#can’t wait to finally see the drippin outfit it’s been a year since she teased it
petrovna-zamo · 2 years
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Just a Flicker of Hope-Chapter 4-New Year, New Beginnings
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She looked around the crowed bar and sighed. She had always hated working on holidays, but the money was well worth it. Her boss had always been good to her when it came to holiday pay, and she definitely could not pass it up. Besides, it was not like she had any plans for the New Years anyway. The customers were loud and rowdy, as they celebrated the last day of the year. Fortunately, she wasn't scheduled to close that night. She would get off just in time to watch the ball drop in Time Square. It had always been her favorite thing to do, at the end of the year. She had not missed it, since she moved there 6 years earlier. Felicity was lost in thought, as she refilled her customers drinks. It had been a very busy day, and she had not had time to take a break. Nor had she had time to think. This seemed to be for the best since all she could do now a days was think about Harry. Lately, she couldn't take her mind off of him. He was in her every waking thought, and it drove her crazy. Not to mention, she had even started to dream of him at night. Harry had been coming into her bar, everyday for the past week and a half now. Being she had to work on Christmas, they spent the holiday together. He had yet to tell his family what happened between him and Courtney so he faked an illness, to get out of his annual family dinner. However, he had not wanted to spend the day alone so he came into the bar. It had become routine for them to chat and flirt with one another. She thought the flirting was harmless at first, considering he was still getting over a heartbreak. She had refused to allow herself to feel anything towards him other than friendship. Although she did like him as more than a friend, she refused to be his rebound from Courtney. The girl had already stolen Mark from her, she didn't want her to be the reason that Harry wanted anything to do with her as well. She would never be able to live with herself. Oddly, Harry had yet to make an appearance today. She kept waiting for him to come strutting into the bar and say something cheeky to her. She had become fond of his many pet names and flirting banter. She secretly loved it, though she would never admit it to herself. Looking at the clock for the hundredth time, she sighed in relief. It was finally ten o'clock when meant it was time for her to leave. She loved her job, and her customers, but she did get tired of the place at times. Filling up her last customer's glass, she headed back behind the counter. She started to grab her things and clock out. “Oh don't go!” Jenna whined. “Come on! Stay here with me. Since I can't go out and party, you shouldn't be allowed to either.” “Hey now! You always go out partying and leave me behind. Pay back is a bitch!” She teased. Jenna stuck her tongue out, in a childlike manner. “Well since you're going out anyways, at least find you a man. For the love of God have a goodnight for once! Go crazy!” “Yeah right,” Felicity said rolling her eyes. “God you're so dull!” She whined, only partly joking. “Well some of us can't get any guy we want like you!” “Oh whatever! I see how that Harry guy looks at you! I also see the way the two of you flirt! Why not take a shot on him? He looks like he would be great in bed.” “I told you, Harry just got out of a relationship.” “And? Rebound sex is amazing.” “That's the thing! I don't want to just be some rebound. I don't see a point in that! I would just end up having feelings for him, and he wouldn't want anything more from me.” “You don't know unless you try.” She said stubbornly. “I really don't want to talk about this now! I need to be going. See you tomorrow?” “I'll be here! Have fun!” She called out. Walking towards the exit of the bar, Felicity waved to a few of her regular customers that she knew quite well. The cool breeze hit her, as soon as she stepped outside. She stood with her face looking towards the sky for a moment. The cool night air felt good on her hot cheeks. She tried to keep her mind clear, and free from thoughts of Harry, as she made her way home. The walk only took her about five minutes. She hurried inside and set about getting ready to go to Time Square. She decided she would dress up a bit. Taking a shower, she blow dried and curled her hair. She carefully applied her make-up, making sure not to over do it. She wanted to look good, but didn't want her make-up to looked caked. She had always hated it when girls wore too much. It seemed to make them look desperate and needy. She deliberated for about ten minutes on the right outfit. In the end, she opted for a red sweater dress. It was velvety and sparkled every time she moved in the light. She threw on some black stockings, to keep from getting cold. Knowing it was probably gonna to be a major mistake, she also threw on some killer heels. She knew that she would regret that decision, when she had to walk back home. Wrapping a scarf around her neck, she grabbed her clutch and threw her things in it. Looking herself over in the mirror, she was highly surprised. She looked beautiful, even to her eyes. Without another thought, she turned off the lights and headed out the door. Time Square was just a few blocks from her house. She had never minded walking to places, she actually enjoyed it for the most part. Every since she sold her car in order to help her brother out in a crisis, that was the only way she had to get around. The streets were crowded with people cheering loudly. There seemed to be highly intoxicated people everywhere she turned. She smiled slightly at the ground. She had always enjoyed watching other people when they were happy and having a great time. Time Square was in full swing, when she finally made it. She had always loved arriving early, in order to watch the performances. Halsey was currently on stage. She was a big fan of hers. Felicity had loved her voice and truly admired her songs. Surprisingly, she was able to make her way to the front of the stage. She merged into the crowd and started to sing along. Dancing, she let lose and just enjoyed the moment. To her disappointment, however, she had gotten there right at the end of the performance. A man came center stage and started to introduce the next performer. “How are we doing tonight New York City? Is everyone enjoying the show?” He paused briefly, as he wanted for the crowd to calm down. “Our next performer has always been a favorite of mine. He has come a very long way since he first got started out. He has just finished up on his first world tour as a solo artist, and I think I speak for everyone when I say his album was AMAZING! Please join me in welcoming the amazing and extremely talented Harry Styles!!” Felicity gasped, as Harry made his way to the stage. He looked extremely handsome in a simple black suit. She couldn’t believe her eyes. “Of course!” She said out loud. Her voice was drowned out by the screams of the crowd as Harry started his song.
“She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes
Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect
And all the boys, they were saying they were into it
Such a pretty face on a pretty neck
She's driving me crazy
But I'm into it, But I'm into it
I'm kinda into it
It's getting crazy
I think I'm losin' it, I think I'm losin' it
Oh I think she said, “I'm havin' your baby”
It's none of your business
I'm havin' your baby, It's none of your business 
(No, it's none of your, it's none of your)
Just havin' your baby, It's none of your business
I'm havin' your baby, It's none of your, It's none of your
It's New York, baby, always jacked up
Holland Tunnel for the nose, it's always backed up
When she's alone, she goes home to a cactus
In a black dress, she's such an actress
Driving me crazy
But I'm into it, But I'm into it
I'm kinda into it
It's getting crazy
I think I'm losin' it, I think I'm losin' it
Oh, I think she said, “I'm havin' your baby”
It's none of your business
I'm havin' your baby, It's none of your business 
(No, it's none of your, it's none of your)
I'm havin' your baby, It's none of your business
I'm havin' your baby , It's none of your, It's none of your
She sits beside me like  a silhouette
Hard candy drippin' on me till my feet are wet
And now she's all over me, it's like I paid for it
It's like I paid for it
I'm gonna pay for this
It's none of your, It's none of your
I'm havin' your baby (It's none of your)
Havin' your baby, It's none of your business
Havin' your baby, It's none of your business
It's none of your
She had known every word to the song. Of course she had always been a fan of Harry’s, ever since his One Direction days. How has she not realized who he was earlier than now? When he came into the bar, he always dressed casually. He wore hats that would partly hide his face and oddly seemed different. He was still the same man, however. She had never felt more like an idiot, in that moment. She was embarrassed, for her utter stupidity. She had just about decided the leave the stage entirely, when he caught her eye. He seemed both surprised to see her and happy at the same time. He gave her a wink, and she smiled and waved in return. His performance soon came to an end, and he exited the stage without another glance in her direction. Deciding she needed a drink after her newest revelation, she started to head out of the crowd. She was pleasantly surprised, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Expecting Harry, she turned around immediately. She was slightly disappointed when it wasn’t Harry who stood in front of her but another man. “Are you Felicity?” He asked right away. “I am.” She said in confusion. “Hi! My name is Jeff, I’m Harry’s manager.” He said lowering his voice he took a step towards her so as not to be overheard. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said shaking his out stretched hand. “He wanted me to see if you would care to join him? He would have come himself but there are quite a few fans here.” He explained. She nodded her head in understanding. “I see.” “Would you like to join us?” He asked again. Not entirely sure what to say, she just shook her head. She seemed to be at a loss for words, in a daze. “Splendid!” He cheered. “Follow me.” He took her around the massive crowd and headed towards the back of the stage. Showing the guards his badge, he was granted passage immediately. “She’s with me,” he said casually. The two security guards simply nodded their heads. They looked utterly bored and uninterested in her entirely. She continued to follow Jeff behind the stage. They passed by numerous dressing rooms and she had to force herself not to fan girl when she saw Halsey from afar. Finally, they reached their destination. Knocking slightly, Jeff poked his head in the door. “Hey mate, I have her here. Need anything else?” “I’m good, thanks Jeff!” She could hear Harry call back. “Anytime.” Jeff gave Felicity a wink, as he held the door open for her to enter. “Thank you,” she told him softly. Without another word, he shut the door and left the pair alone. Harry was sitting on a rather plush blue sofa and had on a bright smile. “Well if it isn’t Harry Styles! What an absolute honor,” she teased placing her hand over her chest. He laughed. “I didn’t know if you were a fan or not,” he said. “I also wasn’t expecting to see you here.” He admitted “Well in all honesty I didn’t put two and two together until a few minutes ago. I feel like an idiot for not realizing it sooner.” He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. “But yes.. I’ve always been a fan, which is why I feel utterly stupid for not recognizing you.” He smiled at her shyly. “I’m kind of glad you didn’t.” He said honestly. He patted the spot beside him, motioning for her to join him. Slowly, she made her way to the couch and sat down beside him. “Why do you say that?” She asked curious. “Well every since I’ve been in the spotlight, it’s been hard to tell what someone’s true intentions are when they’re with me. You make me feel like a normal person, and that’s been oddly nice.” “Wait! So you’re telling me you’re not a normal person? What are you? An alien?” She teased. He laughed once more. “You know what I mean!” “I know,” she sighed. “I would’ve have treated you any differently, even if I had known who you were when we first met.” He stared into her sparkling green eyes, as he took in her words. He had already known that she wasn’t the type to be with someone just because of their fame and fortune. He had known that from the way she had taken care of him on that very first night. “I wish more people were like you,” he whispered not exactly meaning for her to hear his words. She looked away, to hide her blush. “You’re quite cute when you blush.” He teased. “Oh whatever!” She said playfully pushing his shoulder. “You are!” “How much have you had to drink tonight?” “Ummm... a bit.. but that’s not the point! I might not be 100% sober, but I still know beauty when I see it. And you, my lady, are utterly beautiful!” Rolling her eyes, she simply shook her head. “If you don’t believe me, go ask Jeff! I saw the way he was eyeing you!” “Jealous are we?” She teased. “No,” he said stubbornly. He stuck out his bottom lip, causing her to laugh. Hearing her musical laugh, he had a hard time keeping up his charade. This seemed to entertain her even more, as she watching him struggle not to smile. “You’re something else,” he told her shaking his head. “So I’ve been told.” They heard the crowd shouting loudly outside. Glancing at the clock, Harry jumped from his seat. “Come on!” He shouted, grabbing her by the hand. “We’re going to miss it!” Trying to keep up with his long legs, she followed after him as he led them outside. They seemed to make it just in time. The crowd started the countdown, screaming loudly. “10...9...8...7...6...” Suddenly, Felicity’s heart started to pound in her chest. Harry caught her by the wrist and turned her towards him. He was staring deeply into her eyes, as the countdown continued. “5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEARS!!” The crowd cheered. The crowd seemed to fade out entirely, as Harry unexpectedly leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss had been everything she had imagined it would be. His warm lips were soft yet firm against hers. She seemed to melt into him, as he deepened the kiss. It was a very magical moment, as fireworks erupted throughout the sky. She had never once been kissed like this, in all of her life. They were both breathless, when he reluctantly pulled away. Resting his forehead to hers, he smiled at her shyly. “Happy New Years.” His velvet voice whispered.
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