#does anyone else feel like they’re doing the bare minimum promo for this?
petrovna-zamo · 2 years
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edienotsedgwick · 2 years
Introduction again
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It’s been a while since my last pinned post and a lot has changed. I deleted it cause I decided I wanted a new one.
The basics
My name is Edie
I’m from Aotearoa/New Zealand.
I’m 20
I’m autistic (likely autHD actually but the ADHD hasn’t been diagnosed yet)
I’m a lesbian
I’m an animation student on the weekdays, a musician and a essay writer on the weekends.
Aquarius sun, Capricorn moon, Aries rising
A witch who’s extremely lazy with her craft.
I’ve been on Tumblr since 2014! You may have known me from…
Many cartoon fandoms. Too many to count. (Spanning from 2014-16)
Emo bandom tumblr circa 2017-18. Particularly the Fueled By Ramen/Decaydance bandom.
Early Scenecore tumblr in 2018. (I still have a few selfies and hit posts from then gaining notes).
Britpop/early alternative music bandom 2019-2021
And since then I’ve just kind of been doing my own thing and mainly using this blog as a personal moodboard and an outlet to post ideas I don’t want to share anywhere else. I do post about a lot of things I like, but I’m not tied heavily to fandoms anymore - I mostly just lurk. That being said though, don’t be afraid to talk if you share a particular interest with me. I always need to infodump!
What I post
Stuff I find pretty. This blog is mainly a moodboard. I keep wanting to expand out of it but I always give up at some point.
Stuff that makes my brain go brrrrr! Mainly bands + shows.
Music stuff! I mainly like to post lyrics from songs I’m writing that are a work in progress, and sloppy covers/demos that I feel aren’t polished enough for my other socials. I also do cheeky self promo of my songs that you can already listen to. You guys should stream my E.P ‘Thing Is Me’.
I’ve been aspiring to write long form essays about things I’ve been passionate about for ages. I don’t think I’ll directly post them here, but once I get my Substack up and running you’ll be able to see them getting crossposted here.
Stuff I like
Feel free to talk to me about any of these things cause they’re my main special interests!
Music history from the 60s-2000s. In terms of what specific period I’ve jumped to at the moment, I’m fixated on mid-late 2000s indie music, twee pop of any era (mid 80s-present tbh), + some of my old favourite scene bands lmao. I’ve been nostalgic for them lately.
Skins UK (yes I know how 2014 and sad of me). I’m a Cassie apologist so leave me alone if you think she sucks lmao. That’s my Blorbina and my adopted little sister who’s currently got a song + a Substack essay series being written about her. In all seriousness though, I find this show to be very misunderstood in general.
Sighthounds! I love all dogs in general but the pointy ones are my favourites. I have a Greyhound, he’s my best friend :,) When I move into my own home one day I want to have another Greyhound + a Borzoi!
This is a very casual one of mine but (in case you can’t tell from what I mostly reblog here) I love fashion! My fashion tastes span the same general group of decades that my music history knowledge does. Much like my current music fixations I’ve been inspired by the late 2000s, but what I actually wear on a day to day basis is never one particular style. I mix and match a lot.
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bla bla bla DNI time
Don’t follow if…
You meet the typical DNI criteria (no ists or phobes of any kind please! Just basic bare minimum human decency)
No pro ana (one of my special interests being skins + me seeing myself in a disordered character you made the face of your little circle does not give you a pro ana free pass around me. I’m not disordered myself + I ask you don’t follow me because I don’t want to accidentally trigger anyone by letting people of your group in my space.)
Same goes for general S/H blogs!
That being said, if you are already vulnerable seeing me potentially reference any of these sensitive topics in anything I post/talk about don’t follow me for the sake of your own well-being if you know it will be triggering to you. Stay safe ILY. I do try and tag though and you can always ask me to do that if you wish.
No creeps of any kind! Please do not send me anything sexual, or talk to me about anything sexual unsolicited you will be blocked immediately.
Okay that’s everything! If you’re cool I hope you enjoy following me. Please listen to my music. ‘Edie VC’ on every platform if you want to. You’ll like it if you like twee/folk/dream pop Xx
All the tags below are for my interests, aesthetics that people could say match my vibe, as well as my face tag (if you want to know what I look like) and my text tag. Hopefully I can make some cool new mutuals.
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Okay so I wanted to just write this all out before tomorrow because hadn’t considered this before (I’m a bit dumb), but I’ve realised there’s another option that supports the theory that the kiss is real between Nancy and Ace. So up until this point, if you’re like me, whether or not the kiss is real previously boiled down to two options - either it’s real and happens outside Nancy’s head or it’s not real and happens within Nancy’s head. But, I’ve realised there’s a third option that serves both, it can be real AND in Nancy’s head (or wherever the place she is that she’s lost in). I also happened to check on twitter and a few other’s have mentioned this possibility so I thought I’d just write out my version of it. 
This whole time we’ve thought it had to be one or the other but it actually makes sense with the third option. Think about it, last season when Ace got into that car accident his soul was dislodged from his body, what did the crew do? they did a ritual (or whatever it was actually called) and sent George in to get it back to him, which of course was successful. This time though, they’re trying to free Nancy from the Wraith, which as it turns out seems like it’ll require to send somebody in to navigate and be a strong enough anchor to hold on and pull her out. And who may you ask is both up for and best for the job? Ace!. And not just because I want him to but because it makes sense. George can’t go due to all that’s happened and how high risk it would be for her, and as Ace has said himself he knows her, for which I think the others wouldn’t argue especially because he could say “you did something like this for me once to save my life, now let me do it for Nancy”, or something along those lines which conveys that he’s not negotiating it being anyone other than him. Plus, Ace has proven that he’s smarter than some people think or recognise in giving him credit for.
Then as far as the kiss goes, my theory is when Ace finds her he’ll have to do something to break the hold that the Wraith has on Nancy: essentially rid her of her guilt, fears, and such at least just enough to bring her out, or at least make her realise she doesn’t have to hold those things over her head because she’s not a monster, she just makes mistakes is all and she’s a better person than she thinks. Which as part of that means facing what he’s been avoiding as well. Their feelings. The Wraith has attacked Nancy’s ability to tell Ace even at the bare minimum that not only does she like him, she like likes him, and possibly with Ace I think maybe he’s been trying to navigate that feeling of how he feels around Nancy, figuring out why he takes so much care with her, because he’s sweet like that, but by no means stupid. And at this point with the Wraith, they can’t just knock on the door, they have to bust it it off it’s hinges. So what does that mean? they’re going to go all out, show the Wraith that it has no power here, and overwhelm it. Which means going all in, sealing it nicely with a kiss. (Again as I have mentioned previously I’m not really going to go into it too much about the possible complications relating to the Bobbsey’s as a result of this, but maybe they’ll address it in the show, maybe Amanda will break it off before she leaves and give Ace a nod to Nancy, and as far as Gil is concerned he can say bye now; either way I’m sure it’ll be addressed in some way or hinted at)
The after effects of this I would like to see is Ace finding himself back, but maybe there’s a delay in Nancy’s return, like there’s at least a bit of time where she doesn’t respond or somethings happening and they have to watch, then when she all of a sudden regains herself, Ace just like rushes over to embrace her, holding her tight, or something nice at least. Then maybe, towards the end of the episode maybe there’s some awkward tension because obviously that happened, and no one else really knows in the crew even if maybe they can speculate. Also I’m still holding out on Nancy finding those words to share with Ace, but much like him we’re not going to rush her, it happens when it happens, but if there’s at least a hint about it, I’m good.
Onto a few random things, kinda spoiler kinda not really. 
So this image below as seen here (found on twitter, surprise surprise):
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Shows Kennedy being handed what looks like a baby (or at least a doll one) for a scene that looks like it corresponds with the kiss scene. Whilst kinda odd, due to what we saw in the promo, Nancy is likely going back through moments of her life which hold significance, including her birth. Someone on twitter actually said this could be baby Nancy she’s holding, and whilst it seems strange and again awkward it makes sense, and Ace ending up here makes sense. He’ll figure out that this is where she’d be, that’s where to look. Also, I don't know if the scene will actually be at the cliffs or somewhere else. Shows often use different locations to make up one scene, so either she’s at the cliffs or somewhere else, either way I’m excited.
Any thoughts you have on this that you want to share, let me know. Other than that I gonna go obsess about tomorrow’s episode. (2x18 here we go!)
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multimetaverse · 3 years
HSMTMTS 2x01 Review
New Year’s Eve was a great way to return to HSMTMTS especially after such a long gap. Let’s dig in!
Vladimir Lenin once said that, ‘’ there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen". It’s been almost a year and half since S1 ended but this past week has seen revelation after revelation as the fandom has resurrected itself and promotion for S2 kicked into high gear: Joshua Bassett came out, Frankie and Joe confirmed that they are a real life couple, Larry seemingly confirmed that S2 will only have 11 eps rather than the 12 initially ordered, and perhaps most importantly Olivia revealed that she and the main cast are under contract for 4 seasons and made clear that she’s leaving the show as soon as her contract is up.
I really enjoyed this premiere, it felt like picking up right back where we left off. I’m guessing that S2 was originally supposed to premiere around Christmas or New Year’s but the holiday decorations and real Utah snow add a charming aesthetic to the ep. Tim Federle deserves credit for giving HSMTMTS more of an ensemble feel which is no easy feat with a cast as large as this show has. It likely won’t last due to covid restrictions  but at least for tonight we got to see all the characters hanging out together acting like a real group of friends.
The dialogue tonight really reminded me of Glee and I think I mean that as a compliment. Miss Jenn in particular seems to be doing her best April Rhodes impression minus the alcoholism. 
The rini scenes tonight were lovely. Perfect gift was a great song and I loved the rini duet during the music in me as the world faded around them leaving just the two of them. The Harry Styles reference is funny in light of Josh’s coming out interview. Of course, it’s hard now to separate Nini and Ricky and Olivia and Josh. Their chemistry shines through as 2x01, 2x02, and possibly parts of 2x03 were filmed pre Jolivia breakup which seems to have happened around summer 2020. Whether they can keep that same chemistry later on in S2, not to mention future seasons, remains to be seen.
A major theme tonight was communication and clearly Rini need to work on theirs. Poor Ricky had to learn that Nini’s moving to Denver the night before she leaves town which has to remind of him of his mom effectively abandoning him. Ricky saying that he’s never gonna breakup with Nini ever again sure sounds like foreshadowing for a disaster though the odds that this time Nini initiates the breakup are pretty good. 
I’m glad that the show is continuing to delve in the Bowen’s divorce story with their house being sold and Ricky and his dad having to move into an apartment. Divorce is expensive and the division of assets typically leave people less well off. Mike Bowen needs to work on his communication skills but he’s rocking that beard; it takes him from depressed divorced dad to depressed divorced daddy.
Seblos was cute and in a nice change of pace Disney doesn’t seem to be cynically teasing them then cutting their scenes. It was refreshing to see them just being a couple and to hear Carlos casually refer to himself as gay. In that regard tonight’s ep didn’t seem like it was a Disney show at all and it’s major progress that there are now two main gay characters on HSMTMTS. We learn that Carlos is rich which seems likely to be a source of conflict with Seb who comes from a large farming family.
Bet on It was really fun and I liked that Ricky apparently couldn’t stop singing it. The medley of HSM 2 songs was fun but I’ll be real with you wildcats, I never thought HSM 2 or 3 were nearly as good as the first movie so I’m not sad that they’re doing something else this year.
Wild that Big Red’s mom also calls him Big Red. Salt Lake Slices seems poised to be a big part of S2 both as hangout spot and work location for some of the characters. Redlyn are sweet together but sometimes Big Red comes off as a closeted gay guy which isn’t ideal for a het pairing that is supposedly a big part of S2.
Nice to see Gina so excited to have sleepovers with Ashlyn. We know from 2x03 that Gina contends with being single on Valentine’s day and from her glances at Ricky tonight she’s clearly not over him. Tim’s playing with fire and I can only hope he knows what he’s doing. I liked the little detail of Kourtney having AOC on her vision board, it feels true to the character (hopefully AOC gets elected president one day if the USA doesn’t collapse into a fascist dictatorship or civil war before then). EJ’s beard has got to go but I like that he seems committed to being a better version of himself; very doubtful his plan to go straight to Duke like his forefathers doesn’t change by the end of the season. 
Derek Hough did a good job of playing Zach as a subtly condescending man who managed to swiftly undermine Miss Jenn’s confidence, we’ll see what he and North High bring to the table.
Looking Ahead:
Next week are auditions for Beauty and the Beast, we know Ashlyn gets the role of Belle and EJ has conveniently removed himself from the running for Beast which presumably clears the path for Ricky to take the lead. There’s been some controversy over the casting choices and I’ll save my comments about it for the 2x02 review.
We get to see Lily who looks like a meaner version of season 1 Gina, we’ll see how much depth she actually ends up getting. Howie is introduced in 2x03 and Antoine likely shows up later on. Jack likely shows up towards the end of the season.
Howie seems to have a connection with Kourtney though the character synopsis does say he gets close to a wildcat or two which certainly leaves room to slide him into Gina’s plot. We know Antoine is into Ashlyn so that’s another love triangle to look forward to. Jack was described as having wanderlust and most of the cast seems not to have filmed with him so I think it’s likely that he plays a role in convincing EJ to take a gap year rather than head straight to Duke. 
A translation leak on TikTok reveals that in 2x03 Gina is sad that she’s only gotten a Valentine’s Day gift from her mom. A brief clip from the promo shows up her on her porch at night holding a heart shaped box of chocolates. If that’s supposed to be from a secret or semi-secret admirer than it has to be from either EJ, Ricky, or Howie. If it’s a platonic gift then it could be from anyone, we’ll see what Tim has up his sleeves.
Nini moving back to SLC is a question of when not if. It’s going to be very difficult to bring her back in a way that’s justified and also doesn’t leave the time she spends in Denver looking like a total waste. Frankly, I’d rather the show just bite the bullet and bring her back with as little fuss as possible.
We’re possibly around a quarter way through HSMTMTS given that the mains have 4 season contracts and presuming that the show is not cancelled earlier. At the very least the show will be radically different after S4 if they try to continue it as Olivia has made very clear that she’s going to leave asap to pursue her burgeoning music career full time (notably she’s only done the bare minimum of promo for S2). 
Looming over the remaining seasons of HSMTMTS is what the professional relationship between Olivia and Josh looks like especially since in many ways the show is built around Ricky and Nini. Off screen relationships have often caused on screen problems and dating a co-worker is rarely a good idea since even clean breakups leave lingering resentments. Obviously the Jolivia breakup was not clean, Driver’s License, Deja Vu, and Good 4 U (which is a certified bop) were clearly written from a place of hurt and in some ways were written to hurt. It’s no surprise that Joshua has dropped his duet with Sabrina Carpenter from his EP; someone on his team at least is trying to stop the damage to his reputation. There’s a decent chance that Olivia’s songs becoming such hits has irreparably damaged Joshua Bassett’s reputation among the same pool of largely young women that he’s targeting his music towards thereby cutting off his music career at the knees. If nothing else this behind the scenes drama should keep things entertaining for a while.
Until next week Wildcats 
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aproblematicpanda · 4 years
IF YOU ARE BORED I WILL APPEAR: the 100 for the in depth fandom questions 💖💖
Excellent timing, I just sent you an ask, too! :D Thanks babe. <3 I feel like I have so much more to say than I just did but the inspiration seems to have bailed on me. Oh well. If you have any follow-up questions hmu!
Top 5 favorite characters: Octavia, Echo, Lexa, Lincoln, Murphy Other characters you like: Gaia, Raven, Emori, Monty, Harper, Diyoza Least favourite characters: Clarke, Abby, Kane Otps: Octavia and Lincoln, Lexa and Clarke, Bellamy and Echo Notps: Bellamy and Clarke, basically anything involving Abby Favourite friendships: Murphy and Raven, Monty and Jasper Favourite family: Spacekru Favourite episodes: 4x10, 5x02, probably more but I can’t really think of anything else right now (I appreciated 7x02 but I’m not quite sure yet if I’m gonna call it a favorite, that will depend on how the rest of the season turns out) Favourite season: Season 2 Favourite quotes: “We’re back, bitches!” “I don’t choose pain. I choose life.” “Not everyone. Not you.” “ You're the most beautiful broom in a broom closet of brooms.” “ I can't change the tide if the moon won't cooperate. It's basic physics.” (I’m including this last one because of an amazing Monty/Jasper gif set I saw once.) Best musical moment: Ehh... Well I stll tear up basically every time I hear Cloud by Elias, the song that played during Lincoln’s death scene. It’s an amazing song and anything related Lincoln’s death still gets to me, not just because of the characters but also because of everything that went on with Ricky and everything he was put through, it’s just... it’s a very loaded moment in the series as well as behind the scenes. I’m not sure ‘best’ is the right word here but it’s the moment I’m going with. Moment that made you fangirl the hardest: When Octavia became Skaikru’s champion. I found it rather poetic that a young woman who had been spat out by her community simply for being born was their only hope for survival. Plus, she looked incredible. When it really disappointed you: It’s not just ‘a moment’ but I’ve been really disappointed by the show’s treatment of Octavia and how its hypocrisy concerning other characters who have done way worse shit than Octavia yet they are patted on the back and protected for it by the narrative. It aggravates me. I’m not mad that Octavia has had it rough, when a character gets everything handed to them on a golden platter with no real consequences, that’s boring. But it makes me mad that she’s the only one who has to pay for her mistakes and none of the others have to, and the way the characters are now comfortable joking about what has been the most traumatizing, horrifying and scarring thing anyone has ever had to go through really pisses me off. Octavia deserves so much better, the show really dropped the ball here. I’m also extremely disappointed by the way the show handled Lexa’s death. Octavia survived a sword through the gut and falling off a big ass cliff, but Lexa can’t take a stray bullet in the presence of someone who is meant to be a doctor? I mean I get that this was supposed to prove that we’re all vulnerable and that even Lexa, Heda of the thirteen clans can’t escape death, but come on. Also the way Jason treated the Clexa fandom was gross. Saddest moment: The moment Bellamy called Octavia “the queen of cannibals”. Up until that point I held onto hope that things would get better, that the show would still turn things around, that everything Octavia had been put through would be put into perspective when she could tell the one she loved the most about the horrors the bunker put her through. But when Bellamy called her that, it was made clear that not only did he find out about the most traumatizing part of his sister’s life (and it’s not like it lacked trauma before) but he also didn’t care. It was the moment where I had to give up hope that they could ever get to a place where I would respect and care for their dynamic again and it made me sad, because Octavia deserved so much better. Most well done character death: Oh god, this is a difficult one, because I have issues with most of the main characters’ deaths lol. So I’m gonna go with Nia for this one, because I really liked that Lexa recognized who the real threat was and took matters into her own hands and did what she could to maintain the coalition. I can’t think of another death that I didn’t hate. Favourite guest star: Probably Jessica Harmon Favourite cast member: Marie Avgeropoulos Character you wish was still alive: Lincoln, hands down. So many things would be different right now if he had still been around. One thing you hope really happens: I hope Bellamy and Echo are endgame and not just that, I also hope that the show will allow Bellamy to treat Echo with the love and respect she deserves. Because so far the show hasn’t really shown their relationship much respect and most of the effort is coming from Echo’s side and I don’t care much for that. Bellamy clearly loves her a lot, so I hope the writers will let him show and prove that to us in the final season. Most shocking twist: I don’t really think the 100 is good at shocking twists? You see most of them coming from miles away lol. When did you start watching: When it came out, basically. :) Best animal/creature: Helios! Favourite location: Ehh... I’m gonna go with the dropship or Arkadia, not because I love those places so much but because they’re where the show’s best seasons (one and two) basically happened. Trope you wish they would stop using: BYG One thing this show does better than others: Pissing off its fanbase! :’D Funniest moments: Most of Monty and Jasper’s interactions in the earlier seasons, those two were amazing. Couple you would like to see: I wish the show would make Niylah and Octavia a thing even if I don’t passionately ship it. I also became a huge fan of Clarke and Gaia! Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: I really don’t know anyone for this question... I’m a big fan of Kristen Stewart so I’d probably be thrilled with that, but it’s not something that I actively want or anything. Favourite outfit: Ehh... As much as I hate to say this, Clarke does get the best outfits and I think I’m gonna go with the dress she wore early in season 6. I’m also a huge fan of Octavia’s grounder look bw. Favourite item: Lincoln’s diary Do you own anything related to this show: Nope What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in: Well I don’t know which one I would be in, but Spacekru or Trikru seem like the most fun so I’d want to be a part of one of those! Most boring plotline: I never really cared for the City of Light although I will admit that storyline had a lot of potential, I’m just not sure the show really handled that well? Most laughably bad moment: The fact that Clarke just becomes anyone’s leader anywhere while not doing anything for it. And how fast she was forgiven and integrated into Spacekru in season 6 while doing the bare minimum to work for their forgiveness and showing no signs of remorse or wanting to change. Best flashback/flashfoward if any: I really liked the flashbacks of Octavia’s childhood, they did a good job of portraying what life had been like for her and it helped us understand her character better, even if they were short and limited to one episode. I also really enjoyed watching Octavia during those ten years in Skyring, but I’m not sure those qualify as a flashback and I do have some issues with them, still, so I’m gonna go ahead and stick with 1x06. Most layered character: Octavia, hands down Most one dimensional character: Oh god, how do I answer this... Of the core group I guess I would go with Raven. And that isn’t because I don’t love her, because I very much do, it’s the show’s fault for not really digging into anything that’s related to her. She’s just in the background until they need her to fix a problem they’ve been having or until they need someone to be tortured, or lately when they need to make Clarke look less horrible. She just doesn’t really get much else to work with, we don’t know what motivates her, we barely see her feel a type of way about the things she’s put through and when she does get a voice, it’s obviously meant to create sympathy for other characters so... yeah. Scariest moment: I don’t find it a very scary show hahaha. Grossest moment: The graphic scene of Lincoln’s execution, it was in such poor taste, especially considering everything that had been going on with Jrot and Ricky. Best looking male: Murphy Best looking female: Octavia and Echo Who you’re crushing on (if any): Octavia and Echo Favourite cast moment: Ehh, I don’t really keep up with the cast so idk? I did love Marie calling Echo Octavia’s sister-in-law though. Favourite transportation: None I think, I don’t really care? Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): The one that comes to mind right away is the one of Octavia swimming towards the surface after she ran into the anomaly, it’s just such a pretty shot. Other than that, well, The 100 is shot in a beautiful environment so a lot of their scenery is gorgeous but I just immediately thought of this one. Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: Jason’s blabbing about the damn worms. The way 3x01 felt completely disconnected from everything that happened in 2x16 also still bugs me. And how it feels as if the new writers never really saw the previous seasons and instead just read character descriptions, I feel like they didn’t really grasp the relationships and stuff like that in season 6. Best promo: Ehh, I usually just watch the episodes so I don’t really have an opinion about this. Loved the uproar the one for season 7 caused, though, because I’m a sucker for drama hahaha. At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: As soon as I met Octavia, she’s my baby and you will have to take her from my cold. dead. hands.
Send me a show/fandom and I’ll answer
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dearly · 7 years
There’s people that legit think Louis is not being sabotaged, mostly the Harries tbh. And they think louis is just not the focus and that he chose this bc he signed with them. It took everything in me not to go off.
this is going to be long because i’ve been thinking about it all day so apologies in advance.
i don’t care if he chose syco, sjpr and jgg. i don’t think he did, not with any real sort of freedom at least, but his choice doesn’t matter to me. i’ve written about how talent can be mismanaged before and it’s something that happens in music as well. one of my good friends came over last night because she had, by her own admission “the worst day of her working life” and needed to vent. she started a new job two months ago that she chose, she even leveraged job offers and got herself a really great package, and she thought the job would be amazing. and guess what? the job is horrible, the boss is borderline abusive and she could not have seen it coming, even though it was her choice. does signing a contract mean you deserve everything that comes after, even if it’s at your detriment? does that absolve assholes and abuse of power? it doesn’t matter to me if louis CHOSE these people. they are still mismanaging him, failing to promote him, failing to protect him, and erasing him from the public eye.
anyway. these people don’t think he’s a priority because he’s not a priority to them. which is fine, to have your personal favourites. the problem is when you state as an objective fact and trurh that he isn’t and shouldn’t be anyone’s priority. it’s is offensive. they’re watching a movie of harry’s life and he’s just a supporting character. but he’s not a supporting character in his own life, you know? life isn’t actually a movie. people you don’t care about as much don’t mean less, or have less purpose, or have any less of a rich inner life.
i keep thinking of a line from a fob song that hit me in the gut when i first heard it, and resonates incredibly to this day and in this context:
i don’t want to be a footnote in someone else’s happiness
that’s what it feels like he’s being reduced to. louis is not a footnote in his own life his own story. supporting him, loving him should not come with caveats. he, himself, is enough. how would you feel if people only supported you because of your s/o? “shouldn’t it be enough that harry’s happy?” i’ve seen people ask. i mean, i don’t know about you but if my friend is in a relationship and she’s miserable her s/o’s happiness is irrelevant to me. i’m concerned with her, because she’s my priority.
there’s no reason for louis to be following harry around on tour while neglecting his career. they don’t have joint children to take care of. he’s not involved with harry’s career a professional capacity. and okay, let’s say he did want to just take it slow for a while and release music at some indefinite point in the future. then why even sign a record deal? why sign it now? why even release a single in december and following it up with the absolute worst thing you could do after dropping a product: silence? 
and more than that, do you think he brought these things with him to the sony meeting? “listen, i want to sign a deal with you now but you have to know that i’m not available for promo because i want to follow my boyfriend around when he tours. i’ve got no idea when i can get you deliverables because my schedule is dependent on his schedule.” are we really living in an alternative universe where sony would be like, “anything you want, louis!”? are they the good guys now?
furthermore, if the label wanted him to do promo and performances and he didn’t want to for whatever reason he would be in breach of contract. he’s supposed to do what they want. my last job dealt with talent before and we didn’t even have as much control over them as labels do over their talent and guess what? we provided them with scheduled promo and appearances, and they went. if they had their own management they could do stuff on their own but it would have to be agreed upon with us. but going back to louis: so are we under the impression that sony is on is side and just agreed to his terms OR were like, “wow our artist doesn’t want to do the work we’re asking of him, but since he’s out there supporting our Star it’s okay! we can wait.”
we know that labels starve their artists of promo and drop them for being difficult. we’ve seen him on stage, we’ve seen him talk about his process about how much performing means. we’ve heard how much his voice has improved suggesting so much hard work. we’ve seen him look empty during this weird silent hiatus. there’s nothing to suggest he’s happy with the status quo.
people are saying that louies are upset because “louis isn’t giving us what we want,” because we’re asking for him to get fair exposure and promo and treatment in the press. but guess what? we didn’t invent his record deal. we didn’t invent his singles. we didn’t invent his debut as a solo artist. if he was planning on laying low for a couple years and done none of those things then sure, it wouldn’t be completely outlandish to suggest he wants to take it easy, maybe write songs without pressure before even approaching a label. but that’s not what we’ve got. louis has a record deal, a management, a pr firm, he has a touring company and 3 singles and one promotional single under his belt. if he’d wanted to wait, he could’ve. but that’s not what happened.
the bottom line is you don’t have to care about him. you don’t! but don’t act like no one should. and don’t act like what we’re asking–which is the bare minimum for a working artist on a major label–is somehow outrageous and offensive. 
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