#does anyone else even remember the salad shooter
themonopolyhat · 2 years
mace windu fact
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0 notes
truglori · 4 years
Homebody (Ch.9)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning: Language, Smoking, Oral
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“Nigga you wanna give me one fucking reason why I shouldn’t blow the bitch head off as soon as she step in my shit.” Durk stated calmly as he blew out the smoke of his blunt before knocking the ashes off of it.
Erik shook his head. “Cause nigga it’ll be too hot for you after you do that shit. We don’t know if she told someone she was coming here or not. So take your finger off the trigger and relax.” Digging his hands in his pockets Erik leaned on the desk looking at the office door.
Durk was on edge since he got the call from Alexis two days ago. Erik wasted no time coming down at the auto to meet him. When he made it inside he seen Durk laying on his leather couch relaxed. That’s when Erik knew he was heated for real. Whenever Durk got angry he would be silent before ticking like a time bomb.
So he didn’t take Alexis threat too kindly after making him aware of what she knew. He was even ready to send one of his shooters to her place but Erik had to stop him especially after he got a text from her saying that she wanted to have a meeting with just the two of them. It was hard to get Durk to agree to it but after talking some sense into him he finally gave in to see what she had to say.
Checking his watch it was going on five thirty in the evening. She was supposed to be here by now but Erik knew her to always be late. Out of his peripheral vision he seen Durk getting out of his chair to stand beside him.
“No disrespect but ya bitch is running late and I’m getting impatient.” He stated while readjusting his Rolex.
“I told you that’s not my bitch. She’ll be here.” Erik spoke quietly annoyed with the fact he kept associating them together.
As if on cue the door open revealing Moe,one of Durks lookout guys, and Alexis dressed down in a beige and black Balenciaga sweater dress along with the black trainers. Her hair now back to her natural brown curls with a side part that fell along her shoulders. It was Erik’s favorite look on her and she knew it. Erik started to check her out but averted his gaze when he noticed it.
Walking over to a chair she sat down.“Hello gentlemen. How are you guys-“
“Stop the bullshit and give me a good explanation why I shouldn’t out yo ass after calling me making threats you can’t keep.” Durk cut her off ready to get to the chase.
She laughed taking off the shades she had covering her eyes. “Well one I told a friend, who is by the way a part of law enforcement, that I would be here and that if she doesn’t hear from me within the next 24 hours...come here. Is that good enough for you?” She mocked his tone.
“Alexis why the fuck are you here?” Erik decided to step in before she made the tension in the room any worst than what it already was.
“I’m here because I have a proposition for you. I changed my mind about the $15,000. You can keep it. Because like the saying goes money makes more money.”
“Yeah well I got another quote for you, you can’t take it with you when you die so are you gonna keep wasting my time with ya bullshit ass TedTalk or you gon say what the fuck you got to say.” Durk folded his hands growing impatient.
Erik’s eyebrows knitted together trying to figure out why she was here. Alexis didn’t come to collect the $15,000 she supposedly was going to black mail him for, she came for something else. She wanted to do business..
“Let’s work together. Start us a team.”
Erik chuckled realizing that he was spot on. He knew her too well and knew that she would take on an opportunity like this to make it good for herself. Alexis was money hungry and was will to do whatever it took to get to it.
Durk laughed looking back and forth between Erik and Alexis. He walked over to where she was and pulled up a chair sitting directly in front of her.
“Now you wanna tell me why I would work with a scheming ass person like you? Please inform me.” Resting his hand on his chin, Durk was taking her for a joke.
Alexis rolled her eyes scooting her chair back.
“Because the nigga that you robbed the other night ain’t lose out on shit. You think that million dollars that you stole from him did anything? Nah, you didn’t even take a small portion compared to what he has hiding out in Upsate.”
Now she had both Durk’s and Erik’s attention. Durks because he wanted to know how much more money that Shawn had that he didn’t know about and Erik’s because he wanted to know where she was going with this.
“Why you think he was so quick to give it up without a fight? He got plenty more where that came from and I know where it is. But I want a fraction of whatever you’re able to take. I’ll help you if you could help me.” Crossing her legs Alexis let the information she gave to them sink in.
Durk looked back at Erik searching for any sign to see if she was telling the truth or not but Erik couldn’t tell himself. So he questioned her.
“How we know this isn’t a set up? How do you even know where his stash is? I mean didn’t you just meet this nigga.” He bombarded her trying to see what she knew.
“No it’s not a set up and no I didn’t just meet him. I’ve actually known him for quite a while.” She stated while inspecting her nails.
Erik took in everything she said. He began to wonder about how did she know all of this information and in such little time. He was with Alexis for at least nine months so that only meant that she had to been messing around on him with Shawn.
“So you must’ve have been fucking him after you met me then huh? How do you know so much Alexis.” Erik questioned hoping to catch her off guard not taking his gaze off her.
She turned her direction towards him. “No Erik I’ve actually been fucking him before you and I know all of this because he’s my ex-fiancé. We’re sometimes on and off.”
Silence filled the room for a full minute before Durk began to laugh. He got up from his seat and went to his desk. Taking a fresh blunt he sparked it up doing a long pull.
“I don’t know what’s more fucked up. You fucking around on your fiancé and made my mans here the side nigga or the fact that you want to rob the nigga for everything he got. You one grimy bitch shorty.” He blew smoke in her direction.
Erik stayed quiet.
Getting up Alexis stood in front of Durk. She took the blunt out of his hands before hitting it once herself.
“Listen I don’t give two fucks about him. I wanted out anyway. Now do you think this is something we can work out or should I take my offer somewhere else?”
“Hell nah we not accepting that shit.” Erik retorted with his anger coming out after hearing that she was sleeping around on him. If there was anything that he couldn’t stand the most in this world it was disloyalty.
“Hold on, wait a minute.”
Glancing over Erik seen Durk in deep thought meaning he was taking what she said into consideration. He shook his head with disbelief. Durk was no different than Alexis when it came to getting a bag. It was the power and money that controlled him and he would do anything to remain on top. Even if it meant being friends with the enemy of his enemy and right now Alexis was definitely fitting the description.
“How much does he have?”
She lifted her shoulders up and smiled. “22 million.”
“22 million fucking dollars. You gone make me a young rich nigga. Walk with me.” A huge smile was displayed on Durkio’s face.
Erik watched as Alexis smiled when Durk led the way out of the office. She gave him one last glance and a wink before disappearing.
“Ladies I need to see more working and less talking please.” Rhonda shouted from the back room. She was watching the cameras again.
Kelley rolled her eyes silently mocking her. Amiyah laughed while going over to the register. Popping the lid off the tupperware, she dug in the freshly homemade fruit salad she got from Kelley’s house and ate one of the pineapple slices. Hearing the sound of her phone ding she looked down. It was from Cane.
Cane: Thinking about you. See you soon...6:23pm
Amiyah sighed as she clicked her power button leaving him on read. After he kissed her on their date two nights ago Amiyah knew that she made a mistake when she agreed to going with him. The image of Erik stayed on her mind the entire night. When Cane dropped her off after, the feeling of guilt over took her so bad that she cried in the bathroom. She knew she was wrong and wanted to make it right. She planned on telling Erik about the whole ordeal but she wanted to wait for the right moment.
This was the third text she had got from him today that she didn’t reply to and he just wouldn’t get the memo. Kelley noticing her mood change, walked over picking up a piece of fruit and popped it in her mouth.
“What’s wrong girl?” She covered her mouth chewing.
“It’s Cane. He keeps texting me.”
Kelley gave her a confused look. “Isn’t that what you want him to do though?”
“No, of course not. I’m with Erik now, remember?”
Nodding her head she smirked. “Yeah and you were also with him when you went out with Cane. So what’s your point?”
Amiyah slapped her hand on the counter out of frustration. “My point is if Cane wants to be more than friends then I can’t keep him around. I already made one mistake and if I continue to keep being naive then I’m going to fuck everything up with Erik.”
“Well have you told him that you’re not single? Did you tell him you just wanted to be friends?”
Amiyah avoided eye contact with her. “No.” The answer came out just above the sound of a whisper.
“So then tell him! People can’t read your mind Miyah. How is he supposed to know if you’re not making it clear? Sounds like to me you’re leading him on.” Kelley gave her a ‘you know what you’re doing’ glance before walking away.
Amiyah rolled her eyes as she wrote down the chores in the work assignment book. To her there was no way that she was leading Cane on. Yes she kissed him but it was only because he came on to her. Even after the fact ,her vibe had changed and made things awkward during the dinner. How could he not interpret that she wasn’t feeling him the way he felt her.
Feeling the breeze from outside, Amiyah knew that a customer was making their way in. She stopped what she was doing, getting ready to greet them but halted in her tracks. There stood Cane dressed in a Gucci tracksuit holding flowers. He walked up to her with a wide grin.
“Hey...told you I was thinking about you.” He lifted up the flowers and leaned over kissing her on the cheek quickly.
Shock but yet not wanting to be rude Amiyah accepted the roses. “Wow Cane y-you didn’t have to do this. Thank you.”
With his hands now in his pockets he gave a shrug keeping his gaze on her. “It’s nothing. I missed you.” He spoke truthfully.
Cane thought that the date between them went great. Better than he expected. At first he took her out with a motive, expecting to get sex in return but his outlook changed when he got to know her. She was sweet, caring, unselfish, and thoughtful. She was everything he wasn’t used to and the feeling of her lips on his didn’t make it any better. He was crushing on her.
“I remember telling you where I work but how did you know when I would be here?” Amiyah asked him curious to find out.
He laughed. “I had to call up here. A lady name Rhonda told me.”
Amiyah mentally rolled her eyes.
Bringing her hand up to her forehead she gently placed the flowers to her side. “Cane I have something to tell you.”
“Go ahead.”
“We can’t be more than friends. I have a boyfriend and I really hope that I wasn’t leading you on the other night. I’m sorry.” Amiyah was starting to feel bad.
Cane did a quick scoff looking down. “Why didn’t you just tell me in the first place? I would’ve understand.”
“It’s complicated and I just-“
“It shouldn’t be.” He spoke cutting her off.
“If he’s ya man than it shouldn’t be complicated. Only simple. I know I wouldn’t let it be and I damn sure wouldn’t let you go out on dates with other niggas...If I was your man.” He stepped closer invading her space.
“I respect you Amiyah and if backing off is something you want me to do than I’ll do it. It might take me some time to get over not seeing your pretty ass smile anymore, but what can I say? You win some you lose some.” His thumb and index finger held her chin up.
Amiyah tried not to blush but failed. “Cane your a great guy but I can’t.”
He shook his head. “Well can I have one last hug?”
He sent her a sweet smile that Amiyah wasn’t able to deny. Giggling she opened her arms. He wrapped his arms over her neck and hers went around his torso. Amiyah inhaled taking in his scent. He smelled so good right now but she had to shake the feeling. They hugged for at least ten seconds before letting go.
“I’ll see you around.” Cane gave her one final wave as he walked out the door.
Watching the whole thing go down in front of her eyes like she wasn’t there, Kelley marched over to Amiyah.
“Sis that nigga was fine as fuck. Between him and Erik I wouldn’t know who to choose either.”
Amiyah gave a light smile. “Well I do.”
Eight o’clock had came around faster than Amiyah anticipated. Kelley had went home an hour ago and offered to wait for her but she declined. She had to stay behind to lock up but also had to make a stop before going back to her place. Amiyah was running low on clothes so since she still had the key to her apartment she figured she can get in and out grabbing her belongings before Durk got there.
It was still early so she suspected she had some time to get it done. When Amiyah reached the lobby to the apartment building the feeling of being homesick rushed over her body. It’s only been a little under a week but it’s the longest she’s ever been away from this place since her and Durk first moved in. It took less than five minutes before making it to their door.
Going inside Amiyah searched around. Everything still look the same besides the few clothing objects that Durk left hanging out in the livingroom. Whenever Amiyah was here she’d have to pick up after him so out of habit that’s what she did. She gathered his clothes and brought them to his room putting them in his hamper. Then she walked into her room. The smell of Glad Hawaiian Breeze automatic spray hitting her nose. She missed it.
Her bed was still made up the way it was before she left. Sitting her purse and phone down on the nightstand she slipped her shoes off and got in. Her eyes closed from the warm plush blanket and mattress she felt against her body. The couch at Kelley’s was starting to become uncomfortable so right now Amiyah’s body was getting the relaxation it yearned for. She was only planning on resting for a few minutes before she got her things and left but the tiredness in her eyes betrayed her as she drifted off to sleep.
Being a light sleeper was always a blessing and a curse for Amiyah but for this instance it was a blessing. With the apartment so quiet that you can hear a pin drop she was also able to hear the sound of keys unlocking the front door. Her eyes opened quickly as she sat up in her bed. Picking up her phone she checked the time. It was 11:52pm. She overslept.
“Shit.” She cursed softly. Walking to her dresser she grabbed three tops and some jeans along with fresh bras and underwear and put them inside of her Pink tote bag.
Her ears was finally met with the voice of Durks who was talking to someone. Even though Amiyah told Erik that she was willing to talk to her brother she didn’t think it would be this soon. She wanted some more time before she had a conversation with him. She felt that they still needed time apart hence why she tried to refrain herself from being here at the same time he was. But there was nothing she could do now but face him. Getting her things she slowly walked out her room.
“Damn nigga I can’t believe that bitch played you.” Durk laughed. He was standing in the middle of the livingroom with his arms folded where he could be seen from the hallway. His body was facing the furniture. That’s when Amiyah seen that he wasn’t alone and looking at the person from behind who was sitting she knew it was Erik.
The creaking noise coming from the floor gave her away. Durk quickly looked in her direction with a hand ready to grab the gun off his waist. His eyes showed that he was both surprised and confused.
“Amiyah?” He questioned to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.
The sound of her name coming from his mouth made Erik’s head flew towards him. He followed his gaze and stood up when he saw Amiyah holding a bag of clothes. Observing her he noticed that her eyes were a light red. Like she just got finished either crying or sleeping but when Erik saw the frizzy-ness to her hair he knew she had just woken up.
“Hey I just came to pick up some things. I’m leaving now.” Her eyesight averted between the both of them.
“Why? I mean where have you been? How are you doing?” Being the protective brother that he was Durk rushed her with questions.
Lifting her shoulders in a half shrug she answered. “I’m good and I been at Kelley’s. Which I should be going back to now.” Amiyah tried walking to the door but was stopped.
“Amiyah we don’t have to keep doing this shit. I’m sorry okay. You my lil sis and I love you. I was fucked up kicking you out the way I did but I didn’t expect you to leave for real.” Durk dropped his hands to his sides. He wanted his little sister back home with him.
Amiyah folded her arms snickering to herself. “Not only did you kick me out but you called me a bitch Derrick.”
“And I’m sorry. I was in the heat of the moment. Shit we both said some things that we didn’t mean but to hold grudges, that’s something we never do and you know that. Dad would’ve never let us go this long without talking to each other.” He walked in front of her putting his hand on her shoulder.
With the burning sensation creeping around her eyes Amiyah held back her tears. The reference of their father struck a nerve in her. Her and Durk never mentioned him that much since he was sentenced to life. So when he brought him up Amiyah became emotional.
“Listen Durk I’m sorry for the things that I said. Yes sometimes I speak without thinking and that’s something we both do. But it hurt having my own brother kick me out of a place where I am supposed to feel safe and protected. You gave me no choice but to leave so I did.” Amiyah paused wiping away the tears that fell.
“Look you’re my brother and I love you but I just need a little bit more time.”
Durk nodded before wiping her last falling tear. “Okay I understand but before you go I just want to know if you forgive me. I can’t go another day without knowing.”
Without saying a word Amiyah embrace him. He rested his chin on her head while closing his eyes.It reminded her of the hugs he used to give her when she was younger. Amiyah missed them.
Erik massaged the back of his neck watching them make up. It even gave him a sense of relief that he no longer had to wonder when it would happen. He was happy to be here to see it for himself.
“I have to get back to Kelley’s.” Amiyah separated from the embrace throwing her tote over her shoulder.
Patting down his pants Durk searched for his keys.
“Let me take you-“
“No it’s fine. I’ll take an Uber. It’s how I got here anyways.” She gave a small smile.
“Miyah you know how I feel about that. Just let me drive you there and that’s it?”
“Thank you Durk but I’m fine. Remember I still need some time?” She nudged him before it went quiet.
“I’ll bring her.” Erik stood in the middle catching attention from both of them.
Amiyah smiled in the inside when she heard him speak. Not wanting to be too obvious she faked declined his offer.
“No it’s okay.”
“Amiyah look I know you mad at me and all but Erik ain’t got nothing to do with what we got going on. At least let him bring you. I trust him.” He gave her a look hoping she agreed.
“Fine. Let’s go.” Amiyah did a false sigh while rolling her eyes. Walking past Erik to the door she gave him a quick glance with a smirk.
Erik had to hide his smile as he shook his head. He knew that she was trying to make it seem like she didn’t want him to bring her but he knew it was a front. Getting his things he gave Durk a dap.
“Aye man make sure she make it inside safely before you pull off.”
“Of course. I’ll catch you later to talk more about business.”
The hip hop station played in the background. Erik was trying to pay attention to the road but failed with the beautiful distraction sitting next to him. They were currently talking about how Amiyah had to fake an attitude just so her brother wouldn’t suspect anything. She couldn’t help herself from laughing as she talked about the look on Erik’s face.
“You did not know, liar.” Her giggles filling up the car.
Erik smacked his lips. “C’mon stop playing with me. I could tell you was faking. I know you ma.” Reaching over he picked up her hand kissing the back of it. He held on to it for the rest of the time.
“Whatever.” Looking out the window Amiyah noticed that they weren’t in Kelley’s neighborhood. They were driving for a while so they should’ve been there but weren’t even close to the area.
“Where are we going?” She asked fiddling with his watch.
“Uh I want to show you something. It’s a surprise.”
For the first time since knowing him Amiyah could observe from his body language that Erik was nervous. The repeated roll of his shoulders with the clutch of the steering wheel gave him away. It was cute to her being that she never seen him in this state before.
“Erik...are you getting nervous?” She teased leaning forward to get a better look at him.
He turned his head blocking her view. “Chill mama.”
Amiyah laughed as the car came to a stop. Looking around they were in a parking lot with a tall building next to it. From her point of view it looked like apartments. She glanced at Erik as he pushed the button shutting the car off.
“What’s this?”
He stroked his beard before answering. “This is where I live.”
Amiyah was taken back when the words left his mouth. She couldn’t believe that he brought her here. To his place. Knowing how Erik was a private person she didn’t think she would get this far at an early stage.
Erik noticed that she hardly said a word. It was making him rethink his actions. “You want to come in or should I bring you back to Kelley’s?” He began to gabble.
“No let’s go in. I want to see where you live.” Her smile was wide. She was curious and couldn’t help herself.
As they walked through the building Amiyah’s wandered everywhere. She was taking it all in. From the structure of the walls even to the boring art work that laid on them. It was the excitement in her that had her roaming everywhere. They reached the elevators and stepped in. He pressed the eleventh floor before closing the doors. Erik stood against the wall and pulled her in front of him holding onto her hip.
“Eleventh floor? You’re living pretty high and mighty Mr.-“ She paused realizing that she didn’t know his last name.
“What is your last name by the way?” She tilted her head looking back at him.
He chuckled. “Why you plan on making it yours or something?”
She blushed facing forward.
“Stevens.”The raspiness of his late night voice had Amiyah clenching her thighs.
“Erik Stevens. I guess it goes together.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer with her back against his hard chest. She could feel her ass pressing into his length. It made her jump from surprise as the throbbing in her kitty appeared. Moving her hair to the side Erik bent down putting his face in her neck.
“Just like you and me go together.” He spoke softly rubbing on her hips.
She panted biting her lip. She placed her hands on top of his not knowing what else to do with them. Erik heard a moaned escape her lips when he kissed her neck. Kissing over the faint hickies that were still there. When the elevator doors opened they walked out hand in hand as Erik lead them to his door. Taking out his keys he unlocked it and it open with his free hand.
When he flipped on the light Amiyah’s face lit up. Her eyes drifted everywhere. She was amazed with how he was living. He was doing good for himself and it looked like a true bachelor’s pad. An all black sectional with grey pillows. A sixty-five inch flat screen tv mounted on the wall. His kitchen was neat and clean which meant he probably doesn’t use it as much or he was just a clean person.
Amiyah giggled softly placing her things on the couch. “Babe you stay here all by yourself?”
Erik placed his keys on the counter before walking to his bar. He pulled out a bottle of Hennessy cracking it open and pouring it in a glass. The burn going down his throat when he took a sip.
He lifted his shoulders. “What you think mama?” He asked her sarcastically.
She rolled her eyes. “I think I want to keep looking around.” She dragged her nails across the couch.
The was a flight of stairs attached to the same wall that the tv was on. Amiyah strolled over glancing at them before going up. When she reached the top she walked through a short hall to be met with his room.
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“Wow just wow.”
He was truly living like a king and she couldn’t believe that he was living in this palace alone. She heard footsteps coming up so she plopped down on the bed posing.
“How do I look?” Taking a piece of her locks she tucked it behind her ear.
Erik stepped inside sipping on what was to be his third glass of Henn. The liquor was doing its job as he already felt the effects of being tipsy. He sat the finished glass on his nightstand as he took of his jacket.
“You look like you supposed to be there.” He lifted his eyebrows removing his shirt next with his chain swinging from the sudden quickness.
Amiyah sat up from her spot. Her nerves going crazy when she saw his bare chest. The flex in his muscles whenever he moved his arms created a dampness in her panties. It was the littlest things he did that would always set her off.
“What are you doing?” Her eyes roaming over his body.
“Bout to take a shower. You wanna join?” The look on his face read that he was serious as he asked that question like it was nothing.
Amiyah scoffed with surprise. “No but I’ll take one first...without you.” She stood up walking towards his bathroom. He followed behind chuckling.
“I don’t know why you acting like that. It’s not like I ain’t see that pretty pussy already.” He leaned against his sink. The definition in his arms were showing.
The wetness between her thighs were flowing. She folded her arms glaring at him softly. “Just give me a towel Erik.”
He hung his head laughing as he went into the bathroom closet grabbing an extra wash cloth and bath towel. He handed it to her before going under the sink and grabbing a bar of dove soap.
“Here, hurry up. I want to get in next.” He tossed her the bar.
“And if I don’t?” She asked smartly.
“Don’t act surprised when I come in there with you.” He stated seriously and walked out.
It was easy for her to work the shower. The hot and cold handles were separate so there was no difficulty in trying to find which way it went. Amiyah allowed the water to cascade down her body. She gave a relaxed sigh as she foamed her body up with the lather. This was very much needed after the day she had. Being at Erik’s place was so peaceful. It was mellow and quiet. Something she could get used to. If this is what it felt like to live alone than she was definitely going to start putting in application for a spot.
Her shower ended after fifteen minutes. Since it wasn’t her place she didn’t want to be rude and take a long one as well as using up all of his hot water. Reaching her arm out of the glass door she grabbed her towel making sure it was secure before stepping out. She was so busy trying to hurry up and wash the day off she forgot her clothes downstairs.
Amiyah picked up her dirty clothes. She rolled her eyes knowing that Erik was going to see her in nothing but a towel at any moment. She did a light jog downstairs making sure she had a grip on the linen so it wouldn’t fall. Spotting her bag on the sectional she walked over to it. For a minute she thought she was alone until she saw Erik drinking a bottle of water standing between the doorway of the kitchen and livingroom. He cocked his head to the side staring at her as he drunk. Then he called her over.
“C’mere.” With his deep voice it was loud and clear.
Erik watched as she eyed him up and down. The way she looked in nothing but his towel had his dick on ten. How the bottom of her hair stuck to her back due to its wetness. The way her thick thighs had the towel rising up. He was ready to devour her. He was no where near drunk but the liquor was aiding into his horny-ness.
“What do you want Erik?” Her tone was teasing yet playfully annoyed. She grabbed her bra and panties but had no night clothes. She slapped her hand against her thigh when she noticed.
“Come over here and come find out.” His tongue hanging out before swiping it over his bottom lip. When she didn’t listen once again he began to walk over.
Amiyah studied his actions. Watching him draw nearer to her she started walking away going back up the stairs. He followed closed behind. Amiyah felt his stares on her ass. Making it back to the masters she stood beside his bed. She became nervous feeling him up her back. Not sure what to do she gripped the top of her towel to occupy her hands.
“Why you don’t listen ma?” He pulled up the pants that were hanging dangerously below his waist. Lightly grabbing her arm he turned her around. She was gazing up at him the same way he fantasize her doing in the shower the other day. He wrapped his arm around her pulling her in for a kiss but she put one between them creating space.
“What do you want Erik?” Amiyah asked softly for the second time and smiled blocking his advances. She was liking this game of making him work hard for it. This time he was yearning for her and she was in control.
Chewing on his top lip he told her straight up. “I want to eat ya pussy.” His tone was blunt.
When he stepped forward she stepped back which resulted in her stumbling and falling on the bed. They both look down at the same time to see her towel risen up just inches away from showing her treasure. She left it that way.
“You not gonna try and pull it down?” Erik leaned over her placing his hands on either side of her.
Resting up on her elbows she shook her head. “No.”
Amiyah reached up playing with his chain. The ring that accompanied it catching her attention. Erik admire her as he watched. Amiyah was just as horny as he was. She could feel the sticky wetness coating her lower lips. She never received oral before so she was willing to jump at the opportunity that was thrown at her. She leaned into him giving what he was longing for, a kiss.
Erik’s tongue swirled in her mouth. He followed her as she laid flat on the bed. Her legs opened inviting him in. He felt her small hands rubbing up and down his back before they started to tug at his pants. He grabbed her hands holding them down by her hips as he moved his kisses to her neck.
“Can I move this towel?” He asked coming up from her neck.
Amiyah’s eyes shifted down. She wanted this badly but she didn’t know if she was ready for Erik to see all of her yet. The thought of being completely naked in front of him caused butterflies to erupt in her belly. She still had insecurities that she was dealing with.
Erik noticed that she was overthinking it. He kissed her shoulder blade and the open area across her chest. “Get out your head mama. You beautiful.”
Even though Erik wanted to see all of her he could tell that she wasn’t ready. So he respected her wishes but he still wanted to show her how beautiful her and her body was to him. Leaving the towel in place he skipped down to her uncovered thighs. The dove scent being easily detectable. Getting on his knees he pulled her body closer to the edge making her shriek. He kissed the top of them causing her to shiver.
“Can I eat this pussy?” His breath touching her skin.
Leaning up on her elbows once more Amiyah nodded but Erik wanted to hear verbal confirmation. “Speak.” He demanded ready to open her legs and dive in.
“Yes daddy.” She bit her lip hiding the trembling in her voice.
Amiyah’s body shook lightly with every kiss he placed on her legs. He took both of his hands gripping her thick thighs before separating them exposing her wet bare pussy. He bit his lip inhaling her natural aroma. Amiyah was no longer watching as she laid on her back one hand already gripping his covers and the other covering her face.
Erik hooked her by the back of her knees spreading her wider. He gave her light kisses on her inner thighs getting both sides. He watched as they shook after each one. His eyes traveled to her middle finally coming face to face with her phat pussy. His mouth watered remembering the teasing taste that he had on his fingers last time. He’s been craving her pussy ever since and tonight he was going to take her for every drop.
“Hold your legs for me baby girl.”
She replaced his hands with hers and jumped when she felt his fingers spread her lower lips open. Her breath picked up as she felt the heat from his mouth get close to her aching core. Leaning up and looking down in time she watched as Erik gave her one swift lick from her hole to her clit. Her body jolted letting go of her hold on her legs.
“Don’t start that runnin shit.” He held her legs opened again this time her stringy lubricant showing when her pussy lips spread. “Damn ya shit wet as fuck.”
Erik took one hand separating her meaty lips. Using his long pointy tongue he flicked her clit a few times bringing it out of hiding. Amiyah covered her mouth moaning into her hand. The feeling of his wet tongue bringing the vocals out of her. When her nub was nice and perky he swirled his tongue over in a rotation before making a tight suction with his lips over it.
Amiyah ,not used to the feeling, clamped her thighs on his head. The involuntary whimpers left her mouth. She couldn’t stop them from coming. Sitting up she used one hand to try and push his head from between her thighs but couldn’t when Erik gripped them wrapping his arms around them.
“Erikkk...I can’t.” She moaned trying to back away.
He was going back and forth between sucking her clit and giving firm flicks. She wanted him to stop but keep going at the same time. She didn’t understand what was going on. But what alarmed her the most was when she felt her legs shake and muscle jerking from the inside. Amiyah gripped the covers searching for something to hold on to.
Erik continued his movements. Between clenched thighs he watched her make faces that she couldn’t fake. The taste of her cream coating his tongue made him almost animalistic. He wanted to ease up but he couldn’t. Bringing his hands to the back her thighs he snatched them from around his head as he pushed them all the way back. Now standing up he was bending down eating her pussy.
He paid attention to her body and noticed she would always start to jerk when he sucked her clit. So that’s what he did. Repeatedly. He was going to suck that pussy until he made it cum.
Reaching down Amiyah pushed his head into her pussy biting her lip. Tears producing in her eyes. A tight cramp feeling in her lower abdomen. Yet he kept eating her out. Her hips rocked up towards his mouth as she couldn’t explain why she still wanted it even through overstimulation.
“Daddyyy...” She whimper watching him flick her clit. Her toes curled from the feeling.
“Mhmm.” He moaned against her pussy causing a shake within her body.
“What are you doing to me?...daddy.” She whined in hush tone not caring about her towel that had started to come undone.
Erik repeated off and on sucking drove her crazy. He lifted up with a string of her wetness attached to his full lips and beard. “I’m taking care of the pussy. This what you wanted right?” He teased while sending one long slow dripping spit that landed directly on her bud.
Amiyah’s legs jerked when he went back to sucking her sensitive clit. “Mm I think I love youuu.” She threw her head back. The vibration of his laugher could be felt through her nub.
‘Got that ass!’
Erik thought as he laughed while remaining his assult on her pussy. He was ready to taste her nectar. Bringing his hands up to her tittes he pulled and twisted her nipples before flicking them with his index fingers. It took nothing but a few seconds for the double stimulation to have her pussy oozing out her juices right on to his tongue.
Her thrusting hips came to a stop as Amiyah placed her hands on Erik’s that was resting on her breast. Her stomach that was now showing caving up and down as she tried to catch her breath. Looking up at his ceiling she felt his light kisses traveling up her body stopping at her head. She felt exhausted and drained but very much relaxed.
Erik putting his nose in her hair inhaling her scent brought a hand up to her throat. He then moved his lips against her ear and spoke lowly. “You better not give my pussy up to nobody but me.”
He kissed her softly before getting up to take a shower.
Please excuse any mistakes!
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ohnohetaliasues · 5 years
Stones to Abbigale {Ch. 7}
Okay, so I read ahead and found out that this chapter depicts a school shooting. Now, school shootings are something that utterly terrify me, but this book has done nothing but annoy me, so I doubt I’ll be all that scared.
But, if you have troubles reading or hearing about school shootings, or things regarding gun violence, feel free to wait until I review the next chapter to read on. I’ll write a short summary in the introduction there for anyone who is uncomfortable with continuing.
If that’s so, I’ll see you next chapter.
But if not, read on and we will continue together.
Let’s get into it.
I found myself fallen, somewhere deep in a conscious state of unconsciousness, some place I can’t remember. It may sound strange, even ridiculous, but I felt like I opened my eyes while I was asleep, and saw only black. Not as if I were blind, but as if the rest of existence had simply disappeared and I was just, alone. It wasn’t long before I woke to find my- self submerged in reality once more.
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Good to start off with more word salad.
Thoughts of Abbi quickly greeted me as I adjusted to the experience of my physical surroundings. For a week now I had been constantly reminding myself how lucky I was to have a relationship that actually made sense.
Are you two even dating? This has not been established.
Abbi never did anything that I felt betrayed me or exceeded the bounds of reason. Davis was sitting next to me on the bus, he was talking about his Lego collection and how he loved matching colors in a sequence within the structures he assembled. He said it made him feel like there was some balance and order to his life in a weird way.
I suppose I can empathize with that. The Davis thing, not the nonsense James is talking about.
While I listened to Davis my thoughts partially remained on Abbi. She continued to fill my mind with hope no matter where I was or what I was doing.
We arrived at school on, you guessed it, another cloudy day. I know it was unreasonable to assume, but I often felt like our school was the darkest place in the city.
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It was as if every morning the clouds would execute a biased agenda against our school all for the sake of depressing every poor soul who attended it. The wind was blowing. Looking back, I felt like everything about that morning was screaming at me to wake up and see what was really going on. But I couldn’t see it; I don’t know how I could have.
This is meaningless drivel, but what else is new?
Dramatic events have a way of sneaking up on us, leaving us only with feelings of remorse and thoughts of what could have been. Davis got off the bus behind me tripping a little. A normal kid would have gotten upset, but Davis, as usual, found a way to turn it into something positive, he even laughed as he stumbled.
I mean, I also laugh at myself when I screw up.
I turned to check on Davis to make sure he was ok when I heard a loud popping sound ring off towards the school.
Okay, let me note something here.
This is not how you write events.
You do not write something out of the fucking blue with no buildup. Your main character should not just exist like a cardboard cutout until the plot demands he does something.
The main character should be doing interesting things in between the major events of the story. Not fucking this.
My immediate assumption was that a car in the back parking lot had just backfired. There were a lot of crappy second-hand cars at our school so it wasn’t unreasonable, but still, I assumed wrong. Davis and I heard screams immediately after, in a way the wind seemed to turn the screams what sounded like a chorus, one familiar to the haunting dream I had about Abbi now many days past.
Oh, don’t give me that bullshit, your nonsense dream is not connected to this.
Hearing more popping sounds and screams in the wind I instinctually
I grabbed Davis’ jacket pushing him back towards the bus. Students who weren’t aware of what was going on due to the heavy wind and competing noise from the bus engines reacted as if we were being inconsiderate jerks.
I believe you’d be able to hear actual fucking gunshots over the wind.
To shake everyone into reality I screamed, “There’s a shooting! Get back on the bus!”
A sudden panic took over everyone within the vicinity. The bus driver who was already looking around, suspicious of the faint sounds he heard, reacted as well, “Get on the goddamn bus!” he screamed.
I could hear some students begin to cry out of panic as we all rushed to duck down behind the bus seats. The bus driver slammed the door shut leaving behind a few students who had already walked too far away from the bus.
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The driver, despite being a grown man, was freaking out like everyone else and, as a result, found himself crashing our bus into the one parked immediately ahead of him. As the bus’s collided our bodies smacked into the seats ahead of us. One student wasn’t even hiding behind the seats yet and flew forward to land face down in the aisle.
Get the fuck out of there.
The bus driver, quickly recovering from his mistake, backed up to maneuver out of the drop off area. The window by my seat fell off the side of the bus and shattered on the ground while the front windows also began to detach after being impacted by the earlier collision.
No it didn’t.
You mean to tell me they just dislodged themselves from the frame?
A thunderous gust of wind burst through the void left by the fallen windows. With the wind came the sounds of even louder gunshots and screaming as if the shooter was closer to the front of the school.
I was too scared to look but someone else had locked their eyes on the front door of the school and screamed “Seth!”
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A sense of absolute horror overtook my body and tears began to flow from my eyes. If Seth was really shooting up the school I knew that meant he would be looking for Abbi.
All fear left my body. Thinking only of only her I leapt up and screamed, “You have to let me off right now!”
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Bitch no. You wanna get shot?
The bus driver ignored me initially; he was too concerned with getting away from the school. He probably didn’t even hear me with everything that was going on.
If he gets off the bus I’m gonna lose my fucking mind.
The inconsistent and forceful acceleration forced me to fall back in my seat, countless thoughts pounded through my head and yet every other word screamed Abbi’s name.
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My mind was numb; the wind surged through my hair. Everyone around acted almost like magnets, helplessly nailed to the dirty floor.
That doesn’t make me think of magnets, Onion. Find a better simile.
I was the only one sitting in a seat, completely lost in thought. My eyes staring off a thousand yards, my skin pulsating with heat, I felt like I was a bomb only minutes away from detonation. I remained silent, still, waiting for my numbers to fall in sync.
The fuck does ‘numbers fall in sync’ mean? It barely even goes with the bomb thing.
Waiting for my mind to green light an act that would change my life forever.
This is an incomplete sentence. What you could do is join this sentence with the last one by using a comma.
I had a moment of abnormally intense clarity. Seth had irreversibly lost his mind, I could only suspect he would likely blame his broken state on Abbi after their last encounter.
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This is not Abbi’s fault.
She could not have known this would happen, and I find it concerning that James is not even mentioning that he’s worried about Abbi blaming herself for something she’s innocent of or how that will effect her.
No, just that Seth is crazy because of Abbi breaking up with him.
God, I’ve never wanted to deck someone more than I want to deck Onion as I type this.
I couldn’t take thinking about it for more than a few seconds. I sprinted up to the driver and screamed, “If you don’t let me off, I’ll jump off!”
Through what? The door is closed. Through a broken window?
You will break your ankles, you dumbass.
The bus driver plunged the bus into the side of the road violently, as a result I stumbled falling hands first onto the bus dashboard.
You are actually insane. Also, this sentence is structured weird.
The driver yelled, “You got a death wish, that’s your choice but I’m getting everyone else to safety!” He opened the door and aggressively motioned for me to get off.
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By the first wave of his backhand I had already bolted out. I violently ripped my backpack open and tried to put on my skates while maintaining my speed towards the school.
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After only a few seconds I was skating at full speed. I could already hear the first of many sirens to come far off in the distance as the gunshots continued to ring in the heavy air.
This entire situation is complete and utter bullshit.
My whole body felt like it was jumping out of my skin. Tears continued to pour from my face from both the wind hitting my eyes and the war raging in my mind.
I’m sorry, never in my life have I ever read the phrase ‘the war raging in my mind.’
It’s just terrible.
As I approached the school, I could see freshly fallen bodies by the door exactly where Seth had walked out as our bus left. I could’ve sworn they were all still moving but my eyes were blurred from tears and I knew many if not all of the shots were fatal.
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Okay, I may have said in the intro that it wouldn’t scare me because of the quality of the writing, but I didn’t say it wouldn’t make me sad.
But in the mix of that, I’m mad.
Because Onion is taking an issue that is still a giant problem as I type this and romanticizing it in his shitty book. It’s not okay and he should feel scummy about it.
Seeing your friends die like that would be terrible and traumatic and scarring. Survivors develop PTSD because of the things that happen to them.
I cannot say I know what it’s like since the most I’ve experienced is a lock down drill because of a gun threat, but I was afraid for my life as I watched police sweep my school, while the teachers didn’t tell the students what was happening. Nobody should ever have to be scared in a place of learning.
I was scared. But I was nowhere near as scared as students who died or were injured or where witnesses in actual deadly shootings like Stoneman Douglass or Columbine or all the others, not by a long shot.
This just feels like Onision is taking a controversial topic which makes teenagers like me feel unsafe in their own schools and using it to cause relationship drama between his protagonists, using it as a plot point when the plot could have gone in many different directions. I’ve seen books which are about school shootings, but they’re respectful of victims of actual massacres.
This isn’t one of them. This is romanticizing and in poor taste. And it pisses me the hell off.
Okay, rant over, let’s keep going.
I didn’t know much of anything about human anatomy, but through the blur I could tell Seth was shooting people mostly in the neck and head, leaving little for medics to work with.
I reiterate. This is disgusting.
I fell to my knees at the entrance whipping my legs around while simultaneously straining to take off my skates. The floor was too slippery with blood to move anywhere on those tiny wheels.
You’re a fucking idiot for putting them on in the first place.
My pants already had bloodstains from the bodies near by.
Is the floor just slick with blood?
That’s kind of bullshit.
I had no time to focus on what was happening, I had no time to consider anything but Abbi’s safety. I ran off in my socks, one barely even on my foot, leaving everything at the entrance, I felt I was running entirely on an autopilot function I didn’t even know I had.
All of this is just so disrespectful and insensitive.

In only seconds I saw more blood than I had seen, let alone imagined, in my entire life. The inside of the school was soaked with the sounds of sobbing students 

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Do not ever say something is soaked with sounds. It makes no sense.
Part of me hopes Onion sees this review before he goes to prison. If he makes a video about me, I will laugh my absolute ass off. And he can die mad about it.

who weren’t shot but too scared to move or even function. One student, clearly in shock was just crawling down the hall wailing and shaking. 

That just makes me think of a cheap haunted house and that isn’t a good visual to have when you’re writing about a school shooting.
The thought of Abbi shook me out of the sorrow I felt for that student. The first place I could think to look for Abbi was her locker and I was already half way there.
Why the hell would Abbi be near her locker during all of this?
Is she completely brain dead?
I approached and found nothing,
Yeah, unsurprising since you’d have to be a moron to stand out in the open.
Like James since he’s literally running out in the open.
no one was even shot in the area of her locker, and I had to look elsewhere. As I returned to the entrance area of the school I crouched next to a table and froze in place to listen for any sign of where Seth was; it felt like minutes, but I imagine it was only seconds.
My state of mind likely altered my perception of time, every survival based operation functioning to its maximum ability aside from my flight instinct that demanded I run and hide like the rest.
Yeah, I would advise that, dipshit. Get the hell out of there.
Another gunshot had finally violently shattered the sound of whimpers and lungs desperately choking for air as they filled with blood.
I cannot with this description. All I can ask is: what the hell is wrong with you?
The gunshot sound was distant as if it went off outside, on the other end of school.
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Okay so someone said they saw Seth outside the school or near the front less than a few minutes ago. Did he just teleport to the other end of the school? That is the only explanation for how he would get over there so fast.
Sprinting off in the direction of what I had already accepted as potentially my final destination, Abbi remained at the forefront of my mind.
I would appreciate if you’d tell me where the fuck that is.
Bursting out the side doors of Lakewood High I crouched and froze in place again. My senses once more ignited.
I immediately heard a voice scream out “I will not let you do this you psychopath!” It was an old woman, the only old woman I ever knew to go anywhere near the trailer classrooms just ahead.
It had to be Mrs. Stanley. I shot forward like a cannonball being fired on a long awaited enemy.
If you ever use that simile again it’ll be too soon.
Even the wind felt like it had stepped aside to let me pass without resistance.
Oh, no it didn’t.
As the art trailer came into view I could see Mrs. Stanley approaching Seth, she stood tall without any indication of fear. Seth was dressed in a long white coat with a pure white outfit underneath. This was all clearly premeditated; like he wanted to proclaim how much blood he had shed, not just around him, but on his body as well. He got what he wanted; he was drenched from collar to shoe in the blood of his fellow students.
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Is that supposed to be poetic or something?
It’s just deeply disturbing.
Despite Mrs. Stanley's aggressive stance, Seth barely paid attention to her and limped by her trailer as if she didn’t even exist. I assumed his crippled posture was the result of the unfathomable reality he had found himself faced with.
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I’m sorry, what?
He’s limping when he isn’t injured? That makes no sense and it isn’t poetic or deep. It’s just meaningless word salad.
What he was subjecting everyone to, the mortifying level of terror and suffering was like nothing he had likely imagined. Going back wasn’t an option on any level; Seth was already dead to the world for what he had done.
Okay, I don’t care how poetic this all is, this is just disturbing.
He had to have known there was no peace in life left for him in life. No place to hide or chance of ever feeling safe from judgment or persecution again.
I mean, it’s not wrong.
He’s 100% going to prison forever if he doesn’t kill himself before being caught.
Mrs. Stanley screamed at him again, “You are an embarrassment! A disgrace! How dare you, you scum!” Upon hearing her verbal condemnation without hesitation Seth whipped his gun toward her like a sword being unsheathed, time again felt like it had drastically slowed as his weakened arm struggled to steady his aim.
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My eyes are glazing over.
I ran at Seth as he screamed in pain just from the weight of lifting his gun towards her. Mrs. Stanley tried to step to the side of the shaking muzzle but maintained her advance on him clearly hoping to disarm him.
Please do not tell me I’m about to read about an old woman getting shot.
Because if I am, I’m fucking done.
I was just about to reach Seth to attempt disarming him when out of nowhere his gun flew in the air and Seth yelped as the air left his lungs. I screeched to a halt in my blood soaked socks trying to process what was happening.
I have no words, I just don’t.
My watery eyes and adrenaline was clouding my perception, possibly even more now than before, but I was able to process that another student had tackled Seth. I almost immediately identified the student as Jason from his size and clothing type alone.
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The very same boy who had chipped my tooth and pummeled my face was now beating Seth senseless.
You’re telling me Jason is here to beat up the shooter?
Excuse me, the fuck? It’s been ten days? He’s back at school? did onion just forget he suspended Jason?
Does Jason just appear whenever punching needs to happen?
In such a strange way I could sense within myself a glimmer of deep satisfaction, not only from the realization that Jason had single-handedly cut the head off this otherwise ongoing tragedy in our lives, but instead that he had without a doubt clearly held back when he was fighting me. This time I could see Jason was letting out every ounce of brutal rage he had within him and unleashed it all on a desperately defeated Seth.
That was described so weirdly that I cannot picture this happening.
Mrs. Stanley turned her back on Seth, still being dominated by Jason’s fists, leaving him for dead to go help other students. I collapsed to my knees, gasping for air as I heard Seth’s face being repeatedly impacted by the fists and elbows of a justifiably enraged Jason.
“How could you do that to my family? To all of us! Do you think you accomplished anything you bastard? You sick freak!” Jason screamed at the now unconscious bloodied face of Seth while showing no intention of letting up.
I’m just mentally exhausted by this.
Also his family? Were they at the school? What?
Is he referring to his friends? The football team?
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As I calmed my breathing, not forgetting my priority for even a moment, I quickly began running through Abbi’s daily routine at school. Her class just before art was Human Anatomy, which wasn’t far from where I was. Running back inside the school I leapt over fallen chairs and abandoned possessions only to find Abbi’s class completely empty.
I am yet again alarmed that I am apathetic in regards to this.
She was nowhere to be seen. I immediately reminded myself she was normally early, which made me begin to feel she had escaped safely as there was only one door out, a door that to my knowledge had no bodies near it. I ran taking the path of least resistance out the front entrance to see students gathering near the school property line. They were bundled in a tight-knit group behind the trees immediately outside the bus drop off zone.
Where in the literal fuck are the police?
Despite my aching feet and intense stress I reached the group in little time, now missing a sock and my feet littered with broken glass gathered throughout my search for Abbi.
Most all of the girls were crying while many of the boys were giving a thousand yard stare, their eyes locked on the school.
I would think that maybe they’d be crying too.
Pushing myself through the group I could see Abbi sitting on the ground in the upright fetal position.
So she’s just sitting with her knees tucked to her chest?
The fetal position is laying on your side curled into a ball.
An overwhelming sense of relief consumed me as I fell forward to wrap myself around her.
She was shaking and whimpering uncontrollably.
As anyone would be.
I immediately said, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” She lurched up only then realizing I had found her.
She grabbed me with a strength beyond any embrace we had had before, I never imagined she was so strong. Abbi was unable to say anything over her crying, as a wave of emotion continued to overtake me I had nothing I could say either, we remained speechless together.
I feel something, but it’s not deep, it’s very on the surface. Which is concerning.
Through the group of students’ legs I could barely see the lights from police cars pulling up to our school.
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Everything seemed like it happened over a period of 40 minutes but it was in fact a small fraction of that. Soon after I witnessed unmarked cars, ambulances, and SWAT had all responded with a similar level of urgency as well.
Unmarked cars?
Also am I dumb or is this sentence not written correctly?
We could only sit and wait as the police sorted out everything that had happened over the next few hours. After some time I was able to report on what I saw as I sat on a curb while a medic pulled glass out of my feet.
Not in an ambulance?
They were all out of ambulances and stretchers so I was grateful just to have someone to help me get patched up since the adrenaline was no longer distracting me from the pain.
You stepped in glass, cry me a fucking river. You were lucky you were relatively uninjured compared to your classmates.
We were given blankets as we waited outside, Abbi refused to be more than a foot away from me for a single moment. We were both so incredibly relieved to still have each other, as if we were vital parts of the same system, one not being able to maintain their stability without the ensured safety of the other.
This romance has no build and no fucking reason for me to be invested in it.
Off in the distance, I could see a large amount of empty body bags being delivered. The entire area was swarmed with every emergency response service you could imagine.
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Wouldn’t they have to dispatch a bomb squad?
Not far behind stood a group of reporters, significantly expanding in size every passing hour. Not too long after my feet were bandaged and I had given the police all the information they asked for, I was able to leave with Abbi. As we headed towards the cordon I saw my mom waving her arms just outside the police-establish barrier. Upon seeing her, the immediate sad reality sank in both our minds that Abbi’s dad didn’t even bother to show.
That’s a huge ass yikes.
Knowing what I was thinking Abbi tried to reassure me and likely herself in the process. She began saying her father probably didn’t even know there was an emergency
Did he hear the sirens? The helicopters from news crews? He’d have to be completely deaf not to know what’s going on.
but pointed out that he was probably still recovering from being drunk the night before.
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So he just doesn’t care that his daughter could have been shot?
Okay, sure, fine, whatever.
As I walked into my mom’s arms she became the second woman that day to show me a strength I never imagined they had. Her hug, while painful, offered me an unforgettable sense of comfort. As she embraced me she revealed to my surprise that she had already been briefed on how close I was to everything that went down.
I- what?
This was closely followed?
I don’t know how this could have worked.
Continuing to hold me in one of the longest hugs I had ever experienced, she told me how mad at me she was while also expressing how simultaneously proud she was of me for running into danger when so many people ran away.
Why not just say a simple ‘I’m glad you’re okay.’
I imagined she assumed it was to help everyone in the school but the truth is, I could only feel selfish knowing I wasn’t doing anything for anyone but Abbi. I was ashamed and somewhat terrified by how little I seemed to care about most everyone else outside her.
Yeah, that should concern you.
The love and compassion being expressed towards me continued to leave me speechless. I felt Abbi rubbing my back as my mom continued to lock her arms around me.
Abbi is probably traumatized too. James isn’t the only one important here.
Abbi’s physical act of affection triggered a thought causing me to jolt upright. I quickly asked my mom if Abbi could stay with us that night and she responded positively. Her one stipulation was that we had to stop by her Dad’s house to first get his consent.
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I’m sorry, but this just seems like a ploy to get the main characters in a bed together.
And that, my friends, is gross as hell.
We all got in my mom’s car and drove to Abbi’s house. My mom approached the entrance of their home by herself knowing we were basically unable to do anything outside repeatedly revisiting what had happened earlier that day.
You mean like ten minutes ago?
She knocked on the door multiple times and got no answer. She then walked back to the car and said “Hey Abbi seems no one is home want me to get your things for you?”
This quotation is devoid of commas and that upsets me.
Abbi replied, “No it’s ok I’ll get them myself, my Dad’s kind of crazy about intruders, wouldn’t want anyone...”
Abbi stopped speaking and simplified things “Be right back.”
That isn’t simplifying things.
My mom opened the car door for Abbi and she hopped out to quickly raid her room for the essentials. Before I knew it she was outside again with a bag full of her things. She was so quick to pack that it occurred to me leaving her place on the fly might’ve been more familiar to her than I knew.
Remembering her brief comments earlier, I imagined there were many times where her home had become such an emotionally hostile environment that she was rendered unable to stay causing her to seek most any way out, even if it meant she was leaving one sinking ship just to climb aboard another.
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My mom began talking about how happy she was that my sister had skipped school that day.
Um. Okay.
She said, “Who would have thought her rebellious attitude and disregard for her future might have saved her life?”
Had we not been through everything that day, we would have given at least a slight laugh but found ourselves all sitting in an awkward silence.
I have no valid reaction to this.
After cleaning ourselves up, Abbi and I walked into my room leaving the door open as a comfort to my mom. This was short lived, the end specifically occurring after my mom had walked into her room and closed the door. Our door closed with hers.
What? Our door?
Does this mean James’s door?
Initially I had offered Abbi the bed implying I would take the floor, but she sat down on the mattress and expressed almost exactly what I was feeling “After everything we went through today you lying next to me is the only way I’ll feel any comfort tonight” she said softly.
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I was relieved and laid behind her through that night and a few nights to follow. She called her dad at home repeatedly in the days after to let him know what had happened, but he still didn’t answer.
I am appalled by that.
As was expected school had been canceled for a couple weeks.
No shit.
This reality left us to consume our time with the news, talking about the people we recognized in the photos they showed and checking in on various people we talked to at school over the phone, including Davis who had no problem getting upset at me for the first time in a long while for abandoning him on the bus as I did.
That is one of the first valid human reactions in this entire book.
Fortunately in natural Davis fashion, his frustration was quickly followed by jokes and words of encouragement.
Never mind.
Abbi and I didn’t know how to feel about so much of what happened. Through our time away from school we shared many moments of sadness, reflecting on the faces we would never see again, hearing the sad speeches of those left behind by the fallen, but most of all, our expressions of sorrow erupted from our own experiences. The images and screams still echoed in our minds.
This is so glorifying and it makes me sick.
Aside from sadness I felt an almost equally intense sensation of numbness. After a short time I found the only comfort that consistently broke through my shaken state was the warmth of Abbi pressed against me night after night. She was my sanctuary.
And you’ve been talking to her for a week or so, but whatever.
This chapter has been the complete worst by far. I’ve ranted about the reasons why, so I really don’t have any more energy to continue.
What I can say is that this is disrespectful as hell to trauma victims and it portrays Abbi in a damsel in distress light that makes my stomach twist. I could say more, but then I’d write a goddamn essay, so we’ll leave it at that.
This book is gross. I’ll see you later.
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Powerful Week
It’s 1:47 pm. My phone rings. It’s a call from Burbank, California. I’m on the fourth floor of the library preparing some slides. I let it ring.
Then I decide to answer because I wasn’t being very productive anyways.
“Hello is this Jeremy?”
“Hi, yes it is!”
“This is Mckenzie from Power 106. I’m calling about the internship, do you have time to talk?”
I am pretty excited right now. But I’m also kind of nervous because I’m on the fourth floor of a library so people are probably looking at me like “who does this kid think he is? Someone shut him up!” I don’t blame them. I walk down to the elevator and do my mid-elevator and the rest of it outside the library. I black out for half of it but I think I still do a good job.
“We should be giving you a call tomorrow!”
I text my friend Jeremy Morantz telling him I got the call from Power and he is really excited for me. I remember over Winter break telling him that I applied for the internship. I told him it was the only internship I applied for this semester but I had a good feeling about it. He told me he thought I would get it even with the 150+ people who apply annually, but that either way I shouldn’t worry too much about it because it’ll all work out how it’s supposed to. He was right.
It’s 1:24 pm. My phone rings again. Burbank, California. This time, I am expecting a call.
“Hey Jeremy, it’s Mckenzie from Power 106. So we would love to have you on as a part of our team for The Cruz Show.”
An Uber pulls up to my place and an extremely familiar face walks out. My friend Griffin is in town for the weekend. This is a guy who has been as important an influence as anyone in my life. We talk about life, love, success and everything in between, and I can always count on him for life wisdom and support. We have both grown a lot together this year.
“What’s up Hechtar?”
Griff meets John and we all go to Roscoes for some fresh Chicken and Waffles (Chicken Counter – 1). It was delicious. Still the best thing I’ve ever tasted.
We go up to Santa Monica to meet my prof, Jeff Fellenzer, who has been one of the most influential people to me out here and who is one of my biggest mentors. This semester I am TAing for his Sports, and Media Technology class. Griff is a big sports fan so we talk about the NFL in LA, Jeff’s career path and how everything we want in life is really possible. Jeff was meeting with another student before me, Ben, who happens to be a fellow Canadian!
Griff and I go to California Pizza Kitchen for a salad.. but we also split a BBQ Chicken Pizza (Chicken Counter – 2)
We go to my friend Sophie’s for a bit, we wander downtown and then I show him a couple of bars that I like in Hollywood.
I give Griff a tour of USC campus and we walk past a lunch celebrating the empowerment of women. I ask what the lunch is for and the staff tells me we have to be registered. A lady comes from behind us and says, “come with me boys.” Sounded a little sketchy but when a woman at an empowerment lunch tells you to come with her, you follow. We go along with her and she places wrist-bands on us.
“Enjoy your free lunch.”
A big finesse move for the boys. We get free lunch and celebrate women. What do we have for lunch? You guessed it – Chicken. This time in the form of wraps. They are really good (Chicken Counter – 3).
Saturday Night
The Winnipeg Jets are in town tonight and we have tickets! Our tickets are $35 in the third level. We both wear Jets gear and meet up with my friends Alanna and Repski and his friend Brett. At the first intermission we meet up with my friend Kylie who is also from Winnipeg and we talk about how much different LA is and how we miss Greenroom (our former hometown bar).
After chatting with some really nice Kings fans on Facebook live and enjoying some chicken tendy’s (Chicken Counter – 4) we go down to meet up with Repski for the second intermission. Brett had made some new friends (after a few drinks), two older gentleman – one wearing a Jet’s jersey and the other wearing a light blue Hockey Night in Canada jacket. The guy in the Jet’s jersey knows our old elementary school gym teacher, Mr. B. He calls him Buck. Great guy. The guy in the Hockey Night in Canada jacket asks if we want to sit in their row because there were empty seats next to them. We say sure, can’t turn that down. The lady at the gate says that if we don’t have tickets we can’t go down. I say that our friends are saving the tickets for us in the row. 
We walk down to row 5 and see the third period and overtime from the best seats that I have ever sat in for a hockey game. The atmosphere is electric. A King’s fan – older dad – almost gets into a fight with Brett and is more fired up about a goal than I have ever seen anyone get – regardless of their age. Jets lose but the boys win big with another finesse move. $35 row 5 tickets at Staples Center. Big plays.
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We play some basketball at the USC gym. There is one guy wearing a green shirt who is an absolute riot to watch play. It’s not that he is a bad player, he’s an okay shooter, it’s just that he likes to shoot from half court for no reason. Everytime we passed him the ball, everyone groaned in their head because they knew a half court shot was coming. We came away with a big victory and a couple of big losses. We meet a dude named Andrew - at least I think that was his name. Great guy.
We go to Malibu with John and have a great photo shoot on the beach. I’ll definitely be posting some big Instas from it. We have fish tacos and burgers (NOT CHICKEN - WOW!!!!!!!!) at this place called Duke’s which is great stuff. We watch some football and relax.
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Sunday Night
John and I have people over and host what turns out to be a really fun party (kickback – as they call it here). 2 noise complaints, one spilled drink and a frozen bottle of champagne is a successful night in my books. Some hilarious stories, but you’ll have to ask me about them in person.
We go to a place called Grinder for lunch. It is not in fact a place where people meet up from the gay dating up with the same name - instead, it’s a phenomenal lunch place. Reminds me of Sals, which reminds me of home. We talk about how being yourself and having self-awareness is the greatest thing you can have in life. And about how you can never get mad at someone for their reaction to your actions because their reaction is based on a completely different life perspective than yours.
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Monday Night
Griff bought me tickets to the Clippers vs. OKC game. Griff wears his Russell Westbrook UCLA jersey and I wear Griff’s Calvin Cambridge LA Knights jersey from the movie, Like Mike. I don’t get a single compliment. We see an incredible game from JJ Reddick and Mo Buckets!!! And Russ plays a tough game without much help from his team.
We meet up with John and grab some Asian food before bed. The mushroom chicken was really good (Chicken Counter – 5). We watch some Vince Carter highlights with Terrance and then go to bed.
Griff goes home the next morning and it’s back to reality. It’s been a really good break. I had a great weekend with a lifelong homie and I had a great time relaxing. But I am so ready to get back to work and hustle towards my goals.
I email Power.
“Thank you, I’m really looking forward to the opportunity.”
“We’ll see you Thursday.”
If Something Feels Right - Do It
I was stressing a lot this week because I had another potential opportunity on the table that would have made me unable to take the internship at Power. I was overthinking about future opportunities and what would come from each of them going into the summer here, but then when it came down to it, the opportunity at Power felt right so I took the job. Like my mom texted me, everything will work out. Remember that.
Things Happen for Reasons, Even if You Don’t Understand Them at the Time
After I met J. Cruz and worked on the Chance The Rapper interview at Power, I was disappointed that nothing else came from it. But everything has a way of working itself out. I gained other experiences, put the time in, and came back stronger than ever. And it all ended up coming back around. Trust that if something doesn’t work out for you right away, whether it’s with a relationship, job opportunity, friendship, or whatever it is - that is wasn’t mean to at that time. Keep moving forward and pushing towards your goals and you will see that things have a funny way of working themselves out.
Good Support Systems are Everything
If you find people who genuinely support you and make your life better, hold on to them, because these people are rare. Griffin has been one of my best friends forever but he continues to bring value into my life and support me even from all the way back home. I don’t take that for granted. He also told me that I have a great support system around me here. People like John, Jeff, Repski, Terrance and all of my friends here support me and want to see me do well and I appreciate that more than any of them know. Keep the genuine people around you who will keep you grounded and humble. Thank you to my friends back home and my new friend out in my new second home.
And remember, it’s your life -  so do what you want to do and don’t let anyone else tell you what’s best for you. Only you know. Have a great day and I’ll let you know how my first week at Power goes. Love to you and yours.
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