day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
Why must you do this to me 😭😭 I will say shua since he's like my #1 ult and honestly idk 🧍🏼‍♀️ i think it would be nice to go to a coffee shop and then just walk around an unfamiliar city or!! go to an arcade or amusement park during the evening and just goof off. if i had money then we definitely could just randomly fly to another country like he did with mingyu.
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
her smile 🥺🥺 she's one of those people where i think she could brighten everyone's day just by smiling. I also love how she smiles when she performs, you can just tell she enjoys it
5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
I love how reserved he is, yet he gets all cheery with the boys sometimes. There's some moments where you just see him keep to himself and will add a comment or two but 5 minutes later, he'll joke around with the guys and be chaotic with them.
6. If you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
that he has one of my favorite voices!! absolutely love it when he sings, and that I hope gets more opportunities to do solo songs or another djj project
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closest would you raid?
A little hard 😭 I'm going to say Yeonjun bc of how stylish he is, but I feel like Joshua would have comfy clothes which i also love.
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
He has done it so many time but I love!! when he tries a style that is not only fashionable but that looks cool when he dances (if that makes sense?). I would love to see him do camp, I know he would pull it off so well
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer in height?
BOTH LMAO but if not wrong, jiwon is either the same height as me or an inch taller and chungha would be either an inch or two taller 😭😭 my shorties, no wonder they're my biases
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
...sigh 😭😭. I both love loona and svt a lot, idk if there's one I can really choose 😭😭 but I'll go with seungkwan bc he hasn't been talked about here and i'm DYING to talk about him. I ADORE his verses in svt songs and all of the covers he does. He is a genius when it comes to adding emotions to his singing, just listen to his verse of samex3 or his cover of forsake. he has such an incredible voice, i live for his adlibs. he has so much singing talent and I always smile hearing him high notes. truly one of my favorite singers of all time 💖💖
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midnighttheroies · 2 years
Helluva Boss: Why I like and Dislike Loona
loona is a very intriguing character from Helluva boss, she has alot of fans and alot of haters, me personally, it’s a bit of both
Reasons for Disliking Loona
loona is very hostile and aggressive and downright abusive to blitz, while i understand why she acts the way she does due to her being a very toxic shitty orphanage and shitty households that later sent her back due to her attitude problems, it’s still hurts me to see blitz trying so hard to bond and love loona, only for her to constantly dismissive and shove him away, 
i’m gonna be honest, in season 1 episode 2, i couldn’t fully watch the fight between loona and blitz because it just hurt me to see loona treat him so shitty when he was trying to be so nice and gentle about giving her criticism on her job as a receptionist, and to be honest, blitz and moxxie make a very good point, at the end of the day, regardless of how much shit loona has goon through in her life, she’s a receptionist at her father’s company, and she has the worst attitude for clients, when your working in customer service, you have to be nice, polite and attentive, even if you work in a place like hell
loona shit attitude and violent behaviour can really put the company in danger, she LITERALLY let octavia sneak in the steal the book, you know, the ONE DAMN THING THEY NEED TO RUN THE COMPANY!!, and loona out of pure spit and not caring about the consciousness, just let’s her fucking steal it. completely disregarding blitz job and how it could even effect her, i’m not gonna lie, i was very upset with loona when she let her do that, because regardless of how mad she is at blitz, putting the company in danger by letting octavia steal the book is not only petty, but very selfish thinking, and honstly very stupid and reckless on her part because she works their so if anything where to happen to the company, she would be affected, and also, she relays on blitz for shelter, if the company is in danger, so is his income and his ability to provide for her
thats not even counting how stolas could get into ALOT of trouble if word gets out that’s he’s been lending out his book to blitz, an imp, illegally for at least a good year or so, had it been anyone else other then octavia, stolas status and blitz company could’ve been in serious danger 
and while I understand she was hurt by what blitzo said, she had it coming, and she’s also 22 (confirmed by Vivziepop in a stream, i’m guessing they changed her age from 17-18, to 22), she’s not some teenager, she’s a grown ass women  
and she doesn’t even do her job right half the time, she comes late when blitzo calls her, even when he’s in life threatening situations where she is his last resort, she hangs up on millie when she’s Injured and trying to call her husband, she treats moxxie like shit and spends all her time on her phone or napping during meetings
Reasons for liking Loona
loona does have a soft spot when it comes to it, and does have a heart, like when she saw octavia pictures on sistergram, she hesitated on her options, but decided it was best to get octavia, and when she did find her, she talked to her about her issues you can tell she really cared about her feelings and listened to her when she really needed to hear it, and you can see how she understands octavia feelings 
i also think that loona was the perfect person that found her, had it been stolas, she might’ve just ran away again, if it was blitz or the other’s, she would’ve just ignored them, loona is really the only one who can understand her and her situation, and can talk her through her feelings
also, blitz isn’t so innocent either, he does smother and baby loona a bit to much, and can be a bet over the top, but that’s only because he loves her, when you look at how he was raised, you can see cash using his “love” for his son as a way to emotional manipulate him, he didn’t want loona to feel like that, he wanted her to know that he will love her regardless and that she doesn’t need to earn his love, and while she does downplay and hide it, she does love him, and can see that he tries, even when he fucks up and does count it alot more then she leads on, she even smiles at him a few times when he’s not looking, and called him dad once
loona hasn’t had the chance to fully develop just yet, so i’m not trying to judge her so harshly just yet, it just makes me upset whenever i see how she treats blitz and how careless she is when it comes to her pettiness and putting the company at risk 
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